Enemies of GOD ; cedars, oaks and ships of Tarshish

Enemies of GOD- Cedars, oaks and Ships of Tarshish as they are high and lofty.

29 Mar 2016

Not only these oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish, but the whole humanity who have sinned under Adam is guilty of pride, as we prove. But GOD predestinated these THREE GROUPS to show His wrath on them for their pride. GOD says the pride is the condemnation of the devil. GOD’s words says these will fall together for their pride in the last days. That means they have the condemnation of the devil! GOD hates a proud heart and it is an abomination to GOD. So GOD will destroy such abominable ones on the days of vengeance in order to bring salvation to the people from such enemies. Proud heart would not believe GOD’s words. That makes GOD a liar. But GOD cannot lie. Would you believe GOD’s words which says you are high and lofty? If not, you still are making Him a liar. Such lofty ones cannot humble themselves. Rejecting GOD’s words means you are committing the unpardonable sin as proven, because  CHRIST the LORD’s words are the Holy Spirit as proven. He said ‘MY WORDS’ are Spirit. John 6:63. Would The Almighty GOD submit to man’s pride and admit that HE IS A LIAR? Then, these oaks and cedars and ships of Tarshish must admit and repent understanding that they have been proud against The LORD , as HE HAS WRITTEN! This writing proves why they are high and lofty. Only GOD can see our pride and hearts. This pride began from Adam as you will see. so no human born to him can say we are not proud. Because that brought the carnal mind to all which cannot be subjected to GOD’s law. It is the law of Moses, these three groups have in common. They do not believe  CHRIST the LORD is the only one GOD , as the law is contrary to believe in Him. That means all the law keepers are the enemy of The LORD, because no man can be subjected to it, unless The LORD  removes the carnal mind and gives His mind!  But these oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish think they can keep the law and be subjected to GOD, ON THEIR OWN. The law works wrath, Rom.  4, and wrath brings the CURSE OF DEATH. From that, The LORD must redeem them! The law made them serpents as you will see. That is their pride. So all those who say they can keep the law, are proud. That made them to exalt themselves against The LORD and His word, which is the Holy Spirit . that is why the wrath comes on them and exalt them, instead of GOD. Dan 11:36.  GOD purposely blinded the wise and called the base, foolish in the world to put the wise to shame. The truth about the LORD of glory was not made known to Israel and they are appointed to stumble on Him as well as to reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone and even to stumble at the Word of GOD , which is Holy Spirit. Isa. 8:14, 1  Pet. 2. And they are chosen to be DISOBEDIENT TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! All things written must be fulfill during the days of vengeance. And it is the ones who are called to be humble and fulfilled their obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are chosen to avenge them. 2 cor 10:5-6.They are the little children , the men of Niniveh and queen of South as you will see. this is why The LORD said to humble as little children, but condemns oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish as they do not humble and be converted like little children nor gave a cup of water or accepted them as the ones whom GOD sent. In that, they exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD, The LORD  and His words and have been proud ! So the condemnation of the devil is fallen on them and The LORD  must destroy their works. !


When you are lofty and proud, you fall in to The condemnation of the devil! So the following scripture and Isa. 2 above proves the oaks, the cedars and the ships of Tarshish are lifted up with pride and Then they must have the condemnation of the devil.  They do not abide in The LORD or His words as they do not believe! But now, The LORD  will end all these evil devils by the Spirit of The LORD ( the words which they did not believe) as the devils are cast out by the Spirit of The LORD . Mat. 12: 27-28. That also proves the devils are those who did not have the Spirit or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD! And it is the SONS who cast out the devils by the Spirit or the words of GOD, the little children who humbled and learned from The LORD . ! Would you be HUMBLE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE THE Word of GOD  WHICH IS SENT THROUGH THESE LITTLE CHILDREN ?


What is the condemnation of the devil? (See below)

  1Ti 3:6  Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

1Ti 3:7  Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. }}}…Condemnation and reproach and the snare of the devil comes on the proud and lofty. !!!  And The LORD  said the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty as written below. (Isa. 2) Then, …. They have the snare and the condemnation of the devil, as they are lifted up !!!  Moreover, they have NOT LIFTED up The LORD , in order to be gathered to Him. ! John 12:31. 


 understand… if you are LIFTED UP WITH PRIDE…, you have FALLEN IN TO THE CONDEMNATION OF THE DEVIL, or the SNARE of the devil.  This means all humans who did not believe in The LORD  are fallen in to the condemnation of the devil. Adam FELL IN TO THE CONDEMNATION OF THE DEVIL AS HE DID NOT BELIEVE. AND WHY WOULD HE NOT BELIEVE?  AS WRITTEN BELOW, BECAUSE OF PRIDE. HE WANTED TO BE WISE ON HIS OWN, GOING AGAINST WHAT The LORD  SAID.  AND ALL Israel ALSO ARE FALLEN IN TO THIS CONDEMNATION(because they are the vessels of wrath);  Specially, the ones mentioned in the last days, according to The LORD ,…. The cedars, oaks and the ships of Tarshish (after their treading down work on the day of THE LORD), also are fallen in to this condemnation of the devil.  That is why they inherited lies, and we who are in far off were appointed to come and say to you that your have inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19. !!!  So the ships of Tarshish were far off and said you have lies.  The liars are the ones who are lifted in pride and who would not believe The LORD .   IT IS SAID BY The LORD, that you are high and lofty  .  Then, you must believe it ! If not you are still exalting yourselves.  Whether you like it or accept and admit it, The LORD  HAS ALREADY CONDEMNED YOU , in the last days as now. Remember this must be fulfilled ‘AFTER’ the ships of Tarshish falls! So the ships of Tarshish would not know nor accept their fall. The LORD  separated even the two witnesses of the gentiles after their work. One as the queen of South, to come and CONDEMN others who have been high and lofty, … and the other as the ships of Tarshish, to fall in to the condemnation of the devil !!!

(Remember The LORD  said, the men of Niniveh and queen of South will come to CONDEMN in the second judgment ? They condemn those who have NOT BELIEVED The LORD , those who have exalted themselves. Because queen of South and men of Niniveh came to meet The LORD , who is more greater than king Solomon !!!  So they condemn those who DID NOT COME The LORD .!!  They are the ones who have exalted themselves, have their own knowledge and own works but not exalting The LORD  , that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Remember the men of Niniveh are from Israel, … as they have BELIEVED AND REPENTED as proven. Read the glossary parts 1,    2.  Israel’s gospel from  CHRIST the LORD, is to REPENT AND BELIEVE.  that is because The LORD  knew they would not believe  CHRIST the LORD, …. And His words, but stumble on Him, and His words. Isa. 8:14, 1  Pet. 2: 4-8. )


And this chapter talks about the MYSTERY OF FAITH.. v 9,  13 … “and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.”.. ..”In the faith, which is IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’!!!  Faith,  WHICH IS A FREE GIFT, MUST BE GIVEN BY ‘ CHRIST the LORD’.!!!   GOD the Father whom  you worship John 8:54, cannot give you this faith. !!!  And when one receives faith from  CHRIST the LORD, … they LIVE !!!  That is because when one receives this faith, … they look up to The LORD  to do all things for them , to end salvation in their lives and would not try to have salvation or life on their own , by keeping the law.  There are TWO WAYS FOR MAN CAN LIVE.  Either by himself, by KEEPING THE WHOLE LAW, …. Or by the mercy and grace of The Saviour. !!!  So all the law keepers seek righteousness or life, through the law. That is the only thing the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have in common.  But,  the carnal minds CANNOT BE SUBJECTED TO IT.  and we need the mind of  CHRIST the LORD.  but He will not give it to such high and lofty ones until they submit to Him and say , … we cannot keep the law and be righteous, but save us from the curse of the law, … which is death and give us life.  THAT IS TO HUMBLE BEFORE The LORD  !!!  That is to BELIEVE The LORD  !!!  That is to exalt Him, and not you!!! In the end, you will see… that you are DEAD to the law, by not being able to redeem yourselves from the curse of death.  That is why The LORD must redeem you, from the curse of death !  You truly must understand the law has an end. It has to change. If not all will die !!  man is once appointed to die. Heb.  9:27. That has happened as the two witnesses executed the written judgments. But after that, the ships of Tarshish , who was raised by grace and mercy alone, went back to the law and became The LORD ’s enemy as you will see. that is why the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty , says GOD. Believe Him!


Gal. 3 says faith and law Covenant. the two Covenants.  Faith is not of the law. That is whey after Israel who are of the law was cut off, Rom.  11: 20, faith is given to gentiles. And even the gentiles are to fall from faith. 1 Tim. 4. And they are the ships of Tarshish whom The LORD  says in the last days are high and lofty. !!!  That is how the LORD separated the two witnesses, to ships of Tarshish and to queen of South.  But The LORD  said queen of South comes to condemn others. So that proves the ships of Tarshish are the high and lofty even as Isa. 2 says. Therefore, now, the new Covenant will be established by faith !! That is to totally trust in  CHRIST the LORD and His faith. He said this is a faith-LESS generation. Deut 32.  And The LORD  asked can the Son of Man find faith when He comes ???  So neither man’s law keeping, nor man’s faith in GOD were able to save anyone !!! So The LORD  must give His faith and that is what He did. !!!   So without faith, it is impossible to please GOD ! And faith, is a free gift , given to all who come to Him to get it !!! THIS FAITH, TRULY IS A MYSTERY!


The Heavenly vision is to turn the gentiles to GOD, by faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Acts. 26: 17-19. See glossary. So The LORD  spoke these and they are fulfilled and gentiles received it .  Read Heavenly vision in glossary. When this faith is given, …. One is turned from the power of satan to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  That means they DO NOT FALL IN TO THE CONDEMNATION OF THE DEVIL ANY MORE.!!!  That proves they will NOT BE HIGH AND LOFTY !!!  So as written above, the condemnation of the devil comes to high and lofty ones.  and as The LORD  says, if the men of Niniveh and queen of South CONDEMNS others, … they they condemn those who do not have faith !!!  Because, according to the Heavenly vision, when faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given, … they are turned from the power of satan to GOD.  That means no condemnation to such. !!! 


None of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish can say they have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Because GOD sees the hearts and would not give His faith to such devils. please read ‘Faith of CHRIST THE LORD’. It is given to the believers. So as Israel FAILED TO BELIEVE,… they failed to receive faith also. When Israel was cut off, the gentiles , including these ships of Tarshish are given faith. Rom.  11: 20.  But as 1 Tim. 4 says, IN THE LAST DAYS, …. The same time this Isa. 2 is to happen, and the ships of Tarshish also fell.  They went to Israel, called themselves we are Israel, and wished to be under the law of Moses, …  and started to condemn the ones who are forgiven by The LORD , as lawless ones, when they are saved apart from the law. Rom.  3: 21. More below. The gentiles are called ‘gentiles’ , because they did not have the law, nor GOD, nor The Husband etc as proven. So these ships of Tarshish whom The LORD  says have fallen in to the condemnation of the devil, went back to the law, and mocked The LORD ’s grace, and for BELIEVING in the Name of THE LORD as proven in ‘fallen cherub’ writings!   Mocking for BELIEVING proves she does not believe in The LORD  any longer and that is why The LORD  says they are high and lofty. !!!  She never knew The LORD , as she gave The LORD ’s titles to king David, to satan etc. she is trying to raise up the DEAD Israel, whom she judged and condemned for death for not keeping the law and for breaking the Covenant.  The LORD  has not raised up Israel yet. So she went to DEAD people and became dead !  Would The LORD  save her? The same fate which came to Israel, … came on her as well !  The bottomless pit !  The condemnation of the devil !!


Understand;… this  faith is not given to any in Israel, as they are cut off from faith and it is given to gentiles. Rom.  11: 20,  Heb.  4: 6.  This is why the oaks the cedars, the exalted ministry who thinks they are the Royal Priesthood , are being replaced by the HUMBLE little children as you have seen and will see. so according to GOD, the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish…. You are fallen in to the condemnation of the devil. !


The character of a minister is spoken in this chapter.  But no man can be good that way unless The LORD Has appointed and prepares them. All these are in the past. All the scripture is fulfilled unto the DEATH OF THE LAW KEEPERS !  Now to redeem those who are under the law, … the Spirit and Truth must be given. And Jer. 3 talks about the pastors ( ministry) after GOD’s own heart, … as they were prepared by The LORD , by having the mystery of faith.


1Ti_3:9  Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.” .  As proven, unless we have a mystery of faith, … we cannot have a pure conscience.  And having so, the gentiles sends pure incense. Mal. 1: 11. Remember when Israel was cut off, gentiles were given faith. That means none of the oaks and cedars are given this faith. !  Without faith, it is impossible to please GOD.  Those who are of the law, cannot please GOD… NEVER.  Unless you have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD…., you still are flesh and blood. And have the carnal mind, and pride. Because having faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD means believing in Him and bringing every thought in to HIS obedience. 2 cor 10: 5-6. Faith is given to believers. Rom.  8: 6- 8 says, those of carnal mind, CANNOT PLEASE GOD.  Simply, if you have faith ( in JESUS CHRIST the LORD), you can please GOD.  Then if you DO NOT HAVE FAITH IN HIM, … you cannot please Him !  That is because, when you have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, you TRUST AND BELIEVE HIS EVERY WORD as proven in the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD writing !  Then you would not be lifted up in pride ! it is that simple to understand who can please GOD and who cannot.  Definitely, according to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish HAVE NOT PLEASED GOD as The LORD , HIMSELF SAYS. !!!  So understand… the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish DOES NOT HAVE FAITH to please GOD !!! And Isa. 2 and 1 Tim. 4 says IN THE LAST DAYS… even the gentiles who are given faith have left it to SEDUCING SPIRITS.. doctrines of the devils… speaking LIES in hypocrisy.”…. So what is the doctrine of the devils?  Who are the devils???  It is those who do not have the Holy Spirit, or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which is the Spirit and Truth. That is why by the Spirit of The LORD , … the devils are cast out. Mat. 12: 27-28 !!! Scripture says the “just” shall live by His faith. So the UNJUST are the ones who does not have faith, who are lifted up in pride ! .


Remember faith must be given. Please read Faith of CHRIST THE LORD.  Apostle Paul wrote all these to gentiles. And among the gentiles, this fallen witness who calls herself the ‘ships of Tarshish’, also went to these cedars and the oaks, coming under the law. Devil caused Adam and Eve to sin against the Word of GOD , and to be lifted up in pride as a result. so what is the condemnation of the devil ???  To go down on the belly, and eat DUST !  That means to serve YOUR OWN BELLY and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rom.  16: 18 . “For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple “..  So those who do not serve The LORD , serve their own bellies.  And those serves the devil and not The LORD  !  We know as Isa. 65 says, dust is the serpent’s food. And it is Zion, who is in dust as lamentations 2:10, and Isa. 52: says. They are the oaks and the cedars. 


What is ‘dust’ mean? But remember Adam was first created by dust, (physically dust means Spiritually lies as written elsewhere)   and he is sent to dust again, means to inherit lies as the Tree of Life is cut off, until it is offered again.  Gen. 3.  So all humans were made by dust… and sent to dust. So no one can say they are not proud and that is the condemnation of the devil.  But now , as Dan 12 says below,… some are awakened out of dust and others are condemned. But we know by GOD’s mercy, all will be raised up from dust once again.  And we know it is the serpents and the vipers, who are the leaders of the law, as written below are the ones who serves their own bellies and not The LORD  !!! 


What does ‘dust’ mean?  It means LIES !!!  So Adam was sent to dust means to lies . That is why once, the man is appointed to die Heb.  9:27, and even the two witnesses too had to die in the bottomless pit as devils.  And the man acquired the carnal mind which is the enemy of The LORD .  it KILLED The LORD ,  … killed all the prophets The LORD  sent… including HIS OWN SONS whom He brought to glory. ! So all the people have been beasts, ( without understanding) unless The LORD  teaches them. !


Psa_30:9  What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? }}}… Understand ????  The DUST could NEVER PRAISE The LORD , as it cannot have the TRUTH !!!!  So the man inherited lies !!! But as we are raised from dust, … as Daniel says in Dan 12, … The LORD  gave us the truth !!!     1 John 2: 27 , the little children whom The LORD  prepared,  sanctifies The LORD . Isa. 29: 23.  And they PRAISE The LORD … the sheba as Psa. 72: 12- 15 says. So understand… dust means all humans, cannot PRAISE The LORD  or declare the TRUTH !!!   but you will see… this is why THE BABES are chosen to PERFECT THE PRAISE of The LORD  as Psa. 8 says, as The LORD  revealed secrets to them , in the last hour, hiding these secrets from the wise and the prudent … “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” . So these babes, are given the secrets, the mysteries, including the mystery of faith as written above, … and that means they are given the truth,  and now they are wise and prudent,  while the aged lost their wisdom … and these babes perfect the praise of The LORD .  Psa. 8. “Out of the mouth of the BABES the praise is perfected “.!!! 


Mat 21:16  And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? “So it is these babes, who are taken out of darkness, out to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s light, who are the Royal Priesthood, who are not of Israel ! 1  Pet. 2: 1-10. They are the SHEBA… who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD, who praises The LORD  daily and continually, after the ships of Tarshish are cut off. Psa. 72: 10 talks about tarshish, but that was the first time , but when the kingdom came, it is the sheba who is the queen of South who praise The LORD . vs 12- 19. Read from v 9 onwards.  The LORD ’s enemies will lick the dust. We know now what it means.


Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”….. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise”….}}}… understand… The LORD  says shall the dust praise Him .


Then The LORD  says all men are dust. That means all men CANNOT PRAISE HIM. So HE MUST COME IN TO SOME AND CAUSE HIS PRAISE TO BE PERFECTED, AND GIVE THE TRUTH !!!  and it is the little children who are given the truth to praise Him, the babes !!  And why cannot anyone praise Him ???  Because they cannot declare the truth !!! And that means none had the truth but until JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time to give the knowledge of GOD . Isa. 11: 9 – 11 . 1 John 2:27,  John 6:45 , and this was prophesied in the Old testament, … and it says it is THE CHILDREN, who will be taught, and they will have peace.

Isa 54:13  And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. }}}… so you will see… the seed of the serpent will be bruised, under these children’s feet. !  Rom.  16:20. So after The LORD  taught them, … they will be great in PEACE.  !!! 



Then, The LORD  says the BABES will perfect His praise’.  Then how can the babes praise Him, as they are also dust , UNLESS The LORD  GIVES THEM THE TRUTH? This is why, when the hour came, the secrets are revealed to them. Those secrets are the truth. So The LORD  gave the truth to the little children as written elsewhere, in 1 John 2: 27, as they have an anointing. Therefore, ACCORDING TO The LORD , NO ONE OTHER THAN THESE BABES CAN SAY THEY HAVE THE TRUTH OR THEY PRAISE The LORD  !!!  If you do not believe the Word of GOD , … as it is written, … you are still make Him a liar but in truth, YOU ARE THE LIARS !!


Therefore,, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , do you think you have praised The LORD  ??  That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???


So dust cannot praise GOD as they do not have the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, that HE IS THE GOD WHO SHOULD BE PRAISED and not GOD the Father or any other including yourselves.  You thought you can get righteousness by the law. That is to praise yourselves …  GOD says you are dust. And all humans are dust. Except these babes, who know all things as written elsewhere, are dust still. So Dan 12;2 talks about these children. When your eyes are opened you will see that you have inherited lies and have been dust !!!


Here is the condemnation of the devil, the old serpent.

Gen 3:14  And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: }}}…going down the belly means they will NOT SERVE The LORD , as you will see. so these high and lofty ones serves themselves and not The LORD  !!


Gen 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.}}}… so as as written , in Rom.  16:18, those who do not serve ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, and not GOD the Father, … serve their own bellies.  And dust is inherited. So The LORD  gave us the truth, and we are sent to say to you, that you have inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19. “the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. “… You, the oaks and the cedars are our fathers who taught us … but you taught all lies.  Beginning from Adam, … all men are CURSED TO INHERIT LIES and to SERVE their own bellies and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  This is why, The LORD  of glory was not known by you or any man in this world, until the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to queen of South, and to the babes, the secrets were revealed to PRAISE JESUS CHRIST the LORD!  THIS PROVES THESE BABES, THE QUEEN OF SOUTH ( with men of Niniveh) who comes to CONDEMN you as The LORD  said…. SERVES JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not their bellies !!  This is how in the last days, The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish from queen of South !!!




Isa 2:12  For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Isa 2:13  And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

Isa 2:14  And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up,

Isa 2:15  And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall,

Isa 2:16  And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

Isa 2:17  And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. }}}… so the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are the enemies who are lifted up, who are fallen to the condemnation of the devil , and the snare of the devil, and are serpents. More below. They lick the dust or lies.  They preach doctrines of the devils. they do not have faith . they are not given the mystery of faith !


And then, as Gen. 3 v 15 says, the war between the enemy and THE SEED…

Gen 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.}}}… there will be ENMITY between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed.  The serpent’s seed are the PROUD ONES who are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish as The LORD  says…. And the seed of the woman are JESUS CHRIST the LORD and The Righteous Branch, CHRIST AND CHILDREN of Isa 8:18 . Isa. 60:21-22. THE SEED is  CHRIST the LORD, as we all know, and His seed , who are the little children whom He brought to glory, Heb.  2: 10-13 says , are the woman’s seeds, the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE SEED.


And understand those who SERVE The LORD  and who serves their own bellies… the SEED OF THE WOMAN AND THE SEED OF THE SERPENT…( as you will see… even the two witnesses are separated as the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman and The LORD  put enmity between them )   and the Prince of peace who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD will bruise satan under OUR FEET (THOSE WHO SERVE HIM!)… so we know from Isa. 2, that the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are lofty and proud, and does not serve The LORD  and they are the seed of the serpent. !

Rom 16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. }}}…. The OAKS AND THE CEDARS, do not serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they do not believe HE IS THE FATHER, The Son AND HIS WORDS ARE Holy Spirit , to begin with.  And the ships of Tarshish also fell in to them later, after being saved apart from the law, by mercy and grace, and believing, and receiving faith,  but she went after Israel, … inheriting the law.  It is the law of Moses, which these high and lofty ones have in common, and not even The LORD . ! The law, … is the inheritance of Jacob .


Deu 33:4  Moses commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob. }}}… So the Covenant of the law, which Moses gave ( GOD would not call the law of Moses , HIS laws, but the law of Moses as you will see, as it has an end). But, the other Covenant by PROMISE, was made, 430 years BEFORE the law Covenant … but to come in to effect at The LORD ’s SECOND COMING. That is the Promise of the FATHER, the Holy Spirit, the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. These truths must be taught to these high and lofty ones so they can humble! 


Gal 3:17  And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

Gal 3:18  For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

Gal 3:19  Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. }}}… So this Covenant is IN  CHRIST the LORD, .. and to His seed as Isa. 8:18 says. Understand the two Covenants. One is the law to Jacob , … the other to  CHRIST the LORD, and to His seed who would receive the PROMISE !!!!  They are the CHRIST and HIS children . Isa. 8:18, who fears and sanctifies Him Isa. 29:23, and who are brought to glory to exalt the Captain of Salvation. Heb.  2: 10-13 !! and the law is given to prove the transgression .. which truly is the unbelief , caused by pride , as the carnal mind. So the promise cannot be disannulled. And what you see now is that Covenant has come in to effect !!!!  Promise of the FATHER is the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His truth , the Holy Spirit !  So until the transgression under the Covenant of the law is removed, … none of them can receive the Promise of the FATHER.  and without it, how could one live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD , ???  So the Holy Spirit, which is the Promise of the FATHER, could not be given to Israel until this transgression is forgiven. That is what The LORD  is now doing.  so the ships of Tarshish proves, not even the gentiles can believe The LORD , but believe in themselves and what is the outcome in that. These things are written , to be fulfilled !!



Rom 16:20  And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. }}}… If satan will be bruised, … it HAS TO BE WHO ARE UNDER THE CONDEMNATION OF THE DEVIL, WHO ARE THE HIGH AND LOFTY ones. !!!  understand … the two groups. The seed of the woman ( humbled little children ) and the seed of the serpent the old serpent the devil ( who are the high and lofty ones) .  If the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are lifted up according to The LORD , …. Would not they fall in to the condemnation of the devil ???  Then, if they are so,…. Would they not be the seed of the serpent ???   The only thing all these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish have in common is the law, the serpent which Moses lifted up ! the failure of the ships of Tarshish proves this further.  She , herself admits she is a spiritual serpent as written below. 


But first… understand the final battle which began in Gen. 3,  v 15 as The LORD  said would end when The LORD  brings down the pride in man. Lot more proven  below. The TRUTH wipe out the lies.  The Humbleness of the babes, who are converted and who came to  CHRIST the LORD, who are born as HIS OWN CHILDREN, are the seed of the woman.  Do you understand who are these ‘under your feet” means?  They are the ones who serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who are NOT LIFTED UP and who are NOT among the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!!  And still these ships of Tarshish are trying to deceive the whole world in to believing in keeping the law of Moses and lift up the serpent to seek righteousness out of it.  many things she has written against The LORD ’s little children are written in the fallen cherub writings . !  and the GOD of peace will sanctify us wholly. 1 Thess. 5:23, and keep us blameless to His coming.  We cannot do it ourselves, no matter how much we keep the laws and commandments. Our righteousness , is filthy !


And their obedience will be made known unto all men…

Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men…}}}… this is why Apostle Paul wrote that those who are NOT LIFTED UP IN PRIDE, … who have not fallen in to the condemnation of the devil, are obedience to GOD and must have a good report to those who are without. That means to the seed of the serpent, who are without us.

1Ti 3:6  Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

1Ti 3:7  Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. }}}… since the time has come to know the ones who serves The LORD  and those who do not and serve their own bellies, The LORD  will make known our obedience .  this is the same as 2 cor 10: 5-6.  We have FULFILLED OUR OBEDIENCE TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD and are being used by Him to avenge those who did not.  That also explains the war between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent !  Those who have obeyed and who have not obeyed !


The ships of Tarshish always boasted that she is spiritual, no one needs to judge her but she judged everyone else in each of her writing , judging us by APPEARANCE.  When one says no one needs to judge them as they are spiritual, … that one raised his level to THE JUDGE, who is  CHRIST the LORD.  Besides,  the Word of GOD  says only the little children, as HE IS IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, who are the queen of South and the men of Niniveh, whom The LORD  said would arise to condemn.  So she makes herself equal to THE JUDGE !!!  No one but GOD only can see our hearts and hidden counsels. 1 cor 4:5.  And FAITH,… no one can see.  only way to know who are of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who are vain and lofty and lifted up in pride is… to read the scripture. If The LORD  says so, all must believe. so she judged us be appearance and said many things against us. Such people who are judging by the appearance is exalted against the knowledge of GOD  … , and they are the weapons of our warfare… who are CARNAL,  and those who have fulfilled obedience , are mighty in GOD.

2Co 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) …}}}… GOD’s weapons of war, … or GOD’s army, the little children, are not CARNAL !!! Then, these high and lofty ones are still carnal. That is also the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.  All these proves, the seed of the serpent are the high and lofty ones !!


2Co 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; }}}…. So the weapons or the army of The LORD  is fighting against those who did not exalt The LORD , or the knowledge of GOD , but themselves and who did not obey  CHRIST the LORD !!!  We do not need to ask who they are as The LORD  exposes them , the high and lofty ones.

2Co 10:6  And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. }}}… so you see.. the high and lofty ones have exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD , as they have not believed Him. 

2Co 10:7  Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s. }}}… Understand… Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, the second time, The LORD  gave the knowledge of GOD  to gentiles.  And then, to the little children when the gentiles also failed. 1 John 2: 20-27. And then, they are to fulfill their obedience to Him.  Then, they are used to revenge all others who are disobedience ‘TO’ JESUS CHRIST the LORD.   So the ships of Tarshish who are the gentiles, could not fulfill their obedience, but desired to come under the law and to be righteous. 


Remember the prophet preached not to focus on JESUS CHRIST the LORD too much and go pass Him to GOD the Father to get revelation???  He should focus ONLY ON JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  Therefore, who have obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD ,  are at war with those who have not obeyed.  And Apostle Peter wrote in 1  Pet. 2,  Israel is appointed to stumble at the Word of GOD  and to be DISOBEDIENT !!!  They are the sons of disobedience !!! And these high and lofty ones should know, if they think they are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s,…. So are we !!!  Do not judge by the appearance !!!   Judge by the ‘Word of GOD ’, John 12: 48.  That is why in the last day, on the day of judgment, the little children are to be as The LORD  IS, as HE IS IN THEM. 1 John 4: 17. “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world”….  Scripture proves, the queen of South, men of Niniveh and these little children are to be AS The LORD  IS, ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.  THAT IS WHY THEY CONDEMN THOSE WHO HAVE NOT COME TO  CHRIST the LORD. !!!!  These are the little children who are anointed to learn from The LORD . as 1 John 2: 20-27 says. They are the BABES who are perfecting the PRAISE OF The LORD .  !!  Remember praising means NO DUST. !!  So others who are mentioned in Isa. 2, are still in dust !!! Therefore, as written above,  we have obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD .  so before our feet, these satanic devils will be  bruised !  and those who are to be ‘AS HE IS in the day of judgment”, who are the little children, …. Who have overcome the wicked one as The LORD  IS IN THEM, (1Jn_4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. “)…and as they abide in the Word of GOD …, have their LOVE MADE PERFECT !!!  Remember The LORD  taught the brotherly love to them. 1 Thess. 4:9 !!!   So these children have overcome the wicked one as The LORD  IS IN THEM !!!  No other can claim that The LORD  Is in them. Col. 1:27 also talks about the gentiles.  From those gentiles also the ships of Tarshish fell. If not, The LORD  would not say they are lofty !


See how The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish from sheba or the queen of South.

Psa 72:10  The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. }}}… Tarshish and Sheba are to bring presents to The LORD  together.  But in the end, when the time came to condemn the ships of Tarshish as high and lofty, … The LORD  separated them and the sheba. ( queen of South). This verse talks about  the wise men who brought gifts to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , at His first birth.  But then, the rest of the verses talks about the kingdom.  King David’s prayers ended in this.  Because at this time, the dust is removed from the queen of South… as she praises The LORD , having received the truth and the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD !!!  Remember zep 3: 9-15, says when the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is received, … the judgments are turned off. That is because these queen of South have PRAISED The LORD . the secrets were revealed, and she praised The LORD …


Psa 72:7  In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. }}}… Remember as written above, in Rom.  16:20, the Prince of peace will bruise satan under our feet?  And as Isa. 54:13 says, when The LORD  teaches, the children will have GREAT PEACE????  So They have the peace. So IN HIS DAYS, .. the righteous will flourish.  And v 6 proves, that happens when The LORD  comes as the rain, … to water the earth. !!!  And then they are the righteous also.  who are the Righteous Branch???  It is the little one … Isa. 60;21- 22… who received the secrets,  the branch of The LORD ’s planting. As the little children are forgiven, and taught the truth, they are made righteous. 1 John 2. THEY BEAUTIFY The LORD … which means they exalt The LORD  and not themselves. They are meek and humble !!! The LORD  said to be converted as little children !!! So the babes who perfect the praise of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are the ones with the queen of South. !

Psa 72:11  Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. }}}… so this prophecy if for a time when all the kings, they are the oaks and the cedars , who will bow down to Him. Remember.. every knee will bow down to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and every tongue will confess that HE IS The LORD  !!

Psa 72:12  For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. }}}… read Zeph. 3: 1-15. 


Psa 72:13  He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.

Psa 72:14  He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight. }}}… we proved the poor are the gentiles… and The LORD  HAS ALREADY DELIVERED THEIR SOULS FROM DECEIT !!!  And they too had to shed their blood.  So the DECEITFUL ones are the lifted up ones who speak lies … whose wisdom has perished !! Remember Acts. 13:??? When the wisdom perishes, a short work in righteousness The LORD  would do ? Can you deny this little one’s work which is exalting The LORD  ???  HE HAS APPOINTED THIS WORK.  So if you still do not believe, … it is because you have deceit and have the doctrines of devil !


Psa 72:15  And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall HE BE PRAISED. }}}… So you see… The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish and queen of South … and as The LORD  said the queen of South will arise in judgment with the men of Niniveh to CONDEMN … now that she has received the truth, she and the men of Niniveh who repented and believed condemns the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who have the pride !  as written above, the little children are to be as The LORD  Is in the DAY OF JUDGMENT, and also the queen of South with the men of Niniveh as The LORD  said.  So they are the same ones who PERFECT THE PRAISE of The LORD , having redeemed from dust !  At this time, the stones of the Sanctuary, who are gold, have lost their gold. Lam 4. : 1- 2. Their gold is rusted as Apostle James said.  And now it is the queen of South who brings gold to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , with their PRAYERS and PRAISES !!!  So are they not the BABES who received the secrets and praises The LORD  ???  THEY ARE DELIVERED FROM DUST !!  Dan 12 talks about them !!  others are raised to condemnation.  But , The LORD  will take the rebuke away Isa. 25:8 and the judgment. Zep 3: 9 – 15 ! The LORD  says the pride will be destroyed.  So the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish … your pride will be destroyed and you will become as one of these little children !


Psa 72:17  His NAME shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. }}}… How could The LORD ’s name can endure, if the queen of South , the daughter of Ethiopia is not given it ???  Zep 3: 9-10.  this scripture should read as ‘The LORD  will be blessed”.  Remember unless the little children say “Blessed is the one who comes in the Name of THE LORD” in Mat. 23: 30 – 39 onwards, as king David’s son, … HE WILL NOT BE SEEN IN Jerusalem. ???   Now, The LORD  can be seen in Jerusalem ! How can any one bless the Name of THE LORD, unless it is given ??? And it is given to the daughter of Ethiopia , the queen of South !!  That is why she condemns those who did not praise the Name of THE LORD !!!  The LORD  says they are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!! 

Psa 72:18  Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. }}}… so the GOD of Israel, was blessed by the little children, the gentiles, … before Israel !!!

Psa 72:19  And blessed be HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOR EVER: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.

Psa 72:20  The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. }}}… King David blessed The LORD .  the Tabernacle of David was made to honor The LORD of HOSTS , who is  CHRIST the LORD.  But His own wife and children failed to honor Him as the FATHER. so He bore others as His own sons by adopting them as Apostle Paul wrote. And they have blessed The LORD .  so He can come to Jerusalem !!! So remember, like king David, … these poor , in east will Bless The LORD “s name.  as written elsewhere, the ships of Tarshish even mocked for believing in His name. !


The LORD  warned Israel about their failure and will FORGET HIM.. ( they forgot their Maker Holy ONE Hos. 8:14) .  They never thought The ROCK is their GOD. That is  CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of Sabbath.  Israel never kept Sabbath to honor The LORD of Sabbath. But they kept the Sabbath to honor GOD the Father ! So since they forgot as Jer. 3 says, … their heart is lifted up.

Deu 8:11  Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:,

Deu 8:14  Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; }}}…  Have you not forgotten the GOD who brought you out of bondage???  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who would set us free even now. John 8:32 . (see below) . Israel did not even keep the Sabbath, to The ROCK who is  CHRIST the LORD who gave it , but honored GOD the Father when there is no such one !!!  So they even did not enter in to the GOD the Father nor to the city where The MAKER is or looked for the city where Abraham looked John 8, … and did not have the works of Abraham. Even the ships of Tarshish forgot the who saved them by GRACE ALONE !!!


Deu 8:15  Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; …}}}}… EVEN NOW, SPIRITUAL SERPENTS, DROUGHT IS SENT !

Deu 8:16  Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end; ..}}}… remember hidden manna Rev. 2;17 is given now to those who overcome?  That is the truth about GODHEAD which The LORD  did not give , but to  those who overcame, the little children as written elsewhere. And when you understand that manna, … you will humble yourselves and see that you have exalted yourselves !!


Deu 8:17  And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. }}}… all the churches thank GOD for giving all the wealth, spiritual and physical.  But they thank GOD the Father and not the GOD who brought them out and did all these things.  Not even Moses believed and sanctified The LORD  once. Num. 20: 12. But these little children will. Isa. 29: 23. !!! So all these high and lofty ones think, by THEIR POWER, they are mighty.  That is those who keep the law. Because there are two ways to be saved, … either by the law or by GOD’s grace !!!

Deu 8:18  But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. }}}… oaks and cedars have forgotten their GOD … and have broken the Covenant.  and the ships of Tarshish had the Covenant by PROMISE as written elsewhere… and they forgot that and started to come under the law saying we are Israel !!!  So all these high and lofty ones forgot GOD !!! cccccccccccccc

Deu 8:19  And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.

Deu 8:20  As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God. }}}… in doing all the evils by forgetting The LORD , … they failed to hear the voice of The LORD  , their GOD !!!  But ‘other sheep will hear, The LORD  said. John 10: 16 !!! remember Adam too did not obey the voice of The LORD , but heard the voice of his wife, and the serpent!


We must continue in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S word. Then we be His disciples.

joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; }}… Who keep the Word of GOD  ???  It is the little children . 1 John 2: 14… the young ones abide in His words. And as you can see… they have become His disciples !! We are being sent to you who did not obey the word !

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. }}}… truth, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words. And this is John 17:17-20 also. After The LORD  taught the little children His truth, they are sent. That is why you must receive little children who come in the Name of THE LORD as He said and be converted as one of them!  Now hear… Abraham’s children are in bondage, as they did not abide in  CHRIST the LORD’s words.  They are servants of sin !!!  all because of pride !!!

Joh 8:33  They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

Joh 8:34  Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

Joh 8:35  And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

Joh 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. }}}… if The Son makes you free… you are free. If not, you are under bondage of the devil, .. your evil heart!

Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. }}}…  oaks, and cedars… The LORD  says, HIS WORD which makes one free has no place in you !!!  Do you believe that ??? No wonder why the prophet took the people to GOD the Father to get the words !!!  Yu caused all the people to transgress against The LORD  !!!  Your HUSBAND !!!

Joh 8:38  I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. …}}}… our FATHER should be  CHRIST the LORD.   if not , , … then your father is the devil. John 8: 44.  THEN YOU HAVE EXALTED YOURSELVES ! Abraham’s children are the seed of the devil, the serpent as they do not have The LORD  nor His word !!! remember His FATHER is His own words, the Holy Spirit ! (He Is the SPIRIT 2 cor 3:17 and His words are Spirit joh 6:63, and the Holy Spirit comes from Christ’s mouth. JOh 20:22))  So with many other scripture, we prove that Israel or Abraham’s children are the children of the devil. Just as Adam was deceived in to believe in the Tree of good and evil , all Israel too believed in the law of Moses to get righteousness !!!  Then, after treading Israel , the ships of Tarshish also claims they have joined Israel and came under the law. 


When  CHRIST the LORD says ‘I have seen with My FATHER”, … It His own Holy Spirit which begat Him.  Isa. 9: 6-7 says, the zeal of The LORD of HOSTS  sent the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son.  So who is The LORD of HOSTS  ???  Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD ?  So His FATHER is His own words which we are set free, which is the truth ! If you do not abide in  CHRIST the LORD and His words as He said, … you have seen with your father, the devil ! 


Nevertheless, as written elsewhere, in Acts. 13: 38-39 says, even the law keepers must BELIEVE in order to be justified.  So the ships of Tarshish must know, they were justified NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR LAW KEEPING NOR JOINING Israel WHO ARE Spiritually DEAD,  BUT BY BELIEF.  2 Thess. 2: 13 and many other scripture proves gentiles are saved because they believed.  And it is our belief which justifies us.  That is because, when we believe in Him, .., we say to GOD, …. ‘GOD , you are not a liar, we are the liars and we believe every word which you say.  Then, The LORD  is not offended any longer.  We proved that is the sin which Adam committed and all men committed.  So by joining Israel, and coming under the law when it must be changed with it’s priesthood as Heb.  7 says, as the LAW COULD NOT PERFECT A SINGLE HIGH PRIEST even.  Abraham believed and had faith in GOD. Rom.  4.  That is why The LORD  established a Covenant with him.  then, in order to bring his children, … they must have the works of Abraham, which is belief and faith.  And the little children are given faith and belief !!!  


Here is what The LORD  say about ‘HIS’ witnesses;-

Isa 43:10  Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

Isa 43:11  I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

Isa 43:12  I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. }}}… The LORD ’s witnesses are chosen by Him, … as He says ‘MY’ servant,  ( ONE) to KNOW,  BELIEVE, and understand…. That HE IS and there is no other GOD !  Absolutely there is no other GOD.  !  It was, Is, and is to come, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. His own words or Holy Spirit begat Him and even us. 1  Pet. 1; 23,  Jam 1:18. So when this witness BELIEVED, she has the works of Abraham. The mystery of GOD was revealed in 2008 Mar/ Apr.  ever since we have been declaring that there is ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD and all about GODHEAD. He delivered that knowledge of GOD  , Himself. Isa. 11: 9 – 11,  1 John 2; 27, John 6:45. Isa. 54:13

Isa 54:13  And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. ..}}}… Thy children…. They are the gentiles ( Jer. 16:19) shall be taught of The LORD .  and then when the gentiles or the ships of Tarshish failed, GOD turned to little children, to HIS OWN CHILDREN and taught them.  So this servant, witness is the daughter of Ethiopia who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD ! that is Isa. 60:21-22.  So when she BELIEVED, … the whole humanity’s offense against The LORD , for not believing in, … is removed.  That is why when she brings The LORD ’s offerings, the judgments are turned off. Zep 3: 9 – 15 !!  And then, The LORD  says…He will bring your seed from the EAST, to gather those in the west !!! and PEACE ???  as written above, in Rom.  16:20, … it is the little children who have peace as their FATHER, the Prince of peace gave them peace !  BECAUSE, THE PEACE COMES FROM BELIEVING !!! Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. “. … Joy, peace comes in believing. So The LORD  prepared His servant to know, believe and understand that HE IS and not they are !!!  So the seed of the woman are the believers and seed of the serpent are the UN-believers !!! 


Rom 15:12  And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust.

Rom 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. }}}… Holy Spirit also must be given.  It is given to our hearts. Gal. 4;6, to His children or sons. And the love of GOD  also is given when the Holy Spirit is given. Rom.  5:5.  And then who are the ‘gentiles’ who trust in The LORD  in the end, when the ships of Tarshish left faith to the law.? It is WHEN THE JUDGMENTS ARE TO BE TURNED OFF…, and the daughter of Ethiopia , the queen of South who are the poor, who are in GOD’s Holy Mountain,… who would NOT LIE, who would TRUST in the Name of THE LORD , after receiving it !!!  CAN you… the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish deny these scripture and say that we , the daughter of Ethiopia have not received the truth, the Name of THE LORD and we are in Holy Mountain, and we TRUST in the Name of THE LORD ??? 


Zep 3:9  For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

Zep 3:10  From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.

Zep 3:11  In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

Zep 3:12  I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.

Zep 3:13  The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. }}}… in the last days, the Holy Mountain is where the daughter of Ethiopia is, who trust in the Name of THE LORD, who BELIEVED IN THE Name of THE LORD and was justified and received the Truth,  AS The LORD  SAYS SHE DOES NOT SPEAK LIES NOR A DECEITFUL TONGUE (serpent’s poison) is not in her?  She does not lift up the serpent as Moses did, but The LORD . John 12: 31. -32.  The LORD  SAYS THEY HAVE NO INIQUITY.  No serpent needs to bite their heels.! According to GOD, they do not eat dust, but they have the truth, as they do not have lies, so they are the seed of the woman who bruises the head of the serpent !!!  remember it is those who trust in The LORD , are the Mt. Zion. Psa. 125


Zep 3:14  Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

Zep 3:15  The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.

Zep 3:16  In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack. }}}… The LORD  says, in that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem… to fear not.  That is the ass and the foal, when The LORD  comes to Zion to give salvation as Zech. 9:9 says. Please read Zech. 9:9

Zep 3:17  The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. }}}… The LORD  prepared the seed in the EAST , to gather you from the west. !  The ships of Tarshish also have joined Israel who needs to be saved. And since the daughter of Ethiopia has believed, … The LORD  will turn off the judgments.  The LORD  says, she brings His offerings to HIS NAME !!! This is why and how The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish from the queen of South , by giving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , so all can worship Him in one consent.  The truth shall make all free. The Son will make us free. Those who did not receive the truth from this daughter of Ethiopia, will be condemned as high and lofty and have been proud against The LORD  and spoken against the knowledge of GOD  !!!


Isa 43:5  Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; ..}}}… so the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , since you have joined to Israel who are in the west, … do you believe that to gather the tribes in the west, will be done by the seed in the east ???  when the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given, all will worship Him with ONE CONSENT! Zep 3: 9 !!!  This means UNLESS this clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given, …. No one knew that we must worship and call upon JESUS CHRIST the LORD as all Israel preach TWO GODS !!!  They profaned the Covenant because of that. Mal. 2: 10-11 !!!  so The LORD  does all these through one little one and the little children whom The LORD  brought to glory or converted ! When The LORD  says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have lifted themselves up and high and lofty, WE BELIEVE and we see as The LORD says they are so.  The ships of Tarshish did not know, nor understood nor believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD totally.  They cannot understand CHRIST and HIS children  in Isa. 8: 18 or Heb.  2: 10-13 ! She mocked for believing in the Name of THE LORD.  So she has exalted herself against the knowledge of GOD  and have not brought every thought in to obedience of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


So in the end, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish also must come to east to receive the Name of THE LORD from those who are in the east, in order to believe in Him, to be justified, leaving aside their law keeping, and admitting that they have had vain visions, lies and have been proud against The LORD  !


As we have trusted in The LORD , and in the Holy Mountain, now Zion will be saved as she can believe in the LORD to be justified , understanding her failure to keep the law and acknowledging she has broken the Covenant !!!



Heb.  2: 10-14 talks about the sons of Israel and JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own sons whom He brought to glory, and they are known so, as they DECLARE THAT JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE CAPTAIN OF SALVATION. !!!But here is v 14 which says Israel are devil and have death. That means they have the power of DEATH. They have made a Covenant with death.  When The LORD  entered in to the Marriage Covenant and gave the laws of it, … The LORD  knew they are to die and not a single one will keep it. !  that is why a new Covenant is called for.  Remember unless one goes to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they are carnal, flesh and blood. 1 Co 10:18 says Israel are flesh.

Heb 2:14  Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; }}}… Israel are partakers of flesh and blood… they are carnal… the enemy of The LORD ,  who could never be subjected to the law of GOD as Apostle Paul wrote. !!!  So do these oaks, cedars and even ships of Tarshish say they are flesh and blood as they are sons of devil, the death ??? When the two witnesses were killed, the ships of Tarshish was never raised up. That is why she wanted to live by keeping the law and says she keeps the whole law,  being righteous and holy and judge, accuse and condemn all others ! But The LORD  Has declared it is the daughter of Ethiopia only who speak the truth in the Holy Mountain as written above !!!  so she is exalting against the knowledge of GOD  !!!  She still does not believe The LORD  !


And now understand… previous verses of the same chapter, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD sanctified these children and called them brethren, ( instead of Israel who are carnal ) and He declares the Name of THE LORD to them, and sing praises to The LORD . they are CHRIST and HIS children .. in Isa. 8:18 and 29:23 who sanctify The LORD …

Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. }}}.. to make the JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the Captain of salvation, … The LORD  brought them salvation first and brought to glory. ( remember glory means to now and understand His mercy etc. Jer. 9:24) . And all things are from Him. And this is one of the commandment of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to His children. That is to declare that HE IS THE AUTHOR OF SALVATION , and to trust in Him, just as these have trusted in Him for salvation. !!!  There is no salvation in GOD the Father.  or the law. One must believe in His name to be justified as written above!   We know the law of Moses is  temporary. The new commandment is to love one another. As written above… that love of GOD  also must be taught by Him !!!  and given with peace and BELIEVING. So all Israel should believe first, in order to receive the Holy Spirit and the love of GOD !!!   This is how these children fulflled the law also, as love of GOD  fulfills the law !!! 


Heb 2:11  For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, }}}… Right now, only these children are brethren of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and have become ONE WITH HIM. HE IS IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN as written elsewhere !!!  these are the children given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as John 17 says. They are ONE with each other. That is why The LORD  Is in them , in the little children. In John 17, one of the children fell … that is the ships of Tarshish who went in to perdition as written elsewhere. The ships of Tarshish were chosen to be among these children.  But she fell from grace, as grace also given to those who are humble. Jam 4:6. . To save the poor, The LORD , Himself became poor. 2 cor 8:9.  Grace and peace comes by the knowledge of GOD . 2  Pet. 1:2. So to whom the knowledge of GOD  and grace and peace is given ???  To the little children ! because of His grace, He died for us to save us from the offense which is against Him !!!  and we access this grace by FAITH. Rom.  5:2.  And before the world began, The LORD  prepared to give grace to those who received it. 2 ti 1:9 So saving, calling, all done by grace and not because of our law keeping. !  We are even justified by grace. Titus 3:7 . Therefore, even grace does not come on the proud, but on the humble, FIRST.  Then, The LORD  will turn to humble and destroy the pride of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!

Heb 2:12  Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. }}}… To whom, The LORD  declared the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD ???  They are  the babes who sing praises to perfect His praise!!!!  So this scripture further proves the daughter of Ethiopia who received the Name of THE LORD, are the babes who are the brethren of JESUS CHRIST the LORD who perfect His praise!!!!. That means they are not dust any more as written above. They are saved from the condemnation of the devil and they have not exalted themselves nor are proud ! so when The LORD  says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are proud and lofty, would He give grace to them ???  This is why they are Spiritually DRUNK ! 


Heb 2:13  And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me. }}}… CHRIST and HIS children  !! “Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.” … these CHRIST and HIS children  are a SIGN AND A WONDER IN ISRAEL !!! Can you see that we are PRAISING The LORD  ? Can you see that JESUS CHRIST the LORD Is in us ???  This is the same way that you can praise Him as well !!!  Humble yourselves and be converted as little ones to receive grace !!!  John 17 also talks about  CHRIST the LORD’s prayer regarding these children.  They are prepared by the truth,  to be sent, in order to cause those who have not believed , … to believe in Him !!!

 So CHRIST and HIS children  are a SIGN AND A WONDER !!!

And you will see this sign and a wonder among you when The LORD  humbles you !!! 


Knowledge caused one to be puffed up. That is what happened to all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish .  GOD gave them the knowledge, and they used it to judge and accuse others and not see their own vanities.  Eze. 16: 52 says PCG JUDGED others, and did worse than others.  And same way the ships of Tarshish also did among the gentiles. The LORD condemns her as a fallen cherub as proven. The LORD  gave her the knowledge. And what she did with it is to accuse others. If you read her writings, you can know how she condemned other gentiles for breaking the law, when they are JUSTIFIED ALREADY BY BELIEVING IN THE Name of THE LORD . she too will be justified the same way as we are as written above. Scripture says if one goes to the law, they fall even from grace. Gal. 5:4.

1Co 8:1  Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

1Co 8:2  And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

1Co 8:3  But if any man love God, the same is known of him. }}}… all these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish think they know all things, and they love GOD.  But as written above, … the love of GOD  also must be taught by The LORD .  I have never heard any of them teaching that. 1 Thess. 4:9. And love is given with the Holy Spirit as written above !!!  so if anyone love GOD, they are known of Him.  So do you think when The LORD  condemns the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , of being high and lofty, they are known of Him, or The LORD  thinks they love Him ???  They love THEMSELVES !!!!  if they truly love GOD, at least now, they must repent for being high and lofty !!!


GOD says, the little children who have the anointing to learn from JESUS CHRIST the LORD as 1 John 2:27 says, know all things, the TRUTH as He taught them. They are the ones in the Holy Mountain as written above, those in the east who received the Name of THE LORD. and The LORD  says they don’t speak lies.

1Jn 2:20  But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

1Jn 2:21  I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. }}}… GOD says… and not any puny worm says these little children, KNOW ALL THINGS. They have an UNCTION from the ‘Holy ONE’ to make them know all things. V 27 says, “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him”. so as they are given the truth, and The LORD  says they will not lie, as written above, … in the Holy Mountain, .. their knowledge would not puff up them, but will be given from them to all others. Because, the UNCTION and the ANOINTING to them, is from The LORD  , HIMSELF. No man, no high priest , no minister anointed them so, … but The LORD , Himself. !!!  So all the wise , and exalted ones must learn all things from these little children. That is the Holy Spirit, the Living Waters. That is the way the LORD Has ordained for all. !


GOD taught them the truth, gave all knowledge… and He says these little children have UNCTION, ANOINTING, to know all things, … both same word is used G5545 which means “anything smeared on, unguent, ointment, usually prepared by the Hebrews from oil and aromatic herbs. Anointing was the inaugural ceremony for priests”… or “the action of anointing someone with oil or ointment as a religious rite or as a symbol of investiture as a monarch”…, The act of anointing as part of a religious, ceremonial, or healing ritual. 2. An ointment or oil; a salve”…..so The LORD  gave the eye salve to these little children , and gave all knowledge.  THEIR ANOINTING IS FROM The LORD  AND NOT FROM ANY MAN OR THEMSELVES !!!!   The oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish must accept The LORD ’s ANOINTED !!!  So we can say the eye salve is the knowledge of GOD  , the truth. All false knowledge puffs up which the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish gave. That is why they are sons of the devil, the serpent. And these anointed ones will be the seed of the woman who would bruise the head of the serpent !!!  They have NO INIQUITY according to The LORD  !!!  


And this means The LORD  wants these little children to be His specially anointed ones to know all things.  CAN YOU DENY THE SCRIPTURE ?? None of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish accepted them. !!! in fact the ships of Tarshish were among them. The LORD  chose and called them to be His own children. Both Israel and gentiles failed in belief and in faith ! So NO ONE CAN BOAST !!!  One thing should be understood by these evil self righteous leaders ; that you are fighting against THE LORD’S ANOINTED.  WCG called me Eve.  In 2004 during Feast Of Tabernacles , the PCG leader called me evil and both churches disfellowshipped me.  and more over our own , accused and judged before GOD continually as The LORD  says… with a continual stroke, day and night His people were accused.  More later.

1Jn 2:27  But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

1Jn 2:28  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

1Jn 2:29  If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. }}}… as John 17 says , the ships of Tarshish were among those who were called to be with JESUS CHRIST the LORD in His second coming.  And they did not abide in Him, but went to Israel, exalting Israel, when The LORD  says they are the vessels of WRATH.  So these ships of Tarshish wished to have GOD’s wrath.  The law and all things concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD has an end. But they continue to judge and accuse, when The LORD  says these little children are HIS ANOINTED to know all things !  how many prophecies The LORD  Has uttered regarding these little children?


“ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”…The LORD  who ANOINTED us says, DO NOT LET ANY MAN TEACH YOU, BUT ABIDE IN HIM !!!  Did not The LORD  say ‘abide in Me” and then ‘abide in My words”???? So only those who are anointed BY HIM, abide in Him and in His word. As written elsewhere, The LORD  says the young ones are strong as they abide in His words !!! “ young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. “  The LORD  says, these little children have overcome the wicked one as they abide in Him and His words!  But would the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish believe in Him, or in these little ones? LORD’s hand does not slack anything but will bring Him the victory of bruising the serpent’s head, so it cannot bite anyone’s heels , causing them to go backward to the broken laws of the broken Covenant which no carnal man could keep !!!  GOD Is trying to redeem those who are under the law, from the curse of the law, … but these still trying to get back to it, instead of coming out of it , thanking The LORD ’s blood and mercy !


“as it hath taught you”…Apostle John even wrote some will try to seduce us.. v 26 “These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. .. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you”. No man can seduce us back to the broken Covenant when The LORD  has taught us.  ! ships of Tarshish even mocked us for this ! She says she is a battle axe and she is because The LORD  says so.  But the weapons of war of GOD are the truth and helmet of salvation etc. she is given the authority to cut down the DEAD BRANCHES, who are the evil ministry. Isa. 27:11.  But she is trying to cut down THE LORD’S ANOINTED ONES ALSO!  That Is DIRECTLY ATTACKING The LORD  !!!  If she knew !!! She is trying to seduce us in to DEAD WORKS when The LORD  Has given us life !!!


If The LORD  says the Word of GOD  abides in us, and He Is in us, what more do we want from any puny man or woman ?



Remember The LORD  said… to be converted as little children?  This is it !!!  All these are LORD’s appointed works.  And The LORD  Has chosen the correct person to the correct job.  The battle axe should be one also and she is attacking The LORD  with the axe given!


Here is some of the things The LORD  said about how He would send little children , so you can judge your selves to see if you have done these to HIM !!!

Mat 18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 18:5  And whoso shall receive one such little child in MY NAME receiveth me. }}}… It is not just ANY LITTLE ONE,  but if they come in ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME, … you must receive them. And to whom the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given ?? As written above, it is the little children and now we have come to you.  We have been beautifying, glorifying JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven over and over !!!   You must understand who comes in ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME and not in our own names such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!  So humble yourselves, the exalted ones … and become like these little children who COMES IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  We are BEING SENT. John 17:17-20!  You will believe us !!! Humble as this little one as The LORD  says !!!  If not, The LORD  will humble you ! ‘receive one such little child in MY NAME receiveth me.”…Did you receive these little children who comes in His name???


If you have not received these little ones, … you desire to be some body whom you are not.!  In that, you exalt yourselves !!!  That is why The LORD  says you are high and lofty.  You disfellowshipped us saying we do not want to be defiled by having us. We are made to look like rebels.  But we are The LORD ’s anointed !  If you received us, then you would have received The LORD  !!!

Mar 9:35  And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. …}}}… You desiresd to be first saying we are spiritual, we know, .. who are you to teach me, … I have written the book of Ezekiel etc.  but where would you all be, when The LORD  judges you for rejecting the little one whom HE HAS SENT ???

Mar 9:36  And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them,

Mar 9:37  Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me. …}}}… you see… if you received us, .. you would have received The LORD and the One whom sent Him as well. !!!  Who truly sent Him ???  Isa. 9:6-7.  The LORD of HOSTS ’s zeal sent Him. then who is The LORD of Hosts ??? Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  The LORD  does not say I will send OAKS, CEDARS, OR SHIPS OF TARSHISH !!!  In the last days, He wants to destroy their works as they have not been exalting The LORD , and would not receive The LORD ’s anointed !!! 


If one comes in His name,  because that one BELONGS TO HIM,… and if you give a cup of water, …. You will be rewarded!!!

Mar 9:41  For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. }}}… When do you think The LORD  send any one in ‘HIS’ name ???  It is only after the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given. That is when we knew there is only one creator, one FATHER as Mal. 2: 10-11 says.  CHRIST the LORD said many false prophets will come in His name.  only way to see a false one or a true one is to find from the scripture, who is given HIS NAME !  To whom did The LORD give the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , according to the Word of GOD  ???  Is it not to these little children, and the queen of South , the daughter of Ethiopia as written above ???  SHE BELONGS TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD…. The LORD  calls her ‘MY DAUGHTER”…. And Isa. 8:18 says CHRIST and HIS children  …. Also John 17, Mal. 3: 16-18, Heb.  2:10 etc. none of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish received us , who belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD!  So they have lost their rewards !!!  



Understand… if a little one comes in the name of a DISCIPLE, … of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are to receive them. So who are the disciples now who belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and little ones also ???  They are the prophets whom The LORD  sent! By rejecting them, all lost their rewards !

Mat 10:40  He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

Mat 10:41  He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.

Mat 10:42  And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only IN THE NAME OF A DISCIPLE, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. }}}… who could come in the name of a disciple of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , other than these little ones? This is what The LORD  said… if one continues in HIS word, ( that means those who did not go to GOD the Father or other men to learn, but learned from The LORD , as the anointed ones) then you are disciples;-


joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; }}… Who keep the Word of GOD  ???  It is the little children . 1 John 2: 14… the young ones abide in His words. And as you can see… they have become His disciples !!


a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward”…}}}… who are the righteous ???  The The Righteous Branch, CHRIST AND CHILDREN of isa 8:18  , and the little children as 1 John 2: 29 says. “1Jn 2:29  If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.”or every one is BORN OF HIM, who is THE RIGHTEOUS as v 1 -2 says… ARE RIGHTEOUS.  So these little children are HIS SONS and they are born to Him, THE RIGHTEOUS FATHER !!! When anyone’s sin is forgiven, they become righteous. Then, as Acts. 13: 38-39 says when one believes in Him , such are justified. That means they are righteous. So none of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish could become righteous as their sin remains UNTIL Isa. 2 is fulfilled, as they did not believe in Him to be justified but wanting to keep the law to be justified, they failed to be righteous. They think, they say they are GOD’s workers.  But what does GOD say about them is what matters. !





We tell the ships of Tarshish once again…  CHRIST the LORD has no effect in you… as you seek to be justified by the law… and mocked the grace as written in ‘fallen cherub’ writings, …  and this is for all those who exalt the law of Moses, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!

Gal_5:4  Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace…}}}…  gentiles were saved only because of grace. So any gentile wishing to be under the law, …. Means they seek to be justified by the law. Gentiles do not need to come under the law of Moses which is given to Israel , in order to condemn them to show GOD’s wrath. Then anyone wished to be, they must KEEP THE LAW WHOLLY, WITHOUT BREAKING A SINGLE ONE.  BUT The LORD  SAYS ALL ARE CARNAL AND CANNOT BE SUBJECTED TO IT.  THEN,  IF A GENTILE COME UNDER THE LAW, CALLING THEMSELVES ‘Israel’ ,…. THEY THINK THEY CAN KEEP THE LAW WHOLLY AND CAN BE JUSTIFIED OR BE RIGHTEOUS. THAT IS DIRECTLY AGAINST JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS.  WE MUST KEEP ALL THE COMMANDMENTS, AND LAWS, AND ALL THINGS GOD GAVE,… BUT UNTIL AND UNLESS The LORD  TAKES THIS CARNAL MIND AND GIVE HIS OWN MIND, …. NO MAN CAN BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW.   BUT THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH DOES NOT THINK SO.  THEY THINK WE CAN KEEP THE LAW.  SO THEY FELL FROM GRACE ALSO. GRACE AND TRUTH COMES FROM  CHRIST the LORD AND NOT FROM THE LAW. Acts 20: 24..” I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. }}}…. So Apostle Paul was chosen by GRACE, and given the Gospel of Grace to preach to gentiles. More are written in ‘fallen cherub’ writings.


