FIRST FRUITS UNTO CHRIST THE LORD ; Israel will never be the first fruits of CHRIST THE LORD

FIRST FRUITS UNTO CHRIST THE LORD ; Israel will never be the first fruits of CHRIST THE LORD. Part 3

23rd June 2022


If CHRIST THE LORD breathed, to give life to Adam, then HE IS THE FATHER. But Adam disobeyed the FATHER. If CHRIST THE LORD’s blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT, Heb. 9: 14, gives us life, then HE IS OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER and for ever. Adam disobeyed The CREATOR means our spiritual FATHER. Therefore, the SPIRIT was cut off with the knowledge of the true EVERLASTING FATHER. This is why HE CAME a second time, AS THE Spirit and Truth, SO THE SONS COULD WORSHIP THE FATHER IN Spirit and Truth. John 4. GOD chose two nations to come in the bosom of Abraham, but to Isaac, He offered everything, but their Covenant was conditional. Only if they keep the law, they would receive all blessings. If they break the Covenant, they will be cursed and would die without mercy. Heb. 10: 28. That is why the Laodicea era is SPIRITUALLY dead, having broken the Covenant as they worshiped god the father, and not having CHRIST THE LORD or His words. Then only the other son of Abraham is there to take over all things Israel failed to for GOD’s mercy and grace. Therefore, that Covenant which none knew, was by PROMISE to Abraham and because it has no conditions, the gentiles will be saved first. Gal. 3: 17. The CREATOR CURSED Adam to go to dust and die. All the seed of Adam are to die SPIRITUALLY once. Heb. 9: 27. They are condemned by the law given. At the same time, The LORD spared the gentiles to come in to them to get His service which Israel failed as ‘sons’ to Him. And He, Himself came to gentiles, ( Col. 1: 27, 1 John 4: 4) in order to cause them to overcome what Adam failed, and gave all the truth, and raised them up from dust and death, and they became the FIRST FRUITS UNTO CHRIST THE LORD as they are predestinated to be adopted as proven in the first part. Therefore, this part further proves Israel could never be the first fruits ‘UNTO CHRIST THE LORD’, as they worshiped god the father. They are appointed to stumble on JESUS CHRIST the LORD, reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone, and even to stumble at the WORD of GOD. so could they be first fruits unto JESUS CHRIST the LORD? GOD made Israel rich so they will exalt themselves. All the exalted ones will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted in this hour as The LORD said. In all these works, The CREATOR shows His power over all things and what is good and evil, and if you choose to obey Him, it is good and can live for ever.! But He knew no man can be righteous before Him. Everything was first offered to Israel, including salvation, and everlasting life. But they denied Him and His words continually and finally as a judgment to them, they were cut off from His SPIRIT, and they finally died SPIRITUALLY, as man is appointed to die once. When they died, CHRIST THE LORD Had afore prepared the gentiles to become His first fruits, the Royal Priesthood to serve and glorify Him. Therefore, Israel will never be first fruits ‘UNTO CHRIST THE LORD’. When they SPIRITUALLY died, the gentiles to whom He came the second time, believed and received Him as their EVERLASTING FATHER, while Israel would not even acknowledge. Isa. 63: 16. That means Israel neither know their GOD or The REDEEMER and the EVERLASTING FATHER. Adam’s sin is avenged on Israel. They are called to show the world if you choose GOD, it is good and if not, it is evil. He created the man in HIS IMAGE. That image was lost as Adam fell. And GOD must convert the mankind to the same image of GOD once again. How He would do that is written in the SCRIPTURE. Israel, who denied Him and made god the father their GOD, will never be His first fruits. Prove all things.

First fruits unto CHRIST THE LORD! part 2.

First fruits unto CHRIST THE LORD! part 2.

