All came before Me are thieves”(John 10:8). For the Passover to be fulfilled, The LORD must purify the House of Prayer TO SAVE the people!

All came before Me are thieves”(John 10:8). For the Passover to be fulfilled, The LORD must purify the House of Prayer TO SAVE the people!

28th April 2020

Understand the FULFILLED Passover means you are SAVED and have INHERITED the EVERLASTING LIFE. And if The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD gave the Passover, then keep it to serve HIM and not to serve god the father! Those who did not bring the people to serve HIM, are the robbers and thieves who stopped you FROM BEING SAVED! If the high priest brought the people to HIM, He did not have to come to deliver them. Remember Moses took the people to The ROCK who is CHRIST THE LORD, but Aaron the high priest took them to an idol. It is same as now as The LORD Has come as Moses deliver the people but the high priest has idols and strange gods. The Jews who say they are Jews, did not serve CHRIST THE LORD, but have denied HIM AND HIS WORDS and became Laodicean. That means until then, all who came are thieves! If you have not served HIM, you are still under bondage of your leader’s lies NOT BEING SAVED. So it is up to each man to fear GOD rather than men and to know and understand HIS WORDS TO NOT TO DENY HIM OR HIS WORDS to BE SAVED! If the Jews do lie, then the FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH ALSO WAS CAUSED BY THEM! This is why The LORD said ‘let no man take your crown’. And the lie is to worship god the father, and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when it is The ROCK who CREATED, FATHERED, BOUGHT, BROUGHT AND ESTABLISHED Israel to HIMSELF. This is why The LORD had to purify THE House of Prayer before the Passover. And to know that they have lied, is their affliction. Jer. 16:19. This is why the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, or the HOLY SPIRIT, as John 14- 16 or JESUS CHRIST the LORD Himself came as He said, I WILL COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO ‘MYSELF’ and where I AM, YOU ALSO MAY BE! So until then, all are thieves. NO ONE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE LORD UNTIL HE CAME. THAT IS THE TRUE Passover! Have your leaders taught you that you must be with JESUS CHRIST the LORD and do everything by abiding in HIM? Or have they taught to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD to god the father? The ROCK, is our FATHER, GOD and King forever. Without knowing the EVERLASTING FATHER, how could we be born? Is He not the GOD who gives us spiritual meat and drink to live eternally? We are to live In HIM. Acts. 17. HE IS THE FOUNTAIN OF THE Living Waters. Then the leaders should have preached to go to HIM TO RECEIVE ALL THESE THINGS AS WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM. John 15:5! By not preaching these truths, the leaders lied and denied The ROCK of salvation! How could one Passover? Then, all came before CHRIST THE LORD are thieves. then who are the TRUE TEACHERS?


Joh 10:8  All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them….}}}… what does this mean??? This is talking about The LORD’s second coming, as the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter and the HOLY SPIRIT to glorify HIM as the FATHER. (read John 16: 25) Until then, all seven eras fell means, they were all thieves and robbers. But GOD cannot find a perfect person to place as the leader in His church because, no man knew the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD. The law being the schoolmaster, could not bring one to Him. And, all are under the sin of Adam! Though He placed  leaders in His church, He also prophesied that each era will fall and there is a FINAL falling away from THE TRUTH etc. Then, final means all are to fall from truth, BEING UNABLE TO BE SAVED. If you fall from the truth, what do you have? “LIES” !!!  Lies will not save anyone. But GOD Had no choice but placing liars in His church, until He removes this sin which is after the judgment, which now is revealed.  The sin of Adam is revealed only in judgment, which is the unbelief, by pride in the heart of man which caused him to DISOBEY The CREATOR. He knew and prophesied about the hardness of man’s heart. And He, hardened their hearts from His fear. Isa. 63:17-19.

Joh 15:5  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. }}}.. without CHRIST THE LORD, we can do NOTHING. We cannot bear fruits. But the leaders did not go to Him, but went to god the father! This is why, they are cut down and are called thieves and liars!


Therefore, all those who came before JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s second coming are liars and thieves and robbers as they did not enter through Him.!

We have proven that CHRIST THE LORD is the FATHER also. He is the HOLY SPIRIT. Acts. 20:28 and John 20:22 alone proves. Therefore, as HWA and GF taught, god the father is not the HOLY SPIRIT, nor the power of GOD.

Act 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD. “.

Did the HOLY SPIRIT shed His blood to purchase the church of GOD??? It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who died to shed His blood to purchase us. so the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and the church of GOD should be HIS’ church, even as He said ‘ I WILL build MY church” to Apostle Peter ! How could ‘CHRIST THE LORD’s church be god the father’s church? But the last two leaders who say they are Jews, … lied against the HOLY SPIRIT , JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and took the church to worship god the father, John 8:54, and said he is the head of the church , he is the law giver , as proven below. So the HOLY SPIRIT Who purchased the church of GOD by His own blood should OWN THE CHURCH and it is HIS body. If you cut Him off as THE HEAD, … and place god the father as the head as these two Jews did, … such are thieves and robbers and have SINNED AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT! This is the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD which we never knew. So all those who came before Him, are thieves. Here is a short note to prove CHRIST THE LORD is The Comforter, HOLY SPIRIT, and the Spirit and Truth and the FATHER.

Joh 14:26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.}}}…The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, the FATHER will send, by in “MY” name. And when He comes, He will teach us ALL THINGS. That means until the HOLY SPIRIT came, … we never knew ALL THINGS. This is why the knowledge of God is given as the SEA, having come. Isa. 11: 9 – 11. So it is the HOLY SPIRIT who will teach us all things. and all those who came before that, are liars! It is HIS OWN SPIRIT OR WORDS, which sent Him. That is the FATHER.

But, it is CHRIST THE LORD who WENT AWAY who would COME AGAIN. Joh 14:28  Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you….}}}… so it is HE WHO COMES AGAIN. But not to the Jews who lie, … but to Col. 1: 27,  1 John 4: 4, 17, to the gentiles , the little children. He comes in judgment to open the eyes of the foolish nation.

Now, The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT becomes the Spirit and Truth. He should come, AFTER THE FINAL FALLING away from the TRUTH happens, to consume the man who does it in the temple, by His breath, the SPIRIT the truth.

Joh 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Joh 16:14  HE SHALL GLORIFY ME: for he shall RECEIVE OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you. “…}}}… so when the Spirit and Truth comes ONLY, WE ARE GUIDED IN TO ALL TRUTH. and He shows what ever CHRIST’s. That means the written words which are being fulfilled and the whole BIBLE is the written word of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and they are things to COME, which is that, one should GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!  So that is the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, The LORD revealed, having come, not to the Jews who denied Him, and His words, but to gentiles. That is another mystery that The LORD is in the gentiles! But He Has from the beginning, prepared them to come to them as the Spirit and Truth, when the final falling away happens. 2 Thess. 2 1-13! So all these names are fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO SHED HIS BLOOD TO PURCHASE US TO BE HIS OWN BODY OR CHURCH OF GOD. That GOD is the HOLY SPIRIT , whom against all the Jews lied! So they all were thieves, and they could not do anything as they were without Him. Read also John 20: 22. From His mouth, comes the HOLY SPIRIT, because HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT also. John 6:63. If He is the HOLY SPIRIT, .. then it is HE WHO GAVE BIRTH TO HIS OWN PHYSICAL BODY AS CHRIST as proven in previous writings. So HE IS HIS OWN FATHER!


He was the FATHER of Israel.

 Due 32: 6 “Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he THY FATHER that hath bought thee?”. Who is the GOD who BUYS you with HIS OWN BLOOD? That is YOUR FATHER! THAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AS WRITTEN ABOVE !!!  That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as written above!!!  Judah is condemned having TWO fathers! Mal. 2:10-11 and HWA and GF did NOT preach the GOD who BOUGHT you is your ‘FATHER”! Without this FATHER, how could you be BORN? So the TRUTH about THE FATHER who BUYS you will cause you to Passover!


the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD”…


O foolish people and unwise? is not he THY FATHER that hath bought thee?”….So HE PURCHASED, OR BOUGHT WITH HIS OWN BLOOD, … AND HE IS OUR FATHER!!!  If you do not know it, … you are foolish and unwise!  So HWA and GF has no choice, but to admit they are FOOLS AND UNWISE as they never taught the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD who bought us is our FATHER !!! Not only that, until the Day of Visitation, … the leaders are fools. Hos. 9:7 ! GOD talked about the Day of Visitation, when Aaron sinned. Exo 32. And when the Day of Visitation comes, still the high priest is a fool and have idols! So you better believe the SCRIPTURE and acknowledge  that the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD is your ONLY FATHER! There cannot be two fathers. HWA and GF, claiming to be Jews, never knew their OWN FATHER ! How could the church be born without the FATHER? This is why The LORD said, all those who came before ME ARE THIEVES, and WITHOUT ME, YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING ! without knowing the true FATHER, no one can Passover! The preaching of other gods such as god the father, … happened inside the church of GOD!  What kind of overseers are these, HWA and GF, … who did not preach the FATHER or the HOLY SPIRIT who purchased us ???


Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he THY FATHER that hath bought thee?”.  Did HWA and GF , who say they are Jews preach that our FATHER is the GOD who BOUGHT us, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD? We proved over and over that HE IS THE FATHER! But this truth was not given until The LORD came as The Comforter, or the Spirit and Truth or the HOLY SPIRIT. ! This is the knowledge which one must be baptised in to in order to Passover as proven in previous writings.

Deu 32:12  So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. }}}}… understand…. IF NOT JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS YOUR GOD, … WHO ALONE did lead you, bought you, …. You have STRANGE gods that includes god the father , because such one did not lead Israel out!  And NO MAN CAN HAVE TWO FATHERS! So HWA and GF had a STRANGE GOD and did lead the people to worship such one! This is why no one could Passover!!!


