AMERICA UNDER ATTACK??? Or is it GOD’s church ? Reply to GF’S ARTICLE.

AMERICA UNDER ATTACK??? Or is it GOD’s church ? Reply to GF’s article.

13th sept 2023


Gerald Flurry, the Philadelphia church leader wrote ‘ America under attack’ in the Trumpet magazine. You must prove what he says is the truth. if his words do not agree with the Word of GOD, … he is a liar. GOD destroyed two temples as they had other gods and did not glorify Him.  therefore prove all things. Our comments starts and ends with….. ‘our comments’ {{{      }}} ****


America Under Attack Was Prophesied

God is pleading with you to heed the warning in this book.




We just published a hardback edition of my book America Under Attack with an added chapter. We did this because we feel this message is so important at this time.


America Under Attack explains what is happening in America today, as well as within Britain and the Jewish nation—the end-time descendants of ancient Israel. The United States and United Kingdom are the two birthright nations, and Judah is the scepter nation. God’s wrath is on these three nations most of all. (Prove this in our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy.) He gave them unparalleled blessings, and they have failed to use those blessings to show the rest of the world how to turn to God, how to solve problems and how to have joy, success and peace….’…


Our comments {{{…. THE LORD gave unparalleled blessings to PCG. Eze. 16 then He judges her as a harlot Rev. 17-18 . like Adam, always someone else to be blamed and not ‘me’. GOD says the Spiritual man is a mad fool and would not even know THE LORD’s visitation. Hos. 9:7. Who claims to be the prophet ???     GOD’s end time prophecies are for the church which is prophesied to fall seven times FROM THE TRUTH.  NOT UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH OF GOD, SHOWS THEY ARE ALREADY FALLEN AND SPIRITUALLY DEAD.  GOD DID NOT SAY I WILL SPIRITUALLY KILL Israel, BUT HIS OWN CHURCH AND CHURCHES. GOD SAID IN Hab. 1: 11-12,  Israel IS ORDAINED FRO JUDGMENT.  GODS WRATH IS POURED ON THOSE WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THE GOSPEL, WHICH IS TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND NOT ANY OTHER.  2 Thes. 1: 8- 12 . His own church did not glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as GOD. this is why even the HOLY SPIRIT could not be given. Joh. 7: 36- 39 }}}}}}}}}}*****



The book of Kings is part of the former prophets. This book was written by a prophet, and most of the prophecy contained within it is for this end time.


2 Kings 14:26-27 read, “For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter: for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel. And the Lord said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.” The Ferrar-Fenton translation reads, “For the Ever-Living pitied the immeasurable miseries of Israel both without and within, when there was no ease for Israel.” America Under Attack explains how we are living through the end-time fulfillment of this prophecy.


Our comments:- {{{it is too late for the church. Eze. 16: 61-63 says GOD will put the last church also to shame.    The end time signs are Spiritual and not physical  . Luk. 21, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was talking about the stones of the TEMPLE. Lam……..says the stones of the Sanctuary are the ministry. Althroughout the Bible THE LORD condemns His own ministry. And He said there will be false prophets, teachers, christs. Who are these false CHRISTs?? It is the foxes  who desolated Zion, GOD’s dwelling place. Lam. 5: 16. And who are the  foxes? Eze. 13: 4. That means the prophet Ezekiel is included because, he himself was a captive. And Eze. 39: 21- 23…   GOD leaves His temple Eze. 8, 10, 11,  because of false idols are worshiped and sun  inside the temple.   

THE LORD said those who sin against ‘ME’, that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, will have their names blotted out. And will not be in the book of life. that was from the beginning  of Aaron as he, being the high priest SINNED. Exo 32: 32- 33.


GOD finds no man to stand as a gap between Him and the people, in order to not kill. But this is Spiritual death. Psa. 78: 34- 35,  and gospel is preached to dead……. Proves GOD does not want to kill all, but as a judgment He appointed all to die once , and so all died. Exo_32:32-33; Deu_9:14, Deu_25:19, Deu_29:20; Psa_69:28; Rom_11:2-12; Rev_3:5.


Eze_22:30  And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none….}}}… None worship THE LORD , that is CHRIST OUR LORD . one is condemned if they are not in Him. Rom.  8: 1. As you will see below, no one worshiped JESUS CHRIST THE LORD in HIS OWN CHURCH.   }}}}}}}}} ****


God is going to save Israel temporarily through a modern-day Jeroboam. Donald Trump is coming back. Of course, he has some serious sins and problems; it isn’t because of his righteousness that God is using him. But Mr. Trump is going to receive the opportunity to restore some stability to America, for a short time….


Our comments :- {{{… as a high priest, or a prophet, who serve the true GOD, … should not see any temporary , physical  saving.  GOD is trying to save the world spiritually, to live for ever.  This is why GOD’s prophecies are about HIS OWN CHURCH WHO CAME UNDER THE  Covenant OF THE LAW,  AND WHO ARE RAISED UP BY USING THE APOSTLES AND CALLED IT ‘CHURCH’. HE SAID I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH .  BUT AT THE SAME TIME HE SAID THEY WILL BE LIARS AND A SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. Rev. 3.  IT IS FROM SUCH PROPHETS AS Gerald Flurry, GOD IS TRYING TO SAVE HIS OWN PEOPLE, BECAUSE HE MADE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S CHURCH TO GO AFTER GOD THE FATHER AND MADE IT GOD THE FATHER’ CHURCH. 


no man can save any one even temporarily. Laodiceans such as Gerald Flurry, himself is spiritually dead. GOD calls him a liar , son of perdition because Rev. 3 says IT IS THE Jews WHO ARE LIARS, THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. HOW COULD A MAN OUTSIDE SAVE ANYONE. ? THIS TIME GOD WANTS TO SAVE ALL SPIRITUALLY BY GIVING HIS SPIRIT WHY THE GOSPEL IS PREACHED TO DEAD as written below  AND IN THEIR JUDGMENT. ? AFTER JESUS CHRIST THE LORD DIED AND  Resurrected, … HE IS WORKING TO SAVE ALL SPIRITUALLY, AT THE APPOINTED TIME. BUT HE GAVE SEVEN ERAS and said all will fall. Then COULD MR TRUMP SAVE THEM ? Could Gerald Flurry save the church as he, himself is spiritually dead ??? }}}****


“Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath …” (verse 28). Mr. Trump will have to war his way back. Watch for him to do just that! 


But the national revival that he oversees will be brief. Anciently, after Jeroboam’s reign, Assyria did conquer Israel. The same is about to happen again unless our peoples repent.


This is all explained in America Under Attack. It illuminates the catastrophe taking place in this nation today. This book shows how Satan is orchestrating it all by using one man in particular, an end-time type of Antiochus Epiphanes.



‘Daniel 8 is an end-time prophecy that was fulfilled in type by Antiochus Epiphanes in the second century b.c. But its end-time fulfillment occurred in spiritual Israel, the Church of God, when an Antiochus gained high office and cast the truth to the ground, destroying the Church. This is explained in the first book I wrote, Malachi’s Message (request a free copy).’…


Our comments {{{…. GOD has given Gerald Flurry the understanding that the end time prophecies are for the church of GOD. anyone who turned away the church to worship any other GOD, other than JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who build HIS CHURCH, even god the father, if there was one , is like Antiochus, who CAST TRUTH TO THE GROUND… and that is what destroyed the church. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD says all seven eras will fall from the truth. then where COULD THIS ANTIOCHUS BE ??  IN THE CHURCH. That is why there is a son of perdition, a man of sin, an THE LIAR AND THE ANTI-CHRIST is inside the church. Who destroyed the whole church?  It is the high priest or Gerald Flurry , himself by turning all away from The Husband , as he preached two gods, … because he must learn that The Husband is also the FATHER, which means only one GOD, Jeremiah 3: 19-20, in order to return to Him. That means not knowing that The Husband or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is also the FATHER, … but found other fathers, caused her to forsake The Husband and she must know that in order to return to Him. Therefore who is this antichus, the leader in GOD’s church who caused JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s church to be belong to god the father, to another , and NOT CHRIST OUR LORD ??? that is the antiochurs who CAST THE TRUTH TO THE GROUND ! this is not happening outside the church, but inside. The church has inherited lies. Jeremiah 16: 19. That is their affliction, or the tribulation to be exposed as liars, after testing the hearts as THE LORD does. }}}***


‘My latest book, the expanded America Under Attack (I wrote a much smaller version in 2013), shows that Satan used the same blueprint within the physical nations of Israel. He brought an Antiochus to power who destroys from within!’


Our comments {{{… it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who gave the church to be destroyed within, by sending A STRONG DELUSION TO BELIEVE THE LIE, which caused the final falling away from the truth. that is why on the Day of Visitation, the prophet is a mad fool. Hos. 9: 7. And not even one stone shall be left upon another… Remember god the father never had spoken nor lived in any temples or commanded anyone to worship , or asked for anyone to build a church. But it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. By preaching falsely about the true GOD , to whom the church belongs to made the whole church to go after and build another to another GOD. this is why JESUS CHRIST THE LORD left the church at the end of the Philadelphia era , spiritually killing the church.  }}} ****


So it is interesting that both Malachi’s Message and America Under Attack are about exposing a Satan-inspired leader. These two books are similar in important ways….


Our comments {{{ As written above, GOD says there is no man to stand as a gap. That includes Gerald Flurry, himself and if HE HELD FAST TO GOD, THEN THERE IS A MAN TO STAND BEFORE GOD. BUT HE NEVER KNEW THE TRUE GOD IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD! He is the man who turned all away from the true GOD.  Gerald Flurry’s MM is a lie. GOD says Judah had two fathers, two creators and broke the  Covenant and lost the holiness. Did not HWA and GF say they are of Judah and at the same time preached two GODS??? That is why Mal. 1: 5- 6,   specially v 11, GOD will receive prayers of the gentiles, pure to HIS NAME. that means to one GOD’s name that HE ACCEPTS. That one verse proves MM is false. Please read:- 

HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS!



