Believe THE ROCK is your FATHER to be a SON OF GOD!

THE ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST says, He begat ISRAEL. They are His FIRST BORN. Exo 4:22-23. Deu 32: 12, 15, 18. At the same time, He said, they will not have a spot as His SONS. v 5-6. He Is The CREATOR and Adam is a son to Him. Lu 3. He gave life to all. Then should He not be the FATHER of us all? Mal. 1:6 says the Levitical ministry, who are HIS FIRST BORN, did not honor Him as A ‘FATHER’. Then would they be sons of GOD, when you reject your FATHER? He Is also the Everlasting FATHER. Isa. 9:6. And The LORD knew Israel would not be His sons, so He adopted the gentiles to be His sons. Eph. 1: 5-13 and sealed them with His SPIRIT, when they BELIEVED! Deut. 32, The LORD said, when they forsake Him, He will be found by others. V 43, and He will raise up a foolish nation. They found Him, to be THE Everlasting FATHER, even though Israel will acknowledge. Isa. 63:16-19. Israel was never called by THEIR FATHER’S NAME! So the FATHER came as a man, THE Son of GOD and they still rejected Him and failed to be sons of GOD. John 1: 11-12. When you receive Him and be sons of GOD, then it is HE WHO IS THEIR FATHER! And it was so as The ROCK begat them! This, they failed to understand. So they killed their own FATHER and GOD! They did not believe Him to live! This is why the Scripture say to believe in The SON, to have life. One must believe HE IS THE FATHER and REPENT for not believing the FATHER. The sin is the unbelief. John 16:9. For UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off. Rom. 11:20. And for UNBELIEF, they departed from Him and failed to be in HIS HOUSE. Heb. 3:6, 12! What The ROCK, the Everlasting FATHER prophesied about Israel, has now come true. This is why, coming in to the world, HE PREACHED the gospel to Israel saying ‘REPENT AND BELIEVE”. To be a son of GOD, you must SURELY KNOW YOUR FATHER. To receive the everlasting life, you must know the Everlasting FATHER! Because you did not believe now, REPENT FOR NOT BELIEVING that it is the same GOD The ROCK who is your FATHER who entered in to the Marriage Covenant as The Husband, to return to Him. Jer. 3:19-20, you will call ‘The Husband’, my ‘FATHER’!

The true Conversion

“Conversion’ means (Strong’s) “reversion, that is, moral revolution”. “Moral’ means “standards of behavior; principles of right and wrong”. When Adam chose wrong, he became mortal, a sinful state, opposite of GOD’s image and the enemy of GOD! THEN, The CREATOR MUST CONVERT HIM BACK TO HIS IMAGE! That is conversion! As a result of that disobedience, death and evil came to all humans as The CREATOR CUT HIMSELF OFF FROM ALL MANKIND. And all became GOD’s enemy as none believed Him and made Him a liar. If The CREATOR, created the man in His own image, then he was a SON to The CREATOR. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Adam, was a son to GOD. Luk. 3. Then, Adam’s FATHER is The CREATOR. That relationship between the FATHER and THE SON was lost. This is why Elijah is prophesied to come and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER. Cutting off the Tree of Life means the knowledge of GOD, the knowledge about The CREATOR and how to be a SON to The CREATOR , the image of GOD, the SPIRIT of GOD, the DIVINE NATURE of GOD was cut off. Therefore, the cause or the sin of man was he sinned against The CREATOR, by his disobedience. Then man cannot CONVERT himself back to being a son to The CREATOR. So The CREATOR, HIMSELF must once again convert the man to be a son to Him, so all can walk in peace, and not being enemies. As we have sinned against The CREATOR, which means HE IS THE GOD WHO IS THE SPIRIT, ( 2 cor 3: 17), he has sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT! That is why The LORD had to CURSE the man by DEATH, as sinning against the GOD who is the SPIRIT is the unpardonable sin. Then, The CREATOR wants all to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. That means HIS SPIRIT must be given to the man, by The CREATOR, Himself so man can worship Him in Spirit and Truth. But the Spirit and Truth is The Comforter, who is The CREATOR, Himself Is prophesied to come IN HIS SECOND coming. The Spirit and Truth was not given at His first coming and His own did not receive Him, which means they failed to be sons of GOD! (John 1:11-12). And, as no man can pay the penalty for the unpardonable sin, which is the SPIRITUAL DEATH, The CREATOR, Himself had to pay. So He came the first time to DIE and then the SECOND time, comes giving salvation(Heb. 9:26-28), but first to those whom HE PREPARED to receive salvation first and making them HIS FIRST FRUITS, so they can declare the GOD of salvation and teach how to receive it. And then, they are made in The CREATOR’s image, and are given The CREATOR’s SPIRIT. Rom. 8:9, 29. So all these things, The CREATOR will do to convert the man to be a son to Him. And the wife of CHRIST The LORD also did not know, The Husband is also the FATHER. Jer. 3: 19-20. But she will know, when she is converted. When Adam sinned he became flesh and blood. And flesh and blood cannot enter in to GOD’s kingdom, nor know the Spirit and Truth about The SON. So The CREATOR must once again remove the flesh and blood in man and give His SPIRIT to man’s heart, so he can call HIM MY FATHER or ABBA. Gal. 4:6. So GOD’s SPIRIT is given to the hearts and the hearts must be purified to receive His SPIRIT. So the CONVERSION means TURNING ONE TO BE AS Adam was, to be SONS OF The CREATOR ! So as these sons are a sign and a wonder, all must know this sign, so they can become as these children and be converted as Adam was! JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR takes the Laodiceans back to the beginning. They also are naked as Adam was. So when they are clothed, that means they will become as Adam, a son of GOD !

