White throne 3 -The LORD OF SABAOTH and HIS hosts; THE SEED, The sign and The wonder in Israel . Pt 1

White throne 3 The LORD OF SABAOTH  and HIS hosts; THE SEED, The sign and The wonder in Israel . Pt 1

27 Jan 2025


First of all, we must learn who is THE LORD OF SABAOTH is because it is He who is the GOD of Israel as proven below. This is not The LORD of Sabbath, but THE LORD OF ‘SABAOTH’, which means The LORD of the ‘hosts’. and Apostle Paul said, THE LORD OF SABAOTH has left us a seed and if not, we will be as Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed totally. This seed is the people who host The LORD or HIS OFFSPRING and He is their FATHER. They fear The LORD OF HOSTS when GOD  condemns the priesthood for not doing so. Prophet Malachi said the priesthood did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS as the ‘FATHER’. Mal. 1: 6. That is not god the father as the leaders taught. This , we must prove from the Scripture.  If the leaders teaches against the Scripture, we must not believe them to be deceived. But all worship and fear god the father. Then why does the Scripture condemns the priesthood of not fearing Him?  Is god the father, the true father according to  Scripture? And it is same now as well, because The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as we shall prove in this writing. The whole volume of books talks about ONE GOD . Ancient Israel, were the hosts of The LORD. And it is the same GOD , who is The LORD OF HOSTS or THE LORD OF SABAOTH, Who left this remnant to serve Him as His hosts in the New Testament, in Rom. 9. This writing will prove from the word that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel and also Israel’s FATHER. (Mal. 1: 6). But, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , The Husband. When you learn this truth, you will return to The Husband, calling Him ‘FATHER’. Jer. 3: 19-20. But except the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, all have worshiped false gods such as god the father because even if there is a god the father, that is not THE LORD OF SABAOTH nor the GOD  of Israel. We must be the hosts of this ONE GOD  who was The LORD who brought Israel out of Egypt to be His own. Therefore, it is the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, who will be used by Him to witness about Him and to preach Him to those who have not worshiped Him and failed to fear Him and be gathered to Him. Therefore, THIS WRITING PROVES, THAT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS The LORD OF HOSTS and He is The Husband as well as the FATHER. !


Remember both Judah and Israel are to stumble on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Isa.  8: 14. The fear of The LORD, is hardened from them by The LORD. Isa.  63: 16-19. And they are appointed to stumble on the Word of GOD as well. 1 Pet 2:6-8. Then, when The LORD has appointed them to  stumble on Him and His words, would they not stumble? Is GOD  a liar? When they stumble at the end of the Philadelphia era , they are found to be liars. But still, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s own true church which is prophesied  to fall from the truth. Then what would they have? LIES. That is when they spiritually died. Thereafter, GOD  grafted this seed which He left to continue in His works, on the Day of Visitation . But the spiritually blind, cannot see that until the White throne when The LORD opens the books which are already fulfilled.! To open the books or to give the understanding to the Scripture in the Bible is the purpose of the White throne. Remember ‘white’ means light and light means Revelation. The book of Revelation is about the judgment to Israel, or those who are under the law, to prove that they have failed to obey their GOD .




Rom 9:29  And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. }}}… ‘except THE LORD of Sabaoth left a seed, … there will be a total desolation!!! GOD would not create mankind , later to be destroyed. The judgment for those who do not believe is the eternal death. But THE LORD paid the death for us. In Him, we live. He took vengeance from Himself.  We need to prove that THE LORD OF SABAOTH is CHRIST THE LORD or not. But, as The LORD saved this remnant, by His grace, He will save the rest as well, because not because of their works that this seed was saved , but it is only by the GRACE of GOD  !

See always, THE LORD leaves a remnant to work with because of His grace.  Noah, Moses and others found grace before THE LORD. Now, in judgment, Israel, is  in Egypt and Sodom. Rev.  11: 8. In 'Egypt' means no HOLY SPIRIT. Isiah 30: 1- 3. That means the GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt is not their GOD and they are back in Egypt . So they are in Egypt means they have failed to fulfil the purpose of why THE LORD brought them out, such as they failed to make Him a name and they never became His people because they worship god the father and not the true GOD who is THE ROCK who brought them out of Egypt.  So HIS SPIRIT IS NOT LEADING THEM and they are back in Egypt. 

And 'sodom' means they did not love THE LORD, but loved other men to believe their deceitful lies, such as of HWA’s and GF's, as they preached god the father and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!  They did not love their HUSBAND ! please read, link below ‘HWA’s and GF’s lies’. GF, did not believe JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but believed HWA. So that is Sodom. Then, THE LORD saved this remnant, so they can be His hosts to continue the work. But all died spiritually, till the White Throne, when they are given Everlasting life.

‘Sodom’ means ‘burning’.

‘Gomorah’ means submersion, ruined . That means all would burn and ruined if it not for this seed which THE LORD left. Gen. 18 , GOD says if He finds ten righteous men, … He would not destroy Sodom. Therefore, unless THE LORD left this remnant, a total destruction means not even ten are found to be righteous.


THE LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER and that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. ;- Read these Scripture and understand.

The LORD of HOSTS says "I am the FATHER"…(Mal. 1:6, 2 sam 7:14)

then The ROCK says "I am the FATHER"…(Deut. 32:5-6, 18, Exo 4:22-23)

then THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD says "I am the FATHER",(2 Cor. 6:14-19, Rom. 9:25-26)

The CREATOR ;  is the FATHER', (Acts. 17:24-29), we must be His offspring. That means He is the FATHER. He breathed on Adam to give life. Gen. 2:7.

The REDEEMER is the FATHER", (Isa. 63:16)

The Most High says 'I am the FATHER', (Psa. 82:6),

King David will call The Saviour, 'FATHER', Psa. 89:26.

The Potter says ' He is the FATHER', ….(Isa. 64:8).

The JUDGE, is the FATHER. 1 pet 1: 17. And more. All these Scripture applies to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then, HE IS THE FATHER EVEN Isiah 9: 6 SAYS. BUT THAT REVELATION, GOD HAD NOT GIVEN UNTIL THE END. To preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, was a mystery. Rom. 16 !

And many more Scripture proves that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the FATHER. And not knowing that, the wife has forsaken Him. But before she returns to Him, she should know that HE IS THE FATHER or The Husband is the FATHER. Jeremiah  3: 19-20.

Here are few quotes of GF , you can be the judge to know how GF exalted HWA and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and he did not know that THE LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER  ;-

THAT PROPHET book under Elisha GF wrote (emp ours)

{{{“What I needed to say all along was, we need to look to Herbert W. Armstrong and God’s instructions. That makes it simple, because he was our spiritual father, the man who brought all of us to God, directly or indirectly. “}}}}…


JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said to not to call any man, ‘father’. And then could the ‘SPIRIT’ come from a man ? How could any man be a ‘Spiritual’ father? Any man’s spirit could give us Spiritual life? The SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. 2 Cor.  3: 17. And from His mouth, the SPIRIT is given. John 20: 22. He is the HOLY SPIRIT, who died to purchase us. Acts 20: 28. And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words are SPIRIT and life to us. John 6:63. Then, our Spiritual FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !  we are born with the Word of GOD. Jam 1: 18 and 1 pet 1: 23. Then, as our ‘FATHER’, we should love CHRIST OUR LORD. Therefore, GF loved HWA, and believed him more than he loved and believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is Spiritual Sodom. And Egypt, because they do not have the GOD who brought them out of Egypt and His SPIRIT. Isiah 30: 1-3. That is why the wife does not have ‘white linen’ to continue the marriage Covenant. Both last eras were  deceived in to believe in a lie and go after god the father and not after The Creator.



GOD family vision pg 86

{{{{“Levi was the father of the Levites, and Mr. Armstrong was the spiritual father of all of the ministers”}}}}…. 


Levi is the father of the Levites, … and Scripture  does not say Levi is the ‘Spiritual’ father of Levites, then how could HWA is the ‘Spiritual’ father of the ministers who are Levites ??? Heb. 7 says, NOT EVEN A SINGLE HIGH PRIEST WAS MADE PERFECT. Aaronic priesthood has failed totally and a more excellent Ministry  is sought by THE LORD, by OATH, which was pre- planned and appointed.


Besides, HWA said HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD. Then, does the power of GOD comes from HWA , to call him a ‘Spiritual’ father??? That is totally against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who says ‘MY WORDS ARE SPIRIT’ in John 6: 63, and He is the SPIRIT 2 Cor.  3: 17 ? Could the power of GOD be given from the bellies of the believers ( John 7: 36-39)??? When JESUS CHRIST THE LORD breathed , He said receive the SPIRIT, John 20: 22. Did He give the power of GOD in His breath? HWA deceived all to go after god the father and to believe in him and GF followed him and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Why would JESUS CHRIST THE LORD be OUTSIDE, KNOCKING to come in , in the Laodicea era?  If you understand this little , you would know that all have fallen from the truth as THE LORD said that His church would ! these teachings of HWA and GF proves GOD’s words is the truth and the church has fallen from the truth. This is why, THE LORD says the church is now in Egypt, having no HOLY SPIRIT, Isiah 30: 1- 3, … and in Sodom, as these men trusted in other men. The judgment of THE LORD is to destroy such totally. Remember when Aaron made the idol, Levi killed many thousands of people for idol worship?


From MM, pg 102 , editions may vary.

"Cursed be the man that trusteth in man" (Jer. 17:5) — ANY man, AND THAT CERTAINLY INCLUDES ME. }}}}…  This is why GF is cursed, SPIRITUALLY, BLINDED and loves a man and not The Husband, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! if you compare HWA’s and GF’s writings as we have proven (links below) you will see how false their teachings are. Believing in traditions of men, GOD condemned because NO MAN HAS THE TRUTH and GOD has appointed Israel to stumble on Him as well as the Word of GOD , and they must die once, WITHOUT MERCY. Heb. 10:28. And the SPIRIT said to the churches, who is CHRIST OUR LORD, that all seven eras will fall, from THE TRUTH. That truth is about GOD HEAD. Therefore, we plead with you to believe in the Scripture and prove to yourself what THE LORD says and not to trust in a man. Why would THE LORD come a second time to give the knowledge of GOD as the sea, to gather all? Isiah 11:9-11.



In Ezekiel book, GF wrote

{{{‘ You must know your Bible and your pastor. Because it is through the ministerial office that most people are deceived.’}}}.  GOD condemns the Philadelphia era leaders as Jews who lie and a synagogue of satan . Rev.  3. Then did we trust in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and believed Him? After all, HE SAID ‘HEAR WHAT THE ‘SPIRIT’ says to the churches. Then, if you heard what the ‘SPIRIT’ said to the churches, … you will not be deceived by these ministers. But , THE LORD says all are deceived. All trusted in men, including us. The enemy is in the Sanctuary or the Ministry . Psa. 74, and she is a perpetual desolation.


As you can see, the last high priest or the prophet, believed and trusted in a man. That is SODOM. Therefore, he is cursed to Spiritual death. He could not hear what the ‘SPIRIT’ said to the church.


And he never knew that THE LORD OF HOSTS or  THE LORD OF SABAOTH is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Here is another quote;-

PG 94 GOD fam vision.

“Malachi 1:6 contains the same warning, only here it

involves people who didn’t heed. “A son honoureth his father,

and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine

honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord

of hosts unto you, O priests, that DESPISE MY NAME. And ye

say, Wherein have we despised thy name?”

This is God talking: the Lord of hosts, the supreme God,

the God of the angels, the universe and everything that

ever was created. He says, if I’m a father, where is my honor?

Though Christ was the God of the Old Testament, here it is

as if God the Father is speaking! He’s asking this question of His own people today.”}}}}


{{{‘Though Christ was the God of the Old Testament, here it is

as if God the Father is speaking’…}}}}… This means GF  thinks THE LORD OF HOSTS who is asking for His honor, … is god the father. IN OTHER WORDS, … THE LORD OF HOSTS IS god the father!!! In this writing, without a doubt, .. from the Scripture which you can read it in your own Bible, … we prove that THE LORD OF HOSTS is CHRIST OUR LORD and it IS HE WHO IS THE MASTER, … AND LORD, … (Joh_13:13  Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.) ,… and the high priest did not fear the MASTER AND LORD, who is the FATHER, as proven below, … and said it is another one whom his spiritual father who is HWA taught. That means he loved and feared HWA, a man, and not the true MASTER AND LORD as The LORD, HIMSELF SAYS HERE… 'I AM' …


GF says, the GOD of the Old Testament,  is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but… as if god the father is speaking. !!! Did he know that THE LORD OF HOSTS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … IS…the GOD of the Old Testament ? please read, link below ‘Volume of books’. This quote proves that GF  never honored or feared the true LORD OF HOSTS as the FATHER, nor as the Master, because that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . we must be The Creator’s offspring as written above in Acts. 17: 24 onwards. He begat Israel. Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18, Israel is His first born. Exo. 4: 22-24. ! because the priesthood did not fear nor honored Him as the FATHER, … they forsook Him. But now they must learn and called The Husband, our FATHER, in order to return to Him. Jeremiah  3: 19- 10 ! Therefore, the seed THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, cannot be GF nor his believers who never knew that CHRIST OUR LORD is THE LORD OF HOSTS. If He is the GOD of the Old Testament, how could another be the GOD of the New Testament ???


so you see … The LORD OF HOSTS is asking for His fear and Honor because He says ‘if I am a FATHER’… and a ‘MASTER’, means that HE IS THE FATHER AND THE MASTER.  This is why The LORD said… 'I AM' the MASTER… and the FATHER in in heaven, because His FATHER is His own HOLY SPIRIT .  


 Mat 23:8  But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 

Mat 23:9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. … }}}… this FATHER in Heaven alone can give us the Spiritual life or Everlasting life , which is when we call Him our Spiritual FATHER.   CHRIST OUR LORD could not be our Spiritual FATHER, because no one received Him as the FATHER as our minds were blinded and are appointed to stumble for a reason. THE LORD had to die first, shedding His blood which has the Etrernal SPIRIT, Heb. 9: 14, in order to redeem us, from the death all mankind was cursed to. Therefore, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD came the first time as written below , but His own did not receive Him as the FATHER. John 1: 11-14. Therefore, He could not be their Everlasting FATHER. But this seed, received Him because they are His own works. That is when JESUS CHRIST THE LORD became the Everlasting FATHER ! Therefore,, we cannot call anyone our father , nor the ‘Spiritual’ father. The SPIRIT would not come by any other, but from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !  He said to the churches ‘hear what the SPIRIT says’. But did anyone hear the Spirit???


‘for one is your Father, which is in heaven.’…

 One is your FATHER, who is in HEAVEN.  It is HIS OWN SPIRIT, as the GOD is a SPIRIT, John 4, who is in HEAVEN.  That is the HOLY SPIRIT.  That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own HOLY SPIRIT. Then, only those who are taken to heaven, … will know this HEAVENLY FATHER. But Zion is cast down from heaven. Lamentations 2: 1. Therefore, she cannot know this HEAVENLY FATHER. But those who are taken to heaven, col 3, Eph. 2 , Isiah 13: 5 etc, … who are this seed which THE LORD OF HOSTS left, know the true HEAVENLY FATHER IS THE LORD OF HOSTS OR JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !



Mat 23:10  Neither be ye called masters: for ONE IS YOUR MASTER, EVEN CHRIST. }}}… twice, in this Scripture, He said, ONE IS YOUR MASTER… THAT IS ME… JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!! HE IS THE GOD OF THE Old Testament. This writing would prove that THE LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER, and we should honor and fear Him and not as GF twisted the Scripture to call god the father is to be honored, or this MAN, HWA. . FOR ALL MEN IN THIS WORLD, … ACCORDING TO THE  Scripture, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is THE ONE MASTER AND ONE FATHER ( HIS SPIRIT) , the GOD of the Old Testament ! Therefore, none feared the TRUE MASTER OR THE FATHER as all forsook Him.  If you want to return to Him, … you must call Him, FATHER. All these prove the true seed of THE LORD OF HOSTS, who call Him ‘FATHER’ and who do not.


Because you never called JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, our MASTER, … and honored nor feared Him, He said… such are EXALTED, but will be HUMBLED.

Mat 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. 

Mat 23:12  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. 

Mat 23:13  But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. }}}… See who is the pharisee, or the scribe, or the hypocrite who stopped all from fearing and honoring the true LORD OF HOSTS OR THE FATHER or the MASTER, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ???  it is these two leaders in last two eras, who shut up the kingdom of heaven against their followers , the Body of CHRIST ! Even if there is a god the father, we are created by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, for HIS PLEASURE. Rev.  4: 11 and more and we should be HIS SEED ! These leaders never heard what the ‘SPIRIT’ said to the churches but had their own imaginations and are cursed and will be humbled when their lies are found out! This is why THE LORD says, on the Day of Visitation, the prophet is a fool. Hos. 9: 7. And that is why on the Day of Visitation, not even one stone ( church members) will be left upon another ! Therefore,, they stopped all from going to the HEAVENLY kingdom, neither they did they go as Zion was in heaven, but cast down. Lamentations 2.


Rom 9:29  And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. }}}… ‘Sabaoth’ means ‘hosts’. Then the LORD of Sabaoth means ‘THE LORD OF the HOSTS’ !!!  That identifies THE LORD and His people who have HIM in them , or who are WITH HIM, .. who have FEARED HIM, … and HONOURED HIM, and who has received Him as the ‘FATHER’.  Because Mal. 1:6 condemns the priesthood for NOT FEARING AND NOT HONORING HIM AS THE FATHER, AND MASTER.  Then this seed must be fearing and Honoring Him and know that HE IS THEIR FATHER ALSO.  That is our MASTER, AND THE FATHER that means, we have allowed Him to rule over us and have received Him as the ‘FATHER’. !!!  this is the same GOD , THE LORD OF HOSTS who ask for His fear and GF did not know Him. Therefore, he cannot be among this seed which THE LORD saved. Because this seed is the ‘hosts’ of THE LORD means THE LORD is IN THEM AND THEY KNOW HIM and have feared and honored Him , especially, as the FATHER AND THE MASTER.


Then, as JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said… that ‘one is your Master, evenCHRIST’…. ; and all ye are brethren…, THE MASTER in Mal. 1:6, is CHRIST OUR LORD. Then, we should have feared and honored Him ! In that both HWA and GF failed to receive CHRIST OUR LORD as their ‘MASTER’ because they thought that it is god the father. So they did not honor Him as a servant of MASTER – JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. THE LORD cannot lie and He will not lie to steal the name of another. So no one believed that ONE IS OUR MASTER, WHO IS CHRIST OUR LORD ! and we are all brethren, so we cannot call any our father.


Mal 1:6  A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I BE A FATHER, where is mine honour?… This has to be the same GOD, who is the MASTER. He Has to be the FATHER, MASTER.


‘for one is your Father, which is in heaven.  ‘…who is the FATHER in HEAVEN ???  Have you heard from another and have you seen another?  The FATHER who made, begat, bought, brought is THE ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, The Creator. Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18.


Deu 32:4  He is the Rock; His work is perfect. For all His ways are just, a God of faithfulness, and without evil; just and upright is He. 

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves: they are NOT HIS SONS; it is their blemish; they are a crooked and perverse generation}}}… see… From the beginning , it was CHRIST OUR LORD who is THE ROCK, 1 Cor. 10: 3- 4, was their GOD, and the FATHER. He said they will corrupt themselves and would be a perverse generation, as they will NOT BE HIS ‘SONS’!!!  has that not fulfilled now ??? Since you did not know your FATHER, … is THE ROCK, … you have corrupted yourselves and are not HIS OR THE ROCK’S SONS. THE LORD is a JUST GOD and has no evil. Why would He lie? What reward would He get from anyone, seeing that HE OWNS EVERYTHING? Therefore, both HWA and GF, corrupted themselves not understanding that THE ROCK or CHRIST OUR LORD is the FATHER. If He is not THE LORD OF HOSTS, would He ask for the fear and honor of the ‘SONS’??? THE LORD said, Israel is MY FIRST BORN. Ex 4: 22-23. Does that not mean that THE ROCK is their FATHER ???  Did they honor Him as their FATHER and accepted as His first born???  GF wrote, as written below, … the Laodiceans lost their birth right, because of PRIDE !!!

Rev.  unveiled GF’s book pg 69

{{{‘ This is dangerously serious! In the Obadiah booklet, I wrote about how the Esau Laodiceans will lose their eternal lives— their birthright. Why? Because they are deceived by pride.’}}}

That is how they corrupted themselves as the FATHER , THE ROCK prophesied!!! Pride, deceives SELF and others. This is what happened to Adam. Remember , GOD is avenging Adam’s sin in the last generation because the same sins of lusts and pride came to us from him, which separated all from the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD ! Then, who is the Esau Laodicean who DID NOT HONOR THE ROCK AS THEIR FATHER AND MASTER ??? It is GF, himself and all those who did not believe CHRIST OUR LORD is their FATHER, including us. !!! so the point is, THE ROCK is CHRIST OUR LORD, and HE IS THE FATHER who begat all. Read vs 12, 15, 18 !

And this day, … THE LORD has proven that HE WAS RIGHT and His first born has corrupted themselves and has become a crooked and a perverse generation. That is why, without knowing the TRUE FATHER, .. they died !

Deu 32:6  Do you thus give back to Jehovah, Oh foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father who bought you? Has He not made you and established you? …}}}}… we know it is CHRIST OUR LORD who brought Israel out of Egypt. Then, that is the FATHER, who bought and made and established Israel. !!!  you would not believe that He is the FATHER, because you have corrupted yourselves as you lied and placed god the father as the father of Israel. This is why, CHRIST OUR LORD, THE ROCK, who is also THE LORD OF HOSTS, … as we shall prove in this writing, … asked for His fear and honor. A FATHER, must rule the sons and sons must be gathered to Him and to His house.


Therefore, GF caused all the FIRST BORN to lose their BIRTH RIGHT, because of PRIDE against THE LORD !!! Therefore, THE LORD turned to others to make them His sons !!! and gave the opportunity to be HIS FIRST FRUITS !!!  that is the seed of THE LORD OF HOSTS !


'THE LORD of 'SABAOTH'… see this is not 'Sabbath'. But this word is 'Sabaoth'. And it is in strong's, H6635. In Greek, this is number G4519. This word is used only twice in the New Testament. Other one is Jam 5: 4. See below. 'Sabbath' is G 4521. 

Mar_2:28  ThereforeG5620 theG3588SonG5207 of manG444 isG2076 LordG2962alsoG2532 of theG3588 sabbath.G4521

Understand the difference between two numbers and words. 

 ‘sabaoth’ ;-  strong's, H6635. Used over 400 times in the Old Testament . In Greek, this is number G4519 is for the 'HOSTS' of THE LORD. Or the people who are HOSTING THE LORD. Both in the New Testament and the Old Testament, … it means the ‘hosts’. Therefore, the hosts, are the seed which THE LORD left as His hosts, who fears and honors Him. They are not among the priesthood who did not honor or fear Him, but had two masters and two fathers. That is Judah Mal. 2: 10-11. And we know Judah is HWA and GF.

If CHRIST OUR LORD who has spoken all the written words or the Scripture says, Israel is ‘MY’ first born, and if Israel does not agree that and never acknowledged that HE IS THEIR FATHER, … would the FATHER continue to be their FATHER ???  So He has prophesied that when they forsake Him, … He too will forsake them, but to bring them out as His sons afterwards. In the mean time, He needs some people to receive His knowledge and declare it. Therefore,, He Had predestinated a few to be His seed or the hosts of THE LORD. !

We know it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who did lead Israel out of Egypt. And Israel is called the ‘hosts’ of THE LORD. So His first born Israel, were His hosts…


Exo 12:41  And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years,  even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts  H6635 of the LORD  went out from the land of Egypt.…}}}… so this number is used to the 'hosts' or the people of GOD, who were Israel . But Israel is now the church of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD or His body. His body means HE HAS TO BE THE HEAD AND WE MUST BE HIS PARTS OF THE BODY. But they have another head, god the father. They honored god the father, and another ‘man’, calling him our ‘Spiritual’ father! . 

And all fell from this truth and inherited lies. Therefore,, they could not be the ‘hosts’ of the same GOD any longer.  If THE LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … and if HE IS OUTSIDE KNOCKING to get it, … and if He says, His own are liars and a synagogue of satan , … then would they have honored Him as the FATHER or Master or their GOD, and be the HOSTS of THE LORD ??? 

And saving this remnant means they have become the 'hosts' of THE LORD. He could never rule over Israel. Isiah 63: 16-19. He , being The Redeemer, was never called the ‘FATHER’ by them. But this seed , believed and received JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as THEIR LORD, MASTER AND FATHER, FOR EVER !!! GF directly wrote as proven in previous writings, that Isiah  9: 6 is a lie and The Son  is not the FATHER. Therefore, he has never honored or feared the true LORD, to be HIS HOSTS. If He is outside knocking to get in, … those who are inside cannot be His hosts, but those who are outside are His hosts, who is this seed, which HE, HIMSELF saved. We could never understand these things nor THE LORD give the understanding to the leaders as they lied against Him. HE KNOWS THE INTENTIONS OF THE HEART and said, Israel is stiff necked, From the beginning . !!!  

Another instance this same word is used… 

Num 1:52  And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents, every man by  his own camp, and every man by his own standard, throughout their hosts.H6635 …}}}… so this 'SABOATH' is used for the HOSTS of THE LORD. ! THE TRUE GOD, … THE TRUE MASTER, … THE TRUE FATHER, … AND HIS SEED WHO ARE HOSTING HIM, ARE REVEALED IN THIS Scripture in Rom. 9: 29.  !!! 

The LORD OF SABAOTH  and HIS hosts; THE SEED, The sign and The wonder in Israel .

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. }}}… why do Israel need a sign and a wonder, to know The LORD and His children, the hosts , if Israel is His hosts?  See Israel is to see this sign and a wonder . then they cannot be in the mountain with The LORD OF HOSTS. !  The LORD is not their GOD  any more as they are in Egypt and Sodom. Therefore, they need this sign and a wonder to know where the NEW MOUNTAIN Zion is. Those who TRUSTED in The LORD. Psa. 125;1. As prove above, the high priest did not trust in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , or The LORD OF HOSTS, but in a man. That is why he is in Egypt, and in Sodom, being condemned as a liar and a synagogue of satan. From such lying Jews, nothing good can come out. Such have to be corrected and judged to be established, once again by the same GOD , who made and bought them. Therefore, it is they who need to see this sign and a wonder !

