All three apostles who witnessed The LORD’s transfiguration wrote letters to GOD’s people. What ever they wrote gives us clues to understand more about how this event would be Spiritually fulfilled when the TIME COMES TO HEAR THE BELOVED SON. Those who did not hear Him, are in graves but will hear His voice out of their graves as The LORD said. Those who are appointed to HEAR HIS VOICE, as John 10 says, the ‘OTHER SHEEP’ who are not of this fold “Jews”, will hear Him and will follow where ever He goes. All things are prophesied and written to be fulfilled. This event will be fulfilled when all seven eras are fallen, for not hearing THE SON, because that is the time, they are in graves being Spiritually dead, in the Laodicea era. Apostle Peter wrote in his letters about the transfiguration. That letter gives us understanding more about this event. Luke 20:37 says the dead are raised up when they call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Then, there has to be a connection between hearing the VOICE OF THE SON and coming out of graves and calling upon the GOD of the fathers. It was always THE SON who did lead Israel out of Egypt and who appeared to all in many names such as THE ALMIGHTY, Rev. 1:8, The Most High etc. Then, Mr Flurry preached the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is THE SON. Then how did the god the father become the GOD of the ‘new’ testament? This teaching caused us to NOT HEAR THE SON. If we have heard THE SON in the first place, no one would be in graves! Therefore, if the Scripture and the VOICE says to HEAR THE SON, then we must hear Him. Besides to all seven eras, it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said ‘hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches”. But it was CHRIST THE LORD WHO SPOKE. His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Even in the Old testament, the SPIRIT was given by The ROCK, 1 Cor.10:3-4, and Isa. 63:11. Therefore, by exalting god the father when he was NOT THE GOD OF THE Old testament, nor the fathers have made a Covenant with, the Jews once again rejected their god, KING AND EVERLASTING FATHER ! GOD said He will bring all to the mountain where HE IS. That mountain is where we must HEAR THE SON! So Moses’ and Elijah’s works are done to the people in this mountain, so they can hear THE SON!