Pt 3- works of CHRIST The LORD and HIS children ;Light to perfection!
“that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim” ! Urim and Thummim? “Light and perfections” could only come from JESUS CHRIST the LORD! That is why, HE BECOMES THE HIGH PRIEST when all others fail! CHRIST the LORD is THE LIGHT. Light means the truth. Truth is the words of GOD, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. And the TRUTH makes us free and perfect. That is why Urim or Thummim is given to judge and make one perfect. That means JESUS CHRIST the LORD makes us perfect through His word. And He gives light first to those whom He prepared to be HIS SONS as they are to be a sign and a wonder, and are first fruits and are to be sent and they are called luminaries and sons of light! John 17:17-20. And these sons will receive the Light from the FATHER and give to others, making them perfect as they are to be luminaries in darkness. Php 2:15. Urim or Thummim in the breast plate of judgment, judges one to make them know they are in darkness, so they could have light to come out of darkness and become perfect. All lacked the knowledge of GOD to be saved. Isa. 5:13. And Urim or Thummim gives that knowledge to be saved! GOD Has promised to save all. But no one is saved till now, and the harvest in Israel failed. Jer. 8: 19-20. But The LORD will save all by His mercy as HE HAS PAID THE PENALTY for our sin! That knowledge which is to save one, was not known till the Urim or Thummim is to be given or till after the judgment, as the days of vengeance is to ACCEPT ALL. Isa. 61: 1-3! GOD reveals our sin to make us perfect. All things become NEW, IN CHRIST the LORD and until all things are made new, CHRIST the LORD refuses to live among us! Urim or Thummim could come only from JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not from GOD the Father whom you say is your GOD. (John 8:54). Scripture never says GOD the Father is THE LIGHT! He is NOT THE JUDGE, nor The Saviour or The REDEEMER! The Comforter also is JESUS CHRIST the LORD! So what is the knowledge comes to save one? What is Urim or Thummim which is in the breastplate of the high priest? How would it be fulfilled? Has not JESUS CHRIST the LORD, prophesied to come as THE HIGH PRIEST as high priests failed to be perfect? “the Son of God; abideth a Priest continually”. Then, He will bear the Urim or Thummim and the judgement of the breastplate! So the high priest’s breastplate of Urim or Thummim also must be fulfilled in judgment! This writing proves how He gives Urim or Thummim to all as the perfect HIGH PRIEST!