Preaching JESUS CHRIST and The Heavenly vision converts all to the TRUE FATHER! CONVERSION part 2- 19th Aug 2018

In the first part, we proved that conversion means reverting the man back to the beginning of the creation, to make the man once again in GOD’s image and as a son to HIm. But the image of GOD as well as that knowledge was cut off as the curse of DEATH came. In this part we prove one is converted IN The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD! In Him, life and light. But men loved darkness and disobeyed Him. And the knowledge about Him was lost. Then, we need the true knowledge of The CREATOR to receive LIFE AGAIN! We must be born of Him, and HIS SPIRIT! if we are born of Him, then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER! And must obey Him as the FATHER! Since this time we will be created Spiritually, we must receive the SPIRIT of The CREATOR! From Adam to Laodiceans, The CREATOR’S SPIRIT was rejected. Both became naked Spiritually. That is the rebellion against GOD which brought SPIRITUAL death to all. GOD calls it Lusts of the eyes, flesh and pride. Therefore, the cause of man must be judged, and the man must be again given the SPIRIT of The LORD, by the SAME GOD, The CREATOR! GOD who creates us physically or Spiritually, should be our FATHER. SPIRIT is given to HEARTS and hearts must be purified first, by faith of The CREATOR. One is JUDGED to ESTABLISH. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, called Apostle Paul and gave him a Heavenly vision, which saves all. If The CREATOR begets us physically and Spiritually, HE WILL BE OUR FATHER FOR EVER. The Old testament ends in prophesying that the ministry did not honor The LORD of HOSTS as the “FATHER”. Mal. 1:6. That is why Elijah is prophesied to come again, to turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER, to his GOD, WHO IS The LORD of HOSTS, The CREATOR! In this part, we further prove, how JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER and also how “HE” will revert us back to Him, according to the ‘HEAVENLY VISION’. That vision reveals, how one would be converted by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and TO HIM, and by faith of and IN HIM! He Is The ROCK who BEGAT or FATHERED Israel whom they forgot, which means they forgot THEIR FATHER! When that is understood, they are already returned to their FATHER, and converted! Then, they will call Him, The Husband my FATHER. Jer. 3:19-20. If the first fruits are born by “CHRIST the LORD’s” words, jam 1:18, then they are first fruits ‘to’ CHRIST. Then the other fruits also will be begotten the same way by Him, and TO HIM! NO one believed Him, that HE IS THE FATHER as well as The SON. So the FATHER’s knowledge must be given to be converted to Him and BE BORN OF HIM! How some of Gerald Flurry’s teachings are against the Scripture also is included. Conversion means The LORD will create us as it was in the beginning when Adam was made in HIS IMAGE. If not we have DEATH in us. A SON of GOD, cannot die. When He converts us with His SPIRIT, we also will be like Him, will live for ever. So from PHYSICAL creation of sons to the SPIRITUAL creation as SONS OF GOD is the CONVERSION! We are to be IN HIM, and HE IS to be IN US ! All these must be understood to be converted as sons of GOD ! Have you read the Scripture which says, we must be first fruits unto CHRIST? “firstfruits … unto CHRIST”? Scripture does not lie. If the first fruits are UNTO CHRIST, then the rest also should be! That is what the Bible teaches. JESUS CHRIST the LORD would not come a second time to teach and give the knowledge of GOD as the sea, if we HAD IT. Isa. 11: 9- 11. !

