How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.

How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.

Tabernacle part 5…  Passover 2021- 19th March


We know the MERCY SEAT is the throne of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and the JUDGMENT SEAT is His’ and HE IS THE FATHER, THE HEAD of the House of GOD or the Tabernacle. But, When He judges, HE HAS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR SINS against Him because of HIS GRACE. Heb. 2:9 He was bound, striped, naked, beaten, spat on, struck in the head etc, to pay for our VARIOUS SINS which has various penalties. For example:- He was caused to wear a scarlet robe to pay for the church which has sins as scarlet (Isa. 1) as written below. He was BOUND as the ministry should be bound. Psa. 149:9. Same way every suffering He suffered is to PAY FOR OUR sins which are against HIm. Then it is important for us to learn which sins we are guilty of and how He paid it, to repent before Him and to thank Him. In The LORD’s law, He gave many laws to not to do, For example:- , not to defile His name, but obey and fear Him, and  if you are a minister in the church, for sinning against Him, there is a penalty such as to be bound in order to be judged as written below. In order to save such a minister, The LORD was bound. Same way there are many other sufferings The LORD went through in order to save us from our sin and guilt. Every sin has a penalty. Every word we speak AGAINST HIM will be judged. SCRIPTURE SAYS EVERY MAN IS GUILTY BEFORE HIM. When we are judged, ALL will see that they were  SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Heb 9:27  And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: “. Then, it is after SPIRITUALLY all are condemned, the Ark of the Covenant also seen in heaven. Rev 11:18 and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,”. Then, the DEAD are called to the White Throne to give light to their sin. Rev. 20: 12. That is when the books or the BIBLE is opened. We know, The LORD will breathe the DRY bones, as they are dead. The LORD said, the DEAD will hear My voice out of their GRAVES. But, in HIS MERCY, He will cause all the DEAD to hear the gospel once again, so they could BE JUDGED, but LIVE, receiving the SPIRIT. 1 Pet. 4: 6, Rev. 14:6-7, as GOD had made a Covenant with all FLESH to give salvation. Gen. 9: 16, Luke 3: 6. Then, when the DEAD see that they are DEAD, NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they will seek Him and live. Psa. 78: 34- 35! GOD gave all to satan, for the destruction of FLESH so their spirits may be saved on the day of THE LORD. It is Israel who are flesh. 1 Cor. 10: 18. Heb. 2: 14. ANYONE DOES NOT HAVE CHRIST THE LORD, AS THE EVERLASTING FATHER, ARE DEAD! Therefore, during the Passover, we once again remind you why The LORD SUFFERED MANY THINGS ; TO SPARE US FROM BEING PUNISHED. THAT IS HIS MERCY, the works of the MERCY SEAT! As we proved, the judgments are all spiritual. Could the Laodiceans see their own spiritual death? That means the book has become sealed for them. Isa. 29. Because The LORD HAS ALREADY PAID OUR PENALTIES PHYSICALLY, He could free us from having to go through them physically. As you will see, as the FATHER, He suffered all things in order to sets the sons free. The whole mankind is His sons, if HE CREATED THEM! How HE paid our sins ;- which one applies to you?

THE works OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE , the HIGH PRIEST and THE EVERLASTING FATHER finishes the works for the people to Passover to serve Him as THE EVERLASTING FATHER !

