As in the days of Noah THE SON comes ; to be a FATHER to the fatherless! Part 13

As in the days of Noah THE SON comes ; to be a FATHER to the fatherless! Part 13

18th sept 2024


The following writing was originally written in 2006. We have edited it and new additions will be in brackets like this {{{…..}}}.


Poor, Fatherless, Strangers and Widows – 14th May 2006.



{{{ GOD says He will be a FATHER to the fatherless. He has given laws to Israel to not to afflict the strangers, fatherless but to judge their cause. If they do not do so, THE LORD will destroy them and make them fatherless. Israel, always had GOD as the FATHER. And Eph. 2 :12-13 says, gentiles had no GOD, no Covenants and no hope that means no Husband or GOD as the FATHER. When the Scripture talks about fatherless, it refers mainly to the gentiles as you will see. And in this writing we prove that THE LORD comes the second time to be a FATHER to the fatherless. As Lamentations says, GOD made Israel to be without a father because they forsook Him and He too forsook them. Then, THE LORD comes the second time to the gentiles, to fulfil the Times of gentiles , and taking them to His name. Placing the name on some body means they become sons. THE ROCK’s name was not continued in Israel as they had god the father’s. Therefore, THE LORD comes the second time to set free the gentiles, by the truth, bringing justice to them (Isa. 42: 1-3, 11: 9- 11, giving them the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD as the sea, and taking vengeance from Israel who did not obey Him, and the gentiles glorified His name, 2 Thes. 1: 8-12 and then His name is continued. Psa. 72. And King David also prayed for THE LORD’s name to be continued, as THE ROCK revealed to him that the Tabernacle of David will fall. That means GOD’s dwelling will not be in the Tabernacle of King David, because King David’s GOD and the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but the last leaders changed that to god the father. No man can have two fathers. Our LORD GOD will not share His glory with another nor will dwell in the Tabernacle if there is another or an idol. GOD gave many laws regarding the fatherless. And if broken, THE LORD will make  Israel to be fatherless which means if they forsake Him, He too will forsake them, but will be a FATHER to the fatherless who are the gentiles. THAT IS FULFILLED NOW as we prove in this writing. Prove all things.}}}



God says, His end time leaders are “wicked” because they have partially judged the poor. The High Priest himself exists at the last hour is wicked and has a filthy turban and Satan stands at his right hand.  So, God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith, yet they are being oppressed by the leaders in God’s church. God stands at the right hand of the poor.  The Jews have shown no justice and mercy to the poor who witnessed the covenant-breaking sins. So the Jews plundered the poor and now God is using the poor to plunder them. If the poor are to be rich in faith, then they should be the people of God in the end time. {{{ Jam. 2 : 5. The book of Apostle James is for the SCATTERED Israel, ALL 12 tribes.  And why are they scattered? Because they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but to god the father. Mat. 12: 30 says ‘’The one who is not with Me is against Me, and the one who does not gather with Me scatters. ‘. Jam. 1:1…None of the 12 tribes are WITH HIM, but with god the father. Therefore, they are against Him. It is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who gathers all and Jerusalem failed to be gathered though THE LORD tried to gather them as a hen. Mat. 23. Jacob said Shiloh comes to gather. Gen. 49. But none in Israel (churches under HWA) gathered to Him. That is why in the end, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD became His enemy, as she did not gather to Him, though HE WAS The Husband.   if you are with Him, then you will not be scattered. This is why Israel is called ‘lost tribes’. HE IS THE TRUE SHEPHERD. If you are with Him, you should be in HIS HOUSE as Heb.  3: 6 clearly says the House of GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s house as His name is mentioned. Besides it is He who instructed Moses and King David to build a Tabernacle for Him to dwell. The church is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s body. How could it has god the father as the head then? Just think:-. If the church is called the body of CHRIST THE LORD, then could another’s head be on CHRIST OUR LORD ’s body? But that is what the leaders did. They placed god the father as the head. Therefore, None built to Him, did not go to Him and the high priest preached to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is to preach a false gospel. And all believed him. he is the prophet, who is a fox, Eze. 13: 4, who desolated Zion. Lam. 5: 18. WHERE WOULD HE LIVE AFTER THAT? THE LORD could not lay His head because of the foxes. None in Israel believed and received Him as their GOD, and the FATHER. Seeing, the end from the beginning , THE LORD prepared the gentiles to come in to a second time and save them first by His grace and mercy. And the prophet, would not know THE LORD’s VISITATION. Hos. 9: 7. Therefore he will not see how THE LORD is taking the gentiles, and how He revealed Himself as the true FATHER or any works which THE LORD does in the gentiles. Israel is partly blind at this time. This is why all SEVEN eras fell from the truth, not believing. but the poor, who are rich in faith are the gentiles. Jam. 2: 5, act 15: 7- 15 and their hearts are purified by faith and are with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , being gathered to Him Eph. 1, 2, though they did not have GOD, nor the FATHER. Prove all things }}}.



Who Are the Poor? {{{ according to the Bible?}}}


14th May 2006

POOR,  Fatherless, stranger and widows.

“God” Has chosen the “POOR” to be rich in faith! WHY?  


Because .. all…all…all Israel fell:…{{{… and became the faithless generation as THE ROCK prophesied in Deut. 32.

Deu 32:20  And He said, I will hide My face from them; I will see what their end shall be. For they are a very perverse generation, SONS IN WHOM IS NO FAITHFULNESS. 

Deu 32:21  They have moved Me to jealousy with a no-god. They have provoked Me to anger with their vanities. And I will move them to jealousy with a no-people. I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation


Then, as THE LORD prophesied, Israel lost faith in Him and had faith in god the father. But it is CHRIST OUR LORD ,  WHO IS THE Author and the Finisher of SALVATION AND FAITH. Heb 12: 2, 2: 10 , and failing to come to Him, none of His own received faith or Salvation. And faith is a free gift. Eph. 2 and the gentiles, the poor received it. Act 15: 9- 15. The teachings which CHRIST OUR LORD  taught Apostle Paul is called the HEAVENLY VISION, and that is in act 26: 17-19, to have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. therefore THE LORD, seeing that His own sons will not have faith in Him , He preplanned to give faith to the gentiles and they came to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and trusted in Him. THE LORD, Himself became poor to be with them. 2 Cor.  8:9



God Has condemned the end time leaders such as Ezekiel and the princes

( The Regional directors)  who live “just” before Christ’s second coming for  oppressing  the poor, the fatherless, stranger and widows. This happens in God’s true church where Ezekiel is and not in the world. The leaders in God’s church are God’s OWN  MINISTERS.


GOD calls these  leaders “wicked”, “beasts” , “DUMB DOGS”,  “fools” and even foxes. Lam 5: 18. Who are the foxes? Ez 13: 4….The prophets . Not just beasts, but “BRUTE” beasts.


{{{ a ‘beast’ is a man without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. Therefore as THE LORD did not give the understanding, all became beasts and went after the beast and beasts, the evil leaders who failed to be gathered to THE LORD }}}


They are working against God and are called antichrists. The “HIGH Priest” himself has a filthy turban. Ezekiel has “Iniquity” and totally given in to worldly lusts and have committed spiritual harlotry and has broken the marriage covenant. To cover up his sin, he even allowed the poor to be (murdered) cast out of the church. {{{ this happened in 2003. Remember the 800 UN- baptised Indians were taken with 17 ministers when THE LORD says not to take strangers, specially to keep the PASSOVER. Our RD caused us to keep the PASSOVER with such and we opposed. That was the beginning of the  Covenant breaking sin which the high priest committed and since he represents the whole church, every one knowing or unknowingly partook the PASSOVER with such because one member of the body suffers, the whole body suffers. Thereafter, as we wrote, the stone of destiny , Jacob’s stone also was rejected and he brought a new stone and made a new throne to himself. Please read, links below. }}}…


Recent James article of the prophet shows this should happen JUST before Christ comes or when He is at the door.   In the end time they are so wicked, and unless Christ comes and cut short in righteousness, there won’t be anyone left in God’s church. {{{… THE LORD said not even one stone shall be left upon another, because the prophet did not know the Day of Visitation. Hos. 9:7, Luk. 19: 14. So it is the prophet who did not know the Day of Visitation. But THE LORD took gentiles to HIS NAME on the Day of Visitation. Act 15: 9-15 and gave faith to them. That means the gentiles who received faith know the Day of Visitation has come and they are build on Him. Eph. 2}}}}



There may be thousands of people in these churches, thinking they belong to the true church but their “POWER” would be scattered. Dan 11: 36, 12: 7. But the wicked shall prosper as a part of God’s wrath, so no one could judge them by their physical fruits. They will be rich physically.   If you think you are in God’s church, then you could be a victim of these beasts unless you judge them by their  ‘Spiritual’ fruits and  flee. {{{… remember THE LORD said those who are in Judea, to flee?  Who are in Judea? It is the synagogue of satan as proven}}}}



Only from the “WORD” of GOD, you can judge them.! Because of their law less ness, God’s love will not be found when Christ comes. All of these  abominations should happen, in the Inner court, or within the body, or bride of Christ, Among all the sister churches explained in Ez 16: 50 52. Christ said to those who are inJudea (churches of God as we have proven) to flee to the mountains…. Not a single mountain, but mountains meaning the little sanctuaries. The time has come that the Jews will not worship in the mountain or in Jerusalem in truth . John 4: 20 Then how can Christ find faith when He comes in Jerusalem? Christ’s bride has become a harlot and now her judgment has come. Her judgment was given to the strangers. Ez 7:21,      11:9,  Christ is working with them staying outside at the door.  


Even though Jews will not worship God, the “POOR” will be rich in faith, and that is to happen in the last days as James’ epistle is for the last days. Jam 2: 5. May be that is the reason why Jews oppress the POOR. The Jews oppress the poor over their faith in God.! {{{ in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD}}}


First century Jews hindered the word going to gentiles or the poor and now too this has happened. When Jews rejected Christ and the gentiles, Christ  said….

Act 26:17… delivering you from Jews, now I send you to gentiles….

Act 28;28….Because Jews rejected, Paul went to gentiles and he said, they will hear it! {{{… so the Salvation is heard by the gentiles now , fulfilling the prophecy in act 28: 26-28}}}}



Jam. 2V. 6  says  “YOU”…dishonored the “POOR” and have shown partiality. (v9) that is why the leaders are convicted by the “LAW” as transgressors… As v 11. says.  From the book of James, we can see that there has been a dispute between the Jews and Gentiles or the {{{ rich and the }}} poor. There has to be a reason for James to write like…” you have shown partiality to poor”. But since the Jews have authority in the church, they were partial to the poor and did not judge the matter according to God’s judgments. But,  God, praises the poor. They have faith !  Ezekiel committed adultery against Christ our Husband in Bamah, where the “POOR” of the land are. We have written in many of our earlier articles about this matter. When we informed him, he put us out of the church. Took our robes away as Mic 2: 8 – 10 says. That means  committed murder. We, the poor stood up for God and fought. Ezekiel did not judge the matter justly. He showed partiality to poor and took the RD’s side. They have removed the Landmark and have entered in to the land of the fatherless. Prov 23: 10. This is why God said, “DO NOT remove landmarks”…Because God knew they would enter into the land of the fatherless. Job 24.explains  What they do to poor and what God will do to these wicked leaders.  Deut 19: 14… Hos 5: 10. But the princes of the land did remove our landmarks. This prophecy was fulfilled.  


This  happens “JUST” before Christ’s coming and where ever the High priest and Ezekiel are. Joshua’s turban became filthy “JUST” before the 2nd coming. ( MM pg 77)  When these abominations happened, God wanted to find JUST “ONE” man to plead like Moses did. But HE found “NONE”. Ez 22: 30. This means, Ezekiel himself has fallen. GOD says “NO” man. He did not find even Ezekiel to be worthy to stand before Him. The sister churches in

Ez 16, (v50-52 etc) were taken captive one by one as God Saw fit, but PCG  continued the covenant, while judging others. Then why Does GOD say there is “NO” man?….. God could never lie. Because in the end, the sister who judged others did “WORSE” than all…. She too followed other’s footsteps. God could NOT enter in to judgment until ALL fell and there was ‘NO’ man to stand up for Him. God’s judgments could not be executed till the final sister who judged others also fall, which finally happened. Then, and only then  God said, “I FOUND NO MAN”. The final church too fell and the prophet himself said, “I am the 7th work”. The final era is now on the scene and the final church which held fast to the covenant  does not know her judgment. She is too busy judging others. If God finds her to be worse than others, then the punishment also will be worse than other’s. Much is expected from those who are given much. God gave all the revelation from all the prophets hoping the last church would not do the abominable thing which God Hates, which is to “burn incense” to other gods, which she did. (Jere 44) This is the dispute between the last church which James was giving the warning about showing partiality to POOR. Because the “poor” witnessed and opposed. It was GOD who did it through them. They {{{ leaders}}}  did not repent. Now the judgment!    Burning incense to other gods means praying. And this is why GOD rejected the whole ministry but accept the incense of the gentiles, to be PURE TO HIS NAME. Mal. 1: 11.  And then Mal. 3: 16-18 is about those who feared THE LORD OF HOSTS. And THE LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , the LIVING GOD as proven. Then, could PCG be sending pure incense to THE LORD OF HOSTS’ name? could she fulfil Mal. 3: 16-18? This is why we proved the MM of the high priest is a big lie. Compare the words of Mal. 1: 5-6,  11,  3: 16-18 !  The whole Priesthood is condemned in this book. Heb.  7 says, not even one high priest is made perfect. The whole Aaronic priesthood is to fall. }}}


Pride is their destruction

When WCG fell,  many sister churches were formed. Being in the same family, and having the same “SPIRIT” of God, {{{ as they claim }}}  why could not they all  agree,  unless they all would “not” want to submit one to another?  {{{ if they knew the truth, … could the truth be divided }}} What have these leaders been teaching all the time? Love , love , love, submit, submit submit,? We are one family, we are one family?

Where is their love?   Where is their submission?  ONE family???? Their beliefs are so different. Otherwise so many sister churches would not exist. ….This shows, NO ONE, I mean NO, NO, No one have really understood God’s love or God’s word. {{{ Love, is a fruit of the SPIRIT. Without the SPIRIT, if GOD Has blinded the ministry, how could they have love of GOD , because the love of GOD is in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.  Rom.  8:39. can any one bear fruits of the SPIRIT, without receiving the SPIRIT? or that GOD is ONE and the truth cannot be divided, and we are ONE FAMILY, having ONE FATHER and JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as THE HEAD. So there cannot be divisions in beliefs. The ministry said god the father is the head. Therefore the body of CHRIST THE LORD is divided , not having the true Head to lead the body}}} If as they say, we have one father, could not they agree with one another?  Everyone want to be the leader. No wonder why God could not find a man!.


None of them have a humble heart. No body wants to submit one to another. God will make them submit to each other soon.  All the churches have been disobeying God. If they cannot agree just one life span of 70 years with one another, how could these people live for eternity? And these are the teachers of the law?  Or the cheaters of the law? This is where the poor are rich in faith. They humbly come to God and cling to Him. {{{ THE LORD, Himself became poor to be with them. THE LORD said if a house is divided, it will not stand. Mat. 12: 25  }}}… The Jews  had all the blessings of Abraham. Always, when they ate to the full, they forgot God. The wicked forsake God’s Law. Ps 119:53.


Psa 10:1 – 4 Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? When the trouble comes, God is afar off…{{{ this means GOD does not protect them. }}}

Psa 10:2  The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined….{{{… see if one is PROUD, GOD sees as they are wicked. From the beginning , Israel was stiffnecked. That is their pride. {{{  GOD see the heart. That is why THE LORD judges. 1 Cor.  4: 5. And as many Scripture says, He sees the proud persecute the poor. Jam. 2 etc. and THE LORD Has allowed it. But He said, the proud will be humbled. Isa. 2. And more. And in the last hour, the humbled will be exalted and the exalted will be humbled. Therefore they will be taken in their own devices they imagined. Their own pride will destroy them because pride leads to destruction of own self. ‘ Pro_16:18  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. ‘. See why did all seven eras fell from the truth ???  THE LORD did not give them the truth as He wanted them all to fail and fall, seeing the pride in their heart.  Israel’s beginning was being stiffnecked as Moses said.  So they must fall. And they have and the poor, the gentiles are seeing their fall. That means GOD’s punishment has come on them.  Joh. 9: 39, THE LORD came to judgment, to cause those see to NOT SEE, but opened the eyes of the blind. This is why Israel is partly blinded, when the gentiles are taken. Rom.  11. And Israel will not see how JESUS CHRIST THE LORD came in to gentiles and gave them the SPIRIT, …. Salvation and  Everlasting life !  remember the work of the gentiles, began in the SPIRIT. Gal. 3: 3.  And act 28: 26-28,   13: 40- 46! This is why, when THE LORD comes the second time as the Spirit and Truth, The COMFORTER, and the HOLY SPIRIT as Joh. 14- 16 says, He comes to the gentiles or to the maid and men servants . }}}


Psa 10:3  For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth…}}}…. {{{ the wicked, who are the proud, boasts their heart’s desire. and also bless those who covet. And the ministry fulfils being wicked. Here is what the high priest wrote ;-


[[[Isa. Book pg 75 , GF wrote  -Emp. ours

“What are the “vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons”? Anciently, these were items used in the temple service. What do we use today in the temple service? These must refer to all of our books and booklets. All the glory hangs on Eliakim—all the revelation from Mr. Armstrong, plus all the new revelation God has given to me. That is quite a lot of glory! We have it all!”….]]]… he wrote, we have it all, that means glory. and his glory is what ??? all the Revelation from HWA and not from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and what ever GOD has given to him. the only GOD who gives Revelation is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. HE IS THE REVELATOR as Prophet Daniel, Apostle Paul, and Apostle Peter said. And GF wrote not to go to Him, but go passing Him. and the GODHEAD, which is the Mystery of GOD ???  It is ‘THE SON’ who reveals. Luk. 10:19- 24. ‘to whom the Son will reveal. This Scripture talks about the GODHEAD. To know, the FATHER and THE SON. Then, it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who reveals and as he rejected Him and went passing Him, not focusing on Him, to HWA and to god the father, he never received this Revelation about the GODHEAD. And GF’s glory came from HWA and god the father. Therefore his pride will be brought down. And remember Isa. 22: 25, AFTER GIVING ALL GLORY, … the nail was cut down TO FALL ! That part, he has never read. That is the pride which brough own destruction.


He also wrote  ;—

[[[‘RV 2006, Jan…..’The Philadelphia Church of God has a lot invested in our property. We are raising up the ruins. Having an auditorium and hosting concerts with great per­formers-featuring the BEST THAT THE HUMAN SPIRIT can achieve-is impressive to the world’]]]…. ‘best that the HUMAND spirit can achieve???  Yes, as GOD did not give His SPIRIT to him, … he tried to do to his best to his spirit. And he wants to IMPRESS THE WORLD !!!  That is totally against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and this high priest is in the world, having lusts to impress the world and human sprit and not GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT because GOD is CHRIST OUR LORD  and the HOLY SPIRIT also He as HE IS A SPIRIT. 2 Cor.  3: 17 and more. Therefore this is who this high priest became wicked against GOD and boasted. He sided with the wicked also as proven in previous writings . THE LORD says, HE ABHOR such !  In the last end, when the ministry, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD turned as His enemy, … the Revelation was withheld. Mic. 3: 6. And Mic. 2: 9- 13… they cast out the poor, the women.  Remember, the lusts are not of the FATHER. 1 Joh. 2: 15-16. And such, who are not with the FATHER, are in the world. And human spirit and GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT cannot be mixed together.  We need the HOLY SPIRIT to live eternally. And CHRIST OUR LORD  alone has the ‘ETERNAL’ SPIRIT to give us. Heb.  9: 14. That is how the LAMB shed His blood to give us life, as life is in the blood! }}}.



{{{The following verse shows proud will not seek GOD and bring own destruction … How true this is?  The last era has THE LORD, outside the door. that proves they are proud and have not sought THE LORD. that means they brought their own destruction ! }}}

Psa 10:4  The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughtsThe wicked Synagogue of the Jews, who always opposed poor gentiles to be converted, has done it again! They murdered, last days as James say. {{{ so the proud are the wicked. That means the House of Israel , to end up with the ministry, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD who is His enemy because of her pride. And such proud, will NOT SEEK GOD and in their thoughts, GOD is not. Then what happens?


{{{Here is another quote from the high priest… , from his booklet ‘ Daniel unlocks’…

[[[‘Pg 7  we must get pass Mr. HWA,  the angels, and EVEN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to get to the Father !  only then, do we get to the Head of the family.”.]]]  See his pride ???  Did he seek GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD? so he brought his own destruction and destroyed the rest who believed him as well and did not go to THE LORD !


He went passing ‘EVEN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’…. therefore he never received anything from GOD, but shame instead of his glory he searched on his own. As written above, Luk. 10: 19-22, it is ‘THE SON’ who reveals the FATHER and THE SON !!!  This is why their explanation of GODHEAD is false and a lie which brought death on all }}}


PCG says, I am God’s prophet and I have all revelation and everyone else is Laodicean. Judging and judging and still judging. God commanded him…”JUDGE THE ALTAR” Rev 11: 1. Do “NOT” judge the others in the outer court. {{{… in the outer court, are the gentiles. And THE LORD by His grace, as they are the vessels of mercy , … forgave and gave the HOLY SPIRIT freely with forgivenss and all things according to the HEAVENLY VISION. Act 26: 17-19. With that vision which He taught Apostle Paul, he was sent to gentiles, but to be fulfilled in THE LORD’s second coming, giving Salvation and  Everlasting life freely to gentiles , revealing the FATHER and THE SON. Therefore no one needs to judge the gentiles, who are the poor and the fatherless as they were without JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, without GOD. Eph. 2. But THE LORD’s blood brought them near to Him. remember GOD hates pride}}}


He did not listen to God. As if he does not sin, he continues to judge others hiding his sins. She erred in judgment. The judgments are being executed by the strangers. Ez 7: 21,   11: 9,   30: 12,    She does not even know that God Has left, or profaned her. God’s word clearly shows that God Has profaned her. Even gave a physical sign of striking his wife. Ez 24: 16- 24. She will be singled out for punishment like no other church.  She says she is the High priest, but all the judgments such as having a filthy turban, she rejects and applies to a dead person in WCG. The final High priest is going to be pulled out from the furnace and taken. A brand plucked out of fire…. He has to be alive at Christ’s coming to be corrected and taken. This does not apply to a dead man (Mr. Tkach) in WCG.  


Then, Global church. Could not hold on to the head and broke in to two. They say, there are different branches of God’s churches exist at the same time.


UCG,… she too was broken in to two as they could not agree within themselves. They don’t have a one man government which is fine as long as they obey God.  God was not giving any new revelation to her. She does not want to submit to a prophet who, she says “no body”.

Before breaking away, she went to “Bamah” and invited the same crowd PCG invited but as soon as she realized that they are not called by God, within few months, they got rid of the whole crowd. Her involvement with Bamah crowd is recorded in their newspaper.(copies available) “New beginnings” 1998 May issue. UCG and PCG went to the same “Sabeans” as explained in Ez 23. Two daughters of one mother……….


The list can go on, but the point is none of them could agree with one another and do not even want to. What example do these prophets and leaders give to the children of God and to the world? Could not agree among themselves and call themselves Church of “GOD” ?  Do any of these churches practice what they preach? NO.NO. NO.Says GOD!


The worst thing happened between WCG and PCG. WCG did not have anything to do with the copyright for HWA’s books. But was she willing to give it to who ever wanted? NO. Does not God says… “Freely give”? Did PCG wait till GOD Handles it and give it to her? NO. Why did not God give it to her?


James, which is for the last days, explains….

Jam 4:1- 6   where do wars and fightings “among you come? Is it not , from your “lustsJam 4:3  You ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it upon your lusts. … Lusted for more power and members….{{{ see it is the lusts and pride which separated mankind from GOD. 1 Joh. 2: 15-16. And it is the FATHER who separated as proven in previous writings . that is why the FATHER was not revealed, until THE LORD’s second coming. He said while still He was alive, that He will reveal the FATHER in that day. Joh. 16: 25. This is why as written above, in Luk. 10, it is THE SON who will reveal the FATHER. So our lusts and pride causes enmity against our own GOD and FATHER and others. Apostle James wrote these to the scattered 12 tribes. None in any of the churches under HWA went to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as they believed in god the father, the gods of HWA ! }}}


 God’s own children, lusted for more power. Why could not WCG, just give it to PCG when they were not printing HWA’s books? Why did not PCG PRAY and wait till God give it?

Jam 4:2  You desire, and do not have. You murder,…Both WCG and PCG  spiritually murdered God’s children when they asked questions. Also to hide their sins…{{{… we, who are the gentiles, who are the poor and the fatherless, who were cast out, or spiritually murdered by WCG and PCG. Mic. 2:9-13 is about PCG . and it was the women who were cast out}}}


You fight and war, yet you have not because you ask notPCG did not ask God to give it to her. If she did, then she should have waited till God gives it to her. But because of her lust for “more” she did not want to wait till God gives it. Just like what Jacob did. He could not wait till God gives him the birthright.  He “lusted”. This is the spirit of Jacob and that is why God’s prophesies condemns  the spirit of Jacob in the last days…Having an “UNCONVERTED” spirit.


TP {{{ high priest, or GF}}} has written well about Jacob and Esau in “Obadiah” booklet. Pg 2…”Both Jacob and Esau dishonored their father.

There is a “SPIRITUAL” counterpart today. God’s Laodicean family dishonors HIM in the end time. They were sons of the same fatherWhen Jacob was converted, his name changed… So Jacob represents an “UNCONVERETED” attitude ofGOD’s CHURCH today”…]]]. 


{{{See all the churches are sons of the same father. And Jacob is UN- converted. Then how could Jacob become converted ???  To be Israel of GOD, … one must come to be with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


Gal 6:15  For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. 

Gal 6:16  And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. .’…. see… if you are IN CHRIST OUR LORD , …. You are a new creature, and Israel of GOD. that is conversion from Jacob to Israel. and that GOD must be the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses , who is THE ROCK or THE ALMIGHTY, CHRIST OUR LORD . in Rom.  8: 1, it says if you are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you are condemned. Therefore the whole church or all the churches are condemned as they are not in Him. Jacob’s seed failed to be converted.



Who is this Jacob in the end time? Who did not wait till GOD gives him the copyright? Who was willing for a settlement and give money and buy it? And then proclaims as if GOD fought  it and gave it to him? (PN Mar/Apr 2003, pg 1 and 2) THEY BOTH DISHONORED THE FATHER!!! According to this PN, pg 4, the settlement or the deal started in 2002 SUMMER. Did TP {{{ that prophet}}}ask anyone to pray back then saying we are trying to come to a settlement and buy it spending 3 million dollars? 


Jam 4:4  Adulterers ! Do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever desires to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God{{{… see THE LORD says, if you are in the world, you are an adulterer. This is why Rev. 17, 18, GOD condemns His church as a mother and daughter harlot because Eze. `16 talks about mother and daughters being harlots. And He condemns buying and selling. So the last high priest, being proud, lusted human things to impress the world and had other gods , and not The Husband. He did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER. But if he is to return to The Husband, he must learn that. Jeremiah 3: 19- 20.


Here is another quote of this high priest… RV 2006 Jan

      [[[‘ WCG sold everything and now PCG has everything. …. -is impressive to the   world. ‘. ]]]]….  If WCG has sold everything, they are not rich, But PCG, since she is rich and because of her:”gigantic lust for physical things”


In pg 24 of Habakkuk, GF has written about the teacher of “lies”.

