But you have forgotten that I AM your FATHER! I have raised up the foolish nation as I said and I adopted them and revealed Myself to them! 

(Deut.  32:43, Eph. 1:3-6, 2:12-22, Zeph. 3:9-10, 1  Pet. 2:9-10, Isa. 63:16, Col.1:27 . Those who are in ‘ME’, are the NEW Israel OF GOD”. Gal. 6:16-16). 

White throne part 4 – The SEED which The LORD OF HOSTS Has BLESSED.

White throne part 4 – The SEED which The LORD OF HOSTS Has BLESSED.  

Feb 3 2025

This is a continuation of the part 3. We continue to prove that The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. And His seed which He blessed is the gentiles, who received His grace and mercy. All appointments are preplanned by GOD  thousands of years ago and all things which The LORD would do, is written down so no man can change. In the White throne, when the sin is revealed, all will know that they have been sons of the devil, because of the lies which we inherited with the lusts and pride from Adam and Eve. This part also will prove from the word, who is the blessed seed and why they are called the ‘blessed seed’. The sons of GOD  and the sons of devil are manifested. The head of the serpent will be bruised by the seed of the woman. Remember the two Covenants.  One for Ishmael, and the other for Isaac. And Isaac’s Covenant was the law, which has conditions on those who are under it, and they must die without grace. But the gentiles, who are not under that Covenant, could be freely forgiven by The LORD, by HIS GRACE and raise them up first. ‘Abram’ to ‘Abraham’, and ‘Jacob’ to ‘Israel of GOD ’.

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White throne 3 -The LORD OF SABAOTH and HIS hosts; THE SEED, The sign and The wonder in Israel . Pt 1

White throne 3 The LORD OF SABAOTH  and HIS hosts; THE SEED, The sign and The wonder in Israel . Pt 1

27 Jan 2025


First of all, we must learn who is THE LORD OF SABAOTH is because it is He who is the GOD of Israel as proven below. This is not The LORD of Sabbath, but THE LORD OF ‘SABAOTH’, which means The LORD of the ‘hosts’. and Apostle Paul said, THE LORD OF SABAOTH has left us a seed and if not, we will be as Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed totally. This seed is the people who host The LORD or HIS OFFSPRING and He is their FATHER. They fear The LORD OF HOSTS when GOD  condemns the priesthood for not doing so. Prophet Malachi said the priesthood did not fear The LORD OF HOSTS as the ‘FATHER’. Mal. 1: 6. That is not god the father as the leaders taught. This , we must prove from the Scripture.  If the leaders teaches against the Scripture, we must not believe them to be deceived. But all worship and fear god the father. Then why does the Scripture condemns the priesthood of not fearing Him?  Is god the father, the true father according to  Scripture? And it is same now as well, because The LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as we shall prove in this writing. The whole volume of books talks about ONE GOD . Ancient Israel, were the hosts of The LORD. And it is the same GOD , who is The LORD OF HOSTS or THE LORD OF SABAOTH, Who left this remnant to serve Him as His hosts in the New Testament, in Rom. 9. This writing will prove from the word that The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD  of Israel and also Israel’s FATHER. (Mal. 1: 6). But, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD  , The Husband. When you learn this truth, you will return to The Husband, calling Him ‘FATHER’. Jer. 3: 19-20. But except the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, all have worshiped false gods such as god the father because even if there is a god the father, that is not THE LORD OF SABAOTH nor the GOD  of Israel. We must be the hosts of this ONE GOD  who was The LORD who brought Israel out of Egypt to be His own. Therefore, it is the seed which THE LORD OF SABAOTH left, who will be used by Him to witness about Him and to preach Him to those who have not worshiped Him and failed to fear Him and be gathered to Him. Therefore, THIS WRITING PROVES, THAT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS The LORD OF HOSTS and He is The Husband as well as the FATHER. !

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White throne part 2- Who are CONVICTED as sinners?


White throne part 2– Who are CONVICTED as sinners?

19 dec 2024.