Deu 32:15  But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. }}}… The ROCK is the GOD whom you FORSOOK,  and He is the GOD who gives salvation!  Then, if you forsake Him, … you forsake salvation!!! Do you understand that?  How could you Passover, if you have forsaken the GOD of salvation, because this time Passover means as proven, … receive SALVATION ! Understand ???  By forsaking The ROCK who gives salvation, … all of you REJECTED SALVATION !!! Because salvation is in NO OTHER. Acts. 4: 12. There is no other SAVIOUR ! Then, He comes to save the people from whom???  FROM THESE FOOLISH, UNWISE Jews WHO DOES NOT KNOW THEIR OWN FATHER AND GOD, HWA AND GF AND THEIR TEACHINGS!


Deu 32:16  They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. }}}… worshiping god the father, is a STRANGE GOD, … caused The Saviour or The ROCK to be provoked to jealousy!!! HWA and GF caused The Husband to be jealous by going after other strange gods!!! Did not the leaders preach god the father is THE HEAD, THE LAW GIVER etc and above JESUS CHRIST the LORD? Our web site is full of such SCRIPTURE proving that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD!


Not only worshiping god the father means to have STRANGE GODS, but that made you SONS OF THE DEVIL, as you sacrificed to devils … and as John 8:44 , 54 says!!!

Deu 32:17  They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. }}}…did Moses and elders fear god the father ? Did they sacrifice to god the father? Gerald Flurry wrote, the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD! But did he sacrifice to HIM???  DID HE KEEP  A SINGLE Sabbath TO SERVE HIM, AS HE IS The LORD of Sabbath ALSO??? Did he not preach to NOT TO FOCUS ON CHRIST TOO MUCH, … AND GO PASS HIM, … ETC ??? so worshiping of god the father is to worship a STRANGE GOD, … AND HE IS A NEWLY COME UP ONE WHOM YOUR FATHERS DID NOT FEAR and caused all to sacrifice to DEVILS!   So the synagogue of satan, who say they are Jews, who DENIED THEIR SAVIOUR, The ROCK , OR THEIR FATHER WHO BOUGHT THEM, by HIS OWN BLOOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, … are serving DEVILS, NOGODS, … STRANGE GODS which came up newly, whom the fathers did NOT FEAR. Mal. 2: 10-11 , Rev. 3:7-10. This song is to testify against Israel. Therefore, as the Spirit and Truth said, .. HE BRINGS US TO REMEMBER ALL THINGS HE HAD SAID !!!  The main doctrine we learn from the Spirit and Truth is to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD as written above. The HOLY SPIRIT is the Spirit and Truth and YOU SHOULD NOT LIE AGAINST ANY LONGER. You should understand these SCRIPTURE and glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD and serve Him as YOUR GOD AND FATHER and not god the father. so all were thieves, who preached god the father.


Deu 32:18  Of THE ROCK THAT BEGAT thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee. }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD formed you and BEGAT you.  He begets us by HIS WORD. Jam 1: 18, 1  Pet. 1: 23. That is why we must NOT DENY HIM AND HIS WORDS as the Jews did!!! This is why The LORD said, abide in Me and abide in MY WORDS, … and judge one for denying Him and His words. John 12: 48!


Do you understand that, all those who including us, … rejected and grieved the HOLY SPIRIT who purchased us by HIS OWN BLOOD!!! THAT IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN !!!  we proved that is what Adam did!!! Did not HWA and GF preach the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD?? THAT IS A LIE !! They must admit it. if you understand it, you must fight for GOD AND HIS TRUTH !!!


Deu 32:19  And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of HIS SONS, AND OF HIS DAUGHTERS. }}}… such abominations which caused The ROCK to desolate HIS OWN BODY, WIFE AND THE House of GOD, .. was done by HIS OWN…  HIS OWN SONS AND DAUGHTERS  !!! By placing another head on the body, … these two leaders CUT THE HEAD, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD from HIS OWN BODY and ONCE AGAIN KILLED HIM! Did not The LORD say, the Son of Man has no place to lay HIS HEAD because of the foxes who desolated Zion? Lam 5: 18,  Eze. 13: 4. The PROPHETS are the foxes. Then, it is the prophets, the leaders who CUT THE HEAD OFF as we all know and as proven in previous writings !!! Why did The LORD say HE HAS NO PLACE TO LAY HIS HEAD???  Should He not lay HIS HEAD ON HIS OWN BODY, WHOM HE PURCHASED BY HIS OWN BLOOD who is the wife of CHRIST The LORD???  So what did the wife of CHRIST The LORD do to Him ???  They had a DEVIL, A STRANGE GOD, calling god the father as THEIR HEAD!!!



Do you ever understood that???



Do you understand the seriousness of these devils’  sins???

They cut the HOLY SPIRIT from the church of GOD !!!


the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD”…

We know, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who places His overseers. And it is to feed HIS BODY, THE CHURCH. Then HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Then, cutting Him off and serving devils means, YOU CUT OFF THE HOLY SPIRIT, FROM THE CHURCH!!! Would not The LORD comes and clean the House of GOD which has thieves and robbers??? If these leaders who are made wise by Him, … became fools, as Rom. 1 says, … then, GOD Has no choice, but to call OTHER FOOLS to do His work. ! This is why, John 9:39 happened. He came and blinded such overseers, … but opened the eyes of the foolish nation, which HE CALLS the donkey and the colt! JACOB prophesied that ass and the colt will be bound by JUDAH , when SHILOH  comes. Gen. 49; 10-12 that means when THE LION OF JUDAH COMES!!! SHILOH  is the LION OF JUDAH!


So these Jews who say they are Jews, … CUT THE HOLY SPIRIT off, from HIS OWN CHURCH! Could there be a more abominable sin than that??? This is why the spiritual death came to the church of GOD!!! GOD gave seven eras and the Laodicea era has no CLOTHES. That means NO HOLY SPIRIT. Isa. 30 : 1- 3. Our covering should be of the HOLY SPIRIT! So when the HOLY SPIRIT is cut off, … how could you cover yourselves??? So the Laodiceans became NAKED as Adam was cut off from the HOLY SPIRIT. Remember he lost the image of GOD , which means the HOLY SPIRIT is cut off.


Here are some quotes from Gerald Flurry and HWA … They taught, god the father is THE HEAD. That means they are the ones who cut THE HEAD (JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the HOLY SPIRIT ) off from HIS BODY and placed a STRANGE, NOGOD, A DEVIL as THE HEAD of the church of GOD , to be worshiped! )


“From the beginning book

That is another way of saying they REJECT GOD’S FAMILY GOVERNMENT, WITH THE FATHER FIRMLY AT THE HEAD. They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”… GF . So he preached the FATHER is the head. But JESUS CHRIST the LORD taught through Apostle Paul, that HE IS THE HEAD. Besides, HE SAID, HE HAS NO PLACE TO LAY HIS HEAD and not god the father’s head, because, these two leaders placed their devil , a strange newly come up one as THE HEAD. !


they focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”…

In other words, … GF is saying, … DO NOT FOCUS ON THE HOLY SPIRIT, … because as proven above, CHRIST THE LORD is the HOLY SPIRIT! Then, who preached a FALSE GOSPEL about strange gods, or devils and sacrifices to devils???  Remember he even broke the Covenant of JACOB by replacing the stone of destiny!  That is how Jeshurun forsook his GOD!!!

The high priest must have Urim or Thummim in his breastplate. But Urim or Thummim is given by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as it comes from Him as proven in previous writings. Then, if HOLY SPIRIT or the Spirit and Truth, which is the LIGHT OF LIFE OF MEN is cut off, … how could we have LIGHTS AND  PERFECTIONS unto LIFE??? So this high priest, who is made an overseer by the HOLY SPIRIT, … totally sinned against Him and caused the whole era and the WHOLE WORLD to be in darkness !!! The darkness came over THE PEOPLE AND THE HEARTS !!!


Eph_4:15  But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is THE HEAD, EVEN CHRIST:

Eph_5:23  For the husband is the head of the wife, even as CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH: AND HE IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE BODY. }}}… if they preached CHRIST THE LORD is THE HEAD, AND The Saviour, … or The ROCK of salvation is THE HEAD, .. then they would have been HIS BODY and He would not condemn the leaders of cutting HIS HEAD OFF ! DID THESE DEVIL WORSHIPERS AGREE WITH JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS WORDS???  DID THEY HONOR THE HOLY SPIRIT??? They denied Him and His words.  JUDGE THE SCRIPTURE AND YOUR KNOWLEDGE !


Col_1:18  And he is THE HEAD OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. }}}… He is THE BEGINNING, AND ALPHA and OMEGA , Rev. 1:8.  And also the FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD. IT IS HE WHO DIED TO BUY US ALL TO HIMSELF!

Col_2:10  And YE ARE COMPLETE IN HIM, which is THE HEAD OF ALL PRINCIPALITY AND POWER: }}}… we become complete in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so by cutting HIM OFF AS THE HEAD, … THEY CUT THEMSELVES OFF AND ARE NOT COMPLETE!!!  This is the reason why no one is saved and the harvest is past and there is no KING. Jer. 8: 19-20 !


Col_2:19  And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

Col 2:22  Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? }}}…if you do not hold on to THE HEAD OR CHRIST THE LORD, IN WHOM WE ARE BOUND, AND NOURISHED, … YOU HAVE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN!!! This is why The LORD warned not to allow any man to take your crown to the Philadelphia  era, and said to the little children to not to learn from any man. 1 John 2.


Unless you hold on to the HEAD who is The HOLY SPIRIT OR CHRIST THE LORD, … YOU HAVE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. GF obeyed HWA’s commandments and even replaced the stone of destiny, by forsaking the Covenant of Jeshurun and killed the HEAD from the body, the church of GOD !! This high priest honored and placed a strange GOD and sacrificed to devils, than to the HOLY SPIRIT!! What can you do WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT ???  NOTHING Spiritually!!!!  This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, ‘WITHOUT ME, YOU CAN DO NOTHING’, as HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING ! at least now Do you understand that? Did not Apostle Paul write that the Jewish fables will turn you away from THE TRUTH??? And are commandments of MEN? How much did we grieve the HOLY SPIRIT by turning to nogods and serving idols and obeying the commandments of men , when we obeyed these two devil worshipers???