[[[‘This teacher of lies is in God’s own church, he is getting God’s own people to look to dumb idols. Idols mean anything worthless or vain. …..’Molten image’ could be a “covenant” or an offering to a “FALSE God”. — A false God “inside God’s own  church.” This man is “rich” and increased with goods, and that helps him to “teach his lies”. “Lies” means “away of life “contrary to the law”, one that” breaks God’s covenant”. This teacher of lies has a gigantic lust for physical things.’]]]]       If WCG had lust, they would not sell things. It is the BUYER who lusted the things WCG had. And as written above, he wants to impress the WORLD. That is totally against the FATHER. This high priest wants to impress the world and not GOD, because of his lusts. Eze. 24: 21- 23 says, they will waste away  because of their lusts and pride. The desire of eyes etc.  and he is ‘the’ liar because if he told the truth or preached the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, he will not be condemned. And it is he who caused all to break the  Covenants, and took all away from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and went to god the father, a dumb idol. There is no god the father, because The CREATOR is the FATHER and will be the EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 9: 6 and we have found Him to be the FATHER for ever. Isa. 63: 16. therefore who has this gigantic lust for physical  things and wants to impress the world ???  }}}….



According to GOD’s OWN WORDS, it is Ezekiel who  lusted (Ez 24: 21). He has totally gone back to the world. Therefore, he is an “ENEMY” of GOD. He  lusted, dishonored the father, made a deal to buy the copyright without waiting for God to give it, he tricked his own brother, murdered God’s TRUE “POOR” children, and totally gave in for the lusts of the world and became an enemy of God. Will God answer their prayers? 


1Jo 3:22  And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments   1 John 5: 2,   1 John 5: 3…According to the word of God, Ezekiel is not keeping His commandments, therefore, his prayers are not answered. Ezekiel has an “ARROGANT”  boast too. Ez 24; 21… {{{… the last two leaders did not even know that the law was given by The Husband, who wrote with HIS OWN FINGER, but they preached the lawgiver is god the father as we have written in many previous writings. Read the MOA and find out for yourselves. }}}




Jam 4:6   Therefore He says, God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. …]]]…  {{{… see GOD even give grace, to the humble ones and HE RESIST THE PROUD. Therefore this is why, the poor who have a humble SPIRIT, received grace and received forgiveness and everything including Salvation and  Everlasting life !!!}}}


We, the “POOR” are humble and we have God’s grace…


Psa 117:1  O praise Jehovah, all gentiles ; praise Him, all peoples.


Psa 117:2  For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the       …                                        

                             Truth  of Jehovah endures forever. Praise Jehovah!


This is why God Says… “NO” man… and Ez 16: 50. GOD Took them ALL away!

All are taken captive as above scripture shows and God says “SALVATION” comes after captivity…Ps 14: 7. . (Also Mic 4: 10)This psalm condemns all the churches of God, and they have shamed the counsel of the “poor”… poor are righteous, because God is their refuge. They did not take part in Israel’s idols . Ez 18: 6, 15.  God, is with the poor. Poor even knew when God broke the covenant (scripture given below) and they will know that all Israel have gone in to captivity (Ez 39: 21- 23.) and they will draw the captives back and place them in their own land ( Is 14,  Jere 50:45   49:20), (prophet himself said so in his sermon “Holy Roman Empire”.) So God hates how the leaders treated the poor, because in the end, when all of God’s sons and daughters forsook HIM, only the poor were

left. Is 56: 3 – 10 The poor are in God’s ALTAR, better than sons and daughters.



These leaders did not judge the poor rightly. Did not show any mercy.

Is 41 explains, some “POOR”   man and a people in far away island, was called by God, to GOD’s feet, and they came fearing God. (v 9) They are now servants of God, and God Has not cast them away. (But the leaders have cast them away. This is how James 2 was fulfilled in the last days) God will hold these in His “Righteous” right hand. Those who cast them away will be punished (V 11-12) King of “JACOB” is calling. v 21 for Jacob v 14. ( the unconverted spirit exists in PCG today)  V 22… To show what “WILL” happen… or declare things “to come”…V 1 says, they are coming for “judgment”. Also when there is “NO” man (v28)as in Ez 22: 30…  These people from a  far, in an island, are to come near for “JUDGMENT”  and speak the things are to come thereafter… when GOD says, there is “NO” man. (read our article “Is 49 and the man from East.  {{{ not posted in our new web site}}}  ) God says NO” man or “counselor”. (v 28).But TP says in “That prophet” book pg 34, that he is a “Counselor”. When God says no man, there are no prophets, no lawgivers, no leaders or counselors…. We, the “POOR” believe GOD. Why would God call people from East, if there is a prophet? This chapter explains how James 2 was fulfilled. Shown partiality to poor.

These people from EAST, are to tell things are to come, in Judgment or during the judgment. Laodicean era is the 7th final, SHORT work during the time of Judgment. During this time, GOD find “NO” man in Israel who is fit to execute judgments. Only the “Poor” who are “CAST OUT” mercilessly are doing God’s work of judgment. This article, is all about that. God’s judgments on sinning children of God who have dishonored HIM.


Isa 42:1  Behold my servant,(CHRIST) whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put My spirit upon Him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles….]]].. {{{ this verse proves}}} Until Christ comes, no justice done to gentiles.


V 3 – 4… He shall bring “Justice” for “TRUTH”. Coastlands shall wait for HIS LAW!…{{{… see there is no justice for the TRUTH, or just judgment until THE LORD came and judged such leaders and had grace and gave all truth to the gentiles. That is a part of judgment to Israel. much was given to them, and that much was taken from them and given to others as THE LORD said because they did not obey THE LORD !!! }}} 


In the margin it says Gen 49: 10 as this is a prophecy. Gen 49: 11, the donkey is bound to the vine, which is the House of Israel (Is 5: 7) Read our article “Gen 49”.

Not a prophet, no one in Israel, but this assembly from coastlands.


V 6-7… God will give CHRIST as a Covenant and a light  to these  people…(God broke the covenant in front of the poor who watched. Zech 11: 10 – 11.) Ezekiel broke the covenant in the “east gate” as we have proven from the WORD of GOD. We, in the east gate, watched when God broke the covenant. He profaned the sanctuary (EZ 24: 21) and departed… These are the same strangers who have joined to the LORD in Is 56: 3-8, who were cast out, but are being accepted in God’s ALTAR, better than sons and daughters, while the ministers are being “DUMB” dogs. These poor will be used to “Open the blind eyes of Israel”. Is 42;7. and to bring out the prisoners… the captives in Babylon. Poor of the flock will draw them out!


V 9 God will tell us “NEW things” which will come after that.   




Gal 2: 7 – 10 Explains, that Peter was appointed to preach to Jews, and Paul to gentiles.V 10 shows, that Paul wanted to work for the “POOR”.


Gal 2: 9… that we should go unto the “Gentiles”, and they unto the circumcision


Gal 2:10  Only, … that we should remember the poor;… 
In other words, Paul was chosen to go to the gentiles, also the “POOR”.


So it is clear that the “Gentiles” are the “poor”.


When King of Babylon came to Jerusalem to take Jews captive, he left the “POOR” as vinedressers. Jere 39: 10,   2 kings 25: 12, Jere 52: 16

These “POOR” strangers will be Israel’s vinedressers… Is 61: 5


These “POOR” watched when GOD BROKE THE COVENANT. Zech 11:11

(PCG broke the covenant in “BAMAH” in India by inviting strangers in to the ALTAR. Poor gentiles, we witnessed this and opposed the leaders. They did not obey God and did not judge the cause of the poor. Then, while we watched, God broke the covenant. We, the POOR know that the covenant was broken by God and we are still telling them. But no one wants to judge the matter. God profaned the Sanctuary or the Altar Ez 24: 21 and no one cares…. Till the punishment)


Fatherless and the widows?…

Eph 2:11  Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;

Eph 2:12  That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:


‘Without CHRIST’…. Since He is our HUSBAND, without the husband means   these gentiles are the  “Widows”.


Without “GOD” means… He is The Father. So without the Father. Tese means…. “Fatherless”. The “GENTILES” are the fatherless and the widows.

Strangers from the covenants… “Gentiles” are the “Strangers”, the “Fatherless” and the “widows”, and strangers and no covenant, no Abraham’s blessings !


But, in the end, when Israel disobeyed God, these Gentiles, the fatherless, the strangers and the widows will be accepted on God’s ALTAR.  Our articles “Synagogue of the Jews”,   “Genesis 49 and the foolish nation”, “Gentiles work”,  and many others prove, From THE WORD of GOD, these facts.   {{{ these writings may not be in our new web site. As this one, we will try to post them after editing them because before we were taught by THE LORD that HWA is also a lying leader, we also believed Him. and it is from lies, or the traditions of the fathers, we were saved by giving the truth. as written above, THE LORD , BROUGHT JUSTICE TO THE TRUTH AND TO GENTILES. Until then, we also believed in lies of these leaders. Therefore we have removed a few paragraphs as we have written about HWA. }}}


Why are the poor  being oppressed by the leaders in God’s church?  This accusation against the leaders come from GOD, HimselfCould it happen in God’s church which talks about love so much?   We must believe GOD. God condemns the end time leaders of His church for oppressing the poor. Why is it so important for God, to treat the poor rightly? In fact, the poor were denied justice and, that is one of the reasons Christ Has to come, bringing “JUSTICE” to the poor. If Christ Has condemned the “leaders” or the ministers of  His own church for oppressing the poor, and if He is bringing justice to the poor, then He is coming to save  these poor from His own  Leading ministers. If the last high priest, who being the leader of the church, has a “FILTHY” turban (pictures the government), his leadership is corrupt. He has allowed his fellows to do this evil to God’s people. God Has only “ONE” high priest. In 2004 FOT, Gerald Flurry said that he is “THE” high priest. We, the poor, fatherless, widows , and strangers  are victims of his filthy government. But,  Christ is bringing Light and justice to the truth and to  the poor gentiles.

Is 11:4, Mt 12: 18,  Is 42: 1, Ps 72: 2, 4,  107: 40 – 41, lk 2:32


Ex 22: 21 – 24, “God” says, that if you mistreat the poor , He will be very angry and will kill who ever does that. But God also Has allowed the poor to be mistreated so that in due time, He can exalt them and reward them.  Then, when poor cries out to God, He will hear them. All this mistreating the poor happened in the midst of the church, where Ezekiel is, and in the last days, as James book says… The prophet needs to examine himself only.  


Jere 5: 28…They have not judged the cause of the fatherless….

Ez. 18: 12…Oppressed the poor among other abominations.(Ez 18: 17, 22: 29)

Ez 22: 29 – 30..When Ezekiel and his leaders are oppressing the poor, God wanted to sought a man to stand up for Him. But there was none… This is happening right now.

Jere 22: 3… Do no violence to Fatherless, strangers  and widows.


Is 56 says, God’s “salvation” is coming, at a time  when “God” rejects His own ministers for they are dumb dogs. Is 56: 3 – 10 how God rejects His own children’s sacrifices and accept stranger’s sacrifices in His “ALTAR”. That means “NO” Israel on HIS ALTAR. These are the strangers or the gentiles who are cast out as v 8 . These gentiles were oppressed. They had the truth and the LAW. Says GOD!


God delivers poor.  Job 36:15, justice to oppressed job 36:6, 

Hos 5;10 princess  remove landmarks…Remove land marks means, entering in to the lands of Fatherless (Job 24) which our RD did. 


Cursed is who pervert justice due to strangers fatherless and widow. They cause poor to go naked  job 24;10. This means as Mic 2: 8 – 10 explains, pulling out the robes of the widows. Since clothing picture our spiritual lives, these leaders cast out these poor widows from the church, taking their spiritual lives {{{ robes}}}away.  {{{ this is why GOD also took the White Linen away from the harlot until she is judged as a vengeance for pulling the robes of the gentiles, the poor }}}


Job said he fed poor job 31; 16 – 19. This means, the LAW requires one to feed the poor if he wants to be righteous or keep the law. Job was showing his righteousness.


The synagogue of the Jews, who say they are God’s children, have mistreated the poor who have faith. There is a faith crises among  these Jews. They have seen the poor have faith, and are holding fast to the covenant, but these jealous Jews, who do not obey God, are dishonoring the poor. Christ said, when He comes, can He find faith? Jews do not have faith in God, when Christ comes, but James say, the poor have faith. {{{ the poor are rich in faith. Jam. 2: 5}}}  Book of James  was explained  only this January. This is the time this dishonoring the poor should be  happening. God is giving the warning. Don’t mistreat MY poor… as Exo 22: 21 – 24 says God lest “My  anger will be very hot.”!   {{{… it is important to understand clearly that the gentiles are the poor, as proven above. Then when the high priest cast us out for standing to GOD’s truth, and since the high priest became as Joshua who has a filthy turban, which means his government was against THE LORD, as he did not trust in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but went after a nogod, … THE LORD was angry. This is why THE LORD is using the gentiles, the poor to condemn , judge but teach the truth , so they also can be saved. For a proud man , to learn from a poor man is very condemning.  As GOD sees, the way to bring the pride down of such proud leaders is to use the poor to show their pride and evil ways. And, GOD gave all His free gifts freely to these poor. When the proud ones who think they are the kings and priests, and that to see that THE LORD has given even the kingdom to the gentiles as they will bear fruits, the proud will gnash their teeth. Mat. 21: 43, and one to bear fruits, one must abide in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Joh. 15. }}}


Poor of the flock, not only were left by king of Babylon , they knew that God broke the covenant He made with Israel. In the end, the church PCG had the covenant with God. When PCG broke the covenant, the poor saw it. Zech 11: 10 – 11. explains about that. God made the poor know about the broken covenant. So, these “POOR” should be where the covenant was. Or where ever the church who had the covenant with God. Since these poor watched God doing so, they should declare about the broken covenant.  {{{… when THE LORD broke the  Covenant, the poor knew the Word of GOD. that means their eyes are opened to understand the Word of GOD. that proves they are given the HOLY SPIRIT to understand the Word of GOD and are led by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and more importantly, … they GOD hold on to the Sabbath  Covenant. Isa. 56. And they are in GOD’s altar, Isa. 60: 7, and even sending prayers as pure incense to GOD, Mal. 1: 11 and they are the ones who feared THE LORD in Mal. 3: 16- 18 !!! The whole book of MM of this high priest is a lie and even HWA’s MOA is also a lie as it preaches two personages in GODHEAD ¬! }}}….



In TP’s articles in RV last January, {{{  in 2006}}}  about  James, points out how the end time leaders mistreated the poor. But that applies to TP himself and his fellows, as they are the end time church leaders. They mistreated the poor because the poor fought with them when they broke the covenant with God. Everything written in that article, should be applied to PCG and not WCG, who left God  years ago.


Israel (Jews) are called sons and daughters of God while  the strangers, gentiles are called servants or dogs or slaves. But, when all Israel sin and turn back from God, then these poor servants, dogs or slaves cling to God. They are happy to eat the crumbs which fall from the table. God uses them to provoke the Jews to jealousy and to tread them. Rom 11: 11… Through Israel’s “FALL”…all seven eras finally fell. When did God decide that they have fallen?… at the time of profaning the sanctuary and when He visibly departed in Ez 10: 18- 19.The poor  are being grafted to the vine, and Genesis 49: 10-12 says, to the tribe of Judah. {{{ and after the gentiles were brought to the altar, House of GOD and to the Holy Mountain, … Isa. 56, in v 10, GOD made the ministry dumb dogs, taking vengeance for calling and treating the poor as dogs }}}},


Dan 4:27  Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor…. King Nebu. Is a very proud man. Somewhat like Ezekiel, who has an arrogant boast. God Has vowed to humble the proud. Since ALL Israel have become Laodicean, which means they are proud, and their king is Leviathan, who is the king of the proud, (Job 41: 34) or the devil, God needs to humble them all. (God says “NO” man) Daniel is telling to the king Nebu., “ I counsel you to show mercy to the “poor” if you want to be righteous and if you want to remove your iniquities.


Is 10: 2… robbed the widows, fatherless and the poor and needy of judgment. The end time church has not given proper judgment for the poor. But….


How the “poor” is being used by GOD…



Feet of the “POOR” will humble the proud…

Isa 26:5  For He bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it loweven to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust.


Isa 26:6  The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. In the end, only the “POOR” are left for God.!! The poor who are the gentiles, are now treading the Innercourt as in Rev 11: 2.. The only time prophesied of a gentile work is now. During the “Day of visistaion”, when the gentiles are accusing Jews of being evildoers as  1 Pet 2: 12.  The times of the gentiles and the number of the gentiles are being fulfilled. The proud Ezekiel and his leaders are still continued to exalt themselves.


{{{… 1Sa 2:7  The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. 

1Sa 2:8  He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them. 

1Sa 2:9  He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. …’…. See it is THE LORD who makes poor and rich and lifts up or bring down low. And then, HE RAISES UP THE POO out of dust {{means lies as proven, by giving the truth}},  and the wicked the proud are to be silent in darkness. That is the Laodicea era. And now it has already happened. So GOD raised up the poor and set among prices to inherit the throne of glory. as written above, the high priest sought glory of the world. Therefore the wicked are silenced in the darkness without GOD. as Lamentations says, they are the widows and fatherless now. }}}


Psa 107:40-41  He poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no way. The princes are in wilderness now.  

         Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock.


Zec 7:9– 12   Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute “true” judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother:

Zec 7:10  And oppress not the “widow”, nor the “fatherless”, the “stranger”, nor the” poor”;   Most of the time, God’s word mentions  widows, strangers, poor and the fatherless together. the LORD of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hostsObviously, The LORD Has “NOT” sent HIS spirit by the “Present” prophets…but by the “Former” prophets.


Mal 3:5  And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. James 5: 4…(both books for the last end) says that the leaders have not paid the wages of whom they hired… The ministers who labored for the work, were cast out and their wages were not paid. All to happen in the very end. The same thing happened to our minister, who is a poor gentile, a stranger and a fatherless…  


Isa 3:14  The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.

Isa 3:15  What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor?


Ps 94: 3 – 6 . The proud,, wicked leaders in the end time, crush and kill widows and strangers and they think God Does not see them.

Eze 22:7  In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee, dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they oppressed the fatherless and the widow.


Psa 72:2  He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment.

Mat 12:18  Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.


Isa 11:4  But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked… Chrsit will slay the wicked ( man of sin)  with the breath of His mouth, at His coming.  2 Thes 2


Isa 10:1– 3  Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;


Isa 10:2  To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!’…… The bride of Christ who turned as an enemy of God in the latter end as Micah says, murdered the poor widows. {{{… all these Scripture applies to the very last church which is PCG who did worse than others, Eze. 16: 52, and she will have to pay for her sins as well. V 60-63. And the high priest will remember how he took the side of the RD and disfellowshipped  us, when we refused to keep the PASSOVER with un- baptised in India.  Remember immediately, THE LORD struck his wife in the same week in dec 2003. That is given as a sign }}}}…


Isa 10:3  And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from farRead our “Day of visitation” article. {{{ sorry, not in the new web site }}}.  It will prove FROM THE WORD OF GOD, that the poor gentiles will be accusing and witnessing against Israel as evildoers

The desolation is coming from a far. The Jews plundered the poor and now, God is using the poor to plunder them.  {{{ Eze. 39: 21- 23, and the weapons of war comes from the ends of the earth, Isa. 13: 5 and their judgment is to condemn Israel as they are not in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Rom.  8: 1 but that knowledge is given to correct them. Hab. 1: 11-12. GOD will not judge anyone to destroy as He promised to Noah to save all flesh. And it is Israel, who are flesh now, 2 Cor.  10: 18, as they could not receive the SPIRIT. That shows they have lusts and pride as proven above, and the flesh is against the SPIRIT and will not be subjected unto GOD, nor His laws. Therefore all of the churches under HWA will be made known that they are flesh and they are not led by the HOLY SPIRIT, because HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD THE GOD WHOM THEY FORSOOK AS PROPHESIED. And on the Day of Visitation, … it is the prophet who is a mad fool. Hos. 9: 7 and THE LORD comes to take gentiles to His name. act 15: 9-15  }}}}  


{{{ When THE LORD takes vengeance , He comes to preach the gospel to the poor. That happened now , when Israel is gone in to captivity as you will see}}}

Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poorhe hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captivesand recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,’…]]]…  {{{ see… this is talking about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. He is talking about Himself.  And when He comes to heal the broken hearted, … and to deliver the captives, … and give sight to the blind, who are the Laodiceans, … He preach the gospel to the poor.  No man in Israel preached the gospel because all inherited lies and went after other gods and that is why they are in captivity. As proven above, THE LORD’s hands are in the gentiles, when Israel is gone in to captivity. Eze. 39: 21- 23. And more. Captivity means Jam. 1: 1, when the poor are rich in faith and to be in the KINGDOM. Then, not only Israel is under captivity, having lies, fallen from the truth, they are blind also. Therefore, this prophecy is to be fulfilled AFTER THE LORD BLINDED them and sent them to captivity, BEFORE THE EYES OF THE GENTILES. Therefore the understanding about all these are given to gentiles because they are preached the gospel. And this is why, they exalted THE LORD in judgment, Isa. 5: 13- 16, while Israel lacked the knowledge of GOD, … and THE LORD came the second time and gave the knowledge of GOD as the sea, to gentiles, Isa. 11|: 9 – 11, and as a judgment, blinded Israel. Joh. 9: 39. So this prophecy should be fulfilled now. 


We have believed the gospel which JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself taught as Isa. 54: 13 says, Joh. 6: 45, and they are the little children in 1 Joh. 2, the anointed ones to learn directly from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, after forgiving them for His name’s sake. V 12,  20, 27. !  therefore CHRIST OUR LORD  is ANOINTED to preach the gospel to gentiles and that is how the Times of gentiles  is fulfilled. }}}}


Isa 61:1  The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is on Me; because Jehovah has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives… Christ Has come in the flesh in this end time to preach the gospel to the poor and to deliver the captives ( using the poor) and to give sight to the blind (Laodiceans) .


Psa 72:13  He shall have pity on the poor and needy and shall save the souls.

Psa 72:14  He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence; and their blood shall be precious in His sight….. In the end, the “Poor” who watched when the covenant was broken, stood up for God’s rights and fought with the leaders in the  church. But, they killed them mercilessly. But God says, their blood shall be precious in His sight. If someone is killed when standing up for God, they are called saints. This  is why it is written……..


Psa 116:15  Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.’…. ]]]]….  {{{ see the saints are the gentiles, because when THE LORD came to take vengeance from Israel, … He was glorified by the gentiles. 2 Thes. 1: 8- 12 and while the final falling away was caused by a son, who went in to perdition because he rejected and denied the only LORD GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … the gentiles are sanctified to believe in Spirit and Truth. and it has to be after the Spirit and Truth came ! Joh. 14-16 . that is the HOLY SPIRIT, and The COMFORTER, or the FATHER. !! }}}


Christ warned His saints in the end time, the true followers will have to lose their lives. Rev 12: 11., Rev 6: 11, and Christ said, they will drag the saints in to synagogues and will persecute them and kill them… This killing is spiritual. In Rev 3: 9, inside the Philadelphia era, there is a synagogue of Jews, who cast out the true followers. In God’s church, no one is killed physically.  Even in Rev 11: 8, it is speaking about the church, the mother Jerusalem, because of her harlotries, gone back in to the world and become like Sodom spiritually. James says this happens last days, James 2: 6, “rich” drag you in to courts…”RICH” are the  laodiceans.  When it says “RICH” drag you …. It is understood that the rich drag the “POOR”.  The 7th head , Joshua or  Ezekiel the high priest who has iniquity as in Ez 24: 21- 23, who has an arrogant boast, (boasting is because pride) He allowed ( 3 John), Diotrephus, to cast out true followers… all this is spiritual deaths. Spiritual killing. That is why the poor people’s deaths are precious in the sight of The Lord. Because they have faith as in James 2: 5… Poor are rich in faith, so the Jews are killing them. This is why Christ Has to bring them Justice. Jews have shown no justice and mercy to the poor who witnessed the covenant breaking sins.  


In Deut 32: 43, God says rejoice you “Gentiles”, HIS (GOD”S) servants…, while rejecting and witnessing Israel’ s unfaithfulness. IN this chapter, Moses taught to testify against Israel’s unfaithfulness. Therefore, Gentiles are accepted and they have become God’s people, in the end and they were told to rejoice. “With” in italics means later added.  


Ps 18: 43- 50…. While King David rejects Israel, he says, God Has made him to be among the gentiles… (our “Gentile work”, Genesis 49, articles will show this fact in detail) .


Exo 23:6  You shall not pervert the judgment of your poor in his cause.

Exo 23:7  Keep far from a false matter, and do not kill the innocent and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked.

Exo 23:8  And you shall take no bribe, for the bribe blinds the wise and perverts the words of the righteous.

Exo 23:9  Also you shall not oppress a stranger. For you know the heart of a stranger, since you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Innocent and the righteous are the poor strangers or the gentiles who are fatherless and widows, having no husband – Christ, and having no Father –  God.


Jam 2:13  Who ever judged another without mercy is shown no mercy when he is judged. This is the fate of Ezekiel and his leaders…. They will be judged by the same measure they judged the poor, showing no mercy! Just like Ezekiel said to our poor minister, get out out out, God will tell him, get out out out.!!! A man call himself a prophet of God and saying get out out out to a covenant brother… ! God Has seen them all….


Rom 11:25  For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. This was said to gentiles. When the gentiles number is fulfilled, the Jews’ eyes will be opened again. Then they will realize what they have done to the poor and why they had to go through God’s judgments. {{{… see when Israel is blinded, the fulness of the gentiles is to come in.  that means the blind Israel cannot see how THE LORD took the gentiles to His name or the fulness of the gentiles happen or, what THE LORD is doing in the gentiles . but in the White Throne, … THE LORD will open the eyes to understand the Scripture , as all things written would have been fulfilled }}}


Psa 10:2  The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. The wicked leaders persecuted the poor, because of their pride, they did not want to accept their covenant breaking sins when the poor brought it to their attention to be corrected. They sinned against God and oppressed those who brought it to their attention so that they can repent. In doing so, they despised God.


Psa 10:4  The wicked, through the pride ,will NOT seek God.


Ecc 4:13  A poor and a wise child is better than an old and foolish king, who will not be warned any more’…..  No matter if one thinks he is a king, I f he is foolish, a poor child who is wise, who obey God, is better, says GOD. !!! {{{ this is why, THE LORD chose little children to forgive and teach the knowledge of GOD ! Luk. 10.; 19-24, as written above, … THE SON revealed the GODHEAD to the BABES, … and the praise is perfected by the babes, Psa. 8: 2 , to silence the enemy who did not praise THE LORD, because of lies. And…  Luk. 11: 19-22 it is your sons, who will be judges and they will judge for not knowing GOD or GODHEAD }}}}


Ecc 6:1 – 2 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun,  a man to whom God has given riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all that he desires, yet God does not give him power to eat of it, but a stranger eats it..’…. This is vanity, and it is an evil disease.’…. ]]] GOD, Has given riches to the leaders in PCG, wealth, honor and they did not lack anything as Ez 16: 8 – 14 says. But, because of vanity, God did not give them to enjoy His blessings, but in the end, He Has given to us, the strangers. {{{  to the Jews, all things were offered first. But they rejected all things. That includes Salvation and  Everlasting life and to know the GODHEAD, or the knowledge of GOD, oracles, calendar and everything was given to them, but since they put all off, … and did not love THE LORD, … all things were taken from them and given to others !!! }}}…


There is a nice little story written in the book of Ecclesiastics. We cannot remember anyone explaining this. …..


Eccl 9: 13 – 18, there is a little story. There was a city with few men in it. A great king came and surrounded the city. But, there was a wise , poor man who saved it. But not a single man (has to be rich men) remembered or took it to heart. ]]]]……This too has happened now. This is why the rich, in the last days, oppressed the poor strangers , the fatherless and the widows.  Because none of the rich wanted to expose their sins. The poor man from East came to save this little city when the king of Babylon came and besieged it because God allowed the captivity because of its rebellion against His laws. But the rich, never remembered or took it to heart.


{{{… same way, now THE LORD has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and as He has come to them, and given the knowledge of GOD, … and they are saved, as they received Salvation as proven above, … and the rich do not take it to heart. But, they will because GOD said, all flesh will be given Salvation and saved. That includes the rich as well. }}}


There are many more scripture which condemns the rich as being wicked. These wicked leaders are inside God’s true church. They have killed the just in the last days. The KJV says, in James, they have killed the just…. Not one man, but many. So these just, now have to live by Christ’s faith. The wicked has surrounded the righteous. The wicked will never believe when they hear of the report, less they should run, who that reads it. The time has come, that Christ is knocking on the doors of the rich Laodiceans, where God’s High priest is. Since he erred in judgment, would not know that Christ Has already come in the flesh, to cleanse the temple. This high priest, caused God to leave the sanctuary Ez 24: 21- 23.  And he is sitting in the temple, as God sits and casting out God’s true people, who are the poor, gentiles. God is using them to tread them down. What will be the end of all things? 


