Drink from “The ROCK” to come out of spiritual Egypt and sea

GOD prophesied His people will have to be redeemed a SECOND time (Isa. 11: 9 – 11) from SPIRITUAL Egypt and Babylon. (Rev. 11: 8, 17, 17, Mic. 4: 10). That means they must come out of the sea also SPIRITUALLY. (I will bring back AGAIN from the depth of the sea. Psa 68:22). The churches of GOD became the wicked sea as they did not drink from "The ROCK" who gives the water but went after GOD the FATHER to get it, a GOD whom they have not seen nor heard. Spiritual Israel failed to drink from "The ROCK" (as proven in "Be Baptised") as they did not acknowledge "The ROCK" as their FATHER, because one must ask for the Holy SPIRIT from the FATHER. If two witnesses gives the SPIRIT , then we must go to Him to get it. Besides, He is the FATHER as proven in the above writing. Apostle Paul wrote;"The fathers ate and drank from CHRIST THE LORD, "The ROCK". "they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was CHRIST". (1 co 10: 1-4) By not going to "The ROCK", the people have sinned and are like the wicked sea. So from that wicked sea, The LORD must deliver them once again. Wicked means have inherited lies. In order to save from the sea of lies, the TRUTH must be given which is the true knowledge of GOD, as the sea. (Isa. 11: 9 – 11) When the knowledge of GOD is given, with The LORD opening the blinded eyes, they will come out of the wicked sea in to the sea of knowledge of GOD. The lies will be wiped out, the truth will set all free. Then, they must be baptised in to that sea and come out in order for GOD to accept them as sons. Unless you go to the FATHER who gives the Holy SPIRIT, and ask for it, He cannot give it to you. (Luk 11: 13). BUT, THE LEADERS DID NOT KNOW that their FATHER is "The ROCK" ! With that knowledge, which is given as the sea, all can come out PURIFIED as GOD's people. That is the Glorious Rest, the PROMISED LAND, and WHERE THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER IS GIVEN! The Glorious Rest is where the TRUE FATHER will be! And the FATHER is "The ROCK" who gives us spiritual drink!

Examine yourselves before Passover; Have you followed CHRIST as Paul? (1 co 11)

In order for the Passover to be fulfilled SPIRITUALLY, one must examine, to see if they HAVE FOLLOWED CHRIST THE LORD as Apostle Paul did ( 1 cor 11)and also if they have covered the head. According to Scripture, all the ministers have covered their head and have dishonored the head and have not followed the Head, Also the FATHER who begat them! Unless you have drunk from "The ROCK", and eat His flesh, WITH UNDERSTANDING that He Is your FATHER who begat, you are taking the Passover UNWORTHILY. Prove yourself and examine. Have you followed "The ROCK" who begets us and who gives the SPIRITUAL food and drink? Have you believed the HEAD of the man (if you are a man) is CHRIST THE LORD ? Or do you think it is GOD the FATHER, as the high priest has taught? If you agree with the high priest's teachings, then you are DISAGREEING with "The ROCK", the real FATHER's word and cannot Passover. Scripture says below, unless you know THE FATHER WHO BEGAT you, you will have no love of GOD, and are not brothers or of one family. Unless you believe in Him, you will not get Holy SPIRIT. If "The ROCK", is our FATHER who begat us, (Det 32:18), and if He gives the spiritual drink, (1 cor 10:4), unless if we go to Him, would we get the Holy SPIRIT? This is why, only on the last great day He calls all to come and drink from Him. That means ALL HUMANS, as no one went to "The ROCK" to get the SPIRIT , but to GOD the FATHER. ! So He pours out His SPIRIT as promised on all FLESH. The flesh means those who did not go to "The ROCK" to drink it, who failed to receive the SPIRIT! 'flesh" and "SPIRIT" are opposite of each other. Such could not be born again, as it is the Holy SPIRIT, the words of "The ROCK" , which begets us! If the Word of GOD says, one must drink from "The ROCK", and if they go to GOD the FATHER to get the drink, would they get it? So all the churches went to GOD the FATHER to get the drink. This is why, CHRIST THE LORD said on the last great day, He will give the Holy SPIRIT, BECAUSE NONE BELIEVED IN HIM AND WENT TO HIM, TO ASK FOR IT! He gives the Holy SPIRIT, according to Scripture.

Truth shall set you free from SPIRITUAL Egypt !

