Preaching JESUS CHRIST and The Heavenly vision converts all to the TRUE FATHER! CONVERSION part 2- 19th Aug 2018

Preaching JESUS CHRIST and The Heavenly vision converts
all to the TRUE FATHER! CONVERSION part 2-

19th Aug 2018

In the first part, we proved that conversion means reverting the man back to the beginning of the creation, to make the man once again in GOD’s image and as a son to HIm. But the image of GOD as well as that knowledge was cut off as the curse of DEATH came. In this part we prove one is converted IN The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD! In Him, life and light. But men loved darkness and disobeyed Him. And the knowledge about Him was lost.  Then, we need the true knowledge of The CREATOR to receive LIFE AGAIN! We must be born of Him, and HIS SPIRIT! if we are born of Him, then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER! And must obey Him as the FATHER! Since this time we will be created Spiritually, we must receive the SPIRIT of The CREATOR! From Adam to Laodiceans, The CREATOR’S SPIRIT was rejected. Both became naked Spiritually. That is the rebellion against GOD which brought SPIRITUAL death to all. GOD calls it Lusts of the eyes, flesh and pride. Therefore, the cause of man must be judged, and the man must be again given the SPIRIT of The LORD, by the SAME GOD, The CREATOR! GOD who creates us physically or Spiritually, should be our FATHER. SPIRIT is given to HEARTS and hearts must be purified first, by faith of The CREATOR. One is JUDGED to ESTABLISH. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, called Apostle Paul and gave him a Heavenly vision, which saves all. If The CREATOR begets us physically and Spiritually, HE WILL BE OUR FATHER FOR EVER. The Old testament ends in prophesying that the ministry did not honor The LORD of HOSTS  as the “FATHER”. Mal. 1:6. That is why Elijah is prophesied to come again, to turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER, to his GOD, WHO IS The LORD of HOSTS, The CREATOR! In this part, we further prove, how JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER and also how “HE” will revert us back to Him, according to the ‘HEAVENLY VISION’. That vision reveals, how one would be converted by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and TO HIM, and by faith of and IN HIM! He Is The ROCK who BEGAT or FATHERED Israel whom they forgot, which means they forgot THEIR FATHER! When that is understood, they are already returned to their FATHER, and converted! Then, they will call Him, The Husband my FATHER. Jer. 3:19-20. If the first fruits are born by “CHRIST the LORD’s” words, jam 1:18, then they are first fruits ‘to’ CHRIST. Then the other fruits also will be begotten the same way by Him, and TO HIM! NO one believed Him, that HE IS THE FATHER as well as The SON. So the FATHER’s knowledge must be given to be converted to Him and BE BORN OF HIM! How some of Gerald Flurry’s teachings are against the Scripture also is included. Conversion means The LORD will create us as it was in the beginning when Adam was made in HIS IMAGE. If not we have DEATH in us. A SON of GOD, cannot die. When He converts us with His SPIRIT, we also will be like Him, will live for ever. So from PHYSICAL creation of sons to the SPIRITUAL creation as SONS OF GOD is the CONVERSION! We are to be IN HIM, and HE IS to be IN US ! All these must be understood to be converted as sons of GOD ! Have you read the Scripture which says, we must be first fruits unto CHRIST? “firstfruits … unto CHRIST”? Scripture does not lie. If the first fruits are UNTO CHRIST, then the rest also should be! That is what the Bible teaches. JESUS CHRIST the LORD would not come a second time to teach and give the knowledge of GOD  as the sea, if we HAD IT. Isa. 11: 9- 11. !

 We must all, understand these facts ;- The CREATOR knows the END, from the beginning. He knew the Levitical ministry would fail in honoring Him as the FATHER. NO ONE COULD BE BORN OF HIM! That is why, He prepared some other children to be in His midst as a sign and a wonder in Israel, when Israel and Judah are to stumble on Him. Isa. 8: 14-18. When Israel and Judah rejected the Chief Corner Stone, these children are built on Him! And they are both gentiles, and Israel who are tried and tested for BELIEF AND
FAITH ,and who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who glorified Him, AS THE FATHER , after The Comforter, or HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and gave that knowledge. They have their FATHER’s name on them. Rev. 14:1-7. And that is the time, the TRUE Everlasting gospel IS PREACHED TO FEAR AND WORSHIP The CREATOR! So those who DID NOT FEAR AND WORSHIP The CREATOR, WILL LEARN THAT TRUTH from these children, as they are sent ( John 17: 17-20)AND WILL QUICKLY TURN TO HIM. Psa. 78: 34- 35. He anointed these little children to learn from Him, all the truth. but, HE FIRST FORGAVE THEM for His name’s sake.

Until The Comforter comes and guides us in to all truth, no one had the true knowledge of GOD. So when The Comforter came, He glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the FATHER as proven in previous writings. Why would JESUS CHRIST the LORD ADOPT gentiles, to be HIS CHILDREN, if Israel were HIS CHILDREN? Eph.  1. BESIDES, JESUS CHRIST the LORD DID NOT ADOPT ANY GENTILES IN HIS FIRST COMING,  TILL THE Laodicea ERA. !  None in any of the churches, nor the gentiles looked to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as their ‘FATHER’, till now.  They are prophesied to believe and trust in Him, after receiving the Spirit and Truth, ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision which is to be fulfilled AFTER THE Covenant OF THE LAW IS BROKEN in the Laodicea era.  And after FAITH IS GIVEN. Prove all things from the Scripture .  Scripture says, the first time JESUS CHRIST the LORD is to come to His own, but they did not believe or receive Him, and they failed to be sons of GOD, because of their failure to accept Him as their FATHER or GOD, He will come a SECOND time to gentiles, and they will believe and trust in Him and they are ADOPTED AS SONS to HIm. ! Eph.  1,  John 1: 11-12, Eph. 1. Isa. 11: 9 -11,  Rom.  15,  Zeph. 3: 9-16 etc. So they call Him, our ‘FATHER’ !  You will too, call The Husband, My “FATHER’. Jer. 3: 19!


In the Old testament, many Scripture says Israel are to be separated from gentiles, as they have other gods and idols. But when we come to the New  testament, the gentiles are said to be separated from Israel, as they have idols and are in Babylon, Egypt and sodom. (Micah 4;10, Rev. 11: 8, 17, 18, 2 cor 6:14-19). AND THEY TRULY WORSHIP rocks, drinking the spiritual drink from such, as the high priest declared.  And the gentiles are to  come out from them, then THE ALMIGHTY will accept them as sons and daughters . 2 cor 6: 16-19. And THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So if we are to be THE ALMIGHTY’s sons, then HE IS OUR FATHER. !  And THE ALMIGHTY, is the GOD who met Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses. Exo 6: 3.  Then, that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HE IS THE FATHER OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND Moses !!! This is why Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day. John 8:56, but you say GOD the Father is your GOD v 54 ! if you are Abraham’s seed, then you also should look for His day and HE IS YOUR FATHER AS WELL. ! So it is Israel who have idols, and other gods, other than The ROCK Who created and gives food and drink to live.

In the Old testament, The CREATOR tried to work with Israel , but the New  testament, mostly is to gentiles and about the Times of Gentiles or to be fulfilled during the Times of Gentiles.

So Levitical ministry did not honor the FATHER, and the FATHER adopted other sons.

So He ADOPTED the gentiles as children as Eph.  1 says, v 5 “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,”. This is just one of the Scripture to prove JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our FATHER. If He ADOPTED us as ‘CHILDREN’ to Him, … would HE BE NOT OUR FATHER and we are HIS SONS? So when that understanding was given to us, we BELIEVED, AS WE ARE SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE IN THE Spirit and Truth. (  Eph.  1: 13, 2 Thess. 2: 13). And why would JESUS CHRIST the LORD receive the gentiles as sons and daughters , when Israel are His sons and daughters already?  They did not receive Him as John 1:11-12 says and failed to be sons to Him. BUT THEY FORSOOK HIM, AS THEIR FATHER, and made GOD the Father, their GOD and FATHER. John 8: 54. But, from the beginning, when the fathers made the Covenant, it was with The ROCK they made it and He gave the spiritual meat and drink as any FATHER would do. But their sons forgot Him, and even replaced the symbol of that Covenant as proven in “New stone”. All those are proven in the first part.

The gentiles are to be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S FIRST FRUITS …

Here are more Scripture to prove that we must be born as sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Rom 16:5  Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well beloved Epaenetus,who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ. }}}…”first fruits untoCHRIST”!!!!  That means this person is a son to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  HE IS BORN OF CHRIST the LORD! THAT PROVES, Apostle Paul WAS SENT TO GENTILES, TO MAKE THEM ; SONS TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!!! Then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS  Epaenetus’ FATHER and also of the gentiles !  if He adopted the gentiles as SONS, then HE MUST BE THEIR FATHER!  Does not the Scripture say, who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE WILL BECOME HIS PEOPLE? Hos. 2:23,  Rom.  9 : 25-2 6 , 1  Pet. 2: 8-10 etc. If he is a fruit to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then other fruits also must be born of Him, …and  unto Him, …and BY HIM ! What makes us a first fruits to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is HIS SPIRIT, THE WORDS.jam 1: 18. And Rom. 8. We need the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, to make us to be born again!


the LORD’s first fruits will be praised by Him. And HIS SONS also praised Him.
Psa. 8:2. 1  Pet. 2: 8-10. He took the priesthood to PRAISE HIM. !


first fruits unto CHRIST”!!!! 

What does this mean ???  Doesn't this mean, that  CHRIST the LORD is his FATHER , if he is to be a FIRST FRUIT to HIM ??  And he must be a SON to Him ???  Read John 1: 11-12
and compare this Scripture and Eph.  1 also as written above. Then the ADOPTED gentiles also become JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sons, as they are adopted TO Himself!

 Eph.  1 says, v 5 “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF,”.!

Rom.  16:5 “}}}…”first fruits unto CHRIST”!

 His own did not believe, so they failed to be sons.

Joh 1:11  He came unto HIS OWN, and His own received Him not.

Joh 1:12  But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD, predestinated the gentiles, to be ADOPTED as SONS TO HIM!!!  Should we not then, call HIM, OUR FATHER when this understand is given now??? When the JEWS, who are HIS OWN, received Him not, … they rejected their OWN FATHER !!! If any has received Him, and believed in ‘HIS’ name, … then the Jews would have become sons to Him!!!


Do you know the name of the GOD the Father, whom you say
is your GOD (John 8:54), to BELIEVE IN HIS NAME ??
? Find any name of GOD in the Bible and see if a single one applies to GOD the Father ! There are about 300 names of GOD, written in the Scripture. They all apply to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! In the whole volume of the Book, it is written of HIM! So when He came the first time, and even unto the Laodicea era, when finally HE WAS PUT OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR, trying to come in, ….. it was your ‘FATHER’, whom you despised!


Then, when He came the second time to gentiles, to give the knowledge of GOD , Isa. 11: 9 – 11 and more, .. they are sanctified to BELIEVE IN HIM and to receive the Spirit and
Truth. !  Remember one should worship GOD in Spirit and Truth ??  John 4???  So this chapter , which The LORD  gave the Living Waters to the gentile woman, is a prophecy for us now, when THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH IS TO BE GIVEN !!! If we are to live by EVERY WORD which comes out of the mouth of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and it is HIS OWN SPIRIT WE NEED, AND IF THE TRUTH IS ALSO HIM, … AND IF WE ARE BORN AGAIN BY HIS SPIRIT OR WORDS, … THEN WOULD HE NOT OUR ‘FATHER’ ???  we came forth from Him. !!!  So as His own received Him not, … HE HAD TO ADOPT gentiles as HIS SONS !!!  After all, it was Hagar who bore the first born to Abraham, and on the same day Abraham was circumcised, this son also was circumcised. !  All these are prophecies which we have proven previously.


And then, it is to the SONS, the SPIRIT is given, to HEARTS !  So from the heart, we can worship our FATHER ! When the time came to redeem those who are under the law,
… JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and ADOPTED the gentiles as sons. If not, all are
Spiritually dead, and no one is there to declare these things to His own !

Gal 4:5  To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. }}}…when Israel needs to be redeemed, the gentiles
CHRIST the LORD CAME TO REDEEM THEM, after the two witnesses condemned them to
death without mercy. Heb.  10: 28

Gal 4:6  And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father….}}}… Because, you are SONS ???  So the SPIRIT is given ONLY TO SONS.  Remember, the SPIRIT comes from the FATHER, AND GIVEN TO SONS. Then, if the SPIRIT COMES FROM JESUS CHRIST, THE ROCK, 1 cor 10: 3-4, then THE ROCK IS THE FATHER!!! So Israel failed to be SONS. That means they did not receive the SPIRIT of The SON!!!  When did JESUS CHRIST the LORD ADOPT the gentiles ???  It is IN HIS SECOND COMING AS NOW. That is when we received the HOLY SPIRIT in to our hearts. As written elsewhere, it is after the Heavenly vision is fulfilled, because, it is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD which purified our hearts. ! Acts. 15:9-15. So the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, is given to SONS. ! So He is our FATHER !

 The LORD  must FIRST make us His SONS, to give the HOLY SPIRIT. !!!  So it is the SPIRIT of The SON, or the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD which we need !  But to receive the SPIRIT of The SON, we must go to Him.  After all,  He is The ROCK who gives the SPIRIT. !
Rom.  8 says as written elsewhere, we need the SPIRIT of CHRIST ! Because we are ‘SONS’, the SPIRIT of The SON is given.!!!!

 Then, as we are sons, receiving the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … we are no more servants, but SONS. 

Gal 4:7  Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Gal 4:8  Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.}}}… now, since Israel did not receive the SPIRIT of The SON or  CHRIST the LORD, .. they are not SONS. !


Gal 4:9  But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, where unto ye desire again to be in bondage?}}}… Unless we receive the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … we are not SONS of GOD.  and if we need His SPIRIT, then HE MUST BE OUR FATHER. and then, we KNOW GOD, AND HE KNOWS US. Remember the HOLY SPIRIT SEALS us? Eph.  1: 13. ???  So THE FATHER’S SEAL IS ON US, WHEN WE BECOME HIS SONS AND RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT ! So if we need the Spirit of CHRIST the LORD, then it is HIS SEAL WHICH IS ON US!!!  Rev. 14:…these have their FATHER’s name on them. And they preach to fear and worship The CREATOR. V 6-7!  That means they have the seal of The CREATOR !


BECAUSE THE GENTILES are ADOPTED as SONS, … the SPIRIT of The SON, .. that is The CREATOR’s SPIRIT is given, so they can call HIM, ‘ABBA’,FATHER !!

Well then, which GOD, they will be calling ‘ABBA”??? To the GOD who adopted them, the GOD , whose SPIRIT they received, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!
Then we know Him, and we are known by Him!


So remember, to be SONS OF GOD, we need the SPIRIT of The SON, that is  CHRIST the LORD”s !!! have you heard of a SPIRIT coming from GOD the Father?  Also, when
you receive the SPIRIT of someone, you become a son to that one. This is why, Gerald
Flurry, saying HWA is his spiritual father, drank from him, and became a son to
HWA and not to GOD. !


Therefore,, it is AFTER JESUS CHRIST the LORD ADOPTED US AS HIS SONS, … HE GAVE HIS SPIRIT !!! Then, we must HEAR the SPIRIT also.  Eph.  1:13… after we HEARD the word of TRUTH, we are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT! The SPIRIT of The SON means HIS WORDS which begat us. Jam 1: 18, 1Pet 1: 23!  His WORDS are called HOLY Scripture as written below . Scripture is words, and the Scripture is holy. And the words are SPIRIT, and the words are holy also, then holy + Scripture + words + SPIRIT = HOLY SPIRIT !!! The Laodicea era is blind means they rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS WORDS!  His words, are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. So if the Laodiceans rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD, would He give His words to them? Then if He does not give them His words, …. Then would they be born as SONS OF GOD and by the SPIRIT ???  So to this day, they are flesh and blood! So they need to be redeemed. That is when, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and adopted gentiles as sons.

 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons”…

When JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to redeem , or gather as JACOB said in Gen. 49, … to give the promises to Abraham’s seed, …… the gentiles are ALREADY ADOPTED AS SONS and that is why, ‘BECAUSE WE ARE ALREADY SONS, THE SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD IS GIVEN TO US”!!! Then, these sons must help the FATHER to bring other sons who failed to receive the true FATHER’s SPIRIT or words!

So  CHRIST the LORD IS OUR FATHER, AND WE ARE HIS SONS, who have received HIS SPIRIT !!! The SPIRITUAL CREATION HAS BEGUN, according to the Heavenly vision as
written below. !!! Make no mistake in understanding ….

 “that we might receive the adoption of sons….. To redeem them
that were under the law…. because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying,

 Gentiles are ADOPTED AS SONS, But Israel still needs to be redeemed!

That means the gentiles are already redeemed now as they are given the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD. ! These are the two Covenants.

 So the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. or The SON, is what makes us SONS OF GOD! Then only, we can call Him, ‘ABBA, … FATHER” !!!!

 Therefore, unless you receive the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … you cannot be a son to GOD !


The ROCK prophesied that one day Jacob's seed will forget Him. Deut.  32, as the FATHER and will not drink the spiritual drink from Him.  So Judah’s teachings now proves that they do not drink from Him, from their FATHER who formed, made, begat , bought them.!   So the Laodicea leader is Judah , … who closed the door to their own FATHER , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Is it any wonder why he calls HWA is his spiritual father ???
He does not know the true FATHER , The ROCK.  So he calls others ‘father’ !!!  So all these sins against the FATHER must be revealed, so they can turn to Him and be converted and accept Him as the FATHER, … to be received by Him as well. !!! There is no other way to become a son to GOD, unless you believe the GOD who gives the Spirit and Truth is the
FATHER , as we are to be born by Him, and must be made in His image, and unless
we have the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, we are none of His’ as Rom.  8 said, proven
in the first part!


It is the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, which will make us spiritual ! if not, we are still flesh and blood as John 1: 11- 13 also says as written elsewhere, unless we believe His name.  Understand; unless you have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are flesh and blood.

Rom 8:9  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in
you. Now if any man have not the
Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. }}}…this Scripture says, … we must HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD dwell in us. BUT IT IS THE SPIRIT OF
CHRIST the LORD, which makes us HIS OWN!
That means we are born by His SPIRIT, … then we are SONS to the GOD, who
gives us the SPIRIT , to be born !!!!!  Then, we are not flesh. That means no longer, flesh and blood, if WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD.!


Then, if we have His SPIRIT, …we are ‘HIS’ !  That means the SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as HE IS ALSO The ROCK. ! 1 cor 10: 3-4! So those who went to GOD the Father to drink the SPIRIT, .. are GOD the Father’s children. But do you know the name of GOD the Father, to call upon Him, AND TO BELIEVE IN HIS NAME as written above ????  And when you are in trouble ???  Would GOD the Father come and SAVE You???? could he redeem you?


Does any one know the name of GOD the Father to call upon him???  Has any one received the SPIRIT or words from Him? Or anything at all? So IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT OF ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, … HE IS NONE OF HIS!!!  That means when we receive the SPIRIT of CHRIST, we become HIS or ‘ CHRIST the LORD’s sons. !  Then, HE IS THE FATHER ! and if we do not have the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … we are FLESH!  That is why 1 cor 10: 3-4 says JESUS CHRIST the LORD is The ROCK who gives the SPIRIT, but v 18 says, BEHOLD, Israel IS FLESH!!!  Why Israel is flesh ???  THEY DID NOT ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK AS THEIR FATHER, nor they went to Him to get the drink, but drank from GOD the Father and rocks !!!  Therefore, any one wants to be turned to a SPIRIT and NOT FLESH, … they must go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to drink the SPIRIT and not from dumb rocks, and be a SON TO HIM, BELIEVING THAT HE IS THE FATHER !  Then, the flesh and blood will be removed. Adam disobeyed the voice of The CREATOR means, he lost the SPIRIT of The CREATOR, .. or the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or the SPIRIT of The ROCK !  So he became FLESH AND BLOOD. And all Israel, also flesh and blood. Heb.  2:14, 1 Cor 10:18.  Now , all must be converted back to Him to get His SPIRIT, obey His voice and words, and believe that the SPIRIT is of  CHRIST the LORD, and HE , THEN IS OUR FATHER !


ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,”..This Scripture says, ‘YOU ARE NOT IN THE FLESH” ????  Also, you are in the SPIRIT, if the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you ?  But, we need the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD , to make us SPIRIT…  or we need His SPIRIT , DWELLING IN US , … if not, we are flesh and blood. ! So those who think they are spiritual, … must think again to see if they have the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD or not ????  Those who went passing Him, not focusing Him, who is HIS OWN WIFE, THE MINISTRY, … are still flesh and blood !!! Therefore, in order to live Spiritually, … all must go to Him. and if it is His SPIRIT which cause us to live, … then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER !!!


REMEMBER… Adam, CAME TO BE BY The CREATOR’S WORDS, THE SPIRIT !!!  HE SPOKE… MAN CAME TO BE. !!!  So it will be now as well !!! He creates a NEW CREATION, BY HIS WORDS, THE SPIRIT, and IN HIM !!!  Man was born by The CREATOR’s words, the SPIRIT. ( John 6:63, His words are SPIRIT to us and it gives LIFE).  That is why we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of GOD.  but has anyone heard from GOD the Father, to live by his words???? When this is revealed, all will see who are already THE FIRST FRUITS , and to which GOD, and who are not! This is why, CHRIST and HIS children are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!!  He brought them forth as HIS OWN SONS. He forgave and taught all these. !  (More below).


This also mean, when you receive the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. you walk in the SPIRIT !  You are not flesh and blood any more. !  But, … before JESUS CHRIST the LORD gives His SPIRIT and the knowledge of that HE IS THE FATHER, … HE MUST FIRST REMOVE OUR CARNAL MIND by FORGIVING by His blood ! That is what He did to gentiles , to the little children. Eph.  2: 12- 20, 1 John 2: 12- 27 ! Then He came to them. Col. 1: 27, 1  John 4: 4. So there is no other way to be spirits or if we want to make our spirits perfected, but by going to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, whom all refused !


If anyone loves spiritual life and peace, then the only way to get it through CHRIST the LORD !

Then, understanding that we need the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, to live, …. Understand… that THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE HIS SPIRIT, ARE ‘Spiritually’DEAD!!! Also still flesh and blood! Because, if you do not have  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT, … you are flesh and blood means CARNAL.  And the carnal mind is the enemy of GOD.  THIS IS WHY THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD  IS THE ENEMY OF The LORD  !  And it cannot be subjected to the law of GOD!  Because, the law is spiritual. Rom.  7:14.  So in order to keep the law also, we need the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD.  no one knew HE IS THE FATHER, AS NO ONE HAD THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST IN THEM !  So the FATHER is not carnal, but a SPIRIT. remember we must worship GOD in Spirit and Truth ? So flesh and blood cannot receive  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT, as they do not know Him!

Rom 8:6  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace}}}… if you do not have the SPIRIT of CHRIST The LORD , … you are carnal, which means flesh and blood, leads to DEATH. If you have it, … you are spiritual , leads to life and peace. So LIFE AND PEACE comes from  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT.  This is why Levi had life and peace as Mal. 2 says as he killed those who worshiped the calf as proven in previous writings ! THERE IS NO LIFE OR PEACE, WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST The LORD  !!! These things are declared, when understood, you can be a son of GOD and turn to the FATHER , seeking Him from your heart !!! Remember stony hearts must be turned to fleshly hearts ! If you drink the SPIRIT from  CHRIST the LORD, … you have a TRUE SPIRITUAL HEART. But if you drink from a stone as the high priest has done, … such has STONY hearts ! And the stone is your father !


“Peace”???  This peace is not the worldly peace or in our hearts we have peace, but, THE ENMITY BETWEEN GOD AND US IS REMOVED, SO WE ARE AT PEACE WITH HIM, AND NOT ENEMIES ANY LONGER. !  Without which, we cannot live for ever !  So this peace also comes when  CHRIST the LORD’s words the SPIRIT is given ! But, first HE MUST FORGIVE… “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace,” Eph.  2:13-14. These are the children the sign and a wonder , whom The LORD  taught peace who brings peace. Isa. 54: 13 !  Therefore,, as written above, … if Israel still needs to be redeemed when the gentiles are adopted as sons,  Israel is still not at PEACE . Neither they are IN  CHRIST the LORD.  so the gentiles came near, but Israel went far off !!!


Then, if you do not have  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT, not only you are carnal, but you are the enemy of GOD. and then, you cannot be subjected to the law of GOD. !  This is why no one worshiped The LORD of Sabbath, … on a single Sabbath.  This is why they did not know The CREATOR is the FATHER also.  ! Because He reveals the secrets to those who love Him. that means if you have gone to Him to get life and peace and SPIRIT, truth etc. flesh and blood is the carnal mind, If you have not received the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD !!!

Rom 8:7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. }}}… now we know what is the carnal mind is; without the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD !!!  So Israel is still flesh and blood as they have not received the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD!!!!!


This is why the wife of CHRIST The LORD  became an enemy of The LORD , as they closed the door to Him!  Adam separated from The CREATOR’s SPIRIT. then he became flesh and blood !!!  So did Israel.  so they too are flesh and blood! To be converted, this is why we need the same CREATOR’S SPIRIT, so we can OBEY HIM AND HIS LAW.  He Is the GOD who gave the law. All those who kept the law seeking righteousness, … all died without mercy. this is why Scripture says the law works wrath. THOSE OF THE LAW SEEKS RIGHTEOUSNESS BY IT and not from The LORD  who s The RIGHTEOUS , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  because carnal mind must RECEIVE  CHRIST the LORD’S SPIRIT FIRST, … so they can keep the law. !  so all those who were under the law , will be found to be liars, as NO ONE WENT TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT, BUT WENT AFTER the law to get righteousness which means life,  and to OTHER GODS AND dumb rocks.


So the carnal mind means WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD.! it could never be at peace with Him. we could never walk with Him ! This is why, the mind of  CHRIST the LORD is also given as Apostle Paul said. !  So with the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … all these other godly , divine nature, the image of GOD is given. That is by  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT! the carnal mind is exhibited in the Laodiceans as they never went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the SPIRIT. this is why Gerald Flurry is the Laodicea leader as he caused all to go to GOD the Father to drink the SPIRIT and from rocks !


When Gerald Flurry understands all these, a deep shame will come over him.  he will not believe that he has tried to drink the SPIRITUAL from a rock. !  REMEMBER SPIRIT mean JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. John 6:63. So could the SPIRIT come from a rock???  It is impossible to believe a high priest would say such a thing ! This is how GOD brings the wise to shame to make them humble and tremble before Him !


Then, if we are flesh and blood, … we cannot please GOD !!! That means, UNLESS WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD, … WE CANNOT PLEASE HIM, THE FATHER !

Rom 8:8  So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. }}}…this means, UNLESS YOU RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD, … YOU CANNOT BE SPIRITUAL, … YOU CANNOT KEEP THE LAW OF GOD, … AND YOU ARE CARNAL, … THE ENEMY OF GOD, … AND NO LIFE OR PEACE  and more than that, YOU CANNOT PLEASE GOD !!! Israel is called ‘lost’, because they slept in  CHRIST the LORD as the Scripture says and they did not gather to Him and are scattered. Mt 12: 30. But all went after the law to get life and did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get it!!! That proves, our  carnality. If the carnal mind cannot keep the law, could they, themselves be subjected  to GOD? One way to honor a FATHER is to be humble before Him and obey! So as 1 cor 10:18 says, Israel is flesh, … so they cannot please GOD. The only way to please GOD is to have faith ! But that is according to Heavenly vision as written below. ! No wonder why The LORD  prepared Israel as the vessels of wrath , to destruction, but to redeem from death !


How can we please GOD, by being His enemy ???


This is why, Adam was cursed as he too did not obey the voice of The CREATOR. Thereafter he could not keep GOD’s law. Neither could any one in Israel. because, the true knowledge of GOD  is given, AFTER JESUS CHRIST the LORD COMES THE SECOND TIME , as The Comforter ! So all are under sin of not obeying the true FATHER !


Then, we can understand the next verse. JESUS CHRIST the LORD lives in us, through His SPIRIT, the words. Then, we are sons to Him.  and, who ever has HIS WORDS, have HIM, IN THEM !!!!  that means we have life also. Remember we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD ????  That is from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s mouth. !  Those who still think GOD the Father is your GOD, … think which Scripture tells you to worship him ? The whole volume of the Book is about JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings! So if  CHRIST the LORD is in you, … then you have the SPIRIT of life, peace  and righteousness too.

Rom 8:9  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. .. so flesh and blood are those who did not receive the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD!


Rom 8:10  And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. }}}… we need  CHRIST the LORD in us to give us righteousness to life! you do not need GOD the Father in you to give SPIRIT , life, peace, righteousness and to please GOD, but  CHRIST the LORD and His SPIRIT !!!  We all must examine if we went to  CHRIST the LORD to get His SPIRIT the words and truth , FROM HIM.. ??? these are the sins of GOD’s people !  A true repentance will give us a pure heart to love and serve Him with all our heart!


Rom 8:11  But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. }}}…what does it mean “Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead”?. … “  he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies”?  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words which raised Him up.  He said, the third day, He will be risen, BEFORE HE DIED. It is the words or the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, which raises us up.  So it is the same SPIRIT or words which raised Him up and us as well as written below. Jam 1: 18 says, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words of truth gives life to us. “quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”..???… The SPIRIT is given to the hearts of the SONS as written above.  Whose SPIRIT will QUICKEN and which GOD’s SPIRIT we need to be GOD’S, even as this same chapter tells us ??  IT IS THE SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD !!!! Psa. 16:10 says, GOD will not leave His soul in hell, and not see corruption. Those were  CHRIST the LORD’s words.


Scripture is  CHRIST the LORD’s words as we all know. And it is about Him.  Even HIS SECOND coming also is written. He does all things just as it is written !

Luk 24:44  And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me.

Luk 24:45  Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

Luk 24:46  And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: }}}… This and many other Scripture proves it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own SPIRIT or words which resurrected Him and even give life to us. He said, His words are the SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Not even the apostles understood that HE HAS TO DIE AND BE RESURRECTED again. same way, unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD reveals, no one could know. But Israel will be come to know when the BOOKS ARE OPENED IN THE White Throne as proven in previous writings. SO IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S OWN WORDS raised Him up and us. !  That is why we need  CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT or words.


Therefore,, WITHOUT GOING TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO GET THE WORDS OF LIFE, NO ONE WILL BE BORN AGAIN. !  We need the SPIRIT of CHRIST ! But these things were preached to gentiles !


When you have the SPIRIT of ‘ CHRIST the LORD’, you walk in SPIRIT and BORN of SPIRIT . until then, we are flesh and blood.  And GOD WOULD NOT DWELL IN US.  Then, through His SPIRIT,  HE LIVES IN US.  If not, we are DEAD Spiritually .  !  That is why Laodiceans are Spiritually dead !  If we receive the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, …. We have life, and righteousness. It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words, which raised Him up.  There is no other GOD who gives the SPIRIT, but The ROCK .  same way, as HE HAS ALREADY SPOKEN , we would receive life also, through HIS WORDS, THE SPIRIT. John 6;63.  So there is no other way for all to receive life, from death, other than by going to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive HIS SPIRIT, which takes our flesh and blood , and the carnal minds away.   Then, when The LORD  comes and gives the SPIRIT, … we receive the mind of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! The LORD  will live in us, and cause us to do things to please Him. ! “if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness”.  CHRIST the LORD live in us means we have righteousness. Then, we are not dead any more, but life. ! So no man can live, unless we have HIM IN US. !


Remember CHRIST and HIS children  are a sign and a wonder. So they are given the SPIRIT , all truth AS IT IS WRITTEN ,  the little children, who are taught by Him, after forgiving. !  1 John 2: 12- 27,  1 John 4: 4, and it is they who abide in His words.! They are the works of HIS OWN HANDS. That is why they are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel! So when you see  CHRIST the LORD and His sons, … it is a sign and a wonder to you !


Our bodies are DEAD, because of sin !!!  And we need JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT to give us life !  Therefore, none of these blessings will come from GOD the Father ! Because no one was willing to go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … or The LORD of HOSTS , … His wrath comes to burn the wickedness and to save all. !  Any one who has not gone to  CHRIST the LORD to get the SPIRIT, or the knowledge of GOD , .. have EXALTED THEMSELVES AGAINST HIM AND AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  and Scripture says such are proud. Because, it is GOD’s words, against their words and deeds.!   CHRIST the LORD says ‘come to Me to drink’, … but the high priest teaches ‘NO GO PASS CHRIST AND GO TO GOD the Father”. So that is contrary to GOD’s words the SPIRIT.


When  CHRIST the LORD says come to Me… and to go to another, is rebellion against GOD and the FATHER who gives the SPIRIT to live Spiritually ! So the man was the enemy of GOD. Never believed the words of The CREATOR, which is the SPIRIT and sinned against the SPIRIT. !


And the wrath burns the PROUD, and the pride is one of the causes of Adam’s failure which now must be revealed, so that all could humble themselves before The CREATOR and be converted back to Adam’s nature, which is the nature of GOD, the image of GOD. !  Because of man’s pride, no one exalted JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  And the last church is to pine away in her lusts and pride as Eze. 24: 21- 23 says.  But all were proud against The LORD. that is why He said in John 12: 32, when the Son of Man will be exalted, … all will be gathered to Him.  John 3: 14 says The SON has to be lifted up. And Mat. 12; 30 says, all were scattered as they did not gather to Him.  then, … all must BE GATHERED TO HIM, and not to any other gods, to be converted!!!  This is why, The LORD  said, the exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. The LORD  said , the humble are  CHRIST the LORD’s children, who are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel, as The LORD  said, to be humble as a little one ! No one can be among JESUS CHRIST the LORD, unless they are humbled first. So The LORD of HOSTS  is exalted only in judgment, that is after The Comforter came. Isa. 5: 16.


This is why the Scripture says, the whole purpose of the earth is to break the spirit of the assyrian, and GOD will hide the pride in man ! Isa. 14: 25- 26,  Job 33: 15- 17 !  That is why the night came!


Mal 4:1  For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. }}}… the fire comes on those PROUD WHO ARE WICKED, who did not know The LORD. which means those who did not know their FATHER is The LORD of HOSTS as Mal. 1: 6 says.  If you did  not know Him, that HE IS THE FATHER,  then you have been proud. The LORD  will hide your pride by making you fools. So the day of THE LORD is the day of The LORD of HOSTS , whom you did not honor as the FATHER !!! The whole Levitical ministry , then have been proud against The LORD  and His knowledge. ( 2 cor 10: 5-6, He uses those who fulfilled their obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to make them humble , to avenge. That proves we must bring every thought in to obedience of JESUS CHRIST the LORD )!


Isa 14:24  The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

Isa 14:25  That I will break the Assyrian in MY LAND, and upon My mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

Isa 14:26  This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. }}}… this is The LORD of HOSTS .  and it is HIS LAND AND HIS MOUNTAIN!  This is the church of GOD! As Eze. 24: 21- 23 says, … in Ezekiel’s time, this pride came over the people, causing them to waste away.  So we have proven before that the Assyrian in GOD’s land is the high priest the leader, Joshua. And when The LORD ’s hand is stretched out to destroy the pride in His land and His mountain, … the leader is the assyrian who was proud against Him. that means who was proud against JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! He is the enemy of The LORD , who turned all away from Him and caused all to look for dumb rocks to get the SPIRIT and brought death upon the land ! ( Judah is HWA and Gerald Flurry who both did the same enemy works against JESUS CHRIST the LORD )



You have not humbled before your FATHER. This is why the wisdom of the wise is perished and the BABES have their eyes opened and why they praised The LORD !  we all have been disobedient to our FATHER.  and fire comes to those who do not know Him as proven in previous writings.  Isa. 64;2 “melting fire burneth, .. to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence”.  So the enemy is those who did NOT KNOW TO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME as written above. And those who did not obey the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 the 1: 8. So those who did not tremble at The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are HIS ENEMY. This is why the wife of CHRIST The LORD  turned as an enemy, not knowing The Husband is also the FATHER as proven in the first part in Jer. 3: 19-20. She will return to Him, understanding that.


If Israel did not know their FATHER is The LORD of HOSTS , … then, they would not have feared Him. !  This is why, He sanctified some children to fear Him. Isa. 29: 23. And they are a sign and a wonder in Israel. So remember always, when the little children are mentioned, it is the children whom The LORD  predestinated as proven in previous writings in Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23,  54: 13 and so on.

Mal 4:2  But unto you that FEAR MY NAME shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. }}}… we do not need to guess who FEARS HIS NAME, as the Scripture says who would fear. Isa. 29: 23, says “But when he seeth his children, the WORK OF MINE HANDS, IN THE MIDST OF HIM, they shall SANCTIFY MY NAME, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fearthe God of Israel.” !

So the Levitical ministry did not fear The LORD of HOSTS . Mal. 1: 6.  But these children, who are the WORKS OF The LORD ’S HANDS AND WHO ARE IN HIS MIDST, AS Isa. 8: 18 SAYS, …THEY WILL SANCTIFY HIS NAME… AND FEAR HIM !!!


unto you that FEAR MY NAME shall the Sun of righteousness”…

he seeth his children, the WORK OF MINE HANDS, IN THE MIDST OF HIM,

they shall SANCTIFY MY NAME!!!!

fear the God of Israel” !!!

So these children, who are born to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … fears His name !!!

They honor the FATHER !


But The LORD  says to the Levitical ministry…Mal. 1:6

son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a FATHER , where is Mine honour? and if I be a master, where is My fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that DESPISE MY NAME.}}}… All Israel failed to honor and fear their GOD, the FATHER.  But others fear and honor Him. ! So fear is the beginning of wisdom. !  So The LORD  had to give wisdom to these who feared Him. !


So those who FEARED THE NAME OF The LORD of HOSTS , …( the righteous) And those who DID NOT fear Him, ( the wicked) … are separated. And this is how the seed will bruise the head of the serpent! Unless the serpent is bruised , no one can be converted ! GOD said this in Gen. 3. 15.

Mal 4:3  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. }}}… Who are the ‘wicked’??? It is the Levitical ministry !  one should fear, The LORD of HOSTS . Those who did NOT FEAR HIS NAME, which means also did not believe that HE IS THE FATHER as Mal. 1: 6 says, … are the enemy who needs to be TRODDEN DOWN.


So those who are WITH The LORD of HOSTS , … AND WHO FEARS HIM, … will be used to tread down those who DID NOT FEAR HIM, .. who are called the wicked. Heb.  3: 6, 12 says, also talks about those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house and those who forsook the Living GOD, who is also The LORD of HOSTS , …as  having an evil heart of unbelief. so the final battle will be those who feared The LORD of HOSTS  and those who did not.  and those who did not fear Him, will go through the tribulation , to be exposed as liars. ( Jer. 16: 19)  and those who feared Him, received the wisdom and truth to expose the lies and the liars.  That is how GOD tread down the wicked and that is their tribulation.   This is the time, as proven in the first part,  the key of David was SHUT to the wicked and OPENED to those who did NOT DENY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!!  JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE COMMANDER of the army, who is at war with the harlot and beasts in judgment, in the book of revelation. ! He sends His words the SPIRIT, the truth to correct the error and lies to save all!  This is also 2 cor 10: 5- 6,   Psa. 8: 2. And the wicked who did not obey The gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as 2 Thess. 1:8 says, will learn to fear Him, as the Everlasting gospel is preached, by those who have their FATHER’s name on their foreheads. Rev. 14 ! and those who erred in SPIRIT, will come to understanding, when CHRIST and HIS children  are working. Isa. 29: 23- 24 ! And as written above, when the first fruit unto CHRIST which talks about in Rom.  16, says, in v 20, the GOD of PEACE will bruise satan under their feet. and v 25 says the gospel which is PREACHING  ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ will establish one. That means the need to establish again is NOT preaching Him! See how GOD is opening the Scripture to us, to convert us ???


Enemy is marked by the first fruits who are in  CHRIST the LORD…

Rom. 16:5 Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ. }}}…so the first fruits are to  CHRIST the LORD… and this chapter talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD . So now, the first fruits who are of  CHRIST the LORD, marks those who are NOT IN HIM !  Who are to be marked ???:-

Rom 16:17  Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them}}}… who are the ones who cause DIVISIONS CONTRARY to the doctrine given???  This is not just any doctrine, but PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and as the next verse says, who DO NOT SERVE  CHRIST the LORD!

Rom 16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. }}}… understand ??? Those who PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are to MARK those who DO NOT PREACH HIM !  Such preach CONTRARY to the doctrine. They do NOT SERVE HIM !!! They serve their own bellies. !!!  But the bellies of the believers, The LORD  filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. John 7:36-39. Then, it is those who RECEIVED THE SPIRIT, who serve The LORD , who will mark those who do not.  in other words, the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , are to mark those who are not yet born of Him ! This is how the satan will be bruised under our feet as written below!


mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus CHRIST”

if any leader DOES NOT SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they are to be MARKED as sons of disobedience !


Then those who SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. have OBEYED Him.

Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men}}}… reading this chapter, to which GOD should we obey to? It is to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


Rom 16:20  And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. }}}… understand ???  When the first fruits of  CHRIST the LORD are born, … their FATHER, the GOD of PEACE, will bruise satan under our feet. WE HAVE OBEYED. 2 cor 10: 5-6, that is why The LORD  is using us. We obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! To preach HIM, IS THE TRUE DOCTRINE!!!  If you do not serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you serve your own BELLY, MEANS THE HEART. THAT IS THE MOST DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL. !  so remember… after the first fruits OBEYED their FATHER , JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they serve Him. ! They are used to avenge those who do not by EXPOSING THEM AND THEIR LIES !  We have been proving this is how satan will be bruised. Remember devil is the father of lies ? So when the lies are exposed, by giving the truth, automatically, the liars are exposed !

Which means those who SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND THOSE




But The LORD of HOSTS  will return having mercy, to build Jerusalem as a city of TRUTH as proven in the first part. Zech. 8


IN the book of Malachi, … the wicked and the righteous are separated, and those who feared ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’ and those who DID NOT fear Him. Those who FEARED The LORD … then, are the Mal. 3: 16-18 ones, and as written above Rom.  16 ones, the first fruits of  CHRIST the LORD!   While Mal. 1: 6 condemns the Levitical ministry for not fearing Him as the FATHER, v 11 says the GENTILES sends pure incense to His name.  And it is The LORD of HOSTS. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  So in other words, those who feared JESUS CHRIST the LORD ( righteous) and those who did not fear ( wicked) Him are separated!  So we can see why, the first fruits as written above, are those who preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD and are to Him. And then, as the day of THE LORD is the Times of Gentiles, Eze. 30:3, the gentiles were called to tread down Rev. 11: 2-3 !!!  They serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD and they mark those who preach NOT to serve Him. Just as Mal. 3: 16-18. !


serve not our Lord Jesus CHRIST”..

Serve their own bellies”..are marked now.


So satan is in those who do not serve Him, are the ones who are MARKED now to be trodden down or to be bruised!

Then, if GOD accept the offerings of the gentiles to be PURE TO HIS NAME, they send incense to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The LORD of HOSTS  !!!


And PRIDE, tempts GOD ! Then, the PROUD are the ones who do not fear JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The LORD of HOSTS . Pride is one of the three failures of the heart which caused us to be enemy of The LORD. and it is an abomination to GOD. abomination means GOD would not live in such hearts until purified.

Mal 3:15  And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered}}}… the PROUD, WICKED, even tempt The LORD , and are free to do their wicked works. We know what is going on inside the Sanctuary! From the prophet, … the profaneness has gone to the land. “or from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land”. Jer. 23: 15. Enemy is always INSIDE THE Sanctuary. Psa. 74. Beginning from Aaron worshiping the calf, … to the last high priest Gerald Flurry, who drinks the spiritual from a dumb jungle rock, … and caused all to look for nogods, …. Saying do not focus on  CHRIST the LORD too much etc, … were the enemies of The LORD .  none of the eras were obedient to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  When Aaron sinned, The ROCK said, I will VISIT his sin.  So until the Day of Visitation, … when the final prophet also is a fool, Hos. 9:7, all priests profaned the name of The LORD of HOSTS  !!!! They were HIS ENEMIES. From such wicked, The LORD  must save the people !!!


Pride , makes GOD to go far from us.  But faith will make us come near to Him as written below. And see Mal. 3 and Rom.  16, talks about first fruits of  CHRIST the LORD and those who disobeyed and who are MARKED.


Mal 3:16  Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that FEARED THE LORD, AND THAT THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME}}}…remember one should fear JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so all can judge themselves, if they have served and feared JESUS CHRIST the LORD or not.


is this GOD the Father talking?????   This is The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who DOES ALL THINGS to bring us to Him.  and Gerald Flurry NEVER, NEVER FEARED The LORD of HOSTS, NOR THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME, … but said DO NOT FOCUS ON CHRIST TOO MUCH… AND GO TO GOD the Father TO GET REVELATION!!! That proves definitely, he was not fearing The LORD of HOSTS  ! Mal. 1:6 ! So he is the wicked AND ARE MARKED as walking contrary to GOD, … as the enemy of GOD, … who preach contrary to the doctrine causing divisions!   The most wicked servant or high priest, in our days.  So from Aaron, to the last high priest, NO ONE FEARED The LORD of HOSTS  nor thought upon His name !!! the high priest took all AWAY from Him, and now, he teaches the people to drink the SPIRIT from a dumb rock , instead of The ROCK ! So The ROCK is The LORD of HOSTS  !!  Is that how the high priest should fear Him ???  No wonder why HE PREDESTINATED LITTLE CHILDREN TO FEAR HIS NAME ! So the PROUD are the high priest and all the churches who WORSHIPED GOD the Father AS THEIR GOD AND FATHER !


And, The LORD of HOSTS  says, those who FEAR HIM, ARE HIS OWN sons !!! Isa. 29:23

Mal 3:17  And they shall BE MINE, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth HIS OWN SON THAT SERVETH HIM}}}… as in Rom.  16 above, the first fruits serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so this is also JESUS CHRIST the LORD as He is The LORD of HOSTS .  So as written above, in Rom.  16, those who serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD BECAME HIS SONS OR FIRST FRUITS , and this Scripture also says, He will spare them as OWN SON THAT SERVES HIM !!!


Rom.  16..“serve not our Lord Jesus CHRIST”..

Serve their own bellies”..are marked now.

Mal. 3..they shall BE MINE, saith the LORD of hosts( CHRIST the LORD)


So Rom.  16 and Mal. 3 talks about the same GOD, the same people who SERVES HIM and who DOES NOT SERVE HIM !  V 18 says, in this, the true sons and the enemy is discerned.

So Rom.  16 tells us to SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD,

Mal. 3 tells us to serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who is The LORD of HOSTS !!!


These things are revealed so all can be converted to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! if you have served JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then you are a SON to Him, and if not, … then start serving Him to be a son !!!


Those who serve Him became the first fruits to  CHRIST the LORD. The rest are marked to be trodden down !!!  Is it any wonder why in judgment, GOD says the gentiles will tread down the INNER COURT where the Levitical ministry is??? Because they serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD and have become His first fruits now !

Isa 26:6  The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy.

Isa 26:9  With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. …}}}… so in judgment when the truth is revealed, … all will learn righteousness !


This is a prophecy for us now. Who feared the NAME AND THOUGHT UPON THE NAME of The LORD of Hosts??? “ But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: “. John 1:12. We do not need to guess who feared and who did not. Mal. 1: 6,  2: 2,  Isa. 29: 23 , John 1:11-12 clearly says who feared and who did not. Then, The LORD  says ;

8                                           THEY ARE MY SONS !!!

                                             THEY SHALL BE MINE !!!


Joh 17:26  And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

No one could have known the name of The LORD ,
until on the day of THE LORD, when The LORD
DELIVERED IT TO GENTILES. Zeph. 3; 9-20. That is why they do not lie, …
nor speak lies, and are in GOD’s Holy Mountain !


So who ever has JESUS CHRIST the LORD in them,
are GOD’s sons, and they are HIS !


No one other than Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23, ones could say they ARE SONS TO The
They are sent, with peace. Isa. 54: 13.   Because we do not need to guess, … all things
are written. ! So as you can see… JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own sons are serving
Him !!! He says, I WILL SPARE THEM. And these sons are used to tread down the
sons of the devil !


Israel AND GIVEN TO OTHERS WHO BEAR FRUITS. Mat. 21: 43 ,  1 sam 2;8,
Jam 2: 5 !!! The rich Laodiceans are proud against The LORD  and closed the door to Him. !  SO THE DOOR IS SHUT TO THEM !!!  The ‘DOOR’ is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 10.
And since all those who have not entered through the DOOR, ( CHRIST the LORD),
This is what we have been doing since 2003 Dec.


The high priest claims he wrote the Malachi's
message, … but HE IS A LIAR , because he did not enter through the DOOR to get
revelation ! And If you do not know THE TRUE FATHER, … YOU ARE A LIAR. “Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.” John 8:55. You have NOT KNOWN THE FATHER !  BUT YOU PREACH TO GO PASS The SON AND GO TO THE FATHER TO GET REVELATION!  So you have not known him, and you are a
liar.  Because, IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO IS THE FATHER !!!  and when you
say you know Him, and NOT KNOW HIM, … you are a liar. ! You never served The
LORD of HOSTS as YOUR FATHER !!!!  We never did, UNTIL WE CAME OUT AS The LORD SAID in 2 cor 6: 16-19, … and received as sons and daughters  ! When The LORD  came the second time, … we believed and received Him !!!  So He gave the power to
become SONS to Him , believing in His name !!!


The high priest claims he wrote the Malachi's message, … but HE IS A LIAR , because he did not enter through the DOOR to get revelation ! And If you do not know THE TRUE FATHER, … YOU ARE A LIAR. “Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.” John 8:55. You have NOT KNOWN THE FATHER !  BUT YOU PREACH TO GO PASS The SON AND GO TO THE FATHER TO GET REVELATION!  So you have not known him, and you are a liar.  Because, IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO IS THE FATHER !!!  and when you say you know Him, and NOT KNOW HIM, … you are a liar. ! You never served The LORD of HOSTS as YOUR FATHER !!!!  We never did, UNTIL WE CAME OUT AS The LORD  SAID in 2 cor 6: 16-19, … and received as sons and daughters  ! When The LORD  came the second time, … we believed and received Him !!!  So He gave the power to become SONS to Him , believing in His name !!!


