GOD’s enemies part 3- Law of Moses is a curse

Law, is a curse which takes one under the oath to keep it wholly, If not, it brings death. Here is what the scripture says when you come under the law. "and entered into a curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's law, which was given by Moses"..So when someone enters in to the Covenant of the "LAW OF MOSES", one enters in to the curse! Scripture, itself calls the law of Moses a "CURSE"!! Therefore, when one enters in to the law, they actually enter in to a CURSE because the law is not meant to be kept by anyone which is to justify, but TO DEATH!. That is why they enter in to a CURSE. That is why no one could come to CHRIST the LORD, which means the end of the law is to bring us to Him. and also why Heb. 7 says not even a high priest was made perfect by it and needs to be changed. Unless a change is made in this OATH OF THE LAW, the CURSE which brings death cannot be escaped. So the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who are the enemies of The LORD , never preach that when they preach to keep the law,  they are causing the people to enter in to a CURSE.! They, themselves are cursed but they always judge others and curse others whom The LORD has not cursed or brought under the law ! This is why the scripture says, Israel have partaken DEATH the devil! (Heb. 2:14). which The LORD calls the devil and are under bondage. So Israel's Covenant takes them to the curse of death. And those who preach to keep it are causing the people to come under the curse of death. They are the sons of the devil, the death. To think even one can keep the law, such ones exalt themselves against The LORD , and His words, the Spirit and sin against the Holy Spirit, as His words are Spirit. Also the truth. So for this reason, they could not receive the Holy Spirit or words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and lie. Therefore, think before you preach to keep the law! Because of the law, they turned away from the truth which only The LORD can justify us, and started to lie by thinking that they can keep it and be justified. ! So just as Adam was a liar and would not obey The LORD, all Israel too did not obey The LORD but looked for a graven image to give them life! So by trying to keep the law is like trying to live by Spirit as the law is spiritual. The man, the dust, a beast is trying to live by the Spirit. ! Or become Spirit beings by keeping the law! It is impossible according to the Word of GOD ! That is rebellion against GOD! The three lusts prove we are CARNAL! Can a PHYSICAL man live like a SPIRITUAL GOD ?

Keep My Commandments _ enemies pt 4

Rev 22:14- 15 Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. CHRIST the LORD's commandments are HIS EVERY WORD WHICH COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH.! But at this time, both Covenants are fulfilled. To Israel, the law of Moses which bring wrath and death. Then to gentiles, the PROMISE of the FATHER, by BELIEF AND FAITH.! What commandments would cause you to EAT FROM THE Tree of Life? Where is the Tree of Life now? Scripture says a WHOLESOME tongue, is a Tree of Life. Then are we supposed to eat a wholesome tongue? What and Where is the wholesome tongue? Could either Covenant, the LORD made with Abraham give you a wholesome tongue? Israel is given the law of Moses under their Covenant, and gentiles are given faith under their Covenant, but both Israel and gentiles failed in the law and in faith. Rom.11: 20, 1 Tim. 4:1-5. Even the two witnesses who stood before GOD are to die. Rev. 11:7. That means there will be NO Spirit to anyone and total spiritual darkness came on the world. First understand no one was found to have kept The LORD's commandments or the law of Moses! Then, understand the time frame of the Tree of Life is offered. To eat from the Tree of Life, first The LORD must reveal why ALL FAILED TO EAT FROM IT FIRST! If GOD had given just one person His Spirit, and if that person could live by own understanding or own law keeping GOD must give life to that person only. Righteousness or justification cannot come by the law, but by JESUS CHRIST the LORD only. None could become a believer. GOD called Apostle Paul, by grace. Same way GOD prepared His priesthood, calling them OUT OF THIS DARKNESS OF SPIRITUAL DEATH to be His ministry. 1 Pet. 2:1-10. They are not GOD's people, but gentiles. They are SANCTIFIED to believe the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2:13. They were prepared for this ministry even before the foundation of the world. Their names are written in heaven, while Zion is cast down. Lam 2:1. But they are hidden from all until the time comes to appear. Col. 3: 1-4. They BELIEVED as The LORD prepared them to believe to save all. They are given a wholesome tongue. Out of their bellies, the Living Waters will flow, giving the Holy Spirit and everlasting life. John 7:36-39, John 4:14. Until such time, no one will know who they are. Therefore, this verse must be fulfilled when the NEW CREATION OR THE NEW COVENANT IS TO BE MADE. And at this time, the commandment for the DEAD, are to REPENT , understanding why THEY DIED! They are to humble before GOD as they are high and lofty, and repent! There are many commandments of The LORD . Then understand ALL are "Spiritually" dead. That is what it means the Laodicea era. But The LORD killed all in order to seek Him. Psa. 78:34-35. Then, understanding they are Spiritually dead, one must go to CHRIST the LORD, to get life. and all must understand that they could not be justified by the law. Act 13: 38-39. BUT BELIEVING IN CHRIST the LORD'S NAME, could be justified. In fact, THAT IS THE ONLY WAY. And then, to DEAD, the commandment of The LORD is to be JUSTIFIED FIRST, By BELIEVING IN HIS NAME! (means much more than believing the name). Then, The LORD will bring you to eat from the Tree of Life! When your sins are forgiven, The LORD will show you how to keep HIS COMMANDMENTS. !