Revelation 11: 8 says, the last church is in Egypt SPIRITUALLY. GOD says they went to Egypt in their hearts. Then, it is from their HEARTS, they must come out, as Holy SPIRIT is given to our HEARTS (Gal. 4:6), and it cannot live, unless their hearts are purified. When The LORD said "REPENT" and "BELIEVE", what must we repent of? For our breaking the law? No ! Then, What DID WE NOT BELIEVE? Why did CHRIST THE LORD Have to die, to save us from the law? There is a mystery behind His death. That is because, we have sinned against "GOD " and no man is found worthy to intercede! (If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him?). As we have sinned against The LORD, the only way to save us is for The LORD to die for us!. And no high priest is worthy to intercede and GOD Had to die as HE IS WITHOUT SIN and lies! Scripture says ALL HAVE SINNED AGAINST GOD ! GOD, IS A SPIRIT. THEN YOU HAVE SINNED AGAINST THE SPIRIT !! the UN-pardonable sin !!! Then, could any man, even a high priest intreat on behalf of ALL MEN? How about for himself? No. So the JUDGE, HIMSELF HAD TO DIE! THIS IS WHY, He Has to DO THE WORK OF THE ADVOCATE, (1 Jn2:1), THE HIGH PRIEST, AND THE APOSTLE, (Heb 3:1) AND ALSO DO ALL OTHER THINGS, FULFILLED IN HIS MANY NAMES.! HE ALONE COULD BE THE MEDIATOR, AND PRAY ON OUR BEHALF AS THE HIGH PRIEST.! Our UNBELIEF, was the sin which we committed against GOD , making Him a liar ! (as there is no man that has NOT sinned) And the man committed the UN-pardonable sin as proven below. Our sin cannot be pardoned by another man's sacrifice as we have sinned against GOD !. So The LORD, Himself must intreat, and PAY THE PENALTY ALSO! The sin is By not believing in His words, we made HIM A LIAR. WE ACCUSED GOD AS A LIAR! How could any man pay that penalty of such a sin? THE "UNBELIEF" caused all to be cut off. Rom. 11: 20. This is why The LORD preached "REPENT AND BELIEVE". (Our UNBELIEF made Him a liar. That is what we must repent and then believe! ACCEPT HIS DEATH as "our" PENALTY.) As The LORD IS NOT A LIAR, we MUST ACCEPT THAT "WE" ARE THE LIARS! That is why HE HAD TO DIE ! The man BECAME A LIAR, A SINNER WHO HAS REJECTED THE WORDS OR THE SPIRIT OF GOD! When we do not believe The LORD, we err and become FLESH. (Gen 6:3). GOD cursed the man to death and to go to dust. Dust means NO TRUTH. (Psa 30:9). So ever since Adam, all had LIES. Simply, The LORD took away the breath of life as the Tree of Life is cut off until it is offered once again, after the judgment, after the penalty is paid and forgiven AND THE TRUTH is given to set free from the guilt. That is why, at the beginning of the new covenant, all will be forgiven, re-breathed, AVENGED, and given life! So The LORD, The JUDGE, Himself, ONLY could save us. That is how HE BECAME The Savior, "The Redeemer"!

what is the allegory of the word ‘FATHER’ in JOh 16: 25

What is the Allegory of the word "FATHER" in John 16:25? A questionnaire for all of us. Remember , your answers proves if you know or not and also to find the real FATHER ! Joh 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. }}}.."I shall" show you plainly of the FATHER". What does this really mean? "The time comes"', I shall show you the FATHER"??? It means He will reveal who is the FATHER, in another time.!

Glorifying the NAME of THE LORD!

CHRIST THE LORD brought many sons to glory, (Heb 2:10)so they would glorify Him (perfect) Him as the Author of salvation. That means to know and declare the NAME of THE LORD also. These children are HIS OWN HANDS" WORK. Isa 29:23. That means they are given salvation, and know their FATHER. Scripture says, "sons" glory is the FATHER. If CHRIST THE LORD Has brought these sons to glory, then the sons must glory the FATHER. Then, these children would be glorifying CHRIST THE LORD, because HE IS THE Author and The Finisher of Salvation! "The CREATOR" does all things according to His own purpose and He would not give HIS DUE GLORY TO ANY OTHER! Glorify means to know and understand His character. (Jer 9:24). GOD Has MANY names. He must fulfill each name for us to glorify all His names. For CHRIST THE LORD's glory, He called out some and gave all knowledge about Him, and fulfilled the character in each name so they can glorify them, including the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD so all can worship Him with ONE CONSENT. So this writing would prove how we glorify Him.! GOD called Israel out of Egypt to be His people to PLACE HIS NAME on them and on the Tabernacle as well. The temple of The LORD now are the HEARTS (or foreheads) of the believers. This is why the believers (those who preach the Everlasting gospel, about their FATHER,) have their FATHER's name written on their foreheads. (Rev 14). The HOLY SPIRIT is given to our hearts. LORD's name has been a secret even to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Exo. 6:3). But with the knowledge of GOD, the mystery of GOD given at His second coming spiritually, (Isa 11:9-11)He gave the knowledge about His other names also, FULFILLING them, at the turning off the judgments(Zeph 3: 9-15). Unless we BLESS, (Mat. 23:39) praise, thank and call upon that name, no one can see Him, or be His people or the temple. GOD prophesied, when the new covenant is made, they will all KNOW Him. Then, before the new covenant is made, all these things must be fulfilled and made known. Unless we know the NAME of THE LORD, we cannot serve Him with one consent; no one can receive salvation or everlasting life. To know Him means to have everlasting life. Joh 17: 3. This writing proves how GOD fulfills His names, and who would declare His name etc. These ARE THE MYSTERIES OF CHRIST! We must give glory to the ONE and ONLY GOD, our EVERLASTING FATHER ! Who ever glories CHRIST THE LORD, are GOD's true sons!