The TRUTH of CHRIST converts us to be a CHASTE VIRGIN to Him! Conversion part 3 13th Sep 2018

Why did CHRIST the LORD say HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW? That includes the NEW Covenant as well. What is the sin of Eve? How does it apply to us? Is the wife of CHRIST The LORD a chaste virgin to The Husband? If she was, why does The Husband has to wash her again by water the word? Why Did He tell the last era to buy clothes and gold from Him, The Husband? How could the wife of CHRIST The LORD prepare herself for the marriage? Why does she has to be GRANTED to wear fine linen? Why does the marriage of the LAMB happen ‘after’ the judgments? In this writing, we prove; If the Scripture says we must become NEW IN CHRIST the LORD, then we must become new IN The CREATOR. That is because, The CREATOR Is creating a new garden of Eden and He wants all things to be the same as the first one. He created all things by His SPIRIT, and man brought desolations because of his disobedience to HIS SPIRIT (disobedience to His words which is SPIRIT). It was The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD who created all things FOR HIS pleasure and FOR HIMSELF. But man, because of his lusts and pride, failed to fulfill his duty towards The CREATOR and worshiped GOD the Father, whom the man has made up. Adam and Eve’s sin brought us death. if they could be forgiven, The LORD would have forgiven at that time and will not curse them to death. And from them the sin entered in to us and as a result all the seed of Adam and Eve also are cursed to death. they sinned against the GOD, who is the SPIRIT. So they committed the unpardonable sin which is against the HOLY SPIRIT. And now, making all things new, as it was in the beginning, The CREATOR or CHRIST the LORD must create all things new in HIM. Scripture is all about how The CREATOR, was separated from the man and what HE WOULD DO TO SAVE AND REDEEM him from his own rebellion. So the story of ; from the first garden of Eden which failed unto the NEW garden of Eden which will last for ever is written in the Scripture. That is why all things must be made new in CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR. After converting the wife of CHRIST The LORD, The LORD will be with us for ever, judging righteously. No more curse, death or devil or darkness. How much should we joyfully wait till The LORD makes all things new IN HIM ? from DEATH, The CREATOR once again will redeem the man, purchasing for Himself, by HIS OWN BLOOD and DEATH. Then the man will be HIS ‘PURCHASED’ possession, BORN OF HIS SPIRIT! As you read on, understand, that all men were under the sin of Adam and Eve! Eve’s sin caused her to lose the sincerity in CHRIST, The CREATOR, or the TRUTH OF CHRIST ! What does it mean? That caused the curse of death, which all her seed also inherited. Unless we have that removed, we cannot be ESPOUSED TO The Husband, because the TRUTH OF CHRIST IS NOT IN US, as you will see.!

“New stone of destiny”;? “Woe to him that saith; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach”! “I drank much ‘SPIRITUAL’ strength and ‘INSPIRATION at that prayer rock’ !

Has GOD prophesied that in the last days Jacob ’s pillar stone will be replaced by any other rocks? But, The LORD Has prophesied that if a PROPHET has an IDOL, The LORD, HIMSELF WILL DECEIVE THAT PROPHET! Recently, the high priest wrote, that he has a NEW stone of ‘DESTINY’ and he gets much SPIRITUAL drink and inspiration from it! In that, the OLD stone’s destiny was rejected! COULD ANY MAN REPLACE SUCH A STONE WHICH was called the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN ? Just imagine, a prophet says he received MUCH ‘SPIRITUAL’ strength and ‘INSPIRATION’ out of a rock? The ONLY ROCK who gives ‘SPIRITUAL’ meat and drink is JESUS CHRIST the LORD! GOD and Jacob called it THE HOUSE OF GOD “Bethel”, and the GATE OF HEAVEN! Did Jacob have the dream by himself? It was shown by GOD! It is a prophecy for the true House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN! UNTIL IT IS FULFILLED, THIS STONE WILL KEEP US REMINDING GOD’S BLESSINGS AND PROMISES! COULD WE CALL HWA’S PRAYER ROCK, THE STONE OF DESTINY, the House of GOD or the gate of Heaven? IF SO, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who lived long ago, has NO DESTINY! What continues in our days, is what The LORD began in their times! Could this rock fulfill any of the promises made to Jacob ? JESUS CHRIST the LORD who blessed the stone, has become the CHIEF CORNER STONE of HIS OWN HOUSE now! THAT IS THE DESTINY ! “Christ as a son over HIS OWN HOUSE; whose house are we,”.CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF reminded of us about Jacob ’s dream. John 1:49-51.Therefore, when Jacob prophesied about this stone, and made it a PILLAR, he was prophesying about ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s HOUSE and it’s pillars! That stone gives us inspiration to look for the House of GOD and the Gate of HEAVEN! What does it mean many stones becoming one? GOD warns Ezekiel and the people living in his time “For every one of the house of Israel, which SEPARATETH HIMSELF FROM ME, and setteth up his idols in his heart, I the LORD will answer BY MYSELF: And I WILL SET MY FACE AGAINST that man, .. And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet”! So the prophecy of Jacob ’s pillar stone, continued till the SPIRITUAL House of GOD IS BUILT and the Gate of HEAVEN is opened! Now that the House of GOD is built, GOD wants to show who are in it, and who worship idols! And those who have idols, ARE DECEIVED BY GOD, HIMSELF, while those who worship Him, are in His house! And unless the prophet is deceived by GOD, (as GOD sees the idols in the heart which GOD alone can see), no prophet can replace what GOD Has set in place!