Psa 125:1  A Song of degrees. They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever}}}… see this mountain, where The LORD and those who trusted in Him are, cannot be moved.  They are the first fruits now.  who trusted in The LORD ???  it is those who were predestinated to be adopted as sons to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Eph. 1:1- 18. They have their eyes opened. And they believed the Word of TRUTH and not lies of the leaders and are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT . v 13 !!! and they are the gentiles and NOT Israel, who are the HOSTS of The LORD now, as His seed. We believe that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is our EVERLASTING FATHER as Isa.  9: 6, 63: 16 etc says. And Isa.  14:30  ‘the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it. ‘.  The gentiles are the poor as proven in previous writings. and they trust in The LORD. But Israel did not. This is why, they need this sign and the wonder from The LORD OF HOSTS !!!

Psa 125:2  As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. 

Psa 125:3  For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity. 

Psa 125:4  Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts. }}}… so those who trusted in The LORD and did not trusted are now righteous and the wicked. Mal. 3: 16- 18 also. This is why The LORD said to come out of her MY PEOPLE and separated His sons and daughters. 2 Cor. 6: 14- 18.

Psa 125:5  As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel. }}}… Who are the crooked generation ???  they are the sons of Israel. who are Israel now ???  Those who are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then, they are the hosts of The LORD. Others still have iniquity, such as the high priest who sit in the temple, who did LYING wonders to deceive all, who is called the son of perdition.

Gal 6:15  For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. }}}… see when you are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … you become a NEW CREATURE. And….

Gal 6:16  And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God}}}… what is the rule to be Israel of GOD  and to have peace ???  BE,… IN, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!! Peace also comes from this seed. Please read link below . ‘wicked’ will have no peace, because they did not trust in the Prince of Peace to be their GOD  or the FATHER. They failed to be His hosts. ‘new’ … in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, NEW Israel OF GOD , ARE THOSE IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE MASTER AND FATHER, The LORD OF HOSTS !!! Israel are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and are workers of iniquity. Please read link below .


‘hosts’ Strong's ; H6635צְבָאָה    צ

tsâbâ'    tsebâ'âh

tsaw-baw', tseb-aw-aw'

From H6633; a mass of persons (or figurative things), especially regularly organized for war (an army); by implication a campaign, literally or figuratively (specifically hardshipworship): – appointed time, (+) army, (+) battle, company, host, service, soldiers, waiting upon, war (-fare).

This is the army of THE LORD OF HOSTS, whom, He is leading to war, or to judge, … who worship Him,… or waiting upon Him, etc, who are the gentiles. Isiah 13: 5,  Isiah 51: 5,  42: 4,  Isiah 49: 1, 22-23, Isiah 60:9, come with 'gold', and many more. Remember THE LORD is a MAN OF WAR. And His weapons of war comes from the ends of the earth, from heaven. Isiah 13: 5. And He comes to make war with the Ministry, by giving the truth, to judge and correct. 

 Therefore, this is about 'THE LORD OF HOSTS', and the people who are HOSTING Him or His own church, congregation, seed, offspring , or first fruits , or people or those who are with Him and that is Isiah 8: 18 fulfilled. 

 'And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed,'…

Please read the first part to know about this remnant. This remnant is used to judge Israel and to condemn them as proven in previous writings. Remember THE LORD said in judgement, it is the men of Nineveh, and the queen of South , all gentiles who stand in judgment with THE GREATER THAN King Solomon ???  And they are TRIED BY FIRE as THE LORD says , and they KNOW HIM, and they are His people who call on His name. They are the ones who OBEYED and fulfilled their obedience to GOD who are to avenge the sons of disobedience. 2 Cor.  10: 5- 6


The LORD of ‘Sabbath’ means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as we know and He is called in that name because He IS THE CREATOR, WHO CREATED AND RESTED AND ORDAINED THE SABBATH!. That is why JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  said, 'I AM' The LORD of SABBATH. And it is the gentiles who got hold on to the Sabbath Covenant as well to be identified as The Creator’s children. Isa.  56 . the strangers JOINED The LORD !


Then, the ‘SABAOTH’ means, ‘hosts’. And that means the hosts or the people who are hosting The LORD.

so we know The LORD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , because He is called ‘The ROCK’, who did lead Israel, and who gave them water and the manna. 1 Cor. 10: 2- 5. Apostle Paul said it was The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who did lead Israel out of Egypt. That means, Israel’s GOD  or the GOD  of Israel should be JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . that is The LORD of Sabbath as HE CREATED Israel. Israel, were HIS hosts. But they forsook Him and made other nogods for themselves and believed in men. This is why JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  taught Apostle Paul to write to gentiles that they will be the sons of the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , in Rom. 9; 25  onwards and that is the short work.




Which GOD  is THE LORD OF SABAOTH ? He left a seed as Apostle Paul said.

But this seed, received MERCY or grace of GOD , as Moses and Israel did.

Rom 9:15  For He said to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." 

Rom 9:16  So then it is not of the one willing, nor of the one running, but of God, the One showing mercy. }}}… this seed , are chosen because of GOD ’s grace and mercy. And this GOD  who showed mercy to Moses, is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . it is not the ones who are willing, but the ones who received mercy of GOD , who are this seed. Our works are nothing before GOD


Rom 9:17  For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you, and that My name might be declared throughout all the earth." …}}}… we know GOD  hardened the heart of Pharoah in Egypt , and now, as the church is in Egypt , … the leader is Pharoah. GOD  hardened the hearts of His leaders ( Isa.  63: 16-19) so His power could be made known. They are the vessels of wrath, who are Israel or the church leaders. It is now, The LORD’s name will be declared in all the earth. None in Israel, exalted JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name. it is GOD , who said the last era leaders will be in Egypt, and in Babylon. Micah 4: 10 and more. So the leaders are the Nebuchadnezzar and pharoah.

And the ones who were willing and running are the leaders. But GOD  has rejected them and caused them to stumble on Him, Isa.  8: 14, and on the Word of GOD as well. 1 Pet 2: 5-8. This is how The LORD hardened the stiffnecked ones. GOD  sees the hearts and it’s intentions. GOD  chooses the right people for the right jobs.


Rom 9:18  Therefore He has mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will, He hardens. }}}… and GOD ’s mercy is given to the gentiles. This is why, their eyes were opened before Israel. Eph. 1: 18. Eph. 2: 8 etc. while yet THEY WERE DEAD IN SIN, … The LORD raised them up !  That is the mercy and grace of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!!


Rom 9:22  What if God, willing to SHEW HIS WRATH, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: }}}… see GOD  chose Israel, as the vessels of wrath. This is why The LORD caused them to stumble on Him, and the Word of GOD, and hardened their heart from His fear, to make His power known to mankind.


Rom 9:23  And that he might make known the RICHES OF HIS GLORY ON THE VESSELS OF MERCY, which he had afore prepared unto glory}}}… these things are preplanned by GOD . He called Israel first and gave all things and they are to reject all things and receive GOD ’s wrath to show the mankind HIS POWER and man’s power is nothing.


Rom 9:24  Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? 

Rom 9:25  As he saith also in Osee, I will call them My people, which were NOT MY PEOPLE; and her beloved, which was not beloved. 

Rom 9:26  And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be CALLED THE CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD. }}}… see… GOD  prepared these gentiles to glory, … and they are NOT GOD ’s people of Israel. Because Israel, are the vessels of wrath. And these called out ones are called, the ‘CHILDREN OF THE Living GOD .  That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Deut. 5: 26. He is the Living GOD as well as The SON of the Living GOD as proven in previous writings. then those who received mercy , are the sons of the Living GOD, who is The LORD OF HOSTS , (Eph. 1: 1-18,  Isa. 8; 18,  29: 23,  54: 13, 2 Cor. 6: 14- 18. He is also The ALMIGHTY  ) as proven below. You will see, The LORD OF HOSTS is the Living GOD, ( Deut. 5: 26) Who spoke in the midst of fire, … and it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , whose house is made, Heb. 3: 6, but those who did not believe Him, have departed from Him. V `12. Therefore, this seed who received mercy , became sons of the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19 says, The ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Rev.  1: 8 and more, is also the Living GOD. And He separated His sons from the sons of Belial and received us as sons and daughters !!! 


Rom 9:27  Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: 

Rom 9:28  For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. }}}… what is this short work ???  It is to bring forth His children, His seed, .. His hosts, … by HIS MERCY (not of works) and give righteousness. That is the remnant, the seed which The LORD OF HOSTS left. They are the hosts of The LORD now as Israel was.


Rom 9:29  And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. }}}… so the short work is now fulfilled as we are made the hosts of The LORD !!! The Living GOD, The ALMIGHTY, and The LORD OF HOSTS , THE LORD OF SABAOTH !!! That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . !!! This is the work of wonder said in Acts  13 also.


Therefore,, The LORD, doing this short work, made the gentiles, RIGHTEOUS.

Rom 9:30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith}}}… so the gentiles are made RIGHTEOUS, because JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2: 1. And they became HIS CHILDREN. So this is the short work. They are made JUST. And the Scripture says the just shall live by FAITH. And faith is given to gentiles, on the Day of Visitation, when The LORD came and took gentiles to HIS NAME. Acts 15: 9- 15. Faith, PURIFIED THEIR HEARTS. Therefore,, by FAITH, THE GENTILES RECEIVED RIGHTEOUSNESS as you can see… and The LORD made the gentiles this seed. They are the hosts of The LORD now, and not Israel.


Rom 9:31  But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. }}}… see Israel, could not be made righteous, because they looked to their law keeping to get righteous character.  The law was not given to make anyone righteous, but to condemn. It is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who by HIS GRACE, who gave righteousness to gentiles as they looked to Him by faith which they received !!! In a very short time, the gentiles believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  because HE, HIMSELF DID THIS WORK to bring salvation to all. !!! read Isa.  56. When the salvation is about to come, it is the gentiles who joined to The LORD and in the Holy Mountain, altar etc, having done better than sons and daughters ! could the prophecy fail ? Now it is fulfilled.


Rom 9:32  Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone}}}… see GOD  knew the hearts. He knew the end from the beginning, Acts 15, and He caused Israel to stumble, because The LORD saw, that they would not trust in Him nor have faith in Him ( Deut. 32, says, they will be a faithless generation) and He purposed them to stumble !!!

Rom 9:33  As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever BELIEVETH ON HIM shall not be ashamed. }}}… as The LORD purposed them to stumble, they could not BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , THE LORD OF SABAOTH !!! Now, they have stumbled. They looked for the righteousness by the law, while gentiles looked for grace of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . The LORD gave them faith as well , Acts 15: 8-15, because, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the Author and Finisher  of FAITH. Heb. 12: 2. So Israel did not come to Him to receive faith to be justified, … and they could not live !!! faith, is a free gift. So all the free gifts are given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as they are in Him. And Israel are prophesied  to stumble on Him and failed in all things !


And because of lack of faith, and belief, Israel could not enter in to GOD ’s rest. Heb. 4. But The LORD finished the works in this seed and they entered in to the Glorious REST as proven in previous writings !!! remember it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who is The LORD who dwelt in the Tabernacle of wilderness. And even in King Solomon’s temple.


The Ark of the Covenant, belongs to The LORD OF HOSTS. First We must prove that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. The Cherubims covers the ark. And the cherubims were kept to guard the tree of life. And then to open it’s way, the cherubims must finish protecting it until The LORD opens it. And The LORD must defeat the enemy who kept the people from eating from the tree of life, who is His own ministry. They stopped all from coming to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as their quotes prove above. And The LORD OF HOSTS is THE MAN OF WAR. But He would not kill anyone by the sword, because the sword is the Word of GOD. We know at the White throne, the books are opened.


2Sa 6:2  And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims. }}}… see it is The LORD OF HOSTS, who is the GOD  of the Ark of the Covenant, and it is called in HIS NAME ! The LORD OF HOSTS’s name is in the ark means it belongs to Him and not no other !!! The NAME identifies to whom a thing belongs to. So king David worshiped The LORD OF HOSTS. And king David, called ‘The ROCK’, my FATHER also. Psa. 89: 26. And The LORD OF HOSTS said to king David, that HE WILL BE A ‘FATHER’ and the sons who sit on the throne will be HIS SONS. 2 sam 7: 14. ! Therefore,, if you claim to be a king who sit on the throne, … you should be a son to The LORD OF HOSTS !!!  This is why the thrones are given to others. 1 sam 2: 8, Mat 21: 43 and the Tabernacle of David fell. !!! GOD  said that He will not break the Covenant, but HE DID. Psa. 89: 30- 40 !!! and The ROCK said to king David, that his house will not grow, but they will be thorns and briers. 2 sam 23 ! such are the last words of king David !!!


2Sa 6:17  And they brought in the ark of the LORD, and set it in his place, in the midst of the tabernacle that David had pitched for it: and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. 

2Sa 6:18  And as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS}}}…. See, king David offered offerings to The LORD OF HOSTS, and BLESSED THE PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’ who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!! but now, no leader blessed the people in the name of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or The LORD OF HOSTS !!! They stumbled on The LORD OF HOSTS and failed to be hosts to The LORD !!!  This is why The LORD OF HOSTS left a remnant as His seed, so they can bless The LORD.  And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  said, until The LORD is blessed, Jerusalem will be desolated. Mat 23.  But now, the seed has blessed The LORD and His name !!! This seed Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name, when He came to take vengeance from those who did not believe the gospel. 2 thes 1: 8- 12 !!!


In John 17, The SON Glorified the FATHER, and the FATHER Glorified The SON.

Joh 17:6  I have manifested THY NAME unto the men which thou GAVEST ME OUT OF THE WORLD: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word}}}… see these children, received the knowledge of the NAME OF THE LORD, and are OUT OF THE WORLD. That means not among Israel, as written below. When you separate from the true FATHER, … having lusts and pride, you are in the world. See below. And these children know the Name of THE LORD, as well as they have KEPT GOD’s word.  And ‘THY’, means His own HOLY SPIRIT. No other GOD, other than THE ROCK spoke the words in the Bible, who is CHRIST OUR LORD. He prophesied all things.


1Pe 1:11  searching for what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ made clear within them, testifying beforehand of the sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow. }}}… see it is the SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, prophesied by the prophets. And He is the GOD of the whole earth. ! and these children who are to receive the Word of GOD and to know the NAME OF GOD, are given to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, at His second coming, after the first born lost their birthright !


Joh 17:4  I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. }}}… glorifying HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, the FATHER, is finished, when the children received the Word of GOD.

Joh 17:5  And now, O Father, GLORIFY THOU ME WITH THINE OWN SELF with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. }}}… so those who were given to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , are the above mentioned ones in Isa.  8: 18 and more. Therefore, The LORD will cause all others to see and know this seed which Glorified The LORD OF HOSTS and who are His hosts.


See Apostle Paul wrote these to gentiles… which is to be fulfilled after Israel corrupt themselves and when the gentiles are grafted in Israel’s blindness.;

2Co 2:17  For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ


Eph_6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:…}}}… so those who received the Word of GOD , received the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT !!!  That is why they are the weapons of war, of The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD as written elsewhere in this writing. !!!


1Th_2:13  For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe….}}}… Israel never received JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  nor His words. That is why one is judged. John 12: 48. But the gentiles, received and believed. Eph. 1: 13. So they received it as NOT MAN’S words, but the Word of GOD , from CHRIST THE LORD !!!


So The LORD, brought many sons to glory… and they preach Him. Heb. 2: 10 ! so the FATHER ( HOLY SPIRIT) and The SON ( JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , one and the same GOD , the SPIRIT and the body) are Glorified now, and The SON brought other sons whom He predestinated to glory , so they can preach or declare Him !!! So that is the seed of The LORD OF HOSTS ! Or the hosts of The LORD !!!


Here is another quote from GF, …

From the beginning book pg 30

{{{{“Where Is My Honor”

The book that most forcefully condemns the end-time Laodicean rebellion is Malachi. (Write for a free copy of Malachi’s Message.) “A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you,

O PRIESTS, THAT DESPISE MY NAME. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?” (Mal. 1:6). The ministers are condemned

for not honoring the Father—they despise the Father’s name!

That is another way of saying they REJECT GOD’S FAMILY



‘they focus too much on ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, and preach a false gospel???

Read Rev.  14: 6- 7.  The true, EVERLASTING gospel is to fear and WORSHIP The Creator, or the GOD  who made all things. Acts 17: 24 onwards says, we must be the offspring of The Creator. Not only Mr Flurry  believed HWA’s teachings over JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s Word of GOD, … he even said HWA is his ‘Spiritual’ father, and we must be HWA’s offspring as proven in previous writings. but, the true hosts of The LORD, preaches Him and believe that HE IS THE HEAD as well as we must be JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s offspring. Rev.  14 says those who are the first fruits, are with THE LAMB. They are the first fruits of the Lamb. By saying the ‘Lamb’, these first fruits are not any other’s first fruits, but of the Lamb. That Scripture clearly says they are of the Lamb. Therefore, if the high priest failed to honor The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and did not fear Him, and did not built on Him, as He is the Chief Corner Stone, … how could the rest of the ministry and the people be the seed of The LORD OF HOSTS? JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the only GOD and our GOD . we must preach the Everlasting Gospel to worship and fear Him as the ministry failed.


See… according to  GF, … it is the god the father, who is the head. The Scripture says, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the HEAD. If we are the BODY of Christ, then He should be the HEAD. To be a perfect body, we need the HEAD and the parts of the body, and according to  the Scripture. No where in the Scripture it says, god the father is the head as there is no such one. The true EVERLASTING FATHER is The SON. His own SPIRIT is the FATHER who begat Him and even us. And according to  GF, … if you preach ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’, … you preach a FALSE GOSPEL !!!  So who are these ministers who are condemned for not honoring the TRUE FATHER ???  it is he, and his other ministers ! So The LORD OF HOSTS is asking this from His ministry. And which GOD  these minsters, or Levites should honor ???  It is The LORD OF HOSTS, who is The Creator , who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! Therefore, according to  GF, .. to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is to preach a FALSE GOSPEL.  This is why in their judgment, the first fruits preach to fear and worship The Creator, OR THE GOD  WHO MADE ALL THINGS. Rev.  14: 1- 7. They are the angels who worship The LORD OF HOSTS or the hosts.


Neh 9: 6. The hosts of HEAVEN, worships Him. But Zion is cast down from heaven, lam 2, Therefore, Zion cannot be the hosts of ‘HEAVEN’.  and gentiles are taken to heaven, Col. 3 , Eph. 2 etc, and they are the weapons of war, who are from the ends of the earth, the end of HEAVEN. Isa.  13: 5 !!!  We proved Jacob’s dream is all about the angels coming down from heaven , and others going up, IN THE House of GOD , or when the true House of GOD is built. Please read link below. And Zion is cast down, in JUDGMENT. And that is the time, The LORD brought this seed to heaven.  Therefore, those who worship The LORD , or His hosts are in heaven, the ends of the earth fighting for Him to preach Him !!! We proved, according to  luk 20: 36- 37, who ever calls on the GOD  of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … are resurrected as angels. So this seed are the angles now serving The LORD and His people. They are the ministers of fire.


‘“A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, O PRIESTS, THAT DESPISE MY NAME’….why would The LORD OF HOSTS ask for His fear, as a ‘FATHER’?  read 2 sam 7: 14. The Covenant with king David, to give the throne or to be kings, … is, … if they are SONS, and if The LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER.


2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for MY NAME, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 

2Sa 7:14  I WILL BE HIS FATHER, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: ‘… See … we know the Tabernacle is for The LORD OF HOSTS as proven above. Then, it is His name which should be in it. And He gave the Covenant of the throne of king David, …. For the kings to be SONS, and for The LORD OF HOSTS is to be a ‘FATHER’. This is why, The LORD is asking these kings and priests for His fear and honor !!!


Did the high priest know that The LORD OF HOSTS is the ‘FATHER’?

Here's what GF wrote in GOD  fam vision booklet , pg 94.

‘{{{“Malachi 1:6 contains the same warning, only here it

involves people who didn’t heed. “A son honoureth his father,

and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine

honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord

of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. This is God talking: the Lord of hosts, the supreme God,

the God of the angels, the universe and everything that

ever was created. He says, if I’m a father, where is my honor?

Though Christ was the God of the Old Testament, here it is

as if God the Father is speaking! He’s asking this question of His own people today.”}}}….


See… according to the  high priest, … though christ was the GOD of The Old Testament, …, here it is ‘AS IF, god the father is speaking’.  That means god the father is asking for his fear and honor. And the Ministry  did not fear and honor, god the father. Right ???  The truth is, the Ministry  under HWA fears and honors ONLY, … ONLY god the father and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And he knew, the GOD of the Old Testament, is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. But, … but, …. ‘as if god the father is speaking’????  This shows, he does not know the Bible or the Word of GOD. In the whole volume of books, or in the Bible, it is written of JUST ONE GOD. Please read, link below.


Psa_40:7  Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of ME,

Heb_10:7  Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.}}}… see… JESUS CHRIST THE LORD came in the whole Bible. HE CAME TO DO HIS OWN WILL AND COUNSEL, WHICH HIS OWN SPIRIT PROPHESIED.  It is ONE GOD. The SPIRIT in the Old Testament, and the body of the same SPIRIT, in the New Testament. The FATHER in the Old Testament, and The Son  in the New Testament. And it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own will which is written in the Word of GOD. He Has over 300 names. You need to prove that first. Then, this is why, because THE LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, that none feared nor worshiped, … He asked for His honor and fear from the priesthood, because that was the Covenant between THE LORD OF HOSTS and David !  This is why the priesthood is thrown out of their thrones, and given to the poor who are the gentiles who are raised up ! 1 Sam. 2:8, jam 2: 5, Mat 21: 43 etc. Therefore, THE HIGH PRIEST DID NOT KNOW THAT THE LORD OF HOSTS IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND THAT HE IS THE FATHER. Remember his quote about Isiah 9: 6, he wrote, that ‘never forget The Son  is not the FATHER’? Therefore, it is he and the priesthood which did not fear nor worship nor honored the true GOD of Israel. But this seed which THE LORD of Sabaoth left, have done their duty towards Him as the FATHER and The Son . !




King David prayed for GOD , magnifying The LORD OF HOSTS as the GOD  of Israel. That means those who sit on the throne of king David, claiming to have the key of king David, … also must have the works of king David, which is to exalt The LORD OF HOSTS.

2Sa 7:22  Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 

2Sa 7:23  And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to Himself, and TO MAKE HIM A NAME, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods


2Sa 7:24  For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto thee for ever: and thou, LORD, art become their God

2Sa 7:25  And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said. 

2Sa 7:26  And let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, ….THE LORD OF HOSTS’…. IS THE GOD OVER ISRAEL: and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee. }}}…can you see which GOD , king David exalted and said that HE IS THE GOD  OF Israel ???  is it god the father? No, … it is The LORD OF HOSTS’ name. during king David’s time, He was known as The LORD OF HOSTS because king David was hosting The LORD. Then, … this Scripture identifies which GOD is this as he says ‘Israel, was REDEEMED from Egypt, and from their gods’. And no other but The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , redeemed them from Egypt to make HIM  a name which these leaders utterly failed in doing so, … as they changed the names of GOD by giving The LORD OF HOSTS’s name or The ALMIGHTY’s name to their god the father and more. And HE IS The Redeemer as well. And The LORD revealed Himself to this seed that He , The Redeemer is the FATHER for ever as king David did, which Israel does not acknowledge. That too is written in the Scripture, and now fulfilled. Isa.  63: 16- 19.  And The LORD’s fear is not in Israel even this Scripture says, as The LORD hardened their hearts even more. This is why, as The LORD hardened the hearts of Pharoah, … this high priest’s heart is also hardened from GOD ’s fear.


thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee…. God went to redeem for a people to Himself, and TO MAKE HIM A NAME,…. thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods…. thou, LORD, art become their GOD ….

let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, ….’THE LORD OF HOSTS’…. IS THE GOD OVER ISRAEL’..!!!

Did HWA or GF say to the people, that THE ONLY GOD  OF ISRAEL IS The LORD OF HOSTS OR JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ? There is none like Him. And it is HE, this ONE GOD  , The Redeemer, … who wanted to make Him a name. that means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  wanted to make Him a name, by having SONS to place His name. ( finally, this seed has His name. Rev.  14) and if you are Israel of GOD  as written elsewhere in this writing ( Gal. 6: 15- 16), you must be in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . ! Therefore, Israel, is STILL WAITING TO BE REDEEMED ONCE AGAIN, for the second time. But now, … they will be redeemed BY GIVING THEM THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD as the sea, and they must receive it from this seed who are the gentiles. Isa.  11;9-11.


Therefore, it is The LORD OF HOSTS who redeemed Israel , for them to be a people to GOD  !!!  This is why as they failed to honor and fear Him, … He left a seed , so this seed will fulfill what He pleases as they are the works of HIS OWN HANDS. King David, exalted The LORD OF HOSTS over the House of Israel. Did HWA and GF do so ???  This is why we proved, the Covenant of king David is broken, ( Psa. 89: 30- 40 and more), and GOD  Has made the House of Israel also to be as gentiles. Amo 9: 7,  Isa.  2: 6 and more and they are in Babylon, Micah 4: 10. Isa.  47 , Rev.  14,  17,  18. ! That is why they are judged as a harlot. This harlot’s identity is now revealed and her judgments also are fulfilled as she is spiritually dead. Just compare Rev.  17 with Ezekiel 16: 30- 63!  Mother harlot, and daughter and sister harlots. One who JUDGED others have done worse than others. V 52 !!!


(ONE )GOD who spoke all the words in the Bible says, there is none like HIM ! Then how could there be another one as HWA taught, ABOVE this one GOD , who is The Creator, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ??? Who did we believe?  We all believed men. But that was GOD ’s will as He sent all to dust. (lies)

Exo 9:14  For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou MAYEST KNOW THAT THERE IS NONE LIKE ME in all the earth. }}}… was this god the father? This was CHRIST THE LORD, The ROCK.


Isa 46:8  Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors. 

Isa 46:9  Remember the former things of old: for I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE; I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE LIKE ME, ..}}}…'I AM' GOD . there is no others. See if you do not know that, you are not a man, but a beast, without understanding. Psa. 49: 20.  A ‘man’ is one who is perfected in the knowledge  of his creator, as proven in previous writings. read Eph. 4: 13 onwards. And a perfect man is one who is not offended by the Word of GOD  and who is able to bridle his body . this proves, if you believe in TWO PERSONAGES, or any other ABOVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … or The Creator, … as Judah did and broke the Covenant of the fathers, Mal. 2: 10-11, … such are transgressors. They caused others also to offend in the Word of GOD and stopped all from coming to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to be made perfect in His knowledge . ! (read;  Perfect man in Knowledge of The SON. Eph 4:13  Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Head is CHRIST Eph 4:15  but speaking the truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, the Christ,…  Eph_5:23; Col_1:18-19,1 Cor. 11;3 Col. 2;19, 2:10). If we are to be called the body of CHRIST THE LORD, then we should have His HEAD. God the father’s head and CHRIST THE LORD’s body will not make a complete body.