Both of these books explain Daniel 8 thoroughly. Both show how the language of ferocious warfare in this prophecy applies to the destruction within spiritual and physical Israel. Both expose how Satan uses a man to try to blot out the name of Israel!


Our comments {{{… GOD said all are appointed to die once. Heb.  9: 27. This is the way GOD chose to destroy the unbelieving, whoremongers, and all evil people from the world, until HE REDEEMS them by His blood, at the end of the age, Heb.  9: 25- 26, when He comes as the PERFECT High priest. THE LORD appoited all Israel and Judah and Jerusalem to STUMBLE ON HIM. Isa. 8: 14. He said they will not be built on the CHIEF CORNER STONE, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  And GOD even appointed them to stumble at the Word of GOD. this is what has happened now. Israel was called THE ROCK or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s first born. Exo. 4: 22- 23. He called them out of Egypt to make ‘HIM’ a name and to be ‘HIS’ people. That means to make a name to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and to be His sons or first born. Did HWA and GF called THE ROCK’ or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, our FATHER ???? Should not the first born call his father, my FATHER ? they turned to god the father, as there is no such one. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own HOLY SPIRIT was His FATHER. He came as THE SON, to turn us to HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, THE FATHER. He was not a man before He was born. This is what these two leaders could not understand and GOD purposed and prophesied that because He wanted to kill and destroy all spiritually, and to redeem them and give His blood which has the ETERNAL SPIRIT, Heb.  9: 14, so we become ONE BLOOD. Act 17: 24- 31 ! Which is the Day of Judgment. The White Throne will give them light to the books are opened , to look back how they fell from the truth and died as GOD purpose, BECAUSE HE WANTS TO WIPE OUT WICKEDNESS OF MANKIND AND CREATE A NEW Heaven and earth. }}}}*****



This evil power wreaks enormous destruction, including “cast[ing] down the truth to the ground” (verses 10-12). These verses are dual: They are directed to spiritual Israel (the Church) and physical Israel (three nations especially). Among those three nations, the American superpower is most prominent because of all the power and riches God has given us. We didn’t gain those riches from our own ingenuity but because God gave us that wealth—yet now many people are fighting against Christ and “casting truth to the ground”!


Our comments {{{…. THE TRUTH CAN BE CAST DOWN ONLY BY THOSE TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN. IF Gerald Flurry AND Philadelphia church kept holding on to the truth, … they why does GOD talks about falling from the truth SEVEN TIMES and about the FINAL FALLING AWAY ???  If there is JUST ONE MAN HOLDING ON TO THE TRUTH, … THEN GOD WOULD NOT SAY TRUTH IS CAST DOWN TO THE GROUND. GOD WAS TALKING ABOUT WHOLE SEVEN ERAS FALLING. WHO CAUSED THEIR FALL ???  THE LEADER IN EVERY ERA. GOD ALWAYS MOVED TO A NEW ERA, AND FINALLY KILLED THEM TO BRING TO JUDGMENT!  And the leader who fight JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is Gerald Flurry, himself. As proven above in Jerusalem 3: 19-20, … The Husband is the FATHER. That means there is only one GOD. the wife has to learn to call The Husband, my FATHER to return to Him. That is the whole truth that they fell from. And who preached two gods and caused all to call their god the father, … the father, and not The Husband, my ‘FATHER’???  IT IS THE LAST TWO LEADERS IN GOD’S CHURCH. ! When JESUS CHRIST THE LORD came the first time to His own, Joh. 1: 11- 14, they never accepted Him but killed Him. And He is outside the door of the Laodiceans now, why ???  They too cast Him out, and when He tried them, … they are found with god the father , as the head as proven.


Read how Gerald Flurry rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as the EVERLASTING FATHER as written below.

And Isa. 9: 6 clearly says, THE SON is given, but He will be the EVERLASTING FATHER. But Gerald Flurry changed that. HE CHANGED THE Scripture and said THE SON IS NOT THE FATHER. But, others found THE REDEEMER to be the FATHER. Isa. 63: 16. That proves that THE SON is also the FATHER and PROVED THAT HE TRULY IS THE FATHER. ! That proves Gerald Flurry is the liar. }}}}****




It is easy to see truth being cast to the ground in America today. Barack Obama has revealed that he hates the Constitution. He is lawless in the way he pursues his destructive goals. He is all about lawlessness! And he exalts lies, not truth! And so many other government officials follow his leadership.’


Our comment {{{…. Barack Obama has come and gone. It is JOE Biden , the present President who is responsible for the matters of the Constitution. The Bible does not talk about Barack Obama. The Bible does not talk about the American Constitution, but the spoken Word of GOD. GOD talks about His own leaders, the foxes who have holes but did not allow THE LORD’s head to be laid on His own body, AS THESE TWO LEADERS CUT HIM AS THE HEAD AND PLACED god the father as the head. Did GOD give His truth to Mr Obama? It is HWA and GF who is given the knowledge of the true GOD and who rejected.  Besides if GOD says His own church has sinned and all men are liars and sinners and guilty before Him, … then could Mr Obama be good in His sight ?  He has not entered in to a marriage Covenant with THE ROCK, but the ministry. He was never a minister in GOD’s church ! 


And to be lawless, … the law should be given first. It is given to the true church of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD now. Lawlessness is the mystery of iniquity. It was caused by the high priest or the leader in GOD’s church who opposed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !


2Th 2:7  For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only he is now holding back until it comes out of the midst. 

2Th 2:8  And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming, … the breath of His mouth, is the HOLY SPIRIT. Joh. 20: 22. GOD wants to save all. Therefore as written below, … GOD promised that all flesh will see Salvation, … GOD will give HIS HOLY SPIRIT TO THIS SON OF PERDITION AS WELL. And his iniquity will be revealed by THE LORD’s HOLY SPIRIT. His BRIGHTNESS is given means HIS LIGHT is given , which means the TRUTH. so the truth will be given to these lawless son/s who went to perdition as they never received the light of life, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but worshiped god the father. That is what killed all. Joh. 8: 12,

Joh 1:4  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men} and those who received Him, are given the power to be sons of GOD. v 11-1 4. Therefore this son did not receive the FATHER to have life. he loved darkness. And he was given delusion to believe lies. But GOD wants to judge and correct, and light will be given to those who are in darkness. Isa. 60


Isa 60:1  Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. 

Isa 60:2  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. ‘… see… the darkness is OVER THE PEOPLE. That is the Laodicea era. If there was a single man, such as Gerald Flurry claims that he is a prophet, … GOD would not say there is darkness. This means no light, the light from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and therefore there is NO LIFE EITHER. But THE LORD shall rise. First the darkness. Mic. 3: 6, the sun went down on prophets. No divination. No Revelation. This is why THE LORD said there will be many FALSE prophets. Unless you preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you preach lies which brought darkness. So THE LORD’s coming will bring HIS BREATH, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE LIGHT.

}}}…. *****


Obama criticized the Constitution’s “fundamental flaw” in 2001: the fact that it “says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.” There is a reason the Constitution focuses on what the government can’t do: because it aims to restrain despotism and tyranny! It was written so we won’t have people ruling according to their own will—which means being ruled by the devil. Restraining that is the Constitution’s great strength. We need the Constitution, or we will have a despot ruling us!


The Constitution is based on many biblical principles. The framers said it would work only for a moral and religious people. Immoral and irreligious America is proving the tragic truth of that insight today.’’’


Our comment {{{… if GOD’s church held on to the truth, GOD would not say there is no truth nor knowledge of GOD in the land. Hos. 4: 1. GOD said Abraham's seed are of the devil. Joh. 8: 44. And HIS OWN CHURCH LEADERS. Rev. 3: 8-… because they denied Him and His words. denying THE LORD means denying the TRUTH, as THE LORD is the TRUTH. THEN DENYING HIS WORDS ALSO MEANS DENYING THE TRUTH, BECAUSE HIS WORD IS ALSO THE TRUTH. Joh. 17: 17 . SO IT IS HIS OWN CHURCH WHO DENIED THE TRUTH THAT MEANS THEY INHERITED LIES. THAT LIE IS ABOUT TWO GODS OR THE GODHEAD which preached god the father, instead of preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who build HIS OWN church. If JESUS CHRIST THE LORD comes today, what would He find in the ministry? They preach god the father and has cut JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as THE HEAD !!! So the body of CHRIST THE LORD should have the HEAD OF CHRIST, right? If not, … the whole body dies. That is what happened to Laodiceans era. Spiritually died as the HOLY SPIRIT is not in it ! }}}}*********


Many leftists say it’s time to abandon the Constitution. One founding member of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, said, “The people vowing to protect the Constitution are vowing to protect white supremacy and genocide.” That is right out of Satan’s mind! The truth is, what these people really dislike most of all is God Himself! That is why they want to blot out the name of Israel!.


Our comment {{{ if JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is INSIDE the church leading, … could any puny man blot out the name of Israel, His first born? Exo 4: 22-23. It is GOD , OR JESUS CHRIST THE LORD WHO ALSO FORSOOK THEM and sent in to captivity as you will see below. It is Gerald Flurry who did not like GOD, HIMSELF. He did not preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to save all men. Jacob could not be converted as Israel of GOD as they did not come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16 !!! }}}********


The prophecy continues in verses 23-24: “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full”—you see this today like never before—“a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences [this is of the devil], shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power [it’s by Satan’s power]: and he shall destroy wonderfully [mightily], and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.” This is talking about a third Antiochus, the man who will lead the Holy Roman Empire in conquering the physical nations of Israel. He will kill the holy people, the lukewarm saints who repent in the Great Tribulation! This shows how vile and destructive these Antiochuses are!