You must believe that The LORD of HOSTS  is your FATHER and serve Him !!! This is why these children who fear Him, who are in HIS MIDST,  are a sign and a wonder to you ! They are The LORD ’s hands works !


Then, the righteous and wicked are discerned. The righteous are the ones who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or those who serve The LORD of HOSTS  !  HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS. 1 John 2. So He taught the little children these things. The wicked are the rest.

Mal 3:18  Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. }}}… one can examine themselves to see, if they have served JESUS CHRIST the LORD or not. because it is HIS WORDS, which will judge one, on the last day. John 12: 48 . He that REJECTETH ME, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. “…  These Scripture is now being revealed proves, we have come to the last day.  Now, those who REJECTED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … who did not SERVE HIM, who went passing Him, are clearly discerned AND MARKED.  Remember at the end of the world, in the harvest, … The LORD  comes to separate the righteous and the wicked????   Your harvest failed. Jer. 8: 19-20 !  THE KING left. HE IS IN US !!! That is the righteous judgment of the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE ! Isa. 42: 1- 3 !


The sons of GOD ; and sons of the devil, or sons of dumb rocks are manifested!  STONY hearts and fleshly hearts are created!!!   Those who do not serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … have rejected Him and has not received His words.  As His words, are the SPIRIT and life, John 6:63, those who rejected Him and His words, have not received His SPIRIT or life and are dead, flesh and blood , and carnal and are the enemies of The LORD  and HIS SONS. !!! Gerald Flurry, the enemy of The LORD  called us ‘evil’ IN 2004 !!!!  GOD wants him to know that HE LOVES THESE SONS WHO FEARED HIM, and it is Gerald Flurry who is EVIL, as he has not feared Him !!!!  Gerald Flurry cast us out, as we came in the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


 As proven above, in Rom.  8, … as you have not the SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD, … you are still flesh and blood and that is why you cannot understand the truth about The SON , that HE IS ALSO THE FATHER !!!! But you will. Jer. 3: 19-20, when you are converted ! Same way The LORD  converted the little children, .. He will convert the rest as well. !!! HIS NAME ‘The Saviour’ THEN WILL BE FULFILLED IN ALL !!!


And JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to the ‘JEWS’, , you do not have a place in you for Him, or His words as proven in the first part ! John 8:37. So how could JESUS CHRIST the LORD set you free, as it is HIS WORDS the truth v 32, which sets one free ???? Whole chapter 8 is accusations against His own who rejected Him. !

Joh 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill Me, because My word hath no place in you. }}}… If you do not have a place for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s word, which is the SPIRIT, … THEN HOW COULD YOU RECEIVE HOLY SPIRIT AND LIFE ????  unless those who rejected Him and His words receives them, … you cannot be set free. Remember His word, is the TRUTH, and the truth shall SET YOU FREE? John 17: 17-20. !  Therefore, if you have NO PLACE FOR HIS WORDS, … YOU HAVE NO PLACE FOR THE TRUTH !!!! So Abraham’s seed, are now made ‘liars’ BY HIS WORDS! His words will prove that you have rejected Him. John 12: 48


In this, we know, the Jews has no place for JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. His words, … the TRUTH, … and to the SPIRIT !!! But preaches as they are already kings and priests and are spiritual.  Gerald Flurry said, he is intimate with GOD !!! He is eating from the Tree of Life !!! So GOD also had no choice, but to MAKE HIM A LIAR, as he is not intimate with The LORD of HOSTS , nor eat from the Tree of Life !!!  GOD Has to reveal the hidden counsels of the heart, 1 cor 4: 5, so these liars and enemies of The LORD  could know their sin against Him and repent and believe , so He can come to them !!!  Which GOD is Gerald Flurry intimate with, if not  CHRIST the LORD , the only GOD who comes in the Scripture ?


Once again, it is these children, who come to bring the word to you, as The LORD  sends them, after sanctifying them by the truth, so you may believe IN HIM… !!! ( John 17: 17-20) So this work is sanctified by The LORD  and His words to convert you from your ways to His ways !!!


Then, in the LAST DAY, … the GOOD SEED, who are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sons, who has the SPIRIT, the truth, the words of The LORD  who fears Him, …. and the wicked who are NOT OF HIS CHILDREN, the wicked, the liars are now made manifest.  HE IS THE SOWER OF GOOD SEED. When you are given the understanding of all these, … you will see you are BEING BURNT. Specially Joshua and his fellows will be put to shame and their pride will be brought low. ! Joshua has a dumb jungle rock as his father to drink the spirit !!! What glory did this wicked man bring to GOD’s name, “The ROCK’,  as he calls himself the ‘high priest’??? Could GOD lie?

Mat 13:37  He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man}}}… this is not GOD the Father nor the jungle rock, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD!

Mat 13:38  The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; }}}…The good seed are the children of the KINGDOM. THE KING is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Again, … it is the little children, who are in the kingdom. Mat. 12: 27-28, 1 John 4:4, 17 and more as proven in previous writings. Are we not being used by our FATHER to judge the wicked ? Has He not sanctified us by the truth and are now being sent? As Isa. 54: 13 says, … are we not sent with peace???  There are many other ways, these sons of The LORD of HOSTS  SERVE HIM !!!  These works proves the TRUE GOD and HIS TRUE SONS as Elijah did !


Mat 13:39  The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. }}}…as written above, … we know who are the enemy? The priesthood in the Sanctuary, the enemy caused all to go astray from the One and ONLY TRUE GOD! They are those who failed to receive the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD as Rom.  8 says.
Then, now, the HARVEST has come.  Their
lies caused THE KING to leave them. Jer. 8: 19-20 and their harvest failed
!!!!  That means the end of the world
!  The GOOD SEED IS DISCERNED!!!  Those who FEAR HIS NAME, … WHO SERVES HIM, …are the good seed of The LORD of HOSTS ! And the ‘ANGELS”???  The angels are the ones who KEEP THE WORD OF GOD. Psa. 103:20. They are the little children who abide in Him and the word.  And it is the word of GOD, which
is the TRUTH, which divides the sons of GOD and sons of the devil.  So those who serve The LORD of HOSTS , are the good seed , the sons of GOD, and others serves the devil, the PROUD HEART !


Mat 13:40  As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. }}}}…as the fire comes on those who did not know the Name
of THE LORD! It is Joshua, who will be pulled out of fire.  So it is the end of this world, as all will be converted to Him. Remember the harvest failed in Israel, and The LORD  ADOPTED sons from gentiles! Fire comes only to
burn the wickedness. Isa. 9:18 .

Mat 13:41  The Son of man shall send forth his angels,
and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity
}}}… it is those who
did not serve The LORD of HOSTS , who have offended Him, and has iniquity.  ( Joshua and fellows) This is why, Joshua will be pulled out of fire. It is not 50% who will burn in this fire, but 100% , if you have not served The LORD of HOSTS
! So the angels are those who keep His word, and His voice, .. who also
are in the kingdom, WHO SERVES The LORD  .
! GOD makes His angels, the minsters, a flaming fire. Psa. 104:4. Read lam
2:3,  and 2 Thess. 1: 8 says, it comes on those who do not know or obey the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! That means
those who failed to obey to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as 2 cor 10: 5- 6 !


reapers are the angels”… Reapers are angels. The angels are the ones heard the word the truth. Psa. 103:20. John 4, says one sows, another enters in to their labor. so at the end of the age, ..the reapers are those who entered in to labor, in the last hour.  But they received wages of everlasting life.


The DEATH, is a CURSE. GOD says NO MORE CURSES. Then the death will be no more. If all are under sin, then why would GOD put only 50% to the lake of fire  and why not 100%??? To redeem us from the curse of death, The LORD  died. if you believe that, …. You have life in Him. but you did not go to Him to get life ! if Aaron’s sin was not avenged when he did that in those days, … would GOD kill anyone else who have not done in the manner of Aaron and Joshua ??? GOD said, He will avenge the blood of all the prophets and righteous people from this generation. !


Mat 13:42  And shall cast them into a furnace of
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
}}}…Now we know what this
fire  is, the WORD of GOD !  Can any one gnash their teeth in a REAL FIRE
while burning ???  And in a FURNACE???  Dan 3:23 says those who went near the furnace was burned to death. Knowing the end from the beginning, would a loving GOD, who DIED to redeem us from death, … throw anyone in to a lake of fire  and KILL ??? WHY DID HE DIE ??  Did He not die to save ALL ???  Besides if Joshua is pulled out of fire, would not The LORD  pull out the rest who are with him ???    On the contrary, … the lake of fire , as proven in previous writings,  is to burn the wickedness of men.  There isn’t a time to gnash the teeth or wail in a furnace !!!  … we must know who are these gnashing their teeth? Mat. 8: 12 says, it is the children of the kingdom, … who were brought out to be a kingdom of priests , who are Abraham’s seed, the liars  and the enemy of The LORD  etc, .. who failed to keep their first estate being children to The LORD of HOSTS , …being angels as Apostle Jude says,  who will be gnashing their teeth ! read Mat. 25 also.


Mat 13:43  Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. }}}… to which GOD
belongs the KINGDOM?  Is it not to THE KING , JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???


THE KING left you, as your harvest failed. Jer. 8: 19-20
!!!! If THE KING is not in you, .. then would you BE IN THE KINGDOM ?  So the kingdom belongs to the FATHER !!! So THE KING IS THE ‘FATHER’!!!! That is another proof that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER
!!! So HE IS THE
RIGHTEOUS, .. AND HIS SONS ARE THE RIGHTEOUS who are given the kingdom!
Remember how the key of king David was given and it was cut off, and then given
to others as proven in the first part and previously, who call The ROCK of
salvation, my FATHER, as king David did in Psa. 89:26 ???   !!! As written above, in Mal. 3; 16-18, the righteous are those who feared The LORD of
HOSTS  !!! So the KINGDOM belongs to The LORD of HOSTS !


So to these righteous, … THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL SHINE as written above, to those who FEARED THE NAME OF The LORD of HOSTS  !!! JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the SUN, and HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS as well.  So the FATHER gives the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS to His sons ! So king David’s seed, is to be as the days of heaven…, those who call The ROCK , my FATHER as king David did as proven in the first part , but here it is again.


Psa 89:27  And I will make him My first-bornhigher than the kings of the earth.

Psa 89:28  I will keep My mercy for him forever, and My covenant shall stand fast with him.

Psa 89:29  Also I have set his seed forever, and his throne as the days of the heavens}}}… THIS IS THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM which we are to wait for !!!!  now THE KING has separated the wicked and the righteous. !!!  as king David called ‘The ROCK’, my FATHER, … this seed also calls Him our FATHER. and they are the first fruits , higher than kings, and they have the Covenant and mercy and when they work, … it is as the days of heavens. Remember … the stone of destiny , which leads to the Gate of HEAVEN ??? So those who still believe in it, … are in the heavens, being angels, in the House of GOD, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house, Heb.  3: 6 and the wicked have departed from Him, as v 12 says , having an evil heart!


When Gerald Flurry called us ‘evil’, … he has no understanding that he is the evil one ! GOD is a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE that shows no respect to persons. !



GOD reminds all ‘Israel’, about His law. But He prophesied that all will fail to keep it as they did not go to Him to get righteousness , but tried to keep the law to get righteousness! So as Rom.  4 says, the law works wrath.  and they are to die WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28. Then, could there be even ONE PERSON who can say they kept the law and are righteous ?  Scripture says not even one can escape the death without mercy.  then all under the law must admit they are sinners and are dead at one time. And that time is now, during the Laodicea era !

Mal 4:4  Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. }}}… so it is to ‘ISRAEL’, GOD talks about the law. And all are to die.


Remember when Malachi is to be fulfilled, to The LORD of HOSTS ’S NAME, IT IS THE GENTILES WHO SENDS PURE INCENSE. Mal. 1: 11 ! So it is the gentiles who received Him, the second time, according to Scripture, … who are saved by MERCY and FAITH and belief, as they are vessels of mercy !


The LORD  said, HE WILL SEND Elijah, before the day of THE LORD. !!! The END of the day of THE LORD is when the EYES ARE OPENED , in the lake of fire  where the books are opened. then, just as the apostles, they will have the Scripture opened to them. They will  remember their GOD is The ROCK. And will seek Him. Psa. 78: 34- 35. The Levitical ministry will remember how they did not honor JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and everything that happened in the Sanctuary, … the ministry will remember.  The LORD  will bring all things He foretold about them to their remembrance. !  Their hearts then will burn as it happened to the apostles.  Then, The LORD  will breath on them once again, His HOLY SPIRIT as John 20:22 says.


Mal 4:5  Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
}}}…What can we learn from these two verses ???  It talks about the LAW, and then Elijah.  Through Moses, GOD gave the law. JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, Moses will accuse all to GOD.”
there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust”. John 5:45. So on the last
day, Moses or the law accused you of not coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, even
though it was a schoolmaster to bring you to Him !  That means they failed TO COME TO THEIR GOD AND THE FATHER! Then what ???  Would The LORD  create all of us to destroy later?
Then ;-…

So this is why, The LORD  said, Elijah will come to TURN THE HEARTS TO
THE FATHER , as the law could not bring them!!! . Moses and Elijah appeared to
Him. Moses will accuse all for breaking the law, and Elijah will accuse you of
not worshiping The FATHER and GOD  , whom HE WORSHIPED ! But it is not Moses and Elijah, but some others who will do that. So both the law, and the priesthood must be changed as Heb.  7 says !



  So the law JUDGES Israel as they have NOT KEPT IT, BECAUSE THE VERY FIRST FOUR COMMANDMENTS of the ten are about The LORD of HOSTS , or The ROCK, … whom they FORGOT, AND DID NOT SERVE !!!  So their HEARTS ARE FAR FROM THEIR FATHER. the broken law proves they do not love their true GOD and the FATHER , The ROCK who gave it !  As king David did, .. they failed to call ‘The ROCK’, my FATHER !!! That is why soon after REMINDING THE LAW, … The LORD  speaks about Elijah’s coming , as he comes to TURN THE HEARTS, which were NOT , of the sons to the FATHER. and at this time, the FATHER also Has left the sons and Has found other sons, who FEARED HIM as proven above!


This is a prophecy for the day of THE LORD. So on the day of THE LORD, … The LORD  came and delivered the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , to gentiles. Zeph. 3: 9—and they are in the Holy Mountain, … and not speak lies.  They are given the clear lip to call upon the Name of THE LORD with ONE CONSENT. !  There is no division, … no Babylon , no confusion after that, and they serve The LORD of HOSTS  with one consent !!! Then only, it was possible for us to worship Him and we came to know HE IS THE FATHER and send pure incense to HIS NAME !  Then only… those who FEARED and feared NOT, are discerned. ! The truth must be given first, as no one knew it as all were flesh and blood, … for the lies to be made manifest. And then, the work of Elijah is to turn the hearts of the children, to the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , THE TRUE FATHER, .. The ROCK !!! That means during the day of THE LORD, the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is delivered , so all can know the FATHER!


Mal 4:6  And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. }}}.. See…. the curse is because, the sons did not love the FATHER from their heart!!!! FATHER’S LOVE IS WRITTEN IN HIS WILL.   Unless Elijah come and turn the hearts to The LORD of HOSTS , the FATHER, … the curse will remain.  if you understand so far, … the curse is already taken from you and you will clearly see that JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK , WAS, IS , AND WILL BE THE Everlasting FATHER ! Isa. 9: 6,  Jer. 3: 19-20, .. Deut.  32: 12, 15, 18! Since this work needs to plead with the FATHER and also with the children, … only the ministry of reconciliation could do this work as proven in the first part. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, reconciled the ministry of reconciliation , FIRST, and gave that ministry. !


When the hearts are turned to the true FATHER, … all are restored to the ORIGINAL CREATION OF MAN as a son to GOD , to The CREATOR !!! So who ever is given the burden to preach the TRUE FATHER, … to turn the hearts to Him, is doing the work of Elijah !



Micah 3;6 says, there is no divination which means a word from GOD to the prophets and Isa. 60 says, the PEOPLE, and not the land is in darkness. This is further explained by Apostle Peter in 1  Pet. 2: 8-10, that is it in this darkness, GOD brought His Royal Priesthood , giving HIS LIGHT. AS WRITTEN ABOVE IN Mal. 4, THE SUN OR RIGHTEOUSNESS SHONE ON THEM WHO FEARED The LORD of HOSTS  !  And that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  so this priesthood, not only serves JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK or The LORD of HOSTS , they are the more excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained, to work in the mercy seat, RECEIVING MERCY FIRST. Remember, HE RECONCILED THIS MINISTRY FIRST, TO HIM, … AND GAVE THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION to them as proven in previous writings. So it is this Royal Priesthood, who SERVES and loves GOD, also as 1  Pet. 1: 8 says, they , NOT SEEN, YET THEY LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HIM. !!  So this priesthood, is clearly revealed to be serving The LORD of HOSTS. And they are none other than the little children who are in His midst, who are HIS OWN HAND’S WORKS WHICH WILL NOT FAIL. !  this time, the time given to mankind is over.  THE KING, Himself will take the kingdom to His hands.  If not,  all will continue to rebel more and more as Isa. 1 says. So there is a time which GOD , The CREATOR will put a stop to man’s vain works and stop it, and bring in the times of Refreshing ! That is the Day of Visitation, when He avenges the sin of Aaron and all high priests unto Joshua.  He overlooks the IGNORANCE in man. Acts. 3.  And the high priest , himself is a fool  who would not even know the Day of Visitation. Hos. 9:7.  If he knew, he would have never drink the SPIRIT drink from a dumb rock as proven in “New stone” writings.




Before the conversion, the blindness comes as they did not obey ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’!

The LORD of HOSTS  punishes the CITY OF KING DAVID! Where is the city of king  David?

Here is what Gerald Flurry wrote in his book of Isaiah…pg 77 latest edition

Ariel also means hearth or altar of God …It is the hearth of the great altar of God! It refers specifically to the highest tier of the altar, where the altar fire continually burned”.. This all refers to the temple service. The temple today is God’s own Church. But God is very angry with Ariel, or His own Laodicean Church today”….}}}… If it is the temple of GOD’s own church, and if they are the ministry who does the service of the altar, could any one else be ; other than PCG ?  other churches are not the ‘HIGHEST’ TIER, as it is the high priest, who is the highest.  And the HOLY SPIRIT is Joshua. Mr tkach is dead and gone. He will not taken back to be the high priest. So GOD is very angry with Ariel, the ministry ! It is they who are going to be blinded even as Micah 3: 6 also says.


Understand that there are two groups spoken here. Ariel or the city of king David, or the church of GOD, who  is going to be punished by BLINDNESS , by The LORD of HOSTS and then the other is  CHRIST the LORD’s own children who WILL FEAR HIM and sanctify Him. and we know, the Levitical ministry , who DID NOT fear Him, where THE high priest is, the highest tier which GOD wants to punish. No other leader has said he is the high priest. That is the highest tier of the altar. And Eze. 16: 52 proves it is PCG which GOD used in the end time, even to judge others, and then she DID WORSE than others !!! . And this blindness is to come where king David’s throne and where the key of David is. This is the time, after the Philadelphia  era, those who denied ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name were spared and those who DENIED HIS NAME, are to be Laodicean. So GF, himself denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name. and he is the man who does not know the Day of Visitation, Hos. 9:7, because he is the last high priest, and who will be punished even for Aaron’s sin. Ex 32 . So one group is to be blinded, the altar , and the other will fear Him.


Isa. 29 talks about the blindness and erring of the SPIRIT, and what The LORD of HOSTS  would do to David’s city. That is the church where the key of David was…, and The LORD  will pour a deep spirit of sleep , which means no spiritual drink which means to err from His SPIRIT the words, ( 1  Pet. 2: 5-8  they are appointed to err in the word) and they are to ERR , and also when the other children fears The LORD , … these who erred also will come to understand. So erring in SPIRIT means they cannot understand the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! His blindness will come to the city of king David. And this prophecy is for the Day of Visitation.


Isa 29:1  onwards “Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! … Yet I will distress Ariel, And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee. .. And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust,… Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. … For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. … And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, …And Jehovah said, Because this people draw near Me with their mouth, and with their lips honor Me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the command of men; … therefore, behold, I will go on doing among this people, a wonder, even a wonder. For the wisdom of their wise ones shall perish, and the understanding of their intelligent ones shall be hidden. And the meek shall increase joy in Jehovah, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. ,,, For the terrible one is brought to nothing, and the scorner is destroyed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off;… ( then, after GOD bringing them down, and Joshua’s iniquity is cut off, … GOD will redeem JACOB…, when GOD sees His own children who will FEAR HIM. …)

Therefore so says Jehovah, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob: Jacob shall not now be ashamed, nor shall his face now become pale. ..

Isa 29:23  But WHEN HE SEES HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MY HANDS, in his midst, they shall sanctify My name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. }}}… so these children are the works of The LORD ’s hands, which cannot fail.  They will sanctify His name.!  That means, as proven in the first part, … they DID NOT DENY HIS NAME as the synagogue of satan , the Jews who say they are Jews , but are lying, who is none other than Gerald Flurry , so say he is from Judah. That is the highest tier of the altar, the high priest, and who is also a fool on the Day of Visitation. Hos. 9;7. So he does not even know WHO THESE CHILDREN , WHO ARE THE WORKS OF The LORD ’S HANDS, AS HE IS SO FAR FROM UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRIT, THE WORD, THE TRUTH!  the following verse proves, it is to happen on the Day of Visitation. “Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts”..  JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to open the eyes of the blind, and close the ones who see. John 9:39 ! That is the judgment of The LORD . that is how The LORD  will bring these high ones down low ! The terrible one will be brought low. That is why Psa. 8:2, GOD chose the babes, to perfect His praise, to STILL THE ENEMY!


So the book, the Bible, is CLOSED TO THEIR UNDERSTANDING, after the Philadelphia  era. They became the synagogue of satan, instead of the highest tier of the altar which must FEAR AND SANCTIFY The LORD ’S NAME. this is talking about The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and did He not warn the Philadelphia  era to NOT TO DENY HIS NAME ???  So who denied His name ? It is the Jews who say they are, but lie. !!!  This is the time, the key of David is SHUT to those who denied the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, , and OPENED to others who sanctified and feared His name, who are HIS OWN CHILDREN! And then, as the last verses say, … The LORD  Has already redeemed JACOB as these children feared Him. and fearing Him, they received the wisdom.  But the highest tier, the city of king David, … was caused to perish their wisdom ! But now, The LORD  will open their eyes in the lake of fire , where the WORD of GOD  is fulfilled and kept , so these could be put in to it, to learn what has already happened and how The LORD  fulfilled all things written. !


Read v23 above…

Isa 29:24  Those who erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and those who murmured shall learn doctrine. }}}… who erred in SPIRIT ??? It is the high and exalted the highest tier of the altar… all the lofty ones mentioned in Isa. 2 also. Then, after these children sanctified HIS NAME, the blindness will be taken away. Then, the highest tier will see that they are dust. “And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust”..  Remember ‘dust’ means lies as proven in previous writings. As you can see, … The LORD  has separated the righteous and the wicked and the wicked are discerned as written above, … the ministry where Joshua the high priest is. He is from Judah, … he says he is a Jew, .. but denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, .. and all the glory given to him, was cut off, as the key of David was cut off from him as Isa. 22: 25,  Rev. 3: 9-12 says !


Who DENIED the name of The LORD of HOSTS , …

“WHEN HE SEES HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MY HANDS, in his midst, they shall sanctify My name’….!  But the high priest, denied His name. the fact that Gerald Flurry says he is given the key of David PROVES THAT HE IS THE MAN WHO IS IN THE CITY OF KING DAVID , whom The LORD  wants to punish !  Eze. 14, GOD says, He deceived the prophet as proven in ‘new stone’ writings. So we do not have to guess who are bring terrible and brought low. Gerald Flurry wrote he is intimate with GOD. But he drinks the spiritual from the rock. And he is intimate with his GOD, the rock ! GOD’s delusion was on him to believe that he can drink from a rock ! What an abomination is that, inside the Sanctuary , being the high priest to declare such a thing in this day and age, when there are no primitive people who worships rocks ! he totally despised the throne of king David , JACOB’s vision which The LORD  gave ! What happened to the Covenant, testimony, the laws of GOD??? So without a doubt, we know it is the king who sat on the throne of king David, in the city of king David, who claim to have the key of David, who denied The LORD  !


And we know the Levitical ministry did not fear Him, and once again, it is The LORD of HOSTS . Mal. 1: 6.  But these children,… GOD says, … will fear Him !!!  They fear the GOD of “ISRAEL”!

and shall fear the God of Israel. }}}… so the highest tier , the ministry denied, but these children sanctified His name, … and then, the ministry did not fear Him, but these children fear Him. !  So The LORD gave all the wisdom to these children. 1 John 2 is all about that.  HE FORGAVE THEM FREELY, FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE. !!!


and it is these children, who will be a sign and a wonder in Israel. Isa. 8: 18.

many Scripture talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s children as we have been writing in every one. But why cant others see this sign and a wonder ???  Because they are Spiritually blind as The LORD  put a deep sleep and blinded them. ! But now, as we have feared and sanctified His name, … which is the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … He will return to make the city a city of truth! Zech. 8 !


SO these children’s HEARTS ARE ALREADY TURNED TO THE FATHER,  … they serve Him , being the ministry of reconciliation, … and praying on behalf of the dead and the blind, … and declaring His righteousness and that He Has come etc…. and they also serve Him, by pleading with Him, and standing as a gap between Him and the people as Moses did as proven in many writings.  So this is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said MOSES and Elijah will come again !  They will not come, but their works will be done BY HIMSELF, but through this ministry whom HE OBTAINED , forgiving, and CONVERTING THEM TO HIM! If The LORD  does not do all these, by HIMSELF, no man knew that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is also the FATHER as it was kept a secret, since the foundation of the world. ! So that truth , about the doctrine of The LORD , to proclaim the Name of THE LORD, as deut 32: 1- 3 says, … is given to those who FEARED HIS name and sanctified HIS NAME !!!


This is why , they are a sign and a wonder to Israel, to see that the GOD whom they STUMBLED is the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD, and the ONLY FATHER in the whole creation ! They are appointed to stumble on Him, …( Isa. 8: 14)  reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone, … and even to stumble at the WORD of GOD  ! ( 1  Pet. 2: 5-8). So they are called the sons of disobedience! THEN, THEY MUST BE ! So they will see, how JESUS CHRIST the LORD brought these children to Himself and will come to learn about Him, The LORD of HOSTS  from them as Zech. 8 says!


Losing the wisdom, …. And without understanding or blindness means, they are BEASTS. They all went after the image of the beast !!! A man apart from GOD and His understanding, … is a beast. Psa. 49: 20 !  So GOD’s own ministry are now beasts !



Mostly, the higher the position a man gets; such become exalted in their own eyes. The pride of life sets in and then they want more and more of power, prestige and positions higher and higher , in MAN’S EYES and not before GOD.  GOD, always chooses the base and weak things, the HUMBLE ONES, and specially now, and that is why He called the ‘little children’, and the donkey and the foolish nation, the weak ones as king David and as GOD. Zech. 12:8, 1 John 4:4, 17, Mat. 12: 27-28, 1 sam 2: 8.   He hides the man’s pride by making him a fool, Spiritually, not giving His words and understanding. GOD wants man to see that he is a beast, without understanding.  Eccl 3:18. This is why, there are beasts spoken in the book of revelation.!  Unless one goes to The ROCK , or THE ALMIGHTY who gives inspiration as Elihu said, all men are beasts! Just think; that the high priest drank the spiritual from a rock????  So his words and knowledge is from a rock! His heart also became a rock !


 ‘Spiritual’ Pharoah, and the Assyrian (Isa. 14)  Nebuchadnezzar, (Dan 4:27) and the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish ( Isa. 2) whom GOD wants to humble, are all inside the Sanctuary, in the ministry as proven in previous writings.  But, why did JESUS CHRIST the LORD say to be HUMBLE AS LITTLE CHILDREN ???  Because these children are the works of HIS OWN HANDS, and they FEARED HIM!  That wisdom is given by The LORD , Himself!   So all the proud are in the Sanctuary. 2 Thess. 2 says the high priest who sits in the temple is against GOD , and a liar.   This is none other than Ezekiel, and Joshua. this is why Eze. 24: 21- 23 , that GOD said, at the time of Ezekiel’s wife’s stroke, .. all are to pine away. !  But, they are to keep their turbans, which means their government, made by man’s ways.


GOD CALLS OUR GENERATION, AN ‘EVIL’ GENERATION, if we have DEPARTED FROM HIM.  Heb.  3:12 THEN, IN ORDER TO CONVERT SUCH, from evil to good,  … The LORD  MUST CAUSE THEM TO COME TO HIM ONCE AGAIN!  And that is why, The LORD  sends these truths to them !  Now, GOD must turn the BEASTS in to MEN !!!!  in short, … if we have an evil heart when we DEPART from Him, … then when we come to Him, … we will have an UPRIGHT HEART and are CONVERTED  !!!


We are no different from Adam. And that evil heart is MOST DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL !!!!  This is what happened to Adam. GOD reveals these things, so we can know our own evilness which caused us to depart from Him and worship other gods.  How evil is it to give the place of ‘The ROCK’, to a jungle rock????  WE BECAME OUR OWN GODS.  We worshiped our EVIL HEARTS, full of lusts !  Let each one judge his own heart, when their eyes are opened.   All have sinned. That means all have evil hearts.  So The LORD  came to reveal the hidden things of the heart. 1 cor 4: 5. Specially the last generation is evil, as GOD LEFT TOTALLY AND DARKNESS , THE SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS CAME. !   Then the delusion came without divination. !  So what do you expect?  The Sanctuary will worship rocks and idols and other gods… of wood and stone, AS The LORD  SAID!



In our writing ‘harlot part 3”, we wrote. Unless for GOD’s mercy, there will be no more humans. HWA says this harlot is the Catholic church. She is neither was married to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, nor she was His church which The Husband wants to purify to Himself as Eph.  5: 23-26. She is definitely NOT THE HIGHEST TIER OF THE ALTAR which GOD wants to judge! Here is our quote;

“Rev 18: 23…. And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.}… A “light of a candle”? …certainly, these are not candelabras… !a light of a candle, is  in Greek, “Lamp”. This is God’s last church, which failed to keep her lamp burning because of her harlotries. As seven is the number of completion, there are no more church eras. There fore, there will be no more lamps… or light of candles.    This is the leader of the laodicean era, who “FELL” from heaven, burning, who deceived a third part of God’s people, in Rev 8: 10. “. ( remember why burning?. Jeremiah talks about once again the Bride Groom will come)


“The light, of the body is the “EYE” (Luk 11: 34) When your eyes can see, your whole body is full of light. The eye caused darkness over the body, the body of Christ. But when the eye is evil, as the Laodicea’s are blind, a light of a candle will not shine in her. V 36… bright shining of a candle…. Because of their “sins”, a light of a candle will not shine in this harlot. This is the women, who bore seven, languishes and breathed her last. ( Jer 15: 9,   Rev 22: 5… after the judgments, we do not need any more churches, we will be with God. no more light of a candle needed… no more ‘beacons’ of light, will be brought from the devil. If GF’s eye, the candle was shining, he would have never bought such man made candelabras.  God strikes the eye of evil men… ( Ps 6:7,  31:9,  88:9) This is not talking about Catholic church. They never had light… (Nor the Bride Groom was in her)  Rev 1: 12… seven eras are seven candlesticks.. so since we have come to the end, there will be no more light of a lamp, in the church.”…}}}… we have already seen all these being fulfilled.


If the wife has forsaken The Husband and If He is not in the wife, then she has other gods, husbands, and that is a harlot. ! So all the evils happened in the Sanctuary. And from the Sanctuary, all the evils came to the land. “from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.” Jer. 23: 15.



Our EYE is  CHRIST the LORD. The BLINDNESS is because HE  is
not in us. Then, how could we see where to walk ?

Luk 11:34  The light of the body is the eye: therefore
when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when

thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

Luk 11:35  Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not

Luk 11:36  If thy whole body therefore be full of light,
having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright
shining of a candle doth give thee light.


“ the light of the body is THE EYE.  In our eyes, there is no light.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the LIGHT.   And we are His body.  So the EYE should be the GOD of Light, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  ! The church’s
eye should be JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so we must see by Him. This is why the
Laodicea who DO NOT HAVE HIM IN THEM, are blind and in darkness !


Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am
the light of
the world: he that
shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. …

So The LORD  gives
light to life to His body.  Then, if we
depart from Him, … would we have light of life ? Did the high priest teach the
people to follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD?
He drank from a rock recently. He said to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD  ( THE GOD OF LIGHT, WHO GIVES US THE EYE SIGHT)
and not to focus on Him too much.  In other words… DON’T LOOK TO THE LIGHT, … BUT GO PASS IT , AND GO TO DARKNESS AND DEATH!  The opposite of light and life is
darkness and death.  so the profanes came to the land through the high priest. !!!
  So do such people have THE LIGHT
OF THE WORLD, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???? Can they see in their eyes ???
Do they have the LIGHT in their EYES??? This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said
to Laodiceans, that they need EYE SALVE!!!!
The ‘world’ is also the church, as proven in previous writings.  So the church’s , OR THE WORLD’S EYE SHOULD BE JESUS CHRIST the LORD, if they want the light. The LIGHT of the world is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and the light of the body is the eye!!!!! 



is it any wonder why this high priest’s eyes is evil , as he does NOT GET THE LIGHT FROM JESUS CHRIST the LORD, NOR FOLLOWED HIM TO GET IT or see by HIm???  Would the church, or the world receive light, when you go pass it, or not focus on it ????  Strangely, one focuses on something in their eyes or the mind.  So this high priest’s eye and the mind is not focused on THE TRUE LIGHT !!!!  So the WHOLE ERA became dark. The Royal Priesthood is taken out of that darkness in to HIS LIGHT. ! THEY SEE!


Isa. 60: 2 says, the darkness came over the PEOPLE, and not in the land. !  And HE IS THE LIGHT. V 3 says, The LORD ’s glory shall be seen in her, and The LORD  SHALL RISE ON HER.  But He sends the gentiles to cause her to RISE. That means to give light. Read the whole chapter. As you can see, … we are gentiles. And we have followed THE LIGHT. So we received HIS LIGHT, and just as the moon is reflected by the SUN’S light, in this night, He sends HIS LIGHT, through this “NEW’ moon. We have proven all these before. Therefore, unless one goes to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and FOLLOW HIM, … they will not  have the light to be converted! You have to see that you are in darkness first and seek THE TRUE LIGHT !!!


Elijah, or John the Baptist , witnessed to that light. Once again, Elijah is prophesied to come and prove this light. John 1

Joh 1:3  All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

Joh 1:4  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

Joh 1:7  This one came as a witness, to bear witness concerning the Light, so that all might believe through him.

Joh 1:8  He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

Joh 1:9  He was the true Light; He enlightens every man coming into the world. }}}… All THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM ! In Him, life. so life is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and the life , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, was the light of men. When you have HIM IN YOU, … you have light leading to life.  This is why, it is prophesied that these children will have Him in them. ! So Elijah witnessed about JESUS CHRIST the LORD . HE IS THE TRUE LIGHT. ! So who ever brings this LIGHT, or the knowledge about JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and His life and Light, are fulfilling the role of Elijah ! Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD is prophesied to come again, to the gentiles and not to Israel again ! Their time is over as the Laodicea era also fell away and closed the door to Him. !  They lost their opportunity to become GOD’s FIRST FRUITS as they rejected His words, the SPIRIT and life!


So those who rejected Him and His light, SPIRIT, truth and life, must go to Him to get them ! By not going to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Israel are in darkness. But , out of that darkness, JESUS CHRIST the LORD called the Royal Priesthood who are not of His own ! 1  Pet. 2; 8-10


Then, it is the gentiles who bring light to cause you to rise, because they received Him and became His sons. And it is they who WITNESS TO THE LIGHT as John the Baptist did the first time.!

Isa 60:1  Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. }}}… the GLORY OF The LORD , THAT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S GLORY WILL GIVE YOU LIGHT.!  That means the knowledge of  CHRIST the LORD! But, until  The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, who came to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD , no one could glorify Him ??? This means until JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and delivered the knowledge of GOD , … we never knew Isa. 9: 6 is about ONE GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , that HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL AS The SON!
That is the truth and the SPIRIT we did not have. !!!  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth,
is come, he will guide you into all truth:..: and he will shew you things to come. , He shallGLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you”.Joh 16:13-14. . So it is  CHRIST the LORD’s own words, the Spirit and Truth or The Comforter also will tell us.!  So it is written in the words , that
one should glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD .

That is the light we need , which leads to LIFE! Then, upon receiving, ( gentiles to whom He came Isa. 11: 9 – 11), .. The LORD  sends them to Zion to give this knowledge , so she too can RISE, or live. ! That is when she will be CONVERTED !  So glorify ME means, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! Just think;, what knowledge did we NOT have about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ?  And that is the KNOWLEDGE WE NEED TO LIVE !!!  If we are to be ‘SONS’ to GOD, … we must know our FATHER GOD ! Or the true GOD who FATHERS US!  That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So when the Sanctuary, or the ministry or the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is to return, or be converted, she will call The Husband, my FATHER! Jer. 3: 19-20 !!! Because The LORD or our FATHER left as sons did not honor or glorify Him, … He came to others who are not of His people and taught these things , so they can be sent. Those who are to receive the Spirit and Truth, … are sanctified from the beginning. 2 Thess. 2: 13. ! Omit the words stricken through as they are not in the original.


Isa 60:2  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and HIS GLORY shall be seen upon thee.

Isa 60:3  And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. }}}… ‘The LORD  shall arise, His glory shall be seen upon thee, … gentiles will come to light, brightness RISING. So why does this Scripture say The LORD shall arise and then gentiles shall come giving brightness to your RISING? Because gentiles have Him in them. Col. 1: 27 !


it is not the gentiles who need to RISE, … but Zion.

Isa 60:4  Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. }}}  read Isa. 49: 22-23 also. The kings will give milk. And bring Israel in their arms. And milk is the pure word. ! Remember “Woe to those who suck in those days”????

Isa 60:5  Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. }}}… the forces of the gentiles will come to you. that is because, THE TRUE LIGHT is with them. !  And when you see that, … your heart will certainly have fear. And shame as well for losing the opportunity to be GOD’s first fruits and the shame of being made humble ????




So JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE LIGHT, and WE ARE HIS BODY.  He gives the light to the whole body. Then, if HE IS NOT IN THE BODY, .. THERE IS NO LIGHT. Then, darkness and blindness. !  So Gerald Flurry should understand , that he must follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get light and life.


Here it is again…

That means the  EYE gives light to man. The Light is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And we are HIS BODY.  And HE, … the EYE gives light to us, the body.  Then, we should see through the EYE,  which gives light, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !   So if the LORD is not in us, … the eye cannot see, and IS BLIND, .. then there is NO LIGHT IN THE BODY.  and if it cannot see, then we fall in to the ditch!  The bottomless pit!  ! that is why the Laodicea era is in darkness and blind, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TRUE LIGHT, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Rev. 9 explains the fallen star to the bottomless pit !  The Laodicea messenger or angel, or the leader fell in to the bottomless pit !  So the fact that the high priest did not receive the light from the Bride Groom, or The Husband, or the GOD of Light, … caused him to go after other gods and idols to receive the light. If his eye did see, … he would not have done those things. Remember the lust of the eye which is one of the three points which Adam fell from, and the Laodiceans also. Adam did not believe , nor followed The CREATOR, ..THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, ….  neither did the Laodiceans !!!


If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be
full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light”

If the eye is clear, … have the TRUE LIGHT, from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … it is FULL OF LIGHT, … and it is as a BRIGHT SHINING of a candle , which gives light.

Then, if the EYE IS BLIND and NOT CLEAR , … that means the eye does NOT HAVE THE LIGHT FROM JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  HE DOES NOT LIVE IN THAT PERSON. That person has NOT FOLLOWED THE TRUE LIGHT, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Then, there is NO BRIGHT SHINING OF A CANDLE to give light !!!! So the high priest , CAUSED ALL TO GO PASS THIS BRIGHT LIGHT , and brought darkness over the whole era !!! Now this is not physical, but spiritual.


SO WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD in the Laodicea era, … she
is FULL OF DARKNESS !  This is why the high priest did not follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the true LIGHT, but looked for a persian king’s, candelabras and brought them and said ‘beacons of LIGHT’ !  He did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD
to receive light, … nor to drink the spiritual drink from Him !!!  How can he be a son to GOD ???  How can he be a wife to The Husband ??? Total seperation from The Husband ! Absolute darkness!  He became a BLACK HOLE to all the Laodiceans,
… sucked them all into it, to the bottomless pit , and in to the ‘OUTER
DARKNESS’ as The LORD  said the children of The kingdom will be thrown in to, .. Abraham’s seed ! If any leader does not follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … that one is a black hole ! And people love black holes!


FATHER of Lights is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but GF said it is GOD the Father .

In Gerald Flurry’s James book he wrote ; pg 19 onwards

After introducing his epistle, James quickly gets
into the heart of his message—conveying a vision that greatly exalts God the Father and illuminates His profound love for His begotten sons.


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no  variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).” ….}}}…according
to Gerald Flurry, it is the GOD the Father, (
whom he says is his GOD, John 8:54-56, but Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day, ) who has love for His begotten sons. Now which Scripture does say, that we are to be GOD the Father’s sons?????
And where does it say GOD the Father loves us? Also that HE GIVES
LIGHT?  Words ???  Truth ???
SPIRIT??? Life??? If all things are from The CREATOR, and if HE IS THE
LIGHT, … then if HE BEGETS us with His light, the word of truth and life, …as the next verse 18 says, …  then WOULD HE NOT BE OUR FATHER , AND THEN be
THE FATHER OF LIGHTS ???  Now, when Apostle James wrote this, JESUS CHRIST the LORD Has already begotten His sons. V 18. Eph.  1:13. They are the sons of
light, and luminaries which Apostle Paul said, would be among the crooked


The TRUTH, IS THE LIGHT. “White Throne’ means ‘light’. That is the time, GOD gives the TRUTH. that is why The Comforter came to guide us in to all truth and glorified JESUS
CHRIST the LORD , the TRUTH AND LIGHT! JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE TRUTH, LIGHT AND LIFE as proven elsewhere in this writing.


Then, it is THE TRUTH AND LIGHT, which will bring us in to GOD’s Holy Hill, and to HIS Tabernacle …

Psa 43:3  O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead melet them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.

Psa 43:4  Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God}}}… So you see…???  Gerald Flurry took all to get the truth and light from GOD the Father as he writes here.  And that failed all to come to the HOLY HILL AND GOD’S TABERNACLE! THIS IS WHY, The LORD  IS ANGRY WITH THE HIGHEST TIER OF THE ALTAR!!!   This is why he could not be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house, which is the Tabernacle and the HOLY HILL ! Heb.  3: 6, and he has an evil heart as v 12! Once again, the sons of light and the sons of the devil are manifested in this. ! JACOB saw this vision in his dream!  The stone of destiny gave that vision.! To be in the HOLY HILL AND TABERNACLE OF GOD, where GOD’s house is and also in HEAVEN! So this is why, the key of David is cut off from him as Isa. 22: 25 says.  He did not exalt the GOD who dwells in the HOLY HILL OR THE TABERNACLE ! He WORSHIPED OTHER GODS AND ROCKS !!!


send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me… bring me unto thy
holy hill, and to thy tabernacles…then I will go to the ALTAR of GOD, and that GOD should be our EXCEEDING JOY !!!
I praise thee, O God my GOD!… this is why, the Royal Priesthood who are taken out of darkness , PRAISES the GOD who gave them light!   1pet 2:8-10. That is why, they are THE NEW PRIESTHOOD !!!


thy light ,  truth lead me… bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy
tabernacles…then I will go to the ALTAR of GOD, and that GOD should be our EXCEEDING JOY!

GOD, is the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, which Abraham was promised… Gen. 15:1. So to the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, who is the GOD WHO GIVES LIGHT, … to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … it is HIS OWN LIGHT WHICH BROUGHT US !!!

His light the truth brings us to the ALTAR…

His light the truth brings us to the HOLY HILL,

His light the truth brings us to the Tabernacle …

His light the truth brought us to HIMSELF, the EXCEEDING

That gives us EXCEEDING GREAT JOY !!!

Remember it is The Comforter, as written elsewhere , the
Spirit and Truth who gives all these. That happens in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s second coming !!!

Until then, the altar, the holy hill, the Tabernacle ,
did not have the light or the truth. this is why all seven eras fell !  remember Urim or Thummim ??? please read ‘
Urim or Thummim,, Light to
perfection!  “ 
And “worship The ‘FATHER’
in Spirit and Truth as He seeks such!”

 This is why, CHRIST the LORD, Himself Had to come as THE HIGH PRIEST, to do the
service of the ALTAR as Hebrews says. From Aaron to Gerald Flurry, all the high
priests have failed to receive the LIGHT FROM THE TRUE FATHER OF LIGHTS!


Please read “Why Aaronic priesthood and The accuser, the LIGHT
BRINGERS are thrown out of Heaven

The oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , are to
in the last days.
Isa. 2 !


And we who OBEYED HIM, 2 cor 10:5-6, Psa. 8:2, the babes, sing praises to Him, because of the enemy!  …( such as this high priest who closed the door to the
!) This is the Royal Priesthood, who praise the GOD
who took them out of darkness in to His marvellous light . 1  Pet. 2: 8-10 ! At THIS TIME, ALL 12 TRIBES ARE SCATTERED !   But we are in HIS HOLY HILL, RECEIVING HIS LIGHT AND TRUTH GLADLY, and The LORD  IS OUR EXCEEDING JOY, and we have Him, which was promised to Abraham. Gen. 15: 1. Col. 1: 27, 1 John 4: 4 ! So this is why
the babes perfected the PRAISE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! And The LORD  said to allow the little children to come to Him !!!


And those who looked for other gods, such as GOD the Father, … are in dust as written
elsewhere. Dust means lies as proven in previous writings. So they cannot praise GOD, as dust cannot praise GOD, because it does not give the truth. Psa. 30:9


So,… it is the TRUTH AND LIGHT which comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … which will lead us to THE HOLY HILL, …. TO THE TABERNACLE OF GOD, …and then to the ALTAR of GOD, … to inherit the EXCEEDING JOY, … GOD, HIMSELF !!! Truth and Light, are the Urim or Thummim , which is in the high priest’s clothes.   Remember the Levitical ministry’s inheritance is to receive Him ! So the whole House of Israel failed to receive any gifts from GOD , because they did not honor their GOD, THE GOD OF Israel !!!  But these children, feared the GOD OF ISRAEL as proven above. ISA 29: 23 !!!

And the same chapter , Isa. 60 as written above, says, KEDAR, the gentiles will be accepted in GOD’S ALTAR. !!! Remember Mal. 1: 6 and v 11?

Isa 60:6  The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD.

Isa 60:7  All the flocks ofKedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams
of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on
MINE ALTAR, and I will glorify the HOUSE OF MY GLORY. }}}…So these gentiles, are from Hagar and from the first born of Abraham. ! They bring gold, ( also Psa. 72: 10-20) INCENSE… brining incense means they are in the ALTAR of the MERCY SEAT, which is seen in heaven, Rev. 11: 18-19, in your judgment and death.
and Sheba , is showing forth The LORD ’s PRAISES !   They are the BABES who perfected the praise of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Then, they will MINISTER to you, … and they are ACCEPTED IN GOD’S ALTAR, … when The LORD  will GLORIFY HIS HOUSE !!!  That is now !!!  So the TRUTH AND LIGHT caused these sons of the LIGHT, … to praise their FATHER OF LIGHTS !!!  IN Jer. 2: 10-11, GOD says, go to Kedar and see if they have changed their gods !!!! And GOD says,
but My people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.” ! Is it any wonder why GOD called sheba and kedar to HIS ALTAR? Did not The LORD  say, He will gather from high ways and byways, to the supper????



GOD should be our EXCEEDING JOY !!! I praise
thee, O God my GOD

Gen 15:1  the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram:I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

Then, it is ABRAHAM’S FIRST BORN SON’S SEED WHO INHERITED The LORD , AS THEY DO NOT HAVE OTHER GODS. For this reason, they are HIS WITNESSES. Isa. 43: 1- 22. !!! Judah the last tribe, has foreign gods. Mal. 2: 10-12!!! Exalted are humbled, and the humbled are exalted. ! Sarah cast away Hagar and her son, which was truly the
first born of Abraham.  But GOD brought justice to them by giving the truth. Isa. 42: 1-3

Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams
of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on
MINE ALTAR, and I will glorify the HOUSE OF MY GLORY"


Therefore, the EYE of these gentiles, are The LORD , THE GOD OF LIGHT OR THE FATHER OF LIGHT.
And as jam 1: 17-18 says, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE FATHER OF LIGHTS. And we


flocks of Kedar.., the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on MINE ALTAR, and I will glorify the HOUSE OF MY GLORY!

3: 6. This is the GLORIOUS , LATTER HOUSE !

GOD says, Kedar has not changed their gods. !  Jer. 2 :10-11

Jer 2:10 For pass over the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing.
Jer 2:11 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but My people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. }}}… Kedar, has NOT CHANGED THEIR GOD. But God's people have , says GOD ! So God's people, needs to be MINISTERED by Kedar who has the TRUE GOD ! That is how they being light to Israel, for their rising. And Kedar is in GOD'S ALTAR, WHEN HE GLORIFIES HIS HOUSE!  And we know it is JESUS CHRIST'S HOUSE WHICH IS NOW MADE. Heb 3: 6. Now, that is the TRUE GOD, Kedar worships, and is ministering to ! Now what you hear and see is these Ministers of JESUS CHRIST, ministering to HIS OWN PEOPLE, in HIS ALTAR, bringing this LIGHT so God's people also can glorify Him and worship Him. !