Promised land

What is the Promised land ? When would The LORD bring us to the true Promised land where the end of our journey on this earth? Who would enter in to the Promised land first? Why could not Israel enter in to it until now? Why are they once again in the wilderness? And in which sea would they come out now? The promise, is the Holy Spirit. And where the FATHER and The Son are. GOD Is a Spirit, and we must worship Him in Spirit. JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, His own will NOT WORSHIP HIM IN Spirit. ( John 4). Then again, He said TRUE WORSHIPERS WILL WORSHIP HIM IN Spirit AND TRUTH. That means where ever the Spirit and the Truth is,  THE TRUE GOD IS WORSHIPPED WITH Spirit AND TRUTH, by the TRUE WORSHIPERS. That is the Promised land, WHERE THE TRUE GOD AND HIS Spirit are. That means WHERE The LORD WHO IS THE SPIRIT IS,  AND WHERE The LORD WHO IS THE TRUTH IS, and where The Spirit of The LORD Is ! If JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the Spirit (2 Co 3:17), and His words are Spirit ( John 6:63), and HE IS THE TRUTH, and His words are the TRUTH, then where ever HE IS ( JESUS CHRIST the LORD ) and where He offers the Spirit and the truth, is where the Promised land is. One must be set free from the power of satan , in order to enter in to the Promised land. That is because, satan keeps the people from knowing the truth as he lies. All these years, the devil kept teaching false doctrines about GODHEAD and took all the people under bondage. That is because they trusted in their own righteousness by the law. Law works wrath. Wrath makes one blind. Isa. 9:19. The law could not make anyone righteous, which means no life, but death. BUT WHY CANT THE LAW GIVES YOU RIGHTEOUSNESS? (see below) So those who are under the law, did not have the truth, CHRIST the LORD or His words to live. THAT MEANS THEY FAILED TO RECEIVE THE Holy Spirit or The LORD, or the truth to be set free. So The LORD must give the TRUTH to set all free so all can enter in to it. But the devil is working through the enemies of The LORD , who are the high and lofty ones who will be destroyed. They send a wicked lying sea. But, one must be baptized in to the sea which The ROCK sends. And you will see.. those who entered in to the Promised land first, will destroy the works of the devil, in order set all free. That is why on the Last Great Day, The LORD will call all to drink from the bellies of the BELIEVERS , the Holy Spirit. These believers were set free by The LORD who is the TRUTH and by His words which is the truth also. And Israel must come out of the EVIL, WICKED LYING SEA and must be baptized in to the sea where The ROCK sends the true knowledge of GOD , His words and His truth.! Please read "Promise of the FATHER".

