The LORD purifies the House of Prayer before the Passover.
14th Feb 2022
Why have we not fulfilled the Passover yet? Why did JESUS CHRIST the LORD say, I will not eat Passover until the kingdom comes? What truly is the Passover? Just before The LORD’s last Passover, He purified the House of Prayer because it has become a den of thieves. What is the fulfillment of that prophecy for us now? who are the thieves in the House of Prayer now? Have you rejected your ONE AND ONLY HUSBAND, JESUS CHRIST the LORD who entered in to the Marriage Covenant, but HE WAS THE FATHER OF Israel, before. Exo 4: 22-23, Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18. THERE CANNOT BE TWO FATHERS, (THE HEAD) OR TWO HUSBANDS. Nor TWO KINGS. Since the leadership of the church who are under the Marriage Covenant preached another GOD, the Covenant is broken and The Husband left. Jer. 3 says, He was married, but this GOD whom Israel married is the GOD whom they have FORSAKEN. When this understanding is given, and when they come to Him, Passover will be fulfilled. THEY MUST TURN TO THE GOD WHOM THEY FORSOOK! HE WAS THE FATHER, TILL HE ENTERED IN TO THE Marriage Covenant and became The Husband. Besides He, Himself said "I AM" your FATHER who begat you. could there be TWO FATHERS? They never accepted Him as the FATHER, The Husband, nor THE KING. And it was done by the leaders. And if one enters in to the sheepfold, they must enter through the DOOR, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. if not, such are thieves and robbers and The LORD will purify His house and will teach the truth to save all. Therefore, in order to Passover to The ROCK, as ancient Israel did, the leaders must be taught this truth and one must Passover from other gods, idols and from the world to The ROCK, Whom they forsook. They must do so, by believing that HE IS YOUR EVERLASTING FATHER, Everlasting GOD, AND EVERLASTING KING. ‘YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS’, …NO OTHER FATHERS, AS THERE IS ONLY ONE, AND THERE ARE NO OTHER KINGS. Because you did not believe these, the FATHER, The Husband, (Jer. 3: 19-20) THE KING has left Zion. (Jer. 8: 19-20) And Jerusalem is desolated. This is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and purified the House of Prayer, which has become a den of thieves in His first coming, right before the Passover, and then HE DIED to pay our penalty. But His shed blood cannot fulfill it’s intended purpose, UNLESS WE UNDERSTAND THE SIN OF FORSAKING HIM IN EVERY WAY, AND CORRECT THE MATTER BY ACKNOWLEDGING OUR SIN AGAINST HIM ! Therefore, The LORD must purify the House of Prayer in order for the people to Passover from other gods, and to make Him a name, to be HIS PEOPLE, and for HIM TO BE OUR GOD, FATHER, AND THE KING, as it was before. ! The LORD Has come to give the truth and the knowledge and understanding to all to cause them to Passover. This time, all will come out of spiritual Egypt (Rev. 11: 8) and Sodom and will Passover as The LORD will pour His SPIRIT on all flesh. All will enter through the DOOR! Knowing the hearts of Israel, The LORD said that HE WILL NOT EAT Passover TILL THE KINGDOM. One must PASSOVER, to be a Hebrew. “Hebrew’ means ‘one from beyond, crossed over, other side, or… "to traverse" or "to pass over". “Israel’ means one who is converted and must be IN CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. We all know the sin entered to the mankind from Adam. Then, The LORD must correct his sin of disobedience in mankind to cause them to Passover. In order to do that, the sons of disobedience must obey, fear and worship the true EVERLASTING FATHER, The CREATOR ! That is when ALL WILL PASSOVER from sin to worship the true GOD and be WITH HIM, in His GARDEN of Eden. !