Book of Lamentations is written for our times, when The LORD Has desolated Zion, because they hated Him and forsook Him and forgotten Him. Zion’s GOD should be CHRIST THE LORD. Both temples were destroyed because they did not worship the TRUE GOD but had other gods and idols. The same thing has happened in our times as Laodicea church also closed the door to Him, but worshiped god the father, who has nothing to do with any church in any time. In 2nd part, Lam. 5:6, GOD says, the church is in Egypt and Assyria, eating bread and drinking, which means they have gone back to the world, DESPISING HIM and being proud. That proves they hated HIM. WOULD HE NOT DESTROY HIS body ALSO, WHEN another head is placed? GOD said, NOT EVEN ONE STONE SHALL BE LEFT UPON ANOTHER, ON THE Day of Visitation, WHICH IS NOW, IN THE TEMPLE. But the temple is the body of believers. THAT IS THE CHURCH! So the only way for not even one stone to be not left, is if they do not have THE HEAD as the body dies. And we know the Laodiceans are SPIRITUALLY dead. That means they have HATED HIM, AND HE TOO HAS FORSAKEN HER TO BE DESTROYED! When He brought Israel OUT of Egypt, there was no other GOD, but He, (Deut. 32 “the LORD alone did lead him, and no strange god with him”). This means unless you have The ROCK LEADING YOU, you have a strange god! So god the father is a strange god. Then, the high priest preached, the GOD of the Old testament is The ROCK but worshiped god the father and taught to go PASS CHRIST THE LORD, AND NOT TO FOCUS ON HIM. Then, where did god the father come to be his GOD, in the New testament? Then, in ALL SEVEN ERAS, it was The ROCK who ALONE DID LEAD THEM. Rev. 1:13 and more. Besides, the church is the body of ‘CHRIST’. Then, it should have ‘HIS’ head in the body. But the leaders said god the father is OUR HEAD. (proven below). BIBLE does not talk about TWO GODS as proven. Mal. 2:10-11, proves they had TWO FATHERS, AND CREATORS as HWA and GF taught as they are Judah. So believing TWO GODS, they HATED The LORD, as the FATHER. Mal. 1: 6. There are MANY gods in the world and in Egypt and Babylon. So they are in Egypt and also in Babylon. Micah 4:10, Isa. 47. This is why, they HATED THEIR TRUE GOD WHO IS The ROCK and worship other gods, ABOVE HIM! It is not a secret that we all worshiped god the father, even on Sabbaths. That proves, we ALL HATED CHRIST THE LORD, our One and ONLY TRUE GOD, who gave life and who would be giving EVERLASTING LIFE as we prove! In the whole volume of the Book, if it is spoken of ONE GOD, then from where did another god called god the father come? CHRIST THE LORD’s FATHER is HIS OWN SPIRIT. Therefore, we worshiped a nogod, not spoken in the BIBLE, who does not exist and a VERY STRANGE god. If He says that ‘they hated ME’, then we have done so as HE WILL NOT LIE. So all those who worship god the father, are now in Egypt or in the world, SPIRITUALLY dead, because the SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD and He would not give unless we are HIS BODY! He is The ROCK who gives spiritual meat and drink. The leaders caused all to go pass Him to get Revelation, and caused all to HATE HIM, WITHOUT A CAUSE! So CHRIST THE LORD ACCUSES HIS OWN WHO HAD OTHER GODS, OF HATING HIM. A sin, which WE MUST REPENT OF! She is totally lacking the knowledge of the TRUE GOD. Then, in order to bring her once again back from Egypt, ‘SPIRITUALLY’, GOD must give His SPIRIT! That is how all FLESH shall see the salvation of The LORD. ! “But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated Me without a cause.”. Why Does The LORD say this? He says, IT WILL BE FULFILLED!