But you have forgotten that I AM your FATHER! I have raised up the foolish nation as I said and I adopted them and revealed Myself to them! 

(Deut.  32:43, Eph. 1:3-6, 2:12-22, Zeph. 3:9-10, 1  Pet. 2:9-10, Isa. 63:16, Col.1:27 . Those who are in ‘ME’, are the NEW Israel OF GOD”. Gal. 6:16-16). 

On This rock, “I” will build ‘MY’ church !

JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to Apostle Peter, ‘ON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. He says ‘MY’ church. That means HIS OWN BODY, belongs ONLY TO HIM! HIS CHURCH IS THE TRUE CHURCH. CHRIST THE LORD, Known as ‘The ROCK’, followed Israel and they followed Him. There was no other GOD at that time. Israel or Jews, DID NOT BELIEVE NOR RECEIVE HIM when He came the first time, but KILLED HIM. That continued till the Philadelphia era when they became the synagogue of satan and the Laodicean era. Israel, are BROTHERS of CHRIST THE LORD, because they were born unto Abraham. They all had ONE FATHER, Abraham. But CHRIST THE LORD did not build His church by calling His own brothers, But SAID TO “PETER”, ‘He will build HIS church’ in the future? Should not His own be HIS CHURCH? Where is the church of ‘CHRIST THE LORD’ then? When would He build it? In His church, HE MUST BE WORSHIPED, HE BE THE HEAD, HIS NAME SHOULD BE CALLED UPON, AND HE MUST BE GLORIFIED AND EXALTED, PRAISED! No other GOD should be honored in His church. No body has TWO HEADS! If we are HIS TEMPLE, then we must worship Him only. For example:- look at the Buddhists. They do not honor Buddha’s father! They follow Him. Same way, CHRIST THE LORD only should be honored and followed in HIS CHURCH. He gave many clues for us to find HIS OWN TRUE CHURCH WHICH WORSHIPS HIM AND HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM ONLY. If the Laodicea church is Spiritually dead, then The LORD cannot be in it, as HE IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING!  And HE IS THE LIVING GOD. Then, where is the LIVING GOD’s church? Eph. 5: 26-28 says, CHRIST THE LORD will sanctify, and wash the church ‘TO HIMSELF” and not to give to god the father as His own worships. Apostle Paul was a pharisee who worshiped god the father. But CHRIST THE LORD appeared to him and changed his GOD from god the father to HIMSELF. He was chosen to preach Him. The true church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD will be where Apostle Paul established, after his conversion. He gave up the Jewish religion, Jewish fables which turns one away from the truth, and he gave up all what his fathers believed to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Apostle Peter also, was converted and preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD but not to Israel as you will see. This is why CHRIST THE LORD comes again to build the TRUE TABERNACLE, after forgiving, Heb. 8, and that is when the true church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD will be called. All things will be made NEW, in Him. We become NEW CREATURES, in Him. He will not call His church or believers out of the synagogue of satan or the Laodiceans who have rejected Him and His word. Then the LORD cannot live in that body and the ministry becomes evil. If you are ever worried to see the evils happening in the churches of GOD, then you must read this AND PROVE why so. IT IS NOT WHAT MEN WOULD SAY IS WHAT MATTERS, BUT WHAT The LORD SAYS. YOU MUST FEAR GOD AND NOT MEN! Men cannot take you to eternity. ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD WILL, AS HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER! PROVE ALL THINGS. GOD did not want to convert Israel, until the judgment is given to them as they were under the law which needs to be judged and GOD saw their hearts are stiff-necked. Isa. 6, John 12:40, Eze. 12, Acts. 28;26-28 etc. Then where is the true church which CHRIST THE LORD, HIMSELF BUILT?