Rom_5:15  But the free gift is not also like the deviation. For if by the deviation of the one the many died, much more the grace of God, and the gift in grace, which is of the one Man, Jesus Christ, did abound to the many. }}}…so the law accuses one to condemnation to death. But grace gives life. that is why gentiles are given faith and belief to be justified where not even the law could do!


Here is what ships of Tarshish wrote about grace in fallen cherub pt 4…


There is so much more written in fallen cherub writings about false teachings of the ships of Tarshish. As you can see.. Apostle Paul preached the gospel of grace.  And this fallen witness says anti-christs and false prophets teach a gospel of grace !  She also wrote, grace alone will not save anyone. So she is truly against what Apostle Paul taught. And what did Apostle Paul teach?  The message from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so she feel from grace and wants to keep the law and joined Israel as she claims and received The LORD ’s wrath as the law brings wrath. but we believed and are justified as Acts. 13: 38-39 says.


Apostle Paul says the gospel of Grace was received from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. but this fallen witness says it is false prophets who teach the gospel of grace!!! Here it is again;-

Apostle Paul;- I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

This fallen witness;- “ANTI CHRISTS, FALSE PROPHETS teach a GOSPEL OF GRACE!!

This means she is rejecting what JESUS CHRIST the LORD GAVE Apostle Paul, the gospel of Grace .!!! so she is rejecting JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and HIS GRACE !!!  what an exalted evil heart this fallen witness has , in order to speak and teach against JESUS CHRIST the LORD and Apostle Paul who is the minister of gentiles ???  What an anti-CHRIST she is? No wonder why The LORD  calls such ‘DEVILS’ who has death ! did this teaching come from The LORD  or Apostle Paul ???  This is how she tried to seduce us in order to bring us to death as well !!


Here’s another one she wrote about me (GW 1, as she calls me).


This means she WOULD NOT DEPEND ON HIS GRACE, BUT TO KEEP COMMANDMENTS.  That proves she has fallen from grace as Apostle Paul wrote.  Gal. 5:4.  If you seek to be justified by the law, you fall from grace. So she went back to the law . To delight in the word once and to fall away brings a sorer punishment !!!  BUT WE DEPEND ON THE GOSPEL OF GRACE WHICH JESUS CHRIST the LORD GAVE Apostle Paul TO WRITE TO US.  Because of grace, The LORD  opens our eyes to see our sins also.  His goodness causes us to repent as written above. !  if all are DEAD, what good would it do to depend on our law keeping?  It would only kill us!  Then we who searched The LORD ’s grace, received it !!!!  That exalts The LORD  and not our own ability to raise us up!!!  The LORD  says no carnal mind can keep the law !!!  So she is against the grace of GOD !  When GOD says all are sinners and all died, including the two witnesses as Rev. 11 says, … then would it not be grace alone which saves us ? This is what all the oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish teach about the law of Moses. Law of Moses are not the only commandments of The LORD .  there is so much more.  First, as sons of GOD or servants of The LORD , … we must exalt The LORD , … give glory to Him, sing praises to Him,  Bless His name etc.  the priesthood is appointed to do the service of The LORD  first.


Here is a similar quote from S Flurry.

RV Jan 2010 …pg 15…S Flurry wrote;…“While grace is a free, unmerited gift, it is conditional. GOD requires certain things of us before we receive His grace. Jesus said that unless we repent, we will all perish. …. ‘…”. Repentance means turning from sins”.  

…}}} Grace of GOD  is ‘CONDITIONAL”???  What about the Scripture like ‘while yet we were sinners  CHRIST died for us” ?? (Rom.  5:8, and v 20 “law shows the offence, but GRACE much more abound”??? Did  CHRIST wait to die, till His conditions are met?  He dies as Joh 3: 16 says freely, forgiving for the sin of Adam which is the unbelief, the UN-pardonable sin. And what about things like , knowing that Apostle Peter would deny Him, still He did not leave Him, but used him afterwards?  CHRIST THE LORD  said tax collectors and harlots will go to the kingdom. Have they met these conditions? If GOD  put conditions, then no one will make it. Besides, SF writes ‘unless we repent”… that means we must repent.  Yes… but even the repentance MUST BE GRANTED BY THE GOODNESS OF The LORD !


Rom_2:4  Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

So it is the GRACE OF GOD , which causes us to repent.  But, that repentance comes, only when the Times of Refreshing comes, when The LORD will OVERLOOK THE IGNORANCE IN MAN. !  Acts 17: 30- 31,  Acts 20: 24.  GOD  WILL NEVER TAKE BACK HIS WORD.  HE WILL REMOVE OUR SINS


So this wanting to keep the law and be justified comes from all the law keepers. They seek righteousness out of it as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have been doing.  But they too must receive grace and must believe just as we have as Acts. 13: 38-39 says to be justified.  UNTIL THEN, THEY HAVE EXALTED THEMSELVES against The LORD  and the knowledge of GOD  and are high and lofty !!! IF The LORD  DID NOT GIVE THESE TRUTHS TO US BY HIS GRACE, … NO MAN WILL LIVE ! Such are anti-christs , who teach against the knowledge of GOD  ! Eve , was deceived to not to know about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so all had lies. But grace and truth came from JESUS CHRIST the LORD to those who came to Him believing!


2Co 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ…}}}…So beginning from Eve,  no one knew the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  That is the cutting off the Tree of Life !!! 


according to PCG’S baptismal oath as proven by us, you seek to be justified for BREAKING THE LAW !!!  


PCG’s baptismal oath  ;…not valid. This is the order;…

       “as a result of your repentance of YOUR SIN which is the “transgression of GOD’s Holy and righteous and perfect Law, and your acceptance of JESUS CHRIST as your personal savior, your LORD  and Master, your high priest and soon coming King, I now baptize you , not in to any sect…. of this world, but I baptize you in to the name of the Father , and Son, and the Holy Spirit… by and through the authority of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of all your sins”. … Congratulations, your sins are now forgiven”. Even thought they accepted  CHRIST the LORD as The Saviour, but none went to Him to get the spiritual meat and drink ( The ROCK )

        Now there are several things untrue here. FIRST, they mention the failure of the law… which they are to die from. PCG’s  baptism is for the “remission of our sins, ….“which broke the perfect Law”… and that is called ‘repentance’.  Now it should be crystal clear that they should repent for NOT BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not for ‘breaking the law’.  The Law is perfect, BUT IT COULD NOT MAKE A SINGLE MAN A PERFECT. Not even a high priest ( Heb 7 , Heb 10: 1, Rom 3: 10. By keeping the law,  NO ONE CAN BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD , but it would kill them and make them belong to THE SERPENT !!!! So all the law keepers have the same foolishness about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. They are cut off from the Tree of Life. 



Isa 5:21  Woe unto wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

GOD says the wisdom of the wise has perished. They are not prudent any more and The LORD  made the little children to be wise as all knowledge is given. So He will exalt the humble and humble the exalted !!! 


If one says they see… their sin remains. if they accept they have been blind, … The LORD  will remove the sin.

Joh 9:41  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. }}}… Therefore, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, would you still say you see and you are wise on your own eyes ????


Remember even grace is given to the humble. That is why the little children received grace and preach grace !!!

1Pe 5:5  Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. }}}… GOD resists the proud.  Then, whom does The LORD  resist?  It is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!


This is what these high and lofty people think… they want to be over GOD’s chosen people and even think they know better than GOD.

Isa 14:11  Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.

Isa 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. }}}… this scripture talks about the stars, the people of GOD who are the congregation of north. They are the churches of GOD. So this fallen son of the morning, is a leader who is to bring light to the congregation of the north.  And he thought in his heart, he will ascend in to heaven, and will exalt his leadership above the starts of GOD. The stars are GOD’s people.  And also to ascend above the clouds.  And even as GOD Is.  We know, when you exalt against the knowledge of GOD , that exalts self to GOD’s level and think they know better than GOD. To exalt one’s self is given to all the leaders, as a part of GOD’s wrath in judgment. Dan 11: 36. So each era’s leader is chosen to give light , taken from GOD and to teach the people. But this is to end in this fallen witness as proven. Carnal man, from Adam, wanted to be as GOD as proven in previous writings. Read Gen. 3: 5- 6. “and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. ….nd a tree to be desired to make one wise”. … That is what Eve thought , if she eat from the wrong tree ( going against the knowledge of GOD , the words or the Spirit of GOD), she would get. So GOD allowed all mankind to exalt themselves , and He Hid the truth about the Tree of Life ( JESUS CHRIST the LORD) from man until the offense is paid and cleared. And in the mean time The LORD  has spoken and written what the man would do. For example:- , He said Zion is a perpetual desolation. Psa. 74.


And all seven eras will fall. And how even the last prophet would not know His coming Hos. 9:7 and even the witnesses will die and one will become the accuser, and aged woman who are false accusers, Titus 2:3 , and how the Dan’s serpent trail would end and how all things are made new, after the law and the priesthood will be changed  etc. So all the leaders are given a mind to exalt themselves and that is what we experienced all these years. so that is done as a part of GOD’s wrath, ON THE VESSELS OF WRATH , who are the leaders of Israel. so in the end, the clouds are the two witnesses, as proven as the Times of Gentiles is the cloudy day, Eze. 30:3, and that proves even this fallen witness would exalt herself above the congregation of the north and the stars of GOD and how would exalt herself against the knowledge of GOD . more over, if you have not done any of the above things to the little children, and have not accepted them ‘when they came to represent JESUS CHRIST the LORD “, … you have rejected The LORD.  The ONLY TIME ANY ONE CAME … OR ANY LITTLE CHILDREN CAME IN THE NAME OF ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, … IS NOW. We all believed TWO GODS.  But the little children as they are anointed as The LORD ’s priesthood finally, and are sent,  none of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish received them. And The LORD  said, if you do not receive them, who comes in My name, or as my disciple,… you have done it to Me !!!  That is to exalt self above GOD and GOD’s stars and on the cloudy day, only this fallen witness exalted and ACCUSED, whom The LORD  HAS FORGIVEN. 1 John 2:12. !!!   When Isa. 2 is to be fulfilled which is in the near future, they will see their sin of exalting self. !!! These leaders are just blind to the truth.  And they want to be as GOD Is.  And that is what the serpent did to Eve and it is to continue in to our times, when The LORD  will be exalted by His own little children, Heb.  2:10, Isa. 8: 18, Isa. 29: 23. Even PCG wrote they are capital G gods and JESUS CHRIST the LORD is a worm as proven in previous writings. So this fallen witness also exalted self.  Besides, in her time, The LORD  says these little children will be AS GOD, IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.  And it is she who judged also and tasted the day of judgment .  here is what The LORD  says… so all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish can once again understand what The LORD wants to do and whom The LORD  wants to exalt on the day of judgment and so they can see they are thrown out of heaven as Zion was lam 2:1, and as this scripture says. :-


1Jn 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater IS HE THAT IS IN YOU, than he that is in the world.

1Jn 4:13  Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

1Jn 4:17  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT: BECAUSE AS HE IS, so are we in this world. …}}}… So you see… IT IS THE LITTLE CHILDREN only, who have The LORD  in them, … who are in Him as well, … who are given the Spirit, .. that is to know all things as 1 John 2:26-27 says, … and who are to be AS The LORD  IS… on the ‘DAY OF JUDGMENT’ !!!  So on the day of judgment, The LORD  send the little children in HIS NAME, giving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD .  That is why the queen of South will come in judgment with the men of Niniveh who repented and believed to condemn others for NOT COMING TO  CHRIST the LORD !!! They know JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the Holy ONE of Israel and The LORD  over ALL THE EARTH ! So the following scripture proves, ON THE DAY OF THE LORD, … The LORD  has sent, but these leaders have magnified against the people of GOD also.


Zep 2:10  This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the LORD of hosts. }}}…  as zep 3: 9 -1 5 says,  it is the daughter of Ethiopia who is given the Name of THE LORD, who ALONE COULD COME in His name !!!  But now, The LORD  will turn off the judgments as His words will never fail. But all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish exalted themselves against the people of GOD !


“IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT: BECAUSE AS HE IS, so are we in this world

Can you not believe and accept the ways and the people of GOD, whom The LORD , Himself Has anointed to be sent to the world where you are ???  As The LORD  Is in these little children, they have overcome the world. And they are sent as John 17: 17-20 says, affter giving the Spirit and Truth , so you too may believe IN HIM.  we are the little children who glorify our FATHER and the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  … Heb.  2:10. These are the LORD’s anointed ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT !!  The queen of South and men of Niniveh.


Therefore,, AS The LORD  IS…, SO WE ARE !!!

Now the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , understand….. WE THE LITTLE CHILDREN DID NOT SEEK TO BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW !!!  We BELIEVED IN HIM, as Acts. 13: 38-39 says, and were forgiven and justified as 1 John 2:12 says for HIS NAME’ sake.  You too will be forgiven for His name’s sake and not because your works of law or anything. !!!


The LORD  recompense the enemy, the high and lofty ones, … who HATED those who glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD,… they are the little children in Heb.  2:10

Isa_66:5  Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name‘s sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

Isa 66:6  A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that rendereth recompence to his enemies. }}}… “WHEN” did any one come to you in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S name???  All the leaders came in GOD the Father’s name.  because the following scripture proves one should come in ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME.  and this prophecy must be fulfilled when The LORD  recompence the enemy, the wife of CHRIST The LORD  who are the cedars, and the leading ministry in all the sister churches who are the oaks and the ships of Tarshish whom The LORD  saved by His grace and still rejected the grace and fell from grace and became the enemy of The LORD  !  So ‘WHEN’ did anyone come to you in ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name???  Or who could come in His name, other than these little children, the daughter of Ethiopia or the men of Niniveh? Only those who believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , He is Everlasting FATHER as well as He fulfills all the names of GOD !!!!  That brings glory to Him !!!  So the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to them, and on the day of THE LORD, or on the day of judgment, or the days of vengeance, … only they can come, even as written above, … in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME !!!  The Messiah will teach us all things, … said the samaritan woman in John 4.  And He prepared these children and anointed them to learn from Him, to be sent … !!  So these scripture proves, anyone is sent by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … it should be during the days of vengeance.  All others who came are false christs, anti christs, light bringers who failed to keep their light , fallen angels who preach other christs.


In this verse, we can understand it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is The LORD , because of this phrase “he shall appear to your joy,”… which GOD Is prophesied to appear ???  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  Col. 3:1-4… until He appears, those who belong to Him, … are HIDDEN with Him ! And the following scripture even further proves, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD…


Mat_10:22  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name‘s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. }}}… So who hated whom for ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name ???  Only the little children who exalts the Captain of their salvation, … whom The LORD  brought to glory. Heb.  2: 10. !!!  When this happens, we are to endure as the end is near !!!  When The LORD  opens the eyes of the enemy to understand what they have done, … and how they fulfilled the Word of GOD  being the enemy of The LORD  and even magnifying against the people of GOD , the little children who came in His name, … you will see The LORD  and His children! CHRIST and HIS children  of Isa. 8:18 !


Following verse proves it is the little children, who will have confidence at His coming. So it is they who are hated. And the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish hated them!

1Jn_2:28  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. …}}}… make no mistake, … The LORD  said to be humble and be converted like little children…. So they are the ones who are hated for His name’s sake. !!!  The aged, does not know judgments. Job 32:9…. But The LORD  has revealed them to babes !!!  They perfect His praise, … so they know Him !!!  They abide in the Word of GOD  as well, as written above. !!



So the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … according to the Word of GOD , … you have no place in Him,  nor you are in Him,… on the ‘DAY OF JUDGMENT’, … which is now. !!!!  That means all of you are already cast down from heaven!  You are not capital G gods but worms. Understand the gravity of what you have done to The LORD , and to His people .


Remember one thing…. These little children did not keep the law to be righteous. !

But they knew their sin , the unpardonable sin which is against the Holy Spirit, which is exalting self against the knowledge of GOD  which is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD which are Spirit and life , that they have committed and as they believed in Him, they are justified !!!  If not, .. any among the little children who does not believe that also will fall with you !!!!  CHRIST and HIS children  who are to be a sign and a wonder are the last works of The LORD  , to send these little children to call others to come to The LORD  !!! 



It is these BABES to whom the secrets are revealed, who will tread down these aged , enemies of The LORD  ….! When the time came to tread down the enemy, The LORD  gave the secrets to the babes. So these babes know the enemy and how satan will fall!!  So when they praise The LORD , …. HE WILL BE PLEASED !  none in the Levitical ministry praised JESUS CHRIST the LORD but GOD the Father !  So they are the enemy.  CHRIST the LORD saw how the devil fell from heaven.  Have you seen???  Unless The LORD  shows who are the devils … no one can know !  And those who are to tread down the serpents and scorpions, who are the vipers who has poison in their tongues the lies,…. Are given that knowledge.  So we know it is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who will fall just as Zion fell. Lam 2:1.

Luk 10:18  And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

Luk 10:19  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Luk 10:20  Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Luk 10:21  In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. }}}… we know the FATHER is  CHRIST the LORD’s own words, the Holy Spirit. And as written above, it is the little children , the babes who are given the Holy Spirit , as they are to be as HE IS ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.  Then, that is the day when the enemy the serpent will be bruised.  And the devils are the ones who does not have the Spirit of The LORD . for by the Spirit of The LORD , the devils are cast out. Mat. 12: 27-28. And they are the sons of the devil, who are His own as John 8: 44 says, anyone who is not born to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … is a son of the devil. Specially the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are devils as they are not born of Him. so they are the seed of the serpent.  And these devils are cast out by giving the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , which they rejected in the first place. And in this hour, … when the devils are to be cast out, … the hidden secrets they did not know, is revealed to babes. And then these babes became the true prudent and wise ones to bruise the head of the serpent. And it is their names which are written in heaven.  Remember the book of Life is written before the foundation of the world.  So our works has nothing to do with these works. Besides the enemy is bruised by giving the truth. Remember during the days of vengeance , the light is given to accept all, as it is also the year of acceptance . Isa. 61


Luk 10:22  All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him. }}}… at this time, all things are delivered to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and specially The LORD  talks about knowing the FATHER and The Son. So that knowledge also was given to the babes. Then only they perfected the praise of The LORD .  all were praising GOD the Father when there is no such GOD.  So all things will be revealed by THE SON,  CHRIST the LORD.  and He taught all things to the little children as written above. !!!  With this knowledge, the puffed up false knowledge , the poison of the serpent will be replaced with.  That is how The LORD  takes vengeance, by giving this truth, so all the false liars can be humbled and put to shame !!!  Remember to be found out your lies, is your affliction. Jer. 16: 19 !


Luk 10:23  And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: }}}… If The LORD  revealed it to the babes, then they are made wise and prudent, … and then would it not be these babes’ eyes which are BLESSED ???  They are taught all things by The LORD , Himself ! It is they who are the ones who would bruise the head of the serpent !!!


In JUDGMENT, the prince of this world who did not allow The LORD  to be exalted, but exalted themselves are cast out.  And in judgment, it is these little children who exalt The LORD , so all could be gathered to Him. We proved if one does not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they scatter,  Mat. 12:30, and that is why all Israel are scattered as jam 1 says. The daughters of Jerusalem were not willing to be gathered to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but went after GOD the Father !!! They had their own gods.

Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. }}}… “If “I” be lifted up”…. Who lifts up JESUS CHRIST the LORD , if not His own sons whom He brought to glory as written above ??? And in time for judgment, The Son, or  CHRIST the LORD revealed the secrets to babes, to show that He is the GOD, … and they praise Him… and so He will be pleased , at the same time those who did not do so will be cast out!  But the judgments are turned off so all will be saved !!!  So in order to be gathered to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … as the babes are lifting or exalting Him,… humble yourselves as The LORD  finds the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish to be high and lofty !!!   And Isa. 5: 16 says, in JUDGMENT, The LORD  will be exalted !!  So who are to be AS HE IS in the day of judgment ???  It is the little children , according to The LORD  !!!  So receive them and acknowledge  your sin against The LORD , for exalting yourselves and not Him !!!  unless you do so, … you will not be gathered to Him !!!  Zep 3:9-20 says, after giving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD, all can worship Him with one consent. Then the judgments will be turned off… and AFTER THE CAPTIVITY IS RETURNED, The LORD  will bless Israel. that is the time Israel will have their eyes opened. !! Remember this time, one must worship The CREATOR, The ROCK who brought Israel out of Egypt to make a people for HIMSELF, and not for any gods such as GOD the Father or any other. So this time in order to Passover, one must understand that The ROCK is the FATHER who begets us Deut.  32: 18, and that He is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD that one should worship and fear. Rev. 14: 6-7. !! Therefore, in order to gather those in the west, the seed is brought from east  as written above. Isa. 43:5.  That is after the true servant of The LORD  is given that knowledge , and understood, and believed !! v 10-12 . So the prince of the world… will be cast out with the truth. !! 


The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, who is  CHRIST the LORD, is now sent to these little children.  It is He who came to teach.  It is sent by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and then the Spirit and Truth will reprove the sin, and righteousness and judgment. And sin is because none BELIEVED HIM NOT !!!  Remember , Acts. 13: 38-39 as written above???  These little children believed and are justified , which means given righteousness. So if you have not believed that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our Everlasting FATHER , … you have not believed Him.  Or the ships of Tarshish,…. If you have not believed that it is the babes and not the aged women who are to be false accusers, whom The LORD  Has chosen to reveal the secrets … you have not believed EVERY WORD of GOD either !


Joh 16:7  Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. }}}… It is  CHRIST the LORD who will send Him. John 14:26 says the FATHER will send Him.  But we know the FATHER is  CHRIST the LORD’s own words, the Holy Spirit. So it is written that He will send The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth.  And when you learn the truth, .. be happy that The LORD  Has opened your eyes and acknowledge  and admit and repent for not believing in, according to your gospel which The LORD  gave you !!! John 15:26 says, when the Spirit and Truth comes, … it will WITNESS CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!  So we witness concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD , that HE IS THE Everlasting FATHER AS WELL AS The Son AND ALL OTHER NAMES OF GOD, BELONGS TO HIM. !  and remember when you are to be comforted, it is the gentiles who are sent. Isa. 66: 12-13 !

Joh 16:8  And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Joh 16:9  Of sin, because they believe not on me;

Joh 16:10  Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

Joh 16:11  Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged…}}}… sin, because they believed not.  None of the oaks and cedars believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they are to stumble, reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone etc.  the ships of Tarshish believed Him partially, and lost the knowledge as they exalted themselves and fell from grace as written above also. So it is they who would be judged.  And let me remind, the ships of Tarshish mocked the little children for BELIEVING IN THE Name of THE LORD , saying ‘these gentiles only learned to believe in the Name of THE LORD’ , as proven in fallen cherub writings. !!!  Besides they wrote ‘grace alone cannot save anyone”.  So that is when they fell from grace.  And The LORD  gives grace also to the humble as written above. !  So if The LORD  says ships of Tarshish , with the oaks and the cedars have exalted themselves, … then it is so. ! And the gentiles who believed are sent to comfort including the ships of Tarshish who have NOT SEEN The LORD ’S GLORY FULLY. !!! :-


Isa 66:12  For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees. }}}… this flowing stream is the knowledge of GOD  which is given as the sea. The bellies of the believers give out Holy Spirit, on the last day, which is the day of judgment. John 7: 36-39 .

Isa 66:13  As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. }}}… remember The LORD  comforts by the Spirit and Truth. !!!  He fulfilled this name as He comforted us by giving the Spirit and Truth.!

Isa 66:14  And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of the LORD shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his enemies.

Isa 66:15  For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. }}}… This is the time The LORD  will pour His indignation ( as done in Dan 11:36 to exalt themselves) and will be made known. So who do you think The LORD  will take vengeance from ???  It is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish as The LORD  says who have exalted themselves.  And they are the ones who do not know The LORD . and 2 The 1:8 says ‘In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: “… so The LORD  takes vengeance from those who do not know Him.  This is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father. all worshiped GOD the Father. if there was such a one, he cannot complain that no one did not know Him.  Also if the ships of Tarshish knew the LORD, they would have known the grace of GOD and the gospel of Grace as Apostle Paul wrote and even the law keepers should believe The LORD  to be justified and would not exalt the law and cause the people to drink poison of the serpents !!  And The LORD  plead with all ‘FLESH’.  Flesh means those who could not receive the Spirit !!!   So The Comforter comes to give the Spirit. That is why The LORD  said no flesh would be saved, unless He comes. Also Luk. 3, The LORD  said all flesh will see the salvation of GOD. So all flesh is Israel or carnal minds. 1 cor 10:18 says Israel is flesh.  Anyone who did not come to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive the Spirit is flesh.  And any one who did NOT SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD , but their OWN BELLIES must come to get the Holy Spirit from the believer’s bellies ono the last day. That ends all the works of GOD in this age. And all things will be made new.


Isa 66:16  For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. }}… fire and sword is the Word of GOD  .  so with the knowledge of GOD  , about the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD whom you have not believed or worshiped, … will slay many. But as Psa. 78: 34-35 says as soon as they understand that they are dead for not obeying JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they will seek Him and HE WILL BE FOUND.  THAT IS HOW The LORD  WILL FULFILL HIS NAME The Comforter !!!


Isa 66:17  They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD. }}}… these eat swine’s flesh. And mouse. Lev 11:29, The LORD  says mouse is unclean with the serpents.  So swine and mouse are unclean with serpents.  Anyone who does not eat from the Tree of Life, … eat these unclean things. Remember The LORD  said the truth should not be put to swine?  And these who did not receive The Comforter yet, are considered by The LORD  as eating lies.  The pearls are not put them to eat.  So they are behind one tree, eating from the Tree of good and evil, the wrong tree. If you do not eat from the Tree of Life, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you eat swine’s flesh and eat from the Tree of good and evil , having your own lusts etc.  and now that The Comforter comes, both trees will be seen and the wrong tree with those who eat from it will be cut down. That means those who exalted themselves and not The LORD , will be destroyed ( to be saved). All humans have sinned and were abominable to GOD. But now, as The LORD  has saved the little children, … they eat from the Tree of Life, and others are eating from the Tree of good and evil which is pleasant to the eyes,  but REALLY BLIND,…and think good for food, BUT NEVER COULD EAT FROM THE Tree of Life,  and the BIG PRIDE OF LIFE.. to be as GOD Is !!!  So we are back to the garden where the two trees are.  Those who are eating from the Tree of Life are the ones who are to comfort them by giving the Spirit and Truth. !!!  others are eating from the wrong tree, but they will be given this knowledge, so they also may eat from the Tree of Life !!!

Isa 66:18  For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory. }}}… these have not seen The LORD ’s glory. ( to know and understand His mercy. Jer. 9:24. The ships of Tarshish also left grace. So they also do not see The LORD ’s glory)  and it is  CHRIST the LORD’s children whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY as Heb.  2: 10 says, who will cause others to see The LORD ’s glory. The LORD  says, all those who eat from the wrong tree also come and see The LORD ’s glory. So anyone who has not eaten from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. eat from the wrong tree !!!  all flesh will receive the Spirit. The LORD  said in the last days He will pour His Spirit upon all FLESH !!!  We too were flesh when The LORD  gave us the Spirit. Anyone as a human being who has a carnal mind, … when they are given the Spirit, they were flesh. !!!  That is to glorify The LORD , to know and understand His mercy and loving kindness. !!!


And The LORD  sets a sign… those who escaped this abomination, ( who are the little children ) are being sent to nations… including tarshish…. Who HAVE NOT HEARD The LORD ’S FAME NOR SEEN HIS GLORY !!!  That means who did not understand fully , about The LORD . such are appointed to stumble on the LORD and the Word of GOD  !!! 

Isa 66:19  And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. }}}… previous verse says ALL NATIONS and this verse talks about gentiles  … and those who come with the glory of GOD , are the ones who escaped as The LORD  wished and predestinated !!!  Remember at this time, all Israel are like ethiopians to GOD and are like gentiles. Amo 9:7. Isa. 2 and many more.



The Philadelphia  era was said let no man take your crown. And these little children are said le no man deceive you. So some men come even to deceive these little children also. They are no one but the ships of Tarshish who were among us who try to deceive us by the poison of the serpents. But the Son of GOD will destroy their works !!!

1Jn 3:7  Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

1Jn 3:8  He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. }}}}…. Little children and sons of the devil are separated in these verses.  And it is the sons of the devil who is tring to deceive the little children who are made righteous by The LORD  !!! 


In judgment, The LORD  raised up a righteous one from east and gave His foot to him, which is to judge.

Isa 41:1  Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.

Isa 41:2  Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow. }}}.. so the righteous comes from the east to judge as The LORD  says !!!



Some failures of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish …

Failure of oaks and cedars are that they did not honor The LORD of HOSTS  who is  CHRIST the LORD as their FATHER. Mal. 1:6. He is The ROCK who begat them deut 32: 18.  He is The ROCK , the FATHER who begat who gives us spiritual meat and drink. 1 cor 10: 3-4.  He is the GOD who gave the law in Exo 20, introducing that He alone should be the GOD to Israel as He brought them out of Egypt!  And you shall have no other gods before Me, said He. …. And not to take His name in vain, … but none honored or believed in His name.!  Then He said have no graven images or other gods, …. But Israel always had other gods, such as GOD the Father before Him.  and they always kept Sabbath, … but HE IS THE LORD OF THE Sabbath…., but none kept the Sabbath to honor The LORD of HOSTS , The LORD of Sabbath or JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK who gave it !!! That is the failure of the oaks and cedars. They sought righteousness by the law, which is a graven image and looked to GOD the Father, when there is no such GOD anyone has heard or seen ! Because of that all evils came to the land!  All are condemned as beasts ( without understanding ). That is why all the law teachers are called vipers , serpents etc, as their tongues speak lies as they worship GOD the Father and not the true GOD who gave the law !  When you have a Marriage Covenant with The ROCK , who is  CHRIST the LORD, … and to go to get the understanding from GOD the Father, … would you get it? Should you not go to The Husband ??? Jer. 3 says, The Husband will be the FATHER also. In that day, you will understand that !  We have proven over and over that JESUS CHRIST the LORD , is Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son, and it is the zeal of The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who did that. Isa. 9: 6-7. Please read ‘glorifying the names of The LORD ” writings to understand that JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR is the FATHER also, and His FATHER is the Holy Spirit, which are His own words.! So that is the main failure of all the cedars and the oaks who are the ministry in GOD’s many churches. !