Isa 46:10  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all MY pleasure: }}}… ‘I will do all MY pleasure. Rev.  4: 11, The Creator, created all things for His pleasure. And it is His COUNSEL will stand. He is the Wonderful Counsellor. He declares the END, from the beginning.  He purposed all men to die once. Heb. 9: 27. Therefore, we all spiritually died once. ! This is why the Laodicea era also died, thought it is CHRIST THE LORD’s own body of believers.  Unless both dies, the New Covenant cannot be made. See The LORD , knew that Israel would not glorify Him as their GOD , and He purposed the gentiles to do so, after Israel is rejected. Acts 15: 7 onwards says, He planned all things, from the beginning. Therefore, HE IS THE GREATEST PROPHET who prophesied  all things and what ever He Has written, is being fulfilled. See, This ONE GOD , says, I will do all My pleasure. And things are NOT YET DONE is prophesied . Therefore,, just as no man could understand the prophecy or the Word of GOD, unless The LORD who wrote all opens the minds, no man can understand. This is how all are prophesied  to die spiritually once. And, as all are judged and condemned, at the White throne, He opens the understanding to the Scripture, to the opened books which are fulfilled prophecy !


Isa 46:11  Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth My counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. }}}… see,… this one GOD , the transgressors did not know, says, He calls a bird from THE EAST, to execute His counsel and this man comes from a FAR COUNTRY. These are the weapons of war, of THE LORD OF SABAOTH. Isa.  13: 5. And to build the new temple, The LORD comes from east, Eze. 43 and more and zech 6: 12- 15, and more and The LORD says, I HAVE PURPOSED IT. So this one GOD  is The Creator, THE LORD OF SABAOTH, and He called all from east, the gentiles, to do His counsel. He says, I WILL ALSO DO IT. And now what you see and hear is that short work as written elsewhere in this writing, … in Rom. 9, making those who are not of His people, His sons because HE is also known as the Living GOD! These fulfilled prophecies , PROVES THE GOD  WHO PURPOSED AND WROTE IT IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD and there is none like Him !!! His purpose is being fulfilled as the MAN, ( perfected according to  Scripture written above, in His knowledge and in the Word of GOD ) from the EAST is now working to reveal the transgressors who did not know Him and who are offended by the Word of GOD !!! Rev.  3, The LORD says, the Jews are a synagogue of satan and that means they are offended by the Word of GOD and cannot bridle their bodies and are not made perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!!  This is why the gentiles have The LORD in them, which is a mystery, and they preach, teach, warn all to be perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . col 1: 26-28 !!! the transgressors need that knowledge  of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , to be made perfect and to be Israel of GOD  and to be made New CREATURES !!!


Isa 46:12  Hearken unto Me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness: }}}…. See… these transgressors are far from righteousness. THE RIGHTEOUS, or THE RIGHTEOUS FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and this ONE GOD , WHO CANNOT BE LIKENED TO ANOTHER , who prophesied  and bring all things to be fulfilled says, THAT HE WILL BRING HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and SALVATION. 


Isa 46:13  I bring near My righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I WILL PLACE SALVATION IN ZION FOR ISRAEL MY GLORY. }}}… see … this is the GOD  of salvation, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and even when the man from the east is called to do a work, salvation is yet to come to Zion and Israel is not Glorified yet. But the men in the east, Glorified The LORD, 2 thes 1: 8- 12, while He came to take vengeance from those who failed to glorify Him, Rom. 1, who are His own Jews!  And GOD  prophesied  that the gentiles will hear salvation. Acts 28: 216-28 ! And HE HAS BROUGHT IT TO PASS NOW. More over, … the Captain of salvation , brought many sons to glory, to declare Him. Heb. 2: 10 -13 !!! Therefore, Israel is yet to be Glorified. This is why, The LORD could not call anyone to come to drink the living waters. John 7: 36-39 ! But now the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left have believed, Therefore, from their bellies, the living waters will be given. As you can see, if you do not have the knowledge  of The SON to be made in to His image, and if you are not in Him, … you are a transgressor. And now those who are in the east are made righteous. That is why they are in the Holy Mountain with Him. Isa.  8: 18 !


And there are many more Scripture which talks about THIS ONE GOD .


Back to the time of the Tabernacle of king David…

2Sa 7:27  For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee. 

2Sa 7:28  And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant: }}}… see the kings failed to declare that The LORD OF HOSTS is their GOD  and may HIS WORDS BE TRUE as they perverted His words. So they are offended by the word. And the king says, ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’ is the GOD  of Israel. And He revealed. He is THE REVELATOR. And it is The LORD OF HOSTS , who is GOD , and king David built a house to The LORD OF HOSTS. And The LORD OF HOSTS’ words are true. When CHRIST THE LORD said 'I AM' the truth, and My words are the truth, … who ever do not preach that, are liars. And as CHRIST THE LORD said 'I AM' the truth and My words are true, … that means, HE IS The LORD OF HOSTS!!! And king David built a house for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The LORD OF HOSTS !


O LORD of hosts, God of Israel’…. I will build thee an house…. thou art that God, and thy words be true,’…}}}… we do not need to go after any other, but we know, king David also honored The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the GOD  of TRUTH with HIS WORDS ! Have you heard or seen any other ???  This is why, CHRIST THE LORD’s name is written in Heb. 3: 6, with His house and some are in it, being faithful as Moses was as previous verses say !!!


2Sa 7:29  Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee: for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with THY BLESSING let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever. }}}… see… it is The LORD OF HOSTS who blessed king David and the Tabernacle of David. If the same GOD is not blessed in the House of GOD, … then the blessing will not come to continue, but it will fall. ! This is why on the Day of Visitation, to build the FALLEN Tabernacle, as these leaders did not know that it is The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD , or CHRIST THE LORD is that GOD  who was blessed and who blesses us or the Tabernacle of David, … it fell. ‘with THY BLESSING let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever. ‘ !!!  see the House of GOD or the Tabernacle of David did not continue before any other!


And The LORD OF HOSTS was not exalted until the judgment.

Isa 5:16  But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness

Isa 5:17  Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat. }}}… see, The LORD OF HOSTS was not exalted until the judgment. That means the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, cannot be anyone in Israel, because it is their judgment. And as a judgment, The LORD opened the eyes of the gentiles, John 9: 39, and they EXALTED HIM. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. So as The LORD purposed, the Tabernacle of David fell, and their waste places, the GENTILES ATE !!!  That is how this seed became the seed of THE LORD OF SABAOTH, who is The LORD OF HOSTS, who was exalted and blessed by king David !!!


Remember, the Key of David is given to Judah or to PCG. But, … This is why, after giving the key of king David, , … to be a leader in the church, The LORD cut off which they cannot see nor talk about. And it is ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’, who gave the Key of David, because it is HE WHO IS THE GOD  OF Israel AS KING DAVID SAID AND IT IS HIS HOUSE. If you do not bless and honor Him, .. He will remove such.

Isa 22:25  In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… see… as king David said above, it was The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , who gave the Key of David as well to PCG. And, it was PROPHESIED  TO BE REMOVED, … cut down to FALL. !!!  But GF who says he has the Key of David, NEVER BLESSED OR WORSHIPED OR KNEW The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and he placed another GOD  in the Tabernacle of David, which is built to honor The LORD OF HOSTS!  Therefore, The LORD OF HOSTS said, He will cut and allow to FALL. Now that is the fall of the Tabernacle of David ! This is why the same GOD , THE LORD OF SABAOTH, left a seed in judgment and they exalted Him and they are being used to build the FALLEN Tabernacle of David. And king David, Himself prophesied  that the gentiles will submit to him. Psa. 18: 43- 44. And when The LORD came, He took gentiles to His name, and the residue will seek Him after. Acts 15: 7- onwards. And what did GF wrote in his Isiah booklet:-


Here’s what GF wrote in his Isaiah end time book. Pg 77 (emp ours)

{{{‘ FAMINE OF THE WORD “In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it” (Isaiah 22:25). I believe this is talking about the famine of the word (Amos 8:11), when God’s continual Work is taken to a place of safety. If there is more to it than that, then God has yet to show me. }}}…. First of all, GF admits that if there is more to it than that, … then GOD HAS YET TO SHOW him. So he did not know what it meant in this verse ‘that the nail which is fastened in the sure place is to be removed, cut down to FALL’ !!! ‘God has yet to show me’…

Therefore, see… if GF does not know that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , .. then would he have known what this mean; to cut off? Eze. 16 says, GOD  raised up PCG. V 52 says, the sister who JUDGED others will do WORSE than others. Now that is fulfilled. But, the Key of David was given by ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’ who is the GOD  of Israel, as king David said and the GOD  who dwells in the Tabernacle of David. It is fallen , cut down means The LORD OF HOSTS does not dwell in it any more. The CONTINUAL? And the ‘nail in the sure place’??? See below.


He did not know what does this verse mean. He thinks it is the famine of the word, or GOD ’s continual work goes to the place of safety. We proved there is no place of safety, other than our refuge is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. GF knew that he was given the Key of David, because the kings of Judah who are HWA and GF, in our time, are given the Key of David. But , they do not know what it means to CUT DOWN AND REMOVED TO FALL means.


Right after he wrote the above, he also wrote ;- GF thinks the famine of the ‘WORD’ is HWA’s words and not GOD ’s words.

‘When I saw the appellate court decide against us in our battle for Mr. Armstrong’s writings, I got a taste of what the famine of the word will be like’….}}}… this prophet is out of his mind. Could the famine of the WORD mean HWA’s writings ???


Amo 8:11  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: }}}… first, Amos was appointed by The LORD OF HOSTS. See amo 3: 13, 4: 13,  5: 14,  15, 16,   6: 8,  14, and more. So the GOD  of Amos also was The LORD OF HOSTS or it was The LORD OF HOSTS who spoke and prophesied  by Amos the prophet ! Therefore, in this verse, Amo 8: 11, ‘The LORD’ means THE LORD OF SABAOTH. And He says what is the famine.  It is nothing but the HEARING OF THE WORDS OF The LORD. As no other GOD  but JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  Has spoken, it is HIS WORDS WHICH ARE NOT GIVEN to GF because he did not fear, nor honored The LORD OF HOSTS as the FATHER ! Therefore, GF does not even know that he is cut off and he preached to go pass JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to get Revelation from god the father as proven in previous writings !!!


But he is right in saying ‘‘God has yet to show me’ !!!

He will show GF what it all means, at the White throne, because now, he is blind spiritually, because the famine of the word came to him as he did not go to The LORD OF HOSTS to receive it. Neither he honored The LORD OF HOSTS who fastened him with the Key of David!   Remember Spiritual means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. That is the GREAT SHEPHERD’S words. He is The LORD OF HOSTS who gave the Word of GOD.


Nail in the sure place ? About the nail in the sure place is written in the more excellent ministry which THE LORD obtained by oath part 3. Please read link below ; but, here is a short note of it;-

Ecc 12:11  The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened  the masters of assemblies, which are given from 'ONE" SHEPHERD..!

So the WORDS …. Received from "ONE" SHEPHERD as goads, and NAILS !!!!  , and The LORD is THE GREAT SHEPHERD, (Heb. 13: 20) …. And the words also must be from THE WISE, … are to be  fastened as nails.!!! HE IS THE ONLY WISE GOD. 1 Tim. 1: 17, Jud 25. The SPIRIT of wisdom is in Him. Isa. 11. He Is the WISDOM OF GOD. 1 Cor. 1: 24. He IS THE SHEPHERD OF KING DAVID. Psa. 23.’.

If we have received the word from this ONE SHEPHERD, who said 'I AM' the Shepherd, in John 10, … you would be wise, and your words will be as nails , fixed in the sure place. And failing to receive the words of The LORD OF HOSTS, … GF is cut down to fall and GOD will show him that as well !


The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails’…and The LORD says, when He comes, or on the Day of Visitation, the prophet is a mad fool. Hos 9: 7. And he does not even know The LORD OF HOSTS , to be His seed. And not receiving His words , nor honored Him as the GOD  of Israel , the GOD  of king David, … he was cut off and he does not even know it.


Isa 22:25  In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… after The LORD cut it off, or cut off all from His words and wisdom, … they all fell from this truth. And thereafter, His counsel is given to the seed, the remnant, in the far country !!! This ‘BURDEN’ then is to RECEIVE THE WORD from The LORD OF HOSTS and to give to others to bring others to The LORD , to be HIS HOSTS !!!


Isa 22:22  And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so HE SHALL OPEN, AND NONE SHALL SHUT; AND HE SHALL SHUT, AND NONE SHALL OPEN

Isa 22:23  And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house

Isa 22:24  And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons. }}}… without the WORDS OF THE SHEPHERD , OR THE TRUE GOD , THE GOD  OF TRUTH, … all will fall. And not receiving it, all fell from the truth to NOT TO KNOW THAT The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel, and of king David and the Tabernacle of David is built to honor and praise Him. So the glorious throne is cut off. The crowns fell from their heads, lam 5: 16-18, and the foxes are the prophets, Eze. 13: 4, who desolated Zion as v 18 says. So the only prophet became a fool and could not carry the burden of sitting on the throne to rule righteously in the fear of GOD . and, this is why 1 sam 2: 8,  jam 2: 5, Mat 21: 43, the kingdom or The thrones are given to others, the poor. Read Psa. 72 again. The LORD saved the poor. They are the gentiles who are rich in faith !




Psa 72:15  And He shall live, and to Him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for Him continually; and daily shall He be praised. }}}… As Daniel the prophet said, the daily and the continual is stopped because of the abomination or another god is set up as the head of the body of CHRIST THE LORD by the son who went to perdition with lying wonders which caused the final falling away. 2 thes 2. And none prayed or praised The LORD OF HOSTS. This is why, in Mal. 1:11 The LORD OF HOSTS says, the prayers of the gentiles will be accepted in His altar, as PURE TO HIS NAME !!!  and the gentiles EXALTED the name of The LORD OF HOSTS because they are the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left !!! This means the key of king David is continued doing the daily praises by this seed. And read the last verse of this Psa. 72, the prayers of king David ended! King David prophesied that the gentiles will submit to him, and Israel will show their back always, … and the gentiles will continue in doing the work of King David to PRAISE GOD . They are the seed or the babes who perfected the praises of The LORD. Psa. 8: 2, when there is enemy who stopped it to silence them! So the Tabernacle of David now is fallen and The LORD is rebuilding it by this seed.


‘HE SHALL LIVE’ means, His HEAD was cut off and the body died spiritually. But when this seed accepted THE LORD OF SABAOTH and became His hosts, … HE LIVES again !


But The LORD OF HOSTS who is The ROCK, revealed to king David, that his house will not stand or grow , but will fail. This is why king David prophesied  that his people will be blind, and show their back always but, the gentiles will submit to him.

2Sa 23:1  Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, 

2Sa 23:2  The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and HIS WORD was in my tongue. 

2Sa 23:3  The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God}}}… as Mal. 1: 6 says, if the priesthood will not fear The LORD OF HOSTS, … who gave the Tabernacle of David and who is blessed and praised , is not feared, would He give them wisdom ? see… above, king David said that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel. Now he says, The ROCK is the GOD  of Israel. So that is THE SAME GOD .


2Sa 23:4  And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 

2Sa 23:5  Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW

2Sa 23:6  But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands: }}}… see JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  said to king David, that his house or the Tabernacle of David will not grow which means will fall. The kings must be as light of the morning. Remember Aaron means ‘light bringer’. And Aaronic priesthood must bring light to the people, and must fear the GOD  of Israel, who is The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The ROCK ! Everlasting Covenant with king David was broken. Psa. 89: 30- 40. Isa.  24. Zech 11: 9- 11. The ROCK said to king David, that they will be sons of Belial. This is why, The ALMIGHTY or the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … separated us from the sons of Belial, who are the kings who sat on king David’s throne but now cut off. Then, the new temple begins:- The sons of Belial are the UNBELIEVERS, who did not believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . They are His own, the synagogue of satan.


2Co 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? }}}… see… the UN- believers are the UN- righteous ones and they are in darkness. If any one wants to be a son of light, then one should become JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s son as HE IS THE TRUE LIGHT. If not, you are sons of Belial, being un-righteous and in darkness. That is the Laodicea era. And GOD  does not want His sons to be equally yoke with such.


2Co 6:15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel}}}… see either JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , or Belial. And if you do not believe, you are an infidel.  This is what CHRIST THE LORD said to king David and he said in his last words as written above, … that his people will be sons of Belial. That means unbelievers as they show their back always, and infidels and in darkness being un- righteous. It is either JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or be a son to Belial. ( vain – worthless). ‘But the sons of Belial shall be all of them’…


2Co 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I WILL DWELL IN THEM, AND WALK IN THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE}}}… see… the believers are the temple of GOD . and unless one believes in Him, … He will not be your GOD , nor you will be His people. For this reason, The LORD brought Israel out of Egypt and from their gods. But they made god the father, their GOD  and not The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD or THE LORD OF SABAOTH. !


all these, The LORD said to Israel. But they did not believe in Him. And they lost all of their blessings. They failed to be king David’s GOD ’s people. GOD  could not dwell in them, as they had other gods.

2Co 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 

2Co 6:18  And will be A FATHER unto you, and ye shall be MY SONS and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. }}}… see The ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Rev.  1: 8 and more. He is the GOD  of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob as Exo. 6: 3  , Gen.  17: 1. And He said to the kings, that He will be a ‘FATHER’, and they will be His sons as written elsewhere in this writing 2 sam 7: 14. See how , in the end, none in the priesthood feared or honored Him as the FATHER as HE IS The LORD OF HOSTS !!! Therefore, The LORD separated us from them. Micah 2: 9- 13 is the time this happened as proven in the first parts. Remember HWA said god the father is The ALMIGHTY.


Here is a quote from MOA. Pgs 242 ,  335, early editions.

{{{‘God the Father is head over Christ – the sole Lawgiver and supreme authority. 

God Almighty – the Father of Jesus Christ – is Supreme Lawgiver, and Head over Christ, and over all that is.  ‘}}}


CHRIST THE LORD, directly from His own mouth said THAT HE IS The ALMIGHTY.

Rev 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty}}}… is this god the father, speaking?  This is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He is the Alpha and Omega. There is none else like Him !!! Both of these leaders perverted the Word of GOD as proven in previous writings. Therefore, neither HWA nor GF believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as they did not believe the Word of GOD. Now, they have become sons of Belial, but we have become sons of THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the GOD of Abraham!


JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s FATHER was the HOLY SPIRIT, which is HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT as proven. His own body is The SON. And the lawgiver is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who wrote the law with His own finger.


{{‘ the Father of Jesus Christ – is Supreme Lawgiver’}}..

FATHER, of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the ‘lawgiver’???  The law was written by THE FINGER OF GOD . one GOD  wrote it. That is the GOD  who appeared to Moses. That was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . His own finger wrote the law. And the following Scripture proves it is The LORD OF HOSTS who gave the law, because He is the GOD  of Israel !

Isa 5:24  Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel}}}… see… ‘the law of The LORD OF HOSTS’ ???  And He is the Holy ONE and not two.  He is the Holy ONE of Israel. This is what we are proving in this writing.  And, the law is given by The LORD OF HOSTS. ! Would they have kept the law, if they do not know the GOD  or the Holy ONE of Israel, who gave the law ??? 


See The LORD OF HOSTS is the Leader of the armies of Israel. And remember, now the enemy is the ministry, the wife of CHRIST who teaches and causes all to go after other gods. It is from them, The LORD must deliver the people .

1Sa 17:45  Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. }}}… unless you come in the name of The LORD OF HOSTS, … you are against Him. And as Goliath, these leaders fight with The LORD OF HOSTS because now, this seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left , is the hosts of The LORD. ! King King David’s GOD  is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! and also the FATHER as written elsewhere in this writing. !!! Remember it is The ROCK who revealed to king David, that his house will not grow, but they will be sons of Belial as written above. !!!


Now understand… king David said once ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’ is the GOD  of Israel, and again says ‘The ROCK’ is the GOD  of Israel. Does that mean king David worshiped TWO gods ?  The answer is, The ROCK is CHRIST THE LORD, and The LORD OF HOSTS is CHRIST THE LORD also and that means ONE GOD .In the old Testament, He was not The SON. And He was prophesied  to come as The SON , in Isa.  9: 6 alone. But it is the same GOD  whose HOLY SPIRIT is the FATHER and when He became The SON, … it was JUST A BODY, but He was GOD .

2Sa 23:3  The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel

2Sa 7:27  For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Israel

Does that means king David had two gods ???  This is a very good proof to know that The LORD OF HOSTS is also The ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and he called ‘The ROCK’, my FATHER. Psa. 89: 26 ! And, ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’, is the FATHER. 2 sam 7: 14 , 1 Chr 29: 10 , so it is The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  Is the FATHER and who reveals all things. And He said, king David’s people will be sons of Belial and now it is fulfilled ? They have god the father as their GOD , and not The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS , and showed their back always as Apostle Paul wrote. Please read 1 Chr 29.


The seed which The LORD OF HOSTS left are the weak and the feeble, to be as house of king David and angel, which we have proven before in zech 12: 8, and they are the ones whom The LORD predestinated to be His seed, offspring or first fruits, Eph. 1: 1-18, and The LORD, Himself anointed them to know all truth, after forgiving, 1 John 2: 1- 27, … vs 12, He forgave them, and they are the ones who are in the Holy Mountain now, Isa.  8: 18, being a sign and a wonder in Israel , and they learned from The LORD, Isa.  54: 13, and they bring peace, ( read John 6: 45,  Isa.  29: 23- 24 , John 17 also).


King Solomon , Jeremiah, Apostle Paul Gal. 1: 15-16,  John the Baptist, this seed etc, are chosen from the beginning. GOD  knew that they would be chosen to be HIS servants.


1Ch 29:1  Furthermore David the king said unto all the congregation, Solomon my son, whom alone God hath chosen, is yet young and tender, and the work is great: for the PALACE IS NOT FOR MAN, but for the LORD God. }}}… see… the house or the Tabernacle of David, is NOT for man, but to GOD . and which GOD  is this? It is The ROCK and The LORD OF HOSTS , known in these names in king David’s time because king David was the host of The LORD. And to build His house, The LORD, Himself gives all things and the knowledge , the understanding and wisdom with the SPIRIT of GOD as seen below. Without the HOLY SPIRIT, … no man can build a house for GOD . Acts 17. The Creator does now dwell in man made temples. He lives in our hearts. This is why our hearts needs to be purified. The body of believers have The LORD AS THE HEAD. That is the perfect body.


see to build the house of GOD , … GOD   chose the people, even from the beginning. He chose Levi to serve Him with his sons. Even to do the work of the Tabernacle, The LORD chose and gave ability to work. Here’s one example;


Exo 31:3  And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, …}}}  Exo. 31 explains that GOD  gave His SPIRIT to work in the temple in all of it’s works. And even a little child can work for GOD , because Psa. 8: 2, it is the babes ( this seed, the hosts) perfected the praise of The LORD, that is the Royal Priesthood, who are not of His people, 1 Pet 2: 8-10 and it is GOD  who brought them to HIS marvelous light. Remember Isa.  60: 21- 22, it is ONE LITTLE ONE who Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


Then, … why do we need the SPIRIT of GOD , the wisdom, understanding and knowledge  now ? Have not the leaders have all knowledge  and understanding?  GOD  says they are a synagogue of satan and liars and to get out of the church when GOD  leaves. GOD ’s glory was taken for ever and it will not be the rest to the people, when the women were cast out. Micah 2: 9-13. That is when the wife of CHRIST turned as HIS ENEMY as these two leaders in Judah has lied against the LORD and His words as proven. Please read link below . HWA and GF .  prove it to yourself, comparing their quotes and the Scripture and see how they debased JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but exalted their god the father. The Tabernacle of David was not built for god the father or to any other, but to The LORD OF HOSTS or to The ROCK as king David says above.


That proves these leaders have two gods. Mal. 2: `10-11 … then, they are WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD , WISDOM as The LORD is the Wonderful Counsellor, and they did not go to Him to get counsel, and knowledge  and understanding.  The knowledge of GOD has to be given to gentiles, when they sought The LORD in His second coming as Isa.  11: 9 – 11 says. All these things come from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and not from any other. If HWA and GF did not go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , but preached against Him and even said Isa.  9: 6 is a lie and gave the names of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to their god the father, such as The ALMIGHTY, … would The LORD dwell in them? That means they have no knowledge  and understand, and no SPIRIT of The LORD.  But the SPIRIT says to the churches to get out as HE IS OUTSIDE!


Then, even now, The LORD has given wisdom and understanding and knowledge  to children , to teach the wife, the ministry , that The Husband is also the FATHER. Unless she is given that knowledge , she cannot return to The LORD. Lacking that knowledge , … they forsook The Husband and went after other gods according to  their own imaginations. See…. ;- even as king David was a man after GOD ’s own heart, these children also are after GOD ’s own heart and they are the pastors now to teach the wife, so she can return to Him. Read Jer. 3.


Jer 3:14  Turn, O backsliding sons, says Jehovah; for I am married to you; and I will take you one from a city, and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. 

Jer 3:15  And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding

Jer 3:19  But I said, How shall I put you among the sons, and give you a pleasant land, a beautiful inheritance among the hosts of nations? And I said, You shall call Me, My Father, and shall not turn away from Me

Jer 3:20  Surely as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so you have dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, says Jehovah. }}}… see… TO THE WIFE WHO FORSOOK The Husband, … that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , …. He sends these pastors after HIS OWN HEART, … to teach her to return to The Husband, giving knowledge  and understanding, to know that The Husband is also the ‘FATHER’. That means ONE GOD . the SPIRIT is the FATHER and the body is the SON. In other words the HOLY SPIRIT became a MAN to win the victory over death and to pay the redemption price. This is why Acts 20: 28 says, HOLY SPIRIT died to purchase  …..


Turn, O backsliding sons, says Jehovah; for I am married’…}}}… see The LORD is talking to His own SONS. They are Israel. But these ‘SONS’ are also married to this GOD .   He entered in to a Marriage Covenant. ( Please read link below). So it is the ‘FATHER’, who entered in to the Marriage Covenant and became The Husband.  Is that not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ?  Then, what does that mean?  The SONS, married to this GOD , … and then they became the wife. Right ??? The Husband is talking to the wife, the ministry. And is it any wonder why the wife of CHRIST became His enemy in the last end, when The LORD tried their hearts in the hour of trial, and found that she has other fathers and husbands, ruling on her, which are nogods such as god the father !  even if there is a god the father, … still The Husband and also the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Exo. 4: 22-23, Israel is HIS FIRST BORN. Therefore,, the SONS of Israel, are backslidden from The Husband who married them !!! Therefore,, understand well, it is the ‘SONS’ who are married and then became the wife also.  Why ???