Passover will not be fulfilled until The LORD comes as the high priest and offers HIS OWN BLOOD as Heb. 9 says. HE MUST WORK ALL THE WORKS OF THE Ark of the Covenant, THE MERCY SEAT, BY HIMSELF AS NO MAN IS WITHOUT SIN TO APPEAR BEFORE HIM TO MEDIATE. SCRIPTURE SAYS, HE WILL COME AS THE HIGH PRIEST, APOSTLE, MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE, AND MINISTER OF TRUTH (Spirit and Truth) to do all the things according to the pattern of the Tabernacle. But before that, all of the Tabernacle items from east gate to the incense altar also must be fulfilled by Himself. Then, HE WILL SIT ON THE MERCY SEAT, to do it’s works but in heaven as the Ark of the Covenant is seen in heaven with the incense altar to receive prayers of the saints. REMEMBER THE MERCY SEAT IS WHERE GOD’S THRONE IS. as The LORD said, until the kingdom, HE WILL NOT EAT Passover which means Israel will not fulfill the true Passover, till HE DOES ALL THESE. EVERYTHING WHICH HE WILL DO IS IN in the SCRIPTURE, AND IN THE PATTERN OF THE Tabernacle THOUGH THE SPIRITUALLY BLINDED ONES CANNOT SEE. Then only the true Passover to the One and ONLY TRUE GOD will occur. In order to make us HIS PEOPLE, HE, HIMSELF MUST DO ALL THE WORKS OF THE Tabernacle. Heb. 8 says, The LORD, Himself would pitch the TRUE TABERNACLE as He would not dwell in manmade ones. Acts. 17. So the kingdom means the MERCY SEAT, the throne of GOD, the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST THE LORD, but it has unfished works to be done as the ministry was not made perfect. When The LORD rejects the ministry and the high priest Joshua, HE TAKES OVER EVERYTHING but the blind cannot see as they are CONDEMNED TO DEATH. The MERCY SEAT’s work is necessary, after all died to RAISE THEM UP. When Adam sinned, the whole humanity was cursed to death. and the Tree of Life was cut off, so no one could eat from it, until ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO THE Tabernacle IS FULFILLED. GOD Is trying to convert all back to the beginning of The CREATION, to give the image of GOD, and to re-breath, as all are SPIRITUALLY dead. In short, what we lost in Adam, He Has to restore. He said, He will prepare places and come and receive us to HIMSELF. That is when the TRUE TABERNACLE will be pitched by Him, in His kingdom, when He sits on the White Throne, the MERCY SEAT. HE NEVER CAME AND RECEIVED US TO HIMSELF AT ANY other TIME as ALL FELL AWAY. And since all fell away from ‘TRUTH’, it is this TRUTH which now must be given in order to give everlasting life. That lie is the lie about The CREATOR, to say that HE IS NOT THE EVERLASTING FATHER as the high priest said because the truth about the true EVERLASTING FATHER GIVES US LIFE! The MERCY SEAT is the White Throne, the judgment seat of CHRIST THE LORD, and judgments are to give light or Revelation for the sin to give EVERLASTING LIFE. He reveals that all forsook Him as the ‘FATHER’, and when He gives this knowledge, the wife of CHRIST The LORD will call Him, my ‘FATHER’. Jer. 3: 19-20. That is when the true Passover to the true GOD who is The CREATOR will happen and that will give us the image of GOD once again. so the pattern of the Tabernacle in the physical House of GOD pictures what The LORD Has to do in order to restore life which was lost in Adam’s time. Lots of purifications, sacrifices, prayers and LIGHT AND BREAD OF LIFE must be given to the people and that is done in the TRUE TABERNACLE which The LORD pitches. So He comes as the Minister of TRUTH  in order to do that. Then, we must WELCOME HIM and go to Him to learn. And to learn what? To learn to KNOW HIM. Heb. 8 says, ALL WILL KNOW HIM and no need anyone to teach about Him Thereafter. So The LORD’s coming as the Minister of TRUTH is the most important thing which will saves us, as the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, gives us everlasting life. John 17: 3. All of these things are done in the MERCY SEAT.

THE JUDGE ; consumes the ‘son’ or perdition to save all !