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All three apostles who witnessed The LORD’s transfiguration wrote letters to GOD’s people. What ever they wrote gives us clues to understand more about how this event would be Spiritually fulfilled when the TIME COMES TO HEAR THE BELOVED SON. Those who did not hear Him, are in graves but will hear His voice out of their graves as The LORD said. Those who are appointed to HEAR HIS VOICE, as John 10 says, the ‘OTHER SHEEP’ who are not of this fold “Jews”, will hear Him and will follow where ever He goes. All things are prophesied and written to be fulfilled. This event will be fulfilled when all seven eras are fallen, for not hearing THE SON, because that is the time, they are in graves being Spiritually dead, in the Laodicea era.  Apostle Peter wrote in his letters about the transfiguration. That letter gives us understanding more about this event. Luke 20:37 says the dead are raised up when they call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Then, there has to be a connection between hearing the VOICE OF THE SON and coming out of graves and calling upon the GOD of the fathers. It was always THE SON who did lead Israel out of Egypt and who appeared to all in many names such as THE ALMIGHTY, Rev. 1:8, The Most High etc. Then, Mr Flurry preached the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. That is THE SON. Then how did the god the father become the GOD of the ‘new’ testament? This teaching caused us to NOT HEAR THE SON. If we have heard THE SON in the first place, no one would be in graves! Therefore, if the Scripture and the VOICE says to HEAR THE SON, then we must hear Him. Besides to all seven eras, it was JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said ‘hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches”. But it was CHRIST THE LORD WHO SPOKE. His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Even in the Old testament, the SPIRIT was given by The ROCK, 1 Cor.10:3-4, and Isa. 63:11. Therefore, by exalting god the father when he was NOT THE GOD OF THE Old testament, nor the fathers have made a Covenant with, the Jews once again rejected their god, KING AND EVERLASTING FATHER ! GOD said He will bring all to the mountain where HE IS. That mountain is where we must HEAR THE SON! So Moses’ and Elijah’s works are done to the people in this mountain, so they can hear THE SON!

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King David’s prophecy about Sons of GOD and sons of belial and the Tabernacle of David

In king David’s last words, he prophesied what would happen to HIS HOUSE, the Tabernacle of David. He also prophesied about the sons of GOD and sons of devil and the Tabernacle of David will fall. Why would it fall and how would it be built again? Who is the GOD WHOM KING DAVID did SERVE? Do you serve the same GOD of king David? The prophecies of king David, we have never heard before. !

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Transfiguration; Elijah & Moses part 2 ; Hear the voice of THE SON!

Transfiguration proves the true GOD, Whom we should HEAR as the voice said :“THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR HIM”.Then Moses HEARD and was faithful to Him, THE SON. Heb. 3:1-6. Elijah also proved The Son is the true GOD. Therefore, this voice comes to those who HAVE NOT HEARD HIS VOICE. Have you gone to Him to hear HIS WORDS? The AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION and of FAITH is CHRIST THE LORD. HE REDEEMS and SAVES US TO HIMSELF. 2 sam 7:23, Titus 2:14, Eph.5: 26-27, Rom. 14:7-8, Eph. 1:5 etc. He created all things by HIMSELF AND TO HIMSELF. Rev 4:11. Not hearing Him, all died Spiritually during the Laodicea era. but from their graves, finally, they will hear HIS VOICE. John 5:28. Then, this HOUR when all the dead will hear His voice is the hour when Elijah or Moses’s work is being done to PREACH TO HEAR HIM! Mal. 4 talks about Horeb, and Elijah coming to remember the law and to turn the hearts to the FATHER to sons and sons’ hearts to the FATHER. The law given in Horeb proves no one worshiped The GOD who gave it, The ROCK, or THE SON. Before the Marriage Covenant was made, The ROCK WAS THE FATHER of Israel. Exo 4:22-23, Deut. 32:18. No one in Israel heard the SON. The LORD prepared a remnant to fear, glorify and sanctify and be with Him; and in their time, those who erred in SPIRIT, will come to understanding. Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23-24. They are in the Holy Mountain. THE SON’s WORDS WHICH IS SPIRIT WILL JUDGE ALL, giving life. John 6:63,12:48. THE SON sets all free by His words the truth. John 8:32-36. His words are SPIRIT and life which is the Living Waters. Then, when the Living Waters will flow, ALL WILL KNOW THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD! Zech. 14.7-9. This writing further proves the Holy Mountain, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the work of Elijah or Moses is being fulfilled!