This part will continue to write the fulfilled Scriptures during the Laodicea era’s blindness, on the Day of THE LORD, when The LORD came to gentiles and took a people to Himself and how the times of gentiles or the Day of THE LORD is fulfilled. Especially what The LORD taught as He said in Isa.  54: 13, which brings peace to the world. What is peace? Though the judgment to mankind is Eternal death, The LORD poured His blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT to pay for our death and will forgive and give EVERLASTING LIFE to us. Therefore, we do not have to go through physical penalties or the Eternal death as The LORD, Himself had paid. Therefore, in the White throne, The LORD forgives and saves all and give life, but revealing our sin. If the mankind is condemned to die once spiritually, Heb. 9: 27, and that is the Spiritual death in the last era, how could they see and know their own judgment is the Spiritual death? THEY ARE BLIND TO THE SPIRIT which is the word of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . joh 6: 63. That means on the day of judgment, they cannot understand until all things are fulfilled and opened in the White throne. Dead, know nothing. GOD , is the GOD  of the living. But at the White throne, The LORD will open their understanding to know why and how they went to sleep, and how The LORD came and raised up the gentiles by HIS GRACE, and by the same grace and mercy shown to gentiles, The LORD will show same to Israel as well and would raise them up. When Israel is raised up, they will see that The LORD’s judgment is past, and they are forgiven and would live. That is the beauty of The LORD’s counsel for mankind. If He would not cause man to live, He would not have created. Though man is appointed to die, The LORD, Himself paid HIS RIGHTEOUS BLOOD, which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT,  as the redemption price so all can live. Why are we called ‘sinners’? Adam’s sin is revealed, judged and corrected in the White throne. To correct that sin, the day of judgment was appointed. The LORD said I came to the world to judgment and to make Israel, blind. In Adam, all are made sinners. Then in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , at the White throne, all will be made alive. If in ONE MAN, all are made sinners, then in ONE MAN , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , ALL WILL BE MADE ALIVE !

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White Throne Judgment

White Throne Judgment

21st Nov 2024

(This writing was written in 2012. We have added more. )What does it mean ‘white’? The main purpose of the White Throne is to open the way to the Tree of Life. And The LORD will give Revelation to know why HE CUT OFF THE TREE OF LIFE. Acts 17:30-31 says GOD will judge IN RIGHTEOUSNESS and when judged, He wants all to repent. The throne is established in righteousness, mercy, and truth. (Psa 97:2, Pro 16:12, 25:5, Isa 16:5, Heb 1:8). Then, all can be created ‘in’ CHRIST and become new and be built in the image of GOD and could wear fine linen of RIGHTEOUSNESS because HE IS THE RIGHTEOUS. Then righteousness comes from Him. The light will prove why the man kind failed to eat from the Tree of Life, why it had to be cut off, and what was the judgment for that, and why would GOD once again offer it and how one could eat from it again etc. We shall prove that the White Throne judgment is to give light (Hos 6:5) or revelation about the sin, death, sea, night , etc. White Throne will REMOVE FLESH and make everyone to BE BORN OF Spirit. Then all can build the IMAGE OF GOD. Then, The failure of the garden of Eden will be corrected. Why would GOD call ALREADY dead ones, once again out of their graves, causing them to hear the voice of The SON ? Is it just to judge  and put in a fire? All the following events will be revealed ; “The judgments and the prophesied day of Visitation; which is when GOD visits the sins, and days of vengeance ;to take vengeance from those who exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD, which is also the year of acceptance, and Times of Refreshing to; BREATH upon all (to pour out His Spirit on all flesh). In the White Throne, The flaming sword will  be removed for the Tree of Life to be offered. Zep 3: 15 says the judgments will be TURNED OFF. Isa 26:9 says ‘when judgments are on the earth, they will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS”. Even though the judgment is to burn in the bottomless pit, which ALL HUMANS are worthy of, because of GOD’s mercy and grace, He will give life to all. It is CHRIST’s words which will judge all in the last day. To do that, all the words had to be fulfilled and revealed before. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not MY words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” JOh 12: 48. White Throne will teach us HOW TO LIVE BY EVERY Word OF GOD. More importantly, that is when all will BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and will not deny Him and His words . This is why the books are OPENED. That is the Bible. The words of GOD is fire. And that is the lake of fire, where the OPENED words of GOD are stored. The Word of GOD also will be able to pierce the souls even to the bones. ( heb 4:12). CHRIST said ‘all things written must be fulfilled during the “DAYS OF VENGEANCE”. (Luk. 21:22) Mat. 23: 36 CHRIST said, the last generation will see all things fulfilled. Mat. 24: 34 ;CHRIST said the generation which see the signs of end times will see all things fulfilled. Then, that includes the White Throne as well, as it is written!!!

