Last Great day is the time to wean and be ‘MEN’. Part 6 – Feasts.
Last Great day is the time to wean and be ‘MEN’.
Part 6 – Feasts.
6th oct 2022
Christ warned us, that we should be not “Like babies who need milk”, This should be applied “Spiritually”. (And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! ) Who needs milk? When we are weaned from milk, and become mature, God will rejoice as Abraham gave a great feast when Isaac was weaned. (Gen 21: 8) Since Abraham gave a feast when Isaac was weaned, it must be important to God also to see that His sons are weaned from the milk, and grow in to being a MAN as then only one can discern good from evil. How to be a MAN? Or be a SON OF GOD? 1 Sam 1: 24… After Samuel was “weaned” only Hannah took him to the temple. Why is this mentioned in the word of God in several places? We must look beyond the “mother” who gives us the milk. “Spiritually”, we should be able to live by Christ’s faith, instead of wanting to live by mother’s milk, or the church. By Christ’s warning, we can see, that to wean the mother means, to leave the church, where the false teachers, prophets and apostles are, who have become the creeping ministry, vipers etc. Until GOD corrects We will prove this fact, as we write this article. In the very end, when “THE” antichrist and other beasts are in the temple, GOD will not work through them. This is why there is no need for teachers anymore. (I John 2: 27 and Heb 8:11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest. ) The “Tabernacle of David” is fallen and God Does not work through ministers, or any church as all the churches have gone in to captivity and have become harlots. THE LORD said do not be deceived when prophets say here is CHRIST, in the wilderness or in the inner court, not to believe. And He did not say where to look for Him, but as lightning comes from the east, the Son of Man will come. When the church became Laodicean, GOD left and Is outside. Then Mic. 3:6 says they will not get Revelation. But lying wonders will come out of the high priest, opposing and speaking against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then would GOD expect us to stay in a church? And in the last day, THE LORD, Himself is prophesied to come and teach.