GOD Visited the INIQUITY of Aaron to the last generation as He said by BRINGING EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION. !

In the first part, we proved how Aaron’s calf worshiping is to be avenged on the Day of Visitation. THIS WRITING PROVES ALL THOSE WHO DID NOT WORSHIP JESUS CHRIST the LORD ARE NOW DUST.! GOD Has said, He will avenge the sons for the father’s iniquities to the fourth generation. Then, when it came to the fourth generation, they too did the same sin. Then the avenging continued till the Day of Visitation to the accuser till all are THROWN OUT OF HEAVEN. Zion, is a PERPETUAL DESOLATION. Psa. 74. Because the enemy is INSIDE THE Sanctuary, which means priesthood.! This is why man is once appointed to die. Therefore, until all Spiritually died, this avenging is to continue and that is why the law of Moses was given so GOD can prove by the law how Aaron’s iniquity was avenged till the accuser is cast down.! “I Jehovah your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,”. In the first part, we proved that GOD said, He will Visit the sin of Aaron, on the ‘Day of Visitation’. Exo 32. And from Aaron, to the last priest under the Aaronic priesthood, (the accuser) was AVENGED. How? “ Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities.”. Lam 5:7. So this means, JUST AS GOD SAID IN Exo 32, THAT HE WILL VISIT THE INIQUITY, WHICH IS WORSHIPING IDOLS, GOD THREW the one last teacher of the law, out of heaven. That is the purpose of the law. All must understand, THE SIN and sins. THE SIN is the INIQUITY of Aaron even to the accuser for not worshiping JESUS CHRIST the LORD but other gods, such as GOD the Father and the law, the graven image, the idol. ! There is JUST ONE SCRIPTURE TO PROVE OURSELVES to see if we are GOD’s or not. JUST ONE !!! That scripture covers the WHOLE Bible. !!! Even though, everlasting destruction is prophesied, The LORD will turn that judgment off

Glossary pt 4- 27th Oct 2016

An ongoing work to show the meaning of many biblical words and phrases, the language of the Bible, as revealed. These referenced quotes are taken from our writings, as they appear in them and may not have the full intended meaning. And it is here a little , there a little. Therefore, These are perhaps not full meanings; and according to the subject , we have written appropriate scripture and try to prove our view point. For more understanding view source articles at www.gentileassembly.org or request email copies of articles, or ask questions at gentileassembly@googlemail.com. Scripture says in the last days, all flesh shall be poured on with the HOLY SPIRIT. And The LORD Is prophesied to come to "GENTILES", the second time to give the knowledge of GOD. Isa. 11: 9-11 and they will be given the Spirit and Truth and will believe ( 2 Thess. 2: 13) but Israel will be cut off. Rom. 11: 20. The gentiles are made for CHRIST the LORD's glory. Eph. 1: 6-23. So they will preach the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6-7 which is to worship and fear The CREATOR, who is CHRIST the LORD, and the same gospel about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, will JUDGE all for not worshiping Him, and Rom. 2: 16 and the same gospel will establish all. Rom. 16: 25. GOD revealed the law of TRUTH which Levi had in Mal. 2. That is The LORD of HOSTS's name one should fear and Levi was given peace and life. same way, all will receive peace and life, when they fear and worship The CREATOR !

Glossary pt 3- 30th oct 2016

An ongoing work to show the meaning of many biblical words and phrases, the language of the Bible, as revealed. These referenced quotes are taken from our writings, as they appear in them and may not have the full intended meaning. And it is here a little , there a little. Therefore, These are perhaps not full meanings; and according to the subject , we have written appropriate scripture and try to prove our view point. For more understanding view source articles at www.gentileassembly.org or request email copies of articles, or ask questions at gentileassembly@googlemail.com. Scripture says in the last days, all flesh shall be poured on with the HOLY SPIRIT. And The LORD Is prophesied to come to "GENTILES", the second time to give the knowledge of GOD. Isa. 11: 9-11 and they will believed. 2 Thess. 2: 13. They are made for CHRIST the LORD's glory. Eph. 1: 6-23. So they will preach the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6-7 and that JUDGES one, Rom. 2: 16 and establishes Rom. 16: 25. The present truth is that ;GOD revealed the law of TRUTH which Levi had in Mal. 2. And it was not the law of Moses. That is one should fear The LORD of HOSTS's name as Levi did and Levi was given peace and life. same way, all will receive peace and life, when they fear and worship The CREATOR !

Glossary of the Bible symbols – parables

the Bible is full of symbols and parables. Including the words such as "Father", and "CHRIST", also "antichrist" Mt 13: 35 — "I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world." When would GOD reveal these parables? For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea,.. the Lord shall again set His hand, the second time !! He Is prophesied to come a SECOND time to give the knowledge of GOD. Isa 11: 9-11. THAT IS THE REST. That is why Rev 10 only, the mystery of GOD is revealed and the wife is granted to wear fine linen, Joshua the high priest will be given clean clothes picturing righteousness, the Laodiceans will have clothes, which is after the judgments in Rev 19:7



8th nov 2016

“I” and “ME” proves, it is about ONE GOD! Whole Purpose of this writing is to prove THAT THE WHOLE BIBLE IS WRITTEN BY ONE GOD, AND ABOUT ONE GOD, that is The CREATOR, and HIS WILL.! WHAT IS HIS WILL ???? “In the volume of the book, it is WRITTEN OF “ME”??? “ME” means just ONE person! Which GOD is this who says “ME”? have you ACCEPTED THIS ONE GOD AS YOUR GOD? And it is The CREATOR, who ALONE HAS SPOKEN all the words! “Of which salvation the prophets have enquired …or what manner of timethe Spirit of “CHRIST which was in them did signify,. So, it is CHRIST the LORD who INSPIRED the words in the volume of the Book. “The LORD said all things concerning ‘ME has an end. The law, prophets and psalms talks about Him. “that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning ME …that this that is written must yet be accomplished in Me, ..for the things concerning ME HAVE AN END.”. Everything written in the law of Moses, prophets and psalms, are about this ONE GOD! He said ‘THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME”. So if you have worshiped this ONE GOD who wrote the law of Moses, and prophets, and psalms, then you know HIM! The scripture testifies OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD! “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of ME” . The CREATOR created, and wrote HIS WILL, HIS MIND, in the volume of the Book. The Bible is a SAD STORY ABOUT The CREATOR, as NONE BELIEVED, WORSHIPED, FEARED, Honored, OR EXALTED HIM but rejected and betrayed, and finally killed. But His death, saves all humans. So He was not exalted UNTIL THE JUDGMENTS. But in judgment, The LORD will be exalted, praised, blessed, thanked, honored, feared, worshiped! He wanted us to love Him with all our hearts, minds, soul and SPIRIT. But no one KNEW HIM. But in His mercy, He Has already spoken how HE WOULD BRING ALL TO LIVE ETERNALLY ONCE AGAIN, by HIMSELF! HE IS KNOWN IN MANY NAMES. AND HE WILL FULFILL ALL OF HIS NAMES, IN ORDER TO BRING US TO SALVATION. And this writing proves further that JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR is THE ONLY GOD! Prove all things! Believe the TRUTH! If not The LORD will say ;‘O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” . So in the volume of the Book, it is written about The CREATOR and HIS WILL, revealed to HIS OWN SONS! He created a garden of delight for His pleasure. But man, polluted His garden and GOD chased the man out of it and cursed. But in His mercy, He will once again make the garden of Eden or Delight. From cutting off the Tree of Life, to offer it again, (which means cutting off the knowledge of GOD or stop the breath, the HOLY SPIRIT, )is written. With the knowledge of GOD and the scripture being opened is the lake of fire where all those DEAD are called (Rev. 20:12, Rev. 11: 18-19), to be judged by the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, John 12: 48, which is the White Throne, (means to give light) ! O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” . The books are opened. ! All things concerning The CREATOR is fulfilled! It is impossible for us to write as a story flow, because all things are written here a little and there a little. !


Therefore, as you can see…, if you are to believe and trust the volume of the Book, … understand what the LORD said again…

  1. In the volume of the book, it is WRITTEN OF “ME”??? “ME” means just ONE GOD! JESUS CHRIST the LORD… The CREATOR.
  2. the Spirit of “CHRIST” which was in them did signify,. So, it is CHRIST the LORD who INSPIRED the words in the volume of the Book. The CREATOR. !
  3. that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning MEso all things written, is concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !
  4. that this that is written must yet be accomplished in Me, ..for the things concerning ME HAVE AN END.”so everything about The CREATOR , will have an end.
  5. Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of ME” . So the scripture, is the volume of the Book, which is written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR !!!


So in the volume of the Book, it is written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … His Spoken words, … which is to TESTIFY about HIM, and it concerns Him, … and all has AN END! And if the scripture has AN END, … then the last servants of The LORD , who would be given the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … will SEAL UP ALL THINGS. That means to write how all the words spoken about Him and the man He created did not walk in peace with each other, … how they became the enemy, … failed to be sons of GOD … but how the FATHER would die to save the sons, and how they will be forgiven and once again given the HOLY SPIRIT, ( breathing, the times of Refreshing ) and how The CREATOR, Himself will do all things to raise the man up to live eternally is written in the volume of the Book. In the book of Genesis, 1: 26, “US”, “OUR” is added words by the translators or the writers and not in the original. So is Isa. 6:8. Check it yourselves. We have proven this in 2008 in the mystery of GOD writing. All through out this writings, The LORD will open the scripture which He foretold that would be fulfilled to every jot and the tittle , without passing away. The Heaven, passed away. The earth quaked and every island moved out of places… THAT IS SPIRITUAL. But The LORD ’s words will not pass away. (note:- each grey high lighted ones are linked to the relevant writing in the web site).



Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.}}}… Heaven, Spiritually is where Zion or GOD’s servants work. And from Heaven, she was cast down. Lam 2: 1. Mountain means where GOD’s government is. And every government or leader will fall away. Remember Joshua the high priest. He does not even know The LORD ’s visitation. Hos. 9:7. And islands are where , the habitable places in the sea, … Spiritually where the wicked are. All these picture the people. And in order to create ALL THINGS NEW, the OLD things must pass away. Rev_21:5 And He sitting on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said to me, Write, for these words are true and faithful.}}}… “it is “I” ( CHRIST the LORD) who will make all things new, and no other GOD IS WITH HIM. There was no other GOD was with Him, when He created Adam ! GOD’s words are TRUE AND FAITHFUL. HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW… BUT IN HIM!!! All men failed to worship and fear Him. So in the volume of the Book , The LORD shows us how He prophesied all these and how all failed to fear and worship Him, …. And life and peace was taken away from man, and all FORSOOK The CREATOR, … and how once again, all things will be made NEW, … but IN HIM.

2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.}}}… Are you IN CHRIST the LORD ??? Did you worship HIM ONLY??? If you had worshiped other gods, … even GOD the Father, as there is none such, …. Then you are an OLD CREATURE who has to be made new , IN The CREATOR. !! So, The LORD must reveal these things in order to make us NEW IN HIM. !!!


Israel, failed to be IN CHRIST the LORD… so all will be ‘NEW ISRAEL’, IN HIM !!!

Gal 6:15 For IN CHRIST JESUS neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. …}}}… In JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … one becomes a NEW creature. Then the new Covenant also will be made with Him. !

Gal 6:16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. }}}… what is the rule, spoken in this scripture for one to become “Israel of GOD”? ‘TO BE IN CHRIST the LORD’. Or to say to be in ‘The CREATOR’ !!! Judge yourself to see if you are IN, The CREATOR ??? If not, you know, you are an old creature and NOT EVEN ISRAEL YET !!! So in the volume of the Book, GOD reveals, How He called Abraham, and then Israel… but they all failed to come to HIM, to be IN The CREATOR, and what they did but in The CREATOR’s mercy, once again, The LORD will gather them to Him and make them THE ISRAEL OF GOD!!! So from the beginning to the END, it is written , in the volume of the Book, … about The CREATOR’s story !

Only The CREATOR, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD who will work with us to do GOOD WORKS. !! No other GOD can do it for us. !

All the people wants a good name, do good works. But unless YOU ARE CREATED IN The CREATOR, AS YOU FAILED, … YOU WILL NOT HAVE GOOD WORKS. AND IN HIM, !!! we are The CREATOR’S workmanship. !! As you read on, … meditate, this is the will of GOD or the will of The CREATOR , which is written and the volume of the Book is written about Him only !!!

Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.}}}… so we must be created in JESUS CHRIST the LORD to have good works. !!! But at the moment, only those who are PRE- ORDAINED, who will be created, so others can follow. !



In all these, we can see, that we must be built in to the image of The CREATOR, CHRIST the LORD, The Son’s image. “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son , that he might be the firstborn among many brethren”. Rom 8: 29 . Therefore, The CREATOR who is also The Son, … created all humans in HIS IMAGE. !!! The CREATOR , CREATED ALL IN HIS IMAGE!!!! This is talking about the NEW CREATION ! The OLD creation also was created by the same GOD, but no one believed Him. So as the Tree of Life was cut off, all life was cut off, and all are appointed to die once. Heb. 9: 27.


So in His image, we were created , But man lost that image as he sinned. So The CREATOR Had to come as a SON to Himself, in order to die and cause us to build the image of GOD. And this scripture says.. He will be the first born among many brethren. So at this time, when we know, that we must be built in to the image of The Son, … The LORD Has already died and born again, so WE CAN FOLLOW.


Why should we not be built in to the image of the ‘GOD the Father”? Because the FATHER is also The Son, and The CREATOR. !!! If we are to be built in to the image of the FATHER, … then we would have already been built, as all worshiped and went after him !!! . We failed to be built in to the image of GOD, which is truly the image of The Son, … The CREATOR, … we have become OLD, and must be made NEW IN HIM !!!


Do you think you are built in to the image of GOD ??? If you have not known that you must be built in to the image of The SON, …. Then you are not ! Compare the words as the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, judges your own heart !


In the volume of the Book, … it is written about The CREATOR… !!!

Therefore, while you read this, JUDGE YOURSELVES , comparing with the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as John 12: 48 says “He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day”This further proves, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who SPOKE ALL THE WORDS in the volume of the Book. Can you understand that ??? CHRIST the LORD’s, words will judge all ! That means HE ALONE HAS WRITTEN THE WORDS IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK !!! There is no other gods, judges anyone. So who has no place for CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS? (see below) !!! Have you gone to Him to get the words, … revelation , the HOLY SPIRIT? Judge yourselves, comparing the words of CHRIST THE LORD !!


And JUDGE, TO SEE IF YOU HAVE REJECTED The CREATOR, OR NOT … AND HAVE RECEIVED HIS WORDS OR WENT TO GOD the Father, TO GET THE WORDS !!! After all, The CREATOR is The ROCK who gives the spiritual meat and drink. 1 cor 10: 3-4 !!! So on the LAST DAY, the WORD which The CREATOR Has spoken, will judge you. That is the lake of fire . remember the word of GOD is fire. So the volume of the Book is opened means THAT IS THE LAKE OF FIRE, as proven in previous writings ! It will burn your heart to know, .. that The CREATOR is THE ONLY GOD, but you have had other gods !



Have you received JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS ??? HAVE YOU BELIEVED ALL THINGS WRITTEN ARE HIS WORDS ??? So did you go to The CREATOR, or CHRIST the LORD to receive His words? Scripture says no. You don’t believe His words even now ??? You do not believe that you are JUDGED as NOT HAVING The CREATOR’S WORDS IN YOU ??? GOD takes vengeance to ACCEPT YOU. Isa. 61: 2- 3. And He gives this light, so you can live. !!! Hos. 2: 3 says He killed you by thirst. That is not giving His word ! You are to stumble at His word !!! THAT IS WHY YOU DID NOT GO TO HIM TO GET IT, BUT CREATED YOUR OWN GOD the Father AND WENT TO HIM. !!!


THE ALMIGHTY as the FATHER… and that is CHRIST the LORD ! The ONLY GOD !!!

Even from the beginning, GOD Has written, there are no other gods, but Him. When GOD met Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , Moses etc , …. There were no other gods with Him. Scripture talks about an Angel of The LORD , … then three angels coming , angels ascending and descending, etc, …. But no other gods !

Deu 4:35 It was shown to you so that you might know that Jehovah is God, and no one else beside Him...}}}…IT WAS SHOWN TO YOU…. Israel, ….. THAT YOU MIGHT KNOW… JEHOVAH IS YOUR GOD, …. AND NO ONE ELSE BESIDES HIM !!!!!! Judge yourselves, comparing the words of CHRIST THE LORD !!!

So The CREATOR Has shown to your fathers, … that THERE ARE NO OTHER GODS BESIDES HIM. !!!!

Which GOD is JEHOVAH???? It is THE ALMIGHTY, and THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , ‘The CREATOR’ . !!! Exo. 6: 3. Gen_17:1, Gen_28:3, Gen_35:11, Gen_48:3. These scripture proves, THE ALMIGHTY spoke with the fathers. ! SAME GOD !!!

Following scripture will prove, without a doubt that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE ALMIGHTY…

And in revelation, … the last book of the volume of the Book, talks about THE ALMIGHTY as well. So from the beginning, it was THE ALMIGHTY, who spoke with Abraham and even unto the end ! He was known as GOD, The LORD , the SPIRIT of GOD !

Rev_1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, says the Lord, the One who is, and who was, and who is coming, the Almighty. }}}… Which GOD is ALPHA and OMEGA ??? “And, behold, I come quickly.. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”which GOD said “I COME QUICKLY”??? That is CHRIST the LORD. So He is THE ALMIGHTY, who IS, WAS, WHO IS COMING…. THE ALMIGHTY !!! So without a doubt, you know, THE ALMIGHTY who spoke with Abraham, at the beginning of the promises and Covenants, … and unto the end, it is HE ALONE WHO SPOKE and did all things. !

Therefore, as the scripture above says “It was shown to you so that you might know that Jehovah is God, and no one else beside Him”…did you believe CHRIST the LORD WHO IS JEHOVAH , OR THE ALMIGHTY IS THE ONLY GOD? Now remember that, CHRIST the LORD is THE ALMIGHTY and Jehovah, The CREATOR !!!



Rev_11:17 saying, We thank You, Lord God Almighty, the One who is, and who was, and who is coming, because You took Your great power and reigned…}}}… ” the One who is, and who was, and who is coming,” has one strong’s number. G 3801. It says ;-

A phrase combining G3588 with the present participle and imperfect of G1510 and the present participle of G2064 by means of G2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming, that is, the Eternal, as a divine epithet of Christ. (Each “and” (G2532) was ommited from the phrase because of limited space.): – which art (is, was), and (which) wast (is, was), and art (is) to come (shalt be).”.

Thayer Definition:

1) He who is, and was, and is coming

So it is ONE GOD, WHO WAS, IS AND IS COMING! And CHRIST the LORD said ‘I come quickly”. So in the volume of the Book, … it is written about this ONE GOD, but coming in many names… doing many things. So it is ‘The CREATOR’ !!


Rev_15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the slave of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty, righteous and true are Your ways, King of the saints.}}}… Which GOD’s works are GREAT?? It is THE ALMIGHTY’s. The song of Moses was taught by The ROCK who begat all. Deut 32: 18. That is also The CREATOR. Vs 6, 12, 15, 18 ! And THE KING of the saints??? It is CHRIST the LORD !!!


Rev_16:7 And I heard another out of the altar saying, Yes, Lord God Almighty, Your judgments are true and righteous. …}}… which GOD is THE JUDGE, ??? It is CHRIST the LORD… “For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us. “ Isa. 32: 22. … the judgments are THE ALMIGHTY’s, … and He is the Judge, and King… and He will SAVE us proves, The Saviour IS THE ALMIGHTY, THE JUDGE AND THE KING. !!! So The Saviour is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR !!! Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD!


Rev_19:15 And out of His mouth goes forth a sharp sword, that with it He might smite the nations. And He will shepherd them with an iron rod. And He treads the winepress of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of God Almighty. }}}… Which GOD’s mouth, comes the sword, the WORD of GOD ? ( Heb. 4: 12). NO other GOD Has spoken in the volume of the Book, but The CREATOR. He Is the Great Shepherd. He treads the winepress. He is angry and His wrath comes on those who did not believe Him. ! Isa. 63, 9:19, So it is The CREATOR !!!


Rev_21:22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, even the Lamb. }}}.. THE ALMIGHTY, and the Lamb is one GOD, The CREATOR as we know.


And… it THE ALMIGHTY Is known in all of the following names…

Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. …}}}… all these names are The CREATOR’s names. So there was no other GOD, … and He Has made known clearly about these, .. but our eyes were not opened to understand these before. !

And THE ALMIGHTY, … is the FATHER. Then we are to be The CREATOR’S OR CHRIST the LORD’S SONS as we have been proving. This is written to gentiles. But I want to prove is THE ALMIGHTY is the FATHER … and we are His sons, and there is no GOD the Father.

2Co_6:18 "And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons" and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.}}}… this is after Israel was cut off. Isa. 56 says, when the SALVATION is about to come, … the gentiles joined Him. ! And we became sons to The CREATOR , THE ALMIGHTY…, Jehovah, and so on. !!!

So The Saviour says, I AM YOUR GOD… THE Holy ONE …

Isa 43:3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour:..}}}.. Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD to see if you have believed the WORD of THE LORD! So IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK, .. IT IS WRITTEN OF HIM!

But when it came to Mal. 2: 10, … Judah, the last tribe preached TWO GODS. GOD said, they will be sent to Babylon, for seventy years, and two kings will serve as beasts , proven in our Babylon writing. (Rev. 13: 12 , one beast raising the ruins of the previous one and causing all to worship him. GF said HWA is a SPIRITUAL FATHER who will take us IN TO ETERNITY! And caused all to read his books, etc. ). A beast, is someone without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. And Micah 4: 10, The LORD said, the wife of CHRIST The LORD is sent to Babylon, TO BE DELIVERED. So JUST BEFORE DELIVERED, She should be in Babylon !!!! Remember in Jer. 10:11, it says, those who worshiped other gods, other than The CREATOR, … WILL PERISH WITH THEIR GODS. ! ( this is the seventy year Babylon, where two beasts will work as proven in previous writings. That is why Gerald Flurry raised up the ruins of HWA who taught two gods !!! ).


The CREATOR, or The ROCK gave birth or BEGAT Israel. Deut. 32: 18. IS NOT THAT , The CREATOR ??? and as you failed to be HIS SONS,… by HIS WORD OF TRUTH, HE BEGAT US… !!! (Jam 1: 18). And The LORD said, they will forsake Him. ! Jer. 2: 13 , 3: 18-20 also confirms that. This whole volume of the Book talks about ONE GOD, The CREATOR. But in the end, as Israel and Judah are to stumble on JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and are appointed to stumble at the WORD of GOD , … Isa. 8: 14, 1 Pet. 2: 8, they created GOD the Father, as THEY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURE. Last era, closed the door to Him. and He is The ROCK who gives SPIRIT. So , as they are to stumble, and not to know the WORD of GOD , … they made another GOD, calling Him, John 8:54. So they created another GOD , just as it was in their beginning, when The LORD was giving the law, in Exo 32, they made the calf and worshiped it, … the last era also made another GOD called GOD the Father and worshiped Him. ! That time, the finger of GOD was writing the law of Moses. And now, to end the work of The LORD ’S FINGER, … HE CALLED and brought forth HIS OWN SONS, as you will see… ( He was first born among many brethren, and He brought forth His sons, who are also called brethren. Heb. 2: 10- 13 ) and they are to be the FINGER OF GOD, this time. !!! You will see, through them, … The LORD gives the law OF TRUTH once again… or the SPIRIT , once again. !!! (see below)



So Judah, ( HWA and GF ), … created another GOD, another FATHER to worship, as the time came to JUDGE ALL, and all things written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD must come to an end. So the book of Malachi proves how the whole Levitical ministry failed to fear and worship The CREATOR , but has made up other creators. (Jer. 10:11).


Mal 2:10 Have we not all one Father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? }}}… you COULD NOT HAVE UNDERSTOOD THIS VERSE. What ever GF has written in his MM, is a lie. He is the man, Joshua, the high priest made the people to wonder at him, … and not on JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He preached to go to GOD the Father, as the head… PASSING The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE ONLY TRUE GOD , The CREATOR , THE Everlasting FATHER !!! as the scripture says, they are to stumble on Him, and to reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone, … and are to stumble at the WORD of GOD , … now every one can judge themselves, comparing the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, written in the volume of the Book, … to know, … that if they have believed THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE CREATOR AND ONE FATHER !!!! The CREATOR Has promised that His words will judge you on the last day !!! have you not had TWO CREATORS ??? Have you not HAD OTHER FATHERS ??? But you will see below, proven from the scripture, … that gentiles are given the knowledge of GOD , … to know that The CREATOR is THE ONLY ONE GOD AND ONE FATHER…



Since you rejected the true FATHER, … The LORD prepared the gentiles to receive HIM AS THE Everlasting FATHER … and this is The CREATOR, WHO IS ALSO The REDEEMER !!! Hear what the gentiles says to GOD… they found The REDEEMER to be their Everlasting FATHER… !!! But you do not acknowledge us… and not even Abraham know us.

Isa 63:16 For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us. You, O Jehovah, are our Father, our Redeemer; Your name is from everlasting. }}}… FATHER + everlasting = Everlasting FATHER !!! The REDEEMER is THE Everlasting FATHER !!! That means Isa. 9: 6 also agrees with this scripture…. That Everlasting FATHER is also The Son. So at one time, He was a FATHER. Deut 32: 18 says, He is The ROCK , who BEGAT. Then, He should be the FATHER. and later, He came to the world, … from the FATHER, His own words prophesied His coming as The Son. !!! So we are built in to the image of The Son, … as the scripture says , as we received the SPIRIT OF OUR FATHER, WHO IS ALSO THE SON !!! so have you acknowledged The REDEEMER as your FATHER ???




All throughout the Bible, it is written about ONE GOD. And JESUS CHRIST the LORD says, it is HIM! Then, should we not believe Him and His words ? First of all, we must prove, all things are written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Without that understanding, we believe and worship false gods.

Luk_22:37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be ACCOMPLISHED IN ME, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning Me have an end. }}}… ‘written must be accomplished in ‘ME’… !!! And it HAS AN END!!!! Then, in our life time, all things must come to end, … because the wife of CHRIST The LORD must be prepared for the marriage and it is prophesied she is granted to wear fine linen. !!!! And this time, the marriage is with The CREATOR who is also the FATHER, and The Husband !!! Jer. 3: 19…

Jer 3:19 ….and I said, Thou shalt call ME, MY FATHER; and shalt not turn away from Me.

Jer 3:20 Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.}}}… The Husband , JESUS CHRIST the LORD … says, you WILL CALL HIM MY ‘FATHER’… !!! Have you called your HUSBAND, your FATHER ??? Have you known that the Everlasting FATHER is also The Son, … and He Is your FATHER as well as The Husband and every other name which GOD Has is HIS??? V 20 proves, this is said by The Husband !!! That is The CREATOR !!! He entered in to a marriage Covenant with Israel , with Moses and the people. Then, they forsook Him. Then, the Levitical ministry or Judah also forsook Him and created another GOD, calling GOD the Father and believed TWO FATHERS, TWO CREATORS !!!



Which GOD is your GUIDE ??? He SHOULD BE YOUR FATHER! Same chapter of Jer. 3

Jer 3:4 Will you not from this time CRY TO ME, MY FATHER, You are the GUIDE of my youth?

Jer 3:5 Will He keep His anger forever? Will He keep it to the end? Behold, you have spoken and done all the evil things you could do. }}}…which GOD brought and guide Israel out of Egypt ?? it is The CREATOR … The ROCK.. and read v 19-20. The Husband is your FATHER, as written elsewhere. He was the Guide of your youth. !


Psa 48:14 For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death. }}}… GOD is our GOD FOR EVER… and He Is the Everlasting FATHER… a FATHER for ever !!! And, this chapter talks about THE GREAT KING. ! That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR !!! And it is the city of ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’. :

Psa 48:8 As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah...}}}… so The LORD of HOSTS , is The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who was rejected and dishonored as a FATHER by the Levitical ministry. !! Mal. 1: 6, Mal. 2 !!! And now, He comes as the Spirit and Truth, to guide us ONCE AGAIN…



Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:}}}…as proven below, … the Spirit and Truth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HE IS THE TRUTH, AND ALSO THE SPIRIT, … SO HE WILL GUIDE US ALL IN TO TRUTH! (see below) ! and until the Spirit and Truth comes, .. we have had LIES. Because, The Comforter, will guild us in to all TRUTH. So we have not had all truth, until such time. That makes all , liars. ! This is why the Spirit and Truth comes, to set us free from lies by the truth!


All things written are about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Do you know any scripture which talks about GOD the Father whom you say is your GOD, will do anything ? (John 8:54) . CHRIST the LORD said He is greater than Me, because His own words proves who THE SON is. !! Just think… if we do not have the word of GOD written, .. how do we know, CHRIST the LORD is The CREATOR, or that HE IS THE GOD, AND WHO CAME TO DIE AND WHO WILL COME AGAIN ETC AND ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE WORD of GOD ??


Following scripture says, in the law of Moses, prophets and psalms … are written about HIM, The CREATOR !!! IF NOT FOR PSALMS, .. PROPHETS, … AND THE LAW OF MOSES, … WHAT ELSE IS THERE WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK ???The law of Moses was given as a Covenant with JESUS CHRIST the LORD , but back then He was known as The LORD , GOD, The ROCK, and THE ALMIGHTY.!!! (Exo. 6:3). So in the law of Moses, which GOD is spoken off?? Therefore, in psalms, … prophets, … and Moses, … it is written about Him ONLY !!!


Luk_24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in theLAW OF MOSES, AND IN THE PROPHETS, AND IN THE PSALMS, CONCERNING ME. }}}.. do you truly believe, that the law of Moses which you keep, is all about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? Read Exo 20, where the law of Moses is written… ! HE IS YOUR HUSBAND, AS WELL AS THE FATHER !!!! Because there are no other gods !!! understand the first four laws in the law of Moses and see, if you have kept a single one about honoring The LORD who gave it…

  1. Exo 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,

Exo 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Exo 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. }}}… ‘GOD’… spoke… which GOD is this ? He Is identifying Himself as the GOD who brought your fathers out of the land of Egypt … !!! That is The ROCK. !!! Exo 2: 23- 25 says ‘GOD’ heard the cry of the people. Then, in Exo 3:2, it says an ANGEL spoke to Moses, and then v 4, says it is ‘GOD’ who Spoke to Moses. He was known as LORD, GOD , until He spoke with Abraham , and said I AM THE ALMIGHTY in Gen. 17: 1. And then Exo 6: 3, He was known as THE ALMIGHTY, and JEHOVAH. At this time, The LORD was speaking to Moses and said, I AM THE ALMIGHTY… JEHOVAH, and I will establish My Covenant, vs 3-6, and will bring out Israel out of bondage. And when The LORD introduced Himself to Jacob , He said I, The LORD GOD of Isaac, and Abraham thy father. Gen. 28:13. So as we read the Bible, we see, THE NAMES OF GOD are changing and increasing. But it is still , this ONE GOD. In Gen. 49: 24, Jacob said, The ROCK OR THE STONE, The Shepherd of Israel. So you can see… the SAME GOD is known in MANY NAMES. ! And deut 32 says, The ROCK brought you out of Egypt. And Jacob said, The ROCK, or The Stone of Israel , is the GOD of the father Abraham. So there was NO OTHER GOD KNOWN TO Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! Then in Gen. 50:24, Joseph also talked about GOD, and the GOD who Spoke to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . In Gen. 1: 26, “US” is not in the original, but later added. There was only one GOD, and HIS SPIRIT was there, creating. ! (Gen. 1:2) And GOD always said ‘ I’… single PERSONAGE. ! So then, have you had ONLY THIS GOD WHO SPOKE AND GAVE THE LAW OF MOSES WHICH YOU ARE TRYING TO KEEP ??? The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who brought your fathers out of Egypt ??? Where did GOD the Father come from, whom you say is your GOD? John 8: 54 ??? “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”…So you have had other gods, but NOT THIS GOD who gave the law !! So it in the law of Moses, … it is WRITTEN OF ‘ME’, said JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! But you went passing Him , not focusing on Him… !!!! IN that, you HATED HIM, as HE SAID !

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,…”…. Have you not looked to a graven image to give you righteousness ? The law of Moses, which you sought righteousness out of, … is only a graven image.! You served it. You allowed it to have dominion over you, whereas, only The LORD must have dominion over us. “Rom. 7: 1… “for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?” and then rest of the chapter says as a woman is bound to the husband as long as she lives, that those who are under the law, must die to be free from the law. This was explained in many writings. It is The Husband who is to rule or have dominion over the wife. The Husband is the HEAD of the wife and not the law, which is a graven image. Scripture says, you search scripture to have life, but you are not willing to come to Me to have life!!!! So you kept the law of Moses to get righteousness or life by it, … to build the righteous character, which truly is the image of GOD, by yourselves , when the scripture says it is given to condemn one to death. So you searched life out of death, and worshiped and allowed a graven image to have dominion over you. !!!

  1. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain”. In Mal. 1:6 and 2 , The LORD says, the Levitical ministry despised the NAME OF The LORD , and did not give glory to His name ! Because, The LORD of HOSTS , is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and who brought Israel out of Egypt, who Is known in MANY NAMES ! And you worshiped GOD the Father, when NOTHING IS WRITTEN IN THE WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK ABOUT ANOTHER GOD ! So you broke the above three all together. !
  2. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy… For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”… Which GOD MADE all things and commanded us to REST on the 7th day, as HE DID ??? In six days, The LORD … one GOD made all things. So ON THE 7TH DAY, AND ON THE Sabbath DAY, … WE MUST REST TO HONOR THIS ONE GOD , The LORD , WHO MADE OR CREATED ALL THINGS. In the volume of the Book, it is written of HIM! Gen. 2; 2-3 says, The LORD SANCTIFIED the Sabbath day, after HE ENDED creating all things. So it is the SAME GOD WHO CREATED ALL THINGS, WHO GAVE THE LAW OF MOSES, and said all of the above !!! He said ‘ I AM The LORD of Sabbath’… that means I AM The CREATOR… !!! The LORD BLESSED THE Sabbath DAY…. So WHICH GOD IS THAT ??? it is The LORD of Sabbath, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! If He is a LORD, OR THE LORD, then did you worship Him, or accepted Him as Your ONLY GOD, AND CREATOR ??? So did you keep Sabbaths, to honor The LORD of Sabbath, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ? Did you not preach to go to GOD the Father, on the Sabbath day?



Here is what in the volume of the Book says the Levitical ministry worshiped TWO GODS…

Mal 2:10 Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD CREATED us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? …}}}… you had one FATHER, but it is not The CREATOR, !!!! The LORD said , you should not call anyone your FATHER, other than Your Master, and the FATHER in Heaven !!! That is HIM. !!! If The ROCK, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD Created us, HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER ! Deut. 32: 18 says, The ROCK , BEGAT all. That is the FATHER. The CREATOR is our FATHER. there is more below to prove that. ! And… “profaning the covenant of our fathers”… So the Covenant was with ONE GOD, ONE FATHER, … WHO IS The CREATOR. As written above, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Moses had this ONE GOD! We have already proen that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is also the FATHER in other writings and we will further prove in this.!

So in the law of Moses, … he wrote about ONE GOD. He was known as The LORD , .. GOD, … Jehovah, … The ROCK , THE ALMIGHTY , Exceeding great reward, ( Gen. 15:1), and The Shield , the LORD God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac: The LORD our GOD etc. and it just ONE GOD, who is The ROCK who spoke to Moses all the time. !


Then in PROPHETS?? It is still the same GOD.

1Sa 3:19 And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.

1Sa 3:20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD.

1Sa 3:21 And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD…}}}… Samuel, had The LORD with Him. Which GOD is this? And, which GOD is SHILOH? Gen. 49 says, Shiloh comes to gather the people. ! And The LORD revealed Himself to Samuel, by the WORD of GOD , just as He Is doing to us now !!! Which GOD’s words led Samuel to know his GOD??? And, the words of The CREATOR, is called ‘spirit and life”. John 6:63. And as Apostle Peter said, it is the SPIRIT of ‘ CHRIST the LORD’, which inspired all the prophets. !!! 1 Pet. 1. ! So to us now, as the written WORD of GOD is available, those words are SPIRIT and life. we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD , …. The CREATOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!


1Sa_10:10 And they came there to the hill, behold, a company of prophets met him. And the Spirit of God came on him, and he prophesied among them.}}}… the SPIRIT OF GOD caused these prophets to prophesy. Then 1 Pet. 1 10-11 “About which salvation the prophets sought out and searched out,.. the Spirit of Christ made clear within them”. So all the prophets were led by the SPIRIT of CHRIST the LORD, … and they spoke about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, just as HE SAID as written above. ! it was HIS SPIRIT which inspired all, as HE ONLY SPOKE all things. !



And all scripture, is THE BREATH OF The LORD …so which LORD is that ??? “All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. 2 Tim. 3: 16. So which GOD breathed the scripture ??? John 20:22… JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as written above, it was the SPIRIT of CHRIST, which inspired all, Moses, law, prophets and psalms. ! He said we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD . Deut. 8: 3 says, it is the GOD who was with Israel, who said that. So He repeated it again in Mat. 4: 4! So the GOD of Israel was The ROCK, who is CHRIST the LORD !! So IT IS The CREATOR WHO BREATHED THE SCRIPTURE, written in the volume of the Book. And it is about Him !!! And not only that, in order to RE- breathe also, it is He who comes for the times of Refreshing. Acts. 3:19!!! And He comes as The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth as written below. !!!


Not only that, … in Him, … we live… or we die. !!! If you do not worship Him, … you die… but when you worship Him, … you live and become NEW AGAIN !!!


Israel, will FALL, and RISE, in Him. !

Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;”. Luk. 2: 34 !!!


And we are to hear THAT PROPHET… this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Act 3:23 And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyedfrom among the people.

Act 3:24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken,have likewise foretold of these days. }}}… so all the prophets, after what Moses wrote, … all spoke about THAT PROPHET. So who is THAT PROPHET?




And this was said by The The CREATOR, the LORD , about Himself.

Deu 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brothers, one like you, and will put My words in His mouth. And He shall speak to them all that I shall command Him.}}}… which GOD Spoke this to Moses ???? The CREATOR !!! So when JESUS CHRIST the LORD came, … He SPOKE ALL THE WRITTEN WORDS, which was HIS OWN WORDS. !! He said ‘as it is written’ !!!


Deu 18:19 And it shall happen, whatever man will not listen to My Words which He shall speak in My name, I will require it of him. }}}… so it was The CREATOR, who said this, ABOUT HIMSELF. ! We all know THAT PROPHET whom Moses spoke about, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and did you hear HIM ??? None in the 7 eras heard Him. He Spoke to them, and He wrote seven letters to each era. But none heard Him or His words. so all are made blind, and the SPIRIT of GOD was withheld from them, as they did not believe, receive Him. !!! The last high priest taught to go PASS THIS PROPHET and go to GOD the Father as the head. So has he heard from another FATHER ??? Jer. 3:19 says, The Husband is also the FATHER, and you will know in this day !!! So the last high priest did not hear THAT PROPHET, whom The LORD promised to send, but he took that title on himself and called himself ‘that prophet’! He said to not to focus on THAT PROPHET, but focus on head quarters, where that prophet is , who is himself !!! So all the people, including us, heard this evil prophet who took The LORD’S TITLE ON HIMSELF , until He came the second time and gave us the knowledge of GOD , and redeemed us. Isa. 11: 9 – 11 !!!


“whatever man will not listen to My Words which He shall speak in My name,”!

Remember in John 12: 48, The LORD said ‘MY words” will judge you on the last day??? So judge yourselves to see if you HEARD THAT PROPHET ???? Or you heard ‘that prophet’ who came in his own name who is a NAME STEALER !!! He stole many of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s names !!! All four first letters in the New testament, is full of SPOKEN WORDS BY THAT PROPHET, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. HE ALWAYS REFERRED TO SCRIPTURE SAYING ‘AS IT IS WRITTEN’. And hereby we prove, it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the SPIRIT of CHRIST the LORD, who and which inspired all the prophets, except this ‘that prophet’, who came in his own name, stealing THAT PROPHET’S TITLE!

My Words which He shall speak in My name, I will require it of him. }}}.. So it is The CREATOR’s words, He will speak, in HIS NAME. so when would The CREATOR come IN HIS NAME to SPEAK HIS own words ??? It has to be when He comes as THAT PROPHET, … and when He came the first time, HE ALWAYS REFERRED TO ; AS IT IS WRITTEN !!! So He came to speak HIS OWN WORDS, IN HIS NAME !!! And that is The Comforter, … the Spirit and Truth… “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:…. for he shall receive of MINE, and shall shew it unto you.”. (see below) John 16: 14-15




He shall speak to them all that I shall command Him.

My Words which He shall speak in My name,

for he shall receive of MINE, and shall shew it unto you.”. So THAT PROPHET WILL SPEAK HIS OWN WORDS !!! That is The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth WHO HAS COME TO BLESS ALL !!! The Blessing is to remove our flesh and blood, by forgiving by His blood, … and for His name’s sake, … and to open the eyes to see THE TRUE GODHEAD.! Or to know, The CREATOR is the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son and everything in the volume of the Book is written of HIM !!!!

And THAT PROPHET , is the GOD of Abraham, who was sent to BLESS YOU!!! But you never , to this day has received His blessing. (Israel’s blindness also is a mystery). Rom. 11: 25. When The LORD Visit to take gentiles, Israel is blinded. Acts. 15: 9- 15. So their blindness is also a mystery… which is revealed to gentiles. “I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in”. So as Israel is blind now, the gentiles’ times are fulfilled. And we see how the blindness came on you. That is why we come and say you have inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19



The Blessing of Abraham… is the BLESSING OF The CREATOR … ! “Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you,”…

Act 3:25 Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.}}}… GOD made the Covenant with Abraham…. in thy SEED, all will be blessed. So this is just ONE SEED. And that is The Son, JESUS CHRIST the LORD…, who will bless us. ;-


Act 3:26 Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.}}}… Covenant which GOD made with fathers, SAYING TO Abraham…. So this Covenant began with Abraham. ! And in Abraham’s seed, .. all nations will be BLESSED. ! And this SEED is JESUS CHRIST the LORD … and the promise is TO BLESS BY SON JESUS !!! Understand … when GOD, or The CREATOR made the Covenant with Abraham, …. To give him blessing, … GOD was saying, I WILL SEND MY SONS JESUS TO BLESS YOU…. And what is this blessing? All the knowledge, necessary, … to turn us from iniquities !!! First time, HE CAME AND DIED… but Abraham’s seed did not believe or accept Him, but killed Him. So WOULD THEY BE GIVEN THE BLESSING, … when they killed the SON JESUS who was sent to bless them ???


Then how about all seven eras ??? All of them are to fall, and final era is MADE TOTALLY BLIND, … AND THEY TOO CLOSED THE DOOR TO HIM, … instead of receiving HIS BLESSING !!! The wife of CHRIST The LORD , turned as an ENEMY of THE SON JESUS !!! and as you will see… , even the ones who were sent by THE SON, … WAS CAST OUT , NOT RECEIVING THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. !!! finally, The Son , WHO CAME TO BLESS… OR TO GIVE Abraham’s blessing, according to the Covenant, … left HIS OWN Sanctuary … THE MINISTRY… AS THEY POLLUTED IT TOTALLY, AND MADE A DEN OF THIEVES, … and CREEPING MINISTRY TOOK OVER, … ROARING LIONS, … AND LIKE FISH THAT HAS NO RULER THEY ARE LIKENED TO, … and scorpions, ..and total strangers to The SON !!!! How could the seed of Abraham , receive the blessing of The SON JESUS ??? The Covenant was broken. Psa. 89:30-40, Isa. 24 , Zech. 11: 10-11, … WHAT GOD PROMISED TO Abraham, … TO BLESS HIS SEED, … WAS UNABLE TO BE FULFILLED BY The SON, AND HE LEFT … SEEKING OTHERS TO ADOPT AND GIVE THIS BLESSING. !!! As you will see, if you have not already, … this is why, The LORD BLESSED Hagar, … THE GENTILE WOMAN, … BEFORE He blessed the married woman Sarah with a child, to BE THE FIRST BORN OF Abraham…, that when The LORD divides the inheritance, … HE BLESSED THAT LAD, as HE DID BEFORE !!!! So the BLESSING which is to turn one away from iniquity, was first given to gentiles , BUT THEY ARE ALL Abraham’S SEED !!! Rom. 2, 4, Gal. 6 says… if you are of circumcision or uncircumcision, … you are Abraham’s seed, if you BE NEW IN The SON JESUS !!! So the gentiles came to Him and received the blessing and they are forgiven and are revealed The SON. !!! Remember flesh and blood cannot reveal The SON ? So the truth about The CREATOR, … or JESUS CHRIST the LORD was and still is a mystery to Israel !!! So the Covenant with gentiles, … was the Covenant , The CREATOR had in mind, when He blessed Abraham … Gal. 3: 17. !!! 430 years before the law Covenant came, … this Covenant was ratified !!! But no one knew that until now, until it’s blessing came and THE SON JESUS came , or THAT PROPHET CAME and gentiles HEARD HIM ! Isa. 63: 16 says… Abraham does not know us, … Israel does not acknowledge us, … but we have found The REDEEMER TO BE THE Everlasting FATHER !!! So when the iniquity is forgiven, having THE SON JESUS come, … HE MADE HIMSELF KNOWN !!!! THAT IS THE BLESSING OF Abraham !


“covenant which God made with …Abraham, And in thy seed shall all …be blessed. having raised up his Son Jesus, sent Him toBLESS YOU, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities”….


So the Covenant with Abraham, which GOD made, .. The CREATOR, .. is to BLESS ALL, by sending His SON JESUS … by turning them away from sin !!!


In other words, … The CREATOR , THE ALMIGHTY, made the Covenant with Abraham, to BLESS ALL THE EARTH , through HIMSELF !!! Because, The CREATOR is THE SON JESUS !!!! So in the volume of the Book, … it is written of HIM !!! THE SON JESUS , came forth from such SPOKEN WORDS OF THE SAME GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR… WHICH IS CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT. (John 6:63) That gives us life. so through The CREATOR’S BREATH, we RECEIVE LIFE… OR IF WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT, … DEATH !!!!

“For in Him we live and move and have our being… For we are also His offspring.”. This is talking about The CREATOR , in Acts. 17: 28. So we are to be the sons to The CREATOR !!! Have you, … the sons of the prophets, … to whom THE SON JESUS was sent, … received Him ??? Do you live in THE SON JESUS ???