why cant we get righteousness from the law

The SIN came from Adam. And the law was given to condemn that sin. So when the law was given, all humans WERE SINNERS already. And that is the sin which we need justification from! Sinning against the GOD who is the SPIRIT, is the unpardonable sin. And then the law is given to prove one's unpardonable sin and to condemn to death! So could the law, coming after two thousand years ( at least) give righteousness to ALREADY SINNERS? Unless they are JUSTIFIED FROM THE SIN THEY ALREADY HAVE? That is the whole purpose of the law, to condemn the sinners! ALL ARE CONDEMNED TO DEATH! So can you get righteousness out of the law when you have Adam's sin and death in you already? Law came to measure that sin, WHICH IS IN MAN, ALREADY! Adam's SIN WAS UNBELIEF. He did not believe The LORD who is the SPIRIT. That is HOLY SPIRIT! Sinning against HOLY SPIRIT is the unpardonable sin! Just imagine, Adam made THE HOLY SPIRIT, A LIAR!!!! AND WE ARE BORN WITH THAT SIN! Adam DID NOT BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT! That is why Israel is cut off as well. Rom. 11:20. We proved that is the unpardonable sin, Came FROM ADAM. That made him PROUD and EXALT AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD ! "God concluded all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all. The LORD has condemned all as UN- BELIEVERS!!! So the law is given to expose that UNBELIEF! Why did The LORD say "repent and believe"? Even the law keepers must BELIEVE to be justified. Acts. 13: 38-39. That proves they are NOT JUSTIFIED, because of the UNBELIEF! Unbelief made GOD A LIAR! THAT IS THE OFFENSE MAN DID AGAINST GOD! Then GOD Had to prove it is HE IS NOT THE LIAR, BUT THE MAN! THEN, WHEN REVEALED, MAN MUST UNDERSTAND HIS ERROR AND THAT HE IS THE LIAR AND NOT GOD! THAT IS TO BELIEVE HIM! since you have NOT BELIEVED HIM ALREADY, REPENT AND BELIEVE! The LORD PROVES Adam did not believe, (ATE FROM THE FORBIDDEN TREE)neither did Israel. (BROKEN LAW AND Covenant AND NOT WORSHIPING THE TRUE GOD). Both rejected The CREATOR"s words! THEN, The LORD APPOINTED THE MAN TO GO ASTRAY TO PROVE HIM, (John 7:51)THAT HE IS THE LIAR, HE IS THE SINNER, HE IS THE MURDERER AND HE IS A BEAST WHICH WILL DIE, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. So THE SCRIPTURE PROVES, THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW , ARE THE BEASTS. ! GOD knows the man is a beast. But the man , in his pride did not know. So the law is given to make them understand, they are beasts, without understanding, when they PREACH THE LAW TO GET LIFE OR RIGHTEOUSNESS , when they are already have the unpardonable sin in them. ! "Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?". So the law is given to HEAR what the man has to say when he is JUDGED and know what HE HAS DONE! the matter of sons of men, that God might reveal them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts, For that which happens to the sons of men also happens to beasts, even one thing happens to them. As this one dies, so that one dies; yea, they all have one breath; so that a man has no advantage over a beast; for all is vanity. In order to prove that man is a beast, The LORD gave the law as you will see. because, THE MAN WAS A SINNER, A LIAR, A MURDERER ALREADY, WHEN THE LAW IS GIVEN TO PROVE SO. ! And as men are beasts, they looked for righteousness out of what The LORD gave to condemn them as beasts!!!! So now, The LORD, Has proved that man cannot live on HIS OWN. And that he is a beast and are condemned to death! But seek Him to live. Psa. 78:34-35.

Temple destroyed as none believed to Exalt JESUS CHRIST the LORD to be gathered!