Our comments {{{ the church will never be able to be destroyed as long as JESUS CHRIST THE LORD Is in them. It is Gerald Flurry who caused CHRIST OUR LORD  to leave His own church as written below. Remember the darkness as written above. They rejected the LIGHT. THEREFORE THEY TRANSGRESSED UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES}}}******


Thankfully, verse 25 shows that this nightmare will end with Jesus Christ returning and breaking this man’s empire!’

Our comments:- {{{ it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own true church, the body which will be caused to end when the truth is preached as written below. }}}*****



So both Malachi’s Message and America Under Attack expose these satanic trends.


Ezekiel’s Scroll

Malachi’s Message was prophesied in Revelation 10. Here the Apostle John describes a “little book” being delivered by a mighty angel. When John asked for the book, the angel said, “Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey” (verse 9). John obeyed, and said, “[I]t was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter” (verse 10). Immediately after that comes the commission that God has given the pcg today: “And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” (verse 11)…


Our comments {{{… what did PCG prophesy ???  What did HWA prophecy ?  They preached a false gospel about god the father , when one should preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written below. And ‘two gods’???  the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD ???? Even on Sabbaths, they worshiped god the father, and not THE LORD of Sabbath. So he preached HWA’s lies. And GOD would not allow him to prophesy again the lies. You will see below what JESUS CHRIST THE LORD wants truly to prophesy.}}}******



Malachi’s Message is the little book. I prove this in my booklet The Little Book (request a free copy). It exposes Antiochus and the damage he did in God’s own Church. It shows how he and his fellows cast truth to the ground and lied like the devil. It is sweet to receive understanding about what happened in the Church—but it is very bitter truth as well.


The Prophet Ezekiel spoke of a piece of writing similar to the little book of Revelation 10 (Ezekiel 2:8-10; 3:1-3). He wrote his book over a hundred years after the Israelites had gone into captivity, so his message wasn’t for Israel then—it is for Israel today. He prophesies of nuclear weapons and cities being left without inhabitant! Ezekiel has some of the Bible’s strongest prophecies, and they are clearly for the end time….


Our comment {{{ cities are being left without inhabitant, because of the prophets, the foxes desolated Zion, the church. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said in Mat. 23, as the NAME OF THE LORD was not Blessed, the house of GOD will be desolate. It is not the nuclear weapons destroys the people spiritually, but it is GOD. Ezekiel wrote when they are in captivity. Ezekiel, himself was a captive. And Eze. 7 says THE END HAS COME. And read Eze. 24: 21- 23, that is the wasting away, as GOD says they are having lusts and pride, which is not of the FATHER. 1 Joh. 2: 16-17 … Adam was rejected by the FATHER, The CREATOR, because of his lusts. And the whole nation is to waste away because of the lusts, Eze.  24: 21- 23}}}******


For years, I thought that the scroll Ezekiel describes as having “lamentations, mourning and woe” was the little book, Malachi’s Message. I have come to understand that I was wrong—that it is, in fact, America Under Attack.


{{{{  Now understand what he says … earlier he wrote :—}}}}

Malachi’s Message is the little book. I prove this in my booklet The Little Book (request a free copy).’….


{{{And again he writes :- }}}

For years, I thought that the scroll Ezekiel describes as having “lamentations, mourning and woe” was the little book, Malachi’s Message. I have come to understand that I was wrong—that it is, in fact, America Under Attack’. 


Our comments {{{… when he wrote the MM in 1989,  he thought  the little book was the MM.  And it is about a church split. Because GOD truly is worried about His church. But also GOD says in Eze. 16: 50-63, that there will be MANY sister churches. And  now, in 2023, he said, what he wrote is wrong, but the true little book is ‘America under attack’ !!! Is that what THE LORD wants him to prophesy again??? The whole book of Revelation proves how GOD’s people sinned against Him. For example;- Rev. 15, the song of Moses was sung, just before PLAGUES ARE POURED. And the song of Moses is taught to sing when Israel forsake their GOD. Deut. 32. Please read:-  song of Moses link below.  Then the mysterious harlot is GOD’s church also Eze. 16 says, who played harlot. All sister churches and the mother church also worshiped another GOD and not JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That is why they are harlots. Did god the father enter in to the marriage Covenant? GOD says the harlot is the church who had the marriage Covenant and then BROKE IT. And who is a ‘beast’??? A man without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. That is why in Rev. 13, one beast raised up the image of the previous beast and caused all to go after his image. We must be built in to the image of GOD, the image of THE SON. Rom.  8. If the leader would not do that, it shows he is a beast. And THE LORD says on the Day of Visitation, it is the prophet who is a fool. Hos. 9: 7. So that is a beast. This is why THE LORD sends pastors after His own heart to teach the wife that The Husband is also the FATHER. Jeremiah 3.


What does this tell us ???  If you are wise enough to understand his two teachings, you can prove HIM AS A FALSE PROPHET !!! All the end time prophecies are for the church. Please read:- 

Understand the Signs and times spiritually. See for YEARS, he thought it was the MM. if it was ‘his’ thought, then it was not inspired by GOD! GOD’s truth will never change. That thought came from the evil, deceitful heart. THE TRUTH CANNOT BE TURNED IN TO A LIE. You can judge this matter, yourself. It is not the MM that he will have to repent and understand that he was wrong, but FOR PREACHING A FALSE GOD, AND TURNING THE TRUTH IN TO A LIE, KILLING THE WHOLE House of Israel, EVEN HIMSELF, AND EVEN THE WHOLE WORLD. By preaching against The CREATOR, who gave the law and the commandments and all the  Covenants, … kills ourselves , those who preached and those who believed them. This is how GOD purposed to kill all spiritually.  See unless you preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you will not be established. Ro 16: 25………..  Then who did not preach Him to establish the people, and even called The Husband, my FATHER and caused the whole nation to die WITHOUT THE FATHER??? We are born again by the Word of GOD, and by the WORD OF TRUTH. Eph. 1: 13, Jam. 1: 18, 1 Peter 1: 23. Denying THE LORD means denied the truth. and His words are SPIRIT and life. so he caused all to deny THE LORD ( the Truth)


Preaching a false GOD means GOD would leave. If GOD leaves His church, would He dwell in any where else??? This is how the whole world became dark. Specially Mic. 3: 6. GOD would never want this prophet to prophesy again. Heb.  8 says, all will KNOW ME, after forgiving. So all should be preached as written below, … the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to be established. Rom.  16: 25. More below. If not, …


IT IS WORSE THAN THE NUCLEAR BOMB. THIS ONE MAN CAUSED GOD TO LEAVE HIS Sanctuary means the whole world. GOD lived in the Sanctuary, bringing the world to HIm.  It is the ministry who must preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , from HIS OWN Sanctuary.  And THE LORD was caused to leave His Sanctuary. That is worse than a nuclear bomb. IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. He finally said that he was wrong in the MM. Remember MM is for the church to be warned (split to warn), so we thought. GOD wants to save His true church FIRST and not the world. He wants to find His lost sons and bring them to the Sabbath  REST , believing in Him. Heb.  4. Did HWA preach to believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ??? does GF preach to believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD???  Did they preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to establish all???  Rom.  16: 25 More below. See JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was known as THE ROCK, Deut. 32,  as THE ALMIGHTY, exo 6: 3, as the LIVING GOD, Deut. 5: 26,  THE LORD OF HOSTS in King David’s time and Isa. 9: 6- 7, Mal. 1: 6, 2 sam 7: 14 etc as the FATHER. THE REDEEMER, THE SAVIOUR, THE MOST HIGH are some other names belong to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. But HWA and GF preached most of these names belong to god the father. And the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD. the HOLY SPIRIT is The CREATOR. Or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written elsewhere in this writing.


MOA, pg 335, HWA wrote ‘

‘God Almighty – the Father of Jesus Christ – is Supreme Lawgiver, and Head over Christ, and over all that is.’.  }… Rev. 1: 8, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself says, 'I AM' THE ALMIGHTY. AND IT WAS THE ALMIGHTY WHO MET Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses exo 6: 3. Gen. 17: 1. And the lawgiver is The Husband, who is THE ROCK, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He wrote the law with HIS OWN FINGER. How could god the father be the lawgiver ??? All these are false as proven in previous writings  , links given below. Therefore both of these leaders lied about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and never preached Him to establish all. And that knowledge was not given to them as written elsewhere in this writing.


When JESUS CHRIST THE LORD sit in the judgment seat, …. Gerald Flurry will acknowledge how wrong he was then when the truth about all things are revealed when the books are opened !!! He will see how he betrayed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as Judas did. And how he too became the son of perdition.


According to him , MM was the book which THE LORD revealed to him, about the church split and to warn others. And it is one of the books which one has to read to enter in to the Philadelphia church , the other being the Moa WHICH IS ALSO A LIE. HOW COULD GOD CHANGE THE VIEW OF MM over 30 years after it was first published? Back then GOD’s work is for the other churches to judge them as Eze. 16: 52 says . Was GOD wrong back then, or is GOD wrong now to reveal these things to him differently???  Who is lying?  It was the most important book according to him. Could america under attack be more important than that? Would GOD be interested in warning the world and not HIS OWN CHURCH ??? This means MM , itself has to be a lie. It is a LIE BECAUSE IT TEACHES A false god, the god of HWA ! This book deceived most of the people of GOD. this book caused us to worship the beast. Because a beast, according to GOD is a man without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. So to change prophecies and say we speak in the name of GOD, and we are His prophets and change their teachings, is GOD confused?