‘I will bring you to Zion. ‘… see there is something that the sons or the wife must learn, in order to come to Zion.  Remember these children are already in Zion, trusting in The LORD. Psa. 125: 1,  Isa.  8: 18, and that is why they are the sign and a wonder in Israel !!! Therefore, the sons must learn this new thing in order to come to Zion. ‘Zion’ is where the GOD  of Israel dwells.


I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding‘… }}}… just as king David is after GOD ’s own heart as he humbled, … The LORD says, I WILL GIVE YOU SHEPHERDS, ACCORDING TO  MY HEART. And remember, these shepherds come, AFTER THE SONS ARE BACK SLIDDEN. They are sent to give the knowledge  and the understanding as Exo. 31 says. At this time, the sons of Israel are not in Zion, but cast down from heaven, lam 2: 1, because they do not have the knowledge  and understanding. Right ???  Therefore,, The LORD sends these shepherds to teach her to give the knowledge  and the understanding.  Remember because lack of knowledge of GOD, all went in to captivity. Isa.  5: 13 and more. This is the knowledge  which they lacked , which is that The Husband is also the FATHER.


‘How shall I put you among the sons, and give you a pleasant land, a beautiful inheritance among the hosts of nations?’…}}}.. see these shepherds are the ‘hosts’ of the nations. And they are now called the ‘sons’. They are the seed of the Living GOD as Rom. 9 says. THE LORD OF SABAOTH and His seed. Then, … they are with The LORD OF HOSTS is the mountain or Zion means they know and they are the ones who are the hosts of The LORD. And they are in a ‘pleasant’ land, which is the beautiful inheritance. That is to be with The LORD and in His mountain where His name is. This is the time that Israel and Judah will walk together and come to the NAME OF THE LORD. V 18


And the wife did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER. This is the knowledge  and the understanding these shepherds bring. Now this too is fulfilled. As proven above, The LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER of Israel. But they made others, their fathers.

‘And I said, You shall call Me, My Father, and shall not turn away from Me. ‘a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so you have dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel’…}}}… ‘you’, is the wife. And the wife did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER. As proven above., … it was The LORD OF HOSTS or The ROCK is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and that is the FATHER. See… the wife has departed from The Husband, because she did not call ‘The Husband’, my FATHER. This is the knowledge  and the understanding she lacked as she went after other husbands and fathers !!! This Scripture says, the house of Judah and Israel will walk together. V 18. With this knowledge  and understanding, all will return to the GOD , whom they treacherously departed from!!!

Therefore,, those who did NOT CALL ‘The Husband’, my FATHER, must receive this knowledge  from the sons , this seed of THE LORD OF SABAOTH in order to know that there is only ONE GOD. That is The LORD OF HOSTS or THE LORD OF SABAOTH or The ROCK , the GOD  of Israel, as king David also said. This is why, those who are with THE LORD OF SABAOTH, are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!! Isa.  8: 18. Read v 14, both Israel, Judah also Jerusalem, are to stumble on Him. Therefore, now they have stumbled. Therefore, as The LORD appointed some to do the work of the Tabernacle with His SPIRIT, and knowledge  and understanding, The LORD has appointed this seed to give knowledge  and understanding to the wife, so she CAN RETURN TO HIM. As you can see.., there is no return to The Husband, unless the wife or the ministry understands this truth. This is what caused all to go in to captivity.


Then, understand… that The Husband is also the FATHER means there is ONE GOD . in the old Testament, the FATHER entered in to the Marriage Covenant and became The Husband. ! did HWA or GF teach that The Husband is also the FATHER ???  This is why, they could not become sons and daughters of The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS or the GOD  of Israel, as king David taught. !!! And as written above, king David prophesied  that his people will be sons of ‘Belial’ , in his last words !!!  see that is fulfilled now. Israel are lost because they are not with their GOD , but have gone after other gods and fathers, and could not become the sons of the GOD  of Israel !!! 

(remember , referring to Isa.  9: 6, Mr Flurry  wrote ‘never forget that The SON is not the FATHER’ !!!  Therefore, as you can see , it is Mr Flurry  who caused all to go after other gods and fathers breaking the Covenant of the fathers. Mal. 2: 10-11. But Mr Flurry  must learn this truth that The Husband or CHRIST THE LORD is also the EVERLASTING FATHER because, we now know that The Redeemer , who is also JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , is the FATHER for ever which means the EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa.  63: 16. And The LORD said, Israel will not acknowledge us. Has that not fulfilled ???


Isa 63:16  Doubtless THOU ART OUR FATHER, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, ART OUR FATHER, OUR REDEEMER; THY NAME IS FROM EVERLASTING. }}}… see… The Redeemer, is our FATHER for ever. But Israel does not acknowledge us, because they do not think that their GOD  will be the GOD  of the gentiles also. And Abraham does not know either because he allowed sarah to cast out the handmaid with the son of Abraham, who is Abraham’s first born. And GOD  chose Isaac to give the Covenant of the law, WITH IS THE Marriage Covenant. And now it is broken as they never knew that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is their GOD  ! So neither Abraham knew, nor Israel know that the gentiles have found The Redeemer to be the FATHER for ever , just as king David said. This is why The LORD says, this seed is after My own heart and they are the pastors who are sent to the wife of CHRIST to teach this truth, so she can return to Him !!!


Isa 63:17  O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants' sake, the tribes of thine inheritance. }}}… how could the priesthood FEAR The LORD, because The LORD has hardened their heart from His fear, while gentiles are given that knowledge  and understanding !!! Therefore, these gentiles who found the true EVERLASTING FATHER , … have feared Him. ! Therefore,, they received wisdom. !  A wise man will fear GOD . But this seed who is with The LORD  and His hand’s works, feared Him and sanctified Him. Isa.  29: 23


Isa 63:18  The people of thy holiness have possessed it but a little while: our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary. }}}… we have been proving that the enemy is inside the Sanctuary, which means the ministry or the wife of CHRIST. They have trodden down the Sanctuary where The LORD dwells as they placed god the father as their GOD , forsaking the true GOD .


Isa 63:19  We are thine: thou never barest rule over them; they were not called by thy name. }}}… see Israel, never allowed their TRUE GOD  to rule over them. But the gentiles did as He reigns over them. Rom. 15: 12. And Israel was never called in The Redeemer’s name. they could not be His seed. But the gentiles became JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s seed as He took them to His name as acts 15 sways on the Day of Visitation. ! Remember marry means The Husband must rule over the wife as proven in previous writings. then the ministry , the wife never allowed The Husband to rule over them and for one reason being they allowed the law to have dominion over them. Rom. 7 !!!


Isa 63:9  In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and IN HIS PITY HE REDEEMED THEM; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old. }}}… which GOD  did redeem Israel from Egypt and from their gods?  It is The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD. Therefore,, they rebelled against CHRIST THE LORD, The Husband.


And, rebelling against Him means they vexed His HOLY SPIRIT! This is another proof to prove that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the HOLY SPIRIT.

Isa 63:10  But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them. }}… The LORD said that He will take vengeance. But the days of vengeance is the acceptable year also. Isa.  61. The LORD chastens and judges to correct. Hab 1: 11-12 ! Rebelling against the GOD  who brought them out means, they vexed the HOLY SPIRIT. then, if that was The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD, … then, it is HE WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!  And rebelling against the HOLY SPIRIT means one commits the unpardonable sin. This is why Israel had to die once spiritually. The HOLY SPIRIT was not given to them. So they died. They have forsaken The ROCK who gives the SPIRIT ( 1 Cor. 10: 3-4) and The LORD who is the SPIRIT, 2 Cor. 3: 17 and The LORD also allowed them to die without His SPIRIT. that is why the last era is spiritually dead. They did not know the true FATHER, so they could not find life.


Isa 47:4  As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. }}}…and this Scripture says, The Redeemer is THE LORD OF HOSTS and the HOLY ONE of Israel. We cannot do any mistakes as we know that The Redeemer is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then this is another proof that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD or The Redeemer is THE LORD OF HOSTS and the HOLY ONE of Israel.


Psa_46:7  The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge}}}… see it is ‘THE LORD OF HOSTS’, who is the GOD of Jacob as well !!! And He Has become the GOD of the gentiles. That is the foolish nation as Deut. 32 says, THE LORD will raise up and Jacob, himself prophesied that when Shiloh, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD comes, Judah will bind the donkey and the colt, the foolish nation, to catch the neck of the enemies. Remember Judah is these two leaders but preached two fathers and two creators and broke the Covenant of the fathers. Mal. 2: 10-11 ! it is THE LORD OF HOSTS who is our refuge, or the place of safety !  So those who are with Him in the mountain as Isiah 8: 18 says, are safe with Him !



Remember to sin against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  means to sin against the HOLY SPIRIT !  The unpardonable sin as proven in previous writings. !


Isa 63:11  Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock? where is HE THAT PUT HIS HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN HIM}}}… see… the GOD  who led Moses and Israel, is the SHEPHERD and the GOD  who put HIS HOLY SPIRIT in us!!! This means it is the HOLY SPIRIT who did lead Israel out of Egypt to make Him a name and for Him to be a GOD  to them and them to be His people !!! and that was The ROCK who gave Spiritual meat and drink. 1 Cor. 10: 3- 4 ! is that not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ? That was the FATHER of Israel. Therefore,, The Redeemer is The LORD OF HOSTS or The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD , the GOD  of Israel as king David said!


Isa 63:12  That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name}}}… see… this is still talking about The Redeemer. And He wanted to make an EVERLASTING name. but Israel failed to have His name as they lost the opportunity to be HIS FIRST BORN. Ex 4: 22-23. Neither HWA nor GF taught to make a name for The Redeemer, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as they had god the father as their GOD  and the FATHER. And now, the water which needs to be divided is the knowledge of GOD given as the sea which will cause one to be born as a son to The Redeemer. Isa.  11: 9- 11. That water or the knowledge of GOD will cause all to be sons to Him as the gentiles have made Him an everlasting name as v 16 says. They have declared that He is the FATHER for ever which means the EVERLASTING FATHER. Therefore, the gentiles or the seed of THE LORD OF SABAOTH became His children first. Remember the serpent also sends water. This means the truth and lies. Read 2 tim 2: 15. ‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’see… we must show ourselves approved unto GOD , and not be ashamed if you rightly divide the Word of TRUTH. And the Word of TRUTH is believed by the sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Eph. 1: 1- 18, v 13 !


Mar 4:12  That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.  }}}… see… GOD  said that Israel will not perceive, nor understand as He did not want them to be converted until they are forgiven. In order to be forgiven, … The LORD must judge and condemn first. That is what The LORD is doing. And even from the beginning, The LORD said they will not see as The LORD has not given them a heart to perceive. But as written above, the children who are pastors will have the knowledge  and the understanding . read Deut. 29:4,  Isa.  6: 9-10, Isa.  44: 18, Jer. 5: 21, John 12: 40 ! Therefore,, if they have believed The LORD and the Scripture, … they must acknowledge their blindness. But how could they acknowledge, when they do not understand???


1Ch 29:2  Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold …’}}}… king David prepared real gold for the House of GOD. And he prayed that The LORD’s house will be built, but gold will be brought by gentiles. Psa. 72. 10 onwards.  And it is the gentiles who submitted to king David as he said Psa. 18: 43- 44. !!!  So the Tabernacle of David is now fallen, and to rebuild it, The LORD is VISITING, on the Day of Visitation, Acts 1`5, and He took gentiles to HIS NAME. !!!  And purified the hearts of the gentiles by giving faith by mercy. All these things are now fulfilled !


Following Scripture proves The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel.

Isa_21:10  O my threshing, and the corn of my floor: that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared unto you.


Isa_37:16  O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou hast made heaven and earth.}}}… the GOD  of Heaven and earth is The Creator , who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and He is The LORD OF HOSTS and HE DWELLS BETWEEN CHERUBIMS. Which GOD  instructed Moses to make cherubims ?  It is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Therefore, He is the GOD  of Israel.


Following Scripture says, the GOD  of Israel is The Saviour.

Isa_45:15  Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour. }}}… there is no other Saviour, but CHRIST THE LORD. And it is He who Hid Himself from Adam, when he sinned.


Isa_48:1  Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the LORD, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness….}}}… house of Jacob , or Israel, .. or Judah, … who mention the GOD  of Israel, but NOT IN TRUTH OR RIGHTEOUSNESS. !!! That means they lie against Him !


Another Scripture which says the GOD  of Israel is The LORD OF HOSTS and the holy city is Jerusalem, and He should be the GOD  of Jerusalem.

Isa_48:2  For they call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves upon the God of Israel; The LORD of hosts is his name.


Jer_7:3  Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place….}}}… unless they amend their ways as The LORD OF HOSTS , the GOD  of Israel says, … He will not cause them to dwell in His place. !!!


Jer_7:21  Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh.


Jer_9:15  Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink…}}}… all these Scripture says, The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel. And that is CHRIST THE LORD. And He says that He will feed them with wormwood. This is why a star fell in judgment as wormwood. The wormwood test is given to a wife who has gone after others as proven in previous writings. lam 3: 19, Rev.  8: 11 fulfills that.


And The LORD says if one serves OTHER GODS, such is;-

Deu 29:18  Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood

Deu 29:19  And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst: 

Deu 29:20  The LORD will not spare him, but then the anger of the LORD and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the LORD shall blot out his name from under heaven. }}}… who turned all the people’s hearts away from The LORD OF HOSTS, the GOD  of Israel ?  it is the leaders. GOD  is jealous when His wife does so.


Apostle Peter said to Simon, the man who wanted to buy the HOLY SPIRIT…

Act 8:22  Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. 

Act 8:23  For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. }}}… such wicked deeds are likened to gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. This is why the son has iniquity which was a mystery till now when the truth is given. In 2 thes 2, it is the high priest who caused such wickedness of serving other gods !


In the New Testament, it is said, the LORD GOD  of Israel has VISITED AND REDEEMED His people. So that Scripture talks about  The Redeemer… who is the GOD  of Israel! And we know The Redeemer is CHRIST THE LORD. And HE IS THE ONLY GOD  VISITED mankind.

Luk_1:68  Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,…}}}… see… even in the New Testament, still the GOD  of Israel is CHRIST THE LORD. We cannot make any mistakes as all these Scripture proves that the One and ONLY TRUE GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , known in many names. No other gods have visited us and no others could be our redeemer.


Back to the old Testament. The Redeemer , redeemed people to make HIM a name. and all must magnify Him, The LORD OF HOSTS for ever.

1Ch 17:20  O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 

1Ch 17:21  And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel, whom God went to REDEEM TO BE HIS OWN PEOPLE, to make thee a name of greatness and terribleness, by driving out nations from before thy people, whom thou hast redeemed out of Egypt}}}… all must prove, once and for all , that the GOD  who redeemed Israel out of Egypt should be the GOD  of the whole earth. He redeemed Israel to make Him a name and for them to be His people. Then from where did god the father come from? It is man’s own deceitful heart.


Because the curse of dust was in mankind, and as The LORD did not give a heart to perceive, ears to hear or eyes to see, … and said Israel will stumble on Him, Isa.  8: 14 and on the Word of GOD as well, 1 Pet 2:5-8 ,  and hardened the fear of The LORD , Isa.  63: 16-19, and in the New Testament, The LORD said to the churches that they will fall from the truth and finally be blind spiritually, which means they would not understand the truth in the Word of GOD, … no man could have known and understood nor perceive the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Besides, GOD  says Israel are My people, but at the same time, He chose them as the vessels of wrath. GOD  has ordained them for judgment and correction. Hab 1: 11-12 !


1Ch 17:22  For thy people Israel didst thou make thine own people for ever; and thou, LORD, becamest their God. }}}… did the GOD  who brought Israel out was believed to be the GOD  of Israel ???  The people forsook Him. Both HWA and Mr Flurry  never honored Him as their GOD but spoke against.


1Ch 17:23  Therefore now, LORD, let the thing that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house be established for ever, and do as thou hast said. }}}… the Tabernacle of David is this house. And the king says, may it be established for ever. But as written above , it was The LORD OF HOSTS and Him to be a FATHER and kings to be sons. And the sons never accepted The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as their GOD  or the FATHER. Then would that house be established forever??? King David’s last words as written above in 2 sam 23, The ROCK revealed to him that his house will not grow and they will be sons of belial and NOT HIS SONS. THAT HAS COME TRUE NOW.


1Ch 17:24  Let it even be established, that thy name may be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel: and let the house of David thy servant be established before thee. }}}… the Tabernacle of David must magnify the name of The LORD OF HOSTS who is The ROCK and CHRIST THE LORD. ! If His name is not in it, it would not belong to Him. If you place another in the Tabernacle of David, … The LORD will leave. That is what happened. Instead of magnifying the name of CHRIST THE LORD, … both these leaders not only placed a nogod as their GOD and spoke AGAINST the GOD  of Israel. Would that house stand? HIS NAME IN NOT IN THE Tabernacle of David. Neither they are HIS people. Mr Flurry  , in his Malachi’s message book , wrote, … referring to The LORD OF HOSTS, ‘as if god the father is speaking’, asking for His fear. So he never knew that The LORD OF HOSTS is The Redeemer, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! Then how could that house stand? As The ROCK prophesied  to king David, now it has become a house forsaken by The LORD, THE OWNER.


let the house of David thy servant be established before thee. ‘…

Could the house of king David, be established before The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD ??? These leaders used GOD ’s name in vain, by giving it to their nogod, … even the name The ALMIGHTY was given to their god the father. !  in red letter, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  says 'I AM' The ALMIGHTY. Rev.  1: 8. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. ‘…!!!

as GOD purposed, … they have stumbled on Him and His words.

Remember, He is the SPIRIT as written elsewhere in this writing, 2 Cor.  3: 17 and more, … and His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6: 63. And GOD said, they will reject Him and His words. Therefore, that is now fulfilled. At the White Throne, all will see how they fell from this truth and will have no choice but to accept and humble themselves before THE LORD and acknowledge their sin and iniquity. !

See… instead of placing the name of THE LORD OF HOSTS in their buildings which are called the House of GOD, … it is HWA’s names are placed. That proves they love men and to believe in men rather than loving GOD. ! GOD Had to allow them to do all these to show them that how they failed to honor Him but they honored other men. GOD says, they are in Sodom and Egypt spiritually. Rev.  11: 8. And to be spiritually in Egypt means they are back WITHOUT THE TRUE GOD, The Redeemer and having no HOLY SPIRIT. Isiah 30: 1- 3. And in Sodom means loving other men and not GOD !


They add house to house, field to field, boasting and showing a great works, and GOD prophesied that also.

Isa 5:8  Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! 

Isa 5:9  In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. }}}… desolate means GOD  IS NOT IN THEM.  GOD  knew that they would do so, having physical things. Therefore, His words are fulfilled in PCG now.


According to  the Scripture of truth, … all seven eras must lie as they are prophesied  to fall from the truth. And then be spiritually blind, which means they cannot understand the Word of GOD , the SPIRIT. and mankind is cursed to go to dust ( dust means lies) and all are appointed to die once spiritually. So all these words are now fulfilled. THE LORD OF SABAOTH has shown all these to His seed. The true FATHER’s name is on this seed. Rev.  14: 1- 7. They preach the Everlasting Gospel to fear and worship The Creator or the GOD  who made all things. These first fruits of the Lamb, have their FATHER’s name on them. !  And the true House of GOD must have JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name. Heb. 3: 6.


Not knowing the true GOD, and the HOLY SPIRIT,  the whole church went to Egypt, without The LORD , the Holy ONE, and His SPIRIT. Isa.  30: 1- 3. And This remnant, which The LORD of Sabaoth left, as in Rom. 9, were brought out of Egypt once again, because the whole church is spiritually in Egypt, in judgment, Rev.  11: 8.  Then, why did we go to Egypt ? Because we did not have the knowledge  of the Holy ONE or the true GOD , right?  (Isa.  5: 13 ) Then in order to bring the people out Egypt once again, The LORD has to give the true knowledge of GOD about Him. Isa.  11: 9=11..  The land was full of lies. this is why, He had left a remnant to be His seed , so He can give the true knowledge of GOD to them and be their GOD . and they are sanctified by the truth to be sent to others so they also may believe in Him. John 17: 17- 20 !  and to save this remnant by promise and grace, was given to Abraham which no one knew. As written above, in Isa.  63: 16, Abraham, himself was ignorant of this Covenant as he sent his first born son away, and all hoped in Isaac. But this Covenant was ratified 430 years before the Covenant of the law, which none knew until now.


The law Covenant has conditions which no man can meet because the law will not give righteousness to anyone and only JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  kept the whole law. If any man thinks they can keep the law wholly, … they are making themselves equal to The SON of GOD . it is just not possible according to  Scripture, for a man born under the sin of Adam to keep the law. On the contrary, the law was given to prove the un- righteousness. And the Covenant by promise is to be given by GOD ’s grace, which is UNCONDITIONAL and has no works necessary to receive grace, because grace means underserved favour. The whole mankind Therefore, is condemned or cursed to die once. Heb. 9: 27 and all  must accept at the White throne that all were cursed to die without the HOLY SPIRIT, and were dead. And then, The LORD’s blood give us life freely. That is the promise Covenant. The promise of the FATHER is freely given to Israel as well as gentiles, but since Israel has to die under their Covenant, which is impossible for one to be righteous , … and they need to be judged and corrected, … so it was possible for GOD  to save gentiles who do not need to be judged as they are not in that Covenant, to give life freely. What ever GOD  Has to offer to mankind is freely given. But the first fruits whom The LORD predestinated, are given life first from death. While yet they were dead in sin, GOD  raised them up, because it is by grace as the gentiles are the vessels of mercy. That is why Rom. 9 says, they became sons of the Living GOD . !


Understand the two Covenants if you have not understood before.

Gal 3:16  Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but AS OF ONE, And to thy SEED, WHICH IS CHRIST. }}}… see… to Abraham and his seed, the promises were made. But not to MANY SEEDS, but to ONE SEED who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, Abraham, and his ONE SEED the promises made. Right ? this means for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or The SON of GOD  to be born, was a blessing to Abraham. Remember Abraham believed and had faith. And read this chapter, Abraham’s blessings, come to any one, by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . understood ???  Then, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  chose the gentiles, who are the poor , who is the first born of Abraham, anyway, … to be given all things by His grace, according to  the promise. For that reason, … The LORD made two Covenants by THE TWO WOMEN which Abraham married. ( he married more, but the Covenants are for Hagar and Sarah).


no one could understand these things, because it was not the time to reveal about the Covenant by promise until the seed to whom it was promised. That means until JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  give the blessings of Abraham to the promised ones , because Abraham was blessed FIRST , a son by the handmaid.!  ( Deut. 21: 14-18). GOD ’s law says, the true first born , either from hated wife or the true wife must be given the BIRTHRIGHT of the father. So GOD  allowed hagar and her son to be cast out, but GOD  was with the lad, and GOD  knew, in the end, HE WILL BRING JUSTICE TO GENTILES who are from Hagar, ( Isa.  42) and give the truth to them, and give the BIRTHRIGHT to them. Why else would GOD  held the womb of sarah, and blessed the hand maid with a son first ?  The LORD knew that He would save the gentiles by His grace, THROUGH HIM, in His second coming ! That Is why, The LORD gave the knowledge of GOD as the sea to them and brought them to the Glorious REST. Isa.  11: 9 – 11, and to the Holy Mountain, … Zep. 3: 9-15, and they are the seed , which is to be a sign and a wonder in Israel as Isa.  8: 18 says. And as Rom. 9 says, the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left.


Remember Spiritual blessings cannot be seen, understood physically.  One has to be revealed by GOD , Himself the Spiritual things which are revealed only by the HOLY SPIRIT. then how could the Laodiceans are spiritually blind? Because GOD  purposed it that way as they are the vessels of wrath, because they looked to the law to get righteousness, but the whole mankind is cursed to spiritually die once.  GOD  allowed them to look to their own righteousness and to die by having such lies.  Without the HOLY SPIRIT, no man can keep the law, because the law, itself is Spiritual. Rom. 7: 14. All thought the seed of Abraham who received blessings, is Israel as they are made rich physically. If GOD  has appointed Israel to stumble at Him and His words, which is SPIRIT, … how could they not stumble ?   How could they understand Spiritual things even about them???  So they continued to keep the law, thinking they can build the righteous character by keeping it and did not look for GOD ’s grace.  Gentiles, on the other hand, are the vessels of mercy, freely received all things. And they were cast out. Micah 2:9-13, truly happened. The last high priest cast us out, just as sarah did.  Please read link below.  Spiritually blind people see physical things to know how rich they are and how GOD  Has blessed them. This is why even Mr Flurry  wrote, ‘we have it all’ . (TP book pg 94). And more.


Gal 3:17  And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. }}}… see… a Covenant is confirmed… ‘confirmed’ means

Thayer ;- to sanction, ratify, or establish beforehand’.

Stong’s ;- to ratify previously: – confirm before’.

Therefore, this Covenant, was ALREADY CONFIRMED, cannot be changed, … will not be annulled, or canceled, but CONFIRMED to be IN CHRIST THE LORD !!! And that means when The ALMIGHTY blessed Abraham, … and his seed, … HE WAS BLESSING Ishmael, because that Covenant, by PROMISE has no conditions. It was just made, ratified, confirmed. It will not be changed. But it will come in to effect, AFTER THE LAW Covenant FAILS or failed as you will see. This is why, GOD  came to fulfill this promise in Him after the law Covenant failed and they all died spiritually, in the last era.


Now the purpose of the law, which is a schoolmaster, to bring all to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and not to god the father. Read the whole chapter. And none believed that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is their GOD ! All, including we, believed men and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . this is why The LORD says, gentiles, … when the Word of TRUTH is given, believed. Eph. 1: 13 ! That is one of the characters of Abraham. See GOD  has made the whole mankind to be guilty before Him. Then would He destroy and allow all to die for ever?  This is why HE died for us. Therefore, He died because of His grace. Heb. 2:9-13. And then, by grace and according to  the promise, … HE WILL BLESS ALL ONCE , ONE BELIEVES. Rom. 11 says, because of Israel’s unbelief, gentiles are grafted. Then, when did The LORD concluded that Israel has not believed?  It is during the Philadelphia era, when the HOUR OF TRAIL to test the HEARTS came. Then, The LORD has found them to be a synagogue of satan and liars. Then, The LORD left , made them spiritually blind, so they cannot see Spiritual things and died spiritually, not having the Word of GOD, which we are to live by!!!  The hour of trial is NOT PHYSICAL , but to test the hearts to see if they have believed or not. The LORD knows no man can believe Him, but we did not. But now, we know because The LORD has revealed the truth. So the Jews became a synagogue of satan and this is why John 8: 44, The LORD said they will be sons of devil and He said to king David, that they will be sons of belial as proven above. !!! we know that no one can understand what we say, but we write so that The LORD can open the minds to the books are opened, at the White throne when all will have to accept their guilt. To the White throne, only the dead are called, to give life. Until they are given life, they will not know that they were spiritually dead !


