Last Great day is the time to wean and be ‘MEN’. Part 6 – Feasts.

Last Great day is the time to wean and be ‘MEN’.

Part 6 – Feasts.

6th oct 2022


Christ warned us, that we should be not  “Like babies who need milk”, This should be applied “Spiritually”. (And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! ) Who needs milk? When we are weaned from milk, and become mature, God will rejoice as Abraham gave a great feast when Isaac was weaned. (Gen 21: 8) Since Abraham gave a feast when Isaac was weaned, it must be important to God also to see that His sons are weaned from the milk, and grow in to being a MAN as then only one can discern good from evil. How to be a MAN? Or be a SON OF GOD? 1 Sam 1: 24… After Samuel was “weaned” only Hannah took him to the temple. Why is this mentioned in the word of God in several places?  We must look beyond the “mother” who gives us the milk. “Spiritually”, we should be able to live by Christ’s faith, instead of wanting to live by mother’s milk, or the church.  By Christ’s warning, we can see, that to wean the mother means, to leave the church, where the false teachers, prophets and apostles are, who have become the creeping ministry, vipers etc. Until GOD corrects We will prove this fact, as we write this article.  In the very end, when “THE” antichrist and other beasts are in the temple, GOD will not work through them. This is why there is no need for teachers anymore. (I John 2: 27 and Heb 8:11  And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest) The “Tabernacle of David” is fallen and God Does not work through ministers, or any church as all the churches have gone in to captivity and have become harlots. THE LORD said do not be deceived when prophets say here is CHRIST, in the wilderness or in the inner court, not to believe. And He did not say where to look for Him, but as lightning comes from the east, the Son of Man will come. When the church became Laodicean, GOD left and Is outside. Then Mic. 3:6 says they will not get Revelation. But lying wonders will come out of the high priest, opposing and speaking against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then would GOD expect us to stay in a church? And in the last day, THE LORD, Himself is prophesied to come and teach.

GATHERING TO THE FATHER, The CREATOR ! Part 5 – Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles


Part 5 – Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles

FOT  4th oct 2022.


Adam was a son to The CREATOR. And The CREATOR is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. But no body accepted or called Him, ‘FATHER’. But that knowledge was hidden as the Tree of Life was cut off. The CREATOR is the Tree of Life, as HE IS LIFE AND THE Everlasting life. That knowledge was cut off from mankind, until now, when the FATHER comes to gather the sons. The Feast of Tabernacles is a time when THE LORD’s feasts end which means the plan of Salvation ends. In order to fulfil it, THE LORD must pour His wrath on the Feast of TRUMPETS, then followed by the Day of Atonement, to forgive the sin and then THE LORD will open the eyes of all the sons and give the knowledge of Him, that HE IS THE FATHER, and we must be gathered to Him. Remember it is Shiloh Who comes to gather all tribes. This is the day the sons will be reconciled to the FATHER. THE LORD will  Circumcise all as the Last Great Day pictures. And it is also the time to make the New Covenant, and to grant the wife to wear fine linen. Sukkah, is the Hebrew word for the Tabernacle, and it reminds us that we are temporary beings in this earth as well as the marriage house. Then when it is spiritually fulfilled, we will be with the FATHER for ever. That is why, THE LORD pours His Spirit on all flesh to save all, and give Living Waters to all FREELY on the last day. Righteousness, forgiveness and  Everlasting life are free gifts given to all the people. All nations in the future, are commanded to come to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, to THE LORD OF HOSTS. And that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. NO one gathered to Him as all had three gods, and two gods. It is called the feast of INGATHERING. The harvest is in the end of the age. The angels are the reapers. The Tabernacle of GOD is with men. Rev. 21. V 7 says, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD WILL BE A FATHER AND WE WILL BE HIS SONS. It is written in red letters, to show that it is spoken by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE ALMIGHTY, who is ALPHA AND OMEGA, the BEGINNING AND THE END. It is a time to MAKE ALL THINGS NEW, including the NEW MAN. Therefore the Feast of Tabernacles pictures the end of GOD’s plan to bring all to be gathered to Him, to The CREATOR. Remember He said He tried to gather the daughters of Jerusalem, but they were not willing. But this time, all the daughters of Jerusalem will be gathered to Him ! That means we will receive  Everlasting life as well. So the Feast of Tabernacles is to give Holy SPIRIT, and  Circumcise our HEARTS so the Holy SPIRIT can live in them. !