Therefore, Kedar who DID NOT CHANGE their GOD, is in HIS ALTAR ! This is why Mal 1:11 says, the gentiles are sending PURE INCENSE. Because, incense is sent by HIS MINISTRY, in the ALTAR ! At this time, Israel's ministry is rejected as they could not be made perfect as Heb 7 says. Besides, they did not know that their God Is Jesus CHRIST or THE ROCK ! It is His house which is GLORIFIED now ! And from this house, HE IS PREACHED. He Is THE LIGHT. And Kedar are in His altar, now have GLORIFIED HIM as we write. They became His sons. So they are the SONS of LIGHT or sons of JESUS CHRIST, to Whom belongs all glory and that is the HOUSE OF GLORY, the LATTER TEMPLE which GOD BUILT.

Then, after receiving the light from the FATHER of lights, .. we are His children.

1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

1Th 5:6  Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be

1Th 5:7  For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.}}}.. this is the thousand year night you are sent to dust to sleep . Psa. 90: 1- 5, but GOD will give you light to wake you up.

1Th 5:8  But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

1Th 5:9  For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,


1Th 5:10  Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.}}}… salvation, by JESUS CHRIST the LORD as HE IS THE GOD
WHO DIED TO SAVE US.  Even if there is a GOD the Father, he cannot save anyone as he never died !  So these sons received salvation, as they received LIGHT OF THEIR FATHER !!!  That is through JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. THE GOD OF LIGHT. !!! So those who received the LIGHT FROM HIM, … are the children of THE DAY !!!  Then the rest as asleep, as written elsewhere, all Israel, who sleep in JESUS CHRIST the LORD as they are blind to not to know Him.  So how could they receive the LIGHT FROM HIM ???  Their EYE is blind.  and this is the night which is as thousand years to GOD as Psa. 90: 1- 5 says, those who are sleeping etc.  Faith comes according to the  Heavenly vision as written below !!!




 CHRIST the LORD warned all about light and darkness.

Joh 12:35  Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth
not whither he goeth.

Joh 12:36  While ye have light, believe in
the light, that ye may be the children of light
These things
spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.
}}}… The LORD  said
‘Yet a little while, the light with you”….
And while you have the light, … BELIEVE IN THE LIGHT” !!!!  That will teach
you, which GOD should be with us to give light !!!!  You believe in ME … said The LORD . !!!  But Israel is cut off for unbelief, Rom.  11: 20, and could not enter in to GOD’s rest,
as they did not have faith . Heb.  4 !!! This is why, The LORD  said to believe in Him.
so He was with the church till the Laodicea era came. “Therefore, as none
believed in Him, such could not be the children of LIGHT. That means children
Gerald Flurry’s statement proves, he HAS NOT BELIEVED IN THE FATHER OF LIGHTS


Then, he is a son to the darkness. This is why in darkness they worship idols and have found gods for themselves whom no one has seen or heard ! now, all these who did  not believe in the FATHER, must believe in Him to be converted to the FATHER !! Children of the kingdom, were cast out in to the outer darkness. Mat. 8: 12. White linen or the wedding garments are given by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. but Mat. 22: 13 says, those who come without them, will be thrown in to outer darkness. So now we know who they are. At that time, what ever JESUS CHRIST the LORD tells us, we are to speak in light. Mat. 10: 27. But according to the Heavenly vision as written below, … The LORD  brought gentiles out of darkness to Him. This darkness is the hearts of the wicked who departed from THE LIGHT! . 1 COR 4: 5.


So The LORD  warned to walk in Light, which means to walk with Him, lest darkness would come. So the Laodicea era closed the door to Him proves, they do not walk with Him. and now, they think GOD the Father is their GOD and he gives light. So that proves their darkness and not walked with The Husband !


When The LORD  comes, He will bring to light the hidden counsels of the heart , the wicked works of darkness. So it is their HEARTS which are darkened.

1Co_4:5  Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. }}}}…The LORD  comes to reveal the HIDDEN COUNSEL OF THE HEART, WHICH ARE THE WORKS IN DARKNESS, … and to PRAISE those who are in the light. ! This is being done now.


And out of darkness, the LIGHT shines in our HEARTS… , when the knowledge of GOD , … which is that one should glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD ( after The Comforter came AND GLORIFIED HIM) is given.

2Co_4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. }}}… The light to shine in our HEARTS, to give the light or revelation of the knowledge of the glory of GOD, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! So we received light, of the knowledge of GOD , when The LORD  came the second time. Isa. 11; 9-11! THIS IS THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE, WHICH WILL CONVERT ONE , and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER ! GOD said, the HEART is deceitful above all things. And king Solomon said there will be a plague in the heart. GOD prophesied from the beginning, that Israel will have stiff necked hearts ! How could such receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  How could He give His SPIRIT to such ??? This is why The LORD  said, HE will give new hearts ! The Comforter, glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD means, HE GAVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, to give light , causing us to live !


The UN- BELIEVERS are in darkness and believers became sons and daughters to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. This further proves JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE ALMIGHTY is the FATHER of LIGHTS.

The following Scripture by THE ALMIGHTY, proves the works of darkness. He commanded His children to come out from those who have idols and unbelieving. And He will receive us as sons and daughters . So this proves THE ALMIGHTY is our FATHER, and those who are with Him are in light and others are in darkness. In Egypt, Israel had light always. The darkness came over Egyptians. But this time, the light is given to gentiles,( Egyptians as Ishmael’s mother is Egyptian.)  but Israel is in darkness. The following Scripture proves, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER, and those who failed to be His sons, are in darkness , being Unrighteous.

2Co_6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? }}}.. so the UNBELIEVERS are unrighteous, … and in darkness! This Scripture clearly says that. JESUS CHRIST the LORD knew, it is His own who did not believe Him. John 1: 12,   5: 38,  6:64,  7:5,   But, believers are given the HOLY SPIRIT, which is the truth, and light. John 7: 36-39. And for UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off. Rom.  11: 20 and Heb.  4 !!!

Therefore, from Gerald Flurry’ or the high priest’s writings, we can clearly see that none in Israel have BELIEVED JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So they are the UNRIGHTEOUS, and the workers of DARKNESS!  To say GOD the Father gives light and he is the FATHER of lights, proves that this high priest has not believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD , that HE IS THE FATHER, AND FROM HIM COMES THE LIGHT AND THE TRUTH and the SPIRIT !!! For our own good , we were cast out, and separated.  CHRIST the LORD, our FATHER would not keep His sons in darkness and with such unbelieving ones. it is the UNBELIEVERS who are thrown in to the lake of fire . Rev. 21:8.  But , The LORD  turns off the judgments. He will pull Joshua out of fire. And the rest will be too. That is the mercy of The LORD . ! If JESUS CHRIST the LORD , our FATHER can pour mercy and save sinners, the gentiles, why cant He save Israel, who are also sinners ???


Then, … it is the BELIEVERS who have the LIGHT and RIGHTEOUS, … who are the TEMPLE OF The LORD . !  remember Heb.  3:6, it is  CHRIST the LORD’s house which is built now, which the builders rejected Him as the Chief Corner Stone ! They rejected the Chief Corner Stone, The ROCK, and went after jungle rocks !

2Co 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. }}}… So you see ???? Those who BELIEVE CHRIST the LORD ,
our FATHER , are made righteous, and are in LIGHT, … and in the TEMPLE OF The
LORD , … do not have idols, … and HE HAS BECOME OUR GOD, … OF THE BELIEVERS, …
And the FATHER says, … You who BELIEVE IN ME, … are MY PEOPLE !!! from the
beginning, from Adam’s time, … The CREATOR tried to prove that HE IS THE
but like fools, we too did not believe. but when the word of TRUTH,
given to us, we are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT, AFTER WE BELIEVED. Eph.  1: 13 ! NO ONE CAN REVERSE OR STOP THESE SCRIPTURE
FROM BEING FULFILLED ! As jam 1: 17-18 says, the FATHER of lights gave the WORD OF TRUTH, and BEGAT us by HIS OWN WILL.  There
is no other higher one than The Most High , who is CHRIST the LORD , our FATHER
!!! So compare jam 1: 17-18 and Eph.  1:
13 !!!


Then, … the UNBELIEVERS are UNCLEAN !!! We thank GOD, our FATHER , for separating us from such unbelieving, unclean , unrighteous workers of darkness!

2Co 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

2Co 6:18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS, SAITH THE LORD ALMIGHTY. }}}… THE ALMIGHTY, is
the FATHER. That is the FATHER of lights. Those who believed in Him, are HIS
SONS. When the FATHER begets SONS, … that is the CONVERSION !!!  Adam was made a son, … and he failed. And all failed including us.  But The LORD  SANCTIFIED US TO BELIEVE IN HIM, IN THE Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13. So HE SPOKE, .. IT IS WRITTEN, .. AND NOW FULFILLED !  The CREATOR, HAS BROUGHT
FORTH HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS  !!!! So THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Rev. 1:8, is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses. Ex 6: 3 ! So from the beginning, from Adam till now, The CREATOR tried to BRING FORTH HIS OWN SONS. !  And now, HE BEGAT THEM BY GIVING


The following Scripture proves when we are IN Him, we have light, and are children of light. So this is talking about JESUS
CHRIST the LORD. and those who are in HIM, are the children of the LIGHT. Then,
if JESUS CHRIST the LORD Is in us and that makes us children of light, then HE

Eph_5:8  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye LIGHT IN THE LORD: walk as children of light: }}}… Apostle Paul says, we were in darkness, but NOW, YOU ARE IN The LORD , … so walk as CHILDREN OF LIGHT. So  CHRIST the LORD is  , THE FATHER OF LIGHTS IS IN US. 1 John 4: 4,   Col. 1: 27.  So the Laodiceans closed the door TO THE FATHER OF LIGHTS and became sons of DARKNESS !!! They are NOT IN HIM.


And this chapter says more ;- That it is  CHRIST the LORD who loves us, and not as
Gerald Flurry wrote GOD the Father loves us.

Eph 5:2  And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us,
and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
}}}… ‘GOD’ here means it is HIMSELF. HE WAS , IS AND WILL
BE OUR GOD! So it is HE WHO LOVES US. There are no Scripture to prove GOD the
Father loves us as none has seen nor heard.


LIGHT IN THE LORD: walk as children of light ….Christ also hath loved
}}}.. so as Gerald Flurry wrote above “that
greatly exalts God the Father and illuminates His
profound love for His begotten sons
     is totally false, as it is JESUS CHRIST
the LORD who loves us and He is THE LIGHT.
And Gerald Flurry is not among these begotten sons ! There is no
Scripture to prove GOD the Father loves us as there is no such one ! When we
have light, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, we become children of light and then HE
LOVES THEM! After all, a FATHER must love the children, and the children loves
the FATHER as well!


Then, the UNBELIEVERS are called the sons of disobedience … and GOD’s wrath is on them, as they are the vessels of wrath.

Eph 5:6  Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience}}}.. so the unbelievers are the sons of disobedience ! Remember 1  Pet. 2: 5-8 ? They are the ones like Gerald Flurry, who failed to receive THE LIGHT FROM THE FATHER OF LIGHTS!


And Apostle Paul once again tells us not to be partakers with the DISOBEDIENT ones or the unbelievers, or the workers of darkness.

Eph 5:7  Be not ye therefore partakers with them.

Eph 5:8  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

Then, the UN- BELIEVERS are DEAD, who are in darkness, NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD IN THEM.  So THEY MUST GET THE LIGHT FROM  CHRIST the LORD. This is why Isa. 60, as written above, The LORD  will shine on them to give light, to CAUSE THEM TO RISE.

Eph 5:9  (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth😉

Eph 5:10  Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

Eph 5:11  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. }}…As Rom.  16 says above to MARK those evil workers, … we are to reprove the workers of darkness. !!!   having received THE LIGHT, we declare these things to the sons of disobedience , so they may be reproved and return to their GOD.


Eph 5:12  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

Eph 5:13  But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. }}}.. when the LIGHT or TRUTH came, … all things that need to be reproved, the sons of disobedience, … are manifested as in darkness or lies. Next verse proves, what ever is done WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are the dark works. If you do not have HIS light, you are dead!


Eph 5:14  Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light….}}}…THIS Scripture DIRECTLY SAYS,  CHRIST the LORD WILL GIVE LIGHT TO THE SLEEPING ONES. !!!  If any one does not have   the light comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … that one is DEAD! THEIR WORKS ARE DEAD as well. But the DEAD also are preached the gospel to be JUDGED and cause to LIVE. 1  Pet. 4: 6 ! So from death, The LORD  will redeem them, and that is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, from their GRAVES, they will hear the voice of The SON of Man ! And  CHRIST the LORD will give LIGHT TO THOSE WHO ARE DEAD , to cause them to rise from death!!!  This is why death will be no more. !


All the leaders act as they are righteous and justify themselves before others.  Joshua’s fellows cause all the people to look to him, instead of GOD and His word. And they act like they are very righteous, like the pharisees in The LORD ’s day. But, The LORD  knows the hearts.  It is the hearts which caused one to not believe as they have other gods and idols etc.  one’s own heart deceives one to sin ! When these priests justify themselves, … that is an abomination to GOD. Because, in their heart, they exalt themselves and not Him. so that makes Him to go far from them. GOD wants a humble spirit and a contrite heart to live in !

Luk 16:15  And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God…}}}… GOD’s true prophets are never accepted. They do not want to preach to please other men, but GOD.
GOD’s truth, no one wants to hear as they love lies and THEIR OWN WAYS.
That is the way of the man. And the false ones are highly esteemed among men
because men love to hear lies to match their own beliefs which are convenient
for them. And more importantly , MAN WANTS THINGS WHICH THEY CAN SEE AND FEEL AND EAT PHYSICALLY, AND IF IT MAKES THEM ESTEEMED AMONG OTHERS, WHICH ARE PRIDE OF LIFE. because man is physical , we cannot know the SPIRIT unless GOD reveals and inspires and give the understanding.
but man wants his own way. This is why, HWA preached two gods and many
other false teachings, plagiarizing other’s teachings etc and was followed by
Gerald Flurry, the only leader, according to him, who followed HWA and fell in
to the bottomless pit !  Specially Joshua the high priest, the men wondered at ! 2 Thess. 2 says about that.


In the end, Believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD , gives us life! If we believe in Him to get life, then if THE LIFE COMES FROM HIM. THEN, THAT PROVES HE IS THE FATHER. for if one gives life to another, that one should be either the father or the mother!  and this is why, the gentiles who bring you to Him, are called mothers and fathers. Isa. 49:22-23.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD , is known as the ‘FATHER of Lights’ … as He  has already begotten His first fruits, in Him, by giving HIS LIGHT of life, the word of TRUTH. !  So they are the other lights, such as the NEW MOON, ( remember WE BECOME NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16) and stars which shines in the night, in the darkness of the Laodicea era! Jam 2: 5 says, the poor are rich in FAITH and GOD chose them to be in the kingdom. ! And finally, it is the little children , who are in the kingdom. JUDGING. Mat. 12: 27-28.  Now, we have proven that Apostle James is talking about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father. ! GOD Is totally against this high priest who teach contrary to the WORD of GOD.  Scripture says, GOD stood up as the ENEMY of the church. Lam 2. He cast out her from Heaven. ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Husband must reveal His wife’s other gods, so He can come and be The Husband.


So does any Scripture talk about that GOD the Father should be our GOD?  Do we know his name, to call on him?  Or does the LIGHT or life come from him ? Are we to build his image ??  Do we need his SPIRIT ????  Does the SPIRIT, truth, light, or life come from GOD the Father?  The WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK TALKS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (please read). He said ‘volume of the Book is written of ‘ME’.  Also said all things the prophets, law and psalms are concerning Him,  must be fulfilled. Luk. 24:44. No where in the Scripture it says to go to GOD the Father , or to worship Him, but worship The CREATOR. Rev. 14: 6-7 also says, in judgment! That is the ‘Everlasting gospel’… not only to our times, but FOR EVER! More over the father also draws one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 6;44. The FATHER  is HIS WORDS as proven in previous writings.  We come to know about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, through the words written in the Scripture which is only JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words !  CHRIST the LORD, DIED to buy us with His blood and to Himself! Even if there is another god, we are not to be his people, but  CHRIST the LORD’s body. Then, if we are the body, … we must honor the HEAD !


“vision that greatly exalts God the Father and illuminates His profound love for His begotten sons.”

Now, What happens if we EXALT GOD the Father ??? 

 greatly exalts GOD the Father”…. ???? John
12: 32, directly says TO EXALT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and one should be
gathered to HIM. !!!  That means if you exalt god the father, you cannot be gathered to Jesus Christ, and that means you are scattered. Mat 12;30 says, unless you are gathered to HIm, you are scattered! This teaching CAUSED ALL 12 TRIBES TO BE SCATTERED. This
is why, Apostle James who wrote about the FATHER of lights, wrote in Jam 1: 1,
that all the 12 tribes are scattered, as they failed to hear the word of truth to be begotten, to BE GATHERED TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. This is why HE IS PROPHESIED TO COME AS SHILOH  TO GATHER ALL THE 12 TRIBES as JACOB said. At that time, to the tribe of Judah, God binds the ass and the colt, as Gen 49:10-12 says, the foolish nation, the gentiles. And as Israel exalted and had GOD the Father as their GOD, John 8:54, … they DEBASED JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings. All taught that The CREATOR is under another being. Even jam 1: 18 says, it is HIS OWN WILL, which HE BEGAT US WITH HIS WORD OF TRUTH !  All things are
from, by , to , and through Him as the Scripture says. And HE BUYS THE CHURCH
TO HIMSELF.  He adopted gentiles as sons to HIMSELF as proven above. So why all 12 tribes were scattered ?  Because they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Mat. 12: 30. Then, if they are scattered as they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then they should be gathered to Him, to be found !!!
Remember He said daughters of Jerusalem are not willing to be gathered?  They are the many sister churches. ! All went
after GOD the Father.  Not a single
church looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


CANNOT BE GATHERED”. The way to exalt Him is to BELIEVE HIM.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted
up from the earth, will draw all
men unto Me
”. }}}…
Lifted means to EXALT. No one lifted or exalted Him up, but exalted themselves
against Him and His words, the knowledge of GOD . 2 cot 10: 5-6.  Only in JUDGMENT, The LORD  IS EXALTED. Isa. 5:16. And it is the little
children who have Him on the day of judgment. 1 John 4: 4, 17. !


Besides, all were
worshiping GOD the Father, and not
CHRIST the LORD. Not a single Sabbath was kept to honor Him, even though
He is The LORD  OF Sabbath and it is HE
WHO GAVE THE LAW OF Sabbath !  This is
why, no one could be gathered to their FATHER.
!  One should exalt Him, by
BELIEVING. When you believe The LORD , … you do not have your own ideas, thoughts,
ways, idols, or gods, but you have surrendered to Him or submitted and OBEYED Him.
That proves to have an attitude of; FATHER,
. And it should be so. We are nothing. Without
GOD, we are beasts. Remember it is important for GOD to get us to believe in
Him, because Adam made Him a liar. Adam did not believe that if he eats from
the wrong tree, he would die, as GOD said. So that is the pride of life. Falling
CARNAL MIND and HAVE NOT EXALTED HIM, but have exalted our carnality.  That would not give us everlasting life to
live for ever.  So it is for our own
good, that we must obey The LORD .!  this
is why GOD hates the proud.  Pride is an
abomination to GOD. but no one can see the pride in one’s heart. That is why
The LORD  left them, then their WORKS
Thereafter, … proves what is in their heart.


Just think;  when The ROCK or GOD says, fear ME as YOUR FATHER, (Mal. 1:6), and
then come and DRINK THE SPIRIT from Me, as I AM The ROCK who gives you SPIRIT;
and then the whole Levitical ministry , did not fear Him, and no one drank from
HIm? .  so how could the wisdom come to
them?  Then, the high priest did not
drink from HIM, … but now drinking from a jungle rock. Is that the way to EXALT
OUR GOD AND FATHER??? if the priesthood  is acting this way against Him, what not the
people would do?


DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD AND THE FATHER ! How many fathers Judah has? Gerald Flurry
said HWA is his ‘spiritual’ father , as if the spirit comes from him.  and then GOD the Father.  so they had many other fathers.  JESUS CHRIST the LORD said plainly, do not
call anyone ‘father’, as there is only one FATHER in heaven.  He did not directly say I AM THE FATHER,
because at that time, HE WAS The SON. !
He said I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. ! Until The Comforter came and gave the
truth that one should glorify HIM, ( JESUS CHRIST the LORD), … no one obeyed
Him. IN that, no one has exalted Him.  He
knows the hearts.  He knew one day JACOB’s
seed will forsake Him as the FATHER, The CREATOR and The ROCK as Deut.  32 says.
That is why, He allowed all these years, and now the high priest has
declared he drinks the spiritual from a rock, just as The LORD  SAID !
So these things must be fulfill first, and then the sin must be revealed
to be corrected, and then The LORD  will
convert all. that is why the times of Refreshing is prophesied when GOD will
overlook the ignorance in man! The whole church, is to fall, till not even one
stone will be left upon another.  If the
builders built the church falsely, … and on lies, would it not fall? The church
has divided in to many groups anyway.


For example:-  , the Laodiceans are known in their works
of darkness as unbelievers.  When Adam
did NOT BELIEVE GOD, He was accused by Adam to be a liar. GOD cannot agree with
Adam, and Adam did not want to agree with GOD! So GOD wants to show that man is
the liar.  This is what was happening all
these years.  God’s mercy, and wrath has
to be poured on, to show the righteous judgment.  And Israel is chosen as the vessels of wrath,
even they would NOT BELIEVE that they are,
and the gentiles are chosen as the vessels of mercy, … and at the same
time, The LORD  pours both the anger and
mercy. ! 


John 6:29-30 says, the
works of The LORD  is to get us to  believe The SON.  That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. from Adam to
the last high priest, no one believed The LORD . that makes Him a liar, and we EXALT
SELF against Him. So until these children sanctified Him by believing, (
remember Moses also did not once believe in Him to sanctify Him. Num. 20:12,
and that is why he was not allowed to enter in to the Promised land) , HE WAS
NOT EXALTED.  In order to exalt The LORD
, we must believe what HE SAYS, JUST AS HE SAYS. But He Hid many secrets from
all, until the judgment of our evil deeds of making GOD a liar is revealed. 


Adam  saw, thought what was forbidden is good for
food , which is to live, … and then the pride set in, … and in his actions, he
proved that he knows better than GOD. !
Gen. 3:5 says, even thought she would be made wise, AS GOD. So from the
beginning, GOD and His knowledge was rejected and not believed by man!!!  So how could we walk with Him in PEACE ??? Adam
SAW with his eyes, and as a judgment, his eyes, ( Laodiceans’) was struck and
blinded , which is to NOT TO SEE THE TRUTH, … then he thought it was good for
food, … but we are TO LIVE BY EVERY WORD, so the food, the word was not given
in the same era, … and then, the pride ??
GOD wants to hide the pride in man as written elsewhere. In order to do
that, HE MUST REVEAL THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE HEART.! What is done in secret,
will be made known openly, said The LORD! Then, He caused the wisdom to be
perished, gave the wisdom to the base things of the world, to put them to shame !


In the end, Believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD , gives us life! If we believe in Him to get life, then if THE LIFE COMES FROM HIM. THEN, THAT PROVES HE IS THE FATHER. for if one gives life to another, that one should be either the father or the mother!  and this is why, the gentiles who bring you to Him, are called mothers and fathers. Isa. 49:22-23.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD , is known as the ‘FATHER of Lights’ … as He  has already begotten His first fruits, in Him, by giving HIS LIGHT of life, the word of TRUTH. !  So they are the other lights, such as the NEW MOON, ( remember WE BECOME NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16) and stars which shines in the night, in the darkness of the Laodicea era! Jam 2: 5 says, the poor are rich in FAITH and GOD chose them to be in the kingdom. ! And finally, it is the little children , who are in the kingdom. JUDGING. Mat. 12: 27-28.  Now, we have proven that Apostle James is talking about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father. ! GOD Is totally against this high priest who teach contrary to the WORD of GOD.  Scripture says, GOD stood up as the ENEMY of the church. Lam 2. He cast out her from Heaven. ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Husband must reveal His wife’s other gods, so He can come and be The Husband.


So does any Scripture talk about that GOD the Father should be our GOD?  Do we know his name, to call on him?  Or does the LIGHT or life come from him ? Are we to build his image ??  Do we need his SPIRIT ????  Does the SPIRIT, truth, light, or life come from GOD the Father?  The WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK TALKS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (please read). He said ‘volume of the Book is written of ‘ME’.  Also said all things the prophets, law and psalms are concerning Him,  must be fulfilled. Luk. 24:44. No where in the Scripture it says to go to GOD the Father , or to worship Him, but worship The CREATOR. Rev. 14: 6-7 also says, in judgment! That is the ‘Everlasting gospel’… not only to our times, but FOR EVER! More over the father also draws one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 6;44. The FATHER  is HIS WORDS as proven in previous writings.  We come to know about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, through the words written in the Scripture which is only JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words !  CHRIST the LORD, DIED to buy us with His blood and to Himself! Even if there is another god, we are not to be his people, but  CHRIST the LORD’s body. Then, if we are the body, … we must honor the HEAD !


Then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, you have not seen or heard from the FATHER, and you do not even know him. and only HE KNOWS the FATHER as proven in previous writings. Even the first time, The LORD  has not revealed the FATHER to any as John 16: 25 says. When The Comforter came, He guided us in to all truth. that is the HOLY SPIRIT, who glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which is HE, HIMSELF. No other GOD called ‘The Comforter’, but it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He said… I will go and prepare a place for you, and I WILL COME and receive you to MYSELF ! THE FATHER WAS CLEARLY REVEALED as He said in John 16: 25!

Please read ‘FATHER’). ( Promise of the FATHER)    So, the word ‘FATHER’, is also a symbol, or allegory, which The LORD  had to reveal. And HE COULD NOT BECOME A FATHER TO ANY, UNTIL THESE CHILDREN ARE BROUGHT TO BIRTH BY HIMSELF, BY THE WORD OF TRUTH !!!


So the high priest Gerald Flurry, has many other gods above JESUS CHRIST the LORD the One and ONLY TRUE GOD the FATHER  !!  HE SHOULD BE his Head! But Gerald Flurry does not have the HEAD, as HE LEFT him and the Sanctuary for it’s abominations, being a prophet a fox. !  then, the sons should be gathered to the FATHER, … when the inheritance is to be divided ! When you understand this, you will know you are not among the first fruits of The CREATOR !


Then the second point is …greatly exalts God the Father”????
 }}}…BY EXALTING GOD the Father, A NOGOD, he lost all rewards and free gifts which came from the true FATHER! now  CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER. and He is THE KING. The FATHER’s kingdom will be given to SONS. And as proven below, Gerald Flurry lost the FATHER’s kingdom also, because the throne is to be shared by the FATHER and the sons . Isa 22: 22-25 says, he was given all glory, but he is cut off from that burden. That means he lost the glory given to him. ! 


This leads to another point. Gerald Flurry or any other with him, or are worshiping GOD the Father, … ARE NOT FIRST FRUITS TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BECAUSE IT IS HIS WORDS WHICH WILL BEGAT ONE, … but The ROCK, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and NO ONE DRANK FROM HIM. ! So this is another proof, the harvest in Israel failed as Jer. 8: 19-20 says.  So they utterly failed in their calling.  They are called to be a peculiar people, ABOVE all other peoples, if they had maintained their conditions of the Covenant !


Israel, entered in to a Marriage Covenant. But the throne of king David is given to the Covenant between the FATHER and SONS. The throne, all people cannot sit. THE KING, and to whom ever HE GIVES the share. Rev. 3: 21 says, those who overcome that time, are given a kingdom. Understand the Covenant of king David is not a Marriage Covenant, but between the FATHER and the sons. Even as Psa. 89 above says, the kings who are to sit on the throne of king David, must call The LORD of HOSTS , ‘MY FATHER’!

2Sa 7:12  And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy
seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.

2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for MY NAME, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

2Sa 7:14  I will be his FATHER , and he shall be MY SON. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:}}}…this is The LORD of HOSTS  , speaking as verses below proves. Then, The LORD of HOSTS  said, ‘I WILL ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM’, … AND in“MY NAME”. … I will
establish the throne and the kingdom !!! The kingdom then, should have The LORD
of HOSTS ’s name in it. And it is given to His sons.


So the kingdom belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE KING, but at this time, He was known as The LORD of HOSTS . So He said, I WILL BE A FATHER… and the kings will be MY SONS ! Then, those who rejected The LORD of HOSTS  as the FATHER, … would not get the throne !
This is why 1 sam 2: 8. The princes are cast down from thrones, and others are
set !!!


THIS IS NOT THE SALVATION AND EVERLASTING LIFE.  all flesh shall see the salvation. Luk. 3;6. This is talking about the FIRST FRUITS of God. If JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the GOD, AND THE FATHER AND THE KING, THEN HE GIVES THE KINGDOM TO HIS SONS ! So these first fruits received the salvation first. !
THIS IS A REWARD or what ever you call it, … to be given by the FATHER TO SONS !!! so the Covenant is between the FATHER and sons. !!! The LORD of HOSTS  , and HIS SONS ! Then if you are to sit on this throne, you must acknowledge , The LORD of HOSTS  is your FATHER and you are a son to Him ! Is that not the Covenant spoken here?


In another Scripture
GOD says, the kings who sit on the throne, must have the FEAR OF GOD !  The
God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” 2 sam 23:3.  So the THRONE and the KINGDOM, is to be established by JESUS CHRIST the LORD !
Then, as this verse says, … the kings must FEAR THE GOD OF Israel, WHO IS The
ROCK OF Israel ! So The LORD of HOSTS ,
The ROCK of Israel, and the GOD of Israel is JESUS CHRIST the LORD
! He
established the kingdom and the throne, IN HIS NAME, in those who FEAR HIM
! Don’t forget, we must fear HIM, AS OUR FATHER AND GOD ! So that was the
Covenant between JESUS CHRIST the LORD and king David ! No fear of The LORD of
HOSTS  in the Levitical ministry ! Mal. 1:6.  If Gerald Flurry feared JESUS
CHRIST the LORD, he would not speak against HIM ! At this time, with all other
Covenants, ( please read…
for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant!
the Covenant between king David and JESUS CHRIST the LORD also was broken, about the throne and the kingdom, as the kings did not
fear nor honor Him !


Now, Gerald Flurry says he is a king who sits on the throne of king David. Then, he built many buildings, .. but to my knowledge, he has not NAMED EVEN ONE FOR THE NAME OF The LORD of HOSTS , OR TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BUT NAMED ALL BUILDINGS AFTER HWA, his fathter, AND HIS WIFE’S NAME AND DEAD MINISTER’S NAMES. (Amos field house or what ever). A simple ‘HOUSE OF GOD’ would have been enough. It would have been better ‘House of GOD of Israel”. So far, none in any of the churches called JESUS CHRIST the LORD, their GOD, or the FATHER ! But claims they are kings and priests !


Here are few names of their buildings …

  1. Herbert w Armstrong college,
  2. Armstrong international cultural foundation,
  3. Armstrong auditorium


Then, under the section ‘ABOUT’, in their web site,

  1. Our work
  2. Key of  David
  3. The trumpet
  4. Herbert w armstrong college,
  5. Imperial academy
  6. Armstrong international cul. Foundation
  7. Jerusalem dig
  8. PCG beliefs
  9. Who is Gerald Flurry ?
  10. Who is Herbert w Armstrong .

When we compare The LORD of HOSTS , and our human leaders, … who truly is Gerald Flurry and Herbert Armstrong ??? TWO BEASTs in Rev. 13 !  one raised up the other’s ruins. !!! AS WRITTEN ABOVE, THESE MEN EXALTED THEMSELVES BEFORE OTHER MEN !!!!  What does GOD say about that ???  ‘ABOMINATION” ! Let them judge their works with The LORD ’s words.  but this is not so amazing, but the next one will be;- under PCG beliefs, read the underlined.  You must read all of the above sites and see how JESUS CHRIST the LORD FITS IN ALL OF Gerald Flurry’s works !

We sum up our beliefs by the motto: Living by every word. Jesus Christ said, “It is written, Man shall not live by j’bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of
God” (Matthew 4:4). Most Christians claim the same motto, but don’t actually believe the words
Christ spoke,
as recorded in the Bible.

We do. All of our beliefs come straight from the Bible, …”

“Most Christians claim the same motto, but DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE the words CHRIST SPOKE???? We do . all our beliefs come from Bible”???  IF THE Bible IS THE SPOKEN WORD OF CHRIST as Gerald Flurry says, then Where is the Scripture which says go to GOD the Father , passing JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? John 6:44 says even the FATHER draws one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And then Mal. 1: 6? Then 1 cor 10:3-4, Deut.  32, jam 1: 18, which says, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the GOD who gives the SPIRITUAL DRINK ???  Did not Gerald Flurry write “I drank much spiritual drink from that prayer rock”???  And did he not REPLACE THE STONE OF DESTINY which  CHRIST the LORD or THE ALMIGHTY give? Where does the Scripture or CHRIST’s words says such things ? if Gerald Flurry believed the Scripture, … he would have known, in the WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK, WHICH IS THE BIBLE, … SPEAKS ONLY ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD , AS HE, HIMSELF SAID!!! “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of Me, “. Then, where is GOD the Father, whom he worships? Is he not from Judah , a son of Abraham ? Then if Abraham looked for ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day, should he not look for His day also as the Scripture says???  He says he has the key of king David.  Then, did he honor The LORD of HOSTS  as his ‘FATHER’ ? Did he become a son to The LORD of HOSTS  according to the Covenant of king David’s throne as written above ???  As Isa. 29 says, the whole book is sealed for him !  CHRIST the LORD came to reveal such liars. 1 cor 4: 5 !



Living by every word”??? In Jer. 3: 19, GOD clearly says, The Husband is also the FATHER.  So does Mal. 1:6. These Scripture and Isa. 9:6 etc also clearly says the FATHER is also The SON ! But did Gerald Flurry preach same? How could he say he is living by every word? Then did he believe JESUS
CHRIST the LORD is The LORD of Sabbath and worshiped Him on Sabbath ??  


If you live by every word, then find the little children whom JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to look and be humble like them. And Isa. 8: 18,
29: 23,   55:13,  Mat. 12: 27-28,  Luk. 10: 19-22,  11: 19-22 , and accept them as the finger of GOD
and YOUR JUDGES. 1 John 4: 4, 17 . Mat. 18:3,


Not even Apostle Peter was converted when he was following JESUS CHRIST the LORD. for The LORD  said to him…

Luk 22:31  And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when
thou art converted,
strengthen thy brethren
. }}}… so even at that
time, not even Apostle Peter was converted. ! he was STILL UNDER SATAN. This is
why as written below, the Heavenly vision says, one must be turned from satan
to GOD !



Gerald Flurry can judge himself to see if he live by EVERY WORD OF GOD !!!

If he lived by every word of GOD, .. then JESUS CHRIST the LORD would have been his ONLY GOD !  He would have never said ‘go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD to go to GOD the Father as the head’, .. nor ‘do not focus on CHRIST too much’ ….???


Above Covenant between  GOD of Israel, … ( The ROCK of Israel,) … who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , … was  to be a FATHER, and the king to be a SON to Him. !  Isnt that what that Scripture says??? Then, does Gerald Flurry live by every word of GOD as he claims ???  In truth, … NO MAN can live by every word of GOD, … because, until The Comforter came and guided us to all truth, … we never had all the truth.  Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, SECOND time The LORD  comes to give the knowledge of GOD  as the sea!  If Gerald Flurry lived by every word, … then why would The LORD  come another time and give the ‘knowledge of GOD ’?


Hear what The ROCK says, that He bore you as a son.

Deu 1:30  The LORD your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;

Deu 1:31  And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that the LORD thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place.

Deu 1:32  Yet in this thing ye did not believe the LORD your God, }}}… so The ROCK bore you as a man does to his SON. Yet, you did not believe The LORD  your GOD! Is He lying when He says, He is a FATHER?



CHRIST the LORD DID NOT SAVE ANY ONE IN HIS FIRST TIME. He came to preach two gospels, … and to die.  Then He said ‘ I will come again and receive you to Myself” and The Comforter who comes in MY NAME, will guide you in to all truth!  Unto the last era, when as 2 Thess. 2 says, to the FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, … no man could have lived by every word of GOD ! HOW HIGHLY EXALTED HIMSELF AGAINST GOD, GOD’S WORDS AND GOD’S KNOWLEDGE AND GOD’S INTELLIGENCE !!! Is Gerald Flurry among the children of Isa. 8: 18,   29: 23,  54: 13,  Heb.  2: 10, 1 John 2: 12- 27,  Mat. 12: 27-28,  Luk. 10: 19-22,  11: 19- 22 etc ???  Did The Comforter come to him??? He cannot claim that he is among these children of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … or The LORD of HOSTS , because he does not believe that The ROCK  IS his GOD, or the FATHER ! And all the words of the Bible, are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words !!!!  IF HE DOES NOT HAVE THE TRUE GOD AS his GOD, … THEN COULD HE LIVE BY THIS GOD’S WORDS ???  GOD wants such to be humble. He said , under the Covenant of king David as written above, .. that HE WILL CHASTEN HIS SONS !!!  according to the WORD of GOD , … Gerald Flurry cannot be considered as a SON to The LORD of HOSTS  who made the Covenant!!! But The LORD of HOSTS  said, … they do not honor HIM AS THE FATHER NOR FEAR HIM !! Mal. 1:6.  So Gerald Flurry is a sons of disobedience , and that is what the WORD of GOD  says and is the truth !


Most Christians claim the same motto, but don’t
actually believe the words Christ spoke,..
We do. All of our beliefs come straight from the
Bible, …”

Remember the sons are told to MARK THOSE WHO CAUSE DIVISIONS… and also REPROVE THEM. !!!  These lies have to be exposed, in order to truly convert one to the TRUE FATHER! The FATHER said, He will chasten the sons by the rod of MEN. ! How did king David say his son king Solomon to be a MAN ???

1Ki 2:2  I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, andshew thyself a man;

1Ki 2:3  And keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to
walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his
judgments, and his testimonies
, as it is written in the law of Moses, that
thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest


1Ki 2:4  That the LORD may continue his word which he spake concerning me, saying, If thy children take heed to their way, TO WALK BEFORE ME IN TRUTH WITH ALL THEIR HEART and with all their soul, there shall not fail thee (said he) a man on the throne of Israel. }}}… so a king on the throne become a man, if they have KEPT THE CHARGE of The LORD  GOD. !  Which GOD’s charge is this ?  Is it GOD the Father’s charge as Gerald Flurry preaches? Did GOD the Father  give his ways, statutes, commandments, judgments, testimonies , in the law of Moses ??? Truly, the carnal mind cannot keep it, no matter how long they sit on the throne. King Solomon failed in that as well. GOD would not allow king David to build a house for Him.  But still GOD chose king Solomon  to build a house for Him, but later to be destroyed ! Acts. 17 says, no man can build a house for GOD, .. but GOD, Himself Has to, and Hos. 8: 14 says, they build buildings, when they have FORSAKEN HIM. ! Gerald Flurry’s building program proves that he too has forsaken Him. ! Now, Gerald Flurry is in Egypt as Rev. 11;8 says and in Babylon Micah 4: 10,   Rev. 17,   18


Hos 8:13  They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of Mine offerings, and eat it; but the LORD accepteth them not; now will He remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt. }}}… They sacrifice ‘FLESH’???  They do not sacrifice to HIS NAME nor according to HIS WORDS.  No wonder why GOD brought KEDAR to the altar as written above !  GOD will VISIT their sin and iniquity. This is why there is a Joshua who has iniquity. And this is spoken about the Day of Visitation, when the prophet is a fool and would not know The LORD ’s coming Hos. 9:7.  And then, … they build temples, when they have FORGOTTEN THEIR ‘MAKER’, THAT IS The CREATOR , The ROCK , JESUS CHRIST the LORD! And The LORD  said, when He Visits, they will return to Egypt. That is why, they are Spiritually in Egypt, not having the SPIRIT on the Day of Visitation, in Rev. 11: 8


Hos 8:14  For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof….}}}…Israel and Judah are condemned here.  When they have FORGOTTEN The CREATOR, … The ROCK, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THEY BUILD TEMPLES.  OBVIOUSLY, NOT TO The ROCK OR JESUS CHRIST the
LORD OR TO THE GOD OF Israel , but to some others.  Above web site links proves that they have not build a temple for JESUS CHRIST the LORD as king David did.  So how could Gerald Flurry , be a ‘MAN”, according to king David ???


If thy children take heed to their way, TO WALK BEFORE ME IN TRUTH WITH ALL THEIR HEART”…

Have they walked before The LORD of HOSTS , in TRUTH in their HEARTS ??? TRUTH IS LIGHT
above. And the truth comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Then, did Gerald Flurry
go to Him to get the truth ???
When his eyes are opened, he, himself will hate himself for all that he has said and done against The LORD !


THEY DO NOT KNOW The LORD  OF TRUTH, in the first place !!!! The GOD of truth, or the FATHER of Lights !!! His Light, the WORD, the TRUTH, shall set us free! So king David said, if you are a man who walk before the GOD of Israel, in truth, … which means according to the WORD of GOD , which is the truth, … then they will have the throne. !  Remember Joshua’s big ‘if’ also. ! So they did not keep the charge of the Sanctuary either. Eze. 44: 7-8 ! So they have forgotten their CREATOR or The MAKER, … and build buildings , in the name of DEAD !!!! Why not name a building ‘king David’s house”??? Nowhere in the WORD of GOD  says, to build a house for DEAD, including king David, or any great one, but to the GOD of Israel who is known in many names, but ONE GOD ! Understand these Scripture causes one to TURN TO THEIR TRUE FATHER !!! That is the true conversion ! All things will be made straight including the throne. !!! if GOD says the last era is Laodicean and blind, then no two words about it. !  There is only one leader in Laodicea era. And that is the one who is blind. !


Each doctrine maintained by the Church is
provable from the Holy Bible’
….}}}.. could GF prove that the GOD of Israel is GOD the
Father??? Then, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is the LORD of Sabbath. But no
leader taught on the Sabbath, that (at least ) that our LORD is JESUS CHRIST
the LORD ?  He said I AM The LORD of Sabbath , Himself !  He was The ROCK who
PEOPLE !!! Lets see the very first four commandments if Gerald Flurry has kept…
if proven that he has not, then he is NOT A MAN, BUT A BEAST!


  1. Exo 20:2  I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage….}}}…This is how The ROCK  introduced Himself, saying I am your GOD, who brought you out of Egypt!  Is it not The ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who brought them out?  Then, should HE be not the GOD of Israel ???

Exo 20:3  Thou shalt have no other gods before Me}}}…so JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, you shall have no other gods before Me , the GOD who brought you OUT OF Egypt !!!!  But, as written above, Gerald Flurry wrote, GOD the Father is the GOD whom we should exalt! So he has other gods before The ROCK who brought him out of Egypt. Now, HE IS BACK IN Egypt having many other gods, and idols !

  1. Exo 20:4  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image…}}. We proved how the rock he drinks the spiritual drink is a graven image. Then, he has idols before The ROCK !
  2. Exo 20:7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain..}}}… if you do not worship The ROCK, … you take His name in vain. ! Mal. 2: 2. There are many ways one can take GOD’s name in vain. By calling we are the wife of CHRIST The LORD , and to go to other gods and idols to drink the spirit, is another way.
  3.       Exo 20:8  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.…}}}.. .again, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who gave the Sabbath and said I AM THE LORD OF Sabbath ALSO !!!!  Gerald Flurry will find when his eyes are opened that he never lived up to what he claims to be, and his teachings are against the Bible !


Sin, unrepented of, separates an individual from God and CHRIST”.….}}}}…Gerald
Flurry would learn that his sin , caused him to be separated from The ROCK, the
GOD of Israel ! It should be ‘CHRIST’ as we all sinned against Him !


If the church have the GODHEAD wrong, then everything else is wrong.

In the doctrines sections, here is the very first one.

  • We believe in one God, eternally existing, Creator of the heavens and Earth and all that
    is in them (Genesis 1:1). The
    Godhead is actually composed of two
    the God who became the Father of Jesus Christ, and the Word who was made flesh and became God’s Son (John 1:1-14)….}}}…We believe in ‘ONE’ GOD, but
    GODHEAD is TWO personages???  Should it not be then TWO GODS ???  Mal. 2:
    10-11, says Judah preached two gods and broke the Covenant , as proven in
    previous writings.

We too believed there were two gods, until the Spirit and
Truth, or The Comforter came and guided us in to all truth.  so he says ‘one GOD, and again ‘GODHEAD is actually of TWO personages”. We proved, from the beginning, … it was ONE GOD. in  CHRIST the LORD’s times, the Jews believed one GOD. that is why they did not accept Him as GOD. they never knew, that it is the same GOD , came as a human. If GODHEAD is two personages, … then
one will be loved and one will be hated. And the wife hated The Husband. ! The
Husband says, when she is converted, she too will call Him, my FATHER. Jer. 3:
19-20. Read all the names of GOD written in the Scripture and see , if there
are two gods. Each name applies to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. we proved why. ! IT
IS HIM, AND HIS WORDS always. ! So is it ONE, or TWO?


We believe Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, the Christ, the divine Son of the living God, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born in the human flesh of the virgin Mary. }}}… Because he thinks there are two gods, I think he is referring ‘the Living GOD’, to GOD the Father. But the Living GOD, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself, as written below . The HOLY SPIRIT, which begat JESUS CHRIST the LORD is HIS OWN WORDS as proven above in Isa. 9;6- 7. The zeal of
‘The LORD of HOSTS ’, did it. so that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and all things
were created by Him and to Him. Rev. 4:11 and many more. The HOLY SPIRIT, is
JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. John 6:63 which begat Him and the first fruits
as proven above. Jam 1: 18. ! HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s
mouth. John 20:22. That is HIS WORDS which does all things ! Acts. 14: 15,  Rom.
9: 25- 26,  2 cor 3: 3 . 1 Thess.1:9, more scriptural proof about  the Living


And THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is the Living GOD, who accepted the gentiles as sons and daughters  as written above in 2 cor 6: 14-19.

2Co_6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;…}}}.. read next verses as well or as written above, as this is THE ALMIGHTY speaking. And we are the temple of the Living GOD. then are we a temple to GOD the Father ??? Heb.  3: 6, 12 says, the temple is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house. and v 12 says those who departed from the Living GOD, has an evil heart. No one departed from GOD the Father. But from The Husband  CHRIST the LORD or The ROCK, according to the word. And THE ALMIGHTY is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  !


So the temple of the Living GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house ! THE Body of CHRIST !!! This Scripture proves to the GOD , to Whom the House of GOD belongs, is the Living GOD.

1Ti_3:15  But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in thehouse of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth}}}… which GOD’s house is the house of GOD ? Moses built
to THE ALMIGHTY, The ROCK , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Then king David and
king Solomon built to The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and
Heb.  3: 6, and we are the house of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the Living GOD. does the Scripture say any where that GOD the Father is building a temple? Or we are to be a temple for GOD the Father ???  Does the Scripture tells us to build a house for GOD the Father ??? Does the Scripture say that we are to be the BODY of GOD the Father? Does the Scripture say JACOB was given a vision about the House of GOD, which belongs to GOD the Father? Did A SINGLE FATHER who met GOD and spoke with Him, such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses and king David also, … said they worship or met, or built a house or sacrificed to GOD the Father?


Then, the ‘GROUND OF ‘TRUTH’??? Does the Scripture say the TRUTH comes from GOD the Father ??? The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth also takes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s and
reveals. John 16: 15. That is because all things written in the Old testament,
must be fulfilled in the New  testament times and our times, until all things are made new in Him, after removing the curses. ! So from the beginning of The CREATOR, to the new beginning of the spiritual creation, Scripture does not talk about another GOD being. JESUS
CHRIST the LORD’s FATHER is HIS OWN WORDS, which fulfills all things. JESUS
CHRIST the LORD came to fulfill what is written. Even His second coming also is
prophesied back in Genesis. He is THE SEED which bruises the seed of the
serpent. So from that time onwards, all things which are to be fulfilled was
spoken by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and He will make certain , that all things
will be fulfilled just as it is written, … if not, we can make Him a liar. ! So
His words are also called ‘Living Words’. Heb. 12: 4. So same words gave life to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the human body of the GOD who is the SPIRIT, … and even us as jam 1: 18 says.  So His FATHER is His own words, which is called HOLY SPIRIT ! For example:- .. Scripture says a virgin shall conceive… and in the New  testament, it is fulfilled. what ever JESUS CHRIST the LORD spoke back in creation, also still being fulfilled. ! So there is no other GOD who is higher than Him, as HE IS
The Most High. HE DOES ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO HIS WORDS AND EVEN WE DO. ! HIS WORDS DIRECTS HIM. it is His purpose written in the Scripture.


And it was THE ALMIGHTY, who spoke to Ezekiel as well. His name THE ALMIGHTY is mentioned twice in the book of Ezekiel. Other names of GOD, except Holy ONE , once, GOD of Israel seven times, He is known as GOD or The LORD, in Ezekiel . So the only name given ( to my knowledge) of GOD, is THE ALMIGHTY. And no one needs to make any mistakes, it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is THE ALMIGHTY, who spoke to Ezekiel as well, and even now SPEAKING. ! It was by the name of THE ALMIGHTY, GOD introduced to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses Exo 6:3. Therefore, the modern-day Ezekiel also was met by THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of fathers.  And in Ezekiel’s time, THE END comes. Eze. 7

Eze 1:24  And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as
voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech,

Ezekiel 10:5, THE ALMIGHTY .

Eze. 39:7.. Holy ONE . There aren’t holy ‘TWO’, but ONE. So all these Scripture proves there is only ONE GOD, but known in many names.  So THE ALMIGHTY and the Holy ONE is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And it is He, who spoke with Ezekiel.


And the day of THE LORD, or Day of Visitation , days of vengeance is all, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day and it is HIS wrath which is poured on those who did not obey Him.


But not even once in the book of Ezekiel, The LORD  is known as The LORD of HOSTS , because there are no hosts to host Him , to make Him The LORD , of the hosts!. He was known The LORD of HOSTS , first in Samuel’s time, because there were hosts to The LORD . !  Remember, Ezekiel, himself is a captive. Eze. 12.  But, GOD Is working in them, to bring them back. Therefore, IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO RODE IN THE AMAZING CHARIOT etc in the book of Ezekiel as well. But the modern day Ezekiel could not see that it is THE ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who met him to give visions. !


