But you have forgotten that I AM your FATHER! I have raised up the foolish nation as I said and I adopted them and revealed Myself to them! 

(Deut.  32:43, Eph. 1:3-6, 2:12-22, Zeph. 3:9-10, 1  Pet. 2:9-10, Isa. 63:16, Col.1:27 . Those who are in ‘ME’, are the NEW Israel OF GOD”. Gal. 6:16-16). 

Be one with The CREATOR the FATHER because we cannot do anything without Him. All flesh shall see Salvation.

Be one with The CREATOR the FATHER because we cannot do anything without Him. All flesh shall see Salvation.

21 sept 2023


When GOD created Adam, he became the son of the GOD who created Him. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. But as Adam disobeyed Him, he was cut off from life and cursed to death. We know the HOLY SPIRIT was cut off when he sinned and he became ‘flesh’, instead of SPIRIT. It is the knowledge of that The CREATOR is the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT, which was cut off. Therefore everyone went after other gods such as god the father and spiritually died as appointed Heb.  9;27 and cursed. He was in GOD’s garden. That means the GOD who CREATED Him, who breathed on him, Gen. 2: 7, is the FATHER. And HE GIVES LIFE. But the FATHER cut Himself off from mankind. But as this day pictures the FATHER’s sacrifice of shedding blood will give life to all humans. He came as THE SON and died to save us. Now He Has come as THE PERFECT HIGH PRIEST to offer His own blood, at the end of the age, to HIS HOLY SPIRIT so mankind will be made free from sin of Adam and will be given life, with the knowledge of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, which is  Everlasting life. Joh. 17: 3. We then become ONE BLOOD AND THE OFFSPRING of The CREATOR once again. (act 17). Could we remove the curse of death by ourselves and live eternally? The CREATOR must once again remove the curse and give life which is after the Day of Judgment, the Feast of TRUMPETS, and condemn all to death of not being in Him, but the true knowledge of GOD will be given to all, during the Feast of Tabernacles and on the last great day, THE LORD will call all to come and drink HIS HOLY SPIRIT, THE Living Waters FREELY. THE LORD forgives for His name’s sake, and He Has promised to save all mankind from this curse. But we cannot do any of these without Him. We must abide in Him and in His words, the SPIRIT and life. Without opening the eyes when the books are opened, no man can understand how to find  Everlasting life. and without the true FATHER, we cannot be born of GOD. We must receive everything from the FATHER. This is why JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said ‘without Me you cannot do anything’. therefore we must be one with Him, getting rid of other gods and idols we had.

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AMERICA UNDER ATTACK??? Or is it GOD’s church ? Reply to GF’S ARTICLE.

AMERICA UNDER ATTACK??? Or is it GOD’s church ? Reply to GF’s article.

13th sept 2023


Gerald Flurry, the Philadelphia church leader wrote ‘ America under attack’ in the Trumpet magazine. You must prove what he says is the truth. if his words do not agree with the Word of GOD, … he is a liar. GOD destroyed two temples as they had other gods and did not glorify Him.  therefore prove all things. 

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The day when GOD intervenes to correct HIS OWN, for their wickedness for forsaking Him is the Feast of TRUMPETS as we all know. But unless THE LORD pours His HOLY SPIRIT, to the spiritually blinded ones, they will not see their OWN wickedness to see and understand the Scripture, that they are burnt. Isa. 9:18. Then When the books are opened, all will see how wicked they have been and how they have forsaken their GOD, who is THE ROCK, (Deut. 32) THE ALMIGHTY, (EXO 6:3, Gen. 17:1 )THE LORD OF HOSTS, (Isa. 8: 18, 9:6-7, 2 sam 7:14, Mal. 1:6) THE LIVING GOD, Deut. 5: 26, 1 Tim.  3: 15) and The Husband (Jeremiah 3:19-20) and THE LORD prophesied all these and yet they did not believe to take heed to pray. But when the SPIRIT is given, with the understanding, to see that they are dead, they will seek Him. Psa. 78: 34- 35. When THE LORD was betrayed by His own, He said to Apostle Peter that he will deny Him three times. Yet, he denied and was truly repented. That is how it would be to the present ministry, on whom the judgment has come. GOD said even the last era will become a synagogue of satan , His own, the Jews, and will be spiritually killed. But since they are spiritually blind, they cannot understand the Word of GOD, which is the SPIRIT and life. Joh. 6: 63. GOD has condemned all of them to death. But who Has  believe Him? When the books are opened, they will see how they too as Apostle Peter denied Him and His words as they are being judged. Joh. 12: 48. Read Joh. 9: 39. 