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Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah fulfilled in our times!


The LORD prophesied that Moses and Elijah will come in the end time at the time of The LORD’s transfiguration, to prove that CHRIST THE LORD IS THE SAME GOD OF Elijah or Moses. This understanding will cause all to come out of Spiritual Egypt which they are in as Rev. 11:8 says. Moses was used by GOD, The ROCK to bring the people in to the Promised land, out of Egypt, to be HIS PEOPLE. He was the arm of The LORD. But in this day, Moses’ people have failed to be worshipers of The ROCK and are back in Egypt once again, not having the SPIRIT. So the work of Moses must be done again to bring them back. Elijah proved the true GOD to the people, and that was The LORD OF HOSTS, who Is also The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD. These two will be as two witnesses to prove once again, IT IS THE SAME GOD WHOM THEY SERVED, WHO HAS COME TO DELIVER THE PEOPLE. CHRIST THE LORD, in His transfiguration, PROVED THAT HE WAS THE GOD IN THE Old testament AND OF Elijah or Moses. But it was shown only to three people. Unless all these works are fulfilled, including the transfiguration, the TRUE Holy Mountain, Moses and Elijah’s works, the people would not be gathered to GOD. CHRIST THE LORD IS THE GOD OF Moses and Elijah worshiped. Moses wrote that He is the ‘FATHER’ (Deut. 32:18, Exo 4:22-23) of Israel and Elijah proved He (The LORD OF HOSTS) is the GOD of Israel who sends FIRE. The LORD OF HOSTS is also the FATHER. 2 sam 7:14. But none in the church of GOD worshiped or accepted CHRIST THE LORD as their ‘FATHER or GOD as they had god the father as their GOD. John 8:54. Then, by not doing so, once again they are back to the beginning, fallen BACKWARD, in Egypt. So a type of Moses and Elijah must come and The LORD must show that HE IS THE GOD. The presence of these two spiritual giants in the end time proves they must also FINISH their works. So Moses comes to ACCUSE Israel to show that they have not kept the law, and Elijah comes to bring fire the WORD of GOD now to prove the true GOD! There are two kinds of GOD’s people now. One group worship the same GOD of Moses and Elijah, who is The ROCK or The LORD OF HOSTS or CHRIST THE LORD, and the other has god the father as their god. John 8:54.! The latter one will be accused by Moses to the FATHER, and Elijah will bring fire down to burn their hearts so they can turn to the true GOD! The Holy Mountain will teach the true ways of The LORD to make Jerusalem, a city of TRUTH and a faithful city. Unless this event has an end time fulfillment, it would not be in the Scripture!

