Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah fulfilled in our times!
The LORD prophesied that Moses and Elijah will come in the end time at the time of The LORD’s transfiguration, to prove that CHRIST THE LORD IS THE SAME GOD OF Elijah or Moses. This understanding will cause all to come out of Spiritual Egypt which they are in as Rev. 11:8 says. Moses was used by GOD, The ROCK to bring the people in to the Promised land, out of Egypt, to be HIS PEOPLE. He was the arm of The LORD. But in this day, Moses’ people have failed to be worshipers of The ROCK and are back in Egypt once again, not having the SPIRIT. So the work of Moses must be done again to bring them back. Elijah proved the true GOD to the people, and that was The LORD OF HOSTS, who Is also The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD. These two will be as two witnesses to prove once again, IT IS THE SAME GOD WHOM THEY SERVED, WHO HAS COME TO DELIVER THE PEOPLE. CHRIST THE LORD, in His transfiguration, PROVED THAT HE WAS THE GOD IN THE Old testament AND OF Elijah or Moses. But it was shown only to three people. Unless all these works are fulfilled, including the transfiguration, the TRUE Holy Mountain, Moses and Elijah’s works, the people would not be gathered to GOD. CHRIST THE LORD IS THE GOD OF Moses and Elijah worshiped. Moses wrote that He is the ‘FATHER’ (Deut. 32:18, Exo 4:22-23) of Israel and Elijah proved He (The LORD OF HOSTS) is the GOD of Israel who sends FIRE. The LORD OF HOSTS is also the FATHER. 2 sam 7:14. But none in the church of GOD worshiped or accepted CHRIST THE LORD as their ‘FATHER or GOD as they had god the father as their GOD. John 8:54. Then, by not doing so, once again they are back to the beginning, fallen BACKWARD, in Egypt. So a type of Moses and Elijah must come and The LORD must show that HE IS THE GOD. The presence of these two spiritual giants in the end time proves they must also FINISH their works. So Moses comes to ACCUSE Israel to show that they have not kept the law, and Elijah comes to bring fire the WORD of GOD now to prove the true GOD! There are two kinds of GOD’s people now. One group worship the same GOD of Moses and Elijah, who is The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD, and the other has god the father as their god. John 8:54.! The latter one will be accused by Moses to the FATHER, and Elijah will bring fire down to burn their hearts so they can turn to the true GOD! The Holy Mountain will teach the true ways of The LORD to make Jerusalem, a city of TRUTH and a faithful city. Unless this event has an end time fulfillment, it would not be in the Scripture!