None in Israel is given to know the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Being the FATHER also, but they are to stumble on Him, Isa. 8:14, and to reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone and even to fall from the Word of GOD , to which they are appointed. 1  Pet. 2: 1-10. But those who are not of GOD’s people, the gentiles are to then become the Royal Priesthood.  Read and see in your Bible if that is not what Apostle Peter wrote !  While Israel is APPOINTED to stumble on the word, and be disobedient,  the little children are ANOINTED to be taught by The LORD , Himself. 1 John 2: 27. Now, these scripture have been fulfilled ! not only Isa. 8: 14- 18, but Heb.  2: 10-14 also talks about those who are under the law must be redeemed from the death, the devil, and other children are brought to glory, in order , and at the time came to glorify  CHRIST the LORD, the AUTHOR OF SALVATION !!!  That happens in judgment, when we exalt Him. John 9: 39,  John 12; 31-32,  and Isa. 5: 16, and Isa. 2.  While these oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish exalt themselves through the law, the serpent, the devil, as they are the sons of the devil, ( simply, if you are not born to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as HIS SONS, or The ROCK’s sons, you are sons of the devil), these little children exalt their FATHER and glorify Him. all these you will understand, when The LORD  opens the minds. It is too late then, but to accept, acknowledge  and repent and admit and submit to Him !  The LORD  of glory, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, none of the rulers of this world knew, … and had they known, they would not have crucified Him!  Then, no one will live as the penalty of unbelief is paid by The LORD ’s death and blood!


So the oaks and the cedars will be cut down as The LORD  says because of their pride. Then the ships of Tarshish ,the gentiles  who worked in the day of THE LORD, also wished to come under the law. At that time, all of us , the gentiles who are called to work on the day of THE LORD were from tarshish.  The gentiles were saved apart from the law and righteousness will never come by the law as written elsewhere.  When Israel were cut off, gentiles were given faith to live. Rom.  11: 20. Then what would happen gentiles wanted to come under the law, calling themselves they are Israel ? The same fate waits on them as the cedars and the oaks. The partial blindness as the law works wrath.  Also, since the ships of Tarshish or the gentiles are involved to fall together, this prophecy is definitely at the end of the day of THE LORD.  !!!  that is when the man has fulfilled his works according to the heart. 


Then, … The LORD  separated the gentiles also, as the ships of Tarshish and queen of South. One went back to the law and claims she is an aged woman, and the other became the little children whom The LORD  Has chosen to convert first. The clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to the queen of South, who are the little children as proven.  All the secrets were revealed to babes and then the babes would perfect the praises of The LORD . Psa. 8. But one witness failed to hold on to the faith given as 1 Tim. 4 says and went back to the law . many scripture proves either the law Covenant or the Covenant by faith.  but the ships of Tarshish even mocked for believing in the Name of THE LORD, and His grace as proven in ‘fallen cherub’ writings.  The aged women are to be accusers. more below .   Even from her own admission, we know she is from Dan the serpent’s trail. So she must come under the law, the serpent. The law made all sons of the devil and not sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. more written elsewhere. The following scripture and Gal. 3:2, 5,  11,  23, 24,  alone proves that law will not give righteousness, but faith will. This faith is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD and not ours and it is a free gift and must be given to us by The LORD . and it is given to the BELIEVERS as written elsewhere. But this fallen witness went back to the law and started to condemn all others.  And she became the accuser, as aged women are to be false accusers. all these were proven previously. Titus 2:3.  Rom.  8 says when you come to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, there is no condemnation. And finally it is the predestinated little children as written elsewhere, who were forgiven and who came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The LORD  said allow the little children to come to Him and it is now fulfilled. Then, one must be converted as them also as written elsewhere. And The LORD  said men of Niniveh and the queen of South will come to condemn in the last judgment. And scripture proves that and also the little children will be as The LORD  IS, ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. 1 John 4: 17. Here is one more scripture to prove the law and faith.


Rom 9:30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. }}}… when Israel is cut off as Rom.  11; 20 says, the gentiles were given faith. And only by this faith, one can attain to righteousness. Please read Faith of CHRIST THE LORD. . And in the end, it is the belief and faith which will establish the new Covenant. they are the works of Abraham. 

Rom 9:31  But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. }}}… these two scripture says, gentiles HAVE ATTAINED RIGHTEOUSNESS AND Israel HAS NOT ! Why ??? Because it is not by FAITH, but they sought it by works of the law!!! Same with the ships of Tarshish as well.  They judged and accused us when the LORD Has forgiven us.  If we walk by sight as these leaders are doing, … they would do a whole different work than what The LORD  Has appointed.


But, faith too MUST BE TESTED. SAME WAY LAW KEEPERS WERE TESTED UNDER IT,  … THE FAITH ALSO HAD TO BE TESTED. 1  Pet. 1:7… That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” … So either Israel, or gentiles, of the law or faith, must be tried with fire… the Word of GOD  .  and the Word of GOD  says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have failed in the law and faith. 1 Tim. 4. In the last days some leave faith… so they are the ships of Tarshish. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;… Speaking lies in hypocrisy….Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth….For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: …For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”.  And the ships of Tarshish did all these. They forbid others to marry… and spoke lies in hypocrisy, … and tried to stop us from receiving the meat from the LORD, … and from believing in the truth… ! and every creature is good says The LORD , if it received with thanksgiving.  And it is  CHRIST the LORD who thanked for the little children in John 17,  and anointed them as 1 John 2:20-27 says and.. it is HE WHO THANKED THE FATHER FOR REVEALING SECRETS TO BABES TO PERFECT THE PRAISE !!!  So when you are puffed up in pride, you cannot understand the truth. Therefore, they could not understand that The LORD  has predestinated these little children , the babes, the men of Niniveh and queen of South to come in judgment, as HE IS !!!  So as v 5 says… these are sanctified by the Word of GOD  and  CHRIST the LORD’s prayer.! Can anyone stop Isa. 8:18,  Isa. 29:23,  Isa. 60;21-22, 1 John 2: 20-27,  John 6:45,  Isa. 54: 13 , Heb.  2: 10 – 13,  John 17: 4-20???





Any one seek righteousness by works of the law, … stumbles.

Rom 9:32  Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; }}}… what happens if you seek righteousness by the law ????   You STUMBLE !!!  So this fallen witness also STUMBLED on JESUS CHRIST the LORD .  She quotes and pretends to know all about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, while she gave The LORD ’s titles to king David as proven in previous writings .  SO THE OAKS,  CEDARS AND SHIPS OF TARSHISH have one thing in common,…. That is they seek righteousness by the law, which causes one to stumble, as the law brings wrath ! Rom.  4.

Rom 9:33  As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. }}}.. as written elsewhere, … the law is contrary to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so none of the cedars or oaks or the ships of Tarshish have believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  because, the ships of Tarshish also mocked us saying ‘these gentiles only learned to believe in His name” !!!!  And belief and faith is what is needed to enter in to the Glorious Rest of The LORD . read Heb.  4. Therefore, she STUMBLED on The LORD  and the word.  If not, The LORD  WOULD NOT SINGLE OUT THESE OAKS, CEDARS AND SHIPS OF TARSHISH to FALL , after the day of THE LORD !!! 



Here is what this fallen witness wrote recently in her writing “Rumour pt 5. . She does not know what she wrote;….she claimed she is from Dan, as she judged as one of the tribes as Dan  which is correct,  and explained how her name also similar to Dan etc.  and she wrote Dan is a spiritual serpent , …. And she  is a SPIRITUAL SERPENT, sent by GOD to bite the heels of those who have iniquity.  But GOD WOULD NEVER SEND SERPENTS FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE, BUT TO DESTROY. Such exalts the serpent like Moses did, but one must exalt JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 12;31=32.


He sends even spiritual serpents in wilderness—Dan is a spiritual serpentwhen the ruler is as Pharaoh!

Spiritual “HEELS” are INIQUITY, Ps. 49: 5, and Dan bites HEELS–

Gen. 49:17–Dan as a serpent bites ——-horses heels, so that rider falls backward — (in Jer. 51: 20-21—horse and rider, is “Pharaoh LORD created, Rom. 9: 17 and his horses are the helping ministry”  as “nations”. They would be broken when Dan serve as battle axe of God— snorting of horses was heard from Dan, because horses are being bitten by serpents, far country people {Tarshish} are crying, as ISRAEL had dishonored KING OF Zion, Jer. 8: 16-19, so HEELS BEING INIQUITY, Ps. 49: 5. Dan as serpent bite HEELS of horses of Pharaoh LORD created, Rom. 9: 17LORD made Dan as SERPENT TO BITE THE HEELS of  PCG horses AND MAKE THE RIDERS FALL BACKWARDS!


GOD certainly used Dan as a judge as proven. But in the end, as Gen. 49: says about Dan, … the tribe of Dan is to be a ‘SERPENT’S trail. So if she is the last one to work in Dan,… she has to end the serpent’s trail, by being a serpent. Then The LORD  catches the wicked from their own mouths and words,…. And she wrote that she is a spiritual serpent !!!  No serpent is made to bring good to the people but poison !

GOD said He will send serpents as a PUNISHMENT, who are the leaders, to LIE or to feed dust.

Deut 32:24…I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. “.  This chapter is to WITNESS against Israel’s iniquity and sin. Then, as a judgment, The LORD  said He will send serpents to poison the people, and also beasts. This is why, we have beasts and serpents biting the people.  GOD compares good workers as harmless as doves, among the serpents etc.  and Amos 9:3, GOD says He will send a serpent to the bottom of the sea to bite.  Now, we are in the sea as proven.  That is the serpent’s sea where leviathan is.  And GOD uses the ministry and this fallen witness to poison the people with lies the dust , and then He turns and punish them and destroy them. Isa. 27:1 says, leviathan also will be cut by the sword.  That is the Word of GOD . And this sea is where the wicked are as The LORD  says. Isa. 57:20.


Here is a prophecy for our time, when the harvest also past, saving NONE. That time, The LORD  sends serpents to bite. They have inherited LIES. That is the poison of the serpents. 

Jer 8:17  For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD.

Jer 8:18  When I would comfort myself against sorrow, my heart is faint in me.

Jer 8:19  Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the LORD in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities?

Jer 8:20  The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. }}}…



GOD NEVER REVEALS SECRETS TO A SERPENT!   The Leviathan, the serpent, is the king of the PROUD.  The creeping ministry who are condemned in the last end are serpents.  GOD said He will send serpents to bite, the creeping ministry who are the sons of the devil, the old serpent, who are the law keepers who failed to be sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are the serpents, vipers who are sent to the bottomless pit.  And the two witnesses are to die by the beast in the bottomless pit. Rev. 11:7.  Then, that is when the separation of the two witnesses happened. One was never raised up and to be the accuser as proven in previous writings , the aged woman,  and the other raised up as little children in Isa. 8: 18 and 1 John 2: 27 etc, and more as written elsewhere, … to beautify The LORD , the RIGHTEOUS BRANCH. Isa. 60 : 21-22.


And when the mankind is made, they will tame these beasts and serpents. That means The LORD  will bruise the serpent’s head under the feet of the seed of the woman as written elsewhere. These serpents bless GOD, and CURSE those who are made in the similitude of GOD.. ( who have been made in to the image of GOD). This prophecy could be fulfilled only now, as the little children are made in to the image of GOD , and still these serpents are among them, CURSING THEM.  But these who are made in to the image of GOD will bruise the head and tame them.

Jas 3:7  For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: }}}… this is spiritual.  When the seed of the woman is made as written elsewhere, …. They will be used to tame these beasts and serpents etc.

Jas 3:8  But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

Jas 3:9  Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. }}}…. Only now, it is possible to curse men who are made after the similitude of GOD, which means in the image of The CREATOR.  The little children are sons of The CREATOR,  CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK who begat Israel. Deut.  32: 18 !!!  And we are to be made in the image of The Son. Rom.  8.  So only now, …  by poison of lies, it is this fallen witness who bless GOD and curse the little children whom The LORD  had BORNE to Him as first fruits !!!  so GOD wants to tame the SPIRITUAL BEASTS AND SPIRITUAL SERPENTS.

Jas 3:10  Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

Jas 3:13  Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. }}}… who is made WISE by GOD , by giving and teaching all knowledge , except the little children , the babes to whom the SECRETS were revealed ???  And they are meek… humble as they are converted !!!  when these little children have good converstaion IN  CHRIST the LORD, they are being accused falsely. “having a good conscience, that while they speak against you as evildoers they may be shamed, those falsely accusing your good behavior in Christ. “ 1  Pet. 3:16 . Who truly are falsely accusing those who are in  CHRIST the LORD, the little children ???  It is this fallen witness .  she was among us, but went to perdition. John 17: 6- 12. This is after The LORD  taught all things and the little children received the knowledge. And one is lost, as that one goes to perdition, drew away from GOD to go back to the DEAD! This is none by someone who FALSELY ACCUSE  CHRIST the LORD’S CHILDREN. THE ACCUSER !!!  Also the PCG leader called these little children ‘evil’ in 2004 feast! 


So a man or a little one, if endued with knowledge, … that one is made wise by The LORD . and such are not of the devil, will not fall in to the condemnation of the devil,  as they must have meekness, … or have humbled before The LORD , … if not, He would not have given the knowledge or the wisdom. So in the end, what Adam and all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish wanted to be wise on their own, has failed,  but the little children to whom the knowledge is given, … are made wise.  And they are accused FALSELY.  DO YOU KNOW, IF THEY ARE ACCUSED FALSELY, … THEY MUST BE THE TRUE PEOPLE WHO ARE GIVEN THE TRUTH.  BECAUSE, THEY ARE ACCUSED ‘’FALSELY” … and one should not accuse them. The only time when one should not be accused is when there is NO CONDEMNATION , IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  When one comes to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. they have already FULFILLED THE LAW !!!  Because the  law is a schoolmaster to bring to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and these came to Him. so when these little children are accused, … when The LORD  would not condemn them, … that means they are accused falsely. !!!  This is possible only now, when these little children work.  And The LORD  said, if they rejected Me, they will reject you also.  And Apostle Paul said , our own countrymen will reject us, the gentiles. 1 Thess. 2:14. So these have built the image of GOD, … they cannot be condemned any more and they are the little children, who perfect the praise of The LORD , to avenge the enemy. So naturally, those who are not given the knowledge , are the enemy !


Jas 3:14  But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. }}}.. UNLESS YOU ARE GIVEN THE TRUTH, you cannot lie against it. And this applies only to this fallen witness as she was among the children who learned from JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  she knows JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD .   when Apostle James’ book is to be fulfilled, the 12 tribes are already scattered, NOT HAVING THE TRUTH about JESUS CHRIST the LORD to gather to Him.  and then, because of her envying and pride, she started to not see the truth gradually.  Instead of the law, the serpent, she must exalt The LORD. This fallen witness  was given the truth as John 17 says, but rejected it just as Israel did , when she desired to be with Israel.  these are appointed, prophesied events which many cannot understand yet. So she lie against The LORD  as written elsewhere.  And not to forget these little children are taught DIRECTLY BY GOD and GOD says to them, do not let any man teach you, but abide in what they learned.  So no other man can teach them, and they should not learn from others either.  If the law of ‘Moses’ should be kept, then The LORD  would have taught them.  But The LORD  teaches them that it is fulfilled.


In case if anyone wonders how the 30 pieces of silver was fulfilled when The LORD  was betrayed and what is the spiritual fulfillment of that :-…  silver is the Word of GOD  as we all know.  And this fallen witness sent 30 letters with the Word of GOD , to the gentiles, to accuse us , which are not in her web site.  She herself said this is the 30th letter that she is sending to gentiles. And The LORD  is risen in these little children as written above. And they also witness to the truth, just as He. So  CHRIST the LORD said His true followers will suffer for Him, hated for HIS NAME’ sake. All these two thousand year history of the church, … now , … after giving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD, …. The LORD  sends these little ones as HE IS , these little children are to be as written above. So,  by these 30 letters, The LORD  was betrayed as we were betrayed , accused as we teach and witness to the truth, the same way The LORD  was betrayed for the truth. John 18: 37 !!  This is why she went to perdition, among the children who were given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. in John 17 as written elsewhere…. V 6 onwards. All these happened, because of pride and wants to sit above the stars of GOD.  !!!  remember The LORD  said, the little children will be sent in His name , and to give a cup of water etc…. But this fallen witness prohibited them to come to her house even thinking we will defile her. In that, she did not want  CHRIST the LORD to come.


Jas 3:15  This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

Jas 3:16  For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. }}}…does Judah or PCG know that she has done worse than all other sister churches as Eze. 16:52 says??  Leaders would not believe the Word of GOD  , which is written regarding them, .. how they would fulfill what is in their hearts.  So same way, this fallen witness also accuse those whom none should accuse, … as she is chosen to do that job.   no leader whom The LORD  sends, WITH THE TRUTH, … after giving the truth as these little children have been , who are born to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … whom The LORD  has brought to glory as Heb.  2:10 says who ARE PERFECTING The LORD ’S PRAISES AND WHO DECLARE THE CAPTAIN OF SALVATION, … will speak lies. They are in the Holy Mountain as written elsewhere.  They are given the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. Remember not even Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  was not given to know the Name of THE LORD.  Exo 6:3.  So how could Abraham would have taught his seed about the Name of THE LORD???  If one does not know the Name of THE LORD, how can you believe in the name?  if one does not know the Name of THE LORD, how can anyone praise and thank and worship Him WITH ONE CONSENT ?????    and anyone accuse them by saying “these gentiles learned only to believe in the Name of THE LORD” etc, … and mock The LORD ’s grace … are certainly the serpents and false accusers. they are confused with evil works.  IN Babylon , with Israel, the wife of CHRIST The LORD! Micah 4:10. Evil people do not know they are evil. They think they work for GOD and are good people.  Eliakim does not think he is cut off. Isa. 22:25.  Same way no leader including us, think we would go against the knowledge of GOD .  but all humans have. 


Jas 3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. }}}… wisdom from above…. To whom it is given ?  To the babes, to the little children as written elsewhere. 

Jas 3:18  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. }}}… so this is Rom.  16:20… the GOD of peace will bruise the serpent under our feet. They are the ones who make peace !!!  Made in the image of GOD , which is the image of The Son. Rom.  8..  so they will tame the beasts and the serpents, as the seed of the woman !!! 


So GOD will never , ever send serpents to bite to make them turning back,  but now Israel is dead and they need to be raised up !


GOD sent serpents to bite the people. In the end, the serpents are the leaders spoken in Isa. 2.  And Amo 9 , GOD says no matter where they are, He will send serpents. But Spiritually the serpents are the leaders who TEACH LIES, THE POISON OF TONGUES. So it is their lies the people will believe.  and Dan’s tribe is to end in this witness. So her nature is to BITE others causing to fall from The LORD as she too fell from grace. And the following scripture is a reproof for such BACK BITERS. ;-


Gal 5:14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Gal 5:15  But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. ..}}}… in this scripture, GOD talks about LOVING OTHERS and BITING others. And even as she admits, she bites others.  There is no love of GOD  in such. Besides the love of GOD  also must be taught by The LORD . 1 Thess. 4:9.  And it is given to the little children who has the anointing from The LORD .  so she could never fulfill the law, as day and night she accused the little children , and the men of Niniveh in her writings. All the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish must take heed as they all did bite one another.  All were condemning other’s works, as you can see in the many sister churches, dividing and no truth in them. Because no one can divide the truth. It becomes lies.  This is how The LORD  sends the spiritual serpents to bite the people.  In Moses’s times, this happened physically. And the people acknowledged they HAVE SINNED.


1Th 4:9  But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. }}}… Brotherly love, also must be taught by GOD , to love others. !!!  So would The LORD  teach this love to lofty ones?  This is why they are biting others and not themselves. !!!



We proved the serpent’s judgment is to go down on belly. That spiritual means is to serve your own self, having your own wisdom and works.

Rom_16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.}}}… any one teaches lies, … serves their own belly. That is the serpent’s judgment. They will be found out. All those who spoke against The LORD , and sinned , and His people, serves themselves. They try to seduce and deceive others as well. !



Num 21:6  And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

Num 21:7  Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. }}}…. If you speak AGAINST The LORD , and against The LORD ’s people as written elsewhere, in zep 2:10, … The LORD  takes it personally. The has anointed the little children and this spiritual serpent tried to bite them continuosly day and night accusing and trying to seduce as written elsewhere,  and trying to kill us spiritual, when The LORD  HAS ALREADY JUSTIFIED US AS WE BELIEVED and gave righteousness, which the law keepers like this serpent COULD NOT. So with all the leaders, who are vipers are sent by The LORD  as all have sinned.  They must acknowledge  their sin against The LORD  and the people of GOD !! How can such people love others ???  and The LORD  said to Moses to lift up a serpent.  And then, The LORD  says we must lift up Him as written elsewhere. John 3:14… and John 12:31-32.  And as we have lifted the Son of Man up, now you can know HE IS…” When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am


By their teachings, they cause the people to transgress.  So they cannot be judged other than by The LORD , Himself. That is why The LORD  waited till the last days to judge these lofty ones.  but The LORD  must save the people from such ENEMIES. Luk. 1: 69-73.  So the promise made to Abraham was to save his seed from his OWN SONS who turned to be sons of the devil.. who are in the outer darkness. That is why The LORD  called the Royal Priesthood out of that darkness.

1Sa 2:24  Nay, my sons; for it is no good report that I hear: ye make the LORD’S people to transgress.

1Sa 2:25  If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him?…}}}… if you sin against another, as Apostle James said, you can confess your sins one to another.  But when we sin against The LORD , … who is without sin, … we accuse Him being a liar and that is the unpardonable sin as we have proven which killed The LORD .  there is no one to intreat for such other than GOD, Himself.  But, the man does not even know that he has not believed or proud.  Do you think the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish think they are high and lofty ???  But GOD says so.  So who is the sinner, or the liar in that ?  Could GOD lie???  There is no other way for the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish to be saved, other than admitting they are high and lofty and humble before The LORD  !


And the true servants of The LORD , will not bite , seduce or poison anyone by lies, and high and lofty, but in MEEKNESS are to teach those wh are taken captive.

2Ti 2:24  And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

2Ti 2:25  In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

2Ti 2:26  And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. }}}…understand… a true servant of The LORD , must not strive… but gentle, and patient.  Even the patience was taught by The LORD .

2Th_3:5  And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ…}}}… The LORD  will direct our hearts in to love of GOD ,  and PATIENT to wait for Him. !!!  So all these things are taught by The LORD .  and to whom would The LORD  teach, if not for the little children whom He anointed to learn from Him, after forgiving and making them jsutified ????  So these lofty ones never teach that The LORD  must teach these to us, but they act like they have the love of GOD and love towards others etc. that is their pride.  And such cannot be GENTLE to others, but WILL BITE.  And the lfoty ones cannot have MEEKNESS which is necessary to teach others.  And … these little children are teaching as they are humble and are converted , to those who oppose, such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish.  And the says “meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; “… so in order to repent, The LORD Says;  goodness must be given, … then, … the truth must be TAUGHT, by these little children who received it, … and then THESE LOFTY ONES MUST ACKNOWLEDGE  THE TRUTH AS WELL. !!! that definitely means they must be humble and meek as the little children , as The LORD  said.


“they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil,”…to recover yourselves from the snare of the devil, … that is the condemnation of the devil must not come to you, which is pride as written elsewhere, … you must receive the truth, repent and be meek !!! 


So this is the way to turn the CAPTIVITY.  To restore the captivity, they all must come out of the snare of the devil, the PRIDE as written elsewhere. !!!  PCG said they are raising the ruins.  And they truly are raising the ruins for more ruins. This fallen witness says she is restoring the captivity. But with The LORD ‘s accusation against her in the last days being high and lofty, …   The Comforter , the Spirit and Truth will cause all dust to be removed from them.


The LORD  said if one does not receive us, … to shake off the dust of from your feet.  The feet, spiritually causes one to iniquity. Isa. 59:7, Jer. 14:10 , Psa. 49:5. And in order to not to learn any lies which is dust, those who are being sent also must shake it off from their feet, as a TESTIMONY to them.  Therefore,, now, … we shake off our feet from your iniquity… the pride as a testimony to you.  We REJECT YOUR SEDUCING DOCTRINES OF THE DEVIL , the lies, the dust , so you can understand our witness against you ! The LORD  says to come out from among them and not share their sins !!!  So we shake the dust, UNDERSTANDING as The LORD  gave, … what dust is ! We shake your lies !

Luk_9:5  And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.


Accuser of the BRETHREN… must be cast down, in order to bring salvation . and we know, to give salvation, The LORD  comes on the ass and the foal, the foolish nation … ( please read Zech. 9:9) . So the ass and the foal, cannot be the accuser. And at this time, as it is in judgment, only the two witnesses worked. And when their work ended, they both also died Spiritually. Because all were found to be sinners. Then, as proven in previous writings , one became the accuser, continued to accuse all but self, and the other became the little one , little children, queen of South and The LORD  separated both as ships of Tarshish, which is to fall finally in the final judgment with oaks, cedars etc, the other is to become the ass and the foal, the donkey to open the eyes of the blind prophet. This also fulfills the two thieves crucified with The LORD , as one was asked to come to paradise, and the other rejected. Anyhow, The LORD  seperated the ships of Tarshish, and the queen of South, who was given the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD etc. Therefore, this witness cannot claim, she is the donkey, the little one, the little children, queen of South as she does not do any such work assigned to them.  From the beginning she gave The LORD ’s titles to king David.

Rev 12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Rev 12:11  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. }}}… in this scripture, The LORD , calls the BRETHREN, who have OVER COME BY HIS BLOOD,  … and who KEEP THE WORD OF GOD , … specially the testimony.  And WE MUST UNDERSTAND THE TIME FRAME of this prophecy.  So who have OVERCOME…, who are called His BRETHREN”,  and who keep the Word of GOD  , and who have overcome by His blood, means who are FORGIVEN???  Scripture says who they are and we do not need to guess. They are the little children who are given all knowledge , and strong in the word !!!  So this accuser , accuse those who are witnessing about JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and Heb.  2:10, Isa. 8:18,  29:23 proves it is the little children who perfect the praises and who are brought to glory, IN ORDER TO DECLARE THE CAPTAIN OF SALVATION !!!  So they have the witness of  CHRIST the LORD, the CAPTAIN OF SALVATION !!!  So unless this accuser is exposed, … The LORD  cannot save anyone. This accuser comes from Dan’s serpent’


Php 1:28  And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

Php 1:29  For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; }}}… there are two groups here.  The adversaries or the enemies and those who received salvation.  Who could this be, other than the little children who are forgiven,  and brought to glory, who are perfecting the praises and the Captain of Salvation ??? They are to BELIEVE IN  CHRIST the LORD, … AND EVEN SUFFER FOR HIM !!!  as written above, Psa. 8 says, because of the enemy, the babes were chosen.  When the wise lost their wisdom, the babes were chosen.  And these enemies go in to perdition.  Among them, this fallen witness as John 17:6- 12 says.  The LORD  gave her salvation, to know Him.  But she chose to be Israel and be dead ! the law could never make one righteous,  … so by coming under the law, …. She fell from grace also, … and was not able to be righteous. So goes in to perdition. We hope and pray that these enemies will repent as they are exposed. The LORD  said in 2 Thess. 1:6,  He will recompense tribulation to those who trouble the good people. Rom.  8:33 says “who can accuse the people GOD Has chosen????  Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.”.  Can you see who are justified , by your sight? No… The LORD  has written whom, He forgave in the very end. 1 John 2:12 !!


The LORD  said YOUR OWN FAMILY will be your enemy !!!   That too must be fulfilled. Do you see in many churches, there is love between parents and children ??? They are divided. Some are in one church, another in another church, and would not talk to each other ! Same thing happened among the gentiles.  The LORD  wants to show either Israel or gentiles, all humans are carnal !  That is why in the very end, He called the little children !!!   




And the time frame is ;- This is just about when the salvation is to come, and those who have ALREADY overcome who are called the brethren. Overcoming and being brethren means these have already received salvation. And The LORD  does not want anyone to accuse such, as HE SAYS THEY HAVE OVERCOME ALREADY !!  That means they are not of the devil, or sons of the devil, but sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  And this is the JUDGMENT. The very end, when the accuser or the devil, ( who are inspired by the devil, who is now accusing these brethren who have already OVERCOME ) is to be cast down. Remember in John 12: 31- 32 says, unless the devil is cast down, The LORD  could not be exalted and then no one could be gathered to Him. this is also Gen. 49: 10-17, which also for the time of the salvation, and when Dan the serpent is to bite all and end all devil’s actions and judgments.


She has written many times referring to Revelation, that only the commandment keepers eat from the Tree of Life. but, the commandments are not the law of Moses… which has now fulfilled it’s purpose , to condemn and judge those who were under it and all things going to be new. And then, all what The LORD  offers are given freely. He even said unless the Son of Man comes, no FLESH would be saved. That means the Son of Man comes to save the flesh. And the flesh is all humans. So seeking to eat from the Tree of Life, just as the PCG leader said ‘ I am eating from the Tree of Life’, when he does not know even that the Tree of Life who gives life is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and His words, … how could he eat from it, and also as it was not offered to any at that time? So the same trend which the law keepers are under, this fallen witness also continues to exalt self and show her worthiness of keeping the law will cause her to eat from the Tree of Life, which means get life, and righteousness by the law !  that is totally against The LORD ’s word and she has exalted herself against The LORD  and His words and His little children, whom He calls ‘ brethren’, by accusing them day and night.



She has forgotten, that when she was called to tread down, she was called by the Covenant under mercy. Then what happens when you reject GOD’s mercy and go to the Covenant under the law ?  she asked for GOD’s wrath. That is the blindness and self exultation. Daniel 11: 36, Isa. 9: 18- 19  and such are to be fire. GOD leaves such people. So she, should know she was a vessels of mercy , and then what she did ? she too exalted herself . Apostle Paul warned the gentiles, not to exalt themselves, or they too will be cut off and the natural branches will be grafted back in.  so when she fell, the natural branches were grafted in. that is why the men of Niniveh, who are of Israel, who repented and believed, come together with the queen of South, as little children, to the second judgment as The LORD  Is… and as The LORD  said they would.  Until the separation of the ships of Tarshish, and the queen of South, this was not possible. So she separated, because of the law she says, but truly because she gave  CHRIST the LORD’s titles to king David and made mistakes about many scripture including the scapegoat as proven in fallen cherub writings. So since she said she is a SPIRITUAL SERPENT, she is biting all Israel, who are the sons of the devils, and vipers , and the scripture says they will fall backward.  And no one can fall backward, unless we have come to the end, where there is no forward.  And we have now come to that period. All the vipers , scorpions, locusts who are the ministry is now dead and she is the accuser, the trail of Dan the serpent, which will be crushed as Rom.  16:20 says, before our feet.


Remember, unless you SERVE  CHRIST the LORD, … you serve your own belly. That means you eat your own food which truly is the dust, the serpent’s food. Unless you eat from the Tree of Life, or  CHRIST the LORD, or The ROCK who gives us spiritual meat and drink, …. You eat your own food, and you serve your own belly. At a such time, … those who are appointed to obey  CHRIST the LORD, as 2 cor 10; 5- 6 says, who are to avenge those who do not, like these oaks, cedars, and the ships of Tarshish, … who serve their own bellies as you can see…, have obeyed already, and will be known abroad unto ALL MEN. That is Col. 3: 1-4,  Isa. 8: 18 ones.