And then, CHRIST OUR LORD  said many false christs, prophets etc will arise in the end. And that is because if you preach FALSELY ABOUT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, you preach a false CHRIST also. So all the leaders in many sister churches preach a false CHRIST, who are under the authority of THE ALMIGHTY, the FATHER, when THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself! .}}}****


The context shows this. As I wrote in Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet, “Keep your mind on the story flow in Ezekiel 3. Remember, the book of Ezekiel has a story flow. So the context is a key to understanding this book.” The context gives evidence of America Under Attack. This book is about another Antiochus, a man who tries to blot out the name of Israel.


Our comment {{{… see if Ezekiel 3 talks about America or not. …


Eze 3:14  So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me. 

Eze 3:15  Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days. Eze_8:3, Eze_37:1


Eze 3:17  Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore HEAR THE WORD AT MY MOUTH, AND GIVE THEM WARNING FROM ME.’…Ezekiel is to hear the word from THE LORD’s mouth, and that GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and warn others. If Ezekiel did so, there is no need to be confused as THE LORD is not the author of confusion, unless He, Himself send them to Babylon , which means confusion. Mic. 4: 10. GOD’s words do not change. If the little book was MM, then it should be. Years later, GOD will not say, ‘oh I was wrong … that the little book is not MM …..’.


Eze 3:18  When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 

Eze 3:19  Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. 

Eze 3:20  Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 


Eze 3:21  Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. 

Eze 3:24  Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go, shut thyself within thine house. 

Eze 3:25  But thou, O son of man, behold, they shall put bands upon thee, and shall bind thee with them, and thou shalt not go out among them: 

Eze 3:26  And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house. }}}… and now, GOD wants him NOT TO BE A REPROVER, and he too will be bound. So when did this was fulfilled ??? But when GOD wants to speak, he will open his mouth.

Eze 3:27  But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house. }}}.. who is the leader of this rebellious house ???  it is the last era’s leader. That is Ezekiel, himself.

See THE LORD said, a time will come, that Ezekiel will NOT BE A REPROVER to the House of Israel, but he will be DUMB. And this is how the ministry became the dumb dogs. Isa. 56: 10. And thereafter, THE LORD sends the remnant to him and he will open his mouth.

And Ezekiel 3 does not talk about America being attacked. }}}******



“And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation …” (Ezekiel 2:3). The Hebrew actually reads “rebellious nations”—plural. This is directed at nations today. There were 12 tribes of Israel whose descendants are being cursed in this end time, and three in particular have really stirred God’s wrath! “For they are impudent children and stiffhearted …. [A]nd thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them” (verses 4-5). God is warning of terrible things coming, and there is a prophet on the scene. We must know who that is, or we could never understand this.’


Our comment : {{{ GOD’s wrath comes on those who did not believe the gospel of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to glorify Him.

2Th 1:8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that KNOW NOT GOD, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

2Th 1:9  Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; }… this is 2 Thes. 2, the son of perdition who will be consumed at THE LORD’s presence. He is the man who did not glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name…. ;-


2Th 1:10  When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. }..see if you have believed, you would have entered in to the Sabbath as Heb.  4 says. And Heb.  3 says, because of unbelief, they departed from the LIVING GOD. v 12. And v 6 talks about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own house. And those who are faithful to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, as Moses was are in His house. So you can understand , yourself to see if you have believed or not. But the sons believed Eph. 1: 13. UNTIL THE LORD COMES, .. NO ONE GLORIFIED HIM AND BELIEVED !!! So HWA and GF, are liars, the synagogue of satan according to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the truth. they had glorified god the father, a nogod!


2Th 1:11  Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: 

2Th 1:12  That the NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST MAY BE GLORIFIED IN YOU, AND YE IN HIM, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. } it is by CHRIST OUR LORD ’s grace, that He called the gentiles to glorify Him. Because, if not, He could not give the HOLY SPIRIT, Joh. 7: 36-39. Did HWA and GF preach to glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name??? This is why CHRIST OUR LORD ’s wrath is on them. In His wrath, He ordained them to judgment and correction as written elsewhere in this writing, and not to destroy spiritually for ever, though it is called everlasting destruction. As you can see… then, on whom CHRIST OUR LORD  will pour His wrath???  ON all the churches of GOD, who believed HWA’s and GF’s lies and exalted god the father instead of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE LORD OF HOSTS. This is why He is exalted in judgment, by others. Isa. 5: 16 ! }}}*******



Verse 6 shows that we are going to experience some terribly stormy times—but God tells us not to fear. Amid trials and tests, He will care for us and give us wonderful miracles.

Up to this point in the prophecy, there is no little book. But there is something similar.


“And thou [one man here] shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear [refuse]: for they are most rebellious. But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee” (verses 7-8). That sounds like the little book. I thought it was describing the little book. But I was wrong about that, and I’ll show you why….


Our comments:- {{{  OOPS … did GOD gave him the wrong book???  Did GOD inspire His so called prophet to be wrong after all these years, causing the people to believe in a lie???? ….see GOD says, speak HIS WORDS and not Ezekiel’s own words. GOD says ‘SPEAK MY WORDS’… but Gerald Flurry says ‘I thought’… so it was his thought that the little book is MM and not GOD’s !!!  He is caught right there, for not obeying the words of GOD. if we try to understand the Word of GOD by ourselves, this is what happens. But GOD will correct him.


therefore when did Ezekiel speak GOD’s words;  then, or now when he has changed the whole view , or why it was given?  Remember Rev. 10- 11  talks about the little book and about  the holy city, and not the world, … the holy city is the church and it is the inner court as Rev. 11 says, who are in Egypt spiritually, v 8, .,.that it will be trodden down. So GOD did not want the world to be trodden down, but the holy city, and it is given to gentiles to do so, and to tread down the INNER COURT. That is the ministry where Ezekiel is. And Ezekiel, himself did not know then or do not know now, what is the little book ??? This little book has condemning words of GOD to those who are INSIDE THE HOLY CITY, OR THE MINISTRY , THE CHURCH and not America.


DID Ezekiel PREACH TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S NAME to be spared himself and the whole church from GOD’s wrath ???


The prophecy does not change. GOD’s words does not change. Therefore when he thought MM was the little book, … and now it is not, … does that not tell you that there is something very wrong in this prophet’s understanding???  THE LORD said to speak ‘HIS’ words. but Ezekiel spoke what HE THOUGHT ( I thought as he said) Remember GOD catches the wicked on their own mouths and words. We too joined PCG because of this book. The LORD allowed all to be deceived with the strong delusion sent.  Then He separated those whom He called to glorify His name. The church always was deceived within and not by others. Psa. 74 says Zion is a perpetual desolation. King David said, his house will not grow, which means the Tabernacle of David will fall. 2 sam 23. And Israel will show their back always and BE BLIND. Rom.  11,  15. }}}******



‘ In Ezekiel 2 and 3, God is giving us something. He says, Eat it up—it will be sweet in your mouth and bitter in your belly. The language is very similar to the little book. But these verses here are talking about America Under Attack.


Everything was falling apart in our Church, and people at the top, led by an Antiochus, were casting truth to the ground! There was widespread, rank deceit. We couldn’t understand what was happening. What were we to do? We were confused. What a catastrophe! But then the little book came and we knew exactly what was happening.’ …


Our comment :- {{{…See when WCG began to go astray, as prophesied by THE LORD, … we could not understand that GOD is to bring a new era. In Eze. 16: 52, GOD says, He gave this one sister to JUDGE other sisters , but she will do WORSE THAN THEY. Then there has to be a time for Ezekiel to judge other sisters, and then TO DO A WORSE WORK THAN OTHERS. THAT JUDGING OTHER SISTER WORKS IS NOT TO JUDGE AMERICA.  Being the leader in GOD’s church, he must protect His flock and not the world. !  He must see that THE LORD will not pour His wrath on the church. And the warning should be that one should call on the name of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and to glorify His name and not god the father’s as HWA taught.  !!!!  And when she does worse than others, who would be sent by GOD?  Those sisters who have ALREADY FALLEN will not be used by GOD again. This is why GOD called a remnant to be sent to Ezekiel.


Eze 14:12  The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, 

Eze 14:13  Son of man, when the LAND SINNETH AGAINST ME by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: 

Eze 14:14  Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD. 

Eze 14:15  If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through because of the beasts: 

Eze 14:16  Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate. 

Eze 14:17  Or if I bring a sword upon that land, and say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man and beast from it: 

Eze 14:18  Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves. 

Eze 14:19  Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast: 

Eze 14:20  Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness. 

Eze 14:21  For thus saith the Lord GOD; How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast}}}… this is what THE LORD has done now. Ezekiel failed and caused the whole church to sin against THE LORD. Therefore He sent beasts, men without understanding, and cut all off as they preached another GOD!!!


Eze 14:22  Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings: and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it. }}}.. what would these remnant do???  THEY WILL HEAR THE WORDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE LORD, .. AND GLORIFY HIS NAME !!!  That is the only way to escape the wrath of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !!!  IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT Ezekiel FAILED TO DO, THEY WILL BE USED BY GOD TO DO.  THAT IS TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S NAME AND NOT GOD THE FATHER’S NAME !!!!   that is the the TRUTH, if not it is a lie. This is why the Jews, the synagogue of satan who did not preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but god the father are called the sons of the devil. 


and Ezekiel will see that this remnant has glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name and now, the HOLY SPIRIT or the Living Waters could be given to all on the Last Great Day. Joh. 7: 36- 39 !!!

Eze 14:23  And they shall comfort you, when ye see their ways and their doings: and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord GOD. ‘…this is the remnant, who was received as Sons and daughters by THE ALMIGHTY, or the LIVING GOD, separating from the synagogue of satan, the sons of the Belial. 2 Cor.  6: 14- 19 !!! }}}********



‘What is happening today in America? People don’t know. All over the world, people know something is terribly wrong. But they don’t understand! America Under Attack explains what this catastrophe is all about. And shortly, if we don’t repent, three nations are going to fall together (Hosea 5:5)….


