VOLUME OF THE BOOK pt 4- Bruising the head of the serpent!
In the garden of Eden, man was deceived by the serpent. Ever since, there was ENMITY between The CREATOR and the man. GOD cursed the man, and the man never believed The LORD. Because of this, no one could walk with GOD in peace. He became a SINNER and a liar against The LORD who is a SPIRIT, thus committing the unpardonable sin. The whole mankind was cursed TO DIE and not live! (Heb. 9:27). Both man and woman and the serpent and the ground were cursed by GOD. Now, The LORD must deliver the mankind from these curses, which are removed in Rev. 20-22 as The LORD says and He promises to offer the Tree of Life and to make a new Garden of Eden once again. Even though Adam sinned, and became unrighteous, there was no measure to condemn him to death. And that is why The LORD called Israel, to be the vessels of wrath, even though they thought they are blessed above all other peoples. The LORD gave the law, so man could be condemned of his unrighteousness. While the law was still being given, Israel’s leader Aaron made a calf and sacrificed to it and said “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt”. Such are the leaders Israel had even to the end of the judgments in the Laodicea era. In Psa. 74, The LORD says the enemy is INSIDE THE Sanctuary and Zion was PERPETUAL DESOLATION. That is why the wife of CHRIST The LORD became the enemy in the last end, when she is being judged. So beginning from Adam, no one truly worshiped The CREATOR and had other gods. That means all exalted themselves and no one could be gathered to Him. But after all are condemned to death WITHOUT MERCY (Heb. 10: 28), The LORD wants the serpent or the liar to be destroyed so all could walk with GOD and with each other in peace and harmony.! The GOD of ‘PEACE’, will bruise the serpent Rom. 16:20-25 and by the TRUE GOSPEL all will be established. Serpent’s curse to go down the belly, to eat dust etc fell on the man. This writing proves who is the serpent and what he did and how it would be destroyed and by whom! And could The LORD bruise the head of a real serpent, or even of a fallen angel, a spirit being or throw in to a lake of fire ? Does The LORD want to correct or purify a serpent? Did The LORD die to save serpents or FALLEN SPIRIT BEINGS ?