But you have forgotten that I AM your FATHER! I have raised up the foolish nation as I said and I adopted them and revealed Myself to them! 

(Deut.  32:43, Eph. 1:3-6, 2:12-22, Zeph. 3:9-10, 1  Pet. 2:9-10, Isa. 63:16, Col.1:27 . Those who are in ‘ME’, are the NEW Israel OF GOD”. Gal. 6:16-16). 

The mysterious harlot; the BEAST, and ARMAGEDDON!


The mysterious harlot;  the BEAST, and ARMAGEDDON!

9Th oct 2021


A ‘beast’, is a man without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. A harlot is the wife who was married to CHRIST THE LORD, but did not accept Him but went after other gods. Gerald Flurry, himself wrote, the wife of CHRIST The LORD only can play harlot as written below. How could one understand SCRIPTURE unless the GOD who SPOKE ; gives the inspiration and understanding? That is THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1; 8. But the last two leaders did not know THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD but god the father!  So when The LORD comes, the prophet would not know HIS COMING. Hos. 9: 7. Then, that is a beast. The whole world went after the beast. And the whole world is all those who did not go to THE ALMIGHTY, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive the understanding! but the whole world is not being judged, but GOD’s own wife and sons. It is the wife of CHRIST The LORD who did not know The Husband is THE ALMIGHTY. That is why she had other gods, and became the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT whose identity is revealed ONLY IN THE HOUR OF JUDGMENT! In ONE HOUR, she lost everything and is condemned as a HARLOT. Then, all those who followed such beasts, are called to the ARMAGEDDON. Why are they called to this mountain? In this mountain, The LORD will be made known!

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Sabbath; THE REST; Last Great Day gathers us to the TRUE FATHER!

Remember we must be gathered to CHRIST THE LORD. If not we are against Him. mat 12: 30. Heb. 4 says, those who believed entered in to the REST. They would have believed that we must be gathered to JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Sabbath was made by The CREATOR, and those who are with Him, are HIS PEOPLE. Feast Of Tabernacles is a time when The LORD gives us all knowledge that is necessary for us to have salvation and everlasting life and to come and receive it from Him.! On the Last Great Day, The LORD calls all to come and drink the Living Waters from HIM, giving everlasting life, circumcising all to accept all, by HIS SPIRIT. Then, if it is ‘CHRIST THE LORD’ who gives Living Waters, (HOLY SPIRIT) and that gives us everlasting life, SHOULD HE NOT BE OUR FATHER and also who gives us HOLY SPIRIT? So the Last Great Day is for those who did not go to Him to drink but tried to drink the Living Waters from god the father or from other carcasses of men which they had. One GOD, The CREATOR created mankind. THAT MEANS The CREATOR IS THE FATHER. HE GAVE LIFE. Since we did not go to Him, we were lost. And now, HE HAS BUILT HIS HOUSE, SO WE COULD BE GATHERED TO HIM. but did we know to call Him, our ‘FATHER”? That is what we must believe to enter in to the Glorious Rest, THE SABBATH. Sabbath and the Last Great Day belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as it was HE WHO ESTABLISHED BOTH. Sabbath makes us a ‘MAN’. Having cursed all went to dust means lies and became beasts, without understanding as mankind was cast away from the garden of Eden to die. But The LORD sanctified to some as the first fruits to believe in Him. Since the Living Waters are flown from the bellies of the believers He Had to beget the first fruits who were sanctified to believe. Then, they served Him in the Heavenly Tabernacle as proven, and now The LORD must bring the rest to HIS REST where HE WILL BE THE FATHER, AS THE EVERLASTING LIFE COMES FROM Him! Then The NEW Creation would be finished. All things are created new in CHRIST THE LORD. So the Feast Of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day must be fulfilled in order to bring us to HIS REST, BY BELIEVING that, The CREATOR IS THE FATHER! HE IS ALSO The REDEEMER means He Had to shed His blood in order to give life. Life is in the blood. then if it is HIS blood which gives us life, then should HE BE NOT THE FATHER? CHRIST THE LORD’S BLOOD…. GIVES US… LIFE!!! THEN, HE IS OUR FATHER! If He is the FATHER, we should have obeyed, feared, honored and have called HIM, our FATHER. All the knowledge, The LORD gives to the first fruits who are to offer the Living Waters to others, and bring others to Him by serving Him. As much as we look forward for our bodies to be redeemed, The LORD, the FATHER also Is waiting until all call HIM MY FATHER. Jer. 3: 19-20. Therefore, without first giving the knowledge of The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER, no one can believe! That is how the Last Great Day ingathering will be fulfilled and we will be circumcised.

