THE ROCK’s FIRST BORN is DEAD and back in Egypt as they have forsaken Him. As in the days of Noah part 7

THE ROCK’s FIRST BORN is DEAD and back in Egypt as they have forsaken Him. As in the days of Noah part 7

4th Mark 2024


THE LORD knows the end from the beginning AND HAS PROPHESIED THAT ISRAEL, WHO IS HIS FIRST BORN Exo. 4:22-23, WILL FORSAKE HIM AND WILL DIE and go back to Egypt, where they are now. Rev. 11: 8.  He was their FATHER, if they are called the ‘first born’. Seeing that they will forsake Him, Deut. 32, He appointed man to die once. Heb.  9: 27. And He begat, bought, brought and established them. Deut. 32. But they never received Him as their FATHER. Without the true FATHER, how could one be born?  And the church has god the father as their god and the father, and not THE ROCK. Then He entered in to a marriage Covenant and became The Husband. But it is still the same GOD. And gave His laws, and said to keep them, if not, they have chosen DEATH. But when we came to prophet Malachi’s time, they have forgotten Him and did not fear Him because they did not know THE LORD OF HOSTS is also THE ROCK. Mal. 1:6. Thereafter, THE LORD came as THE SON, and died and raised up the church and gave seven eras but said it also would  fall from the truth, and they will GO BACK TO Egypt, THE LORD will send them to Egypt spiritually. THE ROCK WILL NOT BE WITH THEM IN Egypt. It is THE ROCK who gave Spiritual meat and drink to them. 1 Cor.  10: 3-4. And failing to receive the SPIRIT from Him, Israel became flesh. V 18. Unless we receive the SPIRIT of THE ROCK, no one can be born spiritually. THIS IS WHY, THE LORD DIED TO SHED HIS BLOOD TO REDEEM US FROM DEATH! When we receive His blood, as He Has the ETERNAL SPIRIT, we will be born with ETERNAL SPIRIT. Heb.  9: 14. Then the whole world has sinned, if Israel also has sinned against Him. This is why THE LORD could raise up just anyone by HIS GRACE and THE LORD chose the gentiles to raise up first, because Israel has to go through judgment for breaking the Covenant and they need to be redeemed again from false gods in Egypt. And THE LORD freely could forgive the gentiles and their work began in the SPIRIT. Gal. 3: 3. THE LORD had to kill His own first born as they went back to Egypt sinning against Him. NOW, THE FIRST BORN, having broken the  Covenant, is spiritually dead and was judged and condemned as they are not in Him. Rom.  8: 1, Rev. 11: 8. The Passover is to redeem all by His blood.  How could the SPIRITUALLY DEAD be alive again? That is why the DEAD are preached the gospel, and the DEAD are called to the White Throne in order to be judged, but they can live again as THE LORD Has to give the SPIRIT to make them understand their sin and iniquity against Him. The only sin that brought death to mankind is the unpardonable sin, which is against the SPIRIT. And is not THE ROCK, that SPIRIT? Does the Scripture talk about TWO spirits? Two gods ? Unless THE LORD gives the understanding to Israel of their sin against Him, and unless they repent, and then believe that THE ROCK is their GOD who gives them the SPIRIT, they cannot Passover. The blood of the lamb was shed in order to give HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT, so we can have  Everlasting life. THE LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and from their gods to make ‘HIM’ a name. That is by continuing to be HIS FIRST BORN. Without understanding all these, no one can come out of Egypt spiritually. See if you have forsaken THE LORD or not.

As in the days of Noah – How THE SON of Man paid our penalties by HIS GRACE. Pt 6

As in the days of Noah – How THE SON of Man paid our penalties by HIS GRACE. Pt 6