Unless you OBEY THE HOLY SPIRIT, … your FATHER, … there is no Passover! You who read this should prove all things. it is unbelievable even to think that this day and age, a high priest or an anointed leader in GOD’s own church being the wife of CHRIST The LORD could do such an abominable thing to cut off The Husband , the HOLY SPIRIT or THE HEAD off from the body. But it is the same thing which the Jews, His own did even in His first coming!  



Here are more…

God the Father is head over Christ – the sole Lawgiver and supreme authority.”  (MOA 242 pg HWA ). So HWA wrote, god the father is THE HEAD over CHRIST, or the HOLY SPIRIT,  the GOD , the true FATHER who bought us by His own blood. If you understand these things so far, you will fall from your seat! We also served devils! We cut off our own GOD, FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT off from ourselves, when we believed these liars!!!  No wonder why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, all those who came before ME are thieves and robbers!  These two devils, robbed their own FATHER, GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT by defiling HIS OWN BODY, THE CHURCH OF GOD!!!  Yet, … in HIS MERCY AND GRACE, HE WILL GRANT LIFE TO THESE DEVILS. This is why the kingdom came, to cast out such devils, by THE SPIRIT OF The LORD!!! Luke 11: 18-22. We proved the devils are those who do not have the SPIRIT. Now we know it is who does not have CHRIST THE LORD or the HOLY SPIRIT !  This is why The LORD prophesied about the times of Refreshing, … reformation or restitution WHEN ALL FLESH will see salvation of GOD!!! Think … Adam also did the same. Aaron also did the same. And if GOD did not kill them right away, ( though the HOLY SPIRIT was cut off), would GOD kill GF ? This is why Joshua will be put in fire and will be taken!


Now , we can understand clearly, when Adam sinned why the life was cut off !  He too grieved the HOLY SPIRIT , and committed the unpardonable sin as proven in previous writings. HE DID NOT BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT , and now we can clearly see, The CREATOR was the HOLY SPIRIT !!! This is why, he was cursed to ETERNAL DEATH !!!  and why we need to be redeemed by NONE OTHER THAN, ‘The CREATOR’S OWN LIFE ! ONLY HIS OWN BLOOD ‘WITHOUT BLEMISH’, COULD SAVE US FROM THAT CURSE OF DEATH for rejecting the HOLY SPIRIT!!!  So the HOLY SPIRIT, … HAD TO COME AS A MAN AND DIE to save us as HE CANNOT LIVE WITH SINNERS! The CREATOR had no other choice. Do you understand that? The sin, is NOT the transgression of GOD’s law as these leaders taught. Because of sin in us, , … we transgressed the law.


1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. }}}… understand ??? Who ever SINS, … also…. ALSO, … ALSO transgresses the law. And sin came from Adam. the law came to measure that sin. So who ever commit sin means who ever reject the HOLY SPIRIT, the only sin which cannot be forgiven, … breaks the law also. If you do not have the HOLY SPIRIT, … you break the law. Because the law, is spiritual. Rom. 7: 14. Without GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT, … we sin!

Therefore, He Had to be manifested to take away our sin as THERE IS NO SIN IN HIM.




If you abide in Him, we cannot sin. What does that mean??? “Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not”… This means, the condemnation is not having Him… And when He, or HOLY SPIRIT lives in us, .. we cannot sin, because one sins, not having HOLY SPIRIT in us. IF CHRIST THE LORD IS NOT IN US, … HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT IN US, RIGHT????  This is why, The LORD purifies us by HIS OWN BLOOD, SO HOLY SPIRIT CAN LIVE IN OUR HEARTS. Gal. 4: 6 !!!

Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. }}}… so you see ???  No one is condemned if they have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in us, because HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, and then, we walk in SPIRIT!!! So did these leaders who came before Him, preach that we should abide in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the HOLY SPIRIT ??? HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD IN US MEANS HAVING THE HOLY SPIRIT !!! Thereafter , we cannot sin!  He will not live in us, unless we are made free from this sin of Adam in us which defiled all mankind!


Understanding, all these, now we know, Adam was condemned to death, as he rejected the words of The CREATOR, who is the HOLY SPIRIT and even His words are SPIRIT and life, John 6:63. And the church of GOD did the same as they also rejected Him and His HOLY SPIRIT !!! So all are condemned to death and now are dead Spiritually. Now, we must understand these and once again plead to The CREATOR to come in to us and be our HEAD! That is the only thing this high priest could do.



“God Almighty – the Father of Jesus Christ – is Supreme Lawgiver, and Head over Christ, and over all that is.  (MOA  335. HWA)

So these two leaders who say they are Jews, … did NOT KNOW THE GOD OF THE Jews IS The ROCK OR CHRIST THE LORD , AND HE IS THEIR FATHER WHO BOUGHT , BEGAT, FORMED AND MADE THEM!!! Mal. 2:10-11,  Rev. 3: 7-10 came true and they became a synagogue of satan, having worshiped a strange GOD, a devil as the SCRIPTURE says above, even despising the Covenant of JACOB !!! So unless you Passover from such false gods to the true GOD , The ROCK who gave the Passover to be HIS PEOPLE, how could you fulfill it? should not HE, be the true FATHER, be our HEAD ??? Does not the SCRIPTURE say The ROCK is the FATHER ? Besides, HWA says ‘THE ALMIGHTY’, is the god the father. But JESUS CHRIST the LORD says, I AM THE ALMIGHTY. Rev. 1: 8. 

Rev 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. }}}… so as you can see… HWA claiming to be preaching the gospel to the world, … and being the Elijah, … to prove the true GOD as Elijah did, .. he placed a strange, devil as THE HEAD and even gave the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ‘THE ALMIGHTY’, to that. How could the HOLY SPIRIT live in HIS OWN CHURCH or body???



So he gave JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name also to his strange nogod!!! Could anyone commit more abominable sins than these to reject their GOD and FATHER ??? This is how the wife of CHRIST The LORD  became the enemy of The Husband !!!


If THE ALMIGHTY is not god the father, then what is his name??? he thought THE ALMIGHTY is god the father. but it is not. then where is god the father? This is why, preaching god the father is to place a devil !

If as HWA says THE ALMIGHTY is not god the father, … then what is the name of god the father???  That proves there is NO god the father !!! 


“There is ONE lawgiver – God the Father”

(True Church booklet, HWA .  )

But the SCRIPTURE says, there is ONE LAWGIVER who is able to give life or destroy. “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy” Jam 4: 12. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who gave the law!  Is not The ROCK , the GOD who gave the law of Moses ??? And said I am your GOD, and have no other gods before Me???  We all believed the commandments of men.  From such false lies, The LORD delivered us by teaching the Spirit and Truth !!! This is why until the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time, no one knew the Spirit and Truth but had lies and could not glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the GOD and the EVERLASTING FATHER ! By this ONE TRUTH, GOD made all liars.



In MOA preface, HWA wrote –  

'If you were asked where in the Bible to find the very earliest description of God in point of the time of his existence, you probably would say, “Why, in the very first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1, of course.’’ Right? Wrong! In time-order the earliest revelation of who and what God is is found in the New Testament: John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. IN HIM WAS LIFE; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:1-4).”.(emp ours)


If the earliest description of GODHEAD is in the New  testament, … then all the Jews beginning from Abraham’s , JACOB’s  , Moses’ times, and including king David, … NEVER KNEW THEIR TRUE GOD!!! Did not GOD speak with Abraham, even Hagar ???  Did not HE, THE SAME GOD THE ALMIGHTY OR The ROCK, made a Covenant and made a promise to bless Abraham??? How about Noah?  Enoch?? And this SCRIPTURE says, WITHOUT THE WORD, … NOTHING IS MADE , and IN HIM, WAS LIFE !!! How could the earliest description of GOD be in the New  testament? Even Gerald Flurry wrote, the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Would the HOLY SPIRIT , the Spirit and Truth be given to such liars??? By believing this man, we all made the HOLY SPIRIT , a liar! At least, now correct yourselves.


This is where he failed to understand the GODHEAD. Did not GOD reveal Himself as The ROCK to Moses? As THE ALMIGHTY, to all the fathers such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , Exo 6: 3??? Did not GOD speak to Noah, Abraham, JACOB etc? And made Covenants with them??? Does not the Heb. 11 say many of the Old testament worshipers died in faith, looking for a better resurrection, and did THEY NOT KNOW THE TRUE GOD??? This man preached  A STRANGE GOD, … A DEVIL AND ALL WORSHIPED him, and his words!  Gerald Flurry, preached the same and caused all to WORSHIP THE SAME NOGOD, … A DEVIL, … AND CAUSED THE WHOLE ERA TO FALL FROM THE TRUTH, AND NOT CAUSING THEM TO Passover TO The ROCK, TO THE GOD OF Israel and KILLED HIM BY CUTTING HIM AS THE HEAD, SO THE BODY COULD NOT SURVIVE AND INCLUDING HIMSELF, HE KILLED ALL Spiritually!! In the Old testament, they knew Him as the FATHER. But in the New testament, we knew Him as THE SON. But no one knew Him as the HOLY SPIRIT, the FATHER and THE SON until the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD is given now !