Our comment;-

{{{… all nations means all the sister churches as Eze. 16 explains. They all were harlots. And that is the mysterious harlot the mother of harlots in Rev. 17-1 8. Compare with Eze. 16. And see Ezekiel, himself needs to be COMFORTED. During the Laodicea era, GOD chose the gentiles to be sent to comfort the Laodiceans. Read Colossians. Ezekiel will see this remnant which GOD sends and will be comforted . Therefore it is not America which needs to be comforted, it is GOD’s church which fell from the truth as dan 9 says, … who became a curse to the whole earth. If the most important book, the MM is changed in to nothing, if it is not the little book, … and the view of it is changed, … what is GOD doing? Trying to lie to the people ??? 2 Thes. 2 proves it is not from America, but from inside the temple, the LYING WONDERS are coming. }}}….******




We already faced the Antiochus who destroyed the Church, so we understand the political Antiochus well. We know what it means for such a man to get control of our country. The Worldwide Church of God was destroyed, and 95 percent of God’s people are gone! This is a blistering warning! So we tell people about the crisis in America and why it is here. America’s massive and growing debt is a deadly national security threat. People are pouring over the southern border; cartels are making billions bringing drugs and sick people and prisoners and terrorists into our nation. Everybody who loves this country is appalled! They can’t understand why God won’t stop that. Even religious people are puzzled. We explain why God isn’t answering their prayers to correct the situation. America Under Attack explains it, just like Malachi’s Message did for the Church.’


Our comment ;

{{{ if GOD does not hear the prayers of others, why would He not hear and answer this prophet’s prayers and stop all these evils??? GOD said to the church, that He will not hear though they make many prayers.

Isa 1:15  And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. }}}****



Sweet and Bitter

Revelation 10 speaks specifically about a “little book.” But Ezekiel 2:9 says, “And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, I, a roll of a book was therein.” It wasn’t a huge scroll, but something you could hold in your hand. It is “a roll of a book,” but it doesn’t say the little book.


The little book, Malachi’s Message, is 157 pages. America Under Attack is 219 pages long. I didn’t call it a “big book,” but He called it a book, not a little book. I think that makes this one a little bigger, and certainly it is a book.

Our comment:- {{{ he is trying to deceive the people again for the change. }}}


“And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe” (verse 10). There is bad news here—something very bitter!’

Our comment;- {{{… read Lamentations and see if GOD is talking about america.  Lam. 2 says, Zion, who was in heaven, is cast down to the earth as Adam was cast out when he sinned. And Lam. 5: 18, Jerusalem was desolated by the prophets. It is in Ezekiel’s time, the prophets became foxes. Eze. 13: 4. And the stones of the Sanctuary, became as CLAY. Their crowns fell from their heads to the ground. Lam. 4,  5 }}}}*******



Ezekiel 3:1 continues, “Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll [much like the little book], and go speak unto the house of Israel,” three nations in particular. Look at the context: There is no discussion of the Laodicean Church yet. He is aiming this at nations of Israel. This is a warning we must publish! God says, Eat this, and get this message out there! It is to nations, not to the Church.


Our comment -= {{{ in the Bible, GOD talked about physical  Israel, because there was no church as today. It was the congregation in the wilderness then King David and king Solomon built a house, and it was destroyed because GOD was not in it. Later even the second temple was destroyed as GOD was not in it, and He allowed the destruction to show that HE IS NOT AMONG THEM. And physically these things happen as an admonition to the Spiritual church which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD built, BUT HE WAS REJECTED IN HIS OWN CHURCH. WOULD IT ALSO NOT BE DESTROYED AS GOD IS NOT IN IT ? .  }}}… *******



Watch the story flow, because Ezekiel 2 and 3 are a single prophecy that leads into the Great Tribulation and beyond.


The Ferrar-Fenton reads, “You, however, Son of Adam, listen to what I say to you;—be not rebellious,—like that rebellious family. Open your mouth and eat what I give you. Then I looked and saw a hand approach me, with a Roll-book in it, and it spread it before me …” (Ezekiel 2:8-9). The Jewish Publication Society translation of verse 9 says, “And when I looked, behold, an hand was put forth unto me, and lo, a roll of a book was there.” It is about a book—a book about lamentations, mourning and woe that lead into the Great Tribulation!’…


Our comment ;- {{{ what is the great tribulation ?  It is the hour of trial which came to the Philadelphia era to test their hearts. As THE LORD found their hearts are not pure in His sight, HE LEFT, ALLOWING THEM TO SPIRITUALLY DIE AND CAME THE Laodicea ERA .}}}}  ********


‘I know of no book that fits this description like America Under Attack. And when you realize that an Antiochus is on the scene, that narrows this down even further. There are only three Antiochuses in this modern day that I know of. The spiritual Antiochus is called “the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), and the only other person called that was Judas Iscariot. He betrayed Jesus Christ, and Satan entered into him just before he did (John 13:27). These three evil men are emphasized, and God wants to make sure we have a book to explain this. By doing that, we expose Satan the devil…’


Our comments :- {{{ in the Scripture, only three ‘SONS’ of perdition are mentioned. One is Judas, one is in 2 Thes. 2, and another in Joh. 17: 12. All these are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s followers and they are to be His sons. Joh. 17: 12, no one will understand unless you have red our previous writings. But 2 Thes. 2 son of perdition is INSIDE THE CHURCH, and his INIQUITY WAS A MYSTERY. Please read:-  mystery of iniquity . Until THE LORD reveals the synagogue of satan, no one can understand what this iniquity was. It is totally against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. That iniquity proves who is THE ANTI-CHRIST, THE LIAR. it has to be the leader of the synagogue of satan, or the Philadelphia era as THE LORD said the Jews lie. Rev. 3. And they have denied JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words, and are being judged Joh. 12: 48. When the hour of trial came , GOD found the Jews to be liars and a synagogue of satan. That is INSIDE THE CHURCH. So that leader has to be the son of perdition, for rejected and denying JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words, and placing god the father, as their GOD, and causing all to worship him, instead of worshiping JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  But remember preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was a mystery also. Rom.  16: 25. That mystery is revealed after some OBEYED FAITH. Before that, ; Then, as he wrote, ‘the SPIRITUAL Antiochus has to be INSIDE THE CHURCH, as 2 Thes. 2 says, must be ALIVE, TO BE CONSUMED AT THE LORD’S COMING. !!!…, Understood???  When PCG separated from WCG, … Gerald Flurry said Mr tkach is the man of sin etc. But he is DEAD and gone. And Joshua the high priest, will be TAKEN BACK as Zechariah says. GOD consumes this man by HIS BREATH. That means the HOLY SPIRIT. The breath or the HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s mouth. Joh. 20: 22. He is the GOD who is the SPIRIT. 2 Cor.  3: 17. It is the HOLY SPIRIT who died to purchase the church. Acts 20: 28. We must believe the Scripture, without adding or removing, thus it becomes a lie. therefore GOD cannot consume the son of perdition  if it was Mr Tkach as he is dead. The only TWO LEADERS who preached against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, cutting Him off as THE HEAD IS HWA AND GF who preaches the SAME THINGS. If one is wrong, the other is too. Please read links below to understand how HWA and GF cut JESUS CHRIST THE LORD off and placed god the father as the HEAD and the lawgiver etc…


This Scripture will cause you to understand that why Israel could not be established. Remember JESUS CHRIST THE LORD appointed them to stumble at Him, Isa. 8: 14, and His word, 1 Peter 2: 5-8, and to reject Him as the CHIEF CORNER STONE which means without the CHIEF CORNER STONE, the building , the temple will collapse! This is why THE LORD said in Luk. 21,


Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple

Luk 21:5  And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, 

Luk 21:6  As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. }}}… THE LORD was talking about HIS BODY, THE CHURCH which is the temple now. If THE HEAD is cut off and placed another’s head which THE LORD had not spoken, .. would that body be alive ??? This is what HWA and GF did.


Here is what Gerald Flurry wrote in his from the beginning  pg 30

‘{{{The ministers are condemned

for not honoring the Father—they despise the Father’s name!

That is another way of saying they REJECT GOD’S FAMILY

GOVERNMENT, WITH THE FATHER FIRMLY AT THE HEAD. They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.…}}}… See Gerald Flurry says, god the father at the head, and if you preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, you preach a false gospel. Now there are two things against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Because Apostle Paul wrote, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the HEAD of the BODY. It has to be. And the other is, according to GF, if you focus too much on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you preach a false gospel. If this statement is true, … then none will be established, because IT IS PREACHING JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, WHICH WILL ESTABLISH ALL. Remember none of these two leaders preach the following gospels. But before…


Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began

Rom 16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: }}}… see… one is established, … according to Apostle Paul’s gospel, and it has to be by REVELATION , and it is a MYSTERY, … but revealed by the EVERLASTING GOD , … made known to ALL NATIONS. And not to a prophet. Understood ? And that one must OBEY FAITH, FIRST. Gal. 3 says, faith was shut up to those of the law. And on the Day of Visitation, act 15: 6- 15, when THE LORD comes, He will give faith to gentiles, to purify their HEARTS. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, is THE AUTHOUR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH. Heb.  12: 2. That means HE MUST GIVE IT AND CAUSE US TO END IT BY HAVING FAITH IN HIM. AND HE GAVE IT AS A FREE GIFT, Eph. 2: 8, TO THE GENTILES AS Apostle Peter ALSO SAID IN ACT 15. THAT IS TO HAPPEN ON THE Day of Visitation. THAT IS WHEN THE NATIONS OBEYED FAITH. THEY ARE RICH IN FAITH. Jam. 2:5, while all twelve tribes are scattered. Jam. 1: 1. Therefore … ‘stablish you according to my gospel, and the PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST revelation of the mystery made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: ‘… this faith, is to have faith, IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not in any other gods or any men. The service which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD taught Apostle Paul in arabia, is called the HEAVENLY VISION, which is to send him to gentiles, and to turn them from satan to GOD and to have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


Because HWA nor GF preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, the church died , destroyed as the early two temples were destroyed as JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was not honored or glorified in it !!!!  Now this remnant preaches JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, so once again all will be established. So Ezekiel will be made to see and hear this remnant. They do not preach to America to glorify JESUS CHRIST THE LORD or to preach Him which caused GOD to pour His wrath on them. It is HIS OWN CHURCH WHICH DID NOT DO SO , AS THE LORD POURS OUT HIS WRATH. !!!