The Saviour, is the Living GOD… , if you BELIEVE…! So there aren’t any other Saviors, but ONLY ONE is called The Saviour. ( even though there are other saviors who are under Him, who come with Him. oba 1:21)

1Ti_4:10  For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. }}}… which GOD is The Saviour ??? The Saviour is the LIVING GOD !!! This Scripture cannot lie.  The Saviour is the Living GOD. But Mr Flurry never trusted the Living GOD. !


The CREATOR, is THE LIVING GOD, and ‘THE EVERLASTING KING’.!!!  There are no two Living GODs,  or Everlasting KINGS. !

Jer 10:10  But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

Jer 10:11  Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. }}}… The Living GOD ,  the EVERLASTING KING, is the ONE TRUE GOD , WHO CREATED ALL THINGS. all other gods, including GOD the Father will perish, if there was one. !!! DOES JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE ALMIGHTY, The Most High NEED ANYONE TELLING HIM WHAT TO DO ???

Therefore, as Gerald Flurry says, their doctrines are provable from the Scripture, … as…

Messiah, the Christ, the divine Son of the living
”…is TOTALLY AGAINST THE Scripture, as
The SON is also the FATHER and that includes the Living GOD also ! so the
Living GOD is The SON also and that is one of many NAMES OF the ONE AND SAME GOD!   
this is against the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, THE
EVERLASTING KING , THE LIVING GOD !!! These things must be taught to all, in
order to convert all to the TRUE GOD, AND FATHER ! No wonder why he is not in
JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house. Heb.  3:6, 12. So such who are not in His House of GOD, has an evil heart which departed
from GOD !



Then, Who could call themselves ‘THE CHURCH OF GOD”????  It has to be the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BECAUSE IT IS HIS BODY, WHICH IS THE CHURCH, and IT IS HE, HIMSELF must CALL! . HE HAS ALREADY BUILT HIS HOUSE, AS WE ARE IN IT. Heb.  3:6.  HIS WORDS, THE FATHER DRAWS ONE TO HIM. John 6:44. Therefore, Gerald Flurry OR ANY OTHER CHURCH CANNOT CALL THEMSELVES THE CHURCH OF GOD, as NONE WORSHIPED HIM IN THEIR BODIES as they all went after GOD the Father.  THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, AND THAT IS The CREATOR. they must be a body of GOD the Father’s believers. Only a believer of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, could call themselves ‘the church of GOD’. Because GOD the Father is NOT A god. !!!  Gerald Flurry, while calling the church of GOD, worships GOD the Father , and other rocks, BUT NOT THE TRUE ROCK OR THE FATHER!!!!! Since he replaced the stone of destiny, which carried the true sign or the symbol of the CALLED OUT PEOPLE, or the Israel of GOD, … he cannot call himself the church of GOD !


 CHRIST the LORD said, no man can come to HIM, unless the FATHER has given that calling. That means it is written in the word. So only the little children are drawn to Him as they are HIS HAND’S WORKS. The Laodiceans are to die Spiritually, and all those who are under the law are to die as well. And in judgment, it is the little children as written elsewhere, and then the men of Niniveh and queen of South is to come in judgment. They are already here as proven in previous writings. !  The men of Niniveh are from Israel, who REPENTED AND BELIEVED as proven. So all those who come to meet JESUS CHRIST the LORD , are written in the WORD of GOD . !

Joh 6:65  And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto Me, except it were given unto him of my Father. }}}… at the same time, He is saying this, He also said, no one has seen the FATHER, and no one knows the FATHER as written elsewhere or as proven in previous writings. Has any of the leaders in those churches heard a calling from GOD the Father ???  Even if they have heard, then they must GO TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD . if you hear the GOD the Father, he will say… go to my SON”… HE WILL GIVE YOU LIFE etc ! It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S OWN WRITTEN WORDS, AS YOU CAN SEE WHAT DRAWS US TO HIMSELF !!! He said COME TO ME TO HAVE LIFE !!! On the last day, it is those who REJECTED HIM, and not GOD the Father, who are judged by His words as John 12:48 says. Therefore, it is written in the
Scripture, … who would come to JESUS CHRIST the LORD first, and it is the children of Isa. 8; 18, 1Joh 2: 12-27 etc as they are given the understanding to come to HIM and to be IN HIS HOUSE etc. REMEMBER THE Spirit and Truth MUST COME FIRST TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. AND WHO EVER GLORIFIED HIM, ARE THE ONES WHO RECEIVED HIM , AND COULD BE DRAWN TO HIM. THEY ARE THE SAME ONES WHO ARE SAVED ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision below !


Learn from  Apostle Peter to know who has the WORDS of everlasting life. He says CHRIST is the Son of the Living GOD. But as proven above, HE IS THE Living GOD. So there is no other Living GODS.

Joh 6:68  Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom
shall we go?
thou hast the words of eternal life.

Joh 6:69  And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God….}}}… how did Apostle Peter learn that JESUS CHRIST the LORD , has the WORDS of everlasting life and
that HE IS The SON of the Living GOD ? It is through the Scripture , the words,
but are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s! Living GOD, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and
Living WORDS also His words. He gives life, John 8: 32, 36, and His words give
life as we are set free by His words the truth. Just as Heb.  3: 6 says CHRIST as a SON to HIS OWN house, …
and v 12 says He is the Living GOD, … now we can understand, HE IS A SON TO
HIMSELF. Isa. 9: 6!


Then  CHRIST the LORD says, the ‘LIVING FATHER”
sent Him and He lives by the FATHER. And He was sent by His own zeal. Isa. 9:
6- 7.  But it is His own words which gave HIm the physical life and to us as well. 

Joh 6:57  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so
he that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me.
}}}.. even JESUS CHRIST the LORD lives by the FATHER, …
HIS OWN WORDS. !  He always referred ‘as it is written”.  We know the HOLY SPIRIT
is HIS FATHER. and the HOLY SPIRIT is The Comforter, who is JESUS CHRIST the
LORD , Himself as proven in previous writings !
and we live by our FATHER the words as well . Jam 1:18. That is why He always said ‘as it is written’. ! “But I say unto you, That Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, AS IT IS WRITTEN OF HIM.”So He must live by HIS WORDS , if not He becomes a liar as well. Even we
fulfill what is written!


Joh 6V 63, He said MY WORDS ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE. And SPIRITUAL drink and meat comes from Him.  He Is the WORD. And we must eat the words, the SPIRIT. HOLY SPIRIT is likened to a drink as well. We say we drink spiritual  drink. And both spiritual drink and meat comes form Him.

Jer 15:16  Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing
of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts. 
Eze. 3: 1- 3,  Rev. 10:9, Psa. 119: 103,


And it is the words,
the FATHER which draws us one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Joh 6:44  No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. }}}… no man knows that one should go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. unless they given the inspiration from THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD to understand the Scripture. Israel are to stumble at Him as well as the WORD of GOD . 1  Pet. 2; 5-8.  That is why they did not know JESUS
CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER also.  If they are to stumble on Him as well as the WORD, which means they are to stumble at the HOLY SPIRIT, … how could they understand the Scripture and claim to know
about GOD ? Besides, the FATHER is revealed in that day. John 16: 25.  That is when The Comforter comes to guide us in to all truth.  so no one knew these mysteries until The Comforter came.  All the churches prove that they have not understood the Scripture as none went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house to be named after Him, or to call upon His name.


Scripture says GOD will teach. But is it GOD the Father ?

Joh 6:45  It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto Me.

Now understand… The LORD  says, ‘NO MAN CAN COME TO ME, except the FATHER draws. Then He says, it is written in the prophets that THEY SHALL BE ALL TAUGHT BY GOD. and… all who learned OF THE FATHER comes to ME.”.  So who is this GOD, WHO TEACHES US THAT ONE SHOULD GO TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???
Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD, through HIS WORDS written , and is it not HE WHO, HIMSELF IS PROPHESIED TO COME as written above as The Comforter to teach AND GUIDE US IN TO ALL TRUTH ??? 1 John 2: 12- 27 , Isa. 8: 18,  Heb. 2: 10-13,  Isa. 29: 23, etc which talks about these children , who will be TAUGHT BY GOD, … were taught all things by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … but through HIS WORDS !!!  Everything is done by HIM, TO CONVERT US, as written below. IS GOD the Father PROPHESIED TO COME AND TEACH US ??? is there a single Scripture which says that ???  All things are written, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words.

1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them
did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

1Pe 1:12  Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the
things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel
unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels
desire to look into.
}}}… so the words are by the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD. but
those who wrote them, did not know, but THEY ARE NOW REPORTED, by the HOLY
SPIRIT , sent down from heaven means The Comforter. ! It is JESUS CHRIST the
LORD who comes again to teach us as The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT. ! And
Apostle Peter wrote his letters to gentiles, and when The LAST TIME SALVATION
IS TO COME TO THEM. 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20 .


Remember the first fruits are born by the word of truth, as Jam 1: 18 says. And in the LAST DAY,
JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words will judge all, to establish all as written
above. Then, it is on the last day, JESUS CHRIST the LORD will raise all. it is not any other GOD, but  CHRIST the LORD says ‘ I WILL”…;-

No man can come to Me…unless they shall be all taught of GOD’… except the Father which hath sent me draw
him… Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father,
cometh unto Me…. and I will raise him up at the last day.!!!…
so this GOD, … the ‘FATHER’, … who will teach us that one should go to The SON,
.. is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF, who will draw all TO HIMSELF, by His
words. This is why HE TEACHES US TO EXALT HIM “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me”. And how do we know to exalt Him and not GOD the Father ? Because, The Comforter, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, taught us the truth to GLORIFY HIM !!! To glorify Him as the FATHER and The SON and that He fulfills all the names of GOD !!! Then only it is possible to ABIDE IN


“cometh unto Me…. and I will raise him up at the last day.!!!

So all must go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to be raised up.! By last day, the words are revealed to
the first fruits. Who ever received the words of truth, are the first fruits.
And they are first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !


And in the same last day, HE WILL CALL ALL TO COME TO HIM TO DRINK THE HOLY SPIRIT ! John 7: 36-39
!!!  That is from the BELLIES of the ‘BELIEVERS’. As written above, those who do NOT SERVE HIM, serves their OWN BELLIES.  That is why they are marked.  So HE HAD TO FILL THE BELLIES OF
THE BELIEVERS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, ‘FIRST’, in order to call others to come
and drink , BEFORE the last day !!!  They are the CHRIST and HIS children  !!! And ‘they shall all be taught of GOD’ is taken from Isa. 54: it is always the words which leads us…


 Isa 54:13  And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the
peace of thy children
. }}}… then who are these children, who were taught by JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  It
is Himself as 1 John 2: 12- 27 says and they are anointed to learn from Him, when He comes the second time as The Comforter !


It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who sanctified, .. justified, .. gives wisdom, inspiration, washes,
teaches, calls, gives life, Authors the faith and salvation, SAVES, REDEEMS ,
raises us up and all things, but through HIS WORDS. So THE CHURCH WHICH IS THE


If one should call themselves the ‘CHURCH OF GOD’, …THAT GOD SHOULD BE JESUS CHRIST the LORD…,  they must be worshiping  the JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and they must be CALLING THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD  AS WELL.  AND, AS THE CHURCH OR THE House of GOD IS BUILT as Heb.  3:6 says, the true CHURCH MUST BE IN HIS HOUSE ALREADY !!!!  The CALLED OUT ONES’ FINAL DESTINY IS TO BE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S OR THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD’S HOUSE , as HE GAVE THE VISION TO JACOB !!!! But, JACOB’s seed could not fulfill that destiny. Their destiny was to end up in the House of GOD, to be angels in heaven.  


The LORD   must SANCTIFY THEM AND MAKE THEM HIS SAINTS. Unless THE ALMIGHTY gives the inspiration, the Scripture cannot be understood, specially about the GODHEAD. JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is THE ALMIGHTY must reveal them. And it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who sanctifies one and makes them saints.

1Co 1:2  Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

1Co 1:3  Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from
the Lord Jesus Christ.
}}}… This ‘CHURCH OF GOD’, is sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … that means they are saints in Him, … and who CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!!! And ‘grace and
from GOD, our FATHER’ ???  Which GOD’s grace is given ????  Which GOD gives us peace??? Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s ??? Is it not from the Prince of peace, the Everlasting
FATHER , who is also The SON as in Isa. 9: 6 ???Does peace come from GOD the
Father? The above children, who are taught of the GOD of peace, who are sent
with peace, aught to know the true GOD who gives grace and peace !!! So this
verse also proves, the GOD who gives us grace and peace, IS THE FATHER !!! So
must call on the name OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So none of the churches which
calls themselves so, … are NOT THE TRUE CHURCH OF GOD !


1 Co 1: 30. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is the sanctification to life”. So the above saints, are sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are the TRUE PEOPLE OF THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!! The ONE TRUE CHURCH of GOD ! So they are sanctified to receive LIFE from Him. !!!


1 cor 6:11, “but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. “

this verse is about the sons and daughters  of THE ALMIGHTY as the ( 2 cor 6: 16-19)  who call THE ALMIGHTY, the FATHER. and they are WASHED AND justified  in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND BY THE SPIRIT. We know the SPIRIT is Him and His words !!! That is what gives us life and to be begotten as sons to the FATHER of Lights !!! So the true church is justified in the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and by HIS WORDS. Unless you believe these, you are STILL NOT SANCTIFIED in HIS Name and cannot be called the ‘church of GOD’!


Eph.  5:26, the “church” is washed by the word. That is the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so until the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is washed by giving all the words and truth, she will not be sanctified, and cannot be called the Church of GOD ! . After the judgments, when she is GRANTED to wear fine linen, she will be sanctified by faith also in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Husband, and she will learn that there are no other gods, and call The Husband, my FATHER. ! Until then, she cannot call herself, the CHURCH OF GOD, because AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE Scripture, the church is to be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s church even as Heb.  3: 6 says !!! If there is a house for JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then that is where the saints and the church should be ! MORE IMPORTANTLY THAT IS WHERE  CHRIST the LORD  WOULD DWELL, PLACE HIS NAME, … becomes a House of Prayer for all nations, and everything will be done by Him in HIS OWN CHURCH  ! That is the church Abraham looked for. John 8:56, Where  CHRIST the LORD Is.


Heb.  2: 10-11, He sanctified these children to serve Him to declare Him as the Captain of Salvation .  Then, that must be where the true Church of GOD is !!!



True church must be called by JESUS CHRIST the LORD … His apostles or the foundation of the church but according to the Heavenly vision which gives FAITH..

Rom.  1: 5- 7…” by whom we have received grace and apostleship, to obedience to the faith among all nations, for His name; you also are the called-out ones of Jesus Christ: beloved of God, called to be saints.”. }}}.. Rom.  11: 20 says, Israel is cut off from faith and given to gentiles. Then how could any one in Israel, OBEY THE FAITH, when they are cut off from it ?  JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER   of FAITH. Heb.  12:2…” looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith”. Did you go to Him to receive faith or anything? So the true Church of GOD must be called by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , after they obeyed faith. ! ( faith also will be tried just as those who are of the law was tried. 1  Pet. 1: 7- 8 !


So these whom He called, are called ‘saints’, and to HIS NAME. Then, when we call ourselves the ‘Church of GOD’, … we mean the church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Obedience to faith ? Acts. 15: 9,  14….  CHRIST the LORD purified the hearts, by faith and took some gentiles to HIS NAME!  This is after Israel is cut off from faith. Rom.  11: 20. Then, this is talking about the Day of Visitation, when The LORD  comes to call the people to HIS NAME. v 9 “God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for HIS NAME.” .  So if the Scripture says GOD will VISIT gentiles ‘FIRST’, and take a people to HIS NAME, … then that is where the true church of GOD will be built! Also they are given faith to purify their hearts. They did not reject the Chief Corner Stone , but are built on Him to offer spiritual sacrifices as Apostle Peter wrote. !!!!  That is where the SPIRITUAL Church of GOD, WHERE JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME IS , THE TRUE Church of GOD !!!!


2 Ti 1:9. He called us and SAVED us according to HIS OWN PURPOSE, AND GRACE, given in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. before the world began ! So His church is called before the world began !!! Everything is written down ! Remember GRACE IS GIVEN, WHEN every one proves they cannot live  ! ( after the law Covenant fails, and when The LORD  comes the second time to save them).


Rom.  8: 30 …PREDESTINATED ones were called, justified, glorified. This chapter proves, one must have the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, and be conformed in to the image of The SON, to build the image of GOD. ! They are the foundation of the church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings !!!


So until JESUS CHRIST the LORD gives the free gift of faith, Eph.  2:8, and upon passing the trial of faith  no one could be the CHURCH OF GOD, WHICH SHOULD BE THE CALLED OUT OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD and also….  ALSO, … WHO CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! If the Laodiceans and all of the eras, fell from this truth of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, … they cannot call themselves the church of GOD, because GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who calls,  washes,  and raises  up the church. ! Truth, Life, Light, SPIRIT, words , FAITH , Peace, all are from Him!

He is the TRUTH … He is life, … He is Light, … He is SPIRIT, .. He is the WORD, … He gives HIS FAITH, ..He is Peace,  and all these things He gave first to His first fruits , so they can give to others.


There are many more Scripture about how to find the true Church of GOD. But the FALLEN CHURCH is where Gerald Flurry is, as The LORD  said the priesthood needs to be changed as they have departed from the Living GOD.  he does not even know the Living GOD , to be in His church, in the first place !!! So finally the Laodicea era also is passing away. !!!


Another quote by Gerald Flurry…

“We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and of Christ Jesus—the power of God (Acts 1:8; Romans 15:19), by which all things were created and made.”…}}}}…”HOLY SPIRIT
is the SPIRIT of GOD and of CHRIST, .. and the ‘power of GOD
’ ???? If the HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of GOD ‘AND” of CHRIST, then it has to be TWO SPIRITS because we believed it was TWO PERSONAGES! So according to him, the ‘SPIRIT of GOD AND OF CHRIST, the power of GOD”???? But what did

 Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:the words that I speakunto
they are spirit, and they are life. }}}..His words are SPIRIT, which gives life. this is why jam 1:18 says, we are begotten by His words of truth. This is why THE HOLY SPIRIT comes from HIS MOUTH. JOh 20:22. 

Joh 6:64  But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were
that believed not, and who should betray him.
}}.. so The LORD already prophesied who would not believe Him. ! So Gerald Flurry’s statement proves, he has not believed Him!



 In the HOLY SPIRIT, there is power.  And by the HOLY SPIRIT, all things were created and made”???  Yes, all things were created and made, and even the NEW AGE or all things will be made NEW, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  But the HOLY SPIRIT which leads us now, … is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS. It is the WORDS which created all things. IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S OR The CREATOR’S WORDS, THERE IS POWER AS IT IS CALLED THE LIVING WORDS.  Gen. 1 says, GOD SPOKE, ALL THINGS WERE CREATED. !
HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s mouth. John 20:22.  And HOLY SPIRIT is given by the bellies of the believers. Could the power of GOD come from the bellies of the believers?


When we say HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of GOD and of CHRIST Jesus ; and also as written above as
Gerald Flurry said they are TWO PERSONAGES, … then the HOLY SPIRIT must come
from TWO GODS ???? His power is in His words.

Gen 1:3  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Gen 1:6  And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,}}}…so GOD said … let there be light, and let there be a firmament”… and they came to be. So His power, is in what He says. In His
words. that is why, HE SAID, “the
words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”. And as jam 1: 17- 18 as written above, … we are begotten by HIS WORD OF TRUTH ! So the HOLY SPIRIT is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD which comes from His mouth. John 20:22… he breathed on them,
and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:”


Then, The Comforter ,who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the Spirit and Truth is called the HOLY SPIRIT.

Joh 14:26  But the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”…. So The Comforter, … the HOLY SPIRIT , … the FATHER will send ????  We know JESUS CHRIST the
LORD’s words are SPIRIT, and if the HOLY SPIRIT is from Him, the ‘FATHER’ here is He, Himself.


the Comforter, the Holy Ghost”…. So The Comforter , is the HOLY SPIRIT. And when we prove ‘The Comforter’ is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Remember He is the SPIRIT, 2 cor
3: 17. And His WORDS are also called SPIRIT as proven above. And we proved His words is the FATHER who directs and give instructions what to do, … to Him and to us. ( as He said ‘as it is written’ to do things). This is why, we need The LORD  who is the SPIRIT and His words which is the SPIRIT also. The LORD  is the TRUTH, and the SPIRIT is the truth etc. So The Comforter, is the HOLY SPIRIT.


Could the power of GOD come from bellies of others ???HOLY SPIRIT is called the Living Waters also.

Joh 7:37  In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man
thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.

Joh 7:38  He that BELIEVETH ON ME, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of
living water.

Joh 7:39  (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that BELIEVE ON HIM should receive: for the
Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)
…}}}.. on the last day, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD will call all to come and drink, … but it is the SPIRIT which HE SPOKE ABOUT.  So the HOLY SPIRIT is offered on the last day. That is because, JESUS WAS NOT YET GLORIFIED.”}}}.. so according to The LORD , …. NO ONE GLORIFIED Him UNTIL THE LAST DAY , because it is The Comforter who teaches all things!!!  But the BELIEVERS received the HOLY SPIRIT, … and it is from their bellies, the HOLY SPIRIT is given. !  So the BELIEVERS received HOLY SPIRIT , The Comforter , and GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Now, The LORD  can call all to come and drink from their bellies, the HOLY SPIRIT, the words , the Spirit and Truth which they are given. But it’s not the power of GOD.



If the BELIEVERS received HOLY SPIRIT, … then, it is only the BELIEVERS could glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD !. That is those who are in His house. And Eph.  1: 13 says, when the gentiles BELIEVED, THEY ARE SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT or PROMISE. So it is the words of GOD is what sealed us.


John 4;14….and the Living Waters, the HOLY SPIRIT springs out of believers, giving everlasting life to others. Isa. 12. They are the wells of salvation. So they are the sons of the GOD of salvation, The ROCK of salvation, whom HE, HIMSELF brought to glory to declare Him as the Captain of Salvation in Heb.  2: 10 !!! So they cannot give out the POWER OF GOD AS THE HOLY SPIRIT, from their bellies, .. but they can give out the Living Waters, THE LIVING WORDS, THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH TO OTHERS, SO THEY MAY BE SAVED and that is why this writing is all about !


So The LORD  came to those whom He predestinated to be glorified. They are the ones who received The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit and Truth and glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Rom_8:30  Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

And He comes to the saints who BELIEVED… to be GLORIFIED ..

2Th_1:10  When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.


And it is the NAME of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , one should glorify.

2Th_1:12  That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… Jews NEVER GLORIFIED  CHRIST the LORD’s name. Not even HIS OWN WIFE. They did not even know HE IS The LORD of HOSTS , THEIR FATHER! But they call themselves ‘the church of GOD’, GOD’s people etc. BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW THEIR GOD !!! If we do not know our GOD, how could we be HIS SONS ??? Now we know there is no GOD the Father ! The teaching of the TWO PERSONAGES, DECEIVED THE WHOLE TWO ERAS. AND NO ONE GLORIFIED THE LORD OF GLORY, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!

1Co_2:8  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Jas_2:1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.}}}… Apostle James is talking to his own who are scattered !  He tells them, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FAITH OF  CHRIST the LORD, Who is The LORD  OF GLORY ??? even in His first coming His own did not know Him, but crucified, and the second time also they did not know Him as they do not have FAITH !!!  None of the 12 tribes to whom Apostle James is writing, GIVE GLORY TO THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Unless you preach the ONE TRUE GOD, the GOD of glory, … how could we be HIS SONS ??? So HE CAME ON THE DAY OF THE LORD, AND DELIVERED TO GENTILES, THE CLEAR LIP TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD ! Zeph. 3: 9-10 !!!  So THEY GLORIFIED HIM AS GOD.  Here is what happened to them,,,

Rom 1:21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as GOD , neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. }}}… any one has NOT GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …now have vain imaginations and their foolish HEARTS are darkened. ! Remember the HOLY SPIRIT rests in our hearts as written above? So How could JESUS CHRIST the LORD give the HOLY SPIRIT, or HIS words TO A PEOPLE WHO DO NOT WANT TO GLORIFY HIM AS THEIR GOD ???  DID YOU GLORIFY The ROCK AS YOUR FATHER ???  Your GOD ??? So you have no excuse ! This cannot be talking about GOD the Father, as all glorified him ! “ Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”.  This is how the wisdom of the wise perished.  And unless we glorify Him as our FATHER, and GOD, … no man can be a son to Him.  So read the rest of the chapter, … this is what happened to all Israel who did not give glory to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So when the wisdom of the wise perished, JESUS CHRIST the LORD turned to the PREDESTINATED BABES and REVEALED ALL THE SECRETS as written above !


And the WORD of GOD ,(HOLY SPIRIT) also is glorified and it is with those who did so. The rest who DID NOT do so, are WICKED, and have NO FAITH. But remember , one must go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get faith, as it is a gift. Eph.  2:8 . and the wicked have departed from Him. so how could they receive anything from Him?

2Th_3:1  Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you}}}… so those who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, glorified Him, and His words, the FATHER of His’.

Who ever did not glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS words, are wicked and have no faith. This is what Apostle James also wrote above.

2Th 3:2  And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. }}}… Rom.  11: 20, Israel is cut off from faith. So they are the wicked, and The LORD delivered us from them. !!! They could not enter in to the rest as Heb.  4 says, as they did not have faith!


Have faith in The LORD , that HE WILL DO:-

2Th 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil}}}.. we cannot keep ourselves from evil, but The LORD  will. Remember The LORD ’s prayer…

2Th 3:5  And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. }}}… The LORD  will direct our HEARTS TO THE LOVE OF GOD … remember 1 Thess. 4:9.  He has to teach the love of GOD .  no man can have love of ‘GOD’ in them. So He DARKENED YOUR HEARTS as you did not glorify Him, .. and gave LOVE OF GOD  IN TO OUR HEARTS , who Glorified Him!


Then, as 2 cor 6: 14- 19 says, we who glorified GOD, are to withdraw from others who are wicked, who DID NOT GLORIFY HIM ! This is the marking and reproving as written elsewhere.

2Th 3:6  Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. }}}… So every brother who walks disorderly , ARE THE ONES WHO DO NOT GLORIFY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD , such as Gerald Flurry !!!  it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who caused us to be cast out from Gerald Flurry’s ORGANIZATION , and kept us away from it from going back. !

Can any one in any of the churches of GOD say, they are reproached for the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? They caused others to suffer who follows Him. ! Gerald Flurry will remember how he cast out the women of the gentiles as Micah 2:9 says, when we opposed to keep the Passover with unbaptised men.

1Pe_4:14  If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part HE IS GLORIFIED}}}… we were cast out, as we kept the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as He said in Rev. 3, .. to not to deny HIS NAME.  so the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews, but lie, … went to dust … and we glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD. But now, as written above, … the HOLY SPIRIT , the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , giving SPIRIT and truth to life, .. the Living Waters, … could be given by our bellies, as we have glorified Him !  This is why Luk. 3:6 says all ‘FLESH’ shall see the salvation of GOD.



Psa 104:29  Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.

Psa 104:30  Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth. }}}.. Both of these words, ‘BREATH and SPIRIT’, is the same word. H7307. Breath or SPIRIT. So the breath gives the SPIRIT. John 20:22. It comes ONLY FROM JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So He is the HOLY SPIRIT and His words are the SPIRIT. When He took away His words, … then the Laodicea era became blind , NAKED and returned to dust. Dust means lies, no truth as proven in previous writings. This is why, when GOD cursed Adam, he went to dust, naked. The CREATOR TOOK HIS BREATH AWAY. Gen. 2:7 , He breathed. He gave His words to not to eat.  But Adam was disobedient to GOD’s words, the breath, the HOLY SPIRIT !  This is why we say , Adam committed the unpardonable sin, to grieve the HOLY SPIRIT, the words of GOD who is the SPIRIT. ! So from His SPIRIT, the words, the world is created and NOW RENEWED as all things are to be made NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! The times of Refreshing , is to RE-BREATHE ALL , THE HOLY SPIRIT .. !!!


Now, as we have believed the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or the HOLY SPIRIT, as The Comforter Has come and gave us the Spirit and Truth, … we worship Him in Spirit and Truth, as John 4 says, GOD seeks such to worship Him, … so we can be witnesses. So after the HOLY SPIRIT is given, the power will be received … to witness about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … TO Judea, … samaria and to all. and that is the baptism OF FIRE, we must receive… !  or, .. unless the believers received the HOLY SPIRIT, ( The Comforter came) , they cannot glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD nor be witnesses to HIM.

Act 1:8  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be WITNESSES UNTO ME both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.. }}}… ‘receive power’,…. AFTER the HOLY SPIRIT comes on us. So HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE POWER OF
GOD. But after the HOLY SPIRIT comes on us, it gives us power to do GOD’s work
and not to lord over the flock. So after the HOLY SPIRIT, The Comforter came,
we received the power to WITNESS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD to Jerusalem, ….as
we now are doing, … and to Judea, where the synagogue of satan is, and to samaria and to the rest. So Jerusalem the city of GOD and king David , needs others to witness about her GOD! No wonder why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, the daughters of Jerusalem were NOT WILLING TO BE GATHERED TO HIM !!! So Gerald Flurry is preaching a FALSE GOSPEL about GOD and HWA went from country to country preaching a false gospel.  The Everlasting gospel is to fear and worship The CREATOR ! Rev. 14: 6-7. Did you preach it ???  That gospel MAGNIFIES, … GLORIFIES THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND HIS WORDS !!!


When one servant fails to do the work of The LORD , … another must take his place. as the last high priest has not magnified the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, NOR HIS WORDS , now his position must be replaced. Then, whom did The LORD  choose to do all these things to Him ?

Then, Apostle Peter said, for Judas’ place, one must be appointed, who could be a witness with them,

Act 1:20  For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take. }}… Gerald Flurry does not know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS NOT AMONG THEM ! Jerusalem is desolated, until the little children blessed Him. Mat. 23: 37-39. He knew, He Had prepared the little children TO DO ALL THESE THINGS TO HIM.


Then, Apostle Peter said.

Act 1:21  Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,

Act 1:22  Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection}}}…A witness of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, must have been with Him, from the beginning. But this is a prophecy for our time. And as written elsewhere, whom The LORD  chose, were with Him from the beginning as they are predestinated. He knew who DOES NOT BELIEVE HIM also from the beginning. John 6:64.  And John 15: 27 says, those who are to WITNESS, were with Him from the beginning. If we are to be witnesses of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, IN HIS SECOND COMING, they must be WITH HIM FROM THE BEGINNING. That is the beginning of the Times of Gentiles, when GOD left Israel. and Micah 2:9 says, GOD’S GLORY WAS TAKEN AWAY FOR EVER, when we , the women of gentiles were cast out, as they stood up for JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings. Any one can see our web site for evidence. . So that is the time GOD left Israel for ever. And that sin is in Ezekiel 8, 10 etc as proven. That was the Covenant breaking sin. So the Covenant with Israel was broken for ever now. And from that time, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to gentiles even as Eze. 10: 19…Ezekiel 11: 22-23  The LORD  came to the EAST GATE. And to build the New Temple, He comes from east. Ezekiel 43: 3,  and those who are far off. Zech. 6:12-15. All these were proven before. After GOD leaves Israel, … the day of THE LORD must begin. That is the Times of Gentiles, Eze. 30:3. Then, He strengthened the gentiles with the truth, so they can tread down the inner court. So when the Covenant was broken, we , the poor knew by the WORD of GOD . Zech. 11: 10-11. Jer. 16:19 etc. anyway , we were with Him, from the beginning, when HE CAME the second time. And Apostle Paul said, the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is confirmed in us. 1 cor 1: 2- 8. So instead of the high priest, He chose the Royal Priesthood who are not of His people. 1  Pet. 2:9-10, as Apostle Peter , himself said.


Then, they chose two men.. and prayed as The LORD  KNOWS THE HEARTS of those whom HE CHOOSES.  

Act 1:23  And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.

Act 1:24  And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen}}}.. and The LORD  knows the hearts of the gentiles, even as Apostle Peter himself said as written above in Acts. 15: 6- 15! That is why The LORD  GAVE FAITH TO THEM. So now, the apostles are chosen by faith as written elsewhere , but in Rom.  1: 4- 7 !


So these are chosen to the ministry, and to be apostles. As written above, it is the KEDAR, NABAIOTH , chosen in GOD’S ALTAR. Also Isa. 56.

Act 1:25  That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

Act 1:26  And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. }}}… then, The LORD chose MATTHIAS. And ‘Matthias’ means THE ‘GIFT OF GOD” !   The ministry, is to be a gift of GOD, and the little children are a gift of GOD. you can read about them in “Gift of GOD  1”,   2,   3..,   4,   5,   

And from our baptism, which is the baptism of John, ..unto this day, we were with  CHRIST the LORD. !  He Is RISEN to reign on gentiles.

Rom 15:12  And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in Him shall the Gentiles trust.

Rom 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. }}}… If Isaiah has prophesied that JESUS CHRIST the LORD will RISE to reign over gentiles, and the will TRUST IN HIM, and BELIEVE HIM, … would it not be fulfilled ??? GOD Has blinded the Laodiceans totally that they do not see these things. 

Therefore,  CHRIST the LORD’s REIGN, among the gentiles, … could not be witnessed by any one, other than THE GENTILES WHO BELIEVED AND TRUSTED IN HIM and RECEIVED HIM AS THEIR KING !!!

No one in Israel can say they are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WITNESSES as they never magnified Him, or His words ! So the true ministry is the gift of GOD , whom JESUS CHRIST the LORD chose, SEEING THEIR HEARTS, and giving FAITH TO THEIR HEARTS, and giving HOLY SPIRIT OR HIS WORDS TO THEIR HEARTS! They are IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND ARE CALLED Israel OF GOD !


Remember the second Covenant. first, by the law, and the second by FAITH as proven in previous writings. So now the second Covenant came in to effect in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So Apostle Peter knew that the gentiles will be chosen as the Royal Priesthood to show forth praises of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and at that time, Israel have STUMBLED AT THE WORD !


Now, AFTER The Comforter CAME, .. the HOLY SPIRIT is given to WITNESS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD in Jerusalem… and beyond, to the BELIEVERS of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! That is the true Church of GOD !!! So as Gerald Flurry said, the HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE POWER OF GOD! believers cannot give the power of GOD from their bellies. !

Act 1:5  For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. }}}… John the Baptist’s baptism will not give power to witness to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but IT IS HIS OWN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. THAT IS WHY HE CAME AND GLORIFIED HIMSELF IN THE BELIEVERS.


Act 1:6  When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

Act 1:7  And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power}}}… this Scripture talks about the “RESTORATION OF THE KINGDOM TO Israel”. JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not reveal about the kingdom to the apostles. But He said, THE FATHER has
in his power. For this, Gerald Flurry wrote, that not even CHRIST knows the hour etc. but, those who are in the kingdom, … know exactly that is now, as they are to be the JUDGES in the kingdom, who are the little children, the babes, the finger of GOD!  Laodicea era, is the judgment as we know. But to judge, THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD must be given to the judges. Remember John 12: 48 . So those who rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD is judged by HIS WORDS, given to the judges.


that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day
.}}}.. those who
themselves, when The LORD  calls all to come and drink on the last day as written above. That is why HE HAD TO FILL THE BELLIES OF THE BELIEVERS.  Remember  CHRIST the LORD comes to be Glorified in the
believers as written elsewhere. !!!  The LORD  will open the eyes to see that one should come to Him to drink, but to drink from the bellies of the believers which gives the everlasting life as proven above. So we cannot separate JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words. that is the FATHER and The SON. The FATHER the
words, sent Him and gave birth to Him, and even to us as proven above. ! That is the HOLY SPIRIT . so Gerald Flurry is wrong in most of his teachings and are against the Scripture.


Then, giving of the HOLY SPIRIT, is called the Promise of the FATHER ! That means the GOD who gives

Luk_24:49  And, behold, … “I”.. send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

Act_1:4  And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of Me. }}}… so it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who promised to send HOLY SPIRIT . And then, as written elsewhere, it is HE, HIMSELF WHO COMES AGAIN TO GIVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD , THE HOLY SPIRIT , OR HIS WORDS. So if the HOLY
SPIRIT is the promise of our ‘FATHER’, then the GOD  gives it, should be our FATHER! Then, His
words also called the FATHER, (HOLY SPIRIT begat Him and us, then the HOLY SPIRIT should be our FATHER as well, ) and when we receive THE HOLY SPIRIT, …WE CAN ABIDE IN HIM AND THE FATHER !  He
said abide in Me, …. Abide in the FATHER, … and abide in My words and abide in
the truth.  ( John 15: 4 – 7 ,   John 8:44, ) Both The LORD  and His words are called GOD, FATHER, HOLY
SPIRIT, the TRUTH, LIGHT etc  as proven in previous writings ! When the Scripture says FATHER and The SON, it is the same GOD, as the truth, light is same. !


When Adam rejected The CREATOR’s words, he could not live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD . so the ‘spiritual’ creation became a ‘physical’ one to decay. So the HOLY SPIRIT or
the knowledge of GOD was cut off. This is why the FATHER promised to come and
give the knowledge of GOD  once again, so all can be created in to a new spiritual creation. This is why Apostle Peter said, you are LIVELY STONES, BUILT IN TO A ‘SPIRITUAL’ HOUSE ! So on the Last
Great Day, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD calls all to come and drink, and all
flesh is given salvation which means the HOLY SPIRIT is given, … all will be a
new spiritual creation in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !


FIRST FRUITS ARE BORN BY HIS WORDS. JAM 1: 18 ! but this time, we belong to Him.  how is that possible? All men died once. Heb.  9: 27.  Then, Scripture says, from DEATH, HE WILL REDEEM US.  That means He bought us NOW after all died in the Laodicea era, including the two witnesses. . Then, we are HIS SERVANTS. WE BELONG TO HIM Thereafter. Then, we know only Him. HE ALONE IS GOD. with that knowledge, no one will go after other gods. And as The LORD  creates in us, HIS OWN IMAGE, then we will have HIS NATURE and love Him and love others.


Php 3:21  who will transform our body of humiliation, for it to be conformed
to His body of glory, according to the w
orking of Him to be able even to subject all things under Himself.
so The LORD  will conform us to HIS BODY OF GLORY, under HIMSELF ! We cannot do it by ourselves. !

Our bodies are made to be humiliated.  Only THE LORD can conform us from this body to a glorious body, in Him, when He makes all things New in Him, giving us HIS OWN IMAGE BY HIS OWN SPIRIT as rom 8 says. 



So they knew GOD, as written above, but did not glorify Him as GOD. Then GOD said HE GAVE them a REPROBATE mind to do evil things written below. Which God, Israel did not give glory to? it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. So that is the GOD, to whom they must give glory to ! 

Rom 1:28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Rom 1:29  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 

Rom 1:30  Backbiters, haters of God,
despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

Rom 1:31  Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural
affection, implacable, unmerciful
}}}… all these high
lighted ones , we can prove from their works that they are doing them.  THESE CHARACTERS ADAM AND EVE ACUIRED AS THEY SINNED AND DEPARTED FROM GOD.  THIS IS THE CONDITION OF MAN 'WITHOUT GOD' !  The CARNAL mind which leads to do all evil, APART from GOD ! Such evilness should be converted back to the first state of Adam!  The only way to remove such evilness is to BE CONVERTED TO THE CREATOR AND BUILD HIS IMAGE ! If GOD says HE gave a reprobate mind to do these things to His own church, , THEN THERE ARE NO QUESTIONS, HE HAD DONE IT.  Eze. 14 also says The LORD  will deceive EVEN THE PROPHET, if his heart is not right. When we are cut off from the image of GOD, … then these are the things we would do as we have the image of the beast !


How could the Covenant stands, when it was The ROCK who entered in to the Covenant and since
the wife had GOD the Father as their GOD ???


So The LORD  will hide the pride in man and that is the purpose of The LORD  as proven in
previous writings. ‘without understanding’.. that is a beast. Psa. 49: 20.  And ‘Covenant breakers’. That is none but those who are under the Covenant with The ROCK. Mal. 2:10-11 says, Judah will
break the Covenant. and Gerald Flurry replaced the symbol of the Covenant of
JACOB and king David. So what you see in the Laodicea Church of GOD, is what
GOD Has done as a punishment for not glorifying Him as GOD!!!


Then, … GOD, Himself must convert them back , so they can glorify Him as GOD! IN order to do that,
He must make them know, that HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , and The
LORD  will put all of them in the lake of fire , where the opened Scripture, which is fire is. ! That is the baptism of fire, by the HOLY SPIRIT, the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , but this time,
they will be given life. “Rom 11:15  For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall
the receiving of them be, but life from the dead
? .
 So when they are received by The LORD , …as He will not be angry for ever, … and receiving them means LIFE FROM DEATH !!!


So The LORD  will give them the understanding, … once again the Covenant will be established.
This is why, the same gospel about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, will JUDGE and ESTABLISH them at the same time. Rom.  2: 16,   16: 25 !!! His words will judge, and then give light to cause one to rise!


Joh 8:51  Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man KEEP MY SAYING, he shall never see
}}}…’if a man keep “MY” saying, …”…”shall never see death”….!
Adam did not keep The CREATOR’s sayings. That is why he was cursed to death.
and  since we are men, we must keep JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sayings and not GOD the Father’s or any other’s. High priest did a very evil thing to stop all from going to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get His sayings, and that brought DEATH to all. that’s why the above Scripture says they are murderers. We should have focused only on HIM !!! now, when The LORD  will finish fulfilling all things written, all will be put in the lake of fire , to baptize them by fire the WORD of GOD ! That is the crossing of the sea of knowledge of GOD  !  Then,
all will learn HE IS THE ONLY GOD and we must live by EVERY SAYING of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. HUMANLY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. But not for GOD.  HE WILL DO IT IN US. That is faith. This is why, the children fulfilled their obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in EVERY THOUGHT, as HE IS IN THEM. 2 cor 10: 5- 6 and are used to avenge the disobedient ones. Then, all will keep His sayings and will live. ! So this is
why these children are a sign and a wonder in Israel to know JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS IN THE midst !


Here is another quote.

“We believe all teachings contrary to the Holy Bible are false.”….}}}… ‘we believe all teachings contrary to the Holy
Bible are false”????? Then, Gerald Flurry’s 99% teachings are false as they are
contrary to the Holy Bible, which is the spoken words of ‘The ROCK’, whom he
forgot, and did not focus on!!!! Even the GOD the Father draws one to Him ! The
wicked will be caught in their own craftiness! 
Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man KEEP MY SAYING, he shall never see death.". 


Compare what GF taught and what THE LORD taught ; 

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man KEEP MY SAYING, he shall never see death.". 

 "Do not focus on CHRIST too much but go pass Him to god the father to get revelation" ! 

Did this evil high priest teach the people to keep the sayings of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? 


We believe all teachings contrary to the Holy Bible are false.”….

Well then, his ALL TEACHINGS ARE CONTRARY TO THE HOLY BIBLE, and are false, BECAUSE ALL THINGS WRITTENin it  ARE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD'S WORDS, OR SAYINGS and he turned all to not to go to HIm, but to go to god the father, who has not said anything in the Bible !  His own wickedness will correct him as Jer 2 says as he has forsaken the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD! 



Here are just three things which Gerald Flurry said taken from his books.

–—Page 87

“As you study this, you will begin to understand that honoring Mr. Armstrong as our father is
very closely tied to honoring God the Father
.”…}}}… if there was a true GOD the Father, would he like
if a high priest give his honor to a man ??? Man is appointed to die. No man
can compare self with GOD. As there is no GOD the Father, there is no HWA


TP—page 74—"I am the only church of God
leader who looks to H.W.Armstrong  as our spiritual father
.”.  Gerald Flurry is the only leader who looks to
HWA as his ‘SPIRITUAL’ father???  DOES THE SPIRIT COME FROM HWA ????  See how
in the PCG looked to HWA, a DEAD MAN who preached two gods and broke the
Covenant as Mal. 2:10-11 says. JESUS CHRIST the LORD said “And call no man your father upon the earth: for
one is your Father, which is in heaven..  Is HWA in heaven????  All these highly exalted leaders
do things totally contrary to The LORD ’s sayings and then claim to be GOD’s
true servants ! Sonow Gerald Flurry will see how he is living by the spirit of HWA , his father!



Do not focus on CHRIST too much but go pass Him to go to GOD the Father to
get revelation

 CHRIST the LORD said, come to Me to have
life…., and He is THE ALMIGHTY who gives inspiration. All the written words are
JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. even the FATHER draws one to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. in
HIM THE LIGHT OF LIFE. John 1. This is totally contrary to the sayings of JESUS
CHRIST the LORD! No wonder why the land is full
of darkness and death ! GOD the Father cannot reveal anything even if
there was one, as no one could hear or see ! all these ideas were given by HWA,
who is Gerald Flurry’s spiritual father !


From statement of

“We believe that from Friday sunset to
Saturday sunset, the seventh day of the week, is God’s Sabbath (Exodus
20:8-11). On this day we must rest from our labors, following the commands and
example of the Apostle Paul, the New Testament Church and Jesus. The Sabbath is
a sign between God and His people (Exodus 31:13
)”. }}}… Sabbath, is a sign between GOD and His people. That is true. But which GOD is this, Who gave this Sabbath sign?  IT IS The ROCK , JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He
said in His sayings, “I am The LORD of Sabbath”. But did Gerald Flurry keep a
single Sabbath to honor JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK ??? On sabbaths, he
went passing Him to GOD the Father ! He taught about GOD the Father on the
Sabbath. And totally broke every Sabbath. Could he be identified as a servant
of The ROCK, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD who gave Sabbath ? So this is totally
against the Scripture the sayings of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! This is why he is
not in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house. Heb.
3:6. Nor has entered in to the Sabbath rest as Heb.  3, 4 says. ! So he kept Sabbath very obediently, to THE WRONG GOD who is GOD the Father, who HAS NOT GIVEN THE LAW OF Sabbath , NEITHER IS THE LORD OF SABBATH !!!



We believe the promises were made to Abraham and his “seed,” Christ (Galatians 3:16), and that the covenants (including the New Covenant) and the promises pertain to Israel.”…}}}…
Promises were made to Abraham, and the SEED is CHRIST the LORD. But who are ‘ISRAEL’?
The true Israel of GOD, are those who worship JESUS CHRIST the LORD and

Gal 6:15  For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor
uncircumcision, but a new creature.
}}}… so you see ???
either circumcision, the Jews, or UN- CIRCUMCISION, the gentiles , if
they are IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are NEW CREATURES, and Israel of GOD as
the next verse says.

Gal 6:16  And as
many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

}}}… Israel are circumcised people. But, they failed to have the circumcision of the heart
which is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SEED. When GOD promised , He meant
EITHER CIRCUMCISED Israel or the UN- circumcised gentiles, who truly is the first
born of Abraham. THE SEED was promised to Isaac. That means JESUS CHRIST the
LORD is to come from Isaac. But, the people Israel, are chosen as the vessels
of wrath, to DESTRUCTION. Rom.  9. And their
Covenant has the law of Moses, and no one could be made righteous by it, and
are to die , WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28.
So their Covenant is to END UP IN DEATH, if no one could be made righteous. So
Israel of GOD, is those who worship and become NEW in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.
But Isaac’s children totally rejected to be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they
worship GOD the Father. so how could they be Israel of GOD ? This is why, The
LORD  made a Covenant with Abraham, 430
years before Isaac’s law Covenant, only by promise, but to come in to effect at
JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s second coming, but to the gentiles, from the first born
of Abraham, through Ishmael. So read the next verse which Gerald Flurry has


Gal. 3: 16- 17 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of
many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed
before of God in Christ
, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after,cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it
to Abraham by promise. “ 


Two Covenants are spoken here. To Abraham, the promises made. But not to many seeds, … but to
ONE, THAT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That means not to other seed of Isaac, but to  CHRIST the LORD. The law Covenant, came 430 years AFTER the promise is made. “the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after,cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.”…So the Covenant of the law,
CANNOT DISANNUL the PROMISE Covenant ! and the law, is not more of promise.  That means the law Covenant is not the promise Covenant. and, those who inherited the law, … cannot have this
promise Covenant.


GOD says, all are sinners. But, the promise by faith of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is given to those
who BELIEVE. and Israel is cut off for their UNBELIEF, and faith is given to gentiles. Rom.  11: 20. Understand .. the difference between the law and the promise by faith of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Gal 3:22  But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise
by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe
}}}… The promise is given by faith of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , to those who BELIEVE. And Israel is cut off for UN- belief. Then would
they receive the promise ??? This is after the Heavenly vision, as written below, when FAITH CAME.


Gal 3:23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed….}}}.. and they are of the law and not of faith. This faith comes, after the law
failed. “before faith came, we were kept under the law”….This means faith comes after the law.
That is when the Times of Gentiles began , to tread down those of the law and
to judge them. And until faith came, the law was. “we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed”. So this FAITH WAS NOT GIVEN, WHEN THE LAW Covenant was abiding. This means after Israel is cut off, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes the second time, HE GAVE FAITH, as the Heavenly vision says below. And the Covenant by promise which is by faith of CHRIST, comes in to effect at  CHRIST the LORD’s coming. “the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in CHRIST”. This Covenant , is given to THE ONE SEED as written above, of Abraham, … who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ,
which is the FAITH Covenant or by promise. So the promises will not be broken
by GOD. in order to fulfill this promise, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came a second
time, to gentiles to whom it is promised. It is either Jews or gentiles could
be in this Covenant with JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


So the faith is given to gentiles according to Heavenly vision , written below, as they believed HIm.
Then, He gave That faith which is a free gift, Eph.  2:8, JESUS CHRIST the LORD has to give. And
those who hold fast to that faith, which is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, will
receive life first. that is why Scripture says ‘just shall live by faith’. This
faith is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So Israel’s Covenant is to fail, but the
Covenant with gentiles comes in to effect in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s second
coming. That is why HE IS PROPHESIED TO COME TO THEM. Isa. 11: 9 – 11. The
gentiles are to receive salvation , first, as they trusted in JESUS CHRIST the
LORD, first. Eph.  1:12. Acts. 13;46,  28: 26-29, etc.


faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe”. These are the ones who believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD , in all of HIS SAYINGS.