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In this writing, we will provide some teachings of HWA ,GF , SF and B Mcdonald and the SCRIPTURE to prove that they have not believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our FATHER and have spoken against Him and HOLY SPIRIT. if you understand the SCRIPTURE provided, you will see how false these leaders are. When you understand, repent for believing in men, so JESUS CHRIST the LORD will accept you and to receive HIS FORGIVENESS. These ten days, are to REPENT BEFORE GOD for unbelief. Those who believed these leaders who are prophesied to FALL from the truth, believed lies against JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words. Read and understand. Then the Day of Atonement is to pour His mercy, and forgive as The LORD has already paid the death for us. In order to forgive, we must acknowledge our sin. And this writing proves just as Adam, the last high priest, Gerald Flurry, HWA and S flurry , the leaders who preached against The CREATOR. And how they sinned against JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, which gives the SPIRIT AND LIFE. John 6:63. If you speak against the SCRIPTURE, which gives the SPIRIT AND LIFE, you do not receive SPIRIT AND LIFE! Then, the death. so they need to examine comparing the SCRIPTURE, which are SPIRIT AND LIFE, and repent for denying The CREATOR and His words. The LORD will give the light and reveal their sin against Him. There is no other way for us to receive SPIRIT AND LIFE, unless we repent and believe. Therefore, given below few quotes of each one of these leaders who taught lies and spoke against JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words. they must repent in order to receive SPIRIT AND LIFE , the words of The CREATOR, which we are to live by! How these leaders sinned and spoke against The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is proven below with their quotes comparing the SCRIPTURE. Prove and Repent and believe!

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10th sept 2021

“Repent and believe’ means one should repent for NOT BELIEVING. But what has Israel not believed? This writing will prove THAT NONE IN Israel BELIEVED THAT THEIR GOD IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD! In the whole BIBLE, it is spoken of The CREATOR.! It is He Who comes on The day of THE LORD, Day of Visitation, to pour HIS WRATH on those who did NOT BELIEVE THAT HE IS THEIR GOD. remember the flaming fire comes on those who did not believe Him and who did not give glory to Him!  but, He pours His wrath and REVEAL OR EXPOSE that His own church did not believe that HE IS THEIR GOD, but has worshiped the god the father, another god, who never has created us as his people. CHRIST THE LORD was referring as ‘FATHER’, to the HOLY SPIRIT, but HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT IN HEAVEN. This is what none could understand, which means the HOLY SPIRIT and the body of that SPIRIT which came as a MAN CHRIST THE LORD, so He could pay for our sin to save us!  It was JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR who comes in the whole volume of the Book as ONE GOD, AND IT IS HE WHO CHANGED HIS NAMES OVER 300 TIMES. He came as a Man to turn our hearts to HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT which rejected the sinner Adam and whole mankind. IT IS HE WHO BROUGHT Israel OUT OF Egypt TO MAKE HIM A NAME AND NOT MAKE A NAME FOR ANY OTHER. The final falling away means they Body of CHRIST fell away from this truth and worshiped god the father. So Israel, NEVER GLORIFIED HIM AS THEIR GOD! This should be understood as The LORD will open the minds to understand that HE IS THEIR GOD AND One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND OTHERS ARE false gods. HE IS THE FATHER in the Old testament, but THE SON in the New  Testament. But THAT IS ONE GOD. seeing Israel will reject Him including the ministry, the wife of CHRIST The LORD , He preached to Israel, as their gospel to REPENT AND BELIEVE, but before the kingdom comes. That means this is a prophecy for our time, when THE KING will come to place the kingdom. ALL THINGS WRITTEN MUST BE FULFILLED DURING THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE, THAT MEANS GOD MUST ACCEPT ALL AS WELL. All seven eras fell from the truth with the high priest being Joshua, having iniquity (mystery of iniquity, beginning from Aaron, Deut. 32) proves the failure of the church. The church is the Body of CHRIST. But the last two leaders placed god the father as THE HEAD, on CHRIST THE LORD’s body. Do you understand that? That means they worshiped god the father and not the GOD who Is The CREATOR, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , Moses and king David and the whole earth. It is He who made Israel, BEGAT Israel, and they never worshiped Him as their GOD. the song of Moses sung in judgment Rev. 15: 3, proves they were witnessed for their unfaithfulness. The mysterious harlot is HIS OWN WIFE who had others ! Since they are SPIRITUALLY blind, they cannot understand that they worship a false GOD! Since it is The CREATOR who gave life and who would give everlasting life, but going to god the father to get life, which is not spoken in SCRIPTURE proves they never accepted The CREATOR as their GOD and the FATHER. this is why the nation could not have everlasting life, because the true EVERLASTING FATHER was rejected. This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the true FATHER once again must come to redeem them from the DEATH, they are cursed with. This is why the kingdom comes, to subdue the people, to reveal HIMSELF AS THEIR GOD, so they could repent and believe Him.! SCRIPTURE says, both Judah and Israel will stumble upon JESUS CHRIST the LORD. They will reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone. Then they are appointed to stumble ON THE WORD of GOD as well. if they did not stumble upon the WORD of GOD , they would have known that their GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and the Laodicean spiritual blindness will not come. And Israel is ORDAINED for judgment and correction! So if they have not stumbled on Him, … if they have NOT rejected Him as the Chief Corner Stone, and if they have not stumbled on His words, then the SCRIPTURE lies. That cannot be. Therefore, all men must see and understand how they stumbled on Him and rejected Him and they are ordained for judgment, as the SCRIPTURE talks about the day of judgment. ! So COULD GOD LIE? Israel must acknowledge  that they have truly STUMBLED as SCRIPTURE says. That also, they have NOT BELIEVED. No leader in any of the sister churches will admit that they have stumbled on HIM, AND HIS WORD nor they are ordained for judgment. Right there, they have NOT BELIEVED The LORD. ! Therefore, examine all things comparing the SCRIPTURE provided and see if you have BELIEVED AND GLORIFIED The ROCK WHO ESTABLISHED Israel, AS YOUR GOD or you have god the father as your GOD! Repent and BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS WORDS!

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FULFILLED Pattern of the Heavenly Tabernacle Brings us back to the FATHER, to the garden of Eden ! Tabernacle part 7


FULFILLED Pattern of the Heavenly Tabernacle Brings us back to the FATHER, to the garden of Eden  ! Tabernacle part 7    

5th sept 2021

It is The CREATOR who comes in the whole volume of the Book (Psa. 40:7) as proven. The garden of Eden was His dwelling place, later to be the Tabernacle. And from the first fall of Adam in the garden of Eden, and how The LORD would bring back man to the same place is written in the BIBLE. REMEMBER ALL THINGS WRITTEN, MUST BE FULFILLED DURING THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE! Since how The LORD brings us back to the garden of Eden is also WRITTEN, that too must be fulfilled!  He gave the pattern of the Tabernacle to make us know how HE WILL purify all and finally when the incense altar, and the Ark of the Covenant or the MERCY SEAT’s works is done, it is time for us to MEET The LORD who dwells in the THRONE OF HEAVEN, but pictured in the MERCY SEAT. He comes to judge. The end of the pattern of the Tabernacle then is the ‘White Throne’ judgment. CHRIST THE LORD, Himself is prophesied to come as the perfect HIGH PRIEST, Apostle, and the MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE to build HIS OWN HOUSE, but according to the pattern given to us, we could know where we are in prophecy. When CHRIST THE LORD gave the pattern to Moses, HE WAS THE FATHER. Then at the CREATION, HE WAS THE FATHER OF Adam. Luke 3;38. Adam disobeyed and dishonored the FATHER, followed by all humans never knew the FATHER. “YE NEITHER KNOW ME, NOR MY FATHER:”. Adam was the enemy of his OWN FATHER, The CREATOR! How could we have life WITHOUT a FATHER? Our final rest is to be with The LORD of Sabbath, The CREATOR, who gave the Sabbath REST! Adam was cut off because he did not believe what the FATHER said. Then, when we believe, we enter in to the Sabbath rest to be with the FATHER in HIS HOUSE. Since no man knew The CREATOR is the FATHER and THE SON, none believed the FATHER. Therefore, the FATHER could not bring anyone to His house, until He came as the MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE which The LORD, HIMSELF HAS PITCHED, and then He serve Himself as the HIGH PRIEST, APOSTLE ETC to bring all back to HIM. ! GOD says once again there will be a garden of Eden, and The LORD will be with us walking among us and no more curses. Since the blindness is also a curse, until the blind eyes are opened, which is at the White Throne, the House of Israel who stumbled on Him as well as His words, will not see these things until all things are fulfilled. That is why in the White Throne, all the books are opened to them. They are yet to repent for not believing so they could enter in to their GOD’s rest. Are you identified as The CREATOR’s people? Have you believed The LORD of Sabbath is your GOD? Then you believe and worship The CREATOR ! He tells to believe and enter. Then what should you believe to enter in to the Sabbath? He is your only GOD and the FATHER! Creator means FATHER! That was the missing knowledge in the mystery of GOD! Remember it is the FATHER who died to shed His blood to give us life. Then if it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s blood which gives us life, HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER, after all, we have our physical father’s blood giving life in us! When you worship Him as the LORD of Sabbath, you believe that HE IS YOUR FATHER! You are back to The CREATOR. !