Former prophets bk pg 25 , TP explains what will happen to the poor, their reward etc.. {{{… now it is pg 61 onwards. The story of Hannah. Mr Flurry wrote

[[[[Who are the poor raised from the dust? Who are the beggars lifted from the dunghills? These are God’s firstfruits. We are going to be God’s princes and sit on thrones of glory forever!’]]].


{{{What does it mean ‘dust’???  Dust means lies. Dust, cannot know the truth to praise ‘WHICH’ GOD. Those who are in dust or lies, praised god the father, even giving CHRIST OUR LORD ’s NAMES AND TITLES.

Psa 30:9  What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth?…. Do you understand what ‘dust’ mean???  When Adam sinned, he was cursed to go back to dust. But spiritually, dust means lies, because dust cannot praise GOD, NOR DECLARE THE TRUTH. this means which GOD to be praised because from Adam, GOD Hid Himself and did not reveal the true GODHEAD. CHRIST OUR LORD  did not manifest Himself, nor revealed the FATHER, even in His first time. Understand…. Joh. 14 : 21 says…


‘He that hath MY COMMANDMENTS, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of my Father, and I WILL LOVE HIM, AND WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM.’…}}}… see Joh. 14- 16 is to be fulfilled at THE LORD’s second coming as The COMFORTER, ( or the FATHER) , HOLY SPIRIT, v 26, and as the Spirit and Truth. Then, THE LORD must first prove who keep ‘His’ commandments and who LOVE HIM, before He manifest or reveal Himself. Understand, even in His first coming, He Has not manifested or revealed Himself. Don’t we know Him as ‘THE SON’? What else is to be revealed more than that ?? and He must first prove who keep His commandments and who Love Him. Then, He will reveal Himself. This means we must know that HE IS THE GOD WHO GAVE COMMANDMENTS TO KEEP IT. But HWA taught, it is god the father, who is the lawgiver in his book MOA as proven in previous writings . and he and Mr Flurry took all to love god the father as we all know and have proven.


Then when would THE LORD prove who keep His commandments and who loves Him ???  That is the hour of trial which came to TEST THE HEARTS. 1 Cor.  4: 5, THE LORD came to reveal the hidden counsel in the ministry’s hearts. And they love god the father in everything, lowering, debasing and exalting god the father above CHRIST OUR LORD . both HWA and GF did all that. Please read:-  HWA and GF. Remember HWA wrote the lawgiver is god the father. But the lawgiver is The Husband, who entered in to the ‘marriage’  Covenant, between One man and one wife. therefore in the hour of trial what did THE LORD find in His people , ministry and the wife ???  He found them to be a SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, … THE Jews WHO LIE !!! Rev. 3.


Then who loves Him and who keep His commandments ???  It is the little children, who are the gentiles who are predestinated to be raised up from death, the dust, Eph. 2, and 1 Peter 1, … they love HIM, THOUGH NOT SEEN , and have BELIEVED HIM. ! See Mal. 3: 16-18 says, those who love Him, FEARED HIM. THE LORD also says the Priesthood did not fear Him. Mal. 1: 6. THE LORD has not put His fear in them, but hardened their heart from His fear. Isa. 63: 16- 19. Therefore how could anyone among the Jews ( in the churches under HWA) say they know Him, they love Him or keep His commandments?


GF even wrote against Isa. 9: 6 and said THE SON is NOT THE FATHER as proven in previous writings . that means he denied the FATHER and THE SON. And they preached a nogod. It was always JESUS CHRIST THE LORD appeared to all, … did lead all, and still leading all to the Promised Land, and He wanted to make HIM a name and to be a GOD TO Israel, … and for Israel to be a people to HIM. even the church is to HIMSELF. Therefore THE LORD has tried the hearts as He says, … and found His wife the ministry of having other gods, … and the gentiles love Him, and He manifested or revealed Himself to them as THE FATHER, AND THE SON , AND THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHICH MEANS ONE GOD.


Remember Joh. 16: 25. The word ‘FATHER’, is a parable or an allegory, to be revealed in that day. And now that day has come, as THE LORD has proven who loves Him, and He, THE SON revealed the GODHEAD to the babes as written above , as they love Him. Please read:-  Joh. 16: 25


Joh 16:25  These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father‘…. See THE LORD says, I will show you plainly of the ‘FATHER’. This means THE LORD has not revealed the FATHER, or THE SON as written above, as He did not manifest Himself until He proved who loves Him. ! Now, He found the gentiles who are also called the little children, loves Him and revealed the GODHEAD to them, to the babes.!!!


See Apostle Peter was the apostle for Israel. But he never wrote to anyone in Israel. the only book written to Israel, is Apostle James, … to the SCATTERED 12 tribes. None left, but all 12 tribes are scattered. Why were they scattered? Because, they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but to god the father. Mat. 12: 30 says ‘He that is NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.’….See why Israel is scattered ???  They did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but to god the father. This is why they LIE. This is the lie which caused them to be under the bondage, or in captivity, or to be scattered abroad as all 12 tribes are scattered !!!  They never gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to THE ROCK who brought them out of Egypt to make Him a name , but they made god the father, a name, … and called this god the father, their father, and because sons of the devil. ! after all, THE LORD has prophesied all of that. They never could be the people to THE ROCK !!!  So they are AGAINST JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and are scattered!  THIS IS HOW THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD BECAME HIS ENEMY , IN THE LAST END, WHEN THE HOUR OF TRIAL CAME ON THEM TO TEST THEIR HEARTS TO SEE IF THEY LOVE THE HUSBAND OR NOT !!! Read Jeremiah 3: 19-20 also. They never knew that The Husband is also the FATHER, but must know this truth, in order to be gathered to Him !!! Understand why CHRIST OUR LORD  did not reveal Himself , nor the FATHER to Israel?


After GOD saw that all seven eras fell from the truth, … GOD turned to gentiles as THEY LOVE HIM. these are written words of GOD, which are to be fulfilled to every word. And now what you see and hear is how the Jews lied against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, never gathered themselves to Him, but went after god the father, … and did not even know that it was JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who gave the commandments, let aside to keep them !!! they have proven that they do not love Him nor have believed in Him. !!!  Therefore Apostle Peter wrote to the sheep whom he is to feed. ( Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles that they have RETURNED TO THE SHEPHERD. And the Shepherd, is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. 1 Peter 2: 25… ‘For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls’… Could any one including the high priest say, they have returned to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD???


Therefore Apostle Peter wrote to the true sheep who have now returned to that GREAT SHEPHERD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD …. And the gentiles also are tried. But most of the gentiles who are called to be the sheep of the GREAT SHEPHERD, … held fast unto the end in FAITH. Remember Jam. 2: 5, when all 12 tribes are scattered, the gentiles are found to be rich in faith and to be in the KINGDOM!


1Pe 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 


1Pe 1:8  Whom having NOT SEEN, YE LOVE; in whom, though now YE SEE HIM NOT, YET BELIEVING, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: }}}… we preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and not god the father. We serve Him, and have believed in Him. Joh. 1: 11-1 4 says, if you receive JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you are given the power to be a son to GOD. Then, by receiving JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … we the gentiles have LOVED HIM, and have BELIEVED IN HIM. so we are THE FIRST FRUITS OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as proven in many writings. We SERVE NONE BUT OUR EVERLASTING FATHER , WHO IS ALSO THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT…. WHICH MEANS ‘ONE’ GOD !!! in Isa. 43: 12- 22, THE LORD said, the gentiles have no foreign gods, but Jacob has !!!  Now that is fulfilled !!!


1Pe 1:9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls}}}… we proved we must receive Salvation, from liars, enemies who are the Jews, the synagogue of satan now. Their false teachings brought captivity and stopped all from being gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. this is the wife of CHRIST THE LORD who turned as His enemy in the last end, when she was tried and tested. But the gentiles, separated, and THE LORD separated us as 2 Cor.  6 14- 19 etc says, and as THE LORD said ‘come out of her My people’.


See in Luk. 1, Zacharias (meaning GOD Has remembered) prophesied that Salvation means to save from enemies. Then we know who are the enemies and why she is the enemy. She did not gather to The Husband, to her GOD, or to her FATHER , but deceived all in to worshiping another , calling god the father. Remember as written above, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD did not reveal the secret about the FATHER nor about Himself until He tried the hearts. And Israel or the wife of CHRIST THE LORD failed her test and are found to be liars and a synagogue of satan, but the gentiles have believed in Him and received Him and became His sons. That is S…A…L…V…A…T…I…O…N !!!


The truth shall set all free… Joh. 8. Then from what, the truth will set us free???  From LIES AND LIARS. This is why THE LORD reveals the liars or His own ministry as the synagogue of satan, … as they lied. And all seven eras fell from the truth means they were all lying because of their lusts and pride and they never submitted to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!! It is the ministry who taught against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ! Now, we must preach the truth about Him, as HE HAS MANIFESTED HIMSELF AND HE HAS REVEALED THE FATHER !!!

Luk 1:67  And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, 

Luk 1:68  Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, }}}… see the ministry is appointed to BLESS THE LORD. that LORD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who gave all the commandments.

(Deu 10:8  At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to STAND BEFORE THE LORD TO MINISTER UNTO HIM, and to BLESS IN HIS NAME, unto this day. ).


THE LORD … ONE GOD, … who gave all commandments in the Bible, said to the Aaronic priesthood, to bless HIS name and not in two gods’ names. And did anyone in Israel bless JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ?  Mat. 23, this is why Jerusalem was desolated, as they never blessed His name, nor they gathered unto Him, though He tried to gather them as a hen !!!

Num 6:22  And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 

Num 6:23  Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, ‘…. See Aaronic priesthood is commanded by THE LORD, … to bless Israel in His name…

Num 6:24  The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 

Num 6:25  The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 

Num 6:26  The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. 

Num 6:27  And they shall put MY NAME UPON THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL; AND I WILL BLESS THEM. …’… did any one in the ministry blessed the church or the House of Israel, in THIS ONE GOD’S NAME , who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ???  Therefore they were not blessed but desolated! Neither they have peace nor could receive grace. !!!  JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the Prince of Peace and also the EVERLASTING FATHER , and THE SON. Isa. 9: 6. And Mr Flurry taught against Isa. 9: 6 as proven in previous writings . Who is the liar ? Who did not keep His commandments ? Who did not bless the NAME OF THE LORD? Unless we do exactly what THE LORD says, … we cannot have peace with Him. if the wife of CHRIST THE LORD is His enemy, could we expect to have peace between GOD and His wife ??? These are the truths that now revealed and are sent to the wife of CHRIST THE LORD. The high priest’s job is to serve this one GOD who called the Aaronic priesthood to serve Him and to preach Him and Bless the people in His name. but did they do so??? Just as the truth cannot be mixed with lies, … the wife of CHRIST THE LORD who has lies cannot be mixed with the TRUE GOD who is THE TRUTH !!!



Luk 1:69  And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; 

Luk 1:70  As HE SPAKE BY THE MOUTH OF HIS HOLY PROPHETS, which have been since the world began: }}}… see when the horn of Salvation is in the house of King David, … (remember now, the Tabernacle of David is fallen on the Day of Visitation , when gentiles are taken to THE LORD’s name. act 15: 9- 15) that is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His first fruits, the Salvation has begun.  And remember in King David’s last words, THE ROCK had said to him that his house will not grow, but they will be thorns. 2 sam 23. And we have explained this in detail previously.  And now we know who are the liars and the lie, so the truth and those who are given the truth will serve THE LORD and the people to save all by giving the truth. one needs to be taught, warned to be perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Colo.  1: 26-28. If one does not preach that,  … it is a lie.  So the holy prophets spoke about the Salvation. And that is to save us from enemies;-  (remember King David said Israel will show their back always to GOD, and they will be blind, …. Rom 11:9  And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: 


Rom 11:10  Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. ‘ but King David said gentiles, or strangers will submit to him. Psa. 18: 43- 44. Therefore , it is prophesied by the prophets and King David that his house will fall, that is from the truth and they will be blinded and show their back, but gentiles will submit.  Therefore what the prophets and King David prophesied has come true now. Read 2 sam 23. To understand King David’s last words about the Tabernacle of David. His first son king Solomon, himself turned away from GOD. and it was THE ROCK , who appeared to King David in this chapter and King David called Him my FATHER. Psa. 89: 26 ! Deu 32: 12, 15, 18 clearly says THE ROCK is the FATHER who begat, bought, brought etc , WHOM they forsook !!!  Has that not happened now?


Luk 1:71  That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; }}}…. If you do not serve this one GOD and teach others about Him, … you are His enemy and the people need to be saved from such. Therefore THE LORD must reveal the hidden sin of His OWN WIFE, THE MINISTRY in order to set all free from lies so they could serve Him without fear of them. We know the people serve the leaders in fear of death or being disfellowshipped.  They teach if you leave the church, you would die for ever !!!


Luk 1:72  To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; }}}… see it is by MERCY, … the holy  Covenant will be established. And that is why, THE LORD saved the gentiles first, because they are the vessels of mercy . Rom.  9: 25-26. !!!

Luk 1:73  The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, 

Luk 1:74  That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear’…….. see the enemy put the fear in the people so they will serve them.  Then THE LORD must give the truth to not to fear or trust in a man but in THE LORD, … with the opened eyes, … so they can be delivered out of such evil men’s hands so they can fear GOD. Mal. 1: 6 clearly says it is the Priesthood who did not fear THE LORD. they feared god the father and not CHRIST OUR LORD  ! 

Luk 1:75  In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. }}}… see how the truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will give Salvation to all , and give us holiness and righteousness to live before HIM. so there is no other GOD, but The CREATOR, who appear in the whole volume of Books. !!!


So the prophets prophesied the Salvation, by GRACE as we have been proving all these years. And since the gentiles have loved and believed THE LORD, … as proven above, … they are saved, and they are the commandment keepers who came to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD even without the law. Remember the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to CHRIST OUR LORD  and not to god the father. And by grace, as the gentiles found grace before THE LORD, as Noah did, … they too are saved. Therefore as promised, THE LORD Has visited us and have given Salvation to us as we received and believed in Him and are made HIS FIRST FRUITS. Though Israel is the first born of THE ROCK, Exo. 4: 22-23, … they failed as prophesied in Deut. 32: 5- 6, they did not have a spot as HIS CHILDREN or to be THE ROCK’s children as they forsook Him as the FATHER and lied against Him by saying HE IS NOT THE EVERLASTING FATHER , referring to Isa. 9: 6. But we found, THE REDEEMER who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to be our FATHER for ever, which means the EVERLASTING FATHER. Isa. 63: 16. !!! That is how THE LORD saved us to be sons of GOD!


See the prophets prophesied by the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and both HWA and GF said god the father who gives revelation.

1Pe 1:10  Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: 

1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 

1Pe 1:12  Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into…’…. See the HOLY SPIRIT came down from heaven as Joh. 14: 26 says, as the Spirit and Truth, and The COMFORTER , means the FATHER as proven. And remember, it is the SPIRIT of CHRIST OUR LORD who gives Revelation. And the prophets wrote those prophecies did not understand as THE LORD did not reveal to them, but NOW, revealed to us when the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD came down from heaven to redeem and give Salvation. They are the first fruits written in Heb.  2: 10- 13. They preach their FATHER, the Captain of Salvation.


In Mr Flurry’s book of ‘former prophets’, pg 62 , he wrote ;-

[[[Who are the poor raised from the dust? Who are the beggars lifted from the dunghills? These are God’s firstfruits. We are going to be God’s princes and sit on thrones of glory forever!’]]]…..


See the first fruits are the raised up ones from dust. And as written above, dust means lies. Then the synagogue of satan or the ministry in all seven eras cannot be the first fruits. Besides first fruits are unto JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Rom.  16: 5, and the LAMB Rev. 14: 1-5. And it is the gentiles who are raised up from death. Eph. 2, while yet they were dead in sin. and the truth is given to the gentiles as well, by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , Colo.  1: 26-28, and they preach Him. and Zion is still in dust.


Eph 2:2  Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: …’…… see we are Sons of disobedience , as long as we walk according to the course of this world. And what does that mean?  The world is where the FATHER is not as written above. 1 Joh. 2: 15-17. That is apart from The CREATOR who truly is our life giver the FATHER. And since the gentiles are the fatherless, … they did not have the true FATHER. And now HE IS IN THE GENTILES, Colo.  1: 27, we have the FATHER.  And we obey Him in every thought. 2 Cor.  10: 5- 6. That is why He uses us to avenge others. Besides they obeyed FROM THE HEART. Rom6: 17 and the gentiles believed the WORD OF TRUTH, and are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise of the FATHER. Rph 1: 13.


Eph 2:3  Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. }}}… see by nature, all are children of wrath. That means we fulfilled the desires of flesh. And now it is Israel who are still fulfilling their desires as proven above.

Eph 2:4  But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, }}}… mercy or grace comes only from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. even if there was a god the father, Scripture does not say he has mercy.


Eph 2:5  Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 

Eph 2:6  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: }}}… See THE LORD, by His grace and mercy, saved us or gave Salvation to us from the ways of this world, or worldly lusts by giving the truth. as written above, if one is proud, they do NOT SEEK GOD. so the poor has nothing to be proud of. So THE LORD chose to save them first and they are raised to sit in heavenly places.  And this is the kingdom of Heaven…. The poor are raised to sit on the thrones and it is not any one in the ministry.

Eph 2:7  That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. … so THE LORD did so, to show HIS EXCEEDINGLY GREAT GRACE TO ALL MANKIND. When Israel begin to see and understand, they will see that they are dead. And they need assurance or comfort from the true GOD that He will save them. And by the mercy shown to gentiles, THE LORD will show mercy to Israel as well as Apostle Peter said in act 15: 9- 15.


Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God}}}… see grace, faith, Salvation all things are free gifts of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. HE IS THE Author and the Finisher of SALVATION AND FAITH. Heb 12: 2, 2: 10. Therefore faith also is given by Him. and He chose the gentiles to give faith and Salvation and all things as Israel rejected Him.

Eph 2:9  Not of works, lest any man should boast. 

Eph 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. …’…. See … the gentiles are the workmanship, created in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to do good works. Without Him, no man can do good works. Good works mean choosing to serve JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE GOOD MASTER and GOD !!! therefore the gentiles are not the vessels of wrath, but the vessels of mercy  who received Salvation first according to the Scripture ! They are JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s first fruits. And we call Him our EVERLASTING FATHER.


Zion needs to be awakened. She invited un-  Circumcised , un- baptised strangers in to her as proven , as we the poor watched when the  Covenant is broken as written above. 

Isa 52:1  Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean}}}… see the Circumcision must be done by GOD, Himself.


Deu_30:6  And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live..}}}… see… unless THE LORD  Circumcise our hearts, … we cannot love THE LORD with all our heart. This is why the hour of trial came to test the hearts and as written above, THE LORD came to judge the hidden counsel of the heart. And THE LORD found out His own first born Israel does not love Him. therefore the un-  Circumcised and the unclean are the ministry who are the prophets in Jerusalem who lied and therefore are in dust and cannot know the truth to praise which GOD as written above. !!!  Unclean are the defiled ministry who never obeyed their GOD nor knew Him but always had other gods and loved them. THE LORD will  Circumcise by the truth. GOD wants all to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, and those who worship Him that way are the  Circumcised now and they rejoice in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


Php_3:3  For we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh;…}}}… see unless we receive the SPIRIT and rejoice in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … we are still flesh. And flesh is against the SPIRIT. Therefore as long as we have lusts of flesh, pride,  … one cannot worship GOD in the SPIRIT. That SPIRIT is given by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written above in Joh. 14: 26 in His second coming and it is the gentiles whose work began in SPIRIT and the HOLY SPIRIT is sent to them to reveal things as Apostle Peter wrote above. Therefore THE LORD  Circumcised them by the SPIRIT of truth and they rejoice in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. no man in the ministry can say they rejoice in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and the Scripture says ;-


Tit_1:10  For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:}}}… all these prophecies are now fulfilled as we speak and see how the high priest, himself became unruly, would not submit to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … but deceived all in to believe in a god the father, and defiled and made all unclean. Does he love JESUS CHRIST THE LORD?  does he rejoice in Him ???


Another way to be defiled is by inviting un- Circumcised or un- bpaitsed strangers in to the church and fellowship with such or keep PASSOVER which such as PCG and UCG did.She is still not clean from this guilt of breaking THE LORD’s commandment about the PASSOVER. This is when the rich who are Israel and the poor who are gentiles were separated. The gentiles remembered that we should not partake PASSOVER with un-  Circumcised. And it is Mr Flurry who brought them in 2001- 2003. And he hid the matter from all by disfellowshipping us from the church.


Isa 52:2  Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion

Isa 52:3  For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. }}}… she is in captivity means in dust or lies. And we know it is the synagogue of satan who are liars, the leadership of the church. Therefore no more un-Circumcision will come to her as she will be cleansed by the SPIRIT of THE LORD, given freely as the first fruits are brought forth and they serve Him to glorify Him. !


Read the whole chapter of Isa. 52, and Isa. 61.


So Mr Flurry thinks he is going to be GOD’s princes and will sit on the thrones. But he never believed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to be the GOD of Israel. see what King David said…


2Sa 23:1  Now these be the last words of David… the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the GOD… ;- he said the SPIRIT and the GOD of Israel spoke, but it is THE ROCK or CHRIST OUR LORD . That means the GOD of Israel should be THE ROCK as the Scripture says. It was THE ROCK who brought them out of Egypt and promised to give all things.

2Sa 23:2  The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. 

2Sa 23:3  The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. … Do you understand that ???  The GOD of Israel, according to King David also, is THE ROCK or CHRIST OUR LORD . and does the ministry who claim to be kings and priests preach the GOD of King David ?  King David called Him my ‘FATHER’. Psa. 89: 26. And did the ministry who are kings preach that or believe that or called ‘THE ROCK’, my FATHER ???  This is why she is backslidden from Him, The Husband, who is THE ROCK. And she must learn that THE ROCK or The Husband is also the FATHER and call Him so , and she will. Jeremiah 3: 19-20. Then she will return to Him. !


And we, the gentiles believed what King David believed ; that THE ROCK is our GOD and FATHER !!! And as he said, the gentiles have submitted to King David and follow the footsteps of his, and even sing praises to HIS NAME.  and Bless Him as well.


Rom 3:21  But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; … see the law, and the prophets have witnessed that the righteousness of GOD will be given WITHOUT KEEPING THE LAW. This is done by the grace of GOD, because all are guilty before GOD, so GOD can give righteousness, which is a free gift, Rom.  5: 16-17, to anyone and He chose the poor and the fatherless who are the gentiles to give righteousness before Israel. and the righteousness is given by FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD…, to those who BELIEVE. As proven above, it is the gentiles who believed.

Rom 3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 

Rom 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; }}}… as written above, both Israel and gentiles are sinners. And the righteousness of GOD is given by faith of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as HE IS THE Author and the Finisher of SALVATION AND FAITH. Heb 12: 2, 2: 10 and it is a free gift, given upon believing. And THE LORD gave faith to gentiles first. Remember Gal. 3, the law is not of faith. The law is given to Israel and faith is given to gentiles and Israel could not attain to righteousness out of the law, … but gentiles , though some failed to have faith, others were brought to the end of faith as Apostle Peter wrote above.  And faith of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD means faith in HIS WRITTEN WORDS THAT THEY ALL WILL BE FULFILLED. And THE LORD prophesied that the gentiles will be brought to Salvation, when the Salvation is about to come, …. They will get hold on to the Sabbath  Covenant to enter in to Glorious Rest by believing, … and they will have no other gods, but Jacob will, Isa. 43: 12- 22, and Isa. 56 and they will minister to Israel, Isa. 61 etc .  so CHRIST OUR LORD  has faith in His words and now what we see is how it is fulfilled and we give glory to Him. His fulfilled, written word proves that HE IS OUR GOD. and entering in to Sabbath means by believing as proven above. As we believed when the WORD OF TRUTH is given, … we are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT or promise. Eph. 1: 13. Read Eph. 1: 5-6 , we are sons to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. that is the WORD OF TRUTH which brought us Salvation from lies and enemies who did not gather to Him. !!!


Since all have sinned, THE LORD could justify freely anyone by grace. And the poor, the fatherless, the gentiles looked to GOD’s grace as they are prepared for that purpose and not by their works.

Rom 3:24  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:  … when one is Justified  freely by grace of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and believe in Him, … they are redeemed. Though we have believed and are sealed, our bodies are not redeemed yet. Eph. 1.


Rom 13:14  But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. …’… see if Adam did not gave in to his lusts and pride, … he would have put on The CREATOR, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. then the whole mankind will be born of the SPIRIT. And now, one needs to put on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … which means to put on White Linen, the righteousness which is freely given by Him, … to overcome our flesh. Only the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will cause us to overcome our fleshly desires and our pride. !


Eph 4:23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind

Eph 4:24  And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 

Eph 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.  }}}… see we need to renew our mind to put on the new man after The CREATOR to receive RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS. We know the high priest lost the holiness or Judah lost the holiness as he preached two creators and two fathers….


Mal 2:10  Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD CREATED us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? 

Mal 2:11  Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. ..’…see the  Covenant of the fathers was with this ONE FATHER, OR ONE GOD, WHO CREATED US. THAT IS The CREATOR, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. all the  Covenants were made with Him. and if one preaches another, they deal treacherously with one another, as we are one body or members of one body and we have ONE FATHER. The CREATOR who gave life, should be our FATHER. If we do not preach that, we deal deceitfully with the brothers.  And that profane the  Covenant as well. All these were done by both HWA and GF.


Calling themselves we are of Judah, … they preached two fathers, two gods or two creators. Read MOA and understand as proven in previous writings . therefore Judah is considered as marrying a foreign GOD. read Isa. 43: 12- 22 and understand that the gentiles have no other gods, but Jacob has. And we have witnessed how the Word of GOD is fulfilled as Judah , or HWA and GF had preached another GOD, besides The CREATOR who should be our ONE AND ONLY FATHER. So they had a  Covenant with a nogod, … a foreign one. And GOD says, we do not have foreign gods. and that is why, we are HIS WITNESSES.


The righteousness is given to the wife of CHRIST THE LORD, … after she is judged as the mysterious harlot. The mother and daughters are harlots. Eze. 16: 30- 63 proves the mother and daughters being harlots. Therefore they have to be judged. And Rev. 19, after judgment as a harlot, … THE LORD will grant White Linen , the righteousness of the saints to her. That means the ones who are made righteous are the saints. !



So the king Mr Flurry, never feared JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, but spoke against Him. but he claims to be the king and counsellor etc, taking the names of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD on himself as it is not a secret to any. The Everlasting king is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and He is the EVERLASTING FATHER as well. Therefore He or as any father will give the kingdom to own sons, … He too will give the kingdom to His own first fruits. That is why the gentiles who are raised up by grace and by the free gift of faith are in the heavenly places. Eph. 2. And as the sons of Israel rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE Everlasting king, and the EVERLASTING FATHER, … all things are given to gentiles and they even received the kingdom.


See the ministry or the builders rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as the CHIEF CORNER STONE. and now, THE LORD has come to build the TRUE Tabernacle, as we are the temple of THE LORD. 2 Cor.  6: 13- 19, … that is THE ALMIGHTY, or the LIVING GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , whose house is not built. Heb.  3: 6. Unbelievers have departed from His house. V 12. And THE LORD separated us from sons of Belial. In King David’s last words in 2 sam 23, he said his house will be sons of Belial which means worthless. Because they rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … as the CHIEF CORNER STONE, … the kingdom is taken from them, … and given to those who are built on Him.

Mat 21:42  Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 

Mat 21:43  Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof}}}… to whom did THE LORD say this ???  First, THE LORD said, if any one has rejected to be built on Him, … from them the kingdom is taken as none can bear fruits without Him. Joh. 15. We must be rooted and planted and bear fruits by being in Him.