In the first part, we proved the GOD of the Tabernacle is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then in the second part we proved, HE IS THE FATHER WHOSE NAME SHOULD BE HALLOWED. This part proves He Is the JUDGE and He comes to consume the man of sin, the son of perdition in His temple. This man is a ‘SON’ to GOD. Below is a reply to Mr Gerald Flurry’s  key of David TRANSCRIPT (21-09) THE MAN OF SIN JANUARY 7, 2021 !  This totally exposes the son of perdition is Mr Flurry, himself as he is the high priest. According to GOD, this man of sin opposes ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, and not god the father. He is against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and he hates HIM and HIS WORDS and he does not know it because all are spiritually blind and with strong delusion sent to believe a lie. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD comes to consume him and his teachings which are totally AGAINST CHRIST THE LORD and HIS WORDS and to purify HIS BODY the temple, so that all could be SAVED. This man’s sin caused the whole church to fall from the truth. Then, in order to save all, THE LORD Has to reveal this treachery. Always obey JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, because one is judged if you have denied HIM and HIS WORDS. Joh 12: 48. And we will prove in this writing it is HWA and Gerald Flurry, who denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words. For example; Scripture says THE ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD WROTE THE LAW, BY HIS OWN FINGER. But HWA said, the law giver is god the father. All proven below with their quotes. Then, HWA also said ‘ALMIGHTY’ is god the father. But Rev 1:8, CHRIST THE LORD, Himself says, ‘I AM’ the ALMIGHTY. Then Gerald Flurry too says similar things against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He says his NEW THRONE is more purer for CHRIST THE LORD to sit. Could a man ever prepare a THRONE TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? No man should change a single word in the Bible, but must believe AS IT IS WRITTEN. If we change that shows we are not in agreement with THE LORD and opposes Him. HWA AND GF HAS CHANGED THE SCRIPTURE. This is why no one could be saved as you will see. GOD says, all seven eras fell from the truth. That means all seven eras had LIES. Then, if the truth shall set us free, all seven eras were not free as they had lies. This is what GOD wants to expose, so the TRUTH WILL BE GIVEN TO SET US FREE. And the TRUTH IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and HIS WORDS and no God the father has ever spoken a single word in the Scripture! Therefore Gerald Flurry’s own words will catch him as Joshua the high priest who has satan standing to accuse him and who does not have white linen. THE LORD must consume this man in order to save all the people. CHRIST THE LORD’s church should exalt and worship Him and not God the father. The JUDGE is CHRIST THE LORD, and He judges one if they have denied Him and His words. That means if you don’t believe Him and His words. Joh. 12: 48. And THE JUDGE SAYS THE LAST HIGH PRIEST HAS DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS. Prove all things.

Hallow the FATHER’s NAME; The LORD’s prayer and the Ark of the Covenant, and Isa. 9:6! Tab part 2

TABERNACLE Pt 2 –Hallow the FATHER’s NAME; The LORD’s prayer and the Ark of the Covenant, and Isa. 9:6!