Day of Atonement ; My Grace is sufficient; I will forgive and give MY RIGHTEOUSNESS. !

Day of Atonement ; My Grace is sufficient; I will forgive and give MY  RIGHTEOUSNESS. !

Part 4 of Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles

1st Oct 2022


JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, our One and ONLY TRUE GOD, promises to save all mankind. His GRACE forgives us and gives RIGHTEOUSNESS. Laodicea era means the Spiritual death, not having the Spirit of GOD, when GOD judges all. No priest is found to be righteous to atone us. Then, THE LORD Himself has to do the ATONEMENT as the PERFECT HIGH PRIEST. But before He ATONES, or purifies us, He revealed the sin. THE UNBELIEF OF GOD’S WORDS WHICH DID LEAD man to make GOD a liar, and speak evil of the Holy SPIRIT, which is the unpardonable sin which has to be revealed and judged and corrected. The only GOD is The CREATOR, and HE IS THE Holy SPIRIT. Since Adam rejected to hear the Holy SPIRIT, and made Him a liar by not believing, he was cursed to death because that sin could not be pardoned. It was his heart which deceived him to sin against The CREATOR. As he was cursed to death, the whole mankind was cursed to death by inheriting lies, and GOD did not give the knowledge of GOD, of the true GOD, to anyone so none could find Him. But the Day of Judgment is appointed for all to repent and that is when GOD reveals the UNPARDONABLE SIN, so all can repent. Upon repenting, THE LORD will RECEIVE HIS OWN BLOOD, AT THE END OF THE AGE, so all could be forgiven and will be created as NEW CREATURES. GOD promises to make ALL THINGS NEW, including giving NEW HEARTS. GOD says there is none that has not sinned. Both end time leaders who preached the same doctrines totally rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as GOD, FATHER and The HEAD. But HE IS THE TRUE GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER AND THE HEAD. Then THE LORD must teach them the truth about Him, and they must be forgiven of their sin. That is why the Feast of TRUMPETS to reveal the sin in His wrath, and thereafter the Day of Atonement to purify the hearts , to forgive so all could be one with Him. Though THE LORD died shedding His blood, until the judgment to condemnation was given, or proven guilty, THE LORD’s blood cannot forgive anyone. ‘For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he APPEARED TO PUT AWAY SIN BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF.’. So THE LORD does this atonement in Heaven, offering His blood, to HIS Holy SPIRIT, who refused to live with sinners. Remember it is The CREATOR who separated from mankind, but He Had to come as THE SON, as a MAN to die also. Then, it is the Holy SPIRIT who died for us to atone us from our sin. Act 20: 28. ‘the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD.’. See, the true CHURCH OF GOD, WAS PURCHASED BY THE BLOOD OF THE Holy SPIRIT. That is The CREATOR. If you think that you are in the true church, see if you believe that CHRIST THE LORD is the ‘Holy SPIRIT’ who died for you.!