If not, … your iniquity still stands. That is why the last high priest has iniquity… because, he did not RECEIVE THE SON JESUS , Who was sent to BLESS HIM, … to turn away from INIQUITY !!!! Joshua the high priest ! Any of you have not gone to get the BLESSING OF THE SON JESUS, … are not blessed and still is with iniquity !


Do you live IN CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR ??? Are you an offspring of The CREATOR ???? Scripture says so. Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD to see if you have believed the WORD of THE LORD!




Psa_51:4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.}}}… on the last day, when The LORD ’s words judges one ( John 12: 48), … you should say the same thing, because THE SON JESUS’S WORDS WILL PROVE YOU THAT YOU HAVE SINNED AGAINST HIM as HE WROTE in His words !!! Then, acknowledging our sin, … justifies The LORD from His guilt which Adam made as proven in previous writings.



It is very important to understand, that we have sinned against The CREATOR and not against any other gods. !!! If not, THE SON JESUS, … or THAT PROPHET, … or The CREATOR … will NOT BLESS YOU !!!


This blessing then, is needed by Joshua and his fellows, who has iniquity, who turned all AWAY FROM The Son !!! That stopped the blessing of Abraham to come on all Israel !!!! you are the children of the prophets…. And of the Covenant which GOD made with your fathers, … Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , and Joseph and Moses as written above !!! Now as you did not hear Him, … that is your INIQUITY !!! That is Joshua’s iniquity, as proven in previous writings !!! He caused all to turn away from THAT PROPHET !!! He called , himself that prophet. And has he BLESSED THE PEOPLE ??? He turned all away from THE TRUE PROPHET . and now, understand your iniquity. YOU DID NOT RECEIVE THAT PROPHET WHO CAME TO BLESS YOU!!! But we, the gentiles received Him, and we are BLESSED Spiritually. !! as you are blind, you cannot yet see that !!! One should hear THAT PROPHET in order to receive the SEEING EYES… OR OPENED EYES TO UNDERSTAND SPIRITUAL THINGS !!! Then only one can turn from iniquity. !!! Remember your iniquity is NOT KNOWING THE TRUTH AND THE TRUE GOD, The SON !!!


On the Day of Visitation (please read) The LORD comes to visit the sin and iniquity as He prophesied. ;- (lev 18:25, Psa. 89: 30-40. Exo 32;34 etc.). and HE COMES TO VISIT OR REVEAL THE SIN, 1 COR 4:5, AND ALSO TO CORRECT IT. BECAUSE, HE TAKES VENGEANCE, TO ACCEPT. OR JUDGMENT AS LIGHT GOES FORTH. Hos. 6;5. SO HE GIVES THE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN, BY REVEALING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD , THE TRUTH, TO SET FREE. HE HAS NOT GIVEN UNDERSTANDING TO ANY TO KNOW HIM, UNTIL THE OFFENSE AGAINST HIM WHICH Adam BEGAN IS REVEALED AND CORRECTED BY ACCEPTING HIS OWN BLOOD, BUT AT THE END OF THE AGE. Heb. 9: 25- 28. So until such time, … The LORD allowed all to do according to their own imaginations. So even as the high priest taught, … ‘we build to the BEST OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT’, … man has been building to the HUMAN, CARNAL spirit. ! And that is the GREATEST BLESSING OF MAN, as that is when the man is blessed to have eyes opened. !


Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities….}}}… so you see…. this BLESSING IS GIVEN TO US BY JESUS CHRIST the LORD… BUT IT CAME FIRST TO Abraham’ SEED, Israel…” Unto you first”….but as they reject it, salvation is sent to gentiles. Acts. 13: 46, and they will hear it, says the WORD of GOD . Acts. 28: 26-28 !


the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham… Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities”

The Covenant GOD made, that is The CREATOR, … with Abraham, …. Is to SENT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … HIS SON….to BLESS YOU… to TURN AWAY FROM YOUR INIQUITY !!! What a blessing that is indeed !!! Then, HE WAS SENT FIRST TO Israel…. but THEY DID NOT TURN AWAY FROM THEIR INIQUITY, THEY BETRAYED HIM, COUNTED AS A SINNER AND A BLASPHEMER, … AND KILLED BY HANDING HIM OVER TO GENTILES. !!! So HE PLANNED TO COME A SECOND TIME, TO GENTILES…, AND HE CAUSED THEM TO BELIEVE, RECEIVE, AND ACCEPT AND TRUST IN HIM. ! and they feared, obeyed and love Him… as they are HIS OWN WORKS. So until the day of THE LORD, … the sin was NOT MADE KNOWN. Making known the sin means The LORD HAS COME TO BLESS. Do you understand that? So the leaders are the enemy, ( wife of CHRIST The LORD , ministry), because, they , themselves do not know their iniquity, which is they rejected the ONLY GOD, … THEIR GOD… and worshiped GOD the Father, when The LORD HAS NOT REVEALED THE FATHER, as written elsewhere in John 16: 25 , Luk. 10: 20-22 !!!


So WHEN The LORD MADE THE Covenant TO Abraham, … IT WAS TO SEND JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIS ONE SEED, … TO BLESS YOU BY GIVING YOU THE LAW OF TRUTH, … TO TURN YOU FROM LIES AND INIQUITY. So the last high priest cannot get away with his iniquity, but accept and acknowledge it. GOD cannot lie. Every mouth must be shut. Every man must become guilty before GOD ! If not, you are a holier as GOD Is !!!


Then, THE SON JESUS will BLESS us to SEE everything !!!

CHRIST the LORD HAS COME OR DAY OF THE LORD, Day of Visitation, DAY OF JUDGMENT IS BEING FULFILLED MEANS, HE HAS COME TO BLESS US. !!! The fact that the iniquity is being revealed means, The LORD is blessing us with the Spirit and Truth , so we can turn away from our iniquity. !!! We are blessed, when we are revealed about GODHEAD…Mat. 16: 17, as then, our flesh and blood is removed. FLESH AND BLOOD IS REMOVED MEANS The LORD HAS FORGIVEN OUR SIN OF Adam! See Mat. 13: 16-17 “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and HAVE NOT seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard”….. so you see… to have our eyes opened to understand the scripture, is the Blessing which THAT PROPHET will BLESS US WITH! That will take one to the Glorious Rest! The Spiritually fulfilled Sabbath. That makes us one with The LORD of Sabbath , CHRIST the LORD !!! . as written above, He will take His own words and will SPEAK. So CHRIST the LORD, when He came the second time, … He opened the eyes of the gentiles , and gave His words, .. they believed, … and they are sanctified to believe. THEY INHERITED THAT PROPHET !!!! from His own written words, He revealed all things.


This scripture says, MANY PROPHETS AND RIGHTEOUS MEN DESIRED TO SEE… what ‘WE SEE’… but they did not see, and these gentiles see. so that is the BLESSEDNESS . and on the day of THE LORD, The LORD did this, to show His mercy and wrath at the same time. John 9: 39 says, as a judgment, ;-

Joh 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. }}}}… Abraham’s seed did not receive Him, … so they are made blind. Laodicea era means judgment. SO ARE THEY NOT BLIND ??? The high priest, himself does not know THE Day of Visitation HAS COME. !!! ( Hos. 9: 7). So to them, … The LORD came as a THIEF !!! But others who did not see… are made to see !!! You are cut off from The CREATOR… and others became SONS TO The CREATOR !!!


this is what The LORD did. AS A JUDGMENT to those who are under the law, … the vessels of wrath, … who are Israel, … who SAW, … were made to be blind. The wisdom of the wise perished. That is the Laodicea era, which means judgment ! Then, The LORD opened the eyes of the blind, … the gentiles, who has no law, no GOD ( Eph. 2: 10-20), who are without oracles, Covenants, without GOD, … are made to see !!! So the lies of Israel’s gods are made manifest, by the true GOD and the TRUTH. As Acts. 13: 41 says, that is the short work in righteousness. ! That is the work of The LORD !!! One work of The LORD is to get all to believe in The Son, and the other as proven in previous writings, is to humble the exalted, the high and lofty ones. !



And remember The LORD said, Blessed are the eyes which see ???? So we are blessed. The blessing of Abraham, is the PROMISE…. TO RECEIVE The LORD , AND THE HOLY SPIRIT in to the hearts. So The LORD gave all to Abraham’s other seed through Ishmael, GRAFTING OR ADOPTING THEM. ! And this is why, The LORD said that in parables, HE SPEAK in order to hide the truth, until it is revealed. And to whom the truth is not given ??? To Israel, the vessels of wrath…. Who are APPOINTED TO STUMBLE ON HIM AS WELL AS THE WORD , WHICH IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. THEY ARE TO RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT ALWAYS !!! Isa. 8: 14, 1 Pet. 2: 8, and that is why, Eze. 12: 2,



So according to the scripture, who SEE , AND WHO ARE GIVEN THE EYES TO SEE ??? ‘many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and HAVE NOT seen??? . }}}.. so who are these who will see what many PROPHETS AND RIGHTEOUS MEN HAVE NOT SEEN??? It is the gentiles, and when THE LAST TIME SALVATION IS GIVEN. ;-

1Pe 1:10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:

1Pe 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify,when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

1Pe 1:12 Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are …..”now reported unto”…… you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. }}}.. so neither the prophets, .. including that prophet who is living now, …. Nor angels are not revealed what they spoke, as the SPIRIT of CHRIST the LORD spoke through them, … but, … NOW, .. it is reported to the gentiles, to whom Apostle Peter wrote both letters, … and the HOLY SPIRIT IS SENT DOWN FROM HEAVEN !!! So the SPIRIT OF CHRIST the LORD, IS THE HOLY SPIRIT , THE BREATH OF The CREATOR , WHICH CAME DOWN TO REVEAL THESE TO US… GIVING US SALVATION… !!! read v 5, 20. It is a LAST TIME SALVATION BY GRACE… “salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the GRACE”!



So salvation comes by GRACE … and the HOLY SPIRIT is sent from heaven, by grace…!!

1Pe 1:5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

1Pe 1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, }}}… Therefore, even though the Lamb’s blood was shed long ago, … in the LAST TIME, it is fulfilled to forgive BY GRACE. Heb. 9: 25- 26 says, The LORD , at THE END OF THE AGE, .. which is NOW, .. enters to the HOLIES to forgive !!!! So THAT IS WHY A LAST TIME SALVATION IS GIVEN. Then v 26-28 says, those who died, and those who received salvation, WITHOUT SIN !!!!! Without forgiveness, no salvation. ! The little children are forgiven for His name’s sake, to teach them. (see below). 1 John 2: 12- 27 !!!


So what the eyes has not seen… GOD Has prepared to those who LOVE HIM.

1Co_2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.}}}…so who loves Him ??? It is the gentiles… as Apostle Peter said…

1Pe_1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: }}}… Apostle Peter wrote … saying, … even the gentiles who HAVE NOT SEEN, .. yet, they LOVE HIM, … and BELIEVED HIM. !!! So the gentiles RECEIVED THE BLESSING TO KNOW THE SON JESUS , AS The LORD REMOVED THEIR INIQUITY BY GRACE !!!


As He knew we would love Him, … and BELIEVE HIM, (cutting off Israel Rom. 11: 20, gave us faith , HIS FAITH, as a gift Eph. 2:8 ) And then, …. CHRIST the LORD,… who is THE TRUTH, … BEGAT us, by HIS OWN WILL… by the word of TRUTH ! Giving us light.

Jas 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning.








These things the FATHER of lights are revealing to you, so you can know the way to Him, to be a son to Him. !!!


Every good gift and every perfect gift….Comes FROM The CREATOR !!!!

Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD to see if you have believed the WORD of THE LORD!


Remember HE BEGAT Israel. Deut. 32: 18. But they did not honor Him as THE FATHER… Mal. 1: 6. And we BELIEVED AND LOVE HIM as Apostle Peter wrote above. So BY HIS OWN WILL, ‘ CHRIST the LORD’ BEGAT US. Then, HE IS THE FATHER … OUR Heavenly FATHER !!!! It was HIS OWN WILL that we be HIS CHILDREN. As written elsewhere, … HE ADOPTED US…! He is THE ‘FATHER OF LIGHT”… He Is THE LIGHT. John 8: 12, 9;5, 12: 46. “I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”.. Light means revelation. So that is why, He brought us in to His marvelous light, and made us the new Royal Priesthood, 1 Pet. 2: 8 – 10, taking out of darkness and BEGAT US BY THIS LIGHT, THE TRUTH as HIS OWN SONS. !!! as written elsewhere,… as Eph. 1 says, “predestinating us to adoption of Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”… So as jam 1: 18 says above, THE FATHER of lights, … predestinated the gentiles to adopt them to Himself as HIS OWN BEGOTTEN SONS… by and when the word of truth is given. That is the Spirit and Truth as written elsewhere !!! So Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul, and Apostle James even Apostle Jude says the same things !!! So Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD to see if you have believed the WORD of THE LORD!


We know The SON…, we know CHRIST… we know all about Him. and we have believed. That TOO IS WRITTEN AS YOU CAN SEE. ! in the volume of the Book, it is written that The CREATOR WILL BE THE LIGHT, THE TRUTH, AND WILL BEGET GENTILES, WHILE Israel IS IN CAPTIVITY. Jam 1: 1. Then, … we love OTHER CHILDREN OF GOD as well. V 2.

1Jn 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. And everyone who loves Him who begets , also loves him who has been born of Him. }}}… we are BORN OF GOD… THAT IS The CREATOR… we have the IMAGE OF The SON… ! So we became the first fruits. After all, it was Ishmael, who is the first born. ! Then, if we love our FATHER, who begat us, … we also love others who are born of Him. ! This is what happens, when all are born of Him. If we love GOD, … THEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOVE OTHERS. ! This is why, the little children are given a NEW COMMANDMENT… TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AS IT IS POSSIBLE ONLY THEN, … because all love ‘SELF” ! Those who did not love The CREATOR, who BEGETS, cannot love others. !!! Because, with all other things and gifts, HE TAUGHT THE LOVE OF GOD as well. 1 Thess. 4: 9! GOD IS LOVE… love of GOD comes from the FATHER of light, who is The CREATOR !!! So when you are born of Him, … you are built in to the image of GOD as we saw. Then, you have HIS LOVE ALSO. !!!

1Jn 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God, whenever we love God and keep His commandments.}}}… when the time came for the little children to work, which is after the wisdom of the wise perished, … we keep His commandments… and that NEW COMMANDMENT which is not new, but new to us, … is the law of TRUTH which The LORD revealed now. !!! That is to fear GOD and keep His commandments… and not the law of Moses which faded away by condemning all those who were under it to death !!!

1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.

1Jn 5:4 For everything that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith. }}}… so according to the scripture, … when we understand all these, we are begotten by The CREATOR, as you can see. THAT IS WHY HE IS IN US, CAUSING US TO OVERCOME, as written elsewhere. 1 John 4: 4. Then, … we have the VICTORY OVER THE WORLD. World means evil who do not want to obey or believe The CREATOR, … HIS OWN PEOPLE AND WIFE AS PROVEN !


And , … it is by FAITH, we overcome. And faith, is also a gift. Eph. 2: 8. And Israel is cut off and we are given faith . Rom. 11: 20. And, who has overcome?? It is those who BELIEVE CHRIST the LORD IS THE Son of GOD !!! Remember flesh and blood cannot reveal the Son of GOD ??? So overcoming means we know The SON of GOD !!! NO MORE FLESH AND BLOOD … The LORD HAS FORGIVEN US… AND AS WE BELIEVED, .. GIVEN US THE LIGHT, … THE HOLY SPIRIT, … THE REVELATION, … THE TRUTH… AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD , THE FATHER AND The SON. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself is a SON to HIS OWN HOUSE, as written elsewhere. Heb. 3:6… and in His house, we are also. !!! So we are begotten by the word of truth, by the FATHER of truth or FATHER of lights !!!

1Jn 5:5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

1Jn 5:6 This is He who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by the water and blood. And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth. }}}… so the Spirit and Truth is The Comforter, who is The CREATOR , Himself , as written elsewhere… and when the Spirit and Truth comes, He TAKES FROM CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK, AND SPEAKS… AND GLORIFIES HIM !!!! And you know, as written elsewhere, … the SPIRIT comes from The CREATOR !!!!


So the gentiles received WHAT GOD HAD PREPARED TO GIVE TO THOSE WHO LOVE HIM AND BELIEVED HIM !!! This is why the scripture says, like Esau, if they search what they lost , again with tears, they will not get it. !!! IT IS ALREADY GIVEN… the gentiles became SONS TO The CREATOR, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD…. THEY KNOW The SON OF GOD MEANS THEIR FLESH AND BLOOD IS REMOVED !!! Can you deny ???

Judge yourselves comparing the Words of CHRIST THE LORD to see if you have believed the WORD of THE LORD! !!! After all, The ROCK , who is also The CREATOR prophesied that HE WILL RAISE UP A FOOLISH NATION… AND GENTILES WILL GO HIGHER AND HIGHER. Read Deut 28 onwards… your judgments. ! By the time Deut. 32 is to be fulfilled, gentiles have become GOD’s people already… v 43. !!!



So BY GRACE, … the HOLY SPIRIT having come from Heaven, … what The LORD Has prepared to give to those who LOVE HIM, .. are given to gentiles…. THE BLESSING OF Abraham… TO HAVE SIN AND INIQUITY VISITED, ,.. REMOVED, .. FORGIVEN, … AND THE OPENING OF THE EYES, TO SEE… WHAT GOD HAD PREPARED to give !!!!!

So He came to give knowledge of salvation… (we have proven that we need salvation from lies and lying leaders this time, just as Egyptian kept Israel anciently), by FORGIVENESS OF SIN… by MERCY. That is the VISITATION to BLESS US.

Luk 1:77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,}}}… unless the knowledge of sin is given, … no one can repent to be forgiven. So the sin came from Adam… the unbelief , caused by the evil hearts, which are proud.

Luk 1:78 Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the DAYSPRING FROM ON HIGH HATH VISITED US,}}}… which GOD is the DAY SPRING??? The CREATOR… and He gives the knowledge of salvation , to turn from iniquity, or to remit the sins … which gives salvation. AND WHY COULD NOT ANYONE RECEIVE SALVATION UNTIL THE LAST TIME, as Apostle Peter wrote ??? The leaders preached TWO CREATORS and took the people AWAY FROM The CREATOR, THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , WHO CAME AS THE DAYSPRING , AS THE SON JESUS, … AS THAT PROPHET TO BLESS US !!!

Luk 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. }}}… All were in SPIRITUAL DARKNESS. !!! And HAVING COME, … THE SON JESUS, … BROUGHT US OUT OF DARKNESS IN TO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT, AS HIS OWN Royal Priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 8-10 !!! That is while Israel stumbled… as John 9:39 says above. !!! As a judgment !!!! unless our sin is revealed, forgiven, we cannot have peace as peace writings proved. So UNTIL THIS SIN IS REVEALED, … WE WERE SITTING IN DARKNESS. So the leaders, as they rejected The LORD who came to BLESS THEM, … are in darkness all these years. Their eyes were blinded… and that is how the blind are leading blind !!! So all fell in to the ditch, dark pit, the bottomless pit where there is no water, the HOLY SPIRIT. ! That is why The LORD said, on the Sabbath, the ass will be taken out of the pit to water, which is to be Spiritually fulfilled now, by raising up or taking out of the pit, the foolish nation, by giving this light.. and the HOLY SPIRIT , the water !!!


So until the ones believed Him, who are given the HOLY SPIRIT, … who became the first fruits, … SONS TO The CREATOR…, all were held in bondage. And NOW…, as the first fruits are born, .. the whole creation will be made free.

Rom 8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Rom 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. }}}… so the first fruits are the ones who RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT, OR THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD FIRST. So others will receive also. And by receiving it, … they are made free from bondage. So until the first fruits are born, all are held under bondage. No one can deny the scripture. And NOW means, now, as the first fruits have received His SPIRIT !!! So all will be called to drink the HOLY SPIRIT from the bellies of the believers. !!! John 7: 36-39 ! And these writings are giving out the Living Waters to others !!!



saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.”…Who is this SEED of Abraham, which through Him, the earth shall be BLESSED ??? It is ONE SEED of Abraham… JESUS CHRIST the LORD… :-

Gal 3:16 And to Abraham and to his Seed the promises were spoken. It does not say, And to seeds, as of many; but as of ….”ONE”…, "And to your Seed," which is “CHRIST” . …}}}}… ONE SEED was promised to Abraham, so all would be blessed through Him, and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, THAT PROPHET , whom you did not hear !!! It does not say to seeds, as MANY, .. but ONE SEED… CHRIST the LORD !!! So when The LORD promised to Abraham’s seed, … HE WAS REFERRING TO HIS OWN SELF !!! But as THE SON JESUS, WHO CAME FORTH FROM HIS OWN WORDS, WHICH IS THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!!


So to Isaac, … this ONE SEED who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD was promised.

Gen 21:12 And God said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in your sight because of the boy and because of your slave woman. In all that Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice. For in Isaac your Seed shall be called. }}}… The SEED, Who will be a BLESSING FOR THE WHOLE EARTH, is to come from Isaac. That is ONE SEED, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! Rom. 9: 7-8, Heb. 11: 18, says… So Apostle Paul clearly wrote, not MANY, but ONE seed is given to Isaac as a PROMISE. AND THROUGH THIS ONE SEED, … ALL NATIONS ARE BLESSED. !!! Remember the BLESSING is to have sin removed… so we can KNOW THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, TO HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. !!!


Rom. 9 says, not all Israel are Israel, and the promise is to the vessels of mercy, who are the gentiles. And even though Isaac is given ONE SEED, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … when He comes the second time, as Israel did not receive Him, … He comes to gentiles, … and IN HIM, the gentiles are to receive the promise. Because, GOD promised Hagar also that her son, who is also the seed of Abraham, to make a great nation.


So THAT PROPHET came from Abraham… and He inspired all the prophets !

So the PROMISE (please read the promise…, Promised land ) is to come to gentiles, at His second coming! The promise is to receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, the HOLY SPIRIT.! And that is the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, … the HOLY SPIRIT from Heaven!




And this is what The LORD did… It is the GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt.

Act 13:17 The God of this people Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people in their residency in the land of Egypt, and He brought them out of it with a high arm. }}}… it is ONE GOD who brought Israel out of Egypt, and that is The CREATOR, known in many names back then as written above. And even this is written in the New testament, … and still it is the same GOD, The CREATOR who should be the GOD of Israel, and all the churches of GOD !! SO WE ARE REMINDED OF THE BEGINNING OF CALLING OF Israel and the Covenants The LORD made with them !


Act 13:18 And about the time of forty years He tenderly bore them in the wilderness.

Act 13:19 And when He had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave their land to them as an inheritance.}}}… to give the land to Israel, … The LORD destroyed SEVEN nations. And now, … to bring the gentiles to the Promised land, … The LORD DESTROYED SEVEN ERAS !!! Our inheritance, is The LORD … and to be in the Promised land, where the Promise of the FATHER is as proven in previous writings !!!

Act 13:20 And after that He gave them judges for about four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet.}}}… so it is still the SAME GOD who appointed JUDGES, … and prophets. !!! There was no other GOD with Him. That is why The CREATOR COMES TO FULFILL THE WILL OF GOD, IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK !!! Who are the prophets and judges now ??? It is the little children , which we will write in another part !!!

Act 13:21 And afterward they asked for a king. And God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years. }}}… they asked for a KING… and now THE KING IS , THE SON JESUS , HIMSELF… The CREATOR , who comes in the volume of the Book !!!