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As in the days of Noah The SON OF MAN comes AS THE POTTER to destroy but to build and to replant. Part 14

As in the days of Noah The SON OF MAN comes AS THE POTTER to destroy but to build and to replant. Part 14 for the Feasts

1st.oct 2024


In Jeremiah 18, THE LORD gave us the knowledge of Him as THE POTTER, and how He will cause the House of Israel  to be marred, and how He will make another. THE POTTER, as we know is The CREATOR, (JESUS CHRIST THE LORD)  And Scripture says THE POTTER is the FATHER. (Isa. 64:8) That means The CREATOR is the FATHER. And the House of Israel ( under HWA and GF being high priests) never acknowledged Him as the FATHER and taught against HIm. Knowing that they would do so, THE LORD said that He will cause them to be marred and make another. In other words He will destroy those who did not believe and receive Him as the FATHER, but build up those who received and believed Him as the FATHER. ‘O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in Mine hand,.’. and it is done now.  ‘Lam 4:2  The precious sons of Zion are weighed against pure gold; how they are counted as EARTHEN VESSELS, THE WORK OF A POTTER'S HAND! ‘.  Since this marring is Spiritual, the spiritually blind cannot see that they are marred in their FATHER’s hands now, but soon they will. GOD allowed them to be blind, until HE MAKES THE OTHER. THE LORD clearly talks about the House of Israel. And the GOD of Israel, is THE ROCK or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, even as King David said in 2 sam 23, in his last words. and King David prophesied that his house or the Tabernacle of David will fall totally, and Israel will show their back always to GOD and the ministry will be thorns. (more in part 3, and 13. Please read, link below.  ). Because none in Israel worshiped their GOD, who is THE ROCK or CHRIST OUR LORD , and went after god the father. That is the lie which the House of Israel inherited which aroused GOD’s wrath. And GOD knew Israel will be stiff-necked from the beginning , and they need to be judged and corrected. Since the last era is spiritually blind, their judgment is to not see nor understand until they spiritually die as appointed all to die once. Heb.  9: 27. And that is how THE LORD caused the House of Israel to be marred in His hands as clay. And ‘clay’ means dust. And dust means lies. As Adam’s sin is being avenged now, THE LORD caused the House of Israel to inherit lies, to be in dust until they are wakened up. But at the same time, THE LORD will make others to be raised up from dust and make them perfect who are to believe and receive Him naturally. They are the other. Remember the two  Covenants; the first is by PROMISE. (no works but by grace and faith upon believing in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD) and the other by the law, if any one can keep to be righteous before Him, which is impossible. Therefore those who are under the law are to be marred in His hands and those who received grace as Noah, are to be another. None of these Scriptures will be understood by the church, the ministry, until their eyes opened to the Scripture or to the books at the White Throne judgment. GOD wants to destroy all spiritually, and then He will redeem all at once and that is why He promised to remove the curses and make ALL THINGS NEW, in Him. Since one ministry is marred in His hands, He raised up another to do HIS SERVICE of preaching Him, to glorify His name, as Israel never preached Him but god the father. That is the lie which killed all as GOD’s will is to destroy all by lies. (dust means lies). This is why THE LORD comes as the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, The COMFORTER, giving life to all at the end of the age. Therefore as in the days of Noah, THE SON of Man comes to destroy the wicked and to save those who found grace before Him, and made all ‘flesh’. But He promises to save all flesh.

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As in the days of Noah THE SON comes ; to be a FATHER to the fatherless! Part 13

As in the days of Noah THE SON comes ; to be a FATHER to the fatherless! Part 13

18th sept 2024


The following writing was originally written in 2006. We have edited it and new additions will be in brackets like this {{{…..}}}.


Poor, Fatherless, Strangers and Widows – 14th May 2006.



