THE LORD comes as The COMFORTER, the Spirit and Truth, and HOLY SPIRIT to save all flesh but destroy the wickedness as in the days of Noah . Part 12
for the fast of the 4th month. 9th July 24
To destroy the wickedness and to SAVE all flesh as promised, THE LORD must come a second time. Therefore He comes as the Spirit and Truth, ( Joh. 14- 16) The COMFORTER, and the HOLY SPIRIT, BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE . Remember the last era is DEAD SPIRITUALLY as all are fallen away from the TRUTH, and just as in the days of Noah all died spiritually, except those who found grace before THE LORD, who are sanctified to be spared. That is why He comes as the HOLY SPIRIT to give His SPIRIT, so all can live once again. Then, as The COMFORTER? The COMFORTER means the father as you will see if not already in our previous writings. And He comes to reveal the FATHER as promised in Joh. 16: 25, which He says ‘IN THAT DAY’ because without the true FATHER, who gives us Everlasting life, we cannot have Everlasting life. And why do we need the Spirit and Truth ? Because we never had the Spirit and Truth to worship the true FATHER as He seeks such to worship Him in mountain, and in Jerusalem. Joh. 4. In order to fulfil His promise to save all flesh, THE LORD had to come and fulfil all what the ministry failed to do and to reveal the truth, SO HE CAN SET US FREE from lies ! Unless by HIS GRACE, HE GIVES THE TRUTH and HIS SPIRIT to all ‘FLESH’, we will never be born of GOD. ( flesh means those who are spiritually dead, not being able to receive the HOLY SPIRIT ). And as HWA taught, the HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE POWER OF GOD. The FATHER’s SPIRIT will give us the image of GOD. In order to help and serve Him when He comes to receive Him, He had prepared or predestinated a few and brought them to HIMSELF AND TO THE Holy Mountain, FIRST, so they could be saved as Noah, By HIS GRACE, and are made righteous before Him. They are the NEW HEBREWS, or Jews, converted by Circumcision IN THE HEART, who worship the true FATHER and GOD. To us, The SPIRIT, means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words. Joh. 6: 63. As HE IS OUTSIDE the door of the last era, HE HAS BLINDED THEM TO NOT TO KNOW HIM AND HIS WORDS to end all things. They could not be born of GOD as they rejected Him as the true EVERLASTING FATHER. Therefore He comes revealing that HE IS THE FATHER and to gather all to Him. In other words, the EVERLASTING FATHER comes so we could have the true FATHER to receive Everlasting life, and that is a comfort to us all, and He will give His SPIRIT and reveal the TRUTH to set all free so all can appear before Him in the Holy Mountain. Could we be born without the true EVERLASTING FATHER ? Heb. 9: 14 shows only JESUS CHRIST THE LORD has the ‘ETERNAL’ SPIRIT in His blood to give us Everlasting life. ! Therefore, as Isa. 9: 6 says, HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER AS WELL AS THE SON ! The SPIRIT and the BODY of ONE GOD ! As promised by THE LORD, before He died, HE HAS COME AS THE Spirit and Truth, and He Has become our EVERLASTING FATHER and HE HAS GIVEN US HIS SPIRIT ! Just before THE LORD died , He gave us the most important instructions about His SECOND coming as the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, and The COMFORTER or the FATHER in the end time. As promised, HE HAS COME and this writing is to prove that HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISE.