6th sept 2019
All three apostles who witnessed The LORD’s transfiguration wrote letters to GOD’s people. What ever they wrote gives us clues to understand more about how this event would be Spiritually fulfilled when the TIME COMES TO HEAR THE BELOVED SON. Those who did not hear Him, are in graves but will hear His voice out of their graves as The LORD said. Those who are appointed to HEAR HIS VOICE, as John 10 says, the ‘OTHER SHEEP’ who are not of this fold “Jews”, will hear Him and will follow where ever He goes. All things are prophesied and written to be fulfilled. This event will be fulfilled when all seven eras are fallen, for not hearing THE SON, because that is the time, they are in graves being Spiritually dead, in the Laodicea era. Apostle Peter wrote in his letters about the transfiguration. That letter gives us understanding more about this event. Luke 20:37 says the dead are raised up when they call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Then, there has to be a connection between hearing the VOICE OF THE SON and coming out of graves and calling upon the GOD of the fathers. It was always THE SON who did lead Israel out of Egypt and who appeared to all in many names such as THE ALMIGHTY, Rev. 1:8, The Most High etc. Then, Mr Flurry preached the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is THE SON. Then how did the god the father become the GOD of the ‘new’ testament? This teaching caused us to NOT HEAR THE SON. If we have heard THE SON in the first place, no one would be in graves! Therefore, if the Scripture and the VOICE says to HEAR THE SON, then we must hear Him. Besides to all seven eras, it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said ‘hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches”. But it was CHRIST THE LORD WHO SPOKE. His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Even in the Old testament, the SPIRIT was given by The ROCK, 1 Cor.10:3-4, and Isa. 63:11. Therefore, by exalting god the father when he was NOT THE GOD OF THE Old testament, nor the fathers have made a Covenant with, the Jews once again rejected their god, KING AND EVERLASTING FATHER ! GOD said He will bring all to the mountain where HE IS. That mountain is where we must HEAR THE SON! So Moses’ and Elijah’s works are done to the people in this mountain, so they can hear THE SON!
When CHRIST THE LORD was transfigured, a voice came and said : This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him. }}}… This is not god the father, because, Scripture tells us NO ONE HAS SEEN OR HEARD ever from such one. The whole volume of the Book is written of JESUS CHRIST the LORD only. NO ONE IN Israel HEARD FROM GOD THE FATHER, WHEN THEY WERE TAKEN OUT OF Egypt. It was The ROCK who gave the HOLY SPIRIT and all drank from Him, and to us now, it is HIS WORDS which is SPIRIT which gives life. John 6:63. Then, if we receive life by HEARING THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THEN HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER! Then, there cannot be another GOD called god the father! CHRIST THE LORD said MY FATHER IS GREATER THAN I, because His words which is the HOLY SPIRIT gave HIM LIFE ALSO. And His words fulfill all things. Hearing His words means HEARING THE SON! You must understand this very clearly, if not, you have NOT HEARD THE SON, BUT GOD THE FATHER, which the Scripture does not talk any thing about! Those who are dead in graves , are the ones who DID NOT HEAR THE SON. Because it is THE SON who Has spoken EACH AND EVERY WORD IN THE Scripture, WHICH GIVES US LIFE. ARE WE NOT TO LIVE BY EVERY WORD WHICH COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF The LORD??? Then which GOD spoke all the words written in the Bible? IS IT NOT THE SON??? Then why did we try to hear god the father ? Is it not we who say god the father is our GOD? John 8:54 ? If the GOD in the Old testament is CHRIST THE LORD, as the high priest and his son teaches, which is the truth, … then why did they teach us to hear god the father , calling him THE HEAD , THE ALMIGHTY, the LIVING GOD etc?
If CHRIST THE LORD, THE SON is the GOD of the Old testament, … how did the god the father become the GOD of the ‘New testament”???
Even in HWA’s early writings, taught GOD IS ONE.
Fundamentals of Belief, Radio Church of GOD;-
“We believe in ONE GOD, eternally existing in the heavens, who is a Spirit, a personal Being of supreme intelligence, knowledge, love, justice, power, and authority, the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that in them is, and the source of life. We believe Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, the Christ, the divine Son of the living God, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born in the human flesh of the virgin Mary, and that He is true God and true man, that God created all things by Jesus Christ, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”
So HWA wrote that there is ONLY ONE GOD, .. that is a SPIRIT, … and it is The CREATOR, … TRUE GOD. If there were TWO GODS, then it should be TWO SPIRITS. But John 4 says, GOD is a SPIRIT. even a SPIRIT cannot be two in one. This teaching is correct, according to the Scripture. Only ONE GOD comes in the whole volume of the Book. The CREATOR, is THE SON, but later on, no one heard or worshiped as they had god the father , ABOVE Him. “One GOD’, … The CREATOR, … IS THE TRUE GOD! That was not what he taught later on. Then, to reveal the true GOD, the Son of GOD Is come to give the understanding. What did He declare ? That is when we must HEAR THE SON, because hearing THE SON means you are hearing the true GOD as well as you receive everlasting life !
Here is what PCG statement of beliefs learning from HWA wrote; “We believe in one God, eternally existing, Creator of the heavens and Earth and all that is in them (Genesis 1:1). The Godhead is actually composed of two personages: the God who became the Father of Jesus Christ, and the Word who was made flesh and became God’s Son (John 1:1-14)…
If it is TWO personages, it has to be TWO SPIRITS. HWA wrote PERSONAL BEING! ONE!
He Is begotten by the HOLY SPIRIT. What is the HOLY SPIRIT ? For us now, it is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 6:63. His words created all things. and we are born by His SPIRIT which means the words. jam 1: 18. 1 Pet. 1:23 “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever”. We are born again, incorruptible, … by the WORD of GOD, to live and abide for ever!!! So JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words gives us EVERLASTING LIFE !
So the WORD of GOD , gives us life. and that is the HOLY SPIRIT. The CREATOR’s words created all things. And The CREATOR was, and Is a SPIRIT. The CREATOR is a SPIRIT , became FLESH. GOD became THE MESSIAH ! SPIRIT became a body. That is the same GOD, the SPIRIT in heaven and the body in the earth!
1 a.
Mr Flurry said CHRIST THE LORD is the GOD of the Old testament. Then, in our times, … all started to give glory and honor and hear god the father, and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Mr Flurry taught to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and do not focus on Him too much and to go god the father etc.
If he knew the Old testament GOD is CHRIST THE LORD, why did he teach
to go pass the GOD OF THE Old testament?
Go pass CHRIST, … do not focus on CHRIST “… means
Go pass the GOD of the Old testament, … do not focus on the GOD of the Old testament! HE IS THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND Moses, but do not focus on their GOD, … but go to god the father as the head etc… ! The Marriage Covenant was with the GOD of the Old testament! So he broke that Covenant with the GOD of the Old testament, who Is CHRIST THE LORD, THE SON ! He stopped hearing THE SON ! And made himself god the father, a newly come up GOD ! Then, we all need to go back and hear THE GOD OF THE Old testament, … WHO IS NOW THE SON ! That will establish the Covenant once again, which is broken now !
so, they DID NOT HEAR THE SON. He heard god the father, who has never made a Covenant with any one, and the Scripture does not speak about a such one.
Luke 20: 37 says when the DEAD call on the GOD of the fathers, the GOD of the Old testament, … who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. you will be raised up! That means leaders like Mr Flurry, who taught to go pass the GOD of the fathers, are Spiritually dead! So they need to hear THE SON who is the GOD of the Old testament, and the fathers, who came as THE SON!
But now, when the everlasting life is to be given, all must know THE SON IS THE TRUE GOD, or as HWA wrote, The CREATOR is the true GOD. Therefore, when the Scripture says ‘HEAR THE SON’, … there cannot be ANY CONFUSION, … and even if there is a god the father, … BUT STILL THE Scripture SAYS TO HEAR THE SON. ! Even the FATHER, the HOLY SPIRIT, or CHRIST THE LORD’s words draws one to THE SON. John 6:44. Then, not hearing THE SON, but going to god the father as John 8:54 says, … all died and are in graves, Spiritually. The spiritual blindness in Laodicea era means Spiritually dead. But why did they die? THEY DID NOT HEAR THE SON! Everlasting life is in THE SON as proven below. Therefore, GOD, .. knowing that they would have god the father as John 8:54 says, to show the difference between the FATHER and THE SON, … and that we are to hear ‘The Son’ … Scripture tells us to hear THE SON. Therefore, even if there is a FATHER, … we still must hear what THE SON says in order to receive everlasting life. Laodiceans, not hearing Him, … are in graves. Remember Luke 20:37, if they have called on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, .. or THE SON, … they would not be dead. So the dead must CALL UPON THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Then WHICH GOD IS THEIR GOD?? It is The CREATOR, The ROCK, The LORD OF HOSTS, The Most High, THE ALMIGHTY, … who is THE SON!!!
The transfiguration to HIS FORMER STATE of that EXCELLENT, SUPREME SPIRIT GOD PROVES CHRIST THE LORD IS GOD! It also proves the GOD of Moses and Elijah worshiped is HE, CHRIST THE LORD. In this event, The LORD became as the sun. and The LORD OF HOSTS is a SUN. Psa. 84:11-12. And it is HIS WORDS or SPIRIT GAVE HIM LIFE AS FLESH.
We proved the FATHER of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is HIS OWN SPIRIT or words (written for us now) which gave Him life as all things EXIST ACCORDING TO HIS OWN PURPOSE, WILL AND WORD. Therefore, if there was a god the father, then he too wants all to hear THE SON as John 6:44.. The work of The LORD is to get us to believe in The Sent ONE . John 6:29-30. In order to believe ‘The Sent ONE ’, you must first believe WHO SENT HIM! Now, when this is to be fulfilled, … the knowledge of THE GOD WHO SENT and also the GOD who CAME as The Sent ONE has to be revealed. Because in the whole volume of the Book, it is written of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Now, we know the GOD who SENT HIM AND WHO CAME. So the mystery of GOD has to be fulfilled first for us to HEAR THE SON, as all Israel and Judah HEARD GOD THE FATHER! So this voice should come at a time, when GOD has concluded that no one HAS HEARD THE SON and are dead. That is at the end of the Laodicean era, as they are judged for DENYING JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND HIS WORD when they were yet Philadelphians. Rev. 3: 7-9. So it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own SPIRIT, or words which sent Him. THE SON, IS THE WORD of GOD , right? Then, if you do not believe the WORD of GOD , … you do not believe the GOD who SPOKE the word. And since it is CHRIST THE LORD’s words which are written, you do not hear Him. And He IS THE SON whom none heard! For this reason, we die. He said, if you do not believe Me, you will die in your sin. John 8:21-24. 16:9. This is why the Laodicea era is dead, as they rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and rejected to go to Him to get the words but went to god the father!
Isa 59:21 As for me, this is My covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. }}}… in the original , it says “ Me, this Covenant, says The LORD, SPIRIT, upon thee, WORDS which put mouth, not depart”… so GOD’s Covenant will be, to have The LORD’S SPIRIT WHICH IS THE WORDS, in our mouth! Then has two gods spoken? It is only The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD Who Has spoken the words. Then, His SPIRIT is His words. John 6:63. Understanding these things causes us NOT TO LOOK FOR ANY OTHER GODS, BUT HIM ! Then, all WILL HEAR THE SON and will LIVE as hearing THE SON means hearing the SPIRIT or words of GOD! So the fulfillment of the transfiguration should be in our times, when NO ONE HAS HEARD THE SON, BUT THE father!!! That is the only time, when the DEAD WILL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE SON! In the Laodicea era, all are dead, not hearing THE SON !!!
‘HEAR HIM’ proves this is also for those who DID NOT HEAR HIM!
And it was Apostle Peter , Apostle James and Apostle John were there with Him. All three of these apostles, wrote letters. In their teachings, we can understand that they too write about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and the TRUTH, which means TO HEAR THE SON. Well then, … ‘TO WHOM EVER , or WHAT EVER THEY WROTE in THEIR LETTERS”, will prove who HAS HEARD and who has NOT HEARD THE SON.! Remember the Laodicea era is Spiritually DEAD. That means they HAVE NOT HEARD THE SON.
Because it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said ‘He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”. Now which GOD did SPEAK to all of the churches ? It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. But He is known here as THE SPRIT! The SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is talking to all of the seven eras. Can you see the SPIRIT??? YOU CAN HEAR THE SPIRIT because they are words! When Apostle John who wrote the book of revelation, he saw only ONE GOD. It is THE ALMIGHTY who spoke. Rev. 1:8 and more. But THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. How Does He talk to the churches NOW? It is through HIS SPIRIT, … HIS WORDS which are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. He said ‘the words that ‘I’…’I’..’I’ speak to you are SPIRIT and life. No other GOD has spoken in the whole volume of the Book. Then do we need god the father or his words to receive life? No. The Scripture talks about receiving the WORD of GOD from THE WORD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SON ! Then, when you obey the words in the Scripture, … YOU OBEY JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Do you understand that? When you obey the Scripture, … you obey THE SON!!! Scripture or words, leads us to THE SON. ! But without revelation, inspiration, we cannot understand the Scripture! Then, to get inspiration, .. we must go to THE SON WHO SPOKE AND WROTE THEM!
So it is through His written words, the SPIRIT, … which HE TALKS TO US NOW, BEING IN OUR MIDST! Then, we must hear THE SON, THROUGH THE WORDS OF THE Bible, or the Scripture. Therefore, we can know if we have heard THE SON or not through the Scripture. But the Scripture says in Rev. 3:8-9, Jews who say they are Jews, but do lie. WHY Does The LORD say so??? Because they have DENIED HIS NAME AND HIS WORD! That means the Jews have NOT HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON!!! Remember He came to His own, but they disowned Him and even killed Him. It was the chief priests etc who wanted Him killed. If they have understood the Scripture, even thinking that is god the father’s words, .. they would have known it was THE MESSIAH and THE SON. He was born in Bethlehem, there were many miracles He did no other could do etc, proves that HE IS GOD. But 2 Cor. 3 says, even to understand the Old testament, their eyes were blind. besides, they could not know The LORD of glory, as He Had to be crucified. 1 Cor. 2:8. Then, it is written that unto the last era, HE WILL BE DENIED. Then, the same way they could not know The LORD of glory back then, … now also they will not know Him, but have denied!
No one could have known Him till the Laodicea era, because the words or Scripture says so. THAT IS HOLY SPIRIT. so HOLY SPIRIT cannot lie! It has to be fulfilled, just as it is written ! If not, HE IS NOT GOD!
And then in the Philadelphia era also the same Jews, His own DENIED HIM AGAIN. All these witnesses of the transfiguration wrote letters, condemning the Jews, but commending the gentiles. Even in the first century, including Apostle Peter was sent to gentiles, to Cornelius etc. The LORD spoke with a gentile woman about the harvest. And then, about the harvest, it is the gentiles who are sent . Jer. 8: 19-20. If their harvest failed, then others must enter in to their labor to do the harvest as The LORD said to her in John 4. And now is the harvest. Now we have come and said to Israel, their harvest has failed. HOW DID WE KNOW? Through the words of THE SON as we heard Him!!! Remember the parable of the workers in the field were called in the 11th hour also ?? Mat. 20:9. They all received the same wages. Therefore, at the time of the harvest, in the eleventh hour, … the gentiles are to enter in to the labor to fulfill the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. Therefore, it is His own who did not hear the voice of THE SON. ! This is why they are in graves. But out of their graves, ( Laodicea era as they are dead Spiritually and are in graves) they will hear the voice of THE SON. !!
The LORD SAID THE WHEAT and the TARES will grow together TILL THE HARVEST and the tares will be cut down and burned.
Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles, even mentioning the transfiguration. Apostle James wrote to the 12 scattered tribes. Why were they scattered? They did not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Mat. 12: 30. That proves the 12 tribes have NOT HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON ! There are many sister churches of GOD now. Does anyone preach to hear THE SON?? Don’t they all worship god the father? If they had heard, they would not be scattered. Their GOD is god the father, but our GOD is THE SON who is also our FATHER!
And Apostle John wrote except the gospel of John, to the little children, and to the elect lady and to Gaius, whom he loves in TRUTH. In the gospel of Apostle John, from 13: 33 onwards, CHRIST THE LORD spoke to the little children also. That is because these children were sanctified to be with Him, to learn from Him, when the fathers have failed. Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23, 54: 13, Luke 10: 19-22, Psa. 8: 2, Mat. 12: 27-28, 1 John 2: 12- 27, 1 John 4: 4, 17 and in John 17, The LORD prayed for those children , who are to be with CHRIST THE LORD, at HIS SECOND COMING, who HAVE HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON. ! But they are sanctified by the truth, to be sent to the unbelievers, so they too can believe IN HIM, through their word. John 17: 17-20. Therefore, you will understand what we write after all things are fulfilled or ALL THE BOOKS ARE OPENED. This is why Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians, to be fulfilled in the Laodicea era, when HIS OWN JEWS have denied Him once again, but the gentiles sought Him and HAVE HIM THEM. Col. 1: 27. The Royal Priesthood is not any one in Israel, except those who repented and believed as proven. But this priesthood is taken out of darkness of the Laodicea era, in to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S MARVELOUS LIGHT. So the LIGHT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not from god the father! Those who went to god the father, passing JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the high priest taught, are the ones who have NOT HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON and are in graves !
While Apostle Peter directly spoke about the transfiguration, the other two writers also proves, their messages are to be fulfilled at the time of the fulfillment of transfiguration, ….because the One and ONLY TRUE GOD IS PROVEN at that time, in order for all to listen to the BELOVED SON. All worshiped god the father and wanted to listen to god the father. but we MUST HEAR THE SON. IF NOT, THERE IS NO everlasting life. the everlasting life is in THE SON, who is also the EVERLASTING FATHER. so we must learn from these three writers who witnessed this event, in order to understand that without a doubt, we must HEAR THE BELOVED SON! Remember GOD Is now correcting the sin of Adam to make once again the garden of Eden. Then, Eve fell from HEARING THE BELOVED SON, WHO WAS THE ONLY GOD BACK THEN. 2 Cor. 11: 3. Without the knowledge of God of JESUS CHRIST the LORD THE SON, there is no life. HE IS THE EVERLASTING LIFE as written below.
You call yourselves Israel ??? Or Abraham's seed ??? you are under bondage , until THE SON SETS YOU FREE. John 8: 32- 56 till you seek the GOD of Abraham ! v 56.
“when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the ANGELS OF GOD WORSHIP HIM! (Heb. 1:6). IF THE ANGELS ARE TO WORSHIP THE SON, THEN SHOULD WE ALSO NOT WORSHIP HIM??? Unless HE IS GOD, WHO SHOULD BE WORSHIPED, THE SCRIPTURE WOULD NOT SAY THIS. The whole Bible tells us to worship The CREATOR, or the FIRST BEGOTTEN, and that is the Everlasting gospel. Rev. 14: 6-7 ! then, who ever WORSHIPED THE FIRST BORN, are angels!
The mountain where THE SON also must be fulfilled. Exo 15:17, Moses said GOD will bring them to the mountain. Then Exo 3:12 says “When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain”. We know GOD Is not in mountain Sinai now, as it was then, and it has a spiritual meaning. When the people have fully come out of Egypt ( even now, Rev. 11:8) they will serve GOD in the mountain, where GOD will place in the last days. Isa. 2, Micah 4. That is when we HEAR THE SON ! so the mountain also had to be Spiritually fulfilled.
Mat 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, …}}}… where is the mountain now?? Remember Isa. 2 GOD says IN THE LAST DAYS the mountain will be placed on top of other mountains and all will come to learn about Him???…So that is the mountain where THE SON will be preached! THE SON, is the GOD of JACOB ! these other mountains are where those who DID NOT HEAR THE SON are. And the TRUE MOUNTAIN of the LORD will be a sign and a wonder in Israel. Isa. 8:18. (please read THE MOUNTAIN). And Isa. 8 ;18 is for a time, when Israel and Judah HAVE ALREADY STUMBLED ON HIM, which means have NOT HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON !! So they are not in the Holy Mountain.
Isa 8:14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. }}}…. He will be a Sanctuary… that is HIS OWN HOUSE. Heb. 3: 6. But He will be a stumbling STONE to Israel, Judah and to Jerusalem. Who are in Judah and Jerusalem , other than the Jews who DENIED HIM?? So they stumbled on THE SON . They were not given the knowledge of THE GOD WHO SENT The Sent ONE ! So they are prophesied to stumble on HIM. Understand… this is not talking about god the father whom all are prophesied to stumble on, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SON !
Isa 8:15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. }}}… when have they STUMBLED??? Fallen ??? It is after the final era, when the man of sin caused the final falling away ! 2 Thess. 2 is about the time of GATHERING TO The LORD. v 1. Is that to god the father? The day is the day of CHRIST. V 2. This man cannot be against god the father, because all worship god the father. But this man is against JESUS CHRIST the LORD , causing all to NOT TO HEAR HIM, THE SON ! This man is the high priest who preaches god the father and not THE SON. He stopped all from going to CHRIST THE LORD to get revelation. It is THE SON who reveals. John 8:32-36, Luke 10:19-22. So this man thinks he knows better than GOD, or CHRIST THE LORD, THE SON. ! When the Scripture tells us to HEAR THE SON, he tells us to go PASS THE SON, .. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE SON, BUT GO TO GOD THE FATHER! They are Abraham's seed. John 8. 44-56 who do not have the works of Abraham. So they have not worshiped the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to live or to be gathered to GOD!
Isa 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. }}}… if Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem stumbled on JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then WHO ARE THESE DISCIPLES of The LORD OF HOSTS, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? V 18 … it is His children in the holy mountain, and HEARD THE SON !
Isa 8:17 And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. }}}… Which GOD HIDES HIS FACE FROM THE HOUSE OF ‘JACOB’??? It is THE ALMIGHTY, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD the GOD of JACOB, as they did not keep that Covenant of JACOB. Remember in the LAST TIME, THE HIGH PRIEST REPLACED EVEN THE STONE OF DESTINY , REJECTING THE Covenant OF JACOB? Would not the GOD of JACOB HIDE HIS FACE FROM SUCH PEOPLE WHO DENIED HIM AND HIS WORD the SPIRIT and life and are DEAD??? Therefore, NONE IN Israel, Judah or Jerusalem, were able to be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S DISCIPLES IN HIS SECOND COMING! Such are chosen when they obey faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME. Rom. 1: 5- 6. The Jews did not glorify His name, as the gentiles did and are doing. 2 Thess. 1: 8-12. ! The gentiles are sanctified to believe in THE SON. 2 Thess. 2:13, while the falling away is happening. And GOD will consume them at HIS COMING by HIS BREATH, the SPIRIT the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !! So they cannot see the Holy Mountain where JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His people are yet! But the Holy Mountain is now SENDING THESE WORDS FOR THE DEAD TO HEAR THE SON!
The other thing is, as JACOB saw the angels going up and down, … as they did not worship the FIRST BORN who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … that proves they are the fallen angels !! The angels were thrown out of heaven. lam 2:1
Isa 8:18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion….}}}… this Mt. Zion is the new Mt. Zion, which is made NEW IN THE ALMIGHTY, OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD as He said ‘behold I will make all things new in Me’ !!! They trust in Him. Psa. 125:1. Isa. 14:30, 32. Eph 1. So those who failed to be IN HIM, .. are still old! The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST the LORD whom the Levitical ministry did not fear as the FATHER. Mal. 1: 6. So look for this SIGN AND A WONDER , IN ISRAEL! and that is The LORD OF HOSTS and His children. This is not god the father as he cannot give birth to anyone, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His children. Psa. 125 says, those who trust in Him, are as Mt. Zion. Eph. 1: 1-13 says it is the gentiles who are ADOPTED AS SONS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, WHO TRUSTED IN HIM FIRST! Then, this is the Holy Mountain from where the voice comes to hear THE SON !
just think; if we are begotten by the SPIRIT or words of GOD, .. could we be born to gentiles as he has no words spoken or no SPIRIT or life according to Scripture? If we are begotten by the word of truth, jam 1:18, we must be sons to the GOD who gives the Word of TRUTH ! That is THE SON ! Therefore, as The LORD gave us the understanding, … we are begotten by His Word of TRUTH, Eph. 1:13, jam 1:18, and we are CHRIST THE LORD’s children. That prove we are the ones in the Holy Mountain with Him ! Those who have HEARD THE SON in the mountain !
And if you read all three letters of these apostles, you will see that they talk about the LAST TIME EVENTS. 1 Pet. 1: 5, 20 , Apostle Peter wrote a LAST TIME SALVATION to gentiles, because in the last time, during the Times of Gentiles, .. it is the gentiles who HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON and are in the Holy Mountain. Zeph. 3:9-15, Isa. 11:9-11, hearing directly from THE SON! James wrote to a time when all 12 tribes are scattered as now, as they did not hear THE SON. And jam 2;5 says, ‘GOD’ Has chosen the poor to be RICH IN FAITH and to be in the KINGDOM. ! Then they are His apostles as Rom. 1: 5-6 says. It is they who reign as Rev. 3: 21 says, over the 12 tribes who are scattered. You never allowed GOD to rule over you, … your EVERLASTING FATHER, … but we worship Him even though you do not acknowledge. Isa. 63: 16-19 ! You were never called on HIS NAME! Could this be talking about god the father whom you exalted, while denying The LORD or glory, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The LORD OF HOSTS ??? Then Apostle John wrote to the little children who will learn directly from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 1 John 2: 12-27 , Isa. 54: 13 and THE SON is in them. 1 John 4: 4, on the day of judgment. v17. He talks about ANTI-christs etc. who could be the anti-christs, other than those who DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS THE SPIRIT and rejected LIFE and are dead in graves? They are Joshua and his fellows who stopped all from HEARING THE SON.
Remember The LORD’s words to Apostle Peter after HE WAS RESURRECTED?? Three times He said , feed My sheep. Then, he was the apostle for Israel. But he knew Israel would not hear, but the gentiles will believe and hear.
Act 15:7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. }}}..”GOD’ made a choice!!! It was GOD who sent Apostle Peter to the gentiles, as HE KNEW THEY WILL BELIEVE!! THAT MEANS THE GENTILES TOTALLY HEARD THE SON AND HAVE BELIEVED! Read till v 15. GOD gave them faith to purify their hearts. Faith, pleases GOD. and when they obeyed faith, for HIS NAME, … for THE SON’s name, … He chose them as His apostles. Ro 1: 56. Apostle Peter said that The LORD will VISIT and take gentiles to HIS NAME. That is THE SON’s name !! You cannot believe His words, because you are AGAINST HIM as you believe in god the father! hearing god the father means NOTHING !