So he caused all to not to look for Abraham’s GOD, John 8: 54- 56, … and break all the Covenants with this ONE GOD! King David, called, The ROCK’, my FATHER. 2 sam 23,  Psa. 89: 26.  In Deut. 32, … The ROCK IS CALLED THE FATHER !!!  So how could there be ANOTHER FATHER, if The ROCK is the FATHER , or THE ALMIGHTY is the FATHER? 2 Cor. 6: 14-19  tells us to be separated from devil worshipers, and THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD, who is CHRIST THE LORD will receive us as sons and daughters  !!!  He knew, His first born Israel, Exo 4: 22-23, will not be HIS FIRST FRUITS. So now you can see why. HWA and GF, who are the Jews, NEVER WORSHIPED THE GOD OF THE Jews!!!  Or GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  or Moses or king David! They cut Him as the HEAD OF THE FAMILY AND PLACED a strange, newly come up devil as their god the father  the head!!! This is why no one ever passed over, because Passover will be fulfilled only if you know the true FATHER, who can beget You, who have begotten you.  This is why The ROCK said, they will forsake Me, their ‘FATHER’ !!! So the VERY FIRST Passover is to serve Israel’s FATHER !  it will be the same as now. ! Your GOD, should be your FATHER !!!  If life is IN HIM, … then, HE SHOULD BE GIVING LIFE, … BE YOUR ‘FATHER’ !  He is the EVERLASTING FATHER !  But the gentiles found Him, The REDEEMER to be the FATHER already as HE SAID. Isa. 63: 16- 19.

Mal 2:10  Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD CREATED us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? }}}… ONE GOD, … ONE  FATHER, The CREATOR !!!  That is The ROCK who said I am your FATHER as written above !!!  So if you do not have ONE FATHER, ONE GOD, ONE CREATOR, … then you have a strange nogod and NOT THE TRUE, REAL FATHER WHO GAVE AND WOULD GIVE YOU LIFE!!! See how important it is to know your true FATHER ???


Mal 2:11  Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

Judah’s sin, or the synagogue of satan’s sin, caused an ABOMINATION IN Israel AND Jerusalem which caused the FATHER to leave!!!  By preaching god the father, … a strange nogod, a devil, … Judah lost his HOLINESS! This is how the synagogue of satan also denied their GOD, The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD ….


Rev 3:8  I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast KEPT MY WORD, and hast not DENIED MY NAME. }}}…if you have kept CHRIST THE LORD’ word, … and have not denied HIS NAME, … then you would have HIM AS YOUR FATHER AND GOD AND The CREATOR !!! HE SETS AN OPENED DOOR BEFORE THEM WHO DID NOT DENY HIM.   SO DO YOU THINK CHRIST THE LORD HAS SET AN OPENED DOOR TO Gerald Flurry TO PREACH HIM AS he denied Him and His words????  This is why he preaches god the father and NOT CHRIST THE LORD !!! By this one point, you can judge WHO HAS DENIED CHRIST THE LORD AND HIS WORDS AND WHO HAS NOT!!!!  ALSO, WHO GOES THROUGH THE TRIBULATION, THE HOUR OF TRIAL, … AND WHO RECEIVED THE REWARD OF THE Philadelphia  ERA TO BE THE PILLARS IN THE TEMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


HE IS THE GOD OF THE Jews, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses! If you do not have HIM AS YOUR FATHER, … you serve a strange , newly come up nogod, these Jews have made for themselves, … a devil ! This made the whole House of Israel to commit ABOMINATIONS against their GOD and for Him to leave HIS OWN BODY, AND Jerusalem.  this is why The LORD chose Jerusalem, and want Joshua to see it and satan stands by this high priest !!!


Rev 3:9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. }}}… remember GOD tries the HEART to see if they have other gods, as proven in previous writings. Therefore, if a Jew, … worship god the father or any other gods, … become the synagogue of satan !!!  They forsook The ROCK, and worship god the father , whom they made for themselves , a GOD whom the fathers have not known!!! So the hour of temptation comes to try them, … and what did The ROCK find ???  OTHER GODS, devils , strange god the father !!! They have two fathers, two creators, and two gods !!!  Therefore, this is the most important doctrine of The LORD to learn, … The ROCK’s name , the GOD of the Jews.  So these Jews, CANNOT CALL THEMSELVES ‘Jews’, as they do not have the same GOD of the Jews, …. Because HWA taught the true GOD is revealed in the New  testament!!!  So he rejected the GOD of the Old testament !  Gerald Flurry, saying the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … but still worshiped the same nogod, the devil HWA made for himself and obeyed the commandments of men, rather than of GOD’s and committed THIS ABOMINATION in Jerusalem !!!  if you want to receive life, … then find the TRUE FATHER who is capable of giving you life according to the words of GOD and of your fathers! look for CHRIST THE LORD’s day, as Abraham did. John 8:56 !!


When the hour of trial came to those who denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, … The LORD came and gave the knowledge of God to those who did not deny Him, and revealed the truth about Him, so they could reveal their lies. Jer. 16:19 ! that is their tribulation. For a thief to be found out about his lies and robberies, is an affliction. Specially as he claims to be the king, high priest, and counsellor, etc… and to which GOD has he become a priest to?  It is not to The ROCK , the GOD of Israel, but to a strange nogod, a devil !!! Remember Isa. 22: 25 says, in that day, the nail will be cut down to FALL ! That day has come.  For any one to have the key of David, … they must have the works of king David. And king David called The ROCK, my “FATHER”, Psa. 89: 26 and The LORD OF HOSTS, my “FATHER’. 2 sam 7: 14 and onwards. He confirmed Him as their GOD!


Rev 3:11  Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. }}}…”hold fast which thou hast” means to the ones who have NOT DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS!  This means at the end of the Philadelphia  era, … the Spirit and Truth must come to give HIS WORDS AND NAME!   That is when those who worship JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who DO NOT are separated.  the church of GOD went to the Laodicea condition, and those to whom the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came, … became the church.  The synagogue of satan the Jews, … are the gates of hell as proven. Hell means no HOLY SPIRIT, the bottomless pit. Then, that is the same time, The LORD called HIS TRUE CHURCH as He said to Apostle Peter. This is why Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles, a LAST TIME SALVATION HAS COME TO THEM. 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20, by HIS WORDS the HOLY SPIRIT. v 23. So the true church is called out, when these gates of hell exists as proven in previous writings. This is why The LORD said… I will build MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” . Therefore, in order for the gates of hell not to prevail, … against the true church, … both the true church and the gates of hell must exist together! That is a last time event, when the Spirit and Truth or the HOLY SPIRIT came the second time!!! So understand… when we call we must have HOLY SPIRIT, … we must have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in us !!! Do you understand that? Such knowledge is necessary to Passover to the true GOD !!! Therefore, except those who received the Spirit and Truth, ( 2 Thess. 2: 13), .. who are sanctified to believe Him, … the rest allowed a man to take their crowns. This is why The LORD said, the children of the kingdom will be thrown in to outer darkness and the kingdom taken from them and be given to a nations which bears fruits. Now we know, we could bear fruits, only if we abide in Him!!!  John 15 ! Mat. 8: 12,   Mat. 21: 43. And the kingdom is given to the little children. Mat. 19: 14, Luke 18: 16 , Luke 11: 18-23. In the kingdom, they cast out the devils by the SPIRIT of The LORD. Then, they must be given the SPIRIT of The LORD, first, to cast the devils out!!!  The devils are those who worshiped devils by cutting off HOLY SPIRIT, THE HEAD !!! the fathers are judged by the sons. Luke 11: 18-23, being the finger of GOD !!!



have you allowed HWA or GF to take your crown by worshipping a false GOD and a father??? If you have not, … you have OVERCOME … and is a pillar of the House of GOD.

Rev 3:12  Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. }}}… this is the New Jerusalem… made NEW IN THE ALMIGHTY, OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD as our web site proves as The LORD said, ‘BEHOLD I WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW”, … but in Him.! Heb. 3:6 clearly says, some are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house. it is HIS HOUSE, … that is the New Jerusalem,  or new Mt. Zion as proven, where the PERFECTED ones have entered.


Understand these few SCRIPTURE. It is ‘CHRIST THE LORD’S house now is built. That is the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, or the new Mt. Zion as proven in previous writings. That is where the reward of the Philadelphia is.

Heb 3:6  But CHRIST  as a son over HIS OWN HOUSE; whose house are we”…}}}… CHRIST as a son, over HIS OWN HOUSE. Moses built for Him, The ROCK, and king David built his Tabernacle to The LORD OF HOSTS who is also The ROCK. And if CHRIST THE LORD is a ‘son’ to His own house, then HE IS THE FATHER TO HIS OWN HOUSE AS WELL. AND THE House of GOD BELONGS TO HIM. This is where JACOB’s seed would have ended in, in the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN as proven in previous writings. But Judah broke that Covenant and GF even replaced that stone of destiny as proven !!!And ‘whose house are we’ prove some are in it. so do you think you are in ‘CHRIST THE LORD’s house, when you worship god the father ? Would The ROCK be your FATHER and beget you, when you have another strange father?  This is why, The LORD judges the wife as a harlot as proven, in Rev. 17, 18 and Eze. 16! CHRIST THE LORD is His own FATHER, because His words begat Him and us.


Heb 3:12  Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. …}}}…see, if you have departed from the ‘LIVING GOD’, you have an evil heart. This is what happened to Adam and Eve. They disobeyed The CREATOR, who is the LIVING GOD. it is not the god the father, who is the LIVING GOD, as GF taught, but it is The Saviour who is the LIVING GOD. 1 Tim. 4: 10. All these are proven in our web site , front page. Then, as v 3 says, it is CHRIST THE LORD’s house, and He is the LIVING GOD. and if you are not with Him, … then you are not IN HIS HOUSE, and have DEPARTED from Him, having an EVIL HEART. This HAPPENED AT THE END OF THE Philadelphia  ERA.  Because the reward for those who kept His word and did not deny Him and His words are made pillar in this house. Therefore, since you have not believed that CHRIST THE LORD IS THE FATHER, … you have departed from Him, having an evil heart of unbelief. That made you an un- believer.  Do you think Gerald Flurry is a pillar in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house??? Remember he wrote, the LIVING GOD is god the father! See in his web site the statement of beliefs !


Heb 3:10  Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have NOT KNOWN MY WAYS. }}}.. if you have not known the ways of The CREATOR, … or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you have ERRED IN YOUR HEART!  So how could the HOLY SPIRIT live in your heart, when you have departed from Him? we are said to love our GOD with all our HEART, and not to love a strange abominable nogods!