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The ministry of GLORY declares THE LORD of GLORY and establishes the law of faith! Books are opened part 7

The ministry of GLORY declares THE LORD of GLORY and establishes the law of faith!

Books are opened part 7 – for the fast of 5th month. (27th)

13th July 2023.


When the books are opened, all the 12 tribes who are scattered as they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, will see that they were without GOD, and in their blindness, truly THE LORD has raised up the gentiles and taken them to His name by His grace and mercy. Scripture talks about two ministries. The ministry under the law who is called the ‘ministry of DEATH’ and the ministry under grace is called the ‘ministry of GLORY’. The ministry of death did not believe CHRIST THE LORD and spiritually died. But the ministry of ‘glory’ who are under grace are anointed and sanctified to believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and have faith in HIm. Heb.  7 talks about the law as well as the Priesthood under the law could not believe CHRIST THE LORD, and are to be rejected by Him as they did not serve Him, but killed Him the first time and rejected Him as THE HEAD and the only GOD, and FATHER in the Philadelphia era. They could not glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And THE LORD of GLORY is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, The CREATOR. Unless He Is glorified as GOD, FATHER, and the HOLY SPIRIT, and THE SON, He cannot give His HOLY SPIRIT to anyone. But on the last day, He calls all to come and drink from Him, as THE NEW MINISTRY GLORIFIED HIM. Joh. 7: 36-39. When the books are opened, the blinded ones will see how the GOD WHOM THEY REJECTED is truly the true One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND THAT HE IS THE FATHER, HOLY SPIRIT, AND THE SON and will seek Him and be forgiven when their eyes are opened to the Scripture. Since no one under the law could be made perfect, as the law is a schoolmaster to BRING THEM TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but failed, they are rejected and the law of Moses is changed in to the law of faith. In this writing, we will prove the two ministries and how the new ministry establishes the LAW OF FAITH which pleases GOD. The ministry under the law, could never be made perfect and they are rejected, and a new ministry under grace is called by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to preach Him to save all from lies. Unless one GLORIFIES JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the HOLY SPIRIT could not be given. This is why, blinding Israel, THE LORD came to gentiles and received HIS GLORY, so all could be saved. It is not by the law one is made righteous, but by HIS GRACE AND MERCY, HE FORGIVES ALL and all will be given  Everlasting life !

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Lamentations for the church which believed HWA’s lies and became the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT IN Babylon

Lamentations for the church which believed HWA’s lies and became the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT IN Babylon. Books are opened part 6

7th July 2023


GOD appointed all to die once. And His church is spiritually dead means all are dead unless THE LORD raises them up. But GOD is also The COMFORTER, who said, all things will be made new, including the New Covenant with the same wife of CHRIST THE LORD, but after judgment and correction. The church fell FROM THE TRUTH seven times means finally she is spiritually dead, not having the HOLY SPIRIT, because the leaders taught the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD, and spoke against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who is THE HEAD of the church. The leaders never believed HE IS THE GOD of the church and even the whole earth but made god the father, their GOD. this caused JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, The Husband to leave the wife and the children to die, without giving His HOLY SPIRIT, just as He did to Adam. Nakedness of the Laodiceans means no HOLY SPIRIT. Isa. 30. in the Philadelphia era, the Jews ( HWA and GF) have become LIARS. Then, in order to restore them, the truth must be given to them with the opening of the eyes. And the lamentations are written to the true church which is many sister churches who have become the mother and the daughter harlots in Rev. 17- 18, but they will be granted to wear fine linen for the New Covenant. It was prophesied by GOD, that the church will die spiritually and now she is dead. You might think the book of Lamentations is not for us. But it is to those who had the crowns, who are kings and priests. And who had GOD as their FATHER and Husband. When Apostle James says in Jam. 1:1, Israel are gone in to captivity, it is ALL 12 TRIBES are included. If you are not gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, you will be scattered, and you will be His enemy. Mat. 12: 30. If you have worshiped god the father, as HWA taught, you are scattered because you must be gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is why the Jews are liars and a synagogue of satan, and now are spiritually dead, because the HOLY SPIRIT is given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but HWA taught HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD and taught many lies as THE LORD has been exposing. GOD said, the CHURCH, OR THE MINISTRY, THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD will turn as His enemy, in the LAST END. And THE LORD will send her to Babylon, means to be confused and die without Him and His SPIRIT. That is the MYSTERY OF THE HARLOT in Rev. 17. That is why the book of Lamentations is written which is fulfilled now. Scripture says, the church will be in Babylon for 70 years as Jeremiah wrote. Therefore HWA and GF are the kings who serve when THE LORD sends her to Babylon to confusion. Mic. 4: 10, Isa. 47:6. After THE LORD allowed them to be confused, He gives the truth, to deliver her. But it is not through the ones who turned as His enemy, but using a remnant. It is the TRUE CHURCH which will be sent to Babylon, to be confused because all must die once spiritually, as GOD cursed mankind and from death, THE LORD will redeem. In their blindness, THE LORD will use others to give them the truth to deliver them from the confusion in Babylon. Therefore we will prove how HWA and GF were confused in their teachings.