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin Part 3

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin Part 3

24 sept 2022

In first two parts, we proved that the serpent who deceived Eve was Adam. we continue to prove that the sin which is the unbelief by disobedience came from the most evil deceitful heart of mankind which is contrary to GOD and His ways. GF’s book ‘overcoming satan’ explains more about lucifer, with our comments. The very first high priest who is Aaron (means light bringer) sinned by making an idol and caused all to worship it. The last high priest is Joshua who has a filthy turban means he is the same as Aaron was. He caused all to worship a nogod, calling god the father, and totally spoke against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words. (that is the serpent , the evil heart) THE ONLY EVERLASTING FATHER IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND IT IS FROM HIM THE  Everlasting life COMES AND this high priest caused all to not believe that HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER. When the hour of trial came, he is found with iniquity, having denied The CREATOR and His words and exalted himself against THE LORD and His words. and Israel did not glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE ROCK as their GOD nor as the FATHER. Knowing it from the beginning, GOD ordained them for judgment and correction. Hab. 1. When one is judged, there is no way to be Justified by our works. If THE LORD called Israel and ordained them for JUDGMENT AND CORRECTION, then the judgments written in the book of Revelation is about their judgments. A beast is a man without understanding. Psa 49: 20. If HWA and GF understood about GODHEAD, they would not have preached two gods. Besides two gods cannot give us life, but ONE. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, without a doubt. And a harlot is one who is married to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but went after other gods. Unless we understand our sinfulness and repent, THE LORD cannot redeem us by HIS BLOOD. That is why the Feast of TRUMPETS comes as the first fall festival, followed by the Day of Atonement, which THE LORD will forgive. And thereafter, THE LORD will give the Spiritual feast of giving HIS Spiritual FOODS , the Living Waters so we can live for ever with Him. So we are held guilty of the same sin of Adam. Unbelief and disobedience. Did you worship JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and believe that HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER? If you have, then you are redeemed. Therefore unless you know the plague in your own heart, which is why we are defiled, we cannot even repent to receive  Everlasting life and to be able to eat from the Tree of LIfe. Adam became carnal and the whole mankind became like him. Without understanding the sin is in us, we cannot walk with GOD. This is what the Feast of TRUMPETS pictures, to reveal the sin, so all can repent. Because of the evil heart, man did not want to believe GOD, but his own heart’s desires. Mankind bore fruits of his own desires. GOD promises to give new hearts as He lives in our hearts. Prove that you have not hissed at The CREATOR !!! Not believing His words means we have hissed at Him!

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin; part 2

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin; part 2

15 sept 2022

In part one, we proved that the devil, serpent or satan means the enemy of GOD, false accuser, who oppose the cause of GOD, speak contrary to GOD’s words. The first enemy who accused JESUS CHRIST THE LORD falsely was Adam as he did not believe the truth GOD said. And the last is HIS OWN high priest. Scripture says last enemy is death. But the dead was brought by sinning the same way as Adam as none believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. So all are made sinners and appointed to die once. And the fall feasts are to save the second fruits on whom GOD pours His wrath. The first fruits are the vessels of mercy. The trumpets sounds to gather all to pour GOD’s wrath, to correct and chasten the sons, but in order to accept them. THE LORD has to reveal that the man’s own heart is the devil who falsely accused GOD when He said the truth, making Him a liar. When GOD opens the minds then all must repent from Trumpets to the Day of Atonement, when THE LORD forgives all, remove all the devils (evil hearts) in us so we could be forgiven and be ONE WITH THE LORD. Thereafter, THE LORD will give all the free gifts saving all and teach all things and offer the Holy SPIRIT. This part further proves how all these feast and the Day of Atonement will be fulfilled and what is our part in fulfilling all these and what would THE LORD do. We know the Laodicea era is spiritually blind. That means they do not have the Holy SPIRIT of GOD to understand the Scripture. Remember JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words are Spirit and Life? Joh. 6:63. Though they do not understand, what ever THE LORD has prophesied regarding the Laodicea era and what the people do in their DARKNESS, are all written in the Scripture. His words never fails. When they are blind, who would serve GOD? And THE LORD always leave a remnant by His grace. And the Day of Visitation, the Day of THE LORD is the Times of gentiles, when Laodiceans are blinded but THE LORD raises up the remnant to serve Him. Therefore at the end of the Laodicea era, THE LORD must reveal; what HE HAD PROPHESIED to happen is fulfilled in their blindness. Laodicea era also means judgment. As a judgment, He blinded but opened the eyes of others. Joh. 9:39. So all these Scripture have to be fulfilled. And when THE LORD opens the eyes of the blinded ones, they will see all things are fulfilled just as it is written, regarding them. The Feast of TRUMPETS is to open the eyes to make them understand the Scripture which is already fulfilled. And just as THE LORD said they will corrupt themselves, they will see that GOD’s words are true and they have truly corrupted of having two gods. Just as the early apostle’s eyes were opened and their hearts burned, all the leaders in many sister churches will have their eyes opened. This is why the spiritually dead are called to the White Throne, ( to give light) Rev. 20:12, to the OPENED BOOKS. (means fulfilled) This is the time they will see that their GOD truly is THE ROCK, who said 'I AM' your FATHER. Therefore all things fulfilled during their blindness, they will be made to know and understand and at the same time, THE LORD will pour the wrath, prove that man’s heart is His adversary, and how they did against Him, but they will repent and believe, and the New Covenant will be made, after giving new hearts.