In truth, this is the sin of Adam. he did not believe what the LIVING GOD ( The CREATOR) said. So he too departed from Him, having an evil heart. This is why all humans are made sinners and have death on them. And then, The LORD must bring all to the judgment seat. That is CHRIST THE LORD’s judgment seat. 2 Cor. 5: 10. That is because Adam sinned against Him, and all are made sinners under Adam means all sinned in the same manner as Adam, … rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR and did not obey HIM AND HIS WORDS. HE WAS GOD , and Adam rejected GOD and His words.  so we all denied The CREATOR and His words. and to avenge that sin, … GOD chose Israel. that is why the law is given, to condemn. GOD knew no one could be made righteous by keeping the law. But Israel never believed that. They thought and still think, they are keeping the law of GOD, but worshiping a nogod, … and will receive blessings from GOD! Remember the very first law in Exo 20, is you shall havev NO OTHER GODS, BESIDES ‘ME’. ONE GOD! That is The ROCK, JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  so the church calls on god the father, … denied JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words and still think they are righteous. But GOD gave the law, as a snare to condemn, them WITHOUT MERCY. so those who are under the law will not receive mercy but die. Heb. 10: 28.  This is why, HE SPARED THE GENTILES NOT GIVING THE LAW, … to save them first by forgiving while yet they were dead in sin, … Eph. 2,  Rom. 3: 21 etc. He prepared them from the foundation of the world to get His glory for grace. Eph. 1. !!! Therefore, as you can see, … all those who came before JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time as the Spirit and Truth, … no one had the Spirit and Truth that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD, the FATHER and THE SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, … and were liars , thieves and robbers as they did not enter through the DOOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


Remember Gerald Flurry wrote the LIVING GOD is god the father. so do you think he will be in His house???  His House is the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, … the city of the LIVING GOD or JESUS CHRIST the LORD. that is where the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are now.


Heb 12:22  But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

Heb 12:23  To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, }}}…the new Mt. Zion is where those who trusted in Him. Psa. 125:1. and did Gerald Flurry trust in Him??? He gave the name of the LIVING GOD, to his nogod! In CHRIST THE LORD’s house, the men are made perfect. Col. 1: 26- 28 says, having CHRIST THE LORD in us, made us perfect and we warn others to be perfect in Him. so who preaches whom to be in CHRIST THE LORD, and be perfect?  Gerald Flurry definitely cannot preach that he has CHRIST THE LORD in him! But they go on preaching a false gospel.  The true EVERLASTING gospel is to worship The CREATOR , which is preached in judgment. Rev. 14: 1-7, by the first fruits , who have their FATHER’s name on them, … who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD. remember John 14, The LORD said, I am going and coming again and will receive you unto MYSELF!  So He went, …. As promised came again, and prepared places in FATHER’s house, which is HIS OWN HOUSE as written above, … as HE IS A SON AND THE FATHER IN HIS OWN HOUSE, … and received those whom He prepared to be with Him.  so the rest who came before Him, are thieves as they have denied Him and His words ! They cannot do anything as they are without Him !


Rom 14:8  For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.}}}… can the House of Israel truly say, they are living for JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? Act 10:36 Deu 6:4  


The ROCK said this to Israel…

Deu 6:4  Hear,O Israel:The LORD our God is one LORD:.}}}…so GOD said to ‘Israel’ that their GOD is ONE!!!


Then, The LORD reminded it in the New  testament, having come…

Mar 12:29  And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:…}}}…did HWA and Gerald Flurry hear The LORD ? Are they not Israel? Did they believe their GOD is ‘ONE’??


Act 10:36  The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (HE IS LORD OF ALL🙂. }}}… He is The LORD of all !!!  But Israel to whom it was first preached, .. did not hear that though they claim to be keeping the law! So their leaders are thieves and robbers who defiled the House of GOD and need to be purified before the Passover, so the people can Passover!  


So Judah lost the holiness having two fathers as written above.  But to the gentiles, GOD says…

Eph 4:24  And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. }}}…through the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, we receive LIFE AND GODLINESS. That RENEWS our minds. And then we PUT NEW MAN, which is after The CREATOR, .. and that gives righteousness and true holiness ! Can we afford to not to learn about JESUS CHRIST the LORD , our FATHER ?  Holiness , righteousness , godliness could come only by the Heavenly FATHER , and JESUS CHRIST the LORD gives them! SO THE TRUE HOLINESS COMES BY The CREATOR !!!  Judah lost it as he preached TWO CREATORS as written above. !!!  that is ONE GOD! If the true holiness comes from The CREATOR, … then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER as the FATHER gives HIS HOLINESS TO SONS !!!  


And we are said we have ONE FATHER….

1Co 8:6  But TO US THERE IS BUT ONE GOD, THE FATHER, OF WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, AND WE IN HIM; AND ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, AND WE BY HIM. }}}… to “us’…. who are these ‘us’??? They are the ones who believe that there is only ONE GOD, .. ONE FATHER, … unlike Judah who believes TWO FATHERS, … and from whom are all things. that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our LORD !!! CHRIST THE LORD, is only a physical body. While He was still a physical body, He could not have given birth to any as the sin of Adam was in us, and we need to be forgiven that by HIS DEATH AND BLOOD. So He was only a LORD, a Rabbi to us. but now, HE IS OUR EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 63: 16 ! All things are by and from Him !!!  WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM.  ! So judah who are HWA and GF, are liars and thieves who came before JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


Remember CHRIST THE LORD taught Apostle Paul , all things to be written to gentiles, , away from others. So Israel could not have known until the Laodicea era, when the Colossians are to give their letter to them, about all these truths. The LORD gave the Heavenly vision to Apostle Paul about the conversion of the gentiles. Acts. 26: 16-19 as proven in previous writings.


Remember Isa. 54: 13,  John 6: 45,  1 John 2: 12- 27, Heb. 1: 2,

Rom 15:8  Now I say that Jesus Christ was a Minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: }}}… so CHRIST THE LORD is the HOLY SPIRIT. HE CAME TO GENTILES TO MINISTER THE TRUTH OF GOD, as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says ! First time, He came to HIS OWN, John 1, but they did not receive Him. vs 11- 12. But now, having received Him, .. the gentiles are made HIS SONS !


Rom 15:9  And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD, came as a MINISTER to circumcise us by the truth of GOD, to confirm the promises made to fathers, but that promise of the HOLY SPIRIT came to gentiles, as they believed and they glorified GOD for HIS MERCY !!!  All these are written! So in order to fulfill His promise, HE CAME AS THE Spirit and Truth, The Comforter, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT !!! HWA nor GF wrote nothing about The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth, or the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as proven in previous writings !!! Did HWA and GF give CHRIST THE LORD’s due glory as ONE GOD, ONE FATHER ? So the promise came to gentiles. And they believed, and received the HOLY SPIRIT of promise. Eph. 1: 13 !!! 2 Thess. 1: 8- 12 proves the gentiles glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name. !!!


Jesus Christ was a Minister of the circumcision for the truth of God,’… When did JESUS CHRIST the LORD become a MINISTER of truth to gentiles or to anyone???  It is when the Spirit and Truth came as John 14 says.  That is in HIS SECOND COMING, when He came to them, as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says. !  SO ALL WHO CAME BEFORE HIM, WERE THIEVES AND ROBBERS AS HE SAID !!! SO THESE LEADERS, COULD NOT DO ANYTHING, AS THEY WERE WITHOUT HIM !!! They gained physical riches as The LORD said to the Laodiceans !  This happened when the FINAL FALLING AWAY FROM TRUTH IS HAPPENING INSIDE THE TEMPLE as 2 Thess. 2 says. That is when The LORD comes to gather all. and v 13 says, the gentiles are sanctified to BELIEVE IN THE Spirit and Truth !  So the Spirit and Truth who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the HOLY SPIRIT, or The Comforter came to them as HE SANCTIFIED THEM !!!  If HE DID NOT FULFILL HIS WRITTEN WORDS, WE CAN CALL HIM A LIAR!  And this is how He consumes the man of sin by HIS BREATH or the HOLY SPIRIT !!!  By giving the TRUTH, … The LORD made them liars. so all the leaders who caused the final falling away from truth, ARE LIARS !!!  When we received the truth, we knew that. Jer. 16: 19! So all came before HIM, are thieves as they did not enter through HIM, THE DOOR !!! Would The LORD lie like men???  These men must admit that they never BELIEVED, OR OBEYED JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THEIR GOD AND FATHER !!!


if HE became a Minister for the TRUTH of GOD ‘TO’ gentiles, … then it is the gentiles who should give this truth to those who FELL AWAY FROM THE TRUTH !!! Or give the truth to the liars , which we are doing. that truth will cause you to Passover from false nogods or strange gods or devils, to the ONE TRUE GOD, The CREATOR , THE EVERLASTING FATHER ! As you can see, all those who preached god the father, … are liars !  


here is another quote from GF…


I beseech you brethren — seek God as you never have before! "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man" (Jer. 17:5) — ANY man, AND THAT CERTAINLY INCLUDES ME. (MM pg. 102 ).


You must test the spirits. You must TEST THE SPIRIT IN ME! (pg. 7).  Mr Flurry should test his OWN spirit first! 

We have tested these leaders as you can see as The LORD revealed the truth. what did The LORD show to us in this leader? Is he telling the truth? He trusted in HWA !!!  He is Therefore, cursed as he says.  Out of his own mouth, he brought the curse on himself ! We must trust in GOD, and according to SCRIPTURE, … it is the gentiles trusted in CHRIST THE LORD, first. Eph. 1. 5- 13. “we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.” .  Could anyone in Israel say, they trusted IN CHRIST THE LORD as they worship god the father ??? So you see, why The LORD said, ‘all came before Me are thieves”???


GF should have tested the spirit in HWA ! And now, he let his crown to be taken away!!! GOD Is not a respecter of persons! GOD told Ezekiel to not to eat man’s bread. Eze. 24. Yet, he did not obey!


So when The LORD tested this leader, He found that he has another GOD and cut the true GOD’s head, off from the body and killed Him !!! So such leaders have robbed off from their GOD !!! So they are thieves as they came to destroy the people for their own gain !!!