And the gentiles are built on Him. Eph. 2. They are brought near by HIS BLOOD. That means they are redeemed.

This was said to the chief priests who questioned the authority of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and now see…

Mat 21:23  And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority…’… is it any different now  as the chief priests who are HWA and GF also said CHRIST OUR LORD  is under the authority of god the father, a nogod.


Here's what the chief priest HWA wrote in MOA ( early editions )…pg 242

[[[‘ God the Father is head over Christ – the sole Lawgiver and supreme authority.’]]]…


So according to HWA, the chief priest, … god the father is head over CHRIST OUR LORD , and the SUPREME AUTHORITY !!! all of his beliefs were continued by GF. And what does that mean???  They too question the authority of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!


Here’s another one of HWA in MOA pg 34

[[[‘In the same manner, God the Father is Creator. But he “created all things by Jesus Christ.” Jesus is the Word. It is written, “He spake, and it was done” (Psalm 33:9). God tells Christ what to do (John 8:28-29). Jesus then speaks, as the workman, and the Holy Spirit is the power that responds and does what Jesus commands.’]]].


See he wrote god the father is The CREATOR. And GOD tells CHRIST what to do. It is the WRITTEN WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THAT HE CAME TO FULFILL. HIS FATHER IS HIS WORDS, THE SPIRIT, which is HIS OWN SPIRIT. He always said as it is written. He obeyed His own words. HOLY SPIRIT gave life to Him which are HIS OWN WRITTEN AND SPOKEN WORDS. it is not any other’s. and he also question even the creation. THE LORD said to the Laodiceans… ‘These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; ‘.  He is THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION of GOD. HE IS The CREATOR AND GOD. as Mal. 2 says above, there is only ONE CREATOR AND ONE FATHER. HWA, by saying these things, questions the authority of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!! They are doubtful of HIM BEING The CREATOR !!! And he wrote CHRIST OUR LORD  is under the authority of god the father !!!  So they two questioned the authority of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!


Another one from ;-



March 6, 1981, Page 1






                     by Herbert W. Armstrong

"But first, while God can create separate living entities or beings, this righteous, spiritual character cannot be created automatically by fiat.. THERE ARE THINGS EVEN GOD CANNOT DO".]]].


‘There are things even GOD CANNOT DO ???  What does GOD say about that?


Jer_32:27  Behold, I am Jehovah, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?…}}}… GOD says nothing is hard for Him. and we proved how He caused the camel to pass through the eye of the needle.


See how both of these leaders made GOD a liar?  This Scripture is written in Jeremiah. That is long time ago. And I am certain that both of these leaders would have read this Scripture. And still they talk against Him. so they do not agree with THE LORD, nor believed and they are questioning JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s authority. Such self exalting attitude is pride against the GOD of all flesh. And as written above, … when you are proud, you cannot submit to GOD, nor seek Him. so THE LORD knew that none in Israel would seek Him as they are stiff-necked. And GOD chose them as the vessels of wrath and gave Spiritual  blessings and called and brought them out of Egypt, and at the same time, He prophesied that ;-


  • they will not have a spot as His sons, Deut. 32: 5- 6, and ,
  • they will reject Him as The Chief Corner Stone as written above, 1 Pet. 2
  •  they will stumble on Him, Isa. 8: 14, that includes all Israel and Judah
  • Will stumble at the Word of GOD as well. 1 Pet. 2: 8,
  • And GOD hardened their heart from His fear Isa. 63: 16-19
  • GOD did not give them eyes to see heart to perceive. Deut. 29: 4. (Deu 29:3  The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles: Deu 29:4  Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day. ). It is THE LORD who made the hearing and eyes. Prov. 20: 12. And if He Has not given opened eyes, then they are blind. GOD purposed it that way because He knew no man could see or hear and He hardened them in every way as they are the vessels of wrath. Though they see physically, they cannot understand spiritually, without THE LORD’s SPIRIT. Isa. 6:9-10, Mat. 13: 14-1 5, Therefore they could not hear His word or understand, and more importantly, Joh. 12: 38-40 and it is to happen in the end time Ezekiel’s time, Eze. 12. And we know the last era, the Laodicea era is totally spiritually blind to not to know the SPIRIT , the Word of GOD. Remember Joh. 6: 63. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s words and not god the father’s, … are Spirit and Life. Then to reject JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words when one is judged, Joh. 12: 40, … is to reject the SPIRIT and life. Since the SPIRIT is the TRUTH, … all Israel rejected the Spirit and Life and TRUTH. And I have written just a few quotes of these two leaders to show how they are blind and how they rejected JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and made a nogod, their FATHER. If GOD says they will not see, nor hear, but stumble in Him and His words which is SPIRIT which gives life, … would they not stumble as He says ???  Has He not hardened their hearts? Therefore when that happens, GOD has opened the eyes of the gentiles. Eph. 1: 18 and 2 Cor. 3.


Rom 11:6  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. 

Rom 11:7  What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded 

Rom 11:8  (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. 

Rom 11:9  And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: 

Rom 11:10  Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. ‘… see it is by GRACE the gentiles are called. Israel could not obtain the righteousness they sought by the law but they wre blinded , as you will see , to not to receive salvation first. Because they looked for righteousness by the law means salvation by THEIR WORKS. Not so with GOD. And gentiles have no works of the law as they were not under it. So they could be brought to THE LORD, freely by grace. See king David, himself said they will be blind. And both leader’s teachings prove that they were blind, and could not understand the Word of GOD , neither they were obedient to the law and they are prophesied to fail and fall in everything.!


Then, THE LORD’s will is to graft in the gentiles.


Rom 11:11  I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. ‘…… see, GOD is a GOD of vengeance. He said in Deut. 32, when they forsaken Him, He too will raise up  a foolish nation to provoke them. So that also has to be fulfilled. And Deut. 28: 43- 44, THE LORD said gentiles will go higher and will lend to Israel. So GOD was not lying. He is the GOD of TRUTH. Neither He will re-write the Scripture. And all Israel must spiritually die as appointed and now they are dead as they cannot understand the SPIRIT, the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. this is why they are called to the White Throne, … to open their minds to the opened books, so they will shut their mouths and must and will acknowledge their sin and they will humble themselves at that time. If THE LORD has raised up the gentiles while they were dead in sin, would He not raise up His own ???  But, they much acknowledge the truth.


2Ti 2:25  In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; ‘….… so they will come to know the truth, in the White Throne. Then, in order to acknowledge the truth, … THE LORD MUST AND WILL AND HAS PROPHESIED THAT HE WILL OPEN THEIR EYES AND BRING AGAIN THE captivity, and save them and will bring them to His Holy Mountain. Rom. 11 says, The DELIVERER will turn to Zion after taking gentiles. and now the gentiles are taken or grafted in, so The DELIVERER will turn to Zion.


In 2 Cor. 3, THE LORD says, they are blind even to not to know the Old Testament. If they understood the Old Testament, they would know that THE ROCK is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and will worship Him. but GOD appointed them to stumble on Him as well as the word as written above. Then, as this chapter says, when they turn to THE LORD, who is the SPIRIT, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … their eyes will be opened as HE GIVES THE understanding and it is HE WHO MADE THE EYES AND THE EARS. Therefore IF HE SAYS THEIR EYES ARE BLIND, … THEY ARE BLIND. !



 See it is after Israel’ fall, … that is after the Laodicea era when they became blind, … what they sought will come to gentiles. that is salvation and Everlasting life.

Rom 11:12  Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? 

Rom 11:15  For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? ..’….see… after Israel fell, … the riches which they are to inherit, came to gentiles. and what is their fulness in v 12?  It is to receive LIFE. When Israel is cast away, … the gentiles are RECONCILED. And when Israel is received, … they receive LIFE, FROM DEAD. Right ???  Then, when gentiles are reconciled, they received life from dead. So they are the first fruits.


Understand again… receiving Israel means life from dead, right? Then when gentiles are reconciled and received, … they too received life from death. That is why Eph. 2 says. And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD predestinated the gentiles to be His children, Eph. 1, and appointed and sanctified them to believe in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, 2 Thes. 2: 13- 14, while the son or Israel goes in to perdition, and send strong delusion to believe the lie which is about god the father, and they lied against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , hating Him and debasing Him, … and questioning His authority, and in the mean time, THE LORD brought forth the gentiles and received them. Isa. 8: 14, is the stumbling of Israel, Judah and Jerusalem, … but v 18, the predestinated children are to be in the Holy Mountain, with THE LORD. remember THE LORD of HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as proven in previous writings. Therefore , THE LORD became a FATHER to the fatherless when He came as THE COMFORTER. (means father) and as they are appointed to believe Him, … they believed and are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, Eph. 1: 13, had their eyes opened, v 18, and thereafter, they are His priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 1-10, while Israel is to stumble at the Word of GOD, v 8, … out of darkness, or blindness, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD took the gentiles who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE, in to HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT, and gave all the revelation, HOLY SPIRIT sent down from Heaven and they returned to the Shepherd. Laodiceans closed the door to Him, but the gentiles opened their hearts to Him as all things are appointed and pre-determined. And the gentiles came to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to believe and receive Him while Israel failed to do so. They are received also by THE LORD as sons who now serve Him and His people.


And the gentiles are appointed as the Ministry of reconciliation ;-

2Co 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. }}}… see if you are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you are a new creature. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD said in Rev. 21- 22, that He will make all things new. And when you are new in Him, … you are a son to Him.


Rev 21:5  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 

Rev 21:6  And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 

Rev 21:7  He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I WILL BE HIS GOD, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON. …’…. See JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will make all things NEW. And when we are in Him, we become a NEW CREATURE,  a ‘SON’ to Him. this is after THE LORD gives HOLY SPIRIT or the Living Waters. And THE LORD gave the Living Waters , salvation and Everlasting life to gentiles first as proven above. And they became HIS SONS. They are new creatures, HIS FIRST FRUITS. And then, they are the BELIEVERS.  But on the Last Great day, … JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will give Living Waters to all , which is the HOLY SPIRIT.


Joh. 7: 36-39… He gives the HOLY SPIRIT in the bellies of the BELIEVERS. He first caused the sanctified gentiles to believe in Him and filled their bellies with the sea of knowledge of GOD , Isa. 11: 9 – 11, … and that is Living Waters, and then He calls all to come and drink HOLY SPIRIT or Living Waters from their bellies to make others His sons. !!!  This is how the final feasts will be fulfilled. Therefore when we are made new, … and you can know if you are a new creature , THAT IS, IF YOU ARE IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !!! and why could not He offer Living Waters to all including Israel ???  They did not believe Him as they are appointed to stumble on Him and His words. When they stumbled, and not obtained what they looked for, …. The gentiles are reconciled as they are appointed to BELIEVE in Him and have faith in Him. !  So just as it is written, … now all things are fulfilled.


Do you think HWA and GF are in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ???  They are the old creation. They never became His sons as they are appointed to not to be His sons as proven above. !!! and why could He not give HOLY SPIRIT until the Last Great day??? Because Israel did not glorify Him. read Joh. 7: 36-39. But now, as the gentiles are sanctified to believe in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, when the final falling away from truth was happening, 2 Thes. 2: 13- 14, …. The gentiles glorified the name of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. 2 Thes. 1: 8-12. While taking vengeance from Israel, … just as GOD prophesied that the foolish nation will be raised up, … He did so and came to be glorified in the gentiles, … who are now called saints because a ‘saint’ is one forgiven. Remember the little children and the little one , THE BRANCH which GOD raised up to get His glory. Isa. 60: 21- 22 , 1 Joh. 2: 1- 27 !!! And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as THE GREATER came to them to cause them to overcome. I Joh. 4: 4. And after they are caused to overcome, they are made judges to be as GOD, on the Day of judgment. V 17. And they are the babes, or sons who are given the knowledge of GOD , the GODHEAD in Luke 10: 19- 24, and Luke 11: 19-24, … they are to be judges. Therefore they are raised up as kings and priests, redeemed as Rev. 5: 9- 10 says. They serve the same GOD of Israel … ! They are being used to bring Israel to GOD. Isa. 49: 22-23 and more.


2Co 5:18  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation…’…. Reconciled us to Himself by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD means to HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, who separated as HE IS HOLY and could not dwell in mankind as Adam made Him unclean by making Him a liar as he did not believe the truth. Remember CHRIST THE LORD is a temporary dwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT , divested as a Man to shed His blood and to pay our penalties for our sin to save and redeem all.


2Co 5:19  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. }}}… see GOD, was in CHRIST THE LORD. that also proves HE IS GOD AND IT WAS HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT. And He reconciled the world or the gentiles to Himself, … and would not impute their sin. So that is done instantly. It does not take years to forgive us. As proven, there is no thousand year reign. JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is Risen already and reigning the gentiles, when they trusted in Him. Rom. 15: 12. And after THE LORD reconciled us to Himself, … and to HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, … we are to be ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. understood ??? HWA said he is an ambassador. But he never preached or spoke on behalf of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD but god the father. Therefore his appointments are of his and not from GOD, nor according to  the Word of GOD. He was never the Elijah as he never served the GOD of Elijah as proven in previous writings!!!


2Co 5:20  Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. }}}… CHRIST THE LORD came to reconcile us with HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT, who is THE CREATOR, and GOD who separated from mankind. Even if there was a god the father, … Adam did not sin against a such one. It was THE CREATOR who spoke, … who breathed on Adam. ONE GOD. Gen. 2:7 that is why we could only have ONE FATHER.


‘ambassadors FOR CHRIST THE LORD’???. could any one in the ministry say they are ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD??? An ambassador of CHRIST THE LORD should represents himself after consulting JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and HWA nor GF went to Him nor believed in His words to be an ambassador for Him. !!! Since THE LORD brought the gentiles to Him, … and taught all things , the knowledge of GOD  as the sea, Isa. 11; 9-11, they can be ambassadors for Him. that is how He appointed the Ministry of reconciliation. They hear the Word of GOD and tell others about Him to preach, warn and teach about Him. Col. 1: 26-28 !!!


2Co 5:21  For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him}}}… see when you come and put on CHRIST THE LORD, … He makes us righteous before GOD. CHRIST THE LORD alone can do all these things. He, made Himself sin, though He Has not sinned as He believed and obeyed and had faith in His words, the FATHER the HOLY SPIRIT, … in order to make us righteous before GOD.


Then, now THE LORD has made His first fruits holy, … the rest of the people could be also made holy because these fruits abide in the ROOT… and since the ROOT is holy, … and the first fruits are made holy, … and all the branches also will be holy.

Rom 11:16  For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. }}}… the branches which did not abide in the ROOT , were cut down and burned. Isa. 27: 11. And that is why the gentiles are grafted.


Rev 22:16  I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I AM THE ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING of David, and the bright and morning star. }}}… see… CHRIST THE LORD is THE ROOT which means the beginning, … and the roots feed the tree, … and also the OFFSPRING… which means the fruit. In other words the FATHER and The SON. He made king David… and he became a son to king David as well.


It is prophesied that the gentiles will seek the ROOT OF JESSE, and He will RISE to reign on them. At that time, they will be in GOD’s Holy Mountain.

Isa 11:9  They shall not hurt nor destroy in all MY HOLY MOUNTAIN: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 

Isa 11:10  And in that day there shall be a ROOT OF JESSE, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; TO IT SHALL THE GENTILES SEEK: AND HIS REST SHALL BE GLORIOUS. 


Isa 11:11  And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his HAND AGAIN THE SECOND TIME TO RECOVER THE REMNANT OF HIS PEOPLE,’… see… when THE LORD comes a second time to recover or gather His people, … ( they went in to captivity because of lack of knowledge of GOD . Isa. 5: 13 and more, and it is the prophets, who are foxes , Eze. 13: 4, who desolated the Holy Mountain lam 5: 18. ) they need the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. And by that knowledge, they will be gathered to Him. and then, when THE LORD comes the SECOND TIME, it is the gentiles who will seek Him. and now, that prophecy has come true. And receiving the knowledge of GOD , … we are to give it to Israel. That is the work of an ambassador and reconciliation. !  See it is THE REST. It is called the ‘Glorious Rest. ’.  and one should enter by believing. Heb. 3, 4. So there is another rest for GOD’s people who did not believe !!! This is the way GOD Has purposed that all must acknowledge and believe. We are already brought in to His Holy Mountain, … and there are no lies or deceit,   Zeph. 3: 9-15, at that time the judgment will be turned off. And we are in ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s house which is the House of GOD, Heb. 3: 6, being faithful as Moses was.


Rom 15:11  And again, PRAISE THE LORD, ALL YE GENTILES; AND LAUD HIM, all ye people…’…see praising THE LORD means the works of king David, the son of Jesse. And the gentiles have submitted to king David and are sitting on thrones judging the 12 tribes as THE LORD said.


Mat 19:28  And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have FOLLOWED ME, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel…’….. Who have followed ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’… ???  Could HWA or GF or any minister under them who learned from them say they have followed JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ???  GF wrote to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is a false gospel as proven in previous writings. And THE LORD is reigning the gentiles already. And they are given the Word of GOD, and they have believed Him and His words. And one or Israel is judged, or 12 tribes who are scattered as they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and became His enemy as written above in Mat. 12: 30, … are judged for denying JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His words.


Joh 12:48  He that REJECTETH ME, and receiveth NOT MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. …’….see… the judgment is if you have REJECTED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and HIS WORDS. Even if there is a god the father, … no one is judged for denying him or his words as there is none such nor words spoken by another.  The only LORD , GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and HIS HOLY SPIRIT, the FATHER. And since the gentiles came to Him, believed in Him and NOT DENIED Him, but love Him, as written above, they are the judges who are used to avenge the sons of disobedience. 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6. We have believed. We have received the knowledge of GOD  , THE TRUTH and that is why we are with Him, FOLLOWED HIM AND ARE FOLLOWING HIM. as written above, … since our bellies are filled with the Living Waters, … on the same Last Great day when THE LORD offers it to Israel, … they are being judged when their eyes opened to the books are opened, … at the White Throne , when the understanding is given to them. Thereafter, … they will not stumble.  And Rev. 3, to the Philadelphia era , THE LORD said ;-


Rev 3:8  I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast KEPT MY WORD, and hast NOT DENIED MY NAME}}}… see… when the hour of trial came to the church, … they are found to be liars and a synagogue of satan, because THEY DENIED JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND HIS NAME AND HAVE NOT KEPT HIS WORD. And those who KEPT HIS OR KEEPING HIS WORD AND NOT DENIED HIM, … have a little strength. And they … they, have an OPENED DOOR that no man can shut. That is why the new priesthood, who are made new in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, are called little children, (from Joh. 13: 33, THE LORD called them later Apostle Paul called them, and Apostle John and Apostle Peter wrote to them. 1 Joh., 1 & 2 Apostle Peter ‘s. ) Therefore the gentiles sought Him in His second coming and though they have a little strength, … no man can stop their works as it is THE LORD who Is leading them and they are HIS HAND’S WORKS.


Isa. 29: 23- 24  also explains about them. And in their time, those who erred in doctrine, will come to understanding. So these children, who feared THE LORD, … received the doctrine and that is why they feared Him. Therefore the gentiles did not deny JESUS CHRIST THE LORD nor His words but believed and received Him. !!!  No man nor the gates of hell can do any harm to them.


Rev 3:9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.’…. The Jews, mainly HWA and GF who say they are Jews, … but lie, … will be made known that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD has loved us , those who did not deny Him or His words. That is why they are sitting in the heavenlies, being raised up while yet they are dead in sin, … by grace, .. Eph. 2, … and are sitting with Him, judging Israel who DID NOT FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND WHO DENIED HIM AND HIS WORDS. Col. 3: 1- 3 also.


THE LORD said…

Mat 19:30  But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. ..’… this is also a prophecy and a work which THE LORD has now fulfilled.  The gentiles who were last, … have become First fruits !!! Therefore the gentiles or the little children, the babes, as proven above, are the judges of the 12 tribes who did deny CHRIST THE LORD and denied His words by not believing and who erred in doctrine !!! As Hab. 1: 11-12 says, they will not die…. But will be judged to correct them. That is why, when the gentiles are in the Holy Mountain, having no deceit, the judgment is turned off. Zeph. 3: 9-15. and who are these who have no deceit?  They are the first fruits of the LAMB who preach to fear and worship the lamb or THE CREATOR, having no deceit nor mixing with the women. These women in Rev. 14: 1- 7 is the harlot and her daughter harlots. That is the church of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who had other gods and not He. Then, they are the angels, THE CHILDREN OF GOD, … because an angel is who is resurrected , as they call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Luke  20: 36- 37.


Luk 20:36  Neither can they die any more: for they are EQUAL UNTO THE ANGELS; AND ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD, being the children of the resurrection. 

Luk 20:37  Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. }}}…. See the dead are raised when they call the GOD of Abraham who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Joh. 8: 54- 56, he saw JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s day. And that means to call on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Therefore the dead Laodiceans are given this knowledge so they can call Him also as Abraham did. And those children of GOD, who are the children of the resurrection , …. Are angels who preach the Everlasting Gospel to fear and worship the GOD who made all things, IN JUDGMENT which is now. Rev. 1: 1-7. They have the FATHER’s name written on them. And the FATHER is THE LAMB. !!!


Luk 20:38  For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him. }}}… all live unto Him. then why Israel are spiritually dead ???  They did not live unto Him, but made up god the father according to  their own imaginations as it was GOD’s will for them to not to know Him but to stumble as proven above. !


as written above in 2 Thes. 2, … THE LORD sanctified some to believe in the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, when the final falling away was happening and was caused by a son who went in to perdition. With the delusion, all believed the lie. This is how the beast caused all to go after the previous beast in Rev. 13. Remember a ‘beast’, is a man without understanding. And Hos. 9: 7 says, the prophet will not know THE LORD’s visitation. And he is a mad fool says GOD. Then he is the beast who caused the previous beast and raised up the image of the beast in Rev. 13 !!!  He is the man who is without understanding. !


Then, the sanctified ones believed the SPIRIT AND TRUTH. And they are to be sent, so those who did not believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD may believe in Him. that means they are the ambassadors.

Joh 17:17  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. ..’… have you heard any words from god the father ??? all the written words are the spoken words of THE CREATOR. and He is the GOD of truth and His words the truth.

Joh 17:18  As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. ..’… see… after sanctifying them by the truth, … they are sent. They are the Ministry of reconciliation, … and the ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to preach Him and causing all to believe in Him…

Joh 17:19  And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. 

Joh 17:20  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; }}}… see THE LORD sanctified these who are to be sent, … so others in the world (without the FATHER as proven above) may believe ON JESUS CHRIST THE LORD…!  So these children will be preaching to BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. The true children of GOD preach the Everlasting Gospel , being sons of GOD and angels. !!!  they are the works of a ministry who calls to be reconciled with JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as they denied Him. !!! Therefore they are the true ambassadors whom THE LORD sends. ! 


And they obeyed faith to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name and are appointed as apostles.

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for HIS NAME: 

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ..’… Could HWA or GF or any minister say they are called of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and TO HIS NAME ??  Did they preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name???  They questioned His authority as proven above. Though both of these leaders taught that they are apostles, … they neither preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name nor were called by Him, according to  the Scripture. If the Scripture of truth says it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who calls one to HIS NAME which means to preach Him, … and to speak another , would such people be apostles to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name ??? Only ones who could be sent as apostles are the sons of GOD who called on Him, the GOD of Abraham, and are resurrected, … and are sent as they are SANCTIFIED for that purpose. So they will be preaching none but JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and we are established, … or Israel will be established, … and also judged, according to  PREACHING JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, which Apostle Paul did. Rom. 2: 16,   16: 25. !!!


Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, …’… see to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … was a mystery kept hidden since the world began.  And it is now made manifest, … to all nations or gentiles, … as they obeyed faith. and faith was never given to Israel but the law. The law works wrath and faith pleases GOD !!!  Therefore Israel was never given the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD to preach Him, but to stumble. All these are now fulfilled. And…

Rom 16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: …’…. See it is AFTER WE OBEYED FAITH AS WRITTEN ABOVE, … THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE LORD, TO PREACH HIM IS GIVEN. THEY ARE THE APOSTLES WHO HAVE OBEYED FAITH. as written above, as Apostle Peter said in 1 Pet. 1 and 2, , … the gentiles love Him and were tested for faith and those who obeyed faith came as gold. (Job 23: 10. If Israel overcame the hour of trial, … they would have been as gold.)


Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH among all nations, for HIS NAME: 


preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, …. now is made manifest,… made known to all nations for THE OBEDIENCE OF FAITH…’… see… the apostleship is given to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and His name, to gentiles, … when they obeyed faith. and as Gal. 3 says, faith is given after the law failed. And according to  the Heavenly VISION in act 26: 17-19, faith should be in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !!!


See Apostle Peter wrote that the gentiles have obeyed faith

1Pe 1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 

1Pe 1:4  To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,…’…We are begotten and that is by the Word of GOD. Remember we are to live by every word which comes out of the mouth of THE CREATOR ???


1Pe 1:5  Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 

1Pe 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 

1Pe 1:8  Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: …’… See if you have obeyed faith to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name, … you LOVE HIM, though not seen. That is faith. faith means hoping for an unseen thing. (Heb 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:2  For by it the elders obtained a good report. ).  See… faith is the substance things HOPED FOR though NOT SEEN. See how the THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF SALVATION AND OF FAITH. HEB 12: 2, 2: 10. , JESUS CHRIST THE LORD tried our faith to see if we LOVE HIM and He says we love Him, … though NOT SEEN. Isn’t that the faith given to us ???  So we please Him. this faith is not our faith but THE LORD has to give as a free gift. Eph. 2; 8 and more please read.



1Pe 1:9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. 

1Pe 1:19  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 

1Pe 1:20  Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, …’… see as Apostle Paul said, … after we obeyed faith when tried, … He manifested as THE LAMB in these LAST DAYS. That is after we obeyed faith. that is why Rev. 14, … the FATHER is THE LAMB. Receiving salvation means we receive Spirit and Life from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. when He gave the word of TRUTH and upon believing, we received HOLY SPIRIT Eph. 1: 13 means salvation and Everlasting life even as the gentiles are appointed to as written above !!! GOD saw, that the gentiles will hear. Act 28: 26-28,  13: 40- 46 !!! So this is the SHORT WORK OF WONDER when all have despised !!!  The RIGHTEOUS SHORT WORK. !!!


1Pe 1:21  Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God…’… at this time, CHRIST THE LORD is not The SON, but the FATHER. He went back to being the FATHER. And we do not see Him because HE IS NOT Physical. But HE IS THE SPIRIT. 2 Cor. 3: 17 . as written above, as king David said, … THE ROCK , the SPIRIT of GOD, the GOD of Israel still working to gather His people. So we must have faith in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD means we must have faith in the HOLY SPIRIT .


1Pe 1:22  Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: }}}… see Scripture says, the gentiles, not only obeyed faith, but the truth as well. Then only, we can truly love OTHERS WITH A PURE…. HEART.  Until such time, all the leaders deceived the people and brought destruction and death on them. But now, we preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to establish all and to call on Him, so they too be resurrected. !!!  That is the true , pure love for others , to teach the truth and not lie in wait to kill them by false doctrines of men.

1Pe 1:23  Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. …’… we live for ever by the Word of GOD. And as written above, … since the church denied the Word of GOD, … they could not live for ever. But now the LORD sanctified those whom He prepared to obey Him in every thought, 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6, … and obeyed faith as apostles, to be sent to others to PREACH HIM to judge and to establish. To preach Him, … is the work of the Ministry of reconciliation, and ambassadors to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and APOSTLES. Therefore neither HWA nor GF can claim to be an apostle to GOD, nor to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as HE IS GOD. Unless one obeys faith which means please GOD, … no one can be an apostle to Him. besides one must leave all things and FOLLOW HIM as written above !!!


See what Isaiah prophesied, is written to gentiles. that JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will rise to reign over gentiles. and more importantly, the gentiles will trust in Him. and would not that be fulfilled ???  The fact that we preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD proves all the words of GOD about the times of Gentiles is being fulfilled and Israel is partly blind to this mystery.