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin

Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles ; Last Great day ; Devil, Satan, Death, Serpent and Sin.

5th Sept 2022


Is there a real devil, a Spirit being as we were taught? Power of death is the devil says the scripture. That means the devil killed us. What is the sin which brought us death? Who is the true serpent? You will be surprised to know and understand about the serpent the  devil.  ‘And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet’. If the devil is a spirit, how could he be thrown in to a fire? We proved the lake of fire is also an allegory, where the OPENED OR REVEALED BOOKS are, which are the words of GOD, which is fire. This means the truth about the devil will be opened or revealed in the end. If GOD promises to remove every curse, and wipe our tears, would He throw anyone in to a real fire? Why did HE DIE, if not to pay for our penalty of death? Joshua the high priest also will be pulled out of fire. That means his filthiness will be revealed by the word of GOD which is fire. Therefore you will see the serpent, devil, satan are also allegories. THE LORD cast out the devils and there are evil spirits. But the demons trembled at His words, and they knew Him and even worshiped Him. GOD said in the end time, HE WILL SEND serpents of the dust. Who are they? All these names belong to the devil, are allegories as we prove. Adam’s curses fell on the church. Israel is chosen as the vessels of wrath to pour His anger and to go through the judgments of Adam and Eve as you will see and that is why the law is given. His sin is avenged from the church, the Tabernacle  OF DAVID ! GOD cursed the serpent to eat dust. If the serpent is a spirit being, spirits do not eat dust to live. Even ‘dust’ is an allegory. All throughout this writing, we continue to explain what these allegories are. If the sin Adam committed was NOT the unpardonable sin, THE LORD would have forgiven him.

I, The LORD OF HOSTS and the children for signs and for wonders in Israel. (Isa. 8: 18, Heb. 2:13),). THE BELIEVERS and WORSHIPERS OF The LORD OF HOSTS ! FFU PT.

I, The LORD OF HOSTS and the children for signs and for wonders in Israel. (Isa. 8: 18, Heb. 2:13),). THE BELIEVERS and WORSHIPERS OF The LORD OF HOSTS ! FFU pt 7 


24 aug 2022

THE LORD of HOSTS, is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He is to be worshiped above all other gods, and every knee will bow down to His name, and every tongue will confess that HE IS our GOD. Therefore those who worshiped God the father, did not honor THE LORD of HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as their FATHER. We will prove that the high priest, himself did not know that THE LORD of HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Though Israel was THE ROCK’s or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s first born, Exo. 4:22-23, He said that they will not be HIS children and will forsake Him as THE FATHER who BEGAT, MADE , BOUGHT AND BROUGHT and established THEM. Deut. 32: 5-6, 12,1 5, 18. That means they forsook Him as THEIR FATHER as the FATHER prophesied. Then, they must return to Him, understanding and calling Him our FATHER . Jer 3: 19-20. Until such time, THE LORD will not accept them. House of Israel sinned against their own FATHER. This is why the law is given to them to judge and condemn them for forsaking Him, but to bring them back to Him, giving the true knowledge of their FATHER as the leaders did not teach the truth about the true FATHER. So the FATHER allowed the sons to be killed as they did not accept Him as the FATHER but found other fathers. THE ROCK is THE LORD of HOSTS. Mal. 1:6 proves they did not honor Him as the FATHER. They could not have known that, as the Tree of Life was cut off from all mankind. That means the life was cut off, all are appointed to die once. Heb. 9:27. And since it is the FATHER who gives life, the knowledge of the true FATHER was cut off allowing them to die.(HOLY SPIRIT, the knowledge of GOD ) Therefore Israel could not SERVE the true FATHER who is the GOD of the Old Testament; JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Knowing the end from the beginning, THE LORD prophesied that by HIS GRACE, He will save some children FIRST, teach them by Himself, make them first fruits unto Him and brought to the Holy Mountain to be with Him, to serve Him. They were predestinated from the foundation of the world. They are works of THE LORD’s own hands. No son can be born without a FATHER. Therefore Isa. 8;14 says both houses will stumble, but v 18, the FATHER and the children whom He brought forth to be HIS FIRST FRUITS will be a sign and a wonder to Israel, who were His first born but forsook Him and now spiritually dead. Now all can see this sign as THE LORD of HOSTS brought forth these children to serve Him in the mountain. This is the new Mount Zion ,who trusted in THE LORD. Psalm 125:1. THE ROCK killed His own first born spiritually and sent them back to Egypt, where GOD is not, and as a righteous judgment He brought forth these sons to serve Him. They have believed and worshiped HIM as their GOD and the FATHER! THEY RECEIVED HIM AS THE EVERLASTING FATHER !