(Passover 2024)…29 feb 2024


THE SON of Man comes pouring His grace as He did in Noah’s time in order to destroy the wickedness and to save all as HE HAS PROMISED. But HE, HIMSELF HAS PAID for all of our punishments. This writing will prove HIS EXCEEDINGLY GREAT GRACE as a GOD and a FATHER, how He went through all penalties to pay to redeem all UNTO DEATH. For example;-, He was striped as we should be striped. He was BOUND, as the leaders should be bound. Then, HE WAS JUDGED UNDER THE LAW, etc. NO one has ever taught these things before. He shed His blood as we are guilty of blood. Without understanding how THE LORD HAS ALREADY PAID for each of our sin, and accepting AND REPENT, and we cannot take Passover. Beginning from that night He was betrayed, until He was killed, He SUFFERED to save all of us, (mainly the leaders who are blood guilty ) to SPARE US from being punished for our sins. We wrote this first in 2014. But we have added more and without understanding the events around His death fully, and examining ourselves , and accept that THE LORD suffered for us, THE PASSOVER WILL NOT BE FULFILLED. Why DID THEY SPAT ON HIM? WHY DID THEY HIT HIM ON THE HEAD? WHY DID HE HAVE TO WEAR SCARLET ROBE? WHY WAS A CROWN OF THORNS PUT ON HIS HEAD? And many more are proven in this writing to examine before taking the Passover. Because He paid, we do not have to be punished PHYSICALLY. And before taking the Passover in order to partake His death and burial and  Resurrection, one needs to know and understand their guilt first because everything around THE LORD’s death and sufferings are to pay for our sins. Therefore, before taking Passover examine yourselves to see if you have committed any of the sins written below and repent and accept that THE LORD has paid for them including death. AND BE THANKFUL TO HIM ! THE LORD ordained Israel for judgment and correction. Hab. 1: 12. THE LORD WILL REDEEM ALL BY HIS GRACE ! If you do not want His grace, save yourselves! If GOD killed all PHYSICALLY, then they cannot repent.  But He did all these spiritually, because they can repent and seek Him even they are dead spiritually. ( Psa 78: 34- 35).

Repent for committing the UNPARDONABLE SIN to Passover ! As in the days of Noah, THE SON of Man comes to reveal the sin and to redeem them!

Repent for committing the UNPARDONABLE SIN to Passover !

As in the days of Noah, THE SON of Man comes to reveal the sin and to redeem them! part 5 

23 feb 2024


The unpardonable sin means if we sin against the HOLY SPIRIT as we all know. But the Scripture says, the HOLY SPIRIT is THE CREATOR. Was He not the SPIRIT at that time when Adam did not believe in HIM? Adam’s sin of unbelief caused him to be separated from THE CREATOR, and he was cursed to Eternal death, until THE LORD redeems all by HIS BLOOD which Has the ETERNAL SPIRIT. Heb. 9: 14. Therefore the HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE POWER OF GOD but the SPIRIT, is the FATHER of the body Which is called The SON or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE ANOINTED one. Therefore The HOLY SPIRIT is NOT, NOT, NOT THE POWER OF GOD, but it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, The CREATOR. By preaching that the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD, the leaders sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT, making equal the HOLY SPIRIT to only to a power. THE LORD said, unless one blasphemy the HOLY SPIRIT, all other sins could be forgiven. Unless Adam committed the unpardonable sin, THE LORD would not have cursed him to eternal death. And eternal death comes on those who sin against the HOLY SPIRIT. This is why, the HOLY SPIRIT had to come as a MAN, and without blemish had to die after overcoming ( or after fulfilled what Adam failed) what Adam failed and be THE SECOND Adam to give life and save all from the curse of death because the whole mankind was born in that sin. And the SECOND Adam has ETERNAL SPIRIT in His blood. Heb.  9: 14. And the only way for man to live is TO DRINK HIS BLOOD TO RECEIVE ETERNAL SPIRIT! If Adam would not have committed the unpardonable sin, THE LORD would not have cursed him to death. All humans are appointed to die once, Heb.  9: 27, spiritually and the Laodicea era means that judgment has come upon all. This is why THE LORD established the PASSOVER in order to remember THE LORD’s death for our death. He paid for our unpardonable sin. if not, THE LORD would have not passed on judgment on the mankind to spiritually die. So some sin, the man would have committed against the ‘SPIRIT’ to die ‘spiritually’. Unless we understand why we have to drink THE LORD’s blood we cannot be with THE LORD. Passover means we become HIS PEOPLE, and THE LORD becomes our GOD and will be with us. The New Covenant will not be made without this understanding of THE LORD’S BLOOD which is shed to make the NEW EVERLASTING  Covenant. Every one must examine to see if they have broken the very first four commandments because they are against the HOLY SPIRIT. This means if you have worshiped god the father, you have committed the unpardonable sin, because you have had other gods as we shall prove. This is why the present  Covenant must end in death in order to begin the New Covenant. To the New Covenant, THE LORD’s blood must forgive our sin which we committed against Him, as HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is why Heb.  8 says, THE LORD will forgive and forget all sin and give a NEW HEARTS and He will write the law in our hearts to keep them. 

AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH pt 4– THE SON of MAN Comes to destroy the destroyers, the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish.

AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH pt 4– THE SON of MAN Comes to destroy the destroyers, the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish.