Rom 16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. }}}… those who do not serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are the devils, and they are proud or stiff necked. That is why they do not serve Him, The CREATOR. That means they have not brought their obedience to Him, nor have build the image of GOD ! And they serve their own bellies, is the curse which the serpent has. So and the curse of the devil, which is to eat dust and go down on belly means to have lies, pride and to NOT SERVE THE Living GOD, The CREATOR, but their own bellies. That is the curse of the serpent. So the spiritual serpents are these cedars, oaks, and the ships of Tarshish , as she herself said she is a spiritual serpent. The vipers etc are the ministry. So they serve not JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but their own bellies when they judge others, but in the end doing worse. Then, when those who DO SERVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD, have fulfilled their obedience to Him, are being used to avenge those who do not serve. 2 co 10: 5-6. That means The LORD  has separated His own, who serve Him His sons, ( Mal. 3: 16-18,  Mal. 1: 11 ), and who does NOT serve Him (Mal. 1: 6,  2:2,  2: 10-11). Then, those who SERVE HIM, are the ones who will see The LORD  bruising the serpent under their feet as v 20 says below.

Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

Rom 16:20  And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. }}}… understand… as v 19 says, and 2 cor 10: 5- 6, … the obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD is fulfilled by some. That means they have humbled, and has no iniquity of pride. So they are wise to which is good, but simple to evil and their obedience will be made known unto all. And v 20 says, … the GOD of peace… that is the Prince of peace who is  CHRIST the LORD.  these who have fulfilled obedience to Him are given the knowledge to know, the Prince of peace is also the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. Isa. 9: 6.  Then, as they serve The LORD , and not their own bellies like the serpents, … under their feet, The LORD  , the GOD of Peace, will bruise satan !!!  That means those who serve  CHRIST the LORD and those who do NOT serve Him ! But remember, The LORD  takes vengeance to ACCEPT. Isa. 61: 2- 3.


All comes to the pride in man which GOD wants to destroy. No one can walk together, unless they have peace. So the Prince of peace must bruise these SPIRITUAL SERPENTS. And it will end in Dan’s trail is exposed ! Dan, is to be a serpent. Dan, must do his works of JUDGING first. Book of revelation says, the judgments are done by the two witnesses. That is one of the ships of Tarshish who represented Dan, even as she acknowledged.


Mat 23:2  Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:

Mat 23:3  All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not….}}}… what is the Moses’s seat???  It is to judge by the law.  And these leaders judge all others by the law, … but not themselves.  They are the leaders. But The LORD  says what ever they say do, but not to do after their works as they say, but do not.  The LORD  knows the hearts of these judges.  He created them for His purpose. And now we experience that !!! this comes on the serpent’s trail.  They judge but do not do as The LORD  says !! This is why the ships of Tarshish became the accuser !!!


Such who have the snare of the devil, does not know the knowledge of GOD , even though they have a zeal to teach about GOD. But we pray for such… so they can be saved. Come out of the snare of the devil, leaving your pride. SUCH DO NOT KNOW THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. That is why they seek righteousness of the law…

Rom 10:1  Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.

Rom 10:2  For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

Rom 10:3  For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Rom 10:4  For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Rom 10:5  For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them….}}}}…  understand the two righteousness spoken here ???  One from the law of Moses which no one can get,  the other by BELIEVING as Acts. 13: 38-39 as written elsewhere.  So those who seek righteousness out of the law of Moses, … such as all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , … they are ignorant of the true righteousness of GOD, which is the BELIEVE !!!  In the end, as written elsewhere,  all those who seek the law to be righteous, also must BELIEVE to be justified.  Those who are seeking the law to be righteous, … have NOT BELIEVED The LORD .  That means they have exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD  !!!  No matter how zealously you work, day and night, accusing others, … judging others,  teaching your lies to others, … you are ignorant of GOD’s righteousness.  You have NOT COME TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! You have established your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS !!!  You know what that means , at least !!! YOU STILL ARE SINNERS , who have iniquity in your feet !!!  You , the sons of the devil, or the serpents, have bitten your own feet !!!!

So leaving your pride, .. exalt The LORD … in order to have everlasting life.  BELIEVE… believe…. believe Him to be justified !!!!  Then you can have everlasting life.  leave your Law , the graven image and do not look to the writings of the finger of GOD…, but understand what does The LORD ’s finger says now… by giving the Spirit of The LORD …  your sons who are the little children who judge you, on the day of judgment, as written elsewhere, …as HE IS in us,… are the finger of GOD NOW. See below.

Joh 3:14  And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Joh 3:15  That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. …}}}…. Who BELIEVES, … are saved.  So we are saved as we believed.  Do not believe in the law and your own selves and righteousness.  And when you believe, … you exalt Him, and can be gathered to Him.


Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. }}}… now you are judged.  The LORD  had to wait until the ships of Tarshish also falls, in order to judge all and to end the serpent’s trail. But now, they all can believe , and lift up Him and not the law of Moses. UNTIL THE JUDGMENTS, NO ONE EXALTED The LORD . Isa. 5:16. And it is the little children who exalts Him as they are to be as HE IS IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.


As the sons are sent ( little children) with the truth, … ( Mat. 12: 27-28), by the Spirit and Truth, … the lies are cast out. They are the devil, the sons of the devil who lie from the beginning.  And these sons, the little children are your judges , even as Psa. 8 says, the babes, to AVENGE THE ENEMY.  They are the works of GOD’S FINGERS. The moon, the stars the LORD Has ordained… to praise Him. !  They avenge… 2 cor 10: 5-6, after they fulfilled and believed, and obeyed.

Luk 11:19  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.

Luk 11:20  But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. }}}… so the little children are the JUDGES,… the finger of GOD.


And they cast out devils by the Spirit (true words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD John 6:63), of The LORD . and it is the kingdom. As written elsewhere, .. the little children are given the kingdom, if they are JUDGES. !!! 

Mat 12:27  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.

Mat 12:28  But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. }}}… So the lofty ones, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … it is the little children, who are the finger of GOD who are the judges now.  AND YOUR SERPENT’S TRAIL is now no more !!!  You , the devils are cast out by this truth ! This is how the serpent’s trail will be ended. By giving the Spirit and Truth to those who did not have it, who are the lofty ones who did not believe, nor humbled before Him.  This will save all from the snare of the devil, the condemnation of the devil, the pride when they learn this from their judges, the sons !!!


This is how The serpent is bruised before our feet. The serpent did not have the truth. The LORD  said he lied from the beginning and father of lies. So when the truth is given, the serpent is exposed and humbled !



Understand… the ships of Tarshish was used by GOD , saving by faith as Rom.  11: 20 and many more scripture proves, as a gentile. But now, if you read her writings,  you will see her saying she is Israel, and must keep the law , and even condemning us , and does not even know, the law is fulfilled it’s both purposes. She was a judge to Israel to kill them Spiritually, and she also became a serpent to end the serpent’s trail as you will see. !!!  So out of her own mouth, she says she is a serpent and from Dan !!!  She should know, when the two witnesses died, their period of working of 1260 days and 42 months given to her work has ended.  But she did not stop there, but continued to judge and accuse the rest of the humanity except for her. The LORD  says, the little children are forgiven, and they are to obey the commandments of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to exalt Him, … to praise Him,… to Bless Him. more below. Then who is she to judge and condemn the ones whom The LORD  has forgiven?  This is why she fell and exalted self as the fallen cherub.  The Ark of the Covenant is seen in heaven at the end of the two witnesses’ work of judging Israel of their law breaking. Then it is time to do the work of the ark.  But she failed to understand her own work has an end!  In that, she exalted herself than The LORD ’s words.


As she was saved by faith,  and left faith to the law, … she preached the resurrection is past… and tried to overthrow our faith also.  But The LORD  is there to save us all.

2Ti 2:18  Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

2Ti 2:19  Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. }}}.. since she has taught the resurrection is past… she has no faith.  And others have become the foundation … and The LORD  knows who are His, … and they are the ones who NAME THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  when you name Him, and give glory to His name, … they depart from iniquity.  The iniquity is the unbelief, caused by pride, the snare of the devil . So the foundation cannot be those who preach the resurrection is past !!!  Such has no faith and trying to bite others also to fall in to their condemnation !!! 



As we know who has the truth, … you can understand when The LORD  opens the eyes, that who has left faith. Such have seducing spirits and doctrines of the devils. that means they teach lies and cause the people also to transgress and not believe the truth.  So this scripture talks about those who know and BELIEVE the truth and who has left faith. 

1Ti 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; }}}… who are the devils?  it is those who do not have the Spirit and Truth of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  John 8:44, The LORD  said Abraham’s children are devils. and why did He say that ? Because they rejected Him, failed to believe and have faith, the works of Abraham.  And they exalted the serpent or the law of Moses, which rejects JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so the doctrines of the devils are the doctrines of  CHRIST the LORD’s own, .. to seek righteousness out of the law etc. it looks good to keep the law.  But no one can. And it deceives the people as proven.  So she too, calling herself ‘ I am Israel’, … went to the law. It is either law, or faith !

1Ti 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

1Ti 4:3  Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth…}}}… unless you are among the believers who are given the truth, … you have no faith !  And these ships of Tarshish did forbid us to marry, if you read her writings. And the MEATS are the TRUTH, the true spiritual meat to end all things which are given to the little children, which SHE REJECTED and mocked !


As she has written, … the iniquity, which was the breaking of the law which proves they have not believed  CHRIST the LORD, was judged by her. But if it is a serpent of any kind,….such  Cannot have the truth. She had to execute WRITTEN judgments. Psa. 149. She even came in the first resurrection , to know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. But she mocked grace, believing in the Name of THE LORD and the little children and the men of Niniveh and the queen of South ! We will not quote all these, as she knows what we are talking about !


Moreover,  it is The LORD  only can see the intentions in the hearts.  And The LORD  says the little children are humble, and are forgiven and converted. But none of these wicked leaders can see. if they see, .. then they would know the knowledge of GOD . but it is cut off from them until now, and The LORD  blinded the law keepers purposely. So unless The LORD  gives the understanding, .. how could they understand ?


 The whole purpose of the law is to bring us to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. These little children are BORN TO HIM.  He fathered them. Heb.  2: 10-13. but Israel failed to come to Him and worshiped GOD the Father. John 8:54. Israel received condemnation by the law as they did not come to  CHRIST the LORD, and gentiles by coming to Him, fulfilled it!  GOD would not come to gentiles as Isa. 11: 9 – 11, Col. 1:27 says, unless they are justified by Him. 1 John 2:12 says, the little children ( Isa. 8:18) are justified or forgiven for His name’s sake and The LORD  taught them personally as they WERE ANOINTED TO LEARN FROM HIM. v 27. So all those who are under the law are condemned as being proud as they sought righteousness by the law which is against the Word of GOD. If one can be righteous by keeping the law, … then The LORD  must give salvation only to that one.  Then the rest must die.  But scripture concludes all under sin, so all can have mercy and live. Those who do not believe these,  made GOD a liar. BUT LET GOD BE TRUE AND THEY BE LIARS! These three groups are to fall at once, together. They have one thing in common; pride! Oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish , this condemnation is for you !  GOD SAYS YOU ARE HIGH AND LOFTY. Would you believe GOD?


Why else would The LORD say in Isa. 2, that  they are high and lofty and will fall at once together? The true Sabbath or the Glorious Rest is where  CHRIST the LORD Is which none of the Sabbath keepers or the ones under the law of Moses was able to enter in. Heb.  4:6. (because they failed to believe and had no faith). In the name of GOD, these leaders are exalting themselves , and not GOD until the judgments, when HE IS EXALTED by His own sons whom He brought to glory. Heb. 2:10, Isa. 60:21-22. They were prepared by The LORD, Himself , PREDESTINATED to go and teach others, so they may believe in Him. John 17: 17-20. That means until such time, none believed in Him. This means until then, all were proud and lofty and would not believe The LORD. and salvation must be given from the enemies of The LORD , who are the leaders,(Luk. 1:71-74) the den of thieves who did not enter through the DOOR of the sheep! WHOLE PURPOSE OF The LORD  IS TO GET RID OF THE PRIDE or the Assyrian in Gods land. Until then, the people will not serve The LORD nor fear Him. So why would not the leaders believe The LORD ’s words? Because of pride and they think they know better than GOD as they see by SIGHT and not by faith. So these little children exalted The LORD  in judgment, Isa. 5:16, so all could be gathered to Him, John 12: 31-32, they Blessed His name so He can be seen in Jerusalem, ( Mat. 23: 39), they perfected the praises of The LORD which are the fruits of the lips, and they are the little children whom The LORD Had anointed to learn all things from Him, who are forgiven for His name’s sake 1 John 2. This is why The LORD  said ; “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”. This too is a COMMANDMENT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Then, especially the oaks, cedars, and the ships of Tarshish must humble themselves as little children and learn from them all things, if they want to obey The LORD , as it is The LORD ’s words says in the last days they are lofty and GOD hates the pride.  If not, you are once again exalting yourself against The LORD  and His words. Remember, at the same time, The LORD says HE PURPOSELY BLINDED and did not want some to be CONVERTED, as He knew the heart of man and his pride. ‘Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand… By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”., But in the end, GOD Has promised He will humble these leaders and will bring salvation from them and heal all. Therefore, in the end, it is  CHRIST the LORD’s OWN CHILDREN who are begotten by HIS WORDS (Jam 1:18, 1Pet 1:23), whom The LORD FATHERED who fear Him (Isa. 29:23), whom He brought to glory ( Heb.  2: 10-13), who will beautify Him, Isa. 60:21-22), who will be a sign and a wonder WITH HIM ( Isa. 8:14-18), who would seal up the law, after both houses stumbled on Him.!


Oaks of Bashan, … Cedars of Lebanon,  ships of Tarshish , GOD SAYS YOU ARE LOFTY.  (Isa. 2 and below) DO YOU BELIEVE GOD AND ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE SO???? Do you still exalt yourselves against GOD’s words which cannot lie??  If you are not, … GOD would not say this. And if you still think you are NOT lofty, … you are making GOD a liar, just as Adam did and GOD’s wrath is on you. You do not believe The LORD  just as Adam did not believe.  Submit and repent before Him and examine yourselves comparing with what The LORD  says, leaving your own wisdom which caused you to be lofty !  OBEY GOD !!! Would you humble and be converted as ‘LITTLE CHILDREN’ as The LORD  said???  if The LORD  Has taught the little children and if they know all things and they are sent, … then you should receive them to get the knowledge which is given to them. They have the anointing and they know all things. 1 John 2: 27. See if how long you can hold on to your own knowledge and your loftiness! There is an end to all these evils in GOD’s church. And now the end must come, because the ships of Tarshish worked during the day of THE LORD, to tread down as Rev. 11: 2- 3 says. So this prophecy is for our time, when even the ships of Tarshish have exalted themselves.  !!! Now that has happened. More below. So as The LORD  Has prophesied, He will bring down all these exalted ones to nothing. !


Remember, if you exalt against The LORD  or HIS WORDS OR KNOWLEDGE, … you are exalting yourselves and will be avenged . 2 cor 10: 5- 6. And the little children who were made humbled by The LORD FULFILLED their obedience to their FATHER, and are being used to avenge those who did not. And Isa. 2 explains who they are and it is a prophecy for the LAST DAYS.  This is why the scripture says the AGED does not know judgment, job 32:9, but children and women will rule over Isa. 3: 4, 12.


Here is what The LORD  says in Isa. 2  about the proud ones. If you are one of these mentioned by The LORD  here , … would you believe what The LORD says about you, …  or would you  still believe yourself that you are NOT HIGH AND LOFTY, and still exalt yourselves against The LORD  and His words? The LORD  would not lie. The liars are these lofty ones. they must be humbled, if not The LORD  would not be exalted. If The LORD  would not be exalted, no one would be gathered to Him. John 12: 31-32. And The LORD  is exalted, in judgment only. Isa. 5:16. That proves none of the leaders in Israel, as well as some gentiles who are of tarshish has not exalted The LORD , but themselves, ACCORDING TO The LORD . !

Isa 2:11  The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. }}}… you see… if you belong to one of the below mentioned ones whom The LORD  says proud and lofty, … you should know that judgment is upon you, … as you have not exalted The LORD , but yourselves. ! because The LORD  says, in that day, … LORD ALONE shall be exalted. That means you have not exalted The LORD ! You have not believed The LORD  … and you have exalted yourselves against The LORD  and against the knowledge of GOD , and have not brought your thoughts in to the obedience of The LORD , who is  CHRIST the LORD !!!! And remember, unless you humble yourselves , you cannot be gathered to Him. ! So your gathering to The LORD  is on you. !  No one else can gather you to Him, but it is on you! Therefore, HUMBLE YOURSELVES !!!


Isa 2:12  For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Isa 2:13  And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

Isa 2:14  And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up,

Isa 2:15  And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall,

Isa 2:16  And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

Isa 2:17  And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

Isa 2:18  And the idols he shall utterly abolish. }}}… this scripture says ‘The LORD ’, and the lofty ones. that means these lofty ones must be humbled in order to exalt The LORD .  and none of these cedars, oaks or ships of Tarshish have exalted The LORD , but themselves, according to The LORD  !!!  This writing would prove and expose your loftiness, … so you can humble yourselves and exalt The LORD . HE WILL BE EXALTED !!!


Proud means “ lofty, arrogant and proud.

Lofty means “A primitive root; to be high actively to rise or raise (in various applications, literally or figuratively): – bring up, exalt (self), extol, give, go up, haughty, heave (up), (be, lift up on, make on, set up on, too) high (-er, one), hold up, levy, lift (-er) up, (be) lofty, (X a-) loud, mount up, offer (up), + presumptuously, (be) promote (-ion), proud, set up, tall (-er), take (away, off, up), breed worms.

So according to The LORD , … these cedars, oaks and the ships of Tarshish are high and lofty and proud and are exalting self !!! COULD SCRIPTURE BE LYING ??  Never.  Then all these must accept their loftiness and why. !!!


Twice in this chapter, The LORD  says, ‘IN THAT DAY’,… that means the last days…, as it says in the beginning of the chapter, ‘The LORD  ALONE SHALL BE EXALTED”… so until the last days, these lofty ones exalted themselves and not The LORD .  and what would The LORD  do to them ???  EXPOSE THEIR HEARTS where the loftiness is !!!   They are the PROUD AND LOFTY ‘CEDARS’, OAKS, who are the high towers, the top leaders in the ministry, … and the ships of Tarshish !!! the GOOD NEWS IS, THE LITTLE CHILDREN ARE EXALTING The LORD , SO ALL COULD BE GATHERED TO HIM. John 12: 31-32 !!  That cast out the devil or liars.


These lofty ones think they know better than GOD !!!  the CEDARS AND OAKS, DID NOT EXALT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but GOD the Father.  They believed and worshiped GOD the Father. then they sought righteousness by keeping the law , which is impossible according to The LORD .  when the scripture says none can be righteous by keeping the law, … then believe it.  by seeking righteousness out of it, causes you to have an idol.  The law, is a graven image which will never make one righteous.  That is the main cause of the cedars and the oaks for becoming lofty and could not exalt  CHRIST the LORD as they exalted GOD the Father. John 8:54. But one must worship The CREATOR, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, according to the Everlasting gospel. Rev. 14: 6-7.  When you seek righteousness out of the law, .. you believe and trust in YOURSELF , thinking that you can live by it. scripture says only  CHRIST the LORD is without sin and kept the whole law. /


As the ships of Tarshish is mentioned, this is to happen after the first judgment of the two witnesses, as the two witnesses are from tarshish also. Remember the two witnesses also are to die at the end of their treading and judging work ! And The LORD  separated the two witnesses as one aged woman who is to be the accuser as proven , and the other as the little one in Isa. 60: 21-22 and more below. Also the ships of Tarshish who are to bring GOD’s children first but failed and The LORD separated these two as ships of Tarshish and the queen of South.  It is the queen of South, the little one, who would beautify The LORD  , one of the two witnesses, who would receive the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD and whom The LORD  said would arise in judgment with the men of Niniveh to condemn those who did not come to Him ! So scripturally proven prophecies will not be changed and these high and lofty ones must know THE SIN IS ON THEM,… if they do not believe these scripture. 


Do you think these highly exalted ministry and the ships of Tarshish would easily accept they are lofty ? Only The LORD  can rebuke such. And He will as HE SAYS!


And when would The LORD  rebuke them ??? Remember as Apostle Jude said, only The LORD  can rebuke such highly exalted leaders as no man can speak and make them understand their sin as they are blinded by The LORD . Remember the blindness is a part of GOD’s wrath. Isa. 9:19.  And their sin did it. zep 1:17. so unless The LORD  removes that blindness, no man can rebuke them. When the LORD forgives and the sin is removed, paid by His blood, … then all will be cleansed and the law and commandments will be wrritten in the hearts, with the fear of GOD put in by The LORD , Himself, all will be righteous.  That is done by the grace of GOD.  We can only pray for the enemy! That is what we are doing, as we obey the commandments of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and, The LORD  said to feed the enemy, and it will be like coal on their head. So when you understand these, your head ( heart) will burn for your wickedness against The LORD , against the Word of GOD  and against The LORD ’s people. !

Isa 2:4  And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people:

Isa 2:5  O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

Isa 2:6  Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. }}}… the last church , Judah when sinned as Mal. 2: 10-11 says, and coming to Ethiopians in India , inviting the unbaptized in to the ministry , GOD left the Sanctuary as he said. Lam 1:10,

Isa 2:8  Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:

Isa 2:9  And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. }}}… this happens in judgment, when The LORD rebukes them, … that is after these replenished from east. That is after PCG or Judah also fell by inviting strangers.  They are lofty as they worship the work of their own hands ! They have the private interpretations of the scripture !!! Also it is after the day of THE LORD, after the ships of Tarshish also worked.


The lofty looks of bashan, cedars and the ships of Tarshish will be humbled!!! Remember this is after the day of THE LORD.

Isa 2:11  The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. }}}… As John 12: 31-32 says, if The LORD  is to be exalted, all these proud men must be humbled.  When their lies are exposed, …  they will humble. Then they too will acknowledge  their sin and exalt The LORD . every knee will bow down and every tongue will confess. The LORD  will not give His glory to others.

Isa 2:12  For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Isa 2:13  And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

Isa 2:16  And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

Isa 2:17  And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day}}}… GOD says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are lofty, proud, and have not exalted The LORD .  GOD uses many prophets, teachers , apostles etc from time to time. But in the end, in order to humble the aged, who does not know the judgments of The LORD , He prepared the little children. That is the difference between the aged and the young. That way, the aged who are Spiritually foolish could be humbled to the highest. So do not make any mistakes oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish, .. IF YOU WERE NOT LOFTY, The LORD  WOULD NOT SAY THIS. !!  Believe in Him and do not argue and try to deny His word any longer. !  You are found out. You are exposed with your evil lies which kept the people from being saved. YOU HAVE BEEN EXALTING YOURSELVES AGAINST The LORD  AND HIS WORD !!!


So according to this prophecy , the Word of GOD , … in the last days, when the little children are exalting The LORD , … these will be humbled. Then they can be gathered to Him ! The LORD  said He will choose the base things of the world in order to put the wise to shame. And wise will have their wisdom perished. So that has come now. !!



This time, you must Passover from physical to spiritual.  That means leaving all other gods, such as GOD the Father,  your law, the graven image which you seek righteousness or to be justified,  as the law could not make a single person perfect, Heb.  7, … and even from false idols such as HWA and his all deceitful teachings, and including serving your own selves by being high and lofty, your own bellies , which stopped you from serving the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and once again you must start worshiping The ROCK who brought you out of Egypt to be His people. Unless all these understood,  NO WAY … you….. the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish will Passover. You can have your own works and think you are spiritual, and leaders who know all things like HWA said that no one has education and experience as he to fill in his shoes’…., and think you have kept the law and deserve wages Jam 1:17 from The LORD .  in the last hour, all things changes according to the Word of GOD . Now, the first born in Israel, (Egypt )is killed.  All Israel died Spiritually. And we preach the gospel to the dead. 1  Pet. 4:6.  And the DEAD are being judged. Rev. 11: 18=19,  20:12.  The LORD  powerfully used these cedars, oaks and ships of Tarshish in THEIR OWN TIMES which The LORD  Has appointed them to work.  King David also was chosen by GOD. But his failure is written in the Word of GOD . same way all the leader’s lies are written and exposed now.



Moses lifted up the serpent. But The LORD  must be lifted up. So all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish lifted up this serpent. And the ships of Tarshish say they are SPIRITUAL SERPENTS. How true that is? They destroy the people Spiritually.  That is the flood of the enemy of The LORD , which will be swallowed by the earth. When the knowledge of GOD  was given, these high and lofty ones teaches the people to seek the law to be righteous, and NOT LOOK TO THE LORD to lift Him up. John 3: 14,  John 12: 31-32. No matter how much you try to keep the law, … unless the carnal mind is removed by The CREATOR, … no man can keep it as written above. And that is why The LORD  has prepared another way to be justified, .. that is by believing in His name as Acts. 13: 38-39 says.  So the little children are justified by believing in Him… and the believer are given the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD. that is not our fake faith. That is living faith in order to believe what The LORD  would do to us to save and redeem us and all things would be done by Him, WHICH THE HIGH AND LOFTY ONES CANNOT DO. !


Judaism is contrary to the law and law works wrath. And if you believe you need the law also to be saved, …and as S Flurry taught grace is conditional, and we have to do something on our part also, …. Why do we need a redeemer and a saviour?  The salvation belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  It is because we cannot save ourselves, that HE BECAME The Saviour !!!   Besides, the original sin is the UNBELIEF which was caused by the pride in man that offended The LORD . IT MADE HIM A LIAR. Not believing in the Word of GOD  means the unpardonable sin, as the Word of GOD  is the Holy Spirit as proven many times .   look at these little children who are saved apart from the law, Rom.  3:21,  who came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the law, the schoolmaster failed and they believed in Him and are justified !!!  That is how to get righteousness!  Just like Job was humbled and made to see his own righteousness by a YOUNG ELIHU,… even now, The LORD  has chosen the young ones and have made them strong by the Word of GOD  as written above and as Joel 2:11 says and they are sent, so you can believe in Him also, to get righteousness !!!! 



Understand… the law in Horeb was given to all Israel…

Mal 4:4  Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. }}}.. these are the oaks, and cedars to whom the law in Horeb is given.  Psa. 78: 5 also says the law is set in Israel.  but they failed to keep it and are dead Spiritually.  That is why The LORD  prepared another way to be justified by believing.  If The LORD  did not prepare that, … no one could be justified. NOW UNDERSTAND… WHY NO ONE COULD BE JUSTIFIED AND WHAT IS OUR OFFENSE AGAINST HIM…. THAT IS NOT BELIEVING.  IF AND WHEN WE BELIEVE, WE ARE JUSTIFIED, … THEN, NOT BELIEVING IS WHAT KEPT US FROM BEING JUSTIFIED!!!!  And all Israel looked to their law keeping to be justified !!!!  So the very first commandments or the laws were broken by them !!!  They did not love The LORD  !!! For unbelief, Israel could not enter in to GOD’s rest, and also not having faith. Heb.  4. Yet there remains another rest for GOD’s people.  But those who BELIEVED entered.  And then Rom.  11:20 says, Israel is cut off for UNBELIEF..  breaking the law proves their unbelief. Adam did not listen , neither did Israel. Adam ate from the wrong tree, and Israel broke the law.  SAME SIN against The LORD , by not believing in Him. !  So when you believe, … just as we have done, you also would be justified !!!  HUMBLE, Therefore, before The LORD  !!


By not believing in The LORD ’s words, man exalted ‘SELF’. He wanted to be wise on his own. That exalts one’s own self and wisdom! Unless you agree with The LORD , .. you cannot walk in peace. There must be one GOD, one law to all humans to walk peaceably. Just as The LORD  brought all the 20 years and younger to the Promised land,  even now, He brought the little children, and not the elders and killed them Spiritually because of their failure to abide in The LORD ’s words !!!



GOD many times said Israel is stiff necked. And would not submit to Him. that is why the law is given to show in what way they failed. All of the ten commandments were broken as we prove. None of the oaks, or cedars kept the Sabbath to honor The LORD of Sabbath, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , but to GOD the Father !!!  How could they be gathered ??? 


Unless The LORD proves man’s intention and failure to believe in Him; The LORD  cannot gather anyone to HIMSELF!  Then, they stay scattered.  DO YOU STILL WANT TO BE SCATTERED ???  IF NOT HEAR THE Word of GOD  WHEN HE SAYS YOU ARE HIGH AND LOFTY AND HAVE NOT EXALTED The LORD . if you had, .. you would have been gathered to Him and not go after GOD the Father or the law ! Such men bring their own destruction! Now The LORD  must reveal this pride which caused all to not to believe in Him, so all can humble themselves, and BE SAVED or gathered to Him. By not believing in The LORD’s words which is Holy Spirit (John 6:63), man-made GOD a liar. Therefore, GOD must be made free from called a liar. This is why the law given to show the unbelief and condemn all, TO SHOW MAN IS THE LIAR.  Do you understand that ???  You made GOD a liar,  and GOD Has made the true liars and exposed them to be liars !!!  That is the righteous judgment of GOD, the Righteous Judge !!!  



YOU WILL BELIEVE HIS WORDS, if you are humble!  This is to happen in the very end, of the day of THE LORD, when the pride in man is destroyed. GOD gets people to do a work for Him and always the people exalts themselves. Many leader’s sins are written for this reason, so they would not exalt themselves. Apostle Paul was sent satan because of abundance of revelation so he would not exalt himself. And cedars, oaks and ships of Tarshish and all the PROUD AND LOFTY ones fall together, as their works have ENDED.


Law became an idol to you as you sought the righteous which JESUS CHRIST the LORD gives from the law. It is not a GOD to give righteousness or justify you. It causes one to believe in SELF and own works. But it is impossible to get righteousness out of it. in that, you exalted yourselves. ! When you seek the law to get righteousness, you give the LORD’s place to the law. that is why it became an idol. GOD calls the law of Moses, the serpent.  The LORD  gives life, but you sought it from the law, the graven image!



As we now know from the scripture that it is the babes who are given the truth and all things, the following scripture proves the rest was hardened and The LORD  did not want them to be converted at that time.

Mar 4:11  And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

Mar 4:12  That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. }}}… understand this ???  The LORD  did not want any one to be FORGIVEN to convert them. ! “any time be converted… sins be forgiven”…  So forgiveness of sins means they are in the kingdom, and they understand, their eyes they see, and ears hear, and are CONVERTED !!!  So whose sins are forgiven as written above ???  1 John 2: 12, .. it is the little children’s !!!  So they are converted and others must be converted as they as The LORD  says. !!!  as The LORD  is sending you these scripture and truth, … the time has come to convert the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!


Mat_18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. }}}…. All preach they are kings and priests. But The LORD  says, UNLESS YOU BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN…, you will not enter in to the kingdom. Remember Abraham’s children are thrown in to outer darkness where they gnash their teeth. ??  But the little children entered in to the kingdom .

Mat_18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat_19:14  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. }}}… who ever shall humble as little children, … then they can be in the kingdom. !!!  Mat. 21: 43 says the kingdom is taken from you and given to others who bears fruits. So you can see that we are bearing fruits ! And who entered in to the kingdom ??? It is the poor, who are the gentiles. Jam 2: 5, because of faith.



Here is another quote from the lofty ships of Tarshish…

In her writing “NATIONS ON SEA AS ISRAEL and REMOVING OF MEN IN GOD’S CHURCH TYPIFIED IN PROPHECIES AS Tyrus Pharaoh Assyrian Nebuchadnezzar Cedar Cherub..”