Act 13:22 And when He had removed him, He raised up David to them to be their king; to whom He also witnessed and said, I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after My own heart, who shall fulfill all My will. }}}… which GOD is spoken here ? it is The CREATOR. He divided all nations. He is the GOD of Saul, and king David !!! He gave judges, kings and all… So it was The CREATOR, who began all things and who Is doing all things. ! And He chose king David, to be after HIS OWN HEART… as he humbled and believed GOD that HE WILL REMOVE HIS SIN and bless him with the BLESSING … and king David is prophesied to fulfill all the will of The CREATOR. AND, … as KING DAVID, … as GOD, … or the GOD of king David, … it is the weak and the feeble, … the little children, who are humbled ( as The LORD said to be converted as the little children ) who will AND ARE FULFILLING THE WILL OF GOD… Zech. 12: 8…


Zec 12:8 In that day Jehovah shall defend around the people of Jerusalem. And it will be, he who is feeble among them at that day shall be like David; and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of Jehovah before them. }}}… so the little children, … who are forgiven, … who are taught all things in 1 John 2: 12- 27, are to be AS The LORD IS, ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT… as The LORD IS IN THEM as 1 John 4: 4 says… and 17 says “You are of God, little children, and you have overcome them, because HE WHO IS IN YOU IS GREATER than he who is in the world. … hat we may have boldness in the day of judgment, that as He is, so also we are in this world.” .. So they are the judges, who are like king David and as GOD, … FULFILLING GOD’S WILL LIKE KING DAVID DID. Remember king David PRAISED GOD IN THE PSALMS, … and it is the little children who PRAISE HIM . Psa. 8: 2… Luk. 10: 20- 22 !!! Because, they are given the knowledge of GOD … the secrets to know the GODHEAD, the FATHER and The SON. !!! So they can judge those who have not known GOD. “in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus CHRIST”.. so in the lake of fire , … it is those who do NOT KNOW JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … WHO DID NOT RECEIVE HIS BLESSING , … WHO WILL BURN BY THE WORD of GOD !!! GOD will not burn anyone , but the wickedness ! Isa. 9: 18- 19 !


And then, these are the pastors, GOD will give, WHO ARE AFTER HIS OWN HEART, as king David is, BECAUSE THEY WILL TEACH The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER…and that is the truth about true GOD, turning all from iniquity, … ( hearing from THAT PROPHET who came to bless), and as king David did worship The CREATOR , they too will do so. So in Jer. 3, 19, where it talks that The Husband is also the FATHER, … you will learn from these pastors…

Jer 3:15 And I will give you PASTORS ACCORDING TO MINE HEART, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. }}}… unless THAT PROPHET gives us knowledge and understanding… which only could come from Him, … no one can be a true pastor … after GOD’s own heart. So they must be given the mind of CHRIST as Apostle Paul said, in order to have His own heart. And they will be teaching the truth ;-

Jer 3:19 But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me. }}}.. so these pastors whom The LORD WILL GIVE, … ARE AFTER HIS OWN HEART, … AND THEY WILL BE TEACHING The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER…. AND TURN the hearts of the children to the FATHER… the TRUE FATHER.. who is The CREATOR … and they will teach to call HIM, MY FATHER !!! So you see the difference between the LYING pastors and TRUE pastors ??? The lying pastors will be teaching there are two gods. But the true pastors who are after GOD’s own heart will be teaching to call The Husband, my ‘FATHER’… and that is the true FATHER !!!


I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after MY OWN HEART, who shall fulfill all My will”…





King David feared GOD as written elsewhere. And these little children also fear Him. Isa. 29: 23. And that is why, they are after GOD’s own heart, … like king David, … and received all knowledge, and understanding… so they can give to others who do not, and are still not wise. So when the wise did not fear GOD, … their wisdom was taken away… and they became beasts!!!

His inspired words by Christ Himself are the only places to find true wisdom, (wisdom without lies) !

Pro 1:2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;

Pro 1:3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;

Pro 1:4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

Pro 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

Pro 1:6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

Pro 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. }}… on the day of THE LORD, as the high priest is a fool, he has despised GOD’s knowledge, and the fear of The LORD is not in them. !


So these pastors after GOD’s own heart, will DO THE WILL OF GOD, just like king David did !!! and in the volume of the Book, …. The LORD comes to do the WILL OF GOD! So He Does so, by using these pastors whom HE TAUGHT !


It is The Most High, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as written elsewhere, … is The CREATOR, who divided the nations, until He brings them all under Him. and He once again divided as the wife of CHRIST The LORD is sent to Babylon. Micah 4: 10

Deu 32:8 When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the sons of Israel.}}}… Gen. 11: 7 also says about Babylon , how GOD confused them and scattered them. And we know, The Most High is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


And The CREATOR, the GOD who MADE all things are to be The LORD of all. !!

Act 17:24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of Heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands,}}}… if , The CREATOR is to be The LORD in heaven and earth, … then where does GOD the Father is god??? In the bottomless pit , where there is no WATER, THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!

Act 17:25 nor is served with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives life and breath and all things to all. }}}… if The CREATOR gives life and breath, … and all things, … then do we need other gods to give anything to us ??? Giving all things means fulfilling all of His names. When we need to be created, … He creates… when we sin, … He Is the Advocate…. And when we need to be redeemed, … He Is The REDEEMER…. When we need salvation, …. HE is THE Captain of Salvation….. when we need healing, … HE IS THE HEALER… when we need to be guided, … He will be a Guide… when we need faith, He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION and FAITH !!!! Like that, in different times, He fulfills all of His names, to bring us to eternity. So in the volume of the Book, it is written of The CREATOR !!!


Act 17:26 And He has made all nations of men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth, ordaining fore-appointed seasons and boundaries of their dwelling,}}}… so The CREATOR , divided the people. There was no other GOD. HE IS THE ONLY GOD. HE SHOULD BE THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH !!! and as written above, The Most High divided nations. So this scripture talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD… and it was Him, … who divided nations before , as The Most High. !!! So it is the same GOD.


So it was The CREATOR who divided the people, until HE GATHERS THEM as Gen. 49 says, in HIS SECOND COMING. He gives life and BREATH to all. V 25.


And then in the PSALMS, it is written about The CREATOR, but many names are given. Beginning from Psa. 3: 3, it is written that GOD IS A SHIELD, and our GLORY, and the LIFTER of our head.

Psa 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a SHIELD FOR ME; MY GLORY, AND THE LIFTER up of mine head….}}}…. So this LORD, … is the LIFTER OF OUR HEAD !!!! When GOD met Abraham, He said I AM YOUR SHIELD and EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD… (Gen. 15; 1) Then, to receive The CREATOR, IS THE EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD a man can get. !!!! The Levitical ministry, was promised to inherit Him. But they failed as Malachi says. So the little children inherited Him in the end as you will see. !!! (1 John 4: 4, 17). so king David also saying the same GOD is his Shield as well. So Abraham’s GOD is king David’s GOD also. !!


Before we write further, Here are some of The CREATOR’s names, which He will fulfill, WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK, about HIm. !!! Each of these names must be fulfilled in us, as our glorifying The LORD writings prove.

The CREATOR , is GOD !

The CREATOR, is The CREATOR ! – One Creator…



The CREATOR as the GOD of gods or The LORD of lords!

The CREATOR as The King and King of Glory!

The CREATOR as our glory. Psa. 3:3


The CREATOR as the ‘FATHER’…

The CREATOR as Jesus of Nazareth!

The CREATOR as A Son- to HIS OWN HOUSE…. Heb. 3:6

The CREATOR as The Husband


The CREATOR as The LIFTER of our head.!

The CREATOR as a Brother…

The CREATOR as a Friend …

The CREATOR as The Author of eternal salvation. !

The CREATOR as The Forerunner!

The CREATOR as The Saviour

The CREATOR as The Stone of Israel.


The CREATOR as The Commander

The CREATOR as The Leader…

The CREATOR as The Comforter

The CREATOR as The Most High


The CREATOR as The LORD of Sabbath






The CREATOR as The Bride Groom


The CREATOR as the Mediator

The CREATOR as the Apostle




The CREATOR as The King of Salem,


The CREATOR as The Priest of The Most High

The CREATOR as The King of Peace,

The CREATOR as the Prince of peace



The CREATOR as The Child,

The CREATOR as the Wonderful Counsellor

The CREATOR as THE Prince of peace

The CREATOR as The Holy ONE

The CREATOR as The Everlasting FATHER


The CREATOR as The Fountain of Living waters



The CREATOR as The Horn of our Salvation!


The CREATOR as the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise GOD!



The CREATOR as The Melchizedec

The CREATOR as The Michael The Arch Angel

The CREATOR as The Faithful Witness

The CREATOR as The Beginning of Creation of GOD

The CREATOR as The Lamb

The CREATOR as The Shepherd


The CREATOR as The Master


The CREATOR as The Fountain of Living waters

The CREATOR as The Truth

The CREATOR as The Light

The CREATOR as The Anointed

The CREATOR as The Omnipotent


The CREATOR as the Captain of Salvation

The CREATOR as The Messenger

The CREATOR as The Servant !

The CREATOR as The Adonai

The CREATOR as The Eternal !

The CREATOR as The Righteous !

The CREATOR as The Door!

The CREATOR as The Way!

The CREATOR as The Prophet !

The CREATOR as The KING of The Jews!

The CREATOR as The Inheritance!

The CREATOR as The Sun!

The CREATOR as The First Begotten of the dead.!

The CREATOR as The Prince of kings !

The CREATOR as The Beginning and the End !

The CREATOR as The First and The Last!

The CREATOR Is He that Lives. !

The CREATOR as The Tree of Life !

The CREATOR as The Rain !

The CREATOR as The Sent One !

The CREATOR as The True Bread!

The CREATOR as Manna!

The CREATOR as Rabbi !

The CREATOR as The Shield !

The CREATOR as The Consuming fire !

The CREATOR is our LIFE!

The CREATOR as The Seed!

The CREATOR as The Vine!

The CREATOR as The Refuge!

The CREATOR as The Amen!

The CREATOR as The Ancient of Days!

The CREATOR as The Bishop !

The CREATOR as The Chief Corner Stone !

The CREATOR as The Consolation of Israel

The CREATOR as Emmanuel !

The CREATOR as The Deliverer !

The CREATOR as The Lion of Judah!

The CREATOR as a Thief in the Night !!

So all of the above names are of The CREATOR , written in the volume of the Book. !! And all of the above names, He must fulfill, in order to END ALL THINGS CONCERNING HIM, WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK. !!! And all of them are fulfilled in us, as salvation is given, and we are BLESSED . !!! Those whose eyes are blessed, are saved already and they are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! Remember the law of Moses is a schoolmaster to bring us to Him, … but none of the law keepers could become His, … but others, apart from the law, are saved. Rom. 3: 21. !!! as written above, if the LAST TIME SALVATION is given to gentiles, … by GRACE, …. it is the gentiles who would proclaim the end of all things !!! And salvation to Zion. !!!


If He Is The CREATOR, then who would has created Him ???

Scripture says, HE HAS NO BEGINNING OR END, or a FATHER or mother! . So He cannot have a FATHER, and the word ‘FATHER’ is a mystery, which only JESUS CHRIST the LORD could reveal. it is His own words, which is called the HOLY SPIRIT, fathered Him and also will beget us as well. ! Isa. 9: 6-7, it is the zeal of The LORD of HOSTS , who is The CREATOR, … who sent the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. So that is The CREATOR, who came as the FATHER and also The Son. Actually, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words, which is the SPIRIT, John 6:63, .. which gave Him birth, which is the HOLY SPIRIT, and which will give us spiritual birth also. 1 Pet. 1: 23, Jam 1: 18!! This we have been proving since 2008. (please read mystery of GOD )


There is only one FATHER…

Understand… in CHRIST the LORD’s “FIRST” coming, He said, ‘I SHALL SHOW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER’. !!!! That means, no one knew the FATHER, even at His FIRST coming, or… until HE WILL PLAINLY SHOW THE FATHER!!!!! Do you understand that ??? No one could have known the FATHER, unless CHRIST the LORD reveals him. and He says, ‘THE TIME COMES, WHEN I SHALL SHOW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER” !!!! So until and unless He reveals who the FATHER is, NO ONE WILL KNOW HIM. !

Joh 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

Joh 16:26 At that day ye shall ask in My name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: }}}…understand, when the true FATHER is revealed, … He would not pray to the FATHER, … but we can ask anything in HIS NAME !!! So at this time, it is now revealed, as The LORD showed us plainly, that HE IS ALSO THE FATHER AND WE MUST ASK IN HIS NAME. !!!

Joh 16:27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have LOVED ME, and have believed that I came out from God. }}}… ‘HAVE BELIEVED’… so this prophecy is for a time, when some have BELIEVED !!! You will see it is the gentiles, who are sanctified to BELIEVE and to be BELOVED. 2 Thess. 2: 13 !!! So now, The LORD revealed the FATHER plainly, … and we know He came forth from HIS OWN WORDS, to fulfill the volume of the Book which is written about Him …. That HE WOULD COME A SECOND TIME AND GIVE SALVATION TO GENTILES FIRST AND THEN TO Israel!

Joh 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father. }}}… this scripture proves, until JESUS CHRIST the LORD reveals who the FATHER, we cannot know Him. He said no one has seen or heard from the FATHER. “have believed that I came out from God. “…. We have believed CHRIST the LORD came out from ‘GOD’. He is THE WORD of GOD . so the WORD IS GOD also . John 1. The CREATOR AND HIS WORDS, ARE GOD TO US. Because He is the WORD of GOD , … and HIS WORDS ARE HOLY SPIRIT AND LIFE. John 6: 63. So He gives life, and HIS SPIRIT GIVES LIFE. !!! It was always The CREATOR and He creates through the words. that is why the words are SPIRIT. so either way, HE IS GOD !!! GOD Is a SPIRIT… His words are SPIRIT. (He Is the SPIRIT 2 cor 3:17 and His words are Spirit joh 6:63, and the Holy Spirit comes from Christ's mouth. JOh 20:22)) !!!! And again, CHRIST the LORD left the world and went to the FATHER! That is why, HIS WORDS, THE FATHER IS inspiring and GUIDING US to eternity !!!


“but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father”.. this is at His second coming, when He will give us the Spirit and Truth, the knowledge of GOD . Isa. 11: 9 – 11. And we will have another para below to explain about the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter… and He said when The Comforter comes, He will glorify HIM !!! ( CHRIST the LORD). So when the Spirit and Truth, or The Comforter came, WE WERE GIVEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD , THAT JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS ALSO THE FATHER. !!!More later.


Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved Me,”The LORD says, FATHER loves you, because we love HIM !!! We love CHRIST the LORD. According to scripture, WHO loves JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? It is the gentiles, to whom the salvation is given the last time, as written above, as Apostle Peter said…

1Pe 1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

1Pe 1:9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. }}}… so you see… it is the GENTILES WHO LOVE HIM, AND BELIEVED HIM first. They trusted in JESUS CHRIST the LORD first. Eph. 1: 12. And zep 3: 9-12 2 says, they are the poor who trust in Him. That is during the day of THE LORD. !!! So for the day of THE LORD, The LORD is prophesied to come !!! As a thief to you… but openly to those who love and believe Him. !!!!


So for loving The Son , the FATHER loves us??? That is because, HE IS THE FATHER ALSO. !!! It is HE WHO LOVES US. HIS OWN WORDS REVEALS ALL THESE!!! The love of GOD is taught to us, by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! 1 Thess. 4: 9. !!!” brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.” Did, another GOD, called GOD the Father come to teach us the love of GOD ??? It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who CAME TO TEACH THE LITTLE CHILDREN, THE SECOND TIME. 1 John 2: 12- 27 !!! That is why the little children are called to love one another, the new commandment is given to them !!! Unless The LORD teaches, no one love GOD or others ! No man can love GOD nor others, UNLESS The CREATOR TEACHES US THIS LOVE. !!! All proven before !


And in Psalms, king David prophesied about The CREATOR’s death and how He will be killed etc. That is because, he was inspired by JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! If not, how did king David know to prophesy about JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s DEATH ???

King David prayed for THE KING. And The King is JESUS CHRIST the LORD … so we also must pray for Him.

Psa 5:2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. }}}… so CHRIST the LORD is THE KING AND GOD !!!

Psa 5:7 But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.}}}… king David says, IN YOUR FEAR…. I will WORSHIP !!! That is the Everlasting gospel , to fear and worship The CREATOR, and also the law of TRUTH, which Levi had as proven in (peace – the law of TRUTH) Rev. 14: 6-7. In JUDGMENT, the Everlasting gospel is preached to all, to FEAR AND WORSHIP ‘The CREATOR’. !!! So king David, … said in ‘THY FEAR, I WILL WORSHIP’ you. He knew the Everlasting gospel already. It was given to Adam first. But as he did not believe, he did not fear The CREATOR !!! And death came as a result. now the curse of death will be removed. So The LORD is revealing what we must do in order to have life and peace as Levi did. The Levitical ministry did not fear Him as king David did . Mal. 1: 6. He knew that one should fear The CREATOR. !!! That is the law of TRUTH as proven in previous writings !!! So as king David feared GOD, … he humbled himself and acknowledged his sin, and GOD called him ‘mine own heart’ as written above. !! So the true pastors also, who are after GOD’s own heart as written above, … fear Him as king David did. !

And king David built the Tabernacle of David to honor The LORD of HOSTS . ! He said I will be a FATHER … So The LORD of HOSTS is the FATHER to whom king David and king Solomon built the tabernacle to dwell in. but as written above, in Acts. 17, The CREATOR would not dwell in man made temples, but in our hearts. And that is why He Is purifying hearts. ! And He is the FATHER, because this chapter says, we are to be OFFSPRING OF The CREATOR !!! and if we are to be offspring of The CREATOR, … He should be our FATHER!

Understand…The LORD of HOSTS said to king David, … that HE WILL BE A FATHER … and we are to be HIS SONS. And it was said by The LORD who shows MERCY.! Which GOD shows MERCY ??? IT IS The CREATOR, ‘ I AM’ !!!

2Sa 7:13 He shall build an house for My name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

2Sa 7:14 I WILL BE HIS FATHER, and he shall be My son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:}}}… so The LORD of HOSTS said to king David, … that HE WILL BE A FATHER to him… This is why, in Mal. 1: 6. The LORD of HOSTS commands to give His honor as THE FATHER !!!


2Sa 7:15 But MY MERCY shall not depart away from him,…}}}… He gave His mercy and grace, even in Noah’s time.

Gen 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.…. So there was no other GOD, but The CREATOR who was from the beginning !!! So it is The CREATOR who comes in many names, to fulfill all things written.


house for My name… The LORD of HOSTS !! How Does The CREATOR fulfill the name of ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’??? He was a LORD, to king David… and king David was a host to The LORD , as he worshiped Him.! Same way, we worship The CREATOR, … so we became His HOSTS !!! we are the new Israel of GOD. Gal. 6 !! That is The LORD and His hosts !!! So He fulfilled His name ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’, when He became THE LORD TO US, WHEN WE WORSHIPED HIM. !!! A LORD, should be worshiped. Same way, The LORD of Sabbath also was worshiped when we entered in to His rest, BELIEVING. Heb. 4: 6. And then, He became our LORD. ! And those who worship Him, are identified as the worshipers of The LORD of Sabbath, who is The CREATOR!



And now understand… The LORD of HOSTS , is to be a FATHER, and to His name, king David build the house. Right ?? And now, the new Tabernacle, or the New Temple, is to be the HOUSE TO The Son. !!! THAT IS THE SON JESUS , who HAS NOW COME AS PROPHESIED , WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK !!!! But the same LORD. And CHRIST the LORD, is to be a SON to HIS OWN HOUSE AS WRITTEN BELOW . !!! because there is NO OTHER FATHER , NOR A SON , but HIM! When He Has to do the work of the FATHER, … then He became a FATHER. and when He Has to come as a man…., a SON is given…. And the same GOD comes as THE SON,… as HE, HIMSELF PROPHESIED !!! So as Acts. 17 as written above, and the following scripture proves, we must build a house to The CREATOR … CHRIST the LORD, THE SON JESUS . ! and THAT IS THE GOD WHO WAS WITH Israel, FOR 40 YEARS as written elsewhere !!! .

Heb 3:6 But Christ as a SON over HIS OWN house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.}}}… so you see… CHRIST the LORD, is a SON, .. to HIS OWN HOUSE !!! He WAS KNOWN AS The LORD of HOSTS , when the Tabernacle of David was built as written above. But now, the Tabernacle or the house of GOD, is The SON’S.. The CREATOR’s !!!


When we come to the New testament, … still the scripture talks about The LORD of HOSTS!

Rom_9:29 And as Isaiah has said before, "Except THE LORD OF HOSTS left a seed to us, we would have become as Sodom, and we would have become as Gomorrah."}}}… all these are taken from the Old testament. ( Isa. 1: 9). And The LORD of HOSTS inspired all these. So in the New testament it is written, .. how The LORD of HOSTS would fulfill this remnant. You cant say you are a son to The LORD of HOSTS , as you did not honor Him as The LORD of HOSTS as Mal. 1: 6 says. But it is we who are the HOSTS, of The LORD , … who are this remnant !! Understand???? YOU cant be this remnant as you did not HOST, The LORD of HOSTS . !!!


He is a SON to His own house, He is a FATHER to His own house. !!!


And then, … The LORD of HOSTS have heard the cry of the REAPERS…

Jas_5:4 Behold, the wages of the workmen who havereaped your fields cry out, being kept back by you. And the cries of the ones who have reaped have entered "into the ears of the Lord of Hosts." }}}… when we come to the book of Apostle James to be fulfilled, … all 12 tribes are SCATTERED. And jam 1: 18 says, “Of his own will begat He us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.” These are the first fruits who RECEIVED The LORD of HOSTS , … AND WHO RECEIVED HIS WORD OF TRUTH. ! Eph. 1: 13. And then, jam 2: 5 says, the poor are rich in faith and in the kingdom, The LORD chose them to be. ! So it is the gentiles, who became the REAPERS, as Israel is scattered at this time. And John 4 says, .. . the REAPERS received the wages, … the everlasting life. That is the word of truth. The reapers entered in to the labor of sowers, who are Israel … !!!! So it is the REAPERS who cry to The LORD of HOSTS as we have been doing !!! HE HAS HEARD!


Back to Heb. 3..

Heb 3:7 Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice,}}}.. None has heard His voice. AS WRITTEN ELSEWHERE, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SENT FROM HEAVEN TO GENTILES AS Apostle Peter WROTE. !!! THAT PROPHET is sent to BLESS US WITH SALVATION. !!! He is the Chief Corner Stone, which the builders rejected. But now has become the Chief Corner Stone on gentiles. 1 Pet. 2. And, this new house is build to The CREATOR , and HE IS A SON to HIS OWN HOUSE. !!! king David built the house to The LORD of HOSTS , … and now we build a house to The Son, WHO IS ALSO The LORD of HOSTS , The CREATOR !!! So all those who build a house for GOD the Father, are not in the house of GOD or in the house of The SON !!! And from that house, … the LORD’s voice goes… “Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will HEAR HIS VOICE,”… v 8 .. “Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:”…. So from The Son’s own house, … HIS VOICE GOES… so do not harden your hearts any more to ISRAEL, as they were the ones who are spoken in the provocation in the wilderness !!!! Once again, The LORD sent them to wilderness. “Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst.” Hos. 2: 3. This means, WITHOUT HOLY SPIRIT, THE WORD OF TRUTH ! So they should hear the voice of The LORD coming from the HOUSE OF The SON… !


