Peace pt 3- “MERCY and knowledge of GOD are desired to bring peace, more than offerings”
Lack of knowledge of "JESUS CHRIST the LORD", caused all the people to go in to captivity and not fear the true GOD. And then all are to die Spiritually , as sinning against The CREATOR means the unpardonable sin as proven in previous writings. Then, by MERCY , The LORD gives the true knowledge of GOD , the law of TRUTH will be magnified, in order to give life! Why did all die? What knowledge did we lack? It is not our offerings or sacrifices which GOD wants, they are a shadow of things to come, but HE WANTS A TRUE, REPENTANT , BROKEN HEART as a sacrifice as king David had in order to become alive once again.! Can our sacrifices give us life? BUT The LORD'S MERCY WILL! It is The CREATOR, we should worship and fear. He is the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Husband. (Isa. 9:6, Jer. 3:19). We proved Levi feared The LORD of HOSTS, who was known as "The ROCK", when entered in to the Covenant. But when we come for the book of Malachi to be fulfilled, and the Laodicean era, all worship GOD the Father, and two gods. And all sought the law of Moses (graven image) to get life and not the true GOD who gives life, SPIRIT and peace, who is The CREATOR! But Until the judgment, The CREATOR was not worshiped, no knees bow down to Him or confessed, THAT HE IS The LORD! If the peace and life comes from The CREATOR, then we must worship and fear Him, to get them! So this is the knowledge of GOD which they lacked which the teachers did not preach and made The CREATOR angry and He came to the foolish nation, who are the base and weak ones, and the gentiles, to arouse the wife to jealousy, and opening their eyes, while closing the eyes of the wise who saw. John 9:39. The Levitical ministry worked all these years sacrificing to GOD the Father, and served the law ( Rom.7), and did not keep A SINGLE Sabbath IN HONOR OF The LORD of Sabbath. so their sacrifices did not save them, but brought death. So unless The CREATOR's mercy is given, and unless by mercy the TRUE knowledge of GOD is given, no one will have peace, but a sword and divisions as proven in the first part. The LORD PROPHESIED FROM THE FAILURE TO EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, AND TO OFFERING IT AGAIN, after the judgments! In His mercy, HE GIVES THE TRUTH to save. The Comforter, who is the Spirit and Truth is come, in order to wipe out lies to get rid of the gods who have not created. Jer. 10:11. So this part will continue to prove that one should fear The ROCK, The LORD of HOSTS , who is CHRIST the LORD and honor Him as the FATHER. This writing would prove how Israel died to the law of Moses, and how they will be made alive by the law of TRUTH, giving life and peace! And Israel had the law of Moses, according to their Covenant, but Levi did not have the law of Moses when he destroyed those who worshiped the calf, but he FEARED GOD. So fear of GOD, is the beginning of wisdom. And gentiles, in His second coming given the knowledge of GOD , The law of TRUTH AND THEY BELIEVED. That is how two sons of Abraham fulfilled their roles Spiritually. So we must have a broken SPIRIT, a true humble SPIRIT to come before The LORD to plead for His mercy, than our sacrifices. !