Part 2 New stone?- Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant! GOD Is free from His promise!

The Covenant between GOD and Jacob, which was made about 3700 years ago is broken now as it’s witness is replaced, the stone of destiny, and Jacob ‘s seed failed to live by THE VOW he made with GOD ! Judah has done this and it affects THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL! GOD’s part of the promise was to bring him to the House of GOD and till He Has done it, to be with Jacob, and Jacob’s part was to worship THE ALMIGHTY who spoke with him and accept Him as his GOD. As GOD promised Jacob, He took Zion to heaven, till she was cast down for her DISOBEDIENCE. Lam 2:1. Before that, In Bethel, the Ark of the Covenant also was kept, that proves the House of GOD was built there, as GOD PROMISED.

Part 3- New stone: GOD’s own became strangers and strangers became His own!

GOD says in the end time; His own wife and children will FORSAKE HIM and will not be born as first fruits to Him. That is because, the first fruits are born by the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and TO HIM! No one called Him, my “FATHER”. (Jam 1:18 “ Of HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures”). So it is by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S OWN WILL, HE BEGETS US, as HIS SONS! Then, if He BEGETS us, HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER! He was The ROCK, who begat Israel as well. But to this day, Israel DO NOT ACCEPT OR BELIEVE HIM, that HE IS THEIR FATHER. Deut.32:18. “Of THE ROCK THAT BEGAT thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.” But, THEY MUST ACCEPT HIM AS The Husband AS WELL AS THE FATHER ONE DAY, to fulfill the Scripture! He, is THE TRUTH and His words are the truth.(John 17:17, 14:6). But what is the TRUTH which He begets us as first fruits? The stone of destiny witnesses that Israel is the first fruits to GOD. Jacob ’s name was changed to Israel. Israel means ‘he shall rule as GOD’, or Thayer’s; he shall be a prince of GOD”. How would ‘Israel’ ‘Spiritually’ be fulfilled? GOD changed the names of Abram to Abraham, and Jacob to Israel, Sarai to Sarah! How would these names be fulfilled Spiritually in the end time? Israel failed to believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD and are cut off. They forgot their FATHER and GOD and broke the Covenants. Then, GOD turned to gentiles, the second time when He comes. And they believed and received the word of truth and became the first fruits of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’! So His own became strangers and strangers became Israel of GOD! Failure of Israel to be GOD’s own sons; is they failed to know THEIR GOD and FATHER was ‘The ROCK’! it is The ROCK who wants children to Himself. The ROCK begat them. But they had GOD the Father as their GOD, whom no one has seen or heard. The ROCK gives spiritual drink and meat, causing us to live forever. 1 cor 10: 3-4. It was The ROCK who entered in to the Marriage Covenant. Then, it is The ROCK who gave the TEN COMMANDMENTS. The temple was built to Him. king David, on his death bed also said The ROCK is Israel’s GOD as written below. Moses was faithful to The ROCK. Heb. 3. There was no other GOD mentioned in the whole volume of the Book, as it is written, about JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said Israel is MY SON, MY FIRST BORN. These things we have been proving for so many years now. So Israel does not know their own FATHER!

