All those who DID NOT come to CHRIST the LORD are condemned, by the queen of South as The LORD said!
"There is NO CONDEMNATION" to those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (Rom. 8). That means those who did not come to HIM ARE CONDEMNED. the condemnation is NOT COMING TO HIM! And The LORD said, it is the queen of south and the men of Niniveh who will CONDEMN those who did not come to Him, as they came to meet more greater than king Solomon, who is Himself, but in judgment. Such even failed to receive the wisdom of GOD as it comes from HIM! In many of our writings, we have proven according to scripture, that The CREATOR is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. He Is the FATHER, as well as The Son, The Husband, and all the names of GOD are fulfilled by Him. Scripture proves The ROCK or CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR was the GOD who gave the law and entered in to the Covenant with Israel. He says there was no other GOD, besides Him. But His wife, forsook Him and went to GOD the Father to get the spiritual drink and meat, when it comes from CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK. 1 cor 10:3-4. ( Deut. 32; 6, 12, 15, 18), This letter proves from the Word of GOD , that one should worship "The CREATOR", JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not any other! And to condemn those who did not fear and worship "The CREATOR", according to the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14:6-7. "the everlasting gospel ." Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. This gospel is to fear and worship The CREATOR, who is CHRIST the LORD. That proves, until such time, earth has not done so. This gospel is preached during "JUDGMENTS", to worship The CREATOR or The MAKER. Those who worshiped GOD the Father are condemned. John 8:54. This is why they should be judged and preached this gospel, as they are dead. 1 Pet. 4:6, so they can seek Him. Psa. 78:34-35. These scripture proves if you do not come to CHRIST, you are condemned. And The LORD said the men of Niniveh, (few from Israel who believed and repented) and the queen of south (gentiles) will arise in judgment to condemn those who DID NOT BELIEVE THIS GOSPEL! And condemnation, judgment and preaching of the Everlasting gospel is done at the same time, because the sin is exposed, vengeance is taken and judgments are to give light to accept. (Hos. 6:5). We are to be sons to The Most High. Psa. 82:6. Then, He is the FATHER. we are to be sons to The Almighty, who is CHRIST. 2 cor 6:16-19. Then, He Is the FATHER. We are to honor and fear The LORD of HOSTS as the FATHER Mal. 1:6. Then, The LORD of HOSTS who is CHRIST, is the FATHER. Then, we are to be the offspring of "The CREATOR", (Acts. 17), then He is the FATHER. The ROCK who is CHRIST, begat us. Deut 32:18. Then, He is the FATHER. ! And it is The LORD of HOSTS's zeal, which sent all including the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. Isa. 9:6-7. That is The LORD of HOSTS , who is CHRIST the LORD.! Then, HE IS THE FATHER, and we must be HIS SONS.! If not, you are condemned. PROVE ALL THINGS!