Transfiguration; Elijah & Moses part 2 ; Hear the voice of THE SON!
Transfiguration proves the true GOD, Whom we should HEAR as the voice said :“THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR HIM”.Then Moses HEARD and was faithful to Him, THE SON. Heb. 3:1-6. Elijah also proved The Son is the true GOD. Therefore, this voice comes to those who HAVE NOT HEARD HIS VOICE. Have you gone to Him to hear HIS WORDS? The AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION and of FAITH is CHRIST THE LORD. HE REDEEMS and SAVES US TO HIMSELF. 2 sam 7:23, Titus 2:14, Eph.5: 26-27, Rom. 14:7-8, Eph. 1:5 etc. He created all things by HIMSELF AND TO HIMSELF. Rev 4:11. Not hearing Him, all died Spiritually during the Laodicea era. but from their graves, finally, they will hear HIS VOICE. John 5:28. Then, this HOUR when all the dead will hear His voice is the hour when Elijah or Moses’s work is being done to PREACH TO HEAR HIM! Mal. 4 talks about Horeb, and Elijah coming to remember the law and to turn the hearts to the FATHER to sons and sons’ hearts to the FATHER. The law given in Horeb proves no one worshiped The GOD who gave it, The ROCK, or THE SON. Before the Marriage Covenant was made, The ROCK WAS THE FATHER of Israel. Exo 4:22-23, Deut. 32:18. No one in Israel heard the SON. The LORD prepared a remnant to fear, glorify and sanctify and be with Him; and in their time, those who erred in SPIRIT, will come to understanding. Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23-24. They are in the Holy Mountain. THE SON’s WORDS WHICH IS SPIRIT WILL JUDGE ALL, giving life. John 6:63,12:48. THE SON sets all free by His words the truth. John 8:32-36. His words are SPIRIT and life which is the Living Waters. Then, when the Living Waters will flow, ALL WILL KNOW THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD! Zech. 14.7-9. This writing further proves the Holy Mountain, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the work of Elijah or Moses is being fulfilled!