So there are two Covenants which the same GOD THE ALMIGHTY or The ROCK made with Abraham. And
Gen. 15:1 says, The LORD  is the exceeding great reward given to Abraham. To inherit The LORD , which was given to the Levitical ministry and as they did not honor Him as the FATHER, … He did
not give it to them, and that is why in the end, during the Laodicea era, He came to gentiles. AND THE GENTILES, BELIEVED THAT JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS OUR FATHER OR GOD WHO GIVES US SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK , The ROCK IS THE FATHER WHO BEGETS US BY HIS WORDS, THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!!  Col. 1: 27, and to the little children 1 John 4: 4 and more.



 CHRIST the LORD condemned His own for not having HIS WORD. Even as written above, … they did not KEEP HIS SAYINGS. His sayings or the WORD, is the TRUTH which shall set all free. This means not
having HIS TRUTH, NOT GOING TO HIM TO GET IT, made us in to bondage or made
sons of the devil and sons of darkness.

Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed
on him, If ye continue
IN MY WORD, then are ye MY DISCIPLES indeed; }}}…. “if you have MY word, you will be My disciples”.  Does Gerald Flurry has ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words? Did he not go PASSING Him, and NOT FOCUSING on Him to GOD the Father? So he could never be a DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST the LORD in our day. GOD cannot lie. So Gerald Flurry must and will admit that he was a
liar as he never went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get His words. Gerald Flurry
will see he was nothing but the adversary of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !
Laodicea’s presence prove no leader went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. But, it is
HIS WORDS, the TRUTH which will make one free. This is why, HE CAME THE SECOND


Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
}}}…Remember until The Comforter came, none had the truth. ! ”you shall know”!!!   So the TRUTH, is the LIGHT, which these DISCIPLES who WENT TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD received ,  His light, and Spirit and Truth ,  OUT OF DARKNESS ! It is these children who received His light, is WHO MADE HIM A FATHER ,
the FATHER of LIGHTS ! If these children also did not receive His light,
… then HE COULD NOT HAVE BECOME A FATHER! But, it is the FATHER’s doing as Isa.
29:23 says, HIS HAND’S WORKS. So they received His light, the Spirit and Truth.
 This is the way GOD purposed to save all!


Joh 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. }}}…’The SON’, will make you free, because it is The SON who has the Spirit and Truth to set us free, and we are to live by HIS SAYINGS
TRUTH. ! We all must admit that we failed even to believe the words of GOD ! So
it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is The Saviour, WHO WILL SET ALL FREE. By going
to GOD the Father, .. what did you receive? Bondage. !  So the leader who preached to go PASS JESUS
CHRIST the LORD, brought the captivity !!!


Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me,
MY WORD HATH NO PLACE IN YOU. }}}…it is Abraham’s seed, who are His own, who did not believe HIS WORD !  SO THEY MUST RECEIVE HIS WORDS TO BE FREE!!!  This is why The
LORD  sanctified the children by the truth, to be sent to them, so they can believe in HIM. John 17: 17-20.  That is how on the last day, He offers His SPIRIT, the words to all.  and that is
John 12: 48, when you can judge yourself with the words , comparing your works.
So JESUS CHRIST the LORD Has foretold who would not receive His words of light,
the Spirit and Truth !!!  So not having the SPIRIT and truth, all became devils and sons to the devil and darkness. !
The synagogue of satan, in our days, who DENIED ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME
as Rev. 3 says, are the devils. Therefore, if you do not have a place for JESUS
CHRIST the LORD’s words, or sayings, … what happens? IT BROUGHT YOU DEATH !!!
Understanding this, you must seek Him early. Psa. 78: 34-35. This is why The
LORD  said, from your graves, you will
hear HIS VOICE. !


So such are the devils, who need the SPIRIT OF GOD , to have their devils cast out. These
children who RECEIVED THE LIGHT , are the ones who received the SPIRIT to cast
out devils of their fathers. Remember to gentiles, Israel are fathers as proven
in previous writings. (Jer. 16:19 etc). Any how, now, it is your children who
are your JUDGES, as they are higher than the kings as proven above or in the
previous part, … as they CALL ‘The ROCK’, MY FATHER, as king David did !

Mat 12:27  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them
out? therefore they shall be your judges.

Mat 12:28  But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
}}}… how could these CHILDREN cast out devils and be JUDGES, unless they  FIRST received it from the FATHER of Lights, or the FATHER of Spirits? And those who have the SPIRIT, means the truth,
judges THE LIARS who fell away from the truth !
The final falling away happened. When the truth is given, lies are
revealed !!! So those who do not have the SPIRIT or the words of JESUS CHRIST
the LORD, … are the devils. !  And the devils do not have the SPIRIT, as all know.
So they need the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, so they can worship GOD in Spirit and
Truth, as HE SEEKS SUCH TO WORSHIP HIM, as HE IS A SPIRIT . John 4. !!! Those
who worship GOD in Spirit and Truth, are the circumcision or Israel of GOD. and
who are the Israel of GOD as written above? It is those who became NEW IN JESUS
CHRIST the LORD. Then , that is how the rest also will be made NEW in Him. He said ‘behold I will make all things
new’.  So in order to establish the NEW COVENANT, all these must be declared. So The LORD  will not dwell in the devils. their devils must be cast out.  As His words will
judge those who rejected Him as written above, … you can judge yourself in the
lake of fire , the words of fire and admit and repent. ! 


This is why, The LORD , HIMSELF came and preached
the gospel to all Israel, … ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and
believe the gospel
but all failed to repent or  BELIEVE THE
. So the kingdom came. And those who BELIEVED are the little children
who are JUDGES. So those who DID NOT BELIEVE, … all Israel, … who do not have
the SPIRIT or the Light, … are being judged , so they can NOW REPENT AND
BELIEVE. !  Those who died under two witnesses, also must believe. Acts. 13: 38-39.
How could we have a FATHER, unless we believe that HE IS OUR FATHER ???
You can laugh if you want to , as we say you are Spiritually dead. But
Spiritually dead cannot see they are dead! Remember dead also will be preached
the gospel, so they could be judged, and live according to SPIRIT…


1Pe 4:6  For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
}}}… So you see ???
GOD does not want to destroy THE MEN IN THE FLESH. They are Israel as written
above. So GOD is now preaching the gospel to dead, so they can be judged as men
in the flesh and blood, …. But LIVE according to SPIRIT.  Remember we believed the gospel of our
salvation, Eph.  1:13, and then we are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise. So the gentiles believed but Israel did not as they stumbled on Him and the word. Heb. 2:14 says they are flesh and blood , as written elsewhere. But GOD wants to save them. This is whey He came to gentiles and saved them first, so they
could be sent to Israel with these words. so NOW, THE GOSPEL IS BEING PREACHED
TO DEAD, so they can live , receiving the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


Remember this is why the men of Niniveh would arise ‘IN JUDGMENT’, to condemn those who did
not believe
as  they believed and repented as proven in previous writings !!! (NOT BELIEVING IN The LORD  MEANS DEATH. ! from Adam to the last man on this earth, if they do not believe what The LORD  says, … such ends up in spiritual death, because unbelief means you make GOD a liar or think GOD is lying. Then like
Adam, if you eat when GOD says no, you TEMPT HIM. this is what happened to all
queen of South, who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD on
the day of THE LORD , in your sleep and blindness ! And the fire comes on those
who DID NOT BELIEVE the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. “In flaming fire taking
vengeance on them that
know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:”. 2 Thess. 1: 8. So the lake of fire  is for those who DO NOT KNOW JESUS CHRIST the LORD , nor obeyed Him !  The sons of disobedience , all Israel. !


Apostle Paul, was directly taught by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, about the gospel, which he was
sent to preach to gentiles. When one RECEIVES this gospel, they are ALREADY SAVED, because it is BY GRACE , they are saved. So GOD does not look at our good works, but Has predestinated those who would be saved first, as written above , in jam 1: 17-18, who received His light.  GOD sees things that are not, as they were
because these things were planned before the foundation of the world. For example:-  GOD saw, Zion was in heaven till she was cast down. Lam 2:1. 


And it is the purpose of GOD, to save all of us. But the first fruits first , as He prepared
them to receive Him.

2Ti 1:9  Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE, which was given us “in” Christ Jesus before the world began, }}}… GOD sees the first fruits as SAVED.  He, Himself called as no man can turn to Him.
but it is NOT FOR OUR WORKS, BECAUSE NO ONE KNEW THE MYSTERY OF  CHRIST the LORD in the first place to worship Him till The Comforter came. And it is by HIS GRACE , to be ‘IN’  CHRIST the LORD. and was planned BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. So it Is not by our works, The LORD  saved us by giving the word of truth or light. !


This is the Covenant which is written above, the Covenant by PROMISE, to be IN’ JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in His second coming. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time, to GIVE SALVATION.
Heb.  9: 28 , forgiving, without sin by GRACE to gentiles. Because it is by promise, which was purposed before the world began, … the works of the gentiles have nothing to do with it. it is by PROMISE, but”IN” Him. And it is manifested when The LORD  comes again …. 

and immortality to light through the gospel:
}}}… this is talking about the SECOND coming of JESUS
COMING AS THE HIGH PRIEST !  He offers His own blood at the END OF THE AGE. Heb.
9: 25-28, then He gives salvation to those whom He prepared before, who
are the gentiles. This is how the FATHER of LIGHTS gave the light to His sons.
This is when The Saviour, FULFILLED HIS NAME ‘The Saviour’ ! Remember each and
every name of GOD, must be fulfilled to bring us to salvation to the end as
proven in previous writings! So second time HE COMES TO GENTILES ! At that
time, those under the Covenant of law, are dead. This is why, during the
Laodicea era , they are Spiritually dead, but the gentiles are made to live as
they are SAVED. So under the law, all are to die without mercy, but gentiles
will live BY MERCY ! If GOD did not do this, all will die for ever. !




2Ti 1:11  Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. }}}…
“Now’… made manifest”???  When is this ‘NOW”????  It is when JESUS CHRIST the
LORD comes the SECOND time to redeem as prophesied by many prophets , Isa. 11:
why these children are a sign and a wonder in Israel , to those who STUMBLED ON
HIM. Isa. 8: 14-18 !!! So He comes to give salvation. And all FLESH shall see
salvation after wards, Luk. 3: 6, which means no one could receive the SPIRIT
to become spiritual ,  until The LORD  came the second time, without sin,
forgiving for HIS NAME SAKE as 1 John 2: 12 says, to the ANOINTED ONES who are
to learn from Him the TRUTH ! Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught Apostle
Paul, away from others? Therefore, when we subject ourselves to JESUS CHRIST
the LORD, … our FATHER, …we are given the SPIRIT, and  we become children of the spirit and the
FATHER is called the FATHER of the SPIRITS !!! CHRIST and HIS children  !!!

Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?}}}.. so there is no
life , away from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the FATHER of LIGHTS and the FATHER of
the spirits !!!  


Then, after giving the SPIRIT, the words, and upon obeying , these children are to judge their fathers
who failed to subject to the FATHER of LIGHTS ! They are called the finger of
GOD.  so the devils are those who did not have the SPIRIT of GOD or JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, all the Laodiceans  ! And it is the kingdom which The LORD  preached for you to repent before it comes.
Only a handful repented and believed before the kingdom came !

Luk 11:19  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore
shall they be your judges.

Luk 11:20  But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. }}}…These judges are the finger of GOD, the little children, who are taught directly by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, after forgiving them for His name’s sake, 1 John 2: 12-28, to JUDGE the fathers, AND WHEN THIS
TO JUDGE, THE KINGDOM HAS ALREADY COME ! Remember as written above, one is judged for REJECTING JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 12: 48 ! But no one had this truth till HE CAME THE SECOND TIME.


lies, your evilness against Him for not BELIEVING IN HIM is revealed and you are condemned as sons of the devil, JUST AS HE SAID in John 8;44.  You will see you have not believed in Him, even to this day. And all of your evils, YOU, YOURSELF WILL SEE AND WILL BE ASHAMED !  this is why Isa. 3 says the


And it is the work of The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD…

Isa 3:1  For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from
Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water,
}}}… BREAD, WATER the STAFF, all are given by The LORD of
as the city of truth, THERE WILL BE ALL THESE THINGS AGAIN. Zech. 8. When GOD
takes away the bread, water from Jerusalem and Judah, … He gave it to the little children as you can see.

Isa 3:2  The mighty man, and the man of war, the
judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,
}}}… judge, prophet, all are cut off .

Isa 3:4  And I will give children to be their princes,
and babes shall rule over them.
}}}… when The LORD of HOSTS  takes away all things, … He gave it to HIS
OWN CHILDREN , and they are made judges and princes. !!! These are the babes
who perfected the praise of The LORD , …who are being used to avenge the enemy,
Psa. 8: 2, to silence them,  and who received the knowledge of GOD, the secrets revealed, whose names are written in heaven. lak 10: 19-22,   1: 19-22. GOD did not inspire these things to be written in vain. !
if you still cant believe your eyes that The LORD  has changed the kings and princes, .. it is because of your SPIRITUAL blindness.  The rock which the high priest drank, will not reveal any of these inspired
Scripture !  1 sam 2: 8 also says the poor, and Jam 2:5 confirms it !



Here is another quote of Gerald Flurry…

We believe the Church is that body of believers (?)who are being led by the Holy Spirit; that the true Church of God is not a denomination; that the inspired name for this spiritual organism is “the Church of God (Acts 20:28); that the mission of the Church today is to preach the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God to all nations as a witness (Matthew 24:14),”…}}}… Body of ‘believers’??? WHAT HAVE YOU BELIEVED???  Only the believers of JESUS CHRIST the LORD who can be the church or the called out ones of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! as written above those who could be the church of GOD are those who were CALLED AND SAVED in HIS SECOND COMING. “2Ti 1:9  Who hath saved us,and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE, which was given us “in” Christ Jesus”..


Have you believed the other Covenant which was promised to JESUS CHRIST the
LORD, to be fulfilled at HIS SECOND COMING to gentiles ? Have you believed the


The church is called by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and TO HIMSELF. Then all should believe in Him and MUST BELONG TO HIM. !!!  The HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and would HE GIVE HIS SPIRIT TO THE
UN-BELIEVERS, who drank from rocks ??


And the kingdom is not what we thought as the leaders taught. The kingdom is given to the little flock. They are the judges, judging by THE WORD OF GOD, as written above, to judge
THE KINGDOM CAME.  This is why, in your JUDGMENT, THE Everlasting gospel IS PREACHED to fear and worship HIm. That proves   Israel’s end came when they are cut off for UNBELIEF ! So many beliefs are contrary to the WORD of GOD  !!! The believers are to be gathered in the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 1 cor 5: 4. “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together”. And it is HIS HOUSE , the New Temple. Heb.  3:6. Havve you ever preached we are to be the
New Temple In JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and HIS BODY IS HIS HOUSE ? You went
passing Him. So most of your beliefs are contrary to the WORD of GOD  and to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !


True church of GOD ;- as written above,

All seven eras fell. That means they could not be the church of GOD, which truly is the Body of CHRIST. No one worshiped or believed HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD !  HE IS THE HEAD, and then there cannot be other gods as the head as the high priest taught. And if HE IS THE HEAD, we must be ‘HIS’ body and not GOD the Father’s body. So none in any of those eras, were able to be the Body of CHRIST, or the church of GOD. ! One becomes a BELIEVER ONLY AFTER The Comforter came and gave the word of truth, to ‘GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD’… and we become the church when we believe the WORD OF TRUTH, which is to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  THE CHURCH OF GOD MUST HAVE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!  He places HIS NAME THERE.  It was The LORD of HOSTS  who is  CHRIST the LORD, who commanded Moses and king David to build a house for Him.  He was known to them as THE ALMIGHTY, The ROCK , The LORD of HOSTS . but in the New  testament, Heb.  3:6 directly says, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house.  so even though the names of GOD changed, it is still the same GOD.  and both Moses and king David magnified JESUS CHRIST the LORD in those temples.  Those temples were destroyed as they did not worship HIM in them. The true church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD must and have glorified HIM and not GOD the Father ! This is the only sign to find the true church. That is if you have magnified and glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD as THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, and that HE IS THE FATHER , AND The SON and HE APPEARS IN ALL OF THE NAMES OF GOD written in the Scripture! And the ministry should be BRINGING the people to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and not preach to go PASS HIM, or DO NOT FOCUS ON Him as this high priest has done. He has taught all contrary to Scripture and against JESUS CHRIST the LORD and tells that he is the prophet in the church of GOD?????


At the end of the Philadelphia  era, Rev. 3, and Mal. 3:16-18,  1:6,  11 , Rom.  16 as written above, divided those who serve The LORD of HOSTS  and who do not. Those who do not serve Him, are the synagogue of satan, the wicked, evil ministry as Malachi says.


Any one who calls themselves a prophet, will not be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s church or house. Gerald Flurry, calls himself a prophet. And he is the Laodicea era leader, even though he claims others are. There is only ONE high priest. And JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, the prophets are FOXES. Eze. 13; 4. In Ezekiel’s time, there is only one prophet. The whole era or the church is under him. as Eze. 16: 50-63 says, GOD took the sister churches away, but used one church to JUDGE others, and then she did WORSE than others. We see these things. and GOD says, the prophets, desolated Zion. Lam 5:18. This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, ‘foxes have holes, but the Son of Man does not have a place to lay His ‘HEAD’. That means the HEAD is laid in the body. In this case, the body of believers of JESUS CHRIST the LORD who magnified Him in their bodies as Apostle Paul said. Php 1:20. So Zion was His body until the end of the Laodicea era, when she is cast down out of heaven as lam 2:1 says. So the prophet the fox desolated it, and JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not have a place to lay HIS HEAD !

More importantly , the church will be calling JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our ‘FATHER’, and our ‘GOD’ !!! when you believe that, you are a believer and the church of GOD!




King David magnified The LORD of HOSTS’ name . So in the kingdom also HIS NAME IS MAGNIFIED.

The LORD of HOSTS  said, His mercy will be with the kings. Remember king David called ‘The ROCK’, My ‘FATHER’ as written above. These children too call Him, my FATHER !  Now, these children who are in the kingdom, magnifies the same GOD, as they are His children. Heb.  2: 10. To magnify JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is what Apostle Paul also was taught which he did. Php 1:20 The only time JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name was magnified or  preached is in the kingdom !  But when the Levitical ministry is condemned for not honoring Him as the FATHER, GOD said, your eyes will see HE IS MAGNIFIED beyond your border of Israel .  Mal. 1: 5-6. “ And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, Jehovah will be magnified beyond the border of Israel..” . So where is the beyond the border of Israel???  It is among the gentiles. Then read v 11 ! gentiles sends PURE incense to HIS NAME !!! Acts. 19: 17, when the evil spirit is cast out, the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is magnified. It will be the same now as well. When the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is preached, and believed, the devils and evil spirits will be cast out, who did not believe in Him. !!!


2Sa 7:15  But MY MERCY shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee.

2Sa 7:16  And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.

2Sa 7:22  Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. }}}… So The LORD of HOSTS ’s mercy will not depart from king David’s sons, as a promise given for king David’s sake. This is why GOD chastens the kings who did not fear The LORD of HOSTS . !!!  And he said there are no other gods besides Him.  So king David did not worship GOD the Father, but The ROCK , as his FATHER as written above and he declares that there are NO OTHER GODS. This is the same teaching which these children of The ROCK also declares in the kingdom!


for there is none like theeneither is there any God beside thee,”

Has Gerald Flurry, proclaimed, that there IS NONE LIKE THEE… NEITHER IS THEIR ANY GOD BESIDE THEE’ to The LORD of HOSTS , who is  CHRIST the LORD as king David did ??? The kings who sit on the throne should preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD and call Him my “FATHER”. ! This is what you would learn, when YOU ARE TO RETURN TO The Husband WHO IS ALSO THE FATHER ! Jer. 3:19-20!


But MY MERCY shall not depart away from him”…So GOD promised HIS MERCY to the kings on the throne. Since king David’s people failed, by mercy, GOD CAN GIVE TO ANYONE. So He gave the kingdom also to the vessels of mercy , ADOPTING THEM !


And why Israel is chosen ? Hear from king David your king…

2Sa 7:23  And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, WHOM GOD WENT TO REDEEM FOR A PEOPLE TO HIMSELF, AND TO MAKE HIM A NAMEand to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? }}}.. this is The ROCK, who redeemed Israel from Egypt. And He did so to make them a people to HIMSELF and not to give to any other gods. And then, redeeming from Egypt means redeeming from other gods !!!  So when you are NOW in Egypt , Rev. 11:8, GOD redeemed us again from your gods such as GOD the Father and HWA and dumb rocks ! That is why you are Spiritually in Egypt. So there is no mistake, that king David is talking about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So from Moses’ time to king David’s time, still it is the same GOD!


2Sa 7:24  For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto
thee for ever: and thou, LORD, art become their God.
}}}.. king David said, Israel is
confirmed to be the people of The ROCK, .. and He is to be their GOD. !


2Sa 7:25  And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said.

2Sa 7:26  And let thy name be
magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel:
and let the house of thy servant David be established
before thee
}}}… king David magnified the name of The LORD
, who brought them out of Egypt and made Israel, HIS PEOPLE ! So
Judah also failed to do that. And His name is magnified beyond the border of
Israel as written above.  Mal. 1: 5-6. 11. And king David said, The LORD of HOSTS
will be the GOD of Israel FOR EVER !!! So did you Gerald Flurry, who
claims to be a king etc, … magnified the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  Did you become HIS people ??? even in the New  testament, HIS NAME WAS MAGNIFIED. “and fear fell on them all, and the
name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.”.  But, Gerald Flurry , calling himself to be a believer in the church of GOD as written above, … did not magnify the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !



2Sa 7:27  For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy servant, saying, I
will build thee an house: therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray
this prayer unto thee.

2Sa 7:28  And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God,
and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant:
}}}..could  any one
in any of the churches of GOD, say, The LORD of HOSTS  is the GOD of Israel ???


2Sa 7:29  Therefore now let it please thee to bless the
house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee:
for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with
thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever. }}}… king David said, his house is to be continued, BE BLESSED before JESUS CHRIST the LORD
! So Gerald Flurry did not establish his house before JESUS CHRIST the LORD,
and now worship other gods. So the kingdom is given to others ! And king who
does not FOLLOW AFTER THE MANNER OF KING DAVID, … will not be blessed by KING DAVID’S
GOD !!!  The house of GOD, should magnify the GOD, to whom the house belongs to. ! Gerald Flurry neither called The ROCK , my FATHER, nor magnified His name in the house of GOD ! The kingdom should be
passed on to the sons of THE KING !!! So THE KING chose the poor to be in the
kingdom, by giving them faith. Jam 2: 5, 1 sam 2: 8


So according to Gerald Flurry, GOD the Father is showing his love for his begotten
‘SONS” and refers to Jam 1: 17. SO HE SERVED GOD the Father.  BUT Israel IS NOT GOD the Father’S PEOPLE, NOR THE House of GOD IS ESTABLISHED BEFORE HIM, EVEN IF THERE WAS ONE. !!! If
you have eyes to see, read v 18…”
Of HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. “. Which GOD gives us the WORD OF TRUTH???   He Is THE WORD, as well as THE TRUTH!  Now which GOD, ‘BEGAT’ Israel ???? And which GOD is Apostle James is writing about? Has Apostle James heard from GOD the Father, when no man has not heard, nor seen, and only JESUS CHRIST the LORD knows him??? Besides, Gerald Flurry did not
follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD to learn about GOD the Father, in the first place ! So which GOD BEGAT Israel? And whom they forsook? Deut.  32 : “
the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his
ways are judgment: a 
God of truth, v 4, …Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and
unwise? is not he
THY FATHER that hath bought thee? V 6, … When the most High divided to the
nations their inheritance v 8,….
the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. v 12,  …OfTHE ROCK THAT BEGAT thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee. V 18,… he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. V 18,… They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom
your fathers feared not. v 17”.


Of HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE”…. Just as The ROCK chose Moses, and king David , JESUS
CHRIST the LORD by HIS OWN WILL, begat these children! He is not under any
other’s direction , and HE DOES ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO HIS OWN WILL !!!  Then, we must obey HIS WILL !!!


It is The ROCK, The Most High , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Israel
FOLLOWED JESUS CHRIST the LORD! He ALONE created and brought out of Egypt to be
HIS PEOPLE. Eph.  5: 23-26 says, He purifies the church to HIMSELF !  And The
ROCK of salvation, … is king David’s FATHER as proven in the first part in Psa. 89:26.


Psa 89:26  He shall cry unto me, Thou art MY FATHER, MY GOD, AND THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION. “


Deut 32 , which is about our time,  lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.”..

But king David called “Thou art MY FATHER, MY GOD, AND THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION”… So king David knew, The ROCK of salvation is his FATHER!


And let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, The
LORD of hosts is the God over
and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee.!!!


And then, The ROCK of salvation, brought many SONS to glory, to declare Him as the Captain of
Salvation! So do you think you are a SON, to The ROCK OF SALVATION? To JESUS
CHRIST the LORD ? well , you must consider this.

Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all
, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect”…}}}… ARE YOU PERFECTING JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE Captain of Salvation ????  These Scripture and many others as proven in the first part, and in other writings proves, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER also. The LORD of HOSTS  is the FATHER whom this high priest did not honor. Mal. 1:6 and more.  There are many
Scripture, which say directly JESUS CHRIST the LORD , is the FATHER. Isa. 63:16, Jer. 3: 19-20, etc. So this is why, THE Tabernacle of David , TOTALLY FELL !!!  Final falling away from the
truth means it is the Tabernacle of David which fell as the kings who sat on the throne magnified other gods and built to others and not to the GOD of king David !!! So could they receive MERCY of king David’s GOD ???  Would king David’s GOD bless their works ??? And when the Tabernacle of David fell, … The LORD  came on the Day of Visitation, .. and took out a people from gentiles, to HIS NAME. Acts. 15 !!!


God the Father and illuminates His profound love for His begotten sons.”

If you can read these Scripture which proves that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER who BEGETS us,  and it is HE WHO LOVES US AND TEACHES THE LOVE OF GOD  AS WELL, ( 1 Thess. 4:9) … then, … Gerald Flurry and who ever still have GOD the Father as their GOD as  CHRIST the LORD said in John 8;54, … are sons of the devil !  They sacrifice to devils, if you do not sacrifice to The ROCK who begat you!  You have other fathers.  And has anyone heard from GOD the Father about HIS LOVE ? ? This Scripture says FOR WHOM ARE ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS . !!!  So all things are from The CREATOR and it is TO HIM! So we will see what Gerald Flurry would inherit from GOD the Father , one day! He has perished with the gods who DID NOT CREATE. Jer. 10: 10-11 !


 CHRIST the LORD said to His own, you do not have the love of GOD  in you. because the love of GOD  cannot originate in man who is an enemy of The LORD . 

Joh_5:42  But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. }}}… could The LORD  be lying? You have to admit these accusations. The LORD  also prophesied that if GOD, were your FATHER, … you would love ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’. Love ‘ME”.

Joh 8:42  Jesus said unto them, IF GOD WERE YOUR FATHER, YE WOULD LOVE ME: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

Joh 8:43  Why do ye not understand MY SPEECH? even because ye cannot hear MY WORD. }}}… we have been
proving since 2008, that the FATHER is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which is also called the HOLY SPIRIT. So His speech, and words, sent Him. His own words written, sent Him.  His words are
called ‘GOD’ also. So if GOD were your FATHER, you would love GOD, JESUS CHRIST
the LORD. Is He not your GOD ??? He proceeded forth and came from GOD, from His
own words, which He begets us also. So in truth, even though you say GOD the
Father is your GOD, … you do not even know him !!! So how could you love
GOD?  Or receive His love?


The following Scripture will confirm that the love of GOD is in  CHRIST the LORD…

Rom_8:39  …, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from theLOVE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD….}}} the love of GOD , is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So you do not have the love of GOD  in you, as you never went to Him to get it.


The following Scripture will confirm that the love of GOD is in  CHRIST the LORD…

Rom_8:39  …, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD….}}} the love of GOD , is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So you do not have the love of GOD  in you, as you never went to Him to get it.


The LORD  must give the HOLY SPIRIT to our hearts, and then only the love of GOD  comes.

Rom 5:5  And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. !

The love of GOD  must be given to us by GOD. it is given to our HEARTS, and the HOLY SPIRIT is given to our hearts. Gal. 4:6. So the love of GOD  is shed in our hearts by the HOLY SPIRIT … that is the word of truth, which HE BEGAT US.  Then if HE BEGAT US, and the love of GOD  comes from Him, … HE GIVES IT TO THOSE WHOM HE BEGAT !!!  That means the sons must believe HE IS OUR FATHER! HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So we must be a son to Him, to receive HIS SPIRIT !!!

This means, you do not have the love of GOD , nor the HOLY SPIRIT !!!  if you had HOLY SPIRIT, then you would have loved JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and have the love of GOD  in your heart !!! So this proves Gerald Flurry nor any one who did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , has no love of GOD  in them. ! Neither they love Him!


And then, it is the love of ‘ CHRIST the LORD’, which gives the knowledge…

Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christwhich passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. }}}.. CHRIST, must dwell in our HEARTS BY FAITH. But remember faith must be given as written elsewhere, and according to the Heavenly vision as written below.  Any how, He must dwell in our hearts, … to be grounded in love. Then, the love of CHRIST, gives the KNOWLEDGE , to fill us with ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD !!!  So Mr Flurry, you have none of these according to your beliefs ! 2 Thess. 3: 5. “the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God,”.. The LORD  will direct your hearts to the love of GOD .  but no one went to The LORD  to receive the love of GOD  or the knowledge !


But it is after The LORD  comes the second time to RENEW us by the HOLY SPIRIT, or to give the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, …

Tit 3:4  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

Tit 3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost}}}… it is because of HIS LOVE, HE COMES AGAIN TO RENEW US BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OR HIS WORDS. this is about the times of Refreshing , and after The Comforter came !


Once Gerald Flurry wrote, that he is intimate with GOD. he can know so ;-

1Jn 2:4  He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

1Jn 2:5  But whoso KEEPETH HIS WORD, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that WE ARE IN HIM}}}…when we love Him, .. we keep HIS WORD.  Then, we know, WE ARE IN HIM.  If He Is in us, …HIS LOVE  GIVES HIS KNOWLEDGE, AND THE WORD AND ALL THINGS. Same way , if WE ARE IN HIM, … we KEEP HIS WORD !!!  So who keep His words according to The LORD , Himself ? It is the little children. And He Is in them, and they are in Him. ! as written elsewhere in this writing .

All these things are possible, now, after The LORD  came as the TRUE LIGHT NOW SHINES. The Comforter had not come before.

1Jn 2:8  Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true IN HIM AND IN YOU: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.}}}… who are these who have the TRUE LIGHT in them? They are the begotten sons of the FATHER of Lights. And He Has FORGIVEN these children! If not, no one can have The LORD  IN THEM. !

1Jn 2:12  I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for HIS NAME'S SAKE. }}}..This is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. for HIS NAME’S SAKE, HE FORGAVE these little children , before He taught the truth as the rest of the chapter says. V 14 says, they are strong in the word. So to the Jews, The LORD  said, you have no place in your for Me, or for My words, … and you have NO LOVE FOR ME, … but these little children, have believed Him and HE IS IN THEM AND THEY ARE IN HIM means they have received the fulness of GOD as written above, which comes with the love of GOD which is in HIM !



And then, the Scripture  talks about is jam 1: 17. The v 18 says

“read v 18…” Of his own will BEGAT HE us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.”…. }}}… ‘begotten by the word of TRUTH’. does the truth come from GOD the Father ????  when the book of Apostle James is to be fulfilled, GOD HAS ALREADY CHOSEN THE POOR TO BE IN THE KINGDOM. Jam 2:5. And all the 12 tribes are SCATTERED. Jam 1:1. And this time, the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD is also given according to the Heavenly vision , as written below . and those who have faith, are made just, already. And MORE IMPORTANTLY, THE FIRST FRUITS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE FATHER OF LIGHTS ARE BEGOTTEN BY THE WORD OF TRUTH. That means The Comforter HAS COME and led the first fruits in to all truth. The Comforter is the HOLY SPIRIT, and it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself, who comes to glorify HIMSELF. John 14, 16 says it all. The Comforter comes to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father, AND THAT IS THE Spirit and Truth , WHICH GLORIFIED HIMSELF!  The Spirit and Truth cannot lie.  we have written this many times. But here are few verses to prove once again that The Comforter brings the truth to us and until such time, we never had the knowledge of GOD , nor the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD that HE IS ALSO THE FATHER , AND The SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT Also.



The Comforter ….is JESUS CHRIST the LORD .

Joh 14:3  And if I go and , I will come again,
and receive you unto MYSELF; THAT WHERE I AM,
…}}}… it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who comes again, .. and receive us unto HIMSELF!  As written above, king David said, Israel was
redeemed to be HIS PEOPLE. Then, where ever JESUS CHRIST the LORD is, … we will
be too. So is Gerald Flurry with JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? He went passing Him.
That means he is not with Him. And we are to be with Him and where ever HE IS
and not with GOD the Father !


Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth
him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
}}}…The WORLD cannot receive the Spirit and Truth. That is the HOLY SPIRIT. and the WORLD is His own even as John 1 says.  So Gerald Flurry is STILL IN THE WORLD WITH
ALL OTHERS who are not with JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! 


This verse says… the Spirit and Truth … , shall be IN YOU”… So would GOD the Father be IN ANY OF US?  Is GOD the Father in Gerald Flurry??? Has GOD the Father said that he will be in any of us ????  The Spirit and Truth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 cor 3: 17, He is the SPIRIT. and His words are SPIRIT. John 6:63. So GOD the Father is neither the SPIRIT, nor the truth! Nor he is in any of us, including Gerald Flurry. ! There are no Scripture to prove that the GOD the Father will be in any human being ! And this Scripture says ‘the Spirit and Truth, whom the world CANNOT RECEIVE”. Then, who ever does not have the Spirit and Truth, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … is the world. So Gerald Flurry , is in the world and all those who worship GOD the Father, … are also in the world ! They cannot receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the Spirit and Truth !  And without the Spirit and Truth, … no one can worship GOD , as GOD seeks such to worship Him. John 4 !!!  GOD is a SPIRIT and it is the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, we must have to be sons of GOD and belongs to Him. Rom.  8!


Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”. ..}}}…
comfortless means fatherless, or orphans.
Lam 5:3 says, Zion is fatherless and are widows. That means JESUS CHRIST the
LORD has not come in to her to make her have a FATHER. Jer. 3: 19-20… she will
call Him, my FATHER, when she is converted as proven in the first part. ! So it
is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who comes to make us to have a FATHER and not
orphans!  That means HE IS THE FATHER !!!  The Spirit and Truth, is the FATHER. ! All
these must be revealed, so you who are in the world also can have a FATHER !


Joh 14:19  Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. }}… so the world, or those who did not follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD, cannot live, and see Him any
CHILDREN,  HE WILL NOT BE SEEN IN Jerusalem, AND THE HOUSE OF GOD WILL BE DESOLATED ! Mat. 23 !!! He also said, He will not eat the Passover till the kingdom comes. So kingdom belongs to His
children and He Has eaten the Passover with them as proven in previous


When the Spirit and Truth comes, He will make us know, who the FATHER is, and He is in them, who
received Him or to whom He came to.

Joh 14:20  At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye
in me, and I in you
}}}.. when the Spirit and Truth, comes and gives us the knowledge of GOD , … we will know the FATHER is in Him and He is in us and we are in Him. 1 John 4: 4,   Col. 1: 27 … says who have Him in them. ! These are the children , who are sanctified by the truth, to be sent  John 17: 17-20

Joh 14:26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
}}}… so we know The Comforter is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. And then HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AS WELL. ! Then, the ‘FATHER’ who sends
Him also, Himself, HIS OWN WORDS.


Joh 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Joh 16:14  HE SHALL GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. }}}… unless the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT comes, .. we did not know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER . and He revealed it to the sons,
whom He brought to glory. this is the time, we all were led to the truth. and
it was a thing to come. That means no one knew till The Comforter comes about
THESE TRUTHS, UNLESS THEY GO TO THESE SONS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  That is why they are sent. So these children who have Him in them, … MAGNIFIED HIM in the KINGDOM as written above, … as king David. This is why, they are as king David and as GOD. zeh 12: 8. 1 John 4;4, 17 !

Any one who glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD , has
received the Spirit and Truth ! That is the true church of GOD !


(not only we must glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but the WORD of GOD  as well

2Th 3:1  Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course,
and be glorified, even as it is with you.
}}}…There is a time, that we must receive the word of GOD. That time is as Jam 1: 18 says, when the word of truth begets us. The Comforter has given the words, the
HOLY SPIRIT. so we must glorify the FATHER , the words , the SPIRIT and The SON, the Word, the SPIRIT )  The
LORD  said you do not have a place in you for His word as written above. Laodicea era proves that.


Joh 16:15  All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. }}}… So the FATHER, or the HOLY SPIRIT, takes what is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. that means His words , will be revealed. ! AND WE ARE MADE KNOWN ALL THESE THINGS, BY HIS WORDS, THE
fulfill and obey HIS WORDS. ! So The Comforter is the FATHER of lights.



Therefore, Gerald Flurry is JUDGED of not following JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … not becoming a son to GOD, but have other gods and idols as anyone can see, when their eyes are opened. !


And one must turn from the heart to Him, as He tries the hearts and Had said, you must love your GOD with all your heart, mind and soul etc. !! So this is the LIGHT WHICH SHONE AS THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, TO THOSE WHO LOVED HIM as Mal. 3: 16-18 says.


It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s obedience , which makes us righteous. GOD the Father cannot make us righteous either. 

Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.}}}… by the obedience of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … we are made righteous. He is The Righteous. Then, after we are made righteous by Him, we are given everlasting life , also by Him.


Rom 5:21  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. }}}… as many Scripture says, the everlasting life is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  GOD the Father has no righteousness in him to give everlasting life in him.


He alone can inspire us, as HE IS THE ALMIGHTY. And we are THE ALMIGHTY’s sons and daughters , as we came out of the world, who followed JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!! These things are revealed, so YOU ALSO CAN FOLLOW HIM AND RECEIVE HIS LIGHT AND THE WORD OF TRUTH AND BE A SON TO HIM!


So JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER, … and HE IS THE LIGHT, … and those who received His light, became His sons, and that is how HE BECAME THE “FATHER” of lights!  And HIS WORD, .. This TRUTH BEGAT US !!!


Then, these children of GOD, are to be luminaries among this crooked generation, who have perverted their ways.

Php_2:15  that you may be blameless and harmless, children of God, without fault in the midst of a crooked generation, even having been perverted, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world, }}}… when these sons of GOD shines as now do, … we know the perverted ones also will receive the light, and be converted back to the FATHER. This is why, they are a sign and a wonder in Israel. 


Here is another quote of Gerald Flurry in the same book.

Notice the very next verse: “Of his own will begat
he us with the word of truth
, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his
creatures” (James 1:18). Here is where James—the brother of Christ—puts the emphasis! If you really
work to comprehend what he is saying here, God will reward you by filling to
capacity all that you can bring to this verse. The limitless stars are
impressive to anyone—but all that is trivial compared to
God begetting you!
You have the potential to become God—God’s son—with the capacity to even create a universe and
animals, perhaps even create more sons of God! Remember,
God wants to recreate Himself in you! That is what we must emphasize! That is where the real excitement is: your life!}}}… if the word of truth, as proven above, is from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … as HE IS THE WORD AND ALSO THE TRUTH AND IT IS
sons to another GOD? The ‘WORD OF TRUTH’ can come only by The Comforter, JESUS
the LORD ! If one is to be a first fruit to GOD the Father, … then all Israel are his first fruits !


Mr flurry, have you truly heard GOD the Father’s words ???


So GOD wants to RECREATE HIMSELF in us !!!!
That is correct !!! But unless you go to the GOD who wants to CREATE us
to Himself, .. how could HE BEGET US AS HIS SONS ???


Lets prove which GOD is the true GOD , from the Scripture ! 


have you truly understood what you have written ??? Scripture proves you are totally
false in your understanding. so you have not receive the begettal from the
FATHER of lights as you say below.

“We were begotten by the Father! If He isn’t calling you or hasn’t begotten you with His Holy Spirit, you cannot truly understand this.If you do understand it, then you have received that unparalleled spiritual begettal from the Father of lights! …}}}…”we
were begotten by the FATHER”????  Which FATHER is this, he is talking about?  It is the GOD the Father, whom he says is his GOD John 8:54.  And Gerald Flurry may be a son to GOD the Father, but he is not the GOD of Truth, nor the GOD of Light! Nor The Comforter the HOLY SPIRIT !


“If He has not begotten you with His HOLY SPIRIT”???
As proven above, the HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as HE
IS THE SPIRIT AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT and life and LIGHT! One must believe the
word of truth, to be sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT. Eph.  1: 13. And besides that, until the Spirit and
Truth , The Comforter or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time, .. no one
was given the truth and light ( out of darkness He calls in to His marvelous
light 1  Pet. 2: 8-10), ….which means to give HOLY SPIRIT, as The Comforter is the HOLY SPIRIT as proven above. ! So Gerald Flurry has not received the HOLY SPIRIT, to become a son to JESUS CHRIST
the LORD or to the FATHER of Light, as he never followed Him or His light ,
because The Comforter comes to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven above
!  And not GOD the Father !!!!  So this proves, Gerald Flurry, himself who
This is why Jer. 3: 19-20 says when you RETURNto The Husband, … or be converted , … you will call Him, my
‘FATHER’. that is the FATHER of LIGHTS who begets us by HIS WORDS, the LIGHT ! So
these words are sent, so you could be begotten by The Husband, and call Him my



“What is it worth to be begotten by that Father who created all those lights? That magnificent Creator God made you a firstfruit—the highest, most wonderful calling you could ever have! That calling is a
zillion times more important than anything the Hubble telescope can show us. Be
in awe of the universe, but be a zillion times more in awe of your potential!”

Light of the World – "I
am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12…
.  Have you Gerald Flurry,
followed THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD???? HAVE YOU ???? You missed the opportunity
which is worth more than zillion times, … the POTENTIAL TO BE A SON TO The
CREATOR !!! You truly missed ‘
That magnificent Creator God made you a firstfruit—the highest,
most wonderful calling you could ever have!”

!!!! Even if you believe now, .. which you will, … you will not be a ‘FIRST
FRUIT’ to The CREATOR !!!! You did not go to Him to get the LIGHT , but went
passing Him and not focusing on Him !!!
Now,.. even if you REPENT OVER ZILLION times, you will not be THE FATHER

 Now, GF has become Pharoah, because, if one does not ask from JESUS CHRIST'S MOUTH, they are in EGYPT. and Rev 11: 8 says they are so. The leader must be Pharoah. All the poeple of GOD, were taken to Egypt, having false gods. 

This is why you are in Egypt Spiritually again, as you have not asked AT The CREATOR’S MOUTH.
That made you to trust in Pharoah’s shadow. You have gone back to Egypt once
again. !

Isa 30:2  That walk to go down into Egypt, and have NOT ASKED AT MY MOUTH; to strengthen themselves in
the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!
…. }}}..
so you see ?????  If you do not ask for the SPIRIT FROM The LORD ’S MOUTH,
Egypt !!!! As you did not get the SPIRIT or the words of truth from JESUS
CHRIST the LORD’s mouth, you are Spiritually in Egypt once again rev 11: 8


Have you looked for The LORD of HOSTS  ??? The LORD  will cut off the head and the tail… the PROPHET WHO TEACHES LIES…

Isa 9:13 For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the LORD of hosts.

Isa 9:14 Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day.

Isa 9:15 The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

Isa 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.}}}… the PROPHETS, are foxes, says GOD who desolated Zion. Lam 5: 18 !  So the prophet teaches lies and caused all the people to err and the land is destroyed.  If it is not for the MERCY OF The LORD of HOSTS , … NO ONE WILL LIVE !


So as John the Baptist was, WE WITNESS TO THE LIGHT… so you may believe as HE HAS COME AND GIVEN THIS UNDERSTANDING. !

Joh 1:7  The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

Joh 1:9  That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. }}}… EVERY MAN will be lightened by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Now , we are HIS WITNESSES as HE CAME TO US. He sanctified us by the truth first, … to be sent, … so you too may believe in Him. John 17; 17-20 !

Joh 1:10  He was in the world, and the WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, AND THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT. }}}… this ‘world’ means Jews and Israel, HIS OWN! . The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK made them. Deut.  32: 6, 15, 18 and many more Scripture proves that.  And see…

Joh 1:11  He came unto HIS OWN, AND HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT. }}}… the world was made by Him… and the world knew Him NOT, … and He came to His own, and His own received Him NOT. So His own are the world.

So the world is HIS OWN. THEY DID NOT RECEIVE HIM, EVEN THOUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD MADE THEM. !  If He made them, … then , … He should be their FATHER. and Scripture tells us so. He made Adam as well, by HIS WORDS and we WILL BE BORN AGAIN Spiritually , ALSO BY HIS WORDS. jam 1: 18, 1  Pet. 1: 23. !!!  The word of TRUTH is ; JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our FATHER. That makes us born as HIS SONS, or sons of GOD. ! He made Adam, … He made Israel as well. So we must prove that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER… ! And the adopted gentiles believed the word of truth. Eph.  1: 13


If one wants to be a ‘SON’, to the FATHER of LIGHTS, .. then believe the “ LIGHT” IS YOUR
‘FATHER’ !!! How else could you be a ‘son’ to Him ???


GOD prophesied Israel will not be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sons ??? –

Deu 32:4  He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are
judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves, their spot
is not the spot of His children:
they are a perverse and
crooked generation
}}}… understand ??? Israel is corrupted to NOT TO
KNOW THEIR FATHER… their spot is not as children to the FATHER. ! If there
was GOD the Father, he could not say this. It is The ROCK whom you did not call
my ‘FATHER’. but be prepared to call Him so!
When GOD called Israel, He prophesied they will be stiff necked, and will forsake Him as the FATHER! v 15, 18 . So knowing 
LORD said, the last generation will be a crooked generation, a faithless
one.  And now we know why.  IT IS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THEIR OWN
FATHER and they have corrupted themselves !!!!  You were NOT GOD’S
CHILDREN . This is why HE COMES, SO YOU CAN HAVE A FATHER and you can be HIS
SONS !!!!  So if they are a perverse generation, they need to be reverted
and converted !!! Adam was a son, and he failed. Unto the Laodicea era, all
Israel too failed. And now, The LORD , Himself has born His first fruits, and
they are declaring their FATHER, the Captain of Salvation, as the FATHER !!!


All things are proven in our web site.  GOD’s SPIRIT could only rest in those who have the HUMBLE SPIRIT, because they want to learn from GOD, and they do not have their own ways. All must look to GOD to convert them now and build in to the image of GOD.  but Rom.  8 says, we need to be conformed in to the image of The SON, which means the image of The CREATOR ! That means we are back to the beginning of the creation.!  This is why The LORD  speaks to the Laodicea church “ The BEGINNING OF CREATION ! He will once again convert all back as it was in the beginning. That is why the Heavenly vision was given to Apostle Paul as written below.


So now, GOD, Himself must conform the man in to HIS IMAGE, so He can be with the man. We need the same mind, SPIRIT … so He must live in the man to do it. and He is The Saviour, The REDEEMER, the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  and the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of faith !  Then, believe that, HE WILL DO. Repent of your sin against your FATHER, and He is slow to anger and speedily will pour His mercy!


The LORD  said to not to look for Him, when many will come in His name, and say here is CHRIST, in the desert, inner court, but you wil not find Him.  but, HE IS IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN. 1 John 4: 4. And gentiles. Col. 1: 27. And this is why, He said not to find Him, because no one can see Him, unless they see these children who have Him in them.  In that, He said, He will not have any prophets, .. because the prophets desolated Zion lam 5: 18 and the prophets are foxes Eze. 13: 4, who caused Him to not to lay His HEAD. !


Adam became contrary to what he was created.  He became flesh and blood  that will be destroyed in his own sin. So sin must be conquered. No man can do it as they are born in the sin as king David said. Unless The LORD  brings us out of DEATH ( curse of death) , no man can overcome it. Then man must be convicted , judged and his penalty must be paid. Death came from Adam. That is why The LORD  called the vessels of wrath, who are Israel and gave the law as proven in previous writings. They thought they can live by it. but they did not know that The LORD wants to catch them by their own thinking. It was a test to see if they leave GOD and try to keep the law to live by it. and they did. But, He also prepared the vessels of mercy, who are not of the law, to be saved by mercy. Then at the same time the vessels of wrath are given the wrath, the vessels of mercy are saved by mercy. so just as Adam looked for the wrong tree to live, Israel too looked for the law to live. We proved the Tree of good and evil represents the law. And the Tree of Life is GOD who gives life. then, just as Adam, they also looked life in the law, the tree of good and evil. In that, GOD concluded all to be sinners, so He can have mercy and save all as Apostle Paul said. !


HE SAID HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT TO GIVE US LIFE.  so we must not look at our sinfulness and be discouraged, but be encouraged, that HE CAN DO ALL THINGS AND NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for Him and He gave life to the thief died with Him that day, instantly. From Adam sin came, from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, forgiveness came. And ‘IN’ Him, life. because He lives, He will cause us to live also.



The Heavenly vision :- Is to convert all back to The CREATION and to The CREATOR , the sons are to return to the FATHER. This vision tells us how and what The LORD  would do and what we have to do to set things right again, .. what was lost in Adam’s disobedience ! Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD said ‘ I will make all things new”. So this is it. He will RESTORE what was ruined after the sin of Adam. ! This is why two Covenants were given to Abraham. One by promise, but comes in to effect AFTER The LORD ’S SECOND COMING, and the other 430 years after The LORD  promised Abraham, which is the Covenant of the law as proven above and as proven in previous writings ! GOD worked with mankind all these years to show that we cannot save ourselves, nor live for ever without Him. GOD Has set times to do all things as revealed in HIS WORD. So the second time He comes, forgiving all, to give salvation. Heb.  9: 28 , but first to those whom HE PREPARED.