THE LORD OF HOSTS Is exalted in judgment; God that is holy is sanctified in righteousness. (Isa. 5:16).

THE LORD OF HOSTS Is exalted in judgment; God that is holy is sanctified in righteousness. (Isa. 5:16).

(FIRST FRUITS UNTO CHRIST THE LORD part 6. Fast of the 5th month. )

1st Aug 2022


“The LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is HOLY shall be sanctified in righteousness”? Isa. 5: 16. Why does the SCRIPTURE say, The LORD OF HOSTS ‘SHALL BE’ exalted in judgment? And ‘SANCTIFIED’ in righteousness? The LORD OF HOSTS, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. This means no one exalted Him until the judgment as proven below, because all worshiped god the father, as the leaders taught god the father is above JESUS CHRIST the LORD!  Exalting Him also means sanctifying Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS. GOD, AND THE FATHER SHOULD GET FROM SONS HIS HONOR AND RIGHTFUL OBEDIENCE! What does that mean? Why Does the HOLY ONE need to be sanctified? And in ‘righteousness’??? The LORD OF HOSTS is not god the father, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD. No one exalted Him as their GOD, but worshiped god the father. Isa. 2: 11 “The LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.”. Which day is this? King David magnified The LORD OF HOSTS over the House of Israel. If it was The LORD OF HOSTS who established Israel, (known in many names such as The ROCK, Deut. 32, the LIVING GOD Deut. 5;26, THE ALMIGHTY, Exo 6:3, The Most High, Gen. 14:19) and He is the GOD of Abraham. “Blessed be Abram of THE MOST HIGH GOD, possessor of heaven and earth:”. John 8:56. If you do not call on the name of the GOD of Abraham, you die. Luke 20: 36- 38. If you do not worship the GOD of Abraham, who is the GOD of the LIVING, you are dead. And make sure you understand that all these names belong to JESUS CHRIST the LORD also The LORD OF HOSTS, whom you never worshiped. Your priesthood did not fear, nor honor Him. Mal. 1: 6. That means they never exalted JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LORD OF HOSTS. This is why, on the day of judgment, the day of THE LORD, The LORD ALONE WILL BE EXALTED AND ALL ELSE WILL BE HUMBLED. This is how there is not even one stone is left upon another as the builders rejected the Chief Corner Stone or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The LORD OF HOSTS. HE IS PREACHED ONLY IN JUDGMENT!  

There shall not be left ; one stone upon another, not be thrown down.

There shall not be left ; one stone upon another, not be thrown down. 


