White throne part 2- Who are CONVICTED as sinners?

White throne part 2– Who are CONVICTED as sinners?

19 dec 2024.


This part will continue to write the fulfilled Scriptures during the Laodicea era’s blindness, on the Day of THE LORD, when The LORD came to gentiles and took a people to Himself and how the times of gentiles or the Day of THE LORD is fulfilled. Especially what The LORD taught as He said in Isa.  54: 13, which brings peace to the world. What is peace? Though the judgment to mankind is Eternal death, The LORD poured His blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT to pay for our death and will forgive and give EVERLASTING LIFE to us. Therefore, we do not have to go through physical penalties or the Eternal death as The LORD, Himself had paid. Therefore, in the White throne, The LORD forgives and saves all and give life, but revealing our sin. If the mankind is condemned to die once spiritually, Heb. 9: 27, and that is the Spiritual death in the last era, how could they see and know their own judgment is the Spiritual death? THEY ARE BLIND TO THE SPIRIT which is the word of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . joh 6: 63. That means on the day of judgment, they cannot understand until all things are fulfilled and opened in the White throne. Dead, know nothing. GOD , is the GOD  of the living. But at the White throne, The LORD will open their understanding to know why and how they went to sleep, and how The LORD came and raised up the gentiles by HIS GRACE, and by the same grace and mercy shown to gentiles, The LORD will show same to Israel as well and would raise them up. When Israel is raised up, they will see that The LORD’s judgment is past, and they are forgiven and would live. That is the beauty of The LORD’s counsel for mankind. If He would not cause man to live, He would not have created. Though man is appointed to die, The LORD, Himself paid HIS RIGHTEOUS BLOOD, which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT,  as the redemption price so all can live. Why are we called ‘sinners’? Adam’s sin is revealed, judged and corrected in the White throne. To correct that sin, the day of judgment was appointed. The LORD said I came to the world to judgment and to make Israel, blind. In Adam, all are made sinners. Then in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , at the White throne, all will be made alive. If in ONE MAN, all are made sinners, then in ONE MAN , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , ALL WILL BE MADE ALIVE !


Israel does not know their judgments because their judgment is Spiritual. That means only in the Word of GOD, because GOD  promises to save all mankind from the sin and Eternal death. Though GOD  pronounced Eternal death on mankind, sine HE, HIMSELF paid it, we do not need to suffer physically. That means the blind cannot understand or know the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , which is SPIRIT. John 6: 63. As a judgment, GOD  blinded them. Please read link below ‘signs of times read spiritually’. They cannot read the Scripture and understand until the time appointed which is at the White throne . That is why after judgment, the wife is granted to wear fine linen.  


The Spiritual death which is the Eternal death which is given to Adam, came to whole mankind, including Israel. GOD  is judging the sin of Adam in Israel, as sin came from him to the world. Then, Israel is judged without mercy for breaking the law, Heb. 10: 28, then what about many other nations of gentiles?  Are they also not guilty of Adam’s sin? Are they not Adam’s seed???  But why only Israel is to  be judged? GOD  wants to show HIS WRATH for disobedience and mercy to save all. Though Israel is called first, they are to die while The LORD will have mercy on the gentiles and raise them up to show His grace on the mankind. This is why the vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy are separated to show good, if you choose GOD  and evil, if not.


When The LORD called Israel out of Egypt, they were sinners as well. The LORD had not died to forgive back then. That is why the Lamb’s blood is sprinkled on the door so they will not be killed.  Same way, The LORD’s blood will spare us from death. And when the law was given, … The LORD knew that none would keep it to be righteous to life, because the law, itself is Spiritual and without the HOLY SPIRIT, we cannot have fruits of the SPIRIT.  Rom. 7: 14. GOD  wants one to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. But all men are flesh and liars.  In His second coming as the Spirit and Truth, The LORD will save those who are appointed or called to receive the Spirit and Truth and to believe as written below.  In the White throne, GOD  will give the Spirit and Truth to Israel. And SPIRIT is against the flesh and flesh is against the SPIRIT. Gal. 5: 17. Adam’s sin made him to lose the image of GOD  and he  became flesh. Thereafter, all men were against the SPIRIT.


See unless we receive the HOLY SPIRIT, we cannot overcome fleshly lusts.

Gal 5:16  This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. }}}… this means Adam rejected the SPIRIT or the words of The Creator, which is SPIRIT. (John 6: 63). And because of his lusts and pride, he denied The LORD and His words.  This was the whole problem which caused the whole mankind to be condemned as sinners until The LORD, saves us from our sin of denying the HOLY SPIRIT because The Creator is the HOLY SPIRIT with His words. And we are to live by every word which came out of the mouth of The Creator. ! if His words are SPIRIT, … and we are to live by the SPIRIT means to live by every word which came out of the mouth of The LORD. And The LORD separated from Adam  and from all. Then in order to overcome flesh, we need the HOLY SPIRIT. if not how could we overcome flesh? Could the flesh become SPIRIT ??? Could man become a GOD  Being by any means?  Could a condemned and cursed man live eternally ?  Could be holy before GOD ?


Gal 5:17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. }}}… see GOD  has given all instructions about our sin and how to overcome. When Adam became flesh, …if flesh is against the SPIRIT, … it is Adam who was against The LORD and His SPIRIT. would GOD  then give Adam (all mankind) His SPIRIT? They both are CONTRARY to one another. So GOD is against man and the man is against GOD .


This is why, GOD  prophesied  and wrote His side of the story in the Bible what man did , and is doing and will do. When it is fulfilled, … GOD  proves to man, that man is the liar and GOD  said the truth. This is why in the end, after all are condemned in the Laodicea era, all died, The LORD calls all to the White throne to be judged and Scripture is opened or the books are opened for all to prove themselves or prove GOD  is right. By that time, all things GOD  said will have to be fulfilled. That includes what The LORD did and is doing during the Laodicea blindness to the SPIRIT or to the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! The condemnation is if you are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Rom. 8: 1.  Then those who are in Him, will not be condemned.


This is why we do not have peace in our lives. Man will not bear fruits of the SPIRIT, unless The LORD gives the HOLY SPIRIT. and He promises to give HOLY SPIRIT, at HIS SECOND COMING. And man’s sin must be brought to light in order to have peace between GOD  and man.  In the White throne, the written words are fulfilled means no man can speak against the word after that , b because all things written are fulfilled, and no one can lie about GOD  thereafter. No man can erase what is written.


Man is the liar. GOD  cannot lie. Therefore, it is Adam who became the ADVERSARY , or the devil, as proven in previous writings. GOD  is not trying to judge a spirit being called ‘satan’. We proved it was Adam who deceived Eve. Eve was not even born when The LORD said to Adam not to eat. He put the doubt in Eve’s mind and he, himself would not eat it, doubting, … and he caused Eve to eat it.  That sin caused to lose the understanding about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . 2 Cor. 11: 3. Thereafter, the truth about CHRIST THE LORD was lost from mankind. The HOLY SPIRIT , separated. Man did not believe what GOD  said. That is when GOD  and man lost peace, as they did not agree with one another.


When the Scripture says in Rev.  3, the jews are liars and a synagogue of satan, … do they worship or follow satan?  It is their evil hearts which is the enemy of The LORD, and became ANTI- CHRIST, and not anti- GOD . that was because Adam became anti- CHRIST. Or anti-Creator ! That is where we lost peace with GOD . IN order to bring peace, The LORD must give the true knowledge of GOD to us. But The LORD must first judge the evil hearts. Then the unbelief must be revealed. At the White throne, The LORD will open the eyes to understand what He Has prophesied  and how all things are fulfilled. Thereafter, no man can  believe in lies, but must believe in the truth !


In order to judge, as John 7: 51 says ;-

Joh 7:51  Does our law judge the Man before it hears Him and knows what He does? …}}}… see the law, judges one, AFTER KNOWING WHAT HE DOES OR DO. This is why, The LORD allowed all these years, nearly 6000, to see if the man would hear or keep the law or not. As 7 is the number of completion, The LORD gave 6000 years to man to see what he does. But, at the same time, The LORD WROTE ALL WHAT HE HAS DONE, AND WHAT HE WOULD DO. (Pro 21:8  The way of man is froward and strange) . That is perverse. And GOD condemns one if not in The Creator. Rom. 8: 1.


No man born of Adam will love GOD , and seek Him, until man dies. This is why The LORD killed all , so they can seek Him. Psa. 78: 34- 35. And to judge the hearts, The LORD is prophesied  to come. 1 Cor. 4: 5. Until then, The LORD has delivered all to satan, which means to have evil hearts which are His enemy, … so they can live ON THE Day of THE LORD. 1 Cor. 5: 5. Even the gospel is preached to the dead, so they can live in SPIRIT. 1 Pet 4;6.


And The LORD prophesied  about the evil day, which is the day of judgment, when their evilness is revealed. Therefore, from the beginning, GOD prophesied  and the prophets wrote what the man would do, and a good example is when GOD  tries the hearts, (hour of trial) HIS OWN, … THE Jews, would be a synagogue of satan, and be liars.  Has that no happened and fulfilled?  THEY , THE Jews WOULD NOT KNOW THAT THEY HAVE  BECOME A SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. OR THEY ARE LIARS.  IN THE White throne, … The LORD will give that understanding, as the TRUTH IS REVEALED. Then the liars will find out that they truly were liars. !  That means Adam’s sin is in them because Adam was the first liar as he did not believe the truth which The LORD said. Then, his seed , the mankind became liars as well. That is why John 8: 44 , The LORD said our father is the devil. !


Then understand, … if the death , the curse has come to the whole mankind, … unless the reason why the death came is made known, .. how could The LORD give life?  We cannot and will not do the same sin again, once we are born again in the HOLY SPIRIT. Adam rejected the HOLY SPIRIT. that is The Creator and His words. This is why the day of judgment to judge those who denied Him and His words. John 12: 48 ! All these 6000 years,  GOD allowed man to live the way he chose, which is without GOD  and without His SPIRIT or words. The LORD breathed on Adam and gave life. Then He withdrew His breath, the HOLY SPIRIT and the words, .. the man died. Thereafter, all men were under the curse of death and there is no other way to get EVERLASTING LIFE, but by The Creator. So The LORD allowed all to live, and we know the story of Noah, who found grace before The LORD, and The LORD destroyed the rest, and in Moses’ time, also The LORD was graceful, and chose Israel out of Egypt, and just as Adam did, they too rejected and denied the LORD and His words and found other gods.  Then, The LORD gave the law, to judge all.


Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. }}}… see by Adam’s disobedience , all were made sinners. But by CHRIST THE LORD’s obedience, all will be made righteous. But at the White throne.


Rom 5:20  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: }}}… see the law was given so the sin or the offence might be revealed.


Offence means ‘a side slip (lapse or deviation), that is, (unintentional) error or (wilful) transgression: – fall, fault, offence, sin, trespass.’.

Therefore, from Adam, all are made sinners means all have offended The Creator. That is why The LORD reveals the anti- CHRISTs in the end, who are the liars as Adam was. The sin has to be revealed in order to correct it. The offence was against The Creator. But, The Creator, paid the death for us.


Rom 5:21  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. }}}… see sin reigned unto DEATH. This death is Eternal death. HOLY SPIRIT separated means no SPIRIT to live for ever. And it is very important to understand the sin of Adam because the whole mankind is guilty of the same sin as you can see. And the sin caused us to NOT TO BE RIGHTEOUS, … AND TO LOSE EVERLASTING LIFE. !  And that EVERLASTING LIFE is by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !  Therefore, all those who did not go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to receive EVERLASTING LIFE, … ( as the high priest , Mr Flurry  wrote Isa.  9: 6, The SON is not the FATHER) is the offence against The Creator. See Adam also did not believe the truth which The Creator said. And it is The Creator who wrote Isa.  9: 6. And it says The SON is also the EVERLASTING FATHER. But did the last leader believed The LORD? In that, he committed the same sin. He made The Creator, a liar. And that was the offense against The Creator. Therefore, all those who believed this high priest, will not get EVERLASTING LIFE, unless they acknowledge their sin and iniquity, and go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to receive it. Scripture does not talk about another GOD  giving us EVERLASTING LIFE. And more over, we, the gentiles found Him, as He is The Redeemer, to be the FATHER for ever means EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa.  63: 16. So all things are fulfilled.


Israel are judged for the same sin of Adam… unbelief which caused them to be sons of disobedience, and disobeyed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . But, the gentiles OBEYED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , IN EVERY THOUGHT and that is why, they are used to avenge the disobedience . 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6. Therefore, GOD  ordained Israel for judgment and correction. And in order to correct, their sin must be revealed first.


Therefore, the death came from Adam, … but EVERLASTING LIFE came from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!!  That is the second Adam.

Remember ‘Adam’ means ;-



BDB Definition:

Adam = “red” , red earth etc.   

The word Adam is aleph, dalet and mem, and the Hebrew word dam, is blood.

Aleph, dalet, mem

Aleph is for THE ALMIGHTY, and means ox, strength, and leader. JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the ALPHA and OMEGA. Then ‘dam’ means blood. So Adam is THE ALMIGHTY’s blood. Therefore, ‘Adam’ means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s blood made the man, because HE IS The ALMIGHTY Rev.  1: 8 and more.  Adam , is a son to GOD . luk 3.  And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  has the ETERNAL SPIRIT in His blood. Heb. 9: 14.  And Adam failed to continue to be a son to GOD , as he rebelled and the FATHER, The Creator, separated allowing all to die. That means we lost THE ETERNAL SPIRIT.  GOD names one with a meaning. Now, in the new creation, beginning from the White throne, THE ALMIGHTY’s blood once again give life to all. And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  became the second ‘Adam’, giving ETERNAL LIFE BY HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT, in His blood, Heb. 9: 14 so we could be sons of GOD , having His blood giving us life. !  Then, we will not sin thereafter but will be born as a NEW CREATION in Him.


Aleph means leader, ox etc

Dalet means door, entrance, move etc

Mem means water blood, chaos etc.  water or many waters means multitude, or many nations. Therefore, THE ALMIGHTY , with His blood, ( as life is in the blood) and BEING THE DOOR, ( in John 10, He said 'I AM' the DOOR that means the entrance ) will once again give life to many nations. Remember life is in the blood.  Then, everlasting Adam is created. HE IS THE SECOND Adam ! and all these means Adam lost the EVERLASTING LIFE, and rejected to be a son to GOD . and Israel too forsook Him, and The LORD prophesied  that in Deut. 32: 5-6,  12,  15,  18. And as The LORD said, the last high priest wrote, He is NOT THE FATHER. His words were ‘never forget The SON is not the FATHER’.  But he will remember that, written in his ‘key of king David’ book, as proven in previous writings, and all will see how they rebelled against their own FATHER and GOD , just as Adam did. ! Those who killed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  in the first time and the second time causing Him to leave His own body as they placed another as the head, … were and are HIS OWN SONS!


Therefore,, the law is given to bring the unrighteousness in man and not to make him to live as proven in previous writings.




GOD  knew none would be righteous by keeping the law, except for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who obeyed unto death.  and all are already condemned to death from Adam, until The LORD paid and redeems us by His blood, at the end of the age. Then, how could the CONDEMNED Israel keep the law?  They are born blind, and I have never heard neither HWA nor GF preaching that EVERLASTING FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and the EVERLASTING LIFE is in Him.! But they taught to build the ‘RIGHTEOUS’ character by keeping the law! As proven, they sought life, by the law, which is given to CONDEMN AND KILL them!  From the sting of death, they sought life and not from The LORD or the true FATHER!  How rebellious we all have been as we all believed these men and not GOD ? Then again, .. we could not have believed The LORD, as all are appointed to death by UNBELIEF.


This is why The LORD allowed all these years for mankind to live by his own imaginations, and choices which are full of lusts and pride, in order to be destroyed , but to be redeemed at the White throne, when the sin is revealed. Therefore, as the law requires to hear one, … The LORD gave all the past 6 000 years to hear us to see what we do, but He prophesied  what we will do, and now we have fulfilled as we have become blind Laodiceans.


Adam’s curse of Eternal death came to all mankind. If JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  did not pay for our death, we would not live. This is why in Him, life. His blood gives us life as proven in previous writings.  then, how could Israel, or any man born under Adam’s curse could keep the law which is SPIRITUAL, (Rom. 7: 14)  as The LORD has separated Himself from all???  We proved that the law was a test to Israel and mankind to see if they try to keep it and seek righteousness by it , means EVERLASTING LIFE, which is impossible, ….or look to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s grace  to give life. This is the difference between Israel and gentiles now. Israel sought the law to get righteousness, tried to build the righteous character by keeping it,  and the gentiles sought JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to get righteousness. And after Israel is blinded, gentiles sought JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and found everything The LORD had to offer. Acts 13: 4- 48,  28: 26- 28 and more.



We need the blood of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to live. We know we are to live by every word which came out of the mouth of The LORD. And that was The Creator. And His word is the SPIRIT which gives life.

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. }}}… see… it is the ‘SPIRIT’ that quickens.  And what is the SPIRIT to us?

It is the WORDS WHICH CHRIST THE LORD speaks, is the SPIRIT.

And His words gives us SPIRIT AND LIFE. That is how we must live by every word which came out of the mouth of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Then Adam rejected His word means he rejected the SPIRIT AND LIFE !!!


Then, the whole mankind lost SPIRIT AND LIFE. That is how the death came. Did HWA and GF , being the leaders in GOD ’s church teach these things to the people?  They simply could not have known the truth, nor they believed The LORD and His words. That is why one is judged for denying Him and His words at the White throne, when the books are opened.  The LORD open the books or Scripture as He did to the early apostles. Even after The LORD’s resurrection, He Had to open their minds to understand.


Heb 9:14  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.}}}.. see the Living GOD is also JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Deut. 26: 5 , that is one of His names. And then, His blood has the ‘ETERNAL’ SPIRIT. that means He shed HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT to give us life.


And the SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words, right ?

Then ETERNAL SPIRIT means His words are eternal. He Has the words of EVERLASTING LIFE. John 6: 68. Shedding His blood means He shed the ETERNAL SPIRIT, WHICH ARE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE. Because He shed His blood, … it is possible for us to receive the words of EVERLASTING LIFE !!! And that gives us life. Then we are many Adams. The LORD’s blood and words will cause us to live. That makes us sons of GOD , so we can live and remain in His house.



MY BLOOD Has ETERNAL SPIRIT, eternal words.

His words, give life. His blood gives life.

Because The LORD shed His blood, … we receive ETERNAL SPIRIT OR ETERNAL WORDS TO LIVE ETERNAL LIFE !!! There is no other way to receive life other than from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words. This is why, The LORD judges to prove us in the White throne, … that we do not have eternal lives in us but it comes only from Him and His blood the eternal words or SPIRIT !


Until the end of the age, … He will not offer His blood. V 25- 26. That means we will not receive the words of EVERLASTING LIFE, until at the end of age!!!  That is because The LORD Has to come as the PERFECT HIGH PRIEST TO OFFER, HIS OWN BLOOD TO HIS OWN SPIRIT to redeem us to give EVERLASTING LIFE or the words of EVERLASTING LIFE !  And until one is judged and condemned TO DEATH, WITHOUT MERCY, under the two witnesses, Heb. 10: 28, The LORD cannot redeem us. When we are convicted, judged and condemned, we need His blood to purchase us.  Therefore,, GIVING HIS BLOOD MEANS GIVING THE WORDS OR THE SPIRIT OF EVERLASTING LIFE!!!


Man has to fulfill his evilness to the fullest. And then must die first, in order to redeem to give life. Therefore, after the two witnesses condemned those who are under the law, ( which is also Israel will not see because they cannot read the words the SPIRIT as they are spiritually blind) which is now in the past, … He did not have to pay the redemption price, which is His own blood.  It is His own HOLY SPIRIT who is GOD  and the FATHER , who will receive His own blood, to Himself as proven in previous writings. IF HE IS The Saviour, The Redeemer, HE, HIMSELF HAS TO DO EVERYTHING TO RAISE THE DEAD as dead know nothing.


Yet, we know the leaders will not think that they are breakers of the law because they think they know GOD and have the knowledge of GOD and the truth. THEY SINCERELY BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ANOTHER GOD , CALLED GOD THE FATHER , above JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  .  that is their blindness, not to find the One and ONLY TRUE GOD!  That proves GOD ’s word is the truth about them.  If they had known the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , … then they have EVERLASTING LIFE, because that is the knowledge  which gives us EVERLASTING LIFE. John 17: 3. But from Adam, we are cursed to death means we cannot know the truth about the One and ONLY TRUE GOD . That is why The LORD said all seven eras, though it is CHRIST THE LORD’s true church,  will fall from the truth. Then the liars die. And the truth is not given until The LORD came the second time as the Spirit and Truth.


Therefore, at the White throne, all will learn that they were spiritually dead and never had the Spirit and Truth. But the White throne is to give the Spirit and Truth. Remember it is ONLY THE DEAD, Rev.  20: 12, who are called to the White throne. Then how could the spiritually dead people understand their OWN DEATH, because it is Spiritual, .. unless The LORD gives HIS SPIRIT , MAKING THEM TO UNDERSTAND ???  Giving the SPIRIT means life is given. !  That is because the REDEMPTION PRICE is paid already. Our DEATH is paid already. Therefore, The LORD can pour His grace on all the dead to raise them up, and raising up the gentiles, while yet they were dead in sin by grace, is an example of His grace. Eph. 2. If The LORD can raise up the DEAD gentiles, not having GOD or the knowledge of GOD, … how could He not raise up His own who are as gentiles, having no GOD ?  In order to raise the dead up, … The LORD came and gave the knowledge of GOD as the sea. Isa.  11: 9- 11. That is THE REST. GOD  will rest from His works, when one believes In Him. Heb. 4: .


Therefore, the law is given to a people that ARE ALREADY DEAD ones. Trying to keep it will not give life, never.  GOD  did not give His SPIRIT at that time, until the day of Pentecost, though He inspired prophets to write things. Prophets also wrote things that they do not know, and revealed to gentiles as Apostle Peter said in 1 Pet 1: 10-13, because the truth is given by GRACE. And grace is necessary, AFTER… AFTER ONE IS JUDGED. Though the mankind were living physically, but spiritually dead. But until the condemnation and judgment is given , WITHOUT MERCY to those who are under the law, Heb. 10: 28, they believed that they could get righteousness by keeping it. That is the carnal mind which is contrary to GOD  and His word. So The LORD spoke, and it is written, and now fulfilled ! now in death, the law keepers ended their law keeping. Now they will be given the knowledge of GOD to LOOK TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , at the White throne to receive EVERLASTING LIFE , which they did not. So The LORD prophesied , … and gave all these years to hear what one does as John 7: 51 says. Then, He judged and condemned all to death as all are appointed to die once. Heb. 9: 27. But all these, Israel will come to know when the books are opened !


