I will build MY Church part 2 – Mystery of Iniquity
Mystery of iniquity means there is some mystery about the iniquity. “a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding”. In 2 Thess. 2, GOD Has warned the true church about a mystery of some iniquity, INSIDE THE TEMPLE! That is why it is a mystery, as no one thinks GOD’s temple could have iniquity. And it will not be a mystery if any one sin in the world, because the LORD is not trying to save the world, neither HE COMES to the world, but to the church, where HE WANTS TO DWELL! But if it is in the church, it is a mystery as no one think GOD’s own ministry will have iniquity. But GOD says Joshua has iniquity. Laodiceans are not ready for the marriage. The wife of CHRIST The LORD has turned as HIS ENEMY in the last end. These are clues to understand clearly about this iniquity. This iniquity causes one NOT BE SAVED. What is the only way to be SAVED? And this happens right inside the temple of The LORD. This is why no one understand it as it was kept hidden as a mystery, till the time comes for GOD to consume this man with HIS BREATH and condemn. That means at His coming only, this iniquity will be known, because HE COMES TO JUDGE and avenge AND MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. The LORD Is coming for the times of Refreshing, times of reformation or restoration of HIS BREATH, that is when The LORD would reveal it. Also when the Spirit and Truth comes the lie will be revealed. We know the Laodicea era also must come to end. And the wife of CHRIST The LORD is not ready with white linen, till Rev. 19. That has much to do with this mystery of iniquity. Then all 12 tribes are scattered. Why are they scattered? Then, there is a mysterious harlot being judged and her wickedness is burned. If there is a mystery in the Scripture, then it must be revealed somewhere else in the Scripture itself. But The LORD must open the understanding to these mysteries. Therefore, this mystery cannot be understood by those who are in the temple just as apostles did not understand Judas would betray The LORD. And this happens just before The LORD comes to GATHER the people. Prove all things! GOD REVEALS TO THOSE WHO SEEK HIM AND HIS TRUTH! 2 Thess. 2 talks about when The LORD COMES TO GATHER ALL ‘TO HIM’. That proves they are not gathered to Him. But why are they not gathered to Him? What does that has to do with the mystery of iniquity? Mat 12:30 He that is NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME; and he that gathereth NOT WITH ME SCATTERETH ABROAD. }}}… CHRIST THE LORD says, IF YOU ARE NOT WITH ‘HIM’, … YOU ARE AGAINST HIM. If you are AGAINST HIM, … HOW COULD YOU BE GATHERED TO HIM? ! Then , if you are AGAINST HIM, YOU ARE HIS ENEMY! Why are you not GATHERED TO HIM? That is what the mystery of iniquity is all about! And The LORD comes to reveal it so all could be gathered to HIM.