Work of the Cherubs and MERCY seat are done by CHRIST and the children

Apostle Paul could not talk about The work of the cherubs, and the work of the Holies, in his time. But why did he write about that work if it does not mean anything to us or have an end time fulfillment? Every part of the temple must SPIRITUALLY be fulfilled and the New Temple foundation should be laid for CHRIST THE LORD to come and be with us. The first Tabernacle falls, the Holies will be established by GRACE OF GOD. Those who work with CHRIST THE LORD, in the Holies are CALLED BY HIS GRACE, AND THAT IS NOT MADE WITH HANDS. BUT BY The LORD'S HANDS. ALL DONE BY GODS" GRACE TO RASIE THE PEOPLE UP and ALL OFFICES ARE PREPLANNED BY GOD TO BE GIVEN. No one's law keeping or righteousness will get them to be with CHRIST THE LORD, but BY HIS MERCY He calls, justifies, sanctifies, those whom He prepared. The mercy seat's work is needed after all died of having sinned, as it is the THRONE OF "MERCY" which is needed after our spiritual death as we are appointed (heb 9:27). As the Levitical ministry failed, THE FIRST Tabernacle FALLEN AND THEN THE SECOND ONE WHERE THE Ark of Covenant IS, MUST FULFILL IT'S WORK AS WELL to raise up the fallen one. This is when CHRIST THE LORD's shed blood forgives. In order to do that, CHRIST THE LORD Is prophesied to come as the High Priest and the Apostle. That means the cherub's work also must be fulfilled as that is where GOD will give mercy to all to be accepted. So Apostle Paul could not talk about it "THEN", but now we know it is fulfilled as The LORD Has come to do that.

Law is an idol; caused all to commit fornication, puffed up in pride. (strangled blood etc)

Any one comes under the law HAVE THE "CURSE OF DEATH". And they cannot receive the TRUTH or the SPIRIT of CHRIST. In order to be married, The LORD wants the wife to die first as she is bound to the law. (Rom 7:1). Since the law is not a being, law was her idol. If not, GOD would not require her to die. This means she has spiritually fornicated. Law gave false knowledge to seek righteousness, life and the righteous character by it. False knowledge, according to Scripture PUFFS UP one and kills. But the Love of GOD or charity gives the truth to save.! That means gives pride, and speak against The LORD and His Word. If you speak against the knowledge of GOD, you exalt yourselves. 2 cor 10:5-6. Such should be avenged by those who obeyed CHRIST THE LORD, by the flaming sword, 2Thes 1:8. Such have the blindness from The LORD to think they are right and to preach falsely. Then false knowledge KILLS and they become blood guilty. Such are murderers. And it causes one to NOT worship THE One and only True GOD, but the law. Therefore, it causes one to commit spiritual fornication. THEY CANNOT RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. Then, they are flesh and blood. Any teaching NOT ACCORDING TO Scripture, come from one's own mind which is deceitful above all things which kills and causes to puff up. That is why GOD calls the law "a serpent". It blinds one to the truth to know CHRIST THE LORD, and His wrath comes on such to even further blind them. ( Dan 11: 36 Isa 9:19). Therefore, they served the law, they feared and were under bondage of the law and could not serve The LORD. False knowledge will cause one to execute false judgments and such cannot have charity. But Scripture says "though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity,(agape love) I am nothing". AGAPE LOVE, comes only by The LORD and The LORD would not give to anyone who PUFFS UP in knowledge who teaches falsely.

LET MY PEOPLE GO! Come out of Egypt spiritually (Rev 11:8) from the bondage of the spiritual Pharaoh !