2nd June 2022

In the first part, we proved that Israel is CHRIST THE LORD’s first born, but THEY  forsook Him as the ‘FATHER’. That means the sons dishonored the FATHER. So they had false fathers who could not give them everlasting life. Adam dishonored and unto the last high priest, all dishonored The CREATOR, the FATHER. That is why Adam and all mankind was cursed to go to  dust. Then, from dust, The LORD must raise him up. Man cannot receive HOLY SPIRIT from The CREATOR, unless HE, HIMSELF GIVES IT. But He would not give it when you forsake and refuse to drink the SPIRIT from Him. disobedient sons dishonors the FATHER. so they must obey to receive HIS SPIRIT. All things written in the SCRIPTURE, is the WILL OF The CREATOR which no man could have known unless, He, Himself reveals it because it is HIS OWN SPIRIT which gives us the knowledge and the understanding. So all humans ERRED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT! but to who ever OBEYED AND TRUSTED IN HIM, the HOLY SPIRIT is given first, became the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR! Disobedience to the FATHER caused His anger on the sons. So He, Hid Himself and separated from mankind, until dies SPIRITUALLY as cursed and appointed. Then from death, The LORD will redeem and raise them up from dust. As we have witnessed, all seven eras which fell from the truth proves they never received HOLY SPIRIT or sonship of The CREATOR . But The CREATOR predestinated His first fruits to raise them up so they can obey HIM AND UNDO WHAT Adam failed. They are gathered TO HIM as sons should be gathered to the FATHER. GOD, seeing that Israel will deny Him as their FATHER, He prepared some to be His first fruits. This is the truth which will cause us to find the true FATHER, so we can receive birth from Him.  if you have believed that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is your FATHER, then you are a son to Him and are among the first fruits of The CREATOR. Seeing that Israel will not believe Him as the FATHER, He prepared Apostle Paul to be sent to gentiles, and they believed that HE IS THEIR FATHER. So Israel inherited lies about GODHEAD. But the Word of TRUTH is given to gentiles and they believed and received the HOLY SPIRIT of the FATHER to become His first fruits. None in any of the churches under HWA call ‘CHRIST THE LORD’ our FATHER. But we the gentiles call Him our FATHER and that means the prophecy about the gentiles, the Times of Gentiles is fulfilled in Israel’s blindness. Rom. 11. Every blessing and free gift comes from and by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Therefore, all these are turned away from Israel and given to gentiles as they believed in Him that HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND THE ONE AND ONLY FATHER!



Pentecost 2022 –21st  May 2022  

Rom. 16: 5 “the church that is in their house.., Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto CHRIST”. The whole mankind was created by CHRIST THE LORD, and Adam was a son to Him. Luke 3. Then the whole mankind should be sons to the same GOD who created Adam and breathed on to give life. In Exo 4; 22-24 says Israel is His FIRST BORN. Also The ROCK(CHRIST THE LORD) said, Israel will not have a spot as HIS CHILDREN. Deut. 32: 5-6, as they are to forsake Him, though He MADE, BROUGHT, BOUGHT, and BEGAT. V 12, 15, 18. Then would not The LORD’s words come true? If you are Israel, do you think your FATHER IS CHRIST THE LORD? Is not He, your Husband? You forsook Him as the FATHER, and also The Husband. Did you call your HUSBAND my FATHER?(Jer. 3: 19-20). King David knew The ROCK of salvation is the FATHER. Psa. 89: 26. 1 chr 29:10, 2 sam 7: 14. Though Israel does not acknowledge, others call ‘The REDEEMER’, our EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 63:16. And Acts. 17:24 onwards say we must be The CREATOR’s offspring. Jer. 31:9 “for I AM A FATHER TO ISRAEL, and Ephraim is MY FIRSTBORN.” We proved the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD which Apostle Paul wrote is about that HIS OWN SPIRIT IS HIS FATHER which means ONE GOD, THE SPIRIT AND THE BODY. So The CREATOR prophesied how HE WILL SAVE MANKIND, BY COMING AS A MAN and as a LAMB etc to save all, as it is HE WHO MADE A Covenant IN Noah’s days to save ALL FLESH. (Rom_8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.). If you are IN CHRIST THE LORD, YOU WALK AFTER THE SPIRIT. And you are not condemned. So all seven eras fell from this truth means none is in Him, and all are condemned as flesh. This proves if you want to be of SPIRIT, YOU MUST BE IN CHRIST THE LORD as HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHO GAVE AND GIVES SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK. 1 Cor. 10: 3-4.  His SPIRIT begets us. that means HE IS OUR FATHER. Preaching of JESUS CHRIST the LORD was not done by anyone until the time came to judge (Rom. 2:16) and establish (Rom. 16: 25) all.  All these and more below prove we must be fruits or sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not to god the father. Rom. 8 says unless we have the SPIRIT of ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, and the image, we are not sons of GOD. Then, when we have His SPIRIT and image; HE should be OUR FATHER. According to SCRIPTURE, Israel nor the Levitical ministry, nor the wife of CHRIST The LORD, His own ministry or the Jews who lie will be CHRIST THE LORD’s FIRST FRUITS. All the necessary instructions of how to be first fruits was taught by CHRIST THE LORD to Apostle Paul, to be sent to gentiles, to be fulfilled during the Times of Gentiles which is the day of THE LORD. And the gentiles are prophesied to believe in CHRIST THE LORD and glorify Him ! SCRIPTURE tells us Israel will worship other gods and will not be sons of The ROCK, but the gentiles will be His sons and daughters in the end. 2 Cor. 6:14- 19. Isa. 56. Gentiles have become CHRIST THE LORD’s sons now as you will see. they are the first fruits of The CREATOR ! Prove all things.

