The last enemy is death. Death came as a curse of the law. The LAW PREVENTED HER FROM KNOWING The LORD. Those who are under the law sought life from it and served it in fear of death, WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE FEARED The LORD who gives life. But it is the man who chose to eat from the wrong tree as well as wanting to live by the law and not the way GOD prepared. So GOD prophesied that the man's heart and the law will be changed before the new covenant. That is why hidden counsels of the heart is exposed, so the curses could be removed, winning the victory over death and NEW HEARTS could be given so The LORD can live in the hearts, as the HOLY SPIRIT lives in our hearts. Scripture locks up all under sin. GOD SAYS, UNLESS "HE" PUTS HIS FEAR IN US, and unless HE PUTS THE LAW IN OUR HEARTS, WE CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. "I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their GOD, and they shall be My people.", I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. " This means until the new covenant is to be made, no one feared Him, ( Mal 1: 6) and they cannot keep the law from their HEARTS. None sought The LORD to get life, but their own righteousness out of the law, because of the carnal nature in man who is dust never want to submit to the law of GOD. Moreover, they allowed the law to rule them as long as they live and became under bondage. That is not the way GOD Had planned for us to get everlasting life, but through Him. So the man (heart) became the enemy of The LORD. So man's heart is exposed, by the law, which he tried to live! The law accuses one to condemnation. Therefore, man's heart and the law must be changed.(giving new hearts and law changed as Heb 7). Those who are of the law have lifted up the serpent just as Moses did and not GOD. They believed Moses, the serpent but not GOD. That is the unbelief which cut them off. Rom 11:20. That is the second death, and when GOD gives the revelation about it; will cause all to repent and to have white linen. The judgments and vengeance are to give light to live. Hos 6: 5, Isa 61: 2-3. GOD Has written His will that all should live which is why "He" died. When GOD created Adam, He saw everything was GOOD. Then, his sin caused him to be the enemy of The LORD, and he acquired the CARNALITY, which we call HUMAN nature. That carnality is the enemy of GOD, which will be changed after it is judged and exposed, admitted and repented. Then, GOD creates new hearts in man so he can walk with GOD peacefully. He will remove the curse of the law as He Had paid the penalty for us, through HIS BLOOD. So we become NEW CREATURES in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. After that, all will walk peacefully with GOD and other men. But first, the man's heart must be changed as well as the law which the man sought life but BROUGHT DEATH TO HIM.! So the evil heart and the law are the enemy of The LORD, which brought death to all.