Second Passover- Is for the LAODICEANS who are Spiritually dead and scattered, gone far off ! Prove all things.
The Laodicean era is Spiritually dead and in captivity. That means they are defiled by dead and gone far off. Such must take the SECOND Passover. Why could not the church fulfill the Passover yet? Why did CHRIST THE LORD say ‘I will not eat the Passover till the kingdom come? Have you entered in to the TRUE Promised land where the Promise of the FATHER and the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT Is? Israel passed over from Egypt (where many gods and idols were), to the ONE TRUE GOD, and that is The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD and to His Holy Mountain! Have you passed over to the Holy Mountain of The ROCK? Are you defiled by NOT WORSHIPING The ROCK who gave THE Passover? Have you learned the doctrines; Jewish fables and traditions of men, and the leavening of DEAD PHARISEES ? Have you exceeded the righteousness of the pharisees? What does it mean ‘DEAD’ ? There is only one way we can die. Examine yourselves and see and understand that IT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK WHO BEGAT YOU, or GAVE YOU LIFE, MADE, BOUGHT, BROUGHT, PURCHASED BY HIS BLOOD, WHO ALSO WILL GIVE YOU EVERLASTING LIFE AS LIFE IS IN HIM only! If you have not believed that, YOU ARE DEAD. If the life comes from this ONE GOD, then if you seek life from any other GOD or worship another GOD, (including god the father who has not spoken in Scripture for seeking anyone’s worship), you have worshiped a NO god and not The ROCK who FATHERED YOU. The HOLY SPIRIT or the words of GOD which we are to live by, DOES NOT COME FROM god the father, BUT BY The ROCK ONLY! They are the LIVING WORDS. He IS THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS OR LIVING WORDS. If you have not drunk from Him, you are Spiritually DEAD and the leaders who taught such also are Spiritually DEAD and YOU ARE DEFILED BY DEAD, your own and the leader’s whom you believed! To such is the second Passover. By our works of law or through any other god, such as god the father, we cannot enter in to the Spiritually FULFILLED Glorious Rest, the Holy Mountain which The ROCK HAS PREPARED FOR US! “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD, The fourteenth day of the second month at even”. It is not just ONE MAN, but the WHOLE LAODICEA era is UNCLEAN, as they are not in CHRIST THE LORD or The ROCK, and are DEAD! Without a doubt we must prove from the Scripture that one should Passover to The ROCK’S MOUNTAIN! That is the end of our journey in this life! No man can Passover when they wish. It is GOD who caused Israel to Passover. And it is the same GOD who gave the law of the second Passover as well, because He knew the last church will not enter in to the FIRST Passover as they are to DIE. If one is defiled by dead, (Spiritually now) and gone far off,(scattered or in captivity as Laodiceans are in Egypt Rev. 11:8) then GOD will bring them in the second Passover! No man can Passover unless GOD brings them. !