The ROCK, who is CHRIST the LORD gave the LAW OF SABBATH, to worship Him and identify Him as THE LORD OF SABBATH! But none worshiped Him even though they kept Sabbath FOR OVER 4,000 YEARS! NO ONE UNDERSTOOD THAT WE MUST BE GATHERED TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of Sabbath, AND WORSHIP AND FEAR HIM, The CREATOR. (REV 14:6-7). King David built his house to honor The LORD of HOSTS , WHO IS ALSO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of Sabbath.! Then, would the temple stand, when they failed to honor CHRIST the LORD? John 3 says we must lift up The Son of GOD, (TO BE GATHERED TO HIM) and not the serpent which Moses lifted up. What is the spiritual fulfillment of Moses lifting up the serpent? What is the connection between Moses, serpent and not lifting up The LORD ? The LORD says in John 12:32, when HE IS LIFTED UP, ALL WILL BE GATHERED TO HIM and in JUDGMENT! This means no one has lifted up The LORD until the judgment, beginning from Moses lifting up the serpent, because no one is gathered to CHRIST the LORD! Israel's, harvest failed, not being gathered and THE KING LEFT. Jer. 8:19-20, and the wife is STILL TO BE GRANTED TO WEAR FINE LINEN. That proves, they too have lifted up the serpent of Moses, and not The LORD! That is why the judgment came! After the judgment, the wife of CHRIST The LORD will be granted to wear fine linen or be given righteousness of GOD! She does not have the covering and is naked, as she failed to get the covering from The LORD's SPIRIT. (Isa. 30:1). None was saved but are scattered (Jam 1:1). The LORD said "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up". The fact that CHRIST the LORD was not exalted, means all have been lifting up the serpent! And why did The LORD cut off Israel? For UNBELIEF! Rom 11:20. Then, when they BELIEVE (what it means to believe Him, is explained below) they will be accepted again. And since they did not believe, The LORD's gospel to Israel is "REPENT and BELIEVE"!!! Mar 1:15. This scripture proves, no one was gathered by CHRIST the LORD.'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem," how often would I HAVE GATHERED thy children together', ye would not!… your house is left unto you desolate. " I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. ". Who would say this to Jerusalem "BLESSED IS HE THAT COMES IN THE Name of THE LORD"? But, some have ALREADY RECEIVED THE CLEAR LIP TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD, AND HAVE BLESSED HIM, to turn off the judgments! (Zep 3:9-15). ALSO, THEY HAVE EXALTED OR LIFTED UP CHRIST the LORD! So The LORD could now come to Jerusalem, to gather all ! Prove all things! This month, we fast as The LORD said, the fast of the 5th month about the total destruction of the temple or desolated Jerusalem. Zech. 8:19. When you understand that you are not gathered to "The CREATOR", nor worshiped or feared Him, (Rev. 14:6-7, Mal. 1:6), you are given this truth by The LORD, causing you to repent and believe and call on Him to be gathered. Psa. 78:34-35! Understand the seriousness of not believing The LORD. When we do not believe Him, we make Him a liar. Then, since lies come from the serpent or the devil,we make HIM A devil or a serpent!

Fast of the 5Th month- Destruction of the SPIRITUAL temple- caused by the prophet, the fox! – Message from The LORD to that fox! 12 aug 2016

Jews fast in the 5th month to remember the destruction of BOTH TEMPLES which were destroyed on the SAME DAY. Now, it is the church, which is the Tabernacle of King David, or Zion. But that too is prophesied be destroyed, because of the last prophet who is a fox, would desolate it. A TOTAL DESTRUCTION (Spiritually) is prophesied. THE Tabernacle of David WAS BUILT TO HONOR AND WORSHIP The "LORD of HOSTS" WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, BUT ALL WORSHIPED GOD the Father. John 8:54. Then, would it stand, when you honor another god, instead of honoring the GOD to whom it was built? The LORD said to go and tell that fox that He will be perfected. WHO IS THIS FOX? and said Jerusalem would not be gathered, and the GOD's house will be desolated, and will not see HIM, until HE IS BLESSED. Luk. 13: 32-35. And Jerusalem or Zion, is a PERPETUAL DESOLATION. Psa. 74. Isa 6 proves "until the cities are desolated", their eyes were blinded, and GOD DID NOT WANT THEM TO BE CONVERTED, or healed or to know the truth until the Times of Refreshing. So during the Laodicea era, all are already fallen. But The LORD's mercy and Truth will build it again. The LORD and king David, prophesied that one day the Tabernacle of David will FALL. Laodicea era means no spiritual revelation. Sun is prophesied to go down on prophets in the last era. (Micah 3:6). That is why the last high priest would not even know The LORD's VISITAION. Hos. 9:7, and not even ONE STONE will be left upon another. Luk. 19:44. And when the two witnesses were treading down, they would not know as they are Spiritually blind. The two witnesses condemned all those who broke the law, who are of the Tabernacle of David, to death and they, themselves are to die. Rev.11: 18-19 says, the Ark of the Covenant is seen in HEAVEN, and it is time to JUDGE, the DEAD. Ark is seen in HEAVEN means The LORD will do the works of the mercy seat, to raise the dead up! So all are appointed to die once. Heb. 9:26-28. And then, The LORD will overlook the ignorance in man, and Is prophesied to come on the times of Refreshing, to RE-BREATH or to pour the HOLY SPIRIT on all "FLESH". Luk. 3:6, that means when The LORD comes, ALL ARE FLESH ! And The LORD saves all by HIS MERCY and not because of any one's works. ! Therefore, we tell the fox, who desolated Zion (Lam 5:18), that The LORD Had said " Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected". So The LORD must cast out devils , and heal all, so HE COULD BE PERFECTED ! This time, GOD's enemies, the high and lofty ones, the devil, death, dragon, the accuser, serpent and all evil ones will have their evilness destroyed and salvation will be given from such enemies. Luk. 1: 68-75 ! The Tabernacle fell, because there was no TRUTH, the SPIRIT or knowledge of GOD in it. ( the final falling away). So the PRESENT TEMPLE also is prophesied to fall.