Who should take the second Passover ?

Who should take the second Passover ?

30th April 2022

The Passover observance was given by The ROCK, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AT THE TIME WHEN ‘HE’ ALONE DID LEAD Israel out of Egypt. He brought them out to be ‘HIS’ own people, and to make Him a name. In other words, HIS NAME should be in the House of Israel, if they have truly passed over. He was killed by His own, when He came the first time, and even to the last era, the church rejected HIM AS THE HEAD, which means He could not place His name on them, and they became liars, the synagogue of satan. JESUS CHRIST the LORD totally reject His people as liars and allowed to go back to SPIRITUAL Egypt as proven. Read these writings in www.gentileassembly.orgPassover to eat from the Tree of Life.”, Passover to eat and drink with The LORD OF PASSOVER, The ROCK’, ‘Passover TO THE FATHER’S KINGDOM’, The LORD purifies the House of Prayer before the Passover.’. This time, as all are SPIRITUALLY dead, they must Passover SPIRITUALLY. Which means the SAME GOD, WHO IS The ROCK MUST BRING THEM ONCE AGAIN OUT OF Egypt SPIRITUALLY, BY GIVING HIS SPIRIT WHICH IS A FREE GIFT WHICH IS PROMISED TO BE POURED ON ALL FLESH AS NONE COULD RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT TO BE BORN SPIRITUALLY AS ALL WENT BACK TO Egypt SPIRITUALLY, DENYING HIM AND HIS words, Rev. 3, 11: 8, which is why they are judged. John 12: 48. But, His own did not believe that The ROCK is their GOD, and found god the father to be their GOD and The ROCK prophesied that they will forsake Him in Deut. 32, the song of Moses which is sung in their judgment in Rev. 15; 3. Because they forsook and denied Him, and His words,  they are without white linen, and not a single free gift is given to them.  They believed their two leaders who preach the same doctrines which they imagined and worshiped god the father and not The ROCK as their FATHER, though He said that HE IS THE FATHER IN Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18, Exo 4: 22: 23 etc. as a judgment, The LORD stopped giving His words the SPIRIT AND LIFE, John 6: 63 and they became SPIRITUALLY dead which they, themselves do not know. By believing in dead leader’s doctrines, the mystery of GOD, they are defiled with the dead. And The LORD sent them to captivity, jam 1: 1, which means they are gone far off. That is why the SECOND Passover is for them, but those who believed The ROCK is their FATHER, became JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s first fruits. Because they are defiled WITH DEAD as we shall prove, and they have gone far off. The LORD will give the understanding to know that HIS WORDS ARE FULFILLED AND Israel went after other gods, even in this day, which is unbelievable , but the SCRIPTURE cannot lie. When The LORD killed them, they will seek Him. Psa. 78: 34- 35. ‘When HE SLEW THEM, then THEY SOUGHT HIM: and they returned and enquired early after GOD. And THEY REMEMBERED THAT GOD WAS THEIR ROCK, AND THE HIGH GOD THEIR REDEEMER”. The SCRIPTURE cannot lie. But all men are liars. in the end of Philadelphia era, the ministry became the synagogue of satan as they did not preach the GOD of Israel is The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD and that HE IS THE ONLY FATHER, because the leader, in his early writings preached there is only one GOD, but in his death bed taught GODHEAD is two gods and god the father is greater than JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He also wrote, the GOD of the Old Testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. then followed by the next leader, also preached the same. That is how the whole church is defiled by the dead and gone far off, scattered as The LORD caused them to. This is why The LORD gave the second Passover for such. Prove all things from the SCRIPTURE! No other GOD has spoken in the Old testament, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD who appeared in every name written in the whole volume of the Book.!