Act 26:17  Delivering thee from the people, and  the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, 

Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are SANCTIFIED BY FAITH THAT IS IN ME


Do you have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ??? did HWA and GF preach to have faith in ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’, to be sanctified ? They lost everything because THEY DID NOT PREACH JESUS CHRIST THE LORD BUT ANOTHER, CAUSING THE ABOMIABLE THING IN GOD’S SIGHT WHICH CAUSED HIM TO LEAVE HIS OWN CHURCH! Such are the gates of hell which tried to destroy the church which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD built !!!


Act 26:19  Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: }}}… if you can understand this, … then THE LORD is helping you to understand HIS WILL. It was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own will, to open the eyes , turn from darkness and satan to GOD, .. to FORGIVE freely, … and they are SANCTIFIED by FAITH, in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! When you have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you will not have faith in a man or any other gods.


THE gentiles  ARE SANCTIFIED BY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE EVERLASTING GOD, … TO HAVE FAITH IN HIM. This is after THE LORD was  Resurrected. This is why Apostle Peter wrote in act 15, that on the Day of Visitation, when He comes to visit the sin and iniquity, … THE LORD will take gentiles to HIS NAME ( Israel failed to make Him a name) and their HEARTS WILL BE PURIFIED BY FAITH, AND WILL BE GIVEN THE HOLY SPIRIT. That HEAVENLY VISION is to be fulfilled when THE LORD found the Jews are to be a synagogue of satan, in the Philadelphia era. Since THE LORD took the gentiles to HIS NAME, on the Day of Visitation, when the prophet is a fool, Hos. 9; 7, … He destroyed the temple as there is a man of sin who did not glorify His name !!!


These were explained more in our other writings. This is how the key of King David was shut to the synagogue of satan and opened to those who did not deny JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words as Rev. 3 says to the Philadelphia era. The hour of trial is to test the HEARTS. It is not to the world. Neither the two witnesses will tread down the world, but the holy city, which is the church the inner court. Therefore it is now, this faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is OBEYED BY THE NATIONS AS THEY ARE GIVEN THE Revelation to know the mystery of PREACHING JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Then, the mystery of iniquity was revealed , who DID NOT PREACH Him !!! The church is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s church as He said I will build ‘MY’ church. But these two leaders made it to be god the father’s church. That is the mystery of iniquity, the son of perdition did in 2 Thes. 2. See vs 13- 14. Others are SANCTIFIED to believe in the Spirit and Truth, when THE LORD comes as the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, or The COMFORTER in Joh. 14- 16 !


Therefore who is ESTABLISHED FIRST BY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , HAVING COME AS HE SAID IN Joh. 14 ??? This is why we celebrate the Feast of TRUMPETS !!! THIS IS WHY WE PREACH JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, SO ALL COULD BE ESTABLISHED. This gospel GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Remember Joh. 7: 36-39, unless HE WAS GLORIFIED, the Living Waters or the HOLY SPIRIT could not be given to any. Therefore before the last great day, … THE LORD HAD TO GIVE THE REVELATION OF THIS MYSTERY OF PREACHING JESUS CHRIST THE LORD WHICH WAS KEPT HIDDEN SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN , TO ALL NATIONS…. ALL NATIONS… AND NOT TO ANYONE INSIDE THE CHURCH, ( THIS IS THE TRUTH WHICH THE CHURCH FELL FROM) AS HE SAID, THEY ARE LIARS AND A SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. SO FROM THE POWER OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, .. AND THE LIES, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD HAVING COME AS THE Spirit and Truth, … WHEN THE SON OF PERDITION HAS NOT GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD OR PREACHED HIM, BUT HAS SAID ‘They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”…is NOT ESTABLISHED YET, and that is the mystery of iniquity. Until JESUS CHRIST THE LORD gave this Revelation of preaching Him, and faith to obey, … no one was established but fell from this truth. Did your leader preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ? if not, he is yet to know this mystery and to be established. So that is why GF is the man of sin, as the church is the body of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not of any other, … but these two leaders preached two fathers, two creators and broke the  Covenant, and lost the holiness. Mal. 2: 10-11.


Mal 2:10  Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath NOT ONE GOD CREATED us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? 

Mal 2:11  Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. 

Mal 2:12  The LORD will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts. }}}… see if you preach TWO FATHERS, (since The CREATOR is the FATHER , to include another calling god the father) two CREATORS, PROFANES THE  Covenant of the fathers. The fathers had a  Covenant with ONE GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Joh. 8: 54-56, Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s day. This is what made Judah to break the  Covenant. If Judah preached JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, which could not have done as he is not nations, neither had faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … there will be no abomination. Preaching another , was abominable to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. If your house belongs to you, and if your children placed another as the father, would you not be angry? This is done by HWA and GF, who say they are of Judah. This is the abomination which caused desolation, by the prophets. Lam. 5: 18, the foxes. Eze. 13: 4. ! So THE LORD will cut off the man who does this means, .. HE will cut OFF Gerald Flurry who did this. THE LORD calls such men master and scholar… and he is cut off from the Tabernacle of Jacob. He could not be converted in to Israel of GOD, as one should be in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to be called Israel of GOD. Gal. 6: 15-16 !!!


Not only preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was not preached by HWA or GF, being Judah, … they never preached the gospel to the dead, so they could be alive in SPIRIT, 1 Peter 4: 6 nor the Everlasting Gospel which is to fear and worship The CREATOR, … which is preached during the judgments. Rev. 14: 6- 7 . This is why, THE LORD OF HOSTS is exalted in judgment. Isa. 5: 16 !!! therefore, according to GF, preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and focusing on Him is a false gospel!!! COULD THE CHURCH BE ESTABLISHED ??? That is their iniquity, of going after other gods, such as god the father !!! That is why Judah are liars and a synagogue of satan !!! They are the sons of the devil !!! . Then could his words be trusted ? to the Philadelphia era , THE LORD said do not let any MAN take your crown. Yet Lamentations proves their crowns fell from head to the ground. That is done by the prophet the fox !!! }}}}….*******



‘Ezekiel 3:2-3 continue: “So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll. And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.” That’s exactly what it says about the little book. The fact that God uses these same words shows the similarity in theme between these two books.


Verse 11 has the first mention of the Laodiceans, or spiritual Israel. That in itself tells you something: There is much here that doesn’t even address the situation explained in the little book!


“And go, get thee to them of the captivity, unto the children of thy people, and speak unto them, and tell them, Thus saith the Lord God; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear” (verse 11). “Them of the captivity” were Jews with Ezekiel in Babylon, and that was only a type of what is happening today. The Laodiceans are in spiritual captivity! Where it says “the children,” it should read “sons” (Companion Bible). These are the people of God—His Spirit-begotten sons—yet they are in captivity to the devil! That is 95 percent of God’s people. (Read more about this in Revelation 3:14-22.)’….


Our comment ;- {{{ in Eze. 12, Ezekiel, himself is to go in to captivity. When they go in to captivity, GOD’s hand was laid in gentiles. Eze. 39: 21- 23. Jam. 1: 1 says all are scattered. Why scattered??? They did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Mat. 12: 30. If you are not gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, you are HIS ENEMY. You will not preach Him to establish. This is why all seven eras fell as they never preached JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to be gathered in to Him. So they are the enemies and liars. SPIRIT begotten means you are born again. How could liars be SPIRIT begotten sons ???  JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said Abraham's seed are sons of the devil. And the synagogue of satan is. They are the first born of THE ROCK, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, exo 4: 22-23 who rejected the FATHER. So they could not be born as the FATHER left them to die. They are NOT SPIRIT BEGOTTEN, BUT SPIRITUALLY KILLED !!! They do not have a FATHER. The true FATHER is The Husband as proven above. Jeremiah 3: 19-20. They will have to learn the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD in order to be established as these scholars are cut off by the FATHER. It is Gerald Flurry, the son who caused the whole captivity of the devil. !!! synagogue of satan and the Jews who lie means sons of the devil. }}}. ********



“So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me” (Ezekiel 3:14). In verse 3, sweet as honey; in verse 14, bitterness. These expressions match those about the little book.


The little book and America Under Attack explain the catastrophes inside the Church and inside a nation, America, along with two of its allies: the British and the Jews.


Prelude to Tribulation

Ezekiel 3:15 says, “Then I came to them of the captivity … and remained there astonished among them seven days.” Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet explains these seven days and the day-for-a-year prophetic principle (see Ezekiel 4:6). These “seven days” are the first seven years of the Philadelphia Church of God when we focused on distributing Malachi’s Message to the spiritual captives of the Laodicean Church.


Then something changed: “And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me” (Ezekiel 3:16-17). Notice, now our focus is no longer on the Laodiceans but back on the nations. We have a watchman message for them—on The Key of David, in the Trumpet, the Trumpet Daily and so much more.’….


Our comment;- {{{ what is the use of preaching anything other than JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ??? Would all these warnings will establish the church? It gets these scholars cut off from Jacob !!! JESUS CHRIST THE LORD PERSONALLY CAME TO GENTILES, SO THEY CAN PREACH HIM….AND THIS IS THE REAL WARNING WHICH ESTABLISH AND MAKE ONE A PERFECT MAN….

