But you have forgotten that I AM your FATHER! I have raised up the foolish nation as I said and I adopted them and revealed Myself to them! 

(Deut.  32:43, Eph. 1:3-6, 2:12-22, Zeph. 3:9-10, 1  Pet. 2:9-10, Isa. 63:16, Col.1:27 . Those who are in ‘ME’, are the NEW Israel OF GOD”. Gal. 6:16-16). 

Peace pt 3- “MERCY and knowledge of GOD are desired to bring peace, more than offerings”

Lack of knowledge of "JESUS CHRIST the LORD", caused all the people to go in to captivity and not fear the true GOD. And then all are to die Spiritually , as sinning against The CREATOR means the unpardonable sin as proven in previous writings. Then, by MERCY , The LORD gives the true knowledge of GOD , the law of TRUTH will be magnified, in order to give life! Why did all die? What knowledge did we lack? It is not our offerings or sacrifices which GOD wants, they are a shadow of things to come, but HE WANTS A TRUE, REPENTANT , BROKEN HEART as a sacrifice as king David had in order to become alive once again.! Can our sacrifices give us life? BUT The LORD'S MERCY WILL! It is The CREATOR, we should worship and fear. He is the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Husband. (Isa. 9:6, Jer. 3:19). We proved Levi feared The LORD of HOSTS, who was known as "The ROCK", when entered in to the Covenant. But when we come for the book of Malachi to be fulfilled, and the Laodicean era, all worship GOD the Father, and two gods. And all sought the law of Moses (graven image) to get life and not the true GOD who gives life, SPIRIT and peace, who is The CREATOR! But Until the judgment, The CREATOR was not worshiped, no knees bow down to Him or confessed, THAT HE IS The LORD! If the peace and life comes from The CREATOR, then we must worship and fear Him, to get them! So this is the knowledge of GOD which they lacked which the teachers did not preach and made The CREATOR angry and He came to the foolish nation, who are the base and weak ones, and the gentiles, to arouse the wife to jealousy, and opening their eyes, while closing the eyes of the wise who saw. John 9:39. The Levitical ministry worked all these years sacrificing to GOD the Father, and served the law ( Rom.7), and did not keep A SINGLE Sabbath IN HONOR OF The LORD of Sabbath. so their sacrifices did not save them, but brought death. So unless The CREATOR's mercy is given, and unless by mercy the TRUE knowledge of GOD is given, no one will have peace, but a sword and divisions as proven in the first part. The LORD PROPHESIED FROM THE FAILURE TO EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, AND TO OFFERING IT AGAIN, after the judgments! In His mercy, HE GIVES THE TRUTH to save. The Comforter, who is the Spirit and Truth is come, in order to wipe out lies to get rid of the gods who have not created. Jer. 10:11. So this part will continue to prove that one should fear The ROCK, The LORD of HOSTS , who is CHRIST the LORD and honor Him as the FATHER. This writing would prove how Israel died to the law of Moses, and how they will be made alive by the law of TRUTH, giving life and peace! And Israel had the law of Moses, according to their Covenant, but Levi did not have the law of Moses when he destroyed those who worshiped the calf, but he FEARED GOD. So fear of GOD, is the beginning of wisdom. And gentiles, in His second coming given the knowledge of GOD , The law of TRUTH AND THEY BELIEVED. That is how two sons of Abraham fulfilled their roles Spiritually. So we must have a broken SPIRIT, a true humble SPIRIT to come before The LORD to plead for His mercy, than our sacrifices. !

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Peace pt 4- Judgments turned off- the law of TRUTH makes us one with The LORD , bringing peace and life !