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THE LORD’S name will continue for ever ! His glory filled the earth! Books are opened part 5

THE LORD’S name will continue for ever ! His glory filled the earth!

30 June 2023

(for the fast of the 4th month. Zech. 8)

JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said, ‘I will build MY CHURCH’. His name is to be placed on the church. His name should be blessed by the Priesthood. His church should have HIS NAME and He must be worshiped, glorified, praised, blessed and honoured in it. Since THE LORD lives in our hearts, His name should be on our foreheads, or hearts as THE LORD said the first fruits will have FATHER’s name on them. Israel, who is THE ROCK’s first born, (Exo. 4:22-23) was brought out of Egypt, to MAKE HIM A NAME. Did they make Him a name? THE LORD will bless the people, where ever He puts His name. But did the last two era leaders give glory to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and fear His name and place His name in HIS OWN CHURCH?  Yet, they are the true church which is prophesied to fall from the truth and place an abomination which caused JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to leave His own church. Then the church died spiritually. All the messages written in Rev. 2, 3 are for the true church, how it fell and failed to make a name for THE ROCK. The whole Bible is written about GOD’s people and how they failed to worship and honor Him, and how they found other gods according to the traditions of ‘men’, and how they will be judged to correct and chasten and finally all will be sons of The CREATOR once again. The book of Revelation is about the judgment of GOD’s wife, the ministry becoming a harlot, but she will be granted to wear fine linen. The whole Bible is written about GOD’s people, physical (Old Testament)and Spiritual (New Testament)Israel. But Israel will not be JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s first fruits or serve Him or make Him a name or be His people, as they rejected everything. We continue to prove that it was HWA and GF who totally desolated the church which ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’ built and caused Him to leave His church. Then He has to chasten and rebuke HIS PEOPLE WHOM HE LOVES. And if the ministry sinned against Him, He Has to raise up others to use to chasten them as HE SAID HE WILL SEND A ROD OF MEN. Strangely, both HWA and GF has written about the Times of gentiles. See how all these are fulfilled as it is written! GOD’s last two leaders totally failed in serving JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as they found god the father, to be their god. But the TRUE GOD, AND OUR GOD SHOULD BE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.! ‘I will build MY CHURCH’. Could PCG be the church of ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? In this writing, we will further prove HWA and GF are the anti- CHRISTS and they DID NOT BUILD ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S CHURCH but destroyed. Prove it to yourself. Sooner you prove and acknowledge your sin of believing liars and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to be in HIS CHURCH, THE LORD will have mercy on you and will turn you around to be in Him. Prove everything from the Scripture of TRUTH, and not by man’s word.

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How Israel, Judah and Jerusalem stumbled on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as appointed !

How Israel, Judah and Jerusalem stumbled on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as appointed !

Books are opened part 4-

22 June 2023

In Isa. 8: 14, GOD said Israel, Judah and Jerusalem will stumble on Him. Then 1 Pet. 1:5-8 says, they are APPOINTED to stumble at the ‘Word of GOD’. Then, would that not be fulfilled? The hour of trial in the Philadelphia era came to show that how they stumbled on Him and denied Him and His words and are being judged. It is as the judgment they are made blind, leading in to the Laodicea era. Seeing the Jews would forsake Him, He prophesied that they would be liars as they did not worship Him as their GOD, or the FATHER. When the books are opened, they will see how GOD’s words were fulfilled in them and how they forsook Him and became liars, but will see that THE LORD Has forgiven them and will save them. In this writing, we continue to expose the error of GOD’s ministry, specially the last two leaders of the last two eras, how they were ANTI-CHRISTS and spoke against Him, and exalted god the father, when there is no such one, giving CHRIST THE LORD’s names to their god. Even if there is a god the father, the Bible teaches that THE ROCK is our FATHER, and GOD. Life came and will come only from Him. Therefore the Jews who preached god the father, are liars. Adam sinned against THE CREATOR and it is He who has to forgive us. He cursed the man to death, then He alone can spare us from that curse and give life. The whole volume of books is written of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And it is with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, that all the Covenants were. And it is He who comes to ESTABLISH THE SECOND Covenant. Understanding that HE IS OUR FATHER, IS OUR GLORY! When He comes, He reveals the hidden counsel of the heart, (when the hour of trial came during the Philadelphia era) in order to judge and correct as He Had ordained. Hab. 1:11-12. He will not kill and destroy anyone, but will save. But the error must be revealed. Those who erred in doctrine must be taught so they would not err. One is judged for denying JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words. Joh. 12: 48. Therefore GOD’s word about stumbling on Him must first be fulfilled and all seven eras must fall first, in order to open the eyes to look back and understand how GOD said the truth and how they were liars and stumbled. If they stumbled on HIm, they would not know the truth about Him. so that is what has happened now and the last two leaders truly stumbled on Him. They do not know as they are spiritually blind. When we know The JUDGE who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the FATHER, ( 1 Pet. 1: 17, James 5:9), He is at the door. We continue to prove that THE CREATOR is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and the FATHER as well. HE IS OUR GLORY! THE LORD of HOSTS is THE KING OF GLORY !!! 