Col 1:25  Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; 

Col 1:26  Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 

Col 1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this MYSTERY AMONG THE GENTILES; WHICH IS CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY

Col 1:28  Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that WE MAY PRESENT EVERY MAN PERFECT IN CHRIST JESUS!!!

If one is being made perfect IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … by preaching god the father; would not make anyone perfect. The Lord said 'be perfect and walk before Me, to Abraham. 

A TRUE PROPHET OR A TEACHER, SHOULD HAVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD PRESENT IN THEM, … AND THEY MUST PREACH JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, TO PRESENT all men , preaching, warning, and teaching the WISDOM, which is to be PERFECT IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  Now, you can understand why the preaching of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was a mystery. THE LORD wanted to reveal the hidden counsel of the hearts. Neither HWA, NOR GF PREACHED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD . Nor they warned, taught, or preached Him to present us to be PERFECT IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Preaching god the father , is the mystery of iniquity which this son did and went to perdition. This is why preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was a mystery , not preached until the time came to judge HIS SONS, BECAUSE THE JUDGE IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, AND HE IS THE FATHER, 1 Peter 1: 17, who will call all to come to the White Throne to prove that HE IS THE FATHER, BUT NO SON RECEIVED HIM as Joh. 1: 11-14 says but others who received Him, are made sons of GOD. Rom.  9: 25- 26 !!!


Tribulation ??? is the hour of trial, which GOD tested His church in the Philadelphia era and found to be liars and a synagogue of satan or sons of the devil. They never preached Him, but said if you focus on Him and preach Him, you preach a FALSE GOSPEL !!!  How could the church be MADE PERFECT then ??? If you have believed either HWA or GF, you are deceived in to be a son of the devil ! it is too late. But THE LORD in His mercy, calls the dead to the White Throne to give Revelation about this mystery, and HE WILL PROVE THAT HE IS OUR GOD AND ALSO THE FATHER !!! have you… presented yourself to CHRIST OUR LORD ?



Did your high priest teach to present yourselves to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to be made perfect ??? If not, … he is an IM-perfect high priest and that is why Heb.  7 says, the whole Priesthood is changed including the law, which is to the law of faith. (link below) . Unless we receive faith from the AUTHOUR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH, Heb.  12: 2, how could we have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ? . So the tribulation is to find out that you are a liar, have believed in lies, and has become a son of the devil, in captivity, scattered and OTHERS HAVE TAKEN YOUR PLACE and have become sons of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and are made perfect !!! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW, YOUR REWARD IS BEING GIVEN TO OTHERS BY YOUR OWN GOD AND THE FATHER, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED AND RECEIVED HIM ?  In other words what the synagogue of satan failed to do, … the gentiles the nations did. They preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! The GOD of Israel … was glorified by others, besides Israel !!!! }}}…. *******




In verse 18 God says that if we fail to warn people, He will hold us responsible for their BLOOD! God has given His people a critical job that must be done.’….


Our comment :- {{{already the synagogue of satan is responsible for their blood. This is why the blood was spilled up to horses’ bridles. But that is Spiritual. THE LORD would not kill to shed blood. He Has already shed HIS BLOOD. The sons killed the FATHER, twice. !!!  not honoring the true GOD in true GOD’s temple caused both temples to be destroyed. Would He not destroy this temple as well, which is HIS OWN BODY ???  But He will raise it up in three days,  it will take three years for Him to give and make this truth known ! }}}…******




In the story flow in Ezekiel, this leads right into God’s people being taken to a place of safety (verse 22). Verse 26 describes the famine of the word, when the watchman work is over. Then comes the Great Tribulation, beginning in Ezekiel 4.’

What other book besides America Under Attack could possibly be referenced here?


Ezekiel 4:2 describes a “siege against” Israel. There is a trade war and a siege against America in particular, but also the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The besiegement is already beginning. This marks the start of the Tribulation.


Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 describe what happens. Deuteronomy 28:52 says, “And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates ….” Have they done that? Britain and America had all the trade gates, and they are almost all gone! Now who will control the trade routes? The tyrants who rule during the “times of the Gentiles”! (Luke 21:24). Deuteronomy 31:29 says this “evil will befall you in the latter days.” This is for us today!’.


Our comment :- {{{ Deut. 28 says… as a curse to Israel, when they have forsaken THE LORD, … HE WILL RAISE UP THE GENTILES TO BE Israel’S HEAD AND THAT WILL BE A SIGN AND A WONDER IN ISRAEL.


Deu 28:43  The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 

Deu 28:44  He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: HE SHALL BE THE HEAD, AND THOU SHALT BE THE TAIL. 

Deu 28:45  Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: 

Deu 28:46  And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. }}}… the stranger or gentiles, … joined to THE LORD, Isa. 56, and they are in His altar, Isa. 60: 7, and their prayers are pure to His name in His altar, Mal. 1: 11 ( this is why Gerald Flurry’s MM is false, as he never preached JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ) and they are brought by GOD, to the Holy Mountain, altar and to the House of Prayer, Isa. 56, having DONE BETTER THAN Sons and daughters !!! You are cut off from your GOD, and gentiles have joined to THE LORD ! They have already become the head AND LENDING THE Word of GOD, THE TRUTH !! we have trodden down the innercourt, but since you are spiritually in Egypt, Rev. 11: 8, .. YOU COULD NOT SEE THAT. AND NOW YOU CAN SEE THIS SIGN AND A WONDER IN ISRAEL as Isa. 8: 18 says !!! That is the NEW MOUNTAIN Zion or the new temple.  THE LORD comes from those who are far off to build the new temple, … Zech. 6: 12- 15. In 2004 feast, Gerald Flurry said, he cant understand this prophecy and GOD had to reveal to him. Now he could see what it means !!! }}}}******




Ezekiel 5 shows how this siege sparks three parts of the Great Tribulation: “And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber’s razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair. Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled”—that’s part one. That siege will precipitate the death of over a hundred million people! “[A]nd thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife [that’s part two: a nuclear attack]: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them [that’s part three: captivity]” (verses 1-2). This is a terrifying prophecy of how the nations of Israel will be conquered and destroyed!


“Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts” (verse 3). This refers to the people of God, whom God will protect.


This truly is a horrifying picture. People are fighting God—and now God is against them! (verse 8). “And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations” (verse 9). It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.’…


Our comment;- {{{ Ezekiel 5 talks about Jerusalem and not about any other country or people. Jerusalem is where the desolation happened, where GOD dwelt or chose to. That is the church which is destroyed SPIRITUALLY and not physically. GOD says the REBUKE WILL BE TAKEN AWAY.  AND JUDGMENTS WILL BE ALSO. AND THE LORD KILLED THEM SO THEY WILL SEEK HIM. SO THAT IS Spiritual AND NOT PHYSICAL  .


Zep 3:12  I will also leave a poor and weak people in your midst, and they shall trust in the name of Jehovah. 

Zep 3:13  The remnant of Israel shall not do injustice, nor speak lies. And a deceitful tongue shall not be found in their mouth. For they shall feed and lie down, and no one shall frighten them. }}}… it is the gentiles who first trusted in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Eph. 1. They are adopted as His sons. That is after the mystery of preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD was revealed and faith is given to them as written above. This is on the Day of THE LORD. You never thought that your GOD will be found by others. But we did. Isa. 63: 16. We know THE REDEEMER is the EVERLASTING FATHER !!! remember GF said He is only THE SON and not the FATHER as proven in previous writings ??? here is GF’s quote again so you do not need to go and read others….

GF wrote ;-. In Key of David book, pg 192 onwards…

{Jesus Christ has many names: One of His names is the everlasting Father. Jesus Christ is a type of God the Father.”.

His position in God’s plan is much like the Father’s. But we must NEVER FORGET THAT HE IS THE SON, NOT THE FATHER.}.

this is how he rejected the FATHER AND THE SON !

So he wrote against the Scripture in Isa. 9: 6. Make sure you read this quote to understand more about this. He began by saying CHRIST OUR LORD  has a name ‘EVERLASTING FATHER’, but not forget that he is THE SON AND NOT THE FATHER.  But , Isa. 63: 16…’Doubtless THOU ART OUR FATHER, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, ART OUR FATHER, OUR REDEEMER; THY NAME IS FROM EVERLASTING. }}}… so the gentiles found, THE REDEEMER who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to be the EVERLASTING FATHER as Isa. 9: 6 says. That proves we are given the knowledge of the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD , to preach Him to make Israel perfect in Him. !!! See the difference between the high priest inside the church caused all to NOT PREACH JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and caused destruction, but we preach to make all perfect in Him !!! Gerald Flurry removed and added to the Word of GOD in Isa. 9: 6 !!!


Denying JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words are …

INCOMPARABLE TO THE MOST POWERFUL NUCLEAR BOMB!!! Nuclear bomb will kill physically. The one who drops it will safeguard himself. But this Spiritual nuclear bomb this high priest made cannot be compared to any bomb which KILLED HIMSELF as well !!! GOOD NEWS IS, NOW GOD CAN BEGIN THE NEW CREATION HE HAS PROMISED !!! TOTAL, Spiritual ANNIHILATION OF MANKIND  had to happen first !! Not only the mankind, but JESUS CHRIST THE LORD also was killed again as the HEAD cut off! Could you think of any leader making such a destructive nuclear bomb that will kill and cause GOD to leave HIS OWN BODY ??? NO NUCLEAR BOMB WILL KILL GOD’S CHURCH SPIRITUALLY , OTHER THAN FROM WITHIN !! It is the leadership who is the synagogue of satan who lied about their One and ONLY TRUE GOD , one FATHER, and ONE CREATOR and broke the  Everlasting Covenant !!! IT IS NOT AMERICA WHICH DID NOT GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S NAME, BUT HIS OWN PROPHET !!!