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Song of Moses


‘The Song of Moses’ is to ‘testify against Israel”, or the church, the wife of CHRIST The LORD , or whoever became the SONS OF The ROCK and who made a “marriage” covenant with God but failed to keep it. Who in this end-time had this covenant with God? Who were His ‘SONS? Certainly “not” physical Israel, or churches who left God years ago, nor the Catholic church as none other than the wife of CHRIST The LORD who entered in to the Marriage Covenant. Unbelievable but true, GOD Has appointed others to testify against the Covenant breakers. This must happen after the final falling away from the truth! Then Deut. 32:43 says, gentiles who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE, become His people. Therefore, it is the gentiles, during the Times of Gentiles, on the day of THE LORD, as a part of GOD’s wrath, raised up as the foolish nation, Deut. 32, who would sing this as it is they who will see her judgments. (Deut. 32:43, 28:43-44, Eze. 39:21-23 ,Eze. 16:40 and more). All things written, must be fulfilled DURING THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE, which is now, as all the Covenants are broken. Remember the stone of destiny? It is replaced! The LORD OF HOSTS made a Covenant with king David about the kingdom. That Covenant is for The LORD OF HOSTS to be a FATHER TO THE KINGS WHO SIT ON THE THRONE OF KING DAVID. That means between the FATHER and sons. 2 sam 7: 14 and more. “I will be his FATHER, and he shall be MY SON.”. That means as The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, He will be a FATHER to king David and he will call The LORD OF HOSTS, my FATHER. Psa. 89:26. The wife of CHRIST The LORD did not call Him my FATHER, but will when she is ready to return to The Husband, she will (Jer. 3:19-20) As a judgment, in Rev. 15:3, this song is to be sung. the WORD of GOD is Living. This song was not sung to ancient Israel, but IN JUDGMENT. Remember Marriage Covenant means only between The Husband and the wife. If one of them had others, then that Covenant is broken and the one who did so is a harlot. There cannot be The Husband’s FATHER involved in that marriage. Even physically, the wife cannot go to The Husband’s father to get anything. Both man and the woman is to leave their father and mother and cleave in to one. But the wife of CHRIST The LORD, not focusing on The Husband, went passing to god the father as the HEAD, when The Husband says The Husband is the HEAD of the wife and the family. Ministers are the wife of CHRIST The LORD. They pound on the wives to submit to husbands, but THEY UTTERLY FAILED TO SUBMIT TO THEIR OWN HUSBAND, The ROCK, OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO ENTERED IN TO THE Marriage Covenant with them. That is the time, this song is sung, to TESTIFY AGAINST THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD IN Rev. 15: 3. But remember the judgments are only spiritual, as The Husband Has paid each and every penalty to redeem and save the wife. He will reveal her heart and hidden counsels, 1 Cor. 4:5, and HE gave her to satan, so her spirit could be saved, on the day of THE LORD. 1 Cor. 5:5. Laodicea era is that time, her judgment. The Husband MADE HER BLIND, so she had other gods, and she is not ashamed of that, because The Husband sent strong delusion to believe the lie she wanted to believe as THE TRUTH AND THE RIGHT THING. Then, she broke all the Covenants, shamefully preached against The Husband, saying ‘go pass Him; do not focus on Him” etc and did AGAINST HIS WORD! He Is a Jealous Husband. He prophesied; in His jealousy HE TOO WILL PROVOKE HER TO JEALOUSY BY RAISING UP A FOOLISH NATION. That is the nation who is appointed to this song!

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“I AM” THAT “I AM” ; The Holy Mountain of “I AM” ! Sign that “I AM” is with us!

Why did GOD say His name is ‘ I AM THAT I AM”, to Moses? Moses is to tell the leaders in Israel, that is GOD’s name. Scripture tells us there are over 300 names of GOD. But why did HE TELL ‘ I AM’, is My name? Please read the ‘Marriage Covenant’ also. The ‘MARRIAGE’ Covenant means there cannot be THREE in a marriage, but two. One man and one woman. There cannot be any other in that Covenant. so Israel’s Covenant is a Marriage Covenant means it should only be between The Husband, who is The ROCK, The CREATOR, and His wife, Israel. Same way, when GOD said His name is ‘ I AM”, that means THERE CANNOT BE ANOTHER! It is ONLY ONE GOD. Israel’s GOD should be this ONE GOD WHO SAID "I AM" ! He did not say ‘WE ARE’ but ‘ I AM”! He knew that His wife, Israel will have other gods than "I AM" (John 8:54, Mal. 2:10-11). In Heb. 8:9 alone GOD says, they will break the Covenant. That is the time, when the new Covenant is to be made, all will know HIM, that I AM is their only GOD. The new Covenant will not be made with The Husband and His FATHER! But she will know The Husband is ALSO the FATHER. Jer. 3:19-20. “Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in My covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.” For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; (G2962)I will put MY LAWS into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be TO ME a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know ME, from the least to the greatest.”. So the Covenant which I AM made with Israel, was broken in our days as the wife worshiped TWO GODS and debasing The Husband, or "I AM" GOD. They made I AM GOD in to TWO gods, and went passing THE I AM GOD to the other and are not saved yet. So naturally, the Marriage Covenant must be broken as there is no place for a third person in a MARRIAGE! Same way, when Israel made the Covenant with I AM GOD, and as they have other gods and made them ‘WE ARE’, the Covenant is broken. Which GOD did give the law? It is that GOD who alone entered in to the Covenant. THAT IS I AM! GOD will forgive and Thereafter no DECEIVING LEADERS to take the people AWAY FROM I AM, and all will know Him! ‘ I AM’ has many meanings. When you say I am, it means ONLY you. "I AM" gave a SIGN for us to know if we have truly come out of Egypt and are worshiping Him. See if you have that sign!  