20 feb 2024

In part 3 , we proved how the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish have exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD. if GOD says in Isa. 2, they are high minded and must be brought low, then should we not believe THE LORD’s words? But these high-minded ones could be brought low only by THE LORD, after they fulfil what GOD has prophesied about them. Therefore GOD gave all these years for the church leaders to prove themselves that they submit to GOD and thereafter He turned to the gentiles, by giving faith. All those who are under the law must die WITHOUT MERCY and now are dead until they are redeemed because GOD ordained them for judgment and correction and not to kill. And from among the gentiles, the two witnesses were called which no one knew, nor accepted their witness either. THE LORD forgave some of the gentiles who are called the little children, and gave them the truth as THEY ARE ANOINTED 1 Joh. 2: 20, 27 to learn from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD directly. Therefore they cannot lie but will speak the true words of GOD, as THE GOD OF TRUTH, Himself is their TEACHER. They are in GOD’s Holy Mountain, having no deceit and no lies. Zeph 3:9-15 and in their time, the judgment will be turned off. That is the mountain which is in Isa. 2, which is placed on top of other mountains to bring their pride down. We are not to learn from any man as man is carnal and the enemy of GOD and would not know even the earthly things. Therefore GOD said, they will be taught by Him. Isa. 54:13, Joh. 6:45 and that is fulfilled in 1 Joh. 2. And we will prove in this part also, how these high minded ones exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD ( 2 Cor.  10: 5) and they will be humbled when the truth is revealed. They all magnified; against THE LORD of HOSTS, His words and even His chosen little children. This writing will prove how some of the gentiles who are raised up by grace and mercy also wished to be under the law and how their minds also were blinded. THE LORD said if  you say you see and understand, but would not see nor understand, as THE LORD has not given them the understanding, then it will be sin to you. Therefore hear the Word of GOD and prove all things and be ready to acknowledge the sin of exalting yourselves against THE LORD and His knowledge. (Joh_9:41  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.). Therefore when THE LORD says the oaks, cedars and the ships of Tarshish, some gentiles have NOT EXALTED THE LORD, but themselves, they should examine and acknowledge their sin of pride which is an abomination to Him. THE LORD will humble such ones. And remember, in judgment, those who are made to see, who are all Israel such as the oaks and cedars are BLINDED and those who did NOT see are made to see. This is how THE LORD humbles the exalted and exalt the humbled. (Joh 9:39  And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind). Therefore in judgment, THE LORD Being THE GREATER came to the little children, and caused them to overcome, so they can be as HE IS. 1 Joh. 4: 4, 17. ! and it is the babes who are to perfect the praise of THE LORD, to silence such enemies. Psa. 8: 2. In this part, we will continue to reveal the sin of the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish as they directly accused and dishonoured JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  If you do not believe the Word of GOD, you make Him a liar. Then, His learned little children must declare HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and the evilness of such liars. We have quoted their teachings which are against the Word of GOD. Compare and fear GOD and believe Him. !



Feb 7th 2005

In the year 1999 – 2003, PCG had 800 Indian UNBPAPTISED people were invited to attend Sabbath services with 17 local elders. This matter was hidden from the whole congregation. This is a  Covenant breaking sin. For those who wish to read, This was written ORIGINALLY in Feb, 2005 right after we were disfellowshipped  by the PCG LEADER for opposing inviting UNBAPTISED 800 people in India to the church and caused us to keep the Passover. This crowd does not even know how to keep Sabbath. The leader is earning money from churches showing a big crowd.  We are posting this now as this was the incident which is revealed in Eze. 8- 11,  20: 29, and Eze. 23. Two of the churches under HWA was involved with them as Eze. 23 says. And if you wish to read it… here it is once again as it was written back then. This is when Mic. 2: 9 – 13 happened and we came out. Both in Micah 2: 9 and Eze. 8 – 11, GOD’s glory left. This was a serious matter and a sin which the leadership of PCG committed and several evangelists and ministers knew and kept quiet. WOULD NOT GOD SEE SUCH THINGS ? (posted 11th feb 2024 )

The first Letter sent to Gerald Flurry in 2003 , 12 years ago. 21ST DEC 2015.

The first Letter sent to Gerald Flurry in 2003 , 12 years ago.