“Wisdom is justified of her children” Luk. 7:35

This prophecy is fulfilled "now" as we shall prove! "Justify" means to prove to be right. How do we prove GOD's wisdom to be right? Adam, did not believe GOD. Neither did Israel. Rom.11:20. Unbelief means GOD's words, (wisdom) are proven to be wrong! THAT IS THE OFFENSE Adam and Thereafter all men committed against GOD which needs to be REPENTED of! That is why The LORD said to Israel, "REPENT AND BELIEVE". In that, Adam and all, made GOD a liar and GOD'S WISDOM WAS REJECTED and NOT JUSTIFIED! And justifying HIS WISDOM MEANS EXALTING HIM ONLY and understanding our foolishness. That causes one to repent and WONDER THE MIGHTY POWER OF GOD and FEAR AND WORSHIP HIM and GIVE HIS DUE GLORY to Him, by humbling ourselves! That proves our HUMILITY! GOD loves such character! If they believed, they would have received everlasting life! believe in THE SON is the works of The LORD. THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN THE SON, JUSTIFIED The LORD'S WISDOM, BECAUSE IT SAYS EVERLASTING LIFE IS IN THE SON! And in this scripture, The LORD SAYS, the wisdom is justified of her "CHILDREN"! Who are these "CHILDREN"? Then, these children must have believed The Son and also feared ! Scripture says the wisdom of the wise perished in the end. That means they could not have proven the wisdom of GOD to be right. So none of the wise (Levitical ministry) could justify it. How can they justify GOD's wisdom? The LORD hardened the hearts from His fear also ( Isa. 63: 17) and caused all to ERR. (John 12:40, Isa. 6, Eze. 12, etc). No one believed The LORD. If they had wisdom and knew The LORD of glory, they would not have crucified Him. If the Laodiceans or the wife of CHRIST The LORD who turned as an enemy of The LORD knew Him, they would not be naked, nor be the enemy! If they had known the wisdom, they would know, the Everlasting FATHER is ALSO The Son. (Isa. 9:6-7). And The Husband is also the FATHER. (Jer. 3:19). That means there is ONLY ONE GOD, ONE FATHER, ONE CREATOR. (Mal. 2: 10-11). Rev. 14: 6-7 preaches the Everlasting gospel, to FEAR The CREATOR, who is The Son and CHRIST the LORD! So the wisdom of GOD was not known by any, as no one knew Him. Everlasting life is in the wisdom of GOD. Not believing it means The LORD and His wisdom was made liars, and foolish. That is an offense against The LORD. But The LORD's words says man is foolish, and is a beast without understanding, and specially the last high priest is a fool and mad and would not even know The LORD's VISITATION. Hos. 9:7. So The LORD, HIMSELF predestinated some from Israel and gentiles, to be with Him, in His SECOND coming, and anointed them to justify Him and His words. (scripture below). So this conflict was going on until these children feared ( Isa. 29:23) believed Him and His words, JUSTIFYING HIM and His wisdom.! That is the work of The LORD's own hands! So it must be fulfilled. ! As many RECEIVED HIM, they are the SONS OF GOD! Even the Everlasting gospel is preached by those who have their FATHER'S NAME on them. Rev. 14. So it is The CREATOR's own children, who received Him and His wisdom, who justify His wisdom or PROVE TO BE RIGHT!

