THE LORD purifies the House of Prayer which has become a den of thieves.- as in the days of Noah THE SON of Man comes to purify His temple. Part 9
THE LORD purifies the House of Prayer which has become a den of thieves.- as in the days of Noah THE SON of Man comes to purify His temple. Part 9
22 April 24
When CHRIST OUR LORD came the first time, just before the PASSOVER, He came to the temple and cleansed it from all evil people physically, who misused the temple by their own ways, is a type for our days to be fulfilled SPIRITUALLY. GOD always condemned the leaders for misleading the people. They are the blind guides who caused all to fall in to the ditch. (bottomless pit , where there is no HOLY SPIRIT) What are the signs to know that you have fulfilled the PASSOVER? And that you have the HOLY SPIRIT? Unless we fulfil the PASSOVER , THE LORD would not give His HOLY SPIRIT to us because He separated Himself from the sinners when Adam sinned. The leaders preached the commandments of men and not of GOD’s. They rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , THE ROCK as their GOD. Bible teaches us that there is only one GOD, and that is CHRIST OUR LORD. because of their traditions and leavening of the pharisees, the whole church was polluted, and THE LORD must purify them by GIVING THE TRUTH, TO SET ALL FREE. Since this cleansing is Spiritual now, THE LORD must give HIS SPIRIT in order to purify us spiritually. Not having Him as their GOD or HIS HOLY SPIRIT, they are naked and gone back to Egypt. Rev. 11: 8. Isa. 30: 1- 3. That is why THE LORD had to shed His blood to redeem them from such lies and other gods. and THE LORD comes as the Spirit and Truth to give the Spirit and Truth, to Circumcise all, and then, they will be true Jews or Israel of GOD. One becomes Israel, when they are converted and worship JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. and PASSOVER is fulfilled means one worships the FATHER in Spirit and Truth and they can come to Jerusalem, or to the Holy Mountain to worship the true FATHER. The truth is only in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not in the fallen ( from the truth) church leaders who have the leavening of the pharisees who caused the whole lump to be risen and impure and to lose their sincerity towards THE LORD. It is from such leaders and their lies, THE LORD will redeem all purifying them from His blood which was shed because of the lies and traditions of men, the Jewish fables which turned one away from the truth. this is why just before the PASSOVER, THE LORD cleansed the House of Prayer which is GOD’s house which has become a den of thieves. It is no difference now as well, as HWA and GF rejected and denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , losing their sincerity towards Him, and could not become a chaste virgin to Him. One is a thief, if they do not enter through the DOOR, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. All those who preached god the father, are thieves and they defiled the whole church, causing them to worship idols and nogods, taking all back to Egypt where the TRUE GOD IS NOT. This is why the wife of CHRIST THE LORD became His enemy and did not gather to Him. also, Jerusalem did not bless His name. therefore THE LORD will once again will purify the House of GOD to save the people from such lying leaders. Then all will be converted to Him and be Israel of GOD. Why did THE LORD tells us to wash other’s feet ? What are the signs to know that we have passed over?