So the Covenant of the law, … came 430 years AFTER the promise Covenant was made. Now remember, ONE Seed was promised WHICH IS CHRIST THE LORD.           


Gal 3:18  For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise}}}…see… one Covenant is to inherit the law. And the other by promise. Both cannot be mixed. Either inheritance of the law, or the promise. So the law came to isaac, but promise came to Ishmael. (means GOD  will hear).  And it was GOD , who said the son should be called ‘Ishmael’.  (Gen.  16: 11). Then, why did GOD  said to name this son ‘ishmael’, if GOD  was not to hear him?  GOD  knew and He names with a meaning. ‘isaac’ means to laugh at. All these were explained before. Therefore,, The LORD has remembered His Covenant of promise as the law Covenant has failed now. Seeing that Israel or no man will believe in the GOD  of Abraham, … He made a son to be born of the handmaid and GOD ’s Covenant by promise is to be given to him, and The LORD has heard the cry of the poor, the gentiles, who were cast out as proven in the first parts. Micah 2: 9-13 ,  5: 7-9, the remnant is the women among the gentiles whose cry GOD  Has now heard !  remember The LORD gave water in the desert to this handmaid and her son and GOD  blessed him with 12 princes! Isaac had only two sons. One was chosen who is Jacob, and Esau, GOD  hated. Rom. 9: 13.




Then, the law is given, to prove the sin, … until this promised seed comes.

Gal 3:19  Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. }}}… when the time came to prove all those who are under the Covenant of the law has failed, … the Covenant by promise will come in to effect, because, those who are under the law must die WITHOUT MERCY…. ( without mercy means they cannot be under the promise Covenant as it was by GOD ’s grace.) Heb. 10: 28, and in order to judge them, The LORD had to raise up a seed with all knowledge  and understanding, in order to JUDGE those who are under the law to condemn them to death as they are without JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Rom. 8: 1 ! Israel could not continue to be the hosts of The LORD ! They had other gods, the god the father. Then, that is the lie which condemned all seven eras. And then in order to judge Israel, … The LORD had to restore , (Isa.  1: 26) teach and give HOLY SPIRIT to gentiles and they are grafted in.


Gal 3:21  Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. }}}… this understanding is given only to this seed. The whole world tries to keep the law and be righteous , thinking that they can keep it. The law, COULD NOT HAVE GIVEN righteousness unto life. If the law gave righteousness to one, that one will be equal to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . only He could keep it fully till He died.


Righteousness, is a FREE GIFT. Rom. 5: 16 ‘the free gift is of many offences unto justification. ‘. This chapter continues it is because JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s obedience , we also will receive righteousness. That is the second Adam.


Gal 3:22  But the SCRIPTURE HATH CONCLUDED ALL UNDER SIN, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. }}}… ‘faith’, is another character of Abraham. He believed and had faith and was counted to be righteous. And He had faith in The ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . John 8: 54- 56. He looked for CHRIST THE LORD’s day. And isaac’s seed did not look for Him, but ishmael’s seed had no choice but to call on Him as their father did. Therefore, The LORD has concluded all to be under sin which means all are sinners. But, the Covenant BY PROMISE IS GIVEN BY FAITH OF ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, to those who BELIEVE. Eph. 1: 13, it is the gentiles who believed and Heb. 4, even having faith, entered in to the rest. Israel, could not come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , through the law, though it was a schoolmaster to bring them to Him, … but gentiles, without having the law, … came to Him because it was the will and the calling and purpose of The LORD.


JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the Author and Finisher  of faith. Heb. 12: 2. Then His faith, He gave to those who believed. Peter wrote in 1 Pet 1, though the gentiles have not seen, yet they have loved and believed. Therefore, The LORD gave His faith, which is also a free gift, as He is the Author and Finisher  of faith to the gentiles because Abraham’s blessings are to come to gentiles, by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, this is why The LORD prepared Apostle Paul to be sent to gentiles, to give the Heavenly vision as proven in previous writings in Acts 26: 17-19 ! That is to have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and on the Day of Visitation, … The LORD came and gave faith to purify the hearts of the gentiles, acts 15: 9-15, when the Tabernacle of David is fallen, and took gentiles to His name. and that fulfilled the Covenant by PROMISE. They are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise. Eph. 1: 13.


Remember the SPIRIT and life is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. John 6: 63. And we are to live by every word which came out of the mouth of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not any others as no other has spoken words of Scripture. Israel is appointed to stumble at His words, 1 Pet 2: 8-10 and gentiles received it, as The LORD taught them, Isa.  8: 18, 29: 23, 1 John 2, 1 John 4: 4, 17. That is why they are judges. The LORD caused them to overcome to prepare them for the judgment. And they are RICH IN FAITH. Jam 2: 5. And the Word of TRUTH, BEGETS US. Then which GOD  would be our FATHER?  It should be the GOD  who gave the Word of TRUTH.  And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the ‘WORD’, and also the ‘TRUTH’. His word is the TRUTH, and HE IS THE TRUTH. Therefore, Abraham’s blessings are to be divided or given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … and He chose to give it to Ishmael, as promised by GOD  to both, Abraham and Hagar.


Hear what Apostle Peter prophesied  to happen on the Day of Visitation.

Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; }}}… what does this mean???  It means, GOD , knowing the hearts, ( Israel’s hearts are stiffnecked, said The LORD ) gave the ‘HOLY SPIRIT’ . and the HOLY SPIRIT is the witness and seals all things. The work of the gentiles, began in SPIRIT. Gal. 3: 3 !!! That is the promise by no works of any, but The LORD’s. if the HOLY SPIRIT is our WITNESS, … then how could the spiritually blind Laodiceans can understand that The LORD has blessed the gentiles with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, or have believed in Him, and are begotten by the SPIRIT and have become JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s own sons ???  This is to happen on the Day of Visitation, right ???  But the prophet, the Spiritual man is a mad fool, (hos 9:7) on the Day of Visitation, says The LORD. ! Then how could he understand the Spiritual things ???? Spiritual things are revealed by the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT!  And no other GOD  who came to gentiles, but JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . col 1: 26-28. That is why they preach, teach and warn others to be perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  !!! read James 1: 18. And 1 Pet 1: 23. We are begotton by the words , which is SPIRIT AND LIFE. John 6: 63. The witness is the HOLY SPIRIT, the LORD, 2 Cor. 3: 17 and His words. John 6:63.


Hos 9:7  The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. ‘}}}… Day of Visitation has come now. The iniquity, which was a mystery, now revealed. No one worshiped The Creator but made other gods and fathers and idols. Such are the Spiritual madness of the prophet or the high priest, the SON who went in to perdition and betrayed The LORD, The Husband, the FATHER !!! if The LORD says the ‘prophet’ ( who is a fox, Eze. 13: 4, who caused the desolation, lam 5: 18), is a made fool, … then who is he?  He is in your own church, if you believe that you are in the true church!!!  It happened inside GOD ’s true church, in the Body of CHRIST. !!!  if you believe that you belong to the Body of CHRIST, and in the right church, see if CHRIST THE LORD is THE HEAD over you. If not, … you belong to this mad prophet’s body of believers. If CHRIST THE LORD is the HEAD, and you are the body, … that is a PERFECT BODY !


From the beginning booklet, Mr Flurry  wrote

{{{‘ The ministers are condemned

for not honoring the Father—they despise the Father’s name!

That is another way of saying they REJECT GOD’S FAMILY

GOVERNMENT, WITH THE FATHER FIRMLY AT THE HEAD. They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”…}}}… see… Mr Flurry  placed god the father , FIRMLY at the HEAD. Other times, he had written that CHRIST THE LORD is the head. Do you think GOD  will accuse and condemn His own prophet as a mad fool, if he is NOT???  Believe in the Word of GOD and not any man. !!! Those who trusted in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , are in the Mt. Zion. !!! Psa. 125: 1, Eph. 1, Isa.  11:9-11 and more. If he wrote to focus on CHRIST THE LORD , is to preach a FALSE GOSPEL, would he receive the HOLY SPIRIT as HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and His words as proven above ???  This is why, this prophet and the rest of the church went in to Laodicea blindness as a judgment !!! That is the time, The LORD opened the eyes of the gentiles, John 9: 39, Eph. 1: 1-1 8. And when The LORD comes TO BE Glorified, in the gentiles , … The LORD takes vengeance from those who did not believe the gospel. 2 thes 1: 8- 12. !


Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. }}}… so CHRIST THE LORD gave faith to PURIFY THE HEARTS, which is truly to receive Him, the HOLY SPIRIT in their hearts as the HOLY SPIRIT rests in our hearts. Gal. 4: 6, that is why The LORD TESTS THE HEARTS !!!

Act 15:10  Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? 

Act 15:11  But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. }}}… Peter also knew and believed that it is by the GRACE, and not by the law which the fathers could bear, that one is SAVED.  Mr Flurry  does not know that the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words but he says what HWA taught him, … that the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD . !  The power of GOD  cannot be given by the believers bellies. John 7: 36-39. It is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s breath. John 20: 22. And it is the HOLY SPIRIT who died to purchase the church. Acts 20: 28 !


Gal 3:23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed}}}… see … BEFORE FAITH IS GIVEN, which is to be on the Day of Visitation, … all were kept under the law. The faith was shut up to those of the law. And when did The LORD concluded that the law is ended?  It is when the judgment came, in the Laodicea era, on the Day of Visitation , when HE GAVE FAITH. So faith was not shut up to those whose hearts were purified by faith, which is a free gift, given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! Eph. 2: 8 !!! Therefore, only the gentiles who have the works of Abraham, which is BELIEF AND FAITH, … are given the Covenant by promise, first. As Apostle Peter said, … by grace, he too will be saved after giving grace to gentiles !!!


Therefore, the Marriage Covenant, which is by the law, ended in death of both parties. The LORD had to die and the people also had to die. And that is why a NEW Covenant is purposed ! Israel, have a Covenant with death, because if you are under the law, you will not receive MERCY even. Heb. 10: 28, and Isa.  28: 15- 18, … their Covenant with death will be no more, when they are being trodden down as now as The LORD is rebuking them for their falsehood.


Isa_28:15  Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have MADE LIES OUR REFUGE, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:}}}… see our refuge must be The LORD. But if not, … lies are your refuge. This is the synagogue of satan. And who are sent to tell your lies ?  Jer. 16: 19. It is the gentiles because they are given the truth first.


Therefore, this is the remnant, which The LORD has not forgotten to save first,  and before He enters in to the NEW Covenant with Israel once again. This second Covenant, though it comes in to effect after the failure of Israel, at The LORD’s second coming, … it was made without CONDITIONS, by PROMISE and by grace. Please read link below. That is to save a remnant when all are condemned and are dead. Eph. 2. They too were dead in sin.


The LORD prophesied  that it is in the night, the HOSTS of The LORD came out. In this night, the first born of Egypt died. And now, it is Israel who are back in Egypt spiritually. Rev.  11: 8. And it is they who are the FIRST BORN of The ROCK, who are back in Egypt who are to die in the night, when The LORD comes as a thief to pour His wrath. Exo. 4: 22-23.

Exo 12:42  It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. }}}… read this chapter and understand that the night to be much observed is to remember who The LORD brought them out of Egypt. So The LORD saved His first born Israel that night. It is the same night when the Passover happened as the blood is on the doors, that GOD  said to observe to remember Him and how He brought them out. But HWA, … made the next day as the night to be much observed. That too , he got it wrong. It is the SELF SAME DAY which is in the night, the death came and Israel is delivered. And see even now, it is the night. Israel is in darkness in the Laodicea era as not having the HOLY SPIRIT leading them. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is the true light and His light is not in them as they did not go to Him to receive light. They will receive the light, in judgment, hos 6: 5, in the White throne.


And then, it is in the same night, The LORD brought this remnant as His seed, while Israel is being killed spiritually. And as king David said, they lost their light 2 sam 23. Remember Aaron means light bringer. But the Aaronic priesthood lost their light. We receive the light from the SUN. and the SUN is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and the Sun went down on prophet. Micah 3:6. No Revelation to them. They have their own Revelation !


But in this night, after the correction is done, they will come to life again when the HOLY SPIRIT is given to all FLESH. That happens in the White throne.

Psa 90:3  Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men. }}}… see the children of men are turned to destruction in the night. And who ever went in to Egypt, the first born of The ROCK, died as The LORD purposed them to be destroyed in this night. The same night to be much observed by HWA and all others according to  his own imaginations, which is the day after the hosts went from Egypt, and not IN THE SAME NIGHT , are destroyed now in Egypt in this night. They observed this night on a different day. So they were not spared.


Psa 90:4  For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night}}}… see the day of judgment is the thousand years. It is only one night watch of The LORD, that all died. GOD  does not need thousand years to reign to judge and correct. And the night is the time there is no divination as Micah 3: 6 says. And The LORD comes as a thief in the night, and not for thousand years. Apostle Peter said thousand years is like one day to GOD . 2 Pet 3: 8. And the Scripture says, The LORD turned man to destruction in this night, but wants to RETURN also. Therefore, The LORD will not take thousand years to judge. It is just one night, one era, when the darkness came. And this seed is taken out of darkness, in to CHRIST THE LORD’s marvelous light to make them His priesthood to PRAISE HIM as king David did and said above . 1 Pet 2: 8-10, and Rom. 9 talks about that seed, the HOSTS OF THE LORD OF SABAOTH !!!


Psa 90:5  Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. }}}… remember one is condemned to death, if they are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Rom. 8:  and not have His SPIRIT to be a son. But when that knowledge  is given, with knowledge  and understanding that The Husband is also the FATHER as written above, …. Then they will grow up as grass, receiving the light as morning. As you can see… what is prophesied  for Israel and about gentiles, are now fulfilled. The LORD is taking vengeance from Israel for their sin but has poured mercy and grace for gentiles according to  the promise and the law Covenant. At the White throne, all will understand.


Therefore, GOD  prophesied  as Israel came out of Egypt in the night, the darkness of the Laodicea is also the night, and in the morning they will come alive. that is when The LORD comes as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT to judge and correct. Then, when He comes, … it is necessary for Him to have a remnant saved  already , in order to do the works of The LORD, which is to bring Israel once again out of Egypt, as they do not have the SPIRIT of The LORD. Isa.  30: 1- 3.  That means Israel became flesh. Heb. 2: 14,  1 Cor. 10: 18. Then, the most important work is to give them the SPIRIT and life. and the SPIRIT or the living waters, is the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . John 6: 63. Then, He gave the word, to the company , the seed which The LORD saved,  as proven in first part, … and they are to publish it, … and give to Israel. That is the sea of knowledge of GOD, which they lacked and they inherited lies. Then they need the TRUTH, to sanctify them as GOD ’s people once again. Since they do not know that The ROCK is their GOD , and also The Husband and the FATHER, … that knowledge  and understanding has to be given to them, with the opened Scripture and eyes and ears to hear.  That happens at the White throne. That is why only the dead are called to the White throne, and open the books which are already fulfilled, so they will understand all the truth. GOD  has no choice, but to give His SPIRIT to all flesh, giving salvation. Luk 3; 6. We need salvation, because we do not have the SPIRIT.  having rejected the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as they never went to Him nor preached Him to exalt Him above all people as king David did, they died without the word to live. Remember we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD. And that LORD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .  



Story of Hannah is a prophecy about this remnant. And Hannah also prayed for The LORD OF HOSTS.

1Sa 1:11  And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head….}}}… see Hannah also prayed for The LORD OF HOSTS.


Then Eli said, He is the GOD  of Israel.

1Sa 1:17  Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 

1Sa 1:18  And she said, Let thine handmaid find GRACE in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. 

1Sa 1:19  And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her. }}}.. which LORD blessed Hannah with a child? It is The LORD OF HOSTS, the GOD  of Israel!


Hannah’s prayer… prophesied  about our times. Her GOD  was the GOD  of salvation, … The ROCK. That also proves that He is The LORD OF HOSTS.

1Sa 2:1  And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation

1Sa 2:2  There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God}}}… so Hannah prayed for The LORD OF HOSTS, and she says The ROCK is Holy, and none like Him. So The ROCK is The LORD OF HOSTS who blessed her. She knew the GOD  of salvation. And it is by grace, the Captain of salvation brought forth sons to glory.  Heb. 2: 9-=10 . THERE IS NONE HOLY, AS The LORD , THAT IS The ROCK OR The LORD OF HOSTS !!! Have you believed the Bible and knew and understood that The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD is The LORD OF HOSTS and there is no other like Him ???  In that, we all have failed. We all believed a man and not GOD . but GOD  purposed it that way.


1Sa 2:3  Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the lord is a god of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed}}}… see… if you have spoken or believed anything other than what the Bible or the Word of GOD says, …, you have exalted yourselves against the knowledge of GOD. 2 Cor. 10: 5. GOD  says the last era is proud. The whole House of Israel , including the church of CHRIST THE LORD, is proud as they never worshiped nor feared Him but had god the father above Him. The whole humanity, beginning from Adam, … as we are sent to dust ( means lies as proven) means we have been proud and arrogant. The prophet, who is a fool on the Day of Visitation as written above, is an arrogant man who perverted the Scripture ! Are you a minister???  Are you under the law??? Then, have you known and called ‘The Husband’, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , my ‘FATHER’??? If not, … you have been proud and arrogant. GOD  hates pride. He wants to bring down the pride in man. Adam, was proud against The LORD. Ever since the whole humanity has been proud against the LORD !!! we are evil, if we have been proud. Pro 8: 13.


Mr Flurry  wrote in ‘Rev.  unveiled last’ pg 69. (emp ours)

{{{{‘In the Obadiah booklet, I wrote about how the Esau Laodiceans will lose their eternal lives— their birthright. Why? Because they are deceived by pride.If you get enough pride into your head, you will be deceived.’}}}}

Who is deceived?  GOD  says, the sister who JUDGED others have done WORSE than they. Eze. 16: 52 ! Would not GOD  correct her as well then??? Therefore, Mr Flurry , himself is deceived as we prove means he has been proud as well. How dare a man , no matter a high priest, to speak against Isa.  9: 6 and say ‘never forget The SON is NOT the FATHER’, as he wrote???  Is not that pride which has deceived him to believe in a lie and to teach lies and to deceive the whole Body of CHRIST to reject HIM AS THE HEAD ???  And as written above, if you preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , you preach a false gospel as he wrote ??? We all know he claim to be intimate with GOD , and he is a king, a counselor etc ??? Which GOD  is he intimate with???  Not The ROCK, not The LORD OF HOSTS, nor The ALMIGHTY, not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … then who ??? GOD  says in many Scripture, that He will bring down the pride in man. If not, WE CANNOT WALK IN PEACE OR TOGETHER WITH GOD , UNLESS WE AGREE WITH HIM AND WORDS!!! This is why The LORD judges to correct to establish !


Here’s one of his statements which shows that he has been proud. In fact all of his books which speak against the Word of GOD proves he has been proud against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! remember that he wrote to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is to preach a FALSE GOSPEL?  What more do we need to conclude that this high priest truly is a mad fool as The LORD says!


RV 2006, Jan….. {{{‘The Philadelphia Church of God has a lot invested in our property. We are raising up the ruins. Having an auditorium and hosting concerts with great per­formers-featuring the best that the human spirit can achieve-is impressive to the world}}}}

PCG has a lot invested in our property. And that is raising up the ruins, according to the  him. Then, to have an auditorium, … (not forgetting it is in HWA’s name, … ) hosting concerts with great performers…. ( not being a HOST OF THE LORD OF HOSTS), … and he wants to do TO THE BEST of the HUMAN SPIRIT can achieve, and to IMPRESS the ‘WORLD’ and not GOD. Would GOD be impressed with Aaron, if he invited worldly performers in to the Tabernacle ??? GOD says, if you love the world, … you are in the world, and not with ME, THE FATHER !!! 1 John 2: 15-17 ! (see below) That is to have LUSTS AND PRIDE OF LIFE !!!


impressive to the world’???

Should we try to impress the world and our HUMAN spirits with dancing , making new thrones and bringing jungle rocks as more purer stones than the stone of destiny which represents the ‘HOUSE OF GOD ’??? And more importantly, … CAUSING The LORD TO LEAVE HIS OWN HOUSE as he placed another ???  by preaching god the father, … these two leaders openly taught against The LORD, and said THERE IS ANOTHER greater than He, unlike king David and Hannah and The LORD, Himself as proven !!!


Do Not Love the World

1Jn 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM. }}}… see… if you love the world, … the love of the ‘FATHER’ is not in such. Is it any wonder why Mr Flurry  did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER ?  The Creator separated from Adam means the ‘FATHER’ separated from Adam and mankind. That is the HOLY SPIRIT who could not live with liars and those who do not believe in Him !!!


1Jn 2:16  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. }}}… if so, … then Adam became the world. Mankind is in the world, where THE TRUE FATHER Is not. This is why the FATHER is coming to save the sons from their own death. This is why The LORD did not reveal Himself as the FATHER ( John 16: 25, He said He will reveal the FATHER) to any, but to this seed. The PRIDE, the most deceitful heart caused all to be ‘FLESH’ AND NOT TO BE BORN AS SONS OF GOD  BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD !


And one final time all became flesh is in Eze. 24: 21- 25, when the wife of Ezekiel is stricken !!!  Did that not happen even to Mr Flurry ’s wife? They are to waste away from that time onwards, … because of the high priest’s sin of rejecting GOD  and His messengers and the message which none of you know. Which of the high priests whom GOD  appointed are allowed to cause THE PEOPLE OF GOD  to keep Passover with ‘STRANGERS’, whom The LORD said not to? Could a high priest do that?  Yet, Mr Flurry  did not do so, but covered the sin of our RD who caused it in 2003 Dec, last week. That is when The LORD struck his wife. He will know. If you have a copy of Philadelphia news, 2003, Mar/ April or Passover issue, go and read, how the 800 people were invited to the church , unbaptized including 17 ministers, … and causing us to keep the Passover with such!  We opposed. Who do you think correct? Answer truthfully. Could a high priest cause GOD ’s people who are BAPTIZED, to keep Passover with UN- BAPTIZED? What happened when Aaron made the calf?  Did not Levi killed 3000 that time and GOD  says in Mal. 2, that Levi had the law of truth because he killed idol worshipers?  That is the same thing GOD  is doing through this seed.


We remembered GOD ’s words and refused to keep Passover ( there is lot more than this). Should we have obeyed the high priest and the RD , or should we have obeyed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who gave us the Passover?  Is it any wonder why CHRIST THE LORD said, that He will not eat Passover till the kingdom comes ??? He Is not in any of the Passovers of the church because, … they honoured god the father even on the Passover and had idols and caused GOD ’s people to eat Passover with strangers!!!


This is Micah 2: 9-13 as proven in the first parts, and the split happened. The LORD separated us from evil men by giving the TRUTH, and coming in to us, and raising us up while yet we were dead in sin because of HIS GRACE and the Covenant by promise ! in 2003 dec., we were disfellowshiped and immediately the wife was struck by The LORD. No wonder why GOD  says these ministers are murderers. If any one wants to prove, … find the Philadelphia News, 2003, … and read the Scripture and read our writings and compare to find the truth.


1Jn 2:17  And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. }}}… see.. if you have lusts and pride, … you cannot do the will of GOD to abide forever!  And you are not with the FATHER. The fact that as written above , the wife did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER proves that she has been having lusts and pride and has not done the will of GOD  or her Husband or the FATHER !!!


See if  Mr Flurry has agreed with The LORD …

As written above, GOD  said


GOD  says, there is none like ME, 'I AM' GOD . did Mr Flurry  agree with The LORD and His words ??? did he not exalt god the father as the head as written above? Therefore, he did not believe The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who SPOKE THIS,   but he made a nogod to be ABOVE Him. ! HWA too did so. That means THE PRIDE separated them from the true GOD  and the FATHER, and they are in the WORLD, and that is why both had lots of property and tried to impress the world and the HUMAN spirit and did NOT DO THE WILL OF GOD  !!! GOD , Himself became POOR, to be with the poor. 2 Cor. 8: 9.

And Hannah said…

‘There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our GOD ’…

This is what we also say. In the whole volume of books, … it is written of this ONE GOD , … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , The Creator , who is THE LORD OF SABAOTH and known in all of the names of GOD  ! THAT IS OUR FATHER and Brother and Friend.

No man born under the sin of Adam can say we have not been proud against The LORD. This is what The LORD wants all to know. Each and every man is guilty before GOD  of having lusts and pride. Same as Adam. Only the presence of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  or the HOLY SPIRIT can take us out of such wickedness. That, He will do in the White throne.


Therefore, only this seed, is doing the will of GOD  and have overcome the world, because The LORD is in them. The little children are humble. This is why The LORD said to be humble as this little child. These little children are the anointed ones. 1 John 2: 1-27!

1Jn 4:4  You are of God, little children, and you have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. }}}.. if you want to know THE GREATER One, and not two, … we have Him in us! Having The LORD in us means we have the LIGHT, TRUTH and HIS WORDS and we are humble because even grace is given to the humble, Jam 4: 6, 1 Pet 5:5 . ‘GOD  resist the proud’ !!!


1Jn 4:5  They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. }}}… so you see … if you are not in The LORD, … or the FATHER, … you are in the world, … and speak of the world and you hear those in the world. ( remember the ‘world’ means no FATHER, no true GOD ). That means as long as you hear these lying prophets, when The LORD says they are liars and anti-CHRISTs, … and to hear them proves you are in the world as well, separated from the true GOD  and the FATHER!


See… do you belong to The LORD OF HOSTS, the true GOD , and the FATHER and do you know these little children ? If you have not heard the little children, who ARE OF GOD , … then you have the spirit of error ….!

1Jn 4:6  We are of God. He who knows God hears us. The one who is not of God does not hear us. From this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. }}}… see this verse is talking about the little children, who are caused to overcome by their FATHER being in them. And if you hear them, you know it is GOD ’s words and the truth. Then, if you do not hear the little children, … who are with the FATHER, … you are not of GOD . ! so the SPIRIT of truth and the SPIRIT of error is now made known. !


As you can see… the leaders in the church have the spirit of error. That is why The LORD said they are a synagogue of satan.


We are of God. He who knows God hears us….

You are of God, little children,’…

Who are these little children?  Has any one claimed to be little children?  They are THE LORD OF SABAOTH’s seed. They are the hosts of The LORD now, as Israel was. They are a sign and a wonder in Israel , in the Holy Mountain. Isa.  8: 18. This is why one should hear us, because GOD  IS IN US. This is what the Scripture says. If you are of GOD , … you would hear us, because, The LORD forgave us for His name’s sake, 1 John 2: 12, and taught all truth, 1 John 2: 1-29, and He, Himself came and caused us to overcome the world and lies, 1 John 4: 4, and to stand in judgment, as GOD  is, 1 John 4: 17, and the FATHER anointed these little children to be taught BY HIM. Isa.  54: 13, John 6: 45 , John 17,  and they are asked to not to learn from anyone, as NO ONE HAD THE TRUTH ! Therefore, he who knows GOD , … hears us because THE GREATER is sending us as John 17: 17-20 says.  And we are given the EVERLASTING LIFE to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD John 17: 3 . Remember from the bellies of the believers, the HOLY SPIRIT is given on the last day, John 7: 36-39, and those who drank the living waters from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … will have EVERLASTING LIFE springing from them. John 4: 14 ! That means to give the knowledge of GOD of this One and ONLY TRUE GOD .