2nd Jan 2021


Why did The LORD teach us to pray “The LORD’s prayer”? Did we Hallow the true FATHER’s name? The Tabernacle is the House of GOD where ONE GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD DWELT, as proven in the first part. If HE IS THE OWNER OF THE Tabernacle, THEN HE SHOULD BE THE HEAD AND THE FATHER and KING and HIS NAME SHOULD BE HONORED and it is HIS COUNSEL AND WILL SHOULD BE DONE IN IT. HE COMES IN THE WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK MEANS ALL OF THE NAMES WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE BELONGS TO HIM. It is His duty, as a FATHER to give us daily bread and lead us in the right path. But no one honored Him as the FATHER, and He could not bear any first fruits. This is why, He comes AGAIN, as the Spirit and Truth, so we can worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth and have salvation and be born of the true EVERLASTING FATHER ! John 4. When He comes, He will reveal THE FATHER, which is an allegory. John 14- 16, 16: 25. He was The ROCK (THE FATHER Exo 4:22-23, Deut. 32: 5-6, 12, 15, 18) in Moses’s time when that Tabernacle in the wilderness is made.  Then when king David built it, He was known as The LORD OF HOSTS, (THE FATHER 2 sam 7:14, 1chr 29:10). But in the New testament, HE IS ONLY THE SON. The LORD SAID ‘I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH’, which HE, HIMSELF WOULD PITCH, which is called the ‘TRUE TABERNACLE’. In that, only HE WILL BE HONORED. HIS NAME WILL BE IN IT Heb. 8, Heb. 3: 6. If the Tabernacle belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, then HE MUST BE THE OWNER AND THE HEAD, and THE FATHER, THE KING. AND HIS WILL BE DONE IN IT. Heb. 3:6 clearly names ‘CHRIST”. “CHRIST AS A SON OVER HIS OWN HOUSE;”. That means HE IS THE FATHER OF HIS OWN HOUSE AS WELL!! Then, IT IS CHRIST THE LORD’S GLORY AND NAME SHOULD BE HALLOWED, AND WORSHIPED, PREACHED, BLESSED, PRAISED, THANKED and HONORED as Moses and king David did.  IF NOT, WE WORSHIP A FALSE GOD, FALSE FATHER and a false King! THERE CANNOT BE TWO Tabernacles. This is why The LORD, HIMSELF comes again as the Spirit and Truth, to give us the knowledge of the TRUE FATHER WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, so the  true FATHER will be worshiped in Spirit and Truth. No one HALLOWED the Heavenly FATHER as The LORD taught us in HIS PRAYER. This writing will prove how The LORD’s prayer pictures the works of the Ark of the Covenant and the MERCY SEAT and how HE FULFILLS Isa. 9:6. Also why The LORD taught us to pray ‘The LORD”S prayer in Mat. 6. If we had prayed it, it would have kept us in the knowledge of the TRUE GOD, TRUE FATHER AND TRUE KING. We must Hallow the name of the FATHER, as WITHOUT HIM, WE CANNOT BE BORN, and no bread to live, no one to keep us from evil, and NO KING or KINGDOM. (as we are now under the kingdom of the beast, Rev. 16:10) We must pray to do HIS WILL, because He created us and knows what we want, even before we ask because HE IS THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR. And against Him only we have sinned, so He only can forgive us. And Kingdom, power and all glory belongs to Him. When we ask Him to give us bread, He gives the true bread to live. And He keeps us from evil, as HE IS WITHOUT EVIL etc. So you will see how important it is to know THE TRUE FATHER, GOD AND KING and must Hallow HIS NAME FOR OUR OWN SALVATION and pray for Him.!

Heavenly Tabernacle – GOD of the Tabernacle ;Part 1

Heavenly Tabernacle – GOD of the Tabernacle ;Part 1

10 dec 2020

What is the purpose of the Tabernacle in the wilderness which GOD said to Moses to build? the book of Hebrews says it is a pattern after the Heavenly Tabernacle. Though it is a physical structure, it pictures the heavenly services to be done. GOD’s plan of redemption is pictured in the Tabernacle. Before GOD comes all the services beginning from entering from the east gate, where the entrance to the Tabernacle unto the MOST HOLY, must be fulfilled. It was CHRIST THE LORD who gave it’s pattern to build it and it is for HIM to dwell. It’s services are done ONLY TO HIM. The Laodiceans simply failed to worship the GOD who gave instructions to build it, WHO IS CHRIST THE LORD! The last church also worshiped god the father, placing another GOD above Him. It was built to put the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, known then as The ROCK and The LORD OF HOSTS. Finally, the Ark of the Covenant is seen in HEAVEN. Rev. 11: 18-19. That is when the Heavenly Tabernacle will do it’s works. The works of the Ark of the Covenant is necessary, to witness against the people for breaking the laws and the Covenant. Then, the manna must be given once again which is the hidden manna, the HEAVENLY MANNA, which is CHRIST THE LORD, Himself to establish the second. And to forgive fulfilling the MERCY SEAT’S work by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD. In other words, the Tabernacle shows how we could come before GOD and how HE WOULD DWELL with us, after all things pertaining to the Tabernacle is fulfilled. The ROCK, said, Israel is MY FIRST BORN. Exo 4: 22-23. Then Deut. 32: 6, 12, 15, 18 also says, HE BEGAT and established Israel. That means He is their GOD, FATHER and also THE KING. Then, thereafter when The LORD said to king David to build the House of GOD, He was known as The LORD OF HOSTS. But He said to king David, I will be a FATHER and the kings will be His sons. 2 sam 7: 14. That means The ROCK became The LORD OF HOSTS, but still want to be Israel’s FATHER. When He entered in to the Marriage Covenant, He became their HUSBAND. And now, after Mal. 1; 6, the Levitical ministry did not fear Him as the FATHER, until He IS ACCEPTED AS Israel’s FATHER, He will not be in the TRUE TABERNACLE! The Tabernacle of David also is to fall, as they did not worship the same GOD as king David. and as there is no truth in the temple, as 2 Thess. 2 says, GOD would leave, desolating because of abominations done in HIS OWN HOUSE. And The LORD will not dwell in manmade temples, Acts. 17, and if the leaders build a temple, that means they have forsaken Him, Hos. 8: 14, and The LORD, HIMSELF WILL BUILD THE TRUE TABERNACLE. Heb. 8. SCRIPTURE proves who will be in HIS TRUE TABERNACLE and who will NOT be in it as well. And this writing will prove that it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who commanded to build the Tabernacle, for HIM TO DWELL and the House of GOD also is HIS’.