When the time came to judge and witness against Israel, … the knowledge of the TRUTH has to be given that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is OUR GOD . this is why those who are not in Him, are condemned. Rom. 8: 1. And Israel denied Him and His words. Therefore, how could Israel keep the law and be righteous before GOD , without the SPIRIT? And when the time came to judge, GOD  made them TO BE FURTHER BLIND and not to know the TRUTH ABOUT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written below. Remember the judgment is the blindness which is Spiritual. They will not understand the books after the blindness came to them , when they are judged and witnessed to condemn. The law proves that they never kept it as proven in previous writings.  The true knowledge of GOD;  that is , that HE IS THE FATHER, The SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT was not given to any, until The LORD’s second coming.  Jews worshiped ONE GOD  AND THAT WAS  ONE FATHER. They never believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is GOD  or came from GOD . JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the physical HEAD of the GODHEAD ! That means the GOD  of Heaven, divested Himself as a MAN, calling The SON.  It is the same GOD .


Then in judgment… The LORD said, when He healed the born blind man which is a prophecy for us now… as the day of judgment has come…


Joh 9:34  They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. }}}.. if Israel is prophesied  to stumble on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words as proven in previous writings, … would they not be also born blind because of sin of mankind? GOD  did not remove the sins at this time. He Had to be killed as the Lamb first, and shed His blood to redeem us from death, and even now, He Has not redeemed Israel yet. Every man born under Adam and his sin, is a born blind man. Until GOD  forgives, and until He came as the Spirit and Truth, THE COMFORTER, and HOLY SPIRIT, as John 14- 16 says, no man was given the SPIRIT nor the truth. It was necessary for Him to get a new priesthood as the old priesthood under the law was not able to be made perfect. Heb. 7. Therefore, seeing that all are dead, BY HIS GRACE, HE RAISED UP a few gentiles and a few Israel , by His blood and pardoned them to glorify Him as GOD  and to give the true knowledge of GOD  to save all mankind. Not only Israel, but the whole mankind. Therefore, since The LORD has prophesied  that Israel will fall seven times from the truth which means they have the Spiritual death, … they were born blind as this man was. GOD , from time to time work with people because of His grace and that He is to give salvation. A perfect example is Noah ! He was also born in sin. But GOD ’s grace saved him. And he obeyed GOD . But, Heb. 11 says, he is dead until he is resurrected.  All are sinners means all are blind! Therefore, born blind leaders in GOD ’s church, cannot teach us the truth as all are born IN SIN. This is why The LORD said, the blind are leading blind. The only way to have eyes opened is to go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . but the blindness is not to know Him and His words !!! Then how could anyone live by own self ??? Therefore, at the White throne, The LORD will cause all to know that they were born blind but The LORD’s grace will cause them to know the truth, and will give life.


Joh 9:35  Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God}}}… see if one gets healed by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , they are cast out by His people. It is same as now as proven in the first part, as Micah 2: 9-13 says, the women who believe and were healed by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , were cast out. That is the time GOD  said this is not your rest, and you have taken MY glory for ever… (FOR EVER), and to get out. So none of them believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  nor the people whom He healed and opened the eyes.  It is prophesied  that the gentiles, who are not of His people will have their eyes opened as proven, in 2 Cor. 3: 18 onwards and Eph. 1: 18, 1 pet 2: 8-10 and more. One thing, as proven, if you believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … you will not die , He said. Therefore, not believing in Him, that HE IS OUR GOD , … all the Laodiceans died. And they were born blind as all humans were.  If GOD  has separated Himself from the very first man Adam, … then unless The LORD, Himself reveals Himself and come to us, how could we know Him? In that, we were all blind and born blind!


Joh 9:36  He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? 

Joh 9:37  And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. }}}.. when the Scripture says the eyes will be opened, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who will open the eyes to know HIM. Not any other gods, but it is He who is GOD  whom we must worship.


Joh 9:38  And he said, LORD, I BELIEVE. AND HE WORSHIPPED HIM‘… }}}.. see… this man was made to see by The LORD. HE IS THE GOD  WHO SEPARATED FROM MANKIND. Therefore,  He could reveal Himself to any one whom He wishes . But His own, did not want to believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , but cast this man also out. This man , though he was healed and was made to see, …, did not know that it was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who healed him. Then The LORD said to him, do you believe on the Son of GOD ? Then The LORD REVEALED HIMSELF TO THIS MAN and HE BELIEVED AND WORSHIPED HIM. Same way, the gentiles believed and worship and Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Eph. 1: 13 and more. And remember, he believed because his eyes were opened! This is what happens at the White throne to all the dead.   Then…


Joh 9:39  And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. }}}… we know the Laodicea means judgment. Therefore, in judgment, they are made blind. And others who did not see, are made to see. 


see GOD  gave all knowledge  to Israel. Rom. 1 also says. But they did not glorify Him nor believed in Him, because the blindness came from Adam . John 1: 11-14, condemn them and even to the Laodicea era, none believed Him and that is why The LORD is outside knocking to come in. that certainly proves that none were able to believe nor worship Him. But when they fell, … The LORD opened the eyes of the blind ones to see. They are the gentiles. So that is the judgment of Israel… and the wisdom of the wise perished as many Scripture says. Thereafter, the work of wonder is done by The LORD among the gentiles by bringing them to HIS Holy Mountain, … House of Prayer , and to the ALTAR. Isa.  56. And Mal. 1: 11, Isa.  60: 7 etc. then, that judgment which The LORD said ‘For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. ‘, is now fulfilled !!! You will see in the White throne, how The LORD opened the eyes and blinded the eyes of those who see!!!


Then those who think they know and see, who are the leaders in the church are made sinners. Their sin remains because of their own thinking. Such people exalted themselves.

Joh 9:40  And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also

Joh 9:41  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth}}}… so pharisees who say they see, … also are blind as their sin remains means they are truly blind, but they think they see !!!


See… ‘If ye were blind, ye should have no sin:’…The LORD knows, all men are born blind. It is we who did not know that. And until and unless The LORD who made the eyes and ears open them to understanding, … all are blind, but spiritually. And this is why The LORD will forgive all, because HE BLINDED THE WHOLE MANKIND. This is why, they could not know The LORD of glory , but crucified. And when The LORD was about to die, … HE FORGAVE ALL THOSE WHO CRUCIFIED HIM. That means THE WHOLE MANKIND.


Luk 23:34  Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do….}}}…. CHRIST OUR LORD knew that they do not know what they did to Him. If the whole mankind was not made to be blind, … and made to see…, then THE LORD would not be crucified and that means our sin , would not be forgiven or paid. Therefore, THE LORD blinded the whole humanity to not to know Him, so none could worship or believe in Him. In Heb. 11, those who died in faith, knew JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as the FATHER but not as The Son , nor their sin which they were born, was not forgiven. So they died in faith, hoping for a better resurrection. Abraham believed and had faith in GOD. But still he was blind to not to see that he was born blind. Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s day, John 8: 54- 56, because He was THE ALMIGHTY who spoke to Abraham and that is CHRIST OUR LORD . Gen. 17. In Noah’s time, they knew GOD has cursed the land and Noah was a comfort. David knew he was conceived in sin in mother’s womb. Though HOLY SPIRIT inspired these fathers and prophets, since they were born blind with the curse of death, they could not know the FATHER is The Son  and that is HOLY SPIRIT.


For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind…. and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, LORD, I BELIEVE. AND HE WORSHIPPED HIM’.

This is what happens at the White throne. Judgement, …all were blinded,  opening the Scripture to make them to see, so they can BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  AND WORSHIP HIM !!!


And not only the Jews in those days, in the Laodicea era also, they died spiritually, as a judgment when the hour of trial came during the Philadelphia era to test the hearts, and THE LORD judged them to have denied Him and His words and to be a synagogue of satan  and liars.. So both leaders we knew, HWA and GF denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words by perverting His words as proven in previous writings and they never WORSHIPED HIM, but god the father.


But when the day of judgment came, THE LORD opened THE EYES OF THE BLIND GENTILES, and made to see and they believed and worshiped Him, just as THE LORD said in this Scripture ! Therefore, all humans were born blind until the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, the HOLY SPIRIT and The Comforter came. He did not come to Israel, but to gentiles after Israel is blinded.


And all were blinded to cause the works of GOD would be manifest in us.

Joh 9:1  And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth

Joh 9:2  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 

Joh 9:3  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him THAT SENT ME, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 

Joh 9:5  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. }}}… The LORD says, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Did you go to Him to get the light ??? Light means the truth and Revelation. But none went to Him to get the truth or Revelation. Why ???  Because all were in darkness and not in light. Then, … at the White throne (white means light as proven), all will have their eyes opened to see the LIGHT AND LIVE ! And in the night, no man can work because there is darkness !


Joh 9:7  And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. }}}… see the blinded ones will see, and be washed when they come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, WHO IS SENT.  Remember the judgment is to give light ! Hos 6: 5. Read also Psa. 146:8,  Isa.  29: 18, 35: 5, Isa.  42:7, Isa_42:16-18; Isa_43:8;. And in judgment, GOD  opened the eyes of the gentiles, who are also born blind according to the  Heavenly vision. Acts 26: 18- 19 ! What The LORD did to gentiles will be done to Israel, at the White throne.


The Heavenly vision, The LORD gave to Apostle Paul to be sent to gentiles.

Act 26:15  And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. 

Act 26:16  But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee

Act 26:17  Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, 


Act 26:19  Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision}}}… see… The LORD appeared to Apostle Paul, many years after His resurrection. And He said, Apostle Paul was chosen as a MINISTER, AND A WITNESS to things that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  appears and teaches him, … and not sent to Israel, but to gentiles. And what did The LORD say in this vision???




And from the POWER OF satan UNTO GOD , …

And they will be forgiven of sin, …


And that is called the ‘Heavenly vision’. So could the Heavenly vision fail?  Could JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words fail ??? All what Apostle Paul wrote, was taught to Him by The LORD, personally.  Fulfilling that, … The LORD appeared personally to gentiles, ( col 1: 27 and more) to fulfill this Heavenly vision and gave faith to them to purify their hearts, on the Day of Visitation. Acts 15: 9- 15 !!! And at the White throne, the same vison will be done in Israel. And THIS Heavenly vision IS NOW FULFILLED. !!! Do you have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ???  Did you receive light from Him ?? All these are done in the White throne.


See..’ from the power of satan unto GOD ’??? GOD  did not say ‘from satan’, but from the power of satan. We proved there is no being called satan, but it was Adam who deceived Eve in to sinning. Eve was not even born when The LORD commanded Adam to not to eat from the wrong tree.


‘satan’ means the accuser, that is, the devil:

We know satan means the adversary, or the enemy of The Creator. Who was the first enemy of The LORD?  It was Adam. It was he who did not believe the truth which The Creator said and made Him a liar. That is to accuse The LORD as a liar and since the lies kills, he made GOD  a murderer !!! Then, The LORD wants to show that the man is the liar. So He allowed all these years to live in lies until He reveals the truth so we could believe in Him and receive the truth to set us free. As long as we do not believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … we make Him a liar. Therefore, we are His enemies. The UNBELIEVING MINDS ARE HIS ENEMIES. !


and The Creator was the HOLY SPIRIT. we have proven this before. And Adam, became a sinner. He sinned against The Creator. His MOST DECEITFUL HEART caused him to be deceived in to sinning against The LORD and HIS WORDS. This is why all are judged for denying The LORD and His words, on the last day. John 12: 48. But in order to make us to understand that knowledge  of Adam’s and our sin, … The LORD has no choice but to give the HOLY SPIRIT to understand Him and His words. That means HE GIVES LIFE. Thereafter, all will see the truth as eyes are opened. All will eat the words of the mouth of The LORD and not see their own bellies. And will never be proud, but will humble of not knowing anything! Man will see that he is a beast. 


Does not the Scripture say, the CARNAL MIND is the enemy of The LORD?  So how did Adam receive the carnal mind to sin against The LORD and to accuse Him as a liar??? It is his own lusts and pride. He wanted to be as GOD  by rebelling and accusing GOD  as a liar. This is the reason why The LORD cursed all to Eternal death until He shows and proves that HE IS GOD , … AND NOT ANY OTHER TO BE EXALTED against Him, nor against His word. Then, there will be peace.


See Isa.  54: 13 says, after The LORD taught the truth to the children, great is their peace. After The LORD taught the truth, which is fulfilled in `1 John 2: 12, 20, 27, they believed The LORD unlike Adam. They did not accuse The LORD. That means they could walk with The LORD in peace in agreement! Then, when the truth is revealed, … the liars are exposed, though they do not see it yet. At the White throne, they will see how The LORD prophesied  about them and how they made Him a liar by not believing in Him !!!


See Adam, because of his lusts of the EYES, and the lust of his belly, and the pride, he did not want to believe the truth and disobeyed. Then, he became the adversary of The Creator. His sin against The Creator, caused Him to curse Adam to death.  Some times when some one hurts us badly, we wish that one is dead.  Same way, how serious would have been that sin against The LORD, for Him to curse him and the whole mankind to Eternal death? Understand the seriousness of his sin because the same sin came to the whole mankind.  This born blind man’s story is about all of us. Just think if you cannot see anything and blind, … how could you live for ever like that?  Then we need other’s help. Same way, we need GOD ’s help as we are SPIRITUALLY blind. If we are spiritually blind, we need the SPIRIT in order to see!!!


The SPIRIT can come only from The Creator. The breath of life is given only by The Creator. But we never called Him our FATHER, though Scripture says He is the FATHER. Before He became a Man, He was the HOLY SPIRIT and now, He is back to the HOLY SPIRIT. He is prophesied  to come as the HOLY SPIRIT in John 14: 26. That is the Spirit and Truth. Then, the knowledge  of the sin which made us to be born blind, … will be revealed at the White throne, because of GOD ’s grace. Acts `17: 30- 3`1 says, one needs to REPENT on the day of judgment. That means it is then, The LORD will reveal the sin. We never, ever thought that we are spiritually blind and we worship the wrong gods, calling god the father. In that, we worshiped and feared the man who taught that and not the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. Then from such deceit and violence, The LORD must deliver us. That happens at the White throne when the light of life is given.


‘Repent’ means a mind change. From our enemy, carnal mind, … we must be changed in to CHRIST THE LORD’s mind. Even if there is a god the father, Scripture does not say we need such mind, but The Creator’s mind. 1 Cor. 2: `16. His mind is given to those to whom He came to, who are the gentiles, col 1: 26-28. Then, they are to teach, warn, and preach others to become perfect in Him. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING. FULFILLING THE WORDS AND WORKS WHICH The LORD HAS GIVEN US TO DO !!!   That is to preach Him!


 Understand… all these years, we had the mind of god the father, .. and such is in vain. Then we continually aroused GOD ’s anger. And as there is no such one as that, … our minds , our thinking also was in vain. Jer. 10: 10-11 says gods who did not create and those who worship such, will perish.  Adam, was his own god. He used his mind. We also used our minds and obeyed men, rather than GOD . Therefore, with the HOLY SPIRIT is given, the mind of CHRIST THE LORD also will be given at the White throne. A complete change of mind will take place as The LORD gives us new hearts. Therefore, we need the mind of CHRIST THE LORD. That is our CREATOR, and FATHER who breathed on us and Who would come to re-breath, during the Times of Refreshing !


As proven in the first part , the new wine comes in new bottles. Do not look for old bottles for new wine. ! These are the new things which will be made clear to know at the White throne. !


The Creator is the HOLY SPIRIT. He breathed on Adam to give life. Gen.  2: 7. Therefore, he sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT means did the unpardonable sin as proven. So The LORD could not pardon him but cursed him to death. When Adam was created in the image of GOD , he did not have death in him. This is why The LORD had to CURSE him to death and then the death came. That is the Spiritual blindness, to not to know the truth about GODHEAD, and to die spiritually without being able to understand the words the SPIRIT of The LORD, which gives life. John 6: 63. Same Creator, will give us life and breath and we will be HIS OFFSPRING. Acts 17: 24- 31. That is why Rev.  21: 7 says, we will be sons of GOD . if He gave His breath, and blood to us , causing us to live, … does not that means we will be His sons?



Judgment and correction which The LORD Has ordained Israel for, not even they know because of GOD ’s mercy and grace which will not incur PHYSICAL punishment but the Spiritual, but to be forgiven .   Do you see Laodiceans are dead physically?  GOD  did not kill Adam physically at that moment. HE HAD THE PLAN OF SALVATION FROM THE BEGINNING. That is why, He predestinated a few, from the beginning, from the foundation of the world, to be as HIS SEED, to serve Him, as the Royal Priesthood, … so they can glorify Him as GOD  and worship Him and to have HIS NAME ON THEIR FOREHEADS, AND BE A PEOPLE TO HIM, so others could be brought to Him, through them. Spiritually blind cannot see their own Spiritual blindness because they cannot understand the SPIRIT of the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! Adam has rejected the Spirit and Truth , the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The Creator. We are to live by every word which came out of the mouth of The LORD. Then if Adam and all have rejected His words, would we live???  That blindness is not to know the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, that HE IS THE FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT also. That knowledge  gives us EVERLASTING LIFE, John `17: 3, and that is the knowledge  which was cut off from the beginning from Adam. At the White throne, that knowledge  will be made to be understood by all the dead, which means they receive life and food for life, the words which we all rejected, … the SPIRIT AND LIFE , the word of GOD  to live !!!


That means they also cannot understand how the Scripture about the Day of THE LORD is fulfilled. The Day of THE LORD is the times of gentiles, Eze. 30: 3, when The LORD comes to gentiles and do a work, which Israel does not know as The LORD comes after blinding Israel. All the judgments are written. Israel cannot understand the work among the gentiles as they are blind at this time as Rom. 11 says when the gentiles are being taken.


What ever JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  said to Apostle Paul to do in the Heavenly vision, above, …. Has to be done in Israel as well. ! so Apostle Paul was sent to gentiles, but his letters will be fulfilled during the times of gentiles, on the Day of THE LORD, … and Israel is blind and not know what happens during this time among the gentiles. The same thing written in the Heavenly vision must be done in Israel as well. !



Any man, specially Israel, need their eyes to be opened which The LORD prophesied  in many Scriptures in the old Testament as written elsewhere in this writing. The blinded eyes in judgment will be opened at the White throne when the light comes to them.


Then, they must be turned from darkness to light. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the TRUE LIGHT.

Joh 1:9  HE WAS THE TRUE LIGHT; He enlightens every man coming into the world. 

Joh 1:10  He was in the world, and the WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not

Joh 1:11  He came UNTO HIS OWN, AND HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT}}}… remember the ‘world’ means where JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  was not received. Adam’s lusts and pride caused him to be separated from the FATHER. 1 John 2: 15- 17. So The Creator is the FATHER and the world was made, BY HIM. But, the WORLD, OR HIS OWN, did not receive Him and did not know Him. !  They are born blind.


Joh 1:12  But as MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME}}}… Israel never believed on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name. He brought them out of Egypt to make HIM A NAME. but they failed and made other gods. And when He came to gentiles, they Glorified Him and called on His name, 2 thes 1: 8 – 12. Therefore, the gentiles have received Him. That is written and prophesied  and now fulfilled. Therefore, we became sons or the offspring of The Creator, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! It has to be same to Israel as well.


Joh 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. }}}… remember flesh and blood, cannot know the Living GOD or The SON of the Living GOD  because they both are ONE AND THE SAME GOD . but Israel is still flesh and blood. 1 Cor. `10: 18, Heb. 2: 14. So they did not receive Him. ! But they will at the White throne.


GOD planned to save gentiles and they are called the little children, who received Him and His light. As we write about Him, glorifying and exalting Him, … the darkness is past. Remember 1 John 2: 12, 20, 27 is about Isa.  54: 13, John 6: 45, John 17 , and Isa.  8: 18 etc. and when the TRUE LIGHT SHINES ON THESE LITTLE CHILDREN, WHICH MEANS WHEN THEY ARE GIVEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, OR JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … THE TRUE LIGHT IS ALREADY BEGUN TO SHINE !!!:-


After forgiving, The LORD, Himself is prophesied  to teach these little children who would be a sign and a wonder in Israel Isa.  8: 18, 54: 13, 29: 23-24. And they are given a NEW commandment. What is that ???

 1Jn 2:8  Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true IN HIM AND IN YOU: BECAUSE THE DARKNESS IS PAST, AND THE TRUE LIGHT NOW SHINETH}}}… see when we are in HIM, and us, as now, … the darkness is passed or passing away.  He Is the TRUE LIGHT. Then, receiving the light, ,,, we are to keep this NEW COMMANDMENT. And it is after The LORD will be in us, that we are able to keep this new commandment.  What is it ???


1Jn 2:9  He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. }}}.. we cannot hate another. This is why, beginning from John 13: 33, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  spoke to the little children. John 14- 17 is all about teachings to the little children, to be revealed IN THIS DAY, when The LORD has come to give the light to them and to be in them. True light or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is in us means the HOLY SPIRIT lives in us. And then only, we can love others.


Love of GOD  is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Rom. 8: 39 .  Then He gives that love, unconditional love which we cannot have within us, … so we can love our ENEMIES who are Israel. CHRIST THE LORD’s enemy and our enemy is the wife of CHRIST, the ministry who never went to Him, nor worshiped Him and even cast us out for standing up for the truth.  At this time, it is our brothers who are enemies. Remember, Ishmael is the first born of Abraham. Before Isaac was born, Ishmael was born. Ishmael’s or gentiles’ blessings are given when we are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . (blessing of Abraham comes from Him, Gal. 3: 14 which are Spiritual and in Gen.  15, The LORD said, ‘'I AM' your exceedingly great reward. In order to receive this exceedingly great reward which is to inherit JESUS CHRIST THE LORD in us, was promised to Abraham. Read Gen.  15.  Then, Isaac or Israel could not have Him. And this Blessing came to Ishmael, or gentiles, after Isaac or Israel totally failed. One even become Israel of GOD  or Jacob is converted, when they are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Gal. 6: 15-16. Therefore, Israel totally failed their GOD  and did not receive anything but died without the words of GOD  to live, and being the enemy of The LORD. And then, if we love the enemy, we are to pray and feed.


