Why did The LORD say He will not eat Passover till the kingdom? How can you be baptised in to CHRIST’s death?

Is our baptism by the water valid for GOD to resurrect us to give everlasting life ? Then, what is the baptism by HOLY SPIRIT or fire ? John 14- 16 says, until the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter or HOLY SPIRIT, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, comes, we are NOT GUIDED UNTO ALL TRUTH. but do you believe that? More over do you believe that until He came the second time, we did not have the SPIRIT or THE TRUTH? Isa. 11:9-11 says, the knowledge of God is given at HIS SECOND TIME, REDEEMING ALL. This means NOT HAVING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, we were under bondage, and NEED TO BE REDEEMED! We know sin came from Adam to all mankind. Then, when we were born, we were born with that sin and which is why we all are condemned to death. That means we LOST THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Our sins against any other could be forgiven. Only if we have committed sin against the HOLY SPIRIT, we must die. BUT The CREATOR IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. So sinning against Him, Adam committed the unpardonable sin and we are born with it. This is what required the blood of The CREATOR, Himself. Because the sin was disobedience to The CREATOR’s SPIRIT or the words. John 6:63. That gives life. and His words, as well as life was cut off from man as he committed the unpardonable sin. From that day until the Spirit and Truth comes to redeem us which is now, after the Laodiceans died Spiritually, no one had the knowledge of God. As His words are SPIRIT and life, The LORD’s coming as the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT, gives us life. That knowledge will redeem us from the curse of death as then we will not be disobedient to Him anymore, as He, Himself will give us HIS OWN SPIRIT, after removing our sin which made us flesh and blood before Him.”  I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of GOD”. This means He was not causing anyone to Passover until the kingdom came. This is why The LORD preached to Israel “the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” . But to the poor, He preached another gospel. Luke 4: 18. Because it is the poor, who are to be in the kingdom who will be eating Passover with The LORD. jam 2:5, 1 sam 2: 8-9. So The LORD comes to give the knowledge of God, to REDEEM ALL FROM Egypt Rev. 11: 8, once again. That proves WE NEVER HAD THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD and that is why we were under bondage and The LORD could not eat the Passover with us. !

I send an ANGEL to bring you to the place I have prepared. For MY NAME is in him. Obey his voice.

Behold, My Angel shall go before you. And in the day of My visitation I will visit their sin upon them”. GOD said He will send an angel, to bring you to the place HE HAS prepared. And HIS name will be in this angel, and GOD wants the people to obey his voice. How and when this prophecy be fulfilled? those days, an ‘angel’ is a supernatural being, such as those who came to destroy Sodom etc. But most of the time, when Angel of The LORD came, it was CHRIST THE LORD, HIMSELF came. They are messengers of GOD. but now, the angels are those who HAVE OBEYED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and HIS WORD, and who SERVE HIM ONLY. And the Angel of The LORD is to bring all TO HIM to serve Him. The angel  calls upon ONLY IN the name of Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob ’s and Moses’, GOD, who is the GOD of the Old testament, who is CHRIST THE LORD. They serve Him. GOD raised up a remnant to do His works to bring Israel to Him. They work IN JUDGMENT, and when the time has come to the HARVEST, the REAPERS become the angels. So GOD, Being the Husbandman, wants the reapers to bring the harvest to His barn, to the Holy Mountain. The LORD said, those who DENIED Him, will be DENIED BY HIM, before the angels. As JACOB saw, there are some angels who come down from heaven and others go up in to heaven. Therefore, when this angel is sent on the Day of Visitation, every one will be made known by The LORD, to follow him. Remember in GOD’s Holy Mountain, it will be only CHRIST THE LORD, or The LORD OF HOSTS will be there and not two gods. He comes in the name of "I AM" !

The STRANGE, foreign Act of GOD in Mt Perazim in judgment is to REVEAL their false gods and make them guilty.