Accept the punishment of your iniquity: (Lev 26:25) The VENGEANCE OF THE COVENANT! 12 years after The LORD stuck the wife! 5th sept 2016

When GOD gave the law of Moses, it came with BLESSINGS and CURSING. The LORD said, if the Covenant is broken, the CHARGE OF THE Sanctuary IS NOT KEPT, the whole land will be desolated, not even one stone will be left upon another, and instead of Life, DEATH. BUT THOSE IN THE Sanctuary, WILL NOT SEE IT IS DESOLATED, AND OTHERS WILL SEE. (if they are Spiritually blind, how could they see their OWN SPIRITUAL DEATH?) In Mat. 24, The LORD prophesied, that NOT EVEN ONE STONE will be left upon another. That means total desolation. Laodicea era means spiritual blindness and death AND THE CURSE HAS COME on the church and the JUDGMENT! And The LORD prophesied, the last high priest will be WITH INIQUITY and satan stands before him and he has FAILED TO KEEP THE CHARGE OF THE Sanctuary. The Sanctuary, is where The LORD dwells. Unless the "Sanctuary" is purified, The LORD would not return! And others who stands before Joshua, WILL SEE HOW Joshua FAILED. Then they are commanded by The LORD to give PURE CLOTHES TO Joshua. So it is they who will see the iniquity of blind high priest and tell him to repent of his sin of NOT KEEPING THE CHARGE OF THE Sanctuary. Then, HE MUST ACCEPT HIS INIQUITY AND REPENT IN ORDER FOR The LORD TO ENTER IN TO THE NEW COVENANT, AS WELL AS TO RETURN to the Sanctuary! IT WILL BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE Word of GOD ! Zion is a perpetual desolation. (Psa. 74). LORD struck Ezekiel's wife, 12 years ago as he caused The LORD's wife to sin and be desolated. The Sanctuary, is The LORD's wife as we all know. So by striking the prophet's wife, The LORD gave the sign of desolation and the death of HIS own WIFE! That is the time, they are to WASTE AWAY. Eze. 24: 1-23. But, The LORD promised to be with them in the midst of these curses and judgments. THAT IS The LORD'S GRACE AND MERCY , which will remember to keep the Covenant of the fathers, but, AFTER THE SONS ACCEPT THEIR INIQUITY! Or Joshua the last high priest must accept his iniquity as well! The Covenant stands by PROMISE and for The LORD's name's sake ( Eze. 16: 60-63) and not according to anyone's works. The LORD promises that His wife will be PUT TO SHAME because the Covenant was broken! That is why the last church is Spiritually naked. The LORD will once again enter in to a "NEW" Covenant, with the same wife. But first, they must understand their INIQUITY and repent! It is NONE OTHER THAN Ezekiel, or Joshua the high priest who is Gerald Flurry, whose wife was struck as a SIGN OF THE DESOLATING OF THE Sanctuary, (the wife of CHRIST The LORD) who has iniquity. And The LORD said prophets are FOXES, ( Eze. 13: 4), who DESOLATED Zion. Lam 5: 18. That is why The LORD struck Ezekiel's wife , giving a physical sign to WASTE AWAY! Then, The LORD said "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.", He will not be seen in the Sanctuary ! , But, now that The LORD Has already taken the vengeance of the Covenant , (WHICH IS THE WASTING AWAY TILL DEATH) and the children HAVE BLESSED Him, who comes in THE Name of THE LORD", He can establish the new Covenant, but the wife of CHRIST The LORD must accept iniquity!

Prince of peace sends peace to His wife: Great the PEACE of ‘thy children”. (Isa. 54:13). Pt 1