So back to Deut. 32…

Deu 32:20  And he said, I WILL HIDE MY FACE FROM THEM, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.

Deu 32:21  They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked ME TO ANGER WITH THEIR VANITIES: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. }}}…So GOD also said, HE TOO WILL HIDE HIS FACE FROM THEM TO SEE THEIR END. And now we have seen their end!  THEY ARE DEAD having false gods and fathers! And GOD said, He will anger you with a foolish nation. They are the gentiles. So He came to gentiles, … and gave the TRUTH ABOUT THEM, and they are sanctified to believe and receive the Spirit and Truth as proven above, … and now you can be angry.  And your VANITIES, we are made to see. Jer. 16: 19. So the foolish nation was made wise and they see your vanities !


And The ROCK , the FATHER said, they will corrupt themselves and will NOT BE HIS SONS, to their blemish. !!!  Would that not be fulfilled also? And it is not Israel who will see THEIR OWN CORRUPTION, but GOD reveals it to HIS ADOPTED SONS when Israel failed. This is why, from the beginning, GOD planned to adopt gentiles. Eph. 1, and JACOB also prophesied in Gen. 49: 10-12. To the tribe of ‘JUDAH’, the foolish nation will be bound, but at the time The LORD comes to gather all. that is 2 Thess. 2: 1,  13 ! John 9: 39. And The LORD said, in this chapter that HE TOO WILL RAISE UP THE FOOLISH NATION see v 43.

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves; they are not His sons; it is their blemish; they are a crooked and perverse generation. }}}… so now is the crooked and the perverse generation, … who do not know their own FATHER OR GOD !  Are they not thieves as The LORD said? So until The LORD came the second time, all those who came before Him, are thieves !!! And The LORD said, in this chapter that HE TOO WILL RAISE UP THE FOOLISH NATION see v 43. So The ROCK knew Israel would not be HIS SONS !!!  How would a father fell when the sons and the wife denies Him???  We cannot help but try to understand now, this is what Adam and Eve brought to the world.  But everything will be ok, after the judgment as the wife will be granted to wear fine linen and as Heb. 8 says, all will know GOD ! That is why CHRIST THE LORD is called The Comforter !  The truth will set us free. John 8: 32- 36. And remember GOD avenges all sins beginning from Aaron and even Adam from the last generation. That is the judgment because all are sinners until He removes it after the judgment. That is why Israel could not Passover until then, as GOD knew they will not love Him with all their heart. No man knew that The CREATOR is the only GOD, the FATHER, THE SON and the HOLY SPIRIT to be saved until The Comforter came the second time to give this knowledge. So in ONE POINT, all humans are made sinners.


Just think; if sin came from Adam, with the curse of death, could we live by any means? By keeping the law, by being good, could we have everlasting life? Without knowing the EVERLASTING FATHER, could we be born again? And the SCRIPTURE says, IN HIM, in The CREATOR, we live or die. So those who have Him, … live, and those who do not, died. remember Luke 20: 36- 37, those who called on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , are living and the rest died. This truth about the EVERLASTING FATHER, is preached in judgment as the Everlasting gospel, .. to give everlasting life to all.  unless GOD removes our sin or offense, we cannot get it removed by doing good. This is why all those who died in faith also are waiting for the resurrection on the last day. So all those who came before CHRIST THE LORD, preached other gods and are liars and thieves!



This is why we must understand the SCRIPTURE clearly and OBEY JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND HIS WORDS as He judges us by His words. John 12:48. Therefore, if a leader has not ENTERED THROUGH HIM ,is a thief and a robber. Unless we abide in Him, we cannot bear fruits, but will be CUT DOWN.  WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM. then, having god the father in us, what could we do?  Remember the first Passover; is to take the people out of Egypt, the pollutions of the world, from false gods to the true GOD, who is The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD. The House of Israel passed over TO HIM, to make Him a name and to be HIS PEOPLE. Beginning from Moses, those who obeyed The ROCK, such as king David, build the Tabernacles for HIM to dwell. To The ROCK and to The LORD OF HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Then, unless the leader PREACHES HIM, to get the people TO BE HIS PEOPLE, they are thieves. When The LORD came the first time, before He died, He cleansed the House of Prayer. And the fact that ALL SEVEN ERAS fell from the truth, and the FINAL falling away from truth happened as 2 Thess. 2 says, proves the House of Prayer has become a den of thieves and robbers as The LORD said. That is why Malachi says, the priesthood will be purified.  The Old testament prophets wrote what The LORD said and they were obedient to HIM, to one GOD. but the book of Malachi ends in condemning Judah who had TWO fathers and TWO creators (Mal. 2:10)and breaking the Covenant and the Covenant of Levi which is the law of TRUTH. That Covenant brings peace and life, if we continued.

Therefore, no one believed CHRIST THE LORD when He said “all those who came before Me are thieves and robbers”, because even unto the Day of Visitation, beginning from Aaron to Joshua all sinned in the same manner. Exo 32. They are back in Egypt now. Rev. 11:8. Remember The LORD is avenging the sin of Adam and Eve.  The Tree of Life was cut off means the knowledge of CHRIST THE LORD or the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD was cut off which GIVES US EVERLASTING LIFE.  This is why no man could HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. Therefore, ALL ARE CONDEMNED TO DEATH AND THAT IS THE SPIRITUAL DEATH AND THAT IS WHY THE Laodicea era is Spiritually dead.

The LORD said, until HE IS BLESSED, He will not be seen in Jerusalem or the House of Prayer. Mat. 23. And He said until the kingdom, He will not eat Passover. These SCRIPTURE proves, JUDAH ;as The LORD said to the Philadelphia era, denied HIM AND HIS WORDS and caused all to be dead Spiritually and became the Laodicea era. So unto that time, all those who came are thieves and robbers as the SCRIPTURE proves! The LORD said, “All those came before ME, are thieves and robbers”. Then, He also said ‘without ME you can do NOTHING”. Who came before Him? They NEVER PREACHED HIM. SO WITHOUT HIM, NONE COULD DO ANYTHING !!!!  Does The LORD talk about the Old testament prophets?

When He says ‘without Me you can do NOTHING”, then we must go to HIM, for EVERYTHING. If not, we CANNOT DO ANYTHING Spiritually. And on the Day of Visitation, Joshua the high priest is BLIND, A FOOL, AND INSANE. Hos. 9:7. This is why as it was in The LORD’s first coming, The LORD comes on the donkey to purify the House of Prayer, to DELIVER THE PEOPLE. Zech. 9:9. Rom. 11: 20 – 30. Then the people will Passover! Prove every SCRIPTURE and FEAR GOD rather than men and obey The CREATOR! GOD now speaks from Heaven, as Heb. 12 says, from New Jerusalem, from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house.


No man would believe his church leader is a robber and a thief. Unless you believe what The LORD says, then you make HIM A LIAR just as Adam did. How could there be MANY churches now? If HWA taught the truth, WHY SO MANY DIVISIONS?

Could GOD be divided? Could the SCRIPTURE be divided?

Could GOD be lying? Could the SCRIPTURE be lying?

It is THE SON who makes us free. John 8:  36

It is His words which sets us free. John 8: 32,  John 17: 17-19.

This is why without Him, we cannot do anything. And the last two leaders took all AWAY from THE SON, and took us to a nogod, a strange one, a devil, and made all under bondage of devil and death, (Heb. 2:14) as god the father cannot do ANYTHING!


Does the BIBLE say god the father will set us free?

Has he spoken a single word ?

Could the TRUTH come out of him, if there was such one???

Besides, HWA and GF said THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD is god the father, but the SCRIPTURE proves that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so then what is the name of god the father or what does he do? NOTHING! That is what you received from going to god the father. it did not bring any harvest. THE KING left , the EVERLASTING FATHER left Israel, and His own wife and the first born sons. Jer. 8: 19-20,   3: 19-20, Exo 4: 22-23.

This is why until the kingdom, The LORD will not eat Passover and the kingdom came, to subdue the enemy, who is the wife of CHRIST The LORD , the ministry.


Since we all have believed the leaders who say they are Jews, … when The LORD says the Jews who say they are, but do lie and have denied Me and My words, you obey these Jews. UNLESS THEY ABIDE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … THESE Jews are NOTHING!!! GOD PROVED THAT NOW, because we have inherited The LORD !  Gen. 15:1,  Col. 1: 27,  1 John 4: 4. None in Israel , among such Jews, could be the judges as it is they who need to be judged. 


Remember GOD said, the last work upon the earth is the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30:3. Rev. 11: 2-3. Zeph. 3. Col. 1:27, 1 John 4:4, 17. They are to tread down Jerusalem, the holy city, and are given judgments. That happens when The LORD came to them. So until then, from Aaron to Joshua, all have sinned. Heb. 7 says not even a single high priest is made perfect and the law could not make anyone perfect. So the Jews have no choice, such as HWA and GF, and all those who are with them, .. but must admit their sin against JESUS CHRIST the LORD. remember they are anti- Christs, and not anti gods. So such CANNOT DO ANYTHING.  I hope the people who read this will understand that their leaders are NOTHING and have done VAIN things and inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19.  This will be your affliction or tribulation, which has not happened nor it will again as The LORD said , because there is ONLY ONE DAY OF JUDGMENT ! All the curses will be removed.


Therefore, you died Spiritually and became Laodicean. , should you not prove from the SCRIPTURE to know the ones who speak the truth? Compare Mal. 2:10-11 and Rev. 3: 7-10 and Micah’s prophecy about the ‘WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD ’ turning as HIS ENEMY.


Remember ‘WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING’. John 15: 5.

