The STRANGE, foreign Act of GOD in Mt Perazim in judgment is to REVEAL their false gods and make them guilty.
Israel’s GOD should be The ROCK, The LORD OF HOSTS, or CHRIST THE LORD. Both temples were made to HONOR and for HIM to dwell in. then the third temple is HIS OWN BODY, the called out ones which HE, HIMSELF HAS MADE to place HIS NAME. Heb. 3:6. But Israel say god the father is their GOD. Therefore, GOD chastens only His sons, if they commit iniquity. When GOD made the Covenant with king David, The LORD OF HOSTS who is CHRIST THE LORD said so. 2 sam 7. Then, the same thing is said to the Laodiceans, that they will be rebuked. But the rebuke will be taken away AFTER THE CHASTENING. He alone should be Israel’s GOD, and that is CHRIST THE LORD, the GOD of the Old testament. Then, The LORD said, He will chasten His sons. Exo 4:22-23, Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18 says, it is The ROCK who is CHRIST THE LORD who BEGAT, FORMED, MADE AND BOUGHT Israel to Himself and entered in to a ‘marriage’ Covenant which means it should be between The Husband and the wife only. But in the end as Mal. 1:6 says, and Rev. 3:6-9 says, the Levitical ministry became the synagogue of satan, forsaking their GOD, and making themselves a GOD, called god the father. HWA said GOD is one, but TWO PERSONAGES. Because we will be guided in to all truth, ONLY AFTER The Comforter, THE HOLY SPIRIT, OR THE Spirit and Truth WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD COMES THE SECOND TIME. He comes to JUDGE and ESTABLISH once again the Covenant. but first, He must reveal their iniquity for worshiping god the father, ( John 8:54-56) though Abraham worshiped CHRIST THE LORD and looked for His day. From the beginning, in the whole volume of the Book, it is written of ONE GOD, The CREATOR. But having two gods, is a lie which caused all to go after other gods, as it was in Aaron’s time. And The LORD said, I will visit their sin on the Day of Visitation, which is the days of vengeance. The LORD said, during the days of vengeance, ALL THINGS WRITTEN will be fulfilled. That includes entering in to the new Covenant also. But first, The LORD must do a work as in Mount Perazim in order to get rid of the lies which they have inherited about GODHEAD, and reveal that there has ALWAYS BEEN ONE GOD. If they have other gods, then they cannot serve The ROCK. So He must reveal their false gods in order to serve Him. Therefore, in order to establish, their deeds must be judged first and iniquity must be revealed and then removed and repented and forgiven in order for GOD to dwell with us. Just ask these two questions from yourself. You know it is The ROCK who brought Israel out of Egypt and entered in to the Covenant saying ‘thou shall have no other gods” and keep the Sabbath. Then He said "I AM" The LORD of Sabbath. Then did you worship HIM ONLY? Did you keep Sabbath to remember and honor HIM only?