Israel’s GOD should be The ROCK, The LORD OF HOSTS, or CHRIST THE LORD. Both temples were made to HONOR and for HIM to dwell in. then the third temple is HIS OWN BODY, the called out ones which HE, HIMSELF HAS MADE to place HIS NAME. Heb. 3:6. But Israel say god the father is their GOD. Therefore, GOD chastens only His sons, if they commit iniquity. When GOD made the Covenant with king David, The LORD OF HOSTS who is CHRIST THE LORD said so. 2 sam 7. Then, the same thing is said to the Laodiceans, that they will be rebuked. But the rebuke will be taken away AFTER THE CHASTENING. He alone should be Israel’s GOD, and that is CHRIST THE LORD, the GOD of the Old testament. Then, The LORD said, He will chasten His sons. Exo 4:22-23, Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18 says, it is The ROCK who is CHRIST THE LORD who BEGAT, FORMED, MADE AND BOUGHT Israel to Himself and entered in to a ‘marriage’ Covenant which means it should be between The Husband and the wife only. But in the end as Mal. 1:6 says, and Rev. 3:6-9 says, the Levitical ministry became the synagogue of satan, forsaking their GOD, and making themselves a GOD, called god the father. HWA said GOD is one, but TWO PERSONAGES. Because we will be guided in to all truth, ONLY AFTER The Comforter, THE HOLY SPIRIT, OR THE Spirit and Truth WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD COMES THE SECOND TIME. He comes to JUDGE and ESTABLISH once again the Covenant. but first, He must reveal their iniquity for worshiping god the father, ( John 8:54-56) though Abraham worshiped CHRIST THE LORD and looked for His day. From the beginning, in the whole volume of the Book, it is written of ONE GOD, The CREATOR. But having two gods, is a lie which caused all to go after other gods, as it was in Aaron’s time. And The LORD said, I will visit their sin on the Day of Visitation, which is the days of vengeance. The LORD said, during the days of vengeance, ALL THINGS WRITTEN will be fulfilled. That includes entering in to the new Covenant also. But first, The LORD must do a work as in Mount Perazim in order to get rid of the lies which they have inherited about GODHEAD, and reveal that there has ALWAYS BEEN ONE GOD. If they have other gods, then they cannot serve The ROCK. So He must reveal their false gods in order to serve Him. Therefore, in order to establish, their deeds must be judged first and iniquity must be revealed and then removed and repented and forgiven in order for GOD to dwell with us. Just ask these two questions from yourself. You know it is The ROCK who brought Israel out of Egypt and entered in to the Covenant saying ‘thou shall have no other gods” and keep the Sabbath. Then He said "I AM" The LORD of Sabbath. Then did you worship HIM ONLY? Did you keep Sabbath to remember and honor HIM only?


Part 2- Mystery of the blindness to Israel, and the fulness of gentiles;


In the first part we proved how Israel became blind as they did not know JESUS CHRIST the LORD (The ROCK) is their GOD, and did not honor Him as GOD. They rejected Him and His words and went to god the father. Then, The LORD turned to gentiles and they are given that knowledge and they glorified Him, His name and His words and  are given salvation as they also trusted, feared, worshiped, obeyed and believed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He is the ONE TRUE GOD. That is the only knowledge, which Israel need to come out of Egypt Spiritually, as lacking that knowledge, they are back in Egypt! Because of that, they did not call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and died. If Israel is Spiritually blind, then they must be given the SPIRIT (JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words John 6:63) in order to come out. It is that simple to understand! Don’t think GOD will change HIS WRITTEN WORD. It is you who need to be changed! Below find how the Day of Visitation is fulfilled when the iniquity is avenged and how the promise to Levi is fulfilled.! This part continues to open the SCRIPTURE to the blinded Israel, to see what The LORD did among the gentiles in their blindness, as it is written. The judgment is to show us what is good and what is evil, since we are born with both which came from Adam and Eve. GOD wants us to know, we lived evil lives, APART FROM HIM. HE ALONE IS GOOD. We could never choose HIM, the good because from the beginning our minds were corrupted and became carnal which is the enemy of GOD. Therefore, unless GOD removes that mind, we cannot get rid of it. Then, The LORD must prove to us, that we have been His enemy. Remember the law was given to show our Unrighteousness. Law totally failed as a schoolmaster to bring us to CHRIST. Rom. 8:1 says there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who are IN CHRIST. Then, the law being the schoolmaster, could not bring them to CHRIST means, THEY ARE ALL CONDEMNED! This is why the judgment came, to judge those who are under the law, without MERCY. Heb. 10:28. So the judgment proves to us that we could never find Him (everlasting life) by ourselves and we must be MADE NEW IN CHRIST THE LORD, in order to be born to live eternally. He is the FATHER who gives the SPIRIT or His words to give us spiritual birth. Jam 1:18, 1Pet 1: 23. So the law keepers exalted themselves to think that they know GOD. and GOD wants all to be guilty before Him and to shut the mouths of such self-exalted ones. in order to do that, He blinded the wise law keepers and brought the foolish weak ones and revealed Himself and gave the judgment to them to bring the high and exalted ones down to the ground! GOD’s wrath was always on Israel. If they did not come to CHRIST that means they never received the HOLY SPIRIT, nor knew the TRUE GOD. So He could save the gentiles by mercy and grace and truth as they are not under the law. But in the end, all will be saved.  