{{{ GOD says He will be a FATHER to the fatherless. He has given laws to Israel to not to afflict the strangers, fatherless but to judge their cause. If they do not do so, THE LORD will destroy them and make them fatherless. Israel, always had GOD as the FATHER. And Eph. 2 :12-13 says, gentiles had no GOD, no Covenants and no hope that means no Husband or GOD as the FATHER. When the Scripture talks about fatherless, it refers mainly to the gentiles as you will see. And in this writing we prove that THE LORD comes the second time to be a FATHER to the fatherless. As Lamentations says, GOD made Israel to be without a father because they forsook Him and He too forsook them. Then, THE LORD comes the second time to the gentiles, to fulfil the Times of gentiles , and taking them to His name. Placing the name on some body means they become sons. THE ROCK’s name was not continued in Israel as they had god the father’s. Therefore, THE LORD comes the second time to set free the gentiles, by the truth, bringing justice to them (Isa. 42: 1-3, 11: 9- 11, giving them the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD as the sea, and taking vengeance from Israel who did not obey Him, and the gentiles glorified His name, 2 Thes. 1: 8-12 and then His name is continued. Psa. 72. And King David also prayed for THE LORD’s name to be continued, as THE ROCK revealed to him that the Tabernacle of David will fall. That means GOD’s dwelling will not be in the Tabernacle of King David, because King David’s GOD and the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but the last leaders changed that to god the father. No man can have two fathers. Our LORD GOD will not share His glory with another nor will dwell in the Tabernacle if there is another or an idol. GOD gave many laws regarding the fatherless. And if broken, THE LORD will make  Israel to be fatherless which means if they forsake Him, He too will forsake them, but will be a FATHER to the fatherless who are the gentiles. THAT IS FULFILLED NOW as we prove in this writing. Prove all things.}}}

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THE LORD comes as The COMFORTER, the Spirit and Truth, and HOLY SPIRIT to save all flesh but destroy the wickedness as in the days of Noah . Part 12

THE LORD comes as The COMFORTER, the Spirit and Truth, and HOLY SPIRIT to save all flesh but destroy the wickedness as in the days of Noah . Part 12

for the fast of the 4th month. 9th July 24


To destroy the wickedness and to SAVE all flesh as promised, THE LORD must come a second time. Therefore He comes as the Spirit and Truth, ( Joh. 14- 16) The COMFORTER, and the HOLY SPIRIT,  BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE . Remember the last era is DEAD SPIRITUALLY as all are fallen away from the TRUTH, and just as in the days of Noah all died spiritually, except those who found grace before THE LORD, who are sanctified to be spared. That is why He comes as the HOLY SPIRIT to give His SPIRIT, so all can live once again. Then, as The COMFORTER? The COMFORTER means the father as you will see if not already in our previous writings. And He comes to reveal the FATHER as promised in Joh. 16: 25, which He says ‘IN THAT DAY’ because without the true FATHER, who gives us  Everlasting life, we cannot have  Everlasting life. And why do we need the Spirit and Truth ? Because we never had the Spirit and Truth to worship the true FATHER as He seeks such to worship Him in mountain, and in Jerusalem. Joh. 4. In order to fulfil His promise to save all flesh, THE LORD had to come and fulfil all what the ministry failed to do and to reveal the truth, SO HE CAN SET US FREE from lies ! Unless by HIS GRACE, HE GIVES THE TRUTH and HIS SPIRIT to all ‘FLESH’, we will never be born of GOD. ( flesh means those who are spiritually dead, not being able to receive the HOLY SPIRIT ). And as HWA taught, the HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE POWER OF GOD. The FATHER’s SPIRIT will give us the image of GOD. In order to help and serve Him when He comes to receive Him, He had prepared or predestinated a few and brought them to HIMSELF AND TO THE Holy Mountain, FIRST, so they could be saved as Noah, By HIS GRACE, and are made righteous before Him. They are the NEW HEBREWS, or Jews, converted by Circumcision IN THE HEART, who worship the true FATHER and GOD. To us, The SPIRIT, means JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words. Joh. 6: 63. As HE IS OUTSIDE the door of the last era, HE HAS BLINDED THEM TO NOT TO KNOW HIM AND HIS WORDS to end all things. They could not be born of GOD as they rejected Him as the true EVERLASTING FATHER. Therefore He comes revealing that HE IS THE FATHER and to gather all to Him. In other words, the EVERLASTING FATHER comes so we could have the true FATHER to receive  Everlasting life, and that is a comfort to us all, and He will give His SPIRIT and reveal the TRUTH to set all free so all can appear before Him in the Holy Mountain. Could we be born without the true EVERLASTING FATHER ? Heb. 9: 14 shows only JESUS CHRIST THE LORD has the ‘ETERNAL’ SPIRIT in His blood to give us  Everlasting life. ! Therefore, as Isa. 9: 6 says, HE IS THE EVERLASTING FATHER AS WELL AS THE SON ! The SPIRIT and the BODY of ONE GOD ! As promised by THE LORD, before He died, HE HAS COME AS THE Spirit and Truth, and He Has become our EVERLASTING FATHER and HE HAS GIVEN US HIS SPIRIT ! Just before THE LORD died , He gave us the most important instructions about His SECOND coming as the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, and The COMFORTER or the FATHER in the end time. As promised, HE HAS COME and this writing is to prove that HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISE.