15th July 2022


CHRIST THE LORD said, there will be not one stone will stand in the temple that is not thrown down. This, He Spake of the signs of the end time. That means it should happen now, as the end of all things are at hand. So which temple IS The LORD TALKING ABOUT that will fall totally? Why did The LORD say that? His words cannot be lies. GOD cannot lie. Therefore, if The LORD gave these signs, then HE WILL SHOW HIS TRUE DISCIPLES, HOW TO UNDERSTAND THESE SIGNS AS WELL. The stones of the temple, are the ministry. Lam.  4. If the ministry, are the stones, then it is they who will be thrown down without even one standing. The old temple which is not built on JESUS CHRIST the LORD means they are not built on the HOLY SPIRIT. The New Temple is build by the SPIRIT of GOD. on the fast of the 4th month which falls this week, the Jews fasted to remember how both temples anciently was destroyed. This day is the beginning of the destruction of these temples. THERE WERE NO TWO GODS who ordered Moses to build a temple TO DWELL, BUT ONE GOD. Neither there were two gods when The LORD instructed king David. Both Moses and king David, called JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our FATHER. Exo 4: 22, 23, Deut. 32: 15, 18 and more and 1 chro 29: 10, Psa. 89: 26 and more. Placing another GOD as THE HEAD OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, WHO IS THE TRUE HEAD of the body, is an abomination to Him as He said to Moses. As Judah had two gods, simply, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the FATHER, desolated Zion, and Jerusalem and the Body of CHRIST. Both temples began to be destroyed on the 4th month as the Jews fast on this day, to remember the destruction which falls on this month. And the stones are destroyed, because they did not know the LORD’s visitation. Just as Aaron made a calf, the last high priest also has worshiped idols. If you have not worshiped The ROCK, the FATHER, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, you have worshiped idols. If you have not built and rooted up ON JESUS CHRIST the LORD, your building will not have one stone upon another. This is what happened to all seven eras. Finally, the Jews became liars and the synagogue of satan, and they are blinded in the hour of trial, and are killed SPIRITUALLY. We are the temple of CHRIST THE LORD. and if we do not build SPIRITUALLY, we will not stand. Any building which is physical, one day has to fall. Same way, the Laodiceans are SPIRITUALLY blind means they cannot build SPIRITUALLY and are PHYSICAL and that has to fall! Their building worshiped a nogod, calling god the father. But the truth is, the church belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So would the building which honored a nogod stand when the true GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes? The Chief Corner Stone, which the builders rejected, HAS TO BE THE HEAD! Therefore, because the builders rejected HIM AS THE HEAD, that will fall not even one stone, leaving on the other ! A TRUE TABERNACLE (Heb. 8) is prophesied means the old has to be destroyed and built by GOD, HIMSELF as no man could build Him a dwelling place. Simply, since the leaders did not build it to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, it must fall. !

At the mouth of two witnesses, he that is worthy of death be put to death;

At the mouth of two witnesses, he that is worthy of death be put to death;


8th july 2022

GOD’s words says, if a man is evil in the SIGHT OF The LORD, and who ever has TRANSGRESSED THE Covenant , and served OTHER GODS, and have worshiped them, whom ‘The LORD HAS NOT COMMANDED’, in Israel, they should be put to DEATH as they have broken the laws of the Covenant. such must die at the mouth of the two witnesses. The GOD who MADE ALL THE Covenants and said ‘you shall have no other gods, besides ‘ME’, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He continually repeated not to serve other gods in the SCRIPTURE which is HIS OWN WORDS and no other gods have spoken SCRIPTURE. Then, if you are NOT IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, you must be CONDEMNED. Rom. 8: 1. Who transgressed the Covenant with JESUS CHRIST the LORD? It has to be those who HAD a Covenant with Him, who are His own body, the wife of CHRIST The LORD and all Israel. This is why, GOD set the day of judgment, to judge those who broke the Covenant. But in GOD’s mercy, HE HAS ALREADY PROPHESIED THAT A ‘NEW’ Covenant will be made which will LAST FOR EVER. Then, the old Covenant must end in judgment. This is why the law is given to condemn those who broke the Covenant. But The LORD will pour His mercy and redeem them from death and will enter into the new Covenant. GOD’s witnesses condemn the Covenant breakers.  GOD says to bring your own witness so that you may be justified. When GOD’s words condemn one, His judgment is righteous and all men must believe Him and accept and acknowledge their own sin as GOD cannot lie. But judgment unto condemnation if you have broken the Covenant. since it is GOD’s OWN CHURCH who had the Covenant, they alone could break it. Both of the last two leaders are their own witnesses to prove that they have broken the Covenant, and they are the ones who have done evil in the sight of The LORD. Those who are given the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are witnessing for The LORD. Therefore, examine yourselves and acknowledge your sin as it is evil in the sight of The LORD. Sooner you acknowledge and repent, your redemption is near. GOD judges one to correct and chasten and to make the new Covenant. Heb. 10: 28 “He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:”. So Israel must die first, and then The LORD will redeem them. But it is the FIRST FRUITS UNTO CHRIST THE LORD who received mercy, are the ones who witness for Him against the first born who failed to keep the law and died without mercy.