In the whole volume of the Book, it is written of ONE GOD and that is about The CREATOR, “CHRIST the LORD”! If we had followed Him, we must be ‘CHRISTIANS’. But Adam failed to be a ‘CHRISTIAN’ and ever since UNTO THE LAODICEA era, no one followed The CREATOR, or CHRIST The LORD! So none could call themselves ‘Christians’! That means we FAILED TO WORSHIP OR FOLLOW OUR CREATOR! That is the offense Adam and all the rest of mankind committed against The CREATOR, CHRIST the LORD! That is the sin we are guilty of. And since The CREATOR is the SPIRIT, and His words are SPIRIT and life, all committed the unpardonable sin! Do you understand that? GOD is a SPIRIT! That is the HOLY SPIRIT! So sinning against The CREATOR who is the HOLY SPIRIT, is what Adam and all humans are guilty of! Since HOLY SPIRIT or words of The CREATOR gives life ( John 6:63, 1 Pet. 1: 23, Jam 1: 18), none received life. So in the whole volume of the Book, it is written how all failed to worship The CREATOR and could not have life, and become a ‘CHRISTIAN”! Scripture clearly says we must be ‘CHRISTIANS’ and follow CHRIST the LORD! After all, He created us for HIMSELF ! So The CREATOR, Himself died to forgive our unpardonable sin! GOD is a SPIRIT and we must worship Him in SPIRIT. John 4. Since we have sinned against CHRIST the LORD, we must ask for forgiveness from Him. He came the second time to be The Comforter, to give the Spirit and Truth. The Comforter glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as proven in the first parts and in this also. And unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified, the HOLY SPIRIT cannot be given to any. John 7: 36-39! That means to know, understand, and believe in Him. (Isa. 43: 10).” that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me no God was formed, nor shall there be after Me.”. That is The Saviour’s words written in the volume of the Book. V 11 “I, I am Jehovah; and there is none to save besides Me”. And that is The CREATOR who says I AM THE ONLY GOD ! v 12 “I have declared, and have saved, and I have shown”.!. Do you understand that The Saviour , or The CREATOR is the ONLY GOD and that knowledge SAVES US from having other gods! The Saviour should be OUR GOD ! That makes one a ‘CHRISTIAN”! so the volume of the Book is written about The CREATOR and how His creation failed to be HIS FOLLOWERS, and sinned against Him , the HOLY SPIRIT, and it is UNPARDONABLE, but HE DIED to SAVE us from this sin, so we COULD BE PARDONED! So The CREATOR comes in MANY names to fulfill what He needs to SAVE us. For example:- The Saviour, He will save. The REDEEMER, He will redeem. The LAMB, He died.! Prove all these scripture and know your sin and acknowledge it and repent to be saved! His plan of redemption is now revealed! Be a ‘CHRISTIAN”!