Rom 15:12  And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust}}}……. Even Eph. 1 says, … the gentiles have already trusted in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and learned directly from Him as Isa. 54: 13, Joh. 6; 45 , 1 Joh. 2 , Isa. 29: 23 etc says. It is the gentiles who would glorify the name of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written elsewhere in this writing. !


Rom 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. }}}… see the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, … or the presence of the ROOT OF JESSE who is the HOLY SPIRIT, … must be among us so we could have all joy and peace. Afterall, He is the Prince of Peace !!!


See Abraham believed and had faith in GOD, and was counted as RIGHTEOUS,…. And that is THE ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … and not god the father as HWA taught, … and if the gentiles also believed and have faith in Him, … would they not be counted as righteous???

The failure of Israel is that they do not have faith or belief in the same GOD, because they were appointed to stumble on Him and the words, as GOD saw their stiff necked hearts. They will acknowledge their ways when their eyes are opened.


GOD personally taught Apostle Paul, away from others, to be sent to gentiles. all these facts which we have written here and our writings are from the Word of GOD and prove all things. Then, he wrote many mysteries , and he was sent to gentiles.  even Apostle Peter said his writings are hard to understand. And JESUS CHRIST THE LORD Has come to teach the gentiles to open their minds to understanding as written elsewhere in this writing in Eph. 1: 18 etc. and Israel’s failures are written to gentiles.

2Co 3:15  But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. }}}… see GOD says, even when Moses is read, there is a veil in their HEARTS. That means the church cannot understand what Moses wrote. And Moses wrote about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. not only Moses, the whole volume of books is written of one GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who appeared in over 300 names. This is why HWA spoke against JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Israel’s GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE ROCK as king David said. So we whose eyes are opened, can understand the failure of Israel and why they could not know Him. And, if the veil is in the HEART, … could they love Him with all their hearts???  And the HOLY SPIRIT rests in our HEARTS. Gal. 4: 6. As long as the hearts are exalted, THE LORD will not live in it. Therefore it is necessary for GOD to bring them low and reveal the hidden counsel of the heart, in order for Him to live in, so we could bear the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT !


How could the church then get their hearts purified ???  They need the true knowledge of GOD  which they lacked, THE LORD must remove the stumbling block, and reveal Himself and then, they can have faith in Him and trust in Him and not in any princes or the leaders or the prophets who are foxes and spiritually mad ones according to  the Word of GOD as written elsewhere in this writing.  And how did THE LORD purified the hearts of the ‘gentiles’???


Act 15:7  And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. }}}… hear what he says ????  GOD made a choice among the apostles, … that the gentiles by Apostle Peter’s mouth hear the word of the gospel and BELIEVE !!! So would not that be fulfilled?  This is why Apostle Peter wrote two letters TO GENTILES.  and his books then must be fulfilled during the times of Gentiles , after the fall of the 7th era and what you read is the fulfillment of that prophecy and GOD’S CHOICE!!! 


Apostle Peter was asked to feed the sheep. Therefore he wrote that gentiles will be tried for faith, but will return to the Sheperd and the Word of GOD which the gentiles believed, … they will be born again. 1 Pet. 1: 23.

Then the faith is to purify the HEARTS of the gentiles…

Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; }}}… see GOD knows the hearts.  And His witness of His choice of calling the gentiles is giving the HOLY SPIRIT. That is why THE LORD came as the HOLY SPIRIT Joh. 14: 26, to gentiles the second time and gave all the knowledge of GOD  even as THE SEA. ! Then, it is their duty to give that knowledge to Israel. They are appointed to teach, preach and warn to be perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written above. !!! This is why 1 Pet. 2: 8-10, Apostle Peter wrote that who are not of GOD’s people are taken in to His marvelous light, and are made a Royal Priesthood which is to preach THE ROYAL KING !!!


Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. }}}… see THE LORD’s choice is to give faith to gentiles, and to purify their hearts. When you have faith, … you trust and hope in GOD to go all things spiritually. After all, without His HOLY SPIRIT, … we cannot live. Without Him and His words, we cannot live. We must give the glory which THE LORD deserve as HE CREATED US TO HAVE HIS SPIRIT , because Adam had a evil spirit in his heart and brought all disobedience and enmity against GOD and each other. The only way to live is by hoping GOD’s SPIRIT to be in our HEARTS, then our hearts will not be the most deceitful above all !  Then we would love every one and would not have any enmity against THE LORD or each other. That is when we will have joy and peace , agreeing with one another as ourselves. Then, as THE LORD write the law in our HEARTS, … with HIS SPIRIT in us and not the spirit of Adam, … we all will live happily.


GOD is not a respecter of persons, wrote Apostle Peter, and He will not spare His own wife or sons when it comes to evilness.


2Co 3:16  Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. }}}… see… if Israel has a veil in their hearts, and are appointed to stumble on Him, and His words, … how could they turn to Him ???  He Has hardened their hearts as well as proven above. Therefore how could they turn to THE LORD ???  This is why they always had other gods and now god the father. They are like Adam, … and have Adam’s most deceitful heart , and have the fruits of man’s heart or fruits of flesh. They have fulfilled GOD’s words and have stumbled. So they cannot turn to THE LORD, unless THE LORD does it Himself, which He promises to give new hearts.


And if Israel are to stumble on Him and His words, would they have understood the Word of GOD or the Word of Truth??? So they continuously denied Him and failed to understand the Word of GOD! As all are appointed to die, Israel fell from the truth seven times and finally SPIRITUALLY DIED. Then when THE LORD redeems them by His blood, .. giving life to them, … THE LORD’s character will be given also. Until then, Zion was a perpetual desolation. Psalm 74. The enemy was in the Sanctuary. That means in the ministry. THE ROCK said to king David, his house will not grow, but they will be thorns and sons of Belial. 2 sam 23.  And even that, the leaders could not understand. IT WAS GOD’S PURPOSE TO RAISE UP THE GENTILES, AS HE APPOINTED Israel to die, and then teach the gentiles the truth, and appointed them to believe in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, … and then use them to be sent to Israel, so they may believe in Him as all proven with Scripture , above !!!


2Co 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. }}}… see where the SPIRIT of THE LORD, … we have liberty. And then we know that Israel under bondage, because THEY DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, because the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s SPIRIT we need and they had a wrong spirit, which is flesh as GOD’s will. So Israel could not turn to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , nor understood His word, then how could they be free???  That is why they are scattered and could not be gathered to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!


2Co 3:18  But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. …’… see when Moses is read, … still there is a vail in their HEART. Therefore they could not turn to THE LORD. but when they turn to THE LORD, … there is liberty. They will be set free or receive salvation, when they turn to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and see… now, we all, have open face as we beheld the glory of GOD and the SPIRIT of THE LORD as proven above. Then, until such time, their vail in the HEART still not removed. This is why, Israel could not know JESUS CHRIST THE LORD !!!  When they learn the truth about Him, as THE LORD opens their eyes at the White Throne, … when the books are opened , … they will know that their GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.


And understand… we must turn to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, to be changed in to the same image of glory, which is done by the SPIRIT of THE LORD.! Rom. 8 says, to build the image of GOD, we need the image of The SON. That is the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, which will give us the image of GOD. This is why the leaders had the image of beast , and remember Hos. 9: 7, … the Spiritual  man… the prophet is the mad fool on the Day of Visitation. That is why they are judged as beasts in Revelation.!


Man is once appointed to die, then they will seek GOD. Remember when the eyes are opened, they will see that they were dead. Rev. 20: 12, it is the spiritually dead who are called to the White Throne, to open the books for them, and to open the Scripture , to give the understanding as THE LORD did to the apostles , and their hearts burned. Luke 24. Then all will be guilty before GOD, but that will turn in to joy, as all will see that they are redeemed and blessed to know all things and more importantly, to know their One and ONLY TRUE GOD. That will cause all to be gathered to Him.


Luk 24:15  And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. 

Luk 24:16  But THEIR EYES WERE HOLDEN THAT THEY SHOULD NOT KNOW HIM…’…  See even to early apostles, it happened and they did not know Him as THE LORD closed their eyes as well. This is what would happen to all the churches, at the White Throne, and the lake of fire. There is no fire this time, but GOD is the consuming fire, given His words which is fire. It is the wickedness which will be burned as fire.


(Isa_9:18  For wickedness burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke…’…See THE LORD will burn the wickedness as fire in the lake of fire where the Word of GOD is OPENED to understanding. And it will devour the briers and thorns. Who are they? As king David said in his last words, it is his house, or the Tabernacle of David, or the leaders in the Tabernacle of David who will be sons of Belial and thorns. It is the ministry , specially the high priest who does not know THE LORD’s visitation as proven above who will be burned. Remember Joshua, will be pulled out of fire).


Luk 24:17  And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad? 

Luk 24:18  And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days? 

Luk 24:19  And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people: 

Luk 24:20  And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him….’…remember it is the chief priests such as HWA and GF who cut Him off and placed god the father in the Body of CHRIST, the church as proven in previous writings. So they murdered Him once again. And it is they who do not know the Scripture.


Luk 24:21  But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. …’… see they thought THE LORD came to redeem Israel. He is the GOD of the gentiles also. He came to Die to pay the penalties for our sins and to the world to judgment to make them blind and to open the blind gentiles’ eyes. Joh. 9: 39.

Luk 24:22  Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre; 

Luk 24:23  And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. }}}…. See the angels know where He Is. And who are the angels now tell the church that THE LORD Has come???  It is the sons of GOD as written above !!!  They preach the Everlasting Gospel to fear and worship Him, … to those who DID NOT FEAR HIM, who are the ministry !


Luk 24:24  And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not. 

Luk 24:25  Then HE said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: }}}… to whom would He tell now ‘oh fools’???  It is mainly to the high priest or the prophet as Hos.9;7 says.


Luk 24:26  Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? …’…. Aught now CHRIST THE LORD to have suffered a second time and Is outside the door of the Laodiceans, … knocking to get it or come to them ??? See in the Philadelphia era , THE LORD found out that they , OR HIS OWN does not love Him and have denied Him and His words as proven above. When one denies Him and His words, … would He be in trouble?  It is we who will be in trouble. We will lose the Word of GOD, which we are to live by. THE LORD killed all by thirst by not giving HIS WORDS THE Spirit and Life !!! Therefore the ministry will see how they did not glorify Him, … and how they denied Him and did not believe nor love Him and everything that is written about them. ! all those who caused CHRIST THE LORD to suffer will see that they have done so, JUST AS THE LORD HAS PROPHESIED about them. For example:-, the prophet or the high priest will see that he did not know THE LORD’s visitation and how he became the son of perdition, … and did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and became His enemy which means THE anti- CHRIST !!! he will see that he is the Joshua and was deceived by his father HWA and how he caused the whole era to be killed and that he too is spiritually dead. He will see that he danced  around the new throne is only a wooden one and the new stone is only a jungle rock ! And, more importantly, as he represents the whole House of Israel, … he will see that he caused the death to the whole House of Israel ! But GOD’s grace and mercy is ALREADY PROPHESIED to be given to all flesh and to give salvation to all flesh. Therefore he, at the same time, … will be comforted to know that THE LORD has opened the eyes IN ORDER TO SAVE THEM , judge and CORRECT or establish and will be glad !!! just as early apostles could not know the Scripture , … now too all will see that they too were blind ! more importantly, they will see how THE LORD said that they will deny Him, just as He said to Apostle Peter, … and still he denied Him, and the present leadership also will see how they too denied Him and His words and everything THE LORD had prophesied about them. !


Then, THE LORD opened the minds to understand to know Him, and that Moses, and all prophets and all Scriptures were concerning ONLY HIM.

Luk 24:27  And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself

Luk 24:30  And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. …’… He took bread and gave to them. What is the bread now spiritually?  It is THE LORD who is the bread from heaven. And THE LORD is the SPIRIT. And His words are Spirit and Life which we are to live by. And the words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is IN THE SEA OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  , and that is the lake of fire. Therefore when the eyes are opened , all will see and understand the BREAD OF LIFE !!!


Luk 24:31  And their eyes were opened, and THEY KNEW HIM; and he vanished out of their sight. …’… See then, they knew Him. Isa. 5: 15-17, THE LORD said the strangers will eat and the fat ones will be humbled. Then, it is the strangers who will exalt THE LORD. !!! Fat ones exalted themselves.


Luk 24:32  And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and WHILE HE OPENED TO US THE SCRIPTURES? …’… see even their hearts burned when THE LORD opened the Scriptures to them. How much more would the hearts of these self exalted leaders be burned when the books are opened ???


Luk 24:44  And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me. 

Luk 24:45  Then OPENED HE THEIR UNDERSTANDING, that they might understand the scriptures, …’….See unless THE LORD opens the minds of all , which He closed, how could anyone understand the Scripture? And He opened their understanding to know all things WRITTEN IN Moses AND PROPHETS AND PSALMS , concerning ‘HIM’.  then if THE LORD Has said Israel will stumble on Him and His words, and they will deny Him and His words, as He said to Apostle Peter and still he denied Him, … would not the House of Israel also be stumbled ??? GOD’s purpose written in the Scriptures is to become a FATHER to the fatherless first, who are the gentiles and to bear them as HIS FIRST FRUITS while He blinded all Israel , seeing their hearts which are proud, … and save all BY HIS GRACE. If THE LORD made anyone under the law His first fruits, … they will boast saying because of their law keeping , or their works, they deserve to be saved first. No man could take any glory on self. This way, as the gentiles never were under the law, but came to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , apart from the law, Rom. 3: 21 onwards and Rom. 2, … glorify THE LORD and His words and exceedingly great grace. When we understand in our hearts that we have no works but it is THE LORD’s grace which saves us, … that exalts THE LORD and not ourselves!! And since as written above in 2 Cor. 3, the Scripture says the church cannot read Moses, … and a veil lies in their hearts to not to know THE LORD, would that not be fulfilled ???  And if they are blind, their veil, they cannot see. THE LORD will show to others.


Luk 24:46  And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: 

Luk 24:47  And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached IN HIS NAME among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 

Luk 24:48  And ye are witnesses of these things….’…. see repentance and remission of sin is because we did not give glory to HIS NAME ! None blessed His name in Jerusalem. Mat. 23. None were willing to be gathered to Him, but looked to a nogod. That is the sin of Jerusalem. Therefore those who have their eyes opened as proven above , who are given the sea of knowledge of GOD , with the understanding, … will be the witnesses of these things !!!  that is why in the OUTER court gentiles will tread down the holy city which is Jerusalem, which is the true church in Rev. 11.


Isa 26:4  Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength: 

Isa 26:5  For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. …’… See the proud ones, did not trust in THE LORD. but the poor, the gentiles, trusted in Him as prophesied as written above. Then, they received the everlasting strength which is in Him. and He brings low who are high and lofty, … even to dust. So man returned to dust as the curse came from Adam, that means to inherit lies. When they inherit lies, the gentiles who are the sons to Israel, are sent to tell them so. Jer 16: 19. They are given the truth and are sanctified by it as written above.


Isa 26:6  The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. …’… How could the poor tread down, unless THE LORD appointed them ? So that is fulfilled in Rev. 11, which no man can understand yet. This writing, itself is to tread down the rich and proud.


Isa 26:8  Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O LORD, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee. 

Isa 26:9  With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. 

Isa 26:10  Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness:…’…. When the judgments are on the earth, … the world will learn righteousness. The world means those who failed to obtain righteousness by the law as written above or as Apostle Paul said. They are the wicked who will learn righteousness in their judgment. This is why THE LORD calls all to the White Throne, to give light or Revelation to the books are opened. This means the poor are made righteous before the rich !!!


If GOD says the Spiritual  man, the prophet is a fool and would not know THE LORD’s coming, then would he know His coming ???  HE HAS COME to teach us all things. Specially 1 Joh. 5: 20, …. He came to give the understanding to know that The SON is the Everlasting life !!! Therefore if you know that the FATHER, and The SON and the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE AND THE SAME GOD, …. Then you have received Revelation about GODHEAD from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and it is The SON who reveals as proven above !!! Therefore only those who have their eyes opened by THE LORD, … could be HIS WITNESSES !!!


Therefore THE LORD killed them, so they will seek Him when they see that they are killed.

Psa 78:32  For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works. 

Psa 78:33  Therefore their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble. …’…. See when you do not believe Him and His works, … your days will be consumed in VANITY !!! That is what happened to Adam. he did not believe THE CREATOR, … and disobeyed by eating from what THE LORD said not to eat. Ever since the whole mankind suffered under his sin. The sin had to be paid. Therefore in order to save Adam from his sin, who is able to pay for the price of redemption ???  He sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT because THE CREATOR is the HOLY SPIRIT. That is unpardonable sin as proven before. That sin needs righteous blood, without blemish or sin. The only Man who could do is, if the HOLY SPIRIT comes as a Man !!!


Psa 78:34  When HE SLEW THEM, THEN THEY SOUGHT HIM: and they returned and enquired early after God. …’…. Now, THE LORD has killed them. Then they will return and will seek Him. Hos. 5: 15… they will seek Him in their affliction. And even in the affliction, it is the gentiles who are sent to them. Jer 16: 19.


Psa 78:35  And they remembered that God was THEIR ROCK, and the HIGH GOD THEIR REDEEMER..’… See when they are killed ???  Because, they did not REMEMBER THAT THEIR GOD IS THE ROCK OR THE REDEEMER !!!  But the gentiles know that THE REDEEMER is the FATHER for ever. Isa. 63: 16. And THE LORD also had said, that Israel will not acknowledge us !!!


Psa 78:36  Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues. …’… How many lies did HWA and GF said against the Scripture ? They gave CHRIST THE LORD’s names such as THE ALMIGHTY to their god the father. Lies came from the deceitful heart. Lies bring you under the bondage of the devil and truth will set you free. This is why Joh. 8:44, THE LORD said to His own that they are sons of the devil. That means the seed of the serpent. And the ministry is to be as such, the creeping ones. That happens when they do not have their ruler. Hab. 1: 14. Because of Adam’s lie, THE LORD had to die. Lies kills. Truth saves. This is why in the end, the Scripture is opened , which is the truth, to set all free and to make us sons of GOD and not sons of Belial or devil.


If god the father is truly our GOD and the FATHER, then as we have received him and have believed and worshiped and feared him, preached him, then there is no sin and we would have been born a long time and there is no need to fall from the truth seven times. Remember the church is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own body. How could god the father’s head be in this body. Think about it. All these years we were god the father’s body as he was placed as the head. This is the abomination which caused the desolation of the TRUE HEAD, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, caused by the prophet, the son who did that went to perdition. Until all seven eras fell, GOD would not reveal this as His prophecy and the Word of GOD had to be fulfilled.


Psa 78:37  For their HEART WAS NOT RIGHT WITH HIM, neither were they stedfast in his covenant. }}}… if as Psalm 74 says, Zion is a perpetual desolation, their heart could not be right with Him. if it is god the father , he could never say this as all hearts were to him.

Psa 78:38  But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea, many a time TURNED HE HIS ANGER AWAY, AND DID NOT STIR UP ALL HIS WRATH. …’…. Remember when Apostle Paul was suffering from a thorn of flesh which GOD sent, he prayed and GOD said MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT for you. GOD knows all are sinners. Except JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, all are sinners.  If you steal a pin or if you rob a bank, it is the same sin though it is big and small. And if all are guilty before GOD, then GOD has to save all and not one or two as no one is worthy to stand before GOD, because of their works. NONE RIGHTEOUS, SAYS GOD , THEN ALL HAVE TO BE SAVED AT ONE TIME, except the ones who are to be first fruits, to be the Royal Priesthood, the Ministry of reconciliation, … so they could be used to serve Him in preaching, warning and making all perfect in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as Col. 1: 26-28 says. That is the purpose of the first fruits. Therefore THE LORD Has promised to save all FLESH. That means none received or became worthy to receive the SPIRIT on their own. Therefore THE LORD by His grace will forgive all.


Psa 78:39  For he remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again. }}}… now THE LORD has killed them. But Has forgiven them. That is why He sends those who are sanctified as written above to them, so they may believe in Him. and they will know that THE ROCK IS THEIR GOD, as king David also said. And THE LORD will give new hearts to know Him. Heb. 8. And it is Israel who are flesh. 2 Cor. 10: 18 ! And the HOLY SPIRIT lives in our hearts. And the hour of trial proved that they lie and their hearts are not right with Him, nor they love Him.



Eph 4:18  Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: }}}… see the blindness is in the heart. What does that mean???  The HEART is the most deceitful thing which was not willing to submit to GOD. and dust means lies as proven, and the whole mankind was sent to dust and they will be blind to not to know the truth about GOD. mainly, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, the FATHER. And therefore THE LORD could become the FATHER, to the fatherless, as His own first born Exo. 4: 22-23, forsook Him as the FATHER and made up another, calling god the father. !!! This ignorance in man , made him a beast, without understanding. Psa. 49: 20. That is why they are judged as beasts and harlots in the book of Revelation, the judgment of Israel and the church, or ALL THOSE WHO WERE GIVEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, BUT THEY DID NOT BELIEVE NOR OBEYED HIM. and this ignorance in man will be OVERLOOKED BY GOD, ONLY ON THE Day of Judgment.


See THE LORD has appointed a day to judge the world. What to repent of?

Act 17:30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent}}}… this day is the day of the White Throne when the Scripture is opened for understanding. And GOD calls all the DEAD, Rev. 20: 12 to stand before Him to judge them to correct them. Hab. 1: 11-12. He will not kill anyone. Therefore the Day of Judgment is to give the HOLY SPIRIT to all freely so they will know their sin and iniquity against Him, to be corrected.


Act 17:31  Because he hath appointed a day, in the which HE WILL JUDGE the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. ..’… see THE LORD has given assurance to all men… not for a few who are to be the first fruits, but to all men that on the Day of Judgment, … all will see their sin and He wants all to REPENT on that day. Therefore be prepared to find out the hidden counsel of your heart as it will be revealed, so you can repent as He calls all to repent.


This is why, before the Day of Judgment, on the Day of Visitation, … THE LORD called some to be HIS CHILDREN, and CAME IN TO THEM AS THE GREATER, …. And caused them to overcome, 1 Joh. 4: 4, and they are to be AS GOD IS, on the Day of Judgment to judge the rest of denying Him and His words. (v 17)  More importantly, for not believing in Him that HE is the FATHER, and we are to be HIS, THE MAKER’S OFFSPRING. remember all judgments are written, Psa. 149: 9, and not our own.



Act 17:25  Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing HE GIVETH TO ALL LIFE, AND BREATH, AND ALL THINGS…’…. If HE GIVES US LIFE AND BREATH, SHOULD HE NOT BE OUR FATHER ???  On the Day of Judgment, HE WILL REVEAL TO ALL that HE IS THE FATHER. AND THEN ALL MUST REPENT FOR NOT BELIEVING IN HIM AND NOT RECEIVING HIM AS THE FATHER. Joh. 1: 11-14, those who received Him are given the power to be sons of GOD. They are the first fruits now. Therefore when THE LORD REVEALS THAT HE IS THE FATHER, … REPENT FOR NOT BELIEVING IN HIM. !!!


If we go to god the father, would we receive any of these ; life, breath, and ALL… ALL…. ALL things? He breathed on Adam. Gen. 2:7 . we do not need two gods to breath us. JUST ONE FATHER we need. And the man, or a GOD who gives us breath, should be our ONE FATHER. So this is talking about The CREATOR, THE MAKER, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. therefore THE LORD will give you the understanding to your heart to know and see , and He will removed the stony heart in you , and make HIMSELF KNOWN to you to know that HE IS THE FATHER, just as HE DID TO US IN the year 2008 !!! JUST BELIEVE THAT IT IS The CREATOR WHO GIVES YOUR BREATH !!!


Act 17:26  And HATH MADE OF ONE BLOOD ALL NATIONS OF MEN for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; …’… THE LORD will make us ONE BLOOD when all things are made new IN HIM, … NEW CREATURES in HIM, BECAUSE WE ALL… ALL THE HUMANS WILL BE REDEEMED BY HIS BLOOD and the life is in the blood and HE HAS ETERNAL SPIRIT in HIS BLOOD… Heb.  9: 14, … and therefore all men of all nations , … will be redeemed in order to be HIS OFFSPRING. !!!


And GOD overlooks the ignorance means GOD will forgive for not believing in Him as the FATHER and that HE GIVES ALL THINGS, LIFE AND BREATH, … and will REVEAL to each man Himself, … so we all would SEEK HIM AND FEEL AFTER HIM, AND FIND HIM….. FIND HIM, … !!!

Act 17:27  That THEY SHOULD SEEK THE LORD, if haply they might FEEL AFTER HIM, AND FIND HIM, though he be not far from every one of us: ….’…. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THE Day of Judgment ???  do you understand why THE LORD HAD TO REDEEM SOME AS KINGS AND PRIESTS FIRST, other than the sons of Israel, who forsook Him ???  So they can JUDGE, and TEACH the truth and DRAW ALL TO HIM.

Act 17:28  For IN HIM WE LIVE, AND MOVE, AND HAVE OUR BEING; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. …’….




Have you believed that IN HIM, WE LIVE and MOVE ???


Have you believed that our BEING IS IN HIM ???




Act 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which HE HATH PURCHASED with HIS OWN BLOOD. ….’… see the HOLY SPIRIT , purchased us WITH HIS OWN BLOOD !!!  So did god the father die to purchase you ???  We were fools and deceived in to believe in a man.  HWA said HOLY SPIRIT is the power. Did the power of GOD die to purchase us ??? After all, THE LORD purposed for them to stumble on Him and His words as proven above. Therefore … THE HOLY SPIRIT, IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD WHO DIED SHEDDING BLOOD AS THE PERFECT LAMB, WITHOUT BLEMISH. AND HE IS OUR FATHER.


Though THE LORD placed the leaders in His church to feed His church, HE ALSO PROPHESIED THAT THEY WOULD FALL FROM THE TRUTH. and that they will have evil hearts. Therefore it is now, the true Royal Priesthood who truly is being led by the HOLY SPIRIT who are feeding the flock so they might find Him, and will fell after Him, … the GOD who gave them the breath and all things, … and who PAID THE REDEMPTION PRICE, WITH IS HIS OWN HOLY SPIRIT , pouring as blood to forgive us because WE HAVE SINNED AGAINST HIM, … OUR FATHER , … BY MAKING OURSELVES other GODS AND FATHERS !!! 


Think physically… if you did such a thing to your own father, … or if you are a father already, think if your sin disown you and forsook you as his father, and call some other my father, how would you feel ??? But GOD appointed all to die under the sin, so He could redeem and purchase all by His blood to make all things new in Him. That means because of Adam’s sin, … the whole mankind was cursed by the FATHER to death in order to redeem on the Day of Judgment. Therefore all those who did not call Him ‘my FATHER’, must understand and call Him so, in order to return to Him. Jeremiah 3: 19-20. Therefore until the Day of Judgment, He did not reveal that He is the FATHER as He said in Joh. 16: 25. Please read.


These are the reasons why HE FORSOOK US TEMPORARILY, SO THAT WE WOULD DIE UNDER THE FIRST  Covenant, … and WILL LIVE WHEN WE ARE REDEEMED AND RE-BREATHED on the Times of Refreshing , when THE LORD REVEALS HIMSELF TO ALL, … FORGIVING, OVERLOOKING OUR IGNORANCE, removing our dust, … BUT WANTING TO REPENT, AND SEEK AFTER HIM. and the gentiles, sought Him first according to His word. therefore we became HIS OFFSPRING! And we call HIM, our EVERLASTING FATHER !!!


See THE LORD has ordained before who are the ungodly men to be condemned.

Jud_1:4  For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ….’… See Adam denied the ONLY LORD GOD, and CHRIST OUR LORD, the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , the HOLY SPIRIT and the body and followed by all. So all are ordained to be condemned. Rom.  8: 1, if you are not in CHRIST OUR LORD , you are condemned. And has not He reveal that HIS OWN WILL BE THE ONES TO DENY HIM and HIS WORD ??? He prophesied that His own will not receive Him, Joh. 1: 11- 13, and in many Scripture such as Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18 etc. and even all seven eras will fall from this truth and finally die spiritually. ‘spiritually’ dead means no words of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, or HIS BREATH. That is why He comes to RE- breath.