But now, …. WE UNDERSTAND GOD’S WORDS WRITTEN THROUGH Apostle Peter, … both letters which he wrote even about last time salvation etc and many things about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and he knew and prophesied that the gentiles will believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as said in Acts. 15 above! This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD healed and mixed up with gentiles, including the women at the well in John 4 where HE TALKED ABOUT THE HARVEST, and revealed Himself as THE MESSIAH !! And He talked about worshiping GOD in Spirit and Truth and in the mountain and Jerusalem!!! And others will REAP… (John 4)entering in to their labor, … and the REAPERS WILL RECEIVE WAGES, John 4 ;36, … AND THE WAGES ARE THE EVERLASTING LIFE … and the everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. ! John 17: 3. Then Do you understand that? Others enter in to Israel’s labor at the harvest, … then those who are harvesting are the reapers. … then it is the reapers who received wages, … and the wages is everlasting life, … and the everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, … and everlasting life is THE SON ! 1 John 5: 20. So it is they who heard THE SON. !
And John 17 talks about the children who are given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and HE PRAYED FOR THEM, … they are given JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s glory, … and they too glorified Him.( 2 Thess. 1: 11-12, )and they are sanctified by the truth, to be sent to the UN- believers who are Israel and Judah and Jerusalem, the synagogue of satan, … so they too may believe. they are to be ONE WITH HIM and the FATHER… and JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not forget to pray for those who WOULD BELIEVE THROUGH THEIR WORD. 17-20! That is when all will hear THE SON. !
And Apostle Peter knew that grace will save the gentiles first. One must trust in JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive His grace. These things are written so the dead may hear HIS VOICE and seek His grace as Apostle Peter did.
Act 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. }}}…v 9 says, FAITH IS GIVEN TO PURIFY THEIR HEARTS. Faith pleases GOD, because faith causes one to trust in GOD, as Abraham did even though is body was dead and could not bear children, but GOD said, and he believed! Same way, Eph. 2 says, while yet we were DEAD in sin, which means we have not heard Him either, … He raised up to the heavens. ! These things are LAST TIME EVENTS, which are to happen AFTER THE Laodicea BLINDNESS. If they cannot understand the words, … how could they see these things which are fulfilled in their SPIRITUAL SLEEP?
Apostle Peter wrote about the Holy Mountain to the gentiles.
2Pe 1:17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. }}}… He received honor and glory from god the father??? Where is the god the father who gives glory to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SON ??? It is the written words. and JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to get His glory. (see below) It is written that one should give glory to THE SON. !
2Pe 1:18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: }}}…’out of darkness”… as 1 Pet. 2: 8-10 says, those who are NOT OF GOD’S people were taken by giving HIS LIGHT, to be His Royal Priesthood ! They have the MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY! He is THE GREAT LIGHT! He is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. But HIS OWN REJECTED HIS LIGHT. His light is in HIS WORDS as we speak which gives us understanding to hear THE SON , when no one has head Him ! John 16: 13-14, it is The Comforter, who is the HOLY SPIRIT, who is the Spirit and Truth, who Is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who came to glorify Himself…
2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. }}}..Holy men spoke as they were moved by the HOLY SPIRIT! BUT TO US NOW, … IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS IS THE SPIRIT. John 6: 63. And what we read in the Bible is the words which gives us understanding and knowledge. 1 Pet. 1 says the prophets wrote to us. And the SPIRIT of CHRIST caused them to write. V 11.
No one could have glorified THE SON or heard THE SON until The Comforter came.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Joh 16:14 He shall GLORIFY ME: for he shall RECEIVE OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you. }}}… so the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, GLORIFIES CHRIST THE LORD and not god the father! the Spirit and Truth is the HOLY SPIRIT. John 14:26 and The Comforter, but it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. So until the Spirit and Truth or the HOLY SPIRIT came, … no one knew that we should hear THE SON. ! So it is now, we could hear Him, as we have heard Him. This is when we are guided in to ALL TRUTH. And one more thing, … even if it is another GOD, still He will show what ever JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s, as this say “RECEIVE OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you.:”. Therefore, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words which shows us ALL TRUTH to GLORIFY HIM! But the harvest in Israel failed. Jer. 8: 19-20. That means they are Spiritually dead and have stumbled on Him, and have rejected to be built on HIM THE Chief Corner Stone!
Apostle Peter explains the BLINDNESS… This is what happened to Laodiceans. As you can see… Apostle Peter’s letters are to be fulfilled in the Laodicea era. In the darkness. They are blind to not to have the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! But JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to deliver the knowledge of God to the gentiles. Isa. 11:9-11, Zeph. 3:9-10.
2Pe 1:1 Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those equally precious with us, having obtained faith in the righteousness of our God and our Savior, Jesus Christ: }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2. as Apostle Jude said, Apostle Peter also says, he is an apostle of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and a slave to Him. So he wrote to those who are EQUALLY PRECIOUS with them, who have faith and righteousness of our GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. remember righteousness also is a free gift, given to sinners. Rom. 5:16-17. This is why the gentiles could receive righteousness. And CHRIST THE LORD IS THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2;1 . so He gave His righteousness, … and forgiveness for HIS NAME’S SAKE, to teach them the truth, so they can BE BORN OF SPIRIT OR HIS WORDS AND KNOW THE SON. !!! When the gentiles believed, … they are given HOLY SPIRIT. Eph. 1: 13. That means the GOD who gave the HOLY SPIRIT or the Word of TRUTH is our FATHER!
Could HWA and GF say, they are slaves of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? Do they serve HIM ONLY? So Apostle Peter knew the gentiles will OBTAIN FAITH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS OF OUR GOD, The Saviour , JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Because, HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2: 1. Then, as Abraham had faith and belief, both given to the gentiles. Rom. 11:20, 2 Thess. 2:13 also as Apostle Peter himself said in Acts. 15:5-15, that the gentiles will believe his word. And belief and faith was counted for Abraham, as righteousness. Rom. 4. And while he was still UN- circumcised. That means while he was still a GENTILE. Then, would not the gentiles who also are un- circumcised ones have the same belief and faith, would not they be counted as righteous? When you believe in GOD, HE FORGIVES because, you do not make Him a liar. We have proven these previously. This is why and how and when the gentiles are counted righteous even as the Heavenly vision says.
2Pe 1:2 Grace to you, and peace be multiplied by a full knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. }}}… Grace, peace, comes by HAVING THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, and CHRIST THE LORD !!! That means GOD is a SPIRIT, and CHRIST THE LORD is the body. When you have the full knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you will not go after other gods any more. Then you would believe Him also. Thereafter you will not be His enemy. The unbelief caused the enmity in Adam and all. Then, He will give grace as well. This is why, grace and peace came to gentiles, when the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS GIVEN as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, having come the second time.. AND UNLIKE Adam, THE GENTILES BELIEVED. Then the HOLY SPIRIT is given. Eph. 1:13, that is because, they are sanctified to believe the Spirit and Truth. if not no man can believe GOD as the enmity began from the very first man. This Scripture, talks about one GOD. JESUS CHRIST the LORD is GOD. All these things come from HIm. This is why the Laodiceans are blind and have not the SPIRIT or anything from GOD, because they did not go to CHRIST THE LORD to receive , neither did they retain the knowledge given to them. Rom. 1! And they failed to get white linen from CHRIST THE LORD ! Did you wonder why the white linen is granted to the wife, after the judgment in Rev. 19? Because, she did not buy it from CHRIST THE LORD as HE GIVES. Rev. 3. The covering comes only from Him. Isa. 30: 1.
2Pe 1:3 As His divine power has given to us all things pertaining to life and godliness through the full knowledge of the One calling us through glory and virtue, }}}… So we need the full knowledge of THE ONE GOD WHO CALLS US, to receive all things pertaining to life and GODLINESS! Judah lost the Holiness as he had TWO GODS. mal 2:10-11
The full knowledge of THE ONE GOD, the TRUE GOD, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD gives us all things pertaining to LIFE AND GODLINESS! John 17;3, everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. That is the Holiness, which Judah lost as he preached TWO GODS. Mal. 2: 10-11. That broke the Covenant of the fathers with this ONE GOD they had!!! Therefore, to the gentiles, when Judah also failed and Israel failed, … the FULL KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS GIVEN, GIVING LIFE, GODLINESS WHICH IS HOLINESS.. Remember The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit and Truth came to the SANCTIFIED ONES, WHO ARE TO RECEIVE AND BELIEVE IN HIM. 2 Thess. 2: 13. All these things were PRE- planned by this ONE GOD! He planned to call Israel first, give everything to the Jew first, and even said they are His first born, Exo 4: 22-23, but they failed to believe and abide in their FATHER The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD and forgot Him, even as HE SAID IN THE BEGINNING. Knowing the hearts, He hardened them further, Isa. 63:17, and they never allowed Him to rule over them, v 18, and had other gods and kings. They always showed their BACK TO HIM( Rom_11:10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back always) KING DAVID PROPHESIED HIS HOUSE WILL NOT GROW, AND THEY WILL BE SONS OF BELIAL. Please read. So the FULL knowledge of God gives LIFE AND GODLINESS! And the gentiles received them all as Israel and Judah failed. As you can see, receiving the true knowledge of GOD, opens the eyes of all to life. if you do not have JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words and knowledge, … you are blind. we need the full knowledge of THE SON, to hear Him.
2Pe 1:4 by which means He has given to us the very great and precious promises, so that through these you might be partakers of the divine nature, escaping from the corruption in the world by lust. }}}… When you partake the divine nature, WHICH COMES FROM JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND HIS KNOWLEDGE, … you escape the worldly lusts. Remember Adam and Eve failed because they SAW, thought good for FOOD, OR TO THE BELLY, and wanted to be WISE AS GOD, Gen. 3. Then Eze. 24: 21-23, last priesthood also to end as Adam and Eve. As Israel did not keep the true GOD in their knowledge, .. in their HEART, they went back to Egypt. Acts. 7. They lusted physical things than the SPIRITUAL THINGS, looking to save their physical lives, seeing and hearing what they can see and hear and eat etc, … than THE THINGS YOU CANNOT SEE AND HEAR, THE SPIRITUAL THINGS WHICH LASTS FOR EVER! We all loved our ways instead of GOD’s ways. That means rather than they serve their spiritual lives, they wanted physical things. WE SERVED OUR BELLIES, as Rom. 16 says, if you have not served JESUS CHRIST the LORD. we all do the same. But when GOD gives the knowledge of God , the truth, … with HIS PRESENCE IN US, IN OUR HEARTS, AND HIS SPIRIT IN US, … HE WILL KEEP US IN THE TRUTH AND WOULD NOT ALLOW US TO FALL. 1 sam 2: 8-9. “Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”…Then after GOD removes the curse of death and devil, .. no one will serve the devil! We proved the devil is the evil heart! This is why and how we win over the death.
If you do not have the knowledge of THE SON, .. you are blind.
2Pe 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… we must have the knowledge of our JESUS CHRIST the LORD. If not no one can bear fruits. John 15 says, we must abide in Him.
2Pe 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. }}}…If you do not have the true knowledge of God, of GOD and JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. which means that HE IS THE FATHER AND THE SON, .. or WHICH GOD SENT HIM , THE SON , ETC, … YOU ARE BLIND! This is why the Laodiceans are walking after god the father and replacing the stone of destiny etc.. etc… So this is how the eyes of the blind will be opened, by giving the knowledge of THE SON to hear Him!
If you are fruitful in the KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … your eyes are opened. 2 Cor. 3 says, Israel’s eyes are blind even not to know the Old testament. But gentiles’ eyes are opened. but if you lack the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are BLIND. don’t we see why the Laodiceans are blind now? They do not have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in them! Remember in judgment, He came to the world to BLIND the eyes of those who SAW, the Jews, … and OPENED the eyes of those who did NOT SEE, who are the gentiles. John 9:39. That is how the day of THE LORD, the judgment began. Then, as Laodiceans are Spiritually blind, … they cannot see their OWN JUDGEMENT and that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the true GOD, …
Understand ??? The BLINDNESS is to not to have the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and of GOD. that means you neither knew god the father or THE SON! They are ONE. The SPIRIT , the WORD. Both same!
No matter how zealously you serve god the father, …. The Scripture does not speak that life comes from him, as there is no such one spoken in the Scripture, giving us ANYTHING. Everything comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Definitely, the inspiration comes from THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and wisdom, sanctification, justification, and everything comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So having Him in the gentiles as Col. 1: 27 1 John 4:4, these little children overcame. Remember Apostle Paul also served god the father, as a Jew. But he came out of it and started to preach THE SON. Gal. 1:16! Then Apostle Paul was taught all these to be SENT TO GENTILES. So when the Times of Gentiles came, they believed all that, as they are sanctified to believe ! Not by their works, but The LORD ordained it that way as it is written in the Scripture !
Wealth of the gentiles … Exo 12 also says to borrow gold and other things from the gentiles. This was the first time when Israel was coming out of Egypt, they were to borrow things from the Egyptians. And then, Isa. 60…..says, the wealth of the gentiles will come to Israel. . and then the wealth the gentiles now has is ;JESUS CHRIST the LORD, IN THEM with HIS KNOWLEDGE, which saves all. gentiles received a LAST TIME SALVATION, and their faith was tested, and their hearts were purified as they are to receive salvation first!
Once again a garden of Eden. ;- Remember Adam failed to hear THE SON, even though He was not a SON back then.
The Spirit and Truth, or the HOLY SPIRIT, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Comforter. And when The LORD comfort Zion,.. it is already in waste.
Isa 51:1 Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
Isa 51:2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
Isa 51:3 FOR THE LORD SHALL COMFORT ZION: HE WILL COMFORT ALL HER WASTE PLACES; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. }}}… what happened in the garden of Eden ?? man was created IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. But that image is the image of THE SON. Rom. 8:29. Then, by giving the knowledge of THE SON, … and hearing the voice of THE SON, … one could be built in to the image of THE SON, The CREATOR and it will be as the garden of Eden !!! No more death, devil, night or sea as GOD promises, all things will be made new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Why this world became a waste? Because no one heard THE VOICE OF THE SON !!! He was The CREATOR who created us in HIS IMAGE !
Then, The LORD will give light TO STOP THE JUDGMENT. Hos. 6:5 also says the same. The Light will shine from east to west as proven.
Isa 51:4 HEARKEN UNTO ME, MY PEOPLE; and GIVE EAR UNTO ME, O MY NATION: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people…}}}… judgment to rest for a light !!! or when GOD gives this knowledge of THE SON, … all will hearken to HIM, … and give them their EAR!!! This is the time the dead will be raised up. As GOD says, they will hearken unto Him. at the same time they are being judged for NOT HEARING THE SON. That knowledge will cause them to HEAR HIM.!
All will HEAR THE SON, including the dead in their graves!!! remember John 12:48, HIS WORDS WILL JUDGE those who REJECTED HIM! That is the synagogue of satan ! “He that REJECTETH ME, AND RECEIVETH NOT MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.” Then, AFTER the Laodicea era, when ALL HAVE REJECTED HIM AND HIS WORDS, … He will open the eyes to understand HIS WORDS WHICH PROPHESIED ABOUT THEM, that they will STUMBLE, … they will reject HIM AS THE Chief Corner Stone, … and they are even appointed to stumble AT THE WORD of GOD , 1 Pet. 2:5-8, and all things The LORD said in His words are fulfilled! So that happens at the White Throne. Remember white means revelation or light. Therefore, after all things are fulfilled which has happened now, … GOD will open the eyes of all to know Him. GOD promises a new garden of Eden ! And remember, even to comfort Zion, GOD sends the gentiles. Isa. 66: 12- 13 ! Hearing THE SON means to hear The CREATOR! So we are taken back to the garden of Eden and GOD Is showing what happened in it, and why man’s failure and it will not be repeated once again !
Isa 51:5 My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust. }}}… as proven, you know who wait for Him and that is HIS ARM which works to bring HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS TO Zion AND Jerusalem, TO BRING THEM TO HIMSELF ! So He calls ‘HIS’ people and nation! That is who need salvation now. !And as Apostle Peter wrote, a LAST TIME SALVATION came to gentiles… and Isa. 56 also.
Isa 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: BUT MY SALVATION SHALL BE FOR EVER, AND MY RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL NOT BE ABOLISHED. }}}}… now, all are dead. The heavens vanished… they are thrown down. Lam 2: 1. As JACOB saw, some angels came down and some went up. No one in Israel can say they still have the stone of destiny and that dream is fulfilled among them as it is replaced! But GOD’s righteousness… which was promised to Abraham, .. will not be forgotten. His everlasting salvation will come to all. The salvation comes from the Captain of Salvation, Heb. 2:10, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Then, when the knowledge to hear THE SON is given, all will call on Him. And He is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also as Luke 20:37 says, and they will call on Him and will be raised up.
It was John the Baptist , (Elijah type) first preached the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to those who are in JUDEA. That is where the synagogue of satan or the governance of the Jews was. And it is these Jews who needed to REPENT and to rule over them, the kingdom also had to come. Just think; John the Baptist preached CHRIST THE LORD. Then, he is likened to Elijah. But Elijah is to come again to turn the hearts of the children to the father. Then, this Elijah will turn the hearts to CHRIST THE LORD, because HE IS THE FATHER ALSO!
Mat 3:1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, }}}… Why is Judea in the wilderness? As written below, they did not bear fruits. How could one bear fruits ??? By hearing THE SON , as proven above. To be fruitful in the knowledge of GOD, of GOD and THE SON that they are one and the same. THAT WILL STOP THE Jews FROM WORSHIPING god the father, and will cause them to worship the true GOD, THE SON, .. without any confusion.
Mat 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. }}}… now, there is another synagogue of satan , the Jews who have not heard THE SON. Then, the kingdom came as proven below.
So it was those who are in JUDEA, who needed to repent. ! They are NOT THE KINGS IN THE KINGDOM, BUT THEY NEED TO REPENT. AND TO REPENT, THE JUDGES MUST JUDGE THEM. They needed the kingdom to give them the TRUTH AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD. !
Mat_12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you….}}}.. DEVILS ARE THOSE WHO DID NOT RECEIVE THE SPIRIT FROM CHRIST THE LORD. read v 27 also. So the kingdom has come upon JUDEA, as they did NOT REPENT for their unbelief! They denied and rejected HIM AND HIS WORDS. so now the words are given which is the SPIRIT of GOD, John 6:63, so they could be judged but given the light at the same time to raise them.
Remember Luke 20:36-37, … you must call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Rev. 1: 8, .. in order to be raised up! If you have not called on Him, .. you are dead! So the ‘Spiritually dead’ means they do not have the SPIRIT or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Did you truly go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the SPIRIT or words or knowledge ??? THE HIGH PRIEST PREACHED.. ‘GO PASS CHRIST’… ‘DO NOT FOCUS ON CHRIST’… !!! So that is the government of Judea who is now in the wilderness, dead by thirst, not having the SPIRIT of GOD. Hos. 2:3 And are being judged in order to give light to hear THE SON. Remember repent and believe means one must repent for not believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !
Mat 3:5 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan,
Mat 3:6 And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.
Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Mat 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
Mat 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. }}}.. it is Abraham's seed, who have done all these. They are vipers. Bite all the people with their deceitful lies which comes out of their heart. No one looked for Abraham’s GOD who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 8:54-56, but looked for god the father. This is why the Scripture says as written above, to call on the name of the GOD of Abraham to be raised up from death. Then, WHICH GOD SHOULD WE CALL UPON?? It is the GOD of Abraham, … THE ALMIGHTY, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SON . did HWA and GF teach all to call on JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? This is why they are dead. But they are Abraham's seed. They say they are Jews. But lie as GOD said. They do not have Abraham’s works of belief or faith!
It is Abraham's seed who need to repent and are vipers , and in our times, the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews but do lie ! They did not Hear THE SON, … He says they are Jews, but do lie. Any one say they are Jews, but have not heard THE SON, or the GOD of Abraham, who is CHRIST THE LORD, … is a liar , a viper, and a pharisee.
We need to hear THE SON , to be baptised in to the HOLY SPIRIT.
Mat 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: HE SHALL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLY GHOST, AND WITH FIRE: }}}… this means ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD who came after him who could give you HOLY SPIRIT !!! That is when The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT or the Spirit and Truth comes. John 14:26, HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. So by the SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the devils are cast out as written above. That is the kingdom!!! Abraham's seed is the sons of the devil. John 8:44. Then, the devils are the ones who did not have the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as His words SPIRIT and life ! Because Judea did not BELIEVE or repented before the kingdom, .. it came. And this kingdom gives the HOLY SPIRIT to cause them to LIVE !
Hearing THE SON gives us FAITH. He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of faith. Heb. 12. 2. And faith is in THE SON. This is why Israel failed as they did not hear The Son to receive faith from Him. Without faith, it is impossible to please GOD.
Col 1:4 Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints, }}}… by this time, when the book of Colossians is to be fulfilled, CHRIST THE LORD Is in the gentiles. V 26-27, giving the mystery. And the FAITH IS GIVEN to gentiles, Rom. 11:20. And then we know we should have faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and not in god the father or the leaders who preach lies. But these vipers had faith in god the father and deceived the whole church.
No man can have this faith, unless they HEARD THE SON. Because, HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION AND OF FAITH. Heb. 12. 2:10. faith if given as a free gift. Eph. 2:8. So unless you go to THE SON, who begins and ends our faith, how could anyone receive it ?
Col 1:5 For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; }}}.. WORD OF TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL?? At this time, what is the word of TRUTH of the gospel we have NOT KNOWN? Did not HWA preach the gospel in the whole world? This is Eph. 1- 13, after JESUS CHRIST the LORD adopted the gentiles, … they are given the Word of TRUTH , and when they believed, the HOLY SPIRIT is given. And Apostle James also knew it is the Word of TRUTH which WILL GIVE US LIFE. JAM 1:18. V 17 SAYS, THE FATHER OF LIGHTS. GF wrote FATHER of lights is god the father. But Scripture does not say LIGHT comes from any other, but from The Son, THE TRUE LIGHT AND LIFE.
So which GOD did give the light to the gentiles? Is it god the father as GF taught? As you can see… THE LIGHT SHONE IN GALILEE OF THE GENTILES. SO HOW COULD JUDEA OR Jerusalem SEE THIS LIGHT AS IT IS GIVEN TO GENTILES ? The Word of TRUTH, BEGAT US. AND IT IS THE FATHER OF LIGHTS WHO GAVE THE Word of TRUTH. The truth is Urim or Thummim which came from THE TRUE APOSTLE. Heb. 3. Then, upon believing, the gentiles were given the HOLY SPIRIT… and understanding and all knowledge. In Judea, .. TWO GODS were preached and they went in to darkness, failing to receive light FROM THE GREAT LIGHT who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! GF wrote the FATHER of light is god the father. JESUS CHRIST the LORD said I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! That also they did not believe, but went to get light also from god the father. but the gentiles believed, received the light from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then HE IS OUR FATHER, but you do not know! . Isa. 63: 16!
Gentiles heard THE SON and they are increased in the knowledge of GOD.
And Apostle Paul wrote the present truth about the gentiles as GRACE has come. It is because of His grace, the TRUTH IS GIVEN. Remember John 1: 14, 17
Col 1:6 Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth:…}}}… CHRIST THE LORD, Himself became a MINISTER OF TRUTH TO GENTILES to give the blessing of Abraham. (see below)
Col 1:8 Who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit.
Col 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
Col 1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Col 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: }}}… this FATHER is the FATHER of Lights, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.
Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: }}}…As one can see, GOD knew all things from the beginning. It is all written, that Israel will be the synagogue of satan, but by GRACE, the gentiles will receive the truth, and they love the SPIRIT , they are filled with knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WILL, and given all wisdom and SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING… ! That means to know and understand the Scripture, the HOLY SPIRIT, .. which are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, … which gives us life ! These are to be saints in LIGHT. They are delivered from the power of darkness and GOD Has TRANSLATED THEM IN TO THE KINGDOM OF THE SON. ! That is the time the gentiles are called. Just before the kingdom came, the LIGHT CAME TO THEM, out of darkness ! That means it is written in the Scripture. GOD IS MADE KNOWN IN THE Scripture of HIS OWN WORDS. So as planned, He knew who would hear THE SON and who would not. but He offered all things to HIS FIRST BORN, who are Israel. But what happened ?
Act 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles…}}}…. To whom it is said? It is to the ‘Jews’ v 45. “the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.”…..The Jews, SPOKE AGAINST THE TEACHINGS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Have they heard THE SON??? Because Apostle Paul preached nothing but JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 1:16, he was chosen to preach Him. Knowing that the Jews would not hear, … The LORD prepared Apostle Paul to be sent to gentiles. Apostle Paul never wrote letters to the Jews. They are contradicting and blaspheming. THEY SPEAK AGAINST JESUS CHRIST the LORD as they believed in god the father ! Is it any difference now in the Jews of our days??? Have they also not become a synagogue of satan ? Did not HWA and GF wrote against JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? THEY NEVER MAGNIFIED HIS NAME! But, until the Philadelphia era became the synagogue of satan, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD was trying to gather the daughters of Jerusalem or the churches of GOD. BUT THE TIME IS UP! The end of this age has to come. There has to be peace between GOD and us. If not, it is we who suffers and not GOD!
“and knew the grace of God in truth:”…comes from hearing THE SON.
Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Joh 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. }}}… When JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to HIS OWN, … they could have received GRACE AND TRUTH from Him if they believed and received Him. Because they did not do so, … they lost GRACE AND TRUTH also! When the Jews killed JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they KILLED THEMSELVES, … BECAUSE NO GRACE, NO TRUTH MEANS NO LIFE! Because of HIS GRACE, HE DIED FOR US to save us from our eternal death ! To this day, the leaders have not received Him! So how could GRACE AND TRUTH and life be given to such people who are sons of the devils? Read v 11-12.
“HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN, and His own RECEIVED HIM NOT. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe ON HIS NAME”…. So you see ??? The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER of Israel. Deut. 32: 18, Exo 4:22-23. He did so much to bring them out of slavery. That slavery pictures of us having FALSE GODS, FROM FALSE WAYS OF THIS WORLD OF LUSTS AND PRIDE and to BEHOLD THEIR TRUE FATHER AND GOD AND KING, for the well of the whole mankind. In Egypt, there is no everlasting life. But The ROCK brought them out of to BE HIS PEOPLE FOR OUR OWN GOOD as HE GAVE US LIFE AND WILL GIVE US EVERLASTING LIFE. So THE FATHER CAME TO THE SONS! The Scripture says He came to ‘HIS OWN’. But the sons killed their FATHER and GOD! When the judgment came, … they died. And they must hear THE SON who is their FATHER also.
They are not only His SONS, or the FIRST BORN, but also He Is The Husband, who entered in to the Marriage Covenant, … BY HIMSELF and there was no other GOD, when HE DID LEAD THEM, ( Deut. 32). So what a pathetic situation His own did to the FATHER who created them, by rejecting their OWN FATHER and OWN HUSBAND and own KING??? A FATHER coming to the sons, to be beheld. The Husband comes to the wife to be loved. How much love DOES THE FATHER HAS? HE COULD NEVER REVEAL HIMSELF TO THEM. HE COULD NEVER CALL THEM ‘MY SONS’. But He knew that. Deut. 32: 5-6. He could never love His wife to bear Him sons, as the wife always had other gods such as god the father!
They killed their own FATHER…
They killed their own GOD …
They killed their own king
They killed their own Husband !
They rejected THE LIGHT …
They rejected the TRUTH…
They rejected the WAY …
They rejected LIFE… everlasting life !!!
They rejected everything that GOD offers to mankind!
All because they loved themselves, their own thinking!
He said I AM IN MY FATHER and I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE! But did they believe His works of wonder such as giving life to dead, healing sick, calming the wind etc ? Could any man do such things, unless HE IS GOD, or The CREATOR? Is it any wonder why HE PREPARED the gentiles to adopt them as HIS SONS as He saw their hearts that they will love Him? So He planned to come to them a SECOND TIME. He gave a chance to His first born. But they died not knowing their own FATHER who gave them life. so the FATHER killed them! Laodicea era means Spiritually dead! The LORD could not give them the SPIRIT any longer as they have CONTINUALLY REJECTED HIM ! Therefore, as the sons rejected Him, He adopted the gentiles and brought them to glory, ( to make Himself known), so they could make Him perfect. Heb. 2: 10. V 14 talks about Israel who are still flesh and blood. JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the POSSESSOR of Heaven and earth. Gen. 14:19-22. That is the GOD of Abraham. But He could not possess HIS OWN WIFE AND CHILDREN!
They sought to kill Him because He made Himself equal with god the father. So they did not know THE SON! Why could they not know THE SON? Because they failed to receive the SPIRIT, so they were flesh and blood. And flesh and blood cannot know THE SON. Only the FATHER reveals. That FATHER is CHRIST THE LORD, and He reveals through His words.
Joh 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
Joh 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. }}}… My FATHER means HIS WORDS or SPIRIT which gave life to Him and to us. (Heb. 11:3) He created everything by HIS WORDS, THE SPIRIT. He was physical at that time. But His SPIRIT did all things, and He did all things. so the UNBELIEVING enemy of GOD, could not understand the Scripture. They did not even believed Moses. V 46. Therefore, HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL AS THE SON. But we must hear THE SON as we have seen and heard Him. !
When He Had to calm the wind, HE SPOKE. “He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.”. Now, the wicked are like the troubled sea. HE WILL CALM them soon as well, as He says there is no more sea. The sea, was a curse. Rev. 21. So such works would have been enough for physical people to understand that HE CANNOT BE JUST A MAN ONLY.
GOD, or parents, have children because of their love. So the Jews, as John 1 also says, His own did not receive Him and are called the world. That is the world which KNEW HIM NOT.
1Jn 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. }}}..The world which knew Him not, is HIS OWN even as John 1 says, He came to His own,… He came to the world. But He Has made these little children, to whom Apostle John wrote, … that they are called SONS OF GOD, and the FATHER has bestowed His love .
1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS. }}}… these little children , are THE SONS OF GOD. Heb. 2: 10, they declare the Captain of Salvation as their FATHER. HE, THE Captain of Salvation BROUGHT THESE SONS TO GLORY. They are with Him in the mountain… Isa. 8: 18. That sign and a wonder you can see in Israel. So HIS OWN DID NOT KNOW HIM. and failed to be HIS SONS just as HE SAID IN Deut. 32: 5-6.
Not only the FATHER loves the sons, the FATHER says the sons also love Him, even though they have not seen Him, when the last time salvation came to the gentiles. 1 Pet. 1: 5, 20, v 8 “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” . Apostle John and Apostle Peter says the same thing.
Apostle John…
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear…
Apostle Peter
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, yet believing”.
So the gentiles never saw Him. Neither He came to them, the first time. But after HIS DEATH, after HIS OWN SONS KILLED HIM, … HE TURNED TO GENTILES and gave the Heavenly vision to Apostle Paul. Hope you have read the Heavenly vision. Acts. 26: 17-19 ! But now, HE HAS COME, AS WE ARE GIVEN THE UNDERSTANDING THROUGH HIS WORD, WHICH HE DOES ALL THINGS! That is the SPIRITUAL UNDERSTAND AND KNOWLEDGE as Apostle Paul wrote above!
How do you like if your son calls someone else my FATHER? This is what GF did and caused the whole land to do. Ministry is the wife of CHRIST The LORD . He made the TRUE FATHER IN HEAVEN to be forgotten and declared ‘HWA is our ‘spiritual’ father and he will take us in to eternity”. Then taught DO NOT FOCUS ON CHRIST…. But focus on HEAD QUARTERS.. , in other words look to me… wonder at me… focus on me, I am the head of the head quarters. ! HE STOPPED ALL FROM HEARING THE SON as he turned all to god the father and to his father HWA. Look what he has named all of the buildings in HWA’S NAME? Herbert Armstrong this, Herbert Armstrong that …! Look at the web site. Full of names of HWA and not a single site which declares the TRUE GOD, OR THE FATHER, but calling themselves the wife of CHRIST The LORD and the church of GOD ! The whole world SEES HOW HE PROMOTES THE NAME OF HWA and not the true GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! And this is a ‘high priest’! If one comes to the head quarters, what they would see is; everything Gerald Flurry has ever built is to honor HWA, his FATHER and nothing about GOD in it.
The name Philadelphia church of GOD, … has
- Our work
- Who is Gerald Flurry
- PCG beliefs
- Who is Herbert w Armstrong
- Armstrong Int. foundation
- Herbert A College.
If a visitor come to this place, would they see JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS PREACHED IN IT ?
Yet, look at our web site…
“Behold, I make all things new, in ME!”
(Rev. 21:5-7, 2 Cor 5:17, Gal. 6:15)
“Unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear ! I will not give My glory to another!”
Who comes in the whole volume of the Book ! By MY SPIRIT, you were created! I brought you forth as My Sons, and Israel is My FIRST BORN!
I AM your Everlasting FATHER ! I will cleanse you and present you to Myself !
(Exo 4:22, Deut. 32:18, Rev 21:7, Isa. 9:6, 63:16, Eph. 5;26-27)
Looking at both web sites, any man can see who declares, preaches, warns , praises, blesses THE ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE FATHER.
I AM your Everlasting FATHER ! I will cleanse you and present you to Myself !
But number 1 is correct. It is ‘our work’ means IT TRULY IS Gerald Flurry’S WORK and not GOD’s ! Next comes ‘who is Gerald Flurry’. Soon the whole world will know.
Even then, GOD loves them. That is why, He sanctified the gentiles to believe in the Spirit and Truth, AND The LORD CAME IN TO THEM, as Col. 1: 26-28 says, so they can preach, teach, and warn the Laodiceans who have forsaken their FATHER, GOD and The Husband, … to be presented perfect, IN HIM! THAT IS TO HEAR THE SON!
He came to gentiles, as they are the bondwoman, as Hagar was to Abraham, to bear fruit for Him, and to provoke Israel to jealousy as HE SAID HE WOULD. He will not do anything without letting us know through His word. Because His whole will is written in HIS WORD which cannot fail. That proves HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD ! Then, He still loves Israel. This is why, He prepared the bondwoman to bear HIS CHILDREN. Isa. 14: 2-3, 49: 22-23, 55: 5, John 17: 17-20, Isa. 60:10- 11, 16 , 61:6, etc. And to bring them to HIM, comfort them, Isa. 66:11-13,.. and even to carry in our arms and nurse them and bring them to Him! Milk, is the pure WORD of GOD.
Apostle Paul wrote to gentiles as he was sent by JESUS CHRIST the LORD to the gentiles to say “ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding”…So The LORD sent Apostle Paul to give the spiritual understanding to gentiles. NONE OF HIS LETTERS WERE WRITTEN TO Israel. The other apostles were sent to Israel. but not Apostle Paul. In that, the blessing of Abraham came to the gentiles, through JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when the TRUTH came once again as the TRUTH WAS NOT RECEIVED BY HIS OWN. !
THE SON is the Minister of truth. Hearing Him means you receive the truth to be saved.
CHRIST THE LORD, became a MINISTER to circumcise the gentiles by THE TRUTH, so they can glorify GOD, for HIS MERCY. Eph. 1 also. And for that reason, to get HIS GLORY TO HIMSELF, … The LORD, CONFESSED HIMSELF AMONG THE GENTILES… He knew they will HEAR THE SON !
Rom 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:
Rom 15:9 And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing UNTO THY NAME. }}}.. So when did CHRIST THE LORD become a MINISTER to teach the truth to gentiles ??? It is after Israel took His glory for ever. Micah 2:9. Then, GOD decided that is NOT THE REST. So the cast out women became the remnant who serve Him. Micah 5: 7-9! V 2 says, it happens when THE RULER COMES. You never allowed the EVERLASTING FATHER, The REDEEMER to rule over you. Isa. 63: `16-19. But now, HE WILL TAKE OVER HIS RULE AND THE KINGDOM! So The LORD came to gentiles, the SECOND TIME when HE CAME TO GATHER THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SCATTERED. Isa. 11:9-11. And we proved, one must be circumcised by THE Spirit and Truth.
Then, to conform the promises to the fathers, …He became a Minister, but to the gentiles.
“Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of GOD..
that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy..”. Do you understand that?
Could JESUS CHRIST the LORD become a Minister to Israel??? He was NEVER BELIEVED BY THEM UNTO THE Laodicea ERA! The FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH ALSO HAPPENED. THAT PROVES THEY NEVER BELIEVED THE TRUTH !!! THAT MEANS THEY NEVER HEARD THE SON. He came to teach them the truth, but they killed Him, FOR THE TRUTH HE SPOKE! Even unto the last high priest, He could not circumcise them by HIS TRUTH to be accepted. This circumcision, is of the heart. To purify the hearts. That means TO HEAR THE SON and not god the father! If and when Israel is to return to GOD, … they must understand that The Husband is also the FATHER. Jer. 3:19-20. And it is the gentiles, the little children who are already with Him in the goodly land as v 15 says, who are given new hearts already, after GOD’s , … who is sent to pastor the wife of CHRIST The LORD to return to The Husband and to her FATHER !
Now understand real mysteries… :- The blessing of Abraham is to come to gentiles, as they heard THE SON. Those blessings come from THE SON.
when THE ALMIGHTY promised blessings of the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , … the promises, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD became a Minister of truth ‘TO GENTILES’. That means when The LORD PROMISED the fathers these blessings, , HE HAD THE GENTILES IN MIND, THAT THEY WILL GLORIFY GOD FOR THE TRUTH! Do you understand that? When GOD was promising blessings to Abraham JACOB etc, … He knew those blessings will come THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD to gentiles, as Israel will NOT HEAR HIM!
And bringing justice to the truth and gentiles, The LORD came to give the truth, fulfilling this prophecy which He taught Apostle Paul to write. ( Isa. 42:1-3). He knew Israel or Abraham's seed will never glorify Him. (they took His glory for ever. Micah 2:9). John 8:44, 54- 56 and the whole chapter condemns the seed of Abraham. They neither believed, nor had faith in Him. So one mystery here is, when GOD promised the fathers of these blessings, … He knew the gentiles will be bound UNTO HIMSELF and they will glorify GOD as these fathers did and the blessings of fathers will be GIVEN TO GENTILES. ! Where is the stone of destiny now? Is it not replaced??? Was not GOD telling the truth that they will break His Covenant? Has that not been fulfilled now? That is why, He gave the truth to gentiles, seeing their heart. So the SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS OF Abraham, came to gentiles. And they have the works of Abraham. They believed, and have faith in the same GOD of Abraham!
And, the blessings of Abraham comes, IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD.
Gal 3:12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. }}}…. Remember as proven, to Israel, the law was given to get righteousness though they failed. And faith is given to gentiles, ( Rom. 11:20, Gal. 3 and more) even according to the Heavenly vision, .. to have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and their faith also is tested as 1 Pet. 1 says.
Gal 3:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. }}}… The blessing of Abraham, is the PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT, RIGHT? It comes, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Then, Abraham's seed did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but went to god the father. No leader in Israel can say they went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the promise of the SPIRIT which means LIVING WORDS. The LORD said you read Scripture, but you are not willing to come to Me. so they never went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD but rejected even to the last high priest, the man of sin. So the ‘SPIRITUAL’ blessing of Abraham, which is the PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT, comes through faith and through … JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So when He came the first time, even to the Laodicea era, Israel rejected and denied Him and His word. But gentiles received as the Word of TRUTH as written elsewhere in this writing. Eph. 1: 13 says, they believed the Word of TRUTH and then they are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise !!! Just because Israel is Abraham's seed, … they could not receive the blessing of Abraham as they did not search for the GOD of Abraham, but died. Luke 20:27, they must call on the same GOD to be raised up! So they died by thirst, not receiving the promise of the SPIRIT ! It truly is a mystery that the blessing of Abraham came to gentiles and not to Israel, Abraham’s seed!
The blessing of Abraham, which is the promise of the SPIRIT, … comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD! That is why Israel could not get it, but gentiles got it!
So a Covenant, no man can disannul it. Only ONE seed is promised to Abraham.
Gal 3:15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto. }}}…Abraham’s Covenant will not be broken, because Abraham was tried and tested by GOD and he had faith and belief. Then, the gentiles, these promises were given as they also are given faith and they believed. Therefore, there is no need for the Covenant to be broken. So GOD knew gentiles would HEAR HIM.
The promises made to Abraham, .. is to ONE SEED, who is CHRIST THE LORD.
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. }}}… so the promises made to Abraham, was to JUST ONE SEED who is CHRIST THE LORD or CHRIST THE LORD to come from Isaac and JACOB. The promises were made by THE ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So HE is the FATHER of Abraham and also a SON or seed of Abraham! This promise was made in Gen. 21:12. “In Isaac, thy seed be called”. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the PROMISED SEED. Isaac too was a promised seed. Gen. 22:18, ‘in thy seed shall all nations be blessed”… That is also THE SEED , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, because in HIM, ALL THE NATIONS ARE BLESSED. remember in CHRIST THE LORD, the blessings of Abraham comes! This is the physical and the SPIRITUAL seed. Well then, when THE ALMIGHTY who is CHRIST THE LORD, was promising Abraham about this ONE SEED, .. He was promising that HE, HIMSELF will be this seed! Remember The LORD said BEFORE Abraham, I AM??? So He was there before Abraham, and even He became a seed or a son to Abraham as well! Then, THE ALMIGHTY, is a SEED of Abraham, but also the FATHER of Abraham! Abraham looked for His day. John 8;56. This means Abraham too has HEARD THE SON. THE ALMIGHTY became THE SON later. ! This is why Scripture tells us to call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be raised up. That is THE SON one should hear! So Abraham also heard THE SON, THE ALMIGHTY or CHRIST THE LORD!
Then, when CHRIST THE LORD comes, and given faith, IN HIM, it is either Jew or gentile, there is no difference but ONE IN HIM. Such have the works of Abraham, to BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH IN THE SON !!!
Gal 3:25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. }}}… this verse also proves the two Covenants. Faith and the law. But when faith came, we are not under the law Covenant. faith came , AFTER THE LAW Covenant FAILED. Abraham did not have the law when he was counted righteous. Same way, the law, brings us to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as a schoolmaster. And not … not … not to god the father ! This is why the law failed. IT COULD NOT BRING ANY ONE , NOT A SINGLE HIGH PRIEST TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! law works wrath ! Faith pleases GOD! Abraham's seed thought they have Abraham as their father and GOD will bless them though they are evil and will never be under bondage. But unless ONE HAS HEARD THE SON, no matter who we are, … we are under bondage and we die. The only way GOD has give one to live is by BELIEVING IN THE SON. That is why even the dead will be raised up when they call Him, … THE SON , the GOD of Abraham !
Laodicea era means they have failed and Heb. 7, the necessity came to change the law , as well as the priesthood! The Levitical ministry TAUGHT THE LAW. But the gentiles teach FAITH. Law works wrath, but faith pleases GOD! Faith of CHRIST THE LORD was given to the new priesthood, who are taken out of darkness in to HIS LIGHT. 1 Pet. 2:8-10 ! That is rejecting the synagogue of satan, and the Laodicea era began, and it is the day of THE LORD, the day of judgment , and the Times of Gentiles. Also Day of Visitation, days of vengeance the year of acceptance. Remember GOD Has promised the times of Refreshing, … times of reformation and restitution and to build the FALLEN Tabernacle of David. ! Please read king David prophesied the sons of GOD”
Gal 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. }}}… we become sons of GOD, having FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Remember HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION AND OF FAITH. Heb.2:10, 12:2. And faith is a FREE gift. Eph. 2:8. Given to gentiles, because faith must be IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Israel, rejected Him and could not receive faith from Him. But the gentiles receiving faith from JESUS CHRIST the LORD to have faith IN HIM, became sons of GOD. Remember Acts. 15, Apostle Peter who saw the transfiguration said that The LORD gave faith to PURIFY THE HEARTS OF THE GENTILES !!!
Then, either Jews or gentiles, if you are baptised in to CHRIST THE LORD, have put on Him, … and become ONE IN HIM, … and then ONLY, .. YOU BECOME Abraham's seed, to be HEIRS of the PROMISE.
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. }}}… put on CHRIST means you should HEAR THE SON. And believe and have faith in Him, then, HE COMES IN TO YOU, AND GIVE HIS WORDS THE SPIRIT ALSO IN TO OUR HEARTS. That is how we put on CHRIST THE LORD. He forgives when you have faith and belief! Acts. 13: 38-39 , even if you have failed in the law, …. Still if you believe in Him, THE SON, you will have life. ! Because, the UNBELIEF was the cause that we departed from Him. Heb. 3:12. Then, by BELIEVING, you come to Him. That belief should be to THE SON , to know that HE IS ALSO THE FATHER. Isn’t THE ALMIGHTY, the FATHER? Then THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1:8. Then that is what we must believe. We cannot put on Him , physically. But when we are given His words, and believe, .. then we know we have Him in us.
Unless the sin of Adam in us, which brought the curse of death is removed BY The LORD, HIMSELF, .. no man can put on CHRIST The LORD. And He comes in to us, by His SPIRIT, the words.
1Jn 2:5 But whoso KEEPETH HIS WORD, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that WE ARE IN HIM. }}}… keep His word??? To keep His word, … we must be GIVEN THE WORD FIRST. That is the Word of TRUTH. Eph. 1: 13. The truth about THE SON , and the FATHER. No man could keep the law, because no one knew The FATHER is also THE SON. So how could you keep His word? Also keeping His word means you BELIEVE AND ACT UPON IT. But unless He lives in us, we cannot keep His word. For example:- He Is GOD. And we are men. Could men know GODLY THINGS? Remember The LORD said, when you can understand earthly things, how could you understand heavenly things? John 3:12. The law, is spiritual. Rom. 7: 14. Then, unless The LORD gives us the SPIRIT to keep it, we cannot keep the law. That means we cannot put on CHRIST, nor hear THE SON. This is why all ARE APPOINTED TO DIE ONCE.
Why should we hear THE SON…
1Co 6:11 And such were some of you: BUT YE ARE WASHED, BUT YE ARE SANCTIFIED, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. }}}…In the name of THE SON, … ONLY ONE COULD BE JUSTIFIED. Because Adam sinned against The CREATOR who is THE SON. So the sin and enmity was between THE SON and Adam. This is why HE CAME TO PAY OUR DEATH. If there was a god the father, he could never save us from death, as he did not die to save us. And we are WASHED, SANCTIFIED AND JUSTIFIED in the name of THE SON !!! Have you begun to understand why we need to hear THE SON ?? He was not known as THE SON or JESUS CHRIST the LORD back then. But we must be justified by The CREATOR ! So one is justified, sanctified, and washed in the name of THE SON !!! How important it is for our everlasting life to HEAR THE SON ???
Then, when you are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are Abraham's seed and you will inherit the promise. That means when you HEAR THE SON, … you become Abraham's seed, … no matter you are a Jew or a gentile. This is how, apart from the law, gentiles became JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s children and inherited the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT, and became Abraham's seed !!! In other words, HEARING THE SON MAKES YOU Abraham's seed!!!
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. }}}…Therefore, to inherit the promises of Abraham, in any race , including the Jews the physical race of Abraham, … must be IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! Then only the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT , the blessing of Abraham comes or given. This is how all the Jews who thought Abraham is our father, and we are not under bondage as John 8 says, and the Jews who lie and became the synagogue of satan as they DENIED THE ALMIGHTY , THE GOD OF Abraham, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and His word as well, ..failed to inherit the blessing of Abraham. !
“if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”…… If you become THE SON’s, … you become Abraham's seed. UNTIL THEN, YOU ARE UNDER BONDAGE! You could never be a heir for the promise. Then, when The LORD promised Abraham the blessings, … such will come to those who have the works of Abraham, … HEAR THE SON , PUT HIM ON, AND IN HIS NAME BE SANCTIFIED, JUSTIFIED AND BE WASHED! That is how one could inherit Abraham’s blessings. ! This is why Abraham's seed still could not inherit the blessings, and died as they did not hear THE SON !! When you call on the GOD of Abraham, … you will be raised. But to call on Him, … first HE MUST OPEN YOUR EYES WHICH HE CLOSED TO KNOW HIM !
Gal 3:17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. }}}… a Covenant was CONFIRMED in GOD, .. to be IN CHRIST THE LORD, ( that means HE PURPOSED IT, because He Had to write down all things. ) … and THE LAW, the Covenant of the law, came 430 YEARS AFTER. Understand the two Covenants? The law Covenant came 430 years after the promise Covenant. And no one can disannul it as it is confirmed and GOD will not break His promises. What you can see is that Covenant is fulfilled in the gentiles. The LORD has remembered His promise to Abraham and to his seed to give the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, but upon believing. Eph. 1: 13. All men are sinners. So He has to save all somehow. Then, He chose Israel as the vessels of wrath, and gentiles as the vessels of mercy, to be forgiven freely and Israel to be judged. Remember our other sins can be forgiven. Only if you sin against the HOLY SPIRIT , you cannot be forgiven. Please read the unpardonable sin. So the unpardonable sin is NOT HEARING THE SON , because HE IS THE SPIRIT AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT. So by our unbelief, we DID NOT BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT! Do you understand that?
Gal 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. }}}… Isaac’s seed, INHERITED THE LAW. But Ishmael’s seed inherited the promise. After all, he is the first born of Abraham. And Abraham and Sarah cast him away. And GOD allowed because GOD knew, He would bring justice to them and to the truth as Isa. 42: 1-3 says. Ishmael means ‘GOD will hear’. Isaac means ‘to laugh’. Or to laugh at. So it will be now as well. the gentiles HEARD THE SON, and will laugh at Isaac as they see Isaac is weaned !
Gen. 15:1, GOD said to Abraham, I AM YOUR EXCEEDINGLY GREAT REWARD. Then if THE ALMIGHTY is the EXCEEDINGLY GREAT REWARD, then, SINCE THAT IS CHRIST THE LORD, … HE MUST GIVE HIMSELF TO Abraham's seed. That is why HE CAME TO GENTILES, WHO ARE COUNTED AS THE SEED OF Abraham FOR THE ABOVE REASONS! The LORD was the Levitical ministry’s inheritance. But as they did not fear Him, they lost it. WHERE IS HE NOW ?? In the gentiles, in the Laodicea era. Col. 1:27. 1 John 4: 4, 17 in the little children, whom HE PREPARED before. Isa. 8: 18, when Israel and Judah are to fall. V14 !
For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing UNTO THY NAME.”. Heb. 2: 10-13 , these sons who were brought to glory by The Saviour, the Captain of Salvation, … sing among these children to GOD. They are the babes who perfected the praise of The LORD, to whom the secrets were revealed! Lu 10:19-22
Heb 2:10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. }}}… from which GOD are all things and FOR WHOM??? It is for JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 4: 11, Eph. 1.
Heb 2:11 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,
Heb 2:12 Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. }}}… now we know how we became BROTHERS of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … but they are also THE SONS!
Heb 2:13 And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given Me.”…}}}… “GOD Has given Me’ means some children are to be given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in HIS SECOND COMING to Him to hear Him and for Him to dwell in them. HE PREDESTINATED them. IT IS WRITTEN IN THE Scripture who would do what. it is from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ALL THINGS, and it is TO Him. So He, The Saviour, brought sons to glorify to make the Captain of Salvation perfect. That means to declare “Him” as the TRUE GOD. so this is THE SON, brought His sons forth. And HE SANCTIFIED HIMSELF AND THEM too as John 17 says. And , after these are SANCTIFIED, … He calls them brethren. NOT BEFORE, BUT AFTER HE SANCTIFIED THEM and glorified them! Compare with John 17. These are the children Isaiah prophesied in 8:18, 29:23, 54: 13 etc. So The LORD and His sons became one. Isa. 56, they joined to The LORD. Then, they sing praises to GOD. ! They are His sons and also the brethren. So THE ALMIGHTY is a FATHER to us and also a Brother.
“brethren’ means
Thayer Definition:
1) a brother, whether born of the same two parents or only of the same father or mother
2) having the same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, or countryman
3) any fellow or man
4) a fellow believer, united to another by the bond of affection
5) an associate in employment or office
6) brethren in Christ
6a) his brothers by blood
6b) all men
6c) apostles
6d) Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place
Remember CHRIST THE LORD is THE first fruit. And the others are HIS First fruits! Rom. 16:5 says first fruits unto CHRIST. BUT HOW COULD WE HAVE THE SAME FATHER??? It is HIS WORDS begat Him, and us or these sons as well !!!