GOD, created the man knowing that one day all will turn away from Him and would die for ever, as they failed to obtain the HOLY SPIRIT from Him and the Tree of Life was cut off. If He knew all would die, then why did He create man? Just to kill them? The judgment to Adam, is the eternal death. But, in His mercy, HE SAYS THE JUDGMENTS WILL BE TURNED OFF(actually the penalty as HE HAS PAID IT). What does it mean? The man inherited lies. So he must be judged and no one will be found to be alive as none could keep the law of Moses and get righteousness. But from death, The LORD will redeem us by HIS BLOOD and sacrifice at the end of the age ! HE IS The Saviour. If His words resurrected Him, we can be too. His will is not even one to be lost. The judgments are written. Psa. 149:9. So is everlasting life to be given to all. The LORD's mercy promises us that HE WILL RAISE ALL UP. The curses of death, devil, sea where the wicked are, and the night where the darkness of the blindness, all will be removed. All "FLESH", (who could not receive the HOLY SPIRIT), will be poured on the HOLY SPIRIT. Luk. 3: 6. And the Son of Man comes to save all "FLESH". The death will be won over. The rebuke of the people will be taken away. And The LORD, Himself enters in to the HOLIES, coming as THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE APOSTLE and do all things to save all men. If not, HE CANNOT BE CALLED "The SAVIOUR", OR The REDEEMER or the Captain of Salvation.! The ministry who has no mercy and do not know The LORD's mercy teaches you will be thrown to the lake of fire, sorer punishments will come to you and judgments will be executed etc and put fear in people's mind. But on the LAST GREAT DAY, The LORD calls all and open their minds to the opened books so they can compare the words (John 12:48) and examine themselves if they have worshiped the true GOD or not! The earth will be FULL OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. A new Heaven and a new earth is prophesied. The LORD will wipe away tears of all. He will lead all in to good pasture. He will OVERLOOK the ignorance in man during the times of Refreshing. The LORD comes to save all! And in this writing, we would prove biblically, how The LORD will turn off the judgments and when. The judgment seat of CHRIST the LORD, the White Throne belongs to Him, to give the light or revelation to our sin, which came from Adam. That is why the books are opened. That is the Word of GOD, which will judge each one, THEIR OWN HEART. It will reveal if you have feared The CREATOR or not, according to the Everlasting gospel preached in judgment. Rev. 14: 6-7. The LORD cannot be wrong. So we must accept our guilt. But the penalty is already paid. Your salvation is certain. HE IS The Saviour! He will save! When your sin is revealed, you must repent. 1 cor 5: 5 says, when one-man sin, give to satan, but on the day of THE LORD, his SPIRIT will be saved. So all the sinners will have their spirits saved! When The LORD removes the death and other curses, and WILL NOT SEND EVIL, there will be no more evil or death! All will worship GOD. No Babylon, no Egypt! No government of GOD, but THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON CHRIST the LORD'S SHOULDER! And He will execute RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS that is fair to all! And in His mercy, HE WILL RECEIVE HIS OWN BLOOD AND PARDON ALL! Then the law of TRUTH will be taught to all, so all can BE ONE WITH The LORD as the day of Atonement pictures !

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All those who DID NOT come to CHRIST the LORD are condemned, by the queen of South as The LORD said!

"There is NO CONDEMNATION" to those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. (Rom. 8). That means those who did not come to HIM ARE CONDEMNED. the condemnation is NOT COMING TO HIM! And The LORD said, it is the queen of south and the men of Niniveh who will CONDEMN those who did not come to Him, as they came to meet more greater than king Solomon, who is Himself, but in judgment. Such even failed to receive the wisdom of GOD as it comes from HIM! In many of our writings, we have proven according to scripture, that The CREATOR is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. He Is the FATHER, as well as The Son, The Husband, and all the names of GOD are fulfilled by Him. Scripture proves The ROCK or CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR was the GOD who gave the law and entered in to the Covenant with Israel. He says there was no other GOD, besides Him. But His wife, forsook Him and went to GOD the Father to get the spiritual drink and meat, when it comes from CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK. 1 cor 10:3-4. ( Deut. 32; 6, 12, 15, 18), This letter proves from the Word of GOD , that one should worship "The CREATOR", JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not any other! And to condemn those who did not fear and worship "The CREATOR", according to the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14:6-7. "the everlasting gospel ." Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. This gospel is to fear and worship The CREATOR, who is CHRIST the LORD. That proves, until such time, earth has not done so. This gospel is preached during "JUDGMENTS", to worship The CREATOR or The MAKER. Those who worshiped GOD the Father are condemned. John 8:54. This is why they should be judged and preached this gospel, as they are dead. 1 Pet. 4:6, so they can seek Him. Psa. 78:34-35. These scripture proves if you do not come to CHRIST, you are condemned. And The LORD said the men of Niniveh, (few from Israel who believed and repented) and the queen of south (gentiles) will arise in judgment to condemn those who DID NOT BELIEVE THIS GOSPEL! And condemnation, judgment and preaching of the Everlasting gospel is done at the same time, because the sin is exposed, vengeance is taken and judgments are to give light to accept. (Hos. 6:5). We are to be sons to The Most High. Psa. 82:6. Then, He is the FATHER. we are to be sons to The Almighty, who is CHRIST. 2 cor 6:16-19. Then, He Is the FATHER. We are to honor and fear The LORD of HOSTS as the FATHER Mal. 1:6. Then, The LORD of HOSTS who is CHRIST, is the FATHER. Then, we are to be the offspring of "The CREATOR", (Acts. 17), then He is the FATHER. The ROCK who is CHRIST, begat us. Deut 32:18. Then, He is the FATHER. ! And it is The LORD of HOSTS's zeal, which sent all including the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son. Isa. 9:6-7. That is The LORD of HOSTS , who is CHRIST the LORD.! Then, HE IS THE FATHER, and we must be HIS SONS.! If not, you are condemned. PROVE ALL THINGS!