Passover notes and a letter written to GF in 2009 regarding Passover


Passover notes and a letter written to GF in 2009 regarding Passover.

The original Passover was commanded by God to the ancient Israelites for the purpose of their deliverance from bondage in Egypt.  It was also commanded as a yearly reminder of His delivering their firstborn from death, which was the last plague He brought upon the Egyptians to force them to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt. The New Testament Passover (discussed later) will have much the same meaning.  The historical record of this event is described in the Bible, therefore, let’s review those scriptures that apply best to the instructions for observing the Passover.

PROVE the LAMB is WITHOUT BLEMISH; Exo 12:5 ; the Correct day and time. Passover (5)

In order to Passover, we must eat the flesh and blood of the PERFECT LAMB. As no one believed CHRIST THE LORD to be the FATHER, GOD or THE KING, as proven in the first parts, all made HIM a liar. THAT MEANS HE CANNOT BE THE PERFECT LAMB, WITHOUT BLEMISH. Therefore, The LORD HAS APPOINTED some to prove that HE IS WITHOUT SIN and HE IS NOT A LIAR, Therefore, HE IS WITHOUT BLEMISH. It is not what the leaders say you must obey, but the SCRIPTURE, the words of The CREATOR and the GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt to Make HIM a name and to be their GOD. GOD said, "I AM" your GOD and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ’s. But no one believed that HE is our GOD, but worshiped god the father. THAT IS TOTALLY AGAINST THE SCRIPTURE, or THE COMMANDMENTS OF The LORD who gave salvation to Israel. So they made HIM A LIAR. A liar cannot be a PERFECT LAMB. Therefore, CHRIST THE LORD’s blood cannot pay for us. So The LORD gave from TENTH of the month to FOURTEENTH of the month to examine the LAMB they chose is without BLEMISH. Same way, we must prove THE LAMB or JESUS CHRIST the LORD is without blemish, (because His own ministry has made Him a liar, which means WITH BLAME) and that is one of the reasons why The LORD appointed the Royal Priesthood, the more excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained so they can PROVE THAT HE IS WITHOUT BLEMISH. This may surprise you, but read and understand. Therefore, they must BELIEVE HIM and say that HE SAYS THE TRUTH and we are the liars. But they will never Passover, as long as they do not believe Him. But, we all must prove that HE TRULY IS WITHOUT BLAME. That means we must admit that we are the liars and are blamed. We died for our sins, and The LORD died also for our sin to pay our death. but, HE HAS TO BE WITHOUT BLAME. That brings peace between GOD and man. Remember The CREATOR and Adam had enmity between them? Why? Adam did not believe and made GOD a liar. We know HE DID NOT SIN as the SCRIPTURE says. Since the priesthood  has made Him a liar, He Had to come as the Minister of TRUTH and teach the judges so they would examine THE LAMB AND DECLARE HE IS WITHOUT BLEMISH. But The LORD HAS COME AS THE PERFECT HIGH PRIEST MEANS, HE IS WITHOUT BLAME. BUT WE MUST PROVE. And He made His ministry also without blame by giving the truth so they could declare HIM AS THE PERFECT LAMB. This new ministry believed Him and proved Him. This is a very serious matter one must understand and correct in order to Passover, and also the day and the time as the ministry spoke against HIM AND HIS ORDINANCES. They never worshiped and became His people, nor made Him a name but worshiped god the father even on the Passover and on Sabbaths. Two gods did not bring Israel to be their people, but ONE GOD. GOD cannot lie. Believe the SCRIPTURE to prove that GOD is THE TRUTH WITH HIS WORD, AND IT IS THE MANKIND WHO HAVE BEEN LIARS. One way to prove GOD is the TRUE GOD WITH HIS WORDS are the FULFILLED SCRIPTURES. CHRIST THE LORD said all seven eras will fall. But do they believe? SPIRITUALLY blind people cannot know spiritual things, the word of GOD or the truth! Is the LAMB without blemish? Prove it.