That is why HE COULD call them My ‘Brethren”, because they are sanctified by the same truth and words, the HOLY SPIRIT! Understand again that HIS OWN WORDS BEGAT HIM. if not, you cannot know THE SON or the FATHER. To hear THE SON, … you must go to the FATHER, or His words the SPIRIT. it is through the words, we come to know about GOD, right? So that is the FATHER who draws us to THE SON to hear Him. !
1Jn 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that LOVETH HIM that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. }}… the whole world knows and believes JESUS IS THE CHRIST. “loves Him that BEGAT”??? So WHO BEGAT JESUS CHRIST the LORD? That is what no one could know to believe. It is HIS OWN WORDS BEGAT HIM. Read this verse in MKJV
Same verse in MJKV
1Jn 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. And everyone who loves Him who begets also loves him who has been born of Him. }}}… if you know the GOD who BEGAT THE SON, … you are born of GOD. That means you KNOW THE FATHER AND THE SON as CHRIST THE LORD said.
But The LORD said to Abraham's seed, that they do not know the FATHER, nor THE SON. “ Ye NEITHER KNOW ME, NOR MY FATHER: if ye had known Me, ye should have known My Father also.” . Is The LORD lying when He says so? In John 16:25, The LORD said, ‘IN THAT DAY, I WILL REVEAL THE FATHER PLAINLY”. That means until ‘IN THAT DAY’ , WHEN HE REVEALS THE FATHER, … NO ONE KNEW AND IN HIS FIRST TIME ALSO HE DID NOT REVEAL THE FATHER. But when the Laodicea era came, He came to judgment and opened the eyes of the blind and blinded the ones who saw. John 9:39 and to them, HE REVEALED THE FATHER AND SON, because it is THE SON who reveals the FATHER. Luke 10: 19=22. “to whom the SON shall reveal”. So if we want to HEAR THE SON, … then we will give the revelation of the FATHER and THE SON. !! It is given to the babes whom HE PREDESTINATED TO BE TAUGHT ALL THINGS, BY ‘HIMSELF’. NO man knew the FATHER and THE SON, if that knowledge was not given until that day ! And the knowledge of God gives everlasting life. John 17: 3. So The LORD was not ready to give the everlasting life, until the end of Laodicea era. ! Therefore, can we afford to NOT HEAR THE SON?
No one ever knew that JESUS CHRIST the LORD was born by His own SPIRIT or words. We proved His words is HIS FATHER, OR HIS SPIRIT IS THE FATHER. HE WAS GOD, AND GOD IS A SPIRIT. But flesh came later who is called THE SON OR CHRIST OR THE MESSIAH. When that knowledge is given, we know it is ONE GOD, and His own words is HIS FATHER, the HOLY SPIRIT ! Then we know there is ONLY ONE GOD. HE WAS THE ALMIGHTY , THE FATHER, (2 Cor. 6: 14-16, LIVING GOD also the FATHER ) and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1:8. CHRIST THE LORD, BEFORE HE CAME FORTH FROM HIS OWN WORDS, … HE WAS THE ALMIGHTY, The Most High , The LORD OF HOSTS ETC AND WERE FULFILLING ALL OF THE NAME OF GOD. We were taught it is two gods. That made us NOT TO HEAR THE SON. ! That is what we should know, so we can love THE GOD WHO SENT CHRIST THE LORD, and CHRIST THE LORD also! Then our love is towards THIS ONE GOD.
But the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and it comes out of His mouth, because that is HIS WORDS. John 20:22. HE IS The ROCK WHO GIVES SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK. 1 Cor. `10:3-4. All these happened after The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, or the Spirit and Truth came! Therefore, He could call us either ‘SONS’, or “BROTHERS”, because the same HOLY SPIRIT begat Him and us!!! Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD is a ‘SON’ to ‘HIS OWN” house. Heb. 3: 6. SO HE IS THE FATHER ALSO TO HIS OWN HOUSE. And there are some ‘we are’ in it. now you can know how HE BECAME A FATHER AND A SON AT THE SAME TIME!
Understand…?? His words, is SPIRIT and life right ? John 6:63.
He Is the HOLY SPIRIT and His words are HOLY SPIRIT also , right ?
And it is His words, the SPIRIT which gave us life, right?
So His own words begat Him, and begat us also. So He is a FATHER to HIMSELF and to us and also a brother to us , because He too was born by the SPIRIT of GOD and we are also born by the SPIRIT of GOD! So we have the same FATHER! That is how these sons are also His brothers ! If CHRIST THE LORD was not born as a human , then HE CANT BE OUR BROTHER. But because He too came as a man, and by His words the SPIRIT, … and from His own SPIRIT He was born so His own SPIRIT is His FATHER and our FATHER also. Then, He was born as a man so He became our brother. But at the moment only these sons whom He brought to glory as they too are born by the SPIRIT !
Including JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and the first fruits are born, … by GRACE. Because of His grace, He came to die for us to pay our penalties. Then, Apostle Paul says The LORD was born, according to his gospel, which Apostle Paul preached.
2Ti 2:8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel, }}}… So Apostle Paul preached the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and the gospel of Grace. That it is through Him, we will have life, by HIS GRACE. And it was by grace, The LORD tasted death to all. This gospel judges and establishes. Rom. 2: 16, 16: 25! Gal. 1:16, Acts. 20:24, Gal. 1:6. It was from this gospel, that we must not fall. Then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD and these children are born by GRACE. They are to be first fruits and they are predestinated as the Scripture given here says.
Eph. 5: 26-27 says, He will wash us by water the word, and betroth us to HIMSELF. Water IS THE WORDS. The words are SPIRIT and life, but CHRIST THE LORD’s words. John 6:63. It is HIS WORDS which gave the birth to the wife. And now, He will wash her also with the same word and marry again. So His water the word gave her life, and also makes her to marry HIM. Then, He becomes her FATHER, as well as The Husband! This is the mystery of CHRIST and the church !!! And then, remember it was The ROCK (SPIRIT) who begat Israel. Deut. 32: 18. He Is also the GOD who entered in to the ‘Marriage Covenant’. Then the GOD who begat Israel, became The Husband also. So there is no other FATHER we need to be born again. This is why, Scripture says to HEAR THE SON, and not the god the father , BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER GOD THE FATHER, BUT CHRIST THE LORD HIMSELF IS THE FATHER AND The Husband. GOD knew people will say god the father is their GOD and He said it in John 8:54-56, to the seed of Abraham. In the Old testament, … to HEAR THE SON, could not have been preached, because HE WAS NOT THE SON back then, but prophesied it;-
Psa 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. }}… Until JESUS CHRIST the LORD was BEGOTTEN, this decree was not fulfilled. Did god the father say this? The whole volume of the Book is the SPOKEN WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 1 Pet. 1 says it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD who inspired all things. This is the SPIRIT of GOD, talking. When the SPIRIT took a body as Col. 2:9 says, in Him, the fulness of the GODHEAD. The SPIRIT, and the body. But the body came as a ‘SON’ of the same SPIRIT! The CREATOR, only could forgive man as the man sinned against HIM only. So either HE PAYS FOR OUR DEATH, OR WE PAY.! When the Scripture says A SON, … he must come forth from a FATHER. So HIS OWN SPIRIT IS THE FATHER , even to us. How did we worship the UNSEEN god the father, when we could not worship the GOD WHO CAME AND ALL SAW?
This was a prophecy for our time;-
Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? }}}… Heathen here is all Israel, who have vain things, ( Jer. 16: 19) who could not receive the circumcision of the heart to be Israel of GOD, nor they did come to be IN CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16, Amos 9:7 , Isa. 2: 6 etc, to GOD, Israel is heathen now being unable to be born, and forgotten the GOD who is the SPIRIT and failing to receive the SPIRIT . it is the circumcision, of the heart which will make one Israel of GOD. and it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who circumcise our hearts. They are back to JACOB, the UNCONVERTED spirit!
Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, }}}… Who say they are kings? Who say they are Jews but do lie ? When the Jews who lie became the synagogue of satan, … would they just sit around and wait??? NO. THEY FIGHT WITH JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S PEOPLE as Micah 2:9 says. They cast the true followers of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, out because they worship vain gods who has nothing to do with salvation of Israel! the gods who came up newly as The LORD said. Deut. 32: 17. It is they who SET THEMSELVES AGAINST The LORD JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND AGAINST HIS ANOINTED. Zeph. 2: 10, explains them. Then Zeph. 3 GOD says, she did not receive correction and instruction. When the wife of CHRIST The LORD goes astray, The Husband WOULD NOT JUST SIT AROUND IDLE. HE WILL MAKE HER KNOW HER SIN AND CAUSE HER TO RETURN TO HIM. Jer. 3:15-20. He gives them pastors after HIS OWN HEART TO TEACH THE WIFE THAT The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER. They are the children who are with CHRIST THE LORD The Husband in a goodly land.
Zep 2:10 This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the LORD of hosts. }}}…Zephaniah’s prophecy is for the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30:3. Then, those who are NOT WITH The LORD OF HOSTS, the Levitical ministry, who did not honor Him as the FATHER Mal. 1: 6, are the people who are AGAINST HIM AND HIS PEOPLE. And it is CHRIST and HIS children in Mt. Zion, The LORD OF HOSTS. Isa. 8: 18. Then it is the v 14 ones who STUMBLED ON HIM, The LORD OF HOSTS, who are against Him and His children! 1 John 2: 12- 27, they are the anointed ones to learn directly from CHRIST THE LORD, The LORD OF HOSTS.
The anointed are the sanctified ones who are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel in Mt. Zion already as ia 8:18, 1Joh 2:12-27, Zeph. 3:9-15 , Heb. 2:10, the above sons. They HAVE ALREADY HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON AND ARE WITH HIM. These kings are the ones who DENIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME AND WORD, in the Philadelphia era who became the synagogue of satan. It is they who HAVE NOT HEARD THE VOICE OF THE SON, NOR KNOW HIM. !
Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. }}}… just as Apostle Paul and other synagogue of satan fought against The LORD and His people, even now still the same thing is happening. Micah 2:9, Mal. 3:16-18 etc. when they turned as the synagogue of satan, they would not allow the true people to stay in the church. Besides, GOD tells us to COME OUT OF HER. Micah 2:9, 2 Cor. 6: 14-19. They are THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD, and His SONS.
Psa 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Psa 2:5 Then shall he speak unto them in HIS WRATH, and vex them in his sore displeasure. }}..Which GOD’s wrath is spoken in the Scripture ? And which GOD is the possessor of Heaven and earth ? It is CHRIST THE LORD. His wrath comes during the DAY OF THE LORD, THE Times of Gentiles. Ex 30:3. Now The LORD Has already spoken His wrath by using these anointed ones. They are the judges as written above.
Then, this is to be fulfilled at a time, when THE KING IS SET IN Zion. Remember this is the NEW Zion, and not the thrown out Zion. Lam 2:1 it is the poor who trust as Zion, Psa. 125:1, and they are the gentiles Eph. 1. And Isa. 8: 18. To be a sign and a wonder in Israel. so you can see BOTH zions. One is cast down, and the other has The LORD in it. It is the cast out Zion who is making war with the new Zion where The LORD is.
Psa 2:6 Yet have I SET MY KING UPON MY HOLY HILL OF ZION. }}}… holy hill, mountain is now placed as proven in I AM in the mountain.
Therefore, this is a prophecy to be fulfilled when the KING SITS ON Zion, with His anointed. THIS IS NOTHING BUT Isa. 8: 18. CHRIST and HIS children.
Then, when THE KING is set in Zion, . it is the time To PROVE THE SON.
Psa 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. }}}… It is NOW, we preach THE SON. Who the SON AND WHO THE FATHER IS NOW CLEARLY DECLARED BY The LORD. ! The transfiguration is fulfilled Spiritually. THE KING, THE SON is set in HIS OWN HOUSE, Heb. 3: 6. And some are in it already. This is the Holy Mountain where The LORD said, HE WILL BRING ALL and it is a sign.
Then, it is a time FOR The LORD TO INHERIT THE GENTILES IN THE UTTERMOST PARTS OF THE EARTH… Col. 1: 27, 1Joh 4: 4, 2 Thess. 1: 8-12 also talks about two groups.
Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. }}}… when The BELOVED SON is set as THE KING in the Holy Mountain, … it is time for THE SON to inherit those in the ends of the earth. He Is The Comforter of the ends of The earth as well. (see below) . This is why The LORD came in to the gentiles, rejecting Israel. ! From Philadelphia era to Colossians and what happened to the Laodiceans also are written. But Colossians , the gentiles have The LORD in them! And this is the mountain which The LORD will set up in the LAST DAYS on top of other mountains… Isa. 2, Micah 4.
So these are the kings and judges of the earth… that GOD will break them with a rod of iron… those who DID NOT SERVE THE SON, THE KING !!!
Psa 2:9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
Psa 2:10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. }}}…those who say they are kings, law givers, .. but who DID NOT SERVE THE SON, … not heard THE SON, … has GOD’s wrath on them. Hopefully now you can understand who SERVE THE SON AND WHO DOES NOT! Those who trusted in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THE SON, , are blessed. That is why they are in the Holy Mountain. ! So this is the battle between those who trusted in JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who have VAIN imaginations. God the father is a vain imagination.
Understand, Apostle Paul was writing about other gentiles, who have not learned from JESUS CHRIST the LORD … AND THOSE WHO LEARNED THE TRUTH FROM HIM. Apostle Paul is telling them to not to walk as other gentiles, who have VANITY IN THEIR MIND… Who did not learn from CHRIST THE LORD. Remember those in the ends of the earth , will come to say to Israel that they have lies and vanity. Jer. 16: 19. That means those in the ends of the earth has ALREADY HEARD THE SON, LEARNED FROM HIM, THE TRUTH. if not how could they say you have lies, unless they are given the truth ? So the gentiles and other gentiles who have vanity means the gentiles who heard THE SON and who have not heard Him. !
Eph 4:17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
Eph 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: }}}… This is the synagogue of satan who became blind in the Laodicea era. They alienated from the life of GOD because of the blindness in the heart. Unless, would they DENY THEIR GOD AND HIS WORDS? Who else this could be other than the Laodicea? So this is talking about Colossians and Laodiceans.
Eph 4:19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
Eph 4:20 But ye have not so learned Christ; }}}… so this verse proves who LEARNED FROM CHRIST THE LORD, and who DID NOT learn from Him, THE TRUTH. Who did not go to learn the truth from CHRIST THE LORD, who said to go pass Him and do not focus on Him. ! No one can deny the Scripture and how they are fulfilled! So those who have vain imaginations and who DID NOT GO TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO LEARN , who said to GO PASS HIM, DO NOT FOCUS ON HIM , … ARE THE BLIND GENTILES NOW who failed to be converted as Israel of GOD !
Eph 4:21 If so be that YE HAVE HEARD HIM, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: }}}.. “You have HEARD HIM, … JESUS… AS THE TRUTH IS IN HIM” !!!! So this is a prophecy for our time, when we have HEARD THE TRUTH. THE Word of TRUTH… Eph. 1: 13, AND THAT BEGAT US AS SONS OF GOD. JAM 1: 18. Then, the synagogue of satan, lead by the high priest who taught ‘GO PASS CHRIST…. DO NOT FOCUS ON HIM, … BUT GO TO GOD THE FATHER, …. ; DID HE RECEIVE THE ‘TRUTH”??? The truth is IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE SON ! So the gentiles have HEARD THE TRUTH FROM CHRIST THE LORD DIRECTLY !!!
More than that, the gentiles have HEARD THE SON !!!
These have HEARD THE SON, OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So these are prophecies for our time NOW. The kings and rebels did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to learn, but went passing Him. So you did NOT LEARN THE TRUTH !!! You have NOT HEARD THE SON. Therefore, this message is for all of you, who did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to learn the truth, BECAUSE HE IS THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH IS IN HIM ONLY !!! Does the Scripture anywhere say to go to god the father to get the truth? Does it say to HEAR YE god the father ??? THE SON, condemned those who say god the father is your GOD. John 8:54 ! If there was a father, would He say such a thing? He would say GO PASS ME, THE SON, TO god the father! But even the FATHER draws one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 6:64 and this VOICE CAME IN THE MOUNTAIN, … ‘THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR YE HIM”!!! THAT IS THE HOLY HILL as written above where The LORD and His people are. Therefore, those who HEARD HIM, the other sheep, John 10: 16, who are not of the fold of the synagogue of satan, … is a sign and a wonder in THE Holy Mountain! Remember The LORD said they take the key of knowledge from the people, and they, themselves do not enter? Lu 11:52. So CHRIST THE LORD said they are Jews but lie, as they did not learn the truth from Him!!!
You have deceitful lusts… as you did not put on after the GOD who CREATED you. HE ALONE CAN GIVE YOU RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUE HOLINESS. This is the only way for the synagogue of satan to get their blindness removed.
Eph 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Eph 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. }}}… if the synagogue of satan went AFTER The CREATOR, .. OR The SON, … they would be NEW ! Now their minds are corrupted and need to be renewed by HEARING THE SON whom they rejected!
“be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
And put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness”
“YE HAVE HEARD HIM, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus”
We have HEARD HIM,.. learned the truth as it is in THE SON !!!
Scripture cannot lie. So the synagogue of satan is the other gentiles who are still walking in the vanity of their mind, being blind, as they did not learn the truth from THE SON, NOR HEARD HIM !!
Those who claim to be kings who sit on the Tabernacle of David,… have no works as king David. Hear ye… why king David was anointed! We know this is The LORD OF HOSTS, who said I am a FATHER in Mal. 1:6, whom you did not honor. He says king David, whom He anointed, … will call Him, ( also The ROCK of salvation who also is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE SON ) will call Him, my “FATHER”.
Psa 89:20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:
Psa 89:26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION. }}}…understand this ??? This is The ROCK OF SALVATION. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He says, king David will call Him, My FATHER. Now all the kings who sit on the throne of king David surely must call CHRIST THE LORD, my “FATHER”! King David did not say god the father is his GOD as you did. John 8;54 ! He said The ROCK of salvation is HIS FATHER!
Then, those who HEARD THE SON, OR LEARNED FROM JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THE Captain of Salvation, WHO CALLS HIM MY ‘FATHER’, .. are HIS SONS as written above in Heb. 2: 10, who declares the Captain of Salvation. the FATHER brought the sons to glory as written above !! So as king David , they too call on The ROCK, The Saviour, our ‘FATHER’.!
King David did not call god the father, my FATHER. Also it is these children who will teach to call on The Husband, my FATHER in Jer. 3: 15-20 ! Unless the wife of CHRIST The LORD HEARS THE SON, and NOT god the father, .. she cannot be converted as Israel of GOD, nor His own. She must know THE SON, IS ALSO THE FATHER OR The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER. And this is why, the kings are cast out of their thrones as they did not have the works of king David either!
Psa 89:27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. }}}…Because king David calls JESUS CHRIST the LORD, MY FATHER, … he was chosen as THE FIRST BORN. Remember Israel is called The ROCK’s first born. Exo 4:22-23. But they never called The ROCK of salvation , my ‘FATHER’ as king David did. This is why the Tabernacle of David is to fall. Acts. 15, the gentiles’ hearts were purified by faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and then the Tabernacle of David is fallen at that time. Did any one who calls themselves “kings”, called The ROCK of salvation, my FATHER, as king David did??? UNLESS YOU CALL THE TRUE FATHER, …. HOW COULD YOU BE BORN? IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SPIRIT OR WORDS WHICH BEGETS US. THEN WE MUST CALL HIM, MY FATHER! Then only HE CAN CALL YOU MY ‘SON’!
So the kings are thrown out of their thrones, 1 sam 2:8, the poor ( the gentiles) are set on them, …MADE THEM HIGHER THAN THE KINGS, they are rich in faith and chosen to be in the kingdom when all 12 tribes are scattered, jam 2: 5. And the sons of the kingdom is thrown to outer darkness of the Laodicea era, Mat. 8:12 … and the kingdom is given to others who would bear fruits. Mat. 21: 43 ! No one can bear fruits, unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD is in them. So now the Scripture clearly shows who HEARD THE SON, and who did not hear Him and went passing Him to god the father !
Following Scripture talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ; upholding all things by HIS WORD with power. And then, HE PURGED our sins and sat on His right.
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; }}}.. it is CHRIST THE LORD who uphold all things by HIS WORD, and no other gods has spoken any words in the Scripture. Then, MAJESTY ON HIGH means HE IS The Most High also. And He sat at ‘right hand”… this ‘right’ is His place, position etc and not the right hand, as proven in previous writings.
“handG1188”… Thayer Definition:
1) the right, the right hand
2) metaphorically
2a) a place of honour or authority
Where would CHRIST THE LORD be, if not in HIS RIGHT in the HEAVENS? He said He came from heaven. so He went to heaven, HIS THRONE. HE IS NOW, WHAT HE WAS BEFORE HE WAS BORN.
Heb 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
Heb 1:5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?
Heb 1:6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. }}}… this is talking about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He was begotten by HIS OWN WORDS even as this chapter says. HE UPHOLD ALL THINGS BY HIS WORDS. Therefore, His words is His FATHER the HOLY SPIRIT. and all the angels of GOD worship HIM and not god the father. ! Remember JACOB’s dream? He worshiped JESUS CHRIST the LORD as well, and that is THE ALMIGHTY. Exo 6:3, Rev. 1:8. So that is CHRIST THE LORD, Himself. His words did all these. Even if there is a god the father , then he wants even the angels to worship THE FIRST BEGOTTEN who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Either way these evil kings have NOT WORSHIPED JESUS CHRIST the LORD !
“firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.”. This is THE BELOVED SON, Whom we should hear AND WORSHIP!
Joh 2:18 Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?
Joh 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. }}}… He said ‘ I WILL” RAISE IT UP. And this is His body ….
Joh 2:20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
Joh 2:21 But he spake of the temple of his body. }}}…. Do you understand that? When man destroyed or killed the Body of CHRIST, … it is ‘HE’ WHO RAISE IT UP AND NOT GOD THE FATHER OR ANY OTHER GOD! You can kill the body, but cannot kill HIS SPIRIT! His SPIRIT does not need a body to work unlike ours. SO WHEN THEY DESTROYED HIS BODY, HE WILL RAISE IT UP.
So He was talking about the temple of HIS BODY. Even though HE DIED as a body, HIS SPIRIT DID NOT DIE. His SPIRIT works without a body. GOD is a SPIRIT! Neither our spirits die but goes up to the GOD who gave it. Eccl 3. And Stephen, gave his SPIRIT to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. “And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” .So Stephen knew the spirit should be received by JESUS CHRIST the LORD !
John 10:17-18, The LORD said “I lay down My life, that I might take it again.”. So He takes His life again. He IS THE RESURRECTION and Life. John 11:25.
Luk 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. }}}… who is the HOLY SPIRIT ??? it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, 2 Cor. 3:17 and more, and HE IS The Most High also. So His words also is SPIRIT. John 6:63. Then John 14:26 says The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth is also the HOLY SPIRIT. and HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s mouth. John 20:22. So it was HIS OWN WORDS FATHERED HIM AND EVEN US. And the wise men came from EAST, WORSHIPED HIM when HE WAS JUST A BABY. Mat. 2:1-2. They came from east. They knew that is THE KING OF THE Jews! It is the Jews who did not know their king. Isa. 63:16-19 , GOD says, HE COULD NEVER RULE OVER THEM. ! That is The REDEEMER, the EVERLASTING FATHER whom we know!
Mat 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. }}}.. Apostle Peter said, CHRIST THE LORD is the SON OF THE LIVING GOD. But THE LIVING GOD IS CHRIST THE LORD, HIMSELF, The Saviour or THE ALMIGHTY. 2 Cor. 6: 16-19,
1Ti_4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe….}}}… so The Saviour is the LIVING GOD. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Remember Gerald Flurry wrote the LIVING GOD is god the father? So HE HAS NOT HEARD THE SON. Because THE SON teaches about Him to all , that is if you go TO HIM TO LEARN and not pass Him! This Scripture says WE TRUST IN The Saviour… and we suffer reproach for that as we BELIEVE IN HIM. So just as Apostle Peter, we are given the knowledge of THE SON. Remember you do not know Him, because you are still flesh and blood. !
Not only the Name of THE LORD is glorified in the gentiles, but the WORD of GOD as well
Act_13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. }}}.. This is after the Jews were rejected… and the salvation is sent to gentiles as v 46-47 says. Who are ordained to everlasting life ???
Act 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. }}}… This is what happened to the synagogue of satan and to the Laodiceans. They were given the WORD of GOD first, but as they rejected it, it came to gentiles to the Colossians. Remember everlasting life is to know the ONE and only true GOD, the FATHER and THE SON. John 17: 3. So the synagogue of satan , JUDGED THEMSELVES UNWORTHY to have everlasting life. and they are not ordained to have everlasting life, FIRST, or to be CHRIST THE LORD’s first fruits.
Act 13:47 For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Act 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. }}}… the everlasting life , is a free gift. It is given to all. But first it was offered to HIS OWN THE Jews. Then, when they did not believe which is now, Rom. 11:20, Heb. 3:6, 12, and have departed from the LIVING GOD, the everlasting life is sent to gentiles and THEY ARE ORDAINED to BELIEVE. 2 Thess. 2: 13… while the man of sin is causing the FINAL falling away from the truth, .. the gentiles are sanctified to believe in the Spirit and Truth. The Spirit and Truth is The Comforter, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself and the HOLY SPIRIT !
And then understand… John 6:44. The FATHER has drawn us to THE SON… and WE HAVE HEARD THE SON !!! But we NEVER HEARD FROM god the father, but from the Scripture we learned all these as CHRIST THE LORD opened our minds. But, if it is either the FATHER, or THE SON, … the gentiles have fulfilled their obedience to THE SON and His words!
The WORD of GOD is glorified by those who have faith. They are the gentiles, who are rich in faith in the Laodicea era as Jam 2:5 says, Rom. 11:20
2Th 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: }}}… not only the gentiles glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, 2 Thess. 1:11-12 but HIS WORDS AS WELL !
2Th 3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. }}}… UNREASONABLE WICKED MEN do not have faith. JESUS CHRIST the LORD cannot give faith to them as they did not go to Him to get anything but went passing Him. So who is the MOST UNREASONABLE WICKED MAN? Who, except the man who said ‘DO NOT FOCUS ON CHRIST TOO MUCH’…. Again, ‘GO PASS CHRIST AND GO TO GOD THE FATHER TO GET REVELATION” !!! Therefore, not only JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified in us, 2 Thess. 1:11-12, the WORD of GOD is also glorified in us !!! All because, The LORD predestinated the gentiles to be with Him in HIS SECOND COMING, on the day of THE LORD which is the Times of Gentiles. ! Eze. 30:3.
“delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”. So the kingdom belongs to THE SON. Those who HEARD THE SON already, are with Him in the kingdom !
No one will be saved, UNLESS BY THE GRACE OF GOD. Those who preached grace is conditional, has not receive even grace to be saved.
Tit 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
Tit 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Tit 2:14 Who gave HIMSELF FOR US, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. }}}… real faith in CHRIST will cause us to hope for this blessed hope of the appearing of our GREAT GOD, The Saviour, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! They are the ones who HEARD THE SON !!!
Apostle Paul, directly says Laodiceans do not have the mystery of GOD, to know the FATHER and THE SON. But the comfort , the Laodiceans will have is if their hearts receives the full understanding… and acknowledge the mystery of GOD of the FATHER and THE SON! This is to happen during the Laodicean era. And The LORD made Himself known to gentiles, because they were willing and trusting in Him. As written above, they HEARD THE TRUTH FROM CHRIST THE LORD, AS THE TRUTH IS IN HIM. ! This is why Isa. 66: 12- 13, when The LORD comforts Zion, He sends gentiles.
Col 2:1 For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;
Col 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; }}}… understand, … this is the time when the full mystery of GOD is revealed. To reveal it, The LORD came to the gentiles. Col. 1: 26-28. Why ?? Then only one could be made perfect IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So those who heard THE SON, preach others to be perfect in Him. So we could be comforted of having this understanding. the full assurance of UNDERSTANDING AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE MYSTERY OF GOD, OF THE FATHER AND CHRIST. What is this mystery of the FATHER and CHRIST ? Did not we know FATHER is god the father, and CHRIST is THE SON ?? Then what is the mystery … THINK ABOUT IT.
great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, ..That their hearts might be comforted, … unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; }… so Apostle Paul was writing to the time of the Laodicea era, but to Colossians. And CHRIST THE LORD Is in the Colossians, revealing this mystery. as written above, He taught the truth and the gentiles HEARD HIM!!! Don’t think CHRIST THE LORD will reveal anything to those who rejected to Hear Him and went PASSING HIM TO THEIR god, god the father.
So this means after GOD separated the synagogue of satan from those who are ordained to receive the everlasting life, to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, … The LORD opened the minds of those whom He prepared to receive the mystery of GOD. So HWA could not have known the mystery of GOD , no way. He never went to hear THE SON.
Unless you receive and acknowledge the mystery of GOD about the FATHER and CHRIST, … you cannot be comforted. This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD is in the gentiles, making this mystery known, the people whom He prepared to receive Him, to glorify Him, during the Laodicea era so they could be sent as John 17: 17-20 says. So this is the only way you can know the mystery of GOD, that is through the gentiles who believed and heard THE SON. !
Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
In THE SON, all knowledge and wisdom! Is this not a reason why one must HEAR THE SON ??? the faithless generation the wicked men as Deut. 32 says. It is THE SON who reveals all things. John 8:32-36. The little children went to Him and learned the mystery of GOD. Luke 10: 19-22. And they now send comfort to the Laodiceans who does not know the mystery of GOD, that the FATHER and THE SON are one and the same GOD and His words.
And the children are thrown in to outer darkness, but when the kingdom is to come, the gentiles saw THE GREAT LIGHT. And it is they who bears fruits.
Then, that means this prophecy of Mat. 4:15, must be fulfilled now, when the Laodicea era has come and that is the beginning of the kingdom, which comes to GET ALL Israel TO REPENT FOR NOT BELIEVING. They are cut off for UNBELIEF. Rom. 11:20, Heb. 3: 12, 4:6 etc. Then, ‘From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”…means as the previous verse says, when the GALILEE OF THE GENTILES BEGAN TO SEE THIS GREAT LIGHT, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD , HIMSELF AND THEY HEARD HIM as you can see. We were in the shadow of death.
This was prophesied in Mal. 1:5-6 also. While GOD condemned the Levitical ministry for not honoring and fearing The LORD OF HOSTS as their FATHER, … He said, BEYOND the border of Israel, “ And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.” , The LORD will be magnified. Beyond the border of Israel means among the gentiles. This is also the time, the darkness came on Israel, the Laodicea blindness. John 9;39. Then, out of darkness, these gentiles saw THE GREAT LIGHT, … and that is why Col. 1:27, they have Him in them, and v 28, they preach the Laodiceans to be perfect in JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! This also fulfills as Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles, that while Israel is appointed to stumble at the WORD of GOD , and out of darkness, the gentiles are called to be the Royal Priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 5-10.
That is why, Apostle Peter wrote about the transfiguration to gentiles, as all these are to be fulfilled during the Times of Gentiles, which is the last time. 1 Pet. 1: 5, 20, a LAST TIME SALVATION CAME TO GENTILES. So THEY HEARD THE BELOVED SON and MAGNIFIED and glorified Him. 2 Thess. 1: 12 and many more. This is how the HEARING THE VOICE TO HEAR THE SON is fulfilled. no other writer in the New testament, wrote about the transfiguration, other than Apostle Peter, who wrote to gentiles who are called out of darkness and they saw THE GREAT LIGHT! That means they HEARD THE BELOVED SON !
Then what is prophesied by The LORD OF HOSTS ???
Mal 1:5 And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.
Mal 1:6 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise MY NAME. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? }}}…what does this Scripture mean??? It means, the Levitical ministry will not magnify The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, nor fear Him, or honor HIM as THE FATHER, … but beyond their border, among the gentiles, His name will be magnified and believe as the FATHER! That is why v 11. The gentiles send pure incesne to GOD’s name! That GOD is The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! That is why they are in the mountain, together. Isa. 8: 18 ! Has that not fulfilled now??? Gerald Flurry wrote referring to this Scripture, ‘as if god the father is speaking”. Always believed in god the father! Their vain imaginations !!!! Because he did not know The LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER. when he did that, he despised the name of The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST the LORD! So His name is magnified among the gentiles. 2 Thess. 1:12! We honor HIM AS THE FATHER AND OUR MASTER. ! Well GOD came the first time to His own, … they rejected Him. Then the second time HE CAME TO GENTILES, AND THEY RECEIVED AND BELIEVED HIM !
GOD WAS NOT MAGNIFIED in Israel.!!! Do you understand that? Did HWA or GF magnify JESUS CHRIST the LORD? They preached two gods as Mal. 2:10-11 says, and debased The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST the LORD. They failed to HEAR THE SON totally. They preached to not to focus on Him, go pass Him and go to god the father. Therefore, their cut off point came. Israel NEVER MAGNIFIED OR GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD AS THE FATHER, Isa. 9:6 clearly says, HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 63: 16, The REDEEMER is the EVERLASTING FATHER, but Israel DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE. !!! Do you understand WHO GLORIFIED THE Holy ONE OF Israel AND WHO DID NOT??? So the gentiles, to whom Apostle Peter wrote about the transfiguration, is now fulfilled as THEY HEARD THE SON and the FATHER!
Then GOD said, Israel offer POLLUTED bread on His altar. But, the gentiles sends PURE INCENSE TO HIS NAME!!! They heard THE SON ! Isa. 56, 60:7 , Zeph. 3:9-10 etc says the gentiles have JOINED TO The LORD, and Col. 1:27 confirms it.
Mal 1:7 Ye offer polluted bread upon MINE ALTAR; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.
Mal 1:10 Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? neither do ye kindle fire on Mine altar for nought. I have no pleasure in you, saith the LORD of hosts, neither will I accept an offering at your hand.
Mal 1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto My name, and a pure offering: for My name shall be great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts. …}}}… so iin Mal. 1:6 and v 11, it was The LORD OF HOSTS who said this. And the Levitical ministry did not give glory to His name, but the gentiles are doing.
Therefore, in this, the sons of GOD or the sons of light and the sons of the devil, the sons of darkness are manifested. They are the antichrists who loved darkness as The LORD said.
From the beginning, GOD prophesied that the gentiles will rise against Israel, and will be the head, lending them. Deut. 28:43-44. Now that time has come as Israel is cursed and are Spiritually destroyed, not hearing THE SON and not receiving His SPIRIT, or light. But, in GOD’s mercy, He will open the eyes to understand all these. Then they will repent and seek Him early and will know The ROCK is their GOD. Psa. 78: 34-35. This proves Israel have been sons of the devil always as Zion is a perpetual desolation, Psa. 74, and now The LORD Is not in her. Jer. 8: 19-20
Mr Flurry wrote, “They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”
Has Mr Flurry heard the voice of THE SON ???
In Deut. 32, The ROCK said, He will be lightly esteemed by His own sons.
Daniel unlocks … … this is how Gerald Flurry lightly esteemed Him.
Pg 7 “we must get pass Mr. HWA, the angels, and EVEN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to get to the Father ! only then, do we get to the Head of the family.”.
The HEAD OF THE FAMILY SHOULD BE The Husband. Eph. 5 clearly says that. Specially the wife must submit to The Husband and not to The Husband’s father. THIS PROVES, Mr Flurry DID NOT KNOW EITHER THE FATHER, OR THE SON !!!
This is what king David said. He was the anointed of the GOD of ‘JACOB’. And that is ‘The ROCK’. Then, The ROCK spoke to king David and king David said, The ROCK is THE HEAD and THE FATHER.
2Sa 23:1 Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,
2Sa 23:2 The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and HIS WORD was in my tongue.
2Sa 23:3 The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me,
1Ch 29:10 Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our FATHER , for ever and ever. }}}…So king David said to The LORD OF HOSTS or to The ROCK , that He will be their FATHER , FOREVER. That means BE OUR EVERLASTING FATHER! The ROCK is also The REDEEMER. And Israel, does not acknowledge , but the gentiles found The REDEEMER to be the EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 63: 16. So they know the FATHER and THE SON !!!
1Ch 29:11 Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art EXALTED AS HEAD above all. }}}}….Then, king David said, The ROCK should be THE GREATNESS, … POWER, … GLORY, … VICTORY, … MAJESTY, …AND THE KINGDOM BELONGS TO HIM!!! Right? Then,
The ROCK is exalted as THE HEAD!
But claiming to have the key of David, Mr Flurry wrote “
“we must get pass Mr. HWA, the angels, and EVEN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to get to the Father ! only then, do we get to the Head of the family.”.
See what the ANOINTED KING DAVID said about CHRIST THE LORD, and what Mr Flurry said about Him as well. “ go pass even JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to get to the father, .. then only we get to THE HEAD ! Totally contrary to The ROCK’s words which HE SPAKE TO KING DAVID ! Yet they say they are Judah !
Transfiguration proves it is the same GOD who has come in flesh as ‘JESUS CHRIST’ in to the world. It proves THAT HE IS THE GOD OF ISRAEL. And no one has seen any other GOD. No other GOD Has given their life and shed the blood to save us and redeem us to HIMSELF.
CHRIST THE LORD did not respect men or women. Anyone who fears Him, He accepts and makes them righteous which means forgives.
Act 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
Act 10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him….}}}… The truth is, GOD does not respect any high officials, or even HIS high priests. They are to rule WITH THE FEAR OF GOD. But from Aaron to Joshua, all have been evil towards Him. But in the end His sons and daughters feared Him from the ends of the earth. (Isa. 29:23) we never were taught to believe that The LORD will use gentiles to bring Israel to Him such as Isa. 49:22-23 etc. HWA wrote GOD will never make a Covenant with gentiles. Read Isa. 56. The song of Moses tells Israel will break the Covenant and will forsake The ROCK! THAT HAS HAPPENED NOW. But gentiles will be HIS PEOPLE! All these are written to be fulfilled.
Moses showed the true GOD to the House of Israel. then they forgot Him by going after other gods. Then, Elijah must prove the true GOD again. these works will cause all to worship THE SON ,who is the true GOD, or The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS.
Almost all of the mysteries were given to Apostle Paul to write to gentiles. Why?
We know, according to the Scripture that the LAST GENERATION is the most evil. That is when the serpents are sent. Then among them, The LORD will send His sons as doves. The dove brings PEACE and proves the true GOD Is THE SON also.
Luk 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. }}}… the HOLY SPIRIT came like a dove and the voice came from heaven to prove CHRIST THE LORD IS THE SON. Then, these two times the voice came to prove HE IS THE SON OF GOD or came from GOD who is a SPIRIT. Then, among the wolves, The LORD sends these children, after they are taught.
Mat_10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. }}}… the ‘WISE’ have become serpents now, because THEIR WISDOM HAS PERISHED in judgment. John 9: 39. Then, they are wise in DESTROYING. They are the crept in ministry to destroy the people. Remember when the serpents were biting the people Moses lifted up the serpent. But, now, instead of the serpent , The LORD must be exalted. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted (EXALTED) up: …}}}… as king David exalted The ROCK, THE Son of Man IS ALSO The ROCK, THAT NO ONE EXALTED. This is why He Is exalted in judgment, Isa. 5:16 as that is when this knowledge is given to HEAR THE SON. Therefore, AMONG THESE SERPENTS, when they are biting now, … The LORD’s children EXALTED HIM. They are the doves, whose voice comes now saying ;-
“harmless as doves”..Those who preach to HEAR THE SON bring GOOD TIDINGS. They are taught by GOD, Himself, as said in Isa. 54: 13…” And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” . These children are sent WITH PEACE. Please read. CHRIST THE LORD taught them as 1 John 2: 12- 27 says, to be sent to the serpents who DID NOT HEAR THE SON, but worshiped a newly come up god the father, … to HEAR HIM for their own good. These are the children in the goodly land, when the wife of CHRIST The LORD has departed in Jer. 3:15, 19-20 ! Their peaceful teachings will bring the wife back to The Husband, teaching them the truth about GODHEAD, that GOD IS ONE, AND The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER ! Therefore, when these leaders have become the serpents, which is in the last generation, … The LORD sends His children as John 17: 17-20 also says giving them the HOLY SPIRIT from their bellies. John 7: 36-39. ! Then all will exalt THE SON and not god the father and be saved! They are the gentiles Isa. 60:8 who goes to their rest or windows.
Mat 10:18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for MY SAKE, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. }}}… these children are WITNESSING ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ‘MY SAKE”, He says. But when they are delivered to the synagogue of satan, to the serpents, … IN THAT SAME HOUR THE FATHER WILL SPEAK IN US. So for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name’s sake, it is HE WHO COMES TO WITNESS. And HE WILL SPEAK IN THESE CHILDREN. AND THEN HE WHO SPEAKS IS CALLED THE FATHER, AND THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER.
Mat 10:19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
Mat 10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. }}}… Therefore, we never knew that we should hear THE SON, as we too were deceived in to worshiping god the father. But when the Word of TRUTH was given, we were given the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, which is the SPIRIT OF THE FATHER! Eph. 1:13. And this is talking about the last generation who DID NOT EXALT JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So who are these, who would speak by the SPIRIT OF THE FATHER? No spirit comes from god the father whom the synagogue of satan worships. But the SPIRIT of the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, John 6:63. He speaks to us through His words. This is why , HE TAUGHT THESE CHILDREN, to be sent as DOVES among the serpents and wolves, .. the synagogue of satan, .. preaching them to HEAR THE SON ! These are the things you will learn in the holy hill of The LORD OF HOSTS. No other gods are taught in here. That brings NOT PEACE, but war.
So the doves are those who are sent among The wolves who are the wise serpents. They are the sheep who are not of the fold of the Jews, but will hear the voice of THE SON ! John 10:16.
Luk 10:19 Behold, I have given you the authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and on all the power of the hostile one, and nothing shall hurt you, no, never! ..}}}……This has to be a time, when the snakes and scorpions and the hostile ones are working. That is in judgment, the synagogue of satan who DENIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND HIS WORD. That means they denied the FATHER and THE SON as He is the FATHER and also THE SON. GOD does not fight with EU or Catholic church, but with the synagogue of satan who DECEIVES THE CHURCH. so it is the babes, as v 21 (and Psa. 8:2, Isa. 4:12) says who are sent among the serpents and scorpions . These are none other than the ones in Isa. 8: 18, who are WITH THE FATHER WHO SPEAKS IN ANYONE. IT IS CHRIST THE LORD WHOSE SPIRIT IS GIVEN. these snakes and scorpions are the HOSTILE ONES, the enemy of The LORD, the wife of CHRIST The LORD, WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER ! GOD wants all to come to Know Him.
Luk 10:20 But stop rejoicing in this, that the evil spirits submit to you. But rather rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.
“Father, Lord of Heaven and of earth”…Which GOD is the LORD of Heaven and earth? Should it not be the POSSESSOR AND The CREATOR of Heaven and earth? Is that not JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? So that is the FATHER OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD! It is HE, HIMSELF is the FATHER also as even the Heaven and earth came out from Him!
“the evil spirits submit to you”…Without a doubt, we must know who have the evil spirits. IF ONE DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … such has evil spirits. Right??? First prove the SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings and even above. Then, if you have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, you are not evil and since HE IS THE FATHER who gives the SPIRIT, ( Jam 1:17-18) those who believe HE IS THE FATHER AND THE SON, already have the SPIRIT , unless they would not know this truth about GODHEAD, which gives everlasting life. John 17: 3. Then those who do not believe it, the synagogue of satan are the sons of the devil , Abraham's seed, as John 8:44, the LORD said. They are called fathers. Then, to cast out the evil spirits, the FATHER speaks in these children whom HE BEGAT on His own, forgiving for HIS NAME’S SAKE. Mat. 12: 27-28, and Luke 10: 19-22 above proves they are the children. Also the finger of GOD. GOD uses the children to cast out the devils by the SPIRIT of The LORD. we proved the devils are those who do not have the SPIRIT or truth the word of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as they went to god the father to get it. ! So these evil spirits must be subjected to these children, BECAUSE The LORD HAS APPOINTED IT THAT WAY ! That is the best way to humble self exalted synagogue of satan who say they are Jews but are lying. That itself should prove who the sons of the devils are. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE CHRIST THE LORD IS THE FATHER AND THE SON, .. ARE DEVILS AND THEY ARE NOT BORN OF GOD. Then, the FATHER speaks in those who believed and RECEIVED HIS SPIRIT to those who did NOT do so!
“your names are written in Heaven”….The heavens is the holy hill, as written above. That is where JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house ,Heb. 3: 6, and where HE AND HIS CHILDREN ARE, Isa. 8: 18, a sign and a wonder in Israel. and that is the Holy Mountain. Please read .
And The LORD said, HE WILL bring Israel to the Holy Mountain, Exo 15, and it will be a sign. And this is the holy hill as written above and in this mountain, The LORD will cause His voice to be heard. Whose names are written in heaven ?
Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, }}}… LIVING GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Saviour as written above. So we must look for the city of the LIVING GOD. That is Mt. Zion and the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM !
Heb 12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, }}}…church of the first born, the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who are MADE PERFECT BY THE FATHER OF SPIRITS. In HIM, we become perfect. Col. 1:26-28. So their names are written in Heaven. and THE JUDGE is present among them.
Heb 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: }}}…The LORD WHO SPEAKS FROM HEAVEN IS CHRIST THE LORD. When He Has come to JUDGE, … and to cast out the devils, … HE SPEAKS FROM HEAVEN. When the doves came, a voice also was heard from heaven to speak about THE SON. Now, it is HE WHO SPEAKS and not just a voice. !
This time the voice comes to remove the things that is made by hands, which will be shaken when He speaks. This means those who have NOT HEARD THE SON, .. DID NOT KNOW THE SON, .. WILL BE SHAKEN AWAY. But those whose spirts are made perfect will remain .
Heb 12:26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
Heb 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. }}}… all the false gods including god the father who came up newly, with those who worshiped and heard him, will be shaken. They are vain imaginations of men, made with hands. When this voice comes, things that are to be shaken, will fall. The truth will wipe out the lies!
Israel failed to be sons of GOD, as they did not believe their FATHER, The ROCK, or The LORD OF HOSTS , and became sons of the devil. Not obeying the FATHER means they are His enemies and they have lifted themselves up against the knowledge of God. 2 Cor. 10:5-6. And the devils’ condemnation is on them.
(1Ti_3:6 )If you are proud, you fall in to the snare of the devil, as well as his condemnation. But, you will see that, as HWA wrote in “Is there a devil’ book, ( pg 23) that satan cannot be thrown in to fire, and his punishment is mental, spiritual and not physical as he is not a physical being. Therefore, if the proud have the same judgment as the devil, their punishment also has to be mental, spiritual. Because GOD does not want to kill anyone for ever, as HE DIED AND WON THE VICTORY OVER DEATH. GOD chastens the sons and take them back. The judgment or the Laodicea era is to chasten the sons, who are the Jews who lie. This is why the truth is made known, so they can correct themselves and return to GOD. this includes the wife of CHRIST The LORD as well. The tribulation is called the HOUR OF TRIAL. That is to try the hearts. And The LORD reveals the hearts. 1 Cor. 4: 5.
“Because thou hast KEPT THE WORD of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”. }}}…so the hour of trial or temptation is to TRY THE HEARTS, to see IF THEY HAVE KEPT THE WORD, OR, in other words if they have HEARD THE SON , THE VOICE OF THE SON. The whole Bible is CHRIST THE LORD’s word. So who DID NOT KEEP THE WORD?? It is the synagogue of satan who did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the word nor heard His voice , are the ones who will go through this hour of temptation. THAT IS TO PROVE THEIR LIES, SO THEY CAN HAVE THE TRUTH AND TURN TO HIM, HEARING HIS VOICE and not god the father’s as there is no such one. Even if there was such one, still we are to HAVE KEPT THE WORD of JESUS CHRIST the LORD or THE SON. No one is tried for keeping god the father’s words.
“temptation” means strong’s :-
G3985; (to test ) a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication adversity: – temptation, X try
Mat 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: }}…Only JESUS CHRIST the LORD CAN KEEP US FROM EVIL, as HE HAS DONE TO THESE CHILDREN, by being in them. 1 Cor. 1:8-9 says, “who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus CHRIST., God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. “. Those who are to have fellowship with THE SON, .. are confirmed to be blameless on His day”. As you can see, it is The LORD who will keep us from evil, or test us for our evilness. This is why, The LORD sends those who have fellowship with Him to tell your lies. Jer. 16: 19 ! Those who heard THE SON, are spared from the hour of trial, as they have heard His word already.
Mat.:26:41; 1Co:10:13; Eph.:6:13; 2Pe:2:9, Deut. 8: 2, 16,
2Pe 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: }}}…This is what happened to the end of Philadelphia era. When GOD put them to test, … GOD found they are to be LIARS, and that means have NOT KEPT HIS WORD and DENIED HIS NAME AND WORD!!! GOD reserves the godly out of temptations but ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, … He afflicts all to see what is in their hearts. Then no one who have DENIED HIM AND HIS WORD WILL BE FREE FROM GUILT! They do not think they are UNGODLY. Every one who have gone after god the father to get the word, … are ungodly as god the father does not give any WORD TO ANYONE TO KEEP! The judgment belongs to THE JUDGE. !
1Pe 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. }}}… the gospel is preached to DEAD. You know who is dead? Luke 20:37, those who DID NOT CALL ON THE GOD OF THE FATHERS. in other words those who did not call on JESUS CHRIST the LORD or THE ALMIGHTY. If you have not received Him and His words, .. you are dead and are being JUDGED, as men in the flesh. That means flesh and blood and cannot know THE SON. But they are judged and PREACHED THIS GOSPEL. What is the gospel which is preached in judgment??? Rev. 14: 6-7, to worship and fear The CREATOR and that is THE SON. Those who have not heard THE SON are dead Spiritually. So they are judged to give them the gospel, so they can LIVE TO GOD IN THE SPIRIT! That means to give the word of truth, so they can judge themselves of NOT HAVING IT, and then they can have it and live. ! That is the tribulation. Then, all the liars will see that they have inherited lies. But they will receive the truth and will live. That means the wife of CHRIST The LORD will receive white linen for the marriage!
The leaders teach about the lake of fire , but the lake of fire is where the WORD of GOD or the opened books , which will burn their wickedness for REJECTING HIS WORD AND FAILING TO HEAR THE SON as proven. We have been proving all the time that the tribulation is spiritual … and it is to test one’s heart to see if they serve GOD or not. And GOD reveal all the lies, they inherited as the affliction. Jer. 16: 19. TO LEARN THE TRUTH WHICH EXPOSES THEIR LIES WILL AFFLICT THEM, THE PROUD ONES TO MAKE THEM HUMBLE! And more over, as Deut. 28, GOD said, they will see the gentiles have risen as their enemy to tell their lies. GOD has called them to work for Him, and they have become His people, and His Royal Priesthood. So this mental, spiritual punishment will cause them to HUMBLE before HIM, and not be proud any more. Then, as the pride is an abomination to GOD, and when their pride is humbled, … then they will be no more abominable before His sight, and He can change them .
Luk 1:76 And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; }}}}…. John the Baptist will be the prophet of The Most High!!! That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so he is to prepare the way of The Most High or CHRIST THE LORD !!! HWA never prepared the way to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And that knowledge gives salvation to all. SO IF ONE CALLS HIMSELF, A ‘PROPHET’, HE MUST BE A PROPHET TO The Most High, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Did Gerald Flurry preach The Most High ? Is he a prophet of THE HIGHEST ? How about HWA ?
So who ever preaches The Most High, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , glorifying Him and preaching Him, … fulfills the works of John the Baptist as Elijah ! The PEOPLE MUST BE PREPARED FOR THE LAMB as John the Baptist did , to receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD..
Rev 15:4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and GLORIFY THY NAME? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest. }}}…When the judgment comes to the Laodiceans, which means have their eyes opened to the opened books at the White Throne judgment, … on the last day as John 12:48 says, they will see how they rejected THE SON ! Then they will come and worship before Him. To the Philadelphia remnant The LORD said, they will come and worship before their feet. Rev. 3:9
Moses gave water from The ROCK. And 1 Cor. 10: 3-4 says, that was CHRIST THE LORD. But they refused to drink from Him. Again, Moses must bring them to drink from Him. then Apostle Peter said, He Has the words of everlasting life. Then, who ever leads the people to drink from The ROCK who is CHRIST THE LORD, are doing the work of Moses. !