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How the SPIRITUAL darkness came on the last church

CHRIST the LORD said there are 12 hours for the day and 12 for the night. And the darkness to come on all over the earth (to the church) is prophesied. The last era is also prophesied to fall Spiritually. Then, the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles should begin. That means the church would be in darkness because the Times of Gentiles means the day of THE LORD. Eze. 30:3. If all things written are to be fulfilled during the days of vengeance, then The LORD must purify the ministry and grant her to wear fine linen and also must forgive her first and give new hearts to enter in to the NEW Covenant, and even offer the Tree of Life! NO more DEATH, NIGHT, OR SEA or curses. But first, the day of THE LORD, Day of Visitation, days of vengeance, or the Times of Gentiles must be fulfilled. According to scripture, The LORD prepared the gentiles even from the beginning, to judge and tread Israel as the blessings and cursing are written in Deuteronomy. The LORD said He will raise up a foolish nation, and they will become your HEAD and will LEND to you. But this is to end Spiritually as you will see. The LORD , Himself came to gentiles giving them the truth, the true knowledge of GOD in order to raise them up. Isa. 11:9-11. They are to trust in Him first, and obey and believe Him. At that time, Israel is blind. brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.., And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: This mystery was given to gentiles, which is to know the BLINDNESS OF Israel! Then, while the fulness of the gentiles are being fulfilled, Israel must be BLIND! After the Times of Gentiles is fulfilled, the Deliverer will turn the ungodliness and SAVE Israel. That means gentiles are SAVED first as Apostle Peter too wrote; "That the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they." God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for HIS NAME. After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up". When The LORD Visits the "gentiles", the Tabernacle is already FALLEN AND IN RUINS! When did Apostle Peter preach to "gentiles' by his mouth? And Apostle Peter says, gentiles will hear the GOSPEL from his mouth and BELIEVE! But, it is by GRACE, even Apostle Peter and all will be saved. But first, the gentiles will be saved as he says "even as they". Then, GOD is to VISIT FIRST, the gentiles to take a people for HIS NAME! And the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given on the day of THE LORD, to gentiles. Zeph. 3:9-10. The gentiles who received the Name of THE LORD, are the ones who BELIEVED, hearing Apostle Peter's gospel as you will see. Do The LORD comes to build the FALLEN RUINED Tabernacle, with the gentiles. Zech. 6:12-15! "For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy". The gentiles who did not believe, obtained MERCY, through Israel's UNBELIEF. Rom. 11:20 says, for UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off and gentiles are given faith. This means Israel is cut off for UNBELIEF, failed to receive MERCY "first", and as they did not believe, mercy came to gentiles, but through the mercy shown to "gentiles". Israel also will obtain mercy! Then, when GENTILES HAVE BELIEVED, Israel is still in UNBELIEF! Therefore, when The LORD VISITS the SECOND TIME, He first take gentiles for HIS NAME! That is why, they are given the knowledge of GOD and the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD !!! So while The LORD Is taking gentiles, all Israel is BLIND and are in DARKNESS.! How it will end?

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free gift of Faith of CHRIST the LORD to live !