Psa 149:2  Let Israel rejoice in HIM that MADE HIM: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King..’… Remember one become Israel of GOD, IN CHRIST OUR LORD . Gal. 6: 15- 16. ‘in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.’…See… if you are IN CHRIST JESUS, … you are made new.


Then, when THE LORD said I will make all things new in Rev. 21- 22, … we too will be made new IN HIM, because the old worshiped nogods and had other lords. Isa. 26: 13. And then, … Rev. 21: 7 says, we become SONS to THE LORD, and HE WILL BE OUR GOD. ‘I will be his God, and he shall be my son. ‘…’…. This proves the OLD did not believe that ALPHA AND OMEGA , spoken in previous verse who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Rev. 1: 8, … was not our FATHER. ONLY WHEN WE ARE MADE NEW, … we become SONS to Him. therefore the end of all things will be, when we become NEW IN HIM, … becoming a SON to ALPHA AND OMEGA who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. !!!  remember HWA wrote in MOA, ALPHA AND OMEGA or THE ALMIGHTY is god the father? Prove from the Scripture, that ALPHA AND OMEGA who said this is CHRIST OUR LORD. and then prove it to yourself whether your GOD is He and are you a son to Him !!!


let the children of Zion be joyful in their King’…. We all know the Everlasting king is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. But Zion, did not allow Him to rule over as written above in Isa. 63: 16-19, even when we found THE REDEEMER to be our FATHER for ever. And she never allowed Him to rule over her. Jeremiah 8: 19-20, and The KING left her as we saw. Therefore Zion was cast down from heaven in judgment. Lam. 2: 1. And then, THE LORD must make a NEW Zion, if all things are to be made new. And that is just what He says He would do, with the poor who TRUSTED in Him.. Psa. 125: 1 ‘They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. ‘….See who trusted in THE LORD first ? As written above in Eph. 1, it is the gentiles. Then, they are made new in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as they came to Him and receiving and believing in Him. so they are the NEW Mountain Zion. That is why they are a sign and a wonder in Israel as Isa. 8: 18 says, while Judah and Israel and Jerusalem is to stumble. V 14 !!!





Jer 10:10  But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an EVERLASTING KING: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. 

Jer 10:11  Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. …’…. See the gods that have NOT MADE, Heaven and earth, … are to perish. That includes god the father as he is not the GOD who made anything. And there cannot be two kings. The LIVING GOD is THIS Everlasting king. And the LIVING GOD is THE ALMIGHTY, who received the gentiles as Sons and daughters, 2 Cor.  6: 14- 19 and His house is not made, Heb.  3: 6, and those who did not believe Him, have departed from Him, v 12 and they are sons of Belial , in the  FALLEN Tabernacle of David as King David said. And as written above , on the Day of Judgment, we know we are The CREATOR’s offspring and that is the GOD who MADE ALL THINGS. So we , the poor , the fatherless have become The CREATOR’s offspring already and are in His house, as well as in the NEW mount Zion as we are predestinated to trust in Him and be HIS CHILDREN. Eph. 1. No wonder why in Joh. 8: 44, to His own, THE LORD said they are sons of the devil. As you can see… the seed of the serpent and the seed of the WOMAN ( taken out of Man) are manifested and the war is going on.


Isa 14:30  And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant. …’… See the FIRST BORN is the poor and needy. The FATHER will cause them to be safe. And HE HAS ALREADY killed others. So the poor are the FIRST BORN OF CHRIST OUR LORD , while the first born Israel forsook Him. !!!


Isa 14:32  What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and THE POOR OF HIS PEOPLE shall trust in it. …’… NO man can change these words as it is done already. As we preach and serve our FATHER, … who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … The CREATOR, who came and received us to Himself , as Joh. 14 says, we are with Him, and where ever He goes , we go with Him, … as we are the NEW MOUT Zion, HE HAS FOUNDED and we are HIS PEOPLE , who TRUSTED IN HIM first as THE LORD willed !!!


So the rich Laodiceans and the poor gentiles are separated…

The Jews who lie and gentiles who are given the truth are separated,

The blind and those who see are manifested…

The sons of GOD, the first fruits and the first born who died are manifested.

The list goes on, but as it was the counsel of THE ALMIGHTY, … we are now Sons and daughters to Him. !!!

New mountain Zion is now one can see as a sign and a wonder in Israel that THE LORD OF HOSTS is in the Holy Mountain, with His sons.


Isa 8:17  And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. 

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. ..’… Therefore this is the NEW MOUNTAIN Zion which THE LORD HAS CREATED IN HIM !!! THE LORD has truly Hid His face from the house of Jacob. And ‘I, CHRIST OUR LORD  AND THE CHILDREN, … ARE A SIGN AND A WONDER IN ISRAEL !!!


Exo 3:12  And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain..’… See if you have come out of Egypt spiritually, ( Rev. 11: 8, you are spiritually in Egypt, back again without the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and His SPIRIT),

Exo 3:14  And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. …’…. See TWO gods did not send Moses but ONE. That was THE ROCK , the GOD of the House of Israel, as King David said above. And, … those who came out of Egypt, ARE NOW SERVING GOD IN THE MOUNTAIN !!! They are the poor and the needy, who trusted in THE LORD !!! This is why the sea of knowledge of GOD is given once again, having come the second time as written above in Isa. 11: 9 – 11, … TO RECOVER HIS PEOPLE , WHO ARE SCATTERED. The scattered 12 tribes has no choice, but to accept all these and repent when THE LORD reveal Himself to them with His sons in the Holy Mountain !!!  Remember there is no deceit nor lies .  Zep 3: 9- 15 .


We, the poor, the needy now SERVE OUR GOD, KING AND FATHER !!! We have come out of Egypt !!!


When the Salvation is about to come… THE LORD brought the strangers in to His Holy Mountain, … and they serve Him… read v 1 of Isa. 56.

Isa 56:6  Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; …’…. As Apostle Peter said above in 1 Peter 1, … the gentiles love THE LORD. and the Sabbath  Covenant ??  We have entered in to Sabbath, by believing. Heb.  3,   4.  THE LORD has finished the works in us. Heb.  4.

Isa 56:7  Even them will I BRING TO MY HOLY MOUNTAIN, and make them joyful in MY HOUSE of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon MINE ALTAR; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. …’…. Now we know about the Holy Mountain, who are in it, … and in HIS HOUSE?  Heb.  3: 1- 12… we are in His house, where CHRIST OUR LORD , is a SON to HIM SELF AND TO HIS OWN house, … And burnt offerings… zep 3.: 9- 11… and in the ALTAR… Isa. 60: 7 and Mal. 1: 11.


Isa 60:6  The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD..’… Remember as written above , no man can praise THE LORD, without the truth. dust cannot praise Him because dust are lies.  Then, it is Sheba who brings gold, and as written above, gold is when one is tested and come out clean.  And it is the gentiles who PRAISE HIM, the babes. Psa. 8:2


Isa 60:7  All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with ACCEPTANCE ON MINE ALTAR, and I will glorify the house of my glory. …’… See as Heb.  3: 6 says, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own house is now has become a House of Prayer , and we are sending PURE INCENSE to His name, Mal. 1: 11, … as THE LORD glorifies HIS HOUSE OF GLORY. and Kedar, and Nebaioth are Ishmael’s sons. Remember Ishmael is also a son of Abraham, the VERY FIRST BORN. He was cast out, because sarah did not want him to inherit with Isaac . Gen. 21:10. Therefore he is made poor and sent to east, and were without the father. But Abraham’s blessings are given in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Gal. 3. And He chose to give to Ishmael’s.




Psa 149:3  LET THEM PRAISE HIS NAME in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. 

Psa 149:4  For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: HE WILL BEAUTIFY THE MEEK WITH SALVATION. …’… The poor and naturally meek. Remember in Luk. 4: 18, the LORD preached the gospel to the poor ?? That happens during the days of vengeance. Isa. 61. That is what is being fulfilled now. So the meek are given Salvation !

Psa 149:5  Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. ..’…. Who would be the ‘saints’???  It is the meek, who RECEIVED Salvation. No one will be a saint, unless THE LORD forgives the sin. so these saints glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name, when He came to take vengeance. 2 Thes. 1: 8-12,  Isa. 61: 1- 5,


See… THE LORD comes to PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. He did not preach to gentiles in His first coming, but when the Salvation is about to come and when the days of vengeance has come and to give RECOVERING TO THE BLIND and to set them free. We cannot be set free unless by the truth. so THE LORD came the second time to give the truth, but He chose the poor the gentiles to give it.

Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 

Luk 4:19  To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. …’’…. See THE LORD will preach the gospel to the poor… and heal the broken hearts, … deliver the captives and heal the blind and to set them free. Remember as written above, Israel has a veil, and they could not even understand Moses or the Old Testament? Now, they will as all the books are opened !


Back to Psa. 146…

Psa 149:6  Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; …’…. Praises are sung by His children the babes. And the two edged sword they have is the Word of GOD.

Psa 149:7  To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; …’… Who are the heathen who do not have THE LORD in them ???  Isa. 2: 6 , and more, … Israel is like the heathen as the gentiles have the true GOD but Israel do not.

Psa 149:8  To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; 

Psa 149:9  To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD. …’… So the saints will judge as Apostle Paul said and they execute WRITTEN judgments and bind their kings. So the kings who said they are kings, will find that they are not. And judgment is given to them now by the saints which is they do not worship their GOD.


He “knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21;). If GOD can know what we think in our hearts, … all things are possible for Him, unlike what HWA said above.


2 Thes. 2: 11… strong delusion is sent to the very last era of the church. That is when the son became a son of perdition to end all things.


how long does it take for GOD to give righteousness to us ??? when THE LORD gives the SPIRIT, … it does not take years to build the Spiritual  character, but instantly we are born of Him. He only needs to forgive. Read 1 Joh. 2. The anointed are forgiven v 12 and taught all truth. All things are done by GOD, Himself to bring us to salvation.


1Co 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed…’… GOD has to blow the trumpet and in a moment, all the dead will be raised up. Everything is written to be fulfilled. Therefore these leaders as they doubt the works of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … they too like the chief priests questions THE LORD’s authority. And nothing is too hard for GOD. !!! And all things are possible for Him. !  He knew the heart of the 6th era leader and the next and prophesied that they will be the gates of hell, and vipers, creepers etc.


Isa 63:16  For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us. You, O Jehovah, are our Father, our Redeemer; Your name is from everlasting. 

Isa 63:17  O Jehovah, why have You made us wander from Your ways. You harden our heart from Your fear? For Your servants' sake, return the tribes of Your inheritance. 

Isa 63:18  The people of Your holiness have possessed it but a little while; our enemies have trampled Your sanctuary. 

Isa 63:19  We are from forever; You never ruled over them; Your name was never called on them…’… see… THE LORD hardened the heart from His fear, and would not make them know that THE REDEEMER is the EVERLASTING FATHER , as they rejected Him. remember the prophet or the high priest wrote referring to Isa. 9: 6, that ‘never forget THE SON is not the FATHER’. ???  Therefore GOD’s words are true. Israel does not acknowledge us, and Abraham does not know because he cast us out and followed by the last high priest as well. And ‘we are from for ever, … and THE LORD could not rule over Israel, … nor HIS NAME WAS NEVER CALLED ON THEM. A FATHER’s name will be in the first born. But the first born of Israel, died going back to Egypt. But we are now are from for ever and we know THE REDEEMER is also the FATHER , forever !!! The people who received Holiness are in the Sanctuary, … and the enemies have not possessed it.


‘gold of sheba’… are brought to GOD, in the kingdom as King David prayed…as THE LORD saved the poor and needy.  

Psa 72:12  For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. 

Psa 72:13  He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. …’… THE LORD , THE REDEEMER will save the souls of the poor. And this is a prayer of King David. He knew His people will not worship his GOD but they all will be thorns and be sons of Belial, in his last words in 2 sam 23, as written above. That means THE LORD’s praises and the continual will be stopped by them, and as the Priesthood is to bless THE LORD’s name, that they will not bless His name.


Psa 72:14  He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight. 

So THE LORD will redeem the souls of the needy from DECEIT AND VIOLENCE.  And who are the deceitful ? The Jews who lie , the synagogue of satan.


Psa 72:15  And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for HIM CONTINUALLY; and daily shall he be praised. ..’… THE LORD’s name was cut off from Israel as they could not be the first born to carry forward His name and they cut His head off as written above. Instead of doing the daily and the continual praises to His name, they placed god the father instead and praised him. But the saved poor and needy are praising Him daily and continually. Remember Prophet Daniel said the daily will be stopped?


But now, when the gold of sheba who came out of the trial of faith, … are doing the daily and the continual praises . therefore HIS NAME NOW WILL ENDURE for ever.

Psa 72:17  His name shall endure for ever: His name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. …’…. Why does this Scripture say, HIS NAME SHALL ENDURE FOR EVER and His name shall be continued’??? because His name was cut off by the leaders as they placed god the father as their god. and when sheba brings gold, which means by faith serve Him and brings His offerings and doing the daily and the continual, He IS BLESSED AND HIS NAME COULD CONTINUE AS SHEBA BECAME THE FIRST FRUIT and THE LORD could place His name on them.


Psa 72:18  Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. 

Psa 72:19  And BLESSED BE HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOR EVER: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. 

Psa 72:20  The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended…’… This is King David’s prayer. As written above, in 2 sam 23, THE ROCK , or the SPIRIT of the GOD of the House of Israel said to him that his house, the Tabernacle of David will not grow but they will be thorns and sons of Belial. So they made a name for Belial and served the idol. So the NAME OF THE LORD was not blessed by them as the Priesthood is supposed to do. All went after Belial. So King David prayed as the gentiles will submit to him, Psa. 18: 43- 44, that the NAME OF THE LORD will be praised and blessed by sheba or the gentiles who bring gold … or will have faith in Him and His name will continue.


Therefore the gentiles, the poor are set on the thrones of the kings in the Tabernacle of David, … and the LORD will set the world upon them. That means to teach those who are in the world who have idols and not GOD or the FATHER.


In the former prophets booklet, Mr Flurry wrote in pg 62…

[[[‘Notice carefully what God says. He “hath set the world upon them”! God has already set the world upon His pillars (Revelation 3:12)’]]]….


This is referring to 1 sam 2: 8.

1Sa 2:6  The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. 

1Sa 2:7  The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. 

1Sa 2:8  He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them. 

1Sa 2:9  He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. 

1Sa 2:10  The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. …’… THE LORD kills. He makes alive. So He killed His first born who failed to make Him a name, and He raised the poor from dust ( lies ) and as written above, while they were dead in sin, … and He brought the rich low, and lifted up the poor. And now He Has set them among the princes, and caused to inherit The throne of glory, … for the PILLARS OF THE EARTH ARE THE LORD’S, and He Has set The Husband world (where His own are) upon them.


Pillars of the earth should be pillars of TRUTH. Therefore the synagogue of satan, the Jews who lie, cannot be pillars in GOD’s church. That is why they are broken to pieces … and THE LORD judged the ends of the earth and brought justice to the truth, and to gentiles. Isa. 42: 1- 3.

1Ti 3:15  But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. …’… See Heb.  3: 6 says, the House of GOD is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s house. No need to make any mistakes as the name is given. In Deut. 5: 26, THE ROCK is known as the LIVING GOD. He is ALPHA AND OMEGA, lives for ever. Jeremiah 10: 10-11 says other gods will perish. Then HE IS THE TRUTH. He is the CHIEF CORNER STONE , on whom we must be built, and Eph. 2, THE LORD brought the gentiles near by His blood, as they are the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. then, He gave the TRUTH to them, setting them free from the lies of the synagogue of satan and separated them from the sons of Belial as King David said in 2 Cor.  6: 14- 19, and that is THE ALMIGHTY and the LIVING GOD. and those who departed from the LIVING GOD, because of unbelief, are not in His house now, … Heb.  3: 6, 12, … and are THE ONES WHO DID NOT GATHER TO JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as written above, … who are AGAINST HIM, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD the evil ministry who afflicted the fatherless. Therefore THE LORD made the poor and the fatherless, the pillars in His church, build on Him , whom the builders rejected as the CHIEF CORNER STONE. 1 Peter 2, the Royal Priesthood is built on Him. and the pillars are separated in Rev. 3: 12.


Rev 3:12  Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him MY NEW NAME. …’… See GOD, condemned the ministry as the Jews who lie and a synagogue of satan, and then the leaders cannot be pillars of TRUTH because they are liars as they worshiped god the father. The only way for GOD to leave His own temple is if we had others placed in His Sanctuary, which both of the last leaders did. And after the hour of trial, who came through as proven above, … are made pillars because they received THE TRUTH, from the Spirit and Truth, or The COMFORTER, or the HOLY SPIRIT, Joh. 14- 16, in THE LORD’s second coming when Israel is partly blind. They are the NEW Israel OF GOD, as proven above, … who are the NEW JERUSALEM, and Joshua must see that THE LORD has chosen Jerusalem. And GOD’s new name… IS ON THEM. Rev. 14: 1- 7, as they preach the EVERLASTING GOSPEL to worship their FATHER, the LAMB who made all things. As written above, they are the offspring of The CREATOR. In act 17. And who are taken to heaven, Eph. 2, Colo.  3, etc, the gentiles. And the HOLY SPIRIT came from heaven to reveal them as Apostle Peter wrote and they came out of the trial of FAITH , and they were spared from the traditions of the fathers. !!!  they are LIVELY STONES, as the LIVING GOD is LIVELY.


1Pe_2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a SPIRITUAL house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ…’… Spiritual sacrifices could be offered only after the SPIRIT is given and that is why the HOLY SPIRIT came as Joh. 14: 26. The hand maids and men servants received as THE LORD prophesied !!! so THE LORD will not reveal Himself as the ‘FATHER’, as Joh. 16: 25 said, until He tested the hearts and they come out clean from the test, having faith in Him as proven above. Isa. 43, GOD said they are witnesses because they have no foreign gods. v 10- 22 but Jacob has so Jacob could not be converted as Israel of GOD till now. They need the sea of knowledge of GOD, which is the lake of fire to burn their wickedness.


And that happened in Isa. 56, when the Salvation is about to come.


Therefore they are the LIVING in Jerusalem, with the LIVING GOD, having believed in Him , who have become sons to Him.

Isa 56:5  Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an EVERLASTING NAME, that shall not be cut off. 

Isa 56:6  Also the SONS OF THE STRANGER, THAT JOIN THEMSELVES TO THE LORD, TO SERVE HIM, and to LOVE THE NAME OF THE LORD, TO BE HIS SERVANTS, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant..’…  the strangers took hold on to the Sabbath  Covenant … they remembered The CREATOR who gave Sabbath.

Isa 56:7  Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. 


Both WCG and PCG disfellowshipped us when we spoke The truth. That is how they afflicted the poor.  and GOD has come to judge, therefore He Has to expose those who afflicted the poor, (who are appointed and anointed to be the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, THE JUDGE ) who is the last high priest, and he will remember everything when he did so, and when his wife was struck as a result in 2003. Remember THE JUDGE is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and He is the FATHER. 1 Peter 1:17. And He caused the sons to overcome , coming in to them as THE GREATER, 1 Joh. 4: 4 and made them judges to be as He. V 17. Therefore He knew that it is the gentiles who serve Him in the end.

Exo 22:21  Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. 

Exo 22:22  Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. 

Exo 22:23  If thou afflict them in any wise, and THEY CRY AT ALL UNTO ME, I WILL SURELY HEAR THEIR CRY; …’… GOD’s purpose, from the from the foundation of the world, as HE PREDESTINATED the gentiles as Eph. 1 says, and as Apostle Peter said above, from the beginning , THE LORD’s will was to save the gentiles. It just did not happen upon their good works. GOD began Salvation in the gentiles as HE SAW THEIR HEARTS will be purified by faith and that will please Him. therefore would not the FATHER hear their children’s cry when they are afflicted?  And there was no mercy shown to us when the high priest disfellowshipped  us when we try to bring his evil deeds in to his attention. Therefore THE JUDGE, the FATHER now has come to give His inheritance to His sons and He killed His first born Israel as they did not obey Him nor love Him, and revealed all things to gentiles , by coming in to them, Colo.  1: 26-28 and many more and raised them up as the foolish nation as He said and gave them Salvation and  Everlasting life to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD!


Exo 22:24  And MY WRATH shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless…’… see GOD’s wrath will wax hot if you do, … and HE SAYS HE WILL KILL YOU WITH THE SWORD. That is by not giving the HOLY SPIRIT or HIS WORDS. THIS IS WHY THE LORD APPOINTED THEM TO BE STUMBLED ON HIM AND ON HIS WORDS AS PROVEN ABOVE, … SEEING THE HEART AND WHAT HIS PEOPLE THE Jews WOULD DO. In the end, they denied HIM AND HIS WORDS , and THE LORD came to be glorified in the gentiles, while taking vengeance by flaming fire and caused the gentiles to obey Him in every thought, and used them to avenge Israel, AFTER THE GENTILES FULFILLED THEIR OBEDIENCE !!!  2 Cor.  10: 5- 6, that is why THE LORD revealed secrets to gentiles, which the eye has not seen nor ear had heard but GOD revealed to those who LOVE HIM. !!! and, the FATHER became poor to be with the poor. 2 Cor.  8: 9. That is why He was born and kept in a manger where the sheep and others eat. Then, after raising up His sons, He came to be Glorified. And this is why;-


2Th 1:5  Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer…’… See THE JUDGE, the FATHER’s righteous judgment is to get the poor to the kingdom. That is why as written above , they are set on thrones,  and Jam. 2: 5, rich in faith and in the kingdom and even showed us when HE, THE LORD, The KING left, Jeremiah 8: 19-20 and showed them the lies of the fathers, Jeremiah 16:19, and send them to others as apostles. Rom.  1:5-6, Joh. 17: 17-20


2Th 1:6  Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; …’… GOD brought justice to gentiles and to the truth. Isa. 42: 1- 3. Then, preached the gospel to the poor, while opening the eyes of the blind as written above etc…. etc. and more importantly, THE LORD revealed Himself as the EVERLASTING FATHER or FATHER for ever, AND ISRAEL DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE. Isa. 63: 16 !  If they do not acknowledge, would GOD change HIS COUNSEL ???  Therefore there is no doubt that it is all done, … and THE LORD HAS REVEALED HIMSELF as the EVERLASTING FATHER to us, while the Jew, the high priest lied against Him in Isa. 9: 6, saying THE SON is not the FATHER !!! 


2Th 1:7  And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 

2Th 1:8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: …’…flaming fire comes on Jacob. Lamentations says… and THE LORD cast her down to earth, Lam. 2, and took these sons to heaven as proven !!! Remember HWA and GF wrote, to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, is a false gospel. Therefore have they served THE ROCK, the GOD of Israel as King David said above ??? It is from them, THE LORD takes vengeance because they were His first born. So in judgment, they are back in Egypt spiritually. Rev. 11: 8. And He took the gentiles out of Egypt spiritually by giving His SPIRIT. See how THE LORD takes vengeance for afflicting the poor. ???


2Th 1:9  Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; ..’…. everlasting destruction is counselled but THE LORD’s mercy is promised to them, because gentiles too were disobedient and are raised up from dead.


2Th 1:10  When HE SHALL COME TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. …’…see IN THAT DAY, when THE LORD comes TO BE glorified, … means those who glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD are the saints. Unless one is forgiven, THE LORD will not reveal Himself. And He revealed that HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND THE FATHER , AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT !!! That means we have NO OTHER GODS, .. OTHER FATHERS. And remember gentiles are predestinated to believe and receive JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and be sons of GOD, while Israel is not. Eph. 1: 1- 13, and Israel is to stumble. And gentiles are sanctified to receive and believe the Spirit and Truth, when THE LORD comes as the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thes. 2: 1-14


2Th 1:11  Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power..’… None in Israel can say they have a work of faith with power. Israel is not given faith, but the law. And faith makes you righteous or just. And faith was shut up to those of the law. Gal. 3. And see… ‘worthy of this CALLING’ proves GOD Has called the gentiles to fulfil HIS GOOD PLEASURE OF HIS GOODNESS AND THE WORK OF FAITH WITH POWER. ALL MEN MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THE Word of GOD AND WILL.


And THE LORD gave a work of faith with power, to glorify HIS NAME in them.

2Th 1:12  That the NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST MAY BE GLORIFIED IN YOU, AND YE IN HIM, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. ..’…. see… how important it is to glorify the name of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ?  He is THE SAVIOUR , THE REDEEMER, and He fulfils all the names of the Bible and HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD. if we had not known Him, how could we live. ? then, this is why THE LORD came the second time and gave the knowledge of GOD as the sea to gentiles so they would glorify Him… so the whole earth can be filled with His glory as King David prayed. THE LORD must save all from lies about god the father and reveal Himself to save all. He alone has the ETERNAL SPIRIT to give us  Everlasting life. ! Therefore we have glorified His name and He in us. Colo.  1: 27. More importantly, if THE LORD did not get His glory and if we had not believed in Him, He cannot call all to come and drink the Living Waters from the bellies of the BELIEVERS on the Last Great Day. Joh. 7: 36-39 !!!



I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless’….

GOD said, if you do not judge the cause of the poor and the fatherless, He will kill you with the sword, the Word of GOD. kill by thirst means not giving the HOLY SPIRIT and to kill by the sword, without giving HIS WORDS which we are to live by. And His words are SPIRIT and life. Joh. 6: 63. That’s what THE LORD did Hos. 2;3.


Here are few Scripture which THE LORD admonishes the leaders to judge the cause of the poor and the fatherless. And even on the Day of Visitation , He Visits such sins. and it is PCG who did not judge the matter of the poor , the fatherless but sided with our RD for his evil deeds and hid the matter from the whole church and from him , THE LORD will take vengeance. THE LORD is NOT A RESPECTER of persons. He is THE JUDGE who has now come to judge all and bring justice to all. Because the synagogue of satan , the Jews became liars, … the truth and justice was given to gentiles. Isa. 42: 1- 3. Hear from GOD’s words what He will do if you do not judge the cause of the poor. And THE LORD knew the end time leaders would do so.

Deu 10:16  Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked. 

Deu 10:17  For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: 

Deu 10:18  He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. …’… See GOD says, HE IS THE GOD OF GODS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And He Has seen that their HEARTS ARE NOT  Circumcised. He knows all things. If one’s heart is  Circumcised, such cannot do evil towards the neighbour as the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT, such will bear. Only an evil man can judge another on his own ways. Such do not fear GOD. and GOD sees the hearts.


GOD commands to love the gentiles. And Israel too were strangers in Egypt. And THE LORD said, if they sin, He will send them back to Egypt. That means He will not be their GOD. and they are now in Egypt spiritually, Rev. 11: 8. That is how GOD takes vengeance and HE WILL NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS.

Deu 10:19  Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. 

Deu 10:20  Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; HIM SHALT THOU SERVE, AND TO HIM SHALT THOU CLEAVE, AND SWEAR BY HIS NAME. ….’… None in the church of CHRIST OUR LORD  feared Him, but god the father. None served Him either. Nor called on His name. these are the sins which GOD hates. If you love GOD, you will love all men.

Deu 10:21  HE IS THY PRAISE, AND HE IS THY GOD, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen….’… answer truthfully. When the Scripture says ‘HE’ is your praise, and ‘HE’ is your GOD, … did you praise and have ‘HIM’ as your GOD? Did we not worship two gods, two personages and praised the nogod over the TRUE GOD? When the Scripture says ‘HE’, could it be two ??? GOD gave these commandments to love the stranger, because He knew that in the end it is the strangers who would PRAISE HIM AND CALL ON HIS NAME !!! Even will glorify Him and His name !!! See if you love GOD, … or not, .. only GOD can see the heart. But if you misjudge the poor or the stranger, .. all will be able to see the evilness of such leaders. But the high priest hid the matter, but THE LORD will cause it to be made known.


Deu 24:17  Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the fatherless; nor take a widow's raiment to pledge‘…’… do not pervert the judgment of the fatherless gentiles. Nor take the widow’s raiment to pledge. (this has a deep meaning as proven in previous writings   ) . and it is the last church, who pulled the robes of the widows.