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More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained – part 3

More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained – part 3

Of  (Tabernacle part 6)- 

19th Aug 2021

We proved from the SCRIPTURE that this new ministry will serve only JESUS CHRIST the LORD as He alone is GOD, King and the FATHER. None in Israel believed Him or His words, but denied unto the last era. Then they must die SPIRITUALLY. Then, as Heb. 7 says, the priesthood as well as the law is necessary to be changed. If not, none will be saved, as one is saved by The Saviour who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The Levitical ministry, House of Israel, Judah are all prophesied to stumble on JESUS CHRIST the LORD and reject Him. Seeing the stiff-necked hearts, GOD prophesied, that He will come a second time to gentiles, and give the knowledge of God, and THEY WILL BELIEVE and raised up. all were proven in previous parts. Then, we, the new ministry, will declare how The LORD CAME TO US AND HOW HE RAISED US UP WHILE YET WE WERE SINNERS AND DEAD SPIRITUALLY, AND HOW HE GAVE THE Word of TRUTH AND HOW WE WERE SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE IN THE Spirit and Truth, WHEN The LORD COMES THE SECOND TIME AND HOW WE GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD AS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, means THE FATHER, THE SON AND HOLY SPIRIT !  Then, this new priesthood will serve and fulfill all things which the Levitical ministry could not do such as believe, receive, have faith, obey, fear, bless and praise, thanks etc but this new ministry has done all that, as The LORD, HIMSELF IS IN THEM DOING SO. EVERYTHING IS DONE BY The LORD HIMSELF BECAUSE HE ALONE KNEW ALL THINGS AND WROTE ALL THINGS TO BE FULFILLED. the new Covenant will not be made with god the father, but with JESUS CHRIST the LORD as was with the first one. The LORD Has to burn the wickedness of the ministry who never glorified or exalt Him, in order to make a NEW Covenant. so this new ministry, sanctified The LORD AND EXALTED HIM, while they destroyed the old ministry. THE TRUTH DESTROYS THE LIARS. Until such time, no one could be gathered to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 12; 32. Continue to understand how Israel’s ministry failed in all things, and why a NEW ministry is appointed by The LORD. Israel preached god the father, … but this new ministry preaches JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR to save all. The law works wrath. But faith, pleases GOD. Then, Israel who are under the law brings wrath on them, but having faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, this new ministry have PLEASED GOD and establishes the law of faith as proven in previous writings ! Continue to understand Israel’s failure and how The LORD will restore them as well as how The LORD does all things by using this ministry to serve Him, TO SAVE ALL MANKIND. ! We are created by The CREATOR, and He will give us everlasting life as well. Then, unless we preach Him, how could mankind live ? Since we have written two writings before this, we have written here a little, there a little about everything as you can see. Also understand how the prophecies about the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles is FULFILLED AND BEING FULFILLED!