Aug 2003 

This letter was posted in our web site twice. Both times someone has removed the contents. Therefore, we send this to all in our mailing list. This was sent to Gerald Flurry (12 years ago,) regarding the UNBAPTIZED men taken as ministers to PCG by Alex Harrison, which caused The LORD or The Husband to leave the wife, even breaking the Covenant, AND BY STRIKING THE LEADER’S WIFE. She was killed nine months after in sept 5th 2004, on their WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Could not GOD wait just one day after the anniversary to take her life? The same week Gerald Flurry took the decision to disfellowship us and hide the matter , The LORD  struck his wife as mentioned in Eze. 24. These are PROPHESIED EVENTS. When the eyes are opened, all will know The LORD did what He did, and WHY HE DID IT. Gerald Flurry caused The LORD ’s wife to keep the Passover with heathen. And caused The LORD ’s wife to Spiritually die. So The LORD  also struck his wife and took on the same day on their 40TH ANNIVERSARY! PCG leader did not keep the charge of the Sanctuary as Eze. 44:7 says. He wrote in Ezekiel booklet pg 77, other s invite heathen in to their churches. But under his nose, his regional director, Alex Harrison invited 800 of them and ordained 17 of them as ministers which WERE PUBLISHED INPhiladelphia  NEWS magazines which NO ONE CAN DENY. This letter was posted in our web site twice, and we noticed someone, somehow has removed the contents both times. Therefore, we are sending it again after 12 years, to everyone as many has tried to read it. This time, we send this individually to all so all can prove if this could be done by a church leader who believes that we should not take Passover with HEATHEN. To this day, we do not do it. Then, would GOD overlook such a crime which PCG committed again The LORD ? This is the cause which caused The LORD to come as a thief , IN THE NIGHT, the spiritual darkness came over the whole land, as this is the abomination which caused the desolation. Another writing would follow soon.

As in the days of Noah – pt 3 – High towers; Oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish will be brought low and THE LORD WILL BE EXALTED. !


As in the days of Noah – pt 3 – High towers; Oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish will be brought low and THE LORD WILL BE EXALTED. !

10th feb 2024

As GOD destroyed all the wicked in Noah’s time and saved Noah and the family by His grace, when THE SON of Man comes, He will destroy the wickedness of His own leaders by the waters which covered the earth as the sea, which is the knowledge of GOD. GOD sees one to be proud, if they do not obey His word and have their own commandments and traditions which will not save anyone but deceive. Therefore GOD Has written in His word that the oaks, cedars and ships of tarshish will be brought low, Isa. 2, and crooked places and mountains and hills ( exalted leaders) will be levelled. (Isa 30:25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.). This water is the true knowledge of GOD, given to gather all to the Glorious Rest. Isa. 11: 9 – 11. The high mountains , hills , rivers and streams are the leaders , the towers, who are to fall, who will be consumed by the breath of THE LORD, the HOLY SPIRIT, the Living Waters. REMEMBER THE LORD JUDGES TO CORRECT US AND TAKE US BACK TO MAKE THE New Covenant. He reveals the lies and the sin and iniquity, to remove it and not to destroy as HE PROMISED AND MADE A  Covenant WITH Noah, THAT BY HIS GRACE, … HE WILL SAVE ALL FLESH. THEREFORE AS PROVEN IN PREVIOUS WRITINGS , THE LORD HAS NOT POURED HIS SPIRIT ON ALL ‘FLESH’ YET IN ORDER TO GIVE LIFE ETERNAL. Therefore the waters of Noah are now the HOLY SPIRIT which will be poured on all flesh. That means all are flesh when THE SON of Man comes. And all are made flesh by these leader’s lies. And THE LORD reveals the lies with the liars so the people can be saved! THE LORD says such exalted ones will be humbled and they are the oaks, cedars and ships of Tarshish !