Mic 2:8  Even of late my people is risen up as an enemy: ye pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass by securely as men averse from war. 

Mic 2:9  The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye taken away my glory for ever. 

Mic 2:10  Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. ..’… see GOD tells to depart as this will not be HIS REST. The rest will not come in the church. This is no one, but the ministry in the last church. And they became CHRIST OUR LORD ’s enemy and from women of GOD’s people, they pulled the robes. That is to take the widow’s garment. And GOD says, you have taken MY GLORY FOR EVER. This is when THE LORD turned to the poor, the fatherless and gentiles. This is the last end of the wife of CHRIST THE LORD , the ministry. They have taken GOD’s glory for ever. And THE LORD tells us to come out of her as it is POLLUTED and it will destroy all. Therefore the cast out women among the gentiles, became the remnant Mic. 5: 5- 9. And they are the ones who are sent to tell their lies, Jeremiah 16: 19, and they saw The KING is not in Zion, Jeremiah 8: 19-20, and THE LORD accept their offerings and says ‘MY PEOPLE’. Zep 3:9-15 and the poor and the fatherless gentiles were taken to glorify THE LORD, and the Glorious Rest came.



Deu 27:19  Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow. And all the people shall say, Amen. …’… the judgment of the stranger was perverted by the last high priest as proven in previous writings . therefore he is cursed. That is why he became a son of perdition. he never obeyed GOD and has a government problem as sinful Joshua.


Psa 10:4  The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts


Psa 10:7  His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. 

Psa 10:8  He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor

Psa 10:9  He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net. 

Psa 10:10  He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. 

Psa 10:11  He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. 

Psa 10:12  Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble. 

Psa 10:13  Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. 

Psa 10:14  Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless. …’… See THE LORD knew that the poor will commit themselves to THE LORD, and know THE LORD is their helper. These things were prophesied long ago.  And THE LORD knew the hearts. And also what would the leaders or the ministry would do to the poor. Even Apostle James condemned them .


Psa 10:15  Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. 

Psa 10:16  The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land. …’… These heathen are the House of Israel, Isa. 2: 6, amo 9: 7  who became THE LORD’s enemy as they did not gather to Him as written above, and they do not have THE ROCK as their GOD.


Psa 10:17  LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt PREPARE THEIR HEART, THOU WILT CAUSE THINE EAR TO HEAR: …’…

Psa 10:18  To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress…..’…. See THE LORD will HEAR the desire of the HUMBLE … and HE WILL PREPARE THEIR HEARTS, and Ishmael means ‘THE LORD will hear’. He was poor as sarah cast her out, without giving an inheritance as proven above , and THE LORD gave him water in the desert and even the Scripture says GOD was with him. Gen. 21:20 .  he was Abraham’s first born. And according to the law of the first born, Abraham’s blessings must be given to Ishmael. And Abraham’s blessing comes from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, and THE LORD chose to give the Spiritual blessings to Ishmael and the gentiles. Remember the two  Covenants?


Therefore THE LORD will judge the fatherless, … and no man will oppress them any more. And preparing their hearts, THE LORD gave faith to them on the Day of Visitation, act 15: 9-15, purifying their hearts. therefore they were tested for faith as written above , and they came out clean and THE LORD Has blessed us with the blessings of Abraham. one blessing is ;-


Gen 15:1  After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I AM THY SHIELD, AND THY EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD…’… see THE LORD, is the exceeding great reward of Abraham. and this GOD is THE ALMIGHTY. Gen. 17. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Rev. 1:8. therefore THE LORD blessed Ishmael or gentiles, brought justice to them and gave them the TRUTH, blessing them, Isa. 42: 1- 3 and that is why, THE LORD IS IN THE GENTILES….


Col 1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY…’… Remember the inheritance of the Priesthood is to inherit GOD. they did not have other inheritance. Then, as THE LORD promised, Abraham’s excceding great reward, which is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, Himself came to the gentiles, who are the poor, the fatherless and afflicted by His leaders.


Psa 68:1  To the chief Musician, A Psalm or Song of David. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. …’… See why all Israel are scattered ? as written above, because they did not gather to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and are against Him, being His enemy. That is the wife of CHRIST THE LORD. she did not know that The Husband is also the FATHER, but found another father and called him god the father.


Psa 68:2  As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God

Psa 68:3  But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice. 

Psa 68:4  Sing unto God, SING PRAISES TO HIS NAME: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. 

Psa 68:5  A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. …’… When GOD is in His holy habitation… it is the fatherless and the widows are with Him. Heb.  3: 6. Isa. 60: 7, Mal. 1: 11. Isa. 56. Their sacrifices are Spiritual as written above and GOD accept them as they are pure to His name. therefore the wicked are the rich and who are increased with goods  and are proud. They did not seek GOD, nor praised Him. So THE LORD is THE JUDGE. And we know THE JUDGE is the FATHER. 1 Peter 1: 17. Therefore taking the kingdom from the children, He gave it to the poor as written above. Mat. 21: 43 also.


The following prophecy Is for the Day of Judgment. And there are mighty ones. All are sons of THE MOST HIGH. But the wicked will die like men. When Adam sinned, he became a man as he lost the image of GOD. same spirit is in these wicked leaders. If not GOD would not pronounce death on them. And GOD find them judging unjustly, acceping persons of wicked. That means judging WITH RESPECT of persons as Apostle James say.

Psa 82:1  A Psalm of Asaph. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. 

Psa 82:2  How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. …’… See the high priest accept all wicked ministers when there is a dispute between them and the members. This is what happened to us also. Though we were right, and our complaints are according to Scripture, … he took the side of the RD , and disfellowshipped  us. That is unjust judgments which GOD hates.  Next verses clearly says that.


Psa 82:3  Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy

Psa 82:4  Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. …’… See the poor and the needy were afflicted. There is no righteous judgment or justice in these ministers. They say they are  Covenant brothers, and take the side of the other minister , though the sin is clearly seen.


Psa 82:5  They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. …’…See the foundations of the earth are the ministry, … who should have been built on the CHIEF CORNER STONE. And since they rejected, … the foundations are out of course and the whole church collapsed. And they KNEW NOT, NOR UNDERSTOOD. And in darkness. That is now.


Psa 82:6  I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High

Psa 82:7  But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes

Psa 82:8  Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. ..’… See they are to die like men. And princes are to fall. Remember 1 sam 2: 8. Thrones are given to the poor. THE LORD judged the gods and brought justice to the poor and the fatherless !!!


Psa 94:4  How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? 

Psa 94:5  They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage. 

Psa 94:6  They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless

Psa 94:7  Yet they say, The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. 

Psa 94:8  Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise? ..’… see the workers of iniquity, … slay the strangers and fatherless. GOD would not allow that for ever. Why did they kill THE LORD? Because they loved lies. And why would they kill the gentiles ? Because they loved lies . remember the knowledge of GOD as the sea is given to gentiles and that is the truth . and on the Day of Visitation, it is the prophet who is a mad fool. Hos. 9:7. He does not know the judgment of THE LORD , NOR THE LORD. !



Psa 146:5  Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: 

Psa 146:6  Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever: 

Psa 146:7  Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoners: 

Psa 146:8  The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous: 

Psa 146:9  The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down…’… See Joh. 9: 39 says, THE LORD opens the eyes of those who did not see, they are the gentiles. And then He relieves the gentiles but He turns the wicked, upside down. GOD will allow all to do what they like for some time until the Day of Judgment came. He prophesied that the gentiles, the fatherless will be afflicted by His own leaders. And He allowed that just as He allowed Ishmael to be cast out. If Isaac and Jacob and Abraham live today,  what would they see?  Their people have forsaken their GOD, … broken every  Covenant, … and their blessings are turned to others. See Isa. 63: 16 says, Abraham does not know us. Then would Isaac and Jacob know us? Then, … it says Israel does not acknowledge us. But we have found THE REDEEMER to be the FATHER for ever which means the EVERLASTING FATHER as Isa. 9: 6 says. That is how they are turned upside down.

Psa 146:10  The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD. …’… so THE LORD Rose to reign over gentiles. His reign begins with gentiles. Rom.  15: 12


Isaiah prophesied the present state of the church. She has become a harlot and a murderer. This is the mysterious harlot in Rev. 17-18 , who did not have the White Linen until after she is judged.

Isa 1:21  How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. 

Isa 1:22  Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water: 

Isa 1:23  Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. ..’…. all these happened just as GOD says in the PCG. Eze. 16: 52 condemns all the churches but one sister who judged others have done worse than others !! So all these prophecies must come true. Princes are rebellious. This is why, they are cast out of their thrones. Their crown fell from head . Lam. 5: 16


Isa 1:24  Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies…’… who are the enemies of THE LORD ??  It is His own, the ministry, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD, and the Jews , the synagogue of satan. !!


Isa 1:25  And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin..’… when THE LORD turned His hand, He laid on the gentiles. Eze. 39: 21- 23 !


They are the judges as written above. And they are restored first.

Isa 1:26  And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city. …’… after the judges judge them, and counsel them, … the city will be righteous and faithful. At this time, it is the poor the gentiles who have faith as proven above. And are in the kingdom. Jam. 2: 5. So they are the judges.


Isa 1:27  Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. …’… who would the counsellors be and judges ? As written above, it is the gentiles who judge and tread down the holy city. And old Zion will be redeemed with judgment. As written above, remember the new Zion is where the poor are. This means THE LORD made Zion new with the poor while the present Zion is cast down, on the Day of Visitation as a judgment.


The following Scriptures are for the Day of Visitation. And unto the Day of Visitation, THE LORD finds the leaders to be evil towards the poor. This is why Exo. 32, when Aaron sinned, THE LORD did not destroy him, but said He will be Visiting. Because THE LORD knew none of the high priests will be made perfect or serve Him. Heb.  7. Therefore THE LORD allowed all to turn away from Him until He comes the second time to judge and correct all.

Isa 10:1  Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; 

Isa 10:2  To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! …’…


Isa 10:3  And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory? …’… See the desolation, come from a far. GOD’s weapons of war comes from a far, from the end of heaven. Isa. 13: 5. His leaders took away the right from the poor of GOD’s people, from the widow, and on the Day of Visitation, THE LORD uses them to tread them down. This is the war in heaven. With JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , comes His people who serve Him to bruise the head of the seed of the serpent who are His own as Joh. 8: 44 says. If you are not a son to The CREATOR, … you are a son to the serpent the devil and the adversary of THE LORD. it is the prophet who does not know THE LORD’s visitation as written above. Hos. 9: 7 ! This is why not even one stone was left upon another in the Spiritual temple. (Mat_24:2  And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.). When the CHIEF CORNER STONE is taken away, how could the temple stand ? Since all these things are Spiritual, the spiritually blind people cannot see it yet until their eyes are opened to the books are opened at the White Throne judgment.


See these are some of the accusations which THE LORD has against His ministry.

Jer 5:24  Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the LORD our God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. …’… GOD says they do not fear THE LORD. and as written above, THE LORD hardened their heart from fear. but THE LORD says, His children who are with Him, fear Him. Isa. 29: 23.


Jeremiah 5:25  Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. …’… see it is our sin which stopped us from getting good things. And the good things are choosing GOD who bless us with all blessings physically and spiritually.


Once again, THE LORD says His people have wicked among them, and they lay wait and catch men, … full of deceit, ( but in GOD’s Holy Mountain, there is no deceit. Zep 3: 9-15) and because of their deceit, they have become rich.

Jer 5:26  For among MY PEOPLE ARE FOUND WICKED MEN: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. 

Jer 5:27  As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich…’…. How true are GOD’s words? the ministry earn money by having dances, performers etc invited from THE WORLD. The high priest once wrote in RV 2006 Jan,  ‘PCG has everything. …. -is impressive to the world.’. ‘very impressive to the world’? Did not our LORD say do not love the world ???


Joh_15:19  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you….’…. see why the high priest and the ministry hate the true followers of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ?  They love the world and they do not love GOD’s people who are the poor and the fatherless.


1Jn_2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM’… Do you see why the high priest and the ministry, the wife of CHRIST THE LORD does not love the FATHER and the love of the FATHER is not in them???  When you love and want to impress the world, and saying very impressive to the world, … how could one love the FATHER because loving the world means FULL OF LUSTS of flesh. This is why Eze. 24: 21- 24, when THE LORD struck his wife, GOD said, they will waste away in their lusts. !


1Jn 2:16  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. ‘…See why the last era fell from the truth? Because GOD would not give them the truth, … seeing their evil hearts.  And their evilness is exposed by GOD, when they disfellowshipped  the poor and the fatherless , the gentiles. Both WCG and PCG hated us as they hated JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. they never loved the truth, but had their own doctrines, of the devil, their most deceitful heart, but THE LORD SAID, THEY WILL BE RICH !!!  So is the Laodicea era. They are like birds full of cage…


‘As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich…’


all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world’.


cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich’…

‘,  ‘PCG has everything. …. -is impressive to the world.’.

According to GOD, His ministry become rich, … if they are full of deceit. They love the world. They love to boast. How could a high priest say ‘very impressive to THE WORLD’???  HE CAME TO HIS OWN…. HE CAME TO THE WORLD… but they did not receive Him nor believe Him, because they love the world and the love of the ‘FATHER’, is not in them. This is why, THE LORD did not reveal Himself as the ‘EVERLASTING FATHER’ to them and without the EVERLASTING FATHER, how could they have  Everlasting life ? Because of their fall, …. All the blessings came to the fatherless and they now have THE TRUE EVERLASTING FATHER !!!


Joh 1:9  That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 

Joh 1:10  He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the WORLD KNEW HIM NOT…’… see the world was MADE, by Him. this is what He said in Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18. He even BEGAT them. And HE IS OUR FATHER. So they did not know that THE ROCK is our FATHER. Is there any difference between then and now ??

Joh 1:11  He CAME UNTO HIS OWN, and HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT..’… See He came to the world…. And He came to HIS OWN. THE LORD knew that they would love the world, as Adam , and we are all Adam’s sons. Adam did not receive nor believe Him either. Therefore that sin came to everyone. That is the sin which THE LORD wants to expose in the ministry. WHEN YOU LOVE THE WORLD, WANT TO IMPRESS THE WORLD, THAT IS NOT OF THE FATHER AND THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN SUCH. AND ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, IT IS CLEARLY SEEN THAT HIS OWN WIFE, THE MINISTRY, THE House of Israel, … NEVER RECEIVED HIM NOR BELIEVED HIM, BECAUSE OF THE LUSTS OF THE FLESH AND PRIDE, RECEIVED BY THEIR DECEIT.


The greatest sin which we can do is to hate our own FATHER !!!


Joh 1:12  But AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME..’… see HIS OWN DID NOT RECEIVE NOR BELIEVE ON HIS NAME. remember HWA and GF taught to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, is a false gospel. Here’s what the high priest wrote… (emp ours)


From the beginning book pg 30

[[[“Where Is My Honor”

The book that most forcefully condemns the end-time Laodicean rebellion is Malachi. (Write for a free copy of Malachi’s Message.) “A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, O PRIESTS, THAT DESPISE MY NAME. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?” (Mal. 1:6). The ministers are condemned for not honoring the Father—they despise the Father’s name!

That is another way of saying they REJECT GOD’S FAMILY

GOVERNMENT, WITH THE FATHER FIRMLY AT THE HEAD. They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.”…]]].  


Therefore, according to  him, the god the father is the head. But it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD who is THE HEAD. And to preach Him, is a FALSE GOSPEL. This is why, the poor who found Him as the EVERLASTING FATHER, preach the Everlasting Gospel having their FATHER’s name on them, the LAMB, in Rev. 14: 1- 7. And they have no deceit. He never want to be an offspring of THE CREATOR as written above in act 17: 24 onwards. He never knew Deut. 32: 12, 15, 18, that it is THE ROCK who is the GOD who begat, bought, brought etc. and he never knew as Exo. 4: 22-23 says, Israel is HIS FIRST BORN !!! seeing all seven eras will fall from this truth, of not knowing the One and ONLY TRUE GOD or the true EVERLASTING FATHER, … THE LORD did not give them to preach Him, nor to glorify His name. both, the gentiles received as written above in Rom. 16: 25, and that is why they are judges Rom. 2: 16 to condemn them for not being in Him, Rom. 8: 1, and they preach Him and glorified His name. 2 Thes. 1: 8-12 !!!  Therefore that proves GOD comes to take vengeance from those who did NOT OBEY THE GOSPEL !!! our salvation, Everlasting life and everything is in THE CREATOR, or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. and since the high priest represents the whole House of Israel, … GOD rejected them all as HIS SONS or the first fruits as He said, that they will not have a spot as His children. Deut. 32: 5- 6.


GF; ‘They focus too much on Christ and preach a false gospel.

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, ‘… see… to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, was a mystery, since the world began. And GOD did not reveal it to anyone in the seven eras. That is why they fell from this truth and died. Therefore neither HWA , nor GF could have preached it, and they preached AGAINST HIM and made others their gods.


There is nothing now the ministry including the high priest can do, other than ACCEPT OR ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR SIN AGAINST HIM AND HIS CHILDREN. This is the seed of the WOMAN ( taken out of Man CHRIST) and the seed of the serpent and the war. ! remember the LORD’s weapons of war comes from end of HEAVEN and the far country. Isa. 13: 5. Zion is now cast down, Lam. 2: 1, therefore she is not the seed of the woman, and the seed of woman, who are blessed with the knowledge of GOD, are taken to heaven as proven above. !!!


In pg 94, GF’s GOD family vision, he wrote ;-

[[[‘“Malachi 1:6 contains the same warning, only here it

involves people who didn’t heed. “A son honoureth his father,

and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine

honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord

of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye

say, Wherein have we despised thy name?”

This is God talking: the Lord of hosts, the supreme God,

the God of the angels, the universe and everything that

ever was created. He says, if I’m a father, where is my honor?


as if God the Father is speaking! He’s asking this question of His own people today.” ]]]].


Therefore, according to him, … THE LORD OF HOSTS is god the father ! he did not know THE LORD OF HOSTS is the LIVING GOD, who is The CREATOR, or CHRIST OUR LORD . the whole Priesthood therefore, failed to come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and the law proves it. This is why, those who are of the law are to die under two witnesses , WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28.  As proven in previous writings , the book of Hebrews is written to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s own children who have the works of Abraham, … faith and belief, who are the gentiles !!! the law, though it was a schoolmaster to bring to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … they failed to come to Him and broke all the commandments. There is NOTHING THEY CAN DO NOW, BUT THEY MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR SIN of DENYING THE ONLY TRUE GOD AND FATHER, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and for not judging the cause of the poor  !


Both leaders taught to worship god the father , ABOVE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. because of that, we too were obeying these leaders and were DECEIVED. But THE LORD , as promised, revealed the truth about Him and we started to preach JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and to glorify His name. and we teach to keep commandments and to come to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and have no other gods and not to have idols or use His name in vain by giving His names such as THE ALMIGHTY to god the father etc, … and we have believed and entered in to the Sabbath, and are identified as The CREATOR’s sons. They LOVE and SERVE Him. They are the ones who feared as in Mal. 3: 16-18 and their incense are PURE, to His NAME. Mal. 1:11

Mr Flurry’s MM is totally false just as MOA by HWA is false as they preach other gods, a nogod, whom now has perished as he did not create. Jeremiah 10:10-11. !!!


Mat 5:19  Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven…’… who keep the commandments ??? Who are to be the least in the kingdom of heaven ? Who preached another god And idols ?


According to the Word of GOD, who keep His commandments ?

Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also…’… are you received by JESUS CHRIST THE LORD ? Are you with Him, where ever HE IS ??? Has CHRIST OUR LORD  received you to HIMSELF ??? He is in the gentiles, Colo.  1: 27, and His name is glorified by them, … 2 Thes. 1: 8-12,  and they have His name and are with Him, in the mountain, Rev. 14: 1-7, and they preach Him , and they are taken to His light, and became the Royal Priesthood, 1 Peter 2: 8-10. And they have the love of the FATHER and have believed Him and received Him and have faith in Him. !  You judge yourself to see if you have fulfilled any of these. Are you gathered to Him? Mat. 12: 30. If not you are HIS ENEMY AND AGAINST HIM ! THE LORD has NOT RECEIVED SUCH TO HIMSELF !!!



Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME. …’…. If you have gone to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you know the way, … the truth, and life. all these come from Him. but if you have gone after god the father, …  you have perished with him. Jeremiah 10: 10-11. When you went after god the father, … did you go by going to CHRIST OUR LORD  as He says ‘but by Me’ ??? Even if there is a god the father, still you must go to him, through JESUS CHRIST THE LORD by coming to Him. He is the way to the FATHER.  He gives the light or the truth about the FATHER ! Therefore all Israel failed in all these and are perished now.


Joh 14:7  If ye HAD KNOWN ME, ye should have KNOWN MY FATHER also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. ..’… if you know CHRIST OUR LORD, you know the FATHER as well. As the high priest wrote ‘go pass CHRIST and to go god the father’, … none including him knew the FATHER !!!  but the gentiles, love Him, though not seen. 1 Peter 1:9 !


Joh 14:19  Yet a little while, and the WORLD SEETH ME NO MORE; BUT YE SEE ME: BECAUSE I LIVE, YE SHALL LIVE ALSO. …’… the world, we know who are His own. They see Him no more. But we see Him, because we gave Him a name as written above in Psa. 72, … and His NAME is continued. His name was cut off by HWA and GF in the land of Israel. so they are the world who have lusts and not the love of the FATHER. And we know HE IS ALIVE IN US … so we too live by Him as we are HIS OFFSPRING.


Joh 14:20  At that day YE SHALL KNOW THAT I AM IN MY FATHER, AND YE IN ME, AND I IN YOU. …’… when CHRIST OUR LORD  is in us, … and we in Him, …we know HE IS IN THE FATHER OR THAT HE IS THE FATHER. Isa. 63: 16, we found Him. This is the proof of those who keep the commandments… because… if you keep His commandments, … and know that HE IS THE LAWGIVER, … or the GOD who entered in to the marriage Covenant, … HE PROMISED TO MANIFEST HIMSELF TO SUCH. Therefore CHRIST OUR LORD  IS IN US AS HE REDEEMED US BY HIS BLOOD, TO BE HIS KINGS AND PRIESTS TO PREACH AND GLORIFY HIS NAME !


Joh 14:21  He that hath MY COMMANDMENTS, AND KEEPETH them, HE IT IS THAT LOVETH ME: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM. !


See you must have ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’S commandments. That means you must know that HE IS THE LAWGIVER. But HWA wrote in MOA, that the lawgiver is god the father. So neither he, nor his son GF or anyone who are under them, knew to keep ‘JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s, commandments. That proves THEY DO NOT LOVE HIM. so the FATHER also do not love them. That is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , as HE HAD TO FORSAKE THEM AS WELL. And more importantly, …

I will love him, and will MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM’



But the gentiles, who know that HE IS THE LAWGIVER and as they were drawn near to Him by HIS BLOOD, Eph. 2;12 , …. Being fatherless, they became sons to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD and keep His commandments , fulfilling THE LORD’s desire in us to serve, love Him with our whole being… soul, mind as He wishes. So they are WITH HIM, and HE MANIFEST HIMSELF TO US AS THE FATHER. Because, The COMFORTER means the FATHER as proven. That is the MISSING KNOWLEDGE to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD !!!  therefore the love of the FATHER is in the poor ! Remember the life is in the blood, and THE LORD’s blood has the ETERNAL SPIRIT. Heb.  9: 14. Therefore redeeming by His blood means we received the ETERNAL SPIRIT to live eternally with Him. !




And if they are killed WITHOUT MERCY, … they have GOD’s wrath and will not be sons of the LIVING GOD. Rom.  9: 25- 26. And THE LORD showed them NO MERCY, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT SHOW MERCY TO THE POOR AND THE FATHERLESS. Therefore THE LORD also did not show mercy to the ministry but raised up the poor and the fatherless by HIS MERCY !


Jas 3:14  But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. …’… Why did all seven eras lie against the TRUTH ???  Because they have bitter envying and strife in their hearts. !


Jas 3:15  This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. ..’… the wisdom of such are earthly, sensual and DEVILISH. After all, if they are sons of the devil , … they would have devilish character. That is all men before GOD.

Jas 3:16  For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. …’… if the last era did not have strife and envying, they will not be confused or in Babylon nor scattered. Therefore their works are evil.

Jas 3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. ..’… see when we receive wisdom from JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, as He is the wisdom of GOD, 1 Cor.  1: 24, you receive the character of THE LORD. ! such are full of mercy and good fruits as they abide in Him.

Jas 3:18  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. ..’… CHRIST OUR LORD  is the Prince of Peace. Then His children who are taught by Him , bring great peace. Isa. 54: 13. !



According to GOD’s words, deceit causes you to be rich and love the world as proven above. Therefore the whole House of Israel is now in the world, having NOT THE LOVE OF THE FATHER !!!



So THE LORD of HOSTS, is with HIS OWN CHILDREN, which is why they are a sign and a wonder in Israel , as they rejected the TRUE FATHER,  Isa. 8: 18, and He appointed Israel to stumble on Him as they did not sanctify THE LORD of HOSTS as proven above . v 13-1 4 !  


Jeremiah 5 continues… once again, GOD condemns them for not judging the cause of the fatherless. But they prosper. And we know how. By deceit. And for this cause, just as THE LORD said from the beginning  to Israel… that HE WILL VISIT this sin, …

Jer 5:28  They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. 

Jer 5:29  Shall I NOT VISIT for these things? saith the LORD: shall NOT MY SOUL BE AVENGED on such a nation as this? …’… see… THE LORD says the leaders are wicked, and would not judge the needy for their right. How true are THE LORD’s words ??? GOD knew one day His first fruits will be the gentiles. And He knew just as the ministry hated Him without a cause, …. They will hate His sons, the gentiles also. In other words, it is those who are cast out ones, who work for GOD and GOD has chosen them. Isa. 56… THE LORD gathers v 8 the outcasts… and they are the gentiles or the strangers who joined to Him, who GOD OF TRUTH hold on to the Sabbath  Covenant , and are brought to His Holy Mountain, … altar and to the House of Prayer.


Do you understand that ???  THE LORD says, HE WILL VISIT AND AVENGE from those who did not judge the cause of the fatherless , but prospered. !


GOD warns us to not to trust in the church. And we know He also prophesied that it will fall from the truth and they will be liars and all will die if the people follow these wicked leaders. Anyway it is too late now. They have arrived to the point that they cannot escape nor turn back.

Jer 7:4  Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, are these. 

Jer 7:5  For if ye throughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbour

Jer 7:6  If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: …’… do not trust in the lying words saying ‘church, church, church’. CHURCH IS PROPHESIED TO FALL SEVEN TIMES FROM THE TRUTH. BUT WE TRUSTED IN THE LEADERS BECAUSE WE ALL THOUGHT THAT GOD HAS APPOINTED THEM.  It is true GOD appointed them as His leaders, but HE ALSO PROPHESIED THAT THEY WILL BE LIARS AND WILL BE AGAINST HIM.  Has He not prophesied that they will be creeping ministry, who would deny the ONLY LORD GOD, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD AND HAS NOT THAT HAPPENED JUST AS THE LORD SAID???   THE LORD also said as written above, in Mic. 2: 9- 13, … when the robes of the women are pulled, or when they were cast out, … this is not the REST AND TO GO AWAY FROM HER. BUT WHO HEEDED? ALL LOVED DARKNESS AND TO HEAR THE LEADERS INSTEAD OF GOD’S WORDS , which includes us, until we were cast out. 


All seven eras are to fall from the truth and will finally spiritually die. But who can understand, except THE LORD’s own sons to whom He Has given the wisdom ???


The only king of Judah is Gerald Flurry. According to him and HWA, they both are from Judah. But finally it is the Judah who are to lose the holiness because they preached TWO CREATORS AND TWO FATHERS AND BROKE THE  Covenant of the fathers which was with ONE GOD. Mal. 2: 10-11. Therefore GOD has a warning against the king of Judah that sit on the throne of King David, is none other than the high priest, … and his servants to execute judgment and righteousness and do no violence to the fatherless, widows and god the father.