Scripture prophesies there is a SECOND exodus and The LORD must redeem them ONCE AGAIN AT HIS SECOND COMING. (Isa 11: 9-11). We know the Laodicean era is SPIRITUALLY blind. That means they are spiritually in Egypt and the Day of The LORD begins, to expose them and bring them back out of Egypt once again. Rev 11:8.."the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." . The LORD was crucified by His own wife and people in Jerusalem. That is the great city which is now has gone back to Egypt not having the SPIRIT. How would The LORD bring them back? And WHY ARE THEY SPIRITUALLY IN Egypt NOW? If they are in Egypt spiritually, then the spiritual leader is Pharaoh whose HEART needs to be cleansed to receive the SPIRIT. Unless one understands this, they cannot Passover from physical to spiritual! We will prove from this short writing, that all have not gone to CHRIST who is the SPIRIT ( 2 cor 3: 17), to receive His WORDS which is also the SPIRIT ( Joh 6:63) and that is why they are spiritually in Egypt. When we understand that, we can come out of Egypt spiritually, having our hearts sprinkled with water the words of CHRIST and be with the GOD who created us for ever !

Lo Children are a gift of GOD! I, CHRIST and My children pt. 1

Scripture says the children are a gift of GOD. Who are these children? "Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given "Me" are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts'. LORD of HOSTS is CHRIST THE LORD. So IT WILL BE 'CHRIST" AND HIS OWN CHILDREN WHO WILL BE A SIGN AND A WONDER IN Israel. But HIS OWN has another FATHER called 'GOD The FATHER' whom they worship (Joh 8:54). Even the last era worships GOD The FATHER. Then, He prophesied He would ADOPT children to Him, (as Mr. Leap wrote about 'RUTH' being grafted) when He comes the SECOND TIME to HARVEST. "Having predestinated us unto the "adoption" of children "by Jesus CHRIST" to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will ". Scripture says He will BE FOUND BY NO PEOPLE. That is the "I AND THE CHILDREN" in Isa 8:18. So "CHRIST" is their FATHER. (Isa 63:16, 9:6). He came the second time to Gentiles, who are to be ADOPTED as He preplanned. (Isa 11:9-11) Scripture prophesies the "LORD of HOSTS", will be exalted only in judgment by HIS OWN CHILDREN. They will sanctify, perfect His praises and glorify Him. His name will be magnified BEYOND the border of Israel. (Mal 1:5).This happens in the last hour. At that time, GOD revealed secrets to the little children. They will perfect His praises to sanctify and exalt Him. That is why the Scripture says "out of the mouth of the babes the praise is perfected". To these babes, CHRIST comes the second time to reveal all things about GOD and GODHEAD and He, Himself will teach them. This sign of CHRIST and His children are to be made known in Israel, as they stumbled on Him as the same chapter, v 14 says. "a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel". 1 Pe 2:8 says, they STUMBLE at the Word also. All these happen in the last hour as CHRIST said, humbled will be exalted etc. This sign proves, that one should be the children of "The LORD of Hosts ", who is CHRIST. ! Scripture also says, the "MINISTRY" is a gift from GOD. These little children are made CHRIST's OWN MINISTRY. Then, they are ; "lo children are a gift of GOD". Ministry is to inherit CHRIST and CHRIST is to inherit the firstfruits. Here's a quote from Mr. Leap's "RUTH" article. "Ruth was not only grafted into the nation, she was elevated to royal status. .. It is His desire to give all human beings, which choose to follow Him, the royal status of being His own sons and daughters". So Ruth was GRAFTED and became ROYALTY. How about these ADOPTED SONS BY "THE ROYAL, KING AND THE LORD OF LORDS? As Ruth was LOYAL, these Gentiles also follows her example by being loyal to their FATHER and Husband! Israel; you worship and accept GOD The FATHER as your GOD, but we worship CHRIST and accept Him as our FATHER. Will see who is the real FATHER" THE EVERLASTING FATHER. (Isa 9:6)

Gift of GOD pt 2- ‘The CREATOR’s first fruits are offered- Pentecost 2014

One must be The CREATOR's offspring to be a first fruit. "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision has any strength nor uncircumcision, but a new creation." And Scripture says, for CHRIST's MERCY, the Gentiles will be taken for "HIS" name before Israel who are the vessels of wrath, who needs to be passed under the rod of men and to be trodden down. HWA quoted the following in "GOD's Holyday's book, "God has not cast away His people, Israel. But He blinded them for a temporary period of time so that through their fall, salvation came to the Gentiles, who, through Christ, are individually grafted in, or spiritually adopted into, the family of Israel (Romans 11). That is the Day of The LORD, the Times of Gentiles. And it is those who worship The CREATOR, who will be the first fruits. He calls according to His own will and make them HIS FIRST FRUITS and offer them as the wave offering which is pictured by the two loaves, as the "MINISTRY" is to be waved at, to be accepted.