Do we walk in peace with "The CREATOR" of peace to have peace? All the wars are because, we have not obeyed The CREATOR, beginning from Adam. The church or Jerusalem, is a CURSE to the world. Dan 9: 5-16. Because of the disobedience, The LORD said He would bring sword and divisions, instead of peace. Unless we make peace with GOD first, there will be no peace! What has Jerusalem done according to Dan 9 to bring all these evils on the world? That sin must be repented first, in order for The CREATOR of peace to bring peace to us. We must walk with GOD first and then we can have peace with all men! CHRIST the LORD, is the Prince of peace! HE IS The CREATOR OF PEACE. So He alone can bring peace! WE MUST UNDERSTAND HOW WE LOST PEACE IN THE FIRST PLACE and correct that error! The wife forsook The Husband. The Husband forsook the wife. The Covenant is broken and GOD and the church do not walk in peace and in agreement with each other. But GOD is not at fault. It has to be the wife's fault. So she must understand her sin which is against The Husband, and repent of it, in order to bring peace to all men ! Since The LORD cannot speak with the wife, as she has FORSAKEN Him, He is sending some children to whom He gave the knowledge and she should receive these children and do as The LORD says. That is why The LORD said "And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy CHILDREN.".Isa 54:13. Well.., if you want peace, you must receive these children, whom The LORD TAUGHT and sends! Who are these children? You must prove from the scripture. The LORD SAYS 'GREAT SHALL BE THE PEACE OF THY CHILDREN". And these children come, AFTER THE Covenant IS BROKEN and The LORD also forsook the wife, and when The LORD EXTENDS PEACE AND MERCY AND TRUTH TO HER, in order to be reconciled! Therefore, as The CREATOR promises peace again and His return to Jerusalem, after the wife forsook Him, The LORD works with these children to teach them and then, HE SENDS PEACE to her through them. Therefore, the wife of CHRIST The LORD or Jerusalem, will receive these children as it is The LORD's own works. ! Then there will be LIGHT, PEACE, TRUTH AND MERCY to all men!

Peace pt 2- Levi had life and peace having “the law of TRUTH” to fear The LORD and not the law of Moses!

Scripture says Levi had peace "WITH GOD", and he had the law of TRUTH, in his lips, as he feared The LORD! and The LORD was not talking about the law of Moses. How did Levi fear GOD? He did not WANT TO BE DEFILED BY OTHER GODS! He feared CHRIST the LORD and not any other gods. He had a Covenant with this "ONE" GOD! When you fear GOD, we get the wisdom, the truth, the SPIRIT! That is how Levi had the law of TRUTH! Levi means "joined, cleave, attached" etc. The inheritance of the Levites is to inherit "CHRIST the LORD" ! "Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; the LORD is his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him". So The LORD promised the Levites, to give HIMSELF! Levites are to be the ministry, the wife of CHRIST The LORD! So THE WIFE MUST INHERIT OR ATTACH, JOIN OR CLEAVE TO The Husband.!The wife's inheritance should be The Husband! And Malachi, Heb. 7 and many more scripture proves the total failure of the Levitical ministry. The first Tabernacle, is prophesied to fall. They failed to fear as Levi. They failed to be attached or join to "The Husband", who is CHRIST the LORD! Why does The LORD say Levi feared Him? And Levi did not have the law, but he feared The LORD and would not go after other gods as scripture proves. And The LORD says, he had the "LAW OF TRUTH"! the Levitical ministry is given the law under it. Heb. 7. But the Levitical ministry must prove they can keep the law and received righteousness nor not, by keeping it. But the law could not be kept by any. So all failed to inherit, or join to The Husband, CHRIST the LORD. understand the difference between the law of TRUTH and the law of Moses! Without understanding, and repenting for the sin of not fearing The LORD as Levi did, and for not keeping the law of TRUTH as he did, the whole ministry lost peace and life with GOD and became THE ENEMY OF The LORD ! Levites were appointed to keep the charge of the Sanctuary, to not to let any strangers come in to it. Num. 1:49-53, 18: 2-6. They are to pitch their tents around the Tabernacle OF TESTIMONY. In other words, to TAKE CARE OF GOD'S TESTIMONY, not allowing any stranger or unholy thing to come in to it. That is what the Levites were called to do, which they failed, and the reward which was promised to them is "HIMSELF". I AM their inheritance! The book of Malachi proves, how The LORD blesses those who fear Him, and made them jewels, and sons, and how He purifies those who did not! If the Levites feared The LORD , they would have kept the charge of the Sanctuary. But they did not and that is why The LORD's marriage happens or the Levites can JOIN to The LORD, after THE JUDGMENT! So the Levites should get the white linen, or gold from The LORD whom they rejected to fear and obey as The Husband!