Scripture prophesies that all will spiritually die in the Laodicea era and will be judged. Then whose faith would cause all to live? It is the faith of CHRIST! Without faith, it is impossible to please GOD. Can we have the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD in us, unless He gives it? This faith also justifies and causes us to live; "Just shall live by his faith"! So could we have faith enough to LIVE BY OURSELVES? Faith, therefore, is a FREE GIFT. Eph. 2:8. then, it must be given freely, by The LORD. But it is given by CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father. So one must go to CHRIST to get it and not to GOD the Father. CHRIST the LORD's body or wife also died, without faith, and without Spirit, as faith WITHOUT WORKS is dead. Jam 2:26. Spirit comes from CHRIST the LORD.(John 6:63, 20:22). Faith also comes from Him. So those who did not go to CHRIST, are dead without the Spirit and has no faith. Those who went to Him, received all these and are made just. So they live by CHRIST's faith. All had faith in GOD the Father. That is a dead faith as the scripture proves, because He cannot give us life, Spirit, nor faith to live, or can justify us by his blood! CHRIST The LORD Does all that! This is why, all who went to GOD the Father, died Spiritually and the house of GOD is desolated, as CHRIST the LORD, THE HUSBAND left. Neither could the wife of CHRIST The LORD enter in to the REST as Heb.4:6 says, even though it was preached FIRST to them, as they had NO FAITH. Then, The LORD GIVES faith FREELY, justifying us, and to trust in Him to give life as The Saviour. HIS FAITH WHICH THE SCRIPTURE CALLS THE Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, WILL GIVE LIFE TO US.! But no man can have this faith unless The LORD gives it freely. WE CANNOT EARN IT. PROVE it to yourself from the scripture! CHRIST the LORD's faith will perform what HE HAS SPOKEN! The Laodiceans are so blind as The LORD said, and they would not even know THE KING is not in her and they are all spiritually dead. Jer. 8: 19-20. Judgment is the spiritual death, the Laodicea blindness which will be turned off. Zep 3:15. That is why The LORD allowed them to live physically. The LORD preached the true Everlasting gospel to the poor, Luk. 4:18 justifying them by giving His faith to live when the wisdom of the wise perished. Acts. 13, Hab 1:5, John 9:39. That is the judgment of The LORD, which the rich would not know. Jer. 8:7.! So The LORD chose the poor, as HE PREACHED them the gospel, during the days of vengeance, to accept all and made them rich in faith. Jam 2:5, and to be in the kingdom casting out the rich. 1 sam 2:8. When would The LORD give this faith? To whom would He gives it first? Scripture talks about CHRIST's faith and our faith. Our faith, cannot have the works which The LORD requires. For example:- the righteous demand of the law, no man can ever have. That is why The LORD comes to fulfill it the second time! When all are dead, His faith gives us to look and hope for His mercy and sacrifice to save us. The hour is coming, and now is, when the "dead" shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.! That is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD! Unless that faith is given to us, we cannot even hear when He calls !

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Be RECONCILED to your Husband and not to His FATHER! Israel was married to ONE GOD and not TWO.! The marriage Covenant is broken