Isa 24:1  Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 

Isa 24:2  And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. 

Isa 24:3  The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word. 

Isa 24:4  The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. 


Isa 24:5  The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because THEY HAVE TRANSGRESSED THE LAWS, CHANGED THE ORDINANCE, BROKEN THE EVERLASTING COVENANT

Isa 24:6  Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. }…. WHY WOULD THE LORD DESTROY THE EARTH AND SCATTERED THEM??? BECAUSE THEY BROKE THE LAW, EVEN THE VERY FIRST LAW, … AND HAD OTHER GODS, … AND PREACHED TWO FATHERS AS PROVEN ABOVE, … AND CHANGED THE ORDINANCE AND BROKE THE  Everlasting Covenant !!!! Who did that ???  The synagogue of satan , the SON who went to perdition by NOT FEARING THE FATHER and found another father !!! So the true FATHER killed all the sons. NO NUCLEAR BOMB MADE IN ANY COUNTRY COULD KILL GOD’S PEOPLE ! Are they more powerful than GOD?


But the judgment will be turned off as the gentiles have trusted in THE LORD and found HIM TO BE THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, AND THE EVERLASTING FATHER . therefore HE CANNOT DESTROY ALL.

Zep 3:14  Shout for joy, daughter of Zion; shout, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all the heart, daughter of Jerusalem! 

Zep 3:15  Jehovah has turned off your judgments; He has turned away your enemy. Jehovah, the King of Israel, is in your midst; you shall not fear evil any more. }}}… GOD ordained Israel for judgment, AND CORRECTION. Hab. 1: 11-12 ! you will NOT DIE, GOD promised to Habakkuk.

Zep 3:16  In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not! Zion, do not let your hands droop. 

Zep 3:17  JEHOVAH YOUR GOD IS MIGHTY IN YOUR MIDST; HE WILL SAVE. He will rejoice over you with joy; He is silent in His love. He rejoices over you with a joyful shout. }}}… from what, would THE LORD save all ??? From such LYING WONDERFUL BOMBS !!! From the synagogue of satan !


Isa 25:8  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and THE REBUKE OF HIS PEOPLE SHALL HE TAKE AWAY FROM OFF ALL THE EARTH: for the LORD hath spoken it. 



Luk 13:32  And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. }… We know the fox is the prophet who desolated Zion Lam. 5: 18,  Eze. 13: 4 and he should know not to preach lies any more, and take the people out of the One and ONLY TRUE GOD to other gods. Now JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is preached and PERFECTED !!! He will cast out the devils the synagogue of satan and this high priest who is the son of perdition who became the son to the devil !!! Remember the devil lied from the beginning ? Joh. 8: 44. So liars are sons of the devil who will be destroyed by GOD in order to PURCHASE them by HIS BLOOD so they can serve HIM !!! read also Psa. 78: 34- 35 … Then, the FOX IS THE DEVIL !   }}}. *****






Getting to Know God

How bad will conditions get? Can you emotionally handle what Ezekiel 5:10 says will happen to America? If God isn’t protecting you, this is what you will have to live through!’.


Our comment {{{ What does really Eze. 5: 10 says and why and to whom???

Eze 5:10  Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee, and the whole remnant of thee will I scatter into all the winds. 

Eze 5:11  Wherefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD; Surely, BECAUSE THOU HAST DEFILED MY SANCTUARY WITH ALL THY DETESTABLE THINGS, and with all thine abominations, therefore will I also diminish thee; neither shall mine eye spare, neither will I have any pity. {{{… why would THE LORD do this??? Because HIS Sanctuary, … HIS DWELLING PLACE, … THE MINISTRY , … HAS ABOMINATIONS. IF YOU PLACE ANOTHER GOD IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S Sanctuary, WOULD HE DWELL ??? Who is given the charge of the Sanctuary ??? IT IS THE HIGH PRIEST. Eze. 44: 7- 8


Eze 44:7  In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations. 

Eze 44:8  And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves. 

Eze 44:9  Thus saith the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel. }}}… Gerald Flurry, S FLURRY, and W Turgeon will remember how they brought UNBAPTISED in to the ministry around 2001- 2003. This is why we were cast out, for refusing to keep the Passover with the unbaptised. In India, as some of you may remember, the RD invited UNBAPTISED 17 ministers in to the Sanctuary, with 800 unbpatised in to the church. See your Philadelphia news letters. ( PNs) . The high priest should keep the charge of the ministry or the Sanctuary, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD. When we brought this matter to Gerald Flurry, … he disfellowshipped us to hide the matter from all.  WOULD NOT GOD SEE THAT?  IT IS NOT OUR Sanctuary, that he defiled. It is GOD’s. that is in Eze. 8, 10, 11. That caused GOD to leave the sanctuary. So it is the high priest who should be in charge and SHOULD HAVE NOT BROUGHT UNBAPTISED STRANGERS TO EAT THE Passover. HE WILL REMEMBER THIS VERY WELL !!! In the same week, GOD struck his wife as Eze. 24 says. That is when the wasting away spiritually began. V 21- 23 !!! This is a very long story. !  This is why THE LORD left the Sanctuary }}}****




Ezekiel 6:6 prophesies, “In all your dwellingplaces the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.” This truly is terrifying punishment.’….

Our comment :- {{{  the only way for the cities to be laid waste, is IF GOD IS NOT IN IT. IF HE WAS IN THE CHURCH, THE Laodiceans WOULD NOT BE SPIRITUALLY DEAD. THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DEAD, BECAUSE HE IS NOT IN IT. !!! }}}..*****


Then verses 8 and 9 say, “Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives ….” This is saying that the Laodiceans will be slaves around the world—but there, in captivity, they will be speaking for God! That is inspiring.


And they shall know that I am the Lord, and that I have not said in vain that I would do this evil unto them” (verse 10). Ezekiel says 23 more times by God’s inspiration that they are going to get to know God! These terrible crises will cause people to get to know God.


People need to be warned of what is coming. We need to do all we can to get America Under Attack out to this world. They need it! God has given this book at this time so we can be a witness to them, and give people time to repent before God. If they really understood what is coming, it surely would impact and motivate them. This is going to be the worst suffering man has ever experienced! And God holds us accountable for warning them. We should be thankful for what He has given us the opportunity to do.


Bad times are coming, but they will last only a short time. Then all these troubles will be gone forever, and the majestic prophecies of the wonderful World Tomorrow will come to pass before our eyes! And then, before long, we will be exploring and populating the fabulous, magnificent universe!


OUR COMMENT :-…. GOD WILL NOT DESTROY ALL AS PROVEN ABOVE . He killed them spiritually, so they could repent but on the Day of Judgment, when He calls all the dead to come to the White Throne. Rev. 20: 12. HE CAME TO SAVE THE WORLD. AS PROVEN ABOVE, THE REBUKE AND JUDGMENT IS TAKEN OFF AS THE OTHERS HAVE GLORIFIED HIM. HE COMES TO SAVE ALL ‘FLESH’.


GOD promises that all ‘FLESH’ shall see Salvation of GOD. it is because we are flesh, we need Salvation. And remember flesh is against the SPIRIT. So flesh means not having the HOLY SPIRIT. How could the HOLY SPIRIT is given, when HWA preached HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD. as written above in Joh. 20: 22, the HOLY SPIRIT is breathed by THE LORD. But THE LORD will give His SPIRIT freely, on the Last Great Day. Joh. 7: 36-39 as HE IS GLORIFIED as GOD. And on the Day of Judgment, GOD wants all to repent as He will overlook the ignorance in man. Act 24: 17- 31. HE HAS APPOINTED that day. This is why THE PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS BEING DONE BY THOSE WHO OBEYED FAITH. NEITHER HWA NOR GF PREACHED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, though they claim that they have preached the gospel. They do not know JESUS CHRIST THE LORD preached TWO GOSPELS. One in Mark 1: 15, as a witness that the kingdom is coming to judge them, … ( Israel ) and the other to the poor, the gentiles, acceptable year of THE LORD. Luk. 4: 18.

Luk 3:6  And all flesh shall see the salvation of God


Joe 2:28  And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;..}}}… see flesh is without HOLY SPIRIT. Such are the whole world now, as the Laodiceans are spiritually naked. They are the flesh. So GOD will save them as well, as the truth is being revealed now which judges and establishes. Rom.  2: 16,  16: 25 !!!  Same gospel will judge them for being liars. Therefore when the books are opened , all will come to understanding !!!


Be aware… it is GOD’s own church which is under attack from within. If they have cut off the HEAD OF THE CHURCH, what would they not do to you ??? Their deceit is the poison of the serpents. Therefore take heed !


GOD, is not a respecter of persons. He judges all of His children as a FATHER does as THE JUDGE is the FATHER. 1 Peter 1: 17. HE IS THE GOD OF THE GENTILES ALSO.


Isa. 8: 18 , THE LORD OF HOSTS AND THE CHILDREN, the sign and a wonder in Israel !!!






Links ;-




Mystery of GOD I ascend unto My FATHER, your FATHER ;My God, and your God!




Thou shall NOT set up a STONE IMAGE, a MEMORIAL stone, a carcass of idols in My land! Lev 26:1-2, 30. GF’S last two books Directly violates this law of GOD

13 Feb 2019






Free gift of Faith of CHRIST the LORD to live !




Be RECONCILED to your Husband and not to His FATHER! Israel was married to ONE GOD and not TWO.! The marriage Covenant is broken.

31 July 2015




Trumpets are blown in GOD’s JEALOUSY to EXPOSE the HEARTS causing
all to be ONE with CHRIST, the HUSBAND and the FATHER!



Glorifying The Name of The LORD
of Sabbath pt 3.

27th June 2015




Glorifying the
NAME of THE LORD!    19th
dec 2014 – Fast of 10th month.