White throne part 2- Who are CONVICTED as sinners?
White throne part 2– Who are CONVICTED as sinners?
19 dec 2024.
This part will continue to write the fulfilled Scriptures during the Laodicea era’s blindness, on the Day of THE LORD, when The LORD came to gentiles and took a people to Himself and how the times of gentiles or the Day of THE LORD is fulfilled. Especially what The LORD taught as He said in Isa. 54: 13, which brings peace to the world. What is peace? Though the judgment to mankind is Eternal death, The LORD poured His blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT to pay for our death and will forgive and give EVERLASTING LIFE to us. Therefore, we do not have to go through physical penalties or the Eternal death as The LORD, Himself had paid. Therefore, in the White throne, The LORD forgives and saves all and give life, but revealing our sin. If the mankind is condemned to die once spiritually, Heb. 9: 27, and that is the Spiritual death in the last era, how could they see and know their own judgment is the Spiritual death? THEY ARE BLIND TO THE SPIRIT which is the word of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . joh 6: 63. That means on the day of judgment, they cannot understand until all things are fulfilled and opened in the White throne. Dead, know nothing. GOD , is the GOD of the living. But at the White throne, The LORD will open their understanding to know why and how they went to sleep, and how The LORD came and raised up the gentiles by HIS GRACE, and by the same grace and mercy shown to gentiles, The LORD will show same to Israel as well and would raise them up. When Israel is raised up, they will see that The LORD’s judgment is past, and they are forgiven and would live. That is the beauty of The LORD’s counsel for mankind. If He would not cause man to live, He would not have created. Though man is appointed to die, The LORD, Himself paid HIS RIGHTEOUS BLOOD, which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT, as the redemption price so all can live. Why are we called ‘sinners’? Adam’s sin is revealed, judged and corrected in the White throne. To correct that sin, the day of judgment was appointed. The LORD said I came to the world to judgment and to make Israel, blind. In Adam, all are made sinners. Then in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , at the White throne, all will be made alive. If in ONE MAN, all are made sinners, then in ONE MAN , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , ALL WILL BE MADE ALIVE !