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More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained part 2

First thing we must know is the GOD of the Heaven and earth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD (not god the father) and this ministry serves HIM, preach Him and that is the knowledge of God which judges and establishes all and makes all perfect. (Col. 1: 28). Therefore, from the Levitical ministry, which preached god the father to this new ministry who preaches JESUS CHRIST the LORD will be made known in all the world, because that is the Everlasting gospel preached to fear and worship The CREATOR in Israel’s judgment. Rev. 14. GOD rejected the Levitical ministry Because they did not come to Him to get perfection or righteousness or Holiness or anything but went to god the father. They failed to receive anything from The LORD. Then, if GOD rejected the Levitical ministry, for their imperfections, He must make the new ministry, perfect and righteous, in order to serve Him. In order to do that, The LORD, HIMSELF must come in to one’s heart and give the HOLY SPIRIT, His mind, His image and direct our hearts to live according to His way, and will and pleasure. No man could have known how to worship GOD in SPIRIT. No man can keep the law which is SPIRIT, Rom. 7: 14, without HIS SPIRIT. So He Had to make our SPIRITS perfect by HIS PRESENCE in our hearts, in order to serve HIM! That means this new ministry will be caused to fulfill the law, and must overcome (as The LORD, THE GREATER IN THEM doing it ) the lusts and pride which defiles a man, and more importantly, must DO BETTER THAN the Levitical ministry. In other words, we must choose the GOOD “ONE”, in HEAVEN. So this writing will prove, what GOD expected from the Levitical ministry and why He appointed them, and how they failed in all things to please Him, and how this new ministry will do all things according to His ways and how they fulfilled what the Levitical ministry could not do to serve HIm. (The LORD Is in them doing so and they are saved NOT BY works, but by GRACE AND MERCY). Levitical ministry failed to receive anything from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they went after god the father, and denied CHRIST THE LORD and His words. But the new Covenant ministry serves ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD as it is made only with Him. Could anyone say PCG is ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s church or the body, as she preaches god the father? CHRIST THE LORD said ‘ I will build ‘MY’ church. We are to be HIS body. Then we must have CHRIST THE LORD’s HEAD, and cannot have god the father as our head! SCRIPTURE says the law, commandments, Covenants and all things are given by CHRIST THE LORD. it is HIS SPIRIT, HIS IMAGE, and we must be HIS SONS. Rom. 8. This writing proves how this new ministry is caused to do all things the Levitical ministry failed to do, or how the gentiles did better than sons and daughters as Isa. 56 says and got hold on to the Covenant and received salvation and everlasting life ! The GOD of Israel, or the HOLY ONE of Israel, THE GOD WHOM Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and king David worshiped JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Unless we preach Him, we are lost. This was the missing knowledge to live eternally. There are two things which is necessary to enter in to the new Covenant. JESUS CHRIST the LORD , with whom we enter in and HIS ministry who serves and preach Him to the people who are to enter in. so The LORD OF HOSTS’ zeal prophesied that HE WILL SEND THE SON, AND THIS MINISTRY, THE REMNANT.

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Tabernacle part 6; 26th April 2021 


Heb. 7, The whole Levitical priesthood is prophesied to fail and a change in the priesthood as well as the law is prophesied. when The LORD comes to build the TRUE TABERNACLE as Heb. 8 says. HE IS THE MINISTER OF TRUTH, THE APOSTLE AND THE HIGH PRIEST, and the MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE ALSO. He Is Melchizedec, THE KING of Salem, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then, as Heb. 7 says, if none of the Levitical ministry could make themselves perfect, and the Jews who say they are but lie, Rev. 3, and has become the synagogue of satan, having denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND HIS WORDS, when The LORD comes, He needs a more excellent ministry, as prophesied in the book of Hebrews. His RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE, He will give to this ministry, and what ever the Levitical ministry failed to do, The LORD will cause them to do, by GIVING HIS SPIRIT TO THEIR HEARTS. This is the time of regeneration, which The LORD Has prophesied, when He comes bringing peace and life as Levi had. As THE KING of Salem, He needs a ministry after HIS OWN HEART. The wife has no white linen, that means she has no righteous clothes. So this ministry will be the ministry of reconciliation, ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT, and the ministry to serve THE KING of Salem in peace and righteousness. That is how the priesthood will be changed from Levi to Judah as The LORD is from, and the law will be changed to the law of faith. Remember the law could not make anyone righteous and the law works wrath. Then, faith pleases GOD and brings righteousness as THE KING of Righteousness will give them faith and righteousness, to establish the law of faith. The New Jerusalem is the city of THE LIVING GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The TRUE TABERNACLE belongs to Him as well. Heb. 3:6, 12. The everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, John 17: 3. Then this One and ONLY TRUE GOD must be preached to the world to give everlasting life. But the leaders preached two gods. So none could receive everlasting life. Then, it is they who preached against the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and made them to be defiled. It is from them, and from their lies ( Jews who lie) The LORD must deliver the people, by GIVING THE TRUTH. This is why He comes as the MINISTER OF TRUTH as well as THE PERFECT HIGH PRIEST, APOSTLE AND THE MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE. At that time, The LORD needs a MORE EXCELLENT MINISTRY, TO PREACH THIS One and ONLY TRUE GOD, giving salvation, bringing peace, righteousness and The LORD will take the government to His shoulder and be THE KING of SALEM. And The LORD will give HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to this ministry in order to bring the whole world to Him by preaching the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6- 7 and the same to the DEAD, 1  Pet. 4: 6, bringing all to judgment to condemn the flesh, so they can receive SPIRIT and live. If the Levitical ministry is imperfect, then who are called by The LORD to be HIS PRIESTHOOD, AFTER Melchizedec order?

