How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.
How The JUDGE, the FATHER tasted death by HIS GRACE and paid every penalty to save the sons! Why we need to be baptised in to HIS DEATH and LIFE!.
Tabernacle part 5… Passover 2021- 19th March
We know the MERCY SEAT is the throne of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and the JUDGMENT SEAT is His’ and HE IS THE FATHER, THE HEAD of the House of GOD or the Tabernacle. But, When He judges, HE HAS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR SINS against Him because of HIS GRACE. Heb. 2:9 He was bound, striped, naked, beaten, spat on, struck in the head etc, to pay for our VARIOUS SINS which has various penalties. For example:- He was caused to wear a scarlet robe to pay for the church which has sins as scarlet (Isa. 1) as written below. He was BOUND as the ministry should be bound. Psa. 149:9. Same way every suffering He suffered is to PAY FOR OUR sins which are against HIm. Then it is important for us to learn which sins we are guilty of and how He paid it, to repent before Him and to thank Him. In The LORD’s law, He gave many laws to not to do, For example:- , not to defile His name, but obey and fear Him, and if you are a minister in the church, for sinning against Him, there is a penalty such as to be bound in order to be judged as written below. In order to save such a minister, The LORD was bound. Same way there are many other sufferings The LORD went through in order to save us from our sin and guilt. Every sin has a penalty. Every word we speak AGAINST HIM will be judged. SCRIPTURE SAYS EVERY MAN IS GUILTY BEFORE HIM. When we are judged, ALL will see that they were SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: “. Then, it is after SPIRITUALLY all are condemned, the Ark of the Covenant also seen in heaven. Rev 11:18 and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,”. Then, the DEAD are called to the White Throne to give light to their sin. Rev. 20: 12. That is when the books or the BIBLE is opened. We know, The LORD will breathe the DRY bones, as they are dead. The LORD said, the DEAD will hear My voice out of their GRAVES. But, in HIS MERCY, He will cause all the DEAD to hear the gospel once again, so they could BE JUDGED, but LIVE, receiving the SPIRIT. 1 Pet. 4: 6, Rev. 14:6-7, as GOD had made a Covenant with all FLESH to give salvation. Gen. 9: 16, Luke 3: 6. Then, when the DEAD see that they are DEAD, NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they will seek Him and live. Psa. 78: 34- 35! GOD gave all to satan, for the destruction of FLESH so their spirits may be saved on the day of THE LORD. It is Israel who are flesh. 1 Cor. 10: 18. Heb. 2: 14. ANYONE DOES NOT HAVE CHRIST THE LORD, AS THE EVERLASTING FATHER, ARE DEAD! Therefore, during the Passover, we once again remind you why The LORD SUFFERED MANY THINGS ; TO SPARE US FROM BEING PUNISHED. THAT IS HIS MERCY, the works of the MERCY SEAT! As we proved, the judgments are all spiritual. Could the Laodiceans see their own spiritual death? That means the book has become sealed for them. Isa. 29. Because The LORD HAS ALREADY PAID OUR PENALTIES PHYSICALLY, He could free us from having to go through them physically. As you will see, as the FATHER, He suffered all things in order to sets the sons free. The whole mankind is His sons, if HE CREATED THEM! How HE paid our sins ;- which one applies to you?