Here is what PCG statement of beliefs learning from HWA wrote; “We believe in one God, eternally existing, Creator of the heavens and Earth and all that is in them (Genesis 1:1). The Godhead is actually composed of two personages: the God who became the Father of Jesus Christ, and the Word who was made flesh and became God’s Son (John 1:1-14)…


‘we believe ONE GOD’…

We believe GOD HEAD is TWO personages. And from where did they learn this? From John 1: 14. This means none in the Old Testament, knew the TRUE GOD HEAD ??? The Old Testament GOD is the HOLY SPIRIT. And the New Testament , He came as a Man, calling The Son  of GOD. His FATHER was His own HOLY SPIRIT. Besides John 1 says

Joh 1:10  He was in the world, and THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the WORLD KNEW HIM NOT


Joh 1:12  But AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on HIS name






See… HE CAME TO HIS OWN, ,.., AND THEY DID NOT RECEIVE HIM. Then THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM. This is what Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18 also says. If the world was made by Him, … HE SHOULD BE OUR GOD, FATHER AND MAKER !!! So it is HIS OWN WHO DID NOT RECEIVE HIM. This is to continue till the last era when they finally died because HE IS THE FATHER, and for rejecting the FATHER means we have no life. !  So did GF know that he was MADE by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ?? If He made us, then HE IS OUR FATHER. This is why this Scripture says, if you believe in His name, you are given the power to be a son to GOD.  And that is by receiving JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not god the father as no one has seen or heard from a such one. ;-

But AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on HIS name}}}… what name should we believe to become a son of GOD ???  Isiah 9: 6 says The Son  is given and He is the Everlasting FATHER as well. And from the beginning , He was the FATHER, the HOLY SPIRIT. But when He came to the world, His own did not receive Him as the FATHER. And GF wrote referring to Isiah 9:6, ‘never forget that The Son  is not the FATHER’. Therefore, would he and all those who believed in him, be given power to be sons of GOD ??  So the whole church failed to be sons of GOD. And not a single leader in all seven eras received Him as the FATHER. And in the last era also, they did not receive Him as the FATHER nor believed Him that HE IS THE Everlasting FATHER.  And the gentiles or this seed received Him as the FATHER, … and they became His seed! And HWA began to teach about GOD HEAD, by this Scripture. And he failed to receive Him as the FATHER also.


See what HWA wrote in MOA pg 34

{{{‘ In the same manner, God the Father is Creator. But he “created all things by Jesus Christ.” Jesus is the Word. It is written, “He spake, and it was done” (Psalm 33:9). God tells Christ what to do.’}}}},,,


See according to  him , god the father is The Creator. If Isiah 9: 6 is true, as it is the truth, … how could GOD HEAD be two ?  And in the whole  volume of books, or in the Bible, .. it is written of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !!!  ONE GOD !  and GF followed his teachings and all Israel failed to believe and receive JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as the FATHER and failed to receive the power to be SONS OF GOD !  But we believe in His name, ‘Everlasting FATHER’, as Isiah 63: 16 says, … though you do not acknowledge us, … but as David did, we who are the hosts of THE LORD OF HOSTS, received the power to be sons of GOD !


Rom. 8 says, to build the Image of GOD, we need the image of The Son . and to be a son of GOD, we need the SPIRIT of ‘CHRIST OUR LORD’, if not we are none of His’. 

Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit}}}… see we must be in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then, we do not walk after flesh, but SPIRIT. That means when we have CHRIST OUR LORD in us, we have the HOLY SPIRIT, because He is the HOLY SPIRIT ! No more flesh. Heb. 2: 14,  1 Cor. 10: 18 says Israel is flesh. That means they will not come to be in Him.


Rom 8:9  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. }}}… see Apostle Paul is writing to gentiles, saying they are NOT IN THE FLESH, but in the SPIRIT, because the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in them, … and that SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of CHRIST OUR LORD !!!  Do you understand that ???  if you want to be of SPIRIT, .. and not flesh, … you need the SPIRIT of CHRIST OUR LORD.!  Now I have never heard HWA or GF teaching that we need to be in CHRIST OUR LORD, nor we must be His’, and when we are in Him we walk after SPIRIT. If all eras fell from the truth, they will not know about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the TRUTH. See…


‘you are not in the flesh, … but in the SPIRIT, if you have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is because, HE IS THE SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT comes from Him, as written elsewhere in this writing.


Then, when you are led by the SPIRIT of GOD, that is of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … we are SONS OF GOD as John 1: 14 also says above.

Rom 8:14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 


‘if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his….

many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of GOD’. 

This Scripture says, if you have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … we are His’, and are sons of GOD! Then, if we are to be sons of GOD, when we receive the SPIRIT of ‘CHRIST OUR LORD’, then should we not go to Him to receive His SPIRIT and not any other???  These are the things we were never taught by men. Make no mistake, we need the SPIRIT of CHRIST OUR LORD, because HE IS THE SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT. And when we receive it from Him, … we become sons of GOD. Then, to which GOD, do we become sons to?  It is to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. So we call Him our FATHER already now. The Ministry must learn that . what more blessing do we need other than to be a son of GOD ???  now, all those who called god the father, … our father, … god etc, … are not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s nor sons of GOD and do not have the HOLY SPIRIT !  these things are written, so all can understand and go to Him and receive and become sons of GOD !


Rom 8:29  For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. }}}… whom He did foreknew, … He predestinated them to be conformed in to the image of His Son. So we need to build the image of GOD, to The Son ’s image, and then we become The Son ’s sons. Eph. 1 : 1- 13, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own will was to ADOPT gentiles to be His sons. !!! that is first fruits. Therefore, no one become sons of GOD, without knowing all these and GOD did not want anyone in Israel to be His first fruits because they are appointed to stumble on Him, though they are the first born. Ex 4: 22-23


This means as The LORD is IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN, … GOD  IS SPEAKING to others by them, who have deceit, and have not done the will of GOD , nor have overcome, but are in the world. The world must be given the true knowledge of GOD in order to call The Husband , my FATHER and know that there is only one GOD .  and to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, about the FATHER and The SON is the EVERLASTING LIFE.; John 17: 3. And v 17-20 says, they are sanctified by the truth to send to others, so they may believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . then what is the truth which these children were sanctified?  It is the knowledge  of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and that knowledge  was lacked and all went in to captivity or  became sons of belial.  Such do not know the true FATHER. The FATHER has raised up little children , the seed, the hosts of THE LORD OF SABAOTH.


Therefore, only this seed of THE LORD OF SABAOTH, as they are His own hand’s works, Isa.  29: 23, … having Him in them, as THE GREATER, … were caused to overcome the devil in us, our evil, most deceitful hearts our pride and lusts. And since THE GREATER IS IN US, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … they have THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, … THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ARE SONS OF GOD !!!   They walk in SPIRIT and are not flesh any more. They are not proud any more but humble. They are with the FATHER, as the FATHER caused them to overcome. That is 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19 fulfilled. The ALMIGHTY, or the Living GOD, received us as sons and daughters. !!!


This seed is with The LORD OF HOSTS, in the Holy Mountain. Isa.  8: 18

They are made righteous, as The LORD forgave them.

They are separated from the sons of belial and became the temple of The LORD. That means The LORD is in them.

They do not lie, because they are taught the truth.

Their hearts are purified.

They are rich in faith.

They know the FATHER and they are with the FATHER.

They are of GOD !


They have the SPIRIT of CHRIST THE LORD ..

And they walk in SPIRIT and not in flesh.

And they are sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! His SPIRIT, gave life.

All these are proven above. !


See if we are born with the sin of Adam, which means with lusts of eyes and flesh and pride of life, and if the whole mankind is cursed to go to dust, the lies, and would not know The LORD, nor seek Him, … unless The LORD take the FIRST STEP to bring us near to Him, turning and purifying our hearts.

This Is why king David prayed for GOD , to turn the hearts of all towards Him. This is why The LORD said, Elijah will come and turn the hearts. But Elijah is The LORD, Himself as proven who alone had the truth about Him! Please read link below . as written above, it is The LORD who gave faith to purify hearts of this seed.


Deu 30:6  And Jehovah your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed, to love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live. }}}… see the Scripture says turn to GOD  with your heart, serve Him etc. but who knew the FATHER and The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT means ONE GOD , to turn to Him? Because of the curse to go to dust, we inherited lies. All the way in judgment when the judges had to be restored , The LORD prepared their hearts to turn to Him !


1Ch 28:9  And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. For Jehovah searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you. But if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever}}}… King David knew only CHRIST THE LORD. He prophesied  about The SON’s coming but he did not see or know The SON. We only could know the FATHER and The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT as the ends of the age has come and GOD  Has revealed all things so He can call all to come and drink the living waters on the last day. Therefore, before the last day, The LORD had to fill the bellies of the believers with the living waters, the Word of GOD. ! This is why 1 Cor. 4: 5, The LORD comes to reveal the hidden counsels of the hearts. Until such time, no one knew that there is only one GOD . now, we can serve this GOD  with a perfect heart, purified hearts and seek Him. This is why The LORD killed Israel, so they will seek Him early. Psa. 78: 34- 35 ! As you read this Scripture, .. understand, … if you seek Him, … He will be found.  But if you forsake Him, that is ONE GOD , … He will cast you as well. This is what has happened now. The LORD knew the hearts of the gentiles, that they will seek Him as proven above, … Isa.  11: 10,  Acts 15. And they trust in Him. This is why, The LORD was found by them. This is why there is a time called ‘ times of gentiles’ and CHRIST THE LORD personally taught Apostle Paul to send to gentiles. Even Apostle Peter also wrote to gentiles.


1Ch 29:17  I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of mine heart I have willingly offered all these things: and now have I seen with joy thy people, which are present here, to offer willingly unto thee. }}}… see GOD  tests the hearts. That is why the hour of trial came during the Philadelphia era , and The LORD found them to be a synagogue of satan and liars. And that they have forsaken Him. Therefore,, HE TOO FORSOOK HIM as He Had said. ‘If you seek Him, He will be found by you. But if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever’ !


But, in His mercy, He will not cast us for ever as HE, HIMSELF PAID our penalties.


1Ch 29:18  O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and PREPARE THEIR HEART UNTO THEE}}}… see king David prayed to The LORD, who is the GOD  of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, and fathers. That is The LORD OF HOSTS or The ROCK as written above. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore,, He is the GOD  of all these fathers. And now, HE IS OUR FATHER AS WELL. And the FATHER will turn our hearts unto Him, because we never knew the true FATHER is He. How could we who are sinners seek the RIGHTEOUS GOD , unless The LORD brings us to Him ? Unless THE LORD OF SABAOTH left this seed, we will be like Sodom!


Read Mal. 4. The LORD OF HOSTS comes to burn the wicked. But He will send Elijah, ( as proven, it is He , Himself. HWA said he is Elijah, but Elijah proved that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel as proven in previous writings.) but it is The LORD who comes as Elijah because He alone knew that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and the truth about Him.


Mal 4:1  For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 

Mal 4:2  But unto you that fear MY name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. }}}… The ‘SUN’ also CHRIST THE LORD, and HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS. The little children are taught so. 1` John 2: 1- 27. And it is they who feared The LORD …. And they are now treading the wicked.

Mal 4:3  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. }}}.. see we know it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who comes to take vengeance. And He is The LORD OF HOSTS. He comes to tread down the PROUD ones. Read Isa.  2 also. That day, only The LORD will be exalted. And who FEARED The LORD OF HOSTS ???


Isa 29:23  But when HE SEES HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MY HANDS, in his midst, they shall sanctify My name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel}}}… which GOD  is this ??? It is The LORD OF HOSTS… who comes to VISIT, on the Day of Visitation. Acts 15 says, it is CHRIST THE LORD who COMES ON THE Day of Visitation and take gentiles to His name. and these children are The LORD’s own hands works which will not fail. They have already sanctified The LORD’s name , the Holy ONE and not two.  They feared The LORD OF HOSTS, while the priesthood failed to fear as written above in Mal. 1: 6. Therefore, as Mal. 3: 16- 18 says, it is these children who feared The LORD and they are the righteous. !!! WE ARE IN HIS MIDST. HE IS IN US. !  this is the GOD  of Israel… the Holy ONE of Jacob. !!! If the high priest feared The LORD OF HOSTS, who is the GOD  of Jacob, … he would not have found a new stone, and to replace the stone of Jacob to a jungle rock. ! he disgraced Jacob and the whole House of Israel ! v 6 clearly says it is The LORD OF HOSTS , the GOD  who is spoken in v 23 above.


Isa 29:6  Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. }}}… as written above, it is The Redeemer who VISITED who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . !!!  that is The LORD OF HOSTS. !!!


1Ch 29:19  And give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace, for the which I have made provision. }}}… king David prayed for his son, King Solomon, to be given a perfect heart, so he will keep commandments. But he too forsook GOD as his many women caused him to sin and turn away from GOD . The high priest is digging dust to find pieces of King Solomon’s kingdom. ! 


1Ch 29:20  And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the congregation blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the LORD, and the king. }}}… see all must BLESS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . that is The LORD OF HOSTS. As none or the daughters of Jerusalem did not bless His name, Jerusalem was desolated. Mat 23 ! But now, The LORD’s name is blessed by the seed which He left.


King David is called the sweet psalmist because he PRAISED GOD. And ‘David’ means ‘beloved’. And he was loved by The LORD, for The LORD to say that he is after Mine own heart. Then, this seed also are the ‘beloved of The LORD’. That is why they are chosen to follow king David’s works of praising The LORD. Remember the Royal Priesthood, is taken out of darkness of the Laodicea era, in order to praise The LORD. 1 Pet 2:8-10. And they are the babes who perfected the praise of The LORD, the little children, Psa. 8: 2, to silence the enemy.  Then, when the enemy, the wife of CHRIST is condemned as His enemy, … as she NEVER PRAISED The LORD, … these babes are chosen to perfect His praise. They are the sons whom The LORD brought to glory as Heb. 2: 10- 13 says who sing praises.


No man can praise The LORD, unless The LORD , first give them the knowledge of GOD of Him. And The LORD sanctified them for that purpose, while the enemy, the son who went to perdition, having lying wonders, who is the synagogue of satan. 2 thes 2.  At that time, The LORD had sanctified this seed to be the ‘beloved of The LORD’.


2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth}}}… see…. GOD  had chosen this seed, from the beginning, to be sanctified by the HOLY SPIRIT and to believe the TRUTH. These are 1 John 2,  4 ones. From John 13: 33- 16:  29,  The LORD gave instructions for them.  And the Spirit and Truth is THE COMFORTER, the FATHER, as proven, … and the HOLY SPIRIT as John 14: 26 says. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Himself, at His second coming. John 14- 16 is to be fulfilled when He comes the second time. In John 14, He said, I am going to prepare places and come and receive you unto MYSELF. So that is the seed of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and now all of these prophecies are fulfilled.  In John 16: 13- 14, The LORD said, the Spirit and Truth or the HOLY SPIRIT comes, … and to glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . please read. John 1`6: 25, the FATHER was an allegory, to be revealed. So JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  came as promised, and received US, the beloved and sanctified us by the truth, … Spirit and Truth, in order to be sent to others. John 17: 17-20 ! So others also can believe in Him. Remember the bellies of the believers will give out the living waters.


2Th 2:14  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… see the calling is to obtain the glory of ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’ and not god the father’s or any idol’s or any man made images. !  this is why, WE Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as the FATHER, and The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. king David could glorify Him only as the FATHER. He never knew The SON. But now, we are made perfect in the knowledge of GOD , in the knowledge  of The SON , FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT , so we can PRAISE HIM for being so to fulfill all things and finally to give us life , fulfilling Isa.  9: 6.


Therefore, as king David, the beloved, … now, this seed is to be as the house of king David. And it is The LORD OF HOSTS’s day when The LORD will form the SPIRIT in man, within him. That means to give understanding as it was in the creation. At that day, The LORD will save Judah first. This is not the Jews or Judah who broke the Covenant of the fathers, as Mal. 2: 10- 11 says, but as Jacob said, when the Shiloh comes, the BOUND DONKEY AND THE COLT, picturing the gentiles. This is the time The LORD will come to Zion to give salvation. So The LORD has to first prepare their hearts, which means TO FORM THE SPIRIT IN MAN, so He could communicate with them.

Zec 12:1  The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. }}}… this is talking about The Creator, … when He forms the spirit of man within him. Remember, a man WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, is a beast. Psa. 49: 20. And from Adam, as The LORD cut off the words of GOD  or the SPIRIT AND LIFE, … and cursed to death, man was acting like a beast without understanding. But on the Day of Visitation, … even the prophet is a fool as written above, but now, The LORD wants to form the spirit of man within him, so He can talk to us , to our hearts.


V 4 says, in this day, all will be smitten, astonished, mad, and be blind. And we know it is the prophet who is a mad fool as The LORD says. This means to expose their deeds or the hidden counsel of the heart. GOD  does not want anyone to be destroyed as all are sinners.

And v 5 shows it is The LORD OF HOSTS who does all these.

V 6, Jerusalem will BE INHABITED. So this is our times. And this seed has blessed The LORD, so He can come to Jerusalem, to gather the daughters of Jerusalem who failed to be gathered to Him. Mat 23.


Zec 12:6  In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem. }}}… see these governors of Judah who are to be as a torch of fire , are the new Jews, this seed who know how Jerusalem was DESOLATED in the first place. It is the son who went to perdition who did so. He placed another GOD , and it was an abomination to GOD  and He left His body to die, but came to another body of believers who are the beloved who are sanctified from the beginning, … and they are new Israel of GOD  in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Gal. 6: 15- 16. So they will be as fire, because they are being used by GOD  to send the TRUTH. The TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , of the GOD  of Israel will be as fire, for them to find out their sin and iniquity. Judging others, these leaders, the prophet , is the man who desolated Zion. Lam 5: 18, the foxes are prophets. Eze. 13: 4. Remember The LORD said The SON of Man has no place to lay HIS HEAD?  So the body is Jerusalem, the church. And when the lies are revealed by FIRE, THE Word of GOD, … and even GOD  is a consuming fire, … and their evil deeds and lies are exposed means they are set on fire to burn their wickedness. ! remember even when The LORD revealed Himself to Moses, it is from a fiery bush.


Just think;… if Jerusalem needs to be inhabited now, … as it was before, … then why did Jerusalem become desolated ???  And The LORD said, in 2 thes 2: , The LORD will CONSUME the man of sin , when He comes to GATHER.


2Th 2:1  Now we beseech you, my brothers, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 

2Th 2:3  Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, }}}… see when The LORD comes to gather all to HIM, and not to god the father, … the lie, … He MUST REVEAL THIS MAN OF SIN, who is a ‘SON’, who went to perdition. (utter destruction). Not only this prophet destroyed himself, … cut The LORD AS THE HEAD, … but destroyed the whole House of Israel, because he is the high priest who is to appear before GOD , on behalf of the whole House of Israel, and also the whole humanity. Therefore, he destroyed the whole humanity because he, being Judah, the last tribe to bring all to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … but utterly failed and placed ANOTHER IDOL OR IMAGINED GOD  OF his father HWA, …. And totally destroyed everything and every one. In GOD ’s grace, He left the beloved as v 13- 14 says, to be sanctified by the Spirit and Truth, so they could do the rest of the works. And to reveal and expose this man of sin is the main work of GOD  in this day, before gathering all to Him.  Why did we not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , but worshiped god the father?  Is it not because of the teachings of this prophet ???


Therefore,, The LORD must reveal ( remember this is THE LORD OF SABAOTH) first, the man of sin and his iniquity. Please read link below ‘mystery of iniquity’.  His identity, his iniquity, his lies were a mystery because the TRUTH was not given to any at that time, but as The LORD has come, He revealed all the truth to the sanctified ones, after this man desolated by his lies. Compare Rev.  3, … the synagogue of satan, the Jews who lie. It is none other than the leaders in the church who are the liars which no one could think. Until The LORD revealed the truth to the beloved, … no man knew the iniquity is to have another instead of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Therefore, the FALLING AWAY from The truth has happened already now. See in v 2, it is said, this day is ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’S DAY. (day of CHRIST)  No one will be exalted on this day, but The LORD. ! GOD  wants to prove every man is a liar because Adam made Him a liar and the rest of the mankind also. Psa. 116: 11,  Rom. 3: 4. GOD  is the GOD  of truth, and He wants His glory as the GOD  of TRUTH, and He had to be sanctified by the truth as well, as John 17 says. And no man could sanctify Him by the truth because all men are liars and HE, HIMSELF HAS TO GIVE THE TRUTH TO SOME AND GET HIS DUE GLORY. That is why from the beginning, He sanctified these beloved to receive and BELIEVE the Spirit and Truth , while this man was causing the final falling away from the truth. If you fall away from the truth what do you have? Lies !!! Unless The LORD reveals the truth, no man could have the truth to reveal the man of sin. And his sin was EXALTING HIMSELF and not The LORD. ! He is the leader of the worshipers or the temple, the body of CHRIST THE LORD ! so he deceived the worshipers. V 4.


But now, as zech 12 says, The LORD Has come to reveal the liar and the liars and give the truth, so all could be GATHERED TO The LORD OF HOSTS. So the lie has to be about NOT GATHERING TO The LORD OF HOSTS WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . both Zec.  12, and 2 thes 2, talks about the gathering and inhabiting Jerusalem or the church.


2Th 2:14  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}…read this whole chapter and understand, … as we need to shorten this writing, .,.. that, this man STOPPED ALL FROM OBTAINING THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! So he lied about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as proven in previous writings. v 13… to NOT to believe in Spirit and Truth WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the SPIRIT, and also the TRUTH, was stopped by this son’s lies. Do you understand that?  This leader caused all to not receive the glory or not to know the glory of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , by preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .  see.. Apostle Paul says… ‘our gospel’.  What is the gospel which Apostle Paul preached?  He preached The SON. Gal. 1: 15-16, and ‘preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  will judge, Rom. 2: 16, and also WILL ESTABLISH ALL. Rom. 16: 25.


Rom 16:25  Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel, and the PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST according to the revelation of the mystery, having been unvoiced during eternal times; 

Rom 16:26  but now has been made plain, and by the prophetic Scriptures, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith; }}}… see… one will be ESTABLISHED, when JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is preached, right?  So did this son preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ? The true gospel which The LORD taught Apostle Paul is to preach Him, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . that inhabits Jerusalem..  it was HIS CITY. It was holy, when The LORD WAS IN IT. It is desolated as The LORD is NOT in it. But now, The LORD wants to inhabit it again as HE IS BLESSED AND Glorified by this seed.


And v 26…it was a mystery, but NOW revealed AFTER THIS SEED, OBEYED FAITH. !!!  as written above, on the Day of Visitation, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , took gentiles to His name and purified their HEARTS, BY WHAT ???  By FAITH. Acts 15: 8-15. That means to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , is given to those who are purified by faith. ! then, no leader can claim that they preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . especially, the high priest, as written elsewhere in this writing, said to preach CHRIST THE LORD, is  a false gospel. And to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is a mystery, revealed to those whom He prepared by faith to preach Him. It cannot be any in the seven eras. Therefore, this is the truth, about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … that all fell from . ! GOD  purposed it that way.


At that time, the Tabernacle of David is fallen because of the lie about GODHEAD. And 2 thes 1, 8- 12, The LORD takes vengeance from those who did NOT BELIEVE THE GOSPEL to glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . read please to understand.


2Th 1:8  in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who DO NOT KNOW GOD and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, }}}… see.. flaming fire? Just as Zec. 12 says above, the governors of Judah are to be as a pot of fire, … The LORD come to take vengeance from those who DO NOT KNOW GOD  means who do not know HIM…   HIM, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Every one knows god the father. And who do not obey the gospel. And what did this son preach about the gospel???


From the beginning book pg 30 Mr Flurry  wrote

{{{‘ THE FATHER FIRMLY AT THE HEAD. They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”…}}}… ‘they focus too much on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and preach a FALSE gospel. In his mind, in what he wrote, … in what he taught, … is if one preaches JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … it is a FALSE GOSPEL. So did he preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as Apostle Paul did which are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own teachings ?  we also preach Him. That proves we have faith in GOD. And the gospel of preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , is the everlasting gospel, preached in judgment. Rev.  14: 6—7.  And that gospel ESTABLISHES ONE !!!


Mr Flurry preached himself and god the father and HWA ! He preached god the father firmly at the head. That is how he cut off JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as THE HEAD, and the FATHER, as he wrote against Isiah 9; 6 saying ‘never forget, The Son  is NOT the FATHER’ as proven in previous writings. !!! THIS IS THE LIE which could not save anyone, because JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is The Saviour. And it is HIS BODY, the church. Then the body should have HIS HEAD or HIM AS THE HEAD ! See how GOD revealed the son of perdition ??? Therefore, when his eyes are opened to see and know how he sinned against the GOD of Israel, THE LORD OF HOSTS, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, …. It will be AS FIRE. So the Word of GOD which we bring to reveal and expose this son of perdition is to set fire on him and all those who believed him and preached another gospel. So THE LORD comes to take vengeance from those who did not glorify Him as GOD !!!  the SPIRIT AND TRUTH revealed it to the beloved !


2Th 1:9  who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 

2Th 1:10  when He shall come to be glorified in His saints and to be admired in all those who believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that Day. }}}… that day has come. See The LORD comes to punish those who did not admire Him and did not believe nor Glorified Him.


We have Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as HE CAME TO US, HIS SEED WHICH HE LEFT AND WE ARE HIS HOSTS as all Israel failed as this son did not give Him His due glory. This is why The LORD could not give LIVING waters to any until the last day. Therefore, they are to drink it from those who believed Him, from their bellies or hearts !

2Th 1:11  Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of the calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, }}}… remember faith is a free gift. And it has to be given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who is the Author and Finisher  of faith. Heb. 12;2. Then only way to receive and believe the truth and get faith is to go to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! That is what The LORD did in us according to  the Heavenly vision. !


2Th 1:12  that the NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST MAY BE GLORIFIED in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… then those who received faith, … Glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s name , according to  grace of The LORD. !!! with this truth, … Jerusalem will be once again inhabited as we have Glorified and have preached to gospel to worship and fear The Creator, .. Rev.  14: 1- 7, being NOT DECEIVED, but having received the truth about OUR GOD , THE Holy ONE and not two, the Holy ONE of the House of Israel and of the whole world. !