Then what should we, the little children feed the enemy?  The enemy, the liars should be fed THE TRUTH !!  the TRUTH, WILL BRING THEM TO THE TRUE LIGHT so they may L..I..V..E..!!! TRUTH WILL SET THEM FREE , FROM LIES. liars kills others, and do not love others to save them, but serve their own bellies, ( Rom. 16 and not The LORD) and deceive to KILL ! They are in darkness WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the TRUE LIGHT. Therefore, they cannot love others. They talk love, love, but their hearts are far from The LORD, as the Scripture says !  If you love your brother, you would not lie to kill. So since none of them went to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to get this love of GOD , … they are in darkness without His light. But at the White throne, … they will receive the TRUE LIGHT as The LORD teaches them through the lake of fire or when the books are opened !


1Jn 2:10  He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him

1Jn 2:11  But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. }}}… see… if you are in the light, … you love the brothers. and if you do not love your brothers, you are in darkness. THIS MEANS THE LAST ERA WHICH IS IN DARKNESS, WITHOUT THE LIGHT FROM CHRIST THE LORD, … CANNOT… CANNOT, .. CANNOT love brothers because he is BLIND. !!!  Do you understand that? Blind to what ???  They are like the born blind man who could not see anything Spiritual or the Word of GOD ! The Eye is the light, when one SEES.


Luk_11:34  The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness….}}}… then, ‘blind’ means no one can see Spiritual things. Such are evil. If not with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the LIGHT, we are in darkness and that means our eyes are evil and not seeing the light or good.  Laodiceans are in darkness means their eyes are evil. So they cannot love others. Love is a Spiritual character which comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . since none went to Him to get, the love of GOD  also was not received to love others. But they lie because they cannot see! The lies kills.  Adam’s lie caused The LORD’s death. In order to save him, because he lied against the truth, … The LORD had to shed His blood to give life. ! Therefore, after JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  came to the little children, … they are commanded to love others. GOD  tests the hearts. The hour of trial which came to the Philadelphia era , caused The LORD to judge them as a synagogue of satan, and liars. Therefore, their eyes were blinded , as a judgment, as written above, … and they deceived others to save their own bellies physically, and were evil against The LORD, and His people.


1 John 1: 6 says ; if we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we LIE AND NOT DO THE TRUTH. So none of the Laodiceans can say they have fellowship with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , because they are in darkness. That is for all the Jews who rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is why there is a synagogue of satan and liars in the church. So John 9: 41 says if we say we see, we lie and it is sin.


1Jn 2:12  I write unto you, little children, because YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN YOU FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE. }}}… the only people who are forgiven at this time, as the first fruits are the gentiles, the little children, who are to b e in the mountain, with The LORD OF HOSTS, to be a sign and a wonder in Israel. Isa.  8: 18.   And that is according to the Heavenly vision as written above. Their hearts are turned from the power of satan to GOD …. And they are forgiven. Therefore, as written above what Apostle Paul wrote to gentiles, about the Heavenly vision applies to the little children. And this is a last time event. And see… for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name’s sake, they are forgiven. And they are the gentiles who Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name on the Day of THE LORD, when The LORD came to be Glorified and to take vengeance from others. 2 thes 1: 8- 12 !


1Jn 2:13  I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. }}}… see… the fathers, who are the ministry , known Him from the beginning. And Who is GOD , from the beginning ???  He is The Creator , who became The SON , and the HOLY SPIRIT. but the fathers did not know that The SON is also the FATHER. But these young ones have OVERCOME THE WICKED ONE. So fathers could not overcome the wicked one. 1 John 4: 4, The LORD is in them, causing them to over come because they are to be judges. V 17 and the little children, … Known the ‘FATHER’. Read this Scripture very carefully and understand… that it is the LITTLE CHILDREN, who knows the ‘FATHER’. Therefore, if you want to know the FATHER, … then come to the little children to learn, because, as this chapter says, the little children are taught by The LORD, as He anointed them to teach all TRUTH.


1Jn 2:14  I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. }}}… the same thing is repeated another time. The young men, are made strong, because the Word of GOD abide in them, and they have overcome the wicked one. !!! Unless you overcome the wicked one, which is YOUR OWN EVIL HEART, the most deceitful heart, … the Word of GOD will not be given , which is the SPIRIT AND LIFE , or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words, and the knowledge  of the FATHER. Remember and Please read link below … John 16: 25. The LORD said, I WILL reveal the FATHER in that day.


Joh 16:25  These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I SHALL SHEW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER. }}}… See The LORD did not reveal the FATHER, even in His first coming. And He said… I WILL REVEAL THE FATHER , when the time comes. And now that time has come because the little children, are given the knowledge  of the FATHER….



little children, because ye have known the Father.’..!!!

Therefore, The LORD revealed the FATHER to the little children ! After all, The LORD says, the young ones have overcome the wicked one, and not only that, … they know the truth, that is about the FATHER, The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, … they abide in the Word of GOD and are strong, … and they KNOW THE FATHER !!! Then, what The LORD said in John 16: 25, applies to these little children who know the FATHER. !!!  The FATHER, is The LORD OF HOSTS who are with His children in Isa.  8: 18. !


Could any one deny these Scripture ? Could any one claim that they know the FATHER ? Could any one else say they abide in the Word of GOD and are strong in the word and have overcome the wicked one ??? Therefore, The LORD fulfilled what He said in John 16: 25 and now the last hour! More importantly, the FATHER was revealed by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and none in the churches under HWA can say they went to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to learn anything !”!!  At the White throne, all will learn about the FATHER !!! Unless The LORD causes all to overcome the wicked one, ..  He will not reveal the FATHER or The SON. And the little children are forgiven before they were taught the truth about the FATHER !


So CHRIST THE LORD came to make us know even about Him.

Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you}}}… could any one in the churches say they have JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  in them?

Joh 14:19  Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. }}}… the world.. or His own, .. do not see Him. And because He lives, … we live in Him.


Joh 14:20  At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. }}}… again, can any one else say, that they know JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is in the FATHER and they are in CHRIST THE LORD, and He is in them ???  The Scripture says all. Therefore, it is AT THIS DAY, the FATHER and The SON is revealed .

Joh 14:21  He that hath MY Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that LOVETH ME: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will MANIFEST MYSELF to him}}}.. not only the FATHER, but The SON also is manifested AT THAT DAY. Therefore, we never knew the FATHER or The SON. We never knew that The SON is ALSO, … ALSO the FATHER but we were taught TWO PERSONAGES.


‘Manifest’ means

Thayer Definition:

1) to manifest, exhibit to view

2) to show one’s self, come to view, appear, be manifest

3) to indicate, disclose, declare, make known


Now see… in John 16: 25, The LORD said…’ the time cometh, …but I SHALL SHEW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER. ‘

Then this verse says…

I will love him, and will MANIFEST MYSELF to him.’.

Understand… neither the ‘FATHER’, nor The SON or CHRIST THE LORD was MADE KNOWN TO ANY, EVEN IN The LORD’S FIRST COMING. This must be understood well. Read these two Scriptures again.


‘I SHALL SHOW  YOU THE FATHER PLAINLY’….. and after testing, who keeps His commandments, … He will MANIFEST HIMSELF !

And the FATHER, is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The Husband, Himself. Jer. 3: 19-20, the wife must learn to call The Husband, my FATHER, before she returns to Him !!! so, CHRIST THE LORD revealed that HE IS THE FATHER!


Do you think HWA or GF kept JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s commandments?  They wrote in MOA, that the lawgiver is god the father. But it was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The ROCK who wrote with HIS OWN FINGER. So no man can say another gave the law. Besides, it was a ‘MARRIAGE’ Covenant. Please read link below . and only The ROCK spoke and said ‘you shall have no other gods’. But HWA made a nogod, an idol and an imagined GOD , according to  his own heart’s understanding, … saying god the father is the GOD  and even over JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and he is the lawgiver and the head. We have written their quotes previously. Please read link below .



‘He that hath MY Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that LOVETH ME: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will MANIFEST MYSELF to him’… How and when did The LORD test us to see if we keep ‘HIS’ commandments and love Him ????  The hour of trial is to see the hearts to see that if any keep His commandments and love Him. The LORD tries the hearts and the reins. That is why The LORD tried His own in the Philadelphia era. And as they are found to be a synagogue of satan and liars, The LORD blinded them further and the rebuke and judgment began to chasten because He loves them and wants to correct them. And those who love Him, … that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the SPIRIT which sent the messages to the churches, … said the Laodicea era will be blinded and in darkness. Then, He gave the test to the gentiles who are in the church as well. And they held the teachings of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and remembered not to take Passover with strangers ( this is a big story which truly happened as our RD caused us to take Passover with 800 unbaptised people and we opposed, remembering The LORD’s words that no stranger should partake Passover) and as we were cast out as Micah 2: 9- 13 says, we sought The LORD. We did not know where and to whom to go. And we feared The LORD and sought Him, and HE BEGAN TO BUILD US UP, and we never knew what was going on, … and we thought The LORD will straighten up that mess, but The LORD revealed that Mr Flurry , the high priest is Joshua who has iniquity. That was the first Revelation we received. Thereafter, where are we now ?  Since The LORD said, to whom ever keep MY commandments, I will manifest Myself, … HE KEPT HIS PROMISE AND MANIFESTED AS THE FATHER, The SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. this, you will learn at the White throne.


Well then, hope the reader will understand that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  did not reveal the FATHER, nor about Himself to any even in His first coming. That is why, He is prophesied  to come as THE COMFORTER, ( meaning FATHER) and the HOLY SPIRIT, as He is the HOLY SPIRIT, 2 Cor. 3: 17 and more, the GOD  who purchased us with His blood, the HOLY SPIRIT, acts 20: 28, and the Spirit and Truth as John `14- 16 says. That is HIS SECOND COMING to open the eyes of the blind ones as said above in John 9: 39, but blinding the ones who saw. It is important to understand then, The LORD has NOT REVEALED THE GODHEAD TO ANY IN THE CHURCH, because they never kept JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s commandments, but thought they were god the father’s. so not even JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  manifested Himself to them, but only at the White throne, He will give this knowledge  to them. Read Psa. 78: 34-35. The LORD killed them, so they will seek Him.


Then, understanding that we never knew the FATHER or The SON, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … what does that mean ??? 

It means just as the BORN BLIND MAN, NO MAN KNEW THE FATHER OR The SON OR JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , UNTIL HE REVEALED IN THAT DAY, OR IN THIS DAY WHEN HE HAS COME AS THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTER AND THE Spirit and Truth, but not to any one in Israel, but to the remnant in Micah 2: 9- 13, who are the women among the gentiles who were cast out. Lord said, that is not the rest. Then from the church leaders, the rest could not come. And they have taken The LORD’s glory for ever. So The LORD was not Glorified by them either. Both, came to gentiles. The LORD, came to be Glorified in the gentiles while taking vengeance. 2 thes 1`: 8-12 . the GODHEAD, was revealed by The SON, to the little children, the babes. Luk 10: 19- 24.


Therefore, all must acknowledge, at the White throne, they NEVER KNEW GOD. No leader in GOD ’s church will accept that they never knew GOD until the White throne when their eyes are opened to know GOD . Then, that means

All will be held guilty of going after other gods. And the leaders, as in the first century says they know GOD , .. their sin remained…


Joh 9:41  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth}}}… see… if HWA and GF say they do not understand or see, they have no sin. But MOA and MM reveals, they know GOD  and they would never acknowledge that they never knew Him.  And we found The Redeemer, who is The SON to be the FATHER for ever means the EVERLASTING FATHER, Isa.  63: 16 ! That proves it is to the gentiles, The LORD revealed the FATHER and The SON , and manifested Himself, because the gentiles kept JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s commandments. When the Word of TRUTH is given to them, they believed and received the HOLY SPIRIT. Eph. 1: 13. !


And understand… another thing;  if GOD  has not made known the FATHER or The SON or GODHEAD UNTIL HIS SECOND COMING, … how could anyone say that they see , or know the GODHEAD ??? So our sin remained UNFORGIVEN. Therefore, the unbelieving ones had to be judged in order to be corrected.  If GOD  Has not revealed till His second coming means, no man BELIEVED The LORD. We have the image of Adam and not the image of GOD . so we could not know heavenly things. And that means … ALL WERE BORN BLIND ! Only JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  can open our eyes and we have to be washed in the pool of Siloam. That means ‘THE SENT’. The SENT ONE is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .


Therefore, those who are born blind or blinded as a judgment, must go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to get healed. The blind has been leading the blind. But now, The LORD has opened the eyes of the little children to whom He gave the knowledge  of the FATHER and The SON , and manifested and revealed, must show others the way to the true LIGHT! The GOD  whom they rejected will be their GOD  at the White throne. !

In that one knowledge , The LORD has condemned all mankind of not knowing GOD  and not believing. Therefore, all must acknowledge that they were without understanding. That means beasts. Psa. 49: 20. That is why in Revelation of the sin, all went after beast. No man could say ‘we see’ but must accept we DID NOT see !


GOD  revealed the GODHEAD to Israel, but they did not glorify Him. So their understanding was darkened. That was the judgment. The Jews truly were blinded after JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  came as The SON. And John 9: 39 is fulfilled but the total blindness came at the Laodicea era, when THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FATHER AND The SON IS MANIFESTED. THAT IS WHEN THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS GIVEN TO KNOW THE FATHER, The Saviour AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, GIVING US EVERLASTING LIFE, because of The LORD’s grace and plan to redeem mankind from the curse which He, Himself incurred to the mankind.


Rom 1:18  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; }}}… see … the wrath of GOD  comes on those who HOLD THE TRUTH. 2 thes 2 clearly says it is the son who sit in the temple who will cause the final falling away, and his iniquity is a mystery, until the truth is made known because no one else had the truth until The LORD came to be Glorified. That is the unrighteousness in man to preach another as god. Adam did not believe the truth which The LORD said. That is why he was unrighteous and was cursed to death, because he could not be forgiven, as he sinned against The Creator means against the HOLY SPIRIT as proven in previous writings !!!


Rom 1:19  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 

Rom 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 

Rom 1:21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their FOOLISH HEART WAS DARKENED}}}… their foolish HEART is darkened because they did not glorify GOD . !!! Their hearts were the most deceitful !!!  That was the sin of Adam. His foolish heart exalted his lusts and pride, and GOD  cursed him to death. Same thing has happened to Israel as well. cccccccccccccc


Rom 1:22  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools}}}… professing to be wise, … but GOD  says on the Day of Visitation, when The LORD comes, the prophet, the Spiritual man is a mad fool. Hos 9:7.


Rom 1:24  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 

Rom 1:25  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. }}}… see when GOD  took Israel out of Egypt, He clearly showed Himself to them. But not as The SON. He said Israel is MY FIRST BORN. That was The ROCK. Exo. 4: 22-23. But did they continue in that belief?  We see, The ROCK, kept on changing His names in to over 300 names. But The LORD OF HOSTS is one of His names and the priesthood in Malachi’s time, did not honor, nor fear Him. Then The LORD stopped Revelation for about 400 years, and came to the world, HIMSELF to teach us His ways. And raised up the church. But that church also fell from the truth seven times means no one believed to GLORIFY HIM AS GOD , and we know we had two personages as the last two leaders taught and did not glorify Him as GOD . Therefore,, He came to the gentiles to BE Glorified and they Glorified Him ! all these things were pre-planned by GOD , to whom to call , justify and glorify….


Rom 8:30  Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.}}}… seeing that Israel nor the church will glorify Him as GOD, … He predestinated a few to be CALLED, … JUSTIFIED, … AND GLORIFY. They are the little children and those who glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name as written elsewhere in this writing. ! He said He will teach the children, Isiah  54: 13, And as written above in 1 John 2: 12, HE FORGAVE THEM FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE, and taught all truth … and on the Day of Visitation, acts 15: 5- 15, THE LORD came and took gentiles to HIS NAME, … even according to the  Heavenly vision as written above, … and forgave mean justified them, and manifested Himself  and He glorified them, … as HIS WORKS OF HIS HANDS CANNOT FAIL. Now THE LORD fulfilled that. And these children are the works of HIS OWN HANDS. Isiah 29: 23-24, in their time, those who erred in doctrine will learn it. That is where we are now.

As you can see, … until the SPIRIT AND TRUTH comes and teaches us the truth, … no man could have known that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the FATHER, and also The Son . In order to judge and correct, THE LORD came and gave the SPIRIT AND TRUTH to these children, so they could be judges, who also had to be restored first.  Isiah 1: 26.  And zech 8 says, after THE LORD returns, Zion will be a faithful city. If the Aaronic priesthood failed, they cannot be their own judges. And until the SPIRIT AND TRUTH came, no one knew the sin and the iniquity, because we all thought god the father is the head and went to him to get the words etc.  Therefore, until THE LORD came the second time as John 14- 16 says, … no one knew that The Son  is also the FATHER. !


first, THE LORD wanted to prove who would obey Him and who would not. He saw, Israel as stiff necked. But He saw the hearts of the gentiles, and gave faith to purify their hearts, on the Day of Visitation. Acts 15: 9-15. V 8


Act 15:7  And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. }}}… see GOD, chose that the gentiles will hear from Apostle Peter also. That is why he wrote two books to the gentiles, though he was the apostle for Israel. And Apostle Peter’s two books are for the NEW, Royal Priesthood, AFTER Israel stumbled at the Word of GOD as said in 1 pet 2:5-8. They are appointed to stumble at Him, Isiah 8: 14 and at the Word of GOD as well . and THE LORD concluded them as stumbled, at the Laodicea era, when they died as THE LORD said, which is after the hour of trial in the Philadelphia era . Spiritually means not having the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, which is SPIRIT and life, John 6: 63 and that means they cannot understand any thing after that. They are condemned as UN- believers. Then, THE LORD turned to gentiles to raise them up as HIS PRIESTHOOD.  


Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them WITNESS, giving them the HOLY GHOST, even as he did unto us; }}}… this is not only the first century, but even now … as written below …


Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith}}}… see as written above , in the Heavenly vision, … faith is given which is towards JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. No god the father is involved here. He is the AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH. Heb. 12: 2, Therefore,, He Has to give this faith, but to be in HIM. That means to trust and hope in Him.


See Adam failed to trust and believe in Him and had no faith in The Creator’s words. Then that character came to all mankind. That is why, no man could believe GOD.


so the WITNESS IN THE GENTILES, IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Understood? The Scripture, the spoken word of GOD, says, the PRESENCE of the HOLY SPIRIT is the WITNESS in the gentiles. ! GOD, KNOWS THE HEARTS. And HOLY SPIRIT is given to the HEARTS. Gal. 4: 6. The HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words also are called SPIRIT and life. John 6: 63. Then, the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT means , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is in them, col 1: 27, and His words the SPIRIT and life also is given.


Then faith ???  JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the Author and the Finisher of faith. Heb 12:2 . and as written below, coming out clean after the trial of faith which Apostle Peter, himself wrote in 1 Pet, means they have obeyed faith and JESUS CHRIST THE LORD has FINISHED the faith in the gentiles. More below.




giving them the Holy Ghost’… Gal. 3: 3 says, the work among the gentiles began, in the SPIRIT.

Gal 3:3  Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? }}}… see the work of the gentiles, began by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and He is the SPIRIT. First time, He came to Israel, but the second time, He came to gentiles . Isiah 11: 9-11 and more. So the work of the gentiles, is the day of THE LORD when He works in order to save all. Even Apostle Peter said, HOLY SPIRIT is sent from heaven and gentiles are LIVELY STONES.


That was GOD’s choice.. remember THE LORD said to Apostle Peter to take care of the sheep?  That is why Apostle Peter wrote both letters to gentiles. The true sheep are the ones who HEARD THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Apostle Peter wrote gentiles have returned to the Shepherd as written elsewhere in this writing. John 10.  but none in the churches could say they heard the voice of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD because they never went to Him nor kept a single commandment , or loved Him but god the father ! This is why Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles, to the true sheep who have returned to the SHEPHERD. 1 pet 2: 25.  That means Apostle Peter’s letters are for our time, to the sheep who HEARD THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, AND TO BE FULFILLED, AFTER, …. AFTER THE SHEEP OR GENTILES RETURNED To JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the TRUE SHEPHERD ! ;-


1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 

1Pe 1:12  Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. }}}… see it is the SPIRIT of ‘CHRIST OUR LORD’, which reveals all things. And He caused the prophets to write, but the understanding is given to the gentiles, which says ‘now reported’, and not to the prophets, but to us, which is AFTER THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN as John 14: 26 says ! and as the true sheep who have heard the voice of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the TRUE SHEPHERD, the HOLY SPIRIT is sent down now to reveal what the prophets wrote.


And as Apostle Peter wrote above, the HOLY SPIRIT is the witness for the work of the gentiles, ..  which Apostle Paul also agreed as proven above, … and now Apostle Peter writes again that HOLY SPIRIT is sent from heaven to report things NOW, … means after the HOLY SPIRIT came to the gentiles!


And he wrote to a time when the GRACE IS GIVEN TO GENTILES, as they are the vessels of mercy ! to the gentiles who believed, who received HOLY SPIRIT, … are built in to a ‘Spiritual’ house.

1Pe 2:3  If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious

1Pe 2:4  To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, 

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. }}}… see… the gentiles have tasted the grace of GOD  at this time. And they received the LIVING STONE who is rejected by others, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and the gentiles also, are LIVELY STONES, that means they are living and stones in the temple, … building in to a ‘Spiritual’ house, … a HOLY PRIESTHOOD… to offer ‘Spiritual’ sacrifices. Without the SPIRIT, we cannot worship the true FATHER in Jerusalem, or in the mountain. John 4. And without the HOLY SPIRIT, we cannot be built in to a Spiritual house. ! At this time, Israel is SPIRITUALLY  dead !!!


‘Spiritual’ sacrifices could be done only after the SPIRIT came or given.


1Pe 2:6  Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that BELIEVETH ON HIM shall not be confounded. 

1Pe 2:7  Unto you therefore which BELIEVE HE IS PRECIOUS: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, }}}.. see just as Adam, the unbelief causes one to disobey GOD . Therefore, those who believed, .. The LORD is precious to them and they are built up in to a Spiritual house.


1Pe 2:8  And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. }}}… see.. the gentiles have tasted the grace of GOD , after Israel is rejected and condemned as in darkness of the Laodicea era, being a synagogue of satan and liars and need to be chastened and rebuked. They are the sons of disobedience . and they are to stumble at THE Word of GOD , because they are disobedient. GOD  purposed Israel to stumble on Him and even on the Word of GOD and HE APPOINTED THEM TO BE SO. But, the gentiles are to be built up on Him , and they are the foundation of the new temple !  Because, the church of GOD , is the ground and the pillar of TRUTH. So the true church which became Laodicea,  who does not have the truth, cannot be the TRUE CHURCH NOW which belongs to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . ! gentiles have now obeyed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, when your eyes are opened, you will see how The LORD prophesied  that by HIS GRACE, He will call the gentiles and how they were obedient to Him, and how they returned to Him hearing His voice and have fulfilled the prophecy about the times of gentiles which is the Day of THE LORD. !