THE SON has the everlasting life…
Joh 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. }}}… everlasting life was not offered to Israel back then. But they had to be true Israel of GOD, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. Therefore, who ever work as Moses, will lead all to The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD, to get the spiritual drink, as HE IS THE Fountain of Living waters !
We know now the church is in Babylon and Egypt. Micah 4: 10. Then after they were in confusion, The LORD will deliver them. Then, THEY WILL CALL ON HIM.
Jer 29:10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. }}}… now, the church is in Babylon, … waiting to be delivered. Micah 4: 10
Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jer 29:12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. }}}.. Understand? Until this time, and until you call on Him and PRAY TO HIM, … HE WILL NOT HEAR YOU! So there is an appointed time to ACCEPT THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD TO HIMSELF. She will understand that it is The Husband who is also the FATHER and then she has no choice but to pray to Him only. Then, He will see her heart. And HE WILL HEARKEN UNTO YOU !
Jer 29:13 And YE SHALL SEEK ME, AND FIND ME, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. }}}…After they serve in Babylon, which means to be confused as we see many sister churches speaking different teachings about GOD, … The LORD will VISIT and will open the HEART WHICH IS BLINDED as written above. ! The HOLY SPIRIT lives in our hearts. Gal. 4: 6. So you should seek Him to find Him. He Is purifying your hearts as well.
Jer 29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
How could the people find CHRIST THE LORD with all their hearts, when their hearts are turned AWAY from him by the prophets? This is one of the reasons why Elijah comes to turn the hearts of the children to the true FATHER. until this 70 year passes away in Babylon as The LORD, Himself delivered you, Micah 4:10, The LORD will not return to bring you out of captivity. And then if all the leaders are in captivity, then The LORD will not work with them. It has to be some from outside of Babylon, who will be sent.
When the Everlasting gospel is preached to fear and worship Him, the Babylon will fall. Rev. 14. That means Babylon will come to know the true GOD, is The CREATOR, as this gospel says. Then Babylon will fall and no more as she learns the truth. Thereafter GOD will be with us for ever. NO MORE FALLING AWAY FROM TRUTH AS THE TRUTH OF GODHEAD IS MADE KNOWN AND EVERYONE WILL KNOW THE MYSTERY OF GOD, THE FATHER AND THE SON !!!
And finally, all will fear and worship The CREATOR, who is The LORD OF HOSTS whom the Levitical ministry did not fear, and every knee will bow down to Him and every tongue will confess that HE IS THEIR GOD! The LORD Has Spoken!
Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; for the hour of His judgment is come: and WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. }}}… This is the hour of HIS JUDGMENT. Then, all will know the whole truth. as Heb. 8 says, GOD will forgive then they will all know Him. Until this time, none in Israel knew Him, as they are flesh and blood and cannot know THE SON. He Is the possessor of Heaven and earth. He created all things to Himself. Rev. 4:11 and more. Only in the judgment, The LORD will be exalted for this reason. Isa. 5:16. Till then, they lacked this knowledge as v 13 says.
When the Everlasting gospel is understood, there will be no more confusion or Babylon. GOD will not deliver His wife to Babylon any more, but will take her out of it. if Babylon means confusion, then when you give the truth, they will not be confused any more ! Therefore, right after the Everlasting gospel is preached to worship JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … the Babylon falls.
Rev 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. }}}…and then, when The LORD delivers, … they will learn that their GOD is CHRIST THE LORD, and will call on Him, and there will be no more confusion or Babylon. We obey whom we serve. That means if you are not a son of GOD, you are a son of the devil, no matter how much you try to live without doing anything wrong or try to keep the law. Believing and understanding the truth about CHRIST THE LORD that HE IS ALSO THE FATHER ONLY WILL GIVE US EVERLASTING LIFE and to make sons of GOD. GOD places His ownership on our foreheads ( HOLY SPIRIT) as vs 1, v4 they are the first fruits who follows JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not god the father. We must carry the name of our GOD and FATHER on our foreheads. If you do not have the name of GOD on you, you carry the name of the devil on you and YOU BELONG TO THE DEVIL. This is why the harlot has a name on her forehead. To whom ever you serve, and glorify, you carry the name of that one. That means you disgrace the name of your true FATHER and GOD. that way, we break the Covenant of not honoring and use GOD’s name in vain because we belong to Him and we must serve Him and carry His name being a son of GOD.
Elijah turns the hearts, as they have gone to Egypt in heart.
What does it mean to be in Egypt? It means if you do not receive the SPIRIT from Him. Then you get the wrong spirit. the whole church had HWA’s spirit. and then the high priest taught HWA is our ‘spiritual’ father as if the SPIRIT comes from him!
Isa 30:1 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that TAKE COUNSEL, BUT NOT OF ME; and that cover with a covering, but NOT OF MY SPIRIT, that they may add sin to sin:
Isa 30:2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at My mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! }}}…To be in Egypt means, if you do not take counsel from THE ALMIGHTY, and you trust in your leaders, and NOT IN THE ALMIGHTY, CHRIST THE LORD or HIS WORDS! So who in the end of the Philadelphia era who did not receive the SPIRIT from CHRIST THE LORD, and denied Him and His word?? It is the leadership of the church, the synagogue of satan! This is why they are delivered to Babylon and became Laodicea era and went in to darkness, without divination. Micah 3: 6 ! So they spoke on their own. Did not CHRIST THE LORD say to them ‘let no man take your crown”??? Everyone trusted in the leader’s lies. Where else to go? So they stayed in the church , went from mountain to mountain, searching for food, and evening wolves devoured them.
. If you do not receive HIS SPIRIT as the covering, you go down to Egypt, SINNING and are naked. This is why the Laodicea era is blind and naked, as they closed the door to CHRIST THE LORD ! This is the same reason why Adam was made naked as well, as he rejected the words of the SPIRIT of The CREATOR !!! HE IS THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR !
Isa 30:3 Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion. }}}… Understand this? If you do not RECEIVE THE COUNSEL from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR, Isa. 9:6, … and trust in your own leader’s teachings, … you are naked as the covering comes from The LORD’s SPIRIT or words. This is why you are naked. And in Egypt in your hearts! Could you then serve The LORD and love Him with all your HEART ??? he tries the hearts. And reveals. 1 Cor. 4;5. Simply if you do not hear the word from CHRIST THE LORD, you are back in Egypt! Rev. 11:8. It is Spiritually, you are in Egypt and sodom. Why sodom? We proved the men love other men and NOT GOD! GOD said to Ezekiel 24, do not eat man’s bread. But he ate HWA’s bread. For Gerald Flurry, the most important thing is to continue the legacy of HWA and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD , her HUSBAND who does all things. HWA is a dead man. Physically, and Spiritually. If he received the SPIRIT from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … he would not preach against Him as he wrote THE ALMIGHTY is god the father when JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in Rev. 1:8 clearly says from His own mouth and words, ‘I AM THE ALMIGHTY , ALPHA and OMEGA “! So these two leaders totally destroyed the whole church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , His body, as lam 5: 18 says, they are not prophets, they are foxes. Eze. 13:4 who desolated Zion, the holy hill of GOD ! This is why The LORD said foxes have holes, but Son of Man has no place to lay HIS HEAD! Therefore, before JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes again, Elijah has come, (JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself working through the children who became His first fruits ) to prepare HIS WAY for HIS COMING! So as you can see, all of the works in the transfiguration is being fulfilled.
Then who has the knowledge to undo this confusion? The Comforter… the HOLY SPIRIT, or the Spirit and Truth ! The LORD, the Wonderful Counsellor only can give that counsel to undo that by giving the truth about Him, so there will be no confusion. This is why , on the day of THE LORD, having come, HE DELIVERED THE CLEAR LIP TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD to the gentiles. So HE IS IN THEM, Col. 1: 27, 1 John 4: 4, giving the knowledge of God, Isa. 11:9-11 and the knowledge of Him, taking all back from Egypt to His Holy Mountain. GOD says in this Holy Mountain, no lies are spoken. So HWA is not in that mountain, nor he received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. understand what this clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is about…That knowledge will bring you out of Egypt. Zeph. 3:9-15. No lies spoken in this mountain.
The LORD talked in John 14- 16 , the Spirit and Truth , The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT. And even in His first coming, He Has not given this truth. To give it, He comes, after preparing the places, and receive us TO HIMSELF. “I go to prepare a place for you.. I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14. Then, The LORD says, I AM GOING TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, AND I WILL COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE YOU, UNTO ‘MYSELF’! Unto JESUS CHRIST the LORD, then we may be WITH HIM. Then when DID HE COME or when WOULD HE COME, ‘ACCORDING TO Scripture” , and not according to our understanding. Scripture says He comes a SECOND time, on the day of THE LORD, but to gentiles. Isa. 11:9-11, AND HE COMES TO REDEEM ALL, that means to redeem us TO HIMSELF even as Eph. 5 says. So He must give water the word, the truth first, in order to redeem us. At that time, the wife of CHRIST The LORD is fallen from the truth and she is being judged. If The LORD Has already redeemed the church, or with Him; how could there be a FINAL FALLING AWAY? Then, it is after the Laodicea era, The LORD comes to redeem them as they did not hear His words. He said to the Philadelphia era, to not let any man take your crown. That means TO NOT TO TRUST ANY MAN. Who could these men be? WHO ARE INSIDE THE TEMPLE, BEING THE MAN OF SIN, PREACHING AGAINST JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He is not preaching against god the father, but against JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Husband. Zion is a perpetual desolation, Psa. 74 because the ones inside the Sanctuary. So it is those who say they are Jews, but The LORD would not accept them as Jews but as a synagogue of satan. They are the top ministry who preaches lies to go after god the father, and stopped all from coming to CHRIST THE LORD, who GIVES ALL THINGS. Then when the knowledge of Him is not preached, people go after other gods! Then it is AFTER THAT FALLING AWAY HAPPENS , The LORD COMES TO GIVE THE TRUTH, AND THAT IS TO HEAR THE SON , and not the god the father. You must understand the difference between a nogod, god the father, and the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So this is the time, The Comforter or the Spirit and Truth or HOLY SPIRIT came to REVEAL HIMSELF as THE SON AND ALSO THE FATHER. !
Who would truly will preach the GOD of the fathers without confusion? Or whom THE ALMIGHTY would send to those who have NOT believed in THE ALMIGHTY , so they may believe Him to be raised up? (Luke 20:36-37). Or to BELIEVE IN THE SON and not god the father whom they say is their GOD? John 8:54
Exo 4:5 That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. }}}… understand ??? the people should believe The LORD , GOD OF ‘THEIR FATHER’, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Gerald Flurry says the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is the GOD of the fathers even king David worshiped. then who started preaching god the father??? it is the men who say they are Jews, but are lying, HWA and GF. When HWA started preaching false GODHEAD, … Gerald Flurry could have stopped that , if he truly believe in the GOD of the fathers. As Rom. 1 says, GF was given the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THAT HE IS THE GOD OF THE Old testament, WHICH MEANS THE GOD OF THE FATHERS, and Abraham even looked for His day. John 8:56 ! But since he too preached the same false gods, … their ignorance was confirmed by GOD, saying the FINAL falling away. If Gerald Flurry would have searched the Scripture, … and sought The Husband, … He would have given him the truth. but Scripture says, he became Joshua, who has iniquity. GOD saw his heart. According to Scripture, all seven eras are to fall. But GOD also said ‘let no man take your crown”. And even in the end of the Philadelphia era, some have KEPT HIS WORD AND HAVE NOT DENIED HIS NAME”. HE KNOWS THE HEART, AND IT IS TO THEM, HE CAME TO GIVE THE Spirit and Truth! 2 Thess. 2 explains the final falling away, but v 13 says GOD sanctified some to receive and believe in the Spirit and Truth and to become His beloved ! So it happened. GOD always leave a remnant in HIS MERCY, if you seek His mercy!
Therefore, Mr Flurry, you say the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is the GOD of the fathers. then why did you believe HWA’s lie and went after god the father, and took the whole era after such one, and caused the FINAL FALLING AWAY??? You exalted against the knowledge of God. and one must be obedient to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 Cor. 10: 5-6 !
“they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.”…
GOD of the fathers, IS THE SON but HE WAS the FATHER back then. ! Then, who ever preaches the GOD of the fathers, … work as Moses did. Do you understand that? Now, it is Gerald Flurry and his fellows, who have to be taught about the GOD OF THE FATHERS IS TRULY CHRIST THE LORD AS HE SAID, BUT NOT BELIEVED! As Apostle James said, you cannot doubt. You cannot keep one foot here and one foot there. If CHRIST THE LORD is the GOD of the Old testament, … THEN HE IS THE GOD OF THE FATHERS. HE APPEARED TO Moses and even to us. That is THE SON. If Scripture says FATHER, .. then we will be confused. But to hear ‘The SON’ will not confuse us! Therefore, don’t be confused any more, … do not hear the god the father, even if there was one, … but HEAR THE SON ! That is what in this mountain, you will learn! THE TRUTH !
Now, there is no confusion. Even if there was a god the father, .. but you still are required to hear The Son. Little by little , believe the WORD of GOD and try to hear THE SON. First , acknowledge that you did NOT HEAR HIM, … even though you knew He was the GOD of the Old testament which means the GOD of the fathers, but you still believe HWA’s false doctrines. Then, The LORD will see your heart and open your eyes at once. HE IS QUICK TO FORGIVE. HE HAS ALREADY PAID YOUR DEATH.
One Scripture at a time, start believing. GOD promises all flesh shall see salvation. Luke 3:6. And who is flesh, if not Joshua who has iniquity and the rest? Flesh and blood cannot know THE SON Scripture says. THAT MEANS THEY COULD NEVER HAVE HEARD The SON!!!! So these three things should be considered.
- You knew the GOD of the Old testament was JESUS CHRIST the LORD.
- Then, that means He is the GOD of the fathers.
He was not THE SON back then, but the FATHER. But now, since no one need to be confused as the Scripture sometimes talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s FATHER, but His FATHER is HOLY SPIRIT, which is HIS OWN WORDS. John 6;63.
GOD purposely blinded the last era. Then, He will not reveal things to them till they are JUDGED. right ? Then, He Has to restore the judges ( Isa. 1:25-26) and then, He Had to give the TRUTH or the LAWS to judge , to the judges. And He chose gentiles as your judges. Or the little children. So He taught them by HIMSELF, as proven above, … as NO MAN OR ANY OTHER GODS KNEW THIS TRUTH as the Scripture says, all things are hidden in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And on the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles, … The LORD comes to gentiles. Is it not written in many Scripture? So believe, your GOD , the GOD of the fathers also IS THE GOD OF THE WHOLE EARTH AND OF GENTILES ALSO as Apostle Paul said. Therefore, all things were first offered to the Jews to His own, but as they rejected Him including the Spiritual and everlasting life as written above, … GOD turned to gentiles and sanctified them to be HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS by ADOPTION. !
“they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, ..hath appeared unto thee”… The GOD of the fathers, is the same GOD who came to gentiles also and sanctified them by the truth to be sent to you, who have NOT believed Him. John 17: 17-20. Therefore, who ever it is the GOD of the fathers sanctifies to be sent, you will believe ! It is the same GOD who sends us as well. Isa. 55: 5, 63:16, as we have found Him. HEAR YE THE SON !!!
The people must believe, a leader or a prophet, if they preach THE GOD OF THE FATHERS, OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who Is THE ALMIGHTY, who Is also THE SON !!! That is THE SON, WHOM WE SHOULD HEAR. Then, you must make certain that you know the GOD of the fathers. please read “GOD of Abraham”. Exo 6: 3 clearly says, the GOD of the fathers is THE ALMIGHTY. Without knowing the GOD of the fathers, no one can be raised up, or be in the Holy Mountain !
This is the GOD of the fathers;-
Exo 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them….}}}… GOD, THE ALMIGHTY is the GOD of the fathers. now prove that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD or THE SON… From His own words…
Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
“I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty”..
I am Alpha and Omega.. the Almighty!
Is there any confusion in these two Scripture about the GOD of the fathers ???
THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD says I APPEARED UNTO YOUR FATHERS… Abraham, Isaac and Jacob !!!
Then, who ever is SENT BY THE SON, THE ALMIGHTY, … IS DOING THE WORK OF MOSES to bring the people to worship the GOD of the fathers, so they may be raised up and be with Him, … worship Him, … Hear Him, … obey Him, … and be HIS PEOPLE as these fathers were! You see how the events of the transfiguration is being fulfilled now ?? All will HEAR THE SON who is THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of the fathers. Who ever is sent to preach the GOD of the fathers, are the SENT ONES, as John 17:17-20 says, so YOU TOO MAY BELIEVE IN HIM… !
“That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.”
To whom THE ALMIGHTY (or THE SON or JESUS CHRIST the LORD) appeared in these last days to be sent to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who HAVE NOT BELIEVED IN THE GOD OF THEIR FATHERS??? Remember the two quotes of HWA and GF, that they did not know THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD, but preached that is god the father ??? HE IS NOT THE SON! THE ONLY TIME IN THIS AGE OF SEVEN ERAS, THE SON IS PREACHED ONLY NOW! That is the truth. if they had that truth, then they would not have fallen! Does the Laodiceans preach THE SON? Did HWA and GF, the two leaders in the church preach ONLY TO HEAR THE SON? To preach to hear THE SON, is possible only now, … after the Spirit and Truth came to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He will glorify Me, The LORD said. John 16: 14.
So those two leaders are NOT THE SANCTIFIED AND SENT ONES TO BELIEVE IN THE SON ! So they are NOT THE SENT ONES … THE ALMIGHTY has not sent them. THEY DO NOT KNOW THE ALMIGHTY. THE ALMIGHTY HAS TO REVEAL HIMSELF. The LORD, GOD of your fathers is THE ALMIGHTY, and HE HAS BECOME OUR FATHER as we came out from you. 2 Cor. 6: 16-19, Isa. 63:16 !
This is MY BELOVED SON, hear ye HIM !!!
This is why Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day. John 8:56. And said before Abraham, I AM !!!
This is how Isa. 55: 5 is fulfilled.
That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers!
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on “Me” through their word;” (John 17:20).
Therefore, who ever is sent by THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of the fathers, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … preaching them to believe in HIM, THE SON and not god the father, ARE THE TRUE SENT ONES TO WHOM JESUS CHRIST the LORD PRAYED FOR! And He prayed for the babes also as written above, … so it is the babes who are your judges, who gives the Spirit and Truth to the fathers. HIS PRAYER WILL NOT GO UN- ANSWERED! That is certain than anything else you know. Before He sent us, …
Joh 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. }}}… world means Egypt that is confused and not know THE SON…
Joh 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. }}}… well then, … what is the truth ??? ‘BELIEVE IN THE SON”…
Joh 17:18 As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. }}}…this prophecy is fulfilled NOW. Why and how ??? Because it is the Laodicea era who is back in Egypt once again, being judged. Rev. 11: 8! And they have turned back to Egypt in HEART. So Moses and Elijah works must be done in them, to prove the true GOD, and causing to HEAR HIM and to bring them out of the sea of knowledge of God to know the true GOD of the fathers is ALSO THE SON ! . At the same time, Moses’ works also are done to preach the GOD of the fathers !!! And The LORD Has appeared to us or come in to us to give this understanding to know the true ONE. 1 John 5: 20-21. The little children have HIM in them, on the day of judgment. 1 John 4:4, 17
Joh 17:19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. }}}… The LORD says, I SANCTIFY MYSELF??? What does that mean??? Isa. 29:23… (see below)
Joh 17:20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall BELIEVE ON ME THROUGH THEIR WORD; }}}…THE SON Has prayed for those who would believe on HIM, through the word whom He sends. !!! In the end time, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD is to be glorified, by the gentiles, … He came to them and gave the truth, which sanctified them. They are HIS OWN SONS.
Joh 17:21 That they ALL MAY BE ONE; AS THOU, FATHER, ART IN ME, AND I IN THEE, THAT THEY ALSO MAY BE ONE IN US: that the world may believe that thou hast sent Me. }}}… not only the GOD of the fathers, but you must know WHO SENT THE SON also to know the true GOD, if not, you will still be worshiping god the father , when there is no such one, but it is CHRIST THE LORD’s own WORDS THE HOLY SPIRIT gave birth to Him and SENT HIM !!! You cannot know THE SON, unless you know the FATHER ! You cannot know the FATHER , unless you know THE SON!! The FATHER, or Scripture draws one to THE SON ! John 6:44. CHRIST THE LORD draws one to the Scripture to understand about Him. And the Scripture draws one to know THE SON! THEY ARE BOTH ONE. They work together. If you know ONE, YOU WILL KNOW THE OTHER AS WELL !!! Ever thought about these things? You cannot live without CHRIST THE LORD, or without His words ! How Does THE SON live in us ?? Through HIS WORDS the HOLY SPIRIT , given to our hearts ! This is why our hearts must be pure for HIM TO DWELL in.
Joh 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest ME I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: }}}… understanding the FATHER and THE SON, … gives you the glory of CHRIST THE LORD. if we want to prove who received the glory of CHRIST THE LORD, read 1 John 4:4, 17, Col. 1:27, 2 Thess. 1:11-12 , Rev. 14: 1-4. It is the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD . Having the glory of GOD means to have the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. CHRIST THE LORD was NOT GLORIFIED BY ANY IN Israel. unto the Laodicea era, they rejected Him as you can see. HE IS NOT GLORIFIED BY ANY IN EGYPT! So ‘ACCORDING TO THE Scripture”, who ever is one with THE SON, has HIS GLORY. remember the wife of CHRIST The LORD took His glory away for ever. Micah 2:9. Then His glory came to these cast out women, among the gentiles as Micah 5: 5-9 says. ! That is why the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to them, Zeph. 3:9-10. And they joined to The LORD. Isa. 56.
Joh 17:23 I IN THEM, AND THOU IN ME, THAT THEY MAY BE MADE PERFECT IN ONE; and that the world may know that thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved Me. }}}…”I in them”…. CHRIST THE LORD Is in us. And “thou in Me”… His words Is in Him. Then, having THE SON means having the FATHER also, because He fathers us through Is words which IS IN HIM!
it is written in the Scripture, who are in Him, and also the FATHER, … and who are MADE PERFECT ( in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Col. 1:26-28) so the world which DOES NOT HAVE EITHER THE FATHER OR THE SON, may know the SENT ONE and who SENT HIM. 1 Pet. 1 says, the gentiles love GOD, even though they have not seen, but yet believed in Him ! 1 Cor. 2: 6- 15. Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, GOD Has revealed to those who love Him. They are the babes who received the knowledge of God as Luke 10:19-22, He knows the hearts. He said Israel does not love Him, by their mouth they say so, but in their hearts, they do not. Mat. 15:8, Isa. 29:13 as written below at the same time, GOD is sanctified by HIS OWN WORKS , the children.
Joh 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am; that THEY MAY BEHOLD MY GLORY, which thou hast given Me: for thou lovedst ME BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. }}}… “MY Glory”??? That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s glory or to glorify Him. That knowledge is given when the Spirit and Truth came to glorify Him. John 16: 14. “be with Me where I AM??? He said He will come again and receive us to HIMSELF as written above. John 14. This is why Rev. 14, the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are with Him, where ever He goes. And John 14, He said, .. I AM GOING, BUT I AM COMING AGAIN TO TAKE YOU TO MYSELF. That is when the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came. That is when we came to know to glorify Him. 2 Thess. 1:11-12! And as written above, glorified the WORD of GOD as well. The hope of glory is having THE SON in us. Col. 1: 27 ! So these little children, are with HIM ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, as HE IS. 1 John 4: 4, 17! Mat. 12:27-28
The words of THE SON says whom HE LOVES AND PREDESTINATED to be with Him, to receive Him, before the foundation of the world …
Eph 1:4 According as he hath CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame BEFORE HIM IN LOVE:
Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, according to the good pleasure of his will,
As they are judges, having The LORD on the day of judgment as proven above, … they are the BLESSED (Luke 10:19-22) and they are chosen to be in the KINGDOM also, before the foundation of the world. Everything that GOD would do, is written in the WORD of GOD . Israel will reject Him, the seed of Abraham will not worship Him or call upon Him, and would be made BLIND, DEAF, SICK, WILL HAVE DEVILS TO BE CAST OUT, WILL NOT BE SONS OF GOD, … AND THEY WILL BE MADE NAKED, .. THIRSTY, (Hos. 2:3) and will be strangers to Him, will be in prison, under bondage etc. Before the foundation of the world , The LORD PURPOSED, wrote down through the prophets, and are being fulfilled until HE COMES AGAIN AND MAKE ALL THINGS NEW IN HIM ! We do not need to guess anything but the understanding is given according to the PRESENT TRUTH in any age.
Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:…}}}… those who are to be in the kingdom also were chosen foundation of the world !
when the enemy is destroyed, The LORD takes the kingdom in to His hand. That is in the Laodicea era. Rev. 3:21. The synagogue of satan has to be afflicted and judged. so He did as John 9:39 says. Then, He separated His sons, and the sons of belial as 2 Cor. 6: 14-19 says. They are THE ALMIGHTY’s sons, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Then, they are set in HIS RIGHT. They are blessed by the FATHER. Their names are written in heaven. Luke 10:19-22. So it is WRITTEN in the FATHER or the words, that some are blessed to be in the kingdom, chosen before the foundation of the world. So they have nothing to boast in their works. It is by PROMISE they are chosen. (more below).
Joh 17:25 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and THESE HAVE KNOWN THAT THOU HAST SENT ME. }}}… ‘THESE HAVEV KNOWN THAT YOU HAVE SENT ME”???? How could anyone know which GOD sent Him???? It is through HIS OWN WRITTEN WORD!!! So HIS OWN WORDS ARE THE FATHER! the world has not known the FATHER. They do not know the FATHER of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is HIS OWN WORDS. THE WORLD IS BLIND TO NOT TO UNDERSTAND THE Scripture! If they know the Scripture, then they know the FATHER and THE SON!!! but, these children who are to be sent, … have known the FATHER who sent Him. ! This is the difference in the world and in the true sons of GOD.
Joh 17:26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them. }}… in our days, the only time The LORD declared the Name of THE LORD is during the day of THE LORD, in Zeph. 3:9-10. The clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. Then, they offer the burnt offerings to Him, … they sent PURE incense to HIS NAME, Mal. 1:11, and in the altar and Holy Mountain , Isa. 56, 11:9-11, and they magnified the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 Thess. 1:12. And, … they are the ones who are doing the daily and the continual praises of The LORD. Psa. 72:12-20! This psalm is a kingdom setting. That is the judgment, when the true GOD will be exalted as written above. And the judgment means the kingdom. And king David’s prayers ends in this psalm as when the kingdom comes, all things ends. And that time, the GOD of Israel’s name will fill the earth.