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As in the days of Noah THE SON of Man comes to fulfil His promise to save all flesh by; GRACE , TRUTH and faith! (Part 11)

As in the days of Noah THE SON of Man comes to fulfil His promise to save all flesh by; GRACE , TRUTH and faith!   (Part 11)

23.June 2024


We know that, Noah found grace before GOD and had FAITH in GOD. That GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD because there were no other gods in the Old Testament and it is HE WHO Has faith, grace and truth. So the SAME GOD OF Noah comes again pouring GRACE , giving faith and TRUTH to save all flesh, after all are condemned as flesh. Faith, without works is a dead faith. Noah was Justified  because he believed GOD and obeyed to build an ark as GOD commanded him and had faith for 120 years till the rain came to fulfil the Word of GOD. Therefore we also have a part to receive Salvation, which is to believe in GOD and have faith in Him as Noah. But, the leaders did not preach the GOD of Noah to build that faith. Suppose if Noah had not built the ark, would he be saved? Heb.  11: 7 says ‘By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith…Same way, GOD Has warned us that all will be burned in a fire. But that fire is GOD’s words. if GOD wants to save all flesh, would He burn all? when the Scripture was opened to the apostles, their HEARTS burned. Same way, when the books are opened at the end of the world, all will have their hearts burned to see what they have done and that they lived in lies.  as Noah , we too must FEAR GOD, BELIEVE in GOD though we do not see, and must have faith with works. Remember, without faith, it is not possible to please GOD. But in our days, His ministry in His church never preached Him, but preached their traditions and preached god the father. And THE LORD also has appointed the leaders to fall from the truth all seven eras and to stumble on Him Isa. 8: 14 as well as the Word of GOD 1 Peter 2:6-8.  Then how would they have works of faith? That means they NEVER KNEW THE TRUTH about Him.  So all the members also believed in the lies of the synagogue of satan and became liars also, which means FLESH. Have you worshiped the same GOD who showed grace to Noah? Have you believed in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS as Noah did? If not, you have believed in lies and that brought you under bondage of the devil, and must receive the truth given by the grace of GOD, to get  Salvation and  Everlasting life. The lies killed and destroyed all SPIRITUALLY. Then, THE LORD must give His SPIRIT and TRUTH once again by HIS GRACE and that is why the LORD comes in these days, remembering His  Covenant with all flesh and as in the days of Noah, HE WILL POUR HIS GRACE ON ALL and will SAVE ALL FLESH. (flesh means no HOLY SPIRIT or the TRUE FATHER ) All FLESH shall see the Salvation of THE LORD! Luk. 3:6. GOD had to condemn all as sinners, first, so He could have mercy and save all. First, He saved the first fruits by giving the grace and truth, so they can declare His grace and truth to the rest, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS as Noah did, to bring all to Him.  GRACE AND TRUTH comes from CHRIST OUR LORD! If you think you can save yourself without THE GRACE AND THE TRUTH of CHRIST OUR LORD , … now is the time to prove it. LORD’s words will not fail. You are already condemned, if you have not called on CHRIST OUR LORD nor have believed in Him that HE ALONE IS GOD, FATHER and King.

