Believe THE ROCK is your FATHER to be a SON OF GOD!
THE ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST says, He begat ISRAEL. They are His FIRST BORN. Exo 4:22-23. Deu 32: 12, 15, 18. At the same time, He said, they will not have a spot as His SONS. v 5-6. He Is The CREATOR and Adam is a son to Him. Lu 3. He gave life to all. Then should He not be the FATHER of us all? Mal. 1:6 says the Levitical ministry, who are HIS FIRST BORN, did not honor Him as A ‘FATHER’. Then would they be sons of GOD, when you reject your FATHER? He Is also the Everlasting FATHER. Isa. 9:6. And The LORD knew Israel would not be His sons, so He adopted the gentiles to be His sons. Eph. 1: 5-13 and sealed them with His SPIRIT, when they BELIEVED! Deut. 32, The LORD said, when they forsake Him, He will be found by others. V 43, and He will raise up a foolish nation. They found Him, to be THE Everlasting FATHER, even though Israel will acknowledge. Isa. 63:16-19. Israel was never called by THEIR FATHER’S NAME! So the FATHER came as a man, THE Son of GOD and they still rejected Him and failed to be sons of GOD. John 1: 11-12. When you receive Him and be sons of GOD, then it is HE WHO IS THEIR FATHER! And it was so as The ROCK begat them! This, they failed to understand. So they killed their own FATHER and GOD! They did not believe Him to live! This is why the Scripture say to believe in The SON, to have life. One must believe HE IS THE FATHER and REPENT for not believing the FATHER. The sin is the unbelief. John 16:9. For UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off. Rom. 11:20. And for UNBELIEF, they departed from Him and failed to be in HIS HOUSE. Heb. 3:6, 12! What The ROCK, the Everlasting FATHER prophesied about Israel, has now come true. This is why, coming in to the world, HE PREACHED the gospel to Israel saying ‘REPENT AND BELIEVE”. To be a son of GOD, you must SURELY KNOW YOUR FATHER. To receive the everlasting life, you must know the Everlasting FATHER! Because you did not believe now, REPENT FOR NOT BELIEVING that it is the same GOD The ROCK who is your FATHER who entered in to the Marriage Covenant as The Husband, to return to Him. Jer. 3:19-20, you will call ‘The Husband’, my ‘FATHER’!