The TRUTH of CHRIST converts us to be a CHASTE VIRGIN to Him! Conversion part 3 13th Sep 2018
Why did CHRIST the LORD say HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW? That includes the NEW Covenant as well. What is the sin of Eve? How does it apply to us? Is the wife of CHRIST The LORD a chaste virgin to The Husband? If she was, why does The Husband has to wash her again by water the word? Why Did He tell the last era to buy clothes and gold from Him, The Husband? How could the wife of CHRIST The LORD prepare herself for the marriage? Why does she has to be GRANTED to wear fine linen? Why does the marriage of the LAMB happen ‘after’ the judgments? In this writing, we prove; If the Scripture says we must become NEW IN CHRIST the LORD, then we must become new IN The CREATOR. That is because, The CREATOR Is creating a new garden of Eden and He wants all things to be the same as the first one. He created all things by His SPIRIT, and man brought desolations because of his disobedience to HIS SPIRIT (disobedience to His words which is SPIRIT). It was The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD who created all things FOR HIS pleasure and FOR HIMSELF. But man, because of his lusts and pride, failed to fulfill his duty towards The CREATOR and worshiped GOD the Father, whom the man has made up. Adam and Eve’s sin brought us death. if they could be forgiven, The LORD would have forgiven at that time and will not curse them to death. And from them the sin entered in to us and as a result all the seed of Adam and Eve also are cursed to death. they sinned against the GOD, who is the SPIRIT. So they committed the unpardonable sin which is against the HOLY SPIRIT. And now, making all things new, as it was in the beginning, The CREATOR or CHRIST the LORD must create all things new in HIM. Scripture is all about how The CREATOR, was separated from the man and what HE WOULD DO TO SAVE AND REDEEM him from his own rebellion. So the story of ; from the first garden of Eden which failed unto the NEW garden of Eden which will last for ever is written in the Scripture. That is why all things must be made new in CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR. After converting the wife of CHRIST The LORD, The LORD will be with us for ever, judging righteously. No more curse, death or devil or darkness. How much should we joyfully wait till The LORD makes all things new IN HIM ? from DEATH, The CREATOR once again will redeem the man, purchasing for Himself, by HIS OWN BLOOD and DEATH. Then the man will be HIS ‘PURCHASED’ possession, BORN OF HIS SPIRIT! As you read on, understand, that all men were under the sin of Adam and Eve! Eve’s sin caused her to lose the sincerity in CHRIST, The CREATOR, or the TRUTH OF CHRIST ! What does it mean? That caused the curse of death, which all her seed also inherited. Unless we have that removed, we cannot be ESPOUSED TO The Husband, because the TRUTH OF CHRIST IS NOT IN US, as you will see.!