Remember, when the final falling away was causing by the son who went to perdition, … The LORD had sanctified gentiles to believe in Spirit and Truth 2 thes 2: 13-1 4 ! That is why after the seventh era fell from the truth, … The LORD turned to gentiles and came as the Spirit and Truth , and they found the true FATHER and they worship Him in Spirit and Truth, receiving the Spirit and Truth !!!


Please read link below ; ‘eye salve’. The eye salve the Laodicea era needs to have their eyes opened is the testimony of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . ! They are blind to not to know Him. and the Testimony of CHRIST THE LORD is confirmed in the gentiles as proven in the above writing.


As you can see, The LORD chose Israel to show the world the evilness if you disobey the FATHER , what happens. But as any father would have mercy on the children and correct, OUR Heavenly FATHER also does the same. He chose Israel as the vessels of wrath, and gentiles as the vessels of mercy. Because of that, we have hope of receiving EVERLASTING LIFE. If not, from Adam , all men would die for ever. Therefore, the FATHER, paid the penalty of death to save us. Please read link below ‘Passover cross’. CHRIST THE LORD paid every penalty which we had to go through. It will be a surprise to all to read that writing. Remember He said to Apostle Peter, that he will deny Him before the cock crows. And he did. Same way He Has prophesied  that all seven eras will deny Him. Falling away from the truth means all denied Him and His words as Adam. That is from whom the sin came to the mankind. Therefore, now, The LORD has to reveal the sin of Adam and because of him,, we all became carnal and could never submit to GOD  or to His laws. The LORD has prophesied  and now fulfilled and we all will see how The LORD’s words came to be true.


Therefore, in the White throne, all things are fulfilled according to the   Scripture which is opened. No man can deny The LORD or His words, thereafter. ! And no man can accuse Him as a liar, because everything The LORD said the man would do, or His sons would do, would be fulfilled just as it is written, so none can deny. Then The LORD, will be justified. Please read link below ; ‘be justified ‘.


We continue to write, here a little , there a little even as the Scripture says.  Seeing Israel will forsake Him, and would not preach Him to the world, He prepared , and predestinated a few gentiles and also Israel, as the works of HIS OWN HANDS, in order to reveal Himself as the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, so all men would come to know Him and live. GOD  promised to Noah that all ‘FLESH’ will be saved. Therefore, GOD ’s judgments are not to destroy this time, but put all in the sea of knowledge of GOD , so they will all know Him and will worship Him. ! Acts 15: 18, GOD  knew what He would do, from the beginning. He saw Israel as stiffnecked people, but called them, in order to humble them. Humbling Israel means the whole mankind will be humbled. Though Israel is given the law to judge, the judgment is for the whole mankind.  


Because, from Adam man acquired the fleshly, carnal mind which is the enemy of GOD . then The LORD spoke about the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. In John 8:44, The LORD said His people are the sons of the devil, because they were not His sons. He prophesied  that Israel will not have a place as His sons. Deut. 32: 5- 6. Then He, The ROCK said to king David, that the Tabernacle of David will fall and they will be sons of Belial. So all these prophecies are now fulfilled but Israel does not know. King David, himself said Israel will show their back to GOD  and will be blinded.  And this is the prophesied  night, when darkness is over the people and when The LORD comes as a thief In this night, and all are spiritually dead. But in the morning all will be awakened.  And The LORD’s light will be given at the White throne to all those who are in darkness.


GOD prophesied  about the sons of the devil. We proved that there is no devil, but it is the evil heart of Adam which made him to be deceived. The pride, deceives one’s own self as proven in previous writings. that means pride hides the truth and causes one to believe in SELF, which means lies because no man has the truth, but GOD alone. Do not believe in GOD  means we do not believe in the truth. And truth is not believed means we are liars and are proud against GOD  and His knowledge . pride will not cause us to fear GOD . pride causes us to assume false knowledge  and things. And GOD  hates pride and it is an abomination to Him. GOD says in the Philadelphia era , the Jews are a synagogue of satan and are liars. That means they have not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words and they are sons of the devil. Remember GOD  does not judge as the man judges. Man acquires the knowledge  from the senses. What we see and hear. But GOD , sees the HEART. The inward part which man cannot see. This is why, to the Jews, The LORD said, they are sons of the devil and are liars. That continued until the Philadelphia era and finally they died.


The LORD explained who are the sons of the devil and why and how. They are Abraham’s seed. In the following verses, we can know the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , that HE IS GOD.

Joh 8:40  But now ye seek to kill Me, a MAN THAT HATH TOLD YOU THE TRUTH, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 

Joh 8:41  Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God


Joh 8:42  Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would LOVE ME: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. }}}… JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  was the GOD  of the old Testament. And it is He who prophesied  a SON will be given. But that was His own HOLY SPIRIT which prophesied  that. Therefore, if we were of GOD , we know it is the BODY of the same GOD , who is the SPIRIT ! 2 Cor. 3: 17

Joh 8:43  Why do ye not understand MY speech? even because ye cannot hear MY WORD. 


Joh 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it}}}…. If any one has not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or heard His word, … such are liars. As Adam was the first liar, … we all were liars. See Adam could not understand nor hear The Creator’s word. And that was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! So no man could abide in the truth, as the truth was cut off ! This is why a SECOND time, The LORD came to deliver the truth, to set all free by the truth, from lies which caused us to go to dust ! (remember as proven in previous writings, dust means lies. Sending Adam to dust, means to have lies and not find life).


Joh 8:45  And because …‘I’ … tell you the truth, ye believe me not}}}… this is same as Adam. GOD  said the truth to Adam and said if you eat, you will die. But he did not believe. Same way, born as Adam’s seed, no man can believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. Therefore, all men are liars as Apostle Paul said. That means none abode in truth, and are MURDERERS. We killed our own GOD  and the FATHER. The only way to save mankind is the RIGHTEOUS BLOOD had to be shed.


Joh 8:46  Which of you convinceth Me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe Me? }}}… see as long as we have not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , .. we convict Him of being a SINNER. Could JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  be a sinner ?  We have no choice, but to acknowledge our sin of unbelief which offended GOD . So you see , as long as we had not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and the truth;  we WERE CONVICTING HIM OF BEING A SINNER.  How condemning is that ???? at the White throne, all will come to know, that they have not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words, … (one is judged, John 12: 48) and has convicted Him BEING A SINNER.  Seeing the hearts of unbelievers, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  planned all these years to PROVE HIMSELF, THAT HE AND HIS WORDS ARE THE TRUTH , BECAUSE ALL THINGS AS HE SAID, …. ACCORDING TO  HIS WORD IS NOW FULFILLED !  He said, if you do not believe Me, you will die in your sin. And all are dead now, not having His words the SPIRIT !!! we tried to convict Him of being a liar, … and now at the White throne, … HE WILL CONVICT ALL AS LIARS !!!


Joh 8:47  He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. }}}… see first, The LORD said ‘I have heard of GOD ’….then He says ‘MY WORD’, ‘MY’ SPEECH.  There aren’t any words in the Bible which another GOD  has spoken, but it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. So His words are GOD ’S WORDS. That means HE IS GOD  AND HE IS THE GOD  WHO SPOKE EVERY WORD which we are to live by. If we do not believe that, … then we are liars because GOD  cannot lie. Then, it is Adam who did not abide in the truth, but because of his lusts and pride, he deceived himself in to believe in a lie and to disobey GOD  who said the truth.


a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth’…

See if we do not abide in the truth, which is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words, … we are murderers.  And murderers of our GOD , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . to deny Him and His words means we denied the TRUE GOD  AND HIS WORDS THE TRUTH. So we did not abide in the truth. That means we are murderers.  Murderers of GOD . the church fell away from the truth seven times means all seven eras were led by murderers. And the first liar is Adam who did not believe The LORD’s words. And we are his sons. This is why, until The LORD judges and corrects us, we are sons of the devil. At the White throne, we will come to know, that we were the ones who did not abide in truth, and we were GOD  KILLERS !!! Convicting JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  means ; as lies kills, … we made Him a murderer. So He Had to prove that HE IS NOT.


As you can see, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is GOD . It is His words and speech we did not believe.

now ye seek to kill Me, a MAN THAT HATH TOLD YOU THE TRUTH’…

we have one Father, even God

If God were your Father, ye would love me:’

MY speech? even because ye cannot hear MY WORD. 

murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth’

…‘I’ … tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 


He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. ‘… see if we are of GOD , we would have heard JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. But did HWA and GF teach us to go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to get the words ?  They taught us as proven in previous writings, that god the father is the head, even of CHRIST THE LORD, and we must go pass Him and go to god the father. This is the lie which he spoke his own, which killed all, including themselves and even The LORD. They did not believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  means they did not believe in GOD . !!!  Because we are sons of Adam, the devil , we could not hear GOD ’s words. This applies to Abraham’s seed who are these two leaders. When The LORD judged them in the Laodicea era and killed them not giving His words, … The LORD turned to gentiles. That is when the times of gentiles began which is the Day of THE LORD.


Remember, on the Day of THE LORD, The LORD blinded those who saw… John 9: 39 ! but opened the eyes of the blind. Therefore, those who saw, … if they still think they see, … it is sin to them. But they do not see that they are blind!  This is why The LORD prayed ‘forgive they do not know what they are doing’. Therefore, all mankind will be forgiven in the end, but all must acknowledge their sin and iniquity.  And it is a sin to them as they exalt themselves against GOD  and GOD ’s knowledge and words.


The blinded ones, are the condemned ones for not learning from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  but went after god the father or any man who teaches lies. And that includes the whole mankind. It is after The Creator comes as the second time as the HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTER and the Spirit and Truth, and those who received Him, are the ones who SEE. They are made to see by The LORD.


‘‘If God were your Father, ye would love Me:’

In other words, if GOD  were our FATHER, … we know that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is our GOD  and the FATHER and we would love Him. And there are some who love Him, and believed Him, though not seen. It is they whose eyes are now opened as Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Pet 1: 8 onwards, ‘though not seen, yet you love’, they are the blind gentiles whose eyes are now opened and they have returned to the SHEPHERD as written elsewhere in this writing. ! Therefore, they love Him as the  EVERLASTING FATHER ! So JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the FATHER an we love Him. !


He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of GOD ’…Then WHO is GOD ???  it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , GOD  and the FATHER. Then, why didn’t the leaders went passing Him to god the father?  Because they are NOT OF GOD !!!  That means they are NOT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’S !!! So they could not hear HIS word!


Job 14:1  Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. 

Job 14:2  He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. 

Job 14:3  And dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee? 

Job 14:4  Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. }}}… read this chapter.  Who can bring a clean thing out of an UNCLEAN thing?  From Adam, we have been unclean.  He convicted GOD  as a liar and a sinner ! And we all have done the same!!! Only GOD  can clean us by water the word. Eph. 5. That cleaning will be done in the White throne.


Remember the leaders cut JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as the dead and placed god the father as the head, in the church which is the Body of CHRIST. And they killed Him for the second time. But The LORD said, He will raise it up. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD gives life. He is the tree of life. And the TREE was cut off by the leaders. But, the tender branch will not fail.


But there is hope of a cut down tree.

Job 14:7  For there is hope of a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and its tender branch will not cease

Job 14:8  Though its root becomes old in the earth, and its stump dies in the dust, }}}… ‘dust’ means lies. Because of the lies, the TREE OR THE ROOT is cut down. Remember JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is THE ROOT. And as branches, we are to abide in Him. John 15. Then, because of the lie of god the father, … the leaders placed god the father as the head. And that is a lie which is dust , which killed the tree of life. But, …


Job 14:9  yet at the scent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant. }}}… this water is the living waters, the HOLY SPIRIT which causes us to be attached to the Root and branch out. This is why The LORD talked about the BRANCH which are His works to get His glory. Isa.  60: 21- 22 and more as proven in previous writings. The LORD gives the HOLY SPIRIT, and causes the branch to spring out. And remember Rom. 11, Isa.  27: 11, if the branches do not bear fruits, they are cut down and set fire.


Joh 15:5  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING}}}… at the White throne, all will learn that they were cut down and never bore fruits as they were not attached to the VINE, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . !


Joh 15:6  If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. }}}… this is Spiritual. GOD  does not want to burn anyone as He knows that no one could come to Him, unless He draws them to Him, and as HE IS THE FATHER who draws one. John 6: 44-45. Those who learned from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , goes to Him. They are the 1 John 2 ones, who are now in the Holy Mountain, being a sign and a wonder in Israel Isa.  8: 18 ! so those who did not abide in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE ROOT, were cut down as they cut His head off. They will burn in the lake of fire, when the Scripture, the Word of GOD which is fire is opened to their understanding.


And it is the women who are called to set fire on the broken branches. Isa.  27:11.  That is not a real fire, but the Word of GOD which is given to the women among the gentiles as proven in the first part !



Joh 15:7  If ye ABIDE IN ME, AND MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. }}}… remember one is judged for NOT ABIDING IN HIM AND HIS WORDS. John 12; 48. And at the White throne, The LORD will show every man, and the leaders who deceived all to go pass Him, and not to abide in Him and His words, how they were unfruitful. They will learn at the White throne, that they have truly denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words. And their hearts will burn to see and hear, just as The LORD said to Apostle Peter, that he will deny Him and still he denied and Apostle Peter wept bitterly, … these leaders also will weep very bitterly and all those who believed them also will weep. The LORD, in many Scripture says to the leaders to weep. The LORD said even to the last era, all will deny Him and His words. And when they are given the understanding, all things are BEHIND them. They will be comforted to see that The LORD has forgiven them, but their hearts will burn in shame and fear and in awe, to understand that though The LORD said, and still they denied Him. More importantly, they will see that there is no god the father and they were worshiping an idol and imagined one which came from the most deceitful , evil heart of a man.


Joh 15:8  Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be MY disciples. }}}… see we proved JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words is the FATHER. His words is the SPIRIT. His words are called ‘HOLY’ Scriptures. Rom. 1: 2, 2 Tim 3: 15. Because the words which The Creator spoke, came from THE Holy ONE .  and His words gives us life, as we are born by the Word of GOD. 1 Pet 1: 23,                  Jam 1: 18. Then, The LORD became the FATHER, by giving us the words, which is SPIRIT AND LIFE. So His own HOLY SPIRIT, or the words fathered Him, and us. That is why we are to live in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and live in His words. And one should be ‘CHRIST THE LORD’s disciples. We must follow Him. When we become His disciples, we bear fruits. And that glorifies the FATHER.


Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; …the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. }}}… see… the words which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  spoke, are SPIRIT and life. By the Word of GOD, the worlds were framed. Heb. 11: 3. To believe what The LORD says, … no man can do unless you have faith in unseen things. The Spoken Word of GOD is prophecy. Some are yet to be fulfilled. But that faith has to be given as a free gift, even as the Heavenly vision says above and Please read link below . Remember JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the Author and Finisher  of FAITH. And when we go to Him to get faith, … we BELIEVE EVERY WORD WHICH The LORD HAS SPOKEN IS TO BE TRUE ! as you can see, without JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and HIS WORDS, … or without The Creator, … and His words, … or without THE TRUE GOD  AND FATHER, and His words, … we cannot do anything but we die. This is how all are appointed to die once means, WITHOUT THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD OR WORDS THE SPIRIT ! But at the White throne, The LORD gives the SPIRIT, causing us to understand our sin and iniquity which came from Adam , with the curse of death.


Joh 6:64  But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. }}}… see CHRIST THE LORD knew, FROM THE BEGINNING, who would not believe Him. That is why in John 8: 44, The LORD said His own are sons of the devil, because they never believed that it is their GOD  and the FATHER who has come as a Man to save them. No man could have known that, if Israel is blind to not to know that. This is why, as The LORD knew from the beginning that His own will forsake Him as the FATHER, Deut. 32, … He said, He will raise up a foolish nation to anger you.  Then at the White throne, you will be jealous to see that your GOD  Has raised up the foolish nation. And when the gentiles are taken, .,.. you , the Israel is blind as that is the judgment to cause those who SAW, to not to see and to open the eyes of those who did not see!!!


Joh 6:65  And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. }}}… see no man can come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , except it is given by the FATHER. That means it is written in the Word of GOD. And the Word of GOD says, Israel will not believe , but the gentiles, when the Word of TRUTH is given, they will believe, Eph. 1: 13 and many more, and even according to the  Heavenly vision above !!! Therefore, what ever the FATHER is written in the Word of GOD, … is now fulfilled as the foolish nation also was raised up and they have become sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , your GOD  ! Therefore, the FATHER did not give His own to come to Him or to CHRIST THE LORD, because the FATHER sad in Isa.  8: 14, that they will stumble on Him, and 1 Pet 1: 5-8, they are APPOINTED TO STUMBLE at the Word of GOD !!! The words of GOD is the SPIRIT as written above, and Therefore, Israel is to stumble at the SPIRIT as well and will not receive life, … until the White throne !!! That is why the DEAD are called to the White throne!



Joh 6:67  Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 


Joh 6:68  Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? THOU HAST THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE. }}}… see why we are to live by every word which came out of the mouth of The LORD???  His words gives us EVERLASTING LIFE !!!  Therefore, HWA and GF never went to Him, because they are appointed to stumble at Him and His words. That is the judgment. John 12: 48. !!  Now, you know why you never received EVERLASTING LIFE, because you never went to Him. But the FATHER, drew us to Him as 1 John 2 says, forgiven and taught all truth, … Therefore, we received EVERLASTING LIFE !!! And Israel rejected salvation and EVERLASTING LIFE. Acts 13: 40- 48,   28: 26-28 ! You will see because of lusts and pride, that the whole mankind could not live. Our lusts separated us from the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , the FATHER. 1 John 2: 15-17 !


Joh 6:70  Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil.}}}… a ‘devil’ ?  we know this is Judas, so The LORD called Him a devil.  But he was not the devil, but his heart was the devil, the adversary of The LORD, as he wanted the 30 pieces of silver and betrayed The LORD.  He was against The LORD because of his evil desire for wealth.  As proven in previous writings, there is no devil, which is called lucifer or what ever, … but it is the man’s evil heart which has lusts and pride, which is against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who is the devil. That lustful nature, the whole mankind received from Adam.


‘devil’ , here means ; Thayer

‘1) prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely

1a) a calumniator, false accuser, slanderer

2) metaphorically applied to a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him.

In this verse , the ‘devil’ means all these, but a FALSE ACCUSER.


Who falsely accused The Creator ???  It is Adam and every man who DID NOT BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  AND THE TRUTH, AS WRITTEN ABOVE, … AND CONVICTED OF HIM BEING A SINNER !!!!. Therefore, all men were liars and false accusers of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!!


As proven in previous writings, when Adam did not believe and doubted The LORD’s words, which is THE TRUTH, … he did not believe because he is a liar. He loved lies. That is why we do not believe in the truth. And then, as proven, he made GOD  a liar by not believing and disobeying. I hope you understand this. When we say we are not liars, we also accuse The LORD, falsely, making Him a liar. For example:-, the high priest wrote, referring to Isa.  9: 6, that The SON is NOT the FATHER. But Isa.  9: 6 says, The SON is the EVERLASTING FATHER. Then , did this high priest believed the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ?  Now, we prove that He truly is the EVERLASTING FATHER or FATHER for ever. Isea 63: 16. Therefore, this high priest, made GOD  a liar by perverting the Scripture OF TRUTH. That is done because he is a liar.


1Jn 1:6  If we say that WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: }}}… see the high priest said I am intimate with GOD . Here’s his quote from RV sep/oct 2000, pg 6

{{{‘“Mr. Armstrong had an intimate relationship with God too — in a way we do not have.  Presently, I am intimate with God in a way no one else is directly;’}}}


Therefore, he says he is intimate with GOD  means he has fellowship with GOD . but GOD  says, he is in darkness , being the leader of the Laodicea. And lying against Scripture , of Isa.  9: 6 and a whole lot more. Therefore, as Judas betrayed The LORD with a kiss, … which means showing that he is intimate with The LORD, .. this high priest also betrayed Him to cut Him off as THE HEAD of the body of CHRIST THE LORD, … saying I am intimate with Him or having fellowship with Him. That is in darkness and in lies and not in truth. So the Jews, ( who are of Judah, HWA and GF) made GOD  a liar, which means they FALSELY ACCUSED The LORD. !!!  Just as Adam, they did not believe Him that HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER , and falsely accused Him of lying against Isa.  9: 6 and many more.


GOD  condemns Judah for breaking the Covenant of the fathers in Mal. 2: 10-11, as they had two gods, fathers, creators etc, and they say CHRIST THE LORD is lying. That is devilish, falsely ACCUSING The LORD !!! Judas is called a son of perdition, and the last high priest also is called a son of perdition by The LORD ! They accuse The LORD, falsely. Claiming to be intimate, but betrayed Him and murdered Him by cutting HIM AS THE HEAD from the body !!! as written elsewhere in this writing, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  knew very well, who would NOT BELIEVE. The whole mankind could not believe Him. Therefore, the whole mankind are devils, accusing The LORD as a liar.


This is another reason why GOD  allowed 6000 years to prove that man is the liar and not He. Because, He wrote His side of the story, and we all fulfilled just as it is written. Then, who are the liars ??? At the White throne, FULFILLED AND OPENED BOOKS OR Scripture will prove to each and every man that they are liars indeed and not The LORD!  HE WILL NOT BE MADE GUILTY AFTER THAT, because with the works , The LORD Has proven that all are liars.


Rom 3:4  God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged}}}… all those who are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , will be found to be liars at the White throne. GOD  has to show the lies and the truth in man. Therefore, He anointed the little children to learn from Him, all truth, after forgiving. 1 John 2. So the truth and the lies can be revealed to show what is truth and what are lies. They are the ones who have the names in the book of the Lamb. The lambs heard the voice of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . John 10. Therefore, they are given the EVERLASTING LIFE from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . at the White throne, all will see that they were liars.


1Jn 1:8  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. }}}… this sin is the unpardonable sin, of not believing JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the HOLY SPIRIT. remember He is the HOLY SPIRIT as proven in previous writings. if you read acts 20: 28, you will see it is the HOLY SPIRIT, died to purchase us by His blood. Therefore, He is the SPIRIT. 2 Cor. 3: 17. Then, if we say we know Him, we are intimate with Him, but at the same time say the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD , … what liars are such ?  the HOLY SPIRIT is the living waters. And could the HOLY SPIRIT be given in the bellies of the believers as John 7 says, if that is the power of GOD ?  In John 20:22, The LORD breathed the HOLY SPIRIT to apostles and said receive HOLY SPIRIT. is that the power of GOD  ??? Therefore, by saying we believe, we are intimate with Him etc, … we have deceived ourselves and TRUTH IS NOT IN US. !!!  Such are the devils who accused The LORD, falsely!


