Eye Salve 2: No Jew, No Greek all are ONE WITH The CREATOR.
Eye Salve 2: No Jew, No Greek all are ONE WITH The CREATOR.
SCRIPTURE proves GOD called TWO NATIONS from Abraham, to show how He will bless or curse the mankind. He chose Israel to be blessed physically, but to be killed SPIRITUALLY first, till He redeems them and they are the vessels of wrath. and gentiles are chosen as the vessels of mercy, to receive salvation first. Abraham was faithful and believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and not god the father. Israel did not worship nor believed or have faith in the GOD of Abraham. From him, two nations are called to show GOD’s LOVE FOR MANKIND and how He will bless and curse mankind for obedience and disobedience. One nation is to fulfill the name ‘Abraham’, and the other ‘Abram’. One is to exalt themselves, be sons of disobedience stiff necked and are to be cursed. Then the other is to takeover and be OBEDIENT to the GOD of Abraham, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR for the glory of HIS GRACE! All things written in the SCRIPTURE will be fulfilled during the days of vengeance and vengeance is taken from Israel who are under the law. CHRIST THE LORD’s own finger wrote the law, and own finger will judge all by the law also. At that time, GOD comes to give salvation to those whom He prepared while others died. Heb. 9: 26-28. Acts. 13: 41-46, 28:26-28. GOD offered all things to the Jew first and seeing they put off including salvation and everlasting life, they became like heathen in the end, NOT HAVING the GOD of Abraham in them! Then, by HIS MERCY, the gentiles, to whom He came and raised them up offering everything the Jews rejected and they fulfilled their obedience to The CREATOR and are faithful to Him as Abraham was. But EVEN BEFORE Israel WAS CALLED OUT OF Egypt, others WERE WORSHIPING GOD IN THE MOUNTAIN, AND EVEN THERE WERE PRIESTS. In order to deliver Israel once again, GOD uses the gentiles as they fulfilled their obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and that is how the days of vengeance became the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles. Unless GOD opens the eyes of blinded Israel, they will not understand such SCRIPTURE which are being fulfilled now. GOD Has prepared a way to open the blind eyes, a way, they do not know. This is the time GOD will provoke Israel to jealousy by raising up the foolish nation who are the gentiles. Therefore, from the beginning, GOD Had prepared the first born of Abraham, who is Ishmael and his seed to work with Him as His people who are the vessels of mercy, to become SONS OF THE LIVING GOD as Rom. 9, 2 Cor. 6: 14- 19 says. This writing will prove more about how the gentiles are serving the GOD of Abraham. How these cities of ‘Kadesh, Paran, and Petra’ are fulfilled in our times? As it was in the beginning, all will become ONE IN The CREATOR!