So the scripture takes us again to wilderness…. And it is the SAME GOD who was tempted and proved… and who was with Israel for 40 years.

So it was The Son, … the same GOD whose voice goes from His OWN HOUSE, … who led Israel 40 years. !!! And one must not depart from that GOD as MANY scripture says.

Heb 3:9 When your fathers tempted Me, proved Me, and saw My works forty years.

Heb 3:10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known My ways.}}}… so… it was THIS ONE GOD WHO WAS WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. AND HE WAS GRIEVED MEANS, YOU HAVE GRIEVED THE HOLY SPIRIT , as you always resisted as written elsewhere !!! You know what that means… the unpardonable sin. Adam committed that and all humans are under that curse as proven in previous writings. So you are not to depart from this ONE GOD, who is The CREATOR. You grieved The CREATOR… You have NOT KNOWN The CREATOR’S WAYS. YOU ALWAYS ERRED IN YOUR HEART, FROM ‘The CREATOR’ !!!! You could not understand the volume of the Book. !!!


So The LORD would not allow you to enter in to the rest, … but others who believed were taken.

Heb 3:11 So I sware in My wrath, They shall not enter into My rest.)}}}… so it was the same GOD who gave the law, and entered in to the Marriage Covenant , whose wrath has come to Israel, as HE IS The Husband … and also the FATHER. and one is not supposed to depart from Him. deut 32, is to testify against that iniquity which we sang in Rev. 15: 3. (Please read song of Moses) . And that was The CREATOR, the Living GOD !!!

Heb 3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living GOD…}}}… so you see… you will have an EVIL HEART, if you are NOT IN The Son’S HOUSE…. and you have ERRED IN HEART…and YOU ARE AN UNBELIEVER…. and GOD’s wrath is on you… and you have NOT KNOWN HIS WAYS… not understood the volume of the Book… and you have not entered in to HIS REST… or Spiritually fulfilled Sabbath! You never kept a single Sabbath to honor The LORD of HOSTS , who is also The LORD of Sabbath , The CREATOR of Sabbath !!!!! So you see… you are evil… if you have NOT BELIEVED HIM, The CREATOR !!! You have DEPARTED FROM THE LIVING GOD, and gone after a DEAD god !!! So from The CREATOR’s own house which is now built, … He speaks … to not to harden your hearts! There was a time, The LORD hardened your heart. Isa. 63: 16-17, that is when we found the Everlasting FATHER , The REDEEMER as written above !!!


So do YOU UNDERSTAND… THAT IT IS THE SAME GOD WHO LED YOU OUT OF Egypt AND CALLED Israel TO BE HIS PEOPLE, … AND WHO IS The CREATOR, AND CHRIST the LORD ??? And as you are unbelievers, … now from the believer’s bellies, you must get the HOLY SPIRIT… John 7: 36-39 … they are the wells of salvation. Isa. 12, .. from whose heart flows the Living Waters, giving everlasting life to others. John 4:14 !!! The REAPERS !!! These reapers know, the harvest in Israel failed. Jer. 8: 19-20!



Then Moses found grace… and if he was called by grace, and as Noah also was called by grace, anyone could be called by grace.! No one receives anything of GOD, by works !

Exo_33:12 I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight. ..}}}… v 17 also says the same. And all things are done because of The CREATOR’s grace. !!! There were no other gods with The ROCK, when He did all these to Israel .

So The LORD of HOSTS said “I” WILL BE A FATHER to all…, 2 sam 7: 14…, IF The LORD of HOSTS SAID I WILL BE A ‘FATHER’ , … THEN WOULD HE NOT THE FATHER ??? compare John 16: 26, as written above, … with this scripture and see… the FATHER, will be revealed by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. but in many scripture, The LORD of HOSTS says HE IS THE FATHER. and HE IS THE Everlasting FATHER. and we saw The REDEEMER is the FATHER. and all these names are fulfilled in The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! This is why in Mal. 1: 6, The LORD of HOSTS says, IF I AM A FATHER, WHERE IS MY HONOR???? and a FATHER just cannot but love the sons, no matter how bad they are! . So in His mercy, all things will be established. !

How could anyone has worshiped the FATHER in Spirit and Truth, until The Son reveals about the GODHEAD? ????So you do not know the FATHER or CHRIST the LORD , as He said as written elsewhere. John 4 says, time will come when none in Jerusalem, or in the Holy Mountain will worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth. Then when The LORD offered Living Waters to the gentile woman, … He said now the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth. ! That means, as she said, THE MESSIAH WILL TELL US ALL THINGS, … John 4: 25, …fulfilling that, CHRIST the LORD came to gentiles and gave the knowledge of GOD … so the true worshipers are worshiping the FATHER in Spirit and Truth !!!! so that is now Spiritually fulfilled. !


Jerusalem… rejected The CREATOR… ( Mat. 23).And Jerusalem needs JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s testimony. Apostle Paul was not taught another GOD, or another FATHER, but about JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and as written elsewhere, Apostle Paul taught gentiles are made for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s glory and He adopts them to be His children to HIMSELF !!! So that is the FATHER , Apostle Paul taught to gentiles. !

Apostle Paul, testified concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD… He preached The Son. Gal. 1: 16. And he preached Him to gentiles as he is an apostle for gentiles. That means The CREATOR did not want Israel to know the truth about Him, first.

Act_22:18 And saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning Me. “… so you see.. it is Jerusalem who would not receive testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! Testimony concerning Me , means the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! That is why it is given to gentiles as written below. !!! Jerusalem always wanted to be desolated. They did not receive the testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! How could they have the SPIRIT of prophecy then ??? This is why the daughters of Jerusalem were scattered and desolated until The LORD is Blessed by others !!! “ For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the LORD”… Mat. 23: 39. So the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to gentiles, on the day of THE LORD. Zeph. 3: 9-10 !!! So IF Jerusalem DID NOT RECEIVE THE Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. THEY COULD NOT HAVE BLESSED HIM !!!!! They COULD NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY !!!! they could not have known THINGS TO COME !!! They could not have worshiped the FATHER in Spirit and Truth !!!! And it is the little children who BROUGHT HIM TO Jerusalem, BLESSING HIM. Mat. 21: 9-15 !! and v 10 says, Jerusalem asked ‘WHO IS THIS”???


So all things are written in the volume of the Book about The CREATOR, how HIS OWN WIFE and children will reject Him!!! SO HAS THAT NOT HAPPENED? CHRIST the LORD did not want anyone to know the mystery of GOD, until the judgments. Rev. 10: 7 says, the mystery of GOD would be finished at that time. And no one knew that The CREATOR is the FATHER AND THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!! After the judgments, the whole volume of the Book will be revealed. The LORD said during the days of vengeance, all things written will be fulfilled !!! and that is the year of redemption !!! Then, The LORD will open the eyes to see all things already fulfilled and behind, so they can judge themselves comparing the words as The LORD said in joh 12:48, comparing the WORD of GOD with their works to see WHETHER GOD IS RIGHT OR MAN IS RIGHT!


Below scripture says No one knows, who The Son… except the FATHER… and the FATHER, except The Son. This means, unless the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which he calls His FATHER, shows us The Son, and the FATHER, we cannot know. DID GOD the Father WHOM YOU SAY IS YOUR GOD REVEALED THAT HE IS THE FATHER ??? The only GOD who Has spoken in the volume of the Book is The CREATOR. If you do not learn from Him, … nothing could be the truth ! Only HE HAS THE TRUTH. !!! But the words or the scripture was written at least nearly 2000 years ( New testament) and until now, we did not know the FATHER is also The Son. !!! This is why all seven eras are to fall. !!! But no one think , they are fallen. !!! now we know, fallen means from the truth, about GODHEAD , that the only GOD is The CREATOR, who comes in MANY NAMES !!! Scripture was there all these years. but unless The Son reveals, … BEING THE ONLY GOD AND THE SPOKESMAN, … NO ONE CAN KNOW THE TRUE GOD! Just as The LORD said as written above, in John 16:25,… unless He reveals the FATHER, we cannot know. So the words, the FATHER was written long time ago, but The Son only can reveal… ;-

Luk 10:22 All things are delivered to Me by My Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son will reveal Him. }}}…so it is The Son who will REVEAL THE FATHER AND ALSO The Son. Remember flesh and blood cannot know The Son ??? Mat. 16: 17… and Apostle Paul also said…

Gal 1:16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:}}}… Apostle Paul was chosen to preach The Son… that is to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, and to gentiles !!! But what he wrote will be revealed, DURING THE Times of Gentiles, OR THE DAY OF THE LORD , Day of Visitation , DAYS OF VENGEANCE, when the gentiles are to work for Him !!! . This is after The LORD came and died. And he says, flesh and blood cannot teach these things, and we know The LORD , directly taught about Himself to Apostle Paul. And he preached this among the heathen. But, to be fulfilled when The LORD comes the second time, as He said on the Day of Visitation, the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. And at that time, The LORD also comes to teach us. Isa. 11: 9- 11, 1 John 2;27). That is why, Isa. 29: 23, 8: 18 etc. and The LORD prayed in John 17: 17-20.


Gal 1:17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.}}}… we know this story, that he went to Arabia and JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught him all things. NOW WHY DID NOT The LORD TELL HIM TO GO TO Jerusalem AND LEARN FROM OTHER APOSTLES ??? It is because, The LORD taught him many mysteries , which The LORD WANTED ONLY THE GENTILES TO KNOW, … AND WHEN HE COMES, HE WILL REVEAL THEM TO GENTILES. That is Spiritually guiding the gentiles . JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words are HOLY SPIRIT, and we do all things through the HOLY SPIRIT, … understanding, as The LORD gives the utterance as written above, …. And understanding to HIS ALREADY WRITTEN WORDS. !!! Unless The CREATOR reveals, no one can know or understand the scripture , which are HIS WORDS! They are written in such a manner that no one can understand the TRUTH! Because, The LORD hid the truth purposely about Him, unless you would not crucify The LORD of GLORY !!!…1 cor 2:8! .. And until GOD calls those who love HIM.. , no eye can see .. 1 co 2: 9 – 13… LORD revealed them to us by HIS SPIRIT. that is the WORD of GOD !!! Remember Samuel !! 1 sam 3:21. Therefore,, like Apostle Paul, we also did not learn from anyone, but directly from The LORD . WHO IN THIS WORLD PREACH TO FEAR AND WORSHIP The CREATOR , OTHERWISE ??? So Jerusalem could not have known to preach The Son. !!


So the will of GOD, is to TAKE AWAY the first Tabernacle…. The Tabernacle of David … and ESTABLISH THE SECOND, which will never fall. !!! So in the volume of the Book, … all the names of The LORD , … He fulfilled, in order to do this will…. HIS OWN WILL… to establish all TO HIM FOR EVER !!! The house of THE SON JESUS is now built by Him and the ones whom HE PREDESTINATED !

Heb 10:9 then He said, "Lo, I come to do Your will, O God." He takes away the first so that He may establish the second.…}}}.. so The LORD takes away the first means the law Covenant…. and would establish the second. !!! So those who teach the law, … need to be established again, they must be brought back to life again. !!! in order to that, the priesthood as well as the law is prophesied to be changed. Heb. 7. We proved, the law of Moses, is changed to the law of TRUTH which king David and Levi had !!!


Lo… I come to do Your will, O God." He takes away the first so that He may establish the second. …}}}..so the will of GOD, The CREATOR, … is to take away the first … which is to fall, … and establish the second … !!! IN order to do that, HE HAD TO BE A FATHER, A SON, … AND ALL OF THE ABOVE NAMES !!! Without being The CREATOR, He cannot create. Without being the SPIRIT, … we cannot be given the SPIRIT, as there are no others who can give. Without being THE TRUTH, … no one can give the truth… without being The REDEEMER…, no one else can redeem us… without being THE Lamb,… no one can shed blood …. And so on. !!!

So when He established the second, … IT IS HIS OWN HOUSE, HE ESTABLISHED and WITH HIS OWN SONS whom HE BEGAT as jam 1: 18 , Heb. 2: 10 says !


So the first house was to be for ever, for The LORD ’s name to be in. but since all failed to HONOR HIS NAME, ( Mal. 2), and accept Him as the FATHER… etc…., now a SECOND IS SOUGHT. The LORD found fault with the first one as Heb. 7 says. And The LORD of HOSTS says, HIS EYES AND HEART will there be for ever. SO YOU GRIEVED HIS HEART … and His eyes were caused to be taken away from you… but for a moment, till you repent and understand that The CREATOR is the only GOD who comes in the volume of the Book !!!

1Ki 9:3 And Jehovah said to him, I have heard your prayer and your supplication with which you have made supplication before Me; I have sanctified this house that you have built to put My name there forever; and My eyes and My heart shall be there forever}}}…now, we are the house… sanctified… and The LORD ’s eyes, and heart will be in this house for ever. That is the house of The Son … !!!

So the wisdom of the wise perished, as they did NOT FEAR The LORD of HOSTS . and this is why, the secrets were hidden from them, .. and revealed to babes… !

Luk 10:21 In that hourJesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. }}}…so JESUS CHRIST the LORD REJOICED, to reveal the secrets to babes !! HE KNEW, HE HAS PREDESTINATED THE BABES, OR THE LITTLE CHILDREN as 1 John 2: 12- 27 SAYS, WHO WILL NOT FAIL, AS THEY HAVE THE GREATER ONE IN THEM as 1 John 4: 4 etc says. So The CREATOR is in them, doing all these. That is why HE REJOICED… BECAUSE, THE SECOND COULD BE ESTABLISH…. AND HE CAN DO THE WILL OF The LORD , … WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK !!!! He knows this time, Everlasting Covenant will be established !!!

Mat 12:18 Behold MY Servant, whom I have chosen; MY BELOVED, in whom my soul is well pleased: I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT upon Him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles. }}}… This is Isa. 42:1-3, 49:6-7… Who is this ‘MY’ ??? Which GOD is the ‘SERVANT’ ??? Which GOD is MY BELOVED ??? It is the same GOD. And it is HIS SPIRIT,… or The CREATOR’s SPIRIT, … only does all things in the volume of the Book. !


The LORD says, you search scripture… to get everlasting life,… and the scripture testifies about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So the volume of the Book is written of Him !

Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. …}}}… so the scripture, HIS OWN WORDS, TESTIFIES OF HIMSELF !!! How else could we understand the scripture ??? And in them, we have everlasting life, because we are set free by the word of Truth , but by The LORD ! Unless He opens the minds to the truth, … we cannot be set free. So He leads and guides us by HIS SPIRIT, THE WORDS , the TRUTH !!!


Joh 5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. }}}….you search the scripture to have everlasting life, … but you do not go to Him to get it. !!! You search the scripture and went after GOD the Father !!!! That is why you do not have life. !!!! He is our life !!! Col. 3: 4. And… you search scripture, but they TESTIFIES of Him !!! That life is in Him!!! But you are not willing to go to Him to get life !!! scripture, is The CREATOR’s words. that is the FATHER who sent Him, and who gives us life as well. But it is The CREATOR who gives life through His word. So we cannot live without the other!!! He creates all things by HIS WORDS, which is called the HOLY SPIRIT. !!! He gives breath and life to all as written above !!! The scripture testifies of The CREATOR … and this is why John 6;44 says, the FATHER draws one to the Son. !!! The scripture should take us to HIM, TO The CREATOR, … !!! So the volume of the Book is about Him and His words !!! The scripture testifies of Him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Holy Bible – CHRIST the LORD said, THE WHOLE Bible IS ABOUT Him. ( The CREATOR), AND IT IS HIS WORDS. ( the volume of book) and it does not talk about any other gods. He proves, HE IS The CREATOR, THE Everlasting FATHER, AS WELL AS The Son, AND HOW HIS MANY NAMES , HE WILL FULFILL, and from the beginning, of failure of mankind, how they would die and how The LORD would redeem them from death and how The LORD would die to save them and bring to salvation and build the image of GOD once again in man. ! From the beginning of the Garden of Eden to once again to the offering of the Tree of Life , giving everlasting life to all man kind, is written. Because, it is HIS WORKS and about Him. we can’t do anything on our own. HE will lead us unto eternity. So HIS WRITTEN WORDS, WHEN FULFILLED, … PROVED WHO HE IS AND IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER GODS !! This is why, CHRIST the LORD said ‘My FATHER is greater than I’,… because His words TESTIFIES OF HIM, and does all things. Scripture says, His word is magnified above His name !!! Because, it is the scripture, which REVEALS HIS NAME OR NAMES ALSO !!! His own words glorifies Him !!!

Psa 40:7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the VOLUME OF THE BOOK IT IS WRITTEN OF ME,


Heb 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of Me,) to do thy will, O God. …}}}… when The LORD says ‘TO DO THY WILL’, it is HIS OWN WILL. Scripture is The CREATOR’s will !!! Eph. 1:5- 11, 2 Tim. 1:9.


Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children byJesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure ofHis will,

Eph 1:6 To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. }}}… remember 1 cor 2: 9-11… eye has not seen, nor……. And revealed to those who love Him ?? So His will also is given to those who LOVE HIM !!! They are the ones who seperated, as they feared The LORD as Levi did, proven in peace writings. Please read. Anyway, king David said, He fears and worships GOD as written above. So he fears The CREATOR. He said You have made me wonderfully and fearfully !!! Psa. 139:14 !!!


His WILL, was a MYSTERY which was not revealed to the Levitical ministry …

Eph 1:9 Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to his good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself: }}}… so you see.. JESUS CHRIST the LORD PREDESTINATED THE ONES TO ADOPT AS CHILDREN, TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD.., BY HIMSELF, … ACCORDING TO HIS OWN WILL… AND TO MAKE KNOWN THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL !!!! No one can just say, we know the mystery …. Because, JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR predestinated HIS OWN SONS to be adopted … and HE IS A FATHER to us. !!! so there is no other GOD besides Him. all things were preplanned by Him !!! This is Isa. 8: 18, Heb. 2: 10-13, Isa. 29: 23, John 17: 17-20, 1 John 2: 12- 27 etc !!!


Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the PURPOSE OF HIM WHO WORKETH ALL THINGS AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL:…}}}…. So you see… The CREATOR planned all these after HIS OWN WILL AND COUNSEL !!! HE IS THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR , as well as the Everlasting FATHER and The Son. !!! This is why, we know the FATHER and The Son, as The LORD forgave us, and removed flesh and blood from us, and gave the knowledge of GOD , to know HIM, AND HIS WORDS, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE FATHER , AS HE SAID.. I will show you plainly of the FATHER “ !!!!! His words revealed, we LOVE HIM as well !!!! So there was NO OTHER GOD, … WAS WITH HIM TO COMMAND HIM TO DO ANYTHING. ! He does not need anyone’s supervision or counsel. !!! Remember if there was a GOD the Father, he too draws one to The SON. John 6:44 !!!


And the Spirit and Truth is prophesied to come a second time. THE ONLY TIME THE Spirit and Truth IS GIVEN IS AT HIS SECOND COMING. !!!! But it is CHRIST the LORD is He who comes. Isa. 11: 9 – 11… and the SPIRIT IS CHRIST The LORD , AND TRUTH IS ALSO HIM. 2 cor 3:17. He was known in many names. And He spoke to Adam, and many such as Noah, Abraham, Moses and He came to die, and He Is prophesied to come again , but one Name as the Spirit and Truth. ( He still has not saved or redeemed all. And many of His names are yet to be fulfilled in His own wife and children . Only the little children are redeemed now as 1 John 2: 12- 27 says, as they were predestinated in Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23, and brought to glory ini Heb. 2: 10-13, so we can declare Him as the Captain of Salvation) !!!! And then, He will guide all in to truth. That means no one had the Spirit and Truth until then. And The LORD Is prophesied to come for the times of Refreshing. That means to re-breathe! Prophet Joel and Apostle Peter both prophesied that event. So if it IS The CREATOR WHO BREATHED Adam THE FIRST TIME, IT IS HE WHO WOULD RE-BREATHE US THE SECOND TIME ALSO. That is why the Spirit and Truth came. Remember The LORD said ‘ I AM THE TRUTH’. And He IS THE SPIRIT. 2 cor 3: 17. And when the Spirit and Truth comes, HE WILL guide u in to all TRUTH! That proves, until THE Spirit and Truth COMES, OR UNTIL The CREATOR COMES AGAIN, … NONE HAD THE Spirit and Truth !!! And He will tell us things TO COME. That is the SPIRIT of prophecy. And all were taught to the little children. 1 John 2: 12- 27 !

Joh 16:13 Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come. }}}… This is the work of THAT PROPHET. As written above, … in Deut. 18: 18- 19 … “ My Words which He shall speak in My name, I will require it of him”. So back then, HE WAS The CREATOR,… and when He came as THAT PROPHET, … He speaks What is written in the volume of the Book !!!


He will show you THINGS TO COME”… means even in His second coming, things are YET TO COME. As written above, THAT PROPHET WILL SPEAK The CREATOR’S WORDS. The CREATOR comes as that PROPHET !!! The CREATOR will take what ever He Has inspired the prophets to write, and will SPEAK… ‘AS IT IS WRITTEN”!!!


He will guide you into all truth:”… things to come”… So until this time, THE TRUTH IS NOT GIVEN !!! Understand that. So it is the TRUTH, The LORD WILL GUIDE US TO… WHICH ARE THINGS TO COME” !!!


And who ever IS PROPHESIED TO RECEIVE HIM AT HIS SECOND COMING, ARE THE ONES WHO CAN DECLARE THINGS TO COME ! Remember Jerusalem has not receive His testimony to this day !!!! Scripture says, they are the gentiles, Isa. 11: 9 – 11, Rev. 11: 2-3, Eze. 30:3, and then the little children , 1 John 2: 12-27, Heb. 2: 10-13 as they are predestinated to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Read Eph. 1: 5-11 or as written above. You WORSHIP GOD the Father. BUT THE LITTLE CHILDREN WORSHIP The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as HE PURPOSED to reveal His will as written above ! Then, the Spirit and Truth comes to glorify Himself as written below. Because, no one has glorified Him, as all worshiped GOD the Father etc. that is why the Everlasting gospel is preached to fear and worship The CREATOR, in judgment as Rev. 14: 6-7. Remember when justice to the TRUTH is given, The LORD prophesied the gentiles also will be given justice. Isa. 42: 1- 3… and Isa. 9:1, Mat. 12: 18, Mat. 4: 15, The LORD will come to galilee of the GENTILES, but His second coming. In His first time, He said when He is resurrected, He will go to galilee, and He Had a mountain appointed to meet there etc, as proven in previous writings !!! anyway, as it is written, …. The LORD will come to gentiles , the second time to give the knowledge of GOD , .. the Spirit and Truth, … and they would BELIEVE !!! The Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is confirmed in the gentiles. Here is one scripture …

And then,… He revealed to those who are SANCTIFIED BY HIM…

1Co 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that aresanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every placecall upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours: …}}}… you see… we must be sanctified IN The CREATOR.. AND MUST CALL UPON HIS NAME !!! They are called SAINTS, as their sin is forgiven by Him. You have never called upon the name of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ !!! These saints’ feet is kept from falling, by The LORD Himself ! 1 sam 2: 8 – 9. And they are Eph. 1:5-6, who are called to praise HIS GLORY… and to give the knowledge of HIS WILL !!! So the volume of the Book is opened to them. !!