1Jn 1:9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. }}}… we never knew that we are liars UNTIL THE TRUTH IS MADE KNOWN. Or until the Spirit and Truth came and caused the sanctified ones to believe when the final falling away was happening, 2 thes 2: 1- 14, … 13-1 4, … we never knew the truth and the lie. We all believed in lies until such time. ! we believed the high priest who spoke against Isa.  9: 6. But, when the Word of TRUTH is given, we believed and received HOLY SPIRIT. Eph. 1: 13. That is not the power of GOD , but the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  which are SPIRIT AND LIFE !!!


1Jn 1:10  If we say that we have not sinned, we MAKE HIM A LIAR, and HIS WORD IS NOT IN US}}}… at the White throne, all will see that from Adam , we have been sinners. Adam’s sin was not forgiven. And The LORD shed His blood, and died to save us from the curse of the death, but until one is condemned in judgment, that penalty was not paid. In His death, He did not offer His blood to HOLY SPIRIT , against Whom we have sinned. And a PERFECT HIGH PRIEST has to do that. And only in the last days, The LORD comes as THE APOSTLE, THE HIGH PRIEST, THE MINISTER OF TRUTH, ( Rom. 15: 8- 10, but to gentiles) and the Minister of the Sanctuary, and of the TRUE Tabernacle, (Heb. 8: 2), in order to offer the sacrifice, which is AT THE END OF THE AGE. Rom. 9: 25- 26. That is after all are condemned and died. Because while all were living or not condemned, … the death penalty was not incurred. It is in the day of judgment, that all are condemned by the RESTORED JUDGES. They are the little children, who are caused to overcome by the presence of THE GREATER, 1 John 4: 4, and to be as GOD , on the day of judgment. V `17 ! They are the more excellent ministry which THE LORD obtained by oath. Please read link below . Heb. 7 says not a single high priest under the law was perfected. Therefore, the Royal Priesthood is not anyone under Aaronic priesthood, because the law could not make them perfect. And remember, even physically, in the courts, when one is CONVICTED and given the JUDGMENT, it is necessary to pay the penalty or punishment.


Joh 8:45  And because I tell you the truth, ye believe Me not

Joh 8:46  Which of you CONVINCETH ME OF SIN? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe Me? 


Joh 8:47  He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. }}}… see UNBELIEF is the sin. as you can see, no man has believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , specially the ministry and the leaders. Therefore, if The LORD condemned Adam because he did not believe, … do you think The LORD would not condemn such leaders who perverted His words and found other gods ? GOD , IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS. Every SON, He rebukes and chastens, because the FATHER loves them. There cannot be peace between GOD , the FATHER and the sons if the sons disobey. And the FATHER’s commandments are JUST AND RIGHT.


The unbelief caused all to depart from the house of the Living GOD. Heb. 3: 6, 12,. Unbelief stopped from entering in to the rest. Heb. 4. And such are not of GOD ’s, because if we are of GOD , we would have heard Him. And the UNBELIEF, convicts GOD  as a sinner.


I tell you the truth, ye believe Me not

Which of you CONVINCETH ME OF SIN’… as long as we do not believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … we convict Him of being a sinner. How do you like that, if one says you are a liar??? Or a sinner? Go and tell your prophet  that he is a liar and see what happens? He said to us ‘out, out, out’ get out! Afterall, GOD  prophesied  that in Micah, the women will be cast out but then, The LORD said that is not your rest, it is POLLUTED and depart. GOD  did not punish the prophet right away. The best way to punish such an arrogant, proud prophets is to reveal their hidden counsel of the heart and evilness against GOD  and His people, and put to open shame. Because this prophet, OPENLY CONVICTED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  AS A LIAR, as he said Isa.  9: 6 is a lie. We, believed Him, The Redeemer as the EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa.  63: 16. Therefore, The LORD HAS PROVEN THAT HE SAYS THE TRUTH TO US, because our eyes are opened. Then at the White throne, all the blinded ones also will be given the understanding that HE IS THE TRUE GOD , FATHER, KING, AND HIS WORDS ARE THE TRUTH. Just as we believed, all will believe!


Therefore, the whole mankind convicted JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as a sinner as we never believed Him. !!!  as GOD  separated from Adam, He separated from the sons of the devil as well, and caused us to be separated from them, before He accepted us as sons and daughters. 2 Cor. 6; 14-19! But at the White throne, AFTER The LORD FORGIVES and removes the sin of unbelief in us, … we will be given life. All will see the truth and will believe GOD .



Gal 3:10  For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse…}}}…as man as are under the law, … are cursed because no man could keep the law. This is why the law is given, to condemn or convict those who are under it as SINNERS.


Did you not have god the father, as your GOD , before CHRIST THE LORD?

Did we not have graven images ( in GF’s Habakkuk booklet, pg 24, he wrote ‘graven image’ means vain objects of worship.) such are god the father, and removing the STONE OF DESTINY and making another jungle rock, to be a MORE PURER stone, and a NEW THRONE etc ??? Please read link below. Just think… to set a side the STONE OF DESTINY or Jacob’s stone which represents the House of GOD, and came from generations to generations and even the new kings are coronated over it , and the physical kings still keep it, though they might not know what it is, … and for the high priest, claiming to be of Judah, to REPLACE it with a jungle rock which HWA used to pray, and brought it to the House of GOD  and to say that is a MORE PURER SYMBOL ??? GOD  says, he is a mad fool. Hos 9: 7. GOD  is right, always ! GOD  caused donkeys to stop the madness of the prophets. And He Has raised up the foolish nation to stop the madness of this prophet as well. And that is why, as proven in previous writings, The LORD came on the donkey and the colt, … to PURIFY THE HOUSE OF PRAYER, which has become a den of thieves, … and Judah… bound the donkey to his tribe, at the Shiloh’s coming. Gen.  49: 8- 12, at the time to catch the enemy by the neck !!!   and when Zion needs salvation, … read zech 9:9. The LORD comes on the donkey and the colt as well. That is also to purify. That is why The LORD raised up the foolish nation as He said. His words have come true now. Therefore, He can call all to the White throne to be judged, so He can be acquitted as all convicted Him or being a liar and a sinner and also a murderer !!!


Tree of life ;-

Remember the tree of life was guarded by angels, and the sword turned every way not allowing anyone to come near?. That means there is no way to come to the tree of life until it is opened after the judgment. Therefore, no man could have come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , WHO IS THE TREE OF LIFE, as proven in previous writings, because of the curse of death. So no one could have known the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  that HE IS THE GOD , OR THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , because that gives EVERLASTING LIFE.


And just think , there were TWO personages in the GODHEAD. One is the FATHER and the other is The SON. Scripture talks about The ALMIGHTY who is ALPHA AND OMEGA, live for ever and has no beginning or end.  Scripture does not talk about another GOD , existing for ever . John 1 talks about GODHEAD, and the WORD was GOD  and the word ( physical body) was GOD . right there, the SPIRIT and the body of The LORD is spoken. Then, this FATHER would have given birth to The SON. Then why did he not create many more sons and why it was necessary for Him to make mankind to be sons of GOD ? Could He not have created many more sons like CHRIST THE LORD , OBEDIENT TO THE FATHER ??? so god the father could have made many more sons as CHRIST THE LORD  ! Why would He create man , knowing that he will disobey? Not only disobey, but knowing that he will  accuse GOD  of being a liar. And GOD  knew that He would have to come as a man and win the victory over death. Therefore, why would He create man, and He could have created many sons as CHRIST THE LORD !


Gen 3:24  So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. “…See The LORD kept cherubims, and the flaming sword, in the EAST OF THE GARDEN. (this is why the lightning come from the east and shines to west, indicating that The LORD’s light comes to east and they will be sent to west. Isa.  43: 5 , Mat 24: 27 and more. And that is why to build the new temple, The LORD comes from the east. Eze. 43 , zech 6: 12- 15and more.  The wise men also came from the east to see The LORD ) . flaming sword is the Word of GOD, which is fire. And flaming fire comes on those who do not know The LORD and who did not obey the gospel . 2 thes 1`:8. That is not the gospel of the kingdom as HWA said. But it is about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , to believe in Him.


“everyway” means ‘to turn about or over; by implication to change, overturn, return, pervert: –  X become, change, come, be converted, give, make [a bed], overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the contrary, every way).”


BDB Definition:

1) to turn, overthrow, overturn,   to turn, turn about, turn over, turn around…, to change, transform…, to turn oneself, turn, turn back.. ,  to be turned, be turned over, be changed, be turned against.., to be reversed.., to transform oneself…, t o turn this way and that, turn every way’  etc.


This sword, is the WORD of GOD. So the WORD of GOD , turns one , transforms one, overturns one, changes one , turn against one, and transform one also to this way and that way !!!


We know, GOD  is a consuming fire. But His words are also like a hammer.

Jer 23:29  Is not MY WORD LIKE AS A FIRE? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? }}}… this chapter talks about how The LORD is against the prophets. So the Word of GOD, as fire and like a hammer will break the pride of the prophets !!! And that will turn them back to GOD .


Pet. 2:5-8 says, Israel stumbled at the WORD of GOD . But gentiles are built on the WORD of GOD . Israel is to stumble at CHRIST THE LORD, and gentiles are to be built on Him. This new ministry is strong in the WORD of GOD  as written above, the young ones. So it caused Israel to stumble and fall, … but gentiles to be built on. This is the meaning of the SWORD TURNING EVERYWAY. It caused to fall and also to RISE ! In The CREATOR, and His words, one will fall and one will rise as proven! The word of GOD caused all to turn AWAY from The CREATOR, … but THE SAME WORD of GOD  WILL BRING US BACK TO The CREATOR !!!


When CHRIST THE LORD was born, Simeon prophesied  that The LORD will be a cause to FALL and RISE many in Israel.

Luk 2:34  And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the FALL and RISING again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;..}}}.. See just as he prophesied , … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the cause of the fall of the House of Israel, and also will be the cause of their RISING.


Please read link below for ‘tree of life’, in Tabernacle part 4. It proves that Cherubs who covered had the flaming sword, is now the Word of GOD, and the Word of GOD caused all to stumble and die, but it will give life once again. That means the truth about the tree of life, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  was hidden to all, but now opened at the White throne to all, so they could eat every word which came out of the mouth of The LORD and KNOW HIM. Therefore, it is the knowledge of GOD which was cut off, the knowledge  about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … in order to NOT FIND LIFE as the man is appointed to die under the sin and the curse, but after forgiving and the curse is removed, all will be given EVERLASTING LIFE to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. ! Actually, that is the MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE LORD !


When Adam disobeyed, the Tree of Life was cut off means all wisdom and knowledge about everlasting life was cut off, as the EVERLASTING FATHER cut HIMSELF OFF and His knowledge was not given until He came as the Spirit and Truth, John 14- 16,  16: 13- 14, 2 Thess. 2: 13- 14 , John 16: 25, when the time came to worship THE FATHER, in Spirit and Truth. John 4. Therefore, the sword, the Word of GOD killed all, but also will give life to all. That is how Simeon’s prophecy is fulfilled. They FELL first and they will RISE also. And for them to rise, GOD  sends the gentiles. Isa.  60: 1- 3. That is when The LORD will Rise over them.


Because it is the Word of GOD , which is fire, that no one will burn, but the wickedness.

Isa 42:25  Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart. }}}…Judgments are spiritual . That is why those who are dead do not see their own death as they cannot understand the Word of GOD, which is fire…

Deut. 32: 22, GOD ’s fire will burn the foundations of the mountains. They are the mountains where The mysterious harlot sat. the heads of the churches.


psa 79:5,  GOD ’s jealousy burns like fire. Read also Ezekiel 7: 8 – 9,  20:34,   22: 21- 22,  Nah 1: 6 ,  GOD set fire, they DO NOT KNOW…  Jer 5: 3. Hos 7: 6… Heart like an oven, burns as a flaming fire. And His words are fire. Jer 5: 14,




Fruits of the SPIRIT;-  the fruits of the SPIRIT comes when we receive the HOLY SPIRIT. and the fruits of the SPIRIT are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , because HE IS THE SPIRIT. Unless we receive the HOLY SPIRIT, we cannot have the fruits of the SPIRIT or the character of GOD . the fruits are ;-

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 

Gal 5:23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 

Gal 5:24  And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. }}}… see the connection between JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and the fruits of the SPIRIT. first, when you are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , you have crucified the flesh with it’s affections and lusts. Remember as `1 John 2: 15-17 says, because of the lusts of the flesh, … we separated from the FATHER. This is another proof that the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , because if you are in Him, … you have overcome the lusts. Therefore, if you are NOT IN HIM, … you cannot overcome flesh. And … if you are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … we can bear the fruits of the SPIRIT. and that means we will be with Him, as HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ALSO THE FATHER. Born by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or eating from the tree of life, or born by the Word of GOD, or to be born of the SPIRIT means to become a son to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . if HE IS IN us, then we have overcome the flesh. And since flesh is against the SPIRIT, … and when we are in the SPIRIT, we do not need to be against the SPIRIT, because we have the SPIRIT. ‘they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh’…this means Israel is flesh, 2 Cor. 10: 18,  Heb. 2: 14 means they are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and that means they are still flesh. But at the White throne, they will understand this and will turn to Him and will be born by the SPIRIT, after they also crucify the flesh.


Eph 5:8  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 

Eph 5:9  (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth😉 }}}… see if you are in darkness, which means NOT IN THE LIGHT OR IN CHRIST THE LORD. Not having JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  in them, the last era went in to darkness. As you can see…, unless we are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … we cannot bear fruits of the SPIRIT. that Is because, HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT as we have been proving from the word.


These are the fruits of the SPIRIT or fruits which we bear when we are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD …

love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,   Meekness, temperance:’. Light , goodness , righteousness and truth.Will see one by one that all these fruits of the SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD …



Rom_8:39  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our LORD’…}}}.. so you see … the LOVE OF GOD , is in CHRIST THE LORD.


joy, :-

Joh 15:11  These things have I spoken unto you, that MY JOY might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. }}}… see  to understand the things which The LORD has spoken brings us HIS JOY. So He is our Joy. Joy comes from Him. Therefore, JOY is IN CHRIST THE LORD. 


Act 13:52  And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost}}}… they were filled with joy, as the HOLY SPIRIT is given. So joy too is a fruit of the SPIRIT which comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


Rom 14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. }}}… joy, in the HOLY SPIRIT. and we know JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, joy comes from Him. 1 thes 1: 6


Luk 2:10  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 

Luk 2:11  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. }}}… in the White throne, … to know that The Saviour has saved all, will bring GREATEST Joy for the whole mankind. ! Only because of CHRIST THE LORD !




we know, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the Prince of Peace !

Isa 9:6  For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace}}}… Peace also then comes from CHRIST THE LORD. And, why and how and when did we lose peace with Him ?  It is when Adam became His enemy. Therefore, the whole mankind has become His enemy, until He taught peace to the children as Isa.  54: 13 says. And peace was lost between GOD  and man because of UNBELIEF. Therefore, peace comes by believing. Abraham believed GOD  and is called a ‘friend’ of GOD . same way, when we believe peace comes. Please read link below ‘children of peace’.


Rom 15:12  And again, Esaias saith, There shall be A ROOT OF JESSE, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in HIM SHALL THE GENTILES TRUST

Rom 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost}}}… The Root of Jesse is CHRIST THE LORD. And He ROSE (for He was killed by the last high priest ) over gentiles, and in Him, the gentiles trust. That means believe. Eph. 1: 13. Then, peace and joy is given by the power of HOLY SPIRIT. and that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . without peace, or AGREEING with one another, we cannot walk together !


Jerusalem is the city of peace because JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  founded that city to be His abode. But, Jerusalem is now the church. And there is no peace in Jerusalem, and that is why a NEW JERUSALEM is built. Mat 23, Jerusalem was desolated because the daughters of Jerusalem, which are many sister churches failed to be gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, at the White throne, GOD  will give all knowledge , so all will be gathered to Him, and as gentiles trusted in The LORD, … all will trust in Him and there will be peace. Therefore, when we receive the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , we will have peace.


But at the moment, The LORD has come to bring a sword. Mat 10: 34. In the White throne, all will be against each other for deceiving. Any how, peace comes from the HOLY SPIRIT, or CHRIST THE LORD. ! As He is the Prince of Peace, we know if it is a fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT, … then JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the HOLY SPIRIT , another proof because the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is peace comes from Him.


Luk 1:79  To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. !!..




This means ‘patience, endurance etc’. We know it was CHRIST OUR LORD who brought Moses and Israel out of Egypt and said….

Exo 34:6  And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth


Num_14:18  The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty


Psa_86:15  But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.


2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance


1Pe 3:20  Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. }}}… all of the above Scriptures talk about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Compassion, grace, mercy, truth, are His fruits of His character !



2Sa 22:36  Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath made me great. }}}… ‘gentleness’ means humility and meekness. This Scripture talks about the GOD  of salvation, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Then, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who is meek and lowly. 2 Cor. 8;9, Mat `11: 29, The LORD said I am meek and lowly. He was not born in a palace.


2Co 10:1  And I myself, Paul, beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ;}}}… ‘by the meekness and gentleness of CHRIST… so that too is in CHRIST THE LORD.



 Exo 33:19  And he said, I WILL MAKE ALL MY GOODNESS pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. }}}… we know it was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who did lead them. And He Is the GRACIOUS. Therefore, goodness also comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .


faith, :-

‘faith’, is a free gift, given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD Eph. 2:8, and HE IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER of faith. Heb. 12: 2. He is THE FAITHFUL. Please read link below ‘FAITH OF CHRIST THE LORD’.

Rom 3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 


1Ti 1:14  And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.  }}}… this and many Scripture says faith is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . that too is a fruit of the SPIRIT and the SPIRIT is CHRIST THE LORD. 2 Cor. 3: 17 .



As written above, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  said I am meek and lowly. Therefore, the fruit of the SPIRIT is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .



This means ‘self control’. We know He obeyed and suffered unto death, by NOT SINNING because HE CONTROLLED HIS FEELINGS. When He was tempted, He quoted the Scripture and He was obedient unto death. HE IS THE ONLY MAN, who could control self.


Light ;-


Joh_9:5  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.


righteousness :-

1 John 2: 1 ‘Jesus Christ the righteous: ‘…and we do not need to think twice because we know HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS GOD and righteousness could come only by Him and not by the law, or any other means.


and truth. :-

we know from the Scripture, without a doubt, that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the truth. And Adam did not believe the truth The LORD said and that was the beginning of the fall of mankind. No other gods have spoken to any man.

Deu 32:4  He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a GOD OF TRUTH and WITHOUT INIQUITY, JUST AND RIGHT is he. 


Joh_14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:…}}}… what was said to Israel in Deut. 32, The LORD confirmed that HE IS THE TRUTH. It was The ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who bought, brought, begat Israel. Vs 12, 15, 18. Then, that is THE TRUTH ! So they forgot their GOD  AND THE FATHER and made an imagined god, to be their god the father! How could they be born spiritually and bear Spiritual fruits without the true FATHER’s SPIRIT ??? but, THE COMFORTER , the FATHER has come and given the Spirit and Truth, to the gentiles, so all can learn, including Israel, from them and they are commanded to bring Israel to Him as proven in the first part ! Isa.  49: 22-23. Please read link below ‘Strangers’.


All these Scripture proves above… that the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , because HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT!  And the GOD  Whom the man kind sinned against is He.  And until all seven eras failed to believe Him that HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND THE FATHER, … NO MAN COULD RECEIVE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE HOLY SPIRIT LEFT THE CHURCH. AND THAT MEANS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  LEFT , DESOLATING HIS OWN BODY. Then the body died. if the fruits of the SPIRIT is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. !!! Even if there is another GOD , Scripture does not say another has all these fruits of the SPIRIT ! Adam, disobeyed the FATHER. That is why the lusts are not of the ’FATHER’. 1 John 2: 15-17 !


if as written above, … if JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  was truly a SON to god the father, .. then that GOD  could have created more sons without creating man from THE DUST. He could have created more Spiritual SON, BY HIS SPIRIT. There are angels, spirit beings, but they are not sons of GOD . now the whole mankind is dead, … He could purchase them by HIS BLOOD which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT, and we can born of the SPIRIT , never to sin, but to bear the fruits of the SPIRIT, so all can live joyfully before the true GOD  and the FATHER, obeying Him. !!!


gentiles, obeyed from the heart….

Rom 6:17  But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. }}}… remember all things written to gentiles, will be fulfilled after Israel spiritually died and after all seven eras failed and on the Day of THE LORD, which is the times of gentiles, Eze. 30: 3, because The LORD uses them to avenge Israel, and the work of the gentiles, BEGAN IN SPIRIT. Gal. 3: 3. That is why they are the works of The LORD’s own hands, Isa.  29: 23 and more. Therefore, they cannot and will not fail. And The LORD came and caused them to overcome. 1 John 4: 4.  Therefore, that work will not fail.


Rom 6:18  Being then made free from sin, ye became the SERVANTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. }}}… no man in Israel, (except the few who are with us who believed The LORD and obeyed Him) can say that they have obeyed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , THE RIGHTEOUS from the heart.  Obeyed from the heart means a change of heart or mind has taken place. That is TRUE REPENTANCE toward GOD . and Apostle Paul wrote this to gentiles, but it is fulfilled NOW, when the doctrines were delivered to gentiles, on the Day of THE LORD, when Israel is blinded and rejected by The LORD. And this is talking about the little children, who are WITH THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2. And when they received the Word of TRUTH, they believed, Eph. 1: 13, and obeyed. That is why, as they have fulfilled their obedience to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , in EVERY THOUGHT, they are being used to avenge others , 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6. We never PERVERTED THE Scripture ! When The LORD opened the eyes, Eph. 1: 18, 2 Cor. 3, … no man will forsake Him. That is where our LIVES ARE.


Servants of righteousness means as JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is THE RIGHTEOUS, 1 John 2:1, … the gentiles are His servants. And they are MADE FREE FROM SIN, because The LORD FORGAVE BY HIS GRACE ! so you see , unless The LORD forgives first, the sin which we are born with, which made us to be born blind, … we cannot see and understand. That will happen to all the rest who are yet not free from sin, at the White throne. That is why they are dead , but will be made to live. !


See we must have FAITH, received from, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , and such are the ELECT. And these elect , acknowledged the TRUTH. They believed the TRUTH which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  gave. And then, after acknowledging the truth, … we receive GODLINESS, which is another fruit of the SPIRIT.  These things are written , to make all understand these things, so all could acknowledge the truth and receive GODLINESS.