Heavenly Vision has the vision of offering the Tree of Life once again … which Gentiles received. What Adam failed, all will overcome by this vision. Flaming sword means the Word of GOD which is fire,  THE TRUTH about the Tree of Life, (CHRIST THE LORD) which will burn those who did not know Him or did not obey the gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings . That brings light to those who are in darkness, even as the Heavenly Vision did to Gentiles. In The LORD ‘s prayer, GOD said to pray to keep us from evil. But He delivered Israel to evil or to the wicked one. But caused those who have HIM IN THEM, to overcome the wicked one as written below. But according to the Heavenly vision, Apostle Paul was taught and sent to gentiles to deliver them and give them LIGHT…and… save them first as GOD saw, that they will obey, fear, love , believe and will have faith in Him and trust in Him, in other words they will submit to Him . Acts. 15; 8- 9 , Apostle Peter said, GOD KNOWS THE HEARTS OF THE GENTILES AND GAVE FAITH to them to PURIFY THE HEARTS. But that faith is given, after the law Covenant failed as written above, … when the Covenant by promise is to begin in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is why He gave faith IN HIM and not in us. To receive all things which GOD offers, one must go to Him to get. That is the only condition we have to do.  If a son does not go to the FATHER to get what He Has, how could He give ???

“Delivering thee from the people, and ..the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,… To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness
of sins
, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
…. I was not disobedient
unto the
heavenly vision: “… Acts 26: 16- 19.
So this is the Heavenly vision, which JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught Apostle
Paul, away from others, WHEN HE WAS SENT TO GENTILES ! That is after His own
totally rejected HIm. But this Heavenly vision comes in to effect, at JESUS
CHRIST the LORD’s second coming to give faith, as the faith Covenant which is
by promise is to begin , IN HIM.


So this Heavenly vision is about How “The LORD  will save gentiles first. This is after The
LORD ’s death. and at that time, His own have proven, that they will not receive Him. And in our days, the Laodiceans proved as they have thrown Him out of their door.


Heavenly vision takes us back to the CREATION. What was lost as a result of the first man’s sin, must be JUDGED and paid, then be restored. It is GOD’s word against man’s.  but, GOD’s words will win. So the man has to be restored to the original creation , made in the image of GOD. But no one knew that until the time came to restore all things, made NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD.   The LORD Has paid for our penalty already.  Now, the restoration. Remember even the PRESERVED ones need to be restored.   Isa. 49:6. Two witnesses also are to die. Rev. 11. Thereafter, GOD turned to the little children , taking the two witnesses as well. So no one could boast of their works. By this time, GOD has proven that no man can live by self and without Him and HIS WORDS.


 Now, the little children have JUDGED the matter, and the sin is revealed. Sin is not the breaking of the law as proven. Here it is again in brief. Don’t twist the Scripture.

1Jn 3:4 ((( Whosoever committeth sin))) transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. }}}… what does this Scripture say????  “Whosoever committeth sin”… also transgresses the law! So THE SIN came first. Because of the sin, … the law is given to prove the sin as proven in previous writings. The sin could not be made manifested, without the law. The law is given to ALREADY SINNERS “the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,”  1 Ti 1:9.  So the law was given to ALREADY STIFF NECKED Israel , UNHOLY, AS THEY DO NOT WORSHIP The ROCK WHO GAVE IT, … AND KNOWING THEIR STIFF NECKED HEARTS, AND TO PROVE THEIR DISOBEDIENCE .  Israel , are called the sons of disobedience. That is why they are APPOINTED to stumble on the word of GOD. 1  Pet. 2; 5-8. Is the high priest, obedient to The CREATOR ? If not, he fulfills all of these qualities. So the point is, the law is given to already sinners. So GOD chose Israel to give the law and show mankind’s failure. When the law was given, MAN WAS ALREADY A SINNER!  GOD saw and prophesied in Deut.  32 alone, that they will depart from Him. they DO NOT EVEN KNOW THEIR OWN GOD AND FATHER. so how could they be righteous ? That is why the Heavenly vision is given to gentiles FIRST. !


We must understand the sin of Adam, in order to not to do it again. with GOD’s help, all can do it. that is why HIS SPIRIT  GIVEN TO OUR HEARTS WITH HIS IMAGE. But the sin is the DISOBEDIENCE to GOD’s
WRITINGS. and even that knowledge was not given till JESUS CHRIST the LORD came
the second time. The CREATOR was the FATHER of Adam as proven in the first
part. And when the son disobeyed the words of the FATHER, … He Hid His identity
as the FATHER. the FATHER and son,  relationship was broken. and as a good
FATHER chastens the sons, GOD also gave all these years to chasten the sons to
All other sins could be forgiven, but sinning against the FATHER who is
the HOLY SPIRIT, … cannot be forgiven. the FATHER gives the FOOD AND DRINK THE
WATER THE WORD TO LIVE FOR EVER. But, unto  the last high priest, they went after other
gods to eat and drink. How could we live eternally, when the ETERNAL FOOD AND
caused all to eat and drink from a calf. And the last high priest caused the
people to eat and drink from GOD the Father, and HWA a man and his rock. !


The Heavenly vision;- Adam lost the HOLY  to not to know the truth about
how to get everlasting life, which is the knowledge of GOD , of the One and
ONLY TRUE GOD . John 17: 3. Cutting off the Tree of Life means the FATHER who
gives everlasting life , cut Himself off . So The LORD  must open the eyes to know this truth.

To open their eyes,”…
“To open the eyes”, to see what
???? the true knowledge of GOD  gives
everlasting life. John 17: 3. So first of all, GOD must open the eyes to see
WHAT WAS THIS SIN which brought blindness. So go back to the beginning. The
serpent, is made blind. All became sons to the devil. John 8:44. That means
BLINDNESS so he will not find the Tree of Life to eat from it and live. Then,
JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the FATHER, … must now open the eyes  of all to see why they were blinded and became sons to the devil, and not to Him! The blindness came because of the
disobedience. Because of the lusts, man disobeyed. So GOD must open the eyes to
know THAT HE IS THE TRUE GOD AND THE FATHER ! King David, as written above,
knew The LORD of HOSTS  is the FATHER.
but his sin was not removed as The LORD HAS NOT YET DIED TO PAY FOR IT. so all those who had faith, died looking for a better resurrection as Heb.  11
says. If GOD blinded, then it is HE WHO MUST OPEN ONCE AGAIN ! This is the
spiritual darkness, without the WORD of GOD . so all must be given the light
from the FATHER so they can see. and that requires faith and belief. So The
LORD  must open the eyes to SEE AND KNOW
THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM. GOD brought Israel out of Egypt, from the gods of Egypt as
written above. As the Laodiceans are again in Egypt Spiritually, … they must be
given the SPIRIT or words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , with the knowledge of GOD
to take them from gods of Egypt to worship Him. Remember Egypt was in darkness,
but Israel had light, as GOD was with them? So it must be now also. REMEMBER
GATHER ALL, The Comforter, THE HOLY SPIRIT Has come.


So those who received The Comforter, have their  eyes  opened to the true GOD, to know His name, and that HE IS THE FATHER, AND WE ARE TO BE SONS.  John 1:11-13 proves why Israel could not be sons of GOD. because they did not believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is the FATHER also, and came forth from the FATHER , as they did not know the FATHER also. They worshiped GOD the Father. John 8:54.  So these Scripture was not written until many years after they were fulfilled! all the Scripture is written for the sons of GOD, as an example, WHEN THE END OF THE WORLD came for their admonition. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”1 cor 10:11. . So  Israel’s failures are written for those who are alive at the END OF THE WORLD! And what are these examples ?? All because they did not drink from The ROCK. Read the whole chapter. V 18 even says Israel are flesh. So does Heb.  2:14.


So this chapter say, they were idolaters, fornicators, etc and talks about Israel, when they were coming out of Egypt. And remember it was The ROCK who was leading them, alone, by Himself. (Deut.  32) So this verse talks about that they tempted JESUS CHRIST the LORD, because He was The ROCK who led them.

1Co 10:9  Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. }}}… so Israel tempted JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!! There were NOT TWO GODS!  The ROCK is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.! . This proves HE SHOULD BE THEIR GOD AND THE FATHER AS WELL. JESUS CHRIST the LORD BROUGHT THEM OUT OF Egypt TO BE HIS PEOPLE! But they failed to understand that. So this is an example written to the sons of GOD now, to not to tempt Him ! If Gerald Flurry had this knowledge in him, … he would have never said ‘go pass CHRIST to go to GOD the Father’ etc. ! If you can understand this ONE VERSE, your eyes are opened ! does any of the churches of GOD believe that their GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? If not, they still tempt GOD ! Destroyed by the serpents, Spiritually means given to be sons of the devil ! The serpents now are the creeping ministry, who serves THEIR OWN BELLIES. !


Serpent is blind. so The LORD  said, He will send serpents to punish even now. But it is the evil ministry who causes people to fall backwards. (Gen. 49:17). This too happened in the beginning. Spiritually, when a serpent biting means falling backwards, which you do not go forward, but going back to your old ways and sins. THIS TRULY MEANS FALLING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!  The truth about GOD! Creeping ministry are a curse from GOD.  the serpent is a curse as well, as Rev. 20- 22 says, the devil will be no more.  So it was a curse. They DECEIVE people by LIES, about the true GOD! THEY DO NOT SEE THEY ARE DOING IT as they are blind! JESUS CHRIST the LORD said the blind leading blind. !  So they fall backwards.  So Deut.  32, which talks about forsaking The ROCK, … in v 24, GOD says, the poison of the serpents will be sent, TO EAT DUST. Remember dust is the food of the serpents. Isa. 65. And dust means lies.  So sending the serpents means to allow the ministry to lie and kill the people. Jer. 8: 19-20 ,so THE KING left, allowing the people to be bitten. So even now as the high priest , himself has other gods etc, he too has tempted JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The LORD  said, it is the wise, who are serpents. Mat. 10:16. We do not need to write the evils of the ministry, as all would know them!

So when the LORD OPENS the eyes and ears which He closed, no one will be rebellious , nor turn back as HE.

Isa 50:5  The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back…}}}… this is about The SON,  CHRIST the LORD. and He always did things to please the FATHER, or HIS OWN words. John 8: 29.  And when the eyes are opened, they will quickly seek The ROCK, Psa. 78: 34-35, and will be obedient to Him. Remember Isa. 6, Acts. 28: 26-28, Eze. 12, John 12:40 etc says, the eyes are closed. The CREATOR only can open them !


By sinning against The ROCK, all the Laodiceans also tempted JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in their PRIDE. Mal. 3: 15- 18 talks about those who are proud tempting GOD and those who FEARED HIM. So disobedience was Adam’s sin and all Israel’s as well, as GOD appointed them to be sons of disobedience ! No man can obey GOD. this is why, we NEED HIS PRESENCE IN US, … IN OUR HEARTS, … SO HE WILL CAUSE US TO OBEY !


As the serpents are blinded,  the man became blind to not to know the true GOD. Adam became flesh and blood. And flesh and blood cannot know The SON.  But we know JESUS CHRIST the LORD is The SON.  But we did not know HE IS THE FATHER ALSO, even though many Scripture says so including Isa. 9:6. !  So when this blindness is taken away from the Laodiceans, …. They will call Him my “FATHER”. Jer. 3: 19-20.


And JESUS CHRIST the LORD opened the eyes of the gentiles first to see ( as they are a sign and a wonder in Israel ) that HE IS THE FATHER, according to the Heavenly vision. There is nothing to waver in this Scripture. IT is to be fulfilled, as it is the Heavenly vision when Israel failed, comes in to effect according to the second Covenant with the gentiles as written above !  The gentiles did not need to go through judgments.  Only those of the law, must be judged. Rom.  2. And they are to die without mercy, Heb.  10:28, but the gentiles are saved by MERCY. Rom.  9 and more. And salvation and all things GOD has to offer to mankind, is FREELY GIVEN, but after Israel failed totally.  Israel is called to prove to the world if men can obey GOD or not.  when they failed, this Heavenly vision is to be fulfilled among the gentiles .  And the gentiles , will have their eyes opened first in Israel’s judgment, so they could be trodden down. Rev.  11: 2-3,  John 9: 39. but this is when The LORD  comes the second time. Isa. 11; 9 – 11. The last high priest also proved that he has other gods. So who would The LORD  send to save the people ? This is why, the gentiles are saved by PROMISE. IF ANY ONE HAD TO DO WORKS TO GET THESE GIFTS OF GOD, … NO MAN WILL QUALIFY. The GENTILES  are the first born of Abraham, in the first place. and Hagar’s son is to have 12 princes.  But Isaac did not have 12, but his son JACOB. And Ishmael was circumcised on the same day with Abraham, … but Isaac was not. so these are Spiritually fulfilled now as proven in previous writings. then, WHILE GOD CLOSED OR BLINDED THE EYES OF THE LAST ERA, … HE OPENED THE EYES OF THE GENTILES as John 9: 39 says.  IN His first coming, He did not open the eyes of anyone, as HE HAD TO DIE. Then, He taught this Heavenly vision to Apostle Paul, AFTER Israel’S FAILURE TO RECEIVE HIM ! 


So this BLINDNESS is to not to know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is also the FATHER. ! 2  Pet. 1 explains this blindness. It is written to those who have OBTAINED PRECIOUS FAITH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS BY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. V 3 says, life and godliness is given through the KNOWLEDGE OF THE GOD WHO CALLED US. (Eph.  1 also ) That is the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. v 4 says, if you have the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. you have escaped the corruption in the world. Please read (come out of Egypt Spiritually ).


Remember Adam, because of his lusts, he corrupted himself to not to know The CREATOR. And Eze. 24: 21- 23 also says same. Then 2 Pet. 1 v 9 says, if you lack these things, you are BLIND. ( lack of knowledge of GOD, brought the captivity. Isa. 5:13) v 12 says, to be established in the PRESENT TRUTH. remember this is written to those who have OBTAINED FAITH. That means the Heavenly vision is fulfilled in them, as written below .  1  Pet. Talks about the trial of faith. But 2  Pet. Is written to those who obtained faith. So your lusts blinds you to not to know the truth about your own FATHER and GOD! Apostle James also talks about that. So this blindness is taken away from those who are included in the Heavenly vision. So they began to see that there is only one GOD, and that is The CREATOR, and HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL AS The SON BUT known in many names. Because of this blindness, they did not know the true GOD, and His own killed Him. “"He has blinded their eyes" and "has hardened their heart," "that they might not see with the eyes" and "understand with the heart," "and be converted," "and I should heal them.". So JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not want them to be CONVERTED till the time comes. Isa. 63: 16-19 says, GOD has hardened their heart from His fear, because He did not want His sons as rebellious or disobedient ones, and they had to be judged first.


After all the wonders GOD did, yet, He Has not given a heart to perceive…

Deu 29:4  Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day. }}}… this verse proves all Israel are to be blinded, hardened until the Laodicea era, and after their eyes will be opened to see that their GOD and FATHER is The ROCK . Psa. 78: 34-35. So GOD did not want them to be converted until the end of Laodicea era. Eze. 12 . 2 cor 3 :14 -17 says, Israel’s eyes are closed, even to read the Old testament, and will be opened IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is after the Heavenly vision is fulfilled in the gentiles , and the same way their eyes also will be opened.


So this blindness is to continue until they learn about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. that proves, as they did not turn to Him, their eyes were blinded !

2Co 3:14  But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. }}}… if the blindness is to be removed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD … then NOT HAVING HIM OR NOT GOING TO HIM IS THEIR BLINDNESS !

2Co 3:15  But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.}}}… veil is in the heart means no HOLY SPIRIT, as it is given to the heart!

2Co 3:16  Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

2Co 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

2Co 3:18  But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord…..}}}… THE SPIRIT OF The LORD , CHANGES US IN TO THE SAME IMAGE OF GLORY OF GOD !!!!  That is conversion !!!! the gentiles, have already joined to The LORD . Isa. 56, when the salvation is about to come. Their Covenant came in to effect after the Laodicea era. When Israel turns or CONVERTED TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they will see. This is why, we preach to turn to Him and we preach the Everlasting gospel to worship and feat The CREATOR !


The gentiles are to BELIEVE . and the wisdom and revelation is given in the KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, THAT MEANS IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THAT HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , THE FATHER AND The SON ETC. GOD of  CHRIST the LORD is His own words as proven.

Eph 1:17  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him}}}.. so the wisdom and revelation comes IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, means JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so what is the new knowledge that we did not know about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  THAT , HE IS THE FATHER ALSO !

Eph 1:18  The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, }}}… our eyes are opened to understand , … the calling and the inheritance in the saints.  The saints are to inherit The LORD . Col. 1:27, 1Joh 4:4 proves the gentiles and the little children have HIM IN THEM. That was the exceeding great reward which was promised to Abraham and to the Levitical ministry! So how could we inherit without knowing about Him ???

Eph 1:19  And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the WORKING OF HIS MIGHTY POWER,…}}}… GOD’S MIGHTY POWER WILL WORK IN US to do what is impossible for us to do!  Can you build the image of GOD in you, by yourself ??? So the saints are to inherit the FATHER!  GOD prophesied that gentiles will believe as Abraham did as proven in previous writings.


The GOD whom we need in our hearts is ‘ CHRIST the LORD”…

Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, }}}.. as written above, if we do not have  CHRIST the LORD in us, we have no love of GOD  !!!


Then, when  CHRIST the LORD dwell in our heart, … we are given the ability to comprehend the DEPTH OF THE LOVE OF  CHRIST the LORD, WHICH GIVES US ALL UNDERSTANDING. !

Eph 3:18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. }}}…  CHRIST the LORD may dwell in our hearts by FAITH. This faith, is a part of the Heavenly vision as written below. And how could we KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, UNLESS HE SHOWS IT TO US FIRST? So the gentiles are to know, THE LOVE OF GOD FIRST. 1 Thess. 4;9 says the LORD taught us, as Isa. 54: 14 also says, as they are to be HIS CHILDREN. The FATHER’s love is given to the sons.  And it is the LOVE OF CHRIST, .. WHICH PASS THE KNOWLEDGE , not GOD the Father’s. ..,.. TO FILL US WITH THE FULNESS OF GOD !!!! Because of HIS LOVE, … HE GIVES THIS KNOWLEDGE, … TO FILL US WITH THE FULNESS OF GOD !!! That is the FULLY CONVERTED STATE ! The LOVE OF THE FATHER IS a must for us to be the SONS OF THE FATHER !!! Or to be born as sons. But HE HAS ALREADY OFFERED IT. it is we who rejected Him !


“FULNESS” means “From G4137repletion or completion, that is, (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled(as container, performance, period): – which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.”

So this means, “filled with all the fulness of GOD”…to be filled up with all knowledge of GOD that is necessary to our everlasting life. !  And we must know that HE IS THE GOD AND THE FATHER ALSO. ! We are given the image of GOD means the fullness of GOD ! 


“Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; ..  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of GOD”.

When you are given the faith to the heart, ( as Apostle Peter said in Acts. 15) HIS LOVE also is given. That love of  CHRIST the LORD, gives us the understanding to fill us up with the fulness of GOD”. And it is done by CHRIST The LORD , DWELLING IN US BY FAITH. When the faith is given, … HE COMES IN TO OUR HEARTS, ( because faith pleases GOD) AND THEN WE ARE ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE, … TO KNOW ALL THINGS WHICH NEEDS TO BE FILLED WITH THE FULNESS OR COMPLETION OF GOD!  That is totally blindness is taken away. So UNLESS The CREATOR, OR  CHRIST the LORD DWELLS IN OUR HEARTS, NO FULNESS OF GOD IN US. 


THIS IS WHY, JESUS CHRIST the LORD COMES A SECOND TIME, TO GIVE the ‘KNOWLEDGE OF GOD ’ !!! Isa. 11: 9 – 11 ! So that knowledge, was not taught by any man !  NOT EVEN A SINGLE HIGH PRIEST KNEW THAT as they all rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and worshiped GOD the Father , whom they have created as their god ! So IN HIS LOVE, HE COMES TO GIVE HIS KNOWLEDGE, SO WE CAN BE CONVERTED BACK TO THE ORIGINAL CREATION AS SONS!


So remember… NO MAN CAN GIVE THE LOVE OF GOD  to us, but only GOD.! That love of GOD  gives us the understanding to the knowledge of GOD !


So what GOD prophesied in Deut 29:4, the blindness in the heart, will end when they learn about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! There are so many other Scripture to prove that the blindness is to not to know the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. If The CREATOR, created or brought forth Adam, … then Adam should be a son to The CREATOR.  This is how JESUS CHRIST the LORD also is a SON to Himself. Heb.  3: 6 says, HE IS A SON TO HIS OWN HOUSE. He created all by HIS WORDS and that begat Him as a SON and also us as sons to HIM! So WE NEVER HAD THIS TRUTH!  if Israel’s eyes are blind to the Old testament, … how could they understand about the New  testament or about GOD ??? So the first step in the Heavenly vision is to OPEN THE EYES. Then the next is :-


to turn them from darkness to light”  When the eyes are opened , then one is turned from darkness to light. !  1  Pet. 2:5-10 says, when Israel stumbled on the WORD of GOD , … JESUS CHRIST the LORD took the Royal Priesthood, out of darkness in to HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT.  That means Israel STUMBLED ON THE WORD of GOD , .. BUT TO GENTILES, IT IS OPENED as the light means the truth, SPIRIT and revelation !!!!  Remember even this happened after The Comforter came! So the WORD of GOD  is
revealed to them, who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE !!! So that is when the TRUE LIGHT
CAME. And it is revealed that JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE FATHER of LIGHTS !!!
This is after the darkness came! That is when one could be turned FROM DARKNESS
to HIS light!  GOD the Father is not prophesied to bring us light ! So Israel is in darkness Spiritually now as they
have GOD the Father as their god, but the gentiles have the light as they have
the GOD of Light in them as their GOD !!!

Mat 4:15  The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; }}}… galilee, is a GENTILE CITY, and JESUS CHRIST the LORD often came to the sea of Galilee to teach. After His death, … HE WENT TO GALILEE. ( please read “Galilee’). Even, nazareth is a city of Galilee. Mat. 21:11.  JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, after He is Risen, … He will go to Galilee.. “But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. “.Mat 26:32. So coming to Galilee means the second time
when HE COMES to Galilee of gentiles. Remember Mal. 1:5? BEYOND Israel as
written above ???


Mat 4:16  The people which sat in darkness saw GREAT LIGHT; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.}}}…as you can see… this DARKNESS is the death. the spiritual death. the Laodicea era is Spiritually dead. And then, OUT OF THIS
THE SECOND TIME.  Rom.  15 ;12 says, the Root of Jesse will RISE to reign gentiles. You NEVER

Isa 63:19  We are from forever; You never ruled over them; Your name was never called on them. }}}… this is AFTER THE GENTILES who are mentioned in the
next verse found the Everlasting FATHER , and Israel does not acknowledge  us.

Isa 63:16  For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us. You, O Jehovah, are our Father, our Redeemer; Your name is from everlasting…}}}… The REDEEMER, that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is our Everlasting FATHER !!!  Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge  us because we are gentiles. Abraham sent the son of Hagar away. So he does not think when he was blessed with the PROMISE, that it would be given to the son whom he cast out !!! So the GOD who never  ruled over you is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. the GOD whose name was never called on you, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!  BUT HE IS OUR Everlasting FATHER !!!  SEE ???  THAT IS CONVERSION !!!  That knowledge , converted us to the true FATHER ! So He rose again to reign over gentiles and we are called by HIS NAME !!! The true CHURCH OF GOD is the body of  CHRIST the LORD, who are the temple as written above, who came out from the sons of disobedience, … and became the sons and daughters  of THE ALMIGHTY !! They are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house, and they have HIM AS THEIR HEAD and they drink and eat from Him !!!


 So when the gentiles were in darkness in death, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s light made them sons of light. That is the FATHER of LIGHTS. HE IS THE GREAT LIGHT which we who are in galilee saw.  And that Light gave them LIFE. He is the LIGHT OF LIFE as John the Baptist said and which we too are saying.


Again it is prophesied. And this SERVANT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND HIS SPIRIT IS GIVEN, TO BRING JUDGMENT TO GENTILES as Isa. 42: 1- 3 says.

Mat 12:18  Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles. }}}.. this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who SPOKE all these about HIS SECOND COMING, when judgment to gentiles is to be given !!! 

Mat 12:19  He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.

Mat 12:20  A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.

Mat 12:21  And in His name shall the Gentiles trust. ! }}}… This is taken from Isa. 42: 1- 3. So He brought the truth or light to gentiles, as HE HAS PROPHESIED. And this time, He will win the victory.  And the gentiles are prophesied to TRUST IN HIM and fulfilled in Eph.  1 : 12-1 3 ! so don’t you think the prophecies about the Times of Gentiles , which is the day of THE LORD also must be fulfilled ??? So as The LORD  said, after His resurrection, He will come to GALILEE OF THE GENTILES, to show HIS LIGHT, .. HE HAS NOW FULFILLED THAT. !!! So that was the darkness and that is how the light came ! Remember when The CREATOR came to create, there was darkness and HE SPOKE and said ‘let there be light’, and light came. !  Same way The LORD  Has spoken ! So the gentiles in galilee, received THE GREAT LIGHT and they have become sons of LIGHT. Then, after opening the eyes, … and giving light , …;-


“and from the power of Satan unto GOD, }}}…and … GOD wanted to turn the gentiles,
from the power of satan to Him first ! From being sons of the devil, to be sons
of GOD! So if it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s will to turn the gentiles from
satan to Him, to the GREAT LIGHT, … as they TRUST IN HIM, … it is they who will
be the sons of LIGHT first. Because, Apostle Paul was TAKEN FROM Israel, TO BE
SENT TO GENTILES !!! and to turn them from satan to Him!  So it is fulfilled.  and again go back to the creation.  There was no satan when Adam the son of GOD
was created. So when that power of satan is turned away, … then we become sons
of GOD again, JUST AS ADAM WAS!!!  .


CHRIST the LORD overcame. He did not give in to satan, but by HIS WORDS, HE
CAST HIM OUT ! He said in the 3rd temptation “
Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt WORSHIP THE LORD THY GOD, AND HIM ONLY shalt thou serve”.. All these years, we
did not know the true GOD or the FATHER to worship Him only. Now as we have
known GOD , we will not  become sons to the devil any more, because our FATHER takes care of us, giving spiritual meat and drink ! So it is satan who kept us from worshiping the true GOD !  Then, when we, turn to GOD from our HEARTS, and receiving the HOLY SPIRIT in the hearts, … there is no place for satan.
Remember the devil, is a curse. So curses will be no more. We proved it is the
evil heart which is the serpent. It is Adam’s lusts which turned him a way from
the true GOD !


But, now that knowledge is given, and that means the power of satan is removed, when WE WORSHIPED HIM as ‘THE ONLY’…. AS THE ONLY GOD.  THIS IS SAID NOT TO SATAN, BUT THOSE WHO HAVE SATAN IN THEM. SO ALL ARE SINNERS, THEN ALL HAVE OR HAD SATAN IN THEM. But now, it is the synagogue of satan, who say they are Jews, who always rejected the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, The ROCK , who have satan in them, and WHO DID NOT WORSHIP AND SERVED THIS ONLY GOD !!!  So now, when we understand this, … we SERVE THIS ONE GOD, AND WORSHIP HIM, as the Everlasting gospel is preached. Rev.  `14: 6- 7. Remember Judah had two gods. Mal. 2: 10-11. Neither they feared this ONE GOD. Mal. 1; 6.  This is why,, Mal. 3: 16-18, those who FEARED THIS ONE GOD, ( Isa. 29: 23, His children) separated and are SERVING HIM as HIS OWN SONS !  That teaches us to serve the ONE GOD, The LORD of HOSTS , WAS HIS NAME KNOWN AT THAT TIME.  So when you worship The LORD  OUR GOD, AND HIM ONLY WE SERVE, … satan is no more in us.  GOD seals us with HIS SPIRIT , and Thereafter , HE WILL REDEEM OUR SOULS. Eph.  1:13.


So the power of satan kept all from worshiping the ONE TRUE GOD, The CREATOR, TILL THE END, when The LORD  came to redeem all. !


When we are converted, we would not eat other men’s bread, but by the word of GOD. what ever JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to cast out satan, we also must do. And HE WILL HELP US TO DO so. So The LORD  did all these in the little children whom HE ANOINTED.


The LORD  showed how we also would be turned back from satan to Him.

Mat 4:4  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God“. }}}… “which GOD Has Spoken the word????? Adam wanted to eat the forbidden fruit to live. Last high priest is eating from a rock. Adam  rejected the WORD of GOD because of the satan in him. Joshua too has satan standing to accuse him.  THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN ALSO REJECTED THE WORD OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BECAUSE THEY TOO HAVE SATAN IN THEM.  and now, the little children are converted to eat by every word comes from The CREATOR’s mouth. 2 cor 10: 5- 6, their obedience is fulfilled and that is why they are being used to avenge the sons of disobedience.


NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD A SINGLE WORD FROM GOD the Father, TO LIVE BY IT !  Remember that. ! If you hear from GOD the Father, you need your hearing or your mind tested.  Unless we hear JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS, YOU HAVE SATAN IN YOU ! This is why Joshua the last high priest has iniquity as he went PASSING JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the words to GOD the Father .  so what did he hear from him ???  NOTHING ! That proves satan stands at his right to accuse him ! Such are the works of the enemy !  And as the sons of GOD, who are given the love of GOD , … must feed the enemy, causing him to live. ! THIS TRUTH ABOUT THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD MUST BE PREACHED SO ALL CAN SERVE AND WORSHIP HIM ONLY AND LIVE BY HIS WORD. ! So as Adam failed to live by every word, now ALL THE BOOKS ARE OPENED in the lake of fire , so all can live by HIS WORD.


We are to live by every word… that is why the little children abide in the WORD of GOD , and are STRONG, because one becomes strong, in the word. Jeol 2: 11.

And the little children are told, as they are strong in the WORD of GOD , they have overcome the wicked one also, as written elsewhere . So you can see them as a sign and a wonder what The LORD  did among them, how He gave the word to them and caused them to overcome. More and more we can see how The LORD  brings us all back to the beginning when all things created were GOOD.  We proved the evil tree will be cut down. The evil tree which all thought to get righteousness is the law as proven in previous writings. So eating from that tree, brought death !


Mat 4:7  Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. }}}… Israel, TEMPTED The LORD , to Mal. 3:15 time, which is to the Laodicea era as written above.  we must not tempt The LORD . WHEN YOU DO NOT TRUST The LORD , we tempt Him. Exo 17 says when the people said no water, .. they tempted The LORD . They said is The LORD  is among us or not, to tempt Him. because when you doubt if The LORD  is among us, it tempts Him because He Has already said He will be with us. So that is to doubt Him. Another incident which they tempted The LORD  is in Num. 13, 14. They thought the land has big people that they cannot enter. They did not trust in The LORD , but what they saw , they trusted more than The LORD ’s words. Num. 14:22 , GOD says they have tempted Him ten times, as they did not hear the word. Read all these Scripture Deu_6:16Psa_78:18Psa_78:41Psa_78:56Psa_95:9Psa_106:14Mal_3:15Act_5:91Co_10:9.


So in this temptation, satan put a doubt in The LORD ’s mind, to tempt GOD to see if GOD will protect Him, ..  after taking Him high in to a pinnacle. Same way, the PROUD tempted The LORD  as written elsewhere in Mal. 3: 15, before the sons feared Him. so these little children and the gentiles obeyed 2 cor 10;5-6, and trust in Him. ! As you can see, what ever The LORD  does to these children, converts them and it will be the same to others as well. That’s why they are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!!


So we must live by every word, … we must not tempt The LORD , .. and we MUST SERVE THE ONE GOD ! it is not possible for us to do it, without having The LORD and His SPIRIT in our hearts!


 It is our own lusts, and pride which kept us from knowing the true GOD. Until that sin is forgiven our hearts were not ready to receive the knowledge of the true GOD to worship Him.  The Everlasting gospel which is preached in judgment in Rev. 14: 6- 7, … no one preached. NOT HWA NOR Gerald Flurry. That is to worship and fear the GOD who MADE all, which means The CREATOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! He is THE ALMIGHTY, and He gave birth to HIS OWN SONS AND DAUGHTERS .  so they preach Him ! We cant turn satan off from us.  JESUS CHRIST the LORD will do it for us. He taught us to pray ‘keep us from evil’.  And 1 sam 2: 8 -9 says, He will keep the feet of the saints. !!! So as you can see… we are being converted back to the beginning, when GOD saw everything He created was GOOD ! So the eyes have to be opened, … then The LORD  will give light, so we can see, … and then we will see how we were sons to the devil. Unless the light, the truth is given, we cannot see our darkness ! So all these, JESUS CHRIST the LORD did among us, having come again! Then, we began to see our SIN of unbelief and not worshiping or obeying the One and ONLY TRUE GOD .  then, we need forgiveness :- (see the process of conversion)?



that they may receive forgiveness of sins,”…}}}…When the eyes are opened, and the light given, all will see as we have caused to see, that we were sons of the devil. Then, we have not worshiped our FATHER The CREATOR. So we need to ask for forgiveness.  But The LORD  has already paid the penalty. That means HE HAS ALREADY FORGIVEN. ! When Adam sinned, he was sent to dust.  And dust means lies.  So what would the lies bring ? Makes us sons of the devil, as the devil is the liar. That BRINGS SPIRITUAL DEATH!  As the end of this age has come, The LORD  reveals these things to convert us to Him.


Unless the sin of Adam in us is forgiven, we cannot be given the knowledge of GOD  about the true FATHER.   WE CANNOT RAISE OURSELVES FROM DUST. So The Comforter came to give the truth. and that truth reveals we were liars. He cut Himself off from man was His judgment !  And this Heavenly vision is for the gentiles to receive FORGIVENESS OF SINS. Remember king David said, blessed is whose sins are forgiven?  So the gentiles received MERCY , and when He sent Apostle Paul, … he was sent to forgive them. That is why, they received the LIGHT the truth. gentiles were not under the law to die WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28.  Those who could not be made righteous by the law also, will be saved when they BELIEVE. Acts. 13: 38-39.  So the gentiles believed, and they are forgiven. Remember Adam’s sin was the UNBELIEF and he had no FAITH IN GOD OR GOD’S WORDS!!!  Therefore, to BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH IN The CREATOR, converts us to Him !!!  That is why Abraham was blessed! So gentiles too are given faith, and they believed.


But The LORD  had to wait till all Israel totally failed.  It was to Jew first and then to gentiles. He knew and proved in His first coming that their hearts are stiff necked as He prophesied from the beginning. So the sin came to the world from Adam, and it is now forgiven and that is why we see Him as HE IS, … AS OUR FATHER and GOD !  from other gods, He took us away to Himself and made us as Adam was ! Just as He took Israel out of Egypt, .. giving meat and drink, … He brought us out of the pollutions of the world, about other gods and idols. Please read “Pollutions of the world”.


All failed in all three lusts as Adam was. We NEVER SAW the truth about the true GOD because of our eyes were blinded.  Then, we never ate from The ROCK, as we went passing Him to GOD the Father to eat and drink.  Then we never obeyed the WORD of GOD , the knowledge of GOD , and exalted ourselves against GOD and His knowledge until The Comforter came and revealed all these . 2 cor 10: 5-6.


So as we failed in all three lusts, we need forgiveness , and then The LORD  , Himself will come in to us and help us to keep His words, … not to tempt Him and to serve HIM WITHOUT FEAR !!! Understand how HE WOULD CONVERT US to serve HIM ONLY, for our own good.


 and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me.”.. . 

Adam’s failure to trust and believe in The CREATOR’s words prove he had no faith in HIM OR HIS WORDS.  if he believed The CREATOR, he would not have eaten from the DEATH TREE.  Failing to obey the words of The CREATOR is disobeying the HOLY SPIRIT, as The CREATOR is the HOLY SPIRIT.  ( remember The Comforter is the HOLY SPIRIT, and it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ). Faith, causes one to TRUST the other. If you have faith in your physical father, then you would believe him and will not disobey. “faith in ME’, says The CREATOR. So now, we know not to have faith in OUR EVIL HEARTS DESIRES, but in The CREATOR as HE TELLS THE TRUTH !  suppose if Adam had not eaten from the wrong tree ?  He would have trusted what The LORD  said and believed and will continue to believe that tree has death in it and will stay away for ever from that tree which bring death ! That is faith. Since we lost that faith, … The CREATOR must once again give it. So now, it is this faith in Him is what sanctifies us as we have failed before.  


If Adam obeyed, then he would have received this inheritance.  It comes from The CREATOR. Now, having faith ‘IN HIM’ will give us this inheritance. ALL Israel HAD FAITH IN GOD the Father and HWA . they trusted their leaders. This is why The LORD  said let no man take your crown.  But you all have lost your crowns. 1 sam 2: 8,  jam 2: 5. all follow their leader’s various teachings.  THAT IS A DEAD FAITH. Because of that, Israel failed to receive their inheritance. GOD’s will was to give the inheritance to gentiles, to whom it is to be preached, … and  by sanctifying them by FAITH IN HIM.   so this sanctification comes from ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, as HE is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  and FAITH ? Heb.  12:2, 2: 10. ! So this FAITH must be given by Him. This is why, the gentiles trust in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and hope to receive the inheritance, as HE HAS GIVEN FAITH, BECAUSE FAITH IS A FREE GIFT. Eph.  2:8. So His children received this faith and they look to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not to GOD the Father. ! GOD the Father whom you say is your GOD, CANNOT GIVE YOU THIS FAITH TO PLEASE GOD !!! This is clearly revealed now.


Eph 1:15  Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus

Eph 1:17  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:

Eph 1:18  The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, }}}… see ???  It was The LORD ’s will for the gentiles to have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. you went passing Him. that proves you have no faith in Him. !  so that is when the wisdom, revelation about the knowledge of GOD  which is about JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given with the opened eyes to see the calling and the INHERITANCE !!! When you receive the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you know your inheritance. That is to inherit Him, as Gen. 15: 1 says, which was promised to Abraham. That is why HE IS IN THE GENTILES, Col. 1: 27 and they are the little children. 1 John 4:4. !


Apostle Paul preached the same to Jews and to gentiles.

Act 20:21  Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ}}}… CHRIST the LORD is the GOD , The CREATOR , against Whom we sinned. And we must repent before Him and faith in Him also.

Act 20:24  But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. }}}….Grace, and FAITH. It is because of grace, this faith is given as proven in previous writings. And the apostles also were called, after they obeyed faith for HIS NAME as written above in Rom.  1: 5-7. ! Read Rom.  4; 16… by grace and faith, promise is given . By faith, we receive grace. Rom.  5:2.  Rom_12:6,  2Co_8:7,  1Ti_1:14, 

Act 20:25  And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more.

Act 20:32  And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified..}}}…Grace, to give an inheritance given and we are sanctified to receive it by faith. So Apostle Paul preached about grace and faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD to both Jews and to gentiles. ! But Jews became a synagogue of satan as they do not have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but the gentiles having faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, inherited HIM. Col. 1: 27 !!! That is how, at the same time, Colossians and Laodiceans were divided !!! Those who served The LORD , and who did not as Mal. 3: 15-18,  Rom.  16 as written above ! The wheat and the tares. !


So Israel never had faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD to give them an inheritance as they worshiped and went passing Him to GOD the Father ! So gentiles, now are given faith , after Israel is cut off. Rom.  11: 20. And as they are freely forgiven, they are the just who shall live by faith. ! So that is the Covenant which JESUS CHRIST the LORD had promised, as written above, … when the Scripture said “law is not of faith’ and the faith was shut up, when the law was in force’. “But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.”. This should be very clear now. The law cannot receive faith to be justified and live , but must end in death, as the law was given to condemn and not to get righteousness as proven in previous writings !!! AS YOU CAN SEE… ALL THINGS ARE MADE NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING !!! Faith pleases GOD. faith causes us to cease our works and enter in to the Glorious Rest. But to Israel it was first preached and they failed to enter in to the rest and to cease or end their works , and there is another rest for them. And the words are finished from the foundation of the world. 


Heb 4:2  For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.}}}… so the word preached, did not profit Israel, as they were not given this faith as they are NOT UNDER THE Covenant OF PROMISE BY FAITH. “For the promise was not through Law to Abraham, or to his seed, for him to be the heir of the world, but through a righteousness of faith.” Rom.  4: 13.  The PROMISE, will NOT come by the law to Abraham or to his seed , who are Israel. ! But it will come through the righteousness of faith , but faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.!  Why those of the law cannot receive the promise ???  Because, they trusted in the law to be justified, which means get righteousness . But the law could not make anyone righteous. But faith justifies one as they look to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to justify them or make them righteous, which is the right way according to the WORD of GOD . It was a schoolmaster to BRING TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  but it failed !!!  So the promise is given by faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


Faith causes  to trust in The LORD , and the law causes one to trust in themselves as proven in previous writings. Faith trusts JESUS CHRIST the LORD to make them righteous, while the law makes one to trust in their OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS. !


This is why, the law and faith are TWO Covenants.  The righteousness of faith comes only by JESUS CHRIST the LORD as written above. And it is given to those who are SANCTIFIED TO RECEIVE IT FIRST, to gentiles. JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  and FAITH. Then, unless one goes to HIM TO GET THEM, WOULD HE GIVE IT ? Since Israel failed, … it came to gentiles by MERCY.  if GOD gave everlasting life to those of the law, … they have something to boast about. They are already boasting about their law keeping. So Israel was first preached, but since they neither believed, nor are given faith , they could not enter in. there is another Sabbath for them.


So those who BELIEVED, now have entered in to the rest. But those who did not believe, have GOD’s wrath and stopped them from entering.

Heb 4:3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in My wrath, if they shall enter into My rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. }}}… So when the BELIEVERS ENTERED in to the rest, .. the WORKS ARE FINISHED FROM FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD !  Our destiny which GOD pictured in the Covenant with JACOB, over the stone of destiny, … is to be in HIS HOUSE IN HEAVEN. REMEMBER THE House of GOD ???  So the Promised land is where JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house is now. Heb.  3:6.  He said in My FATHER’s house, there are many offices and I will go and come and receive you to MYSELF !   And this is when the FATHER BRINGS THE CHILDREN HOME TO HIM, … THE WORKS ENDS.  Suppose if Adam did not fail ; would he not be with The CREATOR ??? So when you are converted, you will be back WITH THE GOD WHO CREATED OR FATHERED YOU ! Remember, even the first time, when Israel was coming to the Promised land, … those who did not believe were destroyed including Moses and Aaron ? Num. 20:12 ?? So it is now also. Only the little children were brought in first. But now, all will be made new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR. ! Remember Abraham looked for the city where The MAKER is. That is where The CREATOR Is. And he looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day. John 8: 56. So that is where we all should be.


That is the true conversion, to be with the FATHER. If Adam had obeyed, then The CREATOR will be his FATHER ! But when you are converted to Him to The Husband , you also will call Him my “FATHER” ! ! Jer. 3: 19-20. And v 15, are the shepherds who teach that !


So from Adam’s time unto the Laodicea era, GOD tried to get all to believe in Him, that HE IS THE TRUE GOD. This is how one is converted.  When the revelation is given about the FATHER, and worshiping Him means the works are ended. This is why in the book of Malachi, at the end of it, says Elijah will come and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER. ! And Malachi condemns the Levitical ministry for not honoring Him as the FATHER.  Then, when we understand that, we will honor Him as the FATHER. That turns the hearts to the TRUE FATHER, who is The LORD of HOSTS , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So the believers entered in to the rest. And they are identified as The ROCK’s children. That is why they are a sign and a wonder in Israel. !!!


Heb 4:6  Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: }}}… So there is another rest for those to whom it was FIRST preached, but because of UNBELIEF, they could not enter.  Even Moses was not allowed to enter because he did not believe The LORD  once. Num. 20:12.  So would GOD allow Israel to enter in, when they do not also believe in Him ???  So Israel neither had faith nor belief.



Heb 4:8  For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

Heb 4:9  There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God}}} group has already entered by believing and finished the works.  Then the other as they did not believe nor had faith, could not enter.  So GOD is working with them to bring them as well. !  They must see the sign and a wonder, who is CHRIST and HIS children , … FATHER and sons !!!!  understand the TWO Covenants??? Law and faith !


Rom 3:28  Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Rom 3:29  Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: }}}… GOD , is the GOD of the gentiles also. So He purposed to justify the gentiles, by faith! That is the Heavenly vision which converts one to HIMSELF!



Then, when one ENTERS, … in to HIS REST, … they CEASE or end their works and The LORD  has ended His work in that person as well.  That means when one believes, and have faith in  CHRIST the LORD to do all things, including giving righteousness and faith in Him, … HE TAKES OVER that person and come in to Him and FINISH THE FAITH, as He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of faith !!! So JESUS CHRIST the LORD began faith in gentiles, and also will finish it, as they have entered in to the rest !!!

Heb 4:10  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own worksAS GOD DID FROM HIS. }}}.. “ AS GOD DID FROM HIS”….When we believe, … we enter in to GOD’s rest. That is the Sabbath , which identifies the true GOD and His sons or people!!!!   Then,  GOD rests from His works, and those who entered also cease their works. So when we believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD and our FATHER… WE HAVE ENTERED IN TO THE Promised land ! THE WORKS ENDS. This is why, the knowledge of GOD  is given in the very end with faith in Him  etc. so the Heavenly vision is about converting one to the beginning. !



Therefore, when we believe, we enter in to the REST. And from the foundation of the world, GOD Has been trying to get us to believe in Him. !  So that ends the works. That MEANS THE Sabbath, REST !!!

The WORD of GOD  is quick… means gives life.  and it divides the soul and the SPIRIT to discern the thoughts and the intent of the heart. !

Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. }}}… those who received the WORD of GOD , which is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, received THE QUICKENING, and others have their souls pierced to reveal their hidden counsels.


Then, understanding this, one must come before the THRONE OF GRACE to obtain mercy as HIS MERCY ONLY WILL SAVE ONE !  Everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD ! John 17: 3. So GOD kept that knowledge till the end of the judgments.

Heb 4:16  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. }}}… these little children who are saved by grace now declares all to come before the throne of grace.  Remember, after the treading down by the two witnesses, … the Ark of the Covenant is seen in HEAVEN, where the MERCY SEAT IS. At that time, all Israel are dead. And to judge the dead, the truth must be revealed.


Read Rev. 11: 18-19 ! And the temple of GOD is in HEAVEN. remember the end of the stone of destiny ??? So as the high priest replaced it, they failed to reach their destiny! So it is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who pours His wrath. Heb.  10:28 says, two witnesses will condemn all those who are under the law to death, without mercy first. Then, the DEAD will be judged.

Rev 11:17  Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

Rev 11:18  And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Rev 11:19  And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. }}}… as Mal. 3: 16-18 says, … those who FEARED The LORD  are rewarded, and others who did not fear, are dead. So the Ark of the Covenant’s works , which is the mercy seat works are to be done, after the death of Israel. ! Rev. 20:12 also says the DEAD are called to the White Throne. That is where the light will be given to them as proven !  To do the work of the Ark of the Covenant, JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes in the last days to teach, and to do the work of the high priest , AFTER ALL THE high priests are fallen and when the law and the priesthood needs to be changed. But no one can see Him doing these things, but trust the WORD of GOD  , written in the book of Hebrews. There is a time for the Levitical ministry , and the high priest to be changed. So accept the WORD of GOD  and understand that the present ministry must be stopped at one point as prophesied !  And then, prayers of the saints (those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the new Royal Priesthood , Mal. 1:11) are received in the golden altar in heaven. !


Then, this LORD who has the Glorious Rest is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the same GOD, The ROCK.  And GOD gave the Sabbath sign, to identify the true GOD, The ROCK and His sons. Now, that is fulfilled. this is why Isa. 8: 18 says, CHRIST and HIS children  … are a sign and a wonder in Israel.


True Sabbath, IDENTIFIES The CREATOR as GOD… !!! The LORD  SANCTIFIED the Sabbath as a REST from works. And that was The CREATOR. Entering in to the rest, … proves the TRUE GOD IS The CREATOR who rested AND HIS SONS WHO ALSO rest from their works.

Gen 2:1  Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

Gen 2:2  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

Gen 2:3  And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. }}}… 7th day, and now the 7th and final era. So The LORD caused the believers to enter in to HIS REST, WHERE HIS HOUSE IS !!!!


“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them”

Now, Spiritually also on the 6th day, LORD finished the works. Remember in the 6th era, the synagogue of satan who DENIED HIS NAME and those who DID NOT DENY HIS NAME ARE separated ?  Then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD brought those who DID NOT DENY HIS NAME but BELIEVED IN HIS NAME to HIS HOME TO HIS HOUSE, WHERE IN HEAVEN. ( remember Zion was in heaven and cast down lam 2:1). As the stone of destiny pictured, The LORD  Has fulfilled His promise to JACOB, by bringing the ADOPTED donkey and the ass to His house in Gen. 49:8-12. And those who did NOT BELIEVE are thrown out of heaven, as JACOB saw, angels are going UP, and DOWN.



“have believed do enter into rest, .. the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

he that is ENTERED INTO HIS RESThe also hath ceased from his own worksAS GOD DID FROM HIS.”.

So The LORD  brought BELIEVERS  to HEAVEN to HIS HOUSE , is  THE HEAVENS, … and those who are thrown out of heaven to earth, who is Zion, became the earth! Now it is FINISHED. That is the HEAVEN AND EARTH and the HOSTS in HEAVEN and earth.  So The LORD finished creating the HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, BY HIS WORDS,  OR Spiritually, ONCE AGAIN!!!

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them!


he that is ENTERED INTO HIS RESThe also hath ceased from his own worksAS GOD DID FROM HIS.”.  This means The CREATOR wanted us to BELIEVE HIM. all these years, no one believed Him. all had other gods.



Sabbath, the 7th day, GOD SANCTIFIED as a rest , to show us when the works are finished, it is the true rest. That is where The CREATOR Is. GOD knows the end from the beginning, so He gave the sign of Sabbath, when one FINISHES their works The CREATOR and His sons also will be resting. Even though it began from The CREATION, later on it is given to Israel. BUT, THEY could NEVER REST as they did not believe The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK WHO GAVE IT, who is also The LORD of Sabbath ! Even though The LORD  SANCTIFIED this day back in the creation, … it will be fulfilled only when one enters in to the rest. Only the SANCTIFIED children who entered first and are with Him in the rest.


And the Sabbath is given as a SIGN between The ROCK and Israel, from the creation.