Reconciliation is needed when two parties are separated. Both CHRIST the LORD and His wife broke the marriage Covenant as she could not understand that she entered in to the marriage with ONE GOD, but worshiped GOD the Father also. The Covenant was a "MARRIAGE" Covenant, with ONE GOD, THE HUSBAND, CHRIST, The ROCK ! (Ex 20:2-3). A "Marriage" Covenant cannot be made with TWO, but ONE! GOD the Father, did not ENTER IN TO A MARRIAGE Covenant WITH Israel or the church! He too draws one to The Son. John 6;44.The wife did not go to the Husband to get spiritual drink, but went passing Him, to the father arousing the Husband's jealousy and anger, causing the Covenant to end. Scripture clearly says to wives and to the church, her HEAD is CHRIST. To GO PASS HIM, AND NOT FOCUS ON THE HUSBAND, IS AGAINST THE SCRIPTURE OR HUSBAND'S WORD! A husband and a wife must focus on each other, more than others, and specially not a FATHER. Therefore, the wife of CHRIST DID AGAINST HER HUSBAND! Would not you, husbands be jealous if your wife went to your father instead of you, WHEN YOU HAVE CLEARLY SAID TO HER TO COME TO YOU? When you got married to your wife, did your father also entered in to the marriage Covenant ? This is why your Husband said you worship the FATHER. John 8:54? Then, you have despised, dishonored your HUSBAND and have broken the marriage Covenant, because the Covenant WAS, IS AND WILL BE with CHRIST the LORD! When The ROCK made the Covenant, it was ONLY with Him! He said "I" your LORD, GOD; you shall have NO OTHER GODS, BEFORE ME. Ex 20:3.Do you ministers teach your wives and the women in the church to go to the husband's "FATHER" leaving the husband for your food? Did not the high priest teach to go pass the Husband and to go the father? And would not YOU HUSBANDS be mad at your wives, if they go to your "father" instead of coming to you? If it is wrong for you, would it be right for CHRIST's wife to do so? Jer. 3 says "I AM" and not "we are" married unto you. Could you have TWO husbands? When Israel entered in to the Covenant, was there another GOD called GOD the Father? But, the last ministry preached TWO gods, and broke the Covenant. Mal. 2: 10-11! And He left Zion, and PROVOKING HER ALSO TO JEALOUSY, He showed her sins to gentiles, (Deu 32:21,Jer. 8: 19-20), and cast her down from heaven, lam 2:1, brought gentiles to heaven (Col. 3:1-4, Eph.2:6)and was found by a no people and made them HIS BELOVED and His people.(deu 32:43, Hos. 2:23, Rom. 9:25-26)and left her to be trodden down and be judged by the gentiles Rev. 11:2-3, Eze. 16:40, showed to gentiles, what lies she has (Jer. 16:19), even though she is spiritually blind and cannot know her judgments also. Jer. 8:7. In order to judge, (by His words John 12: 48), The LORD needed to give the truth, the Word of GOD especially the knowledge of GOD, which is about HIM, to gentiles and made them His Royal Priesthood. 1 Pe 2:6-10, and said, Israel will stumble on Him, Isa. 8:14, and stumble at the Word of GOD, 1 Pe 2:6-7, and would not be built on Him, the Chief Corner Stone, and the builders will reject Him. And He came to gentiles, as they are to trust in Him , believe, as they are sanctified to receive the Spirit. Isa. 11: 9-11,2 Thess. 2:13, Col. 1:27 and gave faith and made them to be in the kingdom. Jam 2:5, 1 Sam 2:8 in order to judge the wife. And He reconciled the gentiles to Him, and gave them the ministry of reconciliation! All proven with scripture!

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Trumpets are blown in GOD’s JEALOUSY to EXPOSE the HEARTS causing all to be ONE with CHRIST, the HUSBAND and the FATHER!

Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. The Feast of Trumpets must be Spiritually be fulfilled in order to be ONE WITH GOD, to fulfill the Day of Atonement. It is time to blow trumpets in His anger to pour His wrath, the jealousy. (Zep 1:18).When "The ROCK", who is CHRIST The LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, entered in to the Covenant, giving laws of marriage, He said to LOVE "HIM" with all HEART. THE Covenant WAS NOT MADE WITH TWO GODS! But you had two and even hated the husband and went to the FATHER and BROKE THE Covenant. Mal. 2: 10-11. HAVE YOU LOVED "CHRIST your HUSBAND WHO ALONE entered in to the MARRIAGE Covenant? When the scripture says we must be ONE WITH GOD; is it not WITH CHRIST alone? THERE WAS NO OTHER GOD WITH HIM, WHEN The ROCK BROUGHT YOU OUT TO BE "HIS PEOPLE"! Deu 32: 12,15,18. THERE WAS NO GOD, called the Father BACK THEN! When you; the husbands married your wives, did you enter in to the Covenant with her FATHER ALSO? How about if your wife goes to your FATHER instead of coming to you? By going to the FATHER, you provoked Him to jealousy. And it is "Husbands and wives" are to be one with each other. Can you be one with "two" gods or with the FATHER of the bride? You have given the husband's glory to another. And it is CHRIST who GIVES all things to the wife, including SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK, salvation, everlasting life, righteousness, white linen, redemption, forgiveness, sanctification, justification, faith, wisdom, understanding, Righteousness, even HIS OWN MIND, Living Waters, healing, light, and Holy Spirit! HE HAS GIVEN HIS WORD. HE WILL NOT LIE. HE WILL NEVER CHANGE. The Husband accuses the wife of NOT COMING TO HIM TO GET THESE. Do you agree to what He accuses you of? Compare what He Has prophesied about your evilness and see if you have done so or not! DID YOU NOT GO TO GOD the Father TO GET REVELATION, WHEN THE HUSBAND SAYS COME TO ME? HE blows the trumpet to cause you to know His wrath, over your DISOBEDIENCE, SO you CAN REPENT AND COME TO Him. HE IS WAITING TO ENTER IN TO the NEW Covenant. The fact that Heb. 8 says when the new Covenant is made they will all KNOW ME, AND NO NEED any one TO TEACH ABOUT HIM, PROVES, teachers have not taught about the truth about the GOD who entered in to the Covenant. Isa. 11: 9 – 11, Isa. 5: 13 also proves they lacked the knowledge of GOD. Rom.1 and 2 Thess. 2 proves the final falling away happened as they suppressed the truth about GOD, even after GODHEAD was clearly shown. The ministry TAUGHT LIES which STOPPED THEM FROM KNOWING HIM! Husband's accusations are written in the scripture. That is why, His "WORDS" will judge all, on the last day. John 12: 48. And in the end, HE COMES TO EXPOSE THE HIDDEN COUNSELS OF THE "HEARTS". (1co 4:5). The LORD's wrath which is poured on the day of THE LORD, is to expose the wickedness of the wife and His children, AND TO GIVE THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE, so they can repent and return to Him and not to destroy anyone in a fire. But HIS WORDS will be as fire, causing all to know that NO ONE HAS LOVED HIM WITH ALL THEIR HEART! Since their backslidings are also written, the end should be in judgment to prove each heart, so each man can look back to what HE HAS DONE ALREADY, compare the scripture and prove OWN HEART to be justified or be guilty! We become ONE WITH Him, from our "hearts" and Holy Spirit lives in our hearts. Gal. 4:6. The CREATOR does not dwell in manmade temples, but in our heart. THEN KNOW THE PLAGUE OF YOUR OWN HEART AND REPENT, so you can be ONE WITH YOUR HUSBAND! THE LORD SPEAKS TO YOUR HEART!!! HAVE YOU TRULY LOVED ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART???

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Day of Atonement- The LORD sacrifices Himself once again, at the END OF THE WORLD!

Scripture says The LORD will sacrifice Himself at the END OF THE WORLD ONCE AGAIN. That means for the SECOND TIME! That is to be done on the Day of Atonement, when all would be forgiven and reconciled. All the knowledge about His sacrifice and how and when it would be fulfilled is written in this writing. He is the HIGH PRIEST, and HE OFFERS HIMSELF to Himself once again to fulfill this day spiritually. When would this once again be? Before that, there are few things The LORD must do first, what are they? That is the acceptable year, when all humans will be forgiven. In order to accept all, the sin or the offence of The LORD must be revealed and that was done in trumpets in His wrath. We have proven in many writings that CHRIST the LORD is the Everlasting FATHER as well as The Son, the FATHER and the Husband. And this is brought to light, as the time has come to fulfill the Day of Atonement, which is to forgive, annul and repent and to be reconciled and this was the mystery of CHRIST, which is revealed in the very end. (Rev. 10:7), In order to make all things new, which ALL THINGS ARE MADE NEW IN CHRIST the LORD. Remember there is no Jew, nor Greek, but all are new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD and also the new Covenant will be made with Him ALONE! The ROCK, IS the same GOD who entered in to the old Covenant also. Not knowing this, all BROKE THE Covenant and died spiritually. But dead will be raised by the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD! Since we have sinned against a GOD, and there is no other sacrifice to save men, and The LORD, Himself have to die. Just as a day was set to judge, a day is set to establish also, which is the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement, is to be Spiritually fulfilled by The LORD'S OWN SACRIFICE IN THE END OF THE WORLD, MAKING ALL THINGS NEW AND THE NEW COVENANT.! But why could not The LORD forgive all before the end of the world and enter in to the new Covenant???

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How to fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles SPIRITUALLY!