Here is the quote: “COULD ANY MATCH David, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, to thank and praise God??? “…..


She writes “ could any match king David……. To thank and praise GOD? But what does GOD says ????? “Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? “….  The LORD  says, the BABES perfect the praise !!!! This is written by king David, himself in Psa. 8.  King David could not perfect JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as HE HAS NOT COME AND DIED without sin!  It is the little children who made Him without sin by  believing in Him. Until then, He was made a liar.  And king David saw the babes will perfect Him. Isa. 29:23 , these children sanctified The LORD . !!! Therefore, these babes have matched king David in praising The LORD  !!! 

Psa 8:1  To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.

Psa 8:2  Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. }}}… so the king David, himself said when there are enemies such as this ships of Tarshish, … The LORD has ordained the babes to PRAISE HIM.  So does she agree with GOD’s words and king David’s words ???  She only wants to accuse the little children whom The LORD  has ordained and anointed for Himself and stop them from praising Him. !!! 


Mat_11:25  At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. }}}… so some secrets, were kept hidden from the wise, who are the proud and lofty ones ( this is why the ships of Tarshish also did not know The LORD  or believed in the Name of THE LORD, but mocked us for believing in), and revealed to babes, and when the time came to perfect the praises of The LORD .  remember the priesthood is to praise daily and continually, but they did not know JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the GOD who should be praised and they did so to GOD the Father.  so the wise became fools in judgment John 9;39, and the babes became wise and prudent. Then, as pro 16:21 says, “The wise in heart shall be called prudent:” it is the babes who became wise and prudent whose HEARTS are made wise as they feared The LORD  who IS WISDOM and believed and received wisdom to know the secrets hidden and kept from the foundation of the world !!! Read pro 16: 19-22.  The PRIDE brings destruction, but Humble trust in The LORD , and became wise in heart , and their understanding is a WELLSPRING OF LIFE !!! This is why as John 4: 14 says, out of their bellies spring out everlasting life to others and John 7: 36-39, the Holy Spirit is given from their bellies. !

Mat_21:16  And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?



King David says… the BABES and sucklings has ordained strength, because of GOD’s enemies. !!!  And we know the babes are revealed the secrets when the wife of CHRIST The LORD  and all turned as enemy of The LORD , and the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have turned enemies  in the last end. !!!  And who is this enemy who says ‘could any match king David to thank and praise GOD”???? and The LORD  also says the babes will perfect the praise !!!  Then if the ships of Tarshish says against it, … would she not be an enemy ??? So it is such enemies The LORD  wants to silence !!! So SHE DOES NOT KNOW The LORD ’S WORDS OR KING DAVID’S WORDS!!!!  Remember few years ago she gave  CHRIST the LORD’s titles to king David?  She has exalted herself against The LORD  !!!  Such enemy, the LORD wants to silence. Remember she is an aged woman who is a false accuser?  So she thinks we the little children cannot praise GOD, when The LORD  Has ordained them . !!! This is why, all things are revealed to them. 


Col 3:15  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Col 3:16  Let the WORD OF CHRIST dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. }}}…. If GOD of peace rules in our hearts as in these little children, … who are called , will praise The LORD  !!!  If the WORD OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD dwells, as it is in the little children, as written above, …. They can sing praises and spiritual songs !!!  And they can ADMONISH others as well !!!  That is because of GRACE in our hearts !!! 


And king David’s prayers ended when he said sheba will bring sacrifices daily and continually , the praises of The LORD  as written above, in Psa. 72: 10-20 !!  So according to The LORD  and king David, others also can perfect the praises.  In that, the ships of Tarshish have lied and are humbled as the enemy who lies against the knowledge of GOD .



Col 3:16  Let the WORD OF CHRIST dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. }}}….unless the word of ‘ CHRIST the LORD’ dwells in us we cannot thank nor praise GOD. And it is the little children who are strong in the word, the babes who are given secrets. Then , they can TEACH, ADMONISH others with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. So The LORD  Has appointed in our days to praise and thank GOD , AFTER HE GIVES THE WORDS, THE Spirit. THEY ARE SINGING SPIRITUAL SONGS.  THE REST DOES NOT !  and it is the Royal Priesthood who sing praises to Him, as they are taken out of darkness in to His marvelous light.


King David said give thanks unto the LORD, calling ON HIS NAME, and make known His deeds among the people.  Who can call on His name, other than the ones who received it first ??  There is no doubt it is the little children ( daughter of Ethiopia) who received it give thanks. So the ships of Tarshish are lying against the knowledge of GOD.

1Ch 16:8  Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

1Ch 16:9  Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.

1Ch 16:10  Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. }}}… glory in His HOLY NAME !!!  We are glorying in The LORD ’s name as we have written . please read “glorifying the Name of THE LORD”.  Only these little children can make known HIS NAME !  The ships of Tarshish mocked for believing in the Name of THE LORD .  and no man can be justified by the law as she seeks, but by believing in HIS name. as written above, in Acts. 13: 38-39.  So she should learn these things from the little children and repent before all with all the oaks, cedars as The LORD  finds them high and lofty now. !


Psa 119:62  At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. }}}… at MIDNIGHT… the night is the adversity… and during the JUDGMENTS as now.  Who would thank The LORD  in the night, in the darkness, other than the Royal Priesthood who are taken out of darkness in to  CHRIST the LORD’s light ???   There are so many other scripture to prove that the little children will praise and thank The LORD  as The LORD  IS IN THEM doing these to glorify Him. !!!   without understanding these as The LORD  Has blinded these lofty ones, they teach lies , the works of their own hands !

Psa_140:13  Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence. }}}… it is the ‘righteous’ who gives thanks to His name.  remember after justifying only, … The LORD  will make Himself known to anyone. ! So it is the little children who are with The LORD  who is The Righteous as written above.



Judah is used to catch the enemy by the neck. Dan is to be a serpent. Gen. 49:8-17. After the Dan’s trail is exposed, the salvation comes. And the babes are called because of GOD’s enemies.  That is the time Judah catches the enemy by the neck… that is after binding the foolish nation, or the ass and the foal as Zech. 9:9 says when salvation comes to Zion. !!! This happens when the BABES and sucklings has ordained strength, because of GOD’s enemies.! So Judah, catches Dan’s serpent trail by the neck !!!  Spiritual serpents must be destroyed Spiritually. !!!

Gen 49:8  Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee.

Gen 49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Gen 49:11  Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: }}}… so when the time came to tread down the grapes, who are Israel ( Isa. 5) , Judah has bound the donkey. That is why Apostle Peter and Apostle Jude also wrote the same warning. And this is done by giving the truth , causing them to humble. !!  So Judah or the ass and the foal, will catch Dan , the serpent’s lies. Then the salvation will come.


Gen 49:16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

Gen 49:18  I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD. }}}… the accuser’s job also must be fulfilled as proven in previous writings. And as written above, who is the false accuser? One who accuses falsely , … JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own children. ! All these are now fulfilled.  The law as she teaches, given to last for ever. But it is now fulfilled , be condemning the ones under it, and others fulfilled by the love of GOD. And the law, with the prophesied will be no more. It is in the past. Now the commandments of JESUS CHRIST the LORD… will be written in our hearts.



Another quote from this fallen witness …she wants to prove that the law of Moses will be in the new Covenant also.  But does her teachings agree with The LORD ’s teachings regarding that ? Here it is ;-


De 4:10 -Specially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.

De 5: Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.2 –The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb—(Ex. 20 commandments are listed in Deut. 5).


Mal 4: 4–Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

SO MAL 4: 4 COMMANDS GOD’S PEOPLE TO REMEMBER THE LAW OF Moses COMMANDED IN HOREB FOR ALL ISRAEL! —THEY ARE HIS STATUTES, JUDGMENTS—LAWS —HIS WORDS—Deut. 4: 10–and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.


SO IN THE New Covenant God’s people would make in Eze. 16: 60-63—-THEY ARE TO REMEMBER Law of Moses—and LEARN TO FEAR GOD until they die—-AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN!}}}….so she writes, in the ‘new Covenant’… they will remember the law of Moses.  When the law is broken by Israel, … the marriage Covenant ends, and they are KILLED , the Tabernacle of David FALLS!  They are to die to the law as Rom.  7 says. The LORD  left them WITHOUT GIVING life.  the law was given to last for ever , as the Marriage Covenant was.  But when they broke the laws , the conditions of the Covenant, … The Husband left her to die. The harvest also past, they were not saved, and The King is not in her. Jer. 8: 19-20. Jer. 3 also says they have backslidden and forsaken The LORD. The LAW COULD NOT MAKE ANYONE PERFECT. Heb.  7. Not even a high priest. But faith is given to justified ones, to live. Israel is cut off, condemned as UNBELIEVERS (Rom.  11:20), gentiles are saved APART FROM THE LAW Rom.  3:21, by giving faith. And our ‘Faith of CHRIST THE LORD’ writing will prove, all things will be established by the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD which none knows unless The LORD  opens the eyes to understand what that faith is.  IT MUST BE GIVEN. It believes The LORD , His words, and it exalts The LORD , as all look up to Him to give life ! Apostle Paul preaches, all things will be established by faith as proven in this writing. Read Gal. 3…. The law is not of faith. The two Covenants are , to Israel…, the law, … and when they failed, beginning from gentiles, … faith. Read the Heavenly vision in Acts. 26:17-19, which we have proven many times.  That Heavenly vision is to have faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The LORD  did not teach Apostle Paul to give the law to gentiles. The whole world will be saved by mercy, including the seed of Abraham. The Covenant will be remembered by mercy. !


Here is the Heavenly vision once again . JESUS CHRIST the LORD did not tell Apostle Paul to give the law to gentiles. This was proven over and over in our writings. The little children fulfilled the law as they came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and are taught love which fulfills the law.  And according to the Heavenly vision, The LORD  wants them to have FAITH IN HIM… TO DELIVER THEM, TO TURN THEM FROM THE DEVIL TO GOD, AND FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT.  THAT IS SALVATION AS THEY , … THEN WOULD BE FORGIVEN. These high and lofty men does not even know their sin and sin(s).  the sin and sins.

Delivering thee from the people, and  the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,…. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. }}}…. If any one can read this scripture, they can see… the gentiles are not given the law. They are to receive SPIRITUAL SIGHT,  which Adam and the serpent was made blind, … and they are to be taken from darkness to light… ( this is why 1  Pet. 2:1-10, the Royal Priesthood and they PRAISE HIM ),  and then from the power of satan unto GOD….  What more do we want ?   and then to receive FORGIVENESS of sin … and all is done BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!  If the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish understood this scripture, … then they would understand all other things.  It is The LORD , who keep the feet of the saints from falling. 1 sam 2: 8-9. When one is forgiven, The LORD  comes in to that person, … gives the Holy Spirit to the hearts, ( Gal. 4:6), and then continue to lead that person Thereafter . this is what these leaders do not want to understand, but want to keep the law and get glory to themselves. !!!  So they teach and speak against the Word of GOD  , as The LORD  sees the pride in heart and allows to exalt themselves as a judgment. Dan 11:36 !


This is the whole vision which The LORD  gave Apostle Paul to give and make among the gentiles.  Then, where is the law of Moses ???  The LORD  gave the NEW COMMANDMENT to love one another , beginning from John 13: 33, and 1, 2 Apostle John’s letters to them.  Even Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter wrote to them as proven. So where is the law of Moses, the serpent to them ?  The law brings wrath, .. given to condemn, and The LORD  did not want to condemn these gentiles, but to turn from the power of satan to Him, and be forgiven.  And who are forgiven in the end ???  it is the little children. 1 John 2: 12.  And then He turned them to have faith in Him. !!!  That is done now.


So The LORD  says,

Heb 7:11  If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? }}}…. DID THE PERFECTION COME FROM THE Levitical priesthood UNDER THE LAW ????? 

Heb 7:12  For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. }}}… did GOD call the gentiles , because THEY WERE MADE PERFECT BY THE LAW ??? GOD says priesthood and the law should be changed. !  and this high and lofty ships of Tarshish says the law will be kept in the new Covenant.  all will keep commandments of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not the law of Moses !!!  if none in the Levitical ministry were able to be perfected by the law, … and The LORD  must redeem those who are under the law, … should not it be changed ??? 



Heb 7:13  For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar.

Heb 7:14  For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.

Heb 7:15  And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,

Heb 7:16  Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. }}}}… law is given to carnal people to JUDGE AND CONDEMN them as carnal. . Law entered to measure the sin and not to cause anyone to look to that to live !!!  Despising grace and mercy of GOD, if one wants to keep the law, which is impossible according to the scripture, … that one thinks they know better than The CREATOR who created all things !

Heb 7:18  For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. }}}… the law was unprofitable. The Heavenly vision is profitable.  The LORD  will do all that by faith in Him !

Heb 7:19  For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.}}}}… In the history of 4000 years,  since the law was given, …. AND IF IT COULD NOT MAKE ANYONE PERFECT, … would it make anyone perfect in the future ????  Unless the sin forgiven and The LORD  raises them up by His mercy ???  All thinks will be made new, ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision .  Even Israel will be. Rom.  11: 30-32…  this was said by Apostle Peter also in Acts. 15.  By mercy shown to gentiles, all Israel too will be saved by mercy.

Rom 11:30  For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:

Rom 11:31  Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.

Rom 11:32  For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. }}}…. First, GOD shows the mercy on the vessels of mercy, who are gentiles.  Then, HE WILL RETURN TO REBUILD THE FALLEN Tabernacle of David and have mercy on Israel as well. So Israel also will be saved by mercy , AFTER THE VESSELS OF MERCY ARE SAVED !!





Heb 7:28  For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity;}}}… the law makes high priests with sin.  Because it accuses one to DEATH.  From death, from the law, The LORD  must redeem those who are under it.  so after The LORD  redeemed all, there is no MORE DEATH. !!!


Isa_25:8  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… this scripture says death will be swallowed up in victory. This is what The LORD  did to the little children. The rebuke of the Laodiceans will be taken away.  And also the Covenant with death will be annulled. Isa. 28.  GOD will remove the death penalty, as He Has already paid for it.


And the Covenant with death will be no more either. They made a Covenant with death , having lies.  But when The LORD  gives the truth, they will live. We have everlasting life.!

Isa_28:15  Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:


Understand this scripture… we will be raised up in incorruption. The death was caused by sin,  and sin was because of lies as above,  and sting of death is the law as it accuses. When The LORD  gives the truth, after removing the sin,  and the fear put in, with the laws written in the hearts, …. No one will die but live by the truth.  And this is why the scripture says The LORD ’s words will set all free.

1Co 15:53  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1Co 15:54  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

1Co 15:55  O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

1Co 15:56  The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

1Co 15:57  But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Following scripture proves law was given because of sin till the seed ( CHRIST the LORD) would come. This is the woman’s seed. And then all will be given faith.  But, … faith was not revealed when the law was in force.  And also, faith is given to believers.  But Israel will believe when their eyes will be opened, just as we have !!

Gal 3:19  Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made;

Gal 3:22  But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

Gal 3:23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Gal 3:24  Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith}}}… if the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish believed GOD, … then they would have had faith.  This further proves, these ships of Tarshish DOES NOT KNOW WHAT FAITH IS AND IT IS NOT GIVEN TO THEM, AS THEY ARE STILL UNDER THE LAW.  V 23 MUST BE CLEAR TO THEM… ‘BEFORE FATIH, .. WE WERE KEPT UNDER THE LAW… AND FAITH WAS SHUT UP , BUT AFTER LAW FAILED AND Israel IS CUT OFF FOR UNBELIEF… Rom.  11:20,  FAITH IS GIVEN TO GENTILES.  SO 1 Tim. 4 , SAYS IN LATTER TIMES SOME DEPART FROM THIS FAITH … AND NOW WE KNOW IT IS THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH WHO LEFT FAITH TO THE LAW. !!! Law was a schoolmaster to bring one to  CHRIST the LORD, … so we may be justified by faith. So only the believers are given faith and they are justified. This happens after the law . so anyone who is given faith , leaves to law … as this fallen witness says the law of Moses will be kept in the ‘NEW’ Covenant, … and until they die…, it proves how much they know the scripture and The LORD  has not revealed these secrets to them , nor they are holding on to the faith, but have come under the law and trying to deceive all in to believe… until you die, … you must keep the law. ! 


that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. }}}….these ships of Tarshish neither know The LORD , nor His faith.  They cannot be forgiven yet, as all those who are under the law are dead now and The LORD  has not raised them up yet nor make Himself known to them.  This is why they mock the little children for believing in the Name of THE LORD.!


She says in the new Covenant, … they learn to fear GOD, until they ‘DIE”… how foolish this saying is ???  The LORD  DOES ALL THINGS TO MAKE THE DEATH NO MORE.  DEATH IS A CURSE…. A  temporary punishment.  From death, the victory will be won. Death means the spiritual death,  which is the captivity.  THE LAW ACCUSES ONE TO DEATH.  BUT WHEN THE CURSES ARE NO MORE , THE DEATH WIL BE NO MORE.  SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND HOW FOOLISH THIS TEACHING AND HOW IT IS AGAINST The LORD ’S WORDS. !!!  More than that , it is AGAINST THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF The LORD .  HE CREATED US TO NOT TO DIE, BUT TO LIVE LIKE HIM, FOR EVER.  IF ONE HAS KEPT THE WHOLE LAW, THAT ONE WOULD LIVE FOR EVER.  SUCH FALSE TEACHINGS DECEIVES THE PEOPLE. SUCH ARE POISON OF THE DEVIL.  If you teach the law of Moses,… it surely kills. So she is totally against The LORD ’s intention of keeping man alive for ever !!!  She teaches .. keep the law, but you will DIE !!!  if this is not the deception of the devil, who wants all to be killed, … what is ???  This is how the ships of Tarshish ERRED as written below. LORD says, if one does not understand this, … they have ERRED. ! Here is her quote;-

“SO IN THE New Covenant God’s people would make in Eze. 16: 60-63—-THEY ARE TO REMEMBER Law of Moses—and LEARN TO FEAR GOD until they die—-}}}}….“…. In the new Covenant, the people will NOT DIE. !  The DEATH SHALL BE NO MORE !!!..(Rev. 21:4.). DEATH, WAS A CURSE came when sinned.  And The LORD  is trying to remove it.  the new Covenant will be an Everlasting Covenant and none will die.  The LORD  said, in the resurrection , none will die. (see below)  Once resurrected, there is no more death.  That thought comes from the serpent, the devil, the pride… the iniquity, the wickedness to have own imaginations. The LORD  said….’if you believe in Me, you will never die”. 


Joh 11:25  Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Joh 11:26  And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? …}}}… If The LORD  has revealed Himself to these ships of Tarshish, … they would have never written DYING ONCE AGAIN! This proves her SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE , how foolish she is. If The LORD  has forgiven her, she would have never written such a lie AGAINST THE SCRIPTURE.  Our end of this life is to inherit EVERLASTING LIFE. that is to live for ever with The LORD . so she has neither believed, nor live in The LORD . !!!  She is a son of the devil and wants to kill all again.  Heb.  2: 14 says… the death is the devil. So she claims to be restoring the captivity,… but wants to kill all again !  That proves she is not turned from the power of satan to GOD according to the Heavenly vision.  She is NOT IN THE LIGHT, but darkness.   I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”…         The LORD  says even if you were dead, … yet, shall live in Him, if one has believed !!! 


Man is once appointed to die. Heb.  9:27. That is the spiritual darkness which came on the Laodicea era. Even the two witnesses died. Rev. 11.  Then the whole world died Spiritually.  But now , we died with  CHRIST the LORD,  and we BELIEVE we will live with Him.   CHRIST the LORD…. DIES NO MORE. Like wise, … WE ALSO WILL BE ALIVE THROUGH HIM !!!   If she had understood the scripture ??? 

Rom 6:7  For he that is dead is freed from sin.

Rom 6:8  Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

Rom 6:9  Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

Rom 6:10  For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.

Rom 6:11  Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. }}}… why do we need the baptism unto death, … why the blood of  CHRIST the LORD was shed ???  To kill us again ???  What does it mean to be forgiven ??? 


Following scripture is for such people…  The LORD  says… such ERR..   When they asked the question about marrying the same wife and whose wife she would be, .. The LORD  said…, in resurrection, there is no marriage, because no one dies.

Mar 12:22  And the seven had her, and left no seed: last of all the woman died also.

Mar 12:23  In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.


Mar 12:24  And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?

Mar 12:25  For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven. }}}… Now do angels in heaven DIE ????  So when we are resurrected, we would be as angels in heaven. No man can do it. but The CREATOR can make it happen in us as HE IS IN US. !!!  So in order to think that we would die … proves the ships of Tarshish have ERRED in the scripture !!!!


GOD of the living…

Mar 12:26  And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

Mar 12:27  He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. …}}}… GOD says, HE IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING. !!!  This is why, until and unless The LORD  forgives , and upon repenting and believing,  and even those who are under the law believes as written above, in Acts. 13:38-39, … The LORD  would not be the GOD of anyone !!!  The ROCK, who begat, who is  CHRIST the LORD, … was never honored as THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , until HE REVEALED it to us, the babes who are given the secrets, the little one in Isa. 60:21-22 and Isa. 43: 10-12, zep 3:9-10 . no matter how much the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish kept the law, they never kept the Sabbath to  CHRIST the LORD, but to GOD the Father, whom they worshiped. John 8:54. So until these babes PERFECTED HIM, … no one perfected Him, … which means honored as THE ONLY GOD !!!  They believed… The LORD  taught them… so they MADE HIM THE GOD OF THE LIVING AS WELL !!!   CHRIST the LORD, was the GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt to be HIS people. But they failed to honor and worship Him totally unto this day as they preach two gods. Mal. 2: 10-11.  So He taugth these to the little children, … the secrets were revealed, and they were given everlasting life, … and HE BECAME THE GOD OF THE LIVING.  He says, He is not the GOD of the dead, like the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who have ERRED !!!  Their offense against Him, still stands. ! SO HE STILL IS NOT YOUR GOD !!!  If you had known GOD, … you would not have written ABOUT DYING AGAIN.  If you die, as these ships of Tarshish has written, .. THEN THE GOD WILL NOT BE THE GOD OF THE DEAD !!!  you are once again trying to take the people BACKWARD !!!  You are biting your own feet … and have fallen in to iniquity once again !!!  You are trying to bite the people to fall backwards !!!  Now it should be clear, how the such serpent’s head will be bruised !!!  By exposing their lies.  The devil, the death always want to die and kill others !!!  


Rev 21:4  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


there shall be no more death,!!!


We, the little children will not ANY MAN TO TEACH US, as written above, and in 1 John 2:26-27.  If we had allowed, .. then we also would think we would die.  And these ships of Tarshish has written many accusing us FALSELY.  They have offended the little ones,  WHO BELIEVE in  CHRIST the LORD.  Believe in Him means those who have LIFE, … angels, resurrected by the knowledge of GOD  !!!  The LORD  Is in them. And with the harlot in Rev. 17,  18, … The LORD  will drown these ships of Tarshish in the sea as well !!! 

Mat_18:6  But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. …}}}… so do not try to teach us !!!  Teach yourselves !!!  You are putting stumbling blocks to the people , causing them to fall backwards !!!  But your head will be bruised by the LION of Judah and those who with Him… the GOD of peace!


Therefore,, … you have NOT BELIEVED THE TRUTH !!!

Joh_8:45  And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

And that is your sin… !!!  You ARE STILL DEAD !!! You are trying to bring DEATH ONCE AGAIN !!! 

Joh_16:9  Of sin, because they believe not on me; }}}… every Christian’s hope is to have everlasting life , by believing in  CHRIST the LORD. the world believes two gods, three gods or what ever.  No one knows the FATHER, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, is the same GOD and His words until now.  But,  all these leaders say they know GOD.  But unto this day, none of the oaks, .. cedars and the ships of Tarshish have known The LORD .  The LORD  revealed this truth to the ships of Tarshish and gave faith.  But as they left faith, … and fell from grace…, once again the darkness, the blindness and the death has come as they fell from BELIEVING THE TRUTH !!!  So this is what the PRIDE IN MAN DOES !!!  Want to live by own strength and want to prove they can live by the law !!!  BELIEVE IN HIM, just as the LITTLE ONES have done !!!  Be humble and be converted as these little ones as The LORD  says… believe in Him !


Heb 8:13  In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away….}}}… The LORD  has made the Covenant under the law of Moses, …. Old. !!!  The new one will be established by faith and belief as proven.  If the believers are to live, and also faith are to live, then believing and having faith means totally trust in The LORD  to do all things for us and that gives life.  that gives glory to The LORD  and not to any MAN MADE OUT OF DUST.  UNLESS The LORD  RE-CREATE US FROM THE TRUTH, … NO MAN CAN LIVE !!!  THAT IS THE PLAIN TRUTH !!!   That causes one to trust in The LORD and TWO CAN WALK IN PEACE.  THAT GIVES THE PROPER REVERENCE The LORD  !!!   The law causes one to trust in their own ability to keep and be justified. That is SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS and not the RIGHTEOUSNESS comes from The LORD  who is The RIGHTEOUS. !!! 



Here is another one of her quotes which says when JESUS CHRIST the LORD is raised up, … HE will be equal to an ‘ANGEL” !!!  Would the GOD of this universe be raised to the level of an ANGEL,… ever , according to the scripture ??? The LORD  must expose such lies against Him and His little ones, and bruise the head so salvation can come to all.  That is why after the accuser is cast down, .. the salvation comes. The LORD  said man will be as angels in heaven. (excluding the sons of GOD )

Here it is:-  THIS IS HOW SHE MADE JESUS CHRIST the LORD an ANGEL, and also she raised her self to an angel. Read her writings and see how many times she says when resurrected, we are angels.  So The LORD  , according to her equal to an angel, ( not even an angel, but equal), and she is also an angel, … So both are angels… ???? 

(When JESUS CHRIST raised, Eph. 1: 20, He is equal to an angel, Lu 20: 35, 36. SO WHEN HE DOES HIS WORK, Rom. 9: 28, Isa. 28: 21, HIS ANGEL TESTIFIES! Angel of the LORD leads gentiles, Zec 12: 8-10!—}}}}….where in the scripture, does it say, when The LORD  was raised, He became as an ‘angel”???  These are the very subtle teachings of her’s  that we pointed out from the beginning of our work. This was the cause of our split.   Scripture says, The LORD  became little lower than angels, to suffer death, but when RAISED UP, HE WAS SEEN BY ALL, NOT AS EQUAL TO AN ANGEL, BUT AS HE WAS !!!  And He was called ‘The LORD’.

Joh 21:7  Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord.”.. Spiritual at that time, Apostle Peter knew HE IS The LORD . Thereafter, the whole New  testament write Him as The LORD , The Almighty, Holy ONE, etc.  and as written above,… HE IS CALLED BY MANY NAMES SUCH AS The Saviour, The REDEEMER, The Comforter, The ROCK , The LORD of Sabbath ETC, BUT NEVER AS AN ANGEL !!!  2 co 6: 16-19 says HE IS The Almighty !!!


But until the accuser is cast down, … He did not take the kingdom to Himself.  Rev. 12:10       This proves, she does not know The LORD  nor the angels. Then again she says ‘Angel of The LORD leads gentiles, referring to Zech. 12:8. Here is what that scripture says :-

Zec 12:8  In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them. }}}… this scripture says, when The LORD  defend Jerusalem, … the feeble ones will be as king David, and king David shall be as GOD, and as The LORD  ,… before them”…. Before them mean before the inhabitants of Jerusalem, … leading them to GOD, DEFENDING them  !!!   and from whom The LORD  must defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem????   From these lying oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish. !!!  and it is the feeble ones, who are the little children now, who are to be as The LORD  IS in the day of judgment , as the angel, because an angel is one who keep the Word of GOD . (see below) And it is the little children who would bless His name and bring to Jerusalem so Jerusalem could be inhabited. (Mat. 23). 


.. Psa 103:20  Bless Jehovah, O angels of His; mighty in strength; doing His Word; listening to the voice of His Word…. These ANGELS ARE MIGHTY IN STRENGTH AS THEY ARE DOING HIS WORDS!  Read  v 13, 17 it says, those who FEAR HIM, will be pitied as SONS.  That is why as mal 3: 16-18 says, those who feared Him are made SONS.  Remember  it is the Word of GOD which strengthened the weak ( Joe 2: 11) and that is why the weak are angels ( Zech 12: 8).   Therefore,  these angels are the weak ones who serves as GOD and king David. So they BLESS The LORD…  so the angels who KEEP HIS Word, have love perfected in them.

 1Jn 2:5  But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.


Word of GOD will be glorified by them also as The LORD  commands. That means the FATHER and The Son and Holy Spirit is glorified. !!! Remember (He Is the SPIRIT 2 cor 3:17 and His words are Spirit joh 6:63, and the Holy Spirit comes from Christ’s mouth. JOh 20:22) !!!  

2Th 3:1  Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:


 Psa_138:2  I will worship toward Your holy temple, and give thanks to Your name for Your mercy, and for Your truth; for You have magnified Your Word above all Your name.}}}…Who are in GOD’s temple ?  It is our HEARTS , the temple now. The CREATOR does not live in man made temples. Then it is to the sons, the Holy Spirit is given to their hearts. Gal. 4:6.  And then, who give THANKS to The LORD  and to HIS NAME, other than those who received it?  Then, who is shown MERCY and who believes in His mercy alone and not in themselves or the law of Moses? And who is TAUGHT THE TRUTH, BY The LORD , HIMSELF who has the ANOINTING to know all things ???  Then, who received and abide in the Word of GOD  as The LORD  is in them ???  All these things are done by the little children as written above. !!!  So these are the commandments of The LORD  to the little children. !!!  as you can see…. the law of Moses proves ONE’S glory if kept wholly.  But faith and belief gives GLORY TO The LORD , as we magnify The LORD  and His words, BY FULFILLING them!!!   That is why CHRIST and HIS children  are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel!


So in these little children, as they are strong in the word, … the love of GOD  is given to them 1 Thess. 4:9 as written above, … and they are in Him as well.  So they are in Him as well as His word, ACCORDING TO HIM and not us.  It is The LORD  who says that. 

1Jn 2:5  But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.


Well then, … if you abide in the word, … if the love of GOD  is perfected, … such has ALREADY FULFILLED THE LAW. !!!!  These little children obeys The LORD  in all things. That is why they are used to avenge. As The LORD  is in them, it is possible for them to do so, as it is HIS doing in them. Remember He keep the feet from falling. 1 sam 2: 8 – 9.  This also means satan has no power in them, as The LORD  will keep them from falling.  But The LORD  did not keep the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish from falling, and they have fallen now as The LORD  rebukes.

And when THESE LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE ALREADY FULFILLED THE LAW, … and have PUT ON  CHRIST the LORD, ( as He is in them),…. The night is far spent.  That means the death is conquered and salvation will come to others as well.