1Co 1:5 That in every thing ye are enriched by Him, inall utterance, and in all knowledge; }}}… all utterance… is there anything left then???? ALL… things. All knowledge… !!! And… the SPIRIT of prophecy is also given… which is the :-

1Co 1:6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: }}}… so you see… Jerusalem or the wife of CHRIST The LORD or any other churches of GOD, did not receive the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD… which is the SPIRIT of prophecy… to speak things TO COME, WHICH IS THE TRUTH. !!! So the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD was confirmed in the gentiles. They are given all utterance now. !!!


1Co 1:7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: }}}.. we are to not o come behind in no gift…!!!! This means all gifts are given! THAT PROPHET’s blessing isnt enough??? They WAIT FOR JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! Then, He CONFIRMS US TO THE END… KEEP US BLAMELESS IN HIS DAY… :-

1Co 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}…JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF will CONFIRM US to the end… and will keep us blameless on HIS DAY !!! That is the day of THE LORD… !!! So The LORD fulfilled His words !!!


1Co 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our LORD”…}}}… we are to fellowship with THE SON JESUS CHRIST , The LORD !!! So we WORSHIP JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR ! from the beginning and no end !!!


Now understand… some of the things written in the above scripture…

  1. These saints are SANCTIFIED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD… !!! This could not have happened in His first time. !!! Not a single priest, and not even the high priest can say they are sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they worship GOD the Father as The LORD said in John 8: 54 !!!! all seven eras are to fall. ! Not even His own wife is sanctified in The Husband, … in Him, but she is being His enemy, still waiting to be delivered, IN Babylon, or confusion and in Egypt, Spiritually. Micah 4: 10, Rev. 11: 8. Rev. 17, 18. So anyone is sanctified ‘IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, is in His second coming. He prayed for them in John 17: 1-20 !!! They are the CHRIST and HIS children in Isa. 8: 14- 18, … when all Israel and Judah are to stumble on Him, and these children will be the works of The LORD ’s own hands. !!! They are a sign and a wonder in Israel.! They SEAL UP THE LAW !!! They were called directly by JESUS CHRIST the LORD to be sent. Rom. 1: 5 !!! And then, by the MERCY shown to gentiles, Israel too will have mercy to be saved. Rom. 11: 25-32, Acts. 15: 9-15 !!! When gentiles are taken, their times must be fulfilled, and then The LORD will come to Zion to deliver Jacob !!! Read every scripture to understand the volume of the Book is written of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! so these saints are sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. we were not worshiping Him at first either. But when the gospel of salvation is preached to us, the second time, having come, The LORD says, we believed and are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT or promise! Eph. 1: 13. “after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that yebelieved, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, “… you see… as Isa. 42: 1- 3 says, The LORD brought justice to the truth and to gentiles by giving the gospel of salvation, which is truly the law of TRUTH, which Levi had and the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6-7, to fear and worship The CREATOR, as king David did as written above !
  2. call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,… do you, to this day, call upon the name of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ ???You do not even believe HE IS OUR LORD!!! This is Mal. 1: 5-6, 11 !!! “And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.”.. IF THEN I BE A FATHER, where is Mine honour? and if I be a Master, where is My fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise My name….v 11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place INCENSE SHALL BE OFFERED UNTO MY NAME, AND A PURE OFFERING: FOR MY NAME shall be great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts”… The LORD of HOSTS , is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! That much, you know. And… you the priests did not call upon the name of The LORD of HOSTS , or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … but GOD the Father’s !!! The LORD of HOSTS is THE FATHER! high priest wrote in his version of MM, that it looks like if GOD the Father is speaking! The LORD of HOSTS , The CREATOR, is the FATHER. ! He is The Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son !!! So your eyes now has seen, how The LORD ’s name is called upon, and incense is sent to His name, among the gentiles !! The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel… The LORD IS MAGNIFIED beyond the border of Israel !!!! We believe HE IS THE FATHER … WE WORSHIP AND FEAR The CREATOR !!! See how the Spirit and Truth taught these to us, having come, JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN !!! You did not fear The LORD of HOSTS! We ARE OFFERING ‘PURE’ offerings to The LORD of HOSTS ’S NAME, which you despised !!! You did not give Him glory!!! Mal. 2. !!! And now you see… like Esau, … you will seek what you lost with tears, but you will not get it! Heb. 12: 16-17 !!! But we have become HIS SONS !!! Heb. 2: 10-13 !!!
  3. every thing ye are enriched BY HIM, in all utterance, and in all knowledge”… in EVERYTHING… ALL UTTERANCE … ALL KNOWLEDGE is given to enrich by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , to theses saints, who are PRESEVED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD … WHO WORSHIP HIM AND WHO FEARS HIM AS THE FATHER !!! See below for ‘utterance’. So all knowledge is given, … to DECLARE as Heb. 2: 10 says, … and all knowledge of GOD is given as the SEA as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says. The Spirit and Truth is given… to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S GLORY !!! So the gentiles are ENRICHED by JESUS CHRIST the LORD to utter all knowledge of Him !!! The whole volume of the Book is revealed… because in the volume of the Book, it is WRITTEN OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Who ever glorifies Him, … must be given the knowledge of Him, AND BY HIM !!! He REVEALS … The Son REVEALS as written above !!! the knowledge of GOD , the knowledge of the FATHER and The Son is given to these saints, who are SANCTIFIED IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The LORD of HOSTS !! the WHOLE VOLUME OF THE BOOK I ABOUT HIM, BUT YOU TAUGHT ABOUT GOD the Father !!!! So what utterance did your GOD the Father give to you??? What testimony do you have to prove that your GOD the Father is the true GOD??? Could GOD the Father sanctify you ??? Save, or redeem you??? YOU need to be saved from such false knowledge !!! We proved salvation is needed from enemies who LIE! The wife of CHRIST The LORD became the enemy, as she did NOT CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD … NOR WORSHIP OR FEAR HIM, as king David did as written above !!! if the whole volume of the Book is written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … which book says to worship GOD the Father? Col. 4: 3.. “that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of CHRIST”… GOD would open a door to utter THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE LORD !!! So PREACHING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, IS A MYSTERY , revealed to Colossians gentiles, as The LORD is IN THEM. Col. 1: 26-27 !!

the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:…}}}… so these saints are sanctified in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and are given all knowledge and utterance, to DECLARE THE Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! That is to preach Him… to preach the Everlasting gospel, which gave salvation to them !!! HIS TESTIMONY, which is the SPIRIT of prophecy, … is confirmed in these saints !!! So they are the ones who preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD … they are the ones who bring Him to desolated Jerusalem, saying ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE Name of THE LORD” !!! . Mat. 23: 37- 39, they are the BABES, to whom the secrets were revealed, concealing from the wise and the prudent… Luk. 10: 20-22 !!! So the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is confirmed NOW !!! We testifies that the volume of the Book is written of HIM! and the SPIRIT of prophecy, … is what The LORD said He would give, when the Spirit and Truth comes, to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Things to COME !!! and HE WILL GLORIFY ME.. as written below. And The LORD comes to those who BELIEVED His gospel and testimony. “When he shall come to be GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that dayGod would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power… That theNAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST MAY BE GLORIFIED IN YOU, AND YE IN HIM, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”… but.. “ In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Thess. 1- 8-12 ! the FLAMING fire, is the WORD of GOD , … which is now given to reveal the volume of the Book is written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD or GOD. So these revealed truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, will show you that you have NOT KNOWN GOD… THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD … and we GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as HE HAS SANCTIFIED US TO BELIEVE IN HIM, AND THEY ARE HIS OWN HAND’S WORKS. Isa. 29: 23- 24 says, when The LORD ’s hands works, those who erred in SPIRIT … OR … THOSE WHO ARE NOT SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE IN THE Spirit and Truth , WILL ALSO COME TO UNDERSTANDING. !! We are sanctified to believe in Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13 !!! And we have fulfilled our obedience to JESUS CHRIST the LORD… and that is why HE USES US TO AVENGE THOSE WHO DID NOT KNOW HIM. 2 cor 10 : 5- 6 !!! make no mistake… but glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! IN the volume of the Book, IT IS WRITTEN OF HIM!


  1. come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: … so you see.. we are waiting for the coming of our LORD… and we are not behind any gift… all gifts are given to us who wait for Him. !!! 1 Thess. 5: 2..” For yourselves know perfectly that the DAY OF THE LORD so cometh as a thief in the night.”… remember the high priest even wrote, NOT EVEN JESUS CHRIST the LORD KNOW HIS SECOND COMING , but only GOD the Father ??? But this scripture proves, these saints who are waiting for JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … knows PERFECTLY that He comes on the day of THE LORD… as a thief in THE NIGHT. That is because, OUT OF DARKNESS, The LORD CALLED US TO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT, … THE NEW Royal Priesthood… 1 Pet. 1: 8- 10. And this NIGHT WATCH, is like a thousand years to GOD. Psa. 90: 1- 5. ! and on the day of THE LORD, which is the Day of Visitation, … the prophet is a fool and does not know The LORD ’s coming. Hos. 9: 7 !!! And the day of THE LORD… is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. So all these things are written in the volume of the Book, … about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS WORDS AND WORKS !!! So in the morning, all the dead would grow as grass !!! That is why The LORD comes… to give the Spirit and Truth, so we can glorify Him, … exalt Him, so all can be gathered to Him… John 12: 31- 32. ! and Bless Him, so He can come to desolated Jerusalem as written above.
  2. Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus CHRIST…}}}… it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who confirms us to the end, and keep us blameless on His day !!! No man could be blameless before Him, unless He Does so. And He forgave the little children. 1 John 2: 12- 27, to teach them. He destroyed their flesh and blood . but He came while yet they were sinners, and flesh. !!!
  3. fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our LORD”…we must fellowship with The Son, JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!! He is the FATHER also ! Jer. 3: 19 !!! That knowledge of GOD is now given. In the whole volume of the Book, it is written of Him !!!


“Utterance”… means strong’s;apophtheggomai

From G575 and G5350; to enunciate plainly, that is, declare: – say, speak forth, utterance. (express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or definite terms., express, utter, assert, affirm etc )G 5350 means to utter a CLEAR SOUND.. to proclaim, … speak !!!

Thayer ; 1) to speak out, speak forth, pronounce

1a) not a word of everyday speech but one “belonging to dignified and elevated discourse”.


So all utterance is given to these saints, to glorify , declare and speak plainly about GODHEAD. Did not The LORD say as written above, in John 16: 25, I will show you PLAINLY OF THE FATHER ??? So the Spirit and Truth came… and revealed what is written in the volume of the Book… gave the knowledge of GOD … and showed PLAINLY, THAT The CREATOR IS THE FATHER !!! And the clear sound to proclaim, is the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD … given on the DAY OF THE LORD… to gentiles. Zep 3: 9-15. That is the time the judgments are turned off. Eternal death, the spiritual death will be turned off. As we did not worship and fear The CREATOR, … all died. But now, in HIS MERCY, as Rom. 11: 25- 32 says, as written elsewhere, … The LORD will show mercy and save all Israel as well !! If not, there is no need to give utterance to these saints… they are the sign and a wonder in Israel… and Judah, who stumbled. And we seal up the law, with JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Isa. 8: 14-18 !!! So to speak plainly about the FATHER, … and the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is given on the day of THE LORD, in the night !!!


When the LORD came the second time, He comes FORGIVING, and WITHOUT SIN, giving salvation,… ( all FLESH Luk. 3;6, which means all are flesh, as none could receive the SPIRIT . ). but first to the sons whom He brought to glory, to whom HE FORGAVE AND TAUGHT ALL THINGS. 1 John 2: 12- 27. Heb. 9: 26-28 !!! Acts. 28: 26-28 says, gentiles will hear. Acts. 13: 46 says, gentiles are appointed to receive everlasting life . John 4 proves, the ones who DID NOT LABOR, but entered in to the labor at the TIME OF THE HARVEST, received the wages, the everlasting life !! Your harvest failed, and it was shown to us… Jer. 8: 19-20 !!!


The utterance – THE ORACLES OF GOD…

The oracles or utterance was given to Israel first. Rom. 3: 2-3. But as they rejected the knowledge of GOD as Rom. 1 says, they are given a debased mind. Even as the song of Moses is given to gentiles to sing. V 43 of deut 32 says, the gentiles have become GOD’s people. With that scripture, 1 Pet. 2: 8-10, Hos. 2:23 ETC. THE PROPHESIED AS WELL AS THE LAW HAS NOW CHANGED as Heb. 7 says. From Israel to gentiles, and from the law of Moses which brings death, to the law of TRUTH, which brings life and peace !!!! So Israel did not glorify The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Now, the oracles of GOD is to preach to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR. That is the Everlasting gospel. ;-


The oracles of GOD, must glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He was known as The ROCK back then, and He gave the lively oracles to Israel, in order to come to Him and to know Him and to be His people. But they all failed. And Therefore, The LORD came the second time, and gave the oracles, the law of TRUTH as we now see, … to HIS OWN HAND’S WORKS, His own sons whom He brought to glory. Heb. 2; 10. If Israel had kept those oracles, they would have been born as sons to The CREATOR who is The ROCK , CHRIST the LORD. but since they all failed, … The LORD came the second time and started giving the knowledge of GOD , and the commandments, the testimony to gentiles . And that is the law of TRUTH which gives us NEW LIFE, everlasting life NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. They become Israel of GOD. Gal. 6….So the following scripture , Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles, …as they are the new Royal Priesthood , … 1 Pet. 2: 8-10 , and if one MINISTERS as The LORD gives the ability, .. is to GLORIFY GOD, through JESUS CHRIST the LORD , means HE IS TO BE GLORIFIED , because all praises and dominion is for Him. and The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD , taking His own words as written elsewhere. !!!

1Pe 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.}}}… this means … the oracles of GOD, THE UTTERANCE of GOD, must be given by GOD, Himself… and… in all things GOD may be glorified. In other words, to glorify GOD. We must understand this is talking about CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK, whom none glorified. “Minister”.. means attendant, wait upon, teacher, serve etc. so this is talking about the new Covenant ministry of glory. 2 cor 3 talks about the ministry of death and the ministry of glory. So this is the ministry of the new Covenant, the ministry of glory. They speak the oracles of GOD, to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


So The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, came the second time, to glorify CHRIST the LORD. John 16: 13-14…”the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come…He shall GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”That is what is written above, what THAT PROPHET WOULD DO… !



the Spirit and Truth;- is also JESUS CHRIST the LORD. The LORD is The SPIRIT. 2 cor 3: 17, and He is also THE TRUTH. John 14:6. So the Spirit and Truth is CHRIST the LORD and He alone would come. And then, HE WILL GUIDE us in to all truth. If He is The Truth, no other GOD can give us the truth, even if there was another. And He speak what he hears, means whatever He Has WRITTEN. And He will show you THINGS TO COME. That is the SPIRIT of prophecy, the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Because, the Spirit and Truth guides us to things to COME … which in this case to GLORIFY HIMSELF, because Israel who received the oracles first, did not glorify Him as Malachi and Rom. 1 says. And this ministry is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself as the Apostle, and the High priest, doing all things through HIS OWN SONS whom He brought to glory, prepared in Isa. 8:18, 29: 23-24 , Heb. 2:10. John 17: 17-20 etc. as Isa. 29:23-24 says, they are the works of The LORD ’s own hands, and they will SANCTIFY AND FEAR The LORD !!! That is the law of TRUTH, which gives life and peace. !!! And Mal. 3: 16-18 says, they separated from others, and The LORD received them as sons !


HE SHALL GLORIFY ME”…Who is ‘HE’, and who is ‘ME”??? who are glorifying JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ??? They are these ones who are the MINISTRY OF GLORY to whom the oracles are given. And things to come means … the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the SPIRIT of prophecy …! This is why, The LORD said He will do NEW THINGS to bring Israel and a nation which Israel do not know will come to them… Isa. 55: 5 etc. (Isa. 49:22-23, Isa. 60: 1-3),


So it is the same GOD, who was in the wilderness giving oracles of GOD , who gives even now !

Act 7:38 This is He, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angelwhich spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

Act 7:39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, }}}… this is talking about The ROCK, who is also CHRIST the LORD. He gave the lively oracles to Israel. and the fathers would not obey…neither did the sons unto the Levitical ministry in Malachi. And if you do not obey Him, … in your heart, you go to Egypt. Even now, they are in Egypt Rev. 11: 8, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT OBEY. ! The whole Levitical ministry failed to do as Levi did, to fear GOD.

Ministry of glory is also called the ministry of the spirit. Because they receive the Spirit and Truth. They believed… and this ministry is sanctified to believe in the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13! So The CREATOR gives them the ability to GLORIFY HIM… and the Spirit and Truth receives what is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S !!! That means even the book of revelation, which GOD gave Him means, …. HE TAKES HIS OWN WORDS… TO PREACH. As written elsewhere, … The CREATOR COMES AS THAT PROPHET, AND TAKES HIS OWN WORDS AND SPEAK HIS OWN WORDS, AS The Son, … AS THAT PROPHET, … AS THE HIGH PRIEST, … AS THE APOSTLE, AS THE ADVOCATE, … AS JESUS CHRIST the LORD ETC !!!

ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified”??? receive of Mine”… So how many gods are there ??? and which GOD we did not glorify? To which GOD’s name did we NOT GIVE GLORY TO??? That is ‘THE’ GOD THAT WE SHOULD HAVE GLORIFIED. BUT SINCE WE FAILED, … HE HAS COME TO GET IT… SO HE PREACHES HIS OWN WORDS WHICH WERE WRITTEN BY Moses, … prophets, … and Pslams, which HE, HIMSELF INSPIRED !!!! That is The LORD of glory !!! We did not believe, nor understand that The CREATOR is the only GOD , and we all failed to give HIM , HIS DUE GLORY !!! He said ‘ I will not give My glory to another’…!!! Still we did not give Him His glory !!! How foolish and unwise have we been? We worshiped foreign gods, and did not know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!!



Deu 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put MY WORDS IN HIS MOUTH; AND HE SHALL SPEAK unto them all that I shall command him. }}}… surely, we do not need to prove THAT PROPHET is not CHRIST the LORD. all should know that. And this is the second coming of CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, … THAT PROPHET, and HIGH PRIEST and The Apostle, as prophesied to come, and also the Lamb, … and THE LION OF Judah in the revelation or in judgment, to give light !!! So that is the Spirit and Truth… who will glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and John 7: 36-39 says, the believer’s bellies will be ready, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD was glorified. So now that we have glorified Him, or made known His love, kindness, grace, judgment etc, ( Jer. 9:24), the rest of the works will be done by the same GOD, in order to establish the new Covenant… and HE HAS COME TO BLESS ALL, … as He promised to Abraham as written elsewhere. !!! He comes to Bless, deliver, save, redeem, judge, take vengeance, give light, and give everlasting life to all. !!! Because everlasting life means to know THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD .. John 17: 3. !!!


Act 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; HIM SHALL YE HEAR IN ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER HE SHALL SAY UNTO YOU.}}}… Moses, whom you believe, said THAT PROPHET WILL COME and for you to hear everything He says. Did not THAT PROPHET come??? The first time He came, …. And said that YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN YOUR FOR HIS WORDS, (as written elsewhere), and you do not even believe Moses …. Because John 5: 45 , The LORD said you trust Moses, but he accuses you… BECAUSE YOU DO NOT BELIEVE CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS…. ! That is because, … what Moses wrote, was The CREATOR’s words !!!

Joh 5:45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. …}}}… so Moses whom you trust, … will ACCUSE YOU! … now, when the scripture is opened, .. you will see how Moses’ law accused you… because NONE OF YOU KEEP THE LAW OF MOSES. ! “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law?”. John 7 :19. So Moses gave you the law, … and you trust in him, … but you did not keep the law, … and that proves you DO NOT TRUST Moses, NOR The LORD WHO GAVE IT !!! You did not hear Moses to believe him. ! If you had believed Moses, … you would have believed THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So Moses ACCUSES YOU to the FATHER… ! That means the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD . !!! So you are accused … before the judgment seat of CHRIST the LORD, … BY HIS WORDS, which will judge all. John 12: 48 ! So THAT PROPHET says, none of you keep the law. If you have believed Moses, … YOU WOULD HAVE BELIEVED The CREATOR’S WORDS, because The CREATOR SENT HIM. !!!

Joh 5:46 For had YE BELIEVED MOSES, YE WOULD HAVE BELIEVED ME: for he wrote of Me. …}}}… so you see… Moses wrote of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR … and not TO TRUST ANY OTHER GOD. Moses, WHOM YOU TRUST, WROTE ABOUT The CREATOR !! So you did not believe Moses…. Neither The CREATOR who gave the words to Moses !!!!!! MOSES SPOKE ABOUT The CREATOR AND NOT ANY OTHER GODS, whom you say is your GOD…as The LORD said in John 8; 54 !!! Would CHRIST the LORD say such a saying, if there WAS A REAL GOD the Father ???

Joh 5:47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believeMy words?

So … since you have NOT BELIEVED Moses’ writings, … YOU HAVE NOT BELIEVED The CREATOR’S WORDS !!! Because, the SPIRIT of CHRIST, inspired Moses !!!


So what was promised by The CREATOR, … The ROCK , … who brought Israel out of Egypt, … spoke through Moses, … to send THAT PROPHET … He Is sent by GOD, or The CREATOR, Himself, … but it is HE WHO COMES in all of the names of GOD !!! He Has to do the work involved in each of His names, … in order to bring us to eternity. HE WAS NOT SLEEPING ALL THESE YEARS. HE WAS BRINING TO PASS, HIS OWN WORDS !!! If not, we can call Him a liar ! But we have the sure word of prophecy … and revelation is given on the Day of Visitation, … WHEN THAT PROPHET COMES IN ALL OF HIS NAMES, AND SPEAK HIS OWN WORDS… The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, who takes the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and speaks as written above !!! So after ALL THINGS ARE FULFILLED, … The LORD will reveal all these by opening the eyes and calling ALREADY DEAD to the White Throne. Rev. 20: 12. !!! That is the lake of fire !

Nathanael also said… JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the GOD, who Moses, prophets wrote about… Because of The CREATOR’s own words, we understand who HE IS NOW, TO GIVE HIM GLORY, .. ( when He opens the understanding) .

Joh 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.}}}… Nazareth , also a gentile city. GOD lived there. So He is Jesus of Nazareth… , and not Jesus of Jerusalem !!!

So Nathanael found THAT PROPHET !!! That is The CREATOR !!!

And we found The CREATOR as well. !!!

Read 2 cor 3, … it says your eyes are blinded NOT TO KNOW THE Old testament also, as you did not hear Him. BUT IN THE END, YOU WILL HAVE TO TURN TO HIM, TO UNDERSTAND THE Old testament ALSO. So this is why all will be called to the White Throne … to give light, as ‘WHITE’ means light, OR REVELATION… AND THAT IS WHEN THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD WILL BE GRANTED TO WEAR FINE LINEN. !!!


Now understand… all these years, YOUR EYES ARE BLINDED ( even as Isa. 8: 14, 1 Pet. 2: 8 appointed to stumble at The CREATOR, and His words) , and YOU ARE STILL BLIND, as you have not turned to The CREATOR…, to receive the Spirit and Truth.

2Co 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. }}}…. Your veil, your blindness will be removed, when you BECOME JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S, OR The CREATOR’S OF THAT PROPHET’S WHOM YOU REJECTED !!! This is what we are being used to do. First, The LORD turned our hearts to Him, by giving the true knowledge of GOD , ( Eph. 1: 17- 19, ) and according to the Heavenly vision, The CREATOR GAVE TO Apostle Paul, ( Acts. 26:18-19), which is to OPEN THE EYES OF THE GENTILES … AND FROM THE POWER OF THE DEVIL TO GOD… AND TO SANCTIFY THEM BY FAITH IN The CREATOR ! So all these must be FULFILLED FIRST, … FOR YOUR EYES TO BE OPENED. when your eyes are opened… IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU.. THERE IS NO POINT OF RETURNING… ALL DONE… and even if you seek with tears, you will not get it ! You destroyed the glory of GOD FOR EVER, WHEN YOU CAST women OUT. ! (Micah 2: 9. Please read in our web).