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Spiritually dead must Call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob TO BE RAISED up. Luke 20:37.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD said The dead will be raised when they call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as Moses spoke about. “Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. “. WHO IS THIS GOD, of these fathers? Which GOD did Moses showed? If you want to be raised up, YOU SHOULD CALL ON this GOD. No other GOD can raise you up! And if you have NOT CALLED ON HIM, THEN YOU ARE DEAD! If you have already called on Him, you know you are raised up AND YOU ARE LIVING, BECAUSE HE IS THE GOD OF ‘LIVING’ AND NOT DEAD! Then, when this knowledge is UNDERSTOOD, they must call on His name, and they will be raised up! Which GOD did Moses show to worship? Which GOD is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ’s GOD? If you have called on this GOD of the fathers, then you are raised up. If not, you are dead. It is that serious and easy to understand and judge yourselves to see if you are alive or dead! The teaching in the churches of GOD about GODHEAD is that there are TWO PERSONAGES, called god the father and The SON JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Out of these TWO GODS, WHICH GOD IS THE GOD OF THESE FATHERS and Moses showed? Unless you call on this GOD of the fathers, you cannot be RAISED UP! This is why The harvest is past, and NO ONE IS SAVED Jer. 8:19-20. Perhaps they may have called on the WRONG GOD, and NOT the GOD of these fathers, to be alive! We will prove in this writing that the church of GOD which is called the Body of CHRIST, never worshiped the true GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or the GOD whom Moses showed, who is THE ALMIGHTY, The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD.! GOD appeared to Moses, JUST BEFORE DELIVERING THE PEOPLE FROM Egypt and their gods and idols. Even now, once again, Spiritually, they are in Egypt, Rev. 11:8, not having the SPIRIT of the same GOD. Then it is the same GOD, who would come again a second time to give the spiritual meat and drink. So He is prophesied to come again a SECOND TIME to deliver them from spiritual Egypt once again. Two facts are given in this Scripture to prove the true GOD, to call on Him, so all can be raised up. PROVE ALL THINGS! The promises GOD made to Abraham and JACOB, with the dream to bring all to the House of GOD, to the Gate of HEAVEN, which means to raise them up, must be fulfilled. Then, the House of GOD must have it’s foundations laid in order to fulfill the dream of JACOB, to bring him to BETHEL once again! Has your church leader taught you to call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses? You will be surprised to learn the GOD of these fathers is The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY, who IS THE Living GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD!

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Why the Covenant; a ‘MARRIAGE” Covenant.? The Husband uncovers the sin of the wife before GRANTING white linen !

