The King comes to Zion, just, lowly, riding upon an ass and the foal, HAVING SALVATION. !Zech 9:9
When The LORD's words says; He comes on an ass and a foal to give salvation "to" Zion, she must believe His words and look for Him and the ass and the foal, bringing HIm. THIS MEANS, UNTIL SUCH TIME, THERE IS NO SALVATION TO Zion. So she needs SALVATION! You may be the most exalted high priest, a leader, in Zion or a church, or an evangelist or a minister in same, but YOU NEED SALVATION and must look for the ass. CAN YOU CHANGE the scripture which is "WRITTEN"? Then, you must try to understand and act upon it. AFTER ALL, THIS IS THE WAY The LORD BRINGS SALVATION TO YOU! When you do not believe the scripture, you work AGAINST The LORD! And you lie. When The LORD says, He comes on a foolish nation, then look for such one. He will not come in exalted high priest as they are all with sin, (Heb.7) AND NEEDS TO BE CHANGED, nor in any of Judah, as he lost the holiness ( Mal. 2: 10-11), not knowing the ONE TRUE GOD, nor the Levitical ministry who failed to fear and honor the ONLY FATHER AND THE MASTER, (Mal. 1:6) as that priesthood must be changed with the Covenant and the law. The LORD, Himself Is prophesied to come as an APOSTLE, AND THE HIGH PRIEST. (Heb. 3). Then, if you think you are an apostle, or a high priest, or even a minister, your job, you have NOT DONE according to the laws of The LORD and will be NO MORE , until you are purified. That was why The LORD came on the ass the first time and even now. And when that happens, your job is to look for The LORD's coming on a foolish nation. Your whole duty towards GOD is to fear Him. ONE MUST FEAR The CREATOR AND NOT GOD the Father. (Rev. 14:6-7). Scripture says NONE feared nor honored Him. Mal. 1:6. But, the OX, and the ASS knows it's OWNER (one owner) and the MASTER'S CRIB. (Isa. 3). YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE SCRIPTURE ! Who could this ass and the foal be, when The LORD brings salvation to Zion? Certainly some who are humble and lowly AND THEY worship and fear and believe, know and understand this ONE TRUE GOD ! After all, it is The LORD's doing. This writing proves who is this ass and the foal, and why, how and when this prophecy will be fulfilled. One thing is certain; Zion does not have salvation, until she meets The LORD coming on the foolish nation. And she cannot save anyone either! She, herself needs salvation! If you are not the ass and the foal, you needs salvation. Whatever The LORD Has prophesied; HE WILL BRING TO PASS. If not, HE IS A LIAR! GOD cannot lie. So all things will be fulfilled just as it is written.! Prove all things! This prophecy is for the time, when the SALVATION is to come to Zion! And The LORD IS NOT IN Zion!!! Remember, the curse for not believing in The LORD's words began in Adam's time. Tree of Life is cut off means the LIFE WAS CUT OFF until the curse is removed and the sin is paid off, which happens at the beginning of making the new Covenant!