Mic 2:9 The women of MY PEOPLE have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children haveYE TAKEN AWAY MY GLORY FOR EVER.!


So you took The CREATOR’s glory forever when you cast out the women of HIS PEOPLE !!! previous verse says you ROSE UP AS HIS ENEMY! So … you were the people of The CREATOR… and you became HIS ENEMY… and we were not of His people, … but now are His people. 1 Pet. 2: 8-10, Hos. 2: 23, Rom. 9: 25- 26, 11: 30-32 . and you STUMBLED ON HIM… Isa. 8:14,and we are built in Him. Eph. 2: 12- 20. And you stumbled at the WORD of GOD … the HOLY SPIRIT. 1 Pet. 2: 8… but we are sanctified by GOD the Father, … the HOLY SPIRIT, the words of The CREATOR, … to be forgiven by HIS BLOOD, and by GRACE. 1 Pet. 1:2.


Mic 2:10 Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. }}}… So you see… when you rejected the woman of GOD’S PEOPLE…. WHOM JESUS CHRIST the LORD SENT, WITH INSTRUCTIONS , on the day of THE LORD as zep 3 says… you did not receive instructions, …. You did not know it was The LORD who sent them, … and you cast us out, … from our houses and children… ( you… the high priest said to divorce… and said to my daughter, not to talk with the mother). HAS THAT NOT FULFILLED ??? so you took The LORD ’s glory FOREVER!!!! So in this time, The LORD calls this women.. MY people !!!! He came and gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD… on the day of THE LORD… in the same scripture… zep 3: 1-10 ! So few Israel… HEEDED AND DEPARTED as they were given the understanding to know… it is not the REST. You polluted His name… when you did all these. NOW GO BACK AND SEE, AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID TO The CREATOR !!!!! It is NOT THE WOMEN who should be exalted, BUT The LORD !!! We knew, and fought for to keep the charge of the Sanctuary… just as Levi did. !!! And the women are used to rule over. Isa. 3: 4, 12. And these women cut down and set fire on you. Isa. 27: 11. They are the dew… Micah 5: 5- 7… and they know your GOD is not in you.. Jer. 8: 19-20, and we came and said.. YOU HAVE LIES… Jer. 16: 19 !!! And GOD says you are POLLUTED. And, that is your cut off point, …. And The LORD left… in the east gate as Eze. 10: 18- 19, 11: 22- 23 . and then, The LORD says… YOU HAVE FALSEHOOD AND LIE… AND THAT IS THE prophet !

Mic 2:11 If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people. }}}… so HOW MANY LEADERS CLAIM THEY ARE prophets??? There is only one… who even stole the name of THAT PROPHET, … WHO TURNED ALL AWAY FROM The CREATOR, … AND WHO TOOK ALL OF GOD’S PEOPLE IN TO SIN AGAINST The CREATOR AND AFTER OTHER GODS … A LIAR !!! So it is the highest tier of the altar, who has sinned and have lies… and that is against The CREATOR . !!!


So even today, when Moses or the Old testament is read, … still their HEARTS are blind.

2Co 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. }}}… no one can say they have a good heart, because, The LORD , HIMSELF HAS NOT GIVEN A HEART TO PERCEIVE. Remember , seeing your hard hearts, … stiff -necks, … The LORD gave the law of Moses to condemn you to death. But from death, HE WILL REDEEM, after annulling the Covenant with death !

Deu 29:4 Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.}}}… these are the curses written in the law of Moses… and The LORD HAS SAID, HE HAS NOT GIVEN YOU A HEART TO KNOW, OR EYES TO SEE… so HOW COULD THE prophet CLAIM HE SEES… HE KNOWS ??? So no wonder why The LORD says, the prophet is a liar !!!! and this blindness is to continue, until YOU TURN TO CHRIST the LORD as written above !!! So from that time onwards, even when Deut. 29 is written, to the time of Ezekiel, ( Eze. 12: 2), all were blind and their hearts are stony hearts !!!


“Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see,”…

even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart”..

so how could you say, we see ???

Then, when would they begin to see ??? :-


2Co 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.}}}… when your hearts are turned to JESUS CHRIST the LORD… The CREATOR…, the veil or the blindness will be removed. !!!


And… JESUS CHRIST the LORD… is the SPIRIT, from the beginning… and where His SPIRIT is… means the WORD of GOD , which is the TRUTH, .. there is freedom. !

2Co 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. }}}… The LORD , is the SPIRIT… and the SPIRIT OF The LORD is His words, breath… ! Was it not so from the beginning ??? The SPIRIT of GOD moved upon the face of the earth…. CREATING… !!!

But, we… who are sent to say these things to you, … have our face opened …

2Co 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Here are some of the scripture which says your blindness…

2Co_4:3-4; Psa_69:23; Isa_6:10, Isa_44:18, Isa_56:10, Isa_59:10; Jer_5:21; Eze_12:2, Mat_13:13-15; Joh_9:39-41, Joh_12:40; Act_28:26-27; Rom_11:7-10, Rom_11:25


So you, not knowing The LORD and His SPIRIT, preached YOURSELVES… lies. But we preach not ourselves, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD… and this happens, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD brought us in to His marvelous light, as 1 Pet. 2: 9-10 says, OUT OF DARKNESS. And in to our HEARTS. And by the knowledge of GOD , … which is of JESUS CHRIST the LORD…

2Co 4:5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

2Co 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. }}}… so you see… how the prophecy is being fulfilled? He said, HE HAS NOT GIVEN A HEART FOR YOU TO KNOW THESE THINGS, … BUT HIS LIGHT IS GIVEN TO OUR ‘HEART’S. So your heart is evil, … and our hearts are made righteous by the KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So when you turn to The LORD , who is the SPIRIT , who gives the SPIRIT, .. just as HE HAS DONE TO OUR HEARTS, … your hearts will be ready to begin the new Covenant ! Remember The LORD said, NEW HEARTS must be given for the new Covenant. !!!


Eze_11:19 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:

Eze_36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.}}}… so The LORD will give you new heart to know Him. !!! This is why, this revelation about the iniquity is revealed ! Remember the HOLY SPIRIT is given to our hearts… and we need the SPIRIT of THE SON’s !! Gal. 4: 6

remember…So the true ministry will preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD … and the sign of who is given the Spirit and Truth is… they glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!

It is GOD who gives ability to speak these oracles. They are THE WRITTEN WORDS OF GOD. And the best way to identify this ministry is, they GLORIFY GOD, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD . And the Spirit and Truth, .. also glorifies GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So the Spirit and Truth also receives WHAT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S and speaks or gives us the understanding. !!!


Back to the Spirit and Truth;- understand… once again… the Spirit and Truth, … will glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and he speak what is HIS ( CHRIST the LORD’S). So it is The CREATOR and His SPIRIT… !!!

Joh 16:14 He shall glorify Me: for he shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto you. }}}… the Spirit and Truth will glorify Him, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! . and He will show what ever is from Himself. So in the volume of books, it is written about Him. as written above, this is the work of THAT PROPHET !!! If any one comes saying I am CHRIST, we cannot believe, because there is no way to know and prove…. Or no written words of such prophets. but The CREATOR Has written all things long ago. So FULFILLED PROPHECY IS A SIGN AND PROOF OF THE TRUE GOD !! That is why, as Isa. 8: 18 says, CHRIST and HIS children are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!! Because their work is prophesied !!! and v 16 says, they will seal up the law. That means how all things concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD was fulfilled, … they will declare. !


Understand… the Spirit and Truth, will get what is CHRIST the LORD’s, and will show. Don’t we say, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the Spirit and Truth, and His testimony is confirmed in us and we GLORIFY HIM ??? the Levitical ministry glorified GOD the Father. This is not GOD the Father, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of HOSTS , to Whose name, the Levitical ministry did not give glory to !!! If there was a GOD the Father, he cannot say the Levitical ministry did not give glory to him !!! It is to The LORD of HOSTS ’s name, they did not give glory !!!! No one could have glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … until THE Spirit and Truth CAME, IN THE FIRST PLACE!! Because, in the volume of the Book it is WRITTEN, THE Spirit and Truth WILL COME AGAIN AND WILL GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! He, purposed to choose gentiles to glorify His name, knowing that Israel will worship a no GOD, calling GOD the Father !! Understand also, … ‘ FOR HE SHALL RECEIVE OF MINE’… that means what ever is WRITTEN IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK…. Which is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the SPIRIT and life and is the TRUTH. John 6: 63.


It is The CREATOR who comes to re-breathe !!!!! The times of Refreshing !!! And who glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? it is the gentiles as you can see. !!! all things written in the volume of the Book must be fulfilled just as it is written .. if not you can call GOD, a liar. !!!


The GOD whom you say is your GOD, … also glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Now have you heard from your GOD the Father ??? Then how can you understand this scripture which say, your god whom you worship, glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! But you did not hear from your GOD. So YOU DID NOT KNOW, YOUR GOD ALSO GLORIFIES JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! And since you have not heard from such, … you cannot keep his word. Because you have not heard from him. but… JESUS CHRIST the LORD SAYS, HE KEEP YOUR GOD’S WORDS…. and He knows him. !!

If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say that He is your God. … Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I should say I do not know Him, I would be a liar like you. But I know Him and I keep His Word.”.. The LORD says, even though you worship GOD the Father, YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM. !!! But HE KNOWS HIM. !!! And if He says HE DOES NOT KNOW HIM, … HE WOULD ALSO BE A LIAR LIKE YOU, WHO WORSHIP GOD the Father, NOT KNOWING HIM !!! Can you understand this ??? CHRIST the LORD says,” IF I GLORIFY MYSELF, … MY GLORY IS NOTHING… IT IS MY FATHER WHO GLORIFIES ME”…. what does this mean ??? Is not the Spirit and Truth, GLORIFIES JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as written above ???


it is My Father who glorifies Me”…but earlier He said..(John 16: 13- 14)… as written above. ;-…

When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth:

He shall GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you!


So The LORD says, when the Spirit and Truth is come, will guide unto all truth. And He will GLORIFY HIM, ( CHRIST the LORD). and also, the Spirit and Truth will receive of ‘MINE’ , means JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s !!! And from where Would CHRIST the LORD or the Spirit and Truth receive the words of truth ??? And from where do we learn about all these things about GODHEAD and that we must give glory to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???? …. IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK , it is written of ME !!! !!! Is the WORDS of JESUS CHRIST the LORD… ! Remember as written above, The CREATOR wrote; when THAT PROPHET comes, HE SHALL SPEAK MY WORDS??? “ I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brothers, one like you, and will put My words in His mouth. And He shall speak to them all that I shall command Him. “… and also as written above, …. Remember… THAT PROPHET comes to BLESS US. And what is the BLESSING ??? TO OPEN OUR EYES TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH ABOUT GODHEAD … THAT ONE MUST GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD , OR The CREATOR !!!!


Deu 18:19 And it shall happen, whatever man will not listen to My Words which He shall speak in My name, I will require it of him. }}}… Have you listened to The CREATOR’S WORDS??? Or THAT PROPHET’S WORDS ??? You listened to ‘that prophet’s words, which came from his own mouth !!! The FALSE PROPHET as Micah 2: 8 -10 says above… FALSEHOOD AND LIES in the wife of CHRIST The LORD !



So the Spirit and Truth, glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … receiving HIS OWN WORDS, written in the volume of the Book !!! THAT IS THE TRUTH! That truth will turn your hearts to the LORD who is the SPIRIT as written above. That truth will set you free… ! THEN, NOT HAVING THAT TRUTH ( TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD OR The CREATOR AND NOT ANY OTHERS), YOU ARE UNDER BONDAGE!


it is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say that He is your God. …!!!

But I know Him and I keep His Word.”…. Remember THAT PROPHET is sent to speak The CREATOR’s words, so CHRIST the LORD keeps HIS OWN WORDS !!! if not, .. HE IS A LIAR LIKE ALL OF US… !!! And specially , the prophet who has falsehood.. Joshua !

for he shall receive OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you!…. again, THAT PROPHET’s work…, to receive HIS OWN words ! “My Words which He shall speak in My name


Understand… “it is My FATHER who glorifies Me”…but it is the Spirit and Truth who glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD… so, HIS FATHER IS THE Spirit and Truth.! But… HIS FATHER IS ALSO THE HOLY SPIRIT… and the HOLY SPIRIT, is of The Son’s SPIRIT. (Gal. 4:6). And The LORD is the SPIRIT… and where the SPIRIT of The LORD is , there is FREEDOM !!!

for he shall receive OF MINE”..

My Words which He shall speak in My name



and the FATHER , is the Spirit and Truth. !! But, we know it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who IS THE TRUTH, and who is the SPIRIT AS PROVEN ABOVE !!! and the Spirit and Truth, the FATHER, … glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … receiving from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! And this means…; JESUS CHRIST the LORD , glorifies Himself…. From His own words. !!!

He comes in HIS OWN NAME…

He Speaks His own words !!!


the Spirit of truth, is come….

for he shall receive OF MINE

My FATHER glorifies Me…

He shall receive of Mine… so… it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is the Spirit and Truth, … who is ‘MINE’…. And He glorifies HIMSELF… and He takes HIS WORDS, IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK , to do these !




My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say that He is your GOD

So who is the FATHER, who glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD???

You should know, because that is your GOD !!!

My Father who glorifies Me…is your GOD, … you say”!!!!

In these scripture, it talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s FATHER, who is the Spirit and Truth. So you worship the Spirit and Truth.. but you think it is ANOTHER GOD… GOD BEING.. separate from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! is not that what you preach???

The SPIRIT… IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD… as written above.

TRUTH, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , … right ???

So the Spirit and Truth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD… , right ??



The SPIRIT is also JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, .. right ???

Truth is also the WORD of GOD , … right ???

So the Spirit and Truth, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, ….. right ???

So if you do not worship JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you worship HIS WORDS WHICH IS Spirit and Truth !!! Right ???


In other words, … you worship the scripture , WITHOUT THE GOD WHO GAVE IT !!!!

But you are not going to The LORD who SPOKE THE SCRIPTURE.! It is true, that we are born by the water the WORD of GOD … and set free etc. but the words were SPOKEN BY The CREATOR, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! So in order to receive the words, leading to life, … one must go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK who gives them !!! But you are going to the scripture, … and not The LORD … as He said…

Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Joh 5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. …}}}}… so you know to go to scripture, … to get everlasting life. and the scripture TESTIFIES THAT LIFE IS IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So if your GOD, the scripture was leading you, … He would have lead you to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !! John 6: 44…


Joh 6:44 No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. }}}… so if you believed your GOD, … the scripture, .. it would have drawn you to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! AND ‘I WILL’ MEANS JESUS CHRIST the LORD , WILL RAISE YOU UP.. on the LAST DAY. !!! So the FATHER draws one TO The SON, … SO The SON CAN RAISE THEM UP AT THE LAST DAY. !!! Now do you understand…, why The LORD is revealing these to you??? The last day has come !!! That is to raise you up… to BLESS YOU… THAT PROPHET HAS COME !!! To save you.. to redeem you… to establish you…!! So not your GOD whom you say is your GOD, who raises one up, but HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! This last day, is the White Throne ! The year of vengeance is also the year of acceptance. !!! GOD says, why do I strike you any more, as you rebel again and again. Isa. 1. So there is a time to stop all rebellion by GOD. And all things concerning JESUS CHRIST the LORD has an end as written above. Then, .. establishing the second also must be done in our life time and not thousand years after. !!!


And for this reason, … just before the last day, when all will be resurrected, while being judged, .. The LORD taught to the little children, after forgiving. 1 John 2: 12- 27. So The LORD prophesied that too. Isa. 54: 13, 1 Thess. 4;9, etc…

Joh 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto Me.}}}… this means, AFTER THE Spirit and Truth CAME and gave the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , to glorify Him. !~ So we learn from the FATHER… whom you worship… and we went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD … and glorified Him. !


Joh 6:46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.

Joh 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Joh 6:48 I am that bread of life. }}}… scripture cannot give you life, unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD Does it through His words !!! He creates by His words, the HOLY SPIRIT. That includes HIS FIRST COME TO DIE, AND SECOND COMING TO FULFILL HIS DEATH SACRIFICE TO FORGIVE AND GIVE EVERLASTING LIFE TO ALL !!! Remember everlasting life means to know the true GOD. John 17: 3. So He is giving the knowledge of GOD , … the knowledge of the true GOD, … means , HE IS GIVING YOU EVERLASTING LIFE !!!! If you have believed the scripture, … you would have gone to Him !!! So as The LORD said.. you do not know the FATHER, or Me !!!


Eph_4:21 If so be that YE HAVE HEARD HIM, and have been TAUGHT BY HIM, as the TRUTH IS IN JESUS: }}}… you see ???? The Spirit and Truth is JESUS CHRIST the LORD… the truth is IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD… AND NOT IN YOUR GOD the Father !!!!

Col_2:7 Rooted and BUILT UP IN HIM, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.}}}… understand ??? When this truth , which IS IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. IS TAUGHT BY HIM… no other man can teach these things…, so all are liars. … so, … when this truth about Him is revealed, …. We are rooted and built up IN HIM… as HE IS THE Chief Corner Stone which you rejected, …. But… because we received all these, … WE CAN GIVE THANKS GIVING !!! No one could thank another, unless the other does something first ! So the sons whom JESUS CHRIST the LORD brought to glory, while declaring Him as the Captain of Salvation,… they also give thanks, as The LORD is doing it among us. ! Heb. 2: 10-13.



Remember the scripture prophesied that JESUS CHRIST the LORD will come and die etc… and it was HIM WHO SPOKE ALL THOSE, ABOUT HIM AND HIS WORKS. !


Understand again…

His FATHER, is HIS OWN WORDS… THE Spirit and Truth…, the HOLY SPIRIT as proven above ,… right ???

Then, ‘WHOM YOU SAY HE IS YOUR GOD’, … is CHRIST the LORD’S OWN WORDS, which you worship !!!! His own words sent Him. !!! “whom you say He is your GOD, … is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … the FATHER who glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and who receives of HIS own words , to do that. And then, … in the volume of the Book, .. it is written of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! The Spirit and Truth, is The Comforter, who is CHRIST the LORD. so He alone spoke all the words. His words are SPIRIT and life. and His words are the truth. ( John 17: 17-19). And, then to receive life, … or to abide in the truth, … we must be set free by the truth,…which wipes out lies, … and The LORD ’s words, are the truth ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is the TRUTH… right… ??

His words are the truth … right ???

No other GOD Has spoken in the word or truth, … right ???

Spirit and Truth, is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and He gets His own words … right ???

Then, His own words glorifies Him…. right ????

Then, ‘My FATHER glorifies Me’…. is HIS OWN WORDS,… right ???

And when you say He , the FATHER, .. CHRIST the LORD’s own words, … is your GOD, … then who do you worship ???



This is why, The LORD said, you do not know the FATHER or Me…

Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I should say I do not know Him, I would be a liar like you. But I know Him and I keep His Word.”..



In the volume of the Book it is written there are many false christs… anti christs etc. so now you should be able to understand that you, and I have been anti-CHRISTs. ! ( not anti-gods)


So when you worship GOD the Father, … YOU ARE LIARS… YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO THE FATHER, OR THE SON… ! Would JESUS CHRIST the LORD lie, when He say that the GOD whom you worship, you DO NOT KNOW ??? He knows the FATHER… as HE CAME FORTH FROM HIM… HIS OWN WORDS !!! In the whole volume of the Book, it is not spoken of any other gods !!!!


So you did not know, you worship … JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS. !!!!!


I keep His Word:… Which GOD’S WORDS He keep ??

He shall receive of Mine”…


He said… in the law of Moses,… in the prophets, … in the Psalms, it is written of Me… and all things concerning has an END” !!! The last works upon the earth is to preach the Everlasting gospel , to fear and worship ‘The CREATOR’ !!! It IS HIS OWN WORDS, WHICH LED US TO UNDERSTAND ALL THESE… THE Spirit and Truth !!!


Yet you have not known Him”…The LORD says, you do not know the FATHER … ! How could you know the FATHER, … because JESUS CHRIST the LORD only knows the FATHER. !!! He SPOKE AND WROTE THE FATHER !!!! That is the HOLY SPIRIT, which The CREATOR BREATHED !!! That is the scripture you search to have everlasting life, but not going to The LORD who spoke them !


HIS WORDS, WHICH IS THE Spirit and Truth, HE WROTE ABOUT HIMSELF… in the volume of the Book. !!! So you do not know Him, or HIS WORD, the Spirit and Truth !!! He came to give the words, the Spirit and Truth in the night…, out of darkness, He called us to His light… !!!! and you do not know the HOLY SPIRIT, HIS OWN WORDS EITHER. If you had known, you would have glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD !! The high priest went PASSING JESUS CHRIST the LORD TO GOD the Father, ( to the scripture) thinking there is a GOD BEING called GOD the Father, … to get revelation. And failed to glorify the LORD of glory !!! So you went to the scripture… and this is why The LORD said…


“You search the scripture … remember what The LORD said above ; and you think in them, you have everlasting life, BUT YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO COME TO ME TO HAVE LIFE “ !!! ( as written above). So you do not know The LORD , nor the scripture… that means you do not know THE FATHER OR The Son !!! Did not JESUS CHRIST the LORD say… you must abide in BOTH, THE FATHER AND THE SON ?? And The Son cannot be revealed to flesh and blood ??? You are flesh and blood, …. Not having the Spirit and Truth !!!


Yet you have not known Him”…You do not know the GOD whom you worship in truth !!!! This is why, Zion is a perpetual desolation. Psa. 74 !!! All seven eras FELL… the Tabernacle of David which was built to honor The LORD of HOSTS , fell !!! The LORD keeps the feet of the saints, from falling, even as written above, … He keeps us blameless to His day… 1 sam 2: 8 – 9 !!! IT IS THE SON WHO REVEALS ALL THINGS, ( Luk. 10: 21-22) and unless He reveals PLAINLY THE FATHER, … no one can know THE FATHER OR The Son. !!! in that, CHRIST the LORD SAID THE TRUTH !!! Now you know, you have been flesh and blood and that is why, you could not have known the FATHER or The Son. !!! You went passing The Son who reveals all things !!! HE IS THE Fountain of Living waters !!! Jer. 2: 13 !!! He is our FATHER and The Husband. Jer. 3: 19


Now you know, in the volume of the Book , it is written of the words of The CREATOR… but you did not believe Him or His words. … and this is why HE SAID… “ My word has no place in you”….You never kept His word ! BUT HE KEPT HIS WORD !!!

Joh 8:37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill Me, because MY WORD hath no place in you. }}}…So this is done by Abraham’S SEED. That is why ONLY ONE SEED IS PROMISED TO Isaac as written elsewhere. And IN that SEED, … the gentiles who are also the seed of Abraham, … are ADOPTED, and The LORD fulfilled and kept the promise to Abraham, to make him a father of a multitude!!!! So Isaac’s seed failed to fulfill the works of Abraham. And that is why The LORD said… you are Abraham’s seed, but His words has no place in you… and Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day. John 8:56 … and he looked for the city where “The MAKER” is GOD, … that is The CREATOR. !!! So you have no place for HIS WORD means you are devils, under bondage as He said in John 8, … and are liars, … and are lost !!! We proved, you fulfilled ‘abram’… the HIGH EXALTED father… and you all became high and lofty as Isa. 2 says! So this is how the exalted ones are brought low, and the low ones are exalted, in the last hour, as The LORD said. !!!