Joh 15:5  I am the vine, ye the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: FOR WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING..”. }}}… The LORD says, unless you abide in ‘HIM’, and not god the father , you cannot bear FRUITS. And, without Him, you cannot do anything. Then, it is The CREATOR who created all things to HIMSELF. Rev. 4:11, Eph. 5: 26. Mr Flurry said, the GOD of the Old testament is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in previous writings. Then, how could the New testament leaders start to worship god the father? Did god the father bring all Israel out of Egypt to be his people? Did he create anyone? Does the volume of the Book speak about another GOD, other than JESUS CHRIST the LORD who comes in the whole volume of the Book? The physical Jews believe in ONE GOD to this day. They failed to believe that ONE GOD, who is the SPIRIT, sent His own physical body as THE SON, who is CHRIST THE LORD. But Judah, preached two fathers and two creators. Mal. 2:10-11 and broke the Covenant of the fathers which was with ONE GOD!  Same way, the present day Judah who are HWA and GF, also preached TWO GODS! This is why the House of Prayer became a den of thieves and robbers as they LIED against The CREATOR, that He is lower than god the father when there is no such one, and denied HIM AND HIS WORDS as The LORD said. At the end of the Philadelphia  era, they denied Him and His words. Rev. 3, just as it happened in Malachi’s time.!


The final falling away from the TRUTH means, they inherited LIES. If you deny JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING, you will have no truth, or light, NOR BEAR FRUITS! This is why The LORD blinded them further, coming as a judgment to them, John 9:39, and opened the eyes of those who did not see, … to know that GOD IS ONE.


The leaders, or Judah who are HWA and GF caused all to serve god the father, a nogod, who is not spoken in the SCRIPTURE! That is how the House of Prayer became a den of thieves, as they did not enter in to the house, through THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP, WHO IS CHRIST THE LORD. They honored god the father above CHRIST THE LORD to whom the House of Prayer belongs to. Unless you enter through JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is the DOOR, you will not BE SAVED!

Joh 10:7  Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I AM THE DOOR of the sheep. }}}…If He is the Door, then could you enter in through god the father, who is NOT THE DOOR??? The door is shut for those who worshiped such devils!!!


Joh 10:8  All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. }}}… Therefore, all those who preached two fathers or creators, who are Judah, could not enter in to the sheepfold, … but they are robbers and thieves, … and they are NOT THE TRUE SHEEP.  Those who HEARD JESUS CHRIST the LORD, in His second coming, are the true sheep who have entered through the DOOR !!! When the truth is given, we believed. Eph. 1: 13. They are the pastors who are sent to the wife of CHRIST THE LORD ! 


And this DOOR, will SAVE all.

Joh 10:9  I AM THE DOOR: BY ME IF ANY MAN ENTER IN, HE SHALL BE SAVED, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. }}}… what more do we want, other than to be SAVED ? Could the man of sin sitting in the temple of GOD, who cut THE HEAD OFF, … save you by taking you to god the father ??? Remember HWA started to preach about god the father, by reading John 1 as written above. How foolish we were to have believed him? Beginning from Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses, … it was THE ALMIGHTY, or The ROCK who is the ONLY GOD. did these fathers knew Him, when they entered in to Covenants??? What HWA says is, that these fathers did not know the true GOD, because the true GODHEAD is written in the New testament in John 1! It is he who did not know the true GOD and not the fathers! So such liars were inside the church. GOD could not find a single man who speak the truth, because no man could have known the truth in the first place. so The LORD HAD TO COME TO REVEAL THIS TRUTH a second time. THEN, ALL ARE MADE LIARS including us, and every man. Remember Jews are chosen to pour GOD’s wrath! But they thought they are GOD’s people and exalted themselves too much and their pride caused them to have their own ways as Adam was. So Adam’s sin was in them all along.


Joh 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. }}}… this means all those who came before CHRIST THE LORD, … STOLE AND KILLED AND DESTROYED ALL Spiritually as they could not do ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM. But now, HE HAS COME TO DELIVER THE PEOPLE, TO BRING THEM A SECOND TIME BY GIVING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Isa. 11: 9-11. That knowledge will cause all to Passover from pollutions of the world to the true GOD, to the true EVERLASTING FATHER.


So HWA and GF KILLED both GOD and His body of believers by their deceit, the poison of the tongue came from the evil hearts. !


This is why, The LORD will circumcise the hearts, because it was the most deceitful heart of Adam which caused him to trust in his thinking which defiled THE WHOLE MANKIND. The heart of all kept them away from the true GOD as they trusted in themselves and not in Him. !

Deu 10:16  Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.}}}… who do you think have the most stiff necked hearts???  Is it not HWA and GF ??? So they are liars and robbers who destroyed the whole mankind and betrayed the fathers, broke all the Covenants, and caused all to die and HATE THEIR OWN FATHER, GOD AND KING! This is what The LORD proves in judgment, having come, on the Day of Visitation to visit the SIN !


Deu 10:17  For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward…}}}… The LORD, our GOD, the GREAT GOD, does not ask for anything but our humbled hearts so HE CAN TEACH US THE TRUTH AND TO SAVE US !


Isa 44:6  Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.}}}.. this verse proves The LORD of HOSTS  is The REDEEMER and THE KING and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He Is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD…, the FIRST AND THE LAST ! Same thing is repeated by Him ;-


Rev 22:13  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. …}}}.. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE FIRST, … HE IS The CREATOR, …. AND HE WILL SAVE US ALL. ! And THE ALMIGHTY is He. Rev. 1:8 as written above. So HWA said THE ALMIGHTY is god the father !!! THE ALMIGHTY is god the father, but not another GOD, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the TRUE ALMIGHTY , the HOLY SPIRIT is the FATHER of us all !!!


In order to Passover, remember what happened in the first time. GOD, The ROCK revealed Himself to His first born, who are Israel. Exo 4:22-23, but as He said they would, now they have denied Him, their own FATHER , King and GOD, … and have denied HIS WORDS, and have believed what their hearts led them to believe. A good example is what HWA taught, referring to John 1, saying that GODHEAD is revealed only in the New  testament, as if GOD did not make Himself known to the fathers!  This one GOD comes in many names over 300, in the BIBLE. But HE IS ONE. !


If we cannot do anything without OUR Heavenly FATHER, WHO IS The ROCK OR CHRIST THE LORD, … WHO SPOKE TO Adam, … which he did not believe, … mankind became liars and robbers and thieves and could do nothing to save ourselves. then we must have Him to do EVERYTHING. When Adam did not believe what The LORD said, … he made GOD a liar.  So GOD made ALL MANKIND to be liars in judgment! So from Adam, to the last man, …. No one could do ANYTHING as we were without Him. So all those who came before JESUS CHRIST the LORD , in His second coming, … are liars and thieves and robbers. !!!  His words will never fail !


All those came before Me are thieves”(John 10:8). This is why, The LORD , …BEFORE the Passover, must purify the House of Prayer and get rid of such thieves in order TO SAVE the people! The whole church, the whole House of Israel, .. the whole mankind was robbed of from the OWNER , The CREATOR by these evil, wicked, deceived and blind leaders! Remember the war in heaven in Rev. 12. After The LORD won, … the SALVATION came and that is the kingdom to destroy the enemies such as the Jews who are liars.

Understand the FULFILLED Passover means you are SAVED AND have INHERITED the EVERLASTING LIFE, BECAUSE THE EVERLASTING FATHER HAS COME TO RECEIVE HIS SONS! And if The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD gave the first Passover, then the second also will be to Him. keep it to serve HIM and not to serve strange devils! Those who did not bring the people to serve HIM, are the robbers and thieves who stopped you FROM BEING SAVED! All ‘FLESH’ shall see the salvation . Luke 3: 6. !


If you want more proof of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE FATHER, read the statement of beliefs in .


Joh 17:2  As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Joh 17:3  And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. }}}… it is the FATHER, The CREATOR’s own words, the SPIRIT (John 6:63) gives life, and His own words begets us. Jam 1: 18, 1  Pet. 1: 23 etc. we are clothed from heaven by HIS SPIRIT. Isa. 30:1. If you do not have HIM AND HIS WORDS, you will see you are naked just as Adam was.  The CREATOR HAS COME AGAIN TO CLOTH YOU, TO GIVE WHITE LINEN. When you return to Him, you will know, that The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER. That knowledge will convert one, (please read conversion 12   3 ) to be a Son of GOD. Adam was a son to The CREATOR. Luke 3. So we all will be once again. The FATHER died to save the sons. He is THE TRUTH, His words are the truth.  He will give life, … His words will give life. ! Therefore, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM. all those who did not preach Him, are liars and thieves!


If you understand , as The LORD’s will is to open the eyes of all now, as HE IS GLORIFIED to give the HOLY SPIRIT, ( John 7: 36-39), and on the last day He calls all to come and drink from Him, …  understand…. That the WIFE who is MARRIED to Him, to The Husband, … had ALREADY BACKSLIDDEN. When the truth about GOD is revealed as now, … the wife , the Jews, the leaders who preached LIES and caused others to worship nogods or strange gods, must see and understand that they have FORSAKEN HIM AND HE TOO HAVE FORSAKEN THEM !


 So the following prophecy is for a time, AFTER THEY HAVE FORSAKEN HIM WHICH IS NOW.

Jer 3:14  Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: }}}… “TURN’ means to return, to the starting point etc. now, we must go back to The CREATION. That is where the sin began of rejecting The CREATOR and His words. please read ‘why the Marriage Covenant’ . “I am married”… means it is The Husband who is calling the wife to RETURN to Him. So she has forsaken Him and this prophecy is for us now.


Then, The Husband says, I WILL GIVE YOU PASTORS, ACCORDING TO MY ‘HEART’! They will feed you with knowledge, and understanding. That means they will NOT LIE OR ARE THIEVES AND ROBBERS, but they have ENTERED THROUGH THE DOOR and they are the true sheep, who heard THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE. So these pastors are sent, after JESUS CHRIST the LORD came the second time, and fed them with knowledge and understanding. Isa. 11: 9 – 11.