Passover; worship The ‘FATHER’ in Spirit and Truth as He seeks such!

Now, Passover means coming out of Egypt ‘SPIRITUALLY’ where we are now as Rev. 11:8 says. In Egypt, the true FATHER is not worshiped! Scripture SAYS, WE HAVE DEAD WORKS and that is why we need the BLOOD OF THE LAMB! What are these dead works? Unless purged these dead works, we cannot serve the Living GOD! by receiving the Spirit and Truth, we can worship GOD in Spirit and Truth as He seeks such worshipers! JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, an “HOUR’ will come, neither in Jerusalem, nor in the Mountain , one will worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth, which HE SEEKS. Jerusalem and Holy Mountain is Zion, which was cast down to earth in judgment in lam 2:1. If she had the Spirit and Truth, The LORD would have not cast her down. That is the hour when no one worships the FATHER in Spirit and Truth. But, the Spirit and Truth, who is The Comforter, is prophesied to come AGAIN to give the Spirit and Truth, so we can COME OUT OF Egypt SPIRITUALLY, and worship Him in Spirit and Truth! Ancient Israel too were brought out of Egypt before they entered in to the Marriage Covenant. and also now, the wife of CHRIST The LORD must be granted to wear fine linen for the Marriage Covenant.! Jerusalem or the mountain is also known in Scripture as the ‘holy city’. And it is Spiritually in Egypt after she was cast down. Rev. 11:8. Also in Babylon to be delivered. Micah 4:10, and that is why the mysterious harlot is in Babylon, being judged. Rev. 17, 18. Giving the Spirit and Truth also means the ‘baptism by fire’. Passover is a time to be washed by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. Ancient Israel put blood of lambs in order to be saved from the death angel. But now, as they are Spiritually in Egypt, they would not know to put the blood of the LAMB, to come out of Egypt as she is blind Spiritually. Therefore, The LORD Has prophesied that He will come as The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, ONCE AGAIN to bring Israel or the church of GOD out of Egypt Spiritually. He alone has the Spirit and Truth and no man can have it by self or by any works. Therefore, in order to Passover, The LORD must forgive freely first, AS IT IS WRITTEN in the Scripture, after the judgments. Have YOU worshiped the true FATHER in Spirit and Truth as of now? The Scripture says you do not know the FATHER in the first place to worship Him! One clue is given in Rev. 14:6-7, in the Everlasting gospel, that one should worship ‘The CREATOR’, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Then, Jer. 3: 19-20 says, you have not called Him ‘my FATHER” and have forsaken Him! He is The Husband as well as the FATHER ! When the Spirit and Truth is given, you would call The Husband, your ‘FATHER’! There are no other gods, but The CREATOR who appeared in many names such as The LORD , THE ALMIGHTY, The LORD of HOSTS , The Most High, The ROCK, The REDEEMER, and The Saviour etc. from the CREATION to the end in the book of revelation, it is spoken of ONE GOD, and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in the whole volume of the Book. ! All things written in prophets, psalms and the law of Moses is about Him which must be fulfilled, during the DAYS OF VENGEANCE. And the vengeance is taken from those who did not worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth! The LORD gives the Spirit and Truth, to save all, to bring them out of Egypt Spiritually, and the confusion they are in , so they CAN WORSHIP HIM IN Spirit and Truth! That is when the Passover is fulfilled Spiritually.

Pt 2- The WORKS of CHRIST the LORD and His children witnesses!.

Part 1 please read (Works the Father has given Me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of Me.!). Everything CHRIST the LORD does after His second coming is SPIRITUAL which means according to His own words which is SPIRIT. John 6:63. All things are done according to the SPIRIT. The SPIRIT is CHRIST the LORD, and His WORDS. 2 cor 3: 17, John 6:63. So just as CHRIST the LORD too fulfilled the written words, the children TO whom He came the second time who are in His midst, who are to be a sign and a wonder ( Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23, Heb. 2: 10-13) also do all things according to the written words which is SPIRIT. Now, it is a SPIRITUAL building which is being built as the TEMPLE of The LORD, and it is made TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (.Heb 3:6). So these written words causes all things to be fulfilled, just as it is written. And that glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who INSPIRED them to be written and these works are a sign and a wonder to Israel. (When CHRIST the LORD’s children are in His midst). This writing proves, how JESUS CHRIST the LORD the Everlasting FATHER works through His own children. And how the LORD and His children witnesses about the truth and the true GOD, so others may be saved.