ALPHA and OMEGA : How His name is fulfilled !

GOD said, "I AM" ALPHA and OMEGA. That means the BEGINNING AND THE END. Then who is our GOD, IN BETWEEN? Actually, HE WAS GOD AND WAS WITH Adam and Eve, IN THE BEGINNING OF CREATION. But He could not be among mankind, until all things are made new, IN THE END OF THE WORLD, when HE COMES TO DWELL WITH MAN. So He was ALPHA, in the beginning, and in the END, HE WILL BE WITH US again FOR EVER, Being OMEGA! Also what HE WOULD DO IN BETWEEN ALSO is written in the word. ALL OF THE NAMES OF GOD given in this writing (though there are more) PROVES, HE IS THE ALPHA and OMEGA, THE ALMIGHTY and HE FULFILLS ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK. The whole BIBLE is CHRIST THE LORD’S WORDS and WORKS AND it is HIS WILL which is written. IT WAS HE, WHO REFUSED TO LIVE WITH MANKIND UNTIL the man  IS JUDGED TO BE ESTABLISHED. He came in FLESH to fulfill what He Spoke through the prophets. He inspired them. 1 Pet. 1. He always said ‘as it is written’. CHRIST THE LORD SAID “WITHOUT ME, YOU CAN DO NOTHING”! When you read this, you will see why HE SAID SO. And when you read this, PROVE ALL THINGS, AND EXAMINE IF YOU HAVE BELIEVED ALL THESE AND DONE YOUR SERVICE TO HIM, AND GIVEN HIS DUE GLORY TO HIM and have BELIEVED HIM. more importantly, see if you can LIVE WITHOUT HIM!  When He is THE ALPHA and OMEGA, THERE CANNOT BE ANOTHER GOD BEFORE OR AFTER HE. We are given only ONE HEART, so we can serve this ONE GOD who fulfills all things written below, with ALL OF OUR HEART.  While you read this, examine yourself to see if YOU HAVE BELIEVED ALL THESE SCRIPTURE. Because your own everlasting life hangs on the belief of GOD’s word. You should know Your GOD, ALPHA and OMEGA and what HE DID IN BETWEEN. CHRIST THE LORD must fulfill all of the below and everything written in the SCRIPTURE, in order to make a NEW Heaven and earth. ! The LORD said “Joh_8:46  Which of you convinceth Me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe Me ?. Unless you believe THE TRUTH, THE SCRIPTURE, you MAKE HIM A LIAR. This is what Adam also did, followed by all mankind. GOD’s word is the TRUTH, and TRUTH shall make you free, FROM LIES. And lies kills all. This is why The LORD said “ ye shall die in your sins: for IF YE BELIEVE NOT that I AM , ye shall die in your sins.” That is the same reason why Adam was cursed to death. John 8:24. This writing proves "I AM" is our FATHER, GOD, and King. That is ALPHA and OMEGA, the beginning and the END and everything in between as we prove. HAVE YOU BELIEVED "I AM"? As you will see, NO MAN HAS BELIEVED "I AM". That is how all are appointed to die once. Then, to give life, The LORD must REVEAL HIMSELF as "I AM" and ALPHA and OMEGA and how HIS NAME is fulfilled. Deu 28:58  that thou mayest FEAR THIS GLORIOUS AND FEARFUL NAME, THE LORD THY GOD;”.