Jer 3:15  And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. }}}… then, The LORD will give pastors after HIS OWN HEART, … to give the knowledge and understanding, … TO HIS OWN WIFE who has forsaken Him. the wife is the ministry who are thieves and robbers who have FORSAKEN Him. These are the children of Isa. 29: 23- 24. In their time, those who ERRED IN SPIRIT, will come to understanding! They have FEARED AND SANCTIFIED The Husband ! So it is the ministry, or the wife of CHRIST The LORD  who became the enemy, who needs to HEAR THESE PASTORS WHO WOULD TEACH THEM KNOWLEDGE AND GIVE UNDERSTANDING …. AND The LORD HAS APPOINTED THEM. Therefore, DO NOT LOOK FOR THIEVES  and liars, but look for these pastors who are SENT BY The Husband, after you have forsaken Him. That is the end of the Laodicea era.


Jer 3:16  And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more. }}}… after the wife forsook Him, … they will not remember the Ark of the Covenant !  That is where GOD dwells. That is where The ROCK or The Husband or the FATHER dwells.  But now, it is in heaven, after all died. Rev. 11: 18-19 ! Remember the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM as Heb. 12 says, the house of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …. And that is where the Ark of the Covenant is now. !


At that time, after they forgot the Ark of the Covenant, … where The LORD Is, … Jerusalem, ( which The LORD has chosen which Joshua must see) , is the THRONE OF GOD. That means the KINGDOM even as Rev. 12 says !

Jer 3:17  At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. }}}…after this, … when the throne of GOD Is set, … when THESE PASTORS HAVE COME to give the knowledge and understanding to the wife who has forsaken The Husband, …. The Name of THE LORD is declared. Remember Deut. 32, The ROCK’s name will be given, after they have forsaken Him, to gentiles. Zeph. 3:9-15 proves. That is the Holy Mountain where LIES are not spoken. So after the knowledge and understanding is given, … the wife will NOT WALK IN HER EVIL HEART ! So all who came before this time, caused all to forsake their Husband and GOD, and FATHER and King, … and Isa. 63: 16-19 says, they never allowed Him to rule over them. No more imaginations of evil hearts after this. Remember what HWA taught in John 1. GOD did not want anyone to be converted until after the judgments. So the judges, received the knowledge of God. Luke 10: 18-24, 11: 18-24 and it is the kingdom. So that is the time the throne is set and where the Ark of the Covenant is, In HEAVENLY JERUSALEM.


Jer 3:18  In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. }}}… Judah and Israel, who stumbled on Him, Isa. 8: 13- 14 and did not sanctify The LORD OF HOSTS in their hearts, … now will walk together, coming from north.


And now, understand… it is the children who are these pastors because, they were taught the GODHEAD. Luke 10: 18-24. It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE SON who reveals!

Jer 3:19  But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt CALL ME, MY FATHER; and shalt not turn away from Me. “..}}}…the missing knowledge and understanding is… THAT THE WIFE DID NOT KNOW, The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER!!! That knowledge is given to these children, who are already in the pleasant land, .. in goodly heritage, and who are the HOSTS of the nations of Israel and Judah.  They are the pastors who are sent by The Husband, to the forsaken wife , teaching her this truth that there is only ONE GOD. if The Husband wants you to call Him my “FATHER”, then The Husband IS ALSO THE FATHER!  The ROCK, is the FATHER who begat Israel as written above.  Then, HE WAS THE FATHER.  AND WHEN HE ENTERED IN TO THE Marriage Covenant, … He became The Husband. SO HOW MANY GODS ARE THERE?  HOW MANY FATHERS ARE THERE? ONLY ONE ! This knowledge will cause you to return to YOUR GOD, FATHER AND HUSBAND !!! Thereafter you will not turn away from Him !!! This is the water which will wash the wife as Eph. 5: 26 says.



Jer 3:20  Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD. }}}… it is the House of Israel who has departed from their HUSBAND AND THE FATHER and who need this knowledge. So you see, why The Husband says, all those who came before Me, are thieves???


Jer 3:21  A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the LORD their God. }}}… where would this voice of weeping be heard???  It is the wife who is weeping as she forgot her HUSBAND. this is why she is judged as a harlot. So all those who came before could not do ANYTHING as they were not in The Husband or CHRIST THE LORD. So the true pastors who are taught by The LORD, Himself comes, AFTER GOD JUDGES THE WIFE TO HAVE FORSAKEN HIM, even as Deut.  32 says. That is when The LORD came the second time to deliver as proven in previous writings. So as The ROCK said, they have PERVERTED their ways as they did not ABIDE IN HIM !!!

Then, when these PASTORS after GOD’s own heart are sent, … GOD intervenes to heal the wife, so she can return. Then how would she be healed? She should know that she was a liar, a thief and did not enter through the DOOR of The Husband , and could NOT BEAR FRUITS and must learn The Husband is also the FATHER !!!

Jer 3:22  Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God. }}}… she will be healed, …. And will return knowing The LORD. so the knowledge and the understanding must come from The Husband and he sends through these children. These children know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and received everlasting life. as John 17 says and they are sanctified to be sent to her, so she could believe in Him. vs 17-20 !


Jer 3:23  Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel. }}}… she will know that salvation is not in the hills… the high and exalted ones who never believed The Husband!  Now she will know when she learns from these pastors, that in The ROCK or in The Husband, there is salvation !!! Remember The LORD came and preached to Israel, REPENT AND BELIEVE , ‘before the kingdom comes’. So as written above, this is the throne of GOD, … and that is the Heavenly Tabernacle , from where GOD speaks and one should hear as Heb. 12 says. So salvation comes when the wife learns that The Husband is also the FATHER which means ONE TRUE GOD. The Old testament fathers did not know CHRIST THE LORD as THE SON. And the New  testament leaders did not know He is the FATHER! So these hills will be leveled… the crooked places with this truth about GODHEAD. ! Read these SCRIPTURE. Jer_31:32; Isa_54:5; Hos_2:19-20



Jer 3:24  For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.

Jer 3:25  We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God. }}}… you will see your shame. The Laodicea nakedness. Just as Adam was disobedient to The CREATOR, … all Israel were disobedient as well. No man could have obeyed The CREATOR, because from Adam, the life was cut off. If one obeyed Him, … then only that one will be saved. but GOD concluded all to be sinners, so by mercy, all could be saved. Now, as the judgment is given and The LORD is glorified, He can open the eyes and give the knowledge and the understanding. When the knowledge is given, … that is when they all will know their shame! If GOD does not give the truth, how could the lies will be exposed? Until The LORD takes away the carnal mind, no man could obey Him or His words! And all Israel had to repent for not believing. This is why The LORD said repent and believe the kingdom is at hand. So it is now the kingdom has come to rule the enemy. This is when by the SPIRIT of GOD, the devils are cast out. Luke 11: 19-23. And these pastors have obeyed Him. 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6.





1Pe 2:25  For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”.  }}}… remember this is a last time salvation came to gentiles. They are made the Royal Priesthood of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 1  Pet. 2: 8-10. They are taken out of darkness.  

All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.”.. So these sheep, RETURNED TO THE SHEPHERD and DID NOT HEAR THE THIEVES AND ROBBERS. The GREAT SHEPHERD DID LEAD THEM OUT OF SUCH WOLVES and gates of hell! 


 So they are the pastors after GOD’s own heart who are sent to these gates of hell, casting out their devils by the SPIRIT of GOD, having received HIS SPIRIT !!!

Isa 40:11  HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK LIKE A SHEPHERD: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. }}}.. so the SHEPHERD CAME TO GATHER ALL . REMEMBER The LORD SAID TO Apostle Peter TO TAKE CARE OF HIS LAMBS AND SHEEP???  This is why, he wrote to gentiles about the SHEPHERD, feeding them as The LORD said to him!!!


And then, it is they who will bring good tidings… and tell the cities of Judah ( the worshipers, Jer. 26:2, ) to behold their GOD!!!rr Isa. 54: 13. They are the children who were taught by The LORD as John 6:45 also said, 1 John 2: 12- 27,  4: 4 , 17 etc, and are sent, who are in the Holy Mountain with CHRIST THE LORD. Isa. 8: 18, a sign and a wonder in Israel !!!

Isa 40:9  O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! }}}… this is the Jerusalem GOD Has chosen which is sent to Joshua the high priest who has a filthy turban, having a government problem ! Cities of Judah are the Jews who say they are Jews but lie and did not know his GOD!!!

Isa 40:10  Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.



So CHRIST THE LORD planned to save some children first. And they are brought to the Holy Mountain, and they are a sign and a wonder in Israel.

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. }}}… they are the men of Niniveh who repented and believed and the queen of south who are raised up in judgment to meet THE GREATER than king Solomon, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , to condemn those who did not believe. !


If you have begun to understand GOD’s words, … then the HOLY SPIRIT Has come on you! Fight for GOD !!!  Fight with the gates of hell!!!


All have sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT as you can see. so all will be forgiven as our penalty of death is paid, by The CREATOR, Himself or the HOLY SPIRIT, Himself !!! 


Let there be PEACE… which brings life, … and receive the law of TRUTH as Levi did.  Who are in GOD’s side ???


Let them Passover to be saved and have everlasting life by having the EVERLASTING FATHER !!!


All glory , honor and thanks giving be with our One and ONLY TRUE GOD and may HIS NAME  be glorified in all the earth !  Let every knee bow down to Him, as HE IS EXALTED ABOVE ALL OTHER GODS, … and let every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS GOD !!!

May all things written be fulfilled ! Let the NEW Heaven and earth may come according to the word of GOD !


Let us believe our GOD AND FATHER… and not commit fornication.

Mal_2:10  Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?

Joh_8:41  Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. }}},,, unless you are born of this ONE GOD, THE TRUE FATHER, … YOU ARE BORN OF FORNICATION. SO THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD , BECAME A HARLOT AND ARE BEING JUDGED AS THE MYSTERIOUS HARLOT! If you do not have the true FATHER, … you are bastards as The LORD said. And if you do not have the true Husband, you are a harlot! So no one wants to be bastards or harlots any more.

Rom_15:6  That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1Co_8:6  But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Eph_4:6  One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.



Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Rev 22:21  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. !!!