Mystery of the blindness to Israel, and the fullness of gentiles; Rom. 11: 25

The blindness of Israel is a mystery to them. SCRIPTURE cannot lie. Their blindness is to not to know the truth about CHRIST THE LORD, and that HE IS The Comforter, THE Spirit and Truth, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD. Israel is prophesied to STUMBLE ON HIM, to reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone, and even to stumble at the ‘WORD of GOD ’. This is why HWA nor GF taught anything about The Comforter or the Spirit and Truth. He Is prophesied to come again A SECOND time, on the day of judgment, days of vengeance, day of THE LORD, Day of Visitation, which is the Times of Gentiles, when Israel is blind and that is the Laodicea era. He comes after the final falling away happened in the temple EVEN TO PURIFY IT, and to build A MORE PERFECT, GLORIOUS, TRUE TABERNACLE, MADE ‘WITHOUT’ HANDS and to judge those who rejected Him and His words. During this blindness, CHRIST THE LORD takes gentiles, to HIS NAME. HWA wrote in ‘pagan holidays’ pg 25 “God Has not cast away His people, Israel. But “He” blinded them for a temporary period of time so that through their fall, salvation came to the gentiles, Pg 28 “During this time Israel is mostly blinded until the fullness of the gentiles come in”. CHRIST THE LORD personally taught many mysteries to Apostle Paul and he was taken away from Israel, and sent to gentiles, but ALL THINGS what he wrote WILL BE FULFILLED ONLY DURING THE Times of Gentiles as you will see. For example:-  2 Thess. 1:10 says “when He comes to be glorified in saints”. That never happened in any of the 6 eras, but only in the last era, when The LORD came to gentiles as Col. 1: 27 says and that is when ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ was glorified. The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth must come to glorify Himself. John 16: 13- 14. This is why neither HWA, nor GF glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD as The Comforter or the Spirit and Truth. In MOA, or any of HWA’s or GF’s books, to our knowledge, as we tried to find, they have not taught anything about The Comforter or the Spirit and Truth, (except the two quotes below) because when He comes, they are blind as they are Israel who gave glory god the father. That is when HE will clearly show us the FATHER. John 16:25. This gospel of PREACHING JESUS CHRIST the LORD will JUDGE and ESTABLISH all. so preaching and glorifying of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given to gentiles. Israel inherited lies when gentiles are given the truth; and the gentiles are sent to Israel to tell they have inherited lies. Jer. 16:19. Finally, all will be raised by GRACE OF GOD! GOD prepared Israel as the vessels of wrath and gentiles as the vessels of mercy, to save all. All things The LORD would do to save man is prophesied and WRITTEN TO BE FULFILLED just as it is written. If not, we can make Him a liar. SCRIPTURE cannot lie. Therefore, Israel must BE PREPARED to acknowledge their sin of not believing in CHRIST THE LORD, and that they have rejected Him and His words, stumbled on Him, rejected Him as the Chief Corner Stone, and even stumbled at the word, just as HE SAID, they would. When the blind eyes are opened, they will receive life from dead. Because Israel would reject JESUS CHRIST the LORD, He prepared the gentiles to be saved first. Prove all things.