Back to Zec. 12…

Zec 12:7  Jehovah also shall save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the people of Jerusalem may not be magnified above Judah. }}}… Judah here means the house of king David. And The LORD will save them first. And this is definitely not the high priest or anyone in Israel, because king David, himself said, they will show their back always to GOD  , and even be blind, and sons of belial as proven above, and this is the bound ass and the colt as Jacob said , in order to catch the enemy. And the enemy is in the temple, in Jerusalem, in the church being Judah who turned all away from The ROCK or the GOD  of king David.  See..

1 Judah

2 house of king David…

3 people of Jerusalem. And now, GOD  has separated Judah and the house of king David and the people in Jerusalem.

Judah should be in the house of king David, but the house of king David or the Tabernacle of David is now fallen because they did not honor the GOD  of king David. So the saved ones are the Judah and it is these little ones;-


And when The LORD defend the people of Jerusalem, or the church, … it is the feeble ones to be as king David, … and the house of king David be like GOD , like the angel of The LORD.

Zec 12:8  In that day Jehovah shall defend around the people of Jerusalem. And it will be, he who is feeble among them at that day shall be like David; and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of Jehovah before them. }}}…’feeble’ ones. They are the little children, … but made strong, by the Word of GOD. ( 1 John 2: 14, joe 2: 11) And remember the Word of GOD is fire. And angels are ministers of fire. That means who ever brings the Word of GOD, are as angels who bring fire or the Word of GOD to defend the people in Jerusalem or in the church. And the enemy is the ministry, the wife of CHRIST, who did not now that The Husband is also the FATHER and made other fathers. And an ‘angel’ is one who calls on the GOD  of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and are resurrected. Luk 20: 36-37. remember GOD  said, He will send the angel of The LORD to lead them. Heb. 1: 14, the angels are ministering spirits. They minister to those who are to be saved. And it is the gentiles who are to minister to them, Isa.  61: 1- 6. . The ministers of The LORD, must eat the riches of the gentiles. And what are the riches of the gentiles? The knowledge of GOD, which they received as the sea, bringing them to the Glorious REST. Isa.  11: 9- 11 !  That is The LORD’s work in His SECOND coming. Isa.  61 talks about the days of vengeance, which is also THE YEAR OF ACCEPTANCE. Therefore,, the ministers of The LORD must be given the knowledge  that they must be fed by the gentiles , the knowledge of GOD . that will bring them to their true GOD , to the GOD  of Israel. Therefore, if as king David said, his people have become sons of belial, … how could they bring others to the true GOD  of king David ?  this is why, The LORD separated the gentiles, and received us as sons and daughters, so we can learn about the true GOD  and the FATHER, and give that knowledge  to the FALLEN Tabernacle of David. 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19 !


In that day Jehovah shall defend around the people of Jerusalem. , feeble among them … be like David; … house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of Jehovah before them’. Remember, Angel of The LORD is GOD , Himself as proven in previous writings. and why does Jerusalem need to be defended ? Because of lies of the fallen ministry. So The LORD raised this seed up, so they could be raised up by the Spirit and Truth, … and give to the people in Jerusalem, because the prophets in Jerusalem caused it to be desolated by their lies. So the Angel of The LORD will give the truth about the true GOD  of Israel, … so the people can go to Him. ! Isa.  4: 4… spirit of burning in judgment, The LORD will purify the sister churches. ! Who ever brings the TRUTH, will burn the lies. Read Jer. `16: 19 !


Zec 12:9  And it shall be in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. }}}.. the nations which came against Jerusalem, are the prophets within her. Psa. 74. The enemy is inside! And these nations caused not to look upon The Creator, … who is killed;-


Zec 12:10  And I will pour on the house of David, and on the people of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of prayers. And they shall look on Me (H853)  whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for his only son, and shall be bitter over Him, as the bitterness over the first-born. 

Zec 12:11  In that day shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddo. }}}…. See the SPIRIT of grace comes only from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. By HIS GRACE, HE LEFT THIS SEED FIRST, so they can pray and feed the enemy. The enemy is also the sons of The LORD OF HOSTS. It is only by His grace, that any one would be saved as all are dead.


And they shall look on ‘Me’ (H853)  whom they have pierced’…see this is why the land has to mourn, because THEY DID NOT LOOK ON THE GOD  WHOM THEY KILLED. This is the time all will know that because of the lies that The LORD had to be killed. That is the sin of Adam and the whole mankind, not believe in the truth which The LORD said.


‘look’ in strong’s

‘to scan, that is, look intently at; by implication to regard with pleasure, favor or care: – (cause to) behold, consider, look (down), regard, have respect, see.’.


This is why they mourn, as they did not look on the GOD  whom they pierced and neither they prayed for Him , nor they looked for HIS GRACE. It is by grace, HE TASTED DEATH TO BRING FORTH SONS. Heb. 2: 9 -13.


‘Me’ (H853  את )  .. see this word is aleph and tav. The beginning and the end. In the very first verse in Gen.  1:1. This word is not translated in to English as it cannot be, but identifies the GOD  of The Creation.


Gen 1:1  In the beginningH7225 GodH430 createdH1254 (H853).

Therefore, this word identifies The Creator. And all will mourn for going after the gods of the leaders. How would you feel to know that you have been deceived by the very leaders in the church who should teach you the way?


Therefore, The LORD OF HOSTS has raised up this seed to serve Him as king David did and they even now Blessing Him as king David did, saying that HE IS THE FATHER. ;-


1Ch 29:10  Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel OUR FATHER, FOR EVER AND EVER. }}}… See, king David blessed the GOD  of Israel, as OUR FATHER, FOR EVER. Then, who did the same?


Isa 63:16  Doubtless THOU ART OUR FATHER, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, ART OUR FATHER, our REDEEMER; thy name is from everlasting}}}… it is the gentiles who Blessed The LORD, following the footsteps of king David and proclaimed… The Redeemer IS OUR FATHER, FOR EVER. !!! now that is fulfilled. King David blessed Him, and we have blessed Him. That is why king David said, the strangers will submit to him, Psa. 18: 43- 44, but his people will show their back always to Him !


This is what Apostle Paul wrote , learning directly from The LORD.

Rom 11:5  Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace}}}.. present time means now, after Israel is blinded… and as the elect are saved by GRACE. That is the tents of Judah, which The LORD saved first, to be the angel of The LORD, in the house of king David. And 1 John 4: 4, after causing the little children to overcome, they are to be AS GOD , on the day of judgment, which is now. V 17 !  that too is fulfilled now.

Rom 11:6  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. 

Rom 11:7  What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded …}}}… Israel could not obtain what they were looking for. But the ELECT have obtained it, which is the glory of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as written above. They are the very elect , the seed which is THE LORD OF SABAOTH left to serve Him. And except for the elect, all are blinded. That means the elect OBTAINED THE EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR THE TRUTH !!! after wards, The LORD will defend Jerusalem, as written above, … by GRACE. But Israel, who are blinded , could not obtain the truth to know and see the glory of The LORD first to know Him. !!!


Rom 11:8  (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. }}}… though Israel is called to be His people, The LORD did not give eyes to see…. Isa.  29: 10 , John 12: 40 , Isa.  6, Eze. 12 , Deut. 29: 4. That means even from the beginning, …. The LORD was working to bring out the elect because of THE COVENANT OF PROMISE and not according to  the Covenant of the law !!!


Rom 11:9  And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: 

Rom 11:10  Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. }}}… king David said they will be blinded. He said in his last words that they will be sons of belial. And now it is fulfilled as the eyes of the gentiles are opened to know the truth. !!!


1Ch 29:11  Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as HEAD above all. }}}… king David said, the GREATNESS, POWER, GLORY, VICTORY, MAJESTY, belongs to The LORD OF HOSTS and HE IS EXALTED AS ‘THE HEAD’.  The blind leaders cut Him as THE HEAD as proven above. The kingdom belongs to The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD ! and The LORD is exalted in the day of judgment. Isa.  5: 13, because it is the elect whose eyes were opened to know the truth about king David’s GOD  and they exalted Him giving glory and by believing in the Spirit and Truth , who became the beloved of The LORD as king David !!!


That means there is no other greater one, … having greater power, … or glory, … or win victory, … or in majesty, … and who owns the heaven and earth nor a kingdom !!!


1Ch 29:21  And they sacrificed sacrifices unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings unto the LORD, on the morrow after that day, even a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel: }}}… burnt offerings also is brought in the Holy Mountain, Zep. 3: 9-15 by the daughter of gentiles. ! and Apostle Peter wrote the gentiles are built in to a Spiritual house and they offer ‘Spiritual’ sacrifices. That means with the Word of GOD, with understanding , and to the TRUE GOD  who is the HOLY SPIRIT , CHRIST THE LORD !!! it is all done by the grace of The LORD …


1Pe 2:3  If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious}}}… see the gentiles are the vessels of mercy and they offer Spiritual sacrifices after they received grace of GOD. Therefore, as Noah, Moses and all others who received grace, the gentiles also received grace before GOD .


1Pe 2:4  To whom coming, as unto a LIVING STONE, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious}}}… LIVING STONE… this is the Chief Corner Stone who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , whom the builders rejected. And those who TASTED THE GRACE OF GOD  also are to be LIVELY stones or LIVING stones and not dead stones. this means those who received grace first, are LIVING. They are resurrected. They are the angels as written above. !!!

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a SPIRITUAL HOUSE, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. }}}… see everything is done by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and TO Him. And now, those who have TASTED THE GRACE, the sons as Heb. 2: 9- 13 says, … and they are in CHRIST THE LORD’s house. Heb. 3: 6, being faithful to Him as Moses was !!!


Apostle Paul too said that the gentiles are built in to a house…

Eph 2:11  Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; }}}… see in time past, the gentiles were flesh. Then, not any more. And why the gentiles were flesh?  Because CHRIST THE LORD was not in them. And they had no Covenants. And they were without GOD . then, that was in the past. But now, …

Eph 2:12  That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: }}}… now, we have CHRIST THE LORD , and we have become Israel of GOD  as written elsewhere in this writing, … and not strangers any more, because when the salvation is about to come, we joined to The LORD, and GOD  hold on to the Covenant and Sabbath, and have done better than sons and daughters. Isa.  56 ! And The LORD brought us to the altar, Holy Mountain, and to the House of Prayer ! this is why, The LORD OF HOSTS and the seed who are in the mountain, … are a sign and a wonder in Israel


Eph 2:13  But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ}}}… this is how the gentiles were redeemed first. By His blood. And receiving JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s blood means receiving the ETERNAL SPIRIT. Heb. 9: 14. He poured out His SPIRIT and blood means He poured the ETERNAL SPIRIT to give us EVERLASTING LIFE.


Therefore the gentiles are no more strangers, but are saints of the house of GOD  !!!

Eph 2:19  Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; }}}… ‘with’ is added by translators, and now, it is the gentiles who are the saints, and in the House of GOD. Heb. 3: 6.

Eph 2:20  And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone}}}.. as Apostle Peter also said, now, it is the gentiles who are built on the Chief Corner Stone, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Also the apostles and prophets. Definitely not ‘that prophet’ who teaches against CHRIST THE LORD ! that is the Spiritual house where LIVELY stones are and offering SPIRITUAL sacrifices.


Eph 2:21  In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: }}}… the beginning of the holy temple in The LORD, began using the gentiles. !!! Remember the church of GOD  is the foundation and the pillar of TRUTH. The lies destroyed and the truth builds up

Eph 2:22  In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. }}}… ‘habitation’ means dwelling place. Therefore, when The LORD of hosts came as written above, … on the Day of Visitation, the building of the ‘Spiritual’ house began with those who found grace !


Most of you, as we have been , was and were a part of this evilness of mankind and had believed men, deceitful, proud men. But there is no deceit where the hosts of The LORD is. Zep. 3: 9-1 5. Rev.  14, the first fruits of the Lamb. That is the Holy Mountain.


GOD  also says, the pride deceives one’s self. Proud ones like to hear lies. They will not seek GOD . Psa. 10: 4.


Pro_16:18  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall…}}}.. this is what happened to the stiff necked House of Israel. !


GOD  offered all things to the Jews first. And since they put all things away, the much which was given to them also was taken and given to others. They include, salvation, ( Acts 28: 26-28) and EVERLASTING LIFE, acts 13: 40- 46, faith Eph. 2: 8, righteousness, Rom. 3: 21- 22 , 1 John 2, peace, and the truth to be set free etc. Remember Israel fulfill the name ‘Abram’, the high exalted father. And gentiles fulfills ‘Abraham’, the father of faithful ! they are Abraham’s seed and so are we and we are truly the first born of Abraham. !!!



Hannah’s prophecy…

1Sa 2:4  The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength. }}}.. GOD  Has broken the bows of the mighty men or the leaders. But the feeble, stumbled ones are girded with strength !!!  That is the Word of GOD.

1Sa 2:5  They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble. 

1Sa 2:6  The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. 

1Sa 2:7  The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. }}}… it is The LORD who makes the rich as well, for their own destruction. This is how The LORD killed all His people, by allowing them to be rich but not rich in faith as the poor are. Jam 2|: 5.


1Sa 2:8  He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them}}}… see The LORD raised up the poor, out of dust. Remember, dust means lies. And by giving the truth, The LORD raised us up from dust or the curse of going to dust. Remember, as written above, we are living stones. and then, these p0or are raised up to inherit the throne of glory. They are pillars, of holding the world, which is set upon them. Then, who are the world, as proven above??? It is those who do not have JESUS CHRIST THE LORD or the FATHER in them.

And The LORD will keep the feet of saints , which means from falling. That is why The LORD raised them up from dust the lies. Truth has set them free.


1Sa 2:9  He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. }}}… when the saints are set on the thrones, … the wicked will be silenced. And when one is in dust, you cannot praise GOD , because dust cannot tell the truth. Psa. 30:9. And then, when the truth is given, they perfected the praise to silence the enemy. Psa. 8: 2! They are the babes.

1Sa 2:10  The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. }}}…CHRIST THE LORD is THE ANOINTED. And with Him, His sons also are anointed. 1 John 2: 20, 27. And it is those who are in the ends of the earth are the gentiles.


2Sa 22:1  And David spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: 



2Sa 22:4  I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies….}}}… our LORD is also The ROCK, in whom we trust. He is our fortress, … the place of safety, … and Deliverer, Shield, … refuge and GOD  of salvation. !!! He Is worthy to be praised. This is why as king David, we who are the beloved of The LORD also praised Him ! and it is also the beloved of The LORD who called on His name. 2 thes 1: 8- 12 !! when you call on Him, you receive salvation, EVERLASTING LIFE, righteousness , faith and all things The LORD offers mankind !  


1Sa 3:1  And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision. ( vison means dream Revelation , or an oracle).

Now see… Eli, could not see. Even now, the ministry cannot see any vision from GOD , because the Sun went down on them Micah 3: 6., and when the women were cast out, the glory of The LORD went away. Micah 2: 9-13. Therefore, the ministry , the high priest is spiritually blind as Eli was . and The LORD chose the little Samuel. And Samuel came to know GOD , by the Word of GOD. V 21


1Sa 3:3  And the lamp of God had not gone out. And Samuel was lying down in the temple of Jehovah, where the ark of God was. }}}… see he was near the ARK OF GOD . now, as all are dead, the ARK is seen in heaven. Rev.  11: 18-19. And who are in heaven ?  Col 3: 1- 4, Isa.  13: 5.


1Sa 3:7  And Samuel did not yet know Jehovah, and the Word of Jehovah had not yet been revealed to him. }}}… but, The LORD revealed HIMSELF to Samuel, by the Word of GOD. ;-

1Sa 3:21  And Jehovah appeared again in Shiloh. For Jehovah revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of Jehovah

And this remnant also is given to understand the Word of GOD  when The LORD broke the Covenant with Israel.  Zech 11: 9-11, and they are made strong by the Word of GOD as written above. !!!


And it is time for GOD  to judge the house of Eli …

1Sa 3:11  And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. 

1Sa 3:12  In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end. }}}… even now, the Word of GOD and The LORD revealed Himself and His words to the little children, … and He will make an end to all wickedness.


1Sa 3:13  For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. 

1Sa 3:14  And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever. }}}… now is the time for GOD  to avenge the sons of perdition. The beginning of His judgment is to make the poor to be raised up and give the thrones as written above. The JUDGE, is the FATHER, 1 Pet 1: 17, who judges without respect of persons. One judgment to all. And The LORD blinded the ones who saw, and opened the eyes of the blind. John 9: 39. !!! The LORD will bless the ones who are hosting Him !


It is The LORD OF HOSTS who dwells in the Ark of the Covenant, and between cherubims.  Remember cherubims were called in the creation to guard the tree of life. And that was The Creator, or CHRIST THE LORD.


1Sa 4:4  So the people sent to Shiloh, that they might bring from thence the ark of the covenant of the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth between the cherubims: and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. 


King David, fought in the name of The LORD OF HOSTS. And He is the GOD  of the armies of Israel.

1Sa_17:45  Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied….}}}…The remnant also will be as king David to fight in the name of The LORD OF HOSTS, as the army of The LORD or The LORD of SABAOTH and they are also young as king David was.



2Sa 5:10  And David went on, and grew great, and the LORD God of hosts was with him. }}}… it was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who was with king David. The LORD is the ROOT, and also the offspring of king  David. Rev.  22: 16 . that means king David’s house began in Him and the fruit also. The FATHER of king David and the son of king David !!!


Another Scripture to prove the ark had the name of The LORD OF HOSTS. And we know that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .

2Sa 6:2  And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims. 


It is The LORD OF HOSTS who took king David to be a ruler. But the rulers are to be SONS to The LORD OF HOSTS and He is to be a ‘FATHER’ to them.

2Sa 7:6  Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle. 

2Sa 7:7  In all the places wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people Israel, saying, Why build ye not me an house of cedar? 

2Sa 7:8  Now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant David, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I took thee from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over my people, over Israel

2Sa 7:9  And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made thee a great name, like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth. 


2Sa 7:10  Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime, 

2Sa 7:11  And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies. Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house. 

2Sa 7:12  And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. 

2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 

2Sa 7:14  I will be his FATHER, and he shall be MY SON. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: 

2Sa 7:15  But MY MERCY shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. 

2Sa 7:16  And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever. }}}… to the Laodicea era, The LORD said I will rebuke and chasten, because they failed to be SONS and to know Him.


Rev 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. }}}… it is The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who are now rebuking and chastening the sons who failed to honor and fear their FATHER, The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD ! And He uses other men to rebuke them. !!! They are the seed of The LORD OF HOSTS.


There is none like The LORD OF HOSTS and the house of king David is established before Him. And if one claims to be continuing in king David’s throne, they should be sons of The LORD OF HOSTS and He should be their GOD . The LORD OF HOSTS is not two gods. And The LORD OF HOSTS should be honored and preached in the Tabernacle of David !  All things that king David did, his sons must do.

2Sa 7:22  Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 

2Sa 7:23  And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and TO MAKE HIM A NAME, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? 

2Sa 7:24  For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto thee for ever: and thou, LORD, art become their God}}}… do the leaders preach that The LORD OF HOSTS of CHRIST THE LORD is their GOD  and they are His people as king David has done? This is why the Tabernacle of David fell. The LORD OF HOSTS does not live in it.


2Sa 7:25  And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said. 

2Sa 7:26  And let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel: and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee. }}}… have you magnified the name of The LORD OF HOSTS as GOD  over Israel ?? These things the leaders, especially the high priest should do.


2Sa 7:27  For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee. 

2Sa 7:28  And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant: 

2Sa 7:29  Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee: for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever. }}}… see king David declared that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel in many Scripture , proven here. And the Tabernacle of David should continue according to  king David’s works. Seeing that the House of Israel will not magnify The LORD OF HOSTS, as the high priest , himself did not know that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … the house of king David could not continue before The LORD OF HOSTS. This is why The LORD OF HOSTS or THE LORD OF SABAOTH, left a remnant to serve Him and to serve the fallen Tabernacle of David to raise it up with the TRUTH AND THE TRUE GOD  PREACHED !  This is why The LORD OF HOSTS taught all the truth about Him and the Tabernacle of David to this seed.


Elijah’s story ;- . he stood before The LORD, to prove that The LORD OF HOSTS is the true GOD  by fire. But now the Word of GOD reveals that The LORD OF HOSTS is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD  and as Elijah, no leader in church proved that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  over Israel.  And they preached two personages in the GODHEAD , and debasing the TRUE GOD , who is The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! many claim that HWA is Elijah. But he is the man who preached two gods and deceived all in to believe in an idol and caused the whole Tabernacle of David to fall from the true GOD . !  

1Ki 18:15  And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely shew myself unto him to day. }}}… Elijah, stood before The LORD OF HOSTS !!!


Here’s a quote from Mr Flurry ;-

‘In a related prophecy, Malachi wrote, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:5-6). Again, John the Baptist fulfilled this prophecy in type in the first century a.d. (Matthew 11:13-14). But the primary focus in Malachi 4 is on its latter-day fulfillment, “before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord”—revealed in other prophecies to be the time immediately preceding the Second Coming (e.g., Joel 2:31; Revelation 6:17).”


Though Mr. Armstrong didn’t recognize it until much later, God was actually fulfilling Christ’s prophecy in Matthew 17:11: restoring “all things” through this man, doctrine by doctrine! You can read a wonderful, thorough biblical explanation of all these restored doctrines in Mr. Armstrong’s masterful book Mystery of the Ages.’.. }}}}


See according to the  him, John the Baptist fulfilled to be Elijah. But John the Baptist NEVER PREACH TWO GODS. HE PREACHED THE LAMB. He never talked about another god the father. He also said JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will baptise all with FIRE. And fire is the Word of GOD, which will burn the wickedness. And in Malachi 4, talks about the end time when we need the baptism by fire to purify our lies. And it is HWA who preached two gods and confused all the people in to believe and to worship a nogod, and not as Elijah did, … which is to worship THE LORD OF HOSTS as the GOD over Israel!


And he condemned the leaders in his days and said to repent. Unless one repents for having worshiped false gods and idols, the true GOD  of Israel and the true FATHER , The LORD OF HOSTS will not turn to the children. So the children needs the truth about Him, so their hearts could be turned to the true FATHER as king David proclaimed, ‘The LORD OF HOSTS’! That knowledge is now given to this remnant.

Mat 3:8  Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance

Mat 3:9  And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. }}}… see he was condemning Abraham’s seed. They think they have Abraham as their father and Abraham’s blessings, they will receive.


Mat 3:10  And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. }}}… every tree which does not bear good fruits, will be cut down. Then, how could one bear good fruits ???  it is by abiding in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . John 15.

Joh 15:1  I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 

Joh 15:2  Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 

Joh 15:3  Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 


Joh 15:5  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. 

Joh 15:6  If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 


See… what John the Baptist said, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  also said. Unless you bring forth good fruits, you are cut off and burnt. And to bear fruits, one must abide in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and then what would clean us to bear more fruits?  The FATHER, who is the vinedresser, dress the vine with the WORDS which CHRIST THE LORD speaks. Therefore, we need to ABIDE IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  AS WELL AS TO ABIDE IN HIS WORDS AS WELL, because His words is the FATHER the HOLY SPIRIT. if you do not abide in CHRIST THE LORD, … you are cut off and burned.


Here's why the FATHER is the HOLY SPIRIT, but it is CHRIST THE LORD’s words. We the worlds were framed by the Word of GOD. And then we are begotten by the Word of GOD, Jam 1: 18 , and 1 Pet 1: 23. It is by His words which is SPIRIT, which gives us life. So the WORD is spoken only by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . That is another proof to prove that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  is our FATHER.


HOLY SPIRIT, is the FATHER , right? Then, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  says, THE WORDS that I speak is SPIRIT AND LIFE. John 6: 63 right? Then the FATHER of lights as jam 1: 17 – 18 says, which begets us is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words, which is SPIRIT which gives life. Therefore, it is His words gives us life means His words is the HOLY SPIRIT, because GOD ‘s words are called HOLY Scriptures.

And you are clean, THROUGH THE WORD which I HAVE spoken.

Then The LORD says, MY FATHER is the husbandman.

And The LORD prophesied  that a SON will be given, and according to  the words, it was fulfilled. Same way, the word of GOD  says, I will leave a remnant, and they are the first fruits, … then it is so and now is fulfilled.

Then, we should abide in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and in His words. And all failed to abide in Him and His words. That is the judgment. John 12: 48.

Therefore,, we cannot live without JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words. This is why the Scripture says, we must live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD. ! and Adam refused to do so. And death came to all. Remember if the Word of GOD is fire, when it is given, to those who refused it, it will be as fire, and to know GOD . !


And those who denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words, in the Philadelphia era, became liars and a synagogue of satan, which means sons of the devil, the Belial, who did not abide in CHRIST THE LORD and His words will be put in the lake of fire, where the books are opened, or the opened Scripture , so their hearts will be PURIFIED !


If you do not abide in Him, cut down and put in the FIRE. This fire will come on such , in the White throne when their eyes are opened. Then they will repent. None of the leaders in all seven eras could bear good fruits as they fell from the truth about their One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!! and the branches are cut down and it is the women who will put fire. Isa.  27: 11. They are the weak and the feeble, the remnant. Fire is the Word of GOD. And when the books are opened, … it will be in the lake of fire. !!!


Mat 3:11  I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: }}}…  he said JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  will baptize you with HOLY SPIRIT and fire. That means HOLY SPIRIT IS GIVEN BY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. 2 Cor. 3: 17 and more. And HIS BREATH is the HOLY SPIRIT. John 20: 22. And it is He, the HOLY SPIRIT died to purchase the church. Acts 20: 28 ! There’s more. And, that too proves the fire is the words of GOD  which baptizes us or cleanse us as fire. So the HOLY SPIRIT is fire. It is the fire which did lead Israel in the night. And this is that prophesied  night, once again Israel will come out of Spiritual Egypt by receiving the HOLY SPIRIT ! Therefore, HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words and not the power as HWA taught as proven in previous writings. More importantly, John the Baptist never spoke about another GOD  or a father.


About John the Baptist…

Luk 1:15  For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. 

Luk 1:16  And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. }}}… how did he turn children of Israel to The LORD?  By giving the words of GOD , the Word of TRUTH, which he was given at birth.


Luk 1:17  And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. }}}… so John the Baptist will be used to turn the hearts…… and the DISOBEDIENT to the WISDOM OF THE JUST. And he will have the power of ELIJAH. And which GOD  is the GOD  of ELIJAH ? before which GOD , did he stood?  It is before The LORD OF HOSTS. He proved that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel as written elsewhere in this writing. Therefore, one must obey The LORD OF HOSTS !


Who are the ‘just’? In short, ‘just shall live by FAITH’. So the just are the justified ones who are LIVING and not dead. That is by calling in the GOD  of Israel and be obedient to Him. That faith has to be given by the Author and Finisher  faith, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And faith also is given to those who BELIEVED.