GOD’S Covenant to give salvation to all FLESH !

GOD’S Covenant to give salvation to all FLESH !

4th October 2020 (Feast Of Tabernacles )

When Adam sinned, all humans are made sinners. That means all became flesh and blood, separated from GOD, and are appointed to die once. But, When GOD destroyed all humans in Noah’s time, He made a Covenant with ALL FLESH to save them. Gen. 9: 12-16. GOD says ALL ARE SINNERS. Then, all are flesh. THE WHOLE MANKIND WAS CURSED TO DEATH. Why would GOD create man, just to destroy later? Heb. 11 says those who DIED IN FAITH also are waiting to be resurrected. That is why a whole new creation is to be made SPIRITUALLY. That is the time this Covenant with all flesh, to save them will come in to effect, which is at the judgment. The book of Revelation is about the judgment of the church, though they think it is to the world or to the Catholic church. That is when, GOD creates all things new. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is THE SPIRIT (2 Cor. 3:17 and more) and HIS WORDS are SPIRIT. (John 6;63). We must be born of the HOLY SPIRIT (The CREATOR) and we are to live by every word, which is SPIRIT, The Creator’s words. If we are to live, we must live BY HIM, and also by HIS WORDS. Adam rejected Him and His words by not believing in Him or His words. The whole world under the sin of Adam means all have denied Him and His words as we shall prove in this writing. No one wants to believe we are sinners. There is a way to know, if you have denied Him or not. THAT MEANS IF YOU ARE STILL FLESH AND BLOOD. This is why, all are judged to prove that we have denied The LORD and His words on the last day, John 12: 48, but until the last day which is the day of judgment, GOD did not want to heal or convert anyone. V 40. But at the same time, He calls all to come and drink from Him, also on the last day. THAT IS THE DAY, WE ARE GIVEN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT HE IS THE SPIRIT AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT and by receiving Him and His words the SPIRIT, we receive life. Because, the judgment of The LORD is to reveal how all are sinners and have denied HIM, specially, HIS OWN CHURCH, as they fell all seven times and finally became Laodicean, which means SPIRITUALLY DEAD. That means flesh and blood. Then, after the judgment, everyone will repent and be forgiven. That is how The LORD takes vengeance from mankind. Then, all will know they were SPIRITUALLY dead.  But, all will seek Him. Psa. 78:34-35. All these works of The LORD prove, THAT HE IS The CREATOR, AND THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, WHICH GIVES EVERLASTING LIFE. THE FULFILLED WORDS OF The LORD PROVES THAT HE IS THE TRUE GOD. Eph. 2 says, while YET WE WERE DEAD IN SIN, BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE, HE RAISED US UP by HIS BLOOD. That is how The LORD will save all flesh. just think; if The CREATOR is the HOLY SPIRIT, Adam sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT, means the unpardonable sin. If all are guilty before GOD, then HE MUST SAVE ALL. If even a single person is without sin, GOD IS BOUND TO GIVE EVERLASTING LIFE TO THAT ONE ONLY. This is why, GOD made all to be sinners, so he could save Adam as well. And they are equal to the SON OF GOD who alone is without sin. Therefore, He condemns all as sinners, flesh and blood, but HE SAVES ALL AS HE HAS ALREADY PAID OUR DEATH. That is how The LORD would remember the Covenant He made with all flesh and all flesh will see the salvation. Luke 3: 6.  

Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy seat; fulfilled on the Day of Atonement !