Tit 1:1  Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; }}}… see Apostle Paul, was an apostle of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . the true apostles are sent by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and would not preach any other. And that is to acknowledge the truth. And that truth gives us GODLINESS. ‘faith of GOD ’s elect’ means the gentiles who are given faith IN, IN CHRIST THE LORD according to the  Heavenly vision. Now the Heavenly vision is also fulfilled.


Tit 1:2  In hope of ETERNAL LIFE, WHICH GOD, THAT CANNOT LIE, PROMISED BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN; }}}…see GOD  has PROMISED TO GIVE EVERLASTING LIFE TO ALL, … EVEN BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. If not, GOD  would not have created mankind from ‘DUST’, but of the SPIRIT. GOD  knew that all will be given EVERLASTING LIFE. If The LORD by His grace, forgives and raise up the DEAD gentiles, … would He not do the same to Israel also who are as gentiles, not having The LORD in them? See GOD  has promise EVERLASTING LIFE before the world began. That means NOT ACCORDING TO THE  OUR WORKS, BUT ACCORDING TO THE  COUNSEL OF THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR ! Seeing that none will receive EVERLASTING LIFE, … He promised it because, the Lamb to be sacrificed or to be slain is also preplanned to pay for our sin , from the foundation of the world., Rev.  13: 8.


Tit 1:3  But hath IN DUE TIMES MANIFESTED HIS WORD through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour; }}}… see Apostle Paul was taught by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , personally in the desert of Arabia. Gal. 1. And he is to preach The SON. V 16. And in due time, His word to be preached is given to Apostle Paul. And he wrote to gentiles, to be understood by the gentiles, during the Day of THE LORD, which is the times of gentiles. !!!


See as 1 John 2, The LORD taught to gentiles directly. That means He opened the eyes to understand what Apostle Paul wrote to gentiles .

Eph 4:20  But ye have not so learned Christ

Eph 4:21  If so be that YE HAVE HEARD HIM, and have been TAUGHT BY HIM, AS THE TRUTH IS IN JESUS: }}}.. see… we have HEARD The LORD, and the TRUTH , as the truth is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . then did HWA and GF learn the Truth, AS THEY WENT PASSING HIM TO their gods ??? This is why all seven eras fell from the TRUTH ! But those who learned from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who are isa 54: 13, joh 6: 45, 1 Joh 2 , 1 JOh 4: 4, 17, learned the TRUTH ! 


Eph 4:22  That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts}}}… see as long as we have lusts, … as Adam, … The LORD will not give us the truth about Him because He is HOLY. And the man with lusts is the OLD CREATION. New creation would be of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . there will be no deceit.


Eph 4:23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind}}}.. renewed in the SPIRIT of your mind means a total repentance for being lustful, and to behold JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , the FATHER , acknowledging the truth about Him with a CHANGED MIND or HEART.

Eph 4:24  And that ye put on the new man, which after GOD IS CREATED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUE HOLINESS. }}}… so the NEW MAN is created in righteousness and true Holiness when one is learned of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the TRUTH !!!


Psa 116:11  I said in my haste, All men are liars

But GOD , is THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!!


Rom 3:4  God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged}}}… Be prepared to be judged at the White throne, … so you can be justified, if YOU KNEW THE TRUTH AND SPOKE THE TRUTH , that is if you learned it from the GOD  OF TRUTH who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . If not, … your sayings will CONVICT you as a liar, and a murderer and guilty before GOD !!!


This is the purpose of the White throne judgment. Since Adam made GOD  a liar, followed by all men who are liars, … we made Him a murderer as well. Then, that means  defiled and unholy. There is no defilement or un-holiness in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, at the White throne, … HIS SAYINGS will be opened for understanding in the books are opened, … and our sayings or the leaders’ sayings also are written for all to judge who tells the truth. Obviously, GOD  will be acquitted from His conviction of being a liar.  And we must be prepared to accept our guilt as no man could be JUSTIFIED before the GOD  OF TRUTH !  All will see that, all men are liars. This is why, The LORD , gave the law, in order to see as John 7: 51 says, to hear what one does before CONDEMNED. !!!


We have already proven to the world that GOD  is the GOD  of truth and His words are the truth, and the leaders and the whole mankind are the liars and all have DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS. Thus, we denied THE TRUTH and in that, we deserve the death penalty and that is why we were dead. But, as The LORD will pour His SPIRIT on all ‘flesh’, … all flesh shall see the salvation of The LORD which was promised since the world began !!!


Job 14:14  If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come}}}… just as Job understood, … we must wait till our CHANGE comes, and that is at the APPOINTED TIME, which is at the White throne. If you have begun to understand that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the FATHER, The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, … and how it is so, … you have begun to understand and to live because the knowledge  of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD is EVERLASTING LIFE. !!!  ( John 17: 3).


‘appointed time’ means warfare. Actually, all these 6000 years was a warfare between GOD  and man. The LORD is trying to get all to believe in Him, (the works of The LORD is to get to believe The SON,  John 6;29-30, and that cause GOD  to cease works. Heb. 4; When you believe you enter in to The rest. That means the  unbelief was the problem of all evil ) … and the man is going against Him NOT BELIEVING IN HIM. The LORD is a Man of war. And we, never believed Him all these years. But the appointed time to end warfare is after the judgment, at the White throne, when all things are fulfilled, so the guilty party will be revealed and will have to accept their guilt to justify The LORD or the TRUTH !  This is why on the last day, the judgment is to those who denied Him and His words John 12: 48, who are all mankind who are liars, and The LORD will be proven to be the One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND HIS WORDS THE TRUTH. No man can lie because all things, in both parties works are WRITTEN. The LORD’s words are written that all will deny Him, and the man’s words are written, how they DENIED HIM. !!!


Understood ? Adam did not believe GOD . then GOD  cursed him to go to dust and the whole mankind was condemned to death. Adam made GOD  a liar. GOD  was against Adam. And did not give the whole truth, with understanding. Without knowing the truth, man is sent to dust. So GOD inspired the prophets to write what the man would do. And man never believed GOD , because of the curse of death. Because the unbelief is SIN as proven above. So GOD  had to write all things , specially how the man will not believe Him and will die. And that happened. But the man would not  believe his own death. Then, as it is written, all things were fulfilled. At the White throne, all things will be revealed according to the  WRITTEN WORD. For example:- GOD  said Israel will forsake Him. And they did. But they do not know that they did. But at the White throne, they will see that their GOD  is not god the father, but truly JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and He Has foretold about their unbelief and they fulfilled His word. So no one can accuse another falsely , thereafter. Then, there will be peace, when man accepts that he is the liar and not GOD .!


See when the time comes for the change, … everything will be changed. GOD  WILL FORGIVE. It is a time to comfort GOD ’s people. Please read link below ‘comfort’.

Isa 40:1  Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God. 

Isa 40:2  Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that HER INIQUITY IS PARDONED: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins. }}}… see.. it is ‘Jerusalem’, who is at war with The LORD. It is Jerusalem, which is desolated as she never wanted to gather to her GOD . Mat 23. It is Jerusalem, then lost peace with GOD . Jerusalem also is prophesied  to stumble on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Isa.  8: 14 , with Israel and Judah. Therefore, they will see at the White throne, how The LORD said so, and how they stumbled on Him. !


And who are appointed to say this to Jerusalem, to comfort her?

Isa 66:12  For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees. 

Isa 66:13  As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. }}}… so The LORD will have peace with Jerusalem, and He sends the glory of the gentiles , like a flowing stream when He sends peace. So it is the gentiles, who are now fulfilling this prophecy to say to Jerusalem, that she is forgiven and to be comforted. There is an appointed time for everything. !


she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins’….

Who had to pay double for her sins???  It is the mysterious harlot in Rev.  18.6. this is the wife of CHRIST, as proven in previous writings, who had other gods and not the true GOD . !!! For her to return to Him, to The Husband, … she should know that The Husband is also the FATHER. Jer. 3: `19-20 !


Pro 15:4  A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. }}}… see a wholesome tongue is a tree of life. It is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who HAS THE WHOLESOME TONGUE or the truth.

Pro 15:5  A fool despiseth his father's instruction:…}}}… this is for the whole mankind. We never knew JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the FATHER and we did not receive His instructions because we all were deceived.


‘wholesome’ means healing power.

Strong’s :- ‘curative, that is, literally (concretely) a medicine, or (abstractly) a cure; figuratively (concretely) deliverance, or (abstractly) placidity: – ([in-]) cure (-able), healing (-lth), remedy, sound, wholesome, yielding.’.


And GOD  wants to speak comforts to Jerusalem, and say to her, that her warfare is accomplished and HER INIQUITY IS PARDONED. If GOD  does not take the first step to forgive, Jerusalem does not even know her sin.


Pro 18:4  The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing stream. }}}… the fountain of wisdom, is like a flowing stream. And the wisdom of GOD  is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And the gentiles are given the sea of knowledge of GOD. That is the wisdom they received and that is the wisdom which caused Israel to stumble as they rejected it.



Isa 40:3  The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God}}} .. GOD  has opened up rivers in the desert and also dried up the rivers and had made in to desert. As written above, man’s words are as deep waters. When it is shut, it dries out. No man will ever speak against The LORD !!!


Isa 40:4  Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: }}}… ‘valley’ is the humbled ones. And mountains and hills are the self exalted ones who spoke against the knowledge of GOD . And in the White throne, … the exalted will be humbled who spoke lies as they never went to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to receive the knowledge . But the humbled who received the truth from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , will be exalted. And as Isa.  2, micah also says, in the LAST DAYS, the mountain of The LORD will be set up on top of other mountains !!! And The LORD only will be exalted in that day.


Isa 40:5  And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… see all ‘FLESH’, who are Israel, 1 Cor. 10: 18 who were against the SPIRIT, … will see the glory of GOD  !!!


2Co 10:17  But he who glories, let him glory in the Lord. 

2Co 10:18  For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends}}}… ‘approved’ means acceptable. And if you want glory, … let them glory in The LORD. Therefore, all will see the glory of The LORD, in the gentiles. Col 1: 27 also. It is the gentiles then, whom The LORD COMMENDS !


Isa 42:14  I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once. }}}… when the glory of The LORD is to be revealed or to make those who did not believe Him to know Him, … The LORD will give them the birth. He will destroy and devour. This happens after The LORD brought justice to the truth and to gentiles as vs 1- 3 says. And …


Isa 42:1  Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 

Isa 42:3  A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth}}}… Judgment to gentiles, … and to the TRUTH. The gentiles, according to Scripture, … trusted in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and believed and even love Him as proven above. Then, as GOD  is not a respecter of persons, … The LORD has to give the truth to them, and raise them up , seeing their hearts and giving HOLY SPIRIT and even coming in to them. !!! Therefore, the gentiles, RECEIVED THE TRUTH and BELIEVED The LORD and are in His house.


Isa 42:4  He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law}}}… isles are the gentiles. And they wait for the law!!!  That means they have no other gods before The ROCK who gave the law, … (Isa.  43: 12- 22, while Jacob has) … and they did not have any graven images or idols,  and they did not take GOD ’s name in vain as HWA did, giving the name The ALMIGHTY to their god the father as proven, … and we believed and honored JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ,as THE LORD OF SABBATH and believing we entered in to the Sabbath and are identified as The Creator’s sons which is why Sabbath is given. Therefore, we have fulfilled the law as The LORD says !!!


Isa 42:5  Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: 

Isa 42:6  I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; 

Isa 42:7  To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. 

Isa 42:8  I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. 

Isa 42:9  Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.}}}… it is a new thing to give light , truth to the gentiles. This is the time all flesh shall see salvation of The LORD, and the blind eyes will be opened and those who sit in darkness will receive light . everything prophesied  about the gentiles in this chapter is now fulfilled. The LORD must bring out the blind ones who are in darkness.


Isa 42:15  I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools. 

Isa 42:16  And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them}}}… see how The LORD comforts Israel and Jerusalem ? He will not forsake them. But The LORD takes vengeance and reveal the truth, in order to accept all.


See we are at war with those who have exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD. That is speaking against Isa.  9:6, and say The SON is not the FATHER. Such perversion exalts self against the knowledge of GOD. That means denying The LORD and His words as Adam did. As you can see… all the sin of Adam is on the church.

2Co 10:3  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 

2Co 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 

2Co 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 


2Co 10:6  And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. }}}… see when our obedience to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , in every thought, … we are to avenge the sons of disobedience. So the disobedience was the sin which exalted one’s self. Therefore, The LORD is at war with the sons who disobeyed Him as Adam !  Why would one disobey? Because they do not think that GOD  will kill them because they were called to be in the Body of CHRIST. Church people think they are kings and priests. They do not know that the priesthood is changed and to be kings also is given to the poor, who are the gentiles. 1 sam 2: 8 , jam 2: 5 because they are given faith. They have faith WITH works.


GOD  has sanctified some to be called in His anger … and they EXALTED The LORD. They obeyed Him in every thought. That means they exalted The LORD and not themselves.

Isa 13:3  I have commanded MY SANCTIFIED ONES, I have also called MY MIGHTY ONES FOR MINE ANGER, even them that rejoice IN MY HIGHNESS. }}}… ‘highness’ means ;- strong’s

‘arrogance or majesty; by implication (concretely) ornament: – excellency, haughtiness, highness, pride, proudly, swelling.’…


So these sanctified ones who are called in GOD ’s anger, which is on the Day of THE LORD, … rejoice of exalting JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . That means they believed Him. They believed every word which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  has said.

Isa 13:4  The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 

Isa 13:5  They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. 

Isa 13:6  Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty}}}… see they are called from a far country, from end of heaven. Col 3: 1- 4. And this is The ALMIGHTY. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Rev.  1: 8 and more. But HWA said The ALMIGHTY is god the father as proven in previous writings. and 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19, The LORD , The ALMIGHTY, or the Living GOD, separated us from such sons of Belial (worthless) and received us as sons and daughters. Therefore, The ALMIGHTY’s sons and daughters are these weapons of war , fighting to glorify their FATHER !


Isa 13:7  Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: 

Isa 13:8  And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. }}}.. when the ministry finds out, that they were worshiping a nogod , or an idol, this is how their faces would look, as fire  ?  they will be ashamed and amazed to understand their sin. But with the understanding of their sin, their hearts will be changed to love GOD . and they will believe having no choice. The LORD gives new hearts , forgiving as He did to the little children, the Royal Priesthood. Then, all will receive EVERLASTING LIFE to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. GOD  promises no more curse. Remember, night also is a curse.


Isa 13:9  Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. }}}… the Day of THE LORD has desolated Zion already, though she is spiritually blind and cannot understand the desolation. It is the son who went to perdition who caused the desolation or the prophet. Lam 5: 18. The ministry is responsible for deceiving the people. But GOD  wants to correct all.


Isa 13:10  For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. }}}… these constellations are the stars who are the leaders, the ministers in the church. Their light is gone. Job explained why they do not give light. First, the light is given by GOD . He created the stars, He called the ministers. We all know stars are GOD ’s ministers. Then, only The Creator can destroy them. And the sun? Micah 3: 6 says, the Sun went down on prophets. That means The LORD, as THE SUN, will not give light or Revelation to the prophets. Remember Micah 2: 9-1 3…, The LORD’s glory is gone from them. So they will not give light, but are dead. And moon also, is the church, which received light from the SUN, and if the SUN does not give light, the moon also will be dark. This is why in the book of Revelation, it says sun is darkened and the moon will not give light. This is why The LORD said a NEW MOON will be made. And remember, Zion, was in heaven. Lam 2:1, till she was cast down. So these are the stars, but they are not pure in GOD ’s sight;-


Job_25:5  Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight….}}}… see the stars, the constallations, such as the ministry which has many members, are not pure in His sight. That is also the moon. So they have become guilty. That means blood guilty. This is why the moon became blood etc. but these stars, have lost their light already and would not understand the Scripture as they are spiritually blind. So they will not see their own destruction until their eyes are opened and until The LORD gives them light once again, which is at the White throne. Remember ‘white’ means light. GOD  calls all the DEAD to come to the White throne to give light, so they can be pure.


Isa 13:11  And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. }}}… remember the ‘world’ is where the FATHER is not as proven. Because of the lusts, man separated from GOD  and became the world.


Isa 13:12  I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. }}}… a ‘man’ more precious that fine gold. Remember lams 4, the stones of the Sanctuary, … that means the ministry are to be as fine gold, but now they are clay. And a ‘man’, is one who is perfected. And when one is tried, and come through, they come as gold. 1 Pet 1. Therefore, when one is tested, and came out clean, … they are more precious than gold. Lam 4 says, the ministry who are as gold, became clay. Then the Royal Priesthood, whom The LORD raised up, became gold.


Job 23:10  But he knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried meI shall come forth as gold }}}…. See when THE LORD tries us, that is our hearts, … if we are with Him, … then we are given gold. So the Ministry  in the Sanctuary, lost their gold. Lamentations 4.


Zec 13:9  And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is triedthey shall CALL ON MY NAME, and I will hear them: I will say, IT IS MY PEOPLE: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. }}}…So you see… after The LORD  tried some, … and refined , Scripture says ‘THEY SHALL CALL ON GOD’s  NAME AND I WILL HEAR THEM”. So who ever has CALLED on JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, …( BECAUSE IT IS HE WHO TRIES ONE, and give gold and white linen )… or glorifying HIS NAME, or preach Him, … are the ones who were TRIED AND CAME AS GOLD. !!! That is why, on the day of THE LORD, The LORD  gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. Zeph. 3:9-10 and GOD calls them ‘MY” worshipers. That is the daughter of ETHIOPIA, A GENTILE and that is how the queen of South comes in judgment with THE GREATER than King Solomon who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, on the day of judgment. Therefore, the church of GOD failed in the hour of trial in the Philadelphia era and failed and found out having denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words, but these people are the works of THE LORD’s hands Therefore, they will not fail. And as you can see.., who are not of GOD’s people, have become His people , the Royal Priesthood, 1 pet 2:8-10  and 2 Thess. 1:8-12, they call on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name and as Rom. 9: 25- 26 says, they are the vessels of mercy, who have become the sons of the LIVING GOD !  That is why they are in His house as Heb. 3:6 says.


Who are tried and how did they came out as gold  ? and what does the Scripture say ?

1Pe 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be TRIED WITH FIRE, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 


1Pe 1:8  Whom having NOT SEEN, YE LOVE; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, YET BELIEVING, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: 

1Pe 1:9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls}}}… see this is written to gentiles by Apostle Peter. THE LORD said to Apostle Peter to feed the sheep. And read Acts. 15 also, Apostle Peter spoke about THE LORD taking gentiles to His name and purifying their hearts by faith as written elsewhere in this writing. Then, remember , THE LORD tests the hearts to see if one loves Him.


Deu 10:12  And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, }}}… see GOD wants Israel to LOVE AND SERVE Him with all the heart. This is why new hearts will be given. And, Israel failed in their hour of trial and are found to be a synagogue of satan  and liars. Rev.  3. But how did these gentiles come through their trial of faith?


having NOT SEEN, YE LOVE; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, YET BELIEVING,…. salvation of your souls. ‘….

See in the White Throne, you will see , how THE LORD tested the hearts of the gentiles as well, and by fire… the Word of GOD, … and they LOVE HIM, though NOT SEEN.. and BELIEVED. And the reward is the salvation !  This is why, when the salvation is about to come, … Israel’s Ministry  became dumb dogs, but the gentiles joined to THE LORD, and are brought to the Holy Mountain, … altar, (Isiah 60: 7) and to the House of Prayer  !!! everything we need to know, is written in the Word of GOD. As you can see… this is how THE LORD tested one, by fire. In the hour of trial, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD failed to love or believe Him. !


I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is triedthey shall CALL ON MY NAME, and I will hear them: I will say, IT IS MY PEOPLE: and they shall say, The LORD is my GOD’….


trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be TRIED WITH FIRE’…


having NOT SEEN, YE LOVE; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, YET BELIEVING,….’


might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:’….!!!


The BELIEF, caused one to enter in to the Glorious Rest, Heb. 4 and to the House of GOD .. Heb. 3: 6, 12. Then, the unbelief caused one to not to enter in to His house, or to the Glorious Rest. Then, at the White Throne, all will see that they have not entered because of the UNBELIEF. The unbelief which caused Adam to disobey is the sin as proven.  THE LORD said, it is sin, if you do not believe Me.


Joh_16:9  Of sin, because they believe not on Me;…}}}…See it is SIN, if you do not believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. ! Then, Israel, did not believe Him. But as you can see… the gentiles have already believed in Him. That means THE believing gentiles  ARE NOT SINNERS ANYMORE. That is why they obeyed in every thought and are used to avenge the sons of disobedience who are Israel ! In all this, GOD wants to show, no matter ; that no man without THE LORD, cannot find salvation or Everlasting life ! and remember, because of the Heavenly vision, … GOD turned the power of satan to GOD, in the gentiles. And gave FAITH. Then, it will be the same to all Israel, at the White Throne. Then they also will receive salvation, and Everlasting life.


Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me. ‘}}}… see this is the Heavenly vision. V 19. And it is all THE LORD’s doing. The gentiles have light, which Israel will have at the White Throne, as ‘white’ means light or Revelation. And they are turned from satan to GOD, that means they will obey THE LORD, and not the evil , deceitful heart of man, .. and RECEIVE FORGIVENESS … and FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, sanctified them !!! Therefore, all things are done by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. This is why THE LORD said in John 15, ‘WITHOUT ME, YOU CAN DO NOTHING’. !!!  At the White Throne, all Israel who failed to believe and obey will come to understand all these and they too will have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE LORD WHOM THEY NEVER BELIEVED.


Then, as these gentiles also were tried by FIRE, … at the White Throne, all Israel who failed also will be TRIED BY FIRE, or the Word of GOD, and that is the lake of fire , when the books are opened to find out, that they never believed or loved their GOD and failed in everything !  How sad and what a sorrowful would their hearts be to find out about their sin against GOD ? first time, THE LORD, or their own GOD, and own FATHER was brutally murdered by the sons, and the second time also, … they cut Him as THE HEAD and killed the whole Body of CHRIST, all believers !!! that too is done by the Jews, the synagogue of satan !




Therefore,, THE LORD says, the gentiles  are HIS PEOPLE now. Remember 1 pet 2: 8-10, the Royal Priesthood, is NOT OF HIS PEOPLE, but are the gentiles .  and they called on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name. 2 Thess. 8-12. At the White Throne, all will see how THE LORD brought us through fire… which means tested and tried us by the Word of GOD. So THE LORD sees they call on His name. and GOD says , they are MY PEOPLE !!! and we say, THE LORD IS OUR GOD !!! Now these prophecies are fulfilled already as we call on His name and have become JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s people.