Passover to eat from the Tree of Life. (Passover part 4)

Passover to eat from the Tree of Life. (Passover part 4)

29th Mar 2022


We know the Tree of Life was cut off from the beginning, from the very first man. Then why did The LORD cut it off? What is the Tree of Life? When would GOD offer it once again? He promises since the world began, that HE WILL CAUSE ALL TO EAT FROM IT AGAIN AND SAVE ALL MANKIND. Not only the church, but the whole mankind will be saved by Him. GOD says all are ‘flesh’. From Adam, mankind became flesh and blood. But GOD made a Covenant with all FLESH that they will be saved. unless we Passover, we will not be able to eat from it to have everlasting life. ! What is the sin of Adam which caused GOD to cut it off? That sin should be understood by all of us in order to correct it and to behold the GOD who is Holy. When we eat the Passover and drink The LORD’s blood, WITH UNDERSTANDING, we Passover or we are sanctified by the sin which we are born with. Remember the sin entered in to the world from Adam. Then the second Adam will give us life. but not until He comes as the perfect HIGH PRIEST, APOSTLE as the book of Hebrews says to offer HIS own blood as NO MAN , no high priest is worthy stand before the MERCY SEAT to do the blood sacrifice. No man has the blood of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to offer in the first place. HE ALONE CAN OFFER IT TO HIMSELF as the mankind is the enemy of The CREATOR, who died to redeem us to pay our penalty. Therefore, unless with understanding about our sin which is against The CREATOR, we will not be cleansed , or purified , sanctified or made holy to be with The CREATOR. Also we must understand why each of the sufferings which The LORD had to go through in order to see if we are guilty of them and ask for forgiveness. We are commanded to eat the flesh of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He gives everlasting life. then eating HIS FLESH MEANS WE ARE EATING FROM THE Tree of Life. His body gives life to us. Then, His blood gives us life. His SPIRIT gives us life. that is the Fountain of Living waters, and that is the Tree of Life. Therefore, eating the body and drinking the blood of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is to eat from the Tree of Life. Why did The LORD say that only in the kingdom The LORD eats the Passover ? now, GOD offers the Tree of Life, but one must Passover. Specially, The CREATOR is our FATHER. None honored Him as the FATHER. please read  the following writing to understand HIS SUFFERINGS .

Passover to eat and drink with The LORD OF PASSOVER, The ROCK and to be granted to wear fine linen ! (Passover 3)

Passover to eat and drink with The LORD OF PASSOVER, The ROCK and to be granted to wear fine linen ! (Passover 3)

25th Mar 2022


Why did CHRIST THE LORD say that, He will not eat Passover till the kingdom comes?