So those who DID NOT BELIEVE, ( Israel Rom. 11: 20) will be judged on the last day!

Joh 12:47 And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

Joh 12:48 He that REJECTETH ME, AND RECEIVETH NOT MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. }}}… in order to be judged; if you have BELIEVED OR NOT, .. HIS WORDS, … all things must be fulfilled. For example:- , .. you should fulfill of NOT BELIEVING HIS WORDS FIRST, to judge. So that has happened now. And then, The LORD must reveal or open the scripture to you to prove what HE PROPHESIED ABOUT YOU, AND HOW YOU FULFILLED ALL THINGS, and not only you, .. but How HE TOO fulfilled all things and …. CAME AS THAT PROPHET, TO BLESS YOU AND TO SAVE AND REDEEM YOU… and HOW HE CALLED THE GENTILES TO DECLARE HIS GLORY, AND THEY BELIEVED, AS THEY WERE SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE AND TO RECEIVE SALVATION ETC… ARE ALSO MUST BE FULFILLED FIRST AND THEY ARE now , and the Everlasting gospel is being preached as you read (Rev. 14: 6-7). !


Joh 12:49 For I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father which sent Me, he gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. }}}… you know as written above, … it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words He Speaks. !!! And now you know, it is The CREATOR’s words He speaks. And the FATHER is also His own words.

Joh 12:50 And I know that His commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. …}}}…. Deut. 18: 18..“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speakunto them all that I shall command him”.


Father which sent Me, he gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak”..

I know that His commandment is life everlasting!!!

“whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak”…

“will put My words in his mouth; and he shall speakunto them all that I shall command him”.

So …. CHRIST the LORD speaks His own words, as we know no other FATHER has spoken anything and the SPIRIT of CHRIST The LORD inspired all prophets. . !!! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY … THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK IS ABOUT HIM !!!


Therefore, judge yourselves to see… you have received JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS OR NOT, …. NOW comparing with these words of the FATHER !


CHRIST the LORD said, you do not know the GOD who sent Him… You did not know The CREATOR IS ONE GOD, ONE FATHER !!! Mal. 2;10

Joh 7:28 Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know Me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of Myself, but he that SENT ME IS TRUE, whom ye know not. }}}… His words sent Him. and His word is the truth. John 17:

Joh 7:29 But I know him: for I AM FROM HIM, AND HE HATH SENT ME. }}}…. It is the zeal of The LORD of HOSTS , who is The CREATOR, who sent the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. Isa. 9: 6-7 !!! There is no other GOD in the volume of the Book !!! HIS WORD IS TRUTH, AND HE IS THE TRUTH!!!


And this is why The LORD said, .. if GOD were your FATHER, you would love Me”…

Joh 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but He sent Me. …}}}…. As you can see, neither GOD was your FATHER !!! you did not know GOD the Father, whom you say is your GOD, as it was scripture !!! You did not believe The LORD of HOSTS is the FATHER. or The CREATOR is the FATHER !


You do not know your GOD !!!



Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do….}}}…understand… if you have not understood CHRIST the LORD’s words, or heard it, … you have lusts… of the devil… and sons to the devil. NOW, THE SONS OF GOD AND THE sons of the devil is manifested!!!! Those who heard the truth, received the Spirit and Truth, … are sons of The CREATOR !!! if not… sons of the devil and has lusts. Remember in Eze. 24: 21- 23, …Ezekiel and all have lusts and are to pine away ??? That is when the wife of Ezekiel is stricken. And read it in our web site…. (Ezekiel’s wife stroke). That was the same week, Gerald Flurry disfellowshipped us !!! HE WILL REMEMBER !!! CHRIST the LORD said, if they HATED ME, they will hate you also. !!! so the high priest hated JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and also us !!!So Gerald Flurry will remember, … The LORD will cause him to remember !! He called us evil in Feast Of Tabernacles , in 2004 ! Some of us are here to witness about that, who HEARD HIM SAY THAT !!!!


{{{Who are the real devils, according to The CREATOR ??? It is those who do not have CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS… “YE NOT UNDERSTAND MY SPEECH? even because YE CANNOT HEAR MY WORD”… Ye are of your father the devil”…your father is the devil, … If you do not hear HIS WORD or understand His speech. And then, that is why, The LORD caused the little children to be YOUR JUDGES, Mat. 12: 27-28, 1 John 4: 17), as the FINGER OF GOD, … to give you The law of TRUTH, which you failed to understand. The LORD cast out devils, using the finger of GOD, who are the little children, … and to give you the words, …. HIS WORDS, WHICH IS SPIRIT. ! So The LORD cast out the devils by the SPIRIT OF The LORD , means those who do not have HIS WORDS, are the devils. !!! So by giving the words, …. They will be sons of GOD. !



Now,… when you and if you understand this truth, … that no man can go to the FATHER, except through CHRIST the LORD, ( opposite of what the high priest taught to go pass Him to the FATHER as the head), you have KNOWN HIM. !!! The LORD will give you the understanding. because, as Acts. 15: 9-15 and Rom. 11: 25-32 says, after gentiles received mercy, the DELIVERER will come to Zion to deliver them. !!! That is why Zech. 6: 12- 15, which Gerald Flurry said in 2004, he cannot understand that. Now he can understand what it means !!! So understand… no one can go to the FATHER, (words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD), except through Him… ! You who searched the scripture to have everlasting life, and failed to go to CHRIST the LORD to get life, … must understand this now… unless CHRIST the LORD reveals … no one can receive His words or knowledge of GOD !


Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME. …}}}… when The LORD said no one can come to the FATHER, but by Me”,…. Did the high priest obey THE HEAD , The Husband , The CREATOR, The LORD ??? Noooooooo. He taught the opposite. Go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD and go to the FATHER for revelation. So you do not know your FATHER,or your GOD !!!


Joh 14:7 If ye had KNOWN ME, ye should have known my Father also: and from HENCEFORTH YE KNOW HIM, AND HAVE SEEN HIM. }}}… if you understand… the WAY… the TRUTH, … and LIFE is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD… YOU HAVE KNOWN HIM…and His words, the FATHER, … AND SEEN HIM. !!! In other words, when The LORD gives you the understanding to know JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE WAY TO LIFE, … AND NOT GOD the Father, …. THEN, YOU HAVE KNOWN THE TRUE GOD !!!!!!! Remember, He Is a SPIRIT… so you have to see Spiritually … but you are blind Spiritually. But not for ever ! Rom. 11: 25 says , the blindness to Israel happened till the fulness of gentiles come in. !!! Now the gentiles are come in, … and some of them are fallen and became high and lofty with the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish… as Isa. 2 says. !!!


Scripture says, You always Resist the HOLY SPIRIT… is not that the truth??? GOD knew you are stiff -necked, and that is why HE GAVE YOU THE LAW, WHICH IS SPIRITUAL, Rom. 7: 14, WHICH NO FLESH COULD KEEP. You are having lusts as written above, means you are flesh. So not you, … nor any of us could have kept the law, unless the SPIRIT is received!!! NO ONE KEPT A SINGLE Sabbath TO THE LORD WHO GAVE THE Sabbath, … The LORD of Sabbath !!!! This scripture talks about king David , building a Tabernacle to GOD of Jacob , who is The LORD of HOSTS … Remember as written above, The LORD of HOSTS said king David WILL BE A SON, AND The LORD WILL BE A FATHER ?? 2 sam 7:; 14. This scripture says, he built it for The Most High. Remember we are to be children to The Most High. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Psa. 82. 6


Acts. 17, says The CREATOR, or the GOD who MADE the world, … will not dwell in man made temples. And the following scripture says, The Most High will not dwell in man made temples. So both Titles are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. He is The CREATOR and He is The Most High. So we are to be sons to The CREATOR, and to The Most High, and to The LORD of HOSTS , already we have proven in this writing alone.

Act 7:46 Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob...}}}… this talks about a Tabernacle for GOD of Jacob . Are you not from him?

Act 7:47 But Solomon built him an house.

Act 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,}}}}… so… the GOD of Jacob , should be The Most High !!! Understand? Is not The Most High, JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? So in Acts. 17, it talks about The CREATOR who would not dwell in man made temples, and in this, it is The Most High. So aren’t both gods, the same One and ONLY TRUE GOD ??? He is the GOD of Jacob !!!


Understand??? The Most High does not dwell in man made temples,

And then The CREATOR does not dwell in man made temples. Acts. 17

So is not both GOD, the same ??? Do we have two gods ???

So The CREATOR comes in many names and that is what the volume of the Book teaches. !


Act 7:49 HEAVEN IS MY THRONE, AND EARTH IS MY FOOTSTOOL: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of My rest? …Which GOD’s is the Heaven… and earth is the footstool??? Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s ??? So THAT IS THE GOD OF Jacob !!!! So He is known in many names. And He wants our HEARTS TO REST. HOLY SPIRIT is given to our hearts. Gal. 4: 6. And it is the SPIRIT of The Son which we need. !!!


Act 7:50 Hath not MY HAND MADE all these things? …}}}… this verse clearly proves, THE GOD WHO MADE…. That is The CREATOR is The Most High… and not only that, HE IS the GOD of Jacob is The Most High, The CREATOR. !!! TO HIM, KING DAVID BUILT THE Tabernacle ! And we know, as written above, in 2 sam 7: 14, it was The LORD of HOSTS who said I WILL BE A FATHER. Then, The CREATOR, is the FATHER, .. The Most High,…. The LORD of HOSTS !!! And we are to be sons to The CREATOR, … to The Most High, …. To The LORD of HOSTS , … and to the GOD of Jacob , … who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


Well if you do not believe… you are still stiff -necked … and resist the HOLY SPIRIT.

Act 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. }}}… your HEARTS are uncircumcised … this is why, there is a plague in the heart, and heart needs to be circumcised, as the HOLY SPIRIT rests in the heart !!! We are said to love our GOD with all our heart, mind and soul !!! if not , we are stiff -necked. !!! And The LORD is reminding the building the Tabernacle of David… but He wants hearts to be circumcised. This is why, NEW HEARTS, AND WELL AS CIRCUMCISION IN THE HEART is required, before the new Covenant is made !!! “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. “ Rom. 2: 29. So in order to be a JEW, … one must have the circumcision of the heart… in the SPIRIT. so now the Spirit and Truth is given to purify hearts. !! And Gal. 6 says, when one is NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … IS A NEW CREATURE AS WELL AS Israel OF GOD. WHICH MEANS Jews. SO ONE MUST BE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD to be a Jew !!!


So all things in the volume of the Book, is written of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


Act 7:52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:}}}… which of the true prophets, whom you did not persecute ??? same way The LORD was persecuted, all those whom He sent also were persecuted. Flesh is against the SPIRIT !!!


No one can understand the scripture. No one until the Spirit and Truth came, knew JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. So no one chose Him or the truth. But now, The LORD Has chosen His apostles ( Rom. 1: 5), … so they can bear fruits… and the FATHER is approached through the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … so our prayers will be answered. This means, we now know, that one should go to CHRIST the LORD to understand the scripture !!!

Joh 15:16 Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. ..}}}.. so we are CHOSEN, … AND ORDAINED BY JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND NOT BY ANY OTHER GOD. HE DOES ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO HIS OWN WILL. !!! So He ordained the little children , in the very end, to reveal the secrets, to know the FATHER and The SON. Luk. 10: 20-22. As written above. So when JESUS CHRIST the LORD chooses and ordains, … and teach all things, … their fruit will remain. IT IS HIS WORD !!! If He says all these, then we must believe His words. And this scripture is for the ORDAINED ones,… AFTER GIVING THIS KNOWLEDGE, … AND KNOWING THE TRUE FATHER, … THEY MUST PRAY TO HIM, … AND THEN HE WILL HEAR OUR PRAYERS. !


Joh 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another. }}}… now that we are taught how to love others by The LORD , Himself, ( 1 Thess. 4: 9), we can love one another. !!! So remember… we cannot chose GOD, as we were not given that knowledge. But now, we can bear fruits to Him… ! And who are these ordained ones, to bear fruits to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? It is those whom HE PREDESTINATED AND TAUGHT, the second time. That is the only time, any one can bear fruits to Him.


And understand another thing… “that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, he may give it you.”… So He says, if you ask anything from the FATHER, in HIS NAME, the FATHER will give you… but in John 16: 25-26, , …. He said:- …, after HE REVEALS THE FATHER … which means when we are given the understanding to know that the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words, … that HE WILL NOT TELL US TO PRAY FOR THE FATHER. ! :-

Joh 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. …}}}…Understand clearly, The LORD was talking about the proverb of the word ‘FATHER’. He WILL show plainly, of the ‘FATHER’. That means until this day, when He reveals, … NO ONE KNEW THE FATHER … or The SON. Because none knew, the Everlasting FATHER is also The SON, even though the scripture was there in Isa. 9:6 ! So until this ORDAINED ONES ARE GIVEN THIS KNOWLEDGE, … TO KNOW PLAINLY OF THE FATHER, … NO ONE KNEW THE GODHEAD. And this knowledge, … you must get from these ORDAINED ONES. ! That is how the bellies of the believers giving HOLY SPIRIT is fulfilled in John 7: 36-39 !

Joh 16:26 At that day ye shall ask in My name: andI say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: }}}… so when The LORD reveals the FATHER … He will not tell us to pray to the FATHER …because HE IS THE FATHER to whom we should pray !!! And we do not need to go to another FATHER, …as THERE IS NO OTHERS, … but WE KNOW PLAINLY, THAT HE IS THE FATHER !!!


So in the volume of the Book, it is written of The CREATOR !!

There is no other GOD.

Your prayers will not be answered as you pray to another GOD, calling GOD the Father ! When the Spirit and Truth came, … we were taught all the truth… by the FATHER of Light !!! This is why, when we work, … sanctify Him, …and fear Him, … those who erred in SPIRIT… all the Laodiceans, will come to understanding. Isa. 29: 23- 24 ! That is also the will of The CREATOR, as it is written in the volume of the Book ! So Be it !


All Glory and Honor to our FATHER of Lights who Does all things according to HIS OWN WILL. !!!


To be continued…


CHRIST and HIS children … Isa. 8: 18, Heb. 2: 10, Isa. 29: 23


Read moreLo, “I” come: in the VOLUME OF THE BOOK IT IS WRITTEN OF “ME”

Lo, I , “The CREATOR” Come in the volume of the Book AS “ONE” GOD!

In this writing, we will prove The CREATOR, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE ONLY ONE GOD and there are no others. In the volume of the Book, He comes in many names. In the first part, we gave most of the names HE HOLDS, known in the volume of the Book. If no one has heard or seen another GOD, called GOD the Father; how could one worship such a one? CHRIST the LORD said in John 8:54." whom "you" say is your GOD". "it is My Father that honoureth Me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:". Understand, it is we who say he is our GOD and not CHRIST the LORD! But nowhere in the scripture it says to worship The CREATOR's FATHER! Besides, there is no other GOD who FATHERED The CREATOR, as HE IS THE BEGINNING AND THE END AND HE HAS NO FATHER OR MOTHER, HE ALONE HAS CREATED! Then, to WHOM OR TO WHAT, DID HE CALL HIS "FATHER"? And it is the HOLY SPIRIT, Who begat The SON, but His own words. Therefore, when CHRIST the LORD said My FATHER is greater than I, it should be the HOLY SPIRIT, who should be greater than Him, because The LORD said "words are magnified more than the name"! Psa. 138:2. Remember as the Tree of Life was cut off, The LORD did not want anyone to know the truth about GODHEAD, until HIS SECOND coming! The word "Elohim", caused the church of GOD to misunderstand and to believe there are two gods. But in the volume of the Book, it is written of The CREATOR, who is also the Everlasting FATHER! This writing will continue to prove there are no other gods, but only The CREATOR and He Does all things as He purposed and there are no greater counselors than Him. "Elohim" occurs many times in the volume of the Book. It refers to false gods as well. The LORD appeared unto men with angels, and As and Angel, but NEVER WITH ANOTHER GOD! Even if there is a GOD the Father, OUR GOD SHOULD BE The CREATOR, who gave life to us, and who SAID HE IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH, and also The Husband, who brought Israel out of Egypt to be His people and who entered in to the Marriage Covenant with them! You will be surprised to understand how wonderfully, this mystery was hidden from all eyes, until it is revealed in the very end !Prior to this mystery to be revealed, GOD sent the wife to Babylon for 70 years which means religious confusion. Micah 4:10. And it is revealed when the Spirit and Truth comes; the TRUTH ABOUT GODHEAD will be revealed and CHRIST the LORD will glorify HIMSELF! That is the FATHER who Honors Him! NO ONE GAVE GLORY TO The CREATOR. SO, HE, HIMSELF HAD TO GLORIFY HIMSELF! HE WILL NOT GIVE HIS GLORY TO ANOTHER! HE IS THE GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, AND EVERY KNEE WILL BOW TO HIM, AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS HE IS THE GOD! And when the Spirit and Truth came, HE GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! The Spirit or TRUTH, cannot LIE ! IT IS THE TRUTH! And until the Spirit and Truth came, NO ONE COULD have KNOWN THIS TRUTH. And that is at CHRIST the LORD'S SECOND COMING, when HE CAME AS A THIEF, it will be NIGHT to you! And He comes to JUDGMENT, to BLIND THE EYES of the wise, causing their wisdom to be perished, and open the eyes of the blind and foolish base ones, causing them to be wise. (John 9:39). It is necessary for salvation, to understand that ONE GOD IS The CREATOR AND THERE ARE NO OTHER GODS! That knowledge gives you salvation and will set you free from lies to serve ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD, The CREATOR , The OWNER !


In the whole volume of the Book, it is written of ONE GOD and that is about The CREATOR, “CHRIST the LORD”! If we had followed Him, we must be ‘CHRISTIANS’. But Adam failed to be a ‘CHRISTIAN’ and ever since UNTO THE LAODICEA era, no one followed The CREATOR, or CHRIST The LORD! So none could call themselves ‘Christians’! That means we FAILED TO WORSHIP OR FOLLOW OUR CREATOR! That is the offense Adam and all the rest of mankind committed against The CREATOR, CHRIST the LORD! That is the sin we are guilty of. And since The CREATOR is the SPIRIT, and His words are SPIRIT and life, all committed the unpardonable sin! Do you understand that? GOD is a SPIRIT! That is the HOLY SPIRIT! So sinning against The CREATOR who is the HOLY SPIRIT, is what Adam and all humans are guilty of! Since HOLY SPIRIT or words of The CREATOR gives life ( John 6:63, 1 Pet. 1: 23, Jam 1: 18), none received life. So in the whole volume of the Book, it is written how all failed to worship The CREATOR and could not have life, and become a ‘CHRISTIAN”! Scripture clearly says we must be ‘CHRISTIANS’ and follow CHRIST the LORD! After all, He created us for HIMSELF ! So The CREATOR, Himself died to forgive our unpardonable sin! GOD is a SPIRIT and we must worship Him in SPIRIT. John 4. Since we have sinned against CHRIST the LORD, we must ask for forgiveness from Him. He came the second time to be The Comforter, to give the Spirit and Truth. The Comforter glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as proven in the first parts and in this also. And unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified, the HOLY SPIRIT cannot be given to any. John 7: 36-39! That means to know, understand, and believe in Him. (Isa. 43: 10).” that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me no God was formed, nor shall there be after Me.”. That is The Saviour’s words written in the volume of the Book. V 11 “I, I am Jehovah; and there is none to save besides Me”. And that is The CREATOR who says I AM THE ONLY GOD ! v 12 “I have declared, and have saved, and I have shown”.!. Do you understand that The Saviour , or The CREATOR is the ONLY GOD and that knowledge SAVES US from having other gods! The Saviour should be OUR GOD ! That makes one a ‘CHRISTIAN”! so the volume of the Book is written about The CREATOR and how His creation failed to be HIS FOLLOWERS, and sinned against Him , the HOLY SPIRIT, and it is UNPARDONABLE, but HE DIED to SAVE us from this sin, so we COULD BE PARDONED! So The CREATOR comes in MANY names to fulfill what He needs to SAVE us. For example:- The Saviour, He will save. The REDEEMER, He will redeem. The LAMB, He died.! Prove all these scripture and know your sin and acknowledge it and repent to be saved! His plan of redemption is now revealed! Be a ‘CHRISTIAN”!

Fasts of The LORD ( Zech. 8: 19) divides the TRUE and FALLEN ministries; fast of the 10th month is Jan 8th 2017

The new Covenant ministry is commanded by The LORD to do the fasts of the 4th, 5th, 7th and 10th month, additionally to the Day of Atonement. These fasts are done mainly for the destruction of the temple, which was PHYSICALLY under siege, and now SPIRITUALLY under siege, not having The LORD. Those who are in the DESTROYED temple cannot see they are destroyed, because this is a spiritual destruction, without the revelation from The LORD. so, the leaders prophesy by their own hearts. And The LORD ’s delusion will cause them to believe in their lies. Even Ezekiel himself is under siege. Eze. 12. In his time, THE END WILL COME, also the new beginning. Eze. 7. Eze. 40 onwards. Because the judgments came to ACCEPT all. Days of vengeance is the year of ACCEPTANCE also. Isa. 61. And he was in captivity during his calling, even as Ezekiel wrote, but he does not know he is among the captives, because this is a spiritual captivity. And now during the modern day Ezekiel, once again THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE, which was the wife of CHRIST The LORD, the church or the churches of GOD ( Eze. 16: 50-63) also are to fall, but NOT HAVING THE TRUTH and are CURSED TO SERVE Babylon or to be confused till they are delivered. When The LORD withheld divination, Micah 3:6, the night came, she became the enemy of The LORD! Remember the final falling away happens as they do not have the TRUTH and lack the knowledge of GOD. Isa. 5:13. Then, they are under captivity of the devil. That means unless one serves The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD and have the law of TRUTH, as Levi did (Mal. 2:4-6) they are of the devil. Simply, if one has NOT worshiped and feared The CREATOR, according to the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6-7, they are under bondage of the devil and have lies. Then, that is the destruction of the spiritual temple, as the abomination of desolation is fulfilled as The LORD said. The Laodicea era means they are in this darkness, or have fallen from the truth. No leader in any of the churches will accept they are fallen, as they, themselves ARE Spiritually BLIND! But during the Laodicea era, The LORD opens the eyes of the blind, John 9:39. And OUT OF DARKNESS, The LORD will take HIS Royal Priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 8 – 10.To whom ever The LORD Has given the truth by opening the eyes, are the new Covenant ministry who would do these fasts and they see the fallen Tabernacle of David. As all things written must be fulfilled during the days of vengeance in order for the opening of the books on the last day, we must write these things, TO PROVE HOW THE WORD of GOD IS FULFILLED. Lake of fire means opening of the WORD of GOD , which is fire. So the FALLEN ministry and the TRUE ministry are divided by the truth and the lies. And this year, the fast of the 10th month falls on the JAN. 8TH 2017. These fasts will bring LOVE, TRUTH AND PEACE! We will prove in this writing, that the fasts in Zech. 8: 19 is for our time and they are done in Babylon, and even now they are to be delivered. Micah 4: 10. So these fasts would bring the light to Jerusalem as The LORD returns to re-build!