Acknowledge The plague in the heart to receive ATONEMENT!.
King Solomon prophesied that his people will have a plague in their hearts and ‘IF’ they come towards the HOUSE of The LORD , and pray, knowing , (which means acknowledging their plague), then for The LORD to forgive. And now this plague in the heart is revealed as the HOUSE OF The LORD IS FOUNDED, and The LORD having come to reveal the hidden counsel of the heart 1 cor 4:5, on the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30: 3. That house is the house of the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is THE JUDGE! “Heb. 3: 6…” But CHRIST as a son over HIS OWN HOUSE; whose house are we,”. CHRIST the LORD, also became a SON to HIS OWN house. And then some others who are “WE”, also are in His house. This is the HOUSE OF GOD as proven in previous writings, which will be placed on top of other mountains, IN THE “LAST DAYS”. And if one is NOT IN CHRIST the LORD’S house, then they have this plague in their heart and needs to repent. But first, they must UNDERSTAND what is this plague which caused them to NOT TO ENTER HIS HOUSE! Do you think you are in ‘ CHRIST the LORD’s house, as you worshiped GOD the Father ? But these ‘WE’, are already in it! So what could this plague in the heart be? It is very easy to find out. And Mr. Gerald Flurry and Dennis Leap has written about having hearts according to GOD’s own. Does the Scripture agree with their teachings on this matter? What does the Scripture truly say about having a good heart, after GOD’s own??? It is very simple to find out who is in CHRIST the LORD’S house, and who are not! And as His house built means HE IS IN IT, THEN AS KING SOLOMON PRAYED , ONE MUST SEE THE PLAGUE IN THEIR HEART AND COME TOWARDS THIS House of GOD TO PRAY , SO THEY COULD BE FORGIVEN, AND BE ONE WITH GOD. ! This is why The LORD ’s heart Had to be pierced, to shed blood to forgive the plague in the heart. But HE, AS A MERCIFUL FATHER, paid for yours and ours sin of the heart and WILL PIERCE it by the WORD of GOD, THE SWORD. Heb. 4: 12 ! “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”. In order to pierce your hearts to purify it, The LORD came to reveal the hidden counsels. 1 cor 4:5. Unless this plague is repented, The LORD cannot live in our hearts, nor we could be ATONED and be with Him. ! Why did The LORD said to FAST on the atonement? It is because we can repent of the plague in the heart, so we can be one with Him. ! Until he came the second time to judge , we never knew this plague