We know all seven eras are to fall from the truth. final falling away from the truth means all seven eras fell from the truth. what truth is that? If all seven eras are to fall, then the leaders were lying. The WORD of GOD proves so. Could the TRUTH be divided? If not, then why are there many sister churches, and The LORD called them daughter(s )of Jerusalem? Does the city of Jerusalem where GOD dwells which is Zion, and the Holy Mountain, divided? The LORD also said, you will not see “ME”, until the Name of THE LORD is BLESSED. (Mat. 23). Which GOD brought Israel out of Egypt to be ‘HIS’ people? Was it not The ROCK? Did we make HIM A NAME AND BECAME HIS PEOPLE? Did the leaders teach that we should Passover to be with OUR GOD; ‘The ROCK’? Passover means we fulfill from Abram to Abraham, and JACOB to Israel. Then, it was The ROCK who was their GOD. When you call on Him, you have passed over. That means from worshiping god the father, who is never the GOD of the Body of CHRIST, nor the world, is not the GOD who fulfills the Passover. When you are given this understanding, and seek The ROCK as your GOD, you have passed over. What is your sin which you must examine yourself to Passover? There is a sin which we are still guilty of which we could not Passover. Examine yourselves to see if you are still guilty of this sin. If The LORD says all seven eras are to fall, then it truly must be fulfilled and until the truth which they fell from is MADE KNOWN, AND UNDERSTOOD AND REPENTED OF, AND BELIEVED, no one will Passover. And that is when the wife will be granted to wear fine linen. ! Repent for not believing and BELIEVE the SCRIPTURES JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN, IN ORDER TO PASSOVER!  

Passover (pt 2) Passover TO THE FATHER’S KINGDOM !

Passover (pt 2) Passover TO THE FATHER’S KINGDOM !

13 Mar 2022


The ROCK was the GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt to be His people, and to rule over them as HE IS THEIR KING and GOD and the FATHER. But they rejected Him in every way continually. Then He came as THE SON to His own to witness to the truth, that HE IS THEIR KING. But they rejected Him and delivered Him to death. At the end of the Philadelphia era, when the hour of trial came, they too denied Him and His words and they became blind and became the Laodicea era. SINCE THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY BLIND, THEY WILL NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE SPIRIT, Thereafter. THE KING left Zion, Jer. 8: 19-20, and none is saved. but now, THE KING comes to reign over and to SAVE all. Rev. 19 says, HE comes as THE KING. This is not after a millennium, as there is no such one. the reward for those who did not become Laodicean is to reign with The LORD. and all things written, will be fulfilled during the days of vengeance. Therefore, there cannot be a millennium but all things written including the book of Revelation must be fulfilled and all things will be made new in our days. The last generation will not pass away until all these are fulfilled. And at that time, the church’s judgments are over as a harlot and she will be granted to wear fine linen. Remember to MARRY means The Husband is to RULE OVER as proven in previous writings. That is why The Husband is to be the HEAD over wife picturing CHRIST THE LORD, THE KING and the people. Heb. 8 says the new Covenant will be made. That means Isa. 9: 6 will be fulfilled, and the government shall be upon THE SON’s shoulder. But at the same time, He is the EVERLASTING FATHER as well. Therefore, the kingdoms becomes The LORD’s in judgment and then HIS REIGN over the people also must begin. Second time He comes to judge all for denying Him and His words, John 12: 48. His words are the Living Waters, which is also offered on the last day. Those who worshiped god the father, will go through the judgment as one is judged for denying CHRIST THE LORD and His words. and those who did not believe Him to fear and worship Him ( Rev. 14: 6- 7) as HE is the EVERLASTING FATHER, will be judged. He gives His SPIRIT freely to all after He forgives and redeems all by His blood which was shed at the Passover. Remember Hebrew means one is passed over. Therefore, Passover means one will be REDEEMED by His blood and all will worship and serve the GOD who redeemed us and HE BECOMES THE FATHER as well and The LORD, THE KING and WILL RULE OVER. So we Passover to HIS KINGDOM! This is the time, the wife who was His enemy, will submit to The Husband fully as her nakedness was uncovered and she is humbled and corrected. If the kingdom belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, then HE IS THE KING. He was born to be THE KING as written below. Then, the KINGDOM SHOULD BELONG TO HIM. This time HE COMES TO PLACE HIS KINGDOM AND TAKE THE GOVERNMENT ON HIS SHOULDER, fulfilling Isa. 9:6. Then, there will be peace and HE will be the EVERLASTING FATHER as well. His wonderful counsel will establish the world. The day of THE LORD, the days of vengeance, the Day of Visitation, THE TIMES OF REFRESHING is the beginning of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S KINGDOM. So The LORD Is FULFILLING THESE DAYS SPIRITUALLY, but the blind cannot see until their eyes are opened, because in judgment, The LORD blinded them. John 9:39.