Psa 72:18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.
Psa 72:19 And BLESSED BE HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOR EVER: and LET THE WHOLE EARTH BE FILLED WITH HIS GLORY; AMEN, AND AMEN. }}}… king David wanted to BLESS THE GOD OF Israel , HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOR EVER. So as the next verse says, in that, his prayers comes to end.
Psa 72:20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended….}}}… the last words of king David is written in 2 sam 23. He says, GOD made an EVERLASTING Covenant, but his house will not grow, even though it is his desire. That means king David prophesied the FALL OF THE Tabernacle of David. It must fall, as Heb. 7 says, none will be made perfect.
Now these be the last words of David. “David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, …, The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and His word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain, Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, ALTHOUGH HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW, But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands:” . …. So king David, himself prophesied the SPIRIT of The LORD spoke through him, … and His word was in him. also he says, The ROCK of Israel spoke to me. so the SPIRIT of The LORD means JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT and words! So the HOLY SPIRIT spoke to king David, that those who rule over men must be JUST AND RULING IN THE FEAR OF GOD. If not, they become thorns and sons of belial!
“The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and His word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me,”. The SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK spoke to Him. THAT IS THE SON. So king David heard the voice of THE SON! that is HIS WORD! So there is no other GOD whom king David blessed. Then, .. he also says, GOD will be as the LIGHT IN THE MORNING….,….but ‘MY HOUSE’ which is the Tabernacle of David, is not so with GOD, even though He Has made an everlasting Covenant. but, he also says, even though it is my desire, … ‘HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW”. So king David knew even though The ROCK of Israel made an Everlasting Covenant with him, his house will FALL. For he prophesied “And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back always”. Rom. 11. Then, king David’s desire was for his house to grow, but at the same time, The ROCK put His words in king David’s mouth to know, that his house WILL NOT GROW, BUT FALL, .. THEIR EYES WILL NOT SEE, AND THEY WILL STUMBLE, .. AND THEY WILL SHOW THEIR BACK TO The ROCK ALWAYS! Now, this prophecy has come true. King David knew his house will not grow means desolated, even though there is an Everlasting Covenant! “for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, ALTHOUGH HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW,”…so GOD gave the knowledge to king David that his Tabernacle will fall one day. And in Psa. 89:30-40, though GOD promised He will not break the Covenant, … HE DID BREAK IT.
King Solomon also said gentiles will hear GOD’s great name.
1Ki 8:42 (For they shall hear of thy great name,
“If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments;
Psa 89:31 If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments;
Psa 89:32 Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes
Psa 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
Psa 89:35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.
Psa 89:36 His seed shall endure for ever,
Psa 89:38 But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with thine anointed.
Psa 89:39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground. !
Psa 89:40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin. }}}… Therefore, even though made an Everlasting Covenant with king David, … because they did not rule with THE FEAR OF GOD as said above, ( Levitical ministry did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS whom king David served, who is The ROCK. Mal. 1:6). “ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.”. If Judah had the fear of GOD, he would not have preached two gods as Mal. 2:10-11 says, and The LORD OF HOSTS would have made Himself known to them and would not leave them. So GOD abhorred and is wrath with HIS ANOINTED! This is why He anointed the little children to learn all things from Him, knowing they will be humble, and that is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, be converted and be humble like this little children”. Mat. 18:3- 4,
“Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.”…
Lam 5:16 The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned! …}}}… See ??? King David, prophesied his house will fall. His crown will fall to the ground… because they did not fear Him. and …. And…. And who did that sin mainly ???:- The prophets, the foxes … Eze. 13:4…
Lam 5:17 For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.
Lam 5:18 Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk upon it….}}}… the foxes are the prophets. They did not fear The LORD. The Covenant which The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS made with king David, was conditional , and one condition is to RULE WITH THE FEAR OF GOD. For this reason, the Tabernacle of David fell. 2 Thess. 2 says it all. and when that happens in the Tabernacle of David, … GOD Has sanctified the gentiles to believe the Spirit and Truth. v 13. And it happened, the crown was cast down, in the end of the Philadelphia era, when the synagogue of satan denied The LORD and His word. As king David, they did not abide in HIS WORDS.
“Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground!
and all my desire, ALTHOUGH HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW, But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands:”
understand ?? The sons of the kingdom, are not to be given the kingdom. The crown fell to the ground means no kingdom. This is why as written above, foundation of the world, those who are to be in the kingdom is chosen. GOD knew the end from the beginning. The sons of the kingdom is cast out to the darkness. Mat. 8: 12. Kingdom given to others. Mat. 21: 43. GOD DID NOT WANT THE Tabernacle of David TO GROW. They always showed their back to ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ , to THE SON !!! So they became sons of belial. And the gentiles became the sons of THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD. 2 Cor. 6:14- 19 !
So king David prophesied, in HIS HOUSE, in the Tabernacle of David, … the kings who sit on it, will be as thorns and BE SONS OF BELIAL.
Then Psa. 72: 12- … it is sheba WHO WOULD DO THE DAILY AND THE CONTINUAL. In this psalm, the prayers of king David is to end. So when the sheba who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD starts the daily and the continual, … it is time for the kingdom. ! This proves GOD’s words to king David that HIS HOUSE WILL NOT GROW BUT WILL FALL, AND OTHERS are given the kingdom. !
This falling away happened in the end of the Philadelphia era. The LORD opened the door to those who feared Him, ( Mal. 3:16-19) Rev. 3:7-12 and shut the door to the key of king David to the Jews who lie and became the synagogue of satan , denying the GOD of king David. Mal. 1:6, 2:10-11, Judah who say they are Jews, but had two gods and NOT THE GOD OF THE FATHERS OR OF JUDAH! They did not call The ROCK , my FATHER as written above in the same psalm. 86:26.
Then, Isa. 22:22-25, after GOD gave the key of king David , HE CUT IT OFF in v 25. No one in Israel wants to believe that part. Every one reads the previous verses, but not the v 25. “In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it”. Mr Flurry who was given the key of king David, now GOD Has cut off to fall. His crown is now cast to the ground and given to others. 1 sam 2:8, jam 2:5, Then the gentiles, the poor are given the kingdom as written above in Mat. 8:12, 21: 43. GOD threw His own to the outer darkness, but out of darkness He brought the gentiles, giving His light, 1 Pet. 2:5-10, allowing Israel to be sons of disobedience , to FALL FROM THE WORD OF GOD! from the beginning, from Aaron, to Joshua, GOD knew they will not hear HIM, the GOD of the fathers ! They are anointed to fall, stumble and not built up as they rejected the Chief Corner Stone. ! Therefore, king David’s last words has now come true. Then read the rest of Rom. 11. They are cast off , until GOD takes gentiles, and then The Deliverer will return to Zion, to rebuild it. Acts. 15 also says the same. This happens after GOD VISIT and take gentiles to HIS NAME, and giving them faith to purify their hearts, AND BY GRACE, ALL WILL BE SAVED said Apostle Peter !
All these happened, … as Israel did not HEAR THE SON ! THEY DID NOT HEAR THE FATHER EITHER! THE SON came personally to them to teach them, but they killed Him. How angry and sorry HE WOULD BE? How many thousands of years did The ROCK WORK WITH Israel, TO MAKE THEM SUBMIT TO HIM? They pushed Him to the edge so He finally gave them up and raised up another nation! That nation is the foolish nation, as Deut. 32: says who are the gentiles, who are BOUND as JACOB said in Gen. 49:10-12, when SHILOH CAME TO GATHER THE PEOPLE. As you can see… Israel LOST EVERYTHING AS THEY FAILED TO HEAR THE SON but went after god the father !
“and all my desire, ALTHOUGH HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW, But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands:”
King David prophesied, … they will be sons of BELIAL, … and be thorns. Remember thorns and briers are the ministry? Ministry, is the wife. A good wife, to a man is a CROWN. “ A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband”… prov 12:4. And if the wife becomes thorns, …she becomes a crown of THORNS. We proved, this is why THE SON , The Husband was put a crown of thorns, to picture, that HE IS SUFFERING FOR THE WIFE WHO BECAME THORNS FOR HIM to save them! HE TOOK THAT SHAME ALSO. please read cross of CHRIST THE LORD. You will be surprised to understand all of the penalties we had to go through, HE WENT THROUGH TO SAVE US ALL ! That includes why He was stripped and put a scarlet robe, picturing the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT , who is HIS OWN WIFE, to save her. But GOD Had to make her naked for her shame. Eze. 16:60-63.
“HE MAKE IT NOT TO GROW, But the sons of Belial”…
Belial means “Thayer Definition:
Belial = “worthless or wicked”
What did the sons of belial do to Israel? Deut. 13: 12- 16 They cause Israel to serve other gods. Then Israel should destroy such after examining the matter. In the end, it is the ministry, who are thorns, who became sons of belial. Then 1 sam 2:12, the sons of Eli is likened to sons of belial, as they DID NOT KNOW The LORD. Now, who does not know The LORD, THE SON ? HWA AND GF !!! It is the ministry. There are many more Scripture which talks about the sons of belial. But we will come to our time now. 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19, … if you do not have THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD as your FATHER, … you are sons of belial and the sons of THE ALMIGHTY , or the LIVING GOD is to come out from them. This is why, we came out. And THE ALMIGHTY received us as sons and daughters …
2Co 6:15 And what concord hath CHRIST with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? }}}… if you are a believer, .. you have believed CHRIST THE LORD. If not, you have believed belial and have turned away from CHRIST THE LORD!
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people….}}}… if you are with CHRIST THE LORD, … you are in the temple of the LIVING GOD. if not, you have idols. And those who believed Him, have HIM IN THEM AND HE IS WALKING IN THEM AND HAVE BECOME THEIR GOD. Understand??? It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is the LIVING GOD, ( Heb. 3:6, 12) whose house is the temple. AND HE IS OUR GOD. He Is also THE ALMIGHTY ..
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, }}}… GOD separated the sons of GOD and sons of belial. This is now clearly seen.
2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. “.. read the two quotes of HWA and GF, to prove that they did not know CHRIST is THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD. That proves they are sons of belial!
It is either CHRIST THE LORD or belial !!!
Are you in CHRIST THE LORD’s temple, or belial’s? If you have served god the father, … that is belial !
Remember in 2 sam 7:14, The LORD OF HOSTS said HE WILL BE A FATHER AND THE KINGS WILL BE HIS SONS. Now, the kings did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS as the FATHER. Mal. 1:6. Then they became thorns, and sons of belial, if they do not know The LORD as proven above. Then, The LORD OF HOSTS is also THE ALMIGHTY, who is CHRIST THE LORD, says to come out from among these thorns and sons of belial, … who are the ministry, the foxes, … and we came out. We were cast out as Micah 2:9 says. So GOD’s glory went away from Israel for ever at that time and Mr Flurry will remember perfectly what we are talking about. When we brought his sin to his attention, to hide the matter he cast us out. But The LORD came in to us, he will remember ! Then, THE ALMIGHTY or The Son, or the LIVING GOD, received us as HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS, and HE BECAME OUR FATHER. so this is the time, HE BECAME OUR FATHER!!! This is the time the crowns fell and others are crowned as 1 sam 2:8 etc says. The key of David is cut down, and given to others. It was shut to the synagogue of satan and opened to others who feared Him !!! Therefore,, KING DAVID KNEW, HIS PEOPLE WILL BE SONS OF BELIAL. And THE ALMIGHTY wants us to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM! The LIVING GOD’s house is now placed. Heb. 3:6 but you have departed having an evil heart of unbelief. v 12 !!!
Then, king David also prophesied, the gentiles will submit to him. that time has now come.
Psa 18:43 Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.
Psa 18:44 As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.
Psa 18:49 Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. }}}… Do you understand that what king David is saying here ?? First he said his people will show their back to GOD, and his house will not grow, because of thorns, .. and now he says, the gentiles or the heathen “I have not known shall serve me”. Just as CHRIST THE LORD said, who are not His people will become His people, Deut. 32: 43, Hos. 2: 23, … king David also says, a people I have NOT KNOWN, SHALL SERVE ME. How could the gentiles serve king David ??? In HIS HOUSE, THE FALLEN Tabernacle of David ! No GOD, no house! Now, we have your GOD, we are in His house! Heb. 3:6, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house is THE ALMIGHTY’s house. and we are His people now. The Royal Priesthood, who are taken out of this darkness in to THE ALMIGHTY’S light. Then, he will give thanks unto THE ALMIGHTY, … among the gentiles. Now, we have been fulfilling king David’s prophecy and we are giving thanks as Heb. 2:10-13 says above. And The LORD IS WITH US !!!
“as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me”…What did king David do the most?? Blessing and Praising The LORD, as he is the sweet psalmist! Even in this Scripture he says, “will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name”.. After the gentiles submitted to him, … he gives thanks unto The LORD. Is king David’s GOD , god the father? Col. 3:16-17, Apostle Paul said to gentiles, to sing songs with grace, in our hearts to The LORD, giving thanks !
Back to Mat. 25: 34… king David’s prophecy of the kingdom (remember the Covenant of king David and GOD was to give him the kingdom or the crown ) is now come true. Knowing, GOD Had prepared others to inherit the kingdom. They are the gentiles as written above.
Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: }}}… what GOD Has purpose foundation of the world, He will not change. And why The LORD said so ???
Mat 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Me in:
Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited Me: I was in prison, and ye came unto Me. }}}…. When was The LORD hungry, … thristy, … a stranger, … naked, … sick, … in prison ??? This is not talking about Himself, but…
Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? }}}… so the righteous, asked The LORD, … the same thing… ‘WHEN’, did we see Thee ???……
Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these MY BRETHREN, ye have done it unto Me. }}}… who are CHRIST THE LORD’s brethren who are hungry, (look at Spiritually ) thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, in prison or in captivity??? It is HIS OWN PEOPLE! And the gentiles are appointed to do all these things to CHRIST THE LORD’s brethren who are Israel . … It is they who are killed by thirst without HOLY SPIRIT, Hos. 2:3, and they have become strangers, … naked are the Laodiceans, … and also in captivity and being stricken blind, or sick! Why are they in captivity, scattered? They did not gather to HIM. Mat. 12: 30.
Hungry and thirsty … did His people EAT MEAT FROM HIM, The ROCK ?? 1 Cor. 4:3-4. They are Spiritually hungry and thirsty. The sheep goes from mountain to mountain, searching for food. GOD said, He will kill you by thirst, Hos. 2:3, and hunger by not giving the spiritual meat and drink as they did not come to Him to get it. And as the high priest taught not to go to The ROCK, .. the whole land is hungry and thirsty. Read lamentations. So the righteous are those who are with CHRIST THE LORD, the RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2. And they received meat and drink and are healed, gathered to Him etc.
Here is one Scripture… to be fulfilled when The LORD forgives.
Isa 65:13 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed: }}}… who are these ‘MY SERVANTS??? Who is this GOD and His servants?? Are they not the ones who are with Him as proven above ??? They ate and drank from The ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when the un- righteous preached to go PASS HIM and not focus on Him !!!
Isa 65:14 Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. }}}… sorrow of heart means the hearts are tried, and found to be not with Him !
Isa 65:15 And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name: }}}… as The ROCK showed king David, now they have become sons of belial, and it did not grow, and they are killed as they did not call on the GOD of the fathers!
Isa 65:16 That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes…}}}… which GOD is the ‘GOD OF TRUTH”??? Is that not CHRIST THE LORD ??? So we are blessed AS WE HAVE THE GOD OF TRUTH, CHRIST THE LORD !!!
And in CHRIST THE LORD, all things are made new.!!!
Isa 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. }}}… the old creation had to be destroyed, because they DID NOT BLESS THE GOD OF TRUTH, but had lies!!! and which GOD is that ??? THE SON !!! Now, YOU HEAR THE SON !! He IS THE GOD OF TRUTH ! Then, the righteous PREACH THE GOD OF TRUTH to HIS BRETHREN, SO THEY CAN COME AND EAT AND DRINK FROM HIM. ! That HEALS their blindness, the sickness. That brings them out of captivity and bring them to be gathered to Him. He gives the clothes of the covering by His SPIRIT. Isa. 30:1-3. Then, by giving HIS SPIRIT THE WORD OF TRUTH to His brethren, … they will find CLOTHES TO COVER THEM, and will not be naked any more.
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? saw we thee sick, or in prison,
You understand what the righteous are trying to do to the BRETHREN of CHRIST THE LORD, to Israel ???
Hungered ?… feed the WORD of GOD the TRUTH …
Thirsty??? Give drink, the WORD of GOD , the TRUTH…
Strangers?? They are strangers as they do not know Him , not having the WORD of GOD OF the TRUE GOD and were unable to be circumcised in the heart. So bringing them to Him who circumcise one, or give new hearts of flesh, … to the GOD of TRUTH, … they will not be strangers any more but be gathered to Him.
Naked ??… Not having the WORD of GOD , the TRUTH of HOLY SPIRIT as a covering. Isa. 30:1. And by giving the HOLY SPIRIT, which are the words of CHRIST, John 6:63, from our bellies, John 7: 36-39, we cover their nakedness !
Sick ??? The LORD struck them blind, to NOT TO KNOW HIM as proven above. Then by giving the knowledge of God to them, … their blindness will be healed when The LORD opens the eyes to see the truth about Him. Hearing THE SON will heal them!
Prison?? Means in captivity. Being a son of belial means they are not sons of GOD. that means they are under bondage, being sons of the devil. John 8: 44. Then, by giving the WORD of GOD THE TRUTH, will bring them to the true FATHER to be begotten by Him, and it will bring them out of captivity and will be gathered to Him. Col. 1:26-28 those who have HIM, THE TRUTH, teach and preach and warn to be perfect in Him. That covers all of these as they are fed, given drink, healed, not any more strangers but will be GOD’s people, and will be gathered to Him and will not be under bondage!!!
So in the name of CHRIST THE LORD, … the gentiles give bread, water, clothing etc to Israel, the brethren of The LORD ! Even they are rich in faith. Jam 2:5 and Jam 5 says the prayer of FAITH will heal the sick !!! As The LORD Is in the gentiles to bring Israel to Him, He Does all these things through the gentiles. So it is THE SON who does all things to redeem His sons and brethren !
Therefore,, the righteous are doing all these things to HIS BRETHREN, as they are given this truth ! Remember Colossians are to share their letter with Laodiceans.
All these things happened to Israel, as they DID NOT HEAR THE VOICE OF THE SON, THE GOD OF TRUTH…:-
There are many Scripture which GOD allows you to be hungry and thirsty as a curse. Then, the gentiles will go up higher … and they will be a sign and a wonder on you. This is why Isa. 8:18, CHRIST and HIS children , the GOD of TRUTH and HIS CHILDREN are a sign and a wonder in Israel… Isa. 29:23-24 says, when they sanctified The LORD, those who erred in SPIRIT also will come to understand. That means they are fed, given drink , covering, no more bondage and everything!!!
Deu 28:43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
Deu 28:44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.
Deu 28:45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: }}}… You DID NOT HEARKEN TO THE VOICE OF THE SON , Who alone gave you the commandments etc. … but went after god the father. ! This is why The LORD raised up the gentiles to be your HEAD. That is why they are judges. But they know they must feed the enemy as The LORD says.
Deu 28:46 And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. }}}…Isa. 8: 18. GOD Has said that gentiles will be a sign and a wonder for ever ! Because this time, the Tabernacle of David is fallen and the kingdom is given to others and they failed to hear THE SON and did not receive anything even as the next verse says……
Deu 28:47 Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; }}}… no one served the GOD of king David !
Deu 28:48 Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. }}}… so who is the enemy when you are in hunger, thirst , nakedness and want of all things and when The LORD have destroyed you?? It is the righteous who are with THE RIGHTEOUS. And you are in hunger, thirst and nakedness and you serve your enemy! This is spiritual. Spiritually, you are serving the gentiles as they have become THE HEAD and are lending to you. REMEMBER THIS HAPPENS AFTER THE JUDGMENT, WHEN The LORD HAS JUDGED THAT YOU HAVE NOT SERVED YOUR LORD! In the Laodicea era , when all are naked and in hunger and thirst!
this is what king David prophesied, that the gentiles will submit to him. but the brethren of CHRIST THE LORD were hungry, thirsty and are naked Spiritually now. So the gentiles are lending and gone higher.
Deu 28:49 The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; }}}… this is the nation which was brought against Israel, from far, from the end of the earth !! Everything you had is destroyed Spiritually. All because you did not hear THE SON. But GOD prepared this nation to do all of the above. But the gentiles also are to bring you to Him. Isa. 49: 22-23. That means they are the eagles, as proven in previous writings, … who would bring you to Him! Remember He said I bore you on eagles wings??
“a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; }}}… when you are to glorify GOD, … this nations will come to you. Isa. 55:5. “Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.”.. The Holy ONE is THE SON. Then, when you are to glorify THE SON, … as we have done, (2 Thess. 1:11-12), it is this nation from a far, whom you do not know, neither king David knew, nor Abraham knew, Isa. 63:16, Psa. 18:43-44, who will come as an eagle. Remember GOD said I bore you on eagle’s wings. This is the nation who comes as eagles, as proven in previous writings to bring you to GOD. so we, FEED YOU, GIVE YOU DRINK , CLOTHED YOU, AND CAUSE YOU TO BE SET FREE FROM PRISON, BECAUSE YOU ARE BRETHREN OF OUR LORD !
Here is another Scripture which says
Isa 49:5 And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, TO BRING JACOB AGAIN TO HIM, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength. }}}.. this servant is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. This prophecy should happen NOW, AS YOU NEED TO BE BROUGHT BACK ‘AGAIN’. The gentiles are the pastors, who will give you knowledge and understanding that The Husband is also the FATHER which means one GOD. Jer. 3:15- 20 Then, you return to Him, calling Him my “FATHER”. So who ever gives you this knowledge , are the pastors.
Isa 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. }}}… tribes of JACOB NEED TO BE RESTORED, and at that time, CHRIST THE LORD is prophesying about Himself, that HE WILL BE A LIGHT TO GENTILES, AND SALVATION TO THEM. So salvation has come first to gentiles as Scripture says. Then, it is they who will feed Israel and give Living Waters to them.
Isa 49:7 Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
Isa 49:8 Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
Isa 49:9 That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.
Isa 49:10 They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them. }}}… Now, The LORD is working through the gentiles. So it is they who serve Him. and it is they who are sent to bring out the prisoners, who are under bondage, not knowing THE SON. So by giving the knowledge of God or about THE SON, … they will come out of prison. That covers all the feeding, giving drink, giving clothes etc.
Isa 49:11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted.
Isa 49:12 Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim. }}}… when GOD accept Israel, to restore them, HE GAVE LIGHT TO GENTILES. And they are sent as written above to feed and give water to them and give clothes to cover their nakedness and also to bring out of prison.
Isa 49:13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. }}}… Now, GOD will have mercy on the afflicted. Remember it is the gentiles who came to tell your lies, on the day of affliction. Jer. 16:19. And then they will also comfort them. The gentiles were the weapons of war also. Isa. 13: 5.
Isa 49:14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. }}}… vs 22-23 says, gentiles will give you milk. That is when you are thirsty. Milk is the pure word. The LORD said John 6:35, that if you go to Him, to the SON, you will never be hungry and be thirsty. Then, as you did not go to Him , He gave us all these things to gentiles, so we could be sent to give them to you, HIS BRETHREN. !
Same thing is said in Isa. 42. First, He brought justice to the truth and gentiles. We have proven what that means earlier . Because Abraham did not judge righteously and cast out his first born, The LORD gave justice to gentiles and gave all the SPIRITUAL GIFTS which were promised to Abraham, to his FIRST BORN, Ishmael, bringing justice to the gentiles as proven in previous writings. Then, v 4 talks about the day of judgment.
Isa 42:6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;
Isa 42:7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
Isa 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
Isa 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
Isa 42:10 Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
Isa 42:11 Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.
Isa 42:12 Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare His praise in the islands. }}}… this chapter also same as Isa. 49 as written above. To bring out the prisoners, The LORD became a light to gentiles, … TO OPEN THE BLIND EYES, that is healing the sick. And to bring them from prison. So the righteous are doing all these to the brethren of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! Also as king David said, the praises are sung by those whom he did not know. Then Isa. 43 also same things.
In Isa. 43, GOD created the gentiles for HIS GLORY, and they have NO OTHER GODS, v 12, because, vs 5-10, they are to be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s witnesses. So they are to KNOW, AND BELIEVE, and understand THE "I AM" first to give drink to His people.
Isa 43:20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
Isa 43:21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. }}}… so GOD prepared the gentiles for His praise. They are the Royal Priesthood 1 Pet. 2:9-10, who show forth His praise. Isa. 60 also.
Isa 43:22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel. }}}… read the whole chapter to understand more. And GOD formed these people who will show forth His praise as king David did. ! That is the Royal Priesthood , 1 Pet. 2:8-10, and Isa. 60 etc, the gentiles. That is how the gentiles will serve king David as he said above.
“I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these MY BRETHREN, ye have done it unto Me. }}}… Therefore, the righteous did all these things to HIS BRETHREN and are doing. “Stranger”…??? It is Israel who are strangers to GOD now as proven.
Pro 25:21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
Pro 25:22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee. !!!
Then those who sit in the left… the UN- righteous , are put in to the EVERLASTING fire, ( this fire is the WORD of GOD ) prepared for the devil and angels. They are the sons of the devil of belial as proven above . What they did do and did NOT DO?
Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: }}}… No one is thrown in to everlasting fire, even though that is the JUDGMENT, The LORD DIED TO SAVE ALL. ! That is the truth. So now see what these devil and his angels did. They did not give CHRIST THE LORD …
Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Mat 25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Mat 25:45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to Me. ..}}}…Who are these ‘LEAST OF THESE’??? They are the righteous ones who are in the right side of The LORD, of course. They are the LEAST OF THE FLOCK, who will draw others out when in Babylon. Jer. 50: 45. Then, they are the ones who are sent to open your eyes, and give meat and drink to you, who have come to you as the understanding is given to us. You did not give any of these to us, but you caused us to be hungry, thirsty, naked , sick etc and DID NOT VISIT us after casting out. But The LORD took care of us by giving all these , ENOUGH TO GIVE TO YOU AS WELL, … AS The LORD SAID, IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE, THAN TO GET !!!
Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. }}}… so the righteous, who received righteousness freely, as it is a free gift, Rom. 5:16-17, received everlasting life. They know the EVERLASTING FATHER ! Isa. 63:16, though you do not acknowledge . Who received everlasting life? Acts. 13: 46.. the gentiles, and the reapers as John 4 says who entered in to the labor to harvest! The sons of GOD are given the godly character to love and feed the enemy. But the sons of belial has his character… SELFISHNESS to serve ONLY THEIR BELLIES !
Act 7:39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, }}}…and once again, in the last era, Israel is back in Egypt NOT HAVING THE TRUE GOD, The ROCK , WHO BROUGHT THEM OUT, AND NOT HAVING HIS SPIRIT. They have not obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 Cor. 10:5-6. Then, as The LORD Has come to gather all, … to HEAR THE SON, .. He brought up the gentiles who were willing to hear Him, … and they know the GOD of Elijah and they are given the word of GOD which is fire, … and as Moses, they have the sea of knowledge of God to baptise Israel in, so they can be baptised in to the name of the FATHER, THE SON and the HOLY SPIRIT ! Who else is causing the churches of GOD to HEAR THE SON to be saved?
Who would sanctify JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? It is His own hands, the children. And as written above in Isa. 29:13, these son’s hearts are with The LORD. And in their time those who erred in Spirit also will come to understanding.
Isa 29:19 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. }}}… this is why poor are given thrones and kingdom. 1sam 2:8, jam 2:5
Isa 29:20 For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: }}}… The TERRIBLE one and the scorner is Joshua the high priest who has iniquity!
Isa 29:21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought. }}}… the terrible one make others offenders even for a word, and turn the JUST for nothing. Read this verse in MKJV “those who make a man guilty by a word, and lay a trap for the reprover in the gate, and turn aside the just for a worthless thing.”. Joshua the high priest who has iniquity will remember how he cast out the women as Micah 2:9 says, whom The LORD sent. He does not know he offended THE JUST, WHO ARE MADE RIGHTEOUS BY The LORD ! He can forgive anyone at any time. But according to the WORD of GOD , … He forgave the women who were cast out when they brought to his attention his sin against CHRIST THE LORD. he will remember ! He did so to the MEEK and to the POOR. As v 19 says above, it is only the gentiles who rejoice in the HOLY ‘ONE’, while Joshua rejoices in holy TWO!
Then, GOD will rejoice in HIS HANDS WORKS, who are these CHILDREN in Isa. 8;18
Isa 29:22 Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.
Isa 29:23 But WHEN HE SEETH HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MINE HANDS, IN THE MIDST OF HIM, THEY SHALL SANCTIFY MY NAME, AND SANCTIFY THE HOLY ONE OF JACOB, AND SHALL FEAR THE GOD OF ISRAEL. }}}… so the SCORNER and the TERRIBLE ONE did not sanctify The LORD and HIS NAME, but denied as Rev. 3:6-9 says, the synagogue of satan, … and he did not sanctify the HOLY ‘ONE’ as he believed in a unholy belial. Those who DID NOT SANCTIFY The LORD’S NAME are the terrible and scornful ones!!! Who could they be?
So those who SANCTIFIED The LORD, by the truth as John 17: 17-20 says, will see that the terrible ones are brought low in the mountain. This is the mountain where THE SON Is preached and your eyes will be opened. then you will see how terrible you have been and that will bring your pride down but at the same time, you will believe in HIM and finally hear THE SON… ! He is THE GOD OF SALVATION. And when the covering is taken away from you, … you will see The Saviour is your GOD !! So when The LORD OF HOSTS is being exalted, … as John 12: 32 SAYS, … HE WILL GATHER ALL to HIM.
Isa 25:1 O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
Isa 25:2 For thou hast made of a city an heap; of a defenced city a ruin: a palace of strangers to be no city; it shall never be built.
Isa 25:3 Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee. }}}…The LORD OF HOSTS is exalted in judgment. And HE IS PRAISED also in judgment by the Royal Priesthood or the gentiles after the TRUTH IS GIVEN TO THEM. And when they glorify GOD, … the terrible ones will FEAR HIM!
Isa 25:4 For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. }}}… The LORD became a strength to the POOR. remember they are in the kingdom now while you are scattered. And The LORD was a refuge when the terrible ones came as a storm against us. He built us up, while He brings you down to low.
Isa 25:5 Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low.
Isa 25:6 And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. }}}… this is the mountain of The LORD OF HOSTS or JESUS CHRIST the LORD , …
Isa 25:7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. }}}… and in this mountain, .. your blindness will be taken away, … and you will HEAR THE SON !!! You will see that the GOD , The Saviour whom you did not glorify, is your GOD and will hear Him!
Isa 25:8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.
Isa 25:9 And it shall be said in that day, LO, THIS IS OUR GOD; WE HAVE WAITED FOR HIM, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice IN HIS SALVATION. }}}… it is The Saviour , YOUR GOD whom you should have waited upon! And you will receive salvation as THE TRUTH ABOUT GODHEAD IS REVEALED in this mountain where you will see The LORD was transfigured and will HEAR HIM, The Son !!! So it is the same mountain, where The LORD IS PREACHED, the sign and a wonder !
Then those who erred in SPIRIT will come to understanding, which means they will not err in SPIRIT or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD any more !!!
Isa 29:24 They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine. }}}… so the GOD of Abraham, … says JACOB will not be ashamed, … WHEN ??? When The LORD sees His children, as Isa. 8: 18 says, … and when they sanctify His name, … the name of the Holy ONE of JACOB and when they FEAR HIM. ! What the Levitical ministry failed, these children, GOD’s own hand’s works, … will sanctify and fear Him. so as written above, … it is these children who sanctified Him. ! Then at that time, those who erred in SPIRIT and did not learn the doctrine, ( to publish the name of Therefore,, Deut. 32: 1-3) will learn about Him ! They too will hear THE SON ! They will know HIS NAME and will glorify!
It is THE SON, who Is the GOD Who came to deliver Moses and Israel. Then, as His own failed to hear Him , they are in their graves. But from their graves, now they will hear the voice of THE SON. Remember as Luke 20: 37 says, when one call upon the name of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , … the dead will be raised. THAT MEANS THE DEAD WILL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE SON OUT OF THEIR GRAVES. THE VOICE OF THE GOD OF Abraham. As Rom. 11.says, GOD first visited gentiles to take a people to His name, Acts. 15: and they did all the duties towards Him, by sanctifying, glorifying, blessing, praising, thanksgiving, doing the daily and the continual etc… so He IS PLEASED and The Deliverer will return to Zion to deliver her. This is why, The LORD is sending a people you do not know, Isa. 55: 5, who have joined to The LORD, when the salvation is about to come, Isa. 56, and who have glorified Him, 12 Thess. 1: 12, and THE SON Is in them, Col. 1: 27, 1 John 4; 4, 17, on the day of judgment, to bring back all Israel to Him. GOD’s ways are not your ways. These are NEW THINGS prophesied. So it is the same GOD who has come to deliver Israel once again , turning their hearts to HIMSELF, … and bringing them out of the sea…
So the GOD of the fathers SENT Moses to Israel… and the same GOD is sending the gentiles to Israel … feeding, giving drink , covering with clothes the SPIRIT , bringing them out of prison and unto GOD , to their final rest in the Holy Mountain !
Exo 3:6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
Exo 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Exo 3:16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I HAVE SURELY VISITED YOU, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:…}}}… The GOD of the fathers is THE SON who was known as THE ALMIGHTY. So the elders of Israel do not know their GOD yet. But will know and hear THE SON as HE HAS VISITED the sin as HE SAID.
Then, in order to bring Israel out of Egypt, GOD chose the gentiles. The blessing of Abraham, which is the promise of the SPIRIT, came to them, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when HE CAME TO BE GLORIFIED in the saints and came as The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, and by faith given to them, cutting off Israel. Rom. 11: 20.
Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. }}}… with understanding, now Israel can serve THEIR HOLY ONE !!!
Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: }}}… did you keep in your heart, that is only ONE GOD ? To purify the hearts of the gentiles, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and gave faith as Apostle Peter said above.
Here is another proof of the mountain and The LORD and children who are your teachers. The LORD says the promised land is where the goodly cities are. And it is The LORD who bring us to the land which He swore unto the fathers. that is the Holy Mountain. …. It is not build by man, but BY The LORD.
Deu 6:10 And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not, }}}…. Those who worshiped the same GOD of the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , … are brought to the goodly cities or goodly heritage. They are brought to the Holy Mountain as proven above. That is the mountain where the voice will come to HEAR YE THE SON. Because in that mountain, only THE SON will be there. Then, we know that is The LORD OF HOSTS or The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and He and His children, are the ones who are ALREADY IN GOODLY CITIES AS HE BROUGHT THEM EVEN TO THE Holy Mountain, who will teach the wife of CHRIST The LORD , that The Husband is also the FATHER. So His sons whom He brought are already in the goodly cities. They call Him our “FATHER”. And they will teach you to call Him my ‘FATHER’ as well.
“when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers… goodly cities…”… It is The LORD who will bring us to the goodly, cities, where HE IS.
Jer 3:19 But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from Me. “..}}}…Understand? It was The ROCK’s plan to bring Israel and give them GOODLY CITIES. HE SWORE UNTO THE FATHERS THESE CITIES. BUT IT IS WHERE HE IS AND HIS KNOWLEDGE IS. But those who were brought to the goodly city calls ,The ROCK, our ‘FATHER’. If Israel called The ROCK, who begat them my ‘FATHER’, they would be in this goodly city. They will be identified as The ROCK’s sons. GOD WANTS TO BE A FATHER TO US. He said so even to the kings. 2 sam 7;14 and more. So why did the wife of CHRIST The LORD TURNED AWAY FROM HIM??? Because she did not call Him my “FATHER”. So YOU WILL CALL HIM MY ‘FATHER’ AND WILL NOT TURN AWAY FROM HIM??? ! The LORD Has Spoken!
“LORD thy God shall have brought thee … he sware unto thy fathers… goodly cities”
I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage”
So these children were brought in to the goodly city which The LORD promised the fathers, as the fathers did not know Him !!! Remember when Israel was coming out of Egypt to the Promised land, it was the 20 years and younger ones who were brought and the elders all died, including Moses.
Therefore, the goodly cities, .. the Holy Mountain… the house of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and the city where the first born is, … the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, … are all one and the same ! That is where the true GOD and His people are ! So GOD could not put wife in this goodly heritage as she did not know her GOD , The Husband is also the FATHER ! Then, these children are your pastors , according to GOD’s own heart, as HE HAS GIVEN A NEW HEART TO THEM !
If you have entered in to the goodly cities, … you are identified as GOD’s children, the children of The LORD OF HOSTS, or The ROCK, or any name of GOD, mentioned in the Scripture because it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. teaching we are the family of GOD, etc… but failed to be sons of the FATHER! Those who entered in to the Sabbath, BELIEVING and those who did not depart from the LIVING GOD, and are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house as Heb. 3:6, 12 says, … have become HIS SONS. So they are already in the goodly cities and in the Holy Mountain also.
Understand again. the GOODLY CITIES which The ROCK promised the fathers, … swore unto the fathers, .. is where, HE IS CALLED THE FATHER. Because there is only ONE GOD, He Is the FATHER, and also THE SON or The Husband . Back then, when HE SPOKE TO THE FATHERS, HE WAS NOT The Husband NOR THE SON but was GOD and the FATHER who gave life to them.
Heb. 2:10 as written above proves the Captain of Salvation is our FATHER! Because Israel, His first born failed to be born Spiritually, as they did not come to Him to receive the SPIRIT, receiving His SPIRIT, they died Spiritually. Then, this is why CHRIST and HIS children are a sign and a wonder in Israel, who are IN THE MOUNTAIN Isa. 8: 18! Exo 15: 17, The LORD will bring and plant us in the mountain on GOD’s inheritance. Remember The ROCK is to inherit Israel as His people which they failed as they did not worship Him but god the father whom you say is your GOD !
But remember, The LORD said the Spirit and Truth must COME, in to a future day, and will guide us in to ALL TRUTH. so did any leader teach in Israel, that the Spirit and Truth HAS COME??? This, The LORD said when He was still on earth, and AT THAT TIME, THE Spirit and Truth HAS NOT COME. John 4, the woman said when THE MESSIAH comes, He will tell us everything. So THE MESSIAH is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. but here He talks about the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, HOLY SPIRIT, WILL COME…. Will come, … will come in another day and will tell us the truth! Then only, as John 4 says, we can worship GOD in the mountain, .. and in Jerusalem, … after we are GIVEN THE Spirit and Truth and GUIDED IN TO ALL TRUTH. What is the TRUTH which the Spirit and Truth will guide us in to? There is a sign of the TRUE GOD WE SHOULD GLORIFY AND ALSO WHO WILL GLORIFY HIM as well.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Joh 16:14 HE SHALL GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you….}}}… ‘WHEN’ the Spirit and Truth IS COME, .. He will guide us in to all TRUTH, … and will show THINGS TO COME. And what is that thing to COME ??? ‘HE SHALL GLORIFY ME”…Therefore, when the Spirit and Truth comes, … HE WILL GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! “HE SHALL GLORIFY “ME”!
But, He will receive OF ‘MINE’, says The LORD. There is no other Spirit and Truth is coming, but it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , Himself who knows all things and who IS THE Spirit and Truth ! After THE Spirit and Truth COMES, … HE WILL TEACH THE TRUTH, … THAT WE MUST GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD and NOT god the father. That means ONE MUST HEAR THE SON ! One must GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! One must glorify THE SON ! Then only, we can worship GOD in the mountain, and in Jerusalem, with Spirit and Truth as John 4 says. So He will be showing what is of CHRIST THE LORD’s. That means He will show us to glorify Him, from His own words !
Do you understand that? Only when the Spirit and Truth comes, ONE CAN GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Spirit and Truth will not come to those who WOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM. HE KNOWS THE HEARTS. SO HE REJECTED HIS OWN SONS , FOR THEIR UNBELIEF. how can one be born without a FATHER ? And the true FATHER! HE DID NOT FAVOR EVEN to HIS OWN FIRST BORN, but ALLOWED THEM TO BE KILLED! And they are a wonder to the whole world about GOD’s wrath.
Therefore, NO ONE IN Israel IN ANY OF THE CHURCHES OF GOD, GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That means they failed to hear THE SON. This is why they became Laodicean.
Rom_1:21 Because that, when THEY KNEW GOD, THEY GLORIFIED HIM NOT AS GOD, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened….. }}}… understand ??? They KNEW GOD, but not glorified AS GOD. They knew JESUS CHRIST the LORD was the GOD of the Old testament, which means the GOD of the fathers, … but they did not give glory to Him as their GOD! But worshiped a newly come up GOD as Deut. 32 says. So Gerald Flurry, being the high priest, knew and preached the GOD of the Old testament is CHRIST THE LORD, but still, they had god the father as their GOD! So this happened in the end of Philadelphia era, when the leaders , who say they are Jews but do lie and denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name and word. They are none other than HWA and GF, as they said they are Jews, but lied about JESUS CHRIST the LORD Being the ONLY GOD as Mal. 2:10-11 says. So HWA started that, and GF confirmed the FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM THIS TRUTH, not saving anyone. So their FOOLISH HEARTS WERE DARKENED. So that is the darkness of the Laodicea era, NOT TO KNOW THEIR GOD but had other gods, IN EGYPT once again!
if there was a god the father, he cannot say no one gave him glory, as all glorified him even AS GOD. this is the true GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, whom no one glorified ! This is why, the Spirit and Truth was not given to them, seeing their evil hearts of unbelief and GOD waited to give to gentiles, at His second coming. That is why the knowledge of God is given in His second coming to gentiles. All prophesied. Isa. 11:9-11.
Those who did not glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD as GOD…. AS GOD, … AS GOD, …. Have their foolish hearts darkened. That is their blindness, but came in the Laodicea era, when the Spirit and Truth came or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came as John 9:39 says, He blinded them as they did not give HIM GLORY , taking His glory from them away as Micah 2:9 says, and then as a judgment, HE GAVE THE Spirit and Truth TO GENTILES, WHOM HE PREDESTINATED, AND THEY GLORIFIED HIM AS GOD!!! So the gentiles received the truth. Isa. 42:1-3 in judgement, and Glorified Him.
And those who are to be glorified… were predestinated. This means, JESUS CHRIST the LORD predestinated the gentiles for His glory. That is why He said, gentiles are created for His glory. Isa. 43.
Rom_8:30 Moreover whom HE DID PREDESTINATE, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. }}}… these things were preplanned by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. these are not just last-minute things that The LORD came up with when Israel fell, … like the humans do. HE HAS WRITTEN ALL THINGS, HIS WILL TO LET US KNOW WHAT HE DOES. Rom. 1:5-6 ALSO, AFTER WE ARE GIVEN FAITH AND TESTED, FOR HIS NAME, HE CALLED us TO BE APOSTLES. THEN, IT IS TO THE LITTLE CHILDREN, ALL TRUTH IS GIVEN , forgiving and making justified and glorified. 1 John 2:12-27, Heb. 2:10.
Rom_8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. }}}… so these children are with CHRIST THE LORD, and will be glorified together with JESUS CHRIST the LORD. This is what John 17 also says. And Col. 3: 1-4! When The LORD opens the blinded eyes, they will see The LORD with HIS OWN CHILDREN, WHOM HE BEGAT ! But the are caused to suffer with Him by the terrible ones. even Heb. 2:10 says the same. Through sufferings, we must glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !
One must TRUST , hear Him, Hear the TRUTH, and BELIEVE in order to receive salvation. That is to HEAR THE SON as no god the father has spoken to any. So when The LORD came to be glorified, .. they are called saints, as HE COMES TO GIVE SALVATION, … WITHOUT SIN, forgiving and justifying. Heb. 9:26-28! Man is once appointed to die, but those who are to receive salvation, … given without sin.
2Th_1:10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. }}}}… so the SAINTS ARE THE BELIEVERS.
2Th_1:12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… when JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to be glorified, … remember the Spirit and Truth will glorify Him…, He comes to saints. That means ones who are forgiven. And then, they have trusted , HEARD THE TRUTH, … and have BELIEVED, then sealed with HOLY SPIRIT of promise. So the saints who GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are the ones to whom the Spirit and Truth , The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT came and gave the knowledge to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!
Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, “. …}}}… THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION, WAS BELIEVED BY THE GENTILES NOW !!! HEARD THE Word of TRUTH means they have HEARD THE SON, as HE IS THE TRUTH AND HIS WORDS ALSO, AS THE WORDS ALSO THE TRUTH. Then, the Word of TRUTH begat them. Jam 1: 18 !
IF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB COMES ALIVE RIGHT NOW, … WHICH GOD WOULD THEY BE WORSHIPING? WHICH GOD’S HOUSE, THEY WILL BE IN ? Which GOD’s MOUNTAIN , THEY WILL BE IN??? This is the HOLY HILL as written above. Would it not THE ALMIGHTY’s house ??? Is THAT NOT JESUS CHRIST the LORD? Rev. 1:8? Then should not the house belong to JESUS CHRIST the LORD? Heb. 3:6 ! So those who worshiped god the father, … have not heard , trusted, or believed THE SON ! Then this voice should be heard by them!
When The LORD becomes THE KING, There will be ONE GOD and one name.
Zec 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. }}}… THE KING takes the power over all the earth. Then, THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, AND ONE NAME. No two gods.
HWA nor Gerald Flurry preached about this ONE GOD but TWO. Not only that, Elijah proved The LORD of HOSTS to be the GOD. That is also JESUS CHRIST the LORD. HAS ANY OTHER GOD SPOKEN TO HWA AND GF??? Therefore, HWA cannot be the Elijah. He turned all away from this ONE GOD , THE KING ! Therefore, NO ONE HEARD THE SON but went to god the father !
Are not Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , your fathers ???
did they worship god the father ???
Did GOD promised them any other GOD’s lands?
If HWA restored all things why does CHRIST the LORD have to come a SECOND time to give the knowledge of GOD ? And why a times of Refreshing, reformation and restoration?
Another Scripture proves the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD…
No man had the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD until He came and gave the understanding as 1 John 5: 20— says. That is when the knowledge of God is given to the little children, forgiving them so they could GLORIFY HIM and preach to HEAR HIM.
1Jn 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, and we are IN HIM that is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.”…}}}… Now understand another mystery of CHRIST THE LORD….
“Son of God is come”…
“given us understanding…
“We may know the TRUE GOD”. right ? And it is the ‘Son of GOD’ who came right?
“we are IN HIM that is true”…right?
“in his Son Jesus CHRIST”…”. Right ???
This is the true God, and eternal life.” Right??
Then what does this mean ???
“Son of God is come”…to give understanding the true GOD,.. but…,
“ his Son Jesus CHRIST”…”.
Do you understand that????? The SON of GOD is come, … then that means JESUS CHRIST the LORD , right???. Then, …
He gives the understanding about the TRUE GOD, right ??
Then, according to Him, who is the TRUE GOD??
his Son Jesus CHRIST”!!!
So The SON came to reveal The SON…, the true GOD and everlasting life! understand the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD ???
So the everlasting life is in THE SON. That means the SON GIVES EVERLASTING LIFE TO US, … HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER. !!! Because only a FATHER can give life to a son !!!
That means JESUS CHRIST the LORD, IS A SON, TO HIMSELF!. IT IS THE SON who CAME, …. TO REVEAL THE “SON” the TRUE GOD, … AND THE EVERLASTING LIFE IS IN HIS SON. So does CHRIST THE LORD have another SON that we do not know about??? So He is HIS OWN FATHER, as we have been proving. But now, HE REVEALS THROUGH HIS WORDS which begat Him and us.
Then, HE IS THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob !
When we call on Him, we are raised up !
Then we will be in the GOODLY HERITAGE!
In the Holy Mountain !
This revelation is given to the little children, who are ordained to be in HIS MOUNTAIN. ! Isa. 8: 18, who are to be a sign and a wonder.
1Jn 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. }}}… Apostle John wrote to the little children of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. They are FORGIVEN FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE as v 12 says, before they are taught to know THE SON. That means their flesh and blood is removed. The LORD would have told those four (Apostle Jude, Apostle John, Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul) apostles about the failure of Israel and that HE MUST ADOPT THE GENTILES. Put John’s, Peter’s and Apostle James’ letters together and understand this, … see TO “WHOM” THEY ARE WRITTEN, AND ‘WHEN’ THEIR PROPHECIES ARE TO BE FULFILLED.
Elijah proved The LORD of HOSTS is the true GOD.! HWA TURNED ALL AWAY FROM THE TRUE GOD, The LORD of HOSTS ! Therefore, if any one who would RESTORE ALL THINGS, IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF! That is why The LORD comes to the temple suddenly as THE MESSENGER of the Covenant to purify the ministry and Joshua will be put in fire !
IN JUDGMENT, the Everlasting gospel is preached to fear and worship The CREATOR ! If HWA preached to fear and worship The CREATOR, then why is that gospel is preached ‘IN JUDGMENT’, AFTER HE DIED and not before. Did HWA live to see the judgment? He wrote MOA. But the mystery of GOD is finished ONLY in judgment. Rev. 10:7. He is the leader of the Philadelphia era. But then, if he restored all things, would there be a blind and a dark era called Laodicea which is to come ? Right after he finished the work of Elijah, The LORD must have come. It Is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself will restore all things because HE ONLY HAD THAT KNOWLEDGE, hidden in Him as Apostle Paul taught. To give mysteries, HE CAME TO GENTILES. Col. 1: 26-27. Besides Isa. 11: 9 – 11, Zeph. 3:9-10, Isa. 56, Isa. 60 , 61;1-5, Isa. 66: 12, Isa. 55: 5, Isa. 42: 1- 3, 43: 12- 22, 49: 23-24, Isa. 13: 5, 1 : 3, Isa. 61: 5 , Isa. 63: 16, Micah 2:9, 5: 5-9, Jer. 16:19, 8:19-20, 4: 16-17, Mal. 1: 5-6, 11 etc also must be fulfilled about the Times of Gentiles ! .
If HWA has restored all things, then answer to this question. Did he teach The Husband is also the ‘FATHER”??? DID HE TEACH THE Son of GOD IS COME TO REVEAL HIMSELF ???? Did he preach to HEAR THE SON? Did he preach to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name? Did he preach that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD? Did he preach THE Son of GOD HAS EVERLASTING LIFE ???
What can we learn from all these ??? GOD knew that His own will worship god the father. John 8:54 and not HIM as Abraham looked for. V 56. Then, this is why the whole TRANSFIGURATION happened, to show us and to give us the knowledge, that ONE SHOULD HEAR THE SON … AND not god the father whom you say is your god!
HEAR THE SON…. And not the father!!!
Just as The LORD gave the knowledge of ‘"I AM"’ means ONE GOD, …. And ‘Marriage Covenant” means only TWO , husband and wife and not The Husband’s father in the marriage, …to hear THE SON means YOU DO NOT HEAR THE FATHER, BUT THE SON. Have you known god the father whom you say is your GOD? Has he spoken to you and said that he should be heard??? THE SON …. THE SON… THE SON… the whole volume of the Book reads THE SON…! His creation, His will, … His purpose… HIS MERCY,…. HIS GRACE, … HIS TRUTH, … HIS SPIRIT, … HIS LIFE, … EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SON… THE SON…
Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.”
Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, and we are IN HIM that is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.”
“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased;
hear ye Him.” !!!
He IS A SON TO HIMSELF and there are no other gods !!!
Therefore, in the Holy Mountain of The LORD, YOU WILL KNOW THE SON CAME TO DECLARE THE FATHER, WHO IS HIMSELF. THAT IS THE TRUE GOD AND EVERLASTING LIFE. !!! If the Jews lies about Him, then from the Jews, The LORD must deliver His people. ! Those who are appointed to HEAR HIS VOICE, as John 10 says, the ‘OTHER SHEEP’ who are not of this fold “Jews”, have heard Him and are following Him where ever He goes. Even as The LORD said in John 14, He went to prepare places in GOD’s house for those whom He predestinated and Has come again to receive us TO HIMSELF, so where HE IS, WE WILL BE TOO! If you have heard THE SON, and know THE Son of GOD IS THE TRUE GOD AND A SON TO HIMSELF, YOU HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. !
So the GOD of the fathers, THE ALMIGHTY, Has come as a SON TO HIMSELF and wants all to hear HIM !
CHRIST and HIS children in the Holy Mountain !