Drink from “The ROCK” to come out of spiritual Egypt and sea
GOD prophesied His people will have to be redeemed a SECOND time (Isa. 11: 9 – 11) from SPIRITUAL Egypt and Babylon. (Rev. 11: 8, 17, 17, Mic. 4: 10). That means they must come out of the sea also SPIRITUALLY. (I will bring back AGAIN from the depth of the sea. Psa 68:22). The churches of GOD became the wicked sea as they did not drink from "The ROCK" who gives the water but went after GOD the FATHER to get it, a GOD whom they have not seen nor heard. Spiritual Israel failed to drink from "The ROCK" (as proven in "Be Baptised") as they did not acknowledge "The ROCK" as their FATHER, because one must ask for the Holy SPIRIT from the FATHER. If two witnesses gives the SPIRIT , then we must go to Him to get it. Besides, He is the FATHER as proven in the above writing. Apostle Paul wrote;"The fathers ate and drank from CHRIST THE LORD, "The ROCK". "they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was CHRIST". (1 co 10: 1-4) By not going to "The ROCK", the people have sinned and are like the wicked sea. So from that wicked sea, The LORD must deliver them once again. Wicked means have inherited lies. In order to save from the sea of lies, the TRUTH must be given which is the true knowledge of GOD, as the sea. (Isa. 11: 9 – 11) When the knowledge of GOD is given, with The LORD opening the blinded eyes, they will come out of the wicked sea in to the sea of knowledge of GOD. The lies will be wiped out, the truth will set all free. Then, they must be baptised in to that sea and come out in order for GOD to accept them as sons. Unless you go to the FATHER who gives the Holy SPIRIT, and ask for it, He cannot give it to you. (Luk 11: 13). BUT, THE LEADERS DID NOT KNOW that their FATHER is "The ROCK" ! With that knowledge, which is given as the sea, all can come out PURIFIED as GOD's people. That is the Glorious Rest, the PROMISED LAND, and WHERE THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER IS GIVEN! The Glorious Rest is where the TRUE FATHER will be! And the FATHER is "The ROCK" who gives us spiritual drink!