As in the days of Noah – Coming of the SON of MAN be !
As in the days of Noah – Coming of the SON of MAN be !
27th Nov 2023
JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said, when He comes, it will be as in the days of Noah. The difference is NO ONE WILL DIE, BUT WILL LIVE as GOD made a Covenant with all flesh and He will not destroy. (all are appointed to die once spiritually, without GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT, Heb. 9: 27, but at the same time, GOD promises to save ALL FLESH, who failed to receive HOLY SPIRIT, and will pour His SPIRIT on all flesh as well. Pouring His SPIRIT on all flesh means all will live. ‘Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.’. The SON of MAN comes to give life. Noah’s flood is a type which is to be fulfilled spiritually now. This includes the amazing fulfilment of the dove and the olive branch. Unless THE LORD does all things, 100% to save us, we have no way of saving ourselves. Noah means REST and comfort. And THE LORD comes to give us the rest and to comfort us as promised in Joh. 14- 16, The COMFORTER. He said to come to Him and He will give rest. As Noah’s flood gave physical rest to the whole humanity as they were killed, this time THE LORD comes to give the Spiritual rest from our labors, and from the curses which He cursed Adam and the whole mankind with. But as men are appointed to die once, Heb. 9: 27, spiritually without the HOLY SPIRIT, all will see that they were spiritually dead. But the SON of MAN has come to forgive and be our GOD. THE LORD comes to save us from this curse of death by giving Spiritual rain and water , a Spiritual flood to save all by His grace and TRUTH. Therefore all will be amazed when THE LORD comes as He comes unexpectedly, as none sought Him for life, but went after god the father. But HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER. Not knowing that, all are dead spiritually. Those who did not glorify Him as their GOD, the tribes, will not be able to stand before Him when He comes. The whole wickedness of mankind, will be destroyed. GOD of Noah is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Those who did not serve Him will be put to shame, but with that knowledge, they will be saved as well. This time it will be a Spiritual flood which leads to the White Throne to open the books or the Scripture to the whole world. So THE LORD comes for the prophesied Times of Refreshing, times of restitution, reformation and regeneration to forgive and give the whole truth, so all could be saved! .