The LORD purifies the House of Prayer before the Passover.

The LORD purifies the House of Prayer before the Passover.

14th Feb 2022

Why have we not fulfilled the Passover yet? Why did JESUS CHRIST the LORD say, I will not eat Passover until the kingdom comes? What truly is the Passover? Just before The LORD’s last Passover, He purified the House of Prayer because it has become a den of thieves. What is the fulfillment of that prophecy for us now? who are the thieves in the House of Prayer now? Have you rejected your ONE AND ONLY HUSBAND, JESUS CHRIST the LORD who entered in to the Marriage Covenant, but HE WAS THE FATHER OF Israel, before. Exo 4: 22-23, Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18. THERE CANNOT BE TWO FATHERS, (THE HEAD) OR TWO HUSBANDS. Nor TWO KINGS. Since the leadership of the church who are under the Marriage Covenant preached another GOD, the Covenant is broken and The Husband left. Jer. 3 says, He was married, but this GOD whom Israel married is the GOD whom they have FORSAKEN. When this understanding is given, and when they come to Him, Passover will be fulfilled. THEY MUST TURN TO THE GOD WHOM THEY FORSOOK! HE WAS THE FATHER, TILL HE ENTERED IN TO THE Marriage Covenant and became The Husband. Besides He, Himself said "I AM" your FATHER who begat you. could there be TWO FATHERS? They never accepted Him as the FATHER, The Husband, nor THE KING. And it was done by the leaders. And if one enters in to the sheepfold, they must enter through the DOOR, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. if not, such are thieves and robbers and The LORD will purify His house and will teach the truth to save all. Therefore, in order to Passover to The ROCK, as ancient Israel did, the leaders must be taught this truth and one must Passover from other gods, idols and from the world to The ROCK, Whom they forsook. They must do so, by believing that HE IS YOUR EVERLASTING FATHER, Everlasting GOD, AND EVERLASTING KING. ‘YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS’, …NO OTHER FATHERS, AS THERE IS ONLY ONE, AND THERE ARE NO OTHER KINGS. Because you did not believe these, the FATHER, The Husband, (Jer. 3: 19-20) THE KING has left Zion. (Jer. 8: 19-20) And Jerusalem is desolated. This is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and purified the House of Prayer, which has become a den of thieves in His first coming, right before the Passover, and then HE DIED to pay our penalty. But His shed blood cannot fulfill it’s intended purpose, UNLESS WE UNDERSTAND THE SIN OF FORSAKING HIM IN EVERY WAY, AND CORRECT THE MATTER BY ACKNOWLEDGING OUR SIN AGAINST HIM ! Therefore, The LORD must purify the House of Prayer in order for the people to Passover from other gods, and to make Him a name, to be HIS PEOPLE, and for HIM TO BE OUR GOD, FATHER, AND THE KING, as it was before. ! The LORD Has come to give the truth and the knowledge and understanding to all to cause them to Passover. This time, all will come out of spiritual Egypt (Rev. 11: 8) and Sodom and will Passover as The LORD will pour His SPIRIT on all flesh. All will enter through the DOOR! Knowing the hearts of Israel, The LORD said that HE WILL NOT EAT Passover TILL THE KINGDOM. One must PASSOVER, to be a Hebrew. “Hebrew’ means ‘one from beyond, crossed over, other side, or… "to traverse" or "to pass over". “Israel’ means one who is converted and must be IN CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. We all know the sin entered to the mankind from Adam. Then, The LORD must correct his sin of disobedience in mankind to cause them to Passover. In order to do that, the sons of disobedience must obey, fear and worship the true EVERLASTING FATHER, The CREATOR ! That is when ALL WILL PASSOVER from sin to worship the true GOD and be WITH HIM, in His GARDEN of  Eden. !