The works of The Ark of the Covenant, THE HOLIES which has the MERCY SEAT, also must be fulfilled in order for GOD to dwell with mankind. The physical Ark of the Covenant and the MERCY SEAT, is a pattern after the HEAVENLY TEMPLE, given by the LIVING GOD. Heb. 8. NOW IT IS SEEN IN HEAVEN as all are dead, as they did NOT SERVE THE LIVING GOD, who dwells in the MERCY SEAT. THIS IS THE TIME, CHRIST THE LORD WILL BUILD THE TRUE TABERNACLE. HE WILL FORGIVE, just before the NEW COVENANT is made. That proves, if a NEW Covenant is called for, the old must vanish away. The first Tabernacle must fall, under the present priesthood, as all the seven eras are PROPHESIED TO FALL, WITH THE Tabernacle of King David, BECAUSE, NONE SERVED THE LIVING GOD, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. god the father, is NOT THE LIVING GOD. But NO HIGH PRIEST ( UNDER THE LAW) IS WORTHY OR FOUND WITHOUT BLAME BEFORE GOD, AS NO ONE COULD BE MADE PERFECT for that reason. Heb. 7. The priesthood, itself is prophesied to be changed. The HOLIES works is to pour GOD’S MERCY AND FORGIVE ALL and The LORD, COMES AS THE APOSTLE AND THE HIGH PRIEST and HE WILL BAPTIZE US UNTO HIS DEATH AND WILL OFFER HIS OWN BLOOD. That too proves the present priesthood must fall. THEY DO NOT SEE IT YET, AS THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY BLIND. Then, it is after all SPIRITUALLY died, and the first Tabernacle falls, The LORD ENTERS IN TO THE HOLIES, as the perfect HIGH PRIEST, AS YOU WILL SEE, IN ORDER TO DO THE SERVICE OF THE HOLIES WHICH IS TO ATONE ALL THE SINNERS, SO HE COULD LIVE AMONG US AND MAKE THE NEW COVENANT, AND ALSO TO GRANT THE MINISTRY, THE WIFE THE WHITE LINEN. This is why, in Heb. 8, after all fell asleep, GOD forgives and give all the knowledge of GOD, so Thereafter NO ONE NEEDS TO TEACH ABOUT GOD TO ANYONE. Heb. 8:10-14. Why does The LORD say that? Why do we not need anyone to teach about GOD when the new Covenant is to be made? Didn’t we know Him? WHEN EXACTLY WE NEED THE BAPTISM UNTO HIS DEATH? You will be surprised to understand that YOU NEVER KNEW SOMETHING ABOUT GOD. That is why, the Tabernacle of David AND THE FIRST Tabernacle HAS TO FALL, AND THEN THE SECOND IS SOUGHT, AND the LIVING GOD’s BLOOD ONLY CAN FORGIVE THAT SIN AND TEACH US THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM. So not knowing this TRUTH, ALL ARE APPOINTED TO DIE ONCE. Then, The LORD, Himself will do the work of the HOLIES to forgive and will write the laws in our hearts and the new Covenant will be made. As long as the first Tabernacle stood, there has always been a HUMAN high priest, who are imperfect and with sin. After it fell, THE PERFECT HIGH PRIEST, WILL DO THE SERVICE OF THE HOLIES, THE MERCY SEAT. So THE MERCY SEAT’S WORK has to be done by The LORD, on the Day of Atonement to fulfill it’s work in the Heavenly Tabernacle ! That redeems us to serve the LIVING GOD. Heb. 9: 14.