Do you keep the feast before "The ROCK", who gave them as "HIS" feasts? Then you have fulfilled the feast Spiritually! IT IS "The ROCK" WHO BROUGHT YOU OUT OF Egypt and gave the feasts and SAID THESE ARE "MY", MY, MY" FEASTS!!! Therefore, have you rejoiced and kept the feast of "The ROCK" who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD? Or have you kept the feast to GOD the Father, or even to TWO gods? Even if there is a GOD the Father, he has never asked anyone to keep feasts for him as none has heard him. According to scripture, If you have kept the feast to "GOD the Father", you have kept the feast in vain! Did you ever think about that? Are you feasting before "TWO" gods? Then, you have not fulfilled the feasts of The LORD, Spiritually, because the feasts are to be kept to honor "The ROCK"; "ONE" GOD who commanded them to be kept in "HIS" name and to honor "HIM"! HE said these are "MY" feasts and not "our"!!! Have you kept them as The LORD requires? OR, HAVE YOU KEPT THE FEASTS TO THE SAME GOD WHO COMMANDED TO KEEP THEM? It is same, if you have kept them for "TWO" gods. We must do and obey the Word of GOD, JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN and we cannot add or remove. Prove all things! The feasts of The LORD, are to honor The ROCK, or CHRIST the LORD. YOU MAY BE KEEPING IT YEAR AFTER YEAR, BUT YOU HAVE NOT FULFILLED THEM OR NOT KEPT IT TO THE GOD WHO GAVE THEM. It is "The ROCK", or CHRIST the LORD, ( 1 cor 10; 3- 4), who brought Israel out of Egypt, ALL BY HIMSELF, AND THERE WAS NO OTHER GOD, called "GOD the Father" with Him, when He brought Israel out of Egypt to be His people. Deut. 32:12. And unless you go to The ROCK'S FEAST where HE GIVES the spiritual drink, you will not get it. This is why, only on the Last Great Day, you are called to drink from Him! This must be proven with scripture, clearly, in order to see if you have fulfilled the Feast Of Tabernacles Spiritually and as GOD COMMANDED. This writing proves from the scripture, THAT NONE HAS KEPT THE Feast of Tabernacles in the name of "The ROCK" TO HONOR HIM! A serious accusation from GOD, to show your error of feasting before other gods and not before Him, ONLY ! Judge your actions by the Word of GOD and be justified or be guilty. The truth will set you free! But, be comforted, now that CHRIST and HIS children in Isa. 8: 18 , 29:23 have kept the feasts and have praised Him, and having believed their bellies are filled with Holy Spirit the spiritual drink, so HE CAN CALL ALL OTHERS TO COME AND DRINK! So the rest also can follow! Honor and feast before "The ROCK", who commanded them to be kept! You have not heard from any other gods to keep feasts to them!!! These are "MY" feasts, says

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Why did Peter deny Christ And John the Baptist had doubts?

We have removed the above writing from our web site, as it talks about HWA's teachings are to be correct, but are false. You may notice we have removed several writings because of this reason. The LORD Has opened our minds to know that HWA is the first leader who took all to Babylon or religious confusion and caused all to turn away from CHRIST the LORD, One and ONLY TRUE GOD. We proved it is "ONE" GOD CREATED all things and that is CHRIST the LORD. HWA and GF who follows the same teachings are from Judah who was the last tribe to forsake CHRIST the LORD as proven in many writings. Specially, at the time of the breaking of the Covenant, they taught "TWO" gods created. "Have we not all ONE FATHER? Hath not ONE GOD CREATED us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange GOD". Mal 2: 10-11. These verses and as proven in our other writings, it is ONE GOD created us, and that He Is also "THE FATHER". The ROCK, who is CHRIST the LORD, created, made, established, and begat all. Deu 32: 6, 12, 15, 18. "Of THE ROCK that BEGAT thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee".This is why The LORD of HOSTS , who is also CHRIST the LORD, condemns the Levitical ministry of not honoring Him as the FATHER in Mal. 1: 6. We have proven that The CREATOR is our FATHER. And HWA and GF who are of Judah, teaches 'TWO' gods created us and they teach against the scripture. Therefore, as we notice or when someone brings these things to our notice, we remove such writings which we have ignorantly written, in order to teach the truth. Therefore, this is the same writing, but what we have added later, will be in red. And what we remove will be in blue. Why did Peter deny Christ three times? Why did John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Christ, "Are you the One to come" even after baptizing? What does this have to do with the gentiles?

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