On This rock, “I” will build ‘MY’ church !
JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to Apostle Peter, ‘ON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. He says ‘MY’ church. That means HIS OWN BODY, belongs ONLY TO HIM! HIS CHURCH IS THE TRUE CHURCH. CHRIST THE LORD, Known as ‘The ROCK’, followed Israel and they followed Him. There was no other GOD at that time. Israel or Jews, DID NOT BELIEVE NOR RECEIVE HIM when He came the first time, but KILLED HIM. That continued till the Philadelphia era when they became the synagogue of satan and the Laodicean era. Israel, are BROTHERS of CHRIST THE LORD, because they were born unto Abraham. They all had ONE FATHER, Abraham. But CHRIST THE LORD did not build His church by calling His own brothers, But SAID TO “PETER”, ‘He will build HIS church’ in the future? Should not His own be HIS CHURCH? Where is the church of ‘CHRIST THE LORD’ then? When would He build it? In His church, HE MUST BE WORSHIPED, HE BE THE HEAD, HIS NAME SHOULD BE CALLED UPON, AND HE MUST BE GLORIFIED AND EXALTED, PRAISED! No other GOD should be honored in His church. No body has TWO HEADS! If we are HIS TEMPLE, then we must worship Him only. For example:- look at the Buddhists. They do not honor Buddha’s father! They follow Him. Same way, CHRIST THE LORD only should be honored and followed in HIS CHURCH. He gave many clues for us to find HIS OWN TRUE CHURCH WHICH WORSHIPS HIM AND HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM ONLY. If the Laodicea church is Spiritually dead, then The LORD cannot be in it, as HE IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING! And HE IS THE LIVING GOD. Then, where is the LIVING GOD’s church? Eph. 5: 26-28 says, CHRIST THE LORD will sanctify, and wash the church ‘TO HIMSELF” and not to give to god the father as His own worships. Apostle Paul was a pharisee who worshiped god the father. But CHRIST THE LORD appeared to him and changed his GOD from god the father to HIMSELF. He was chosen to preach Him. The true church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD will be where Apostle Paul established, after his conversion. He gave up the Jewish religion, Jewish fables which turns one away from the truth, and he gave up all what his fathers believed to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Apostle Peter also, was converted and preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD but not to Israel as you will see. This is why CHRIST THE LORD comes again to build the TRUE TABERNACLE, after forgiving, Heb. 8, and that is when the true church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD will be called. All things will be made NEW, in Him. We become NEW CREATURES, in Him. He will not call His church or believers out of the synagogue of satan or the Laodiceans who have rejected Him and His word. Then the LORD cannot live in that body and the ministry becomes evil. If you are ever worried to see the evils happening in the churches of GOD, then you must read this AND PROVE why so. IT IS NOT WHAT MEN WOULD SAY IS WHAT MATTERS, BUT WHAT The LORD SAYS. YOU MUST FEAR GOD AND NOT MEN! Men cannot take you to eternity. ONLY JESUS CHRIST the LORD WILL, AS HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER! PROVE ALL THINGS. GOD did not want to convert Israel, until the judgment is given to them as they were under the law which needs to be judged and GOD saw their hearts are stiff-necked. Isa. 6, John 12:40, Eze. 12, Acts. 28;26-28 etc. Then where is the true church which CHRIST THE LORD, HIMSELF BUILT?