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As in the days of Noah THE LORD comes to reward The ANOINTED and to save all ! part 10

As in the days of Noah THE LORD comes to reward The ANOINTED and to save all  !  part 10 – For the PENTECOST – the feast of first fruits !

8th June 2024.


In the days of Noah, THE LORD spared him and his family because they found grace before THE LORD and Noah preached righteousness. Same way GOD always spares some by GRACE causing them to escape the destruction He sends. Even now, Though there is a Spiritual flood of GOD’s words given as the sea,  though THE LORD will bring all out of it, He anointed a remnant as His ministry who also found grace before Him as Noah did and they too preach HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. This flood comes to give the TRUTH about the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, so we can have Salvation and  Everlasting life. We know the ministry is a gift of GOD to serve the people to bring them to GOD. When the Priesthood abide in THE LORD, the Priesthood become fruitful. THE LORD uses His Priesthood to bring others to Him, and their service is FRUITFUL because THE LORD is doing all things by abiding in them. They preach HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to the people as Noah did. In the midst of the final falling away from the truth, when His own wife, the ministry has become His enemy and spiritually died, THE LORD raised some by HIS GRACE in order to preach Him to make all righteous by giving the truth to them. They are ANOINTED to learn directly from Him. and the ministry nor the Jews who lie would know them until all things are fulfilled. GOD purposed His own ministry to stumble at Him, at the Word of GOD, and to reject Him as the CHIEF CORNER STONE, and prophesied that they will fall FROM THE TRUTH seven times and finally will die spiritually being blind. That is when THE LORD calls the ANOINTED TO GIVE THE TRUTH to bring Salvation to all. THE LORD Had prepared or predestinated a few to escape the corruption in the fallen church. And gave the truth to sanctify them first, in order to to be sent to others who are liars as GOD does not live among liars. He came to these anointed and taught them the truth about Him so they believed in Him and sanctified Him and THE LORD sanctified them as well. therefore they PREACH HIM and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to GOD’s church or the ministry or the Jews who became liars and synagogue of satan. So The liars too could be given Salvation and make free from lies. GOD cannot lie. His word is the TRUTH. Only ONE GOD HAS SPOKEN the whole volume of Books. HE COMES TO GIVE THE TRUTH TO SAVE ALL FROM LIES. As Noah preached GOD’s righteousness, these anointed ones also preach THE SAME GOD, preaching HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. The lying leaders cannot preach the GOD of truth or His words the truth as GOD would not reveal the truth to such, seeing their evil hearts. Therefore they cannot preach THE RIGHTEOUS GOD. So THE LORD comes to reward the wicked and expose them and reward the anointed with the truth saving them first, so they can be the new ministry who serves JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and preach Him to all, and preach HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ( that HE IS NOT A LIAR).

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SECOND PASSOVER- for the churches defiled by the dead body of HWA

SECOND PASSOVER- for the churches defiled by the dead body of HWA

15 May 2024


This writing was originally written in 2019. The second PASSOVER is for those who failed to PASSOVER to worship THE ROCK and to make Him a name and who failed to come out of the gods of Egypt or the world. Have you worshiped JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE ROCK ? Did you become HIS FIRST BORN as exo 4: 22-23 and left Egypt and their gods to worship Him? And is His name on your forehead? It is THE LAMB WHO IS IN MOUNTAIN Zion and with Him, are those who have HIS NAME ON THEM. They were redeemed. So they are the first fruits of THE LAMB. Because of the traditions of men, the leaven of the pharisees, such as HWA, the whole church was defiled and was not able to keep the first PASSOVER. With understanding all these, examine yourself to see if you are worthy to take the PASSOVER symbols which is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s or THE ROCK’s or your own FATHER’S and GOD’s who shed His blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT to purchase you to BE IN HIM and to reconcile you to HIMSELF. As HWA preached two gods, and not THE ROCK who brought ancient Israel out of Egypt to be His people, all the sister churches were defiled by his dead body as they obeyed and believed him. and it is he who caused all to not to be gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Mat. 12: 30, unless you are gathered to Him, you are scattered. These are the reasons why THE LORD ordained a second PASSOVER.

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