Exo 31:16  Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

Exo 31:17  It is a SIGN BETWEEN ME AND THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day HE RESTED, AND WAS REFRESHED}}}…SO GOD REMINDED Israel, THAT HE RESTED ON THE Sabbath AND THEN GAVE THE Sabbath SIGN. So it WAS MADE, FROM THE BEGINNING, IN CREATION. So the Sabbath, was made for man !!! But man never worshiped The LORD of Sabbath!

it is to be a Covenant … Sabbath is a Covenant. GOD’s part is to bring us to Him, and our part is to worship Him and acknowledge  Him as our ONLY GOD and to serve Him and BELIEVED Him, to enter.


. 6 days The LORD  worked and 7th day is to rest. So if Israel has worshiped The ROCK, … they would have entered in to the SANCTIFIED Sabbath to be identified as The ROCK’s children. ! By failing to rest for The CREATOR , The ROCK who gave it, … proves THEY HAVE NOT BELIEVED The CREATOR OR The ROCK , THE GOD OF Israel !  if they kept it to honor Him, … then they would have been Israel of GOD. This is why, those who believed Him, are caused to enter in to the Sabbath rest, and are identified as His sons and are called Israel of GOD !!!  . They are the ones who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who are called the ‘Israel of GOD’. Gal. 6: 15 -16 !


SO NOT EVEN THE Sabbath REST, is BELIEVED as they served other gods on Sabbaths of The CREATOR, The ROCK, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


Sabbath, proves “The CREATOR” AS OUR GOD !!!


Israel did not believe they are resting for JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! This is why The LORD  said that He will cause solemn assemblies and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion ! lam 2:6, that is after she is cast down from heaven as v 1 says !!! The Sabbath Covenant also is broken by Israel as they replaced the stone of destiny. Their potential is to be in the House of GOD in heaven.  so they are thrown down from heaven and her Sabbaths are not kept for the true CREATOR GOD or the FATHER !



When GOD created the Sabbath, …. There were no Israel or gentiles separated. all were one till the law Covenant came.


GOD reminds them about Sabbath in Ezekiel’s time also.

Eze 20:12  Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign
between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them
}}}… it is still the same GOD ; The CREATOR who spoke with Ezekiel as well even though Ezekiel did not know Him. So The LORD  is reminding them, about the GOD who SANCTIFY them.  If you worship GOD the Father on Sabbath, …
would JESUS CHRIST the LORD sanctify you as HIS PEOPLE ??? This is why, He
sanctified other children to Himself ! 2 Thess. 2: 13. Gentiles are SANCTIFIED to believe.  little children are anointed to learn from Him. And they are sanctified by the TRUTH.


I gave them My sabbaths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify”..}}}… so it is The CREATOR who rested on Sabbath, sanctifies us. And if any one had worshiped Him on the Sabbath, and believed Him, .. then they are THE SANCTIFIED ones. So there are NO TWO GODS as creators. And The CREATOR is the GOD who SANCTIFIED US. And who believed Him
and honored Him on Sabbath ???  It is the little children who have HIM IN THEM, AND WHO ARE IN HEAVEN. remember Luk. 10: 19-22… these babes to whom the secrets revealed, .. about GODHEAD, the FATHER and The SON, … have their NAMES WRITTEN IN HEAVEN !!! So they are THE
rest !!! So according to the Heavenly vision, they are sanctified by faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!


When we are IN… IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, He is our sanctification ! So GOD chose the base things
to sanctify as the wise did not sanctify Him ! They are the little children .

1Co 1:28  And base things of the world, and things
which are despised, hath God chosen, yea,
and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

1Co 1:29  That no flesh should glory in his presence.

1Co 1:30  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom,
and righteousness, and
sanctification, and redemption:}}}… so all these were given to those who are sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! They are the little children, who are humble, and
are converted as The LORD  said.  


The kingdom belongs only to the CONVERTED, HUMBLE ones. So till now, no leader is converted as this
little children !  In other words, JESUS
CHRIST the LORD sanctified these little children to be in HIS KINGDOM as judges
as written above. !

Mat 18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye beconverted, and become as little children, ye shall
not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little
, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD knew what HE PROPHESIED. He knew, one day HE, HIMSELF WILL TEACH THESE CHILDREN AND ANOINTED THEM TO TEACH ALL TRUTH. Read 1 John 2.  These children are given the truth. that means The Comforter or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or the HOLY SPIRIT came to them.
And that is why they glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD . Remember the babes
perfected the praise> Psa. 8: 2 ? SO HE CONVERTED THEM first. THEY ARE HIS
DISCIPLES. Mat. 10: 42.  If they are the finger of GOD, then they are HIS OWN!


One is sanctified by and to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Then GOD says, when you are sanctified, abstain from fornication. That means if you are sanctified to be with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. Do not go after other gods. And such who commit fornication, … who is the wife of CHRIST The LORD , … are like gentiles , who DO NOT KNOW GOD.  or do not know the true GOD, or The Husband. ! Specially, if you have NOT KEPT Sabbath NOR ENTERED IN TO THE REST AS WRITTEN ABOVE, ..FOR The CREATOR, who sanctified that day, … you have committed fornication. And GOD considers you as that you have NOT KNOWN GOD. If you had known that The CREATOR is the only GOD, and it is He who wants us to be WITH HIM ON Sabbath, BELIEVING THAT HE IS OUR GOD AND FATHER, … THEN you know Him. if not, you are like gentiles who have not known GOD.

1Th 4:3  For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:

1Th 4:4  That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;

1Th 4:5  Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:…}}}… if you have known other gods, .. you have committed fornication and you have not kept your sanctification. That means if you have kept Sabbath for other gods, other than The CREATOR, The ROCK who gave it, … you have lost your sanctification as the people of the true GOD. ! So here , ‘gentiles’ are defined as NOT KNOWING THE TRUE GOD.  then who are the gentiles now ?  It is all Israel who do not know their GOD of Sabbath and failed to be identified as HIS PEOPLE AS THEY DO NOT KNOW HIM , and failed to KEEP THEIR SANCTIFICATION !!!  Remember the fire comes to those who do not know The LORD  , His name as proven in previous writings ???  So such will be put in the lake of fire , where the word of GOD , the fire is. Joshua also will be in it.


“this is the will of God, even your sanctification.., ;which know not God:”. ??? This means, one is sanctified, to KNOW GOD ! So we are sanctified by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … to know HIM !  even 2 Thess. 2; 13 says, sanctified to believe in Spirit and Truth !!!  That is The Comforter. If we are to know GOD the Father, then he should sanctify us to himself. ! Israel was sanctified , the Levitical ministry was sanctified to The CREATOR, The ROCK. But they failed to drink and eat from Him. So those who did not know JESUS CHRIST the LORD, have committed fornication against The Husband, as they had other gods ! Such loses their sanctification. !


The Tabernacle is to be sanctified by GOD’S GLORY.! Is this about GOD the Father? Has any one seen the glory of GOD the Father ???  This is The ROCK, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who says, HIS GLORY will sanctify all. But, HIS GLORY WAS TAKEN AWAY FOR EVER …

Exo_29:43  And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and the TABERNACLE SHALL BE SANCTIFIED BY MY GLORY.

It is The LORD ’s glory, which sanctifies the Tabernacle. And then, when it happens, The LORD  comes to MEET THE PEOPLE ! This is why, The LORD  comes as The Comforter to glorify Himself , so He can be with us ! But the wife of CHRIST The LORD  lost The LORD ’s glory as written below…



And the last time Israel lost their sanctification , is when they went to ‘BAMAH”. Please read ‘the bamah matter’. LORD says, HIS GLORY WAS TAKEN away for ever!

Eze 20:29  Then I said unto them, What is the high place whereunto ye go? And the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day. }}}.. Bamah is the place the last high priest committed fornication against The Husband, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when he brought UN- BAPTISED in to the Sanctuary, which is the ministry and polluted the Sanctuary.


 All proven in our web site. So Gerald Flurry should remember how he allowed the RD in this area to bring UN- baptised in to the ministry, and then hid the matter when we gave him the knowledge about it with documents and photos which any one can see in our web site. . He will remember 2003 Dec, when he disfellowshipped the ones who brought this matter in to his attention. He took the RD’s side and cast us out.  LITTLE DID HE KNOW, THAT IT WAS THE GOD WHO WAS SENDING US TO HIM !  When king David committed adultery and murder, .. another was sent to tell him about his sin.  Same way, GOD sent her instructions about this matter. Zeph. 3 says, he did not receive instructions. On the day of THE LORD, is when the gentiles works for The LORD as it is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. !  So GOD caused us to witness the Covenant breaking sin. This is no other Covenant, but the Marriage Covenant and the Sabbath Covenant. Zech. 11;10-11 , we knew the WORD of GOD as GOD showed that it is wrong to keep Passover with  UN- baptised. And we brought the matter in to the high priest’s attention and he concealed the matter from all, by casting us out as Micah 2:9 says, they took the glory of GOD away for ever. That is the cut off point of all Israel , even though they do not know it.  and as GOD is serious over this matter, … He struck his wife on the same week.  On the 30the dec, that year, we received the new about Mrs Flurry’s stroke. !  as I remember, she dies on the sept 5th, which is their 40th wedding anniversary !!!  GOD took Ezekiel’s desire away as said in Eze. 24 ! Thereafter, they had PHYSICAL glory, but The LORD  took away HIS GLORY FOR EVER FROM THEM. Remember it was a woman who brought this to his attention. And Micah 2:9


Mic 2:9  The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye TAKEN AWAY MY GLORY FOR EVER.

Mic 2:10  Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. }}}… GOD tells us to ‘ARISE AND DEPART’ .  But from where ???  This is the wife of CHRIST The LORD who does all these evil things against The LORD  and His people.!  So GOD tells us to depart from HIS OWN WIFE ! when the women came to Gerald Flurry to tell about what happened in the south east asian church, or what the RD did here, he gave a blind eye to our complaints and cast us out the church.  That is the cut off point of the last church. Thereafter, The ROCK did not stay with Israel, but left , taking those who AROSE AND DEPARTED from her as 2 cor 6:17-19 says and they are received as sons and daughters  !


Eze. 24: 21- 23 says, they are to keep their turbans , meaning you keep your priesthood, .. but you will waste away.  Ever since 2003, GOD is revealing things to us. Now where is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK, the GOD of Israel ???  Is He in any of the churches of GOD ? Eze. 16 condemns them all, but condemns PCG most in v 52, as the WORST one. So PCG is totally Spiritually bankrupt ! Physically she is rich, but naked Spiritually and if GOD allows, physically also she will go bankrupt as she lusts physical things. then if GOD takes them away, she will see physically also she is poor and will seek GOD. The exalted must be humbled in order to exalt JESUS CHRIST the LORD, so all could be gathered as written above. So Israel lost GOD’s glory for ever.

Then, as GOD created male and female to equally receive grace, now, IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BOTH WILL BE THE SAME. This is why, The LORD gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD to a DAUGHTER, Zeph. 3-9-10,

Gen 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. }}}…But we know the woman was cursed and The Husband is to rule over her.  But in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, that is reversed now, as it is the women who went after JESUS CHRIST the LORD, even as in His first time it was the women who were with Him at HIS DEATH, and even in the resurrection ! Isa. 27: 11,  3: 12,  Micah 5: 5- 6 , Jer. 8: 19-20,  Jer. 16: 19 , Zeph. 3:9-10, etc are about these women who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD who received the word.


Zeph. 3: , GOD gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. at that time, GOD says, HE SENT INSTRUCTIONS, but the wife did not receive. V 1- 4. V 7, And when The LORD  pours HIS JEALOUSY, … in His jealousy, He gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD to gentiles, instead of to Israel. GOD said in Deut.  32, He will raise up a foolish nation. So the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD given means, The LORD  revealed Himself, so we can call upon His name with one consent. That means to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD! We too were worshiping GOD the Father. and that is the LORD’s Holy Mountain … and they are the remnant of Israel , who does not speak lies… and has no iniquity. That is because they know the true GOD and worship Him. But after that, The LORD  takes away the judgments, because the gentiles believed Him and worship and obey Him as written elsewhere in this writing, .. so HE IS JUSTIFIED, SANCTIFIED and glorified. Finally, He brought some to BELIEVE IN HIM AND HAVE FAITH AND TRUST IN HIM even this chapter says. !  So as written elsewhere in this writing, the gentiles became the seed of Abraham.


Who truly are the seed of Abraham ?  as written above, Gal. 6: 15-16 says, those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are Israel of GOD. SO WOMEN AMONG THE GENTILES BECAME NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , after receiving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD !!! and this Scripture says, IF YOU ARE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are Abraham’s seed And you receive THE PROMISE. This is why, these children the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD have entered in to the Sabbath  by believing and having faith, … and are identified as The LORD of HOSTS  and His children as proven above !


So the children of GOD must have FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That means they are baptized in to Him and HAVE PUT ON HIM. that means they have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR.

Gal 3:26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus}}}… if we are sons of GOD having faith in  CHRIST the LORD, then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER. Why else we have faith in Him and call some other, ‘FATHER’?


We need to PUT ON  CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father.

Gal 3:27  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Gal 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one IN CHRIST JESUS}}}… no male or female, as it was in the beginning , GOD created male and female, so it is now also , at HIS COMING. This is possible only now, as the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD is revealed and He Is glorified.


So, ‘by faith in CHRIST JESUS, Be baptised in to CHRIST, .. and PUT ON CHIRST, And be ONE IN CHRIST JESUS !!!




And the last time Israel lost their sanctification , is when they went to
‘BAMAH”. Please read ‘
the bamah matter’. LORD says, HIS GLORY WAS TAKEN away for ever!

Eze 20:29  Then I said unto them, What is the high place whereunto ye go?
And the name thereof is called Bamah
unto this day.
}}}.. Bamah is the place the last high priest committed
fornication against The Husband, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when he brought UN-
BAPTISED in to the Sanctuary, which is the ministry and polluted the Sanctuary.



 All proven in our web site. So Gerald Flurry
should remember how he allowed the RD in this area to bring UN- baptised in to
the ministry, and then hid the matter when we gave him the knowledge about it
with documents and photos which any one can see in our web site. . He will remember 2003 Dec, when he disfellowshipped
the ones who brought this matter in to his attention. He took the RD’s side and
When king David committed adultery and murder, .. another was sent to
tell him about his sin.  Same way, GOD
sent her instructions about this matter. Zeph. 3 says, he did not receive
instructions. On the day of THE LORD, is when the gentiles works for The LORD
as it is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. !
So GOD caused us to witness the Covenant breaking sin. This is no other
Covenant, but the Marriage Covenant and the Sabbath Covenant. Zech. 11;10-11 ,
we knew the WORD of GOD as GOD showed that it is wrong to keep Passover
with  UN- baptised. And we brought the
matter in to the high priest’s attention and he concealed the matter from all,
by casting us out as Micah 2:9 says, they took the glory of GOD away for ever.
That is the cut off point of all Israel , even though they do not know it.  and as GOD is serious over this matter, … He
struck his wife on the same week.  On the
30the dec, that year, we received the new about Mrs Flurry’s stroke. !  as I remember, she dies on the sept 5th,
which is their 40th wedding anniversary !!!  GOD took Ezekiel’s desire away as said in
Eze. 24 ! Thereafter, they had PHYSICAL glory, but The LORD  took away HIS GLORY FOR EVER FROM THEM.
Remember it was a woman who brought this to his attention. And Micah 2:9


Mic 2:9  The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye TAKEN AWAY MY GLORY FOR EVER.

Mic 2:10  Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it
shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.
}}}… GOD tells us to
‘ARISE AND DEPART’ .  But from where ???  This is the wife of CHRIST The LORD
who does all these evil things against The LORD and His people.!  So GOD tells us
to depart from HIS OWN WIFE ! when the women came to Gerald Flurry to tell
about what happened in the south east asian church, or what the RD did here, he
gave a blind eye to our complaints and cast us out the church.  That is the cut off point of the last church.
Thereafter, The ROCK did not stay with Israel, but left , taking those who
AROSE AND DEPARTED from her as 2 cor 6:17-19 says and they are received as sons
and daughters  !


Eze. 24: 21- 23 says, they are to keep their turbans , meaning you keep your priesthood, .. but you
will waste away.  Ever since 2003, GOD is revealing things to us. Now where is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK, the GOD of Israel ???  Is He in any of the
churches of GOD ? Eze. 16 condemns them all, but condemns PCG most in v 52, as
the WORST one. So PCG is totally Spiritually bankrupt ! Physically she is rich,
but naked Spiritually and if GOD allows, physically also she will go bankrupt
as she lusts physical things. then if GOD takes them away, she will see
physically also she is poor and will seek GOD. The exalted must be humbled in
order to exalt JESUS CHRIST the LORD, so all could be gathered as written above.
So Israel lost GOD’s glory for ever.


Then, as GOD created male and female to equally receive grace, now, IN
JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BOTH WILL BE THE SAME. This is why, The LORD gave the
clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD to a DAUGHTER, Zeph. 3-9-10,

Gen 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female c
reated he them.
}}}…But we know the
woman was cursed and The Husband is to rule over her.  But in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, that is
reversed now, as it is the women who went after JESUS CHRIST the LORD, even as
in His first time it was the women who were with Him at HIS DEATH, and even in
the resurrection ! Isa. 27: 11,  3:12,  Micah 5: 5- 6 , Jer. 8: 19-20,  Jer. 16: 19 , Zeph. 3:9-10, etc are about
these women who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD who received the word.


Zeph. 3: , GOD gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. at that time, GOD says, HE SENT INSTRUCTIONS, but the wife did not receive. V 1- 4. V 7, And when The LORD
pours HIS JEALOUSY, … in His jealousy, He gave the clear lip to call
upon the NAME of THE LORD to gentiles, instead of to Israel. GOD said in
Deut.  32, He will raise up a foolish nation. So the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD given means, The LORD  revealed Himself, so we can call upon His name with one consent. That means to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD!
We too were worshiping GOD the Father. and that is the LORD’s Holy Mountain …
and they are the remnant of Israel , who does not speak lies… and has no iniquity.
That is because they know the true GOD and worship Him. But after that, The
LORD  takes away the judgments, because
the gentiles believed Him and worship and obey Him as written elsewhere in this
writing, .. so HE IS JUSTIFIED, SANCTIFIED and glorified. Finally, He brought
some to BELIEVE IN HIM AND HAVE FAITH AND TRUST IN HIM even this chapter says.
!  So as written elsewhere in this writing, the gentiles became the seed of Abraham.


Who truly are the seed of Abraham ?  as written above, Gal. 6: 15-16 says, those who are in JESUS CHRIST the
LORD, are Israel of GOD. SO WOMEN AMONG THE GENTILES BECAME NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , after receiving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD !!! and this Scripture says, IF YOU
ARE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are Abraham’s seed And you receive
THE PROMISE. This is why, these children the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the
LORD have entered in to the Sabbath  by believing and having faith, … and are identified as The LORD of HOSTS  and His children as proven above !


So the children of GOD must have FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That means they are baptized in
to Him and HAVE PUT ON HIM. that means they have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the

Gal 3:26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
}}}… if we are sons of GOD having faith in  CHRIST the LORD, then HE SHOULD BE OUR
FATHER. Why else we have faith in Him and call some other, ‘FATHER’?


We need to PUT ON CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father.

Gal 3:27  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on

Gal 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither
bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one
IN CHRIST JESUS. }}}… no male or female, as it was in the beginning , GOD created male and female, so it is now
also , at HIS COMING. This is possible only now, as the truth about JESUS
CHRIST the LORD is revealed and He Is glorified.


So, ‘by faith in CHRIST JESUS, Be baptised in to CHRIST, .. and PUT ON CHIRST,


48 b

Then, if you are CHRIST’S, you are Abraham’s seed and
heirs according to the promise. So the promise is given, ONLY IF YOU ARE
CHRIST’S !!! How many people in the churches of GOD can say, they are CHRIST’s

Gal 3:29  And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed
, and heirs according to the promise.}}}… so THE PROMISE OF Abraham comes ONLY , IF YOU ARE CHRIST’S !!!  This is why, as the gentiles are in  CHRIST the LORD, … they
received the PROMISE !


All the churches of GOD are boasting they have Abraham as
their father and have blessings of Abraham.
But Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day. John 8:56 and he was
met by THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Exo 6: 3. But Abraham’s seed


so these seed of Abraham, are in  CHRIST the LORD, … and HE IS IN THEM.
!!!  Wonderfully Sabbath is fulfilled,
identifying the One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND HIS PEOPLE, Israel of GOD or the seed
of Abraham !!!   the first reward which Abraham was promised is Gen. 15: 1, The LORD , Himself as proven in previous writings. So that , and faith and belief caused this Abraham’s seed to enter in
to the Glorious Rest , finishing their works ! as written above, Heb.  4 says Abraham’s seed failed to have faith
and belief which stopped them from entering in, and they have another
Sabbath  !  So this is why, The LORD  is sending these words to them, so they too
can enter and to be with  CHRIST the LORD
!  This is the way The LORD  shuts up the mouth as He said. Eze. 16: 60-63,
and that is why THE LAW was given. They will see they never feared GOD, and the
law was given to shut their mouths. This is the Covenant for Isaac.


Rom 3:18  There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Rom 3:19  Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it
saith to them who are under the law: that 
every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. }}}… the law ends up in death, without mercy as
proven above .  that is their Covenant.
That Covenant is to end. And the new Covenant is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD,
after He redeems all by His blood , which is at the end of the age. Heb.  9: 25- 28. Then, they are to die without
mercy. Heb.  10: 28. And when their eyes
are opened, they will see that their GOD is The ROCK and will seek Him. Psa.
78: 34-35. Thereafter the law will not rule over them, Rom.  7: 1, but The LORD  will. !!!


“children of God by faith in Christ Jesus”…

neither male nor female: for ye are all one IN CHRIST JESUS.

if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed”.

Could Gerald Flurry or any leader in any of the so called churches of GOD, say I AM CHRIST’S ??? You never had faith in  CHRIST the LORD,  you never put on  CHRIST the LORD, .. you were never be  CHRIST the LORD’S , you never were baptised in to  CHRIST the LORD !!! So how could you be Abraham’s seed ??? You say you are Jews… but DO LIE !!! You have no works of Abraham… no faith, no belief, neither you looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day as Abraham did !!! (John 8:54-56, but you looked for GOD the
Father’s day. So you are NOBODIES ! Only GOD’s mercy will save you now. 


“Children of GOD by FAITH IN  CHRIST the LORD”… this is the Heavenly vision. (Israel is cut off from faith Rom.  11: 20) JESUS CHRIST the LORD wanted to make gentiles, HIS SONS as well, and that is why He gave the Heavenly vision to Apostle Paul.   THAT Heavenly vision IS NOW FULFILLED AS WE HAVE BECOME JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SONS. And we are the seed of Abraham , who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! And we are identified as the sons of the TRUE GOD who gave Sabbath !!! the rest is in GOD the Father.
They worship him, they keep Sabbath for him. !!

Remember, according to the HEAVENLY VISION, IT IS TO THE GENTILES, TO WHOM THE FAITH IS GIVEN. And Israel is cut off from faith. Rom 11:20. And HE IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH. heb 12:2. Then, HE must give faith and end our faith. ! And GF taught to go pass HIm and go to god the father, who would not give faith to anyone. ! But the gentiles went to HIm, as it was HIS PLAN ! AS IT IS WRITTEN IT MUST BE FULFILLED ! 


To this day, Isaac’s children have not become the sons of GOD for ever.  They were, but they gave up their inheritance by sinning against The LORD  by rejecting Him, and not building on Him as the Chief Corner Stone , and stumbled on Him and His word as proven above !!! So the Covenant by the law, ends in death
under the two witnesses.



‘IF YOU BE CHRIST’S”… proves those who are in Him, have received the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, The LORD , HIMSELF, the promise to Abraham . !!!


That is The LORD of Sabbath and HIS CHILDREN !

Now you can see Him and His children’s sign and a wonder!!!

If you want to be Abraham’s seed, then be IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !


So the new Israel of GOD and new seed of Abraham are those who are taken out from the ends of the earth, is used to bring Abraham’s seed back to GOD ! GOD uses the gentiles to bring back Abraham’s seed. This is Isa. 49: 22- 23, 14: 2- 3, 55;5, 60: 1-22,  also.

Isa 43:5  Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; }}} GOD called the seed from the EAST. Remember Abraham cast out his gentile son and sent him to the east? Now The LORD  comes from east, as HE IS IN THEM. !  He brought the cast out son TO HIS DWELLING PLACE, bringing justice to him. Isa. 42: 1- 3. Because it is GOD who gave the birth of the son of the hand maid also. And Sarah cast her out. Fulfilling that, Sarah’s seed cast us out as well as written above in Micah 2:9.   Sarah caused Ishmael who is the first born of Abraham, to have NO FATHER. Now GOD the Father is their FATHER,  CHRIST the LORD! So He use us to bring Abraham’s seed from Sarah to Himself. In that, He breaks the enmity against Israel and gentiles. He divided all, to bring back all IN HIM as proven in previous writings ! Both are Abraham’s sons. And when Hagar was cast out, GOD met her as well and gave water in the desert. Fulfilling that, He gave water the word to these fatherless children.  So the Heavenly vision is now fulfilled and they are being used to bring back other children to Him.


And the above verse is fulfilled in Hebrews. Remember , the new Hebrews or Israel of GOD are those who are born to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and Abraham . To deliver Israel, who are said in v 14, , The LORD  took the seed of Abraham. But they are in the east.

Heb 2:14  Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; }}}… previous verses from 10-13 talks about the sons whom The ROCK brought to preach Him. and v 13 is Isa. 8: 18. Then, Israel , the true children of GOD, are flesh and blood. Remember flesh and blood cannot enter in to the kingdom, nor know The SON ?  But now, in order for them to make know these, The LORD  must remove their flesh and blood, and that is why The LORD  died. but The LORD  did not have anyone to send before, after His death, as all fell away. So these verses talks about JACOB’s seed, who are still flesh and blood.

Heb 2:15  And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. }}}… and they were under bondage, as John 8 also said. In order to DELIVER them, the next verse says… He called the seed of Abraham. These are the NEW Israel OF GOD as proven above.

Heb 2:16  For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

Heb 2:17  Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. }}}.. so now, we know the seed of Abraham, … and now as we have entered in to the rest of The CREATOR or The ROCK, … He Has come as the HIGH PRIEST to make RECONCILIATION. Remember He Has given us the ministry of reconciliation, after He reconciled us to Himself. Then, this was prophesied in Isa. 43…


Isa 43:5  Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;

Isa 43:6  I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;

Isa 43:7  Even EVERY ONE THAT IS CALLED BY MY NAME: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Isa 43:8  Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. }}}…this prophecy is to be fulfilled, when The LORD  bring the seed from the west. And GOD have CREATED THESE …‘EVERY ONE THAT IS CALLED BY MY NAME: for I have created him for My glory”….for His glory. that is why Eph.  1, 2 says, gentiles are created for HIS GLORY OF HIS GRACE.  Eph.  1:10 says, when the time came to GATHER ALL IN CHRIST. V 15 says “after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,”… this means AFTER WE HAVE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD”…???  That is when the Heavenly vision IS FULFILLED as written above in us!  That is when the other Covenant which no one knew is fulfilled by faith.  One is of the law, and the other by faith in  CHRIST the LORD. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD created this seed of Abraham also for His glory and to bring back the seed who failed and who are flesh and blood . and the rest of the Isa. 43 says, these are WITNESSES of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who are given the understanding and to BELIEVE. read Isa. 43: 10- 13.  They will witness that there is ONLY ONE GOD, AND THAT IS The CREATOR, whom the fallen seed of Abraham did not know !  So when that is preached, the blind are called.


“Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears” at this time, who are the blind , except for the seed of Abraham ???

But at this time, you are in Babylon as v 14 says. That is why Rev. 17, 18, Micah 4: 10. Then, these witnesses will witness to the Holy ONE, The CREATOR, THE KING. 

Isa 43:15  I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King. }}}.. read the whole chapter. But understand, that the seed is chosen from the east, to bring those who are in the west, who are still flesh and blood and who have not known the true GOD. so this seed will witness about The CREATOR, the Holy ONE and THE KING , JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! v 20 says The LORD  will give waters in the desert to HIS PEOPLE, HIS CHOSEN. So they are without HOLY SPIRIT now. V 21 says they will SHOW FORTH MY PRAISE. Who praises GOD?  The babes, and the Royal Priesthood, whom He brought out of darkness and gentiles in Isa. 60.


And the following verse further proves it is JACOB’s seed who ARE BLIND AND HAVE NOT CALLED ON JESUS CHRIST the LORD…

Isa 43:22  But thou HAST NOT CALLED UPON ME, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel. }}}… the only GOD , whom JACOB’s seed did not call is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  No one can be a witness to GOD the Father, as no one has seen or heard.  But JESUS CHRIST the LORD does all things. so according to the Heavenly vision, … now the gentiles are IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. and He Has turned them from the power of satan to Him, … given faith, … and given the inheritance to inherit The LORD , and to be His people, identified as the Sabbath keepers who entered in to the TRUE GOD WHO GAVE THE Sabbath AS A SIGN.



So these are the two Covenants.  One by promise, which is to begin at JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SECOND COMING TO GENTILES, bringing justice to them, and the other by Isaac, for JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE SEED to come but the law is to condemn , those who are under it to death, and to be redeemed from death. ! When the time came to redeem those who are under the law, JESUS CHRIST the LORD adopted the gentiles as sons. Gal. 4:5. ! So one is under the law, and the other is under FAITH. Faith is given to those who BELIEVE. :-


Rom_3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: }}}… there is no difference in Jews or gentiles, anyone believes The LORD , … they are made righteous, as the Heavenly vision says, to receive forgiveness, and this faith , which is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD (please read Faith of CHRIST THE LORD)is given to those who BELIEVE. The LORD  knows the hearts. So Israel could not receive this faith, as they did not believe and are cut off . Rom.  11; 20.

Gal_3:22  But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. }}}…’THE PROMISE COMES BY FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD”!!!!   This is why, Israel cannot receive the promise first, as they did not go to Him !!!   the gentiles are SANCTIFIED to receive the Spirit and Truth and BELIEVE. 2 Thess. 2: 13. Then, THE PROMISE is given by Faith of CHRIST THE LORD , to those who BELIEVE. so that is the other Covenant.  but it was promised 430 years before the law Covenant, which cannot annul it as written above. ! ( Gal. 3). So as promised to Abraham, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and made him a father of MANY nations. But THE SEED came from Isaac. Through that SEED, the promise came to gentiles. !


“righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe:

that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me. “

so the BELIEF and FAITH brought us to inherit the promise !!!


 If the Gentiles are saved by according to this Heavenly Vision, then they  should preach this Heavenly Vision to Israel who are in darkness, about this LIGHT which they saw in the shadow of death.  The Laodiceans are blind.  They cannot see what The LORD  is doing on the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles, Eze. 30:3, among the gentiles.  It is the little children who are with  CHRIST the LORD, who would seal up the law. Isa. 8: 14-18 says it all, who stumbled and who are with Him !   Unless The LORD  comes the SECOND TIME, NO ONE CAN SEAL UP THE LAW .  ALL THINGS WRITTEN MUST BE FULFILLED DURING THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE, THAT INCLUDES JUDGEMENT,  FORGIVENESS, GRANTING THE WIFE TO WEAR FINE LINEN , WHICH MEANS GIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THEN ALL ARE ACCEPTED. !!!  So, it is those who work for Him on the days of vengeance, which is the day of THE LORD, … and on the Day of Visitation, … only can seal up the law . !


Now , Israel is in the shadow of death and darkness. So those who received the light, must declare these to Israel , so they too can receive the light .  GOD is a GOD of judgment and justice. The injustice Sarah did to the gentile son must be undone.

Sarah’s children are the ones who DENIED THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews, but not. But believing in the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … the gentile son of Abraham became his seed !


Same way  CHRIST the LORD saved the little children , He will save the rest as well.

And then, it is the little children who are FORGIVEN. They are the ones in the kingdom as judges, because no man can teach the truth to another, but The LORD Himself Had it as a secret hidden , till this time. And since these children are anointed, … they are forgiven, before they are taught and they KNOW THE FATHER !!! 

1Jn 2:12  I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for HIS NAME'S sake}}}…these little children did not have any good works.  They are forgiven for The LORD ’s name’s sake. He did not create all in vain. He knew He will redeem them.


GOD says, fathers known him from the beginning. But now it is the little children who know the FATHER.

1Jn 2:13  I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father…}}}… young men have overcome the wicked one. And little children have KNOWN THE FATHER. remember Luk. 10: 19-22,   11: 19-22. They received the knowledge of GOD  , about the FATHER and The SON.

1Jn 2:14  I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. }}}…So fathers knew from the beginning, but during the time of the little children, … the fathers have forgotten Him. and the young ones are STRONG as the WORD of GOD  abide in them.  ( Joel 2: 11) We proved the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER. as written above, in John 16: 25, The LORD  said, I will reveal the ‘FATHER’. so it is to the babes, HE REVEALED THE FATHER. and the FATHER , the HOLY SPIRIT, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words. and these have overcome the wicked one. !!!  BY THE WORD of GOD , AS JESUS CHRIST the LORD CHASED THE DEVIL, THESE CHILDREN ALSO WERE ABLE TO OVERCOME THE WICKED ONE AS THEY ABIDE IN THE WORDS. That means they are turned to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to the true GOD and FATHER according to the Heavenly vision above.


word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”..

“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD”…Since these little children abide in the WORD of GOD , they have overcome the wicked one !


The sin is not believed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And if you are with the FATHER, you are righteous.

Joh 16:9  Of sin, because they believe not on ME;

Joh 16:10  Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;…}}}… ‘sin’ is not believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He is The CREATOR, whom Adam also did not believe. because of that sin, the FATHER CUT HIMSELF OFF. And the man became UNRIGHTEOUS. Now, when we are with the FATHER, … we are made righteous. And ‘ye see Me no more” means Thereafter, JESUS CHRIST the LORD prophesied that He will not be with the Jews any more. ! Remember until He is blessed as Mat. 23 says, He will not come to Jerusalem. and also He said until He eat the Passover in the kingdom, He will not eat either. So all the unrighteous deeds , His own did to Him. He knew none of the 7 eras will have Him either, even though He was in their midst , trying to correct them. But He prophesied all will fall. At the end of the Philadelphia  era, the Jews who say they are, became the synagogue of satan as they denied the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , instead of believe, and those who believed Him, separated as Mal. 3: 16-18 also says.

See after FORGIVING,  these children were given the knowledge of the FATHER. our hearts exalted against  The LORD , the FATHER, , kept us from learning the truth about the FATHER or turning our hears to the FATHER .  so we departed from the FATHER. that’s is the wickedness in us. So when you know the FATHER,  you have overcome your wicked heart !

And then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s seed, will declare His righteousness to a people that SHALL BE BORN.

Psa 22:22  I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. }}}… Name of THE LORD was declared to the children by the FATHER as Heb.  2: 10-13 says.


Psa 22:23  Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. }}}… the same seed , has feared, glorified and praised their FATHER as proven above.


Psa 22:24  For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.

Psa 22:25  My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.

Psa 22:26  The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. }}}… the MEEK, are the women as Apostle Peter said. 1  Pet. 3: 1- 4. They are the women who were cast out as written above. So the glory of GOD was taken away from Israel, and gentiles became Israel and Glorified GOD. There will be no more curse now. So the curse over the women that the husbands will rule is over as well. ! By choosing women to work for JESUS CHRIST the LORD, on the day of THE LORD, GOD proved that !


Psa 22:27  All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee}}}.. the ends of the world has now remembered and turned to The LORD and have worshiped Him. !

Psa 22:28  For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations.

Psa 22:29  All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.

Psa 22:30  A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

Psa 22:31  They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. }}}… who is the seed who will DECLARE JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS , OTHER THAN THESE LITTLE CHILDREN, WHOM HE PREDESTINATED AND FORGIVEN AND TAUGHT ALL THE TRUTH ???



Act 5:32  And we are His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him…}}}…”We are HIS WITNESSES”….  Now, JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes a second time to give the knowledge of GOD  as the sea.  Then, should it not be the ones who RECEIVED THAT KNOWLEDGE, the ones to witness that HE CAME AND GAVE IT ???? So this is why, as written above in Rom.  1: 4-7, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD called a few to be His disciples, EVEN THE SECOND TIME ! So we are The CREATOR’S WITNESSES , who were brought to glory as sons, … and we preach Him as you see! Apostle Peter said in Acts. 15: 7-9, that  the gentiles would hear the gospel and will BELIEVE, which means they obey the word, … and then GOD’s witness is to give them HOLY SPIRIT. “gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost.. purifying theirhearts by faith”.  So that is the Heavenly vision fulfilled !!!


Adam, disobeyed The CREATOR . But, HIS OWN SONS, HAVE OBEYED HIM… 2 COR 10: 5- 6 . That is why, they are converted and they are being used to avenge those who did not obey Him.

2Co 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ}}}… “who exalts against the knowledge of GOD ”???? No man in this world can say they have the knowledge of GOD , because until Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, until The LORD ’s SECOND COMING, this knowledge was not given. It is given as the sea. So as the sea, there was FALSE Knowledge of GOD !  And only the gentiles and the little children can say they received the knowledge of GOD . Because Isa. 11 is to be fulfilled during the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles, and even the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD also was given to the gentiles.  So other than these gentiles who are the little children,  no one can say according to Scripture, that they had the knowledge of GOD  !!!  And to obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD in every thought, IS ONLY POSSIBLE AFTER THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  IS GIVEN. !!!  Until then, no one knew that we should obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BUT WORSHIPED GOD the Father. !  So until the knowledge of GOD  is given as the sea, no one could have obeyed Him in the first place !!! So all are held guilty of not believing in The LORD . Apostle Paul said, GOD concluded all guilty before Him, so all could be saved by mercy. !  This is why Israel is appointed as the sons of disobedience as they did not believe or obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so when this knowledge is given to them, with The LORD ’s will, they will know all these and will return to Him !!! GOD Has not forgotten His people.


Then, after we obeyed Him, He uses us to avenge all disobedience in His sons. Remember Psa. 8:2. It is the babes who are used to silence the enemy. Israel did not believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD means they were His enemy. When Adam did not believe, he became the enemy. And all humans are enemies of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as they never believed Him.

2Co 10:6  And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. }}}.. the rest who did not receive the knowledge of GOD  , … have exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD , … and have NOT OBEYED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR as Adam. 1  Pet. 2: 5-10 proves who are the sons of disobedience and who are the Royal Priesthood. His own, are sons of disobedience. And who are NOT OF HIS OWN are the Royal Priesthood. We know that is the Laodicea era.  They have NOT OBEYED JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  So how could they claim they have obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words ??? Adam failed to bring every thought in to obedience of The CREATOR. !  And unless The CREATOR reveals all these, how could any one know ??? And He gives the knowledge of GOD , to REDEEM and to SAVE all from what ???  FROM LIES against Him ! You cannot understand the Scripture, unless YOU GO TO HIM TO GET LIFE as written above !


When this knowledge of GOD  is understood, … all will obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Same way now they are faithfully keeping Sabbath to GOD the Father, … they will keep it for The LORD of Sabbath to honor Him as their FATHER. Then, we are back to the beginning. That is true conversion. !  The FATHER and sons !


Joh 17:4  I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s works is to finish GLORIFYING GOD. Then our works are to believe in Him, The SON.  As written above, when we believed, we entered in to the Sabbath rest!  When Israel believe, they will enter in to their second rest to be with the FATHER !!!  V 3 says, to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD is everlasting life.  ! 


When did JESUS CHRIST the LORD glorified the One and ONLY TRUE GOD on the earth ???  As written above, when He came the second time to give the knowledge of GOD , .. and as The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit and Truth. Unless the Spirit and Truth or the knowledge of GOD  is given, no one could have worshiped GOD in Spirit and Truth as He seeks such. John 4. So there was a time that no one worshiped GOD in Spirit and Truth in the mountain or in Jerusalem.  but then, when He found the Samaritan or gentile WOMAN, and gave the Living Waters, … she knew that is THE MESSIAH ! And her people also believed. What The LORD  spoke with this woman, He never said to the apostles. Once to Apostle Peter He said ‘when you are converted”.


Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. }}}… Apostle Peter wrote about LAST TIME salvation to gentiles. His both letters are for gentiles. He wrote about JESUS CHRIST the LORD in his letters and how to come out of pollutions of the world having the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and we must suffer as a Christian etc.  He also wrote how Israel is appointed to stumble at the WORD of GOD . 1 Pet. 2.  Apostle Paul in Gal. 1, 2 condemns Apostle Peter for not eating with gentiles.  Then why did he write two letters about JESUS CHRIST the LORD to ‘GENTILES’??  That shows he was converted. First he refused to eat with the gentiles, but he wrote to them later about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. But he never wrote to Israel .  So The LORD  would have given him the knowledge about how salvation will come to gentiles first etc. he even wrote in Acts. 15 as written above. He knew it is by HIS MERCY, he too will be saved. Acts. 15;11. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD prayed for his FAITH to not to fail. Same way, HE WILL KEEP us too in faith, as HE IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH ! 



The wisdom needs to salvation,  … is given after the faith came. “holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faithwhich is in Christ Jesus.”2 Ti 3:15 . Faith, is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. it is a gift. Eph.  2:8.  If the wisdom unto salvation is given through Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, … then IT IS AFTER HE GAVE FAITH TO GENTILES, ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision, … this wisdom comes !!!  This is why a LAST TIME SALVATION is given to gentiles, as Apostle Peter wrote in 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20 ! So the words unto salvation, is given after JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s second coming! And, the faith also must be tried.


Here is what Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles about faith being tested.

1Pe 1:2  Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. }}}.. so GOD the Father has known that gentiles will be sanctified by the SPIRIT. that means it is written in the word.  When the promise is given to Abraham,  The LORD  had the gentiles in mind as proven above.  And then, they are sanctified by the SPIRIT to OBEY ! And to receive the sprinkling of the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD. If not no salvation.


1Pe 1:5  Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. }}}… it is not the gentiles, but the POWER OF GOD through FAITH, salvation is revealed to gentiles in the last time.  So now since we have received salvation, the LAST TIME must have come. !!!

1Pe 1:6  Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

1Pe 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ}}}… after the faith is tried, … even with fire ???  So gentiles also must be tried. Some fell from faith 1 Tim. 4. But some held fast to this faith.

1Pe 1:8  Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

1Pe 1:9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls}}}… Not seen, we love, and BELIEVED. !!!  As written above, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself prayed for Apostle Peter to hold on to the faith.  Same way, John 17, JESUS CHRIST the LORD prayed for these children as well.  WOULD NOT HIS PRAYER BE ANSWERED ??? Therefore,, if JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not come the second time, and gave the knowledge of GOD , … and did all things according to the Heavenly vision, … no one will be saved.  We will die, without knowing the One and ONLY TRUE GOD who CREATED AND FATHERED US !


The flaming sword was kept to guard the Tree of Life. and spiritually, that is the WORD of GOD  which is fire. But now, the flaming sword or the WORD of GOD  is revealed about the Tree of Life, about JESUS CHRIST the LORD the truth about the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, giving everlasting life, … the way to the Tree of Life is opened. We have written this before. The Tree of Life is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and the knowledge of GOD , the Spirit and Truth about Him, how to worship Him etc. To come near the Tree of Life, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself planned the Heavenly vision.  So the gentiles have their EYES OPENED, … LIGHT, and not darkness, and from satan’s power to GOD’s power, and they received the FORGIVENESS. And given faith to please GOD. Then, they received the inheritance , the promise of the FATHER to live eternally ! This is what Adam would have inherited if he obeyed. !


The flaming sword is the baptism by fire, the HOLY SPIRIT. Without it, no one will live. Mainly, it comes to give us the knowledge of GOD , the knowledge about JESUS CHRIST the LORD that HE IS THE FATHER and His words are the HOLY SPIRIT, and all comes from Him. Unless we are given the Spirit and Truth, no one could live. This time, JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes, FORGIVING, removing the curses, to give life. this is why all dead are called to the White Throne. ( white means light, the truth).


The promise of the FATHER, which The LORD  spoke, is to receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. In the first century, GOD gave the HOLY SPIRIT to them. But after that all eras are to fall. That means EVERLASTING LIFE giving knowledge was not given, nor the knowledge needed for us to be SONS of GOD also was not given. And once again, the times of Refreshing is prophesied to come in our days. That is the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself who prophesied to come to us.

Act 1:4  And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of ME.

Act 1:5  For John truly baptized with water; butye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence…}}}.. this is another Scripture to prove JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER. He said the promise of the FATHER, to the HOLY SPIRIT, but it is HIS OWN SPIRIT WHICH IS GIVEN. SO
FATHER’S SPIRIT IS HIS OWN SPIRIT, which makes us sons to Him. Rom.  8 says, unless you have the SPIRIT of  CHRIST the LORD, … you are none of His, as written above. We cannot receive this baptism by ourselves.  The LORD , HIMSELF HAS TO SEND IT.  Our baptism in the churches are a type of this baptism.  and that is why HE CAME and gave the SPIRIT to the bellies of the believers,  and then to the rest on the last great day.
John 7: 36-39.  If the HOLY SPIRIT is given through their bellies, …. Then it
cannot be the power of GOD as HWA taught.
And, … the promise of the FATHER, is the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit and Truth,  comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, so HE IS THE
! Remember it is the HOLY SPIRIT, which was cut off from Adam as he
became naked. Remember the covering should be of the SPIRIT ?  Isa. 30: 1 and that is why not having the
SPIRIT, Laodiceans also are naked ? So the Tree of Life, the knowledge of GOD ,
the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit and Truth , baptizes us in to this baptism of fire
! All comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


Those who believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … have the SPIRIT OF THE FATHER speaking in them, when
the hour comes for them also to suffer. That is now in this evil generation.
Besides, until we are given the knowledge of GOD , we never knew the truth about the FATHER !  So we are trying to get others to believe IN THE FATHER, to return to the TRUE FATHER.

Mat 10:19  But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

Mat 10:20  For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. }}}…Has any one received the SPIRIT of the GOD the Father yet???  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is prophesied to come again and it is HE WHO LIVES IN US. 1 John 4: 4, Col. 1: 27 and more. They have JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the FATHER !!! If any one else have GOD the Father IN them or speaking in them, … we certainly would like to hear about that.  But then, that is against the Scripture ! You will see…These truths will convert one to the FATHER.


Joh 14:26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send IN MY NAME, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. }}}… The Comforter, is called the HOLY SPIRIT. Until He comes, we cannot be baptised by HOLY SPIRIT. and the FATHER will send IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S name, and cause us to remember what ever ‘JESUS CHRIST the
LORD’ has said!  As written below, … it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who promised to come again and receive us to HIMSELF. His prayer in John 17 is to be in the children, and the children to be in Him.


And then, The Comforter, is the Spirit and Truth. so the Spirit and Truth cannot come from

Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth
him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
…}}}…the Spirit and Truth, the world cannot receive.  Because they love darkness, and lies and
their own beliefs. But the Spirit and Truth, will be known by HIS SONS, … as HE
DWELLS IN US !!!  “Be in you”. !

Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless(orphans): I will come to you. }}}…
The LORD  says, ‘ I WILL not leave you as orphans, I will come to you”… So unless He is the FATHER, we will be orphans, or fatherless. And it is HE WHO COMES AGAIN and no other one.


Joh 16:22  And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and
your joy no man taketh from you.
}}}… then, GOD said, I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN”.  So it is HE WHO COMES and speaks IN us. And those who received Him, have a rejoicing HEART.
They finally found their true FATHER who will cause them to live for ever.  He has taken our burdens to
Him.  and brining one to the Glorious Rest is the end of the works. That means to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and to be with Him and In Him, and He in us, is the end of this world’s journey
!  Then, we are back to the beginning.  REVERTED BACK. !


As written above in JOh 14: 26, He said the FATHER will send in HIS name, but again He says, I WILL
send ( The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT). That is because, HE IS THE FATHER,
and to apostles, John 20:22, and again the second time to gentiles, filling
their bellies, and in the times of Refreshing to all, the last great day.

Joh 15:26  But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of
truth, which proceedeth from the Father
, he shall TESTIFY OF ME: }}}… now He says ‘ I WILL SEND’, .. ‘from the FATHER”.  The Spirit and Truth is sent by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, from the FATHER ! So if the Spirit and Truth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and it is HE WHO
SENS, .. it comes from Him!  So he is THE FATHER ! And then, once again, HE WILL TESTIFY OF ME”, He says.  John 16: 14 said ‘He shall glorify Me: for he shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto you”.  Again, He says, the HOLY SPIRIT, will glorify HIM.  but receive His’, to show
to glorify Him.


“he shall TESTIFY OF ME ….He shall glorify Me:”.


FATHER will send in My name”.

I will send from the FATHER”

 the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the
” So the FATHER from whom comes the Spirit and Truth, or the HOLY SPIRIT, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself ! This is what He revealed , having come!  SO we who received HIS WORDS, … GLORIFIED HIM
!  and we preach Him. We preach the One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND THE TRUE FATHER ! Remember unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD , Himself will reveal the FATHER, no man could have figured it out !  No leader could have understood that, without the inspiration from THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! And no leader went to Him to receive it, in the first place !


“proceed” means From G1537 and G4198;
to depart, be discharged, proceed, project: – come (forth, out of), depart, go (forth, out), issue, proceed (out of).

G 1537 means ‘origin, the point it starts etc.

Thayer…  to come forth, to issue’ etc.

Then, the HOLY SPIRIT, The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !


Then, even the first time when they received the HOLY SPIRIT, they were to WITNESS about Him.  All preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Same way, in His second coming also, those who received Him and His SPIRIT, .. The Comforter,  must bear witness that HE HAS COME AND GIVEN THE Spirit and Truth ! At this time, remember, it is the gentiles who are sanctified to receive the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13, while there is
desolation in the temple!  Besides The LORD  has predestinated those who are to
receive Him the second time, so they were in His mind from the beginning. And
they are the children, Scripture given above.