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. }}}… If we are to go to GO

D , … we must believe that HE IS and not two … and seek Him, and not two. HOLY SPIRIT cannot come from two gods. It comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s mouth, which is His words !


Rom 3:21  But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 

Rom 3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe:…}}}… see the righteousness means justification. They are the just , who received faith of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , as THEY BELIEVED. Belief is another character of Abraham. But Abraham’s seed did not believe the GOD  of Abraham, and became sons of disobedience. So faith also is given to those who believed and not by the law. Read Gal. 3: 22 also.


Then, those who had faith, and belief, entered in to the REST, which means their works are over.

Heb 4:2  For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. 

Heb 4:3  For we which have believed do enter into rest,…}}}… see without faith, and belief, … we cannot enter in to the rest. Abraham had faith and he believed and counted righteous. He was not given the law of Moses. He was obedient to The ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .

Therefore,, the JUST are the ones who received faith, and who pleases GOD , because they have faith in Him and not in themselves !!! The law causes one to trust in their law keeping. That brings glory to self. Not so with GOD  !


‘the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. }}}…Please read link below ‘wisdom is justified by children’. GOD  gives wisdom to those who are with Him. Wordily wisdom will not give us true wisdom to understand the Word of GOD. It has to be given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as THE WISDOM OF GOD  IS IN HIM!

1Co_1:30  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:.. when you are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , … you receive all these.



Luk 1:31  And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. 

Luk 1:32  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David}}}… this is Isa.  9: 6. The FATHER became also The SON and the throne will be His’. So when GOD  promised king David to give the throne, … He was promising that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE EVERLASTING KING will come from king David’s. read deut 32. The ROCK, THE MOST HIGH is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Psa. 78: 56 will give understanding.


Luk 1:33  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end}}}… at the moment, CHRIST THE LORD is not reigning over Jacob. But He Rose to reign on the gentiles. Rom. 15: 12. That is when the gentiles trust in Him. ! that is how as king David said, the gentiles submitted to him. !


Now we know the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  and His words. And the angel said to Mary, the HOLY SPIRIT and the power of THE HIGHEST will come. That too proves THE HIGHEST is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as the HOLY SPIRIT is He and His words !

Luk 1:35  And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. }}}… the HOLY SPIRIT, and THE HIGHEST, and THE SON of GOD  is same , ONE GOD . He was not The SON in the old Testament but the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, so far, no other gods are spoken.


Mary's Song of Praise: She magnified The Saviour…

Luk 1:46  And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord

Luk 1:47  And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour

Luk 1:49  For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. 

Luk 1:50  And HIS MERCY IS ON THEM THAT FEAR HIM from generation to generation. }}}… none in the priesthood feared GOD . Therefore, they did not receive mercy. And mercy comes from The Saviour. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , whom she was magnifying as king David.

Luk 1:51  He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 

Luk 1:52  He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. }}}… this is same as Hanah’s prophecy in 1 sam 2: 8. The rich are cast down and the poor are exalted!


Zechariah's Prophecy

Luk 1:67  And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, 

Luk 1:68  Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for HE HATH VISITED and redeemed his people, }}}… see… he was talking about the GOD  who VISITED AND REDEEMED has come. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not god the father.

Luk 1:69  And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; 

Luk 1:72  To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember HIS HOLY COVENANT}}}… see… which GOD ’s mercy is prophesied  to be given?  Is it not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s mercy?  And which GOD  made Covenants???  Not even a single Covenant was made by any other gods, other than JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ! t


And John the Baptist prepared the hearts of children, to THE MOST HIGH, according to  his father. Holiness and righteousness comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD .

Luk 1:73  The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, 

Luk 1:74  That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, 

Luk 1:75  In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. 

Luk 1:76  And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways

Luk 1:77  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, 

Luk 1:78  Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the DAYSPRING FROM ON HIGH HATH VISITED US, }}}… as you can see… all these faithful servants and John the Baptist preached JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , in many names. All these names are for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Therefore, he prepared the way to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . and SALVATION MUST BE GIVEN FROM THE ENEMY, and the enemy is the synagogue of satan, the Jews, who lied and caused all to serve other gods, … and salvation comes when one is forgiven. Therefore, John the Baptist never prepared any one’s heart to any other gods, but to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE Lamb. !!! and HWA, turned all away from Him !



Elijah put water, but The LORD send fire to accept the offering of Elijah. Now, HWA says, he is Elijah. Did he stand for The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as Elijah did?

1Ki 18:35  And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench also with water. 

1Ki 18:36  And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. 

1Ki 18:37  Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again. 

1Ki 18:38  Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 

1Ki 18:39  And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God

Like wise, … this remnant also proves to the House of Israel, that The LORD OF HOSTS is GOD  !!! and the following Scripture proves he proved that The LORD OF HOSTS is the true GOD  ;-


2Ki 3:14  And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee. 


Jehoshaphat = “Jehovah has judgedand ‘symbolical name of a valley near Jerusalem which is the place of ultimate judgment;’.


When The LORD’s judgment has come, it is those who are with The LORD OF HOSTS who are chosen as judges over the house of Judah, who will prove that The LORD OF HOSTS IS THE GOD  OF Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and that HE IS THE GOD  OF THE House of Israel as well !!!  WHEN THAT UNDERSTANDING IS GIVEN. ALL HEARTS WILL BE TURNED TO HIM AS HE IS THE FATHER AND THEN THE FATHER ALSO WILL TURN TO THE CHILDREN !!! . Because Judah, lost the holiness as he preached two gods and fathers and creators and broke the Covenant as it was in elijah’s days. They are HWA and GF who are being judged now ! And Elijah is to come to turn the hearts. As king David said above, only The LORD can give us new hearts to know Him. Heb. 8 ! This remnant is being used by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , to prove that HE IS THE GOD  OF Israel AND THE FATHER. !!! and in HWA’s time the Day of THE LORD did not come, but the Laodicea era came. It is now, the Day of THE LORD, because the Day of THE LORD is the times of gentiles , Eze. 30: 3.


2Ki 19:15  And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. }}}… all these facts, prove the GOD  of Israel is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who has MADE all things and Who lives between cherubims.

2Ki 19:16  LORD, bow down thine ear, and hear: open, LORD, thine eyes, and see: and hear the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent him to reproach the living God. 

2Ki 19:17  Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands, }}}… in Isa.  14, The LORD says king of Assyria is in MY LAND. That is the spirit of PRIDE.

2Ki 19:18  And have cast their gods into the fire: for they were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stone: therefore they have destroyed them. }}}… even now, they have wood and stones as proven. Please read link below

2Ki 19:19  Now therefore, O LORD our God, I beseech thee, save thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD God, even thou only. }}}… ‘Hezekiah’ means ‘GOD  is my strength’. And as he prays, all those who have other gods, may know that The LORD alone is GOD . !!!


The LORD OF HOSTS will break the Assyrian who is the proud ones.

Isa 14:24  The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand: 

Isa 14:25  That I will break the Assyrian in MY land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. 

Isa 14:26  This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. 

Isa 14:27  For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? }}}…who is the proud Assyrian in ‘GOD ’s land?  It is the high priest or the son who went to perdition as he exalted himself against The LORD OF HOSTS and His words. To bring the proud to low, The LORD must give them the truth. So their lies will be exposed and the true GOD  will be made known to all, saving from lies and deceit.  vs 30, 32, the poor will eat and trust in The LORD. So they trust in The LORD OF HOSTS, and they are this seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left !!!



2Ki 19:30  And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. 

2Ki 19:31  For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. }}}… the zeal of The LORD OF HOSTS or THE LORD OF SABAOTH, … will cause a remnant to escape… and they are from the house of Judah as written above, … and they will again take root downward and will BEAR FRUITS. So they abide in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who is The LORD OF HOSTS to bear fruits. So this is that remnant which is spoken in Rom. 9 !!!



2Ki 19:32  Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it. 

2Ki 19:33  By the way that he came, by the same shall he return, and shall not come into this city, saith the LORD. 

2Ki 19:34  For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake. 

2Ki 19:35  And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. }}}… and this is also the night, that The LORD has come as a thief to purify the city, and the wicked proud ones. See such a lot of people died in the same night at once. 180, thousand.


1Ch 11:9  So David waxed greater and greater: for THE LORD OF HOSTS WAS WITH HIM….}}}… if king David became greater because The LORD OF HOSTS was with him, … this seed also who are with the same LORD of hosts also will be great .


King David said this psalm about The LORD OF HOSTS , THE KING OF GLORY, and His hill. Only those who have pure hearts will ascend to it. And as written above, it is the gentiles’ hearts which are made pure by faith.

Psa 24:1  A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. }}}… see the earth and all that is there in, belongs to the GOD  of king David, who is The LORD OF HOSTS , who is our GOD  and FATHER as well !


Psa 24:2  For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 

Psa 24:3  Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? 

Psa 24:4  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. }}}… whose hearts are made pure now ???  Acts 15: 9-15, as written below, … the gentiles’.


Psa 24:5  He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 

Psa 24:6  This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 

Psa 24:7  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 

Psa 24:8  Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 

Psa 24:9  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 

Psa 24:10  Who is this King of glory? THE LORD OF HOSTS, HE IS THE KING OF GLORY. Selah. }}}… we know THE KING is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , who sit on the throne of king David as proven above, and THAT IS THE LORD OF HOSTS !!!


The LORD OF HOSTS, is the GOD  of Jacob and He is WITH US. In this chapter, The LORD OF HOSTS is also known as the MOST HIGH. And the city belongs to Him. It talks about the tabernacles of THE MOST HIGH. And we know the Tabernacle was made to CHRIST THE LORD, The ROCK.

Psa 46:4  There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. 

Psa 46:5  God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. 

Psa 46:6  The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 

Psa 46:7  The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. }}}.. ‘The LORD OF HOSTS with us’???  is there another god called god the father WITH US ???


Psa 46:8  Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. }}}… the works of The LORD is to desolate also.


Psa 46:9  He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 

Psa 46:10  BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD: I WILL BE EXALTED AMONG THE HEATHEN, I WILL BE EXALTED IN THE EARTH. }}}… those who did NOT EXALT The LORD, the GOD  of Jacob, are the heathen, not having The ROCK in them. !!!


Psa 46:11  The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. }}}… as you can see… king David prophesied  in many psalms, many names of the same GOD . The LORD OF HOSTS, … THE KING OF GLORY, … THE MOST HIGH, … The ROCK, ARE SOME OF THEM.


Mountain Zion is the city of the GREAT KING, and it is The LORD OF HOSTS.

Psa 48:1  A Song and Psalm for the sons of Korah. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. 

Psa 48:2  Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King}}}… who exalted The LORD ?  it is the children who are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel as Isa.  8:18 says. They praised Him as king David did. That is the mountain of HIS HOLINESS !  it will be exalted in the last days. Isa.  2. And it is the city of The LORD OF HOSTS … our GOD ;-


Psa 48:8  As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah. 

Psa 48:9  We have thought of thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple. 

Psa 48:10  According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteousness.}}}… The LORD’s praise is in the ends of the earth.


Psa 48:11  Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments. 

Psa 48:14  For THIS GOD IS OUR GOD FOR EVER AND EVER: he will be our guide even unto death. ..}}}… so The LORD OF HOSTS is our GOD , for ever and ever !!!


Psa 59:5  Thou therefore, O LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to visit all the heathen: be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah. 


Another psalm which says the Tabernacle is for The LORD OF HOSTS. And He is known as THE Living GOD also. The LORD OF HOSTS is THE KING AND GOD .

Psa 84:1  To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts

Psa 84:2  My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God}}}… those who did not believe, … departed from the Living GOD. Heb. 3: 12.

Psa 84:3  Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. …}}}… there is no other KING, other than CHRIST THE LORD !


Psa 84:4  BLESSED ARE THEY THAT DWELL IN THY HOUSE: THEY WILL BE STILL PRAISING THEE. Selah. }}}… Heb. 3: 6, 12 proves that the LIVING GOD  is CHRIST THE LORD, and there are some in His house. And they are the blessed ones. (Heb 3:6  But Christ as a son over HIS OWN house; whose house are we’). Do you believe the House of GOD belongs to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ???  Those who believed, are in it, with Him. He also a SON to HIS OWN HOUSE !!!  That means HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL !  


Psa 84:11  For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. 

Psa 84:12  O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee}}}… see all these are prophecies which are now fulfilled. The LORD has given grace already to this remnant. And we have trusted in The LORD OF HOSTS and that is why we are His hosts !!!


There is none like The LORD OF HOSTS in strength. And heaven and earth are His. That is The Creator.

Psa 89:8  O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? 

Psa 89:9  Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. }}}…. See.. CHRIST THE LORD, when He was on the earth, He calmed the sea. Now, spiritually, it is the wicked who are like the sea who needs to be calmed. And The LORD OF HOSTS will do so. And None is strong as He. !

Psa 89:10  Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm. 


Psa 89:11  The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them. }}}… see the heavens and earth are The LORD OF HOSTS’. HE FOUNDED THEM !!! Only those in the hell or the bottomless pit, not having the SPIRIT of The LORD, do not know The LORD OF HOSTS !!!

Psa 89:12  The north and the south thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name. 

Psa 89:13  Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. 

Psa 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. }}}… CHRIST THE LORD is THE JUDGE. And the throne belongs to Him as HE IS THE KING. And Scripture talks about His mercy. He is the GOD  of truth with His words.


Justice… (given to gentiles. Isa.  42:1- 3)

Judgment…given to gentiles.

Mercy… given to gentiles.

And TRUTH. … given to gentiles and have believed. !!! They are the seed of THE LORD OF SABAOTH !!!


Psa 89:15  Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. 

Psa 89:16  In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. }}}… which GOD ’s name do we rejoice in ???  The LORD OF HOSTS’.


Psa 89:17  For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted. }}}… see the horn will be exalted in The LORD OF HOSTS’s strength !!!


Psa 89:18  For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king. 

Psa 89:19  Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people. 

Psa 89:20  I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: }}}.. The LORD anointed the little children, 1 John 2: 20-27

Psa 89:24  But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. }}}… see… king King David’s horn will be exalted, in The LORD OF HOSTS’s name !!!


King David will cry to The LORD OF HOSTS, calling my ‘FATHER’. Remember as written above, the wife of CHRIST is still to learn that The Husband is also the FATHER. ! and HE IS ALSO The ROCK. So king David called ‘The ROCK’, my FATHER.

Psa 89:25  I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. 

Psa 89:26  He shall cry unto me, THOU ART MY FATHER, MY GOD, AND THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION. }}}… so The ROCK of salvation is king David’s father. THAT IS The LORD OF HOSTS !!!


And The LORD made a Covenant, and said that He will not break. But, then, He cast off the Covenant.

Psa 89:34  My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. 

Psa 89:35  Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. 

Psa 89:36  His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. 

Psa 89:37  It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah. 

Psa 89:38  But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with thine anointed. 

Psa 89:39  Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground. }}}… see The LORD has cast off and abhorred the anointed, … made void the Covenant, … and has profaned his CROWN , and cast it to the ground. This is why as written above, Hannah and Mary said the rich are cast out, and the poor are set on thrones.


profaned his crown by casting it to the ground ? ‘And the crown is fallen just as king David prophesied  ; it is GOD  who inspired king David to say these things as 2 sam 23 also says. And lam 2 says the elders are sitting on the ground. And the stones of the Sanctuary, who are the ministry, are made clay.

Lam 5:16  The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned! }}}… the kings who claim to be sitting in king David’s throne has cast off the throne and have made themselves a NEW THRONE. Please read link below. Would GOD allow the crowns to be kept on their heads when they made themselves new thrones and not the throne which The LORD has Covenanted with ??? the last high priest despised everything GOD  has given to the church as he placed a nogod, calling god the father in the Body of CHRIST. Read lam 2. She was thrown out of heaven, and she is polluted with princes. Since these are Spiritual only, and not physical, spiritually blind leaders cannot see their Spiritual condition. So the king who sit on the throne of king David, did not honor or fear The LORD OF HOSTS who is the GOD  of king David, but he made a NEW THRONE !!!  THE KING left . Jer. 8: -19 !


Lam 2:2  The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob, and hath not pitied: he hath thrown down iN HIS WRATH THE STRONG HOLDS OF THE DAUGHTER OF JUDAH; HE HATH BROUGHT THEM DOWN TO THE GROUND: he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes thereof. 


Lam 2:3  He hath cut off in HIS FIERCE ANGER ALL THE HORN OF ISRAEL: he hath drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about. }}}… see THE HORN OF Israel is cut off. GOD  has rejected the leadership of the church. How could CHRIST THE LORD, or The LORD OF HOSTS or The ALMIGHTY, or THE MOST HIGH dwell in a temple when other gods are placed?  Even if there is a god the father, … yet, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who created all things for HIS pleasure.


Psa 89:40  Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin. }}}… see though GOD  made a Covenant with king David saying that He will not break, but He did because king David’s people did not honor nor feared the GOD  of king David, who is The LORD OF HOSTS. If the high priest does not know that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , …. Then how could CHRIST THE LORD bless them???


Psa 89:44  Thou hast made his glory to cease, and cast his throne down to the ground. }}}.. as written above, in king David’s last words in 2 sam 23, … he said that The ROCK said that the Tabernacle of David will fall. And they will be sons of Belial and not the sons of The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS or king David’s GOD  ! And, when the glory of The LORD is in the Tabernacle, there is glory. When The LORD leaves, the glory of The LORD also leaves. Micah 2: 9-13, that is when The LORD said this is NOT THE REST, when the women were cast out which truly happened. According to  2 sam 7: 14, unless The LORD OF HOSTS is honored as the ‘FATHER’, and kings be His sons, … GOD  will not bless the throne of king David.


cast his throne down to the ground. ‘…when the high priest or the king who sits on the throne of king David, finds a new throne, would GOD  bless this new throne? This high priest despised the stone of destiny and the throne of king David , when he said ‘new’ throne. When he placed a jungle rock , he despised all things that The LORD has established in the Tabernacle of David. Would GOD  sit on this stone, which he calls ‘more purer stone’??? would JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  sit on this stone and throne truly ??? this high priest despised The LORD OF HOSTS who established the throne of king David. He did not do it for king David, but to The LORD OF HOSTS who established it. !!! Please read link below .


In RV, Jul/Aug 2017, Mr Flurry  wrote ‘NEW THRONE NEW STONE’.

‘The New Stone of Destiny – The New Throne of David’….

GOD  knew and prophesied  that in the last end, … His own will be a crooked generation and a perverse, … perverting the words of their GOD  and the FATHER !!!


Which Scripture does it say that there will be a NEW THRONE established in these last days?  Scripture says JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  comes to sit on that throne.  That is king David’s throne.  No man could make a new throne or a new stone for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to sit on. And GOD  condemns Judah, who sat on the throne for having two creators, and two fathers and for breaking the Covenant. Mal. 2: 10-11. Then, we MUST LOOK FOR Judah’s THIS BETRAYAL. These two leaders betrayed GOD  and king David. Have you not read Isa.  22: 25, where it say the burden will be cut off ??? Does any Scripture say in the last era, when they are spiritually blind, … and no Revelation to them, Micah 3: 6, and when the ministry has backslidden from The Husband, (Jer. 3 and more), and the church leaders to be a synagogue of satan, and finally spiritually die, … that GOD  will cause them to bring a jungle rock and call it a ‘new stone’, and make a throne and dance around it calling ‘celtic throne’ and that CHRIST THE LORD , THE KING will come and sit on it?  These are the lying wonders of Judah, and the synagogue of satan. And The LORD is OUTSIDE , knocking to come in, and had said that He will chasten and rebuke them. Would that chastening and rebuking be fulfilled also? But GOD  promises that rebuke will be taken away, Isa.  25: 8, and the judgment will be turned off, by HIS GRACE.  He will pour the SPIRIT of grace on them and will restore and will bring them to their land in the end. At the same time, The LORD left this remnant to be His hosts to serve Him in the end, because of HIS GRACE! GOD  HAS NOT GIVEN ANY POWER TO ANY LEADER TO CHANGE WHAT HE HAS ALREADY PROPHESIED  AND WRITTEN !!!


When a leader change GOD ’s word, he makes GOD  a liar. And that is deceit. No man can add or remove the Scripture. Specially when The LORD says all seven eras will fall from the TRUTH. That is why GOD  says they are liars and a synagogue of satan. But, the deceived people cannot understand the Scripture, the Word of GOD, the SPIRIT, which are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s words. John 6: 63. To blind them is the judgment.


If nothing about such a throne is written in the Scripture, we should not believe ! GOD  says, the wife of CHRIST or the ministry is HIS ENEMY IN THE LAST END. Then will she has peace and walk before JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  ???  Will she submit to Him ? the ministry are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ’s enemy. It is from such enemies, The LORD must deliver the people now. They stopped all from preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as it is a false gospel to the ministry as written elsewhere in this writing. !!! Mr Flurry  has a booket called ‘NEW THRONE OF KING DAVID’. They despised the TRUE THRONE OF KING DAVID which The LORD OF HOSTS established and promised to king David. But good new is, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  will sit on this throne now as Zecharias said above.


Mr Flurry  caused the true GOD  and FATHER to leave HIS OWN Tabernacle and placed an abominable , imagined, vain god in the Tabernacle of king King David, when king David said The ROCK, or The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel and the throne belongs to Him. !  He called ‘The ROCK;’, my ‘FATHER’. Psa. 89: 26.  And The LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER. Will GOD  share His throne with any other??? The Covenant of king David is totally broken. A Covenant is between two parties, agreeing with one another about some thing. In this case the throne to be given. There is so much about this. Please read links given below. The main condition of the Covenant is for The LORD OF HOSTS to be a FATHER and kings to be His SONS. And Mr Flurry did not even know that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! But that is not god the father whom they worship, but it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  to whom all things belongs and HE CREATED all things for Himself.  Rev.  4: 11 and we are sons to Him. Eph. 1: 1- 13. Therefore, no wonder why GOD  says the wife or the ministry has forsaken Him and turned as HIS ENEMY.


Gal 6:3  For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 

Gal 6:4  But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 

Gal 6:5  For every man shall bear his own burden}}}… who has deceived own self? Will find out at the White throne ! GOD  reveals it to His anointed ones. When the Laodicea era become blind, to whom would GOD  reveal things about their blindness???  That is why this seed is saved. That is the Day of THE LORD, which is the times of gentiles, Eze. 30: 3 when The LORD comes to take gentiles to His name as written elsewhere in this writing. Acts 15: 9-15.


GOD ’s own ministry or wife, did NOT BLESS HIM. It is the HOSTS of The LORD, who BLESSED HIM. They are ministers as angles and excel in strength. ( by the Word of GOD ) and that is the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left to continue His work of salvation !

Psa 103:17  But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS unto children's children; }}}… see the ministry did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS and did not even know that was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  as proven. This is why The LORD said to king David that the kings who sit on the throne must rule WITH THE FEAR OF GOD  !!! if they feared GOD , they would obey Him.


Psa 103:18  To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. }}}… there are no Covenants left in Israel as this high priest broke all of them as he changed the god. And that means the very first four commandments were broken. HWA said it was god the father who is the lawgiver as proven. But it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  who wrote the law, entering in to the Marriage Covenant, between Him and the ministry, … with HIS OWN FINGER. So no man can say another is the lawgiver.!!!


Psa 103:19  The LORD hath prepared HIS THRONE IN THE HEAVENS; and his kingdom ruleth over all. }}}… The LORD’s throne in heaven, in judgment. Rev.  11: 18=19, after all died. That is why only the dead are called to the White throne to give understanding to the books are opened. And The LORD took this seed to heaven. Isa.  13: 5, they are the weapons of war, comes from end of heaven. Col 3 .



To be continued….


Isa.  8: 18… CHRIST THE LORD and the children.



Links ;-



The day of the LORD’S vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion: HWA and GF stumbled on CHRIST; rejected Him as prophesied

28 sept 2019





HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS!  

Books are opened part 3 – 17th June 2023






Lamentations for the church which believed HWA’s lies and became the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT IN Babylon. Books are opened part 6

7th July 2023






SECOND PASSOVER- for the churches defiled by the dead body of HWA

15 May 2024




The day of the LORD’S vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion: HWA and GF stumbled on CHRIST; rejected Him as prophesied

28 sept 2019







8 nov 2016


Lo, I , “The CREATOR” Come in the volume of the Book AS “ONE” GOD!


27 11 2016







Prince of peace sends peace to His wife: Great the
PEACE of ‘thy children”.
(Isa. 54:13). Pt 1

23/sept 2016



Peace pt 2- Levi had life and peace having “the law
of TRUTH” to fear The LORD and not the law of Moses

30th sept 2016. – Fast of 7th month.



Peace pt 3- MERCY and knowledge of GOD are desired to bring peace, more than offerings”.

6th oct 2016-



Peace pt 4- Judgments turned off- the law of
TRUTH makes us one with The LORD , bringing peace and life !

Atonement 2016- 11th oct.






I will build MY Church part 2 – Mystery of Iniquity

24 sept 2019 –




The TRUE GOD, TRUE HOUSE OF GOD , TRUE people of GOD, and the TRUE prophet !

30 Aug 2017








Tabernacle part 6; 26th April 2021 



More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained part 2

(Tabernacle part 6)

16th June 2021




More excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained – part 3





Be RECONCILED to your Husband and not to His FATHER! Israel was married to ONE GOD and not TWO.! The marriage Covenant is broken.

31 July 2015





Replying to the Open letter of Gerald Flurry, to stop his madness.

February 16, 2020





The first Letter sent to Gerald Flurry in 2003 , 12 years ago.

Aug 2003 






Part 2 New stone?- Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant! GOD Is free from His promise!

(Pentecost 2018) 5/18/18



Part 3- New stone: GOD’s own became strangers and strangers became His own!

31 May 2018






5th June 2016- Pentecost







The Promise of The FATHER!

May 2015- Pentecost


Glorifying THE Name of THE LORD OF SABOATH! Pt 2

June 2015 – Fast of the 4th month.




Glorifying The Name of The LORD of Sabbath pt 3.

27th June 2015




Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah fulfilled in our times!

9th July 2019





Transfiguration; Elijah & Moses part 2 ; Hear the voice of THE SON!

10th Aug 2019 –






“Wisdom is
justified of her children” 

30/ Aug 2016





Thou shall NOT set up a STONE IMAGE, a MEMORIAL stone, a carcass of idols in My land! Lev 26:1-2, 30. GF’S last two books Directly violates this law of GOD

13 Feb 2019





New stone of destiny”;? “Woe to him that saith; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach”! “I drank much ‘SPIRITUAL’ strength and ‘INSPIRATION at that prayer rock’ !

15th Apr 2018


Part 2 New stone?- Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant! GOD Is free from His promise!

(Pentecost 2018) 5/18/18