But to the Laodiceans, … He said to buy gold , white clothes etc from Him. That means the Laodiceans are not the people mentioned in Zech. 13:9 as written above.

Rev 3:18  I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see….}}}… see the Laodiceans or the last era, has no gold, … but they must buy from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … and no white linen either. And it is after the judgment, Rev.  19, says the wife is GRANTED to wear white linen. That is when she is ready for the New Covenant. Therefore, as you can see, all these are now fulfilled. No body can change anything. And Lamentations 4 says, the Ministry , who are in the Sanctuary, lost their gold. And Apostle James also said, in the last days, the gold will be rusted. So all these things as THE LORD says were fulfilled for all to see and understand, when THE LORD calls all to come and drink the Living Waters on the last day at the White Throne !


Therefore, those who already have white linen, are the people who were tried, but came as gold, who is sheba , as Psa. 72 says, that is the queen of south, whom THE LORD said , would come in judgment to condemn the last generation in judgment. And remember one is condemned if you do not have CHRIST OUR LORD in you. Rom. 8: 1. And this writing alone proves who has HIM AND WHO HAS NOT. All will see at the White Throne how THE LORD said all these and how the Word of GOD is fulfilled. And all will repent thoroughly.


And the eye salve, the Laodiceans need is the Testimony of CHRIST THE LORD as proven in ‘eye salve’ writing. Please read, link below


Remember Israel is given the law, and tried by the law. But the gentiles are given faith, and are tried for faith, but in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. If any one could have kept the whole law, which is impossible as no one worshiped JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but had god the father as their GOD, … they would have come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, because the law was a schoolmaster to bring to Him as Apostle Paul said. And faith also brought the gentiles near to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !¬ On the Day of Visitation, THE LORD took gentiles to His name, Acts. 15: 9-15, and tried them for faith. And they came out as gold. That is the work of wonder when the wise perished, THE LORD did and the short, righteous work.


Rom 9:25  As he saith also in Osee, I will call them MY PEOPLE, which were NOT MY people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. 

Rom 9:26  And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. }}}… see all these are fulfilled now. Hosea also prophesied that people will be called who are not of GOD’s people Israel. And they became the beloved of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. 2 Thess. 2: 13-1 4 


2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

2Th 2:14  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the OBTAINING OF THE GLORY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. }}}… see… GOD has chosen these who are sanctified, to believe in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, that is when THE LORD came as the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, … to salvation and to OBTAIN THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!! Now that is fulfilled. So these things were not done now, but GOD has From the beginning , counselled them and now fulfilled. So the glory of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … came to gentiles and they call on His name. 2 the 1: 8- 12 !!! at that time, THE LORD takes vengeance from those who did not obey the gospel, who are His own !


Rom 9:27  Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: 


Rom 9:28  For HE WILL FINISH THE WORK, AND CUT IT SHORT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. }}}… see it is always, THE LORD’s doing. This way, no man could exalt self but THE LORD. The FULFILLED Word of GOD proves GOD IS THE GOD OF TRUTH WITH HIS WORDS that no man can deny or make HIM A LIAR, Hereafter !!! Therefore, when this work is being done by THE LORD, … all Israel are spiritually blind and cannot read the Word of GOD. So they will not see it until at the White Throne, when the books are opened !


Then understand, the short work to finish is to give righteousness or forgive the gentiles to save a remnant in order to save the whole mankind. And it was necessary for THE LORD to raise up judges, and a priesthood (please read, link below for More excellent ministry which THE LORD obtained by oath ), to serve Him, to make Him a name, and to be His people and for Him to be a GOD , to serve Him and the people. In short, all things that The LORD called Israel out of Egypt is fulfilled now by this new Royal Priesthood, who are NOT of His people, as a remnant to fulfill the services which The LORD gave to the Aaronic priesthood, as Israel failed to serve Him and be His sons. !



Rom 9:29  And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed,

we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. }}}… see always, THE LORD leaves a remnant to work with.  Now, in judgment, Israel, is  in Egypt and Sodom in judgment. Rev.  11: 8. In ‘Egypt’ means no HOLY SPIRIT. Isiah 30: 1- 3. And ‘sodom’ means they did not love THE LORD, but other men to believe their deceitful lies, such as of HWA and GF’s, as they preached god the father and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!  They did not love their HUSBAND !


‘THE LORD of ‘SABAOTH’… see this is not ‘Sabbath’. But this word is ‘Sabaoth’. And it is in strong’s, H6635. In Greek, this is number G4519. This word is used only twice in the New Testament. Other one is Jam 5: 4. See below. ‘Sabbath’ is G 4521.

Mar_2:28  ThereforeG5620 theG3588 SonG5207 of manG444 isG2076 LordG2962 alsoG2532 of theG3588 sabbath.G4521

Understand the difference between two numbers and words.


This word strong’s, H6635. Used over 400 times. In Greek, this is number G4519 is for the ‘HOSTS’ of THE LORD. Or the people who are HOSTING THE LORD.

Exo 12:41  And it came to passH1961 at the endH4480 H7093 of the fourH702 hundredH3967 and thirtyH7970 years,H8141 even the selfsameH2088 H6106 dayH3117 it came to pass,H1961 that allH3605 the hosts

H6635 of the LORDH3068 went outH3318 from the landH4480 H776 of Egypt.H4714 …}}}… so this number is used to the ‘hosts’ or the people of GOD. And saving this remnant means they have become the ‘hosts’ of THE LORD.


Another instance this same word is used…

Num 1:52  And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 shall pitch their tents,H2583 every manH376 byH5921 his own camp,H4264 and every manH376 byH5921 his own standard,H1714 throughout their hosts.H6635 …}}}… so this ‘SABOATH’ is used for the HOSTS of THE LORD. !



Strong’s ; H6635

צְבָאָה    צָבָא

tsâbâ'    tsebâ'âh

tsaw-baw', tseb-aw-aw'

From H6633; a mass of persons (or figurative things), especially regularly organized for war (an army); by implication a campaign, literally or figuratively (specifically hardship, worship): – appointed time, (+) army, (+) battle, company, host, service, soldiers, waiting upon, war (-fare).

This is the army of THE LORD OF HOSTS, whom, He is leading to war, or to judge, … worship Him,… or waiting upon Him, etc, who are the gentiles. Isiah 13: 5,  Isiah 51: 5,  42: 4,  Isiah 49: 1, 22-23, Isiah 60:9, come with ‘gold’, and many more. Remember THE LORD is a MAN OF WAR. And His weapons of war comes from the ends of the earth, from heaven. Isiah 13: 5. And He comes to make war with the Ministry, by giving the truth, to judge and correct.




צבאה / צבא

tsâbâ' / tsebâ'âh

BDB Definition:

1) that which goes forth, army, war, warfare, host

1a) army, host

1a1) host (of organised army)

1a2) host (of angels)

1a3) of sun, moon, and stars

1a4) of whole creation

1b) war, warfare, service, go out to war

1c) service


Therefore, this is about ‘THE LORD OF HOSTS’, and the people who are HOSTING Him or His own church, congregation, people or those who are with Him and that is Isiah 8: 18 fulfilled.


And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed,’…

Please read the first part to know about this remnant. This remnant is used to judge Israel and to condemn them as proven in previous writings. And they are TRIED BY FIRE as THE LORD says above, and they KNOW HIM, and they are His people who call on His name. They are the ones who OBEYED and fulfilled their obedience to GOD as written above, who are to avenge the sons of disobedience.


Following is the second time this word ‘SABAOTH’ is used. That is AFTER Israel (who are scattered, Jam 1: 1, but the gentiles, the poor are rich in faith and in the kingdom, Jam 2: 5, ) LOST THEIR GOLD which has become rusted. And this Scripture also proves, they are the ones who REAPED.

Jas 5:2  Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten}}}… their garments are eaten by moths. And riches caused them to be corrupted. So they do not have white linen.


Jas 5:3  Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. }}}… see this is to happen in the last days. And their gold is ruined. This is why the Ministry , became clay as proven in Lamentations 4. And their works will be a WITNESS to them. As written above, the HOLY SPIRIT is the witness of the gentiles. Then, not having the HOLY SPIRIT is Israel’s witness. That is why they are flesh.


Now understand… Israel’s gold is cankered means their gold, is a WITNESS against them, of not coming out clean in their hour of trial. This is why the gentiles are sent to them to tell them that they have inherited lies, in Jeremiah  16: 19, which is their affliction. That is to be found out as liars. Any man who lies, will be ashamed when he is found out.


Jas 5:4  Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of SABAOTH. ‘. }}}.. GOD, clearly says to the 12 tribes of Israel, who are scattered, as they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, mat 12: 30, and are against Him, that their GOLD IS CANDERED, AND RUSTED. So when the hour of trial came to them, this is what THE LORD found in the Philadelphia era as they have become a synagogue of satan  and liars, … and killed them spiritually, by not giving the words or the SPIRIT !  their riches, as said to the Laodiceans ,


Remember in John 4, Israel sowed, but the reapers are the gentiles. And The reapers received WAGES FIRST. All those who worked even in the last hour, (mat 20: 8 onwards) are given the same wage as THE LORD said. And the last ones received wages first. And John 4 says….


Joh 4:34  Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. }}}… as written above, in Rom. 9, THE LORD saved the remnant to finish the work in righteousness.


And this story is about giving Everlasting life. And this way, both the sower and the ones who reap are to rejoice together.

Joh 4:35  Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 

Joh 4:36  And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. 

Joh 4:37  And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth}}}… Israel is grapes. Hos. 9: 10. Isiah 5. But the vinedressers are the gentiles. Isiah 61: 5 . Israel are the sowers and gentiles are the reapers. And it is THE LORD who sent them to reap. But the reapers also were cast out as proven in the first part. But the Everlasting life is given to the reapers and the wages also as THE LORD said. But this way, both will rejoice in the White Throne, because Israel or gentiles, it is the grace and mercy of THE LORD which saves them all!


Rom 9:30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith}}}… according to the  Heavenly vision, it is the gentiles who are given faith, tested for faith and came out as gold. That proves gentiles have ATTAINED TO RIGHTEOUSNESS. Though the law was a schoolmaster to bring Israel to CHRIST OUR LORD, … and not to god the father, … it failed to bring them to Him. But without the law, Rom. 3: 21 and more, the gentiles came to Him, trusted and believed as they are appointed to. Therefore, it is the gentiles who have become the sons of the LIVING GOD, who are in His own house, … and in the Holy Mountain, as Isiah 8: 18 says, which is a sign and a wonder in Israel.


Rom 9:31  But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. }}}… so Israel could not attain to the righteousness by the law. !!! That means, they are to die, WITHOUT MERCY first, under the two witnesses. Heb. 10: 28.

Heb 10:28  He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: }}}… if Israel could not be righteous, … and then, they are to die without mercy, … who would be To WITNESS THEIR DEATH, without mercy???  Of course the vessels of mercy, who are the gentiles who attained to righteousness and who serve JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , coming to Him ! They are the hosts of THE LORD. !!!


understanding, it is the gentiles who attained to the righteousness of faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … they are the saints.

Rev. 13:10.. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.


Rev 13:7  And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 

Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 

Rev 13:9  If any man have an ear, let him hear. 

Rev 13:10  He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. }}}… who could be in the book of ‘THE LAMB’ or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ???  it is those who have FAITH IN HIM! Others worshiped the beast, blaspheming. If one does not worship JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … and be HIS HOSTS,  such have worshiped a beast and will not be in the book of the LAMB.


 As proven above, the ‘beast’, is a man, without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. And who is the leader , of the Spiritual man, or the prophet who is WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING , on the Day of Visitation as The LORD says??? It is the prophet. Hos 9: 7 !!! The pastors or ministers are brutish.


Hos 9:7  The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. }}}… so the Spiritual man is a fool… that is without understanding, on the Day of Visitation when The LORD visited the sin. And then, his iniquity is a mystery because no one knew the truth. Unless the Spirit and Truth is given, we could not know our iniquity is against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  for not believing in Him !



Rev. 14:12… Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus}}}.. PATIENCE and FAITH and keeping commandments of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !  Could we have patience, and faith , BY OURSELVES ??? Could we keep commandments without the HOLY SPIRIT, as the law, itself is spiritual? Rom. 7: 14.  And as written above, the HOLY SPIRIT is given to the gentiles. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is in the gentiles. They are given faith. And they keep His commandments, while HWA said the law giver is god the father. So they did not know who gave the commandments. Besides, in John 14, THE LORD said keep ‘MY’ commandments. Remember these children are the works of The LORD ’s hands. So The LORD  must do all things to them. And that includes GIVING patience and faith, the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT as written above, and the HOLY SPIRIT begat them! . And we must look for our Heavenly FATHER to give us these godly characters.


Rev 17:13  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. }}}… these kings are the leaders who are given strength to the beast.. they are all , without understanding. And they make with THE LAMB or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That means by the sword, the Word of GOD. GOD is trying to give them the truth, but they lie. This is what is wrong with man. And they make war with the LAMB. They do not know what they were doing. They taught, to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, is a false gospel. No more witness is required other than that to prove that they have never believed THE LAMB to be in the book of the LAMB, the book of life !!! He is THE ‘LIVING’ GOD and the GOD of the living and not dead. Not having Him in , the Laodiceans died. So their names will not be in the book of life.


Rev 17:14  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are CALLED, AND CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL}}}… see those who are with Him, are CALLED, … CHOSEN, .. AND ARE FAITHFUL !  Israel was called but they failed.


Who are the ‘called’ ones ???

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH among all nations, for HIS NAME

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the CALLED OF JESUS CHRIST:…}}}… see these are called by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to His name. and they OBEYED FAITH. As written above, as Apostle Peter wrote, they came through the trial of faith and that is why they are gold. This during the times of gentiles, or on the Day of THE LORD. And as written above, in Acts 15, Apostle Peter also said, on the Day of Visitation, which is the Day of THE LORD, … The LORD came and took gentiles, to HIS NAME !


Rom 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE

Rom 8:29  For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren

Rom 8:30  Moreover WHOM HE DID PREDESTINATE, THEM HE ALSO CALLED: and whom HE CALLED, THEM HE ALSO JUSTIFIED: AND WHOM HE JUSTIFIED, THEM HE ALSO GLORIFIED. }}}… see those who are predestinated , are called sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Eph. 1> 1- 18. Their eyes are opened to understanding. And they are predestinated to be made in to the image of The Son , or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And since we are called and justified , as proven above, He also glorified. And that is why they glorified Him. 2 Thess. 1: 8-12. Even as Apostle Peter wrote above, at the appearing of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … the glory is given to those who WERE TRIED FOR FAITH and came as gold. !!! These things did not just happen, but THE LORD had PRE- PLANNED whom to be called and wrote all things down, and we know now it is fulfilled. GOD sees things as they were, things not yet. Rom. 4.


And then, … ‘he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren’….Now, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the FIRST BORN, as others are born also. This Scripture does not say the Image of ‘GOD’, but the image of The Son . Therefore,, none in Israel can say they fulfil this. See in order to be made in to the image of The Son , … one has to be called, JUSTIFIED and glorified. This happen to Israel, at the White Throne.


1Co 1:2  Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours: }}}… see… we know the called out ones means the church. Then, the true church of GOD, … are saints, who are SANCTIFIED IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … who call on HIS name !!! could any one under HWA , say that they are saints and they call on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name as they worship god the father ????


1Co 7:22  For he who is called a slave in the Lord is a freed man of the Lord. And likewise, he who is called a free man is a slave of Christ}}}… we know it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who set us free. John 8: 32- 36.


See if you want to be free, … it is The Son  who sets us free by the Word of Truth. And the Word of Truth is believed by the predestinated sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Eph. 1: 1- 13, and it is The Son  who sets us free. But Israel, being Abraham’s seed, did not believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and could not be His disciples to LEARN from Him. And it is the anointed ones, who are the little children, who learned from Him. Isiah 54: 13, 1 John 2. John 6: 45, Isiah 8: 18.

Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which BELIEVED ON HIM, If ye continue in MY WORD, then are ye MY disciples indeed; }}}… See we must continue in ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s word and be ‘HIS’ disciples.

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. }}}… JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the TRUTH WITH HIS WORDS. AND THEN, THE TRUTH MAKES US FREE. That is because the lies kept us in bondage under satan the devil, the enemy of THE LORD. They are the leaders who turned as His enemy, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD. They deceived the whole era in to death. They are the murderers and liars. No man under HWA can say they are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s disciples as they went passing Him to god the father to learn.


Joh 8:33  They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? 

Joh 8:34  Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 

Joh 8:35  And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. 

Joh 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 

Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because MY WORD HATH NO PLACE IN YOU. }}}… see.. if you continue in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words, you will be His disciples. Then, He sets us free by HIS Word of Truth. And then, it is He who sets us free because He is the truth, and sets us free from lies and liars, who are Abraham’s seed who has no place in them for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words. Understood ? Then, those who sin, or did not believe the Word of GOD , are servants of SIN. Then, that means as the gentiles believed and are called, … as proven above, … they are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s servants, free.


‘he who is called a slave in the Lord is a freed man of the Lord. And likewise, he who is called a free man is a slave of Christ. ‘…!!!

See… if and when JESUS CHRIST THE LORD makes us free by the truth, we are free and we become slaves of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and NOT the slaves of sin. What does this mean ???


The lies kept us in bondage and not free to be a servant TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!  So the truth makes us to serve and be a servant of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!! So in bondage means you have not believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words to be set free, neither you have gone to Him to make you a freeman so you can serve Him.  So as long as you serve god the father, … you are living in lies, unbelief and are not faithful to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD nor call on His name, nor a servant of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but a  servant of SIN !!!


he who is called a slave in the Lord is a freed man of the LORD’…

who is called a free man is a slave of Christ ’

So THE LORD, by His Word of Truth, makes us free , so we can serve Him!  That is why He paid the purchase price, which is HIS OWN BLOOD to buy us, to HIMSELF, so we can serve Him and be His servants and not be sinners !!!  That is salvation. Those who preached against His words are the enemy who took the people under their bondage and caused all to worship a beast, that has no knowledge of GOD nor understanding !!! if you do not serve JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, you are condemned to death. This is what happened. We believed in lies and idols and nogods because we believed in men and traditions of men !!! we always prove that THE LORD has to make us free from lies and liars !  So Abraham’s seed, who are the Jews, became a synagogue of satan  means liars and caused the people to not to believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and became sinners and servants of sin !!!


Called and chosen…

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

2Th 2:14  Whereunto HE CALLED you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… see… From the beginning , GOD has chosen the gentiles and called them to obtain the glory of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He was not revealed until He proved who loves Him as written elsewhere in this writing or in John 14. But first, GOD chose those who are to obtain the glory of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is after the SPIRIT AND TRUTH is come and BELIEVED. So those who are sanctified to believe the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, … have now believed. That too is fulfilled. And the SPIRIT AND TRUTH is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself. And He said;-



Joh 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments

Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. }}}… see the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, the world cannot receive because the world is where the FATHER is not as proven above. Then, who does not know Him ???  it is His own. But JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is IN US. Col 1: 27 and more. He dwells IN US, and BE IN US. Because, THE LORD lives as the HOLY SPIRIT , given to HEARTS. Gal. 4: 6. And we are the temple of THE LORD, who are His sons and daughters. 2 Cor.  6.


Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you}}}… so the SPIRIT AND TRUTH is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself who has come now as promised. In this chapter, He said I am going to prepare places and come and receive you to MYSELF. Therefore, if you are with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you are received by Him. He is The Comforter. That means the FATHER as proven.

Joh 14:21  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that LOVETH ME: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I WILL LOVE HIM, AND WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM. }}}… as written above, GOD tests the hearts to see if one loves Him. And Philadelphia era failed as they love the synagogue of satan . and as Apostle Peter said above, it is the gentiles who love THE LORD and believed. Then, THE LORD manifested Himself , but as not only The Son , … fulfilling Isiah 9: 6, … He became our King, as He rose to reign over us, Rom. 15: 11 – 12 and He brought peace, fulfilling PRINCE OF PEACE , and the Everlasting FATHER. The SPIRIT AND TRUTH, The Comforter and the HOLY SPIRIT is One and the same GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is the FATHER, The Son  and the HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, it is these gentiles who are CHOSEN as well.


2Ti 1:9  Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began

2Ti 1:10  But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: 

2Ti 1:11  Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. }}}… when we understand these verses, … THE LORD has already saved us. If not, we would not know , nor understand all these. But, it is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, when He came to us, saving us, this prophecy  is fulfilled. Therefore, He Has abolished death and brought life and light. But Israel will receive all these at the White Throne, when the light is given to them and they are still dead at the moment. Therefore, they are not the called, chosen and faithful.


Joh 15:16  Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain:}}}… see no man can choose JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. We have not chosen HIM. But He chose and ordained us. 1 John 2. And that is to bring forth fruit. How can one bear fruits ?  By abiding in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. John 15. Then, who abide in Him now?  The called and chosen and faithful. !


Eph 1:4  According as HE HATH CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: 

Eph 1:5  Having predestinated us unto the ADOPTION OF CHILDREN BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, according to the good pleasure of his will, 

Eph 1:6  To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. }}}… see… JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, chose us to be IN HIM, .. before the from the foundation of the world !!! It was His will to adopt gentiles to Himself as children. That means to be HIS SONS. This is why, we have the FATHER’s name , or the LAMB’s name on our foreheads being the first fruits Rev.  14: 1- 7, preaching the EVERLASTING GOSPEL TO WORSHIP AND FEAR THE CREATOR !!! Because of HIS GRACE, He accepted the gentiles !


Faithful, as written above, and …

Jas_2:5  Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?…}}}}… see THE LORD has chosen, the poor, who are RICH IN FAITH… as written above, the gentiles came out the trial of faith , receiving gold. Faith is according to the  Heavenly vision. To have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And … it is the gentiles who LOVE GOD as well as Apostle Peter said above. Then, … faith in HIm and those who love Him, … are the heirs of THE KINGDOM !!!  it is the gentiles who love Him, … so the KINGDOM also is given to them. This kingdom is now, as the judgment is going on. And THE LORD has promised the kingdom to those who love Him. Remember, THE LORD, Himself came to the poor. 2 Cor.  8: 9. ! So the poor loves Him and have faith in Him. They are the gentiles !


That is why, they are called a ‘ROYAL’ priesthood !!!

1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the PRAISES OF HIM who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: }}}… does any minister in darkness of the Laodicea , praise JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who gave light.??

1Pe 2:10  Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy}}}… WE THANK GOD FOR HIS MERCY AND GRACE ! This is not talking about Israel, but the gentiles who WERE NOT OF HIS PEOPLE, BUT NOW ARE !!! That is the RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT OF THE FATHER !



