THE JUDGE ; consumes the ‘son’ or perdition to save all !
In the first part, we proved the GOD of the Tabernacle is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then in the second part we proved, HE IS THE FATHER WHOSE NAME SHOULD BE HALLOWED. This part proves He Is the JUDGE and He comes to consume the man of sin, the son of perdition in His temple. This man is a ‘SON’ to GOD. Below is a reply to Mr Gerald Flurry’s key of David TRANSCRIPT (21-09) THE MAN OF SIN JANUARY 7, 2021 ! This totally exposes the son of perdition is Mr Flurry, himself as he is the high priest. According to GOD, this man of sin opposes ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, and not god the father. He is against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and he hates HIM and HIS WORDS and he does not know it because all are spiritually blind and with strong delusion sent to believe a lie. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD comes to consume him and his teachings which are totally AGAINST CHRIST THE LORD and HIS WORDS and to purify HIS BODY the temple, so that all could be SAVED. This man’s sin caused the whole church to fall from the truth. Then, in order to save all, THE LORD Has to reveal this treachery. Always obey JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, because one is judged if you have denied HIM and HIS WORDS. Joh 12: 48. And we will prove in this writing it is HWA and Gerald Flurry, who denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words. For example; Scripture says THE ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD WROTE THE LAW, BY HIS OWN FINGER. But HWA said, the law giver is god the father. All proven below with their quotes. Then, HWA also said ‘ALMIGHTY’ is god the father. But Rev 1:8, CHRIST THE LORD, Himself says, ‘I AM’ the ALMIGHTY. Then Gerald Flurry too says similar things against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He says his NEW THRONE is more purer for CHRIST THE LORD to sit. Could a man ever prepare a THRONE TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? No man should change a single word in the Bible, but must believe AS IT IS WRITTEN. If we change that shows we are not in agreement with THE LORD and opposes Him. HWA AND GF HAS CHANGED THE SCRIPTURE. This is why no one could be saved as you will see. GOD says, all seven eras fell from the truth. That means all seven eras had LIES. Then, if the truth shall set us free, all seven eras were not free as they had lies. This is what GOD wants to expose, so the TRUTH WILL BE GIVEN TO SET US FREE. And the TRUTH IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and HIS WORDS and no God the father has ever spoken a single word in the Scripture! Therefore Gerald Flurry’s own words will catch him as Joshua the high priest who has satan standing to accuse him and who does not have white linen. THE LORD must consume this man in order to save all the people. CHRIST THE LORD’s church should exalt and worship Him and not God the father. The JUDGE is CHRIST THE LORD, and He judges one if they have denied Him and His words. That means if you don’t believe Him and His words. Joh. 12: 48. And THE JUDGE SAYS THE LAST HIGH PRIEST HAS DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS. Prove all things.