Jer 22:2  And say, Hear the word of the LORD, O king of Judah, that sittest upon the throne of David, thou, and thy servants, and thy people that enter in by these gates: 

Jer 22:3  Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place. ..’… did the kings of Judah heeded GOD’s message ???  They did just that and disobeyed GOD. no righteous judgment given to the poor as you can see. The women who were cast out in Mic. 2; 9-1 3 are the women among the gentiles. And THE LORD is with them. Mic. 5: 7-9 and that is GOD’s rest.


Mic 5:7  And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men…’… see the remnant of Jacob … is in the midst of many people. They are the ones who in judgment, many people or many waters, as Rev. 17 says. And this remnant does not wait until men do the job, because GOD is with them as they fought for GOD. and they are the ones who set fire to the broken branches. Isa. 27: 11. They are to be showers upon the grass. Grass are the people who are now withered away, but they will come alive in the morning.


Mic 5:8  And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. 

Mic 5:9  Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off. …’… Eze. 39: 21- 23. THE LORD’s hands is on the gentiles when Israel went in to captivity. As you can see now, all these prophecies are fulfilled. Spiritually blind cannot understand the Word of GOD.


Because the kings did not heed to GOD’s words to execute righteous judgment, … THE LORD SWORE BY HIMSELF, … THAT THE HOUSE OF King David… OR THE Tabernacle of David WILL FALL AND BE A DESOLATION.

Jer 22:4  For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people. 

Jer 22:5  But if ye will not hear these words, I swear by myself, saith the LORD, that this house shall become a desolation. !!!


And now, on the Day of Visitation, … when THE LORD came to visit their sin, … of not fearing Him and disobeying Him and for forsaking Him, and also for not judging the poor or the gentiles, … their house, the Tabernacle of David will fall and be a desolation. Remember it is the prophets who desolated Zion. Lam. 5: 18. And then, what would THE LORD do on the Day of Visitation ???


Act 15:7  And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. …’… see it was Apostle Peter who said, that GOD made a choice, … to choose the gentiles to hear the gospel and BELIEVE. That is why Apostle Peter wrote two letters to gentiles.


Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; …’… see just as GOD GAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO APOSTLES, … same HOLY SPIRIT, … will be given to gentiles, … as GOD knows the hearts. This is why Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1: 12, ‘which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.’… ‘now’ means when Apostle Peter’s gospel is to come alive or to be fulfilled. And not even the prophets who wrote things nor the angels ( ministers) given the understanding. And Apostle Peter wrote, the gentiles are build on the CHIEF CORNER STONE, to be the Royal Priesthood. ! As proven above, they came through the trial of faith and v 17, THE JUDGE is their FATHER.


Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. …’… see GOD gave faith to please Him to gentiles as the just are to live by faith, but the law unto death to Israel. read 1 and 2 Apostle Peter and understand how deep is his letters. So GOD did not put any difference between Israel and gentiles as He is not a respecter of persons even as Apostle Peter said. Faith, is to be in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD according to the HEAVENLY VISION in act 26: 17-19 as proven in previous writings . !


Even faith and RIGHTEOUSNESS  is given to those who BELIEVE..

Rom_3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:…’… we have both gentiles and Israel with us, being the first fruits to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, who call Him our FATHER. And GOD has sanctified us to believe in Him as proven above and now what you hear is how the Word of GOD is fulfilled.


Act 15:10  Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? 



See Apostle Peter knew, it is by GRACE of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, (not any other’s) that he, and they also will be saved, as ‘they’ mean gentiles. This is why THE LORD’s grace saved the gentiles first. And all Israel too will be saved by grace. There are no conditions to meet to receive grace as leaders preached. It is a free gift as all else GOD offers to mankind !


Act 15:14  Simeon hath declared how GOD AT THE FIRST DID VISIT THE GENTILES, TO TAKE OUT OF THEM A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME…’… see GOD IS PROPHESIED TO VISIT THE GENTILES FIRST, to take a people out of gentiles, to HIS NAME. Why would He do that ???  His first born Israel, died going after other gods, which means to be in Egypt spiritually. And THE LORD’s name could not endure as written above in Psa. 72. But when THE LORD took gentiles to HIS NAME, and they glorified His name 2 Thes. 1: 8-12, MEANS THEY BECAME HIS SONS. Therefore His name endures and continues as proven above.


And when taking the gentiles, the Tabernacle of David is fallen. That happened in Mic. 2: 9-13. The rest could not come from the church. The judgments began. And AFTER TAKING THE GENTILES TO HIS NAME, … THE LORD returns even as Rom.  11 says, after taking gentiles, while Israel is partly blind, The Deliverer will return to Zion. Remember King David’s last words in 2 sam 23. That his house, WILL NOT GROW and they will be sons of Belial ! when they became sons of Belial, gentiles were taken out and became the temple of THE LORD. 2 Cor.  6: 13- 19 !!! and gentiles became the first fruits of the LAMB and are with Him, Rev. 14, having their FATHER’s name on them !

Act 15:15  And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written

Act 15:16  After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: ‘… It is GOD who says I… I WILL build again which is fallen down. That is by the truth as written above, and the pillar and ground of the truth , is the House of GOD. 1 Tim.  3: 15 So the true House of GOD will be the ground of truth about JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as HE MAKES ALL THINGS NEW.


Act 15:17  That the RESIDUE OF MEN MIGHT SEEK AFTER THE LORD, AND ALL THE GENTILES, UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. …’… at this time, when the Tabernacle of David is fallen, who are the gentiles upon whom GOD’s name is called? They are all Israel who failed to receive grace and who went after other gods and became as heathen not having the One and ONLY TRUE GOD ! So finally the truth will set them free. And as Joh. 17: 17-20 says, they will believe in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD , and THE LORD has filled the Living Waters or the HOLY SPIRIT in the bellies of these sons who serve Him, so He can call all others. Joh. 7: 36-39


Act 15:18  Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world..’.  This is why, THE LORD predestinated the first fruits to be His sons from the beginning , from the foundation of the world as Eph. 1 says. And this is why GOD hates the leaders who are proud, who exalted themselves and loved deceit and violence and did not judge righteously the poor and the fatherless. THE LORD KNEW FROM THE BEGINNING , THAT HE WILL BE A FATHER TO THE FATHERLESS !


Jer 49:11  Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me. …’… See GOD wants to preserve the fatherless alive. And He did so by becoming our FATHER, so we could be born again.


Eze 22:6  Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their power to shed blood. 

Eze 22:7  In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow. …’… GOD continues in many books in the Bible of how the fatherless were treated and oppressed. This is none other than Ezekiel, himself !


Hos 14:1  O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. 

Hos 14:2  Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips. 

Hos 14:3  Asshur shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy. …’… see other gods are the work of man’s hands. GOD has not revealed that there is another one. Scripture says there is only one GOD. in that GOD, .. the fatherless found mercy and became His children and we now have the FATHER. !!! Others have other gods.


Zec 7:9  Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother: 

Zec 7:10  And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart. 

Zec 7:11  But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear. 

Zec 7:12  Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the LORD of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts

Zec 7:13  Therefore it is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear; so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the LORD of hosts:…’… see it is THE LORD OF HOSTS , who is at wrath with the people. And we know it is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s wrath which He pours. That also proves THE LORD OF HOSTS is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. in 2 sam 7: 14, THE LORD said He will be a ‘FATHER’ to kings and they will be His ‘sons’. And THE LORD said to King David that the kings who rule, should do so in the fear of GOD. But did they fear Him as the FATHER ??? Mal. 1: 6 answers that the whole Priesthood did not fear Him. therefore ;-


Mal_3:5  And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and FEAR NOT ME, saith the LORD of hosts.

Jas_1:27  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world….’… therefore, THE LORD came to judgment. And GOD brought one from the east , near in judgment. Isa. 41: 1- 3. And called to His feet.


Isa 41:1  Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment. 

Isa 41:2  Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made HIM RULE OVER KINGS? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow. …’… see in judgment, GOD called one from the east, and brought near as Eph. 2: 12 also says, … and made them righteous, … and they are to RULE OVER KINGS. This is the time THE LORD threw the princes from their thrones and set up the poor on them and set the world upon them. So this world, is where the FATHER is not loved as written above. !!! Therefore the judges who were restored are the gentiles in the east and GOD gave the kings as dust to the sword!


GOD says the people do not seek THE LORD OF HOSTS. And He will cut off the head and the tail, the honourable and the prophet who teaches lies. And they cause the people to err and they are destroyed. And THE LORD says, HE WILL NOT HAVE MERCY ON THEIR FATHERLESS, AND WIDOWS.

Isa 9:13  For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the LORD of hosts. 

Isa 9:14  Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day. 

Isa 9:15  The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. 

Isa 9:16  For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed

Isa 9:17  Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. …’… every minister must obey the high priest and have the same rule and are harsh to the members.  I remember Mr Durrad asked Mr Flurry, who is the Laodicean leader and he was disfellowshipped .  Mr Durrad was a member for over 40 years in GOD’s church and was a minister as well.  Did Gerald Flurry, or the high priest judge his OWN BROTHER when he asked that question ??? You would know better than us about these evil deeds . Why would Gerald Flurry do that, unless he could not answer truthfully ???  Why could not he answer? Because he is the Laodicea leader. But he also has deceit and pride and would not fear THE LORD. nor he loved THE LORD nor the truth !!! All such wickedness has to be burned. And THE LORD also will not have MERCY ON THEIR FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS.


Isa 9:18  For wickedness burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke…’…. THE LORD wants to burn the wickedness and not men. And who are the briers and thorns as King David said in 2 sam 23, in his last words?  it is the ministers in the Tabernacle of David. Is it any wonder why it fell and GOD called others to His name ???  The Tabernacle of David is built to honor THE LORD OF HOSTS. And as the FATHER. 1 chr 29: 10, King David said, HE IS THE FATHER FOR EVER !


1Ch 29:10  Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, BLESSED BE THOU, LORD GOD OF ISRAEL OUR FATHER, FOR EVER AND EVER. 

1Ch 29:11  Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and THOU ART EXALTED AS HEAD ABOVE ALL…’… see King David blessed THE LORD before all. And said HE IS THE FATHER FOR EVER. And do these ministers in GOD’s churches bless the same GOD of King David ??? and as written above, they said god the father is THE HEAD. That is above all. So there is no god the father, if THE LORD OF HOSTS is the FATHER for ever as King David blessed.  Is it any wonder why the Tabernacle of David is to fall from the truth???


1Ch 29:12  BOTH RICHES AND HONOUR COME OF THEE, AND THOU REIGNEST OVER ALL; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. 

1Ch 29:13  Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name. …’… King David’s people never praised His glorious NAME. but the gentiles who are taken to His name as proven above, HAVE BLESSED AND GLORIFIED HIS NAME !!!  So they are given the honour which comes from THE LORD, and THE LORD reigns over them as written above in Rom.  15 !!!


Isa 9:19  Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother. ..’… there are many prophecies that the people will not spare others. This is THE LORD’s doing. Land is darkened, … Laodicea era came, and all are against each other, dividing and finding following for them as we see. That is because of THE LORD’s wrath !!! when THE LORD is not among us, … all can be against us !!! So they bite each other’s hands and works and exalt themselves against the other and will be as fire to be burned. !!!



As THE LORD said above, … HE WILL MAKE THEM AS WIDOWS AND FATHERLESS because they did not honor GOD’s commandment to judge the poor righteously.

Lam 5:1  Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. 

Lam 5:2  Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens…’.. their inheritance is to inherit THE LORD, as written above, and the gentiles inherited Him… and the strangers are in GOD’s Holy Mountain, … altar, … and the House of Prayer , having done better than they.


Lam 5:3  We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. ..’… and now, they do not have the true EVERLASTING FATHER in them, … and they, themselves have become orphans and fatherless. THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT OF THE LORD !!! 

Lam 5:4  We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us. 

Lam 5:5  Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest. 

Lam 5:6  We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread

Lam 5:7  Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities. 

Lam 5:8  Servants have ruled over us: there is none that doth deliver us out of their hand. …’… so the gentiles are given to rule over them as proven above. That is over the kings. !


Lam 5:16  The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned! …’… their crowns are fallen from their heads !!!  no more kings !


Lam 5:17  For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim. 

Lam 5:18  Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk upon it. …’… the foxes are the prophets . Eze. 13: 4. And remember THE LORD’s words? ‘foxes have holes, and the SON of MAN has no place to lay His head’ ?  His head was cut off and god the father is placed as the head as proven in previous writings .  therefore, mountain Zion is desolated. !!!  No one blessed His name as King David.


Lam 5:19  Thou, O LORD, remainest for ever; thy throne from generation to generation. 

Lam 5:20  Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time? 

Lam 5:21  Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old. 

Lam 5:22  But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us..’…



Psa 22:25  My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him. 

Psa 22:26  The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. 

Psa 22:27  All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. 

Psa 22:28  For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. 

Psa 22:29  All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. 

Psa 22:30  A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. 

Psa 22:31  They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. 

We have been declaring our GOD’s righteousness , THE ROCK’s righteousness to Israel, who have forsaken Him as the FATHER. Therefore we are the seed who serve THE LORD to preach Him. and that is the great congregation. The MEEK were preached the gospel and have heard. They praise THE LORD. Therefore THE LORD will pay His wows before us or to fulfill His words and give the promises He made to all. ! 


This is the seed whom THE LORD has blessed and GOD wants all to acknowledge them. !


Isa 62:11  Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. …’… THE LORD HAS PROCLAIMED TO THE END OF THE WORLD to say to Zion that her Salvation comes. This day we have fully fulfilled His will and have declared His Salvation. Read Zech. 9:9 also. It is the foolish nation which will declare her Salvation. GOD prophesied that the gentiles will hear Salvation, while His own rejected. At 28: 26-28 !!!  That is now fulfilled. We have received Salvation, and have become THE LORD’s Royal Priesthood to preach Him, which was a mystery which is kept hidden since the world began as proven above. And now revealed. Preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD will establish all !!!


Isa 61:8  For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. 

Isa 61:9  And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed. 


THE LORD will direct their work in TRUTH in order to make the  Everlasting Covenant. And their seed is among the gentiles. Remember gentiles are sons of Israel. and THE LORD has blessed the gentiles , and all will acknowledge them. THE LORD will do as He says !


Because of Adam’s sin, GOD separated from the whole mankind. Then He did not give the knowledge of preaching JESUS CHRIST THE LORD nor to glorify Him as One and ONLY TRUE GOD, but cut that knowledge off from all. Until He, Himself comes and open the understanding and give the knowledge of GOD, with His SPIRIT given, no one would have known that THE SON is also the EVERLASTING FATHER , though Isa. 9: 6 clearly says. And remember  Everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. Joh. 17: 3. Then, THE LORD , from the beginning , from the foundation of the world, knew that He Has to die as the LAMB and then He predestinated a few to give the knowledge of Him. since all are sinners, GOD could forgive anyone, any time freely by HIS GRACE. No works would give us righteousness.


And THE LORD had to show the good and the evil to mankind. And also His wrath and mercy. Therefore He chose the gentiles to be His sons from the foundation of the world.

Eph 1:4  According as HE HATH CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be HOLY AND WITHOUT BLAME BEFORE HIM IN LOVE: …’… see THE LORD has chosen , IN HIM, before from the foundation of the world, to be HOLY AND WITHOUT BLAME BEFORE HIM, in love. If THE LORD has chosen these children before the from the foundation of the world, to be without blame, … do they have any works or conditions to meet to be chosen? Therefore when THE LORD came the second time, HE FREELY FORGAVE THEM and made them without blame before Him, so the Salvation could begin.


Eph 1:5  Having PREDESTINATED US UNTO THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, according to the good pleasure of his will, …’… see… THE LORD has predestinated some to be ADOPTED as sons to HIMSELF. That means HE IS THE FATHER. There are no other fathers. He knew and prophesied that Israel will not have a spot as His sons. Understood ???  The CREATOR, has predestinated these sons and for HIM TO BE THEIR FATHER, before the foundation of the world. If not, and if we have to meet our good works, then none will be His sons. He hid Himself as the FATHER and One and ONLY TRUE GOD , until He causes these predestinated ones to be given the knowledge of GOD, freely forgiving them. He knew Israel or no man can know HIM AS THE FATHER. As written above, THE LORD prepared their hearts to love Him. Psa. 10: 17. And THE LORD had sanctified them to believe. So they love Him and they believed Him. !


Eph 1:6  To the praise of the glory of HIS GRACE, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. …’… HE DID ALL THESE TO SHOW HIS GRACE as proven in previous writings also. Because, if He Had not given His grace, no man could receive anything from THE LORD. and more importantly, the House of Israel need to hear about GOD’s grace and mercy as Apostle Peter also said, because they disobeyed and are found to be wicked and forsaken THE LORD, as ANY MAN WOULD HAVE DONE.

Eph 1:7  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 

Eph 1:8  Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 


GOD did all these by calling Israel first and offering all things to them, to show that no man can understand or know the truth unless THE LORD gives it. And THE LORD gave the law to them to show that they are un- righteous and must die. That includes all humans. THE LORD prepared Israel as the vessels of wrath, and gentiles as the vessels of mercy . THE LORD knew the riches or the love of money is the cause of all evil, and gave wealth to Israel, so they will not seek GOD but will exalt themselves so GOD can pour His wrath to show what happens if you have riches. THE LORD has to reveal the good and the evil.


On the other hand, He chose the gentiles to be poor, so they would seek Him. He knew if they were afflicted, they would cry and seek GOD. Then, THE LORD will answer them. And GOD hates pride, and un-righteousness against Him and against others. Adam, acquired the image of the beast when he sinned. He lost the image of GOD. thereafter, all men are beasts without understanding. Psa. 49: 20 . also, all will have other gods, because the true GOD Hid Himself.


And to show His wrath and mercy, and good and evil as the man has become one as GOD to know good and evil, … He Had to prove to man that no man can be good, without Him. this is why all are appointed to die once and then, THE LORD has paid the penalties so He could set us free by His precious blood but at the end of the age. Heb.  9: 25- 26. That is after the judgment given.


If you have the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, … you are Israel of GOD, converted. If you do not have Him, you are a gentile. This is how GOD purposed by calling Jacob and converting him to Israel. and Israel are those who are made new in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD as proven above. Therefore, as none in Israel came to JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … as the law proves, … they could not be converted. And by any man’s works, no man can come to The CREATOR, or to the HOLY SPIRIT. THE LORD has to give us His SPIRIT, … and first to the first fruits and then to all.


GOD is good. He cannot live with those who do not believe Him. when you do not believe, … you do not agree and cannot walk in peace. That is what happened to Adam. And Adam also was cast out of the Garden of Eden, but GOD also did not give the knowledge of Him until the time came to gather all the second time.  And THE LORD revealed Himself and gave the knowledge of GODHEAD clearly to Israel or to the church. Rom.  1.  But they could not know Him because from the beginning , … THE LORD said, I have not given you a heart to perceive nor eyes to see or ears to hear as written above .  but GOD knew, in the White Throne, the books will be opened to all DEAD and all will be saved. If not, THE LORD died in vain !!!  Therefore no man can ask GOD why , or what or where or when or anything because all things are written to be fulfilled. If GOD changes them, we can call Him a liar. that is not possible. Therefore all must acknowledge and accept THE LORD’s words when the understanding is given. 


This is why Joh. 4, one sows and another reaps, but the reapers will receive wages first.  But in the end, both the sower and the reaper will rejoice. !


GOD says vengeance is Mine.  He has to repay our deeds. He has to show the good from evil and what happens if we are evil.  And we HAD TO LIVE THESE YEARS WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT , except when He inspired the prophets to write prophecy. Until THE LORD died, and  Resurrected, THE LORD HOLY SPIRIT was not given until the day of Pentecost , which is a type for us now . Joh. 14- 16 GOD promised to come and receive us to Himself and be a FATHER . therefore He chose Israel to be a FATHER, but as any man without understanding , and apart from THE LORD and His SPIRIT would do, … Israel too forsook Him and made gods for themselves. They are an example to the whole humanity to prove what happens to man, apart from the SPIRIT of THE LORD ! }}}.   


God expects the leaders to bring the poor who are cast out, when they fast. Is 58: 6- 7


{{{ Isa 58:6  Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? …’… see what use is to fast and still be wicked against others? And look at this spiritually. No one harm another physically in any of the churches.


Isa 58:7  Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? ..’… see GOD does not want to cast out , but give bread to the hungry.


Isa 58:8  Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward. …’…. See why there is darkness in the land? And no righteousness ? if they need the glory of THE LORD to be with them, … they must bring the poor whom they cast out and feed them.


And then, you will call and THE LORD will answer.

Isa 58:9  Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity


Isa 58:10  And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday…’… the leaders did nothing this sort but against the Word of GOD. That is why they are in darkness.


Isa 58:11  And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. …’…. But THE LORD killed them by thirst. Spiritually dead means no HOLY SPIRIT , the Living Waters. So she could not be a watered garden. The FATHER who gives the HOLY SPIRIT, cut Himself off from them, because they place another in His place. He could not dwell in His own body !!! There is no HOLY SPIRIT in the church . their water failed. All seven eras fell from the truth means they are not watered by THE LORD. instead THE LORD filled the bellies of the believers who were willing to be His sons and to glorify His name , who are the gentiles. So they know the FATHER, Isa. 63: 16 and Israel does not even acknowledge them. And the gentiles received the knowledge of GOD as the sea. And they are the wells of Salvation. Isa. 12. So the waters failed in the church. And they must receive waters from the far country…


Pro 25:25  As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. 

Pro 25:26  A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. …’.. see…. When you are thirsty, or killed by thirst, Hos. 2: 3, good news comes from a far country. What good news would that be ???  it has to be good news about where to get water, right? So THE LORD is in the far country as proven above, and they bring the good news where to find waters. And the leaders became troubled fountains and corrupt springs as they did not fall down before THE RIGHTEOUS GOD , THE ROCK as de 32 says, but before a man called H W Armstrong and believe him. so all those who are under HWA, became corrupt springs and troubled fountains.


Here is the good news about where to find the water…

If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. ‘

And the believers fell down before THE RIGHTEOUS GOD and their bellies are filled with this Living Waters…


Joh 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 

Joh 7:39  (But this spake HE OF THE SPIRIT, which they that BELIEVE ON HIM should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) ‘…’… As we have believed on JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … as the Scripture says, .. out of his belly, or the heart, shall flow rivers of Living Waters. Therefore GOD offers the HOLY SPIRIT, or His words which are SPIRIT and life, Joh. 6: 63, out of the bellies of the believers, who are the gentiles ! They fell before THE RIGHTEOUS. ( 1 Joh. 2: 1) so they are not corrupt springs. And we are the ones who glorified JESUS CHRIST THE LORD’s name 2 Thes. 1:8-12! Therefore now HE IS GLORIFIED, so He could call all to come and drink the Living Waters, coming from a far country !!!


What would be these waters from a far country give to the thirsty soul???

Joh 4:13  Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 

Joh 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. …’’’…. So the good news coming from a far country, from the poor and fatherless who now have the FATHER in them, and as they drank from the FATHER, the TRUE Living Waters, …. They bring the news of how to get the  Everlasting life. They know that THE REDEEMER is the FATHER for ever. Isa. 63: 16. And Israel does not acknowledge means they are the troubled , corrupt springs. Therefore they must receive the good news about how to get the  Everlasting life, from THE TRUE EVERLASTING FATHER !!!


 Rev 21:6  And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 

Rev 21:7  He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I WILL BE HIS GOD, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON…’… See if you drink from the bellies of the believers of the true FATHER, … who is ALPHA AND OMEGA, … or JESUS CHRIST THE LORD, … you will receive this water freely. AND THE WATER THAT HE GIVES WILL MAKE YOU A ‘SON’ TO HIM. therefore when the water was cut off, all died of thirst. But now, the FATHER will give this water of life, as HE IS THE Fountain of Living Waters.


GOD says His people have committed two evils. They have forsaken Him and found other gods. (broken cisterns)

Jer 2:13  For MY PEOPLE have committed two evils; they HAVE FORSAKEN ME THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. 

Jer 2:19  Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts…’… THE LORD OF HOSTS… was not feared by the Priesthood. And they have forsaken Him. then, that means they have forsaken the Fountain of Living Waters. So the good news coming from the far country will bring them back to the Fountain of Living Waters who is JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. in other words, they bring good news or the gospel of peace, … and how to be a SON to GOD. This is why THE LORD made the poor to be His sons, so they can be sent to Israel, who forsook Him as the FATHER , so they may find Him once again ! That indeed is good news.



Isa 58:12  And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. …’… who could be the repairer of the breach to restore the paths ??? Who caused things to be ruined by not honoring the GOD of the fathers ? It is the leaders. And GOD gave a place and a name in His wall to the strangers who joined Him.


Who would build old places ???

Isa 61:4  And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. 

Isa 61:5  And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. 

Isa 61:6  But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves. …’…. It is the strangers, who come from a far country, … will be used to repair the waste cities and they will feed Israel. and who needs feeding ? It is the ‘priests of THE LORD, the ministers of GOD. They need to eat the riches of the gentiles, which is the sea of knowledge of GOD !!!


As The COMFORTER is our FATHER, He will comfort Zion as well, which means they will find HIM TO BE THE FATHER .

Isa 51:3  For the LORD shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. …’… THE LORD will once again build a Garden of Eden! After all are judged to be corrected, THE LORD will make the wilderness, a garden of THE LORD. !!!

Isa 51:4  Hearken unto Me, My people; and give ear unto Me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from Me, and I will make My judgment to rest for a light of the people. …’’… The JUDGMENT IS TO GIVE LIGHT or truth to the people. HEARKEN UNTO HIM !!!  ACCEPT THE WAYS THE LORD HAS PURPOSED AND COUNSELLED IN HIM AND HIS WORDS. ! Hos. 6: 5… ‘thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. ‘!

That is the White Throne.! The lake of fire, where the Word of GOD is opened to understanding will cause all to know that they are the liars and will acknowledge their guilt and justify THE LORD and believe THE LORD is the GOD of TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS !


Isa 51:5  My righteousness is near; My salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust. …’… any man’s arm or the right hand is the first born. And THE LORD’s first born now are the poor who found the true EVERLASTING FATHER. And they are the judges. 1 Joh. 4: 4, 17. The judgment is to give light or the truth, the true knowledge of GOD, which the poor received from their FATHER. As the first born, a double portion is given so he can take care of the mother and other younger ones according to Scripture as proven in previous writings . links given below.


Amo 9:11  In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: …’… that day has come as it is the Day of Visitation, when THE LORD took the gentiles to HIS NAME and made them His first born or first fruits.


Simply, GOD made Israel to live WITHOUT GOD, without a  Covenant and without the FATHER , taking vengeance for forsaking Him and for afflicting His chosen sons, the gentiles. ! That means GOD sent them back to Egypt to have other gods where they are now. As THE ROCK prophesied through King David, the Tabernacle of David is now fallen as it’s GOD is not among them.


Rev 22:16  I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR

Rev 22:17  And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 

Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 

Rev 22:21  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. }}}.


The poor, gentile assembly.


{{{ Isa. 8: 18… CHRIST OUR LORD  and the children in the Holy Mountain }}}..





Links ;


Thou shall NOT set up a STONE IMAGE, a MEMORIAL stone, a carcass of idols in My land! Lev 26:1-2, 30. GF’S last two books Directly violates this law of GOD

13 Feb 2019



The day of the LORD’S vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion: HWA and GF stumbled on CHRIST; rejected Him as prophesied

28 sept 2019


HWA’s MOA and GF’s MM reveals the liars and anti-CHRISTS!  

Books are opened part 3 – 17th June 2023


Lamentations for the church which believed HWA’s lies and became the MYSTERIOUS HARLOT IN Babylon. Books are opened part 6

7th July 2023


SECOND PASSOVER- for the churches defiled by the dead body of HWA

15 May 2024


what is the allegory of the word ‘FATHER’ in JOh 16: 25

Glorifying the
NAME of THE LORD!    19th
dec 2014 – Fast of 10th month.


Feast Of Tabernacles  – Be gathered to SHILOH , THE EVERLASTING FATHER!.

9th oct 2019




He who rejects “Me” and “My” Words will be judged on the last day. John 12: 48.

February 17, 2020