Because, faith is a free GIFT. Eph.  2:8. If our faith is sufficient, then The LORD did not have to GIFT it.  ( please read Faith of CHRIST THE LORD) It is given to the believers. Rom.  3:22. 4:11, 2 cor 4:13, Gal. 3:22..” but the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.”.  

Then, who BELIEVED as written above ???  it is the gentiles. 1 pet 1. Though , they have not seen, yet they love Him and have believed Him. Now all these are fulfilled just as it is written !  Remember JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the Author and the Finisher of faith. Heb 12:2 . this faith which THE LORD gives, cause us to believe in Him and His words that HIS WORD IS TRUE AND THAT HE WILL DO ALL WHAT HE SAYS. It gives us the ability to TRUST IN HIM AND IN HIS WORDS. Therefore, we know all things are fulfilled just as it is written !!!


Isa 13:13  Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. }}}… heaven was shaken and Zion was cast down. Lam 2: 1. And the earth also is removed as all the inhabitants are spiritually dead. All because of The LORD’s wrath. But, The LORD will not destroy anyone, … after raising up His priesthood, … He will turn to deliver all including Zion. That happens at the White throne.



Jas 3:2  For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. }}}… a perfect man will not be offended in word. That means THE LORD has to give HIS WORDS to make us perfect. None of the leaders in all seven eras were perfect because they fell from the word. They could not understand the word as they are appointed to stumble. Offend means ‘stumble, err or fall. And it is Israel, who are appointed to stumble, fall, and err. But when THE LORD is in the midst of His children, those who erred in SPIRIT will come to understand. Isiah 29: 23-2 4 !  They sanctified THE LORD !


2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2Ti 3:17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works…}}}… all Scripture is given by the inspiration of GOD. And for doctrine, … reproof, … correction and to make us righteous. We cannot and should not pervert the Scripture. If one cannot understand, … we must wait till THE LORD give the understanding, without trying to interpret them. What the HOLY SPIRIT has inspired, how could the man understand , unless THE LORD opens the minds ? Therefore, all those who are appointed to stumble also are appointed to heal their stumbling and to know the truth and be saved at the White Throne, when the books are opened !


So GOD, will make us perfect to do HIS WILL. ! When we take matters in to our hands, such as to save ourselves, or look for our law keeping and to think we are spiritual, or we know the Scripture, or we speak against the knowledge of GOD or His words, … His anger is aroused because such are contrary to His ways and word. But , THE LORD, HIMSELF WILL MAKE US PERFECT!


Heb 13:21  Make you perfect in every good work to do HIS WILL, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through JESUS CHRIST; TO WHOM BE GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER. Amen!!!


As proven above, Israel, the ministry under HWA, could not come out clean in their hour of trial. They failed and are found to be liars, and their GOLD IS CANKERED , or rusted. But, the gentiles, came out clean as gold in their trial of faith. This is why, The LORD, after testing the hearts,  … knowing the hearts, gave the HOLY SPIRIT , as a WITNESS to the gentiles and that The LORD is in them and His words are given as the knowledge of GOD, as the sea, Isa.  11: 9- 11 and that is the Glorious REST. 


THAT MEANS, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  HAS FINISHED HIS WORK AS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER  OF FAITH, IN THE GENTILES and Has fulfilled SAVING THEM AND GIVING EVERLASTING LIFE TO THEM. GOD ’s works in them, and THEIR WORKS ARE FINISHED AS GOD ’S WORKS IN THEM ALSO IS FINISHED WHEN ONE BELIEVED, BECAUSE The LORD IS TRYING TO CORRECT THE UNBELIEF which was the cause of disobedience in Adam and the whole mankind. And the gentiles BELIEVED, Eph. 1: 13, and have  OBEYED from the heart, Rom. 6:17,  fulfilled obedience to Him, 2 Cor. 10: 6, and they have come out clean in their trial of faith as gold. All these are works of The LORD and that is why it is fulfilled. This is why, when one BELIEVES, or by faith they enter in to the rest and finishes the works.


Heb 4:2  For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. }}}… see as proven in previous writings, Apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, to the NEW PRIESTHOOD who are the gentiles. And ‘us’ means to whom it is written, WHO HAVE FAITH AND BELIEF as you will see, … and ‘them’ means Israel, who has no faith or who did not believe The LORD, but they have another rest to enter. But to both; ‘us’, and to ‘them’, the gospel was preached. GOD  gave the knowledge  of Him as Rom. 1 says to Israel. All things were offered first to Israel. But they rejected all things as any man would do , born under the sin of Adam and the curse. Then, the book of Hebrews is written to these who are called ‘US’, who have faith and belief, who are the gentiles as proven here. And who did not have FAITH , though they heard the gospel?  It is Israel. Remember the high priest wrote, as proven in previous writings, that to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , is a FALSE gospel ?  That proves they did not have faith nor believed.


Heb 4:3  For we which have BELIEVED do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in My wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. }}}… see… those who BELIEVED entered in to the REST. But as Israel did not believe, in GOD ’s wrath, … they were not allowed to enter in to the rest, because one should enter by BELIEVING. Understand… when we believe The LORD, … we enter in to the REST. Because, to believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the works of The LORD. Jh 6: 29. Because Adam did not believe, … nor had faith in The Creator, … all these evil came on the mankind. Then when one believes, they enter in to the rest means thereafter, no works are necessary. Adam did not believe, but these gentiles believed. From the foundation of the world, The LORD was working in us to believe in The Creator, or The SON ! as written above, the UNBELIEF is the sin. John 8.


Heb 4:5  And in this place again, If they shall enter into My rest. }}}… remember as proven in the first part, Micah 2: 9-13, when the women were cast out, The LORD said, this is not the REST and to go out as GOD ’s glory is taken away for ever. That was the cut off point of Israel. So they could not enter in to the rest, finishing works of believing JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words and went after god the father , passing CHRIST THE LORD. ! and the REST IS IN THE FATHER’S HOUSE. Heb. 3: 6, those who have faith, entered and those who did not believe as v 12 says, departed from the Living GOD ! That is the house of GOD , where JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is also a SON, but the house belongs to ‘JESUS’. He is the FATHER of the house as well as The SON because HE IS ONE GOD , the SPIRIT and the BODY !


Heb 4:6  Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief}}}… It is to Israel, it was FIRST preached but they did not believe. See the gentiles, BELIEVED as proven above, and Israel did not believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or His words. Therefore, the gentiles entered in to the rest, and another rest is there for Israel to enter. That happens at the White throne.


Heb 4:8  For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. }}}…. See … CHRIST THE LORD has not given them rest. And another rest is there for the people of GOD , who did not believe, nor had faith;-

Heb 4:9  There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God


Heb 4:10  For HE THAT IS ENTERED INTO HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his own works, as GOD DID FROM HIS. }}}… see… GOD  ceased His works , when one ENTER IN TO HIS REST, .. that is by BELIEVING.  This is the PROMISED LAND. (Please read link below). Then, when one  believes,  he enter in to GOD ’s rest, means the Sabbath is fulfilled. The Creator Has ceased His work of getting His people to believe in Him and then, He cease His work in us, and the believer also enter in to the rest and cease works.  This proves, The Creator was working in mankind to believe in Him and to have faith in Him that HE WILL WORK IN US TO GET US TO ENTER AND THAT NO MAN CAN ENTER IN TO HIS REST OR BELIEVE, UNLESS The LORD COME TO US AND CAUSES US TO ENTER. HOW COULD THE CAST OUT MANKIND FIND The LORD AND HIS REST ?  How could the enemy, who is mankind , find GOD  , when He separated from man?  How could man has the HOLY SPIRIT to receive it, UNLESS…. UNLESS The LORD, HIMSELF WILL SHOW US ???  This is why, no one could believe Him until the appointed time came !  After Israel is totally proved themselves of being unbelievers and unfaithful ones, The LORD turned to deliver gentiles and caused them to turn from the power of satan to GOD , and gave faith so they could believe and enter, according to  Heavenly vision as written above !!!


Therefore, all glory and thanks giving is to The Creator who worked all these years, thousands of years to get the man to believe in Him and to have faith in Him. And The LORD , by His grace, raised up the gentiles, while yet they were dead in sin, and revealed all things and gave HOLY SPIRIT, freely, as He prophesied  through Joel, and Apostle Peter ! The hand maids have received the HOLY SPIRIT. and as promised, The LORD has GIVEN SALVATION TO FLESH or sinners. Therefore,, He LORD has ceased His works in the believers, and the believers also have ceased from their works as they are with The LORD!


Adam was cast out, … and the SECOND Adam lives, Therefore, we live in Him. !


Heb 4:11  Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. }}}… faithlessness and unbelief stopped all from being with The LORD. That is what happened to Adam. He did not believe, nor had faith to believe in the word of GOD . The LORD, Has breathed on him. Gen.  2:7.  And he rejected the breath of The LORD, and desired to live on his own. So the whole mankind suffered all these years because of the sin of unbelief until now.


Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

Heb 4:13  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPENED UNTO THE EYES OF HIM with whom we have to do. }}}… the Word of GOD, will cause all thoughts and intents of the heart to be revealed at the White throne. !!!



Israel, has no faith. In Deut. 32, The LORD said, they will be a faithless generation. That is why their gold is cankered. That means, from the beginning, GOD  knew the hearts of Israel, are stiff necked and that is why, He appointed them to stumble at Him, as well as the Word of GOD and die without His words and then The LORD will redeem them. And at the White throne, after all things written are fulfilled, … and after they stumbled and died spiritually, … The LORD will call all the dead and judge and correct them by opening the understanding to ALREADY FULFILLED Word of GOD ! Then, they will believe because then, they cannot pervert the Word of GOD and have other gods, and the One and ONLY TRUE GOD will be proven to be the TRUE GOD , and will have no choice but will see that they are dead, Psa. 78: 34- 35, and will acknowledge their sin and iniquity, and will repent and seek The LORD. And in their judgment the song of Moses was sung in Rev.  15: 3. And The LORD prophesied  that gentiles will be raised up. Deut. 32: 43,


We know the song of Moses is to witness against Israel after they fall.

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves, their SPOT IS NOT THE SPOT OF HIS CHILDREN: they are a perverse and crooked generation}}}… GOD  knew from the beginning, that Israel will be a perverse and a crooked generation. But The LORD will straighten the crooked places !


Deu 32:6  Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he THY FATHER that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee? }}}… in the White throne, all will see how foolish they were, and they will know the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who BOUGHT them.!


see it is The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD who alone did lead them as this chapter says. Since they do not know that, they are foolish and unwise. And The LORD says, they do not have a spot, or a place to be The ROCK’s children. Seeing the end from the beginning, The LORD prepared gentiles to fill that spot, to be His children as Eph. 1 says. Now, at the White throne, they will be given the understanding to know all these, and will see that The ROCK is truly their FATHER, and will behold Him. As the high priest or the prophet, said referring to Isa.  9: 6, that The SON is not the FATHER, is directly perverting the Scripture. That perverted the whole nation and all were rejected.


Deu 32:20  And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward (perverse) generation, children in whom is no faith. }}}… see GOD  knew that they will be a faith – less generation and now the Word of GOD is proven to be right because others, the gentiles obeyed faith and came as gold. And their faith is like gold which is rusted. Therefore, ‘US’, to whom the book of Hebrews is written are the NEW Jews or GOD ’s people who are already in the Glorious REST with The LORD, the FATHER !


See Heb. 7 says all the priesthood, including the high priest is rejected as they could not be made perfect but with sin. And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Has now become the HIGH PRIEST, because HE FULFILLED HIS OBEDIENCE TO GOD AND IS WITHOUT SIN. And we must come to the THRONE OF GRACE to find mercy; all those who still did not find grace and mercy of The LORD, who could not enter in to the rest to cease their works. They are yet to be forgiven. That is the purpose of the White throne, to give light or Revelation to the sin !

Heb 4:14  Since then we have a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 

Heb 4:15  For we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted just as we are, yet without sin. 

Heb 4:16  Therefore let us come boldly to the THRONE OF GRACE, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 


In order to appear before GOD , the HOLY SPIRIT, The Creator, … the high priest should be a perfect man. That means he should have URIM AND THUMMIM in his breast plate as The LORD has instructed the high priests to have.

Exo 28:29  And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually. 

Exo 28:30  And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually. }}}… ‘Aaron’ means ‘light bringer’. Then, the fall of the Aaronic priesthood means they could not have light and perfections as they were supposed to, as they did not judge the people according to  the law of GOD , but took bribes and they must rule in the fear of GOD .  then, they, themselves did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS. How could they judge the people as GOD  has instructed them ???  Their sin is that they worshiped an idol, or an imagined GOD , in our times, calling god the father and caused the whole land to go after an idol.  !!!  That means they NEVER HAD THE TRUTH, because Psa. 74 says, Zion is a perpetual desolation ! The high priest should bring GOD ’s light or truth to the people and bear judgment. That means judge according to  the truth of GOD .


urim and thumimm  means LIGHTS AND PERFECTIONS.



from strong’s ;- Plural of H217; lights; Urim, the oracular brilliancy of the figures in the high priest’s breastplate: – Urim.

flame, hence (in the plural) the East (as being the region of light): – fire, light. See also H224.




Plural of H8537; perfections, that is, (technically) one of the epithets of the objects in the high priest’s breastplate as an emblem of complete Truth:


So the Aaronic priesthood never had URIM OR THUMMIM. They, themselves, are not perfect as they denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  the TRUTH and His words the TRUTH. This is why and how all seven eras fell from the truth. And while the final falling away was happening, The LORD called the sanctified ones who are as written above, 2 thes 2: 1-1 4, the gentiles and gave them the truth, and they believed the Word of TRUTH. Eph. 1: 13 and more.


Then, notice the east is the region of light, … when The LORD comes, … the LIGHTNING comes from east and shines to west. Mat 24: 27, which is an end time sign. And The LORD comes from east to build the new temple. Ezekiel 43.


And The LORD gave His light to the gentiles, … 1 Pet 2: 8-10, brought to HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT, and made them to be the Royal Priesthood. !


We are made perfect, when we are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and when the knowledge  of Him is given as proven in previous writings.

Joh_17:23  I IN THEM, AND THOU IN ME, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved Me….}}}… see… GOD , or the HOLY SPIRIT is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … and when HE IS IN any of us, … we are made PERFECT.  Then who have Him in them ???


Col 1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; WHICH IS CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory: }}}… see The LORD made the gentiles perfect by coming to them. And that means THE TRUE LIGHT, they have. That is Urim. And perfections means Thummim. Therefore, having JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE PERFECT HIGH PRIEST, .. MADE THESE GENTILES ALSO TO BE PERFECT. This is why, The LORD said to be sons of light. He is the FATHER of lights. Jam 1: 17-18 . Then, being made perfect, they are to preach , warn, and teach every man to give wisdom, so others may presented perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD …

Col 1:28  Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: }}}…. At the White throne, when the books are opened and with the Book of Life, … all will see who are made perfect and how. !


Sons of light.

Jas 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. }}}.. it is from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , all the free gifts are given. And He is the FATHER of lights. Then as Eph. 1 says, His own will, He begat the gentiles as sons.

Jas 1:18  Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. }}}… if we are made perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … and if it is His own will to beget us by the Word of TRUTH, … then who ever  believed the Word of TRUTH become His sons. If He is the FATHER, … then others who believed Him are His first fruits. They are the sons of light. And who  believed the Word of TRUTH ???


Eph 1:13  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise}}}… see after the gentiles who were predestinated to be adopted as sons to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , ..believed, they were given the HOLY SPIRIT. that is the FATHER , and FATHER’s SPIRIT is given to the sons. 1 Pet 1: 23 also.


Joh 12:35  Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. 

Joh 12:36  While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light….}}}… now, in the Laodicea era, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is outside. Therefore,, they do not have the light, as they did not believe Him.  But, the gentiles believed and became the children of Light. Or became sons to THE LIGHT, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!!


It is the GOD  of grace, who is CHRIST THE LORD, who will make us perfect.

1Pe 5:10  But the God of all grace, who hath CALLED US UNTO HIS ETERNAL GLORY by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 

1Pe 5:11  To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 


And the sons of darkness will travail to be born.

1Th 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 

1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 

1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. }}}… if JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is THE LIGHT, and sons of Light means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s sons. He is the HOLY SPIRIT and the HOLY SPIRIT begets us. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, HE FULFILLED Isa.  9: 6 !


Remember, the gentiles have returned to the Shepherd. 1 Pet 2: 25. That is the Royal Priesthood . and they heard the voice of the GREAT SHEPHERD as John 10 says, and received EVERLASTING LIFE from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . !


Therefore,, He Has made us perfect in Him !

Heb 13:20  Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 

Heb 13:21  MAKE YOU PERFECT IN EVERY GOOD WORK TO DO HIS WILL, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom BE GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER. Amen. !


See in Adam, all are made sinners. That means we were born as sinners. Then, would The LORD kill us with the Eternal death, unless He gives us a chance to live? He will not create man in vain. He knew, in HIM, BY HIS DEATH, AND RESURRECTION , THE WHOLE MANKIND WILL BE GIVEN LIFE B Y HIS GRACE !!!

Rom 5:15  But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by ONE MAN, JESUS CHRIST, hath abounded unto many. 

Rom 5:16  And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. }}}… the judgment is one to be condemned, but EVERLASTING LIFE is given freely TO ALL. GOD  had to condemn Israel also as sinners and as gentiles. The ‘gentiles’ are called so, because they did not have the true GOD . and when Israel also did not have the true GOD  who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  in them,… they too became as heathen. Amo 9: 7, Isa.  2: 6. They live in darkness means without GOD  and His light. No Urim or Thummim in the high priest’s breast plate.


Rom 5:17  For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) ….}}}… see… by one man, death came. And by One Man, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , we are made RIGHTEOUS. That means we can stand before GOD . our filthy rags will be replaced in righteousness as CHRIST THE LORD is THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John2


Rom 5:18  Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. }}}… see by one judgment of one man, all are condemned. But righteousness of ONE, gives the free gift of justification unto life.  So do you think GOD  is lying ?  all the leaders accuse other leaders of  being sinners and liars. GOD  will show all men are liars at the White throne.


Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. }}}… all these verses say the same thing. One man made all sinners, but ONE MAN will make us righteous !!! all things GOD  has to give to us is freely given at the White throne!


Rom 5:20  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: 

Rom 5:21  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might GRACE REIGN THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS UNTO ETERNAL LIFE BY JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. !!!…

As proven in previous writings, the law was given to show us our offence against GOD . that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and as we all failed to keep them, … all died without mercy. But when the mercy is given, all will  be made to live !


So THE LORD knew, From the beginning , who would not believe Him. And as long as we did not believe Him, … we convicted Him being a sinner. Therefore, THE LORD wants to show that man is the sinner. It took all these years for THE LORD to hear every one, after giving the law as written above, in John 7: 51, and the law condemns and convicts all as unbelievers, liars and murderers. Then, the truth will be made known, the lies exposed, …. THE LORD will be acquitted and man will be convicted as sinners and liars.!


Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. 

Psa 51:2  Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 

Psa 51:3  For I ACKNOWLEDGE MY TRANSGRESSIONS: and my sin is ever before me. 

Psa 51:4  Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. }}}… this is the purpose of the White Throne. THE SIN IS REVEALED WITH THE SINNERS.  As David said, … we only have a chance to live by GOD’s mercy which blot out our transgressions!!!

Psa 51:5  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

Psa 51:6  Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. 

Psa 51:7  Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 

Psa 51:8  Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. 

Psa 51:9  Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities

Psa 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. 

Psa 51:11  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. 

Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. 

Psa 51:13  Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. 

Psa 51:14  Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. 

Psa 51:15  O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. 

Psa 51:16  For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. 

Psa 51:17  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. 

Psa 51:18  Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. 

Psa 51:19  Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar. }}}… he prayed to GOD, to cleanse him of all sin. And in the White Throne, THE LORD will convict  the whole mankind to be sinners. Then, all will acknowledge their sin and justify THE LORD. No one will convict GOD, after that.


Have you loved JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ?

Have you believed Him and His words ???

If not, you believe in lies and are a liar who has convicted your One and ONLY TRUE GOD , as a sinner and a murderer !!!


How thankful are you to GOD , for THE FREE GIFT OF GRACE ???



The LORD OF HOSTS and the children… Isa.  8: 18, the sign and a wonder in Israel !









THE works OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE , the HIGH PRIEST and THE EVERLASTING FATHER  finishes the works for the people to Passover to serve Him as THE EVERLASTING FATHER  !

Tabernacle part 4.


Understand the Signs of times “SPIRITUALLY” and not physically to know the coming of The LORD !





Be RECONCILED to your Husband and not to His FATHER! Israel was married to ONE GOD and not TWO.! The marriage Covenant is broken.

31 July 2015




The day of the LORD’S vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion: HWA and GF stumbled on CHRIST; rejected Him as prophesied

28 sept 2019





HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS!  

Books are opened part 3 – 17th June 2023





December 21, 2021 by Gentile Assembly



Eye Salve 2: No Jew, No Greek all are ONE WITH The CREATOR.

January 31, 2022 by Gentile Assembly




Passover- How to partake
CHRIST’s death to be raised up to Holiness?( cross)

17th March  2014





“Wisdom is
justified of her children” 

30/ Aug 2016





Justice to the TRUTH; Be
justified or be guilty!

19th March 2015


Justify The LORD to Passover, as David

part 2; Passover 21 Mar 2015 –





The ministry of GLORY declares THE LORD of GLORY and establishes the law of faith!

Books are opened part 7 – for the fast of 5th month. (27th)

13th July 2023.




Free gift of Faith of CHRIST the LORD to live !

24th Jul





Tabernacle part 6; 26th April 2021 



More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained part 2

(Tabernacle part 6)

16th June 2021




More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained – part 3

August 19, 2021 by Gentile Assembly





Part 2 New stone?- Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant! GOD Is free from His promise!

(Pentecost 2018) 5/18/18



Part 3- New stone: GOD’s own became strangers and strangers became His own!

31 May 2018




Thou shall NOT set up a STONE IMAGE, a MEMORIAL stone, a carcass of idols in My land! Lev 26:1-2, 30. GF’S last two books Directly violates this law of GOD

13 Feb 2019






Prince of peace sends peace to His wife: Great the
PEACE of ‘thy children”.
(Isa. 54:13). Pt 1

23/sept 2016



Peace pt 2- Levi had life and peace having “the law
of TRUTH” to fear The LORD and not the law of Moses

30th sept 2016. – Fast of 7th month.






9 May 2019






5th June 2016- Pentecost