Joh 15:26  But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto 
you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall TESTIFY OF ME:

Joh 15:27  And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with Me from the beginning. }}}… it is only the gentiles who can bear witness to The LORD ’s SECOND coming as HE CAME TO THEM!!! And, WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD FROM THE FATHER, The Comforter, THE Spirit and Truth AND WE HAVE RECEIVED THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! “Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall TESTIFY OF ME”. Therefore, having received OUR Heavenly FATHER, WE TESTIFY OF HIM, AND HAVE GLORIFIED HIM as written above “He shall glorify Me:”.  And now, The LORD  can call all flesh to come and drink from Him, as HE IS NOW Glorified . John 7: 36-39 ! All the Scripture pertaining
to the kingdom, and The LORD ’s second coming, … must be fulfilled , as all things written are to be fulfilled as The LORD said, during the days of vengeance.
And days of vengeance is to ACCEPT ALL, which means to give life.


the Comforter is come”…

 this sounds like another GOD Being. But it is not. The Comforter is known as the HOLY SPIRIT, and the Spirit and Truth as written above. So the HOLY SPIRIT is the FATHER of us all, including JESUS CHRIST the LORD. but it is not another GOD as proven in previous writings. The LORD , Himself said HIS WORDS are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. And He is THE TRUTH. Every name of GOD is fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as proven in previous writings. In the Scripture, HIS WORDS are known as ‘living FATHER’, … living words, etc.


The fact is , ALL ARE HELD GUILTY AS LIARS, BECAUSE NO ONE HAD THE Spirit and Truth , UNTIL The Comforter CAME ! So all are guilty before GOD as Apostle Paul said. So would GOD destroy all ??? Why did He create us in the first place , knowing that we will die one day, if HE DID NOT HAVE ANOTHER WAY TO SAVE US ??? when the truth is revealed, and when eyes are opened, EVERY ONE WILL WANT TO BELIEVE AND LIVE ! All will repent.




Acts. 17 talks about the day of judgment, and GOD will overlook the ignorance in man. That means He comes forgiving and revealing Himself, so we could be converted.  And v 25 onwards, it says about The CREATOR. And then, 28-29 says, we are to be The CREATOR’S OFFSPRING. And then, Apostle Paul says GOD will overlook the ignorance in man at that time, but HE WANTS ALL TO REPENT.

Act 17:30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Act 17:31  Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man…}}}… so The LORD  HAS APPOINTED A DAY TO JUDGE. That is John 12: 48, judge by HIS WORDS. So before The LORD  judges, He Had to give the words so all can judge themselves to see if they have REJECTED HIM AND HIS WORDS or not. since all are guilty, no one can accuse another, but their own selves. SO THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, IS TO REPENT !  That is when GOD accept our repentance, which is after the Spirit and Truth is revealed. ! In our baptisms, we never repented for not believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, even though He said ‘repent and believe”. !  No one could truly repent or believe that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD, until He came and delivered that truth! So when your eyes are opened, HE WANTS YOU TO REPENT for not believing. ! He preached ‘repent and believe the kingdom is at hand’.  But no one believed as no one knew the Spirit and Truth. so the kingdom came ! SO THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, IS TO GET ALL TO BE CONVERTED !!!


As written above, only ONE SEED, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given to Isaac. And it is IN HIM, all are blessed. And to Israel, this opportunity is given first to be converted to GOD.  but, even the last high priest, Joshua, has iniquity and has not turned to Him. So how could Israel be blessed with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when they rejected Him to the last era ? Everything GOD Has done, … He has done with a cause as He said to Ezekiel. So they will learn why JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to gentiles as no one believed, received and obeyed Him.

Act 3:25  Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Act 3:26  Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

Act 3:19  Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Act 3:20  And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

Act 3:21  Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.  }}}… now, the end of the age has come. And JESUS CHRIST the LORD came, as promised. But not the way you think, but as prophesied in all the prophets, … to gentiles. Beginning from Gen. 49: 10-12, by JACOB, … GOD Has included the gentiles in His plan as well.


So as Apostle Paul said, TURN to GOD, to the Living GOD, and the TRUE GOD, from your idols or dumb rocks.

1 Thess. 1: 9 “how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;” ..}}}… so convert means to turn to the LIVING GOD, or the TRUE GOD, from serving idols.  Then in 2 cor 3: 15-16 says when you turn to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, your veil or the covering, the blindness will be taken away.


GOD did not want to convert Israel at one time. But as written above, on the day of judgment, He comes and gives the truth, to reveal the lies so all can repent and be converted. This is said about Israel and not about the world. One must turn from the heart.

Act 28:26  Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:

Act 28:27  For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. }}}…one should hear from The HEART in order to be converted. They must be willing to see and hear. But,  they have CLOSED THEIR EYES… this is the Laodicean era… that is when, the  Times of Gentiles is to began.Few Gentiles and few Israel separated knowing and believing in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  


JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, OUT OF DARKNESS, the light shall shine , and in to our hearts to give the brightness of the knowledge of GOD .

2Co 4:6  Because it is God who said, "Out of darkness Light shall shine," who shone in our hearts to give the brightness of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ….



It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who Is with us to the end. Then, we must follow Him.

Mat 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


After receiving the HOLY SPIRIT, we are to witness as written above. And we are to witness in
Jerusalem, Judea ( where the synagogue of satan is as proven) and to samaria
and to all.

Act 1:8  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses
unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth.


Joh 14:28  Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. }}}…so
there are no other gods, but it has been, … it is now, … and it will be JESUS
CHRIST the LORD , known in many names !


Finally, after the day of THE LORD, the darkness came, … the flaming fire comes ( to those who do not know JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven elsewhere in this writing and as proven in previous writings) and the strong people, ( those who have the WORD of GOD ) executes the WORD of GOD , once again it will be like the garden of Eden … !  The flaming fire, finally has made known that The CREATOR is the only GOD and all should worship and fear Him, as the Everlasting gospel says. Rev. 14: 6-7. THAT MEANS THE FLAMING SWORD HAS DONE IT’S PART KEEPING THE Tree of Life FROM ALL, BUT NOW IT IS OPENED!  The times of Refreshing, when The LORD  has promised to forgive and over look the ignorance has come. That is the time, He opens the blinded eyes to SEE AND KNOW HIM ! Last Great Day, He will call all to come and drink the HOLY SPIRIT. ! Everything about the knowledge of GOD  , we received , we have declared for all to understand and repent and be converted ! All things will be made new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and the Tree of Life also is opened.

Joe 2:1  Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in MY HOLY MOUNTAIN: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

Joe 2:2  A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

Joe 2:3  A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. }}}..when these strong people come, … who are given the WORD of GOD , … behind them, is the wilderness.  NOW IT IS BEHIND US.  And GARDEN OF EDEN IS BEFORE US.!!  That is where all the CONVERTED SONS OF GOD WILL BE. If the little children are called the first fruits, … or sons of GOD, the rest also will be sons of GOD. There will be no more curse, no pain or crying or evil, or darkness. ! WE WILL BE BACK TO THE BEGINNING. ONE GOD AND HIS PEOPLE !


the land is as the garden of Eden before them”??

Scripture says, once again a garden of  Eden will be created. This time, no more rebellion against The CREATOR. This is why we must understand about our CREATOR and turn to Him. ! “ Eden’ means ‘delight, pleasure’. GOD’s pleasure or delight, is to be with SONS. Pro 8:31 “My delights with the sons of men”. But they must be turned to ‘SAINT’S. ‘saints’ means who are forgiven, and PRESERVED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as proven in previous writings. So, The CREATOR’s delight is in the sons of men, when they become SAINTS in Him. Unless we are all forgiven, and preserved in HIM, … we cannot be The CREATOR’s delight !  Then, GOD would have created Adam in His image , to be a son of delight , a saint, who is WITHOUT SIN. ! Then, he was chased out, … the Tree of Life is kept away from him but NOW, … IN ORDER TO MAKE THE EARTH AS THE GARDEN OF EDEN, … A DELIGHT, these truths must be given with the forgiveness of sin, and we must receive the SPIRIT of The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as written above, … and HIS OWN IMAGE. No man can build the image of GOD in them, and The LORD  must do. This is where the faith come in. according to the HEAVENLY CALLING and vision, that is what GOD would do to makes us a delight to Him.


This is why, this army of  CHRIST the LORD’s children were called by HIS PLEASURE to be HIS SONS, by ADOPTION. “predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good PLEASURE ( delight) OF HIS WILL. So would it not be HIS PLEASURE OR DELIGHT to see all Israel come back to Him , calling Him the ‘FATHER’ ??? So this is not GOD the Father’s pleasure to make this land a garden of Eden or to create SONS. Because all Israel rejected Him as the FATHER, … He HAD NO CHOICE but come to gentiles and adopt them as HIS OWN SONS !  They are the sons whom, HE, HIMSELF BROUGHT TO GLORY. Heb.  2:10! So He predestinated them Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23 and as written above, … so you can see this sign and a wonder how the FATHER Has given us all good gifts and receive all when you too become sons to Him, BY ACCEPTING AND BELIEVING THAT HE IS THE FATHER !  YOU WILL as The LORD of HOSTS  Has spoken !


It is GOD ( CHRIST the LORD) who works in us to do HIS GOOD PLEASURE.

Php_2:13  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of HIS GOOD PLEASURE…}}… so it is GOD who works in us, to do His good pleasure. But we must trust in Him to do it , and admit that we cannot do it by ourselves. ! That is the way to humble before Him.


Then, GOD Has called, and He will make our calling to fulfill His pleasure , so that the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD MAY BE GLORIFIED IN US and HIM in us!

2Th 1:10  When he shall come TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. }}}…These saints, have BELIEVED HIM. So He comes to be GLORIFIED in the saints. Remember, JESUS CHRIST the LORD could be glorified only after the Spirit and Truth or The Comforter comes as written elsewhere. So no one can take any glory to themselves, until the HOLY SPIRIT or the Spirit and Truth comes to do so. And He comes to SAINTS, whom HE FORGAVE !

2Th 1:11  Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: }}}… “Work of faith with power”????  Not only He gives faith freely, Eph.  2:8, and He will fulfill His goodness in us so we can continue to work the work of faith which means to have faith in Him. remember also, HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of faith. And, according to the Heavenly vision, we must have faith IN HIM !!!  He will do all things for His pleasure, so that HIS NAME BE Glorified in us and we in Him…

2Th 1:12  That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. }}}.. all things are done by GRACE of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when the GRACE IS GIVEN which is now. And WE GLORIFY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! That too proves The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT came to those who glorify HIS NAME and not god the father’s name. ! John 7: 36-39 says, after JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified, … He calls all to come and drink the HOLY SPIRIT from the BELIEVER’S bellies.  They are the ones who FIRST RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT OR THE Spirit and Truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. None of the churches preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  CHRIST the LORD, or The LORD of HOSTS  is Glorified in us and WE IN HIM. that is why, we are a sign and a wonder in Israel, .. CHRIST and HIS children . Isa. 8: 18 ! Absolutely no one else in any of the churches can claim that they are glorifying the name of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, or are sons to Him. So we glorify our FATHER and the FATHER glorifies the sons !!! They are the army of The LORD . !


And JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE ALMIGHTY, created all things to HIS PLEASURE. But all things failed. But now, once again, in the same GOD, The CREATOR, … all things will be made new as He said. So He made His sons new in Him, so they can glorify Him as GOD and the FATHER and we all can be converted back to BEING SONS OF GOD !!!

Rev_4:11  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. }}}… now, … it GOD creates a new ‘SPIRITUAL’ creation, having come as The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT … and with TRUTH !


Joe 2:11  And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth His word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it? }}}… who could be this army, who executes HIS WORD, except the ones who received it, according to Scripture ? And this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words and not GOD the Father’s. so The LORD ’S ARMY MAKES WAR BY HIS WORDS. The WORD of GOD  is fire. They are the ministers of fire. !


Joe 2:12  Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

Joe 2:13  And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. }}}.. turn to GOD who gives us HIS GRACE AND MERCY !!!  That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And turn to HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART.  Receive the circumcision of the heart.  Love your FATHER with all of your heart, soul, mind etc, as HE REQUIRES and said in the beginning of your Covenant. “And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to LOVE HIM, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,”. Deut.  10. But at the same time, The LORD  knew your hearts will go far from Him, and He, Himself will circumcise your HEARTS. “And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. }}}..He gives life. so He, Himself will circumcise your heart , so you can love Him, … and THEN LIVE. !! Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. … this is the first commandment. “.  Because Israel did not love his GOD, … He revealed things to those who love Him. 1 cor 2:9. They are the little children and gentiles as written elsewhere as Apostle Peter said.

Joe 2:14  Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?

Joe 2:15  Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:

Joe 2:16  Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

Joe 2:17  Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?

Joe 2:18  Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.

Joe 2:19  Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen: }}}… this is possible now, as there will be no devil or death. all will exalt the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and will fear and worship Him and bow down and confess Him. the ministry, when the understanding is given, should weep and pray as GOD says here.


Joe 2:20  But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things. }}}… northern army is those who are in the west as written above, … the evil ministry who fights with GOD now, but now the desolation will be a past thing as The LORD  came and desolated Jerusalem ! .


Then, GOD blesses the people.

Joe 2:21  Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.

Joe 2:22  Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength.

Joe 2:23  Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month}}}… Psa. 72: 6 says, He shall come to us as rain.  That is the Spirit and Truth.


Joe 2:24  And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil.

Joe 2:25  And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, MY GREAT ARMY WHICH I SENT AMONG YOU}}}… GOD’s army who know the WORD of GOD  as written above, … will be used to RESTORE the years where the other army who are these insects mentioned in this verse , the creeping ministry so DESTROYED.


And when this army is sent, … you will praise the Name of THE LORD, your GOD, as they bring that knowledge to you.

Joe 2:26  And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and My people shall never be ashamed.

Joe 2:27  And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none elseand my people shall never be ashamed. }}}.. you will know, there are no other gods, and your GOD Is in your midst. So this army is sent to you to TELL YOU THAT YOUR GOD IS THE ONLY GOD AND THERE AREN’T ANY OTHER ! So this army will preach about the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD !


And The LORD  says, HE WILL POUR HIS SPIRIT ON all ‘FLESH”. So flesh and blood will be saved and turned to SPIRIT !!! Young and old, men and women all are included in His pouring the SPIRIT !

Joe 2:28  And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Joe 2:29  And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

Joe 2:30  And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

Joe 2:31  The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. }}}.. the sun went down on prophets. Micah 3:6. That means no divination or revelation from GOD.  the moon is the church, and when there is no light from the Sun, … they are dark, and becomes a blood moon, as she is full of BLOOD GUILTINESS as that is why The LORD  left her. All these are spiritual as proven in previous writings. (please read Understand the signs of times Spiritually ..)


Joe 2:32  And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. }}}… this remnant, calls upon the Name of THE LORD. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name. It cannot be anyone else, other than Zeph. 3: 9 – 10 ones !


so The LORD ’S ARMY, AND THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL IS SENT with the knowledge of GOD , so you can call on the Name of THE LORD and be delivered.  So you will receive the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD ! Because, In GOD’s Holy Mountain, on the day of THE LORD, after the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD was given, they will not speak lies.  Zeph. 3.


Apostle Paul tells us what the true conversion is.

Apostle Paul was not taught by any man, but by GOD, Himself. We all know JESUS CHRIST the LORD spoke to Him, took him to Arabia. And after three years, he went to Jerusalem and gave the same gospel to a few,  privately and Thereafter , he gave up his Jewish ways and even condemned the Jewish fables etc.  ( Titus 1:14 says, Jewish fables, TURNS ONE FROM THE TRUTH) !  Now we know that Jews NEVER BELIEVED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BUT IN GOD the Father, AND THAT TURNED ALL AWAY FROM THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THAT HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, AND THE FATHER ALSO. Then, if the Jews turns one away from the truth, … then those who call themselves ‘Judah’, would not have the truth!  We cannot learn the truth from them. !  But, the true Jews or Israel of GOD, are those in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16.  Therefore, if one is to be converted, … these Jews must learn the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and turn to Him !!!  That is the difference between the little children who are also taught directly by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and the Jews who had traditions of men and Jewish fables.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD , revealed many mysteries to Apostle Paul. That was many years after the death of The LORD. So none of the other apostles or THE WHOLE WORLD could not have known them. And Apostle Paul wrote them to gentiles. So the Scripture in the Old testament, wrote these, but not made known, until something happens as written below. Specially the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, and the Heavenly vision. And all would be converted OR ESTABLISHED according to what JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught Apostle Paul !  So no one could have known these . 2 cor 3 says, not even the Old testament, was known by Israel, as they were blinded.


Preaching of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, establishes us. But it was a secret kept hidden since the world began. Then, as it is The Comforter who glorifies Him, … it is AFTER The Comforter came, that SECRET WAS REVEALED to establish all. That takes us back to the beginning.

And it is ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD HAS THE POWER TO ESTABLISH ONE and that knowledge is given to Apostle Paul. ! What Apostle Paul wrote, no one in Israel ( churches of GOD) could understand.

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began}}}}…  ‘PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD”,… WAS A SECRET, KEPT HIDDEN UNTIL NOW. NONE OF THE CHURCHES OF GOD PREACHES JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And to preach Him, we need revelation from The LORD . This is the same gospel which JUDGES one. Rom.  2; 16. That means as written above, the day of judgment is to accept. THAT IS WHY The Comforter , HOLY SPIRIT OR THE Spirit and Truth COMES TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That IS WHEN THIS KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS GIVEN. But to gentiles. Isa. 11: 9 – 11 !


Why and when this SECRET IS REVEALED ??? When one OBEYS FAITH! Remember Israel is cut off from faith according to their Covenant, they cannot have faith as written above. Rom.  11: 20.  And as written above as Apostle Peter said, in Acts. 15, The LORD  PURIFIED THE HEARTS OF THE GENTILES, by faith. And law is not of faith as written above. So the next verse proves further, that it is after JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes and according to the Heavenly vision, … to have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given, this mystery of to PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO JUDGE AND ESTABLISH ONE IS REVEALED.

Rom 16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:…}}}… as proven above, faith is a free gift,  and JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH, and He purified the hearts of the gentiles, by faith, … and Israel is cut off from faith, … and the faith should BE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, according to the Heavenly vision ! All proven above with Scripture!  SO ‘NOW IS MADE MANIFEST’ is when the gentiles who are given faith, OBEYED it. And as Apostle Peter said, AFTER THE TRIAL OF FAITH is given, the LAST TIME SALVATION is given. And salvation is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and it is HIS OWN SONS, WHOM HE, HIMSELF BROUGHT TO GLORY, as Heb.  2:10 says, who preach HIM and obeyed Him , and that is why they are used to avenge (2 cor 10:5-6)


“the mystery OF preaching of Jesus CHRIST now made manifest, … made known to all nations for the obedience of faith!


Then, HIS OWN APOSTLES are called and chosen, AFTER THEY OBEYED FAITH.

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for His name:

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ}}}.. this Scripture proves, it is the SECOND TIME, AFTER FAITH IS GIVEN, TO HIS NAME, and not anyone who serves GOD the Father or dumb rocks !!! So HE CALLED HIS OWN APOSTLES, AFTER WE OBEYED FAITH TO HIS NAME. !!! And Acts. 15: 6-15 proves, faith is given to purify the hearts of the gentiles, and The LORD  came to take a people out of GENTILES, TO HIS NAME !!!!


Therefore,, as WE PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … NOW ALL WILL BE ESTABLISHED!  The Heavenly vision is given only to the gentiles first. But it will be the same to Israel as well.  So the true conversion comes, even after faith is tested!



He was chosen by GOD, by GRACE. He preached the gospel of Grace also. Then, he was sent to gentiles, and not to the Jews. So what ever he was taught, must be fulfilled ONLY IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SECOND COMING. Please read “two gospels”


Gal 1:12  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. ..}}}…so JESUS CHRIST the LORD directly revealed this gospel to Apostle Paul, … and he did not preach it to the Jews, except a few like Apostle Peter, Apostle James etc.  and, JESUS CHRIST the LORD reveals all things because HE WROTE all things. He is THE ALMIGHTY who gives inspiration as written above.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave this mystery about Him to Apostle Paul , and to reveal it to us, HE HAS COME BACK as promised ‘ I WILL COME TO YOU” and ‘I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, AND WILL COME BACK AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF” !!!


Jews’ religion, traditions of men turns one away from the truth. this is why they were not given  a heart to know Him, or HIS SONS even now. Jews always persecuted JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s true followers.

Gal 1:13  For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: …}}}… even the Laodicea leader Joshua, persecuted us. As Sarah persecuted the bond woman, unto this day, to the last bond women, Israel were persecuting the gentiles ( Spiritual). So in the end, GOD used gentiles to tread them down Spiritually, and sent them to Egypt Spiritually, taking vengeance ! Rev. 11:8. So Apostle Paul says, his conversation in the ‘JEWS’ RELIGION, caused him to persecute the church of GOD. !!!  Remember when GOD gave Hagar a son to Abraham, …. GOD ALREADY KNEW HE WOULD CHOOSE THAT SON TO REVEAL HIMSELF. THE Heavenly vision IS ALL ABOUT SAVING GENTILES FIRST.  GOD ALLOWED Sarah TO CAST THE BOND WOMAN OUT. BUT, WHEN SHE RAN AWAY, GOD MET HER AND GAVE WATER IN THE DESERT.  SO GOD SENT Sarah’S children to the spiritual desert, not giving water the word , taking vengeance and brining justice to gentiles !!!  Remember Isa. 42: 1-3 says, justice is brought to gentiles and to the truth !


And right away, Ishmael was circumcised on the same day as Abraham. That too is now fulfilled.  it is the first born of Abraham, who made him a father of a multitude and FAITHFUL, as it is the gentiles who are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, whom Abraham SAW. John 8:56 ! And Abraham had FAITH, and BELIEF. Both are done by the gentiles. When Abraham is resurrected, he will look for Isaac’s children to be in the kingdom and to follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD as he saw.  But , he too will be surprised.  The first reward GOD promised to Abraham is the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, The LORD , HIMSELF. Gen. 15:1. And that GREAT REWARD is given to gentiles. Sarah did not want the bondwoman’s son to INHERIT with her son. But The LORD  gave the GREATEST INHERITANCE TO THE GENTILES, HIMSELF. Remember the first born is to inherit The LORD  ?  So the RIGHT OF THE FIRST BORN belongs to Ishmael. ! That is why the PROMISE Covenant is made 430 years before Isaac’s Covenant. Isaac was given 12 sons, but through JACOB. But Ishmael was blessed right away with 12 princes. So now, it is they who are given a throne, casting out the rich princes of Israel. 1 sam 2: 8. Jam 2: 5.


All the free gifts, The LORD  gave to gentiles first. But all things were preached first to the Jews. They were blessed PHYSICALLY. Even the Laodiceans are rich and increased with goods. Salvation, everlasting life, righteous, justification, sanctification, Spirit and Truth, faith, wisdom, enlightening the mind, GOD’s glory, inspiration, the throne, judges, the finger of GOD, to know Him, to serve Him , and then to BRING Israel TO HIM also is given to gentiles, because the first born is given a double portion to take care of the FATHER, mother, sisters and brothers etc as proven in previous writings !!! So now, we preach the FATHER, … and we are giving the Spirit and Truth to Isaac’s sons who did not have it, so they too can come to the FATHER !!!


Jewish religion stands in the TRADITIONS OF MEN. A good example of this is Gerald Flurry following everything HWA, his father taught, without proving them as the Scripture says. So did all of us.  But that was Babylon, which GOD said, the church will be sent, just before she is delivered. Micah 4: 10.  JESUS CHRIST the LORD condemned for believing traditions of men, rather than His teachings  He called them ‘commandments of men”.  Mar 7:7. Ezekiel was said not to eat bread of men. He was eating HWA’s bread and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s.   So Apostle Paul, himself a Jew, condemns his own religion ! This is why they rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and COULD NOT KNOW HIM. !!! 

Gal 1:14  And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.}}}… so the Jewish religion, TEACHES THE TRADITIONS OF THE FATHERS, … THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. if they are zealous of traditions, … of men, and not of GOD , … always have been working contrary to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! that is why, Apostle Paul KILLED THE TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !   GOD prophesied from the beginning, that the heart of the Jews need CIRCUMCISION AGAIN. So it is these TRADITIONS OF THE FATHERS OR MEN, IS WHAT CAUSED Apostle Paul TO PERSECUTE THE TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND EVEN THE Laodicea LEADER to PERSECUTE US as well.  As written elsewhere, this persecution began from Sarah. GOD knew, from the beginning, that HE WILL HAVE TO ADOPT GENTILES AS HIS CHILDREN. !  


Apostle Paul tells us what the true conversion is.

Apostle Paul was not taught by any man, but by GOD, Himself. We all know JESUS CHRIST the LORD spoke to Him, took him to Arabia. And after three years, he went to Jerusalem and gave the same gospel to a few,  privately and Thereafter , he gave up his Jewish ways and even condemned the Jewish fables etc.  ( Titus 1:14 says, Jewish fables, TURNS ONE FROM THE TRUTH) !  Now we know that Jews NEVER BELIEVED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BUT IN GOD the Father, AND THAT TURNED ALL AWAY FROM THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THAT HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, AND THE FATHER ALSO. Then, if the Jews turns one away from the truth, … then those who call themselves ‘Judah’, would not have the truth!  We cannot learn the truth from them. !  But, the true Jews or Israel of GOD, are those in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16.  Therefore, if one is to be converted, … these Jews must learn the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and turn to Him !!!  That is the difference between the little children who are also taught directly by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and the Jews who had traditions of men and Jewish fables.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD , revealed many mysteries to Apostle Paul. That was many years after the death of The LORD. So none of the other apostles or THE WHOLE WORLD could not have known them. And Apostle Paul wrote them to gentiles. So the Scripture in the Old testament, wrote these, but not made known, until something happens as written below. Specially the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, and the Heavenly vision. And all would be converted OR ESTABLISHED according to what JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught Apostle Paul !  So no one could have known these . 2 cor 3 says, not even the Old testament, was known by Israel, as they were blinded.


Preaching of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, establishes us. But it was a secret kept hidden since the world began. Then, as it is The Comforter who glorifies Him, … it is AFTER The Comforter came, that SECRET WAS REVEALED to establish all. That takes us back to the beginning.

And it is ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD HAS THE POWER TO ESTABLISH ONE and that knowledge is given to Apostle Paul. ! What Apostle Paul wrote, no one in Israel ( churches of GOD) could understand.

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began}}}}…  ‘PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD”,… WAS A SECRET, KEPT HIDDEN UNTIL NOW. NONE OF THE CHURCHES OF GOD PREACHES JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And to preach Him, we need revelation from The LORD . This is the same gospel which JUDGES one. Rom.  2; 16. That means as written above, the day of judgment is to accept. THAT IS WHY The Comforter , HOLY SPIRIT OR THE Spirit and Truth COMES TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That IS WHEN THIS KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS GIVEN. But to gentiles. Isa. 11: 9 – 11 !


Why and when this SECRET IS REVEALED ??? When one OBEYS FAITH! Remember Israel is cut off from faith according to their Covenant, they cannot have faith as written above. Rom.  11: 20.  And as written above as Apostle Peter said, in Acts. 15, The LORD  PURIFIED THE HEARTS OF THE GENTILES, by faith. And law is not of faith as written above. So the next verse proves further, that it is after JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes and according to the Heavenly vision, … to have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given, this mystery of to PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO JUDGE AND ESTABLISH ONE IS REVEALED.

Rom 16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:…}}}… as proven above, faith is a free gift,  and JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH, and He purified the hearts of the gentiles, by faith, … and Israel is cut off from faith, … and the faith should BE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, according to the Heavenly vision ! All proven above with Scripture!  SO ‘NOW IS MADE MANIFEST’ is when the gentiles who are given faith, OBEYED it. And as Apostle Peter said, AFTER THE TRIAL OF FAITH is given, the LAST TIME SALVATION is given. And salvation is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and it is HIS OWN SONS, WHOM HE, HIMSELF BROUGHT TO GLORY, as Heb.  2:10 says, who preach HIM and obeyed Him , and that is why they are used to avenge (2 cor 10:5-6)


“the mystery OF preaching of Jesus CHRIST now made manifest, … made known to all nations for the obedience of faith!


Then, HIS OWN APOSTLES are called and chosen, AFTER THEY OBEYED FAITH.

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for His name:

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ}}}.. this Scripture proves, it is the SECOND TIME, AFTER FAITH IS GIVEN, TO HIS NAME, and not anyone who serves GOD the Father or dumb rocks !!! So HE CALLED HIS OWN APOSTLES, AFTER WE OBEYED FAITH TO HIS NAME. !!! And Acts. 15: 6-15 proves, faith is given to purify the hearts of the gentiles, and The LORD  came to take a people out of GENTILES, TO HIS NAME !!!!


Therefore,, as WE PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … NOW ALL WILL BE ESTABLISHED!  The Heavenly vision is given only to the gentiles first. But it will be the same to Israel as well.  So the true conversion comes, even after faith is tested!



He was chosen by GOD, by GRACE. He preached the gospel of Grace also. Then, he was sent to gentiles, and not to the Jews. So what ever he was taught, must be fulfilled ONLY IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SECOND COMING. Please read “two gospels”


Gal 1:12  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. ..}}}…so JESUS CHRIST the LORD directly revealed this gospel to Apostle Paul, … and he did not preach it to the Jews, except a few like Apostle Peter, Apostle James etc.  and, JESUS CHRIST the LORD reveals all things because HE WROTE all things. He is THE ALMIGHTY who gives inspiration as written above.


JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave this mystery about Him to Apostle Paul , and to reveal it to us, HE HAS COME BACK as promised ‘ I WILL COME TO YOU” and ‘I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, AND WILL COME BACK AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF” !!!


Jews’ religion, traditions of men turns one away from the truth. this is why they were not given  a heart to know Him, or HIS SONS even now. Jews always persecuted JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s true followers.

Gal 1:13  For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: …}}}… even the Laodicea leader Joshua, persecuted us. As Sarah persecuted the bond woman, unto this day, to the last bond women, Israel were persecuting the gentiles ( Spiritual). So in the end, GOD used gentiles to tread them down Spiritually, and sent them to Egypt Spiritually, taking vengeance ! Rev. 11:8. So Apostle Paul says, his conversation in the ‘JEWS’ RELIGION, caused him to persecute the church of GOD. !!!  Remember when GOD gave Hagar a son to Abraham, …. GOD ALREADY KNEW HE WOULD CHOOSE THAT SON TO REVEAL HIMSELF. THE Heavenly vision IS ALL ABOUT SAVING GENTILES FIRST.  GOD ALLOWED Sarah TO CAST THE BOND WOMAN OUT. BUT, WHEN SHE RAN AWAY, GOD MET HER AND GAVE WATER IN THE DESERT.  SO GOD SENT Sarah’S children to the spiritual desert, not giving water the word , taking vengeance and brining justice to gentiles !!!  Remember Isa. 42: 1-3 says, justice is brought to gentiles and to the truth !


And right away, Ishmael was circumcised on the same day as Abraham. That too is now fulfilled.  it is the first born of Abraham, who made him a father of a multitude and FAITHFUL, as it is the gentiles who are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, whom Abraham SAW. John 8:56 ! And Abraham had FAITH, and BELIEF. Both are done by the gentiles. When Abraham is resurrected, he will look for Isaac’s children to be in the kingdom and to follow JESUS CHRIST the LORD as he saw.  But , he too will be surprised.  The first reward GOD promised to Abraham is the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, The LORD , HIMSELF. Gen. 15:1. And that GREAT REWARD is given to gentiles. Sarah did not want the bondwoman’s son to INHERIT with her son. But The LORD  gave the GREATEST INHERITANCE TO THE GENTILES, HIMSELF. Remember the first born is to inherit The LORD  ?  So the RIGHT OF THE FIRST BORN belongs to Ishmael. ! That is why the PROMISE Covenant is made 430 years before Isaac’s Covenant. Isaac was given 12 sons, but through JACOB. But Ishmael was blessed right away with 12 princes. So now, it is they who are given a throne, casting out the rich princes of Israel. 1 sam 2: 8. Jam 2: 5.


All the free gifts, The LORD  gave to gentiles first. But all things were preached first to the Jews. They were blessed PHYSICALLY. Even the Laodiceans are rich and increased with goods. Salvation, everlasting life, righteous, justification, sanctification, Spirit and Truth, faith, wisdom, enlightening the mind, GOD’s glory, inspiration, the throne, judges, the finger of GOD, to know Him, to serve Him , and then to BRING Israel TO HIM also is given to gentiles, because the first born is given a double portion to take care of the FATHER, mother, sisters and brothers etc as proven in previous writings !!! So now, we preach the FATHER, … and we are giving the Spirit and Truth to Isaac’s sons who did not have it, so they too can come to the FATHER !!!


Jewish religion stands in the TRADITIONS OF MEN. A good example of this is Gerald Flurry following everything HWA, his father taught, without proving them as the Scripture says. So did all of us.  But that was Babylon, which GOD said, the church will be sent, just before she is delivered. Micah 4: 10.  JESUS CHRIST the LORD condemned for believing traditions of men, rather than His teachings  He called them ‘commandments of men”.  Mar 7:7. Ezekiel was said not to eat bread of men. He was eating HWA’s bread and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s.   So Apostle Paul, himself a Jew, condemns his own religion ! This is why they rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and COULD NOT KNOW HIM. !!! 

Gal 1:14  And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.}}}… so the Jewish religion, TEACHES THE TRADITIONS OF THE FATHERS, … THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. if they are zealous of traditions, … of men, and not of GOD , … always have been working contrary to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! that is why, Apostle Paul KILLED THE TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !   GOD prophesied from the beginning, that the heart of the Jews need CIRCUMCISION AGAIN. So it is these TRADITIONS OF THE FATHERS OR MEN, IS WHAT CAUSED Apostle Paul TO PERSECUTE THE TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND EVEN THE Laodicea LEADER to PERSECUTE US as well.  As written elsewhere, this persecution began from Sarah. GOD knew, from the beginning, that HE WILL HAVE TO ADOPT GENTILES AS HIS CHILDREN. !  


Then Apostle John :-  His first letter is to all and is a general one. But the last ones are for the little children. Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD also addressed the little children from John 13: 33 onwards. So even back then Apostle John wrote about little children.  When Apostle Paul gave the gospel which he learned directly from The LORD , … and given to John, he would have known about the little children and remember The LORD ’s words regarding them !  And Apostle John’s letters are to be fulfilled, when the light, and darkness and devil and sons of GOD are MANIFESTED. And he wrote how the little children are anointed to learn from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and THE SON OF GOD HAS COME TO GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING. 1 John 5: 20. “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and WE ARE IN HIM that is true, even in his Son Jesus ChristThis is the true God, and eternal life.  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen”. .  So he also was told by Apostle Paul about JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s plan for gentiles, and finally the little children and The LORD  would come to give THE UNDERSTANDING.  all things are written thousands of years ago, but NONE HAD UNDERSTANDING. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD HAD TO COME TO GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING. !!  and this understanding is to KNOW THAT WE ARE IN HIM, THE LITTLE CHILDREN, 1 John 4:4, and WE KNOW THE TRUE GOD, AND THAT IS EVERLASTING LIFE as John 17: 3 says, … and even there will be IDOLATERS, in the time of the little children. !!!  How true is that, as the high priest drinks the spiritual from a dumb rock !!!! So all these three apostles, WERE NOT TAUGHT BY The LORD  ABOUT THESE THINGS, but later they learned from Apostle Paul. And JESUS CHRIST the LORD would have told them ABOUT THE HARVEST, … ABOUT THE HIGH PRIEST HAVING IDOLS, … and HE WILL SAVE GENTILES BY GRACE etc.  Apostle Peter also wrote that in Acts. 15: 6- 15 ! So Apostle John and Apostle Peter wrote about gentiles and little children , but after Apostle Paul said all that, they also wrote letters to them and scattered Israel. !


Back to Gal. 2 . Apostle Paul had to admonish Apostle Peter’s behavior about gentiles and said that THOSE OF THE LAW, WILL NOT BE SAVED, BUT THOSE OF THE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, WILL, that is according to the Heavenly vision.

Gal 2:10  Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do.

Gal 2:12  For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himselffearing them which were of the circumcision. }}}… These things are written to show that there is no difference in Jews and gentiles any more. They are all to become ONE in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Gal 2:13  And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. ( dissimulation means “acting under a feigned part; that is, (figuratively) deceit (“hypocrisy”): – condemnation, dissimulation, hypocrisy.”)


Gal 2:14  But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? …}}}… so you see… the TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL teaches that there is no difference now and no need to be separated from the gentiles. ( actually 2 cor 6: 16-19 , Micah 2:9, GOD tells gentiles to be separated from the Jews. And if the Jewish fables turns one AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, we should do so). So JESUS CHRIST the LORD changed all things.  in the Old testament, He said to be separated from the gentiles and their ways as they have other gods.  But in the New  testament, … it is the gentiles who have THE TRUE GOD IN THEM, BUT Israel ARE AS GENTILES, NOT HAVING THE TRUE GOD, AS THEY KILLED AND REJECTED HIM IN EVERY WAY.  So knowing Apostle Peter, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to him, when you are converted strengthen the brethren. And Apostle Peter’s brethren are the gentiles !

Gal 2:15  We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,



Gal 2:16  Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified….}}}… understand this very , very , very well. We have proven this many times. UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND THESE, YOU CANNOT COME NEAR JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  You will understand !!!


Man will NOT BE JUSTIFIED by the works of the law !!!! This is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD PREPARED FOR HIS FAITH TO BE GIVEN TO GENTILES, AS ALL THOSE WHO ARE UNDER THE LAW, MUST DIE Spiritually, … AS THEY COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED. DEATH, WITHOUT MERCY IS CERTAIN TO ALL Jews who are under the law! The law made them FLESH as proven in previous writings, as they will never be justified , or forgiven ! Even if you can keep the law, but for KILLING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE GOD OR THE KING OF THE JEWS ?? So The LORD  prepared the gentiles to be saved first, by HIS FAITH ! In the end, all will be saved the same way according to the Heavenly vision !


Then, Apostle Paul said, he seek to be justified by  CHRIST the LORD.

Gal 2:17  But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.

Gal 2:18  For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.

Through the law, Apostle Paul knew he is DEAD, but then, he also knew he will live because of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and faith in Him to give life. !

Gal 2:19  For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.

Gal 2:20  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Gal 2:21  I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. }}}… if a single person could be justified by the law, … then TRULY, JESUS CHRIST the LORD DIED IN VAIN. !!!  so HE DIED TO SAVE ALL Israel, WHO ARE UNDER THE LAW, WHO COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW as proven above also. ( this does not mean you purposely break the law, but DO NOT TRUST IN ‘YOUR’ works of the law. ! ).  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , HIS GRACE which caused Him to die, and His sacrifice of blood which forgives us and not the law. Therefore, the gentiles who are kept apart from the law, Rom.  3: 21, could RECEIVE FORGIVENESS AND LIFE , without being JUDGED under the law , as their Covenant is by PROMISE, GRACE, FAITH etc. so they are the two Covenants.  Until the Spirit and Truth is given, no one knew the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , in the first place to worship Him or none kept a single Sabbath to honor The LORD of Sabbath, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  There is another way to look … if JESUS CHRIST the LORD can save the gentiles, the sinners, … why cant He save His own, who are ALSO THE SINNERS ??? This is where the FAITH COMES IN.  Faith will not cause one to look to “their works of the law”, but look to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to justify them in HIS MERCY. !  That is what the gentiles did. BY FAITH, THEY KNOW JESUS CHRIST the LORD HAS SPOKEN THAT THEY WILL BE JUSTIFIED BY FAITH !!!


So according to Scripture, all those who are of the law must die without mercy, Spiritually. And that is what the Laodicea era is all about. ! They cannot see THEIR OWN DEATH, because they are Spiritually BLIND ! So the two witnesses also have condemned them to death !


The Heavenly vision , given to Apostle Paul, converts all finally.

The Heavenly vision explains, GOD’S PLAN OF CONVERSION one to Himself.

Act 26:15  And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus
whom thou persecutest.
}}}… First of all, The LORD  introduced HIMSELF. If not, Apostle Paul would think this is GOD the Father !

Act 26:16  But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast en, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

Act 26:17  Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,

Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they mayreceive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are SANCTIFIED BY FAITH THAT IS IN ME.

Act 26:19   O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly
}}}… understand the WILL OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD ..! He
did not tell Apostle Paul to go and preach the law, or anything.  NO CONDITIONS WHATSOEVER. The LORD  PREPARED Apostle Paul TO BE SENT.  Just send to gentiles to tell these things.  Even the faith, HE HAS TO GIVE as HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH!
So HE WILL DO. And remember, … He just did not do so, but SENT A MAN (
Apostle Paul) TO TELL THESE THINGS. Sameway, now, after sanctifying these
children by truth, He sends them to those who have NOT BELIEVED, so they may
believe in Him. John 17: 17-20 ! So same way The LORD  saved Apostle Paul by grace, He saved these
children now, at HIS SECOND COMING, when all those who are under the law needs
to be judged, condemned without mercy, … and then to redeem them from death, by
giving the Spirit and Truth, … He ALSO SEND THEM. ! That is why we are writing
these things and sending these, so you may believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD and
be saved , converted ! TO RECEIVE THE GRACE OF GOD, THERE ARE NO


This is why, The LORD  said…

 Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and
become as little children,
ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. }}}… who is this LITTLE ONE ???  That is the little children who BEAUTIFIED
The LORD . Isa. 60: 21- 22. “t
hy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit
the land
for ever, the branch of
MY PLANTING, THE WORK OF MY HANDS, THAT I MAY BE GLORIFIED. .. A little one shall become a thousand, and
a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.
“.  So this little
children whom you should receive IS THE

JESUS CHRIST the LORD will never revealed Himself to PROUD ONES mentioned in Isa. 2,  the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish which is to happen in the last days. HE HAS ALREADY PROPHESIED, AND THEN FULFILLED, because it is HIS OWN HAND’S WORK. ( Isa. 29:23 also) . So HE REVEALED HIMSELF,
LORD, … SO ALL CAN CALL ON HIM, WITH ‘ONE’ CONSENT, not having other gods.


Except ye be converted… humble himself as this little child’…

In other words, The LORD  wants to DESTROY the PRIDE IN MAN !!!  The PROUD cannot be in the
kingdom !!! This is why, The LORD  chose the children to be YOUR JUDGES as written above in Mat. 12: 27-28, and the finger of GOD.


Then, when you see the little children whom The LORD sends, … receive them as THEY COME IN HIS NAME !!!  This is mainly to the Scripture who DENIED His name in the Philadelphia  era. So
these are the children who have JESUS CHRIST the LORD IN THEM. 1 John 4: 4, 17

Mat 18:5  And whoso shall receive ONE SUCH LITTLE CHILD INMY NAME RECEIVETH ME.


Scripture tells us to PUT ON CHRIST, … be baptized to  CHRIST the LORD, etc. But no one did. Then
that is SIN. He Is the HOLY SPIRIT as proven above . so we have sinned against
the HOLY SPIRIT. Even those of the law are saved by believing in His name, who
could not be justified by the law. Acts. 13: 38-39. This is why, when you
believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME for not believing in His name, … you
will receive the HOLY SPIRIT.


GOD the Father, The CREATOR”s delight is  to BE WITH US. How much would He be waiting
till we come as SONS ??? This is why after the judgments, HE WILL BE WITH US

Pro 8:31  Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and MY DELIGHTS WERE

Pro 8:32  Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. }}}… all will be blessed and will keep His ways soon.

Pro 8:33  Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.

Pro 8:34  BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT HEARETH ME, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. 

Pro 8:35  For whoso FINDETH ME FINDETH LIFE, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.

Pro 8:36  But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love

Find JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. Receive HIS FAVOUR, THE GRACE, and hear His instructions,
and refuse it not, … and since we have not done so, we have brought death upon
our selves… Therefore, hear His instructions as HE DELIGHTS TO BE WITH SONS
!!!  This is the call of THE Heavenly FATHER , for all to return to Him. !

Zeph. 3 , GOD said, He sent instructions to you , but you never heard. That is why HE HAD TO
all that what GOD did, … did so because HIS OWN SONS REJECTED AND REFUSED TO
HEAR HIM.  Now that all are in the past.
There is no going backwards as the first fruits of The CREATOR are begotten.


Therefore, at the end of the age, The LORD , Himself will offer HIS OWN BLOOD to GOD, ( to
Himself ) in order to forgive all. Heb. 9: 25-28. At that time all are dead. But those whom HE PREPARED to give
salvation, He came WITHOUT SIN, and gave all this knowledge ! He, as a loving SHEPHERD, fed the lambs. And all the prophets and apostles and teachers of GOD will see what they prophesied is now fulfilled !!!



Remember these words of The LORD … , when you receive the SPIRIT OF  CHRIST the LORD, you walk in SPIRIT. Till you get the SPIRIT of CHRIST, you are flesh and not saved NOR YOU ARE A SON TO GOD
HIS SPIRIT IS GIVEN TO OUR HEARTS. That means the center of our spiritual
lives. If we have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD in our HEARTS, we will
the WORD of GOD , .. the laws of GOD, … and the law of love towards GOD and
others, putting others before us! That brings peace and harmony. ! And until we
receive HIS SPIRIT, we cannot call Him ‘ABBA’, FATHER !!! Do you want to be
fatherless for ever ???

 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father”!!!


The LORD  Has already paid for your sins. JESUS CHRIST
the LORD is a FREE GIFT and it does not come for any of our works. Therefore,
we all are sinners and can stand before GOD, after understanding all these and
with a humble hearts acknowledging our sinfulness and GOD’s Greatness. That
exalts Him. then we can be gathered to the true FATHER who created us for HIS

Rom 5:18  Therefore as by one offense sentence came on all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came to all men to justification of life.

Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of
One shall many be made righteous
}}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s obedience
HAS ALREADY MADE US RIGHTEOUS. ! This is why The LORD  is sending these messages and calling to come to Him to live!


Isa 25:9  And it shall be said in that day, LO, THIS IS OUR GOD; WE HAVE WAITED FOR HIM, and he will save
: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Isa 33:22  For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.

Jer 3:23  Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude
of mountains: truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel.
}}}…truly, in vain we looked for salvation in
hills and mountains, the high ones in the churches, but they all lied as they,
themselves are deceived and blind. if all the secrets are hidden in JESUS
CHRIST the LORD, and unless HE REVEALS then would any man know them? So unless
one goes to Him, how can we get the revelation ???


Understand once more. We must keep JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME and HIS WORD. This was
fulfilled during the Philadelphia era, when the Laodiceans who are Israel and
gentiles who kept their Philadelphia status. Remember Mal. 1:6, and 11 !

kept thy word”… CHRIST the LORD said, His children have kept
AND A WONDER to Israel, so they too can follow them.

And when The LORD  said ‘THY NAME’, it is HIS own NAME
we are to keep.

Joh_17:6  I have manifested THY NAME unto the men which thou gavest me out
of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them Me; and they have kept thy word.
}}}… The LORD
says, He Has manifiested GOD’s name to these children, then again the
verse below shows, it is HIS NAME, we must not deny.

Rev_3:8  I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open
door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and
HAST KEPT MY WORD, and hast not denied MY NAME.



“THY word MY WORD”

THY NAME… thy word.


It looks like there is another FATHER. but it is  CHRIST the LORD, and His word.! They
both are the same! He purposely said these to NOT TO CONVERT Israel as written
elsewhere in this writing.  John 12: 40 !  These parables, allegories, symbols
are now being revealed to these sons who are given to Him !


So we who are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s children,
who call HIM, OUR FATHER, … has kept His word. It is not any other gods’ name
but JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name and word !
The rest may be the synagogue of satan, but still you are HIS CHILDREN.
AND BELIEVE HIS NAME, The Saviour, … He will save…, The REDEEMER, … He will
redeem…  AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  , then He will save, and
AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH, … He will give faith and so on. WHAT YOU MUST


In  CHRIST the LORD, we find ;-

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:


Even the Scripture, is revealed to make us wise to give salvation, through FAITH IN

holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which
is in Christ Jesus
.”… “HOLY” Scripture…
the Words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are HOLY. That is why His words are called
‘HOLY SPIRIT! Remember His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Holy Scripture
or HOLY SPIRIT gives us life. !!!  But they are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. so HE IS OUR FATHER !!! So salvation is given through faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and that is why the gentiles
received salvation first, according to Heavenly vision, as they are to have
faith in Him, after the law Covenant failed. !


Remember this once more. Unless you believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, you are still
flesh and blood. But in order to be born of the SPIRIT, to get HIS WORDS, … you

He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. …But as many as received Him, to them gave he power
to become the
sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: .. Which
were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”.

When you believe in HIS NAME, you are born as a son to Him, the will OF GOD! So, believing in


When we become sons of GOD, … there is NO DEATH IN US. There was no death in garden of Eden .
so the new garden of Eden also does not have death, or curses , but all peace and harmony. !  GOD, and HIS SONS , WALKING IN LOVE !


Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we
come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God.”


GOD does not want to destroy the BACKSLIDDEN CHILDREN. They will know their true GOD and

That is the true Conversion !

Don’t think there is a thousand years for that. If all things written are to be fulilled
during the days of vengeance, … and if The LORD cause all to return to Him, in our life time, … or during the last
generation all things  WRITTEN will be fulfilled. ! That includes granting the wife to wear fine linen and giving
salvation to all FLESH!

In short, flesh is those who failed to go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive His words the SPIRIT
to become spirit !


We become PERFECT, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. IN order to do that, HE CAME IN TO THE
GENTILES, and they are to preach, warn, and TEACH all the rest to be perfect in
Him and not GOD the Father or any other idol or gods.  And after JESUS CHRIST the LORD coming to us,
which was a mystery, we make known about this to all, to be perfect in Him and
be converted to HIM as  a SON to Him as He is THE Everlasting FATHER!

Col 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles;
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Col 1:28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may
present every man perfect in Christ Jesus

If you can see…
as The LORD  said the exalted will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted, ALL THE BLESSINGS WHICH The LORD  BLESSED Israel, with, are turned to the gentiles ! But The LORD  prophesied all !


“Thou shalt call Me, My FATHER ; and shalt not turn away from Me.”


It will be done !


Amen ! May the


CHRIST and HIS children


of Isa. 8: 18,
29:23, 54: 13, 1 John 2: 12-27, Mat. 12: 27-28, Luk. 10: 19-22,  11: 19-22 , 1 John 4:4,  17 , Jer. 3:19 ! Isa. 60: 21- 22,