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How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.

How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.

Tabernacle part 5…  Passover 2021- 19th March


We know the MERCY SEAT is the throne of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and the JUDGMENT SEAT is His’ and HE IS THE FATHER, THE HEAD of the House of GOD or the Tabernacle. But, When He judges, HE HAS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR SINS against Him because of HIS GRACE. Heb. 2:9 He was bound, striped, naked, beaten, spat on, struck in the head etc, to pay for our VARIOUS SINS which has various penalties. For example:- He was caused to wear a scarlet robe to pay for the church which has sins as scarlet (Isa. 1) as written below. He was BOUND as the ministry should be bound. Psa. 149:9. Same way every suffering He suffered is to PAY FOR OUR sins which are against HIm. Then it is important for us to learn which sins we are guilty of and how He paid it, to repent before Him and to thank Him. In The LORD’s law, He gave many laws to not to do, For example:- , not to defile His name, but obey and fear Him, and  if you are a minister in the church, for sinning against Him, there is a penalty such as to be bound in order to be judged as written below. In order to save such a minister, The LORD was bound. Same way there are many other sufferings The LORD went through in order to save us from our sin and guilt. Every sin has a penalty. Every word we speak AGAINST HIM will be judged. SCRIPTURE SAYS EVERY MAN IS GUILTY BEFORE HIM. When we are judged, ALL will see that they were  SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Heb 9:27  And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: “. Then, it is after SPIRITUALLY all are condemned, the Ark of the Covenant also seen in heaven. Rev 11:18 and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,”. Then, the DEAD are called to the White Throne to give light to their sin. Rev. 20: 12. That is when the books or the BIBLE is opened. We know, The LORD will breathe the DRY bones, as they are dead. The LORD said, the DEAD will hear My voice out of their GRAVES. But, in HIS MERCY, He will cause all the DEAD to hear the gospel once again, so they could BE JUDGED, but LIVE, receiving the SPIRIT. 1 Pet. 4: 6, Rev. 14:6-7, as GOD had made a Covenant with all FLESH to give salvation. Gen. 9: 16, Luke 3: 6. Then, when the DEAD see that they are DEAD, NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they will seek Him and live. Psa. 78: 34- 35! GOD gave all to satan, for the destruction of FLESH so their spirits may be saved on the day of THE LORD. It is Israel who are flesh. 1 Cor. 10: 18. Heb. 2: 14. ANYONE DOES NOT HAVE CHRIST THE LORD, AS THE EVERLASTING FATHER, ARE DEAD! Therefore, during the Passover, we once again remind you why The LORD SUFFERED MANY THINGS ; TO SPARE US FROM BEING PUNISHED. THAT IS HIS MERCY, the works of the MERCY SEAT! As we proved, the judgments are all spiritual. Could the Laodiceans see their own spiritual death? That means the book has become sealed for them. Isa. 29. Because The LORD HAS ALREADY PAID OUR PENALTIES PHYSICALLY, He could free us from having to go through them physically. As you will see, as the FATHER, He suffered all things in order to sets the sons free. The whole mankind is His sons, if HE CREATED THEM! How HE paid our sins ;- which one applies to you?