Rom 13:8  Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Rom 13:9  For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Rom 13:10  Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Rom 13:11  And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Rom 13:12  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Rom 13:13  Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Rom 13:14  But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. }}}… so The LORD  caused the little children as they are a sign and a wonder to fulfill the law.  But this fallen witness continues to FALSELY ACCUSING them, even calling them ‘lawless’, when they are the only ones WHO HAVE FULFILLED THE LAW!!! So salvation is nearer.  Night will be no more. That means DEATH WILL BE NO MORE.  And certainly death will be no more in these CHRIST and HIS children ….. Therefore, all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, put on JESUS CHRIST the LORD… repent and admit your highness and loftiness. And exalt The LORD  to be gathered to Him. !!!  Be honest with The LORD  , with His people, to the knowledge of GOD  and to yourselves to come out of this death and darkness !!! 


Therefore, this fallen witness bears FALSE WITNESS AGAINST The LORD , AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  AND AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF The LORD . !!!  That is why she is the accuser !!! remember the aged women and the accuser, … accuse falsely, the TRUE ONES !! In that, she wants to sit in The LORD ’s seat as Isa. 14 says, … above the stars of GOD ( angels who keep the word as written above) and think in her heart, she is an angel, … and The LORD  is an Angel !!!  These are appointed positions in GOD’s word which must be fulfilled ! 


Such wicked who tries to devour GOD’s people,  … such enemies have stumbled and have fallen !!!

Psa 27:2  When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. }}}…  CHRIST the LORD’s flesh is His own whom He washed by the Word of GOD . Eph.  5: 26- 27, 30. “we are members of HIS BODY, OF HIS FLESH AND BONES !!!  So His fflesh is those who are already sanctified by the Word of GOD , who are the little children, whom He will present to Himself without blame, as He Has fogiven!  .


Simply, if the law works wrath, Rom.  4…., then any one comes under it, … have the wrath of GOD.  WE DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT IT IN THE NEW COVENANT, AS THERE WILL BE NO MORE WRATH OR DEATH WHICH WAS BROUGHT BY THE LAW OF MOSES. !!!  So this fallen witness is trying to bring the people once again to wrath and captivity of the devil, the death!. All the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are doing that.  In that, they think they know better than GOD. So GOD allowed them to exalt themselves Dan 11: 36, as a part of GOD’s wrath and they exalted and became high and lofty !!!!  Then, they must humble themselves as the little children. !!!!



Therefore, WORK OF FAITH, could be done only by The LORD , using those who held on to the faith. Others will speak lies, and hate these little children and offend them as written above …

2Th 1:11  Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: }}}…so who can have work of FAITH WITH POWER, unless The LORD  counts us worthy of the calling to HAVE WORKS OF FAITH WITH POWER???   It is none of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who has the work of faith with power as they are NOT CALLED TO DO SO, BUT TO BE HIGH AND LOFTY AND TO BE REBUKED IN THE LAST DAYS !!!


As you can see… when you have pride, it is hard to believe others including GOD. !!!


Heb.  2: 10 says many sons were brought to glory to declare Him as the Captain of Salvation. And it is they who are the saints to whom The LORD  came to be glorified. !!!  So anyone who is against these sons, The LORD  will take vengeance. !!!

2Th 1:10  When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe !!!



In another writing, she wrote she is an EXPERIENCED BELIEVER, who could understand good and evil.  Unless The LORD  shows and gives us the understanding of good and evil, .. no one can. Anyway good is to choose and obey  CHRIST the LORD, who is the Tree of Life. and as The LORD , Himself says, the ships of Tarshish have not obeyed but high and lofty. So she thinks she is good and have chosen good from evil. But remember it is The LORD  who sends , creates evil to evil serpents.  And this she wrote to accuse  the little children. But as always, she is caught in a trap as you will see. remember The LORD  gave a NEW COMMANDMENT ???  This was repeated to the little children. And as written above, The LORD  teaches the love of GOD. So only the little children who fulfilled the law as written above, … can keep that commandment .  that fulfills the law towards GOD and towards the neighbor. !!! 


Only experienced believers eating meat could understand good and evil, Heb. 5: 14—THOSE WHO DO COMMANDMENTS KNOW THE GOODNESS OF COMMANDMENTS AND LORD’S LAWS, which gives them peace—-and commandment keepers alone could eat from TREE OF LIFE, Rev. 22: 14.—BEASTS WAR WITH LAMB, and LAMB WINS, Rev. 17: 14—as written above!

“experienced believers”????  As she write this, she thinks she is an EXPERIENCED BELIEVER !!!  GOD did not say to become as an experienced believer, but to be HUMBLE AND BE CONVERTED AS LITTLE ONES !!! HWA also said no one have education and experience like me to fill in my shoes ‘… which means to do his work.  But GOD does not see it that way.  He said CHRIST and HIS children  are a sign and a wonder in Israel to see how The LORD woks !!!  Isa. 8: 18 and when these children sanctifies The LORD , … then those who erred in Spirit also will come to understanding.  Isa. 29;23-24. So she thinks she is an experienced believer.  But GOD says aged does not even know judgments and the aged women are false accusers.  So she accusers the little ones, whom The LORD  saved and taught and who are humble according to His words that all others also should be converted like them !  In that, she is against the knowledge of GOD  ! what really does this scripture she quotes say?


According to the Word of GOD , it is those who have given the righteousness, who are given the first principles of the oracles of GOD ( remember this is the new Covenant) who can choose good and evil. There is more… and we are to make the new Covenant with the same GOD. But this time, The ROCK is known by many other names.

Heb 5:12  For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. }}}… so if you do not know and need the first oracles of GOD,  … you need one to teach you, such are the ones who need milk. And the next verse says if you need them, you are not righteous. So who among the little children who need these oracles ? it is these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish as you will see. because they keep the law, and sought righteousness, when the law should have brought them to The LORD . but they failed to keep the oracles which The LORD  delivered to them the first time.  But these oracles are the same but the doctrine of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to exalt Him. So these high and lofty ones do not know the oracles of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, of THE HEBREW GOD ! Acts. 7:38 says the oracles are living words or lively oracles. And Rom.  3 says the oracles were given to Israel.  but they could not glorify The LORD .So Israel did not keep the oracles of GOD to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and they must once again be given these oracles or living words to them to live.  And as Isa. 2 says it is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who need them, as they did not glorify The LORD . had they done so, then The LORD  would not say they are high and lofty against Him and His words, which are the oracles of GOD.  And Isa. 60,  49:22-23 says it is Israel who need milk from the gentiles. So that confirms the oaks and the cedars need them. 


Heb 5:13  For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. }}}… who are made RIGHTEOUS ???  It is the little children as proven above !!! And The LORD  says these high and lofty ones are un- righteous. So they are the ones who need the milk, the first oracles of the Word of GOD .  the little children abide in His words.


Full grown ones do not have DEAD works. The dead works are the works of the law which could not make any to live, but condemned to death. 

Heb 6:1  Therefore, having left the discourse of the beginning of Christ, let us go on to full growth, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, }}}… and who is trying to lay again the foundation of dead works?  It is the oaks, cedars and specially the ships of Tarshish as they wrote as written above, … in the new Covenant the law of Moses will be kept and THEY WILL KEEP IT UNTIL THEY DIE.  So she got one thing right, that if you keep the law, you die.  But, they are the dead works. So she is the one who need the first oracles as she speak lies which is un- righteousness. !!


Heb 5:14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. }}}… remember this is written to the new Covenant ministry. And this is not talking about the law of Moses, but the ORACLES OF GOD,… but given at  CHRIST the LORD’s second coming, to the little children  who are the new Covenant ministry. And it is the little children who have the anointing to learn  the oracles of GOD, as it talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD as you will see.  Levitical ministry, these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish to whom it is given first, have failed. Then The LORD  turned to the little children and taught them. And who , according to GOD, could discern good and evil ???  It is the little children, who know all things, BUT AS The LORD  IS IN THEM, OVERCOMING as written above, …. And not on their own.  But The LORD  IS IN THEM causing them to overcome. And also by the Word of GOD  , they are taken out of the world. They have overcome the world !!!  they are to be as JUDGES AS The LORD  IS, as The LORD  IS IN THEM. and this scripture says the oracles of GOD, … and it is the oracles of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , we must know. That causes one to FEAR AND OBEY FIRST and prove their love to Him.  2 cor 10: 5- 6 also. So what really are these oracles of GOD which we need to know to the new Covenant ???  Remember the book of Hebrews is written to the NEW HEBREWS WHO ARE SONS OF ‘ CHRIST the LORD’ as proven in “Jews” writing. Or to the Israel of GOD Gal. 6: 15-16 says, when one is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they are Israel of GOD.  So it is only these little children who are the Israel of GOD. !! .



The new Covenant oracles of GOD GLORIFIES  CHRIST the LORD.  And whom He brought to glory, so they could declare HIS glory as the Captain of Salvation ???  it is the little children. Heb.  2: 10.  Who praise Him, to whom the secrets are revealed, the babes !!!  so the oracles are given to THE SONS WHO ARE TO GLORIFY  CHRIST the LORD !!!  And The LORD  does not say the ships of Tarshish will glorify Him, neither He brought them to glory, but the little children. !


Know and understand…experienced believers are not chosen to minister the oracles of GOD, but it is The LORD  who gives the ability to teach them, and to teach to GLORIFY GOD,  and through JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  so JESUS CHRIST the LORD must teach the oracles and give the ABILITY to teach them to these teachers.  And He taught all things to the little children in the end, when the gentiles also failed from faith … the last work upon the earth is CHRIST and HIS children  , as they are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel. !!!   And also when they work, those who erred in Spirit , such as these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish also will come to understand as they erred in Spirit !

1Pe 4:11  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. }}}… so you see… these are the commandments of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to His new Covenant ministry.  It is The LORD  WHO GIVES THE ABILITY and not by any one’s own experience they teach the oracles. So always these high and lofty ones talk about their ability and not what The LORD  gives !!!  The little children knows that their FATHER must do all things to them. !! and these little children were brought to glory, by The LORD , Himself as Heb.  2: 10-13 says, in order to declare Him as the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  !!! So they are given the ability to teach the oracles of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to glorify Him! Can anyone disprove the Word of GOD  ??  yet, these oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish are still doing.  THEY RELY ON THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY! That is to rely on their own understanding !  SO LET ANY MAN SPEAK, … AS THE ORACLES OF GOD… AS The LORD  GIVES ABILITY TO GLORIFY GOD ( WORDS) THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD . SO The LORD  AND HIS WORDS ARE GLORIFIED BY THE LITTLE CHILDREN AS THEY KNOW AND ABIDE IN GOD AND WORDS !!!  This is why, the little children can discern good and evil.  They have chosen good, but the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish have chosen the devil !!!  The LORD  has not given them the ability to speak the oracles of GOD and they are unskillful in the word and need to know the first oracles !!!


Milk, is the sincere word. The truth.

The true converted ones are the little ones,  who are to grow by the sincere milk of the word , which is taught to them to glorify their FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD … they know they are saved by GRACE ALONE , which this fallen witness mocked.

1Pe 2:1  Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,

1Pe 2:2  As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

1Pe 2:3  If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. }}}… we must desire the sincere milk of the word, which has no guile, or hypocrisies or envies and evil speaking such as the aged women do by accusing falsely. !  So these ministry who teaches to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD, have tasted the grace of GOD !


So the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish do not abide in the doctrines of  CHRIST the LORD ..

2Jn 1:9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son..}}}…        

2Jn 1:10  If anyone comes to you and does not bear this doctrine, do not him into the house, and do not speak a greeting to him

So in the end,  her experience is like HWA’s education and experience which came from them,  and not from The LORD , which means The LORD  has not given them the ability to speak the oracles of GOD !!! 




In another writing, the ships of Tarshish wrote that I do not fear The LORD because I wrote The LORD  must put His fear in us. So what does The LORD  say about that ?? He says HE must put His fear in us. Because of pride, the people do not fear GOD.



So she writes, I do not fear The LORD .  but The LORD  says only the little children will fear GOD, because they are to be a sign and a wonder … and if they have humbled and received all knowledge and if The LORD  IS IN THEM,… they The LORD  will direct their feet to fear Him. !

And it is The LORD , who says the children will fear Him…

Isa 29:23  But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. }}}… So you see how this fallen witness talks back to GOD and His little children ???  SHE IS JUST AGAINST US, ACCUSING IN ALL THINGS, AND OPPOSING LORD’S WORD!!!   This is why The LORD  says the ships of Tarshish are high and lofty !!! GOD says, these children are WORKS OF HIS HANDS !!!!  So she is against the works of The LORD ’s hands !!!  This is breaking the commandment of “thou shall not bear FALSE witness”.  And she is bearing false witness AGAINST The LORD ’S HANDS !!!   And The LORD  says these children are in His midst and will SANCTIFY HIS “NAME”.  so these are the little children who RECEIVED the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD !!!!  She mocked for that also.  So The LORD  says these children will FEAR HIM, AND WILL SANCTIFY HIM.  Remember not even Moses sanctified Him at one time, as he did not BELIEVE. Num. 20:12.  So when these little children BELIEVED The LORD , they sanctified Him !!!  As they fear Him, they are given WISDOM !!! This fallen witness is fighting against The LORD  and His hands and works !!!  Such things men do, when they covet the positions and want to be someone whom THEY ARE NOT!  In that way, she has exalted herself against The LORD , His hands, and His children who fear Him… and that is why The LORD  says the ships of Tarshish are high and lofty !!!  Be humble Therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD !!! “1Pe_5:6  Then be humbled under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in time;”.  Now, The LORD ’s hands are working , if you see !!!  High and lofty ones, be humbled as the little children !!!


And when these children are working, sanctifying and fearing The LORD , as they are a sign and a wonder…, all those who erred in Spirit, like the oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish ,  will learn DOCTRINE. Remember the doctrine is the Name of THE LORD as proven.  And these are the FIRST ORACLES of GOD which we must declare once again to those who do not know them, who are these lofty ones, … and this proves the little children have exercised their senses and chosen good, from evil !!! 

Isa 29:24  They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine. }}}… So you see… The LORD  says , HIS OWN HANDS works,  the children, … who would sanctify Him will FEAR HIM.  He does not say experienced believers will fear Him.  These experienced believers , believe on themselves and rely on their own power to discern the doctrines or the oracles of GOD !!!  That glorifies themselves and not The LORD . !!!  so such have erred in Spirit.  But when these children are given the ability to glorify and sanctify The LORD , … those who erred in Spirit will also come to understand. !!!  these lofty ones think they are the experienced , aged ones who think they know all things.  To put them to shame, GOD chose the little children and tells the lofty ones to be converted as these little ones !!! that is how The LORD humbles the high and the lofty ones !~


We cannot fear GOD, but The LORD  must put fear in us…this proves The LORD  has not put His fear in these lofty ones and they have ERRED. Remember as 1  Pet. 2: says, Israel are appointed to stumble at the Word of GOD  and to be disobedient. So when the ships of Tarshish joined Israel, … that stumbling comes on them as well. So The LORD  must destroy their works and must humble them. !

Isa 63:17  O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants’ sake, the tribes of thine inheritance….}}}… You see…. these are the TRIBES… of GOD’s INHERITANCE.  They are Israel …. That includes the ships of Tarshish !!!   So The LORD  hardened and did not give His fear to HIS INHERITANCE !!!!   Then what happens ???  Unless you fear GOD, which is the beginning of the wisdom, ….. such will NOT HAVE WISDOM!   Then what wisdom would they have ?    They will have THEIR OWN wisdom and godly wisdom is hidden from them !!!!  The wisdom of the wise perished and they are not prudent any more, ….. but the little children are revealed secrets, …. They are made to fear The LORD , … they received wisdom…, they became WISE AND PRUDENT and are the works of The LORD ’s hands and learned ALL GODLY WISDOM FROM THEIR FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!  when they understand that The LORD  has made them to err, … and hardened their heart from His fear, … they will know The LORD  has already left these tribes.  So it is all Israel whose hearts are hardened.  So how could they fear The LORD  , until and unless The LORD , Himself put it ??? 


And then,  when The LORD  is ready to make the Everlasting Covenant, … He will put His fear in their hearts.  So in order to do that, we know The LORD  is humbling them, causing them to learn from the babes !!!! 

Jer_32:40  And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. }}}…. When The LORD  is ready to make the Everlasting Covenant ,… HE WILL DO GOOD…. And what is the good ???  To put His fear in their hearts, so they will not depart from Him !!!  That is how THE HIGH AND LOFTY ONES WILL LEARN to discern good !!!  with GOD, …. No education and experience is needed !!!  TO WHOM HE GIVES,…. HE GIVES WISDOM !!!  He chose the little children !!!  So as the little children fear The LORD , … they have chosen the good as The LORD  gave the ability and taught them , and put His fear in them… !!!


Here what you , the high and lofty ones must do according to the commandment of The LORD  !!! 

Mat_10:42  And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only IN THE NAME OF A DISCIPLE, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward….}}}… Not just any little one, but who comes in the name of a DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  Rom.  1:5 says the apostles have obeyed the faith, FOR HIS NAME!!!  “. By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for HIS NAME: “.. So The LORD  calls these little children IN HIS NAME,… remember they are forgiven for HIS NAME’S SAKE, and gave the Name of THE LORD, … and faith also, and made them HIS DISCIPLES.  So when they come, … one must receive them. !

 Now these ships of Tarshish can understand it is they who left faith ! “no wise lose his reward”As you can see…, none of these high and lofty ones received the little children, because THEY ARE NOT WISE “ !!!


Mar_9:41  For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink IN MY NAME, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. …}}}… do you understand this? Have you ever thought about who could these little ones be??? They are serving  CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father. You are to receive little ones ( Isa. 8: 18, Heb.  2: 10-13, Isa. 60:21-22) as they BELONG to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and they are His disciples !!! They are made for  CHRIST the LORD’s glory and they beautify Him !!! They come in  CHRIST the LORD’S NAME !!!


If you are not among the little children, .. if you have not received them, …. Then you are a son of the devil, and his angels !!!

Mat 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have DONE IT UNTO ME.

Mat 25:41  Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: }}}… You are already departed from The LORD … as you are devils !!!  Remember by rejecting these little children, …. You rejected The LORD  !!


When The LORD  gives you understanding, … then be converted as little children… the kingdom is taken from you !!!

Mat 18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.


Mat 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 18:5  And whoso shall receive ONE SUCH LITTLE CHILD IN MY NAME RECEIVETH ME. }}}… Except you be converted as little children, … and now you know how, … you cannot enter in to the kingdom of HEAVEN.!  Who are in heaven? Col. 3: 1-4, those who are in  CHRIST the LORD. Col. 1:27, and the little children as written above. So you could not enter in to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rev. 3:21 says those who overcome, will sit with Him in the kingdom. And… the kingdom is taken and given to others, Mat. 21: 43,  and the poor are raised to sit on the kingdom  1 sam 2:8 and as they are given faith. Jam 2:5 !!! And then, the words say ‘humble as a little one’ to enter in to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Then, as written elsewhere, … it is the meek who are humble, who are the women among the gentiles as Apostle Peter wrote !!!  And the husbands are to learn their good conversation. And now you can know why !!!  You never received these little children or the little one because you are NOT HUMBLE, but have exalted yourselves and have not brought your every thought unto obedience of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but worshiped GOD the Father !!!!




All those except the little children will be ashamed… at HIS COMING, according to

 the scripture, because THEY HAVE THE ANOINTING from The LORD , and they have NOT LEARNED FROM ANY MAN. Therefore, no matter how much the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish try to teach them their false doctrines of the devil which brings death, … they will not be deceived.  But remember the ships of Tarshish left the little children , and The LORD’s anointing is not in them any more.

The ‘little children’ are said… they are taught the TRUTH.! And we know as Eph.  1:13 says, it is the gentiles who are given the word of truth.  CHRIST the LORD is the Truth, and when He Is in us, we abide in the truth. We never knew that  CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD and whom we should worship. We were following the same ministry before . but when the word of truth was given, we BELIEVED The LORD ’s words !

1Jn 2:27  But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.


1Jn 2:28  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when HE SHALL APPEAR, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. They are the babes who would perfecgt the praises of The LORD .

These two verses say… ;-

GOD, who would appear as v 28 says, has ANOINTED these little children, AND NOT THE HIGH PRIEST OR ANY MINISTER OR ANY HIGH OFFICIALS, or any CEDARS,  OAKS OR SHIPS OF TARSHISH, … but the little children, to be taught by Him… the TRUTH and NO lie. So the high priest, … and all the ministers, …. Must come to these little children to learn about the truth GOD. Because the scripture says, if we have that abiding in us, … the truth, … we do not need any man to teach us. !!!  Let no man take your crown !!! But, all lost their crowns already. No looking back. All done and are fulfilled. Apostle John wrote to the time of the little children which is CHRIST and HIS children  in Isa. 8: 18 etc.


Understand… no matter even if you give a bottle of wine to your prophet, … it is no use. Because The LORD  says, if you give a cup of water to a little one,  who comes in the name of a disciple of ‘ CHRIST the LORD’, and if they belong to Him, … you will be rewarded.! Your prophet belongs to GOD the Father !  CHRIST the LORD’s disciples are chosen when one obeys faith. Rom.  1:5. Then, Israel is cut off from faith and gentiles are given. Rom.  11: 20. That means they only could be His disciples. Others are GOD the Father’s disciples. That is the confusion !

And why you should be as this little one ??? That is because this little one is The Branch of GOD’s planting… and HIS OWN HAND’S WORKS, so The LORD  MAY BE GLORIFIED.  They are the Heb.  2: 10-13 sons and brethren of  CHRIST the LORD who are planted by Him. !!!  so these little ones preach about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


Isa 60:21  Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.

.  and Isa. 29:23 also as written above, the little children are work of The LORD ’s hands. And this little one also the work of His hands, working TO GLORIFY GOD!!!  Can any puny man of a fallen angel stop this ??

Isa 60:22  A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time. }}}… this little one, … is planted by The LORD  Himself, so she will not fail, .. neither her work as it is The LORD ’s doing, … and you can know who they are as they GLORIFY The LORD , WHO IS  CHRIST the LORD, OUR CREATOR, Everlasting FATHER, AND they are called RIGHTEOUS.  A tree is known by it’s fruits. So their fruits are from  CHRIST the LORD. !  They abide in the Vine. John 15. Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE RIGHTEOUS.  1 John 2. So as v 27 says, righteousness was taught by The LORD  who is The Righteous to His sons who came to learn from Him. And one little one will become a thousand.  To  CHRIST the LORD, His hand’s work, the little one is worth a thousand and a strong nation. And in its time, The LORD  will hasten to do it. !!!  I believe now as the night is far spent and the dawn is coming after 12 years of night, which is a thousand years to GOD, when it is passed ( Psa. 90:1-5), The LORD  will hasten to fulfill it. that will glorify The CREATOR,  CHRIST the LORD !!! 


1Jn 2:19  They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

1Jn 2:20  But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

1Jn 2:21  I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

In John 17, The LORD  says children are given to Him … and they are the gentiles given to  CHRIST the LORD, at His second coming. And she was among them. But she left The LORD in order to exalt herself and to teach false teachings. So she became the third son of perdition. And now she went out from us, the little children, … and it is the last time, so they might be made manifest … that they were not all of us.  But these little children have an unction from the Holy ONE, who is  CHRIST the LORD to know all things,  as v 27 says, they are annointed to learn from  CHRIST the LORD. !  SO NOW, THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH IS MANIFESTED, as they left us and as high and lofty !!


We have proven over and over that there is only one GOD. The Oaks and the Cedars failed because they had other gods, other than the Holy ONE , who is The ROCK , JESUS CHRIST the LORD …

Israel, was said to LOVE WITH ALL HEART, to the ONE GOD. But they had TWO GODS. Mal. 2: 10-11.

Deu 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Deu 6:5  And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deu 6:6  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: }}}… did Israel love this ONE GOD with all their hearts ???  King Solomon also said they have a plague in their heart. We have proven over and over how Israel failed to love The CREATOR ! They taught two gods created ! So why would they not believe The LORD  , when He says there is only ONE GOD, and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR, The ROCK , The LORD of Sabbath etc? You must keep the Sabbath in honor of Him, who is The LORD of Sabbath ! But none honored Him as One GOD. Mal. 1: 6 . and why would they not believed Him ??? Because of the PRIDE in their heart !  They wanted to be wise on their own !!!  All the cedars, oaks and the ships of Tarshish did the same and are blinded. They teach the Word of GOD , but not with understanding. !


How the cedars and oaks failed ;-

 CHRIST the LORD once again said to ‘ISRAEL’, … The LORD  is ONE. This is said directly to Israel and to the churches. That is the new Covenant wife of CHRIST. But did she believe Him that He IS ONE GOD ???  Absolutely not !  Why would she not believe Him ???  Because of her own imaginations, wisdom and pride !!!  The carnal mind cannot know things of GOD ! GOD says Israel is to stumble on Him and the Word of GOD  .  Then, they will see how they stumbled on Him and even the Word of GOD  , when their eyes are opened.

Mar 12:29  And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself says, THE GOD IS ONE. !!!  Then, IS HE NOT GOD ???  Then from where did TWO gods come from ???  As we know, ‘in our time’,… it came from HWA’s heart !!! Gerald Flurry said he is our ‘spiritual’ father. look at the PCG web site ‘news’ section. 90 % of the articles has some where which says ‘ARMSTRONG” !!! The VERY FIRST commandment, itself is NOT HEARD BY ISRAEL !!! 


It was said in Deut also, by the SAME GOD who is The ROCK !!! 

Deu 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Mar 12:29 ;Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: .


So the oaks and cedars did not know The ROCK is their ONLY GOD. That is their pride.

 So there is no need to talk about anything hereafter, as we know, Israel has not known this ONE GOD who brought them out of Egypt and entered in to the Marriage Covenant.  So no wonder the marriage is BROKEN. !!!  Cedars, oaks, …  no matter how much you shout to the world, … your written books proves you have NEVER KNOWN THIS ONE GOD nor worshiped Him !!! THIS IS THE INIQUITY OF Joshua and all the sisters! The PRIDE !!! You have exalted yourselves against the knowledge of GOD  !!!


And that GOD Is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , He was The ROCK who did all things to Israel, deut 32: 6, 12, 15, 18, and He is the GOD who gave the law of Moses, in Exo 20, saying I am the GOD who brought you out of Egypt, and HE WAS The CREATOR of all mankind. He created all things to Himself. ! Then, knowing Israel will fail to worship, fear, obey Him, He prepared the gentiles, to be saved APART FROM THE LAW, and to ADOPT or GRAFT them… when the time came to redeem Israel, who are under the law. ! Gal. 4;5. And you will see how the gentiles are saved apart from the law, as they came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD believing Him , and they are sanctified to believe and receive the Spirit and Truth. 2 The 2: 13.


Mar 12:30  And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. }}}… this ONE GOD, wants us to love Him with all our heart , soul, and mind and strenght! As we have proven, no man born of Adam, can love GOD or seek Him as they are cursed to have a carnal mind. In the end, two witnesses also had to die. And then by MERCY AND GRACE, The LORD  came to gentiles, forgiving, giving them salvation, as they are appointed , and gave them faith to live. Gentiles are called gentiles, as they are not under the law, or Covenants , or did not even have GOD ! Eph.  2: 12-13.  But forgiving, The LORD  brought them near, in time to judge. Isa. 41: 1-3.  Have you loved this ONE GOD with all your heart , … oh oaks and cedars ???


Mar 12:31  And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Mar 12:32  And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he:

Mar 12:33  And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. }}}…So GOD wants you to love Him, more than your offerings. And also your neighbor.  But we know the cedars and the oaks did not love GOD (  CHRIST the LORD) . 

Mar 12:34  And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. }}}… So you see… if you want to be in the kingdom, you must love this GOD and the neighbor as THYSELF…. !!  The cedars, oaks and ships of Tarshish does not love GOD, nor love the neighbor but wants to kill them. If The LORD  says, they all are lofty and must be destroyed in the last days, … then it will happen and that is the truth !  High lofty , the pride is in the king of Assyria ( PCG leader as proven) and the this fallen witness have become proud against the knowledge of GOD  !



Here are few scriptures to prove what the pride does to the man. ;-

Psa 59:12  For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.

Psa 59:13  Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah….}}}… “let them know GOD rules”….  This means these proud people, do not know it is the GOD who rules and not themselves! They do not know the GOD who rules, is  CHRIST the LORD !!! That knowledge was hidden from them! The LORD of glory was not known by them. They have sin in their MOUTHS !!!  And The LORD  said, what comes out of the mouth, comes from the heart!!!!  And their words of the lips are not the thanksgiving to GOD, which is the fruit of the lips. But they have lies… because of PRIDE !!!  The lies are inherited because of pride. Because, a proud heart, GOD hates as it is an abomination against Him !!!  proud will never have godly wisdom !!! And not only The LORD , but the Holy Spirit is given to our HEARTS. Gal. 4: 6.  How could the Holy Spirit live in our hearts, when we exalt ourselves against Him and His words ??? So when one is proud, GOD does not give wisdom and the truth, … and then they speak lies on their own. And GOD’s wrath is on them.


All hearts will be known if they are evil or good, as The LORD  declares the high and lofty ones.

Luk 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Luk 6:46  And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? …}}}.. so the ships of Tarshish who accuse all others all the time, will know how evil they have been against The LORD  and against the little children , GOD’s mercy and the Name of THE LORD also as she mocked . GOD knows the hearts. That is why He came to expose the hidden counsels of the heart. 1 cor 4: 5. And He exposes the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish as being high and lofty.  They must admit and there is no other way for them to be humble.





Finally why did The LORD  choose a donkey to open the eyes of the foolish prophet and come on the ass and the foal, the foolish nation to give salvation to Zion ???  because the donkey is humble. And The LORD  is lowly also.


CHRIST the LORD Has no sin or iniquity as such as these have, because He is lowly (Mat_11:29  Take My yoke on you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart,)  This definitely means HE WAS HUMBLE. This is why He loved king David also, as he humbled when GOD sent a prophet to correct him.  He did not open His mouth when they came to kill Him.  He allowed without opposition or telling that HE IS THE KING.  and He was not born in a palace but in a place where the innocent animals are fed. Then to see Him, GOD caused the men in the east to come with gifts. He Is The King. Yet He humbled and did JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN , even though they are His words, and also was tempted as we are. He never exalted Himself. This is why He always talked about FATHER, even though the FATHER is His own words, the Holy Spirit begat Him and even us.


 CHRIST the LORD, always remembering the FATHER showed us how to honor the FATHER. If your King can say He is LOWLY AND MEEK, … should you not follow Him ???  This is why, The LORD  chose the women who are meek and have a quiet Spirit as Apostle Peter said  in 1  Pet. 3, and even the husbands who do not obey the word, should learn from the wives. And GOD says these women have A chaste conversation with FEAR. !!  While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. …But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. “  make certain to read these few verses. We do not need to guess who has meek and quiet Spirit and a heart, but after The LORD , … who Is leading these women, … they are taught to have the same. So both  books of Apostle Peter are written to them. And they only will understand all things.


By calling the women, The LORD  make all equal, as the scripture says.. no male, no females … Jew or greek !!!   so it is the women among the gentiles as Micah 5: 4- 9 says, who would be as dew, bringing the doctrine of The LORD  !! When The LORD  Has chosen these things, who are these cedars,  oaks and ships of tarshish to speak against these words of GOD ??  If you do not agree with the Word of GOD , then you disagree with GOD and make Him a liar and it shows YOUR OWN FOOLISHNESS !!!  None isn meant to understand these things until The LORD  forgives and then upon repenting. !!  But these things must be written so all can understand , when the eyes are opened. So in the end, those who FEAR GOD, and who have  humbled , are the women among the gentiles.