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HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS! Books are opened part 3 – 17th June 2023

HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS!  

Books are opened part 3 – 17th June 2023


Did GOD inspire HWA to write the Mystery of the ages (MOA) and GF to write MM? If not, they expose the mystery of iniquity which is the “mystery of the antichrist”. GOD’s word requires TWO witnesses to accuse of a sin to condemn them to death. Since both of these leaders preach the same doctrines and teachings, but are against the Word of GOD, THE LORD will expose them as liars as He says that the ‘Jews are liars in the Philadelphia era. GOD’S WORDS CANNOT LIE. We must examine their teachings comparing the Word of GOD. And both of these leaders claimed they are Jews, and coming from Judah. HWA said GODHEAD IS ‘TWO’ Personages. And the HOLY SPIRIT is the ‘power of GOD’. GOD says if you build a temple (a building), you have forgotten Me. Both built houses to GOD, and that proves they have forgotten Him. Hos. 8: 14. If GOD does not live in them, their buildings bring glory to THEMSELVES. Did they give glory to the ONE TRUE GOD, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? They truly closed the door to Him, to whom the body of the church belongs and SPOKE AGAINST HIM AND THE Scripture. But, GOD said they would STUMBLE AT HIM, and stumble at the Word of GOD, and will reject Him as the CHIEF CORNER STONE, and they will be liars and as a judgment unto correction (Hab.  1: 12), He will BLIND them spiritually, withholding His Spirit, (Hos. 2:3) but will give ‘JUDGMENT’ as light or reveal the truth to them to correct them. Hos. 6:5. In due time, GOD will expose their blasphemies against Him, when the books are opened! If GOD says that HIS OWN will deny Him and His words, the TRUTH, then BELIEVE GOD and not these men. GOD says all seven eras will fall, when the hour of trial is given, and they are made spiritually blind, then a time to CORRECT that blindness also must come. That will happen when the books are opened, (REVEALED) where ONLY THE DEAD are called Rev. 20: 12 to be judged. GOD Has promised to give Salvation to all FLESH. And it is Israel who are flesh. Heb.  2: 14. If GOD says the Jews are liars, and not allow any ‘man’ to take our crowns, we must prove that we have not believed these liars. The true MYSTERY OF THE AGES is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , HOW THE FATHER BECAME as THE SON. He CAME AS A MAN IN ORDER TO LIVE A LIFE WITHOUT SIN, OBEYING HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, THE FATHER, OR HIS OWN WORDS WHICH GIVES US SPIRIT and life. (Joh. 6:63). GOD will give you the understanding to know the true liars and anti-christs. Time has come that nothing will be hidden.  IF THEY HAVE SPOKEN AGAINST GOD AND AGAINST THE Word of GOD, it will be revealed ! Prove all things.

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Why do you persecute – JESUS CHRIST of “Nazareth” ?? 15 Dec 2009. (edited 15 June 2023)

Why do you persecute – JESUS CHRIST of “Nazareth” ??

15 Dec 2009. (edited 15 June 2023)


{{{This writing was written in 15th Dec 2009. Editing is done on the 15th June 2023 and in brackets }}}}

Just as Apostle Paul killed the true followers of “JESUS CHRIST ” in the first century, the last high priest also is prophesied to kill JESUS CHRIST’s true followers spiritually in the end time . Paul was an antichrist. End time high priest also an antichrist. That means Paul and the last high priest persecuted JESUS CHRIST by killing ‘CHRISTIANS”. {{{A Christian is one faithful to Him. 1 Peter 4: 16-19}}} . Just as Apostle Paul was in darkness, made blind, corrected and made known about JESUS CHRIST, this last high priest too will be in darkness and blindness and will be made known that ; one is saved ONLY through JESUS CHRIST . Paul was preaching about God The Father, as it was his tradition and belief. But CHRIST  later changed that. Then he started to preach ABOUT CHRIST .In this writing, we compare how GOD will convert the last high priest as well, as in the manner of Apostle Paul to CHRISTIANITY. Who could be  ‘CHRISTIANS”.? {{{one who follows JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, being faithful to Him and have no other gods}}}.