As in the days of Noah – Coming of The SON of MAN be… Pt 2

As in the days of Noah – Coming of The SON of MAN be… Pt 2

18th dec 2023


Would GOD create mankind if He was going to destroy them for ever? The judgment is the eternal death which is a curse for the sinners. But THE LORD, Himself died in order to give us Salvation from the curse of death. And in the days of Noah, THE LORD destroyed all physically to show His anger. And in our times, the church of GOD is killed SPIRITUALLY, making them blind to not to know Him and His words, but as in the days of Noah, THE LORD comes in order to open the blinded eyes and to reverse the curse. He saved a few people first to be His sons and Priesthood to preach Him to those who rejected Him and His words. He is called THE SAVIOUR, THE REDEEMER. Would He not save all? And redeem all? When Adam disobeyed and did not hear His voice, THE LORD cut the whole mankind off from Everlasting life. What is  Everlasting life? See if GOD did not curse Adam, the death was not in him. He is to go to dust means to lies as proven in previous writings. This is how all went to dust. But spiritually, dust means lies and it is not to believe in ONE GOD, but two or many and specially to not to know the FATHER as lusts are not of the FATHER. Then THE LORD comes as the Spirit and Truth, so we can know the truth and get rid of our lies and worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth as He seeks Joh. 4. Mankind did not know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD to receive  Everlasting life from HIm. And the SON of MAN comes to give us  Everlasting life, means to make us understand the true EVERLASTING FATHER is He, Himself. Therefore the whole mankind became liars and denied the ONLY GOD, The CREATOR and the FATHER and made other father for themselves. We proved the knowledge of GOD we did not have is that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the EVERLASTING FATHER. Then, He comes to reveal Himself as the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and the EVERLASTING FATHER to fulfil the  Covenant which He promised to Noah to save all flesh. See if you are born of Adam, you are born of flesh as the HOLY SPIRIT was cut off from him. But when we are born of The CREATOR, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD means we are born again as His sons and become of SPIRIT. The knowledge of GOD is given as the sea in His second coming means we must expect new truths and knowledge of GOD and we must be gathered to Him. That knowledge must cover the whole earth as the flood. As Noah, the whole mankind has found grace before THE LORD now, as He comes to save THE WHOLE MANKIND by HIS GRACE, after no one could have life on our own. That is why the Scripture is opened in the White Throne, to prove that all died without Him. CHRIST OUR LORD  gives life to us by HIS GRACE because when He comes all are flesh and spiritually dead. Those who serve Him now, found grace first in order to serve Him as Noah. therefore the SON of MAN is coming to pour HIS GRACE to fulfil the  Covenant He made with Noah to save all flesh. All are now flesh. But all flesh shall see Salvation. Luk. 3: 6. And some of the works of the SON of MAN , when He comes as in the days of Noah;-

As in the days of Noah – Coming of the SON of MAN be !

As in the days of Noah – Coming of the SON of MAN be !

27th Nov 2023

JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said, when He comes, it will be as in the days of Noah. The difference is NO ONE WILL DIE, BUT WILL LIVE as GOD made a  Covenant with all flesh and He will not destroy. (all are appointed to die once spiritually, without GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT, Heb.  9: 27, but at the same time, GOD promises to save ALL FLESH, who failed to receive HOLY SPIRIT, and will pour His SPIRIT on all flesh as well. Pouring His SPIRIT on all flesh means all will live. ‘Mat 24:37  But as the days of Noah were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.’. The SON of MAN comes to give life. Noah’s flood is a type which is to be fulfilled spiritually now. This includes the amazing fulfilment of the dove and the olive branch. Unless THE LORD does all things, 100% to save us, we have no way of saving ourselves. Noah means REST and comfort. And THE LORD comes to give us the rest and to comfort us as promised in Joh. 14- 16, The COMFORTER. He said to come to Him and He will give rest. As Noah’s flood gave physical rest to the whole humanity as they were killed, this time THE LORD comes to give the Spiritual rest from our labors, and from the curses which He cursed Adam and the whole mankind with. But as men are appointed to die once, Heb.  9: 27, spiritually without the HOLY SPIRIT, all will see that they were spiritually dead. But the SON of MAN has come to forgive and be our GOD. THE LORD comes to save us from this curse of death by giving Spiritual rain and water , a Spiritual flood to save all by His grace and TRUTH. Therefore all will be amazed when THE LORD comes as He comes unexpectedly, as none sought Him for life, but went after god the father. But HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER. Not knowing that, all are dead spiritually. Those who did not glorify Him as their GOD, the tribes, will not be able to stand before Him when He comes. The whole wickedness of mankind, will be destroyed. GOD of Noah is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Those who did not serve Him will be put to shame, but with that knowledge, they will be saved as well. This time it will be a Spiritual flood which leads to the White Throne to open the books or the Scripture to the whole world. So THE LORD comes for the prophesied Times of Refreshing, times of restitution, reformation and regeneration to forgive and give the whole truth, so all could be saved! .

Living Waters from the bellies of believers !

Living Waters from the bellies of believers !

28th sept 2023

For the Feast of Tabernacles 2023


Why does THE LORD call all to come and drink the Living Waters on the Last Great Day ? Joh. 7: 37-39, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will call all to come and drink the Living Waters or the HOLY SPIRIT, but from the bellies of the believers. Without the HOLY SPIRIT, no man can do anything we cannot even love GOD, or be born as a son of GOD. who are these believers and what have they believed? Why didn’t we receive the HOLY SPIRIT until now? HOLY SPIRIT makes us sons of GOD. He will plead with all FLESH and will overlook our sins and ignorance. HE HAS COME as The COMFORTER, the Spirit and Truth , the HOLY SPIRIT. What is the sign of His coming?