Even when The LORD  comes to Zion to give salvation, as Zech. 9:9 says, He comes lowly, riding on the donkey, the foolish nation.



GOD condemned Israel of having stiff necks. That is the pride which GOD hates. GOD’s words says they will be humbled and they are likened to the Assyrian. Isa. 14:25-26. And knowing the hearts, GOD prophesied they will STUMBLE at Him, Isa. 8:14, and even stumble at the Word of GOD . 1  Pet. 2: 6-10. They are to reject the Chief Corner Stone, who is  CHRIST the LORD. now all these are fulfilled. So it was GOD’s purpose that Israel will stumble and fall, a perpetual desolation Psa. 74, because of their unbelief. This began in Adam’s time. Adam too did not believe what The LORD  said, but he trusted in his own self through his eyes, belly and wisdom. He saw, thought the wrong tree was good for food, which means that he can live by himself, and it would make him wise as GOD. “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,”. So from his own understanding, according to what he saw in his eyes, (judging by sight and not by faith in GOD) and food to live ( instead of every word of GOD to live by) and wanted to be wise (but the true wisdom comes from The CREATOR ). “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods”. Gen. 3: 5-6. So they truly wanted to be “AS GOD”!!!


Then The LORD  cursed them, to be blind, withheld the heavenly food, and did not give true wisdom, which means totally , Spiritually, … naked. He is to live by his own understanding. Ever since all men have been like that. That is when the “CARNAL MIND” was acquired by the man. Ever since this mind is THE ENEMY OF The LORD! Instead of this CARNAL MIND,… we must be given the mind of The CREATOR, … which is why the true followers are given the mind of CHRIST The LORD  !!




Pride, destroys people. Haughtiness causes us to fall !!  That is why the final falling away happened in the true church !!!  The wife of CHRIST The LORD  became the enemy as she did not believe The LORD ’s words, because of her pride. !! 

Pro 16:18  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Pro 16:19  Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. }}}… unless one has a humble spirit, and become lowly, … or as the scripture says, be converted as the little children, .. they are to be destroyed. Please read Zech. 9:9”.

Pro 16:21  The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. }}}… when the wisdom of the wise is perished, the secrets are revealed to the babes who are to perfect the praises of The LORD as proven. Then, it is these little children who become wise and prudent. (please read GOD exalts gentiles). That is why The LORD  said to be converted as little children ! The wisdom comes as we fear The LORD , who is  CHRIST the LORD. then those who received His words , who are the little children as 1 John 2: 27 says, … are wise and prudent. And they are the believers, who are to give Living Waters or the Holy Spirit as John 7:36-39 says, a wellspring of life. ;


Pro 16:22  Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly…}}}… GOD said, as a judgment, the wisdom of the wise will perish. and the BABES, the little children will be revealed secrets in the last hour as proven.  Psa. 49;20 says, a man who understands not, are like a beast. And Jeremiah 10  says pastors are brutish and are without understanding. Then, they are not wellsprings of life but bring destruction. And when The LORD  visits, they perish. the understanding is given by The LORD . And the proud would not go to Him to get the wisdom, as they think they are wise on their own!


The pride brings low. But honor to the humble. Remember the broken or humble Spirit is accepted before The LORD  !

Pro_29:23  A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. }}}… Your pride, stiffneckedness will bring your own selves low as you speak lies on your own understanding and not GOD’s.


The following scripture proves, unless one goes to  CHRIST the LORD’, and learn from Him, such will have their understanding darkened. Those who does not go to Him, have the blindness of their HEART. This is why new hearts must be given to make the new Covenant , the Everlasting Covenant ! So one must be humbled and come to learn from  CHRIST the LORD, and not from any other gods or graven images, the law of Moses. And why would not you go to  CHRIST the LORD ? Because of VANITY of your mind. Understand…

Eph 4:17  This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

Eph 4:18  Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: }}}… the blindness of the heart, is the carnal mind, which causes one to be flesh and blood and not Spirit. Unless one learns from  CHRIST the LORD, …Because (He Is the SPIRIT 2 cor 3:17 and His words are Spirit joh 6:63, and the Holy Spirit comes from Christ’s mouth. JOh 20:22), they are ignorance of GOD’s word and have the blindness of the heart because of pride or vanity. Such are given to work all uncleanness and have greediness. The pride or vanity brings all kinds of evils and wickedness and iniquity. All the good things come from  CHRIST the LORD.


Eph 4:19  Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Eph 4:20  But ye have not so learned Christ; }}}… who in the end learned from  CHRIST the LORD???  it is the little children.

Eph 4:21  If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: }}}… unless one learns from  CHRIST the LORD, and not from GOD the Father, … they are ignorant, unclean and are liars and speak lies, as the truth is in  CHRIST the LORD and HE, MUST TEACH IT TO US. ! The knowledge of GOD  is given to gentiles as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says. So when the scripture says to learn from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and if you go passing Him to GOD the Father, … would you receive the truth as the truth is in Him ???  This is why all went to GOD the Father have lies and have their understanding darkened and are blind in their heart !


Then, as the scripture says that to enter in to the new Covenant, they must be given new hearts, … they must be renewed in their minds ( carnal minds) to become NEW MEN, and to receive righteousness, … and true Holiness, … and to speak the truth, … they must go to  CHRIST the LORD. !!!

Eph 4:22  That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

Eph 4:23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Eph 4:24  And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Eph 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. }}}… when Israel is to enter in to the new Covenant, … they must be renewed their MINDS. We must be created in the GOD who CREATED US. Remember the Everlasting gospel is to worship and fear The CREATOR , and you are judged as you did not ? Rev. 14: 6-7?  And why the last tribe, Judah lose the holiness? As they preached two gods created. Mal. 2: 10-11.  There is ONE CREATOR and that is the GOD who should be worshipped  and feared. When one fears Him, .. the understanding of the heart will be given, creating a new heart and in to a new man after the GOD who created !!! That is to be build in to The CREATOR’s image and to become a son to The CREATOR !!! 


GOD judges the proud … and will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease. So the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , be ready for The LORD ’s punishment. !

Isa 13:11  And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.


Lev 26:19  And I will break the pride of your power;

GOD said to Israel, if they do not hearken unto Him and break the commandments, and the Covenant, … their PRIDE will be broken. There are many scripture and events in the Word of GOD  to prove this pride in man. But we will use few of them to make understand, that the unbelief which is the unpardonable sin as proven, (please read unpardonable sin), was caused by pride which is an abomination to GOD. All the evils in man came because of this pride, the most deceitful hearts ! The devil could never kill us. He did not create us. The only way we could get cut off from GOD, is because of our unwillingness to obey and hearken to Him, because of our carnal minds which will never be subjected to GOD’s words ! The LORD of HOSTS  Has spoken ! Why do we not believe The LORD ’s words ? Because we want to believe in ourselves ! That is the pride. ! That is what made the man , the enemy of The LORD . and we know, now, .. it is the wife of CHRIST The LORD  who is the enemy. She trusted in herself and own understanding and own imaginations. GOD allowed man to have his own imaginations. And Israel is chosen to prove to the world, that no proud man can know The LORD , come to Him willingly. If any man can say we go to the true GOD, … such are liars because The LORD  never revealed his name to any. Ex 6:3, including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Moses. It is given, on the day of THE LORD. zep 3:9-10 !!!  To those who are made to fear GOD and humble before Him. !!!  (Isa. 29:23). Remember the fear of The LORD  is the beginning of the wisdom. ! g

Lev 26:14  But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;

Lev 26:15  And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

Lev 26:16  I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

Lev 26:17  And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

Lev 26:18  And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

Lev 26:19  And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:

Lev 26:20  And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.

Lev 26:21  And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.

Lev 26:22  I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.

Lev 26:23  And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;

Lev 26:24  Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins. }}}… who, in the last days will have their pride broken by The LORD  ???  It is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!


Isa 23:14  Howl, ye ships of Tarshish: for your strength is laid waste. !



Rom 7:11  For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. …}}}… They wanted life out of the law,  but it deceived all, as the serpent is subtle and cunning more than any other animal GOD created, and it KILLED THEM !!! People loved to keep the law to get life, but would not go The LORD  to get it FREELY !!!  Salvation, everlasting life, faith, righteousness, are all given freely !!!



Joh 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. }}}… Unless you are a son to the GOD who is the TRUTH, who is  CHRIST the LORD, you are a son of the devil and will have lusts of your father.  lies kills. Truth gives life. so the devil was a murderer from the beginning , because of the lies, The CREATOR had to die to save man. So all of the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, who are lifted up in pride, spoke on their own !!!  And the false knowledge proves, that these have not feared The LORD  , to receive the wisdom of GOD !!


Moses lifted or exalted the serpent. That is the law as proven. BUT WE HAVE NOW LIFTED THE LORD. SO ALL CAN SEE HIM AND COULD BE GATHERED TO HIM!

And then in JUDGMENT, we exalt The CREATOR ,  CHRIST the LORD. and unless we exalt or lift up JESUS CHRIST the LORD, no one could be gathered to Him.

Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.}}}…until the judgments came, no one exalted JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (but GOD the Father, the law of Moses and themselves). Isa. 5: 16 says, only in the judgment, The LORD  will be exalted. And that is why until the judgment, as The LORD  says here, no one could be gathered to Him. Gen. 49. Shiloh has come to gather all. Unless you are gathered to Him, you would be scattered. Luk. 11: 23. This is why Israel is called ‘lost’, as they did not gather to  CHRIST the LORD, but to the law of Moses and to GOD the Father. so such exalted or lifted up the serpent.


So the two seeds are the sons of the Son of Man, and the sons of the devil. So we who are the sons of the Son of Man HAVE LIFTED HIM UP, SO YOU CAN BELIEVE IN HIM and will not perish but have everlasting life. !!!   Who would you believe? The devil or  CHRIST the LORD?

In order to have everlasting life, we must lift or exalt the Son of Man, who is  CHRIST the LORD and not as Moses did the serpent.  And those who lift up the sepent are the sons of the devil the old serpent. And the ones who lift up the Son of Man who is  CHRIST the LORD are the sons of GOD or the seed of the woman who will bruise the head of the serpent. !

Joh_3:14  And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Joh 3:15  That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. …}}}…So here are two seeds explained. The seed who lift up the serpent who are the followers of Moses, and others who lift up the Son of Man, who is  CHRIST the LORD by BELIEVING IN HIM !!!  The sons of the devil the serpent and sons of the Son of Man.

When would the Son of Man be lifted up? It is when He will be glorified IN JUDGMENT. So THE VOICE COMES FROM HEAVEN IN JUDGMENT TO GLORIFY HIM, so all can be gathered to Him.  And that is to glorify  CHRIST the LORD. and please read ‘glorifying the Name of THE LORD’ writings. How could one enter in to the spiritual Sabbath, unless you lift up The LORD of Sabbath, who is  CHRIST the LORD ???  We keep Sabbath to worship Him.!!! He is The ROCK who gave the law of Sabbath !!! He is The ROCK who begat , which means who IS THE FATHER of Israel. deut 32: 6, 12, 15, 18 !!!

Joh 12:28  Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. }}}… the FATHER is  CHRIST the LORD as proven. He is glorified in judgment by the sons whom He brought to glory. Heb.  2:10 . So all those who are humble have lifted up The LORD  and not themselves. You must do the same !


Joh 12:29  The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.


Therefore, the voice came from heaven, will come again, when this ‘glorify AGAIN’ also will happen, and now that has come, because those who are with  CHRIST the LORD, are in heaven. Col. 3: 1- 4. The LORD  was talking about the time of the judgment, when the Son of Man will be glorified. V 23 as written elsewhere. “the hour to glorify the Son of Man”. So we have glorified Him… and this voice comes for your sake. And it happens in judgment.

Joh 12:30  Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me….}}}… now, this voice has glorified  CHRIST the LORD and have exalted in judgment, because the little children are to be AS HE IS, in the day of judgment as written above. So it is they who would glorify Him, as they learned from their FATHER ,  CHRIST the LORD.! So the seed of  CHRIST the LORD will bruise the seed of the serpent, the vipers who speaks on their own and after their father, the devil !!!


2Pe 1:4  Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust….}}}… it is the little children, who escaped the corruption as they were caused to overcome the world as written above… so they will be partakers of the divine nature of their FATHER. !  This will be same to all, when all humble themselves !



All humans specially Israel are uncircumcised in hearts and ears. And have resisted the Holy Spirit …but The LORD  will humble them.  They must resist the devil, the evil heart. And when you submit to GOD, … the devilish thoughts will flee from you.

Act_7:51  Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

Jas_4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.



Therefore,, in order to bruise the head of the serpent, … the seed of the serpent, who are the vipers , the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish as The LORD  says, and also the sons of GOD also must be made manifest. And now, they are.  CHRIST the LORD’s sons and devil’s sons.  As The LORD  says your own family will be your foe, … The LORD  create enmity between the family members also. And we see in many churches many families are divided.  And the same way, The LORD  put enmity between the two witnesses … so one of them would represent the devil ( the accuser, the aged woman) and the sons of  CHRIST the LORD, the little children, … and Dan and Judah … and queen of South ( who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD) and the ships of Tarshish ( high and lofty) who are to fall with the rest of the proud ones. so when all things are exposed, … as now, … The LORD  is exalted and the devil is cast down.  The lies are exposed with the liars,  and the true people of GOD are exposed with the truth. So the truth will wipe out lies !!! 


Understand once more… the ruler did not lift up The LORD . then he lifted up HIMSELF.  So it is these high and lofty ones who exalted themselves and not The LORD . but in judgment, … the sons of  CHRIST the LORD lift Him up.  So the ruler of this world who did not lift up The LORD , … is cast out !!!

Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world shall be cast out.

Joh 12:32  And I, if “ I be lifted up ( to ELEVATE, EXALT )  from the earth, I will draw all to Myself…}}}…until now, … no one could gather to The LORD , for this reason. !!!


Here are some of the commandments of our FATHER to the sons…

Exalt Him… so all could be gathered to Him.

Praise Him, as He Has given them salvation.

Declare Him as the Captain of Salvation …

Bless Him, so He could come to Jerusalem …

Magnify Him,  glorify Him so the whole earth can bow down to Him and confess that He is The LORD  over all the earth !

Magnify His word … and declare and glorify His name ..

Keep the fasts and pray for the enemy, who are these proud men,  so they can be humbled,  FORGIVEN and be saved. 

Give food for the enemy…


Be peace makers as their FATHER, the Prince of peace is

Teach the love of GOD  as they are taught

Fight for the truth as their FATHER did .


Joh 14:23  Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep My words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him….}}}…Who keep His words ???  it is the little children as written above.  And the FATHER and The Son have come to us… that is why AS HE IS, .. we are in the day of judgment.  !! everything is written to be fulfilled.  We are just fulfilling His words !!!  That glorify the FATHER ,  CHRIST the LORD’s words and Him !



Rom 15:6  That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rom 15:7  Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God. }}}… This prophecy  should be fulfilled AFTER CHRIST RECEIVED US. !!!    and our receiving brings glory to GOD , to His words !!!  That means, we have really GLORIFIED GOD AND HIS WORDS as the previous verse say.   So CHRIST HAS RECEIVED US,  means we have become one and that is why HE IS IN US as Colossians 1: 27 says.  it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who receives us to the glory of GOD! 


Now the last day has come… as even the ships of Tarshish, the gentiles also are fallen, …. All could judge themselves with His words.  Remember Isa. 2… the high and lofty ones… judge yourselves !

Joh_12:48  He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day….}}}…. Whoever REJECTS ‘CHRIST’S WORDS… needs to be judged.  If you reject CHRIST’s words, you do not receive neither CHRIST , nor His words. !!!  You have denied both The SON and the Father.


Others have denied the FATHER and The Son. We cannot separate the FATHER and The Son as the words of The Son is the FATHER. so it was always  CHRIST the LORD and His words !!! 

1Jn 2:22  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1Jn 2:23  Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.


Joh 8:45  And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Do you… the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish believe when The LORD  says you are high and lofty ???  Have you known the truth all along ???  Would you accept your guilt and humble before The LORD  ??? If not… you do not know your time…


Ecc 9:12  For man also does not know his time. As the fish that are taken in the evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the trap, like them are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly on them. }}}…fish, are the ones who does not have a ruler. Hab 1:14. So they are as the fish who will be caught in a trap. They sought righteousness out of the law, but IT KILLED THEM !!!


The oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … you keep the law… and here is quote from one of the readers … “The law was given to Israel (Psa 78:5) to make all guilty before God (Glossary).  It was given so that the people would know what sin is (R0m 3:20).  For those who have accepted their sin, repented, accepted the blood of Christ, been forgiven and received the Holy Spirit, then law has been fulfilled (Gal. 5:14).  “what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law.(Rom. 3:19).   These saints are to never go back to the law as Christ is the end of the law for righteiousness for those who believe (Rom 10:4).  The law was Moses law (John 7:19) and God will give these saints His laws (Heb 7:12).  God is to make a new covenant making the first obsolete, so, there should be no thought of going back to the law.”    

 CHRIST the LORD, is the END of the law !  When one is received by Him, … and given Holy Spirit, … that means they have fulfilled the law. !!!  When you come to Him,… there is no condemnation. Rom.  8.  So those who came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD…, have fulfilled the law… and if one goes back… that one’s mind has changed and is deceived. The LORD  will write His laws when the new Covenant is to be made. That will be faith and belief, just as Abraham did.  Believe means  CHRIST the LORD will fulfill each of His name in us. For example:- … as The Saviour, He will save. !!!  Belief and faith gives glory to The LORD  and not to us.  That is HIS DUE GLORY !!! So the law is fulfilled in both ways as written above.  It CONDEMNED the sinners who are the vessels of wrath. And others by believing and having faith…, fulfilled it !!!   No more confusion… no more devils… but all will have the Spirit of The LORD  !!  All flesh will see the salvation… that is why the Son of Man came to save all flesh !  That means the carnal mind will be removed !!  All can walk in peace as the Prince of peace has come to save all !


Those of the law are trying to get righteousness by the law, but ‘GOD’ says, no one can. But do they think they cant ? So they must be exposed as sinners, and are against the knowledge of GOD .

Rom 8:7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. }}}… IF THE CARNAL MIND CANNOT KEEP THE LAW, … THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW, BEGINNING FROM Adam, NO MAN could have  KEPT IT !!!!!  They should know, The Almighty GOD says, all humans are carnal, and CANNOT KEEP THE LAW OF GOD!!!   Right there, Israel and the ships of Tarshish are  humbled !!!!  The wisdom of the wise perished in JUDGMENT.  CARNAL MINDS must be  REPLACED WITH THE MIND OF The LORD . !!!!   Each man must admit they were carnal and could not have kept the law! That is to bruise the serpent !! Have you ever heard from a minister, that teaches ; “we are carnal and we could never be subject to the law of GOD”?????  


Rom 8:10  And if CHRIST be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. }}}…So you understand???…  even when your body is dead in your sin,  The LORD  will come to you.  THAT’S IS HIS GRACE! He said He came to save SINNERS.  WHEN HE GIVES THE Spirit, IT WILL BE GIVEN TO SINNERS, AS ALL ARE SINNERS.  But, He will lead you out of sin.   ’if CHRIST’ be in you… you will have the Spirit of life, and righteousness. So Israel failed to get righteousness and Spirit of life as they do not have  CHRIST the LORD, but the Spirit of GOD the Father whom they worship!  remember Spirit and life comes from  CHRIST the LORD’s words, which is the Holy Spirit. John 6:63 ! So they are flesh as written above. 1 cor 10:18 !  Spirit of life comes by CHRIST BEING IN US. Col. 1:27 , says  CHRIST the LORD is in the gentiles, and in the little children as “1Jn 4:13  Hereby know we that WE DWELL IN HIM, and He in us, because HE HATH GIVEN US OF HIS SPIRIT. Says… we dwell in Him, and He in us… this is said to the little children, as they have the anointing to learn all things from The LORD.1 John 2:27.

1Jn 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.”..So ‘if CHRIST be in you, you have Spirit of life and righteousness’…. This is how all the high and lofty ones also will be able to over come … IF The LORD  BE IN THEM.  But humble before GOD and admit and repent that you have been high and lofty as The LORD  SAYS.  Then HE IS QUICK TO FORGIVE. THE SAME WAY WHAT EVER The LORD  DID TO THESE LITTLE CHILDREN, … YOU ALSO MUST DO, AS THEY ARE A SIGN AND A WONDER !



The LORD  says ; The whole purpose of the LORD is to break the pride in man. And the proud or stiff necked are all Israel and the gentiles who left faith to the law as you will see.  Deut.  9:6, 24,   Deut.  32:20,  Acts. 7:51 ,  Isa. 14: 5,  24-26, Zech. 10:11, Zep 2.13 , Isa. 10:5… Isa. 30:31 , Isa. 52:4,  Ezekiel 31:3. They are the stiff necked Israel’s leaders, who turned as an enemy of The LORD , who is now Spiritually in Egypt Rev. 11:8 and in Babylon. Micah 4:10 . So you know what happened in ancient Babylon, and in Egypt. That is to happen Spiritually in the church. That is why we see confused MANY churches, and the high priest trying to do best to the human spirit as he wrote. ! So such people who do not OBEY AND HEAR the words of GOD, must be cast down. That is the pride which GOD hates. !!


Rom 8:3  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:…}}}… Carnal mind is weak… but The LORD  condemned the sin for us. So we , by His death, burial, blood , resurrection ,…we also can have the same. HE BRUISED THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT !!!


Shall the dust praise You? Shall it tell of Your truth?”.  Awake… and shake off thy dust… and put on  CHRIST the LORD… your beautiful garments !



Here is what The LORD  says to the high and lofty…

Job 40:7  Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

Job 40:8  Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?

Job 40:9  Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him?

Job 40:10  Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency; and array thyself with glory and beauty.

Job 40:11  Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him.

Job 40:12  Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.

Job 40:13  Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret.

Job 40:14  Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. }}}… Therefore, all the proud are hiding in the dust now… in lies.  When Adam sinned also he hid. And now these high and lofty ones also are hiding . and The LORD  will abase them. And it is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!!



Not by your law, but by mercy, your INIQUITY also will be purged.  And the fear of The LORD  only will cause one to depart from evil.  Because it is The LORD  who sends evil. And when He stops sending,  then there is no evil . that is why The LORD  said to pray for the Heavenly FATHER to keep us from evil. !!! 

Pro 16:6  By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.




So if you can understand that unbelief of the Holy Spirit, the words of The CREATOR caused Adam to sin against The LORD. That iniquity was caused by pride. Then, that sin cannot be forgiven. Because The CREATOR is also the Spirit and His words are Spirit also. (He Is the SPIRIT 2 cor 3:17 and His words are Spirit joh 6:63, and the Holy Spirit comes from Christ’s mouth. JOh 20:22).  So that sin , the man could never pay because it is man against GOD.  And when one sins, it cannot be forgiven. The only way is for GOD to die to save man from his own lies.  So in the end, IT IS THE PRIDE IN MAN WHICH KILLED THE LORD !!! When you take Passover this year, … think about your sin and iniquity which you did against The LORD… and ask for forgiveness for making Him a liar all these years.  and be humble yourselves before The LORD  , so He may pardon the iniquity. Unless there will be no Passover fulfilled in you.  You must leave your gods, such as GOD the Father and even your own selves whom you served,  … and go to  CHRIST the LORD, The Lamb. !! Then, as Apostle James said… confess your sins which you committed against others to them. !  follow king  David’s example. Understand you are cut off for unbelief. Rom.  11: 20. You could not enter in to the Glorious Rest. Heb.  4: 6. But what does the scripture say about our unbelief?  It was done because of man’s own wisdom, carnality and wanting to be wise on self. So the law was broken means the man has been proud against The LORD . Therefore, in order to redeem us from the curse of the law, which is death, … one must humble themselves and believe The LORD . !!!  So the kingdom came now as the accuser is cast down ! GOD will not answer until you humble yourselves like little children !


Job_35:12  There they cry, but He does not answer, because of the pride of evildoers


The sea, the troubled sea where the wicked are, will be stilled by The LORD . and there are so many scripture which condemns the pride in man.

Psa_89:9  You rule the pride of the sea; when its waves rise high, You still them. }}}… your wickedness, your lies, cause you to be troubled like the sea.  But The LORD  gave us the knowledge of GOD  as the sea to still that.  The lying sea will be no more when the knowledge of GOD  , the truth is given as the sea !!! 


Therefore, oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish …. The LORD  says ;-

Pro_8:13  The fear of Jehovah is to hate evil; I hate pride and loftiness, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth.


Pro_11:2  Pride comes, then shame comes, but with the lowly is wisdom.

Pro_16:18  Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

This is why, as wrath, allowed to exalt themselves. Then the sea of lies…


According to GOD, the proud , high and lofty oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish are tyrants.

Isa_13:11  And I will visit evil on the world, and their iniquity on the wicked. And I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease; and I will humble the pride of tyrants. …}}}… So The LORD  said He will Visit the iniquity, which is the arrogant pride in His leaders such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, as Isa. 2 says above.  And Hos. 9:7 says the prophet is a fool, because of his pride, that he does not know The LORD ’s visitation !  Luk. 19:44  says the same. So as lam 4 says the stones of the Sanctuary, the high and lofty ministry, is now like clay… but those in east, bring gold to GOD. Psa. 72:12-15!!!   So all the proud will be destroyed. ( their pride).


GOD says last church’s sister’s and her iniquity is also PRIDE. These are the oaks and the cedars.  So there is no way they could get away from The LORD , but to submit to HIS WAYS and find the little children and be humble like them, and receive the mysteries revealed to them , and learn how to praise The LORD  !

Eze_16:49  Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and her daughters. Also, she did not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

Eze_16:56  For your sister Sodom was not to be heard from your mouth in the day of your pride, }}}… So… all the sisters are found to be PROUD against The LORD , and to GOD, they are an abomination !!!  Eze. 24: 21- 23 proves, at the striking of the wife of Ezekiel, this pride began and they all failed in all three lusts.  !!!


Abram means high exalted father.  so Isaac’s inherited this and be exalted, and then The LORD  humbles, as they are the vessels of wrath. In order to show their pride, GOD gave the law. ( to expose the sin) and their foolishness… to show that they have their OWN WISDOM. And this pride is in the Sanctuary.

Eze_24:21  Speak to the house of Israel, So says the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will profane My sanctuary, the pride of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pities. And your sons and your daughters whom you have forsaken shall fall by the sword. }}… these are the three lusts, and The LORD  will destroy them finally.


Pride is the iniquity, which they stumbled. Remember Isa. 8:14, both houses are to stumble,  and 1  Pet. 2,  they are to stumble at the Word of GOD , which is the Spirit and Truth …, and all because of pride. And v 18 proves CHRIST and HIS children  who are to be a sign and a wonder… as The LORD  and His children are lowly as written above.

Hos_5:5  And the pride of Israel answers to his face. So Israel and Ephraim shall stumble in their iniquity. Judah shall also stumble with them.

Because of PRIDE, … they do not return to GOD nor seek Him !!!

Hos_7:10  And the pride of Israel testifies to his face. And they do not return to Jehovah their God, nor seek Him in all this.


The city will be shut up for pride…

Amo_6:8  The Lord Jehovah has sworn by Himself, declares Jehovah, the God of Hosts: I abhor the pride of Jacob, and hate his palaces; and I will shut up the city and its fullness.


The PRIDE of your heart, has deceived you.  And… this is why NEW HEARTS are prophesied for the new Covenant.  and you must circumcise the foreskin of your hearts !!!   

Oba_1:3  The pride of your heart has deceived you, dwelling in the clefts of the rock; his dwelling is lofty, saying in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? }}}… remember the serpent’s curse is to go on the ground and eat dust ??? So your pride did all these to you… oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish !!!


As the whole purpose of GOD is to break down the pride of man, The LORD begat HIS OWN LITTLE CHILDREN, whom He purposed and predestinated to be with Him , in the second time. And He came to them by forgiving and they are the Royal Priesthood who serves The LORD , who loves Him, who obeyed Him, who are built in to His image, and who have His own mind, and nature,  and lowly and humble like Him, … and have His own Spirit,  own faith, own righteousness, and given all things, mysteries etc and HE KEEPS them from falling and from evil  ….. and they are HUMBLE. They are meek and given salvation, etc He brought them to glory, and their glory is their FATHER. and then, The LORD  said to those who are high and lofty, …  ‘humble like little children’, or be converted like little children,..  and a little child will lead the wolves etc…. and these little children are to do what the Levitical ministry failed.  To bring others to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the Holy ONE. That is why Isa. 49:22-23,  the gentiles’ kings and queens will feed milk, the sincere word to them and bring them in their arms.  Ships of Tarshish was chosen first. Isa. 60  but as they too failed, The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish from the queen of South. And we know it is the queen of South who comes with the men of Niniveh in the second judgment, who are the little children, as they are to be as HE IS IN JUDGMENT, as written above. !!!  And our work includes to be the ministry of reconciliation, … and the ones to exalt, praise, bless , thank and glorify  CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, and to preach the Everlasting gospel as Rev. 14: 6-7 says.


Two witnesses are to represent Two trees… the Tree of good and evil and the Tree of Life. The seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.  As written above, the serpent’s trail should end after the day of THE LORD, after the ships of Tarshish judged, or Dan the serpent judged.  this means one should witness about the law, which shows good and evil, as proven. And then the other must represent the Tree of Life, who gives life, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so as The LORD  put ENMITY between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, … The LORD  put enmity between the two witnesses also the same way. And the ships of Tarshish admitted she is from Dan, and is a “spiritual’ serpent! So one is with The LORD , the seed of the woman who are now born to The CREATOR, as His sons, building His image, the other the seed of the serpent who will be bruised under our feet. One to be Spirit ,, to be forgiven freely, and to be as the little one, and little children, and the other to be an aged woman, the false accusers, .. and to be the false accuser to represent the devil, who is without the Holy Spirit, without understanding, and to go back to the law and be high and lofty to be destroyed. This is also the work of the two daughters in law of Naomi. One was used to (Ruth 4: 10-14) build both houses of Israel… and the other went back to her people !!!  GOD’s wrath was poured on the vessels of wrath, who are of Israel. mercy is poured on the vessels of mercy, who are the gentiles and The LORD  raised them up by giving the knowledge of GOD , the everlasting life. John 17: 3.


So as written above, … those of the law, who are the oaks,  cedars and the ships of Tarshish will find out, their law keeping did not give them righteousness but the wickedness as it is given to a cursed people to show they are cursed and have GOD’s wrath.  But by believing in the Name of THE LORD, they also could be justified. So they are the high and lofty ones .


As our FATHER also prayed for those who did not know and killed Him, we also pray that The LORD , our Heavenly FATHER will forgive these high and lofty ones as they also do not know what they have done against Him. !!!



CHRIST and HIS children  of Isa. 8:18,  Heb.  2: 10,  Isa. 29: 23

Neela fernando,

D Fisher

E Lofton

Wes Deaver

Deepak Minz

Basil Dias

Gomi Raj .