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Books are opened; Judgment unto correction !

Books are opened; Judgment unto correction !

Part 2 -7th June 2023


GOD Has planned to give Salvation to all flesh or humans, from the beginning, from the foundation of the world. LORD prophesied how man is the enemy of THE LORD and what His own would do, and when the books are opened, (not concealed) all will understand how they fulfilled His word. The understanding will be opened after all things written are fulfilled and all died spiritually as appointed. Once again THE LORD must re-breath all humans after revealing the sin and removing, to be created as Adam when he was first created in GOD’s image. That is why ONLY THE SPIRITUALLY DEAD are called to be judged. Rev. 20: 12. That is the Times of Refreshing which GOD prophesied since the world began to give Salvation to all from the curse of death. Adam’s sin is not eating the wrong fruit, but in his HEART and did not believe because of his lusts and pride. He rejected GOD and His knowledge and words to live by. Therefore the books are opened to give the knowledge and understanding. GOD  did not WANT ANYONE TO BE MADE FREE FROM THE CURSE OF DEATH, UNTIL HE, HIMSELF PAYS FOR IT, OVERCOMING the sin, but at the end of the age, He offers His blood to give Salvation. Heb.  9: 25-26. He said even Israel will STUMBLE on Him Isa. 8: 14, which means they also will not know Him, (that is why the church do not worship THE ROCK who is Israel’s FATHER, Exo. 4:22-23, Deut. 32:12, 15, 18, but worships god the father, a god who is not spoken in the whole volume of Books) that HE TRULY IS THEIR FATHER, and that HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, because The CREATOR is a Spirit and GOD is a Spirit. That GOD Is CHRIST THE LORD. 2 COR 3: 17. THE LORD said, Israel will stumble at HIS WORDS as well. 1 Peter 2:5-8. Then THE LORD must remove the stumbling and give understanding. Even the New Testament church will fall seven times and will spiritually die. They need the Spirit once again. After judgment, they will be given White Linen, the righteousness which comes from the HOLY SPIRIT. Also , He set a day to open the eyes to judge and CONVERT them, overlooking the ignorance in man , forgiving freely. That day is the Day of Judgment, when He calls all the ‘SPIRITUALLY DEAD’, to the White Throne, to OPEN THE BOOKS OR THE SCRIPTURES, giving the understanding to LOOK BACK. That time, all will understand that The CREATOR is truly the EVERLASTING FATHER and they have truly stumbled on Him. HE BLINDED ALL Isa. 6, Joh. 12: 48, Eze. 12 etc, and did not want anyone TO BE CONVERTED, until HE CALLS ALL THE DEAD TO APPEAR BEFORE HIM, to be forgiven and remove the curse of death. He said His people will be a synagogue of satan and spiritually die. They will see they were spiritually dead. GOD blinded all till He OPENS the Scriptures on the LAST DAY. This is why , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD calls all to come and drink from ‘HIM’, on the last day. That day, THE LORD opens all the Scriptures to the blinded ones. All will be held guilty before Him and all are given a chance to repent. That day The head of the serpent also will be bruised. Blind will see how all things written is fulfilled in their blindness. the days of vengeance is also the ACCEPTABLE year, Isa. 61, when all things WRITTEN will be fulfilled. At that time all will see and repent and believe that GOD is the GOD of TRUTH and His words also are the truth and all men are liars and were sons of the devil and have denied Him as the FATHER ! This is why judgment is if you have denied Him and His words. Joh. 12: 48. But the same words, which is SPIRIT and life (Joh. 6:63) will give them life. then all will know HE TRULY IS OUR FATHER. CHRIST THE LORD and His words gives Everlasting life. before He gives  Everlasting life, He must REMOVE THE SIN AND THE CURSE OF DEATH. That is why in the book of Revelation, the curses will be removed and after the harlot is judged (GOD’s own church) she will be GRANTED to wear fine linen! Therefore GOD calls all the dead to the White Throne, to give Revelation of all things WRITTEN, so the guilty party could be made guilty, so they can repent and the other party will be exalted and Justified. Praise THE LORD !

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