Day of Atonement 2020- 13th sept

How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to SERVE THE LIVING GOD?”. The BLOOD OF CHRIST is offered, so we can serve the ‘LIVING GOD’. Unless you serve Him, you have DEAD WORKS. ALL ARE APPOINTED TO DIE ONCE. That means all have DEAD WORKS and not served the TRUE LIVING GOD as this writing proves. CHRIST THE LORD is THE ‘SON’ of the LIVING GOD. Mat. 16: 16. When He said ‘Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to MY FATHER: but go to My brethren, and say unto them, I ASCEND UNTO MY FATHER, and your Father; and to MY GOD, and your God.’ John 20:17. If He is THE SON of the LIVING GOD, then it is to Him, CHRIST ascended as IF HE IS THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD, then the LIVING GOD is HIS FATHER. And the LIVING GOD then should be OUR GOD AND OUR FATHER aw well as CHRIST THE LORD says here. Haven’t we served CHRIST THE LORD’s FATHER the LIVING GOD? Then why are ALL APPOINTED TO DIE? Why Does The LORD says we have dead works? His blood is offered, AT THE END OF THE AGE, which is after all died SPIRITUALLY as you will see and why so. If the Laodiceans have served the LIVING GOD, then they would not be SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Nor, The LORD have to offer His blood, at the end of the age. All seven eras are to fall from the truth. that means all seven eras had DEAD WORKS which means they have not served the LIVING GOD. Then, the SCRIPTURE says, the LIVING GOD is The Saviour, The CREATOR who is CHRIST THE LORD, as you will see. If His FATHER is the LIVING GOD, then The CREATOR and The Saviour BEING CHRIST THE LORD, are there two LIVING GODS? The ‘FATHER’ LIVING GOD and ‘THE SON’ LIVING GOD? Unless you know the truth about the LIVING GOD, no one can serve Him to be AT- ONE- WITH HIM! This writing proves the TRUE LIVING GOD and what was the confusion about the LIVING GOD which made us NOT SERVE HIM, and how our works are DEAD! Then you can REPENT AND BELIEVE to be FORGIVEN! So at the end of the age, CHRIST THE LORD offers His blood so we could serve the LIVING GOD. That means we are reconciled to Him. But the SCRIPTURE says, we are reconciled and presented ‘TO’ CHRIST THE LORD. “through Him making peace by the blood of His cross, to reconcile all things to HIMSELF; And you then being alienated and hostile in mind by evil works, but now He reconciled ” Col. 1:20-21, “That he might present it TO HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish”. Eph.5:27. If our GOD and FATHER should be the LIVING GOD, and if CHRIST offers His blood so we can serve the LIVING GOD, then why would CHRIST THE LORD present us TO HIMSELF? Why is this confusion? Prove every SCRIPTURE provided and with GOD’s inspiration you will understand WHICH GOD IS THE LIVING GOD, so you can SERVE HIM and be ALIVE!

Mystery of GOD –“I ascend unto My FATHER, your FATHER ;My God, and your God“!

Mystery of GOD I ascend unto My FATHER, your FATHER ;My God, and your God!

7th sept. For TRUMPETS 2020 .

The LORD said “I ascend unto My Father, and your Father; and My God, and your God“. The LORD says, HIS GOD AND FATHER, should be our GOD AND FATHER. WHO IS THIS GOD THE FATHER? This writing will prove who IS the GOD and FATHER of CHRIST THE LORD, and OURS AS WELL!!! If you understand this, after you prove from the SCRIPTURE provided, you will know YOUR GOD AND THE FATHER without any confusion. That knowledge, gives us everlasting life. John 17:3. CHRIST THE LORD, was the GOD of the Old testament. He said, HE IS THE FATHER WHO BEGAT Israel. Deut. 32:6, 12, 15, 18. Exo 4:22-23. He is THE ALMIGHTY, (Rev. 1:8) The LORD OF HOSTS, the LIVING GOD, The Most High and The ROCK ; some of HIS NAMES as you will see. He alone comes in the whole volume of the Book. HE IS LIFE, AND RESURRECTION. Could there be TWO GODS and two FATHERS? Then, HE SAID, Israel IS “MY” first born. Exo 4: 22-23. That means The ROCK is Israel’s FATHER. GOD Is ONE. HE WAS, IS AND WILL BE OUR FATHER FOR EVER. This is the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD! Who is HIS FATHER AND HIS GOD? We should know as that is OUR GOD AND OUR FATHER AS WELL.! We must serve and offer ourselves to this same GOD as CHRIST THE LORD did! The mystery of CHRIST THE LORD was revealed to Apostle Paul as it is, he who wrote about that. And below you will find, WHY THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE LORD was not revealed until He revealed to Apostle Paul, and when it would be UNDERSTOOD by all.