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THE works OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE , the HIGH PRIEST and THE EVERLASTING FATHER finishes the works for the people to Passover to serve Him as THE EVERLASTING FATHER !

Passover will not be fulfilled until The LORD comes as the high priest and offers HIS OWN BLOOD as Heb. 9 says. HE MUST WORK ALL THE WORKS OF THE Ark of the Covenant, THE MERCY SEAT, BY HIMSELF AS NO MAN IS WITHOUT SIN TO APPEAR BEFORE HIM TO MEDIATE. SCRIPTURE SAYS, HE WILL COME AS THE HIGH PRIEST, APOSTLE, MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE, AND MINISTER OF TRUTH (Spirit and Truth) to do all the things according to the pattern of the Tabernacle. But before that, all of the Tabernacle items from east gate to the incense altar also must be fulfilled by Himself. Then, HE WILL SIT ON THE MERCY SEAT, to do it’s works but in heaven as the Ark of the Covenant is seen in heaven with the incense altar to receive prayers of the saints. REMEMBER THE MERCY SEAT IS WHERE GOD’S THRONE IS. as The LORD said, until the kingdom, HE WILL NOT EAT Passover which means Israel will not fulfill the true Passover, till HE DOES ALL THESE. EVERYTHING WHICH HE WILL DO IS IN in the SCRIPTURE, AND IN THE PATTERN OF THE Tabernacle THOUGH THE SPIRITUALLY BLINDED ONES CANNOT SEE. Then only the true Passover to the One and ONLY TRUE GOD will occur. In order to make us HIS PEOPLE, HE, HIMSELF MUST DO ALL THE WORKS OF THE Tabernacle. Heb. 8 says, The LORD, Himself would pitch the TRUE TABERNACLE as He would not dwell in manmade ones. Acts. 17. So the kingdom means the MERCY SEAT, the throne of GOD, the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST THE LORD, but it has unfished works to be done as the ministry was not made perfect. When The LORD rejects the ministry and the high priest Joshua, HE TAKES OVER EVERYTHING but the blind cannot see as they are CONDEMNED TO DEATH. The MERCY SEAT’s work is necessary, after all died to RAISE THEM UP. When Adam sinned, the whole humanity was cursed to death. and the Tree of Life was cut off, so no one could eat from it, until ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO THE Tabernacle IS FULFILLED. GOD Is trying to convert all back to the beginning of The CREATION, to give the image of GOD, and to re-breath, as all are SPIRITUALLY dead. In short, what we lost in Adam, He Has to restore. He said, He will prepare places and come and receive us to HIMSELF. That is when the TRUE TABERNACLE will be pitched by Him, in His kingdom, when He sits on the White Throne, the MERCY SEAT. HE NEVER CAME AND RECEIVED US TO HIMSELF AT ANY other TIME as ALL FELL AWAY. And since all fell away from ‘TRUTH’, it is this TRUTH which now must be given in order to give everlasting life. That lie is the lie about The CREATOR, to say that HE IS NOT THE EVERLASTING FATHER as the high priest said because the truth about the true EVERLASTING FATHER GIVES US LIFE! The MERCY SEAT is the White Throne, the judgment seat of CHRIST THE LORD, and judgments are to give light or Revelation for the sin to give EVERLASTING LIFE. He reveals that all forsook Him as the ‘FATHER’, and when He gives this knowledge, the wife of CHRIST The LORD will call Him, my ‘FATHER’. Jer. 3: 19-20. That is when the true Passover to the true GOD who is The CREATOR will happen and that will give us the image of GOD once again. so the pattern of the Tabernacle in the physical House of GOD pictures what The LORD Has to do in order to restore life which was lost in Adam’s time. Lots of purifications, sacrifices, prayers and LIGHT AND BREAD OF LIFE must be given to the people and that is done in the TRUE TABERNACLE which The LORD pitches. So He comes as the Minister of TRUTH  in order to do that. Then, we must WELCOME HIM and go to Him to learn. And to learn what? To learn to KNOW HIM. Heb. 8 says, ALL WILL KNOW HIM and no need anyone to teach about Him Thereafter. So The LORD’s coming as the Minister of TRUTH is the most important thing which will saves us, as the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, gives us everlasting life. John 17: 3. All of these things are done in the MERCY SEAT.

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