Remember GOD is a SPIRIT. Unless the wife also be borne by the SPIRIT, and compatible, made in the image of GOD, there can’t be a marriage. IT MUST BE A SACRED, HOLY UNION BETWEEN SAME (SPIRIT) KIND OF A MALE AND A FEMALE. ‘MARRIAGE’ means ONLY TWO PEOPLE’S Covenant and commitment. Disobedience to GOD’s words made man flesh and blood which cannot know the mystery of The SON. So GOD did not give His SPIRIT for the man to become SPIRIT or compatible and he lost the image of GOD. The NEW Covenant will BE MADE BETWEEN GOD WHO IS THE SPIRIT AND the woman taken out of MAN (Jesus) WHO WILL BE BORN AS SPIRIT, by The Husband’s WORDS. Laodicea era is Spiritually dead means she does not have the SPIRIT or the white linen and failed to be born of GOD and His SPIRIT. Then how can she enter in to a Covenant, with GOD who is a SPIRIT? Her nakedness must be covered first by Granting white linen. That means raising her up from death to the spiritual life! So the sin of the wife MUST BE REVEALED, JUDGED AND PAID FIRST, for white linen to be given! Her sin is that she did not know her LORD is ‘ONE’ and it is The Husband WHO GIVES THE SPIRITUAL CLOTHES TO HER and it is HIS WORDS which is the SPIRIT and was DISOBEDIENT to Him as she went after a newly come up GOD, calling god the father, not knowing The Husband is the FATHER! She could not fulfill the whole duty of the wife. The HOLY SPIRIT which comes from The Husband, (The ROCK) is what gives the covering. Isa. 30:1. Adam too rejected the voice or the words or The CREATOR which gives the white linen! A ‘MARRIAGE’ Covenant is ONLY BETWEEN ONE MALE AND ONE FEMALE and not with their fathers. Could Husband’s father give white linen according to Scripture? Therefore, as she went after other gods, She had to be judged and see her nakedness, without the white linen. That is why in Rev. 19, after her judgment, The LORD will grant her to wear fine linen for the marriage. The wife thinks the Catholic church is the harlot. But she never had a “Marriage” Covenant with CHRIST THE LORD. Why was this Covenant a ‘MARRIAGE’ Covenant? Also the beasts in the book of Revelation are WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. Psa. 49:20 “man understand not, a beast”. So the wife became a beast! Could GOD who has the image of GOD in Him enter in to a Covenant with a beast? So she has to be converted once again to the image of GOD, to prepare her for the new Covenant. So The Husband uncovers the sin of the wife, so she can cover herself with white linen! The wife should know that The Husband is also her ‘FATHER’, in order to return to Him, which means ONE GOD! Jer. 3:19-20. The Husband, is the GOD who is the SPIRIT.2 Cor. 3:17, and His words are SPIRIT and life. John 6:63. Then the wife must join to The LORD to become a SPIRIT. His SPIRIT created all things. He wants all to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. He wants a wife who also is born of SPIRIT so she could live forever with Him.!

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Who are  ‘MY PEOPLE”, and “HER”? What is this WARFARE? There is a time for Jerusalem to have war, and also TO END IT. The judgments will be turned off, and the rebuke will be removed. The curses will be no more with the devil and the death. Because all things are spiritual, done by the WORD of GOD, the Spiritually BLIND church cannot see her own warfare. At the end of the Philadelphia era, the synagogue of satan started to make war with JESUS CHRIST the LORD AS THEY DENIED HIM.  That means she will DIE as denying The LORD means deny life that is in Him. GOD is trying to establish the second Covenant, which is the TRUE TABERNACLE by forgiving. Heb. 8. So there is a time to break the Covenant as well as to establish the SECOND Covenant. GOD says, He will not be angry for ever! He did not create mankind to destroy. That is why CHRIST THE LORD comes the SECOND time to REDEEM. He comes to JUDGE and ESTABLISH. THAT IS THE TIME AS Heb. 8 SAYS, THE SIN WILL BE FORGIVEN AND THE TRUE TABERNACLE WILL BE PITCHED, BY The LORD, HIMSELF. AT THAT TIME, ALL WILL KNOW HIM. Thereafter no need to teach about Him. First, He gives the truth to judge and the same truth will establish all. That truth gives light to all, to understand the INIQUITY, so we can admit, acknowledge, repent and believe Him, which makes peace between GOD and man. The day of THE LORD is to reveal the hidden counsel of the hearts, so the hearts may be purified in order, so GOD can live in our hearts. HIS SPIRIT IS GIVEN TO THE HEARTS. This is why the hearts must be purified. The day of THE LORD is to AVENGE all disobedience, but to accept all. So there was a time to make war, and then there is a time GOD will send comfort to those who are beaten. And as the first time The LORD said, He will bear you on eagle’s wings.

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