Glossary pt 8

An ongoing work to show the meaning of many biblical words and phrases, the language of the Bible, as revealed.  These referenced quotes are taken from our writings, as they appear in them and may not have the full intended meaning IN ONE writing. Which means the same subject may be written in many writings, ADDING as GOD revealed to deepen the understanding. And it is here a little , there a little. We focus on JESUS CHRIST the LORD and preaching, teaching and warning all to come to Him to be perfect as all are made perfect in Him. ! (Col. 1: 26-28. We learn from Heb. 7, not even one high priest was made perfect as one is made perfect ONLY IN CHRIST THE LORD.) Therefore, if you wish to receive other writings, please request email copies  of articles, or ask questions at  gentileassembly@googlemail.com Scripture says in the last days, all flesh shall be poured on with the HOLY SPIRIT and see salvation Luke 3:6. And The LORD Is prophesied to come, the second time to give the knowledge of GOD. Isa. 11: 9 – 11 to those who are sanctified to receive and believe the Spirit and Truth ( 2 Thess. 2: 13) The gentiles  are made for  CHRIST the LORD’s glory. Eph.  1: 6-23. 2 Thess. 1:12, they magnify His name. So they will preach the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6-7 which is to worship and fear The CREATOR, who is  CHRIST the LORD, and the same gospel about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, will  JUDGE all for not worshiping Him, Rom.  2: 16 and the same gospel will establish all.  Rom.  16: 25. CHRIST THE LORD WAS THE GOD OF Old testament, who made Covenants with Abraham, JACOB, and Moses and king David, though He was known in many names. So the new Covenant also will be made with Him. Marriage Covenant means only between two people, man and a woman. So god the father could not come in between The Husband and the wife in that Covenant. Same way "I AM" means ONE GOD. 

He who rejects “Me” and “My” Words will be judged on the last day. John 12: 48.


SCRIPTURE says, Eve lost the pureness towards The CREATOR, as she sinned. Then all humans also have lost the same pureness before CHRIST THE LORD as all are born with that sin. The sin was DISOBEDIENCE to The CREATOR and His words and that means she rejected CHRIST THE LORD and His words, followed by all her seed. That is why all are being judged on the last day in order to give life to PROVE THAT WE HAVE REJECTED HIM AND HIS WORDS, but to us. GOD knew all would reject Him as Adam and Eve was cursed to death. Because Our  minds were corrupted we are born with a carnal mind which cannot be subjected to GOD. That means once again The CREATOR must create His image in us, and HIS MIND GIVEN, so we can be subjected to Him and His words, and will not be His enemies, so we can walk with Him! That brings peace between GOD and us. He Is the TRUTH, and His WORD is the TRUTH. By not believing the TRUTH, she made GOD a liar and HIS WORDS lies and so did all humans. So GOD wrote down how the man would lie unto the day of judgment, to the Laodicea era and that is why the FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM TRUTH happened as the SCRIPTURE of TRUTH says. The CREATOR wants to show that all humans have rejected Him, and His words. In order to do that, GOD Had to wait till the LAST ERA, until THE FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM TRUTH also happened, AND UNTIL The LORD’S WORDS ARE FULFILLED UNTO THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, so HE CAN BRING ALL TO JUDGMENT and prove Him and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and our UN- righteousness of rejecting Him and His words the truth. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were seen naked. The Laodiceans also are naked. That proves from Adam and Eve to the Laodicea era, all have rejected The CREATOR and His words. And they were sent to dust. What does ‘dust’ mean Spiritually and what would it do to us? CHRIST THE LORD’s words say “Not that any man hath seen the Father,”…” Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.”… Ye neither know me, nor my Father:…. it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:… Yet ye have not known him;”. according to Him, and His words, no man has seen or heard from a FATHER, BUT “WE” SAY HE IS OUR GOD!  How did we worship an UNSEEN OR UNHEARD GOD when the whole volume of the Book talks about ONE GOD, who appears in MANY names? HWA said THE ALMIGHTY is god the father and GF agreed as proven below. But JESUS CHRIST the LORD says, ‘"I AM"’ THE ALMIGHTY. Rev. 1:8. Then what is the name of god the father? Did we really know him? If THE ALMIGHTY is NOT god the father and it is CHRIST THE LORD, then where is god the father? This is the most condemning doctrine which caused all to fall away from truth, because the TRUTH IS ONLY The CREATOR IS GOD. That knowledge is given when The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth or the HOLY SPIRIT comes IN THE LAST DAYS as proven below. And Gerald Flurry wrote CHRIST THE LORD is the GOD of the Old testament. If HE IS THE GOD OF THE Old testament, from where did god the father come from? In that, all those who worshiped god the father to be greater, have rejected CHRIST THE LORD and His words. Compare with CHRIST THE LORD’s words and their teachings and see. so the day of judgment is to prove that sin and TO BE FORGIVEN, as The LORD paid our penalty.

Replying to the Open letter of Gerald Flurry, to stop his madness.

Below is a letter written by Mr Flurry to the churches of GOD. Our comments are in red. This letter proves how Gerald Flurry, is blindly following HWA’s teachings and, took the whole church or the Body of CHRIST, away from HIM, ‘THE HEAD” and taught about two gods, placing two heads, just as HWA taught and how he severed the head (CHRIST THE LORD) FROM HIS OWN BODY OF BELIEVERS. According to Scripture, the GOD of Israel is The ROCK , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He once wrote that GOD of the Old testament is CHRIST THE LORD. Then, how could, in the New testament, that GOD changed in to two gods? Does the Bible give authority to change the GOD ???  Or Scripture? How about to change the destiny of the whole House of Israel? By replacing the stone of destiny, he rejected the Covenant with the GOD of JACOB. JACOB called it the House of GOD and the Gate of HEAVEN ; and his seed will be angels going up and down if it continued. Gerald Flurry says HWA RESTORED ALL THINGS. Then, HWA did not tell anyone to take his prayer rock and replace the stone of destiny for that!  Eze. 16: 52 says, PCG who JUDGED other sisters would do WORSE THAN THEY.  If you believe the Scripture, then look for this leader to DO WORSE THAN ALL OTHER CHURCHES. Always, the enemy was in the Sanctuary. Psa. 74. And those who say they are Jews, are the ones to become the synagogue of satan, according to Scripture. They are not members, but the leaders. Therefore, pray to GOD to give understanding, and do not trust in a man, … and do not let any man take your crown. Heb. 7 says not even a single high priest was made perfect. That means from Aaron to Joshua, from the first and to the last, … will be sinners and they will take you to other gods. There cannot be TWO GODS,… The ROCK , the GOD of Israel is CHRIST THE LORD. He called out HIS OWN BODY. THEN, HE SHOULD BE THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH. BUT AS PROVEN BEFORE AND BELOW, … BOTH HWA AND GF TAUGHT THERE ARE TWO GODS. HWA’s early writings proves ONE GOD. Prove all things according to Scripture.

Feast Of Tabernacles – Be gathered to SHILOH , THE EVERLASTING FATHER!.

The Feast Of Tabernacles is to be gathered to GOD. That GOD is The ROCK who gave the law of the Feast Of Tabernacles, who is also SHILOH who comes to gather the people. Our potential is to be SONS OF GOD. But to which GOD? In the whole Bible, it is spoken of ONE GOD, but in many names and that is The CREATOR. He gave the feasts to prove that HE IS THE TRUE GOD to whom we must become sons of. But all mankind, including His own wife, ministry and the church failed to be gathered to Him as they say god the father is their GOD. But The LORD said, the Spirit and Truth will come so all could worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth, as He seeks such. And the Feast Of Tabernacles pictures the great harvest. And when we are gathered to The CREATOR, we are gathered to the true GOD. This writing proves THE FATHER WHO wants us to worship Him in Spirit and Truth is The CREATOR, CHRIST THE LORD and there are no other fathers. The Bible ends up in saying, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.  SON means we know the FATHER. This is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1:8 says He Is THE ALMIGHTY. Then, we must become HIS SONS. Adam was a son to The CREATOR. Luke 3. Then, we all must become The CREATOR’s sons in order for all things to be fulfilled. Therefore, this writing proves The CREATOR is the FATHER and to fulfill the Feast Of Tabernacles, we must be made new in Him and be HIS SONS. He gives life, He is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the everlasting life. ! This writing proves without a doubt, from the Scripture, that JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE ONLY GOD, HE IS THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT ALSO, AND WE SHOULD BE GATHERED TO HIM, BECAUSE HE IS SHILOH, THE GOD WHOM JACOB SAID WOULD COME TO GATHER ALL IN THE ‘LAST DAYS”. The Old testament ends up prophesying that Elijah will come to turn the hearts to the FATHER, because they will forsake the FATHER, and the FATHER also will forsake the sons.  Anyway, the high priest taught, the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Then, all of the names written of GOD, such as THE ALMIGHTY, The LORD, The LORD OF HOSTS, The REDEEMER, etc… must be fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the GOD of the Old testament. !

The day of the LORD’S vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion: HWA and GF stumbled on CHRIST; rejected Him as prophesied.


GOD prophesied Israel and Judah will stumble on CHRIST THE LORD, reject Him as the Chief Corner Stone. They are APPOINTED TO BE SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE. 1Pet. 1: 5-8. But they do not know it. THAT MEANS THERE IS SOMETHING A MYSTERY ABOUT CHRIST, THEY WILL NOT UNDERSTAND, if they are to stumble on HIM! This writing proves from their quotes, how they stumbled on JESUS CHRIST the LORD and rejected Him as GOD, FATHER, lawgiver, The HEAD, and KING. As proven in the “mystery of iniquity”, HWA wrote “ God Almighty – the Father of Jesus ChristHead over CHRIST”.  So he says, THE ALMIGHTY is the FATHER of CHRIST. But Rev. 1:8, CHRIST THE LORD saysI AM THE ALMIGHTY ! DO YOU BELIEVE THE LORD AND HIS WORD? Or do you still believe HWA? Same way, GF also said LIVING GOD AND The LORD OF HOSTS is god the father. But Scripture says, the LIVING GOD and The LORD OF HOSTS is CHRIST. That means ALL THREE NAMES ARE NOT OF god the father’s BUT CHRIST’S. Therefore, god the father, is not THE ALMIGHTY, OR THE LIVING GOD, OR The LORD OF HOSTS, as they taught. Then, what does this mean? The biggest lie in THE WHOLE WORLD AGAINST CHRIST THE LORD was said by these two leaders! And CHRIST fulfills all of the names of GOD. Either they are wrong, or the Scripture is wrong. what would it be? Understand? Then, they have given CHRIST THE LORD’s titles to god the father means they have STUMBLED ON HIM as The LORD said ! Could GOD be lying in Isa. 8: 14? IF THEY THOUGHT THE ALMIGHTY AND THE LIVING GOD IS GOD THE FATHER, AND IF that is not true according to Scripture , THEN WHERE IS GOD THE FATHER? “ God Almighty – the Father of Jesus”. But THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! Then where is the FATHER of Jesus, if THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS? Remember HWA said”  "If you find me being dishonest with the Scriptures, you reject me as God’s apostle" GF wrote “GOD COMMANDS—TEST YOUR LEADERS, Cursed be the man that trusteth in man" (Jer. 17:5) — ANY man, AND THAT CERTAINLY INCLUDES ME. You must test the spirits. You must TEST THE SPIRIT IN ME!. Therefore, from their own words, comparing the Scripture; proves both of them exalted god the father, even giving CHRIST’s titles to him. WOULD NOT The LORD BE ANGRY AT THAT? “the Son of God is come, that we may KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE’… even in his Son Jesus CHRIST… This is the true God, and eternal life.” . Understand? THE SON came to reveal the true GOD,HIS SON JESUS CHRIST”. Is He not ‘THE SON”? Is He not JESUS CHRIST”? So HE CAME TO REVEAL HIMSELF, AS THE TRUE GOD, GIVING US EVERLASTING LIFE! So where is god the father whom HWA and GF preached? Don’t you think CHRIST has a controversy against them to EXPOSE